SEMI-WBEItliY. PAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 4, 1861. [NO. 1001.] .^KiNTt:i> M»)NL>AVS AND THUUdDAYS K1)>VAKD J. HALE & S0X8, KMTOns AND PROPRIETORS , • T till* St'ini Weekly OnsERVKK S3 tio it' paid in ■' 'f pai'l during the year of subsoii}.-- : '-I Mticr tin yeiiv haa exjiirvl V\. i-kly Ob; RVER S'i 00 per iinnuiu, it'paid in .. ?■- ■ ' if pnid during the year of subsorip- ;i .1 S ' ^",1 !ifier tlie year lias exjiired V Yi'\ KRTlSl'.MliN rS iiisened f'oi t)0 cents per : I'i t >r ttie first, and ;iO wiMits for eacli ■ -di'-’-v piibiicai \ early advertisements by spe- •!;''\.-tx. at reasonable ratO'j. Advertisers ar** • :‘ i t ' ■itaii' tilt' number of insertions d*'sired. or V ■ bo continued till forbid, and oliarf^ed accord- \'. ..•i ti'ifnient t.- l*e in'ert**d nsnlr, cliargod .')0 per . .'^PLi'lAL NoTU'i:. r ■ u Hiid after thi> ditt.'. no n;iine of a new sub.scriber entort'I w’*hout paymt-nr i:i advanoe, nor w ill • ii't'r be 'i?n; !■ suoli sub^ -ribt*rs lur a longer liine paid, - ; n ofiHT ..Id -jubseribt-rs as desire to take the pa- ■. ■ lii-* •‘ysiein w ;il pl> -iSf sj.'tify u-; when niMkintf ‘ Of J. .! iii'y ]. 1 h JA^. 1. • Stfoviifii af ijinv, t»n. \\. ■ , t ■ iii' iii-uioc l>!'.ildiu»r. Hay St. Fayetteville, IV. C. Ni. . I 2'.. . -Uf FRENCH STRANGE, Atfoniey at Lair, Fayettttville, N. C. occufiied by C. G. Wright, Esq ii't that re> t‘:itly '■:e' n*> now r - •rTeen St^e. 1 bv him in l>r Hobin>^ w W: .IOII.\ i>. I I liLi;K, \ttoniey and Coiiiisellor at Law, .';LL I RAI'TI' E TX THKCOUUT' 'il' k'lbesun. ( umberland, (olunibus and Bladen. ■■ u Luujbcrton, Robeson Co. N. C. 2'Jtf ir M. A. BAKER, corPER s^ntTH. PENTINE STILLS manufactured on the most vonible terms All work warranted. Call and seo for vourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C Oct. 2'1. C3tf TTR fa' \V. II. CARVER, Deal«*i*“ ill l>ry iioo«l««, €jiroi'erif%, and Frovi«ioii!«, I 4 « l The -New Style. Small, COLORED PIIOTOIwUAPHS, A ( Vanor^doH's (liailery. IVT’ILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods y T on hand, to Produce at Cash prices ART. Wood%vartlN Kolar Camera. on hand, to sell cheaj> for Ca-h. or ext'hanjre for lice at Cash prices, llay j'Treet. Fayetteville, N. C., .April ]iV 'J if •los$epli W. Itarboiir, liXSPEfTOK OF SPIRITS THiiPEXTIlVE. Having been appointed bv last ('ountv Court, IN- SPKCTOR OF SPIRITS TL KPENTINK, I am now ready to give the business my personal aitcntion. All who may favor mo with thsir business will find it prompt ly attended to at my Warehouse in Campbelltou, oppo site John .\. McLauchliu. Dec. 11th, 18tj(). 78-6mpd ir.ff. i\ Attorney at Law, Fa YKTTF.VILLE. X C "’iLl. iitteiiJ the t’ounty and .'Superior Courts of •' :nd, H rnett, M :-.,ire and Robeson C an- t litteuiion given 'o the collection of 1\11 . ;-r^-J to hi' hand.', i r": ■ ^*'-tf LAW \OTICE. > ' 1 i ,T hn’ iue reniov.-d from SuminerTille to _ ■ "evir.e. will attend the 'ounry and Superi^jr • 'iinr'erlHu l. H rn-rt and M . >re. His oti'. r* ■r r^'ideaoe. ou Vireen .Street, opposite the .r: 'j 'tid'-nt' will please address'him hereatt-T • U'vi; 0, in'"'"! 1 of .''limniorvll’e NEILL McKAV Lai% Aoiici* I' ,.^'Criber huvinjr retired from tiie Bench, witii .; j-e to devote i.ii-i't-lf t-_ the practice of the Luw, " . • tjJ hereafter the ountie® of Cti'nV>erlaiid. Rob- , lV:;dfn. at ?il’. the I'ourt^. and the Superior ■ > ■! iwclimond, Harnett and Sajnpson. J. G. SHEPHERD • V 4 ;?■ :^:itf. J( .KPH I5AKKK, Jr.. XT I O K ^ K \ \ I' L. V\\ . 1T .\. ’ ..-itn su 1/ irto Wm, H. Wrieht'.« Law ll 'ti. 11'Gi't'. ii .-^ir-T-f. He w"'- jt **!id and pracii'• ','y ‘!iid .'•ui—rior C.iurt'* of t'umberland. • K 'i'- on ind S:;mp>on. 7'tf ROKV .H€.\AIR, .//forwri/ itiifi f'oitHseiior at WjHtr, l.rMBERTnN, N. aiid pr ? ice in the County and Superior ■ d' R ^-''"11. RiehDiotid and « umberland. , Jrii'f. 1 :■ 1 iru wii! receive jtroisipt .t- .;.i-c*i;in' T :iiictually reuiitted. * O.'jtf 1. n. C AMPRELL, AlicHoiieer and Commission Merchant. —Will atteii'l to the sale ot'— €moo4!s, llUires and •.fierrhatidize^ Hi’al i]stat(\ *Vr. L>eo ’i. R. r.l,(t:>S(iM V.V.N .V MI .N (i i. JO**!. R. A: €'€!., Co ill III i ^ o u ill erv lia ii *1*. f. Jsay-I’.-oiupt personal attentiou t.ven to all Consign meuts, iitid Cusb advances iii:>de on Produce to be shippt ■ 0 other ports or soH in this market. Feb’y -.‘I. 18ol yytf ii. W.’f.AWRKAC'li:, t' .fMKMZCMM.i,n\ wii,min;t(.)N. n c \\'^H.L attend j'ersonally to the sale of Nav-il Store*'. M Timber. Cotton, Flour, atid all other country pro duce that may be consij;ncd to him. ftaf* ()rders filled proiMpt I}-. Wilmington, N. i’ . Feb y 1 'J4-Iy T. C. A: it. ii. WORTH, Coniniisslou and Forwarding Merchants WILMINGTON, N C. Jan y 1^59 84tf WILI.IATI J. PRICE. Inspector of Turifentine^ WILMINGTON, N. C Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hi? t Care March 'Ji. 4-1 vpd >V I> KtNDALL J. . KENUALL W. p. KI:A0AI.L A: J!»0.\, 4ien€rai Commissinu ^lierchantHn MM TII W lTKie >»'rtli:KT. \V1I.ML\GT0X. X C ORIHIRS from the Country respectfully solicited ) >n oon'iirnmerits of Gotten aud other Produoe, liberal ca«h advances will be made when ilesired. Uci 17, Ib'JO. oatf A. W. FI LI.ER. n^3SOi.HS.iijiZ UROCER A N D Coiiiini^fs^ioii Merchant, NORTH WATER ST., \V I L MIX c r (J X. X c. Oct. s. 18*>U .'>y-6m ii, W. lin.I.ARlI, f ammission • fierrhan WILM{NGT(.»N, N (’. l)ROMPT and PER.'^OVAL attention will be (riven to 1 the sale of Naval Stores, ('otton, Lutuber, l imber. ! and all other country proauce. ! HKKKK ro O. G. Pakslf.t, Prea’t Com. Bank at Wilmingiou. .JoH.N D.xwsiin. •• K. N. C.. at do Mes'rs. H. E. J. Lilly, ) ,, ,, .. • r aytttevilie. .Me'r-rs. Pk.mbkhtun x hLoxN, i ! .\. Pakkek, Esij., Harnett County, N. C. •May 7, l^'io. lotf rIOTOGRAPHS can be had at ViinorsdeH's Skylitrht Gallery. Hay street, opposite .Marble Vard. F:,y- _ I etteville. N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water * colors, oil and ptistile; from smalt to lite size. Ambi o- types. Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the ,\rt. Also, Gilt Fra-nes. Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very lar^e pictures—as larije us 2ti by 3*) inches. Cord and Ta^se!s tor iianging pi'-tures; Instru ments. Stock an.l Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photo^rriphs mu le from small pictures. Having permaueutly locutcl here I liope to m. rii your patronage. 1 would also refnrn my sincere thanks tor the liberal patronage be.'towed on me iuretofore )>y the good peojde of Fayetteville aud \ieinitv. C. -M. VANORSDFLL, Photographist and Proprietor Dec’r 20, 185U 77- A. A. W rOLLD -nform friends in North Carolina, and throuehoui tiie .''outh, w)io wish to encourage Southern In lU'Jtry. th it he keeps consiHntly on liand, and is duilv finisiiintr. a lartfe assortineiil of T*EMiiCl,ES of eveiy description, mostly light work, wliich are faith fully made by eiperieuiied workmen in each branch. Hi; W"i'k w ill compare favorably witii any for neatii"i and .. irability. He is de'er’ otied ’i, >irll and do all work in liis line on as coo l terms as any that is a> well made. He lias now tinished a very larsre .( of work which he will sell low for C isii or on short time to punctual cu,: 'inor-, .Vll work warranted lli months witli fair usa^re, or should it fail by b.-id workmausiiip or material, will be repjiired free ot • liar^e. Orders from the .''outh will receive prr>n;pt attenti..ii He has witliin the last few y.nrs sold work in South Carolina, Georgia. .-Mab.ium, Mississippi, Florida, .\r- kan-ia' and Texn- eo^Ke puiring dune at short notice and ou reasouab>l«: terms.^ Dee r 17, {otf lillfli; IMItSTIil! IS \«>V I V ORDERS for solicited. I>r. Tiii:0. MARTIAE, HAV STRKEr. opposite the Po-t Office. ^ .. J ll Electricity applied. ■ -.ille. Oct. 17, 1800. Olitf Dental Aotice. .) '' •'TT expecting Lh be a'u.-'ent from Faj'etteville : I, : awhile. Dr. iJenbow will be in his Otlice to i-- i •) ail calls !tiat may be made professionally. Al.-o i •'.ve ,v/// liiiiy be due. ''’i.i.-e on Person strei.f. two doors ea-;t of tin- .M.irkei. •I .n'y 'J1. 1 ■'•■'1. K*if OEATISTRV. iK. .1. 1»\VIS having! decided on peruia- iH-iitly li)c;itirig in the Town of Fayeite- vilie. respcctlu!;y otl* is iii.s services to ihr* •iiizen5 of tliis pLtco an i -^uri- .uii lii country. In all «* viiious branches of his Pi'ot*-'>ion. iiM;luiiing Llie fi ifacture of .Mineral Teetli, lie is 'aiisfiod. afier mi •• ’nsive e.xpcrience, to whicli is added a thorough Deti- e iucatioii, tliat he can givceniire sati.sfaction as fir . - iti the jiuwer of L>eiiii'lry. Ail irregularities ot tl;e ■ • ii treated in a proper and oiicii;! m;innei'. as weJl i I ' of the mouth. None but tlie firoper-metals iue • u>-e .if in the various operations. '.’)i,>rges will be u rate, that liie b.,-netits of the Profession may >>e • 1 witliiii liie teach of all who may leel an inteie-r pri -erv.ii III of (he Teeth. r.Tji Office over Houston's .lewehy Store, where lie ■ ^ found lit a.i times. '■ . ;». 1^(;')>( ')tf 15. F. pi:akce, — Vv l i il A. lie11^0, ''tminhsHiii Mertiiaiil and I'rodute Healer, • A.ND DKAI.hK l.N Groceries, I'loviriiijns, Hardware, ( iillery, * Bouts, .■'hoes and Leather. Bag;ring, Hope. Saddlery, Xc., ^Foreign and Domestic Lit^uors, and V ims al .Manufacturers’ prices. I'ict attention pai«l to orders. SoCTM SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. i -I. lw','1. .5otf ALFUKD ALDEIIMA:^, Inspector of Aa«al «loi*e«, WILMLNGTON, N. (\ C. II. R«»BIN.S(jN. h. h. robinsun C. II. RORIANOA X UK, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. (’. Consignments and country orders will receive prompt personal attention. Kinston N. (.1 une J. r CARPENTER. Agent 21; 18''iO. :i‘.‘-lf March 17. 18H0. 2tf Dealers in Lime, Plaster. Ce- I’LAHK & TlUnJXGTON. COMMISSION MERCH/NTS, WILMINGTON, N. (’. ^yyiLL give special attention to the sale or shipment 01 her country produce, ment, Hair, vVc.; and l(ii:\TS FD^l STK\MKRS R^TK llfLAURl' ,\\U Sl\. Refer to; H. R. .'savasre, ’ashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wiliiiiiiifton; .Ino. Diw-iirii. I’n-s't Wilmington Branch 1 B.'uik of North Carolin i; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh ' Branch I'.ank of t'ape Fear. I Dec. 11, 18bO. 7H-if J.Nd. S. DANl V. J.\u. II. IIV.MW, F. M. UV.M.\X. 1 I .ate of TarhoTu". I.nt nf Sattland Jk'4'^- I.ate of IVarrtnton I OAAC Y, limAA A: CO., ;U0CEIIS & COMMISSION MEIICHAXTS, ! I^il Pear! Street, rattK. liVHAA, DAACl A: Co., i'oniiiii^Moii Merctiaiiti§9 I ^OKl'Oi.K, VA. I Tlie New York House will be conducted by Jno. S D\ncv, aided by U. W.*' The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jno H H^ and F. .M. Particular attention given to the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHKAT, NAVAL STORES, 6lc. Sept. 11, 18»»0. FAI KT'S EVII.I.K IIOTEI., T WADDTLL, Proprietor ^HIS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith I Carolina, fronting ;iOO feet on Hay and j Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the ; portion of the town, and surrounded by all ■ the Banking Housn, Wholesale ,\Ierchants and princi- | pal I^roluce Detilers j f^f**Busines: mrn will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable hou^e All the Staees arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. Oct 1. lsf)8. 51- ~SIIE.\l\VEi.L HOUSE, , i FEW HOOKS NOUTII OF THE M.IRKET HOUSE. The Justices ol Cuill" Horrors of Cvoil War—Those who are berland County are requested to attend investing in epaulettes aud swords, and, for t^e _ _ at the Court House iu Fayetteville, on gport they expect from a civil war, ar#» sparing no Wednesday of March Term, 1801, at 11 o clock A M,, pjiius or efibrt to get one up, will find, should for the transactiou of Chin’n. unholy efforts be crowned with succe^, that Feb’y 20. ’ 98 tc : civil war abounds more in horrors than in pas- - times, and that blood and misery rather than XHE XORXIl CAROEirVA pleasure and profit are its horrible frv.its. Let Ml TIAL LIFE 1NSIRA]\CE COMPAi^Y, them pause and calmly reflect upon the miseries in which they are endeavoring to plunge them- ATOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public coii- ti'leiice, continues to insure the lives of all healihy per sons from 11 to 00 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 00 years of ape are insured for one year or for tive }’ears for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after Keep %oiii* Honey ^oiilli! .\ud build up vour uwn r aiur. v and Tow:i. t-v cailing on .M. A. b.\ki:r. !?lniiiirac'tiirer of‘(loii!»le and l^le barrel Rille!i aii«l Pi^tol^., Jf all the ditierent pHtterns n iw used in the United Sraies or Britain. Call anl see. at M. B.-\KEH'S Fayetteville, N. Nov 12, l^liO. •‘■‘.ttf TO TIIE ERIEAO^ OF HOME M.VXri'ACTUlU'S. THE KINSTON SJIOM^ r.iCTOIlX^ /(.ctjA /AWING to the extensive increase of patronage IJ11.E.4M \ / to ihib House, duriug the, I have ex- , 11 T- • , 1 IT ■ ^ I satisfactory proof is iiresented. — lendod my lacilities by the addition of a nuin- ' ' ber of cimfortablc sleepinar rooms, with other import- ' ant init>rovements, which will add materially to the j comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their juvtruuuge. To those wiio have been my kind friends and cus- ! torner- for the past six }’ears, I tender my most sincere ihntiks, at the same time rcsf-ectfuny soliciting a fon- ' tiniiance of their pnti ..imie, and also the patronage of \ a large number of new patrons ' I have good Stables and a No. 1 ((slier. P. SHEMWELf.. •Tan'v l*'i, 1800 81- SIK’ESSFIL OI'KKATIO.V. negro BROGAN.S and BOOTS are ^taii* Poli^li ot‘ the SoiilliS ;TI A A1 I A ' T r R E O R1 A, J. WOODWARD, FA VETTEVIEEE, C. For further information the public is referred to Agents ,f the Company in all p irts of the Stale, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh E. J. HALE, Agent at •Tau’y I85y Fayettev'lle, N. C. Business Enlarged. ExteHsive Shoe •llanufaetory. ^pilE firm of Wm Carter and Sons having been recent selvea and the thirty-one millions of their coun trymen—men, women and children. Did they ever read the histories of civil wars and note their horrors? Let them take for instance the French Revolution and ponder its results before they iol- %w in its waiie. The following extract will give them a glimpse into our future should their policy be carried out: “As a warning to the American people at this time, they should read the history ot the French revolution, and contemplate its horrible results. 'I'he extent to which blood was shed during its continuance will hardly be credited by the pres ent age, but it is correctly stated that the number ol victims reached one million, twenty-two thou- i:ACLE HOTEL AfXil 6] MiK. C .. J. II?.! 5[*;*oprielor. • n ^ive' I1HE i* ti' - t.r •■v.'l him IT .elf' condiiidv> his g'K'si- g 1 livui'.'. ti,^ b 'yb Every coiii'oi-t ii'Ualiv to !ie Iia I in a .Ti st cli s Hotel, will be furiii'he't tn )iis i; :.--!-!. Stage othco for Morganton, at this House. “ “ “ CharUitle, “ “ Spartanburg, S. C.. “ “ “ Greenville, “ “ “ “ " " (ireenville, Teun., Daily, Besidtts which, good hacks and careful and attentive Drivers at all tiiiu ' be had to convey parties lo any j'art of the splendid .Mountain 'cenery of this region, su'jh as the Black .Mountain, the Swannanoa (Jap. the Hickory Nut Gap atid Falls, the W'urm Sprin{r«. >.'ic , any of which are within h -iiort tlay's ride of Asheville, .'^ept. 24, lt'0>. . • o8-ly "WESTERA RAIL ROAD. I ly dissolved, a new association has been formed sand, and three hundred and fifty-one. Ot this number, eighteen thousand six hundred and three were guillotined by the order of the Revo lutionary Tribunals; thirty-two thousand were victims under Carrier at Nantes; tiiirty-two thou-, sand at Lyons; three thousand lour hundred wo men died of premature child birth; three hundred and forty-eight in child-birth from grief; and there were slain during the war in La Vendee nine hundred thousand nien, fifteen thousand women, and twenty-two thousand children. In this enu meration are not comprehended the massacre at Versailles, at the Abbey, the Carmes and other prisons, on the 2d of September; the victims shot at Toulon and Marseilles; or the persons slain in the little town of Bedoin. of which the whole popu lation perished.” Let the people look on that picture, and reflect well before they lend themselves to the wild and rash schemes of precipitating demagogues. u!ider the firm of •Warsh^ Vurter Co.^ whi) will continue to ni inufaclure all kinds of BOO'fy and SHOE. SADDI.F.'^, 1IARNE;^S, and LEATHER of every di'scription. upon a much more exten-'ive so.ale than hereioAire. Conibined with our Tannery, it is one of tl;.‘ l irirest cstabl'shnient'' of the kind in the .South ern country Orders from a dictancf' shall ha’’' prompt attention.' 'lAHi^H. ('\RTEH & ('O. ('artersville, ('hafhnni Co.. N. Feb'v 5. 91 3m ^PHE folIowin;i rates will now be charged for Pjsseb- 1 geis on this Road, viz; To Little River, .“iO ct'^. To Spoirt spring. 76 '* To Jonesboro’, 1 00 To Mclver s. 1 25 Train leaves ihe Depot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fi idays. nt o’clock .V .M Returning, leaves Mclver''j at 1 o'clock I’ M C. B. MALLETT, Pres’t Nov. 1‘.'. 1800. 71 If NHAUKST AND OUR’KEST ROITE TO TIIE RAILROAD! A OTIC E. Vs I expect to be absent from home a tew months iu the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized .\gent to transact my business until 1 return. N. G. JONES. Dee’r *28. 8otf To Land Riiyer»«. ^PH E undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT HINHKED ACliES OF LAVD, adjoining the land belonging lo the estate of George Wilcoi, dec'd, and lyiug three miles South from Car- bouton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye. &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwclang. and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred und fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing j . boftom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish- ^ iug to make investmeuts, as lauds are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M, McRae, ('rane’s Creek, P. O., -Vloore county, or address nie at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heir? of Gilbert McRae, dee d Carbouton, Moore co,, N. C.. Aug. 24 43tf i'niot! Sentimtnt in Mississippi—President JefferAou Dads at Home.—The Natchez Courier denies that the announcement ot the election ot Jefferson Davis as President of the Southern Confederacy occasioned any rejoi*ng in that city, and adds: So far from the news of the appointment of Mr as Provisional President being received ' with alacrity it was received with regret. Nei ther in character nor in politics has he any held upon the confidence of the people. He has at last attained what he has been struggling for tor ten years past—a Presidency. We may admire the ingenuity with which he has attained his object, and yet despise the tricks by which he has crawled to it. There was no sound of rejoicing here at Natchez, j either on account of the formation of such a South- m REWARD. jp.\N.\WA7 from the subscriber last April, my Nezro It Man CH.ARLES; he is full blooded negro, round | ern Confederacy, or the appointment of such features. ■) feet 8 or 10 inches high, well set ami in- i ruJerg The words sprung too often from one to p tl I N BEAMAN & UOHINSOX’S FOIK HOKSE STVt.K LIVE TO KeAn^VII.LE. VH W\KSIW, the shorte=f and mo>Jt expedition^ for travelers goinrr -North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every dav at 2 o’clock P. M. THROl'GH IN TEN HOURS. Our Coaches are large and comfortable, drivers sober and gentlemanly, our teams good and sure of five miles an hour. The traveling public who would >^tudy their comfori and convenience will t-;ke the War>saw Stage. fe^THROLGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Otlke, I'ayetleville. .May 2o. ls.;u, ' 2o-tf FA V ETTEVILLE MITI AL IXSI RWCE COMPAW. telHgent for n necro: would weiffli wheu he left, from i ^ f i • 9 4 « *.u 1.35 To lOu, age about 28 years. He has a scar under i C u one of his ears caused by a cut, the sear h " out, and very much resembles a wen above rewartl to any person delivering him to me at Springfield, Richmond County, N. or for his con finement in any .Tail so that I can get him. SHOCKLEV L. GIBSON, for JANE McNAiR Springfield, I'ec. 26, I860. 82-tf YOU I\ .nARIiET. I LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined tc buy and p.iy as liberal prices for them as ttie state of the market will permit By addressing him he will call immediately, uni make liberal offers, as al! will find who will try him CHARLES T. STEVENS Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10, 1800. 52-lypd has protruded people to have DO choice? Can a Convention al- i will pay the i ter Constitutions? impose taxes? appoint Consti tution makers? inaugurate Presidents? Are they oligarchs, and are we nothing?” And each citi zen had to confess that there was no reply to these questions. We live under an oligarchy that has not yet dared to trust the people with a say as to its consent. Right as the South is upon the great question at issue, its position has been compromit- ted by the events of the last two months. The : consent of the governed is an essential element ; of government. The people of the Southwest j might have voted for all that has been done, ' ‘ but their consent has not yet been'eifher asked or ' obtained. Capital in Premium Notes nmounts to t'aiii oh hand an 1 t>iher a>'ets. S'2t57,088 5.077 W A AT ED. L-\RGE quantity of CoTTO^^ and LINEN R.\GS, L for which fair prices will be paid. DAVIT) MUKPHV. Au»i. 17 41 Total, S’272.70.5 01 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made au on their premium notes. Total los'es paid, S29.‘i82 I »KFiok««: (JFO. McNEiLL. Presideut. D AV. Vice Presi'Ient. A. McMlLLAN, Secy. DiRKi roits; H Henry Lilly, H. L. My rover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan \. Stedmati. C. B. Mallett, .Jatii 's Kyle. \lcKcthaii, •T. D. Willi-ims, W. Tillinglmst. W, N. Tillingha'Jt, S, .1, Hinsd.ile, Wni. McLaurin, r. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, G. C»ok, Ifon. .1. ti. Shepherd, K. F. Brown. ) A. E. Hall. Wiliiigton. Joiin Ci»llin and C. M;Crummen. Traveling Agents. if^TI le t'ompany invite nj'plications. May 28, 180U. ‘ 21-1 v .ETM (-iniPlM. HARTFORD, COAA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual The Difference.—The Louisville Journal calls attention to the significant fact that, in the Ala bama Convention, some days ago, Mr. Yancey I opposed a proposition to submit the Constitvition, I which may be adopted by the Southern Conven tion that assembled on the 4th of this month, to I the several seceding States for ratification, lie ' thought this utinecessary. Our forefathers, when I their representatives framed the piesent Constitu- ■ tion, ratified it before it became the charter of i their liberties. Cntil they did so, it was but so ' much blank paper. The secession leaders, hav- ’ ing driven the people into disunion, wish to im- . pose upon them a government, without permitting them to say whether they approve it or not. In rPHE undersigned have caused to be published from j a word, they ignore the theory that governments , ' derive their authority from the consent of the ot Capt. \\ likes, L. Navy, .and his Associates on the i I'll I'ti Boanl appointed by the Secretary of the .Navy to ex- ; ® amine the Deep River Reeion of North Carolina. This 1 ~ is the mo^t important and scientific statenient of the | Cases A/ (smy out of the Instiluttau of tS/u- great wealth of that section of the Stale, ami the Maps | veri/.—Tiiree cases of political imjiortance will the niooi perfect and valuable, ot .any yet published, gocm be before the United States Suiireme (’ourt. The Maps are wortii the price ot tlie work, whicii is .>0 rio i r tr i ^ * ^ Ihese are an apeal from the J erntorial Court ot FI RTCIER Si PPI.IES. OPES and FE.VU.'': The Queens of Society; .Mau-i- field'-^ Pol'.iical .Manual: Woods' (J'lass Book of Bo tany; Letter Copying Book-': Tom Brown at Oxford; Tale of Two Cities: Beer's System of Penmanhip: Schooi Books. .VC. ' E. J. HALE X SONS. Jan. HO. ',t2. C\1PT. WILKES’S REPORT ON THE DEEP RIVER .^11\ER\L KECION. Authorized ’apitiiL Piiid up (u pi til I, Assots. ni RKCTOUS. 63tf FOK ULEKKS OF TIIE I'OI BTS. [.EXECUTION, TRIAL, and APPEARANCE DOCK- lli ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK Books, in great variety. May "il. E. J. H.\LE & HONS. Forty yt*ar*’ Familiar Letler.s of.las. W. .Alexander, 1). D.: Sermons, by J. Addison I., ' Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret U ibL attend promptly to the transaction of all busi_ Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Vusef; Shirley; School ue,M Consigned to his care. Books, &c. ' ' ' G9-0m pd i July lU. E. J. HALB & SON. That Polish! How it Shinos. Many of you recol lect nine years ago that I travelled through North Carolina and a portion of South Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Polish. .As time elapsed I found that it would mould. I have succeeded in making it perfect and will warrant it to gi''e satistaction. [t caii be had at retail for Id cents per box tn’ at wholesale for sixty cents per tlozeti. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time i ^-cj' wi>h them tilled May •'), l^i'O. 1^‘ly A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIEWDS- ^PIK)SE persons for whom I have been attending to I Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that 1 have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, inc., &c I offer my services, with a jiromise of strict attention. J.\S. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 20tf book-¥indi:\g IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and des}>atch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. 11. TILLLVGilAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1S59. M T. K BR VCE, S. TCDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKFLLV. R. MATHER. E. G. RIPi^EV. AV. F. E. G. Rii’Lr.v, Pre«'t. T. K. Bu.\ct;, Jr., Sec y. II. A. G. 1). T. W. C. (M) 2,0:i>.4‘23 80 S. WARD. Z. PR\TT. DUNHAM. F. DAVIS. IIILLVER. A. ALEXANDFR. KENEY. H. BRAINARD ClMlts, neatly bound in cloth, ('opies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of oO cotits. A Liberal dis- couJit to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 2»l. E. J. il.VL!^ & SONS. Tiie Sun 11 y South, i>y Prol. Iii- srrahatn: Say and Seal, by the .\utlior of “Wide Wide World,” 'tc.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Flixir of GoM, by a Southern Lady: Fvenings at the Micro- i scope, iVc., tic. E. J. H.ALF & SONS, j (Vt. IS, Tiie liaw' ol Saieai ot Per.«oiiai Kansas on a decision as to the right uf the peo ple ol a Territory to exclude slavery therefrom; the controversy between Gov. Magoffin, ot Ken tucky, and Gov. l>ennison, of Ohio; and the Lem mon case, from New \ork. Tom Corwin’s Wit.—While this capital joker was a member of the General Assembly of the Ohio State, he brought in a bill for the abolition of public punishment at the whipping post. He made a speech thereon, to which an elderly mem- Starkie on Evidence, Vol. 1 xAe%« Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. HALE & SONS. TUTTLE. I T. .V. .Alk.\ani>eh, V. Pres't. i WiLLi.\.Ms, Adjuster. I Rates as low as I’i.Kt kc r solvk.ncy ana fair profit will allow, ASSETS.—July 1859. Market value Bank Stocks in New Voi’k, Hartford, Bos ton. St. Louis. ,vc.. SOl.5.314 00 United States Stock and Treasury Notes. 210,120 ;'>0 State Stocks: New Vork, Oiiio, Kentucky. Teiine.ssee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, llociioster. Brook lyn. .ler^ey •’’ity, Railro^dStocks; Hanford and New Haven. Boston and W^orcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered, Miscellaneous Itetns. Cash, on hand and deposited ou call, and in ge its’ hands, sharswood. Wendell's Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes bv Sharswood. Adams’ F.ipiity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Coutrads, >S:c. E .1. ll.VLF .v TlieSoaidierii Harniony„ Sf!i€*ol Books, &c., further supplies ju-i received . Aug 4. 1800 F .1. HALF ,'t SONS l*lb,00.:> 00 110,000 UO S7.0.')8 00 «3.08i4 00 70,103 78 •20,848 77 -.*«ie€Oiil wii|>- HALE & SONS LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due, 350,303 15 $2,030,428 80 §88,242 08 JlQ^ Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville E. J. HALE. Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged ber replied somewhat as follows and ii.iproved. ^ . i ^ i Starkie ou Evitlence, 8th Edition, with Notes by “ The gentleman is not as olu as 1 am, and has not seen so luuch of the practical operation of the system of punishment, which hu desires to abolish. W'hen 1 lived in Connecticut, it a fellow stole a horse, or cut up any rustics, we used to tie him right up and give him a real good thrashin’; and he always cleared right out, and we never saw him any more. It’s the best way of gettiiig rid ot rogues that ever was tried, and without ex pense to the State.” Corwin ro.^JC and replied: “.Mr. Speaker, I have often been puzzled to account for the vast emigration from Connecticut to the West; but the gentleman last up has ex plained it to my entire satisfaction.” The bill was pa?so(.l»»»ithout farther diseusisioii. .1 Lincohiism.—At Utica, New York, Mr. Lincoln delivered the following speech: • Ladies and Gentlemen: — I have no speech to make to you and no time to speak in. I appii'ar befors you that I may see you and that you may see me; and I am willing to admit that so far as the ladies are concerned, I have th». best of the bargain, though I wish it to be understood that I do not make the same acknowledgment couoert^ I ing the men. [Laughter and applause.] Ainianae«i for IS»I- ply just received. F J Jan’y 0. BEAHLE’S HIME .NOVELS, \os. 10, 11, 12, 13 A 1 4 “ “ Song Books and Melodist. “ Hair Dime, and Five Cent \ovels. E. J. HALE ic SONS Jan. 30. 22- Siereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. A NEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & SONS Aortli Carolina Form llooi«, 4 FURTHRK supply just received. A E. J. HALE & SON. Tlie Presbyterian Pf^alinodi^t Character noiea. A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS.