IFAmETOlETlHMLIB F. H I-W F. F. K: I. T. -KlM r'' MONl'AYS ANl' THUKSDAYS KHUARU J. hale & SONS, K!MT>RS A\I> PROPRlETnRS ,, •* Semi-Wf>fkl_v Ouskrtkr $3 00 if paid in ? '.ii if puiil durinjs the year of subscrip- • '"I al'ttM- the year ha? expired. \\ ; rklv Ot!>sKTivKB S- W per annum, if paid in , 1'. ’>• i1 paid during the year of subscrip- ,v no ,'iftor the year ha.' expired. AI'VKKTISF.MKNTS inserted for »>0 cents per •' I'i lines for (he first, and 30 cents for eacli 1 u: publication. Yearlj* advertisements by »pe- at ren.soTiable rates. Advertisers are 1 : I .-itato t!ic number of insertions desired, or ” V; lontiuued till forbid, and charged accord- ■ ::sonieuts to bo inserted infih‘, chargcd 50 per \! i i Sl*K('I\L NOTK’K. m l after tliis date, no name of a new subscriber ir,>rod without p.nyment in advance, nor will .•r tie -ont to such subscribers for a longer time ■ I'M t'ir. >i'r old ubscri>>ei> as desire to take the pa- ihi' -iy-item will please notify us when making .Tan’v 1. 1S">8. SHEMWEl.L HOUSE, A FEW DUOKS XOKTll OF THE MARKET HUISK. MO" lent! HrSKE vt ANDER'^ON. — IM'.M.KRS IN — ami Fniicy Dry And (leiitlemen's Furnishing Goods iif everv description. H.\MOr-S FRENrn yoke shirts. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. &c. ytf?* Five per cent, off for all Cash Bills of $25 and \u>. and 4H Hay St., (Hotel Building,) F.^\'ETTK\*iMjWjK, V. UH1..HT Hl'^KK. JOHN H. ANDERSON. ,-iIv />■■ ' ape Fear. For’lv with J. A. Pemberton. N V >. I'-.n. ■ 74if #V#// stork of liiiuKSAND STATIONERY. ire n.iw receiving a very full supply of MedU’ul and Misrellaneoas Books; School lioukN*. Blank Books; Writing Papers: Envelopes. ie. E J. HALE & SON. w J, *d. r^'i’five in . .;iful Pemherton a few days a large lot of those ' INQ to the estenHive increa.se of patronage to this House, during the year, 1 have ex- lentled my facilities by tho addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imorovetuents, which will add materially to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have >>een my kiml friends and cus tomers for the past six years. 1 tender my most sincere thanks, at thf same time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, and also the patronage of a large number of new patrons I have good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWKLI.. .lan’y Itl, ISGO 84- F A V IIT'r K V11.1. K IIOT K I., T. WADDILL, Pkoprietor. mis, the most commodious Hotel in North (’arolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets. locatel in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchant.s and princi pal Produce Dealers. business men will fiiul the Hotel a convenient and comforta)>le house. ■\11 the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. Oct. 1. 1858. 51- EAC.EE HOTEL, AMII EVI LliE. iV. r., J. n. RLAIK. Pi-opi it lor. 'piIE Piopiietor knows that his location gives him un- 1 l ivtlU'd r.iciliiies fur firoouriiiii ooiiiiucive to li«pt'n«e tliem to his guest: Hotel, g'l.'d living. :ind he will I lie best style. Kvery comfort usually tu be had in a first cl i: will be t’uriiished to his guests. Stage otHce f-u- Morganton. at ihis House. .. ('harlotte. “ Spartanburg, S. “ •• “ “ “ (ireenville. “ “ Oreenville, Tenn.. Daily, “ Uesidws which, good hacks aud careful and attentive Drivers can :it all times be had to convey parties to any part of the splendid Mountain scenery- of this region, .such as the Ulaok Mountain, the Swannanoa Gap. the Hickory Nut Gap and Falls, the Warm Springs, &c.. any of which are within a short day's ride of Asheville. Sept. 24. 18bO. 58-ly \VK»«rE:K\ KAIL ROAD. 'pHK f 1 gei^ following rates will n.>w be charged for Passen- Salnn fUisshneres and 'Ptreetfs. THEY ARE Hade in !\ortli C'aroliiia, ! s:= more DUR.ABLE thau any other Goods for the •: Ilev. —ALSO— A LARGE LOT OF Kock inland Kerstey^, Tweed^^ and ^aM!«imereM, —' 'Uperior .juality. J. A. PEMP.ERTt)N - . V.. m»;0. 5l!i4w-tf TO THE LAD1E8! II ' lilHSn.N respectfully inform.« her friends an 1 .M >• p"V'Mc generally, that she is prepared to make in the most fashionable style, she will also ■ : f'lr any ladies wishing to make their own HILDREN S CLOTHING cut or made to - 'i; -on has taken the Agency for the sale of a - : excellent TH.XRT. for cutting Ladies' Dresses. ' r Roy'? riothine. They are very simple in ■ n. and therefore easy to understand. The • ri 'juested to call and see them at her house, ive the Protestant Church. Hav Mount. 58ff .\E\V GOODS. I' il-er ia now receiving a large aiid well se- -• i; )f (iOODS. consisting of KHfK?. HARDWAKP: and rrTLE- V. AND HOPE. SAD- !'I,K!IV, &c , FOREir.N AXl» ItOMESTIC LIQT’ORS, ■ ’ if‘T articles, which he offers low for Cash, . Ti.MK to prompt paying customers. Country Produce taken in exchange for an'l Cotton Yarns er'^' prices. on hand at all times, at ' '-ons are respectfully invited to give me a call. 11 stand of J. & T. WaMill, South side Hay st. A. N. MCDONALD, t-rreville, N. C.. Sept. 24, IHtiO. 55tf KOOTN &: SIIOE8, AT WHOLKSALK ]\0f >f* WALKER, of North Carolina, WITH ^II AW, Di: l>iRAW Ac M \M'F.\('TfRKRS OF .\S1) WHOLESALE 1»KALKIIS IN nOOTS and SHOES^ >1). 31 J; •'!3 l)ET ST., > RW TOKK. \\M.L be liapjiy to see his Southern friends at the ’» a’.ove establishment, where, either personally or l.>r. they may be supplied from an extensive and ' sorted Stock of Goods, y 17, IBfiO. Hope^ and Fear««, [: Author of “H.eartsease,” &c. '■ A\ IN’IA, by the .Author of “Dr. Antonio,” &c. i' ' Vi-t I)iaries for 1H01. E. J. HALE & SONS. .School Rook'N. \ rUH.AL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot’e Popular 1 .J >,y Wm. G. P“ck, M. .\.: Sanders’ New ■ ni l Intiner An.alyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s M .nteith’s, Smith’s and Mitchell’s (ieogra- Iricii's and-\nilrews’ Latin and Greek Les- -V' E. J. HALE k SONS. L' • -,1 ^liiiaiiacM lor 1801—.Seconl »h|»- . ‘"t received. E. J. HALE A SONS. JUI h'S UlME NOV ELS, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13 A: 14 “ Sont; Books and MelodUt. Half Dime, and Five Cent Novels. E. J. HALE & SONS ■ ;n. . i ‘J2- ^t^reoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. \ beautiful assortmnt, just received. £. J. HAX*E & aU*NS. To Little River. 50 cts. To Spout Spring, 75 •• To Jonesboro', 1 K» To Mclver's, I 25 Train leaves the Depot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at o'clock \ M. Returning, leaves Mclver s at 1 o'clock !’. M C. R MALLETT. Pres’t. Nov. lit, 71tf NEAREST AND QUICKEST ROI TE TO TOE RAILROAD! BEAMAN & ROBINSON’S FOI K HORSE STAKE LIVE TO KEN’tNSVII. IE. VIA WARSAW. IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North in- South. Leaving Favetteville every day at 2 o'cbvk P. M. through l.N TEN HOURS Our (’oachea are large and comfortable, drivers sober ajid gentletuanly. our teams good and sure of five miles an hour. The traveling public who would study their comforj and convenience will take the Warsaw .''tage. THROUGH TICKETS TO WKLDON may be had at the Stage JfEce, Fayetteville. May 25. 18.iO. ' 25-tf MrTr.tL i.NsruwtE (Dmpam. ('apital in Premium Notes anjounts to Cash on hand and other assets. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrovt-r, S. T. Hawley. Nathan .\. Stelman. C. B. Mallett. .lames Kyle, A. .\. McKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinrhasi. W. N. Tillinghast. S. J. Hinsdale, Wm McLaurin. T. S. Lutterloli, \. W. Steel, ti. ('*tok. Hon. J. G. Shepherd. R. F. !>rown, ) A. K. Hall. I 'A'ilm'gton. FAYETTEVILLE, C.. MARCH 14, 1801 [NO. 1004.] f\yettp:vi!.i.k Feiiisil^ lli$srh School. TERMS. Hoard per Session of 20 weeks. St>> OV) 'I'uitiou in (’ollegiate t^lasses 2i> weeks. 20 00 “ .Academic '* “ 15 t'K) “ Primary “ “ “ 12 0» Incidental exj>enses, I tX* Tuition in Music, Paintine, Drawing, Modern and .\ncient Languages, itc. at the usual rates. JJajT'One half of I’.dard and 'I’uition retjuirod in mi r anre; the other half at the oltsi> of the Session. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st SeBsion.—1st Quarter commences 1st October. 2il “ “ 10th December. 2d Session.—1st Quarter 20th February. 2d •• “ 1st May. Vacation “ lOth .hily. J. DeB Jt T. C. HOOPER, •Xssociate Principals. Dec'r R, 18G0. 77tf N. C. MILITARY INSTITUTE. OH A R LOTT K, N. C. THE FOURTH SESSION of this Institute will begin on 1st M.VKCH. Applicants will, however, be re- ceivetl at anv time. F A (" U 1. T Y . Maj. L>. H. HILL, late Brevet Major, U.S. Army, as sisted I'v two (iradu'ites of West Point, two of the V'ir- ginia Military Institute, and one of the University of Virginia. T K i; M S: j>er month, tu include everything excepi under- -lt)i hing. ('hftrlilte. N. f . I'eb'y 1lwt’,1 '.*7-2m A The New Stylo. Small, fOLOKRI) PHOTOtilt.\PHS, AT ?2f>7.08H Ub 5.077 35 Total, ?272.7*;5 f.l The Company have paid all lo-^s*"^ proniptly, and tiave never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, .'i2'.*,b^2 6f (iFFiCKBS: GFjO. McNElLL. Presilent. D. -A. KAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secy. Dirkctoks: lohn (Rollins and McCrummen. Tr.iveling Agents. a^The C ompanv invite applications. May28, 18t;o. ' 21-ly Sl!Rl\(;E *' HARTrORD, Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual Authorised CaitUai, Paid up Capital, Assets, $1,.100,000 00 i,r»oo,ooo 00 •2,030,423 80 T. K. HKACE. S. TUDOR. J. f'HUIlt H. It. BUELL. E. Fi.uWER. E. A. ItULKELEY. R. MATHER. E. 0. RIPLEY. W. F. E. G. Riplkv, Pres’t. T. K. Brack, .Jr., Sec’y. DIRKOTOKS. S. S. WAKD. Z. PRATT. DUNHAM. F. DAVIS. HILLYER. ART. Woodward^ Nolai* Cain‘ra. Photographs can be hml at Vanors>leirs skylight Gallery, Hay street, op|>osite Marble Yard. Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, r(‘tinched. colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life si/e. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the .Art.. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large as 2t> by inches, (,’ord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru- meuts. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size coloretl Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks lor the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the irooil i>eople of Fayetteville .and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 77- Ar¥.^rAI. nEETI!VG. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholde'-s of the West ern Rail Road Co., will take place in the Town Hall in Favetteville. Monday next 18th inst., at 11 o’clock. C. B MALLETT, Pres’t. March 9, 18f.l. W IfiMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RITHERFORI) RAIL ROAD CO. A. A. iMcKETIIAi\ I'Hi: \ORTII I AROI.IAA >im AL IJFK IXSri{A\TE ( 0>IPAi\l, OW in the icuth year of sm-t •■'■ful operation, with ca|tiial ;nid ‘inner hold upon pul>lic con- to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to tHI years of age. for one year, for seven '• \\] OULD in years, and for life —all life nu'mbers sharing in the profits. ' T f throughout N growl n tidence. coiuiiuie .Ml slaves from ]• to 00 years of sige are insure'! for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. ■All losses are punctually j>aid wiihin 'A> days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further intormaiion the public is referred to .Agents f the Couipany in all parts of the .''’tato. and to R. H. P.A'ITLE, S.*cretary, Raleigh. E. J. H \LE. .Agent at Jan’y i85i^ Fayettev'lle, N. C. ( onstantly ManuTacturln;; at uij Establishment. rVEKY VARIETY OF HARNESS IJ Sadtlles. iJriule--. Collar^, Whip- and Trunks: all kinds of Leather, ’alf Skins and Oil: \>ndition Powtiers. for diseased Horses an+l Cattle: t'oach Trimmings. C;4rpet Bags. Vali-Jes, Saddlery, Hardware, A:i-. The largest stock in the State, sold wholes.ile or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of Harness and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. J.V.MES WILSON, No. 5 M:irket st. Wiliuington, N. (^, near th > Wharf. Nov l^'iO. 07-ly form his friends in North Carolina, and the South, who wish to encourage Southern Industry, thai he keeps constantly on hand, atid is daily linishing, a large a.ssortment of J * E MI M C JT^ E of every description, mostly light work, which are faith fully inale by experienced workmen in eacli branch. His work will compare f'avoralily with any for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do all work in his line on as good terms as atiy that is as well made. He has now finished a very large ijuaniity of work which he will sell low for ('ash or on short time to punctual customers. Bisr- ■\11 work warranted 12 months with fair usage, or should it fail by )>ad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Orders from the South will receive prompt attention. He h:i8 within the last few years sold work in South Carolina, Georgia. .Alabama, Mississippi. Florida, .Ar kansas and Texas. Ba^Repairing done at short notice and on reMSonable terms. Dec’r 17. I8»iit. 80tf mm mmm\ Nort/i Atahama.—The Tuscuuibia North Alaba mian, in its number of the ITith instant, comments as lollows on the result ot* the recent election in Tennes.see, showing very clearly that discerning minds in the Gulf States perceive that their inter- epta will be consulted by a determination on the part of' the Hordor Slaveholdinj^ State? to remain in the Union; “The election in Tennessee has resulted in the Union and noii-Convention party currying the State by an overwhelming majority. Under all circunistancos we believe this action of the State j\ (Company is appointed to be held in the town of j ivi// prove higldy henvjii'ml to thr interests q/ th*' Wilmington, on the 28th day of March inst.. to pass ; ('„nj’xh'rnci/. A feeling of bitter Ther*lVo7“*^''; hostility has arisen between the two sections of The transfer books will be closed for thirty days i country since the Tate I residential electiori, from and After this ilate. Hy oriler. j nud tt /s tcp.ll (hot ivc ho vp (l that fti€Tiu~ ROBERT H. COWAN, Secretary. j to us stifl remainhuj in the old Lnion, which Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 28tti, l8tJl. 2-tm j Jjj case of threatened hostilities, act as a mediator between the belligerent Powers. The .same paper, in its number of the 22d in stant, gives the following expression to a spirit of dissatisfaction prevailing in that quarter with the proceedings of the 5lontgomery Southern Congress: “However our people, in this section of tho State, may have differed with the majority of the ('on Vfiition ttnichinir the policy of that majority on the suliject of immeditite secession, there should In; no (ItVisidti among us in support of the decla- r.stion that 'wi* will sustain the honor and dignity (if Al:il)atiia whenever a.ssailed by fanatics North or S.iutli.' 'I'here has been, however, a manifest di.-trust or disregard of tlie popular .sentiment by the leading politicians of Alabama, in withhold ing the scce.^sion jfdinance from a vote of the people; and the tendency still is, if we are not mistaken in the movements of the political chessboard of those leaders, to rempve still fur ther all power from the immediate action of the people. What voiee had they in electing mem bers to the Congress now in session at Montgome- Perurian €wuano. A FRESH supply of No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, just A. received aud for sale by C. T. HAIGH March 11, 1801. & SONS. 3 3t FAMILY GROCERIES SOAP NTY UTTER NC COSHCN -50 BUSHELS SWEET POTAT(»KS. fre-h from the hill. 150 ('aV>bag»», lOBbls. Irish Potatoes, and ‘ver^’thing in the Family (irocery line. Send your or- lers to the Family Grocery and have them filled. D. ANDERSON. March 5. 18til. 2- aROCERIES. HHDS. New Crop MOL ASSES. 23 Bbls. C. and extra C. SUG.\R. 15 Bags prime Rio COFFEE. l«K) Seamless Sacks SALT. 30 Boxes CHEESE. In store and for sale by 15 March C. TROY. 2-lm 0 FI^H! FI^H!! BBLS. No. 3 MACKEREL, Brand 1860, for sale hy March 5, 1861. D. ANDERSON. .Tietliodi»t Hynin^ and Discip lines, a Jiew supply, assorted sizes and qualities. March 16. E. J. HALE & SONS. The Aew and complete l^ortll Carolina Form Book. A further supply just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. March 0. T. A. ALEXANDER. { W. KENEY. I r. H. BRAINARD. TUTTLE. T. A. Alexanukr, V. Pres’t A. A. Williams, Adjuster. Rates as low as perfkct solvfncy and foir profit will allow, ASSETS.—July 1859. Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c.. United States Stock and Treasury Notes, J. W. RAKER Is now receiving from the North the large>t, finest, and most carefully selected ■'to'-k ot ri’KMTl'KE evrr offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his aortment complete;— ill of which he will sell on the lowest po«sibl« terms for cash or on time to punctual custonirrs. Fashionable painted cottage l>ed room Fiiruirure in .setts; curled hair tin'l .sluick, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glassc-*; Willow Wagons and (’radles; Side Boards; Bureaus; .'>ecretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tal>le«. :il! sorts; Wa h Sraiid^; t’andle Stands; Wartlrobes; f'icture Frames and •Hu'.'-: Window Siiades' (Cornices; t’tirlain Band^; Sot in Mahogony iind Wal nut; Tete a Tctes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (’hairs f every vaiiety. Fine llo.sewood Pianos, one with *1^iOlian at tachment; i’lusewood .M**lodi:tn«. from the best manufac tories in New York and l>tj>-ton, warranted as good as any maile in the country, and will l^e sold at New York prices—freigiit only alded. September 2. .Marble Faictory, Keep your .?loney Koiitli! And build up your own Country and Town, by calling on .M. A. BAKKR, .^ianufactiirer ol* double and Min gle barrel .^liot liiiinw, Rifle!!i a nd Pi^toU, d in the United Of all the different ])atterns now use* States or Great Britain. Call and see. at M. .\. BAKER’S. F.ayetteville, N. C.. Nov. 12, l^t’iO. ti'.Uf TO THi: l RIKA irs OF HOME MANUFAdTrilES. THE KINSTON SHOE i.l€TOgl\^ JVOTICE. The SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale M.ATTRESSES of all kinds; also, BEBSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, and all kinds of Furniture, cheap for Cash, or in ex change for countrj- produce. Person St., opposite the Cape Fear Bank. M. CAGLE & BRO, Fayetteville, N. C., March 1. l-6m .VO TICE. I- 0 •4.')tf IS NOW I\ SrCt'ESSFTL OPERATION. RDERS for negro BKm;aNS and BOOTS are solicited. •J. OAHPENTEK. Agent. Kinston N. C., .Iiine 21: 18'U). 3'.t-tf Nfai* Poli«^li of thv Noiilli! .^lAAI'FAl TI RFD ill A. J. WOODWARD, F% VKTTFVII.B.i:, \. t . Bv TWO DOflRS ABOVK (1. T. IIAIf.ll k SONS’ STORE Favetteville, 1%. I). jRn’v 20. IR'li'i 84- Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, R lilro vd Stocks: Hartford and New Haven Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered, Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on call, an in ge Its’ hands, LIABILITIES. Claims; unadjusted and not due, Market value. $915,344 00 215,126 50 d;s,005 00 116,000 00 b 87.058 00 88,089 60 70,103 78 25,;^48 d 77 350,303 16 $2,030,428 80 $88,242 08 Agent of the above CotDpany in Fayetteville, E. 4, Fo the Interest ol* Turpentine UiMtillerM. MA. baker would respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine Mtill. All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new WorL Call and see for yourselves at M. A. BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1, 18(>0. 88tf The PreMbyterian PMalinodisi Character notes. A further supply just received. July 20. E .>• hale * ^itarkie on Evidence, Vol. 1 x^'ew Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. Jttl; ig. £. J. HAL£ & SOt^S. i LL A X( LL PERSONS indebted to the subscriber either by ote or .Account, previous to .January 1st 1861, art- earnestly reque'ted to call and settle: 1 am in need of money. M. N. LE.ARY. Jr. Feh’y 26. lOOO 3wpd To Hire, F'OR the remainder of the year, a very good GIHL. r about 17 years of age, accustomed to house work; can wash and cook a little, .\pplv to EDVV D LEE WIN.'^LOW. Fayetteville, March 4, iS'il. l-2w \va:vtko. 4 LARGE quantify of t^()TTON and LINEN RAGS. A. for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 To l.i»nd undersicrii.Ml otlVrs for Buyers. sale, in the (V.al voii recol- That Polish: How It Shlnos. Mi’y lect nine years ago that 1 tr.av. lled rlnvMieh North Carolina find a jiortion of South t'-n-oliua t'.ir the pur pose of iutrO'liicinp this Polish. .Vs tii:ic -l:ipsed 1 found that it would mould. I have succeeded in making it perfect and will wacrant it to give s:;ii'‘faction It can be had at retail for 10 cents per box or at who1e.ale for sixty ceuts p**r do/.on. Dealers will forward tlioir or ders two weeks jireviou*; to the time tiiev wish tli(»m filled May5. IHfi". ' l.Viy A TARll. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— THOSE persons for whom 1 have >>een attending to Banking business for years;—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that T have always done; and to others that may want discount:s. Pension business, &c., &c I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. J.VS. G. COOK. June 27. 1850. 26tf The aiid within eigiit miles of the terminus of the F.'.y- otteville We'-tern Rail Roal on l'»>pp River. KKiHT ffl'NlHiEI) HKS OF LAM). adjoining the land belonging to the estate of Geor^ - VVilcox. dec'd. ;ind lying three tniles South from far honfon. on Little Pocker Treek. Moore county. These Lauds are well adapted tc. tho gri'wth of c^rii. cotton, wheat, oats. rye. kc. There are on the prem ises a conil'on.ahle Dwelling, and all Tiece»-s:\ry 0\u- houses, with about (me hundred and fif':y acres iiniK i- fence, including forty or fifty acrt of nevcr-failiii I'ottom land. This is a rare ciiaiice for per^^ons wish ing to make investmetit«, a« Inndv .-ire tuidonlitedly ad vancitig in price in thi«! section. For further inform iti'Ui ajiply to ^!l. ^l. M. MfRae ’rane’s Creek. P. O., Moore cottnty. or adtlri-ss ine at Fayetteville, N. f. DANIEL ,M. K\i;. For the Heirs of Gilbert ilec d. CarUonton, Moore co.. N. Aug. 24 4:'.t! ” FI RTIIFR «l PPI.II>. H>PES and FEAiLS; The Qiu'ens of Society; M tiold'-i Political .Mnniia); Woods' «’l:iss !5tiok of i>" tany; Lett>r Copying Boo’ks; Tom Brown at OxI'oid: Tale of Two ('iiies; lieer's Systen> of Penman)>ii ; School Books, vSic. Jan. 30. E. J. HALl'] Osi ■O.NS. '.2- T FAPT. WII.KFH’.S RFPORT ON THE DEEP RIVER >I1NER\1 REGION. HE undersigned have caused to be published froiii the (Congressional plates, an edition of the K po) of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, an l his .V>o‘iatf on th-‘ P)Oanl ajipointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep Hiver llegiou of Nortli furoliiin. Thi- is the most importatit and scientitic starement ot th ' great wealth of that section of the Stale, and thi- ,\fa|- the most perfect and valuable, of :iny yet juiblished. The Maps .are wortli the price oftlie work, which is 50 CCntS. neatly bound in cloth, (’opies sent by nuiil. frc'- of postage, on the receipt of oO cents. .A liberal dir- count to wholesale buyers. Orders «olicited. .Tan y 26. * -J- HALE \ SONS. l!OOK-t!l.\I)tVG TN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must bepaiil before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14. 1K59 ilTorth Carolina Form Book, A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON. FOll CLERKS OF THE fl)li;T!i. IXECUTION, TRIAL, and APPEARAN('E DOCK ’S. ruled and printed from the mo«t aT>i)ror4M! forms in use. Also, further supplies of other ISLANi' UOOKS. in great variety. May 31 E .1. li.VLF, ,v SONS ry? And what voice, kind reader, do you think j'ou will have in ratifying the Constitution which tliat Congress has adopted? By what authority have a President and Vice President been elected to the tConfederate States of America? When you elected your members to a State Convention, (lid you authorize a bare majority of that body to elect mtiubers to a Congress to form a new (lov- i rnment, and authorize still further the members of that Congres.s to elect a President, a Vice President, and other officials? These are ques tions lor your serious consideration.” A .Jumhlf' of i^ontradictions.—The Louisville Democrat calls public attention to the jumble of contradictions between professions and practice, which exist in the Secession movement. Its au thors complained they hadn’t the right to recover slaves escaping into other States. Tte remedy is to give up the right altogether. They complained that they had not equal rights in the Territories. The remedy is to put the whole right on the hazard of war, with all ohances against them. They expre.ssed great apprehensions that the luter-State slave trade would be prohibited; and expressly reserve the right to prohibit it in their own Constitution, and threaten to exercise it. They complained of duties on imports as inju rious to them, in consuming the profits on their staples; and they levy the same duties themselves, anil must make them still heavier if they expect to raise money enough to meet their expenses in that mode. They denounced the Fnion for expending its revenue in the North; and they now send their own money North to buy their war supplies. The pioneers in the movement denounced the I’nion for prohibitins; the African slave trade, and thus putting a stigma on the institution of slavery. They forthwith prohibit it torever in their own Con.stitution. *Have they charged a single wrong upon the rnioii of which they are not themselves more iiuilty? (\in such a self stultified Confederacy 1 pr.^>otit atiythiiig inviting to Virginia? They I keep up a chinior about their rights, and surrender i all tlioir right>#»f self-government to irresponsi- ] bio. despotic bodies, called Conventions. ! The people had better look into the m:itter Richmond W!ig. For What/—Speaking of the adoption ot the (’■in.stitutioi) of the Unite ! States by the South ern ('onfederacy. “For what,” exclaittts the in dignant Charirston Mercury, ‘’have we ca«t off the North as a rotten iticulm.s, if we are thus to r'-enaot all ot their swindles, outrages and itj- solcTices upon ourselve.s? To be jilundered with 'liscriniinatiiiir tariffs—to stultify ourselves with a lialf-w;iy representation—and to endorse all the slanders and insolences of the Northern Stat'..'i?” R irhmnid Wh:-;. ('itn f'nl Mofltt r.— Puticli giv>;s us a littli; • ■sstMice Ol'caiionally, which i'* hiiihiy savory an 1 ^ aroiuatit*. .^Iothers and laaternai aunts wili fi id till' tolUtwina: teii'ier epistle from one of the for- j mcr to one d' tlie latter, plcasit:g il'no; wholesome, I tVoin'tlie moral it conveys; I Dt’onst Sufii'i/—Plantiigenet will come by the i train which arrives at 1 I o cr’ck. Have Junch- eou readv for him at lli. .^lutt >!i i rulli. the in- , side of a elutf), the tliiirh of a jdi' ;i-.;.nt; lie dines at 2—SOU]), a little flesh aud a st.ipe will do for i him. When he goes to sleep riitt r dinner, put .-'iinie worsted gl(*ves on his hand--; we .ire break- itiir him ol sucking his thunibs ^Varul tl;e draw- iiiLr-rooin sofa for him, and put three blanket.s over ■ ^itn. [f he cries when he waki's (which he pro- l»:tb!y will do), buy him several toys and ^ive him :i wax doll or two. fie pulls them to pieces anl they jitnusf* him If you have company at dinner, let him h;ive a lar^e dish of gravy ruar iiim, he :ilways puts both hands in. Wiien lie is a man lie wiii leave this off. Let a servant .'it up with him all niolit; if h»‘ wakes let ln'r li:ive somethin': tiot tor him. Be sure th^^ \ou t;r* asu his nose for him well Vtofore lie sleeps—he is priveii to snoring—a tallow candle, next the lighted eiid t- :est. Truly, yours, IA T1L DA Brown. rxEc Vj ETt Forty Year«' Familiar l>eller««i of Jas. W. Alexander. D. D.; Sermon®, hy J- Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supj lies of M;ir'.i:. i Moncineffe*, Beulah; .Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley: .‘^choo) Books, &c. July 10. £. HALE & SON. Fiffht S'orts ni Ji'rut'if.—-By the la.«t cen sus. the total p«>pulation of New J« r^ev is foun t to he'57-.024. Of these ()44.0*^0 are whites, 1?4, free colored, and eight slaves. Grceleif in tJir Cubinct.— Tt is fitially decided that Greeley is to represent the "Not an-inch” branch of the triumph int party in the Cabinet. He is to be Secretary of the Exterior, and liis duty will be to watch the thermoo.eter and tell how cold it is out there,—Richmond W^.g.

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