IP CAI.EiVDAR FOR 1861. zn c 'A o > > H G K OC C > T3 £ S > - /ANIAKV 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 s 9 10 11 12 18 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 •>•> 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 \S 19 20 21 0‘> MW 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 1 o 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 MAY 1 2 3 4 5 0 i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 •>o 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNK 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 •>2 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 oo 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 o 3 4 5 6 4 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 os 2U 30 OCTOBER 1 o 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 oo 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 1^ 19 20 21 •>■) 23 24 25 26 •>- - 29 30 DECEMBER... .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 t 8 i) 10 11 12 13 14 l.> 16 17 IS 19 20 o 0-1 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 $»',0 00 20 00 ir, 00 12 00 FAYETTEVTLLK Female Hi^h School. TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks. Tuition in ('ollepiafe Tlasses 20 weeks, ‘ “ \caleniic “ ‘‘ “ “ Primary “ “ “ Tncidental expensea. ^ ^ Tuition in Muuic, Painfinp. Drawing, Modern »ind Ancient Lanpimges, Ac. at the u»»ial rat«9. gj^One-half of Roard and Tuition requir«d in nd- vdftee; the other half at the close of the Seusion. SrnOLASTIC YEAR. Ut Session.—1st Quarter coranieuo«8 1st Octoher. 2il “ “ lOlh Decen)b®r. 2d S«8sioQ.—1st Quarter “ 20th Februarj. 2d VaMtion Doc'r 8, 1800. “ lf»t May. • ‘ 10th July. j. dku. a t. c. hooper. Associate Prinoi}>al«. 77tf HillNl>oro’ TliBilary Acacleiiiy. This institution, of a thorouphly .scientific and Mili tary ch.'iracter, is under the conduct of Loi.. (•. TEW. formerly superintendent of the Slate Military Academy at Tolumbia, S. C. The third Academic year bejrins Feb’y 0, 18t31. The charge is $:U5 per annum, incliidinjT clothing. For a cifcular aildress the super intendent. Dec’r 29. S^-lawfii^tU ROCK SPI>J\G ACA1)EM\^ The sixth ses.-^ion of this institution will open on the 18th of .lanuary, 18t)l, and continue for twenty weeks. The .\cademy is situated 10 miles southwest of Hillsboro’, and 12 miles west of Chapel Hill, in a very moral and healthy community, and apart from all vices that tend to demoralize .ind corrupt the youth, and where every necessary roipiisite for securine an educa tion is extended. ()ur discipline anil instruction claim to be equalled by few and excelled by none, ^^e pre pare students for college, or for the ordinary* business of life The terms are as follows: Classical or Scientific course, S'-O Higher Englifrh “ l'> Elementary “ 10 Hoard can be had at per session, including all ex penses. T. 1). Oldham. Jas. F". Miner and others will take boarders. They are living very conveinent. For further particulars address WM. P. OLDHAM, Principal. Oaks P. ()., OrangeCo., N. C., Dec. 12 8:l-tlSJ K\1I,\C’S SPRIMI ICUIKMV. The fifth Session of this School will commence on the second Mon!ay in Jan'y Tuition. SIO and 51.i per session of five months. Hoard, inchnling washing, fuel, lights, room ami furni ture, per month ?•> 50. For further particulars send to the Principal for a Catalogue. W. T. H. EWING. Principal. Macedonia, Montgomery, N C., I>cc'r21. 82*3t Mate of ^ortli Carolina^ HARNKTT CoUNTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses.ion, Dec. Term, IStit*. Lauchlin Campbell, Daniel H. ('ampbell, .\ngus Munn and wife Jane. John W. Matthews and wife Sarah, Hoderick McDonald anil wife Susannah. I’olly Camp bell. Flora Campbell, Margaret Campbell, vs. James S Harrington. .\dm'r of Catharine SlcLe.tn. l>ec'd.. Dugald Campbell, the Heirs of .Mex’r U. Campbell. Petition to Account and Distribution. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Du- gald Campbell and Sarah, Malcom James and others, children of .Alexander B. Campbell, dec'd. Defendants in this cause, reside beyond the limits of this St.ite; It 18 therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that ad vertisement be made for six weeks successively in thd Fayetteville Observer, notifying tiie said l>efeiuUnts of the filing of this petition, and that unless they appear at the next term of this Court and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte as to them. Witness. Benjamin F. Sh.aw. Clerk of sai'l Court, at ofi^ice the second Monday in December, A. D. 18t>(». 8i»*Gt] . BENJAMIN F. SHAW, Clerk. i\orfh Carolina, RANDOLPH COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter .'Sessions, November Term, A. D i8-;o. Reuben Pearce, .\dm'r of Keiiah Pearce, dec'il. vs. Thomas M. Pearce, Polly .Manes«, Margaret Pearce, Jesse Murray and wife Jane, and the Heirs-at-Law of Ferebee Moore, and the Heirs-at-Law of .Molly Spinks. Petition for final Settlement and Distribution. IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the heirs-at-law of Ferebee .Moore, and the heirs-at-law of Molly Spinks, are not inhabitants of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying said non-resident Defendants of the pendency of this suit, and rcjuiring them to be and ap pear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Randolph at the,Court House in .\sheboro’, on the first Monday in February 18til, and then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or Judgment pro confesso will be entered and the same heard ex parte as to them. Witness, B. F. Hoover, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 1st Monday in November 1860. Issued loth Dec'rlBGO. B. F. HOOVER, C. C. C. State of \irtli Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY. ^ebemiah Jones, Arthur Jones, Isham P. Watters vs. Robert McKenzie, Albert Peacock. IN E(4U1T\ .—Bill for Injunction. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Albert Peacock, one of the defendants'in this cause, is a non-resident of the State of Norih Carolina, publication is hereby made for six weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying the said Albert Peacock to appear before the Honorable the Judge of the Superior Court of Law and Equity in and for Robeson Cojinty, on the 4ih Monday in March next, at the Court House in the Town of Lumberton and plead, answer or demur to the said Petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex-rWrte as to him. Witness,^ N. A. McLean, Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity, at Office in Lumberton, the 1th Mon day m September A. D. 18f»0. , , N- A. McLEAN, C. A M. E. Deer 17, 1800. 83*Gw ^^tale ol Ifortli Carolina, RICH.MOND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 18(50. Malcom P. Morrison vs. Yancey B. Howell. I Attach/uent Levied on Land, r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in this case resides beyond the limits of the State; It is ordered by the Court, that publication be maile for six weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, a newspaper published in the Town of Fayetteville, noti fying the Defendant to be and appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for said County, in the Court House in Rockingham, on the third Monday in March next, and replevy or plead, or Judgment pro confesso will be had against him, and the land levied on con demned to PlaintiflF’e use, Ac. Witness, R. S. McDonald, Clerk of said Court, at Office, in Rockiil^ham, the 3d Monday of September A- D. 18G0. R. S. MCDONALD, Clerk. _DecV H.__ . 83*Gt A. J. HALE, ~ I ATE of Asheborough N. C., Attorney and Counsel U lor at Law, Marshfield, Webster Co., Mo., will in future practice his profession in all the Courts of the 14th judicial Circuit. Prompt and special attention given to the collection 01 claims, and all other business of a legal uatiu'e in Bouth-western Missoturi. for 1861. F PLANTER’S, . V north CAROLINA. October 16. j ^ gQj^g Siftiesrille t'lassicai School. C. M. A J. B. ANDREWS, Principals. HE SIXTH SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION, now permanently located at Statesville. Iredel county. N. C., will commence on WEDNESD.W, the ‘Jd dftv of January. The PREPAR.VTORY COURSEan l CLASSES em brace a period of four years Students will be prepare>l for t'OLLU!K. or by a thorough Course in the classics, for TEACHIN'O or BU SINESS. D.Vll.Y exeroir'es in T.\CTI('S and IMIILL. Boaril can be obtained in the family of one i>t the Priucif>als at 'fU H). Tuition and Board, oue-half in a I'-ance. -\ddress Principals, Statesville, N. Dec. 22, 18G0. sl* Jw. IIIFFUJ UlllKm. KK’IIMOM) (’Ol'NTV, \ (’ '^pHIS SCHOOL will be opened on the 1st Monday of I Ftjbru iry. under the supervision ofRcv.N, T. Bow den and C. W. Shaw. Young men will be prep.ired for College; and we shall have special regard to the moral, as well as the intellwctv.il cultivation ot the mind Tuition, ?8. $10 and 12 5«t per .‘i^ession. Board may be had at $S per month. Rev. N T. BtnVDKN. C W SHAW Dec. lo. Sl-Gt* ^IIM'RIL SPRIMi U'Ull'MV. ^PHE EXFRCISKS of this Institution will commence 1 on the Second Monday in January, It is lo cated at the Jackson Sprinv's. in Moore County, cele brated for the Medical properties of the water. Bo.-ird can be obtained, convenietu to the .\cadfmy. at $7 to c^s per month. Tuition, 12 -'lO. and .^IG p«*r Sc'-^ion. N. D. .1. ('L.\I!K, Principit]. Jack-»on .Sf)riiig'i. Moore t’o.. l)f*c. '1'2. H] -' Jt KI':i!M;ilSVILLK ^iiidiil, .TIAI.K i.\0 rKTIALK. FDHSYTU County, nokth cak»lina. Rev. T. S. Whitti.N(;ton M , Princii'al. Miss D. M. WmITT ISOTON. Prill. Fem ile Den. The next ses‘‘ion will commence the 11th of Jan’y 1 nr,] Exj>enses per lenii of twenty-one weeks from ?^40 to $55. The young ladies board in the Seminary wiiii the Principals. Half the tuition in the male and half the expenses in the female deparment in advance. The rc- m.iinder at the close of tlie ses.sion. Hiirh Point is th« nearest depot. For full particulars write for a catalogue. Dec r 4. ^ ^ ^2iij A \ew Law Rook. f'anttreirs JPrartire Ht Jl'ST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Edwako Cantwsll, LL. B., author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTKNT^. Of Lepi.slative Power in Oeneral; Legislative Power in North Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justices of tlie Peace; County Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue and Charges: Courr Houses. Prisons. \.c.; County Trustee; Jury Trials; Fairs ami Public Sales; (Jeaeral .Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, iScc.; Poor Houses and Hospitals; Registers and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridges; Weights and Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and Inspec tions; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison 15ounds; Hoads, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; Executive Power of the (,’ourts; Chief Justice and (!lerk; Attorneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County Ourt Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners; Committees of Finance; (’ounty Trustee; County Treasurer; Special Court; Commissioners of Fairs; inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; Commissioners of Navigation; War- ilens of the Poor; Registers; Commi.ssioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheriffs; Constables; Riingers; Standard Keepers; Retailers; Administrators; Chairman of Special Court; Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; G’.iardians ami Receivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition; Patrol Committees; Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds, Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles, Notes, Releases, &c., &c. This Book contains 556 pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 2G, 18G0. Von sale.^7 ONE Turpentine Distillery and Fixtures all in good order; also, one STORE HOUSE. This is a good place for Trad«, and in the midst of large quantities ST Turpentine, and near enough Railroad to make a load a day. I am desirous of selling on the moat reasonable terms. It is situated on KiU P. Swamp, about four miles East of Newton Qrov®. SAMUEL S. THORNTON, Newton Grove, Sampson Co., Sept, 5. 1860. fil*tf Forty Years’ Familiar I^etterH of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Books, &c. 10- E. J. HALE & SON. JAS. C. McKAE, •’Ettornetf Office West end of the Instimnco Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, W. C. March 2G, 18?0. FRENCH STRANG-B, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occui>ied by him in Dr. Robinson s builtfinp. Green Street. Dec'r 2, 1859. • "2- IfVff. .firAM f. Attorney at Law, Faykttk\'ille, N. C. WILL attend the (^oiinty and Superior (Courts of Cuntherland. Harnett, Moore and Rot)eson Coun ties. I’roinpt attention given lo th« collection of all cl.aims entriisteil to his hands. Oct. 17, m\K •'iH-tf I.AW IN’OTIC'E. The Svi^>scriber having removed from Stmnnevville to Fuyetteville, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Gre«u Street, opposite the Episcopal Church. His correspondent)! will please address him hereafter at Fayetttville, instead of Summerville. NUILL McKAY. Jan’y 21, 18G0. Ho-tf ■iaw ."Voiiie The subscriber having retired from the Bench, with purpose to devote himself to the practice of the Law, will attend hereafter the ootinties of ('uiulx-rland, Rob eson auil IMaden, at all the Courts, and the Superior Courts of Richmond, Harnett and .'^ampsnn. J. G. SHEPHERD. June 4, ISGt.*. *J;$tf .lOSKlMI ll.VKKU. .lit.. ,\TT«K.\i; V AT I. AW, n.\S taken an office next door to Wn». B. Wright s Law Oltce on Green Street. He wiU attend and practira in the County .nnd Superior Courl* of Cumbei-lati I, Blailen, Hobeson and Sampson. March 2:^, 185V*. T'.itf RORV T|(.\AIR, mlitorney anti f'oitnseltor ai Mjat9\ LUMBERTdN, N. C 'll'^II.L attend ami practice in the County an 1 Superior Tf i'ourts of Robesun. Richmond and Cuiiiberl.in I. All l.twsiness intrusted to him will receive j rompt at tention and collections punctually rcniitted. Oct. t>, 1S.')‘.». 55tf joii.\ I*. FI i.m:k. .\ttoniey and Tonn^ellor at Law, WILL l-KVOTH'E IX THKCOI ItTS OK KobostUti. (( tiluinliiis niid IIIaUtMi. Office at Lut.iberton. Itobfson Co., N. Julv 12'.»tf 0 Dr. Tlli:o. n \KTI.Vi:. FFD'H. H W STKEKT. on-Mtc :he Post oth Medical Ub'ctrii'ity •*(>] Ufd. FayeiieviUe, Oct. 17. is*’,it. CLARK & TURLINGTON. COMMISSION MERCHA.NT8, WTI.MfNOTON, N. C. llfILL give special attention to the sale or shipment W of all Naval Stores, Cotton. Flour, Timber, and other Country produ*e. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce ment, Hair, Ac.; and ^GRnS P«K STRAIIRRS K1TR McLAlIRI?’ AND SUN. Refer to; H. R. Savage. Pashier Bank of Cape Vear, Wiltnington; .Ino. Dawson, Pres't Wilmington Branch Bankof Nortfi Carolina; W. H. .Tones, t^’ashier Raleigh Branch Bank of (^\pe Fear. Dec. 14, ISC.O. 79-tf W. P. KKNUALL. J. S. KENHALL. W. r. & Sim, 0m€neriU Cotmnissiou ,lierchants, f«0|ITII WATEK STrtUKT. mijMisaTOK, N. c. 0RDH!1!S from tli«> Country respectfully solicited. On consignments of Colton and otlier Produce, lil>eral casfi advances will t>e made when desired. Oct. 17, 18H0. O.ltf A. \y. FIJI.I.FR, iwnojf.p.s.ti^E unocr.K AN 1) Coiiiiiil^f^ioii iflerchaiit^ WORTH WATER ST., W 1 L M 1 y r. T 0 S, N. c. Oct. K, IhC.d Sy-Gtn in. K1 I.I.ARO, i'oiH III ission • Her chan /, \vil.mix(;ton, n. c. I)I10MPT .mill PKHSON.Mi attention will be given to the sale d Naval Stores, t.'otlon. Lumber, Timber, and all other otnintry produce. HKFKR TO >. (i. I’arsi.ky, Pres’t Conu Bank at Wilmington. JtniN Dawson, •?. N. C., at do. Messrs. H. vV E. J. Lin.v, 1c. .. o ^ Fayetteville. Messrs. PKMnt nroN .v i •’ .A. P\i:kkk, Es'i , ILirnett County, N. C. .May 7. 1 15tf C. JI. RolilN.SO.V. H. H. HORINSON. i\ II. ROKI.\M>A A: €:0., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINCJTON, X. 0. onsignnients and country orders will receive j>rompt personal attention. March 17. ISGO. 2tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o II n I K I o A N I) Forwardinsr Mfrrhant, ! mi n;itoM ^ .V. f’. toy Pro.upt p. 1-on al attention given to all t'onsign- iin‘nt'. and t'.I'h adv.inces made on I’roduce to be shipjtev to othiT pori>i or solii in thi-i m:irk«*t. Ffb. IL.’. isG7tf FAYFTTEVIIjLE hotel, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. ■ mllTS, the most commodioui Tlotel in North I Clarolina, fronting 30(J feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by a^ the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal ProInce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a oonvenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1H58. 51- SHEMWELL HOU^ A FKW UOOKS XOKTH OF THK MARRKT HOVSK. . . ^WING to the extensive increase of patronage U to this House, during the year, 1 have ex- jRSJilB. tended my facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant iniDrovements, which will adu materi.ally to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind friends and cus- tomera for the past six years. I lender my most sincere thanks, at the san\e time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, aul also the |>atn>nage of a large number of new patrons I have good St.ables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHE.MWELL. Jan’y It), ISOO ^-1- EAGLE HOTEL, ASIIEVILIiE, ■., J. i?l. BLAIR, rroprietor. ^PHE Proprietor knows that his location gives him un- I rivalled facilities for-ju-ocuring articles conducive to good living, anil he will dispense them to his guests in the best style. Every comfort usually to be had in a first class Hotel, will be furnished to his guests. Stage oiiice for .Morganton, at this House. 4. ,4 I. ('harlotte, “ “ “ “ “ Spartanburg, S. C-, “ “ “ “ “ “ Greenville, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Greenville, Tenn., Daily, • “ Besides which, good hacks and careful and attentive Drivers can at all times be had to convey parties to any part of the splendid Mountain scenery of this region, such a^ the lHack .Mountain, the Swannanoa Gap, t)ie Hickory Nut (Jap and Falla, the Warm Springs, Kc., any of which are within a short day’s ride of Asheville. Sept. *24, 1 H*‘)0. 5P-ly UF^TFRA RAIL ROAD. ^piIE following rates will now be charged for Passen- 1 gets on this Road, viz: To Little River, To Spout Spring, To Jonesboro’, To Mciver's, Train leaves th** Depot Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, at o'clock A. .M. Rt'turniug. leaves .Mclver s at 1 o'clock i*. M. C. B. M,\LLETT. Pre.-'t. Nov. l'.». !>'»•>. 71tf TOLS, fancy GO(,hs Z' ^v■‘ duced prices. Now is the tii,,,. ' "" ' warranted as represented ' 1”' » My Bills are all ready, (r.tpr all accounts after th« l«t of u, r«»r. . Dec. 26. I.:,,.. AOTit i:. As I expect to be absent fro,„ the West, \rchihald Nlcw’ ' ■ Agent to transact my business until Dec’r 28. .|m 50 CIS. 75 “ 1 (H» 1 2.3 Foil SALK Ct \(\ ACRE.=? OF L.\ND b.i,,; Cape Fear r.ivcr, , and extending from fhf' Itivi v •, ... ^ tract i.s about eijually Jivi.I.'d inr. and Sand-hill Land. .Mioni River are cleareil atnl. piodu' « ,• si:e.s for 'ouilding. * The Report of an Enginei'r of the Swati^p Land may bo c”.., !,. ! .j, pen HO Terms to suit; and a bargain otlcre - > !i r‘ - Fayetteville, Oct. 9, T GO. To Lniid ISiiyejs. 1^11 E undersigned ofi'ers for snle. in I'ne , , and within eight miles ol ilif- etteville it Western Rail Road on i> EIGHT !lt.MMlEI» A IIKS OF L,\i, adjoining the land belonging to the , ’ Wilcox, dec’d, and lying thrt-e riiii- f;. borton. oii Little Pocket Cix'e'n, M re ' These Lamis are welf adapts d ’ •' ‘ cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. Tihm . ises a comfortable Dwelling, ni; 1 a ' • houses, with about one huti'irr'd ^ . feuce, iiicludiug forty or f.t’iv ;ir , bottomland. This is a rare ciiui'^ , ing to make investments, a= land u. vancing in price in this secri.,:;. For further infoiiuation apj 'v to v • , I Crane’s Creek, P. O., Moore cuum v . ► I Fayetteville, N. C. ‘ ' D.\>TIKL M 1 For the Heirs of ' Carbonton, Moore co., N. (’., .Aui:. Hook^. YATURAL PHILOSOPHV in.iu Gm . Physic? by Wm. G. Peck. M . Speller and Definer Analy.er; nii.:i,in' ;• Grammars: Monteith’s, Smith’s and , phies; Goodrich’s and Andrew' i.; in ; , sons. I've. E, .1, 11 \LK Aug. ?.l. N J NO. . !»AN; .ISO. II. HVMAX, F. M. /’. "•*. / if Of >-■ fn«i f,atf of If'arrtHton. MvVKK.'^T A\J> gl’KMvHST ROITF T» TIIF RAILROAD! FISH! FlSffl! EW MACKEKEL. Nos. 1, U “ WHITK FISH. “ HKKRING, v'ec. >'cc. rail at A. N. ■ ‘V, Soiii]j-si'i" ■’ '■ Oct ]. .iiFOiriL \OTiri:. 1\ McL. GRMIVNI. M. D.. otf'Tj» hi-^ pro:'.->i^i..t>il 1 sorvioo* to the public, t MVici- ,ni H-iy .''trt-i't. t' oir ih)ors West ot Post Ollioo. « ho iiitv b** t'oniid :ii t’,1 titnes. when not profes-'ionnlly on, i_'t’d July li5. iSi'.O, ;.'i l_v DKNTAI. NOTin:. I') St’OTT may bo s*-.‘tj re^riilirly .it ln-i •'tfip*' fU 1’er.S‘iu StriM't. two il.-or- uf the M irlvi-t. dui- itig th« flours of from .A. M to 1 P. M : 'J P. .NI. to • P M Oct. 1. If nFATI>»iTRV. I vR. J. D.WIS havimr dn’i.ied on jiorrna- 1 * netuly loi-alitie in thf '{'..wti if Fayett*-- ville, re'i^w'otfuHy otl'iTk fiis i’c- to tfie citirens of :hts plur-t» ;\n,l surr nmdintr r.niniry. in all the various* l>ran»-iu-^ of liis Prof«"ii.ii. inrludinc the manufacture of Min^r.al Tovtfi. he i« s-iiifit>d. an extensive experience, to which in added a tliop'ugh I>'n- tal education, tiiat fx' c«n givccniire ■•AM--t icti.M» as f-ir a» is in tfie power of l)eiiti'iry. .Ml irregularitit j of tlie Teetfi irt'iittfd in a proj.fr and r.-ircful iii.TtiiH-r, w.dl as discase>j of the mouth. Noik- f>ut the pro}>»*r luctaN are made use ot' in iIm* viirioii« oji»>i vion'i. will rnodfratp. that tfie b.-tictitsof tjn- Proif..viuii mis’ f>e placeil wiitiin the rea«di of all wlio may f*'ol an inieie'-t in the ]>rev..rv!itiou of the Teeth.^ Set'f' •'tlice O'er iioiiiton s .lewelrv .Store, wliore he may be found at all times. .May lo, Ih.'jS. Otf \V. II. t'AKVKK. Oraler ill Dry iJroc-c*rit***, ;iii4l i*rovi«»iiii^., 11'^ILL alway.s keep a good Stock of Sea^onafde Goods }} VII hand, to '^ell cheap for Cash, or exchange for Produce at Casli jtrioes. Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. C.. .\pril IG, 0-tf JoM'iili \V. Kai*boiii\ IXSPE( TOK OF SPUtlTS TH(I*E\TL\E. n.W'lNti been appointed by la-^t t'ou’itv Court. IN- SPKt'T»R OF SPIRITS TUKl’KNTi.N’i:. I am now ready to give tfie bu.xiness my personal attention. .\11 who may fivor me with tfivir business will find it jirompt- ly attended to at my Warehouse in Campbellton. oppo site John .McLauchlin. Dee. 11th, IS'lO. 7S-»impl B. F. i»i:akci:, WITH A. i\. .ncOO\ALil, Comm Us ion Merrliaiit and Produce Dealer, AM) DKAl.KK IN Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots, Sfioes and l:e,itlier, BiHTging, Rope, Sadillery. \c.. Foreign riud domestic liiiuors. Sheetings and Yarns at .Manufacturers’ jiricos fiis^Strici attention paid to orders. .jg SOUTH SIDK H.\Y STUKKT. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Sept. 24. 18G0. 55,f M. A. BAKIUK, eOPPKR S.UMTU. ^"lURPLNTINE STILLS manufactured on tiie most J. favorable terms. All work warranted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. O^t. 22. 03tf‘ A. 11. c:A:?iritFLL, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant^ —Will attend to the sale of— Goods, Wttres and •IMcrchandize. Real luKfate, ^Ve^roes, JITc. Dec. 17, 18tj0. 7y-Gmos Carolinian G months. T. C. & R. i^. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 g WILLIATI ,F. PRMJF, ~ inspector of Turpentine, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will Lltend promptly to all buainess entrusted to hia care, March 29. 4-1 ypd ■ ALFRED ALDERMAN, Inspector of IVaval Hi^torcs, WILMINGTON, N. C. ^^lyiLL attend promptly to the transaction of all busi nesH cousigned to hia care. Nov. 9. 69-6m pd liwrv, IIV1IA.\ X FO., (ilUM KKS A. COMHISSIOX MEKCHiMS, 1*3 1 M*earl Street^ IIV?IA.\, IllVf'V A: Fo., i'oiiiiiiission .^lerciiaiils^ %4>KrOI Iv, VA. The .New Vork ll.iu*«ewill fie conducted fiv J.vd S f»\N. .. iilded f.y K. W. Hvm*n. The N irti.lk ILni-ie will tie conducted by Jvo H. Htm \n ;iiid K. M Hvm \s P n iu-iil ir atteniion given to th^ -ale of COT TON. CKN. WHl. VT. N VV.Vl, SI’OIU'.S. \c. •Sept II. ,V?tf FIIWI\ II. R%.\.\FV, 0mciH’rat 4'omiHission •lierchant, J! SotHit Wliiirvfs. hriwppii M.irki*! \ rhfslnul Sis. iMiii. C\*ii^icniiif)n- ot t’otion. N:ival Stort's. Flour, Ric**, &c. will alw:i\s receive fiis pnunpi jiersonal attention. .\'1natiee- will fie ni.ade only on at'tual ('on'*igments. y- y » »■ K K N • K s: T > ^ T. . W'm.kkr t'» »v« it (’o 'hnrl»»Ion "v«if V I'.i Kui IM .V Mi I' >1K i.L. XV iliiiiiicion I'l i'i > R • -'I llt^KV .Ni rr v f'H- Ki \ JtMRi, It. I'ayi.or. Ilirliiii'il W V l.*iT M t; 1 Hrv J l.r» M K. ('Hlitorni'i' \\ I’kttujrvw M.It Jv«-it W. Ukmpk t. K«i .N'.Y. Kev V\ I! ( ■4R-11'* IM ..1 |{n|>./iiii.« \V Sit itom, Ki|.. I’htla. M.irrh !i. 'JM IV HOOTS X J^IIOKS AT WHOLKSALK. JNO. }h WALIiER, of North Carolina, w I T ri SIIAIV. OF 4.iRAW A: KIAf.;, .M AM F \l TtH KRS or AXI> WUOLKS.^LK UKALKKS IN' nOfPTS anff No. 31 A Sr, DKY ST., \KW YOKK. j \1’^IL!. be happy to see his Southern friends at the TT above e-itafilisliineut, where, either personally or by order, they ni;iy be supplied from an extensive and | Well a'.'orted .‘^tock of Goo*ls. I July 17, iJ'tiO. ,s,itf .\OU lA .TIARKirr. ' VLL persons having NEGROES for s.ile, will do well to ad.lress the sut>scrif»er at CliiUon, Sampson ! county, as he is determined tc buy and p.iy as liberal ! lrices for tiiein a- the state of the'market will permit, i f{y a Idre-'in?: him he will calf immediately, and m.ike liberal oilers, ns all will find who will try him. CH.MILES T. STEVENs! Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10, IStiO. 52-lypd \otice. Ai\EN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland I i ou!ii\, on tlic 1st ot 1 runJiwfiv u negro who s iys he is free, th.at his name is HENDKR- S(*\ Si;.\iiS, ruid that fie is from Davidson County, and was ftound to David Hunt. He is about 20 vears old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about ihtt lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and black round coat. The owner is reiuesteil to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. 0. L. McK..\Y, Jailer, .fune 1, 18t)0. 23tf s-20 UEWARI), 1)ANA\VAY from the subscriber last April, my Negro i) Man CIlAllLK.'^; lie is full blooded negro, round fe itures, o feet 8 or 10 inches high, well set and in telligent for a negro; would weigh when he left, from ]i>r> to 100, age about 28 years. He has a scar under one of his ears caused by a cut, the .scar has protruded out, anl very much resembles a wen. I will pay the af>ove reward to any person delivering him to me at Springheld, Richmond County, N. 0., or for his con- fincmeni in any Jail so that I can get him. SHOCKLKY L. GIBSON, for JANE McNAIR. Springfield, Dec. 2t>, 1800. H2-tf i\l:w ROOK,s. '^EMESIS, by MARION HARLAND, Author of II “Alone ’ &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; JA(’K HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian: CASTLE RICHMt)ND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede- Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; ’ Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug- 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. School Rook«, &c. OLBURN’S, Stoddard’s, Ray’s, and Emerson’s Arith metics; McGuffey’s Readers and Spellers; Scott’s Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred Mountains; Lnion Bible Dictionary, &c. T, , & SONS, Dec r 20. The tcriaii Pi^aliiiodiMt Charwter notea. A furtJier supply just received. 20. E. J. haLJB & SONS. I VOf ki:am\\ & noBi\s()\'s FOIK HOKSK STH.K LINK TO KEXAYSVII.LK, \n \rVKS4\V, IS the slpirtest and most exjieditious for travelers going North irt- .‘^outh. I.eaviiiix Favetteville every d.ay at 2ocl..,kP M. ThiNU t.’fl IN ten HoI’RS. tMir Couches are lartre and conifortafde. drivers sol)er and genilemaiily, our teams giH>d .and sure of five mile* an hour. Tlie traveling ]>ub1ic who would study their comforj and Cf>nv«*nience will t".ke tfie Warsaw !^tage. Tflt:»rGM TICKf’/rS T» WKLDoN m.ay t.e ha»l at the .''taire Oflice, Fayetteville. .May 2-'>. lSt;ii. 2')-tf TAl I:TTI:% ILLL MI TI AL IVSI RAVCE COMPAVT. .SK indebted to the underii: i-or by settling their resjiectivt • iblintr him to do in iike manner with TfD'S. Oct. 8, 18G0. B llo|»e!!i niid rt .’ii's. >Y the Author of'‘Hearl iei»p.' > • fiW’INI \. by the .\uilior uf • hr An’' Pocket Diaries for l''»'l i: .1. UME Dec’r 20. r.()OK-inN\>\N^; fN all its kin Small jobs when done must be paid i N all its kinds, executed with iieaines must h THOS. 11. TILL,' Oppo.oite the Female High S>‘h' . May 14, 1H5«. t^ ijiital in Prcmiuin Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets. 5lVi7,‘.88 5,1)77 A Total. S272.70-5 til ' The Company have ]v»il all losses j»roiuptly, and have never made an a'se-Jsment on their premium notes, j Total losse* paid. S’2'.*.C82 j OffheRs: GEO. McNEILL. President. ' D. R.KY. Vice President. C. A. .McMlLLAN, Secy. Dirkctors: W. N. Tillinghast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. 0. C»ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Henry Lilly, H. L. Mvrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. STe lman, C. B. Mallett, Janies Kyle, A. A. McKetfian, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, r ” * lohn Collins and C. C. McCrummen. Traveling Agents. £fcS“The Company invite applications. May 28. 18ii». 21-ly IV ' ^ COMPIW, IIARTFORO, COAA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual^ -\utliorlaed (apital, Paid up Capital, •Assets, $l,.i00,000 00 1,.^)00,0M) 00 2,030,123 80 c T. K. BRACE. S. TCDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. FLOWER. A. BULKELEY. .MATHKR. G. RIPLEY. W. F. G. Riplkv. Pres't. K. Bk.\ce, Jr., Sec'y. E. E. R. E. UIHKCTOKS. S. ! H. A. I G. D. T. AV. C. S. WARD. Z. PRATT. DUNHAM. F. DAVIS. HILLYER. A. ALEXANDER. KENEY. H. BRAINARD. TUTTLE. T. A. .Alexander. V. Pres’t. A. A. Williams, Adjuster. 845?“ Rate^ as low as perfect solvknct and fair profit will allow. ‘^©8 ASSETS.-.Jul) 1859. Market value- Bank Stocks in New York. Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c.. United States Stock and Treasury’ Notes, State Stocks: New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railroal Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on caU, and in ge its’ hands. 5^'J1o,.344 00 215,120 50 168,005 00 116,000 00 87,058 00 83,089 60 70,H)3 78 25,348 77 350,303 15 92,030,428 80 $88,242 08 LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due, Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. lVAATi:i>. L.KRGE quantity ofCOTT(>N an i LiM'> for which fair priccs will be pai i. DAVip Aue. 17 41 RICHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, DAMASfe DIAPEIIS, \c. CONSUMERS OF RICHAiri>??»N S I.INEV'. ' those desirous of obtaining the (ir.M’lN!.'j'' ' should see that the articles tiiey p'.irolia'e are •" with the full name of the tirm. J. X. KICHAKDSOX, SO\S A OM lUA. -As a guarantee of the soundness and aurabiii:v Goods. This caution is rendered essentially nece?j!7 - large quantities of inferior and defective Line::' pared, season after season, and sealed with the- IIICHARDS()N, by Irisfi House.-^. whi-.-recar i.e- injury thus inflicted alike on the .Amencm .a- and the manufacturers of the genaiiie 'ioo I- y•- readily abandon a business so profirable. w . chasers can be impofeed on with Go'>J? I'f a character. J. BULLOCKE & J B. LOCKE. Agents, 36 Church Streot. New \ Dee. 11, 186t). . ■ THE .irORTH CAROI.l’VA MUTUAL LIFE INSl'R.tNCE fO.llPANT, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public coa- fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves froiB 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents _f the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. FayettevUle, N. C. Webster’s £ieniciitary S^pellins Book for b; £. J. HAIJS k SONS, DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG k CO Goods %llerchant^' 15, 71, *9, 81, 83 and 85, Duane St.. >• '■ Would notify th« Trade that they .nre openis^ in new and beautiful pattern', tlie WAMS^tTTA PBI AT^. A L O T H r, A:?IOHKEAi, A New Print, which excels every Print in . for perfection of execution aud de«!;fn iu ' ^ Colors. Our Prints are chcaper .thau imy and meeting with extensive •‘lie. Orders promptly attended to. ,y Feb'y 2, IStiO. .nR^riiiASLow, I experienred ' urs« xnd Feiiials Phy»ii inn. ten lion of mnthers her _r|i SOOTIIIi\G SVIM ■ FOR €HILI>REA TtET**’- which fre.Ttly facilitates the prwcess of tt'etliinc. ') ■ reducing nil inffanmmtion—will al ny ai> t"|' " acti(^. and is snre to recnlnte iMitveU. ■■I’' it w iU give resi to yourselves, anil relief an'l '.iJ-''' ■ v\’e have put up and told this ;irticle f.»r say, in confiilence and , . n ■ tiave never bo«n ahle { WTvo .; luedirine—AVixryUsrt XlirSi instance to effect a cure, WITVT54LO W’S ' " ' Never did wo kn«w an ” ■ faciion by any one who trary, all are delighted ■\nd speak in terms of its matficHl eiiiects and ;; ^ ■ ' We speak in this niMtter ‘ wtial we know," >' • ' ' ^ ence, and pled(;e rur reput-lion for the lunilint'’' " declare. In almost every iiist.vn e \vlii re :li'’ ‘ from pain and exhaustion, relief witi !>«' !>'iiii'l (iiinntes after the syrup i.s :idi)ii.ii-tert'il. This valuable prc;>aralion i> th« prfsrri|'t‘"» experienced and skillful i\ur'0-> in .\f» Kn.- " ased with never-fnilinc ^iirrt s* in 'f'hoU'>aii(ls »1' * It not only relieve.^ the child fpnii piiii. tmi mvi!!"'' "' ’ and tmwels, corrects aridity, .111(1 tune iii'i- '"f- system. It u :ii nitnost intt.inily relieve Gri|>iits »*> amt •’*' SOOTHING SYiHJP, Fou CHILDREN TEETHIWa, , ,Xr and overcome conviil- speedily remedied iMilieve it the liest-'ind world, iu all c.i* -s of rhtun in h 1 1 1 re a, from teeihinii or any «ould s.ay to v e r y ' "" T, , child suffering I'roui any of tht-torenniiii: ‘ ; your prejudices, nor the prrjudires of oiii«.’r>. sulferine rhild :ind the relief ihd « i'l , • —to l'olU>w this iiit'dicine. if timely u«eil Hi ‘ ' ' ' ,, will accompany chcIi Ixitile. Noin- si-niiini' ' " , oft'UKTIS M t’KKKI.NS, .Vow Vork. tl)«-' Se!d tiy Urueeitits tnrouiihout th.* •^■■•rl■‘• Priiiflpal Olllfe, Xo. 13 PRICE ONLV CE.NTS Pt^K Peh’y 3. JHriO A Stereoscopes aud Slereoscopif NEW and beautiful MSortment, ju»t receitf^ E. J. HAL£ « SU.N5- $nipri«ii ered b iyt He wi ipficent 'fd and jjRvfr otler the uic MA Vjhe publ ^ilrill be T! He ti the 1 intiiges iirable [i He woi lany of nent in luvors liefn. Is now Rl M I)_ P Lf L( Cl IV B Sej 0( 10 at '■itrie \T Mo; oli't l:i ,li‘ V an of \iri-

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