SEMI-WEBKLr Y. [VOT.. X.l FAYKTTFAILLE, N. C., FEBRUARY 28, 1861. [NO. 1000.1 ,,;\TKl» MONHAVS AND THURSDAYS. I KDWARI) J. hale & SONS, I .1:11'!;US and PHOl'lUKTORS V Somi-'Viokly Observkr )H.t if pai.J in . ' iti it pai'l (.im'itig the year i»f *iub'*ciip ■'4 H*u'v ilif VOHV lirts expii'eil. . Ui'ckU ('bskhv kr imi per if paid in ,1 , if paid diivine the year of stibscrip- ^ no 'it’ier the year ha« ex])ireil. \l>\’KH ri^ ^lF.NTS inserted for tKt.ceni'' per • liiio'f>'r the fir'-t. aiul :iO oeutx t^>r ent-h i • i: ; iiijlii-.-iii>>t>. N early advei tijieiiients hy spe- ai ri-:i'.iiial'le rate-!. Advertisers -ire 1 1.1 'tail* the imin>ier i>f in-^ertions desired, nr ” >10 ifiititnu'd till forl'id, and charged accord ■ '•■'enients t-- iiHerteil eluirwed 50 ]>er Sl’Kn \L NoTlt'K. , r. i after this J.ite, tiaine of a now subscriber ■ ••’.tered without ]iaynient in advance, nor will . : be ■^.-‘iit to such su>t,>ribers for a longer time 1 'li 1 I->r. ■ t >i-.r old snbsi-ribei as desire to take the pa- 'ystem will please nt>tify ns when inakiti^ ■(•». .laTfv 1. IS.'jS. M. A. BAKER, I'OPPKH S.niTH. ^j^UHPENTlNK STILLS manufactured on the uio-ji 1 lavorable terms. .\11 work warranted. (’’all and see for vourselvex, at Kavetteville, X. C. W. II. t AltVKK, Ui*alt*r ill Dry Ciiroceries, uiiil l*rovi«ioii», always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods 11 on hand, to sell cheap for (’ash. or exchange for I'roduce at (’ash prices. Hav Street. KavettevilU' The \(‘w Stvio, Small, iOLOIU:i> PHOTlXillAPHS, ,\T N. t'. 9-tf »rh> .1AJS. i . noKAE, • ittoruf’ff at ’A iiMi.’fih*' 1 ii'Uralice liuildin^. Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. \1-.T •JO, is*'. FRENCH STRANG-B, Attorney at Lavr, Fayett eville, W, C. rhai recently oc>‘iipied hy i\ G. U'rieht. Ksq . U{'iei hy him in Dr llobiusoii ^ now *on Street. w |!-,W. .VrM.. .nrK.ti\ Attorney at Law, Faylttkville, X. r. I, t-ie uunty and Superior Courts of V !if Ian 1. Harnett. and Robeson Ooun- : ■ 'TIT' at!* ntion sriven to the collection of all - ■ r. ru't-1 t.j his hands. 08-tf liAW \OTIC E. I ■' .' I* ;; vin^ roi:i')vel from Summerrille to F >•• • wiiie. wi’! urend the (.'uunty and Superior! ;•? : ' ;;aber’, iiid. H iriieit atid Moore, llis office j .• :> ro'-ler.Of-. on i.rreen Street, opposite the | . ■ ; i! i i'-irch. ! - rrt-sj.c^ndenf~ will please address him hereafter | ■.. . -^ville. iu'tfid of Surumerville. i NEILL .McKAY. cj- -1. 1 Law Aotice I r ''.Tiber having retired from the Bencli, with | - ... -o devote him->elf tw the practice of the Law. j ; h'Tcafter the counties of Tuniberland, Hob- . '. I'-lnden. at all the Courts, and the Superior - • lU' hni ind, Marneit and Sampson. i J. (.i. SHEPHERD. i ■ i- i-;’;!’, 2:^tf I J(;SFPn IVKKFR, Jk., I \TTOK\KV AT LAW, -n u!. iili e next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law I :i (,ire**n Str-.-e!. He wiU attend anl practice j liny iiid Suj'orior (^" irts of Cumberlaud. i • - n ■!id Siimpson. 7:nf I \pril li'. .losteitli \V. lt»i*l>oiii’, l.>SPK( TOR OP SIMKITS TIMtl'EXTISfK. H WING been appi>inli'il bv la-t ('ounty (Jourt, IN- SIM-CTOR OF spiIllTS tl'HrKNTl.NF.. 1 am now ready to give the business my personal intention. All who may favor me with their business will find it prompt- ' ly attei'.ded to at my Warehouse in ('ampbellton, oppo site John ,\. McLauchliu. Dec. lltli. 18>t). 7H-t)inpd A. n. c'A.iirisi:i.i., Aiietioueer and roiiimission i^Ierehant, —Wii; attend to the sah* of— Goods, W'ares atnf •lierrlmmlixe. Heat flstat4\ rors^ Dec 17. 7 ‘ I',..,OH .I.)SKp;i K. , (Vlii' s. \ .\N AM-n.NiiK .lO^. K. iV 4 0.. COiiiiiir >#. »V. 4\ l’i oi!i])t ptT'on'il Hrtentii.n i;^’cn to :ill Cunsigu uient'. and i 'asli advHnces iii-jd.* on I’rii.ince to be “liipj"’ to other ports or sold in thi' tiiarket. I Feb'y lil, 18>1. *.'.tif «. \\. i.AiVEti:At'i:, WlLMiNt;roN. N. ’. Navil Store', ther country |>i o- dii.-e nny be coti-i 'nc I to him. (M'ders tilled pr.imr't 'y. Wiimiukrton. N. , F ART. \Vo4Ml%%:irilN Solar Camera. j PHOTO(tH.AFHS i- iu be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight i (jallery. Hay street, opposite Marlde Yard. Fay- ; etteville, N. jdain, rt'touehed. colored, in water ; colors, oil and pastile; from snmll to life size. Amhro- 1 tj'pes, Melaneoiy pes. aiiii all other styles of Pictures pei-taining to the .Art. .\lsd. (Jilt Frames, (iilt Mould- itig, (ilass for very lnrge picture^—as large L’b bj' 3b inches, (,’ord and T:iss(*ls for hanging j>ictures: Instm- ments. Stock and (’hemioals tor sale low for cash. Life size colored IMiotogr.-qihs made froiii .small pictures. Having permaneiuly locateil here I hope to merit yotir patronatre. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal jiatronagc bestowed on me heretofore liv the good peoi>lf of F ivetteville and vicinity. 0. M. V.VNORSDELL, Photographist and Proi^rietor Df 'r "JO, IS")*' 77- A. A. .^Ic KirrilAA . F A V B: T T i: V11.1. E HOT K I., T. WADT>TLL, Proprietor. HIS, the most commodiotis Hotel in Noith (.’aroliim, fronting .JOO feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, hwaled in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the U.ankiiig Hous*^', Wholesule Merchants and princi pal Produce !>ealers Business men will tind the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 18;>8. 51- SHEMWHLL HOUSE. i FKW DOOKS XOKTil OF TIIK MAKKII018K. ■ ^i\WIN(i to t he extensive increase of patronage * * to this House, during the year. I have ex- -‘'IlI.-jP. fended tny facilities by the acldition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imnrovements, which will add n/aterially to the i comfort and convenience of those favoring me with I their patronage. To those who have been my kind friencls ancl cus- , tomers for the past six years. 1 tender my most sincere •hanks, at the same time resjiectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, anil also the patronage of \ I large number of new patrons 1 have good Stables and a No. 1 .)stler. P SHRMWELI. .lan’y I'i, IHbO 84- IvACLE IIOTHL, A SI! i:v) .\. .S. n. s&i. i^‘0|>a•i^(0S^ SOVEREIGNTY. II the theory that sovereignty resides in' the people is anything more than the most barren ot abstractions, we should like to see some evidence of its practical working. It is past all controver sy that an overwhelming majority of the people would rejoice in a prompt settlement of our na tional troubles; and it is also evident enough that .>1UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, if the people had been consulted about the matter, MOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with ' the ad()ption of some one of the compronnse meas^- growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to HO years of age, for one year, t\ir seven years, atid for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from to f>0 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value Tlie Jllf^tice*^ of Cum berland County are requested to attend _ at the ("^onrt House in Fayetteville, on Wednesday of March Term, 18(il, at 11 o’clock A. M., for the transaction of (.'ountv business. I). 0. MacRAE, Chm’n. Feb’y 20. 98 to THE IVoIrTH VAWiOMAl%A ures, about which so much discussion has been wasted, would have put an end to the crisis long ago. Among the “current facts and rumors” which ... .w. ,v,».- IV,. ...... come to us from that hot-bed of rumors, the Na- All losses are punctually paid within W) ilays after tiunal Metropolis, there is the assertion that the law-niakers and speech makers of the day the representatives of an enlightened constituency the men who hold in their hands the destinies of thirty millions of souls, are simply acting a play when they assemble in the Oapitol. They take opposite sides, and wrangle fiercely over each (juestion that arises. But after an adjournment they spend a convivial evening together, and pre pare themselves for fresh conflicts on the ensuing satisfactory proof is presented. For t’ui ther information the public is referred to AgentH _f the (Joinpany in all parts of the State, and to K H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. .1 HALE, Agent at .lan’y 185'. Fayettev'lle, N. (^ Eiilarj^recl. Extensiee Shoe ^IManufaciory. '^piIE firm of Wm Carter and Sons having been recent- u;. 1.. tliePi |i • mm tin • iiduciv.' to s iTiipst^ in A\’’ILL attetil persini.i'ly to the sale ot It Tim!ior, Colt ui. K'our. and a'l othe -t!y vk..ik, whiL'h fire faiih- f 1 workiiii'ti in each branch. I'avi.r.iljly with any for neatness b-lei:iiined to srll and do all 1 terwis 'is uny that is a*- , F. b-y 1. 94 ly T. i\ A. Et. U. WORTH. Commission and Forifardin? Merrhauts, WILMIN'ITON, N, (' Jan y 2^, 18o'. S ltf WI1.MAYI J. PKITK, M nspect or of Tm r i»r n t ifie^ WILMIXCTON, N C. 8>t^“ Will attend pr omptly to all bu'»iiie5!i entruaiuJ lo his care. Marcii l!4. 4-1ypd W H. Kt.NUAI.L. J 5. KEMiALL. W. F. liEMIALL A: MIA. imcnerttl Commission *ltprrhants. Til WATi:« !^r»ti:i:T. \YlL ML\irrOX, X c. KDERS from the t.' mntry re-p-cifully solicited >n Consign:;ient» llTOl'Ll* ’lUoftii hi' iVi -nds in Notth t'arolina, and TT thriiughoui the S.i.iiij. who wish to encour.ige Southern In tu-'ry. th it he keej«-i const uitly on hand, and is dai'v tiui.-liimr, :i l..r^»o a'Sortment of i\i: it t € i. t:s of evei y d.‘'«': i! l iuii. ino ;’ul!y tiiJidi' by » x; ■ rii ii.' Hi~ w.irk w."' and i;ii-ibibry. i- wovk in his .in us n iii'i'le He 'i:is ii 'W fiiii-lu' 1 a very large i|uantity ot Work which he »vill 'fl! !ow l'..r I'a'h or on short tiioe to I'unciua! cu'f 'All Work w iiTi'.iKed !'J moiithswith t'dir usaje. or should it f:ii! b_\ b:i.l •n kmiiii-hip or material, v ill ri j :iire.| free ot' harL^e. »rd('r' t'ruiii iie 'u:h wi;l r..i eivc prompt attention lie lr-> witliiti til.' lasf tew ve^r^^ «Jold wofk in South t .irobna. fJconria. .MabainH. Mississippi, Florida. .\r- kati'^- and Tex ;-. y-S? lU'i' iii ;1 'ij' s5i,,rt notice and on reasona>>lt teriii- 1*. - r 17. 18utf K.Miiriniii; \m\\'. wmmi !o 111' liad ill a first class Hoi»'l. ;iiests. ranton. at iliis House. i;ii iw- i'ii-' !’. r g ■ t r*\ :i ■: ! i.f l!,e b.-st styl... Kvery coiiitort iisuhUv will be furnished to his Staire othce for Mor •• Charlotte. “ Spartatibtirg. !^. ('.. “ (Ireenville, “ (ireenville, Tenn., Daily, “ Besides whii'h. good hai'k« ati I l areful and aitentivi Drivers can at all times be ha 1 to convey parties to any part of the sp]enlid Mountain scenery of this regioii. such as the Blai-k .Moiitiiaiti. the Swannano.-i (Jap. the Hickory Nut la]) an I Falls, the Wnrni Springs. ^S:e any of which are vvithiti a short day's ride of Asheville. Sept. 18‘K>. •')8-ly wi:kti:ka kaii. uoau. ^nUK f’jllowing rfltes will now he cliarged for Fa^-'en- 1 gel s on thi.s Rojid, vi/: To Litt’e Hiver, •'>0 cts. To .*'pout Spring, 7‘> •• To .lonesboro'. 1 To Mclver’s, 1 2"» Train leaves the Depo’ .Mondays, WednesdHV' atid. () liberal cash advan »*ct. 17, 180H. Coitou and other Piol will be ma If wiieu desired t»3tf Fridays. a» o'clock at 1 o'clock P. .M. Xov. If, l»'»i>. A M. Returnine. leaves Mclver's C. P.. MAI LETT, Pre.s'l. 71tf NHAHEST AN1> QrU’KKST KOI Ti: TO THE RAILROAD! .1. U'. I I I.Li:K, IIVIO K S» t M. #; G K O V K A N D €ouiiiiisf!»ioii Mereliiiut* NORTH WATER ST., \V I L M I S a T t .V. *V. . 180U An Krep your Tloiiey ^oiitli! buil.l u]' \ nr omi ('ountrv and Town, by cullinir on M. A. BAKER, of* ioiiV>i(‘ and ^iii- h:ii*r(‘l ^hot Ritlcs and Pi^toN, Of all the difievetit [..ittenis n^w used in the United L ly dissolved, a new association has been formed ' day by drowning all their differences in deep po tations during the night. The eagerness with which they contend for “vital points” is all a sham and a preten(*e. The country is electrified day after day at the exhibition of ardent attach ment to fundamental principles in tavor at one extreino or the other, i>r included in the dogmas of (Hie party or the other. But iti the (jiiiet-hours, when these self-sacriticiiig ofticials are supposed to be restoring their exhausted energies by health ful slumber, many of them are discussing with much hilarity and more liquor the enormous amount of humbugging the public will endure. It is true that the sovereigns have sent these overworked gentlemen to Washington, and it is also true that they have been in the habit of ac- fjuiescinjr, in a dull sort of a way, in the doings and sayings of their legislators. The term is not out, and people do not botlier themselves in ordi nary times concerning the character and qualifi cations of (’ongressmen. But there is also a vague reliance placed upon the Representatives wlio have been formally charged with the custody of public interests They are expected to keep the machinery of Government in motion, and at least are required to see that the growth and prosperity of the Republic are nut retarded. How far the present (Jonirress has failed in its duty, and how contemptible a part it wili play in the history of this age, which shall be written hereafter, are (juestions for the people tu answer. And if it should be discovered that our public men are totally unfit for the responsible stations they oc cupy, there is yet another question to be answered, and that is. How are we to get rid of them, and supply their places with worthier representatives.^ Here is the true difficulty. The sovereign people may be never-so-much disgusted, but their servants will neither die nor resign. While we are mending Constitutions with explanatory clauses, and with various other addenda, let us put in a provision for this or for a similar emergency. under the firm of mJMarsh^ Var9er 4V ; who will continue to niantifacttire all kinds of ROOTS land SHOES. SADDLES. HARNESS, and LEATHER I of every description, ur'on a much more extensive scale th.11> h«'rr*iof'i'.re. ('omliine l with our Triniiery, it is unt of the bir^rC't establi-hment-' o1 the kind in tlic Soiiih- ein eoMufy t *r dev- Irom a >listani-e shnll have Jiroijip' aitention. M.AK.'^fl. ('.\RTEK .S; *'0. Cat ier?ville, ('tiaiham (’o.. N. (’.. Feb'y ■'). i :voTii^E. V.'s 1 expect to be absent from tiome a few months iii the West. Archibald McLean is my authorized ' Agent to transact my business until 1 return. , i N (r. .JONE.S. I I D^c'r 28. 8:-{tf To Laiifl Biiyer^it. I undersigned olTei-s for sale, in the (’oal regi-ju. 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the F ly- j etteville We.stern Rail Road on Deep River, KIUIIT 111M)KKI) AtKES UF I.A.M), ' adjoining the land belonging to the estate of (jeorge Wilcox, dec’ll, and lying three miles South from (l'*ir- ^ bojiton, on Little Pocket Crook, Moore county. I These Lauils are well adapie«l to the growth of corn, , ; cotton, wheal, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem- I ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessai’v Out- ; . houses, with about one hundred and fifty :icres under i fence, includiug forty or fifty acres of iiever-failmg bottom land. This i- a rare chance for persons wish- ; ing to make investment5, as land-: :ire unvloutiiedly ad vancing in price in this section. For furtlier information apply to Mr. ,M M. McK le. I (.'.-ane’.s Creek. P. O., .Moore county, or a«idress me at j Fayetteville, N. C. I ' DANIEL McRAE, I For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d I Carbonton, Moore co., N. (’.. Aug. 24 43tf r m KEWARl). IJ) .\X.\W.\ V from the subscriber last April, my Negro li Man CHARLES; he is full blooded negro, round features, A leet 8 or 10 inches high, well set and in telligent for a negro: would weigh when he left, from , 15‘> to ItJO, age about 28 years. He has a scar under ; . u * n+‘ i one of his ears caused by a cut, the scar has protruded There IS no controversy about our mode of elect- j out, and very much resembles a wen. I will pay the mg members of Congress, i)ut the lyonstitution BKAMAN & ROBINSON’S FOIK HOKSK STAUE LINK T« KKM.XSVILLE, VIA WARSAW, Is the shortest and most expedition'* for travelers going North South. Leavinji Fayetteville every dav af 2 o'clock P. M. THUorCH IN TEN HOURS above leward to any person delivering him to me at Springfield, Kichmond (’ounty, N. (’.. or for his con finemenf in any .lail so that I can eet him. SHOCKLEY L. (JlBSON. for JANE McNAIR. Springfield. Dec. 20. 18tj(V 82-tf AOW lA HARKKT. contains no plan whereby we can rectify our mis takes in this matter. A constituency may be hor ribly misrepresented, but the electors who com mitted the mistake have only to wait for the ex piration of the term. It would not damage any body’s liberties, and it would add to the strength of the (xovernment, if some method could be dis- Our (.caches are large and comfortable, drivers sot>er . persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well coveretJ or invented whereby the seats of unaccep- and gentlemanly, our teams good and sure of hve tu.les ; ^ subscriber at Clinton, S^^n.pson ^^g^^^ers could be suddenly vacated, As (Jet. ■»y- RORV .fIcAAIR, Ittorney anti 0'ounseUor at haic^ LU.MBERToN. N C. .:uui an 1 practice in the ("ounty and Superior - d' K jbeson. Richmond ami ( 'umberland. ' in'rusted to hitn will receive prompt at- ■ r. llfi tion- punctually reuiitted. ' ■ • o-Otf w JOilA P. FI Utoruej aud Counsellor at Law, ■ L !'H -' TICK IN TUKCOI KTS OF Kobe on. ( uinberl.iiid, toiumbus and Bludeii. * ' i.iimberton, Robeson (Jo., N. (J. 29tf 1)1- i: THEO. TIARTIAE, W STREET, opposite the Post Ottice. Electriciiy applied. b2tf llental A’f>ti€t‘. j ■■TT ex[«ecting to be absent from I'ayetteville ] " i*'hile. Dr. Benbow will be in his Ollice to at- ir c.ill.- that may be made professionally. Also vif 'iiifi fuH'U th::t may be due. ■■n Person street, two doors east of the Market. 21. 18t;i. 89tf OKATIJ^TRY. DU. ■!. D.WIS having decided on permu- nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respccttully otters his services to the •n« ol' this })lace and snrroundinir country-. In ail itious branches of his Profe'.'ion. including tin' .I ’ure of -Mineral Teeth, lie is snti*lled, after an ivc- experience, to wiiich i.-; added a tliorougli Den- .' .dion, that lie can give entire satisfaction as tar II; the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the .attfd in a proper and careful mantier. as well as - - ol the mouth. None but the proper metals are .'• (it' in the various operations. Cin.rges will be • , that the benefits of the I’rofession may be Altliin the reach of all wlio may feel an interest I:'•'•Tvatioti of the Teeth, ks "ftii.e over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he : liuid at all times. l^oM. !*tf 15. F. PEAKCK, — WITH- - A. UeOOAALD, Merchant and Produce Dealer, AND DEAI.KK I.\ (jrocf-ries. Provisions. Hardw ire, (’utlery. Boots, Shoes ;ind Leather. I’-igging. Rotie. .Saddlery, iVc., Koreii^n and Domestic Liiuors, 'ii.i Viirns at .Manufacturers’ prices. .Strict attentioti pai l lo orders. S(jLTH side HAV STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, W. C. 55tf \\. K1 I.LARD, i ommission • firrrhanf, WlL.MTNfiTOX. N (V I^ROMPT and PEH.'^ON.\L att.-ntion will ) e given to the sale of Naval .''tores, ('.'ttoii. Lumber, Timber, and all other country produce. KttKR TO (). (jl. P.\KSi.tY, Pres't ('oin. Bank at Wilmington. JoH.s D.\ws»x. “• N. ('.. at do Mw.«. It. « E. J. Messrs. Pembkkti.n .V ) .\. Parker, Esq., Harnett County. N. (’. M.ay 7. 18MJ, l-'itf C. II. ROHINmON. H. n. K()BIN.'!)N 1. H. ROBIA>iO\ X O., Commission aud Forwarding Merchants, WlK.Ml\(iTOX, X. (’ gyp- Consignments and country orders will receive protnpt personal attention. ('all -ini s Fayetteville .''tat. - or I 1'. at N (’ Nov 4t Britain. M. A. 12. iM»;'>. BAKERS ti'.nf TO THF l'Rli:\n« OF HO.MH .MANrFA(TrRl-S. THE KINSTON SHoi: r.icTOUY^ an hour The traveling public who wotild study their comfori and convenience will the Warsaw Stage. BH^THR(.»UOH TK’KETS TO WELDON may b.* h'ltl !it the Stage Otfice. Fayetteville. ■May 2;i. IStlo. ' 2')-tf F WFTTKVIM.E MITIAL I\SrUA\CE COMPANY. county as he is deterniined to buy and p.iy as liberal present, there is no help for us. prices lor iliem as ilie state of the miirkei will permit , r > ^ • u by ii'lflressin^ him he will call imine^lifttel}*. nu*! j The sovereignty that was in exercise when the make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him election was held is virtually lost in the interim CH.\RLES T. STEVENS j between that date and the next election. Clinton, Sampson Co.. Sept. 1\ I860. 52-lypd WAATKD. ("apital in I’remitim Notes atnounts to ('ash on hand and other assets. S2t)7,(jS8 2t) 5,077 8-j -It 1} 0' IS \0W l\ SK CKSS FI L OFK RATION. iKDEBS for negro BR(JG.VNS ind BOOTS are solicited. J. C. C.\RPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C.. .hme 21; IS'iO. H’.»-if March 17. IKbO. itf ^lai* ot* rlie South! .^1A A1 FA€ TI RFD BT A. J. WOODWARD, FA VFTTFVII.I.i:, A. i . Total. S272.7»;.5 The ('ompany have [ tid all lo'^ses [iromptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. S2Vt.()82 ()KFtrKi?s; GEO. McNEILL. President. I). A. RAV, Vice President C. A. McMlLLAN. .Sec'y. Dikec roBs: Henry Lilly. W. N. Tillingha-'t, H. L. My rover, S. .1. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. ;McLaurin, Nathan .V. Stedman, T. .S, Lutterloh, A LARGE quantity»of (.’()TTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. -■Vnst. 17 w L'L.\HK & Trill,l\(iTO.\, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, w il.mi\;ton, X. ('. TILL give special attention to the sale or shipment I'ottou, Flour, Timber, and Dealers in Litne, Plaster, (’e- other country prodttf*; tnent. Hair, A:o.: and a(;k\ts f(i-: sTi:\Mi-:iis k\tk iicL\rui'' A.\y sl.\. Refer t): II. R. S:ivnire. a'^hi-r Hank of (,’ajie Fear. Wilmington: J no. Diwsoii. Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of North f’arolin i: W. 11. Jones, (’ashier Raleigh Branch P.ank of (’ape Fear. Dec. 14, IHfio. 7‘.*-tf •INO. s. UA.NCV. JNO. II. nV.MAN, J.ate uf 'i'arbitrti*. I.tir of Sn/tlurtil -V«r/.. F. -M. IIY.MAN. I.ate of a arrcntnn. ills \v ALKRKI) ALDER^IAN, of Aaval .Stort*«, \Vli..Ml*\(;T()X, X. ■ *» *-ti 1 iiTiiiiiptly lo the transaction of all bu-i iigued to liis care. pd HA Ai V, HVTIAA A: C O., ;ro( ICRS k (03iinssi0\ meiuhaiMs, I M*eart Street^ I'OitK. HI nAA, 1>AAC:Y A: Vo., Coiumi^^i^ioii Merelianf^*, .\OI6FOJ.K, VA. I The New York House will lie conducted by Jno. S. Dancv, aided by R. W. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jno. H. IlyMAN and F. M. Particular attention given to the sale of COT TON, (’ORN, WHK.VT, N.W.AL STORES, .to. Sept. 11, 18*jo. FOR I'LEIikS OF THE I'OI RTS. EXE(’UTl()N, TRI.\L, and APPE.\R.\NCE DOCK ETS. ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of »ther P.LANK BOOKS, in great variety. May HI. E. J. HALE k SON’S. Forty Vt*ar«’ I'aiiiiliai* lj€*lter« of Jas. W. .\lexander, D. D.; Sermons, by J. .\ddison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrielle; Beulah; Adam Bedi'; \ usei; Shirley; School Books. Jtc. July 10. K. J. HALE & SON. C. B. Mallett. James Kyle. A. A. .McKethan, J. D. Williams. S. W. Tillinghast. W. Steel, .1. G. Cv*ok, Hon. J. (t. Shepherd K. F. Brown, ) A. E, Hall, I Wilm'gton. lohn (''ollins and C. (’. McCrummen, Traveling Agetits. Bl^The C omi>any invite apjilications. May 28, ISGO. 21-Iy i\si!!iiM’!': miPixv. H.iRTi'OR», Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual But the greatest delusion of all is the supposi tion that the national representatives are in any true sense the choice of the people. Our elections are only a choice between two evils. We vote tor one nominee because he is less objectionable than the other. We are cneated out of our Hber- moment that we fancy we are * KllirjIC rl performing; the freeman's highest duty. The HOPhs and FE.VRS; The (Jueens of Society; Mati.s- govereitcnty resides in the clique that nominates, field’s Political Manual; Woods' ( lass Book of Bo- | ^ ^ Baltimore Ainfrican. The word “Selah,” which is used in the Psalms seventy-tour times, and thrice in the prophecy of Habakkuk, must have some significant meaning, and yet there seems to be much doubt in reference to the matter. It is a Hebrew word, which the translators have lett as they found it, because they could not agree as to its meaning. The Targum and most ot the Jewish commentators give to the word the meaning of eternaVy, ftrerer. The version of the Septuagint translation appears to have regarded it as a musical or rythmical note, llerner regards it as indicating a change of tone; CCnts,’icatl}' bound in cloth, (’opies sent by mail, free ' Matheson, as a musical note, equivalent perhaps of postage, on the receipt of 60 cents. A liberal dis- to the word rt-pent. Afcording to l.uther and count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. ! others it is equivalent to the exclamation, Si/ence! Jan y’Jt). E. J. ll.ALK SONS. I (lesenius says Selah means, “liet the instruments play and the singers stop.” Wocher rejjards it tany; Letter Copying Books; Tom Brown at Oxford; Tale of Two Cities; Beer’s Svstem of Penmanship; School Books. Sic. ' E. .1. HALE & SONS. Jan. W. 02- C’APT. report ON THE DEEP RIVER .MINERAL REIMON. ^piIE undersigned have caused to be published from X the (’ongressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep Hiver liegion of North (’arolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. I The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .50 .Authorized Capital, Paid up Capital, Assets, $1,.’>(M),000 (H) |,.'»()0,()00 00 2,0:i0,4‘23 SO That Polish! How if Shines. Many of you recol lect nine years ago that I travelled through North Carolina and a portion of South (^irolina tor the pur pose of in'''(duciiig this Polish. As time elapseii 1 tbund that it would mould. 1 have succeeded in making it perfect and will warrant it to give satislaction. It can be had at retail for lo cents per box or at wholesale for sixty cc'nts per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time tliey wish them filled May f), lSb(>. lo-ly A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^pnoSE persons for whom 1 have been attending to L Banking business for years;—I am still willing to serve you with the same j)romptness that 1 have always done; artd to others that may want discounts. Pension business, tc.. &c I otfer my services, with a promise of strict attention. ,I.\S. G. (^OOK. June 27, lS-’>‘.*. 2tltf IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the f’emale High School, Hay Street .May 14, H ^tarkie oai F% i«leiiee, Vol. 1 Ae«% Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. HALK A SONS. T. K. BRACE. S. TCIKHI. J. CHUR(^H. R. BCELL, E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY. R. MATHER. E, G. Rll’LEY. W. F E. (t., Pres’t. T. K. Bit \rK. Jr.. Sec’y. DtRKl’TOKS. S. S. WARD. H. Z. PRATT. A. DUNHAM. G. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. 1 C. H. BRAINARD TUTTLE. T. .\. -Alkxaxkkb. V. Pres’t. A. A. WiLi.i.\.Ms. .Adjuster. BfelT Ratos as low as hkrfi-u't solvkncv ana fair profit will allow. '-iiisS, ASSKTS. -July 1859. Market value. Bank Stocks in New York. Hartford, Bos ton. St. Louis, iVc.. S^ll5.:^44 00 United States Stock anl Treasury Notes. 215,12b 50 State Stocks: New York, Ohio. Kentuck}’, Tennessee, Missotiri, lb8,00-') 00 City Stocks, Hartford, Hociiester, Biook- lyn. .Jersey (’ity. 11G,0f>0 00 Railro ad Stocks; Hartford tind New Haven. Boston and Worcester. Conn. River, 87.05H ()0 Mortgage Bonds, 88,089 GO Real Estate, unincumbered, 70,10;^ 78 Miscellaneous Items, 20,:?48 77 Cash, on hand and deposited on call, arid in g" its’ hands, 350,303 15 The Sunny Soiilli, l>y Prof. In graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World.” .Sic,; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of (Jold, b}’ a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, ic., &c. E. J. H.\LE & SONS. Oct. 18, Tlie l>aw of Sale! of Pert^onal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged and in»provel. Starkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes by Sharswood. Wendell's Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. •Adams’ Eipijty; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on ('ontracts. K'c. E. J. H.\LE SONS Tli(‘Moiitliern Uaruioiiy, .Scliool Books, &C-. further supplies receivetl. Ang 4. 18(10 E. J. HALE Si. SONS -Neconcl HALE 5: SONS. S2,080.4 28 80 LIAIHLITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due. i?88,242 08 Agent of the above Company in ’^ayetteville, E. J. HALE. Almanacs for 1801- ply just received. E. J Jan’y 0. BKAULirS UIMK .VOVKLS, Xos. 10, 1!, 12. 13 A M Song Books and Melodist. Hair Dime, and Five lent Novels. E. J. HALE .t SONS Jan. ;:0, 22- S(ereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. A A NEW and beatitiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE .'i Aorfli t'arolina Form Elook, FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE .V SON. The Presbyterian Psalniodisl Character notes. A*further supply just received. July 20. £• HALE & SONS. as e((uivalent to roniu.' (up, my soul!) Soniiuer, after examininj’; all the seveiity-four passages in which the word occurs, recognises ia every case an actual appeal or summons to Je hovah; they are calls for aid, and prayers to be heard, expressed either with entire directness, or if not in the imperative, ‘Hear, .lehovahl’ and the like, still earnest addresses to (iod, that he would remember and hear, itc. The word itself he regards as indicating a blast of tnmipets by the priests. Selah itself he thinks is an abridged expression used tor Higgaion, indicating the sound of the stringed instrument, and Helah a vigorous blast of trumpets. Some think the word marks the beginning ol a new measure of versesj and others that it joins what follows to that which goes b(‘fore, anti shows tliat what has been said deserves always to be remembered. Some have thought Selah showed the cessation of the actual inspiration of the Psalmist; and otliors that it is feimply a note to indicate the elevation oi the voice; still others, that it is eijuivalent to Amen, be it so, or let it be. Tli«> .—The lioui.'i- ana Leiri.^^lature, on the l:ith inst , dihC irde i ths Pelican flag, the bird Wing pronounced •ungain ly in sight, ftlthy in habit and cowurdlv in nature.” Give the devil his due. ('»Ttaitily. says a eon- temporary; but it is better to have iin di dings with the devil, and there will bo notiiiiiL' due Why are pen makers very bad jjcrsnns,' —Be cause they make people pens, and ^ay they I do icriVc,