111 K, uf u •'ijf i IFAITIBTOIBTIIILIL 'h* C„,^'“"' nuke in,, '^^^ '»i« ‘"“n -he »nd wiii, . ^ biF I *' • ' in V T,.r„ , :r ■»* ll!,i w *! i '1^1'IK. \ ,, _ ;^aTT IS sale. I Cwrr„-r ,r,i ... • a. nitrv prt'^eii;- ,■ Jijan :i.jii L\!!£i>.pr i. rhi-!vt:e \ai •iin.' n.jwr;!ire- ler t..pt!i.er, .y on niti,: Sv-: —. ri!''KNT'’N Mina. 1.1.: M'Ki'r; ACTOlil. i,yo- >1 ai- ■ ' ' KiS, III) C,.r [VOT.. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, \. C., FEBRUARY 25, 186L [NO. 999.1 l'!:[NTi:i> MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KUWARl) J. HALE & SOXS, I !'!TiKS AND PROPRIETORS ■■ : :'.i'>';:i. iH'klv OusKRVKR S3 *MJ if paid in ; • ' ■''* pfti'l during the year of subsovip- V i u!!or ilie yoMT liiis exj)ired. I- , ••■I'KUVKH 00 per iinnuui, if paid in ■ -rJ if |-'\id during the year of subsorip- ; ' ' "" .ifter the year has expired. ' i*' ^ riSt.Ml.NTS inserted for 60 cents per , lull's for the tirtit, and 30 cents for eti'h ' j'U> liiMti.in. Yearly iidverliscments hv spe- ■ at reasonable rates. Advertisers are 1 sMte thi* niuiiber of insertions desired, or , H ■ ’ t* ' 'ntiii’U'd till forbid, and charged accord- 'r; .M'ni>*’its ti> be inserted irimJe, charj^ed 50 per ■ .\Ta SPF.fl VI. NDTUT.. . ,'i l :if‘er this date, no name of a new subscriber , : r.tero'l without p.-iynient in advance, nor will . !• ’'C ^^nt to such subscribers for a longer time - i"ii 1 l.'r. : uT I'M subscribers as de«ire to take the pa- ysifni will please ii'itify us when making • ■ s .Tan’y 1. ls.’>S F\LI. \M) \V!\Tf:il STYLES. iStill! .1. A. I’KV.ni'RTON 1.^ N-'\\ Kl'.t ! IV1N-; ms K »F Fali S" %f*n9ter 4wooffs. .'nipri'iiiir the irreat.’-t v.aiiety of NLW STYLES ever •'■'cred by him. lit* will recfivo in a few days, one of the most niag- “ ‘tir -ieieciioiss of Uaiit‘«>* Vflvel and llonn€‘t««, aiifl ^trniv Bonne trimmed, , - i in tlii' market. Th 'v were put up by on.' -■■ !ih Hiius.'s in the City of New York, and I'XrA'h'SSLY TO ORDER. i.vited to give them an inspection, as he , ?■ !-’ ‘ i' all times to show them. ‘ * V. , i-e'f that after fifteen years experience Fi - '. ;'; v trade, his selections and ad- % - u 'iil'v Ilf a call from tliose in want of h. - :y!.- tl.'.d- at LOW PRICES. . i ' thi-s i.- oa-i n to say to his friends ; ■ ‘ • \ \ "-w c patr»>ni7ed him fr^im his commence .: t* It he duly aj'preciates their many - -s tu-v-^T !'■* part company with any of i;--’' ' aa \n i see tiio New S’vies J. A. PEMBERTON. 5lii4w-tf FAI.I., I860. .lAMI-S KVLE * ^ w .'iv.n..^ l.N FALL and WINTER supply of DKY OOODS,- AMoNCi WHIPH ARE: k ^'id (^ol.ired Silks: ; -s, French and English; French and other?: i i!. '’!oths. and other Dress (tool*; . ► F'^ib’d Collars and Sleeves: ' in 1 S'juare Shawls; ' Shawls. Silk and Cotton: ' ".■■'hs, ass'irted Nos.—Anker; - i!ii .shoes; with a laree assurtment of Hats I’,; '' ii -, with many other Goods. : whirii were bought cheap by the Package, and T* i bv Wholesale or Retail—’HEAP. • i-.'T HUSKE * ANDERSON, —UKALERS IS— staple and Fancy Ory M00df, R€a€l^^%iflttde Ctothiuff^ Aud (lentlemeiiN Furiiishiug Goods of every description. BALUW’S FRKNCH YOKE SHIRTS. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc. &c. Five per cent, olf for all Cash Bills of §25 and upwards. Xos. 46 and 48 Hay St., (Hotel Building,) ,V. i\ WRIGHT HUSKE. JOHN H ANDERSON. Formerly B’k Cape Fear. For'ly with J. A. Pemberton. Nov. ‘JS. 18(50. 74tf FVfl/ Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. e are now receiving a very full supply of Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Rooks; School Kooks; Blank Books; Wrltluj; Papers; Envelopes, Ac. ST,\TE (].IR A.\l) 1I.\CII1\E WORKS. R4»W\\ »>TKeET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. The undersigned, having erected buildings suitable for CAR and M.U’HINE WORK—also Gen.M-al HOUSE CARPi'INTRY—would give notice that they are prepai'ed to execute all orders in their line with neat ness and dispatch. We are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW ING aud PLANEING at short notice. Having a first cIh-ss Woodworth Planeing Machine, we are prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring aud Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection of Buildings, and Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. Sashes, Doors and Blinds of all descriptions, manufactured equal to anything to be found in the Northern markets. A o£:n! The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOURIPHS, .\T VaKui'MdvirN Oiillery. ART. Woodward’*^ Nolar Camera. N. C. MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HE FOURTH SESSION of this Institute will begin Applicants will, however, be re- 1. on 1st MARCH, ceived at anv time. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at VanorsdeU’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the .\rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- Plans and specifications furnished and the erection of | jng, Glass for verj' large pictures—as large as 26 by IJO Tobacco.—An Englishman who recently trav eled several thousand miles to shoot a buffalo, has, on his return home, “given his whole mind to the task of criticising our customs and insti tutions. Among other extraordinary things which faculty, i the magnifying power of foreign spectacles ena- Maj. D. H. HILL, late Brevet Major, U. 8. Army, as- bled him to discover, was the fact that on our sisted by two Graduates of West Point, two of the Vir- railroads the ladies frequently sit immersed in five ginia Military Institute, and one of the University of ; of tobacco juice. After making due allow ance for distorted optics, we shall probably find that the railway cars, as well as many other places, buildings superintended when de.sired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders,Carpeuters i: Druughtiuen. Fayetteville, Oct lh.59 51-tf October 8, 1860. w E. J. HALE & SON. JRemherlon ft few days a large lot of th >se Hock ILL receive in be:iutiful Salem €'assimeres attft 'Ptrepds. THEY ARE :^ladc in .\ortli 4'aroliiia, :iiid art- m.'ie I'L’il.VBLE th.nn any other (toods for the '.iTne iiniu--‘V. — also— A LARGE LOT OF l>iland Mer«t‘y'«», Tweeds : and CaKKiinert'iN, | I of very superior quality. J. A. PEMBERTON. f>ept. I'?, 1 8*i0. 5i!i4w-tf TO THE Mrs. GIBSON respectfully informs her friends and tiie I'ublic gener:illy, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the most fashionable style, she will also ' cut and fit for any ladies wi'hing to make their own ; Dresse.s; t'HILDREN'S CLOTHING cut or made to j order. Mrs. fiil)son has taken the Agency for the sala of a , new and excellent CH.\RT, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. ,\lso. one fi-r Boy's (^b)thing. They are very simple in ^ construciion, and therefore easy to understand. The j ladies arc requested to call and see them at her hout-e, ;')th house above the Protestant Church. Hay Mount. Oct. 2. oStf HARNESS inches. Cord and Tassels for luinging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life >iize colored Photograjdis made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I would also return ray sincere thanks for the liberal patronage b««towed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and P/oprietor. 77- Dec’r 20, 1850 a7a. HeKETHAiA PVEI.Y V.\ri!:TV Ij S.. l.iK‘s lii; I.i'-. Constantly Manulactiirhi'4 at my Kstal>lishmiMa, OF iiAr.Ni:s.s. iiiid I’ruuks: all kiiid- o:' I,.Mth*>r, (’alf .“^kiiis aiid Oil: 'ondiiion I’ow b-is. I'or di't is(>l an.l (’aitlt*: t.'o.'ich Triinmiiig--. 'ji5'ii‘jt Inif's, Vnli'es, Saddler^’. Hardware, \c. The largest stock in tlie State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of llarnoss and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No, 0 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near t!i • Whs^f. Nov. 3. *)7-ly tlT'OULD inform his TT throughout the .\EW GOODS. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GROl'HKIES, HAKDWAUK AND (^’TLK- I’tV, HAGorxr; A.vn hope, sad- ]>LKHV, itc., FURKIGN AND DOMKSTTC LIQT’ORS, and many other article®, which he offers low for Cash. or on SHORT ti.me to prompt paying customers. .\11 kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and ’otton Yarns Manufacturers' prices. on hand at all times, All persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. A: T. W’aJdill. South side Hav st. A. N. McDONAL'D. Fayetteville, N. (’., Sej t. 24, IBfjO. .'>5tf J. w. If iki:r Is now rcceivinir from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of piK> iTi'Ri: ever offtTed in this market: which added to j his own manulacture. m;ikes his a.-sortment complete: — ; all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for '] cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable ji.iiuted cottuge bdi-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; \Mllow Wagons and Cradles: Si.le Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-C'asos; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; t’andle Stands: Wardrobes; PivJture Frames and Gl i-s; Window Shades: ! Cornices: Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- . nut; Tete a Tetes; Oitomans; Divans iind Stools; Chairs I of every variety. ■ Fine Ko.sowood I’iano-^s, one with ^1*]ollan at- i tachment; Rosewood Meloiians, from the best manufac- I tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as j any made in the country, and will be sold at New York j prices—freight only added. j September 2. 15tf illarble Factory, friends in North ('arolina, and I South, who wish to encourage Southern Industry, tliat he keeps constantly on hand, and is daily finishing, a large assortment of \^F: HICIjEfS of every description, mostly light work, which are faith- ! full}' made by experienced workmen in each branch. His work will compare favorably with any for neatness and durability. He is dcteriuined to sell and do all j work in his line on as good terms as any that is as j well made He has now finished a very large iuantity j of work which he will sell low for Cash or on short time | to punctual customers. i {Jajf*All work warranted 12 months with fair usage, I or should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Orders from the South will receive prompt attention. ' He has within the last few years sold work in South | Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Ar kansas aud Texas. Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Dec’r 17, 18G0. 80tf Virginia. TERMS: S29^ per month, to include everything except under clothing. Charlotte, N. C., Feb’y 13, 1861. 97-2m FAYETTE^rXE Female Hig'h School* TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks. 00 Tuition in Collegiate Classes 20 weeks, 20 00 *' “ Academic “ “ 15 00 “ “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 Incidental expenses, 1 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing. Modern and Ancient Languages, &c. at the usual rates. B^^One-half of Board and Tuition required in ad vance; the other half at the close of the Session. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st Session.—1st Quarter commences 1st October. 2d “ “ lOih December. 2d Session.—1st Quarter “ 20lh February. 2d “ “ 1st May. Vacation “ 10th .July. J. DeB. & T. C. HOOPER. •\ssociate Princip.als. Dec'r 8, 77tf FllfERAI.! ON the ith Sabbith in April next, at his late residence in Robeson ('ounty, the usual masonic h( nors will be paid our deceased brother S.^mpsoxSea- LEY. \ sermon will be preached on the occasion by Rev. Calvin Plyler; a eulogy at the grave, by Col. John A. Howland. Exercises commencing at 1 li o’clock A. M. The members of St. Alban’s Lodge and those of adjoining Lodges will please make it convenient to be in attendance. J. R. CARTER, Sec’y. Masonic Hall, Lumberton, N. C., January 30th, A. L. 58G1. The Car. and Pres, please copy till 3d of March and send ac’t to sec’y. St. Alban’s Lodge, Lumberton, N. C. Jan’y 30, 1801. 93-t3m FOR «iT.E7 ~ JReruvian Cruano. the schooner Alba I expect a supply of No. 1 GU.\NO, which I offer for sale on AUG. W. STEEL. 97-2w B PERUVIAN usual terms. Feb’y 16. lShing;les Wanted. The undersigned wishes to contract for the immedi ate delivery of 35,000 or 40,000 SHINGLES. A. W. STEEL. Feb’y 16 97-2t DISSOMJTIO.IT. ^PHE partnership heretofore existing under the name X and style of Holmes K Faulk, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st of January last. All persons in debted to the concern are notified to make immediate payment to C. E. Leete and A. M. Campbell, who alone are authorized to receipt for the same. A. HOLMES, Jr. M. FAULK. Feb’y 14. 1861. 96-3t m\\) FILL STOfK FOR 1 VI'AinS & WllililA.IIS, Y i^V'l .■'TKKET. FAYETTEVILLE. N C , art- > . :;., ir SE»'oND SUPPLY of >i:.\Si)XABLE GOODS, : i\‘. A L\R'.;E .>Ti'i'K nF F\N( V STAPLE DRV GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. \ \I:TS, i n RRKI^I.AK, Hruihf^Uaiie ^V. •A ,,fTer‘ d ' ' Wliulcsale buyer.s exclu ■ • ir ou the usual time, to prompt J. M. WILLIAMS. ■ ' •')•! f •1/ .Vo. tt Mini/ PRINT.'^, unusually!' St. , either by or r>‘tiiil. I WOOL and other H.\TS. ( I. O T II I \ O if hu't'd jirices; together with a large and Fl\fV IIHV liOOOS, will be .ffered on :i'favorable terms as any . t,i(; .''tale. J- K. K\ LE. 1, l-'.'t. .SKtf ' .'irpotiii;;! f'arprliiiv:! I'ni’pc** YD.'. ’Ain'i:TlN(i ;it No. '.-.I. Hay St. All -.DO . fi I .w eithor ■ Cloi li .n all qualitio'^ y wl'o'esHU' or retail, ind DruL'g'-ts, J .i!le. X. C,, Sept. 1.3, 1800. All will b.> Al'ij. ij-i an>i K. KYLi;. 52t f THE PRE^RITERIAX Historicai •lliaanac^ AND Annual Reniembrancer of thn fhurth fur 1861, By JOSKIMI M. WILSON. PRICE SI 12. For sale by M. E. DYE vV CO., 1>E\I.KHS IN Keligiou.s, School, IlistorU-.^l and Mlsrellaneons Books. Stationery, Jlc., Prf.sbyteri.\.s Bcilihsu, Fayettkville. N. C. Jan’y 30. !2-lm HE.«»PI:R: and OTHER POETl>». .BY THEO. H. .HILL. TH F' undersigned ha? U')W in pre«s. a volume of poems bearing the above title. .Mr. Hill is well known in tliis community, h.s the .author of many fugitive poems, which—published anonymously—have -“gone the rounds of the press'’—sparkling, as pure gemx. wherever set. Having now reclaimi* 1 these wandering w.iifs. he jire- sents them to the public—with others liitherio unjiub- lished—and his publisher would only ask for them a cordial re;*‘piion—impartial criticism. The volume—a neat 12in'>. — will Vje sent by mail, free of postage. Price :J1 per copy. Orders shoul 1 be forwarded at once to the subscriber, as but a small edition will be published. A liberal iliscount to the Trade. HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book Siore. BE\DLK\S DIME NOVELS, \os. 10, 11, 12, 13 A U “ “ Sonsi Books and Molodlst. “ Half Dime, Jiiid Five rent Novels. E. J. HALE SONS If voii wfiHt vour Horses shod, call at .M. McKlNNON’S SHOP, on Maxwell street. Call at M. .McKIVXON’S SHOP an(i gpt your WROUGHT IRON llv A rwn niMiRs \bovr r. t. haicii Eayetti*ville, i> Jan’v 20. IKf.O L u i>i:h. STIIRt' .V SONS’ . r. Keep your .TIoney ^ontli! -\ud build up your own Country and Town, by calling on M. A. BAKER, .Tlanufactiirer of* double and Kin dle barrel i^liot Gun«, Rifleit and PifiitoU, Of all the different patterns now use«l in the United States or Great Britain. Call and see. at M. A. B.AKER'S. Fayetteville. N. (^.. Nov. 12. 18'iO. OOtf TO THE FRIEM>!!i OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE F.ICTORV .NOTICE. 4 LL persons are forbid taking away any Article from xl. my NURSERY LOT; a large amount of plants and trees have been Stolen from there during this week. A liberal reward will be paid for information to con vict the person or persons who stole a number of Pe ir and Cherry trees, aud other articles and any informa tion that will enable me to recover the stolen trees, will be thankfully received. T. S. LCTTERLOH. Fayetteville, Feb’y 13. 90-31 81- U ^J solicited. ML- IS NOW IN SrCfESSFTL OPEUATION. kRDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are 1 lli!«»oliiCion ol Coparlner^liip. THF Copartnership heretofore existing between (i. W. I. Goldslon, and Charles C. Goldston, under the i name and style of Goldston «S: Bro., having been dis solved by mutual consent; and Charles C. Goldscon hav ing purcliased the entire interest of G. \V. I. Goldston, in the Stock of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, be longing to said Firm, the business will be cbnductcd in future by C. C. Goldston. j G. W. I. GOLDSTON. I C. C. GOLDSTON. Feb. 5, 1861. 94-tf i i'OR RE’VT. milE STORE. WARE-HOUSE and COTTON SHED, X corner of Hay and Maxwell streets. Apply to J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 21; 18'>0. 39-tf Feb’y 6. E. Vi. WILLKINGS. 0-1-1 m Star Foli$§ili of the Soiilli! FACT! RED BY A. J. WOODWARD, FAl ETTEVIEEE, C. Wanted to Hire, i NEGRO GIRL, 14 or 15 years old. for a Nurse. A WM. HUSKE. Feby 11. 1861. 95tf .Yoiice^-^^mliient ioni J. A. PEWBERTOA : ^ r >us .if closing up his old accounts. &c. He ; . ,£ed !ii- cu.stomei s 111 ways a« far as he could iioir needs mfMonet^ •h:ir those whom he liR« always been so in- . wil d ■ nil they cat. tor him in the way of ij)i {i:iyiii-:its Feb V PLOUGHS. 93-3 m To the lntere«t of Tiirpeiifine I>i!«tiiierM. MA. I’.UvER wouM re.'pi-.'ifully inform Turpentine , Distillers and otiiers tli.-it he is now manufacturing The lni|»rovf‘d Turpentine ^itill. .Vll orders promply attemled to. t'ojiper work done ou the most favorable terms. Old (Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new W'ork. Call and sec for yourselves at M A P.AKER'S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1. 1860. ' 88if Ilf The ^»iinny Mouth, by Prof. In- grahatii; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World.” i%c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., 6ic. E. J. HALE & SONS. *ct. 18. The liaw of Maleo* ol Personal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged FISIl! FISH!! N EW MACKEREL. Nos. 1, 2 and 3. WHITE FISH. “ HERRING, &c. &c. Call at A. N. McDONALD’S, South-side Hay Street. Oct 1. 57-tf .\otice. Tik vor by settling their respective obligations, thus en abling him to do iu like m:inner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, I860. o9.tf do present to the eye of a foreigner indubitable evidence that the weed is popular in this country. Still, we find that the other nations are glad tore- • ceive a larf^e portion of our product. The value of our exports for 1847 was 87,000,000; for 1852 i 810,000,000; and for 1859 $21,000,000; of which ‘ Great Britain received her due share. The in creasing figures show, too, that the consumption in foreign countries is increasing far beyond the growth of the population. While opium is used by 400,000,000 of people, it is estimated that to bacco is used by twice that number. Every nation has its peculiar weaknesses, which appear foolish and inexcusable to others. The opium, to procure which the Asiatic will sacri fice his fortune aud health, we condemn without qualification, and at the same time surrender our selves as slaves to an herb pronounced by our cy clopedias to be “bitter, acrid, and poisonous.” It is cultivated to a very large extent in this coun try. The census of ISol)" gives a total of about 20u,00u,000 pounds. It is estimated that the value of tobacco now consumed here (including imported cigars) amounts to 825,000,000. Of this the greater part is not eaten, as our English man intimates, but smoked. This habit is a relic of the barbarism of the North American Indians; and yet since the voyages of Columbus made known the practice to Europeans, it has become so prevalent as to be considered “brave, polite and wise.” Raleigh smoked to gratify the cu riosity of‘‘good Queen Bess.” Old Dr. Johnson smoked from a more selfish motive. It is said, too, that the good natured Goldsmith whiffed at his pipe like a true Irishman; that the great Milton, before retiring, soothed his nerves with the vapors of tobacco, and that the philosophic Newton was wreathed with smoke while reflect ing on the fall of the apple. But there are distinguished authorities on the other side. Honest Burton, in his “Anatomy of Melancholy,” says of it:—“A good vomit, I con fess; a virtuous herb if it be well qualified, opportunely taken, and medicinally used, but as it is commonly abused by most men, which take it as tinkers do ale, 'tis a plague, a mischief, a violent purger of goods, lands, health; divelish to bacco, the ruine and overthrow of body and soul.” Lord Bacon says:—“Tobacco smoking is a secret delight, serving only to steal away men’s brains;” and Lord Palmerston is so assured of the thrift lessness of the habit that he says to his constitu ents:—“Avoid the public house as much as you can, but always steer clear of the tobacco shop.” John Quincy Adams asserts that the “abandon ment of the use of tobacco would add five years to the average of human life.” Punch, in the profundity of his wisdom, has discovered that “no other animal but man smokes;” although the statement may need seme qualification, as a per son in England is reported to have taught the practice to his monkey. But what say the chemist and the medical man? We are told that tobacco consists principally of a volatile oil, a volatile alkali and an empyreumatic oil. The first is the principal cause of the odor, and when taken internally produces giddiness, nausea and , vomiting. The second is nicotine, aud is an acrid, burning, narcotic poison, of which a single drop (let smokers and chewers stand aghast) is sufficient to kill a dog; it? proportion is variable, but on an average seven pounds are found in every hundred pounds of dry leaf. A thread saturated with the oil and passed through the flesh of an animal, killed it in seven minutes; two drops placed on the tongue of a cat, provep filial in fifteen minutes. That similar effects it ay be produced by the plant, without any concentra tion of its power by the chemist, 's proved by the fact that the Indians forme»-ly poisoned their arrow heads with a decoction of tobacco, and that sol diers in the U. S. army have secured leave of ab sence from duty by wearing tobacco under their arms,—in that way causing serious symptoms of illness. An Oxford student, whose evening amuse ment had been pipe-coloring, was even attacked with delirium tremens. If heeded, the penalties inflicted by Nature, would prove an efi'ectual interdict to the use of this most fascinating of all herbs. y. Jo^irnal of Commerce. A WA.l^TEO. LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN llAG-'^ for which fair prices will bo paid. DAVID MURPHV. r\Urf. 17 . I'MtiiM’ piy money, will very much oblig- 1 a”'-| improved. q , r,. . ■ , . I ^'tarkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with 'harswood. Wendell’s Blackstone; Bylos’ on Bills, Sharswood. Adams’ Eqiijfy; Broom’s Legal Maxims. ' ii’i: I (H.'ir notes. 1. !!n.* t!. du fithei' will of course not think ■ r c .i-kcd to d'l s„ in some other way. J. A. PEMBERTON. '•;i. 85tf AT WIlULKSAIJv ^^0. >1, WALKER, of Xortli Caroliua, Notes by Notes bj’ EALEKS IN SHOES^ \V 1 T H v\v, ni: taiAW II I'.KHS Of A.M) WfU»l,l..-.ALK r>EALEKSI.S' Hoots a tut 1, >• il A ‘.i;i DEV ST., NKW VOUk. '■ i'^j'py to «*'; his Southern friends at the whrre, either personally or ■ y 111 ly t.e supplied from an extensive aud i .'!ock ■of Goods. ■ ;ititf >u*Ui arolina Form Book, \ i‘l*lhR iupplyjust received. £. J. HALE & SON. .Smith on (^jutracts. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS ■ ^tate of UTorfli Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTV. | ('ourt of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, Dec. Term, 18(>0. * I’.APKK w ritinp |iiirpjrlini! to be the lust W’ill and TestHiiient of Mrs. I.iK-y Mims, is in the (-mrl »>y Samuel Mims j nuiiicd fu'cutor therein, who renonni-es in open Court and declines ■ loask for proliate and leUi-rs te,.,t;imenl:iry. U hereiipoii it Is order ed ihat puhliruUon l>e inside tn the I’Hyetleville Oltserver. for ihe i Heirs who are non-residt^nl, to-wil: t'alvin Tii'uiies. VVilliaiii Thames, .lotin Thames, Marparet Cade, the Heirs of John T, Kvans, and aU others w ho may he interested, to come in Bt the next | Term of our (.'ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to he held tor the | I Toiuity of fumberlHnd at the Coiut Mouse in Fayetteville, on the : first .Monday of .Maroh A I). IHfil, and witness the prol.ate ..f said ' paper wriline in .soleititi form, tliat administration with the will an nex' d iii:ty he )!ranteil W'itness, Jesse T. W’arden, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Fayetteville, the first Monday of December, A. D. 1800. 92*tMC J. T. W^vRDEN, Clerk._ Hclectic I'flagazine lor February. I Jan. 22. K. J. ilALE & tiONS. iNcllOOl flOOk'K. 'ATUR.VL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot's Popular Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New Speller and Definer Analyser: Bullions' and Smith’s Grammars: Monteith's, Smith’s and Mitchell's Geogra phies; Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Aug. 31. FOR CLERKS OF TIIE COURTS. ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BL.\NK } business. &c., &c BOOKS, in great variety. May 31. E. .1. HALE k SONS. That Polish! How it Shines. Many of you recol lect nine years ago that I travelled through North Carolina and a portion of South Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Polish. As time elapsed I found ; that it would mould. I have succeeded in making it | perfect and will warrant it to give satisfactiou. It can I be had at retail for 10 cents per box or at wholesale for fiixty.cents per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time they wish them filled. Mav 6, 18GU. 15-ly A CARD. ~ A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom 1 have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness thrtt I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension 1 offer my services, with a promise JAS. G. COOK. 2fitf of strict attention. June 27, 1859. Forty Year»i’ Familiar Letters of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, U. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Vusef; Shirley; Schotd Books, &c. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. NEW and beautiful assortment, just received. £. J. HALE & SONS. BOOK-BINDING rN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. 1 Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, 1859. MOM MEM TO I)K. MITCHELL. The Undersigned having d.iring the past sumnior heard many express a wish that a monument should be placed over tlie grave of Rev. L*r. Mitchell, upon ■ the High Peak of the Black Mountain, and regret tliat it had not already been done, has determined to give ; his personal attention to the matter, and trusts that, by the aid of the thousands of pupils and friends of that i veneriiljle m.an. he may be enabled to erect it. [ The undersigned proposes to erect a plain, substan tial structure, with the rock found on the spot, and to build it in such a manner that it may also be used as an Observatory. He pledges himself to all contributors that uo pains shall be spared upon his part to have the structure tirm, and a fit monument to one. whose moral, intellectual and physical character, was so fit a simile lo the granite on which his body rests. The undersigned will give his personal attention to the work, and trusts j tha» his knowledge of the country and its people will enable him to have it constructed as cheaply as ia pos- , sible to have it done by any one else. ; Means will be taken to preserve the names of those who contribute. The undersigned is determined that tl»e monument shall be erected if any amount near suf ficient is obtained. Kemp P. Battle. Esq., of Raleigh, will receive con tributions, and Messrs. Litchford and Finch, reporters in the House and Senate of the Legislature will receive any contributions from members of those bodies. Let ters addressed to me containing contributions will be nromrily acknowledged. HENRY E. COLTON. Wilmington, N. C. lncreu!‘f’ of the. Slave Fupulation.—The re turns (»f the national census show a very material growth of the slave population during the hist decade—a growth, indeed, which iiuy .-urprise many who :-u|ipused that slavery was dtMhuin>; under thepressareot'abolition propa.;andi.sin, viru lent denutic’ation aud tanaticil raids. In every Southern .State, oxci'pt iJclaware, -Maryland and Mis-ouri, the increase ot the slave population has been nearly in the .same ratio as that ot the iree population, white and colored; and in the aggre gate the growth of the slave ftopulation in the titteen Southern States has kept pace with that of the whole population of the L nited States— that is to say, it shows an increase oi about thirty per cent, in ten years. And very curiously even in Missouri—surrounded on three sides by free States—where we were told that slavery was rapidly dying out, the number of slaves has in creased from 87,42‘i in 1850, to 115,619 in the year 1860, and this too, with abandant opportuni ty of running them off, and a very great loss from this cause. So much for the decadence of slave ry.— Petersburg Express. Warlike Feeling in Europe.—By the Canada’s mails, which left Liverpool via Queenstown on the 27th ult., we learn that the warlike feeling throughout Europe continues unabated. France is making extensive military preparations, and a Paris correspondent writes that Napoleon III is preparing for any emergency that may arise, whether growing ^t of the adjustment of Euro pean affairs or the settlement of American diffi culties. 14 i^tarkie on Evidence, Vol. 1 Hew Edition, with Notei and References, by Sharewoqd. July 10. ' B. J. hale & SONS, TtieSoiitliern Harmony^ School Books, &c., further supplies just received. Aug. 4. 18t>0 E. J. HALE & .“^OXS. Almanacs lor 1861—Second sup ply just reoeivsd. E. J. H-VLE & SONS. Jan’y 9. Louisiana.—The State Convention of Louisia na have chosen the lollowing as the flag of their State: A red . ground, upon which appears a single star of pale yellow. The ground is crossed I by bars of the blue and white, making of the 1 three colors fifteen stripes. \ A SONS-

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