[vol.. X.! FAYETTEVILLE. N. C.. MARCH 7. lf»61. [NO. 1002.] IllNTF.Il MilNUAVS ANT THURSDAVS KDWAKI) J. HALE & SONS, ^■nlT^MtS AND I'ROPRIETORS v r lilt' Sfiui-Weekly Ouservkr S3 CM) if paid in :r:r - f. ^ '*• it pai'l during the year of subsorip- >1 HtUM tho year has expired. , \\,‘.'k!y !tK'» BVER $‘J fM) per annum, if paid in •' it’ ptiid duiinjt the year of subscrip- T T- ' ut'tor the year has expired. r.ti Al>\ KHT1.''KMKNTS inserted for 60 cents per • I'l Uno'* 'or lh»' first, and 30 cents for each ■ifT I'u’tlication. Yearly advertisements by spe- at reasonable rates. Advertisers ar»? 1 -;iHte the number of insertions desired, or „ h(‘ Imtinuod till forl>id, and charged acconi- 1 ivtTtiM'iiient'i 11' be inserted inside, charged 50 per SPKt’lAL NOTK’E. ’"iiiii :uul after this date, no name of a new subscriber . ’ entered without payment in advance, nor will ! iri'V be .•'ent to such subscribers for a longer time > !'!lid tor. S .. !i ..if (U’.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa ir n ihis system will please notify us when making "aiices. Jan’y 1, 1858. JAIS. C. McRAE, •Ittorney at £rfir, ■ tffice West end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. March 'J*!, Ibti'i. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, ittornej at Latr, Fayetteville, N. C. .t^ice that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., tv iie >ne now occupied by him in Dr. Uobinson's ..-.'.'iin,:. Green Street. -J. 1 'oy. 72- n. A. BAKER, vorpER s.ntTH. Turpentine stills manufactured on the most favorable terms. .\11 work wari'anted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 2l2, 1860. 63tf W. H. CAKV^^ Dealer in Dry IwooiIm, Crrocerie^, niid Provi»ioiiM, II/"ILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods ft on hand, to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for Produce at Cash prices. Hay Street, Fayetteville. N. C., April 1(51800. 9-tf •loseuh W. Barbour, ISSPEfTOR OF SPIRITS Tl'KPEXTINE. Having been appointed bv last ’'ountv Court, IN SPECTOR OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE. 1 am now ready to give the business my personal attention. All who may favor me with their business will find it prompt ly attended to at my Warehouse in Campbellton, oppo site John .\. McLauchlin. Dec. 11th, 18t)0. 78-t5mpd A. n. cA.nPBELi^, Auctioneer and Conimhsiou Merchant) —Will attend to the sale of— Goods, \%*itres and •lierehandite, Real Estate, ^*egroes, Dec. 17, 18t)0. 71)-6mo3 W T II’.W. .WrMj. .WrK.f V, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. X. 0. ’ILL attend the C,>unty and Superior Courts of 'berlunil, Harnett. .Moore and Robeson Coun- ?r -iiipt attention given to the collection of all > r.:ruted to his hands. 'T. 1>'5'.». 58-tf liAW .\OTICE. V i> jfviher havins removed from Summerville to (••vvi'.!,'. will attend the County and Superior t'uiu>«orl.'ind. Harnett and .Moore. His office •• ;• i;:- residence, on (Ireen Street, opposite the • - i' I'liiii-i'ti. : ■rre'ij'^indents will please address him hereafter FI I'eville. in>iead of Summerville. NEILL McKAV. '•in lSt)0. 85-tf l^aw Aotice ’•ip - . -i riber having retired from the Bench, with -e to devote himself to the practice of the Law. ^t i hereafter the countieo of Cumberland, Rob- . Ahl i.' iden. at all the Courts, and the Superior . - : Kicliuiiiud, Harnett and Ssunpson. J. G. SHEPHERD. i. !->;!». 23tf JOSKPH H.\Ki:k/jR., \TTOR\FV IT LAW, > • ikeii an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law H 'U Green .Street. He will attend and practice :e • ounty and Superior Courts of Cumberland, .-a. It 'beon and Sampson. : -0.1^59. 7&tf JO.SEPH R. ULOSSOM. CYRUS .?. VAN AMRIXGE. jo$$. R. niMOSfnon d: co., €ommi»^i$ioii i>lerchant8, ^V. Jll^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash alvances made on Produce to be shippoi’ to other ports or sold in this market. Feby 12, 1861. 9'Jtf u. w. i.A €’o.yM.HMssMn.r .rtKnc« WILMINGTON, N. C. IVT’ILL attend personally to the sale of Naval Stores. M Timber, Cotton. Flour, and all other country pro duce that may be consigned to him. BsBf* Orders filled promptly. Wilmington, N. C., Feb’y 4 1861. 04-ly T. C. A: B. U. worth/ Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28. 1861 84tf WILIilA^I J. I*RI4 inspect or of Tn rpent ine, WILMIN(^.T()N, N. C Will attend promptly to all business entrusted !(> his care. March 29 1860. 4-lypd W F. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL. W\ p. Ki:\DAI.I. A: General t'otnniissioM •lierrhanfs^ ^»Ol TII WATKK «*TKFI:T. WlL.)fL\CTOX, X. C. RDERS from the Country respectfiill}’ solicited (.>n consignments of Cotton and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be ma le when desired. Oct. 17, 1860. 63tf H W RORl nc.\AIR, Ittorney and i'ounseiior at JLair, H'.MBERTt»N, N. C. ’I L siUend and practice in the (’ounty and Superior ur ' of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland, t.e-i- iiitrn-ited t) him will receive prompt at- :id n.jllections punctually remitted. - . >V,*. 55tf p. FILLER, Utoruey and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THK COURTS OF Kobe>(«n, (iimberland, ( oIumbiiH and Bladen. ‘It Lumljerton, Robeson (’o., N. C. -:yO. >• . 29tf l»r. TIIEO. .TIART1.\E, fj' Hay .STREET, opposite the Post Office. ■ I Electricity applied, fi.'-■ • Oct. 17, 18*>4J. 62tf Dental A'otice. ) ' 'i r expecting to be aV)seut from P’ayetteville i. nvhile. Dr. Benbow will be in his Office to at- ‘ ■ til i.-ails that may be made professionally. Also aint Juri'lf that may be due. e .n Person street, two doors east of the Market. J-iti'y 21, IMOI. 89tf 0 A. W. FI LLER, GROCER AND Commission iHerciiaiit, NORTH WATER ST., WIL MIN G T O y, X. ('. Oct. S, 1860 59-6m U, W\ R1 LLARD, Commission •Iferrhanf, WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT and PP'KSON.XL attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all other country produce. RKFKR TO O. G. Parsley, Pres’t (’’om. Bank at Wilmington. John Dawson, “ R. N. C.. at do. Mes.srs. H. & E. J. Lilly, ) Favetteville Mes.srs. Pkmbf.rto.v & Sloak, i ^ A. Parkkr, Esq., Harnett County, N. C. May 7, I860. 15tf C. H. ROBINSON. II. n. ROBINSON. €. H. ROBIA>iO:\ Sa CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINI'.TON, N. C. Consignments and country orders will receive prompt personal attention. March 17. 18«0. 2tf D' DEATISTRF. ,R. J. D.WIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully otters his services to the ;zen« ut' this place and surrounding country. In all various branches of his Profession, inclmling the •nufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an I’•ti'-ive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- ; education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far lu the jKiwcr of Deuiisiry. All irregularities of the ;i Meat«d in a proper and careful manner, as well .is •fr- of the mouth. None but the proper metals are ■ 'i>,e -if in the various operations, ^’hr.rges will be : > e. that the benefits of the Profe.ssioa may be I within the reach of all who may feel an interest pre^ervatiun of the Teeth. itiice over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he ■ found at all times. -V i i. 9tf F.\LL AM) WIMER STYLES, II J. A. PEMBERTON IS N(^W RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF FVil# ^ ^W*iniei• 4woodSn compinsing the greatest variety of NEW STYLES ever offered by him He will receive in a few days, one of the most mag nificent selections of Ladie«^ %>lvef liafM and Boiiiiet»i, and i^tran Bonnet«, trimmed^ ever offered in this market. They were put up by one of the most stylish Houses in the (,'ity of New York, and .)/.!/>A Exriii:ssrA' to order. The public are invited to give them an inspection, as he will be pleased at all titnes to show them. He Hatters himself that after fifceen years experience in the Fancy Dry Goods traile. his selections and ad vantages will be worthy of a call from those in want of desirable new Style Goods at LOW PRICES. He wouM take this occasion to say to his friends (many of whom have p.atronized him from hi commence ment in business,) that he duly appreciates their many favors and hopes never to part company with any of them. and see the New Styles. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 12. o2i4w-tf FAI.U 1860. JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his FALL and WINTER supply of DB«Y 04>OD8, AMONG WHICH ARE: Black and ('olored Silks; Merinoes, French and English; Delaines, French and others; Parisian Cloths, and other Dress Goods: Ladies’ Etnb’d Collars and Sleeves; Long and S.juare Shawls; Chenille Shawls, Silk and Cotton; Bolting ('loths, assorted Nos.—.\nker; Boots and Shoes; with a large assortment of Hats and t^aps, with many other Gocvls. -\11 ot which were bought cheap by the Package, and will be offered by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP Sept. 12, 18t)0. 52tf Sl'fllM! Flhli'STOd FOR 1860! iSTAKK & WILI.IAMS, yo. 50, H.VY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE. N C.. are now receiving their SECOND SI’PPLY of SEASO.VABLE GOODS, EMBRACING A LVRGE STOCK OF FANCY A STAPLE DRY GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. BO\ A ETN, I n BR E 1.1. A Readff-tflade t'iothtnf^, ^V. Xc, •\11 of which will be offered to Wimlesale bwyers exclu sively. either for Cash or on the usual time, to j'roinpt paving customers. j' B. STARR. J M WILLIAMS SejH. 27. 186(J. otltf .#f .V0. :tl. Hat0 St. 1/1 ^1*^- PHINTS. tiniisually low. either by 11'.' *U* * wholesale or retail. .')0 Doz WOOL and other H.\TS. C I. O T II I > G at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock of s’nrii; m nm m noons, all of which will be ofifered on as favorable terms as any House in the State. J. K. KYLE. Oct. 4. I860. .58tf HUSKE & ANDERSON. -DK.\LER9 IN- $^faple an«l Fancy Dry Ciioodw, Reaiff/mjfiaiie Clothiuff^ .liid (ireutienieiiN riiriihhiiig Goods of every description. BALLOU’S FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &o. 8tc. ive per cent, off for all Cash Bills of $25 and upwards. Xos. 4* and 4s Hay St., (Hotel Biiildinti',) M\i\*ETTE\^IEEE, .V. C. WHIGHT HUSKE. JOHN II. ANDERSON. Formerly B’k Cape Fear. For'ly with J. A. Pemberton. Nov. 28, 1800. ’4tf Eftll Stork of BOOKS AN!) STATIONERY. e are now receiving a very fall supply of Law, Medical and .Miscellaneous Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Knvelope.s, «Lo. JVOTICE. ' general scott and his enemies. The SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale MATTRESSES of No more humiliating exhibition of the ingrati- all kinds; also. BEBSTE.ADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, tude of Republics could be presented than is fur nished by the indiscreet behavior of sundry mal contents in some ot the "Tiouthern States. The students at the University of Virginia, or some among them, have displayed the length to which human passion and prejudice may go, by burning in effigy the first soldier in America. In this act these young gentlemen who expect to take our places it the ballot box, in legislative assemblies, at the bar of legal tribunals, and even in our pul pits, when we shall have passed away, have only and all kinds of Furniture, cheap for Cash, or in ex change for countrj' produce. Person St., opposite the Cape Fear Bank, M. CAGLE & BRO. Faj'etteville, N. C.. March 1. I-Om HALE SON. October 8, 18G0. c,bNLt* ARJlESSP^ Constantly M-iniifacturing at niy Establishment, nVEKY VARIETY OF HARNESS. Ci S.'idiiles, Bridles. Collars, Whips and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; $25 REWARD, WILL be paid by the subscriber for catching and confining in Jail my Negro Woman JULI.\, bought last ?’all, of the estate of .James Sundy, dec’d. She is tall, tolerably black, well proportioned and likely, about 30 years old. Her husband Nelson, is pilot or fireman imitated the unworthy example set them by cer- on the Str. Douglas, as I have been informed, and is j citizens of the seceding States. As for owned by a gentleman in Wilmincrion. She has a brother circumstances a poor exhibition of impotent spite. The flames that consume the effigy leave no scar upon the person or character of the gallant old warrior whom thtse misguided men seek to dishonor. This harmless display ot malignity will be forgot ten long before the story of the battle fields from Vera Cruz to the city of the Aztecs shall cease to occupy a noble place in our country’s annals. The testimonials that have been heaped upon Winfield Scott, from the special rank created tor him by the National (^'^igress down to the cheap est set of coniplim' .ury resolutions passsd by State authority, only serve to signify the estima tion in which he is held by the American people. No act of his life can be tortured into an expres sion of enmity towards any portion of his country, lie has simply done his duty under all circum stances, winning honor for the nation he served at the same time that he was gaining for himself a world-wide reputation f*>r genius and military skill. Wherever he L d his army, tVie flag under which he (ought was the token and emblem of victory. No matterwU.it odds were to be encount- red, no ii.atter what ai>advantages were to be living in Robeson County by the name of Moses. She may have gotten to one of said places. R. McDANIEL. March 2. l-2t Wilmington Herald copy It in the Weekly and It in the Daily, and forward bill. ^VOTICE. k LL PERSONS indebted to tlie subscriber either by jil Note or Account, previous to January 1st 1861. are earnestly requested to call and settle; I nm in need of money. M. N. LE.\RY. Jr. Feb’y 26. 1000 3wpd To Hire, For the remainder of the year, a very good GIRL, about 17 years of ape, accustomed to house work; can wash and cook a little. Apply to EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, March 4, 1801. l-2w •/. ml. Pemberton 'l^ILL receive in a few days a large lot of those ft Vieautiful Salem Cassimeres and Tweeds, THEY ARE Hade in .\orlli Carolina, Condition Powders, for diseased’ Horses and Cattle; * DURABLE than any other Goods for the ! overcome, every Atiieri.-an citizen felt that defeat wa.s impossible so long as Sc dt was directing the battle. And what is the crime that has brought upon his head the displeasure of his countrymen? What deeds of darkness and of blood has he per petrated to earn for him the title ot “Butcher Scott?” To what depth of degradation has the veteran fallen to render appropriate the following sentence, which we clip froHi the Savannah News: . ,1 I . u • , 1 ^ The (Jround Cursed. — .\ subscription is being raised he public generally, that she is prepared to make | Virginia to purch.ase the birth-place of General Scott, in Ditiwiddie county, to be placed under a trust, which is to prevent another child from ever being born on the Coach Trimmings, ('’arpet Bags. Valises, Saddlery, Hardwiire, Kc. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of H.-iraess and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. -5 Market st. Wilmingion, N. C., near th; Wharf. Nov. 3, 1800. 07-ly same money —-ALSO— A LARGE LOT OF Rock Inland Ker»eyM, Tvi'cedii and 4^a«*^imere!^, of very superior quality. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 13, I860. 52i4w-tf TO THE I^ADTkS! Mrs. GIBSON respectfully informs her friends and th DR FOSSES in the most fasiiionable style, she will also cut and fit for any ladies wishing to make their own | ! Dresses; CHILDREN’S CLOTHING cut or made to order. Mrs. Gib.son has taken the Agency for the sale of a cxcellent CHART, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. ' vengeance could inflict no punishment more dire re t ies They are very simple in | „ian this. And all this opprobrium is poured m», oarefuli; ^ conslrucnon, a»d therefore easj ,o undersuod. Ihe the days of his old a^e, because of his fidelity to his country. He has B. F. PEAUCE, WITH \. '^JininIsslon Merchant and Produce Dealer, AND DEALER IN Groceries, i'rovisions. Hardware, ('utlery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, I'ciggtng, Rijpe, Saddlery, He., Foreign and Domestic Liijuors, ' et-Dngs Hud Yarns at Manufacturers’ prices. Cei?‘*Stri(.:i attention paiii to orders.“^^ SOUTH SIDE HAV STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. .-.u. ’o5tf ALFRED ALDERMAKr Inspector ot iVaval stores, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. ' attend promptly to the transaction of all busi ^ couHigaed to liis care. '^ 69-6ru pd ULAKK & Tl HLIXGTOX. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give special attention to the sale or shipment of all .Naval Stores, Colton. Flour, Timber, and other country produce. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce ment, Hair, &c.; and IGEMS FOR STE\)IKRS K\TR llcLACRl*’ .i\D SI'\. Refer to: II. R. Savage, ’a«hier Bank of Cape Fear. Wilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres’t Wilmington Rranch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. .Tones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Doc. 14, 1860. 79-tf JXO. s. DA.NCV, JNO. II HY.M.W, F. .M. HYM.^N, />a/e of-Tarbi>ro'. Lat of Scotland .Yrck. hate of IVarrenton. WA.lfCV, HY.TIAlf 4& CO., GROCERS & (0M>1I8810\ MERCHANTS, Peart Street, IIYTIi%.\, DA.\€Y A: Co., Commlsi^ion illerchantsi, .>fORFOLK, VA. The New York House will be conducted by .Jno. S. Dancy, aided by R. W. Hyman. The Norfolk House will be coaducted by Jno. H. Hyman and F. .M. Hyman. Particular attention given to the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. I Sept. 11, 18C0. 63tf I FIiToLEBKS of TIIE COIRTS. Ij^XECUTlON, TRIAL, and APPEAR.A.NCE DOCK- li ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved i forms in usa.' Also, further supplies of other I5LANK : BOOKS, in great variety. May 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. C'arpefiiig^! t'arpetiiis:! C^arpetiii;?! AA YDS. CARPETING at No. 34, Hay St. All styles, all prices, all qualities. .\11 will be ottered low either by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and l J-4 Crumb Cloths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville, N. C.. Sept. 13, l!**i0. 6'Jtf fention: J. A. I.S very desirou-» of closing up his old accounts, ic. He has indulged his customers always a-; far as he could. He noir needs %llonei0 and hopes that those whom he has always been so in dulgent to, will do all they can for him in the way of making prompt piyments. Those who cannut p^iy money, will very much oblige by calling and gi'*ing ilieir notex. Ttiose who refuse to do either will of cour'»e not think hard if they are asked to do so in some other w tv. J. A. PEMBEKTON. Jan'y 5, IStll. 8-jtf SI PRE>IE rOl RT REPORTS, TWO \E\V VOl.t ME?^. Vol. I Jones’s Law, A Vol. .> .fones’s Equity Keports, JL’.ST issued, for s.ale. or exchange as ii«iial for un- bouiKl Nos., by E .J HALE .S: SONS Jan. "Jl. Ill'll. 8'.t- J. W. BAKER I large stock of FI KKIXI RK ever offered in thix market; which added to | his own manufacture, makes his a"»sortment complete:— ! all of which he will sell on the lowest possibl* terms for I cash or on tinie to punctual cu'itomers. I Fashionable painted cottage beil-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking filasses; Willow Wagons ami Cradles; Side ' Boards; Bureau'*; .''ocretaries and Book-(’ases; What- Nots; Tal)les, all sorts; Wash Stanls; Canille Stand«; ^ Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Sh;ide«; ‘ ('ornices: (’uriain I’ands: Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- i nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Kino Rosewuiid I’ianus. one with ^Kolian at- } tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac- i tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as ; any made in the country, and will be sold at New Y'ork i prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf Marble Factory, same spot. Human malice could go no further, and human ladies are requested to call and see them at her house. 5th house above the Protestant Church, Hay Mount. Oct. 1*. 58tf t AEW GOODS. The suV)scriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GROrKRfES, HARDWARE AND CFTJ.E- RY, HANGING A.VO ROPE. SAD DLERY. \c . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash. or on SHORT time to prompt paying customers. -\ll kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheeting? and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers' prices. DiNvoliitioii ot Co|»artiieriK>ii|». THP' (Jofiartnership heretofore exifting between G. VV. I. (ioldsion. and (Charles C. G ildston, under the name and style of Goldston i Bro.. liaving been dis solved by mutual consent; and Ciiarles C. Goldsion hav ing purchased the entire interest of G. W. 1. Goldston, in the Stock of Goods. Wares, and Mercliandize, be longing to said Firm, Ihe business will be conducted in future by C. C. Goldston. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. C. C. GOLDSTON. Feb. 5, 1801. 94-tf f.AUDER, TWO DOORS \B»VR T. T. IIAKJH & SOJiS’ STORK Fa%elleville, I\. V. Jan’v20. 1V0O 81- -\ll persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. & T. WaJdill. South side H,iy st. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, 1800. 55tf BOOTS & SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. J\0* Mt WALKER, of North Carolina, W I T H J^HAW, DE laiAW A: MANl FACTCRKRS OF AND WHOLESALF. DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES^ Xo. 3t A n 1>KV ST., XEW YORK. Vl^ILL be happy to see his Southern friends ar the yy above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they ma}’ be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods. Julv 17. I8*;0. ;^f,tf dared to say that her glorious banner should not be dishonored. He has refused to transfer his fealty, or to recoirnize any other authority than that of the (4overnnient he serves, and for this I cause alone this pitiful exhibition is presented to ! the gaze of an admiring world. ! There is little to be said by way of comment. 1 We conclude as we begun, with a sigh tor the * spectacle Americans are presenting to ('hristen- j dom. No shame attaches to the old General, or to the cause he represents; he will come out of ' the trial un.'^cathed, and it will be found that not i even the “smell oi the fire is upon his garments.” The young politicians, who are so eager to find a victim, and whose wrath can only be appeased by the burning of a “man of straw,” will probably live long enough to be ashamed of their doings, and perchance may one day unite in doing honor to the memory of the man whose life has been spent in the service of his country, and the record of whose deeds will have a place in the histories of more nations than his own.—BaU. American. B Ho|>e! and Fearfs, Y the Author of “Hearise-ise.’’ I'tc. L.VVINI by the .Xutlior of ‘ Dr. .\ntonio,” .tc. Pocket Diaries fi)r l''til. E. J. HALE SONS Dee'r "JO. „ ■■■ If; . i’C'f VATUR U .,.1 T'liysics If YOU want your Horses shod, call at M. McKLnNON’S SHOP, on Maxwell street. Call at VI. .McKINNON’S SHOP and get your WHOL’GHT IRON PLOUGHS. I*eb'y 4. 18t51. 93-3m N FISH! FISH!! TEW MACKEREL. No.s. 1, 2 and 3. " WHITE FISH. “ HERRING, &c. &c. Call at A. N. McDON.VLD S, South-side Hay Street. Oct 1. 57-tf Forty Vears’ Familiar JLetfers of Jas. W. Alexander, D. I).: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Bookii, &o. July 10. E. J, HALE & SON. HFI^PFR: and OTHER POFTlS$. BY THEO. H. HILL. rpHE undersigned has now in press, a volume of poems X bearing the above title Mr. Hill is well known in this community, iis the author of many fugitive poems, which—publisiied anonymously—have -‘gone the rounds of the press”—sparkling, as pure gems, wherever set. Having now reclaimed these wandering waifs, he pre sents them to the public—with others hitherto unpub lished—and his publisher would only ask for them a cordial reception—impartial criticism. The volume—a neat 12mo.—will be sent by mail, ' free of postage. Price SI per copy. Orders should be ! forwarded at once to the subscriber, as but a small edition will be published. A liberal discount to the Trade. HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. To tiie Interest of* Turpentine ' Oif^tiiierM. Ma. B.\KER would respectfully inform Turpentine j , Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing i The Improved Turpentine Mtiii. { All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M A BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville. N. C. Feb’y 1. 1800. 88tf -MOMMEM TO DR. .MIK’HELL. ^piIE Undersigned having during the past summer 1. heard many express a wish that a montiment shottld be placed over the grave of Rev. Dr. Mitchell, ’.ijion the High Peak of the Black Mountain, and regret that it had not alreaily been done, has determined to give his personal aiiention to the matter, and trusts that, by the aid of the *housanls of pupils and friends of thai venerable man, he may be enabled to erect it. The undersigned proposes to erect a plain, substan tial structure, with tlie rock found on the spot, and to build it in such a manner that it may also be used as an Observatory. He pledges himself to all contributors that no pains shall be spared upon his part to have the structure firm, and a fit monument to one. whose moral, intellectual and phy-ical character, was so lit a simile to the granite on whici. his body rests. The undersigned will give his personal attention to the work, and trusts tha' his knowledge of the country and its people will enable him to have it constructed as cheaply as is pos sible to have it done by any one else. Means will be taken to preserve the names of those who contribute. The undersigned is determined that the monument shall be erected if any amount near suf ficient is obtained. Kemp P. Battle. Esij., of Raleigh, will receive con- tritiutions, and Messrs. Litchford and Finch, reporters in the House and Senate of the Legislature will receive any contributions from members of those bodies. Let ters addressed to me containing contnbutions will be promptly acknowledged. HENRY E. COLTON. Wilmington, N. C. The Family of Burns.—It may not be gene rally known that in our immediate neighborhood rest the remains of Agnes Brown, the mother of our great national poet, Burns, and those of his brother Gilbert. It is now upwards of half a century since the wiilowed mother of Burns ac- C(lnpanied her eldest son (iilbert, to Grant’s Braes, on the Lennoxlove estate, and at this place her declining years were passed. Gilbert, the brother of the poet, occupied the responsible {>osition of factor of the estate, for the long period of 28 years, and, as the records ot Bolton church yard tell, had here ample experience of the sor rows thit too often accompany the parental rela tionship. It was but the other day that our at tention was arrested, in a cursory visit we fhan- ced to pa\- to liolton, by a neatly enclosed and treshly I'liiiited iiionumental erection in the primi tive lonknig and uiouM-covered churchyard of tlie vill!;e. (Jn approaching it, a nielaiu-holy recurd of a lien aved heart meets the gaze ot ti\e str.iiiirer. and with >ti';du>-;l I'oePng he re:id the !i>l!u\v.tm: iiitcviption:—•■Ert.ct .-u mv G iiht rt I’uvns. tactuf >d'(iiant ?) Hrae>, iii liicmi^ry of l.is chwd- ren—Tsahel, whu died od July, i" t!i-7-i> ve.ir of luT a^e; whi» died lutli Si'pt'til ber. 1S15, in the Oih year of her age; Janet, who died 30th September, 1816, in tlie IHth yiar oi‘ her age; and of his mother, Agnes llrown, who diel on tlie 14th Jatniary, in the 8Stli year ot her age, whose moi .al remains all lie buried here -\lso, of two other children, namely, Jean, who died on the 4th January, 1827. in the 2Uth year ot her age; and oi John, who died on the 20th Febrt'.ary, 1S27, in the 25th year of his age. (lilhert Burns, their father, died on the Sth April 1827, in the *)7ih y*ar of his age. And here lies Annabella. sister of I'lilbert liurns, who died .NIarch 2d. i>'o2. aged G7.” 'ihis stoiie, as the iriscriptinn bears, was erected by (iilbert Burns, hut it is to the filial piet; ot his son, now a pros- p( rous merchant in . ubiiu, that the enclosng wall and railing are due. It is onlj fi - y'^ars since the enclosure was put up, the re|uirel pu. mission havinir first Vjcen obtained from the heri tors, and we believe that every year that has p.-uss- TlieSoiltllcril IlarillOliy, ^ciiool j ed since then the nephew of the poet has paid an Mriiool 6took>. .L PH 1 LOS()[*llV from iani>: s Popiiltr ysics bv U'm. vi. Peck. M. ,V.; S.'i'.i ler.;' New , Speller :iiid Dentier i-i’.y>er; BiiUiont,’ Jind Sinit*! ': j Gr:imm:irs; Monteiih's. ^iriiih's .-ind 'Iiich*-il's I phics; Goodrich's and \uJ S'As' Litia an I Greek l.es- I sons, \c. E. J. ll.\LE x SONS. I Aug. 31. avaxt8:d. A LARGE quantity oftfOTTON and LINEN R.\GS. ri. for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aue. 17 11- The Niinny ^oiith, by Prof. In graham; Say and Seal, by the .Author of ‘‘Wide Wide World."’ .^c.; The Household of Bouverie. or the Elixir of Gold, b^' a Southern Lady; Evenings at the >licro- scnpe. lie.. &c. E. .J. H.\LE & SON.‘>. Oct. 18. The liaw ot Naie^i ot Per^^onal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged and improved. Starkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes by Sharswood. Wendell’s Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills. Notes by Sharswood. .\dims’ Ei|ujty; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts. ,tc. E. .K H.\LE & SONS Books. &c., further supplies just received. Aug. 4. 1800 E. J. HALE & SONS. AlmanacK tor 1801—Second sup ply just received. E. J. Ii.\LE & SONS. Jan’y 0. BE.iDLE'S DIME NOVELS, Xos. 10, 11. 12, IS A U « “ Song Books and Melodist. « Half Dime, and Five Cent Novels. E. J. HALE & SONS Jan. 30. 2li- Stereoscopef^ and Stereoi^copic Views. ANEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & .SONS. Webster’s Elementary J^pelling Book for sale by E. J- HALE 4 SONS. annual visit to the spot where the ashes of so many of his kindred peacefully repose. JJihh'u(ffon Courier. A l*ros}ur(iii' yV//7.—Brentice says: ‘•If there should be a cotton-States government, we think th;*t it would do well to be a little care ful about expending much money and labor for furnisliiiijr its States with forts, and arsenals, and mints and muo^^ns of war. It couldn’t tell how soon some of them might seize upon all the pub lic property within their borders and secede.” We learn from the Alabama papers that the Governor of that State has appointed the Hon. Jere Clemens Major-General of the Army of Alabama.