list “-' Se V" "=’1 ?iTe, ‘‘g. 2-. ig.. ‘ .'ic’a WIE '^e fol vol.. X.] SE3MI-WEEKLY. FAYRTTRVIM-R, N. C., MARCH 21, 1801. [NO. lOOG.] ■« i.ejj ^ M i.-j; 6 '.•. 'U.- .. •Tin- A--.,, y - ,■ irrt-i* ii; ^ • . Ih '^fr Tl'i. * ^ •■j. i*-t ;v:'. , iklj i 'X.\ . t-!' ,: .,.; ' : c. ■' ' T:, .1 >*■;.:;( I* . H- . 4- . 'I ■ . . ’■ -.'•liii .'.‘J . - ! • • f' AOTiifc. 1: I :’ •Kiii r A( T(‘i:v \ r:. 1. ' •• ■••- tl'*. i-^N IaES: :F gps >■..-• ■ \V. . I- . ■ • II-' - : ' t.- 1 -r - .1 ; iH-V ktfl n.-nt. -1 ,re«‘ ' pb >• or.'- ■ , ,. rn!' r.-f ■ ,, , ,1; ; 'f- f-' ».j.. tliv: ' , wii' ot to th« ;l\TI'I' MONl>\vs A\l> TlirRSn.VVS. Kl)n \ni> J. HILK & SONS, IMUTOIJS ANU VKOrKll'TOUS >!■ Sl■llli-^^ t'oklv ('msv^rvfr (M^ if paid in ^ ’ ">i'i it' jiai'l liirinp Uic yo:\r of subscrip- • 't tiftov tlu' yoar has oxpiro*!. \\'i'Vly OnK«vKit S- *0 ]>er annum, if ptiitl in ■ , "J ■>'• if p ii.1 ilurinp the y*'ar of snhscrip- V ■ ! I after the year has pxpirel. \ l'\'KI’T1 SI I'AI I'N’T."^ in«ortpil for (iO r*onfs ]>or • • Hi"; fo- t)ii' first, an'l -M) oonts for o;'.oli Vtvirly ;iilv»'rtispn)pnfs hv spp- nt ri'i-r.nalilo rates. .\lvprtisi'rs arp • -• ;• tiii' nninl'or of insertions dosircil. or ci>’itinuo'l till f.'vlii'U ai\'l char;o>l acoonl- -! t! l>o inscrtcil inxiJf. charpcd '>•' ^>v'r VI. Sl'F.n \I. NOTK'K. :>vl a*'tor this-.l-up. ni^ name of a new suhsrriher ,'!! I'vo-I witliout p.-iyinent in a'lvanoe, nor will ' r- -I'nt t' sui h 'ul'seril'ors fi'r a lonper time 11 1 f.'i'. • •'■ i.-r oM suhcri>H'rs n ilesire to take the i»a- -'\':omwill jiUmso notify us when making • ,1-. Jati'v 1, 1 S'>8. HlSkE & AXDEHSOX. ]>V.\TKRS IS — staple aii«l I'aitcy l>ry 4«ooN^ Itafie Cloth inffn \u(l lieutlemeu's Furiiishing Goods every descrij>tiou. HALLOr-S FREXl'H YOKE SHIRTS, [Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. &c. Five i>er cent, off for all ('.asli Hills of .?llo and i' N))s. I(> :ui) is H:i\ St.. Hotol Kiiildfn::, > r.J .v. v. « : .IT lU^KK. JOHN H ANDEUSON. 't!\ l’>■ >po Fear. For'lv with J. .V. retnberton. \ j-. ■ TItf fV#f/ stork of I'iOKS AXI) STATIONERY. \\. n"w reeeivine a very full supply of A. and MKtM'Maneou-^ Books; School'; ni.uik Kooks; WrltiM? Papers; i Knx'lopos, Ar. i K J. HALE SON I • r “ j I #/. •/. M*emberion I ;■ ■ e ill a few days a large lot of those | f'anshtiefrs Ttrfffis. TIIEV AKE ' Mailt' ill \orfli i'nroliiia, , ■ !'[ !, \r.I F iha’.i any otlier (J.w.ds f>r the ' — ALSO— j A L\K'iF I.oT OF I KiM I. I^iaiiil Tw€M‘«N ami t'a«^iiii‘re*i. 'i '■ juulr.v 1 J A. PEMr.EUToN ; > -i ')2ilw-tt I .IAS. C. McRAE, •^itorneff 4U Oflii‘*> West cud of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. M.arch ‘iO, IBfiO. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. 0. Wright, Esq., over the one now occujned by him in Dr. Robin.^on’.s buildine. (Ireen Street. I)ec'r •_>. 1S')I». 72- IIVF#. .T/rJK'.f !•, Attorney at Law, Fayettf.vili.e, N. C. attend the (’ounty and Superior Courts of *f ('umberlantl. Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf .TOSKPIT R. BLOSSOM. CYRUS S. VAN AMRINOK- •fOM. R. A: CO., Coiiiiiii^^ioii i1lerehaint^9 .V. V, rompt personal alteiition given to all Consign ments, and advances made on IVorluce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb’y 12, 1801. 99tf liAW l\OTICE. THK Sii*»scriber having reniovel from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County aud Superior (’ourts of Cuiiiberland, Harnett and Moore. His oHice will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopal Church. His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville, NEILL McKAV. .Taii’j-21, 18t)0. 85-tf Law ,\'olic€ The subscriber having retired from the Bench, ■with purpose to devote liimself to the practice of the Law. will attend hereafter the counties of Cumberland, Rob eson and Bladen, at all the Courts, and the Superior Courts of Richmond. Harnett and Siunpson. J. G. SHEPHERD. June 4, IbOO. 23tf «. w. i.AWRi:i¥Ci:, CfP,ft.fMMSSIfP,r .flKHViM^l.rTy WILMINGTON, N. C. Y^'^lIiL attend personally to the sale of Navnl Stores. T V Timber, (,'otton. Flotir, and all other country pro duce tliat may be consigned to him. Orders filled promptly. Wilmington, N. C., Feb’y 4 1801. 9i-1y T. U. Jk If. U, WORTH, roniniis?iiioii and Forwarding Merehauts* WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 18t)1 84tf WIl/l.lAn J. PRK Mtisperlor of Tnrpeniine., WILMINIJTON, N. 0. Will atlentl promptly to all business entrusted to his FAYETTFiVTT.LE Feiiialip llisrii ?rliool« TERMS. Board per Session of weeks. ?f>0 00 Tuition in Collegiate (’lassos -0 weeks. 20 (W) ‘ “ .Academic *■ “ “ 1') GO “ “ Primary “ i n 12 00 Incidental expenses, 1 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Dr.awing. Modern anl .Ancient Languages, &c. at the usual rates. fifc^One-haif of Board and Tuition required in nd- vnnre; the other half at the close of (he Session. scholastk; year. 1st Session.—1st Quarter couunences 1st October. ' 2d *• ‘‘ loth December. 2d Session.—1st Quarter " 20lh February. 2d “ “ 1st .May. Vacation “ 10th July. J. DkB. & T. C. HOOPER, .Associate Principals. Dec’r f*’, 18)0. 77tf “nT Ml LIT A 1!\’ TNSTITUtIl OIIAiiI.OTTK, N. C. ■^HE FOURTH SESSION rtf this Institute will begin ou 1st MARCH ceived at any time. 1 1 ou 1st MARCH. .\p|)licants will, however, be re care. March 29 IStlO. 4-lypd JOSEPH BAKER, .Jr., ATT€>K.^KV AT LAW, H as taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Court# of Cumberland. Bladen, Rtibeson aud Saukpson. M.irch 2:?. 18o9. 79tf RORV TIcAAIR, *1ttorney anti t'ounseUor at Ijatr, LCMBERTON. N. C. ILL attend and pr.ictice in the County anil Superior (’o'lrts of Robeson. Richmoml and Cumberland. Ul btisiness intrusted lo hin\ will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. «)ct. ♦>, IS.')'.*, 55tf w W. p. KENDALL. ,T. S. KENDALL. \%\ P. KF.:\I»ALL A: SO.IT, Generat CotmnissioH •Iterehants^ Til U %Ti:i{ »^T«tKKT. }yil.MIM}TOX, X. C. ORDERS from the Country respectfully solicited. On consignments of Cotten and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be luade when tlesired. Oct. 17, I860. 63tf F .\ C U L T Y . j Maj. I). H. HILL, late Brevet Major, U.S. Army, as- I sisted by two Graduates of West I’oiut, two of the Vir- I ginia Military Institute, ami one of the University of I Virginia. ! T E R M S: S29J per moi\th, to include everything cxcept under clothing. (,'harlotte, N. C., Feb'y l-’>, 18f.l. 97-2m F.\Ll m \V1\TER STYLES, 18f»0! .1. A. PEMBERTON IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF Fall ^ IWHnter iwoodsm comprising the greatest variety of NEW STA'LES ever offered by him. He will receive in a few days, one of the most mag nificent selections of |jalieA’ Vclvrl Hat^ aiiil Rofanet^, and ^Iraw Rontii'l!>«, Iriiiiiiied, ever ottered in this market. They were put up by one of the most stj’lish Houses in the City of New York, and MADE EXPRESSLY TO ORDER. The public are invited to give them an inspection, as he will be pleased at all times to show them. He flatters himself that after fifteen years experience ! in the Fancy Dry Goods traile, his selections and ad vantages will be worthy of a call from those in want of desirable new Style Goods at LOW PRICES. lie would lake this occasion to say to Ins friends (many of whom have patronized him from his commence ment in business,) that he duly appreciates their Riany favors and hopes never to part conjpany with any of them. Call aud see the New Styles. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 12. 52i4w-tf .fOHA I*. I I LLKR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL rR.M''TI('E IS THE COCBTS OF Kobosoii. iimberland. Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. .luly ■). 29tf III*. THi:0. .nARTiXK, I^FFh’E, HAY STREET, opposite the Post Oflice. A. W. FI LLER, n^ttOE,KS,iM.F, €iMlOCr,K A N I) CotiiiiiiiSiKioii ’^lerclisiiit, NORTH WATER ST., \V I L MIX a T () X, X c. Oct. S, 18f)0 59-r)m ii. W. R1 LLARII, i'omm issioii ,Iterrhfin/, WILMINGTON, N. C. I^ROMPT and PERSON.AL attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, ('otton. Lumber, Timber, and all other cotintry produce. RKKKR TO O. G. P.\RSLET, Pres’t Coin. Bank at Wilmington. ,Ii)UN Dawsos, “ R. N. (^., at do. Mo^.srs. H. X. E. J. Lti.i.v. ) ■JA^iiviLoS Constantly Manul'acturin:; at my Kstabllshment. I^VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, J Saddles, liridles. Collars. Wliips i and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and ('attle; Coach Trimmings. C-irpet Bags, Valises. Sadillery, HarvlwJlre, &c. The largest stock in tlie State, sold wholesale or retail, at tiu* very lowest prices. Every description of Harness and Saddles m.inufacturcd to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON. No. 5 Market si. Wilmington, N. C., near th' Wharf. Nov. :i, lSt',0. ' c,7-ly Messrs. Pkmiu.rion ,*c St.o.w. i Fayetteville. FAI.I^, 1800. .JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his FALL and WINTER supply of 1>RY AMONG WHICH ARE: Black and Colored Silks: Merinoes, French and English; Delaines, French and others: Parisian Cloths, and other Dress Goods; Ladies’ Emb’d Collars and Sleeves; Long and Square Shawls; Chenille Shawls, Silk and Cotton: Bolting Cloths, a.ssorted Nos.—Anker; Boots and Shoes; with a large assortment of Hats and Caps, with many other Goods. -All of which were bought cheap by the Package, and will be otl’ered by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP. Sept. 12, 18*)0'. ')2tf .A. P.\RKKn, Esq., Harnett County, May 7. ISiitt. c n. N C. l.otf .M edical Electricity applied. Fayetteville, Oct. 17, lSti(>. Ileiilal A'otict'. 62tf TO Tin: I. A DIES! ; 1 \ r.-^pectfui’i\' in!'-rni' her friends and • ...- iV.y. th It she i-; prep ircd lo make n • ■ r : fa-li: >n ible style, shf' will also • - ;'iv I « wi-hinff to make their own iUi.':RHN CL'•THING cut or made to • •. i-i t ken the Agency for ihe sale of a ■'•■•Of ''I- \RT. f >r cutting L idies' Dres-es. - : ■- (■' They are very simple in t .l hf-r.‘fi‘re ea y !■; uii Icr^t'ind. 1 lie ..H'.l f-s'l ml Joe tlieni at lier house, V- ' - ri'’e-"tant Church. Hay Mount. ;>Stf \i:\v c;cM>ns. ! Ti iw receiving a large aiul well ‘^e- • consisting of ii\in>\VAiu-: and (M'tlk- . ani» iiori-:, ?ad- •i.Kl.V. ^C., r UfKHJN ANI> !*'^^IK^T1C LK^roUS, • irMCiCs, whii’h lie offers low for C.\su. ’ ! p- tnpt paying customers. KOBINSON. n. II. ROniNSO.N. H. RORI.\.M>A A: C O., Commission aud Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. (’. onsignments and country orders will receive prompt personal attention. March 17, 18t>0. 2tf • I'ountry Produce taken in exchange for n l ’,,;ton Yarii** on hand at all times, at ■ -■ prices. 1. ni'e reP].e(‘ifuUy invited to give me a call, .i .f J/\- I. VVa ldiil, So\i!h siile Hay st. A. N. .MCDONALD. ■ ;■’>>, N. C,. Sept. 21, 18f,0. 55tf BOOTS Si SIIOKS AT WllOLKSALK. '0, 31. WALKKU, of North (aroliiia, \V ^ T IT .iRAW A: F \NI> Wll(»l,l-;s M.K DK M.KRS IX itOOTS auit SHOES, \i). :ll A 33 IIKV ST.. NKW VORK. '■ 1 h.'ippv to see his Southern '‘HAW, ■>! trienils at the tfiblishmcnt. where, either jiersonally or may be supplied from an e.xtensive and Sicck of Goods. Ilopi*« aiiil I'Vai*?*, ’Iior '•r • IL'art'^ease.'’ &c- 1 lij’ liic Author of ‘ Dr. .\ntonio, 1> SCoTT ex{>ecting to be absent from Fayetteville i, f'r awhile. Dr. lienbow will be in his Office to at tend to all calls that may be made professionally. .Also to receive 'inuJ'nnds that may be due. Otiice on Person street, two doors east of the Market. Jan y 21. ISt.l. 89tf DEATI^TRY. I yi. J. D.WIS having decided on perma nently locatinz in the Town of Fayette- mi r vilie. respectfully nffcrs his services to the citi7.fu« of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. .All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are male use of in the various operations, i-’harges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. guTV" Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May D>, lfeo8. 9tf B. F. PEARCE, WITH A. ncUO.\AI.», (omnilsslon >lprcliant and Produce Dealer, AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, lIiirlwHre, Cutlery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Bagging, Rope, Saddlery, &c.. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Sheetings and Yarns at Manufacturers’ prices. 8Bg“Strict attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, W. C. Sept. 21, 1800. •')5tf ALFRED ALDERMAN, IiiK|»(‘€lor of .\a%al Ntorew, WlLMlNl’.TON, N. 0. ll^lLfj attend {>rom[itly to the transaction of all busi5 TI ness consigned to Uis care. Nov. 9. 09-6m pd M. A. BAKER, r o r r E n mth, ^pURPENTINE STILLS manufacturel on the most 1 favorable terms. All work warranted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 22, 1800. (>;}tf i’LARK & TI RLINGTOX. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. J. W. RAKER Is nuw rcceiviFii; t'roin tlu* North tlte largest, finest, aud most carefully selected stock of FI K\ITI Ki: ever offered in thi-! market; which addel to his own manufacture, makc'; his a-sortiiient complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed room Furniture in setts: curled h.-iir and shuck, anil cotton Mattresses; Looking (Jlasscs; Willow Wagons anil Cradles; Side IWanls; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- I Nots; Tables, hI! sorts; Wa'h Stands; Candle Stands; : Warilrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; 11^ILL give special attention to the sale or shipment >1 of all Naval Stores. Cotton, Flour, Timber, and ' 'unnin P.ands; Sof is in Mahogony and al- Dealers in other country produce, ment. Hair, \c.; and Ar.EMTS FOU STEAMERS KITE >!fH(RI.‘ .\MI Sl’N. Refer to: H. R. Savage, i'ashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; ,Jno. Dawson. Prcs't Wilmington Br.aneh Bank of North Carolina: W. H. .Jones. Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Dec. 14, IStjD. 70.(f Lime Plaster Ce- Tctcs; Ottomans; Divans anil Stools; Chairs ^ every variety. Fine Ritsewottd I’ianus. one with ^Kolian at- tacliment; Rosewood Melodian-, fri>m the best manufivc- lories in New ^ (>rk .and Boston, w.arr.inted as good a.s any made in the coiiutr^-. and will be soid at New York prices—freight only aMed. September 2. 45t f A DS. PRI.NTS, unusually low, either by or retail. oO Doz. WOOL and other H.VTS. l,>iai'ies for l>'t. 1. ‘ Dr. .\ntonio,” kc. E J. HALE v'i SONS. .School KooL*«. I. I’ll I Ln.-^'iPH Y from Gatiftt's Popular liy Win. (>. Peek. M. .\.; .Sanders' New : fiiiisr Analyser; l’.ulli.>ns' and Smith’s M-'Mte rh'-. Smith's and .Mitchell's (Jcogra- I 'l - .'Hid .\ndrew"' Latin and Greek Les- E. J. H.\LE SONS. W. II. CARVER, ll(‘aler in Ury iioo«N, (iiroeerie»«, and FroviKioiiw, \\J^ILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods TT on hand, to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for Produce at Cash prices. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., April D51860. 9-tf loi* ved. IWOI—Seconil jxii|»- E. J HALE & SONS. IMMK N0\ KLS, Nos. 10, II, 12, 1» A' U “ Soim Hooks and Melodist. Half IMii c, and Five Cent Novels. E J HALE Ac SONS 22- and Stereoscopic Views. ■ ' ‘ 'jeuutil'ul a^-joitment, just received. E J. HALE & SUNS. .loseph W. Barbour, INSPECTOR OF SPIRITS TURPESTINE. Having been appointed by last County Court, IN SPECTOR OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE, I am now ready to give the business my personal attention. All who may favor me with their business will find it prompt ly attemled to at my Warehouse in Campbellton, oppo site John .A. McLauchlin. Dec. 11th, 18)0. 78-r)mpd A. H. CA.^PBELL, Auctioneer and CommMon Merchant, —Will attend to the sale of— fmoofts, JWVires anti •lierrhattilixe Real lustate^ wWgroeH^ /IV. Dec. 17, 1860. 79-6m08 JSf>. s. DANCV, JNO. H. IIY.MA.N, F. M. HT.M.\N, jMt of Tarbnro'. of Snitland .Vick. iMtt of H'arrfittoii. ' HAAt l, HVTIA.\ A: CO., GROiERS& COMMISSION xMERfHAXTS, ltJ-1 Peart Street^ IIVIIAA, IIAAC’V A: To., Couinii$$!§ion rHerchanti^, .liOKFOI.K, V %. The New York House will be conducted by Jno. S. D.\scy, aided by R. W. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jxo H. and F. M. Hy.mas. Particular attention given to the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. Sept. 11, 18i0. 5Stf Business Enlair^ed. Muxteusire Sttoc •llftnafartorif. The firm of Win. Carter and Sons having been recent ly dis.solved, a new association has been formcl under the firm of mllarsh^ Carter 4V Co.^ who will continue to manufacture all kinds of BOOTS ami SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, and LEATHER of every description, upon a much more extensive scale than heretofore, (’ombined with our Tannery, it is one of the largest establisliments of the kind in the South ern country. Orders from a distance shall have prompt attention. MARSH, (.3ARTER h CO. Cartersville, Chatliam Co., N. C., Feb’y 5. 94-.3m AOTi€E. 4 S I expect to be absent from home a few months in iV the West, .Archibald McLean is my aiuhorized Agent to transact my business until I return. N. U. JONES. Dcc'r 28. 88tf r¥ow i.¥Tiarket. All persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well’ to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and ]iay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him, CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10, 18G0. 62-lypd iflarble Factor>> TWO niioRS uinvE r. t. & soxs’ store Fayetlfvillr, i%. ,Tan’v 20, 18tiU. FOR CLEItKS (IF THE tOlRTS. Execution, trial, and appearance dock ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS, in great variety. May 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. Forty YeaiV Eaiiiiiiar Letter!# of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Y’usef; Shirley; School Books, &c. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. IVorlli Carolina Form Rook, A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON. SEfO.\D nil STOtK FOR 1 8TARR & WllXI.IiVlfii, NO. 50, HAY STREET, F.VYETTEVILLE, N. C., are now receiving their SECOND SUPPLA of seasonable goods, EMBR.VCING A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY (iOODS. Boots, Shoes, Hat.s, Caps. RO.WFT.S, mRRELI.AS, Rcadff-tllafte llothms^ Xr. All of which will be offered to Wholesale buyers exclu sively, either for (!ash or on the usual time, to promj't p.ajMng customers. J. B. STARR. J M. WILLIAMS. SejK. 27, I8t»0. 5t)tf •It «Vo. tVtn Miatji St. 10,000 C I. O T II I G at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock ot mmi ,i\!) Fi\rv hrv mwi all of which will be offered on as favorable terms .as any House in Ihe State. K. KA'LE. Oct. 4, 18W. 58tf t'arpeUiis:! 'arpe1iii^! Cnrpelin^J Q.-^/wA YDS. CARPETING at No. ,31. Hay St. All stylos, all prices, all qualities. All will bo otfi'red low ejther by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crnmb ('loths and Drtiggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville, N, C.. Sept. 13, 18fi0. 52tf •V(0ti€C^*^9±ttentiouS J. A. l»FnRFRTO.\ [S very desirous of closing up his old accounts, &c. He has indulged his customers always .as far as hecoul 1. He now needs mltones^ and hopes that those whom he has always been so in dulgent to, will do all they can for him in the way of making prompt pa^'ments. Those who cannot pay money, will very much oblige by calling and gi'^ing their notes. Those who refuse to vlo either will of course not think hard if they are asked to do so in some other way. J. A. PEMBERTON. Jan'y 5, 1801. 8utf SI PREME (01 RT REPORTS, TWO i\EW VOEUHE15J. Vol. I .lones's Law, A- Vol. .■>.lones’s Ktiulty Reports, 1CST issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un bound Nos., by E. .J. HALE & SONS. Jan. 21, 1801. 80- Oi^Moliilion of C»|>artii4'‘r»lii|>. THF Copartnership heretofore existing between G. 'V ------ Exrlliutf Scene in o Thealrr.—The orchestra of tlie St.'Charles Theatro, New Orleans, were rccklcris enoujfh on the ni;lit of tlie 2nd instant as to liive at dill’erent intervals of the perforuianeo several patriotic old airs—Yankee Doodle includ ed—all ol' which were vocileronsly applauded. The effect produced is thus deacrihed by the Sun day True Delta: “When the .Star Spangled Banner was struck up it was immediately and loudly applauded, and ‘Columbia. ! the Gem of (he Ocean,’ with its refrain, made the house I ring. One enthusiastic individual jumped up and shouted ‘hurrah!’ and then there was a tumult. The audience eviilently were on our side, believing with us that the air.s should never be ignored. That’s right, stick to them; never mind what one-horse politicians and pl.ace hunters say. Let all such as forget the glo- . ries ('f the past sing Ihe Marseillaise, or any other for eign national siir; lei (he true native and adoplcd .Amer ican cling to our old airs and refuse to give them up to any faction. North or South. Looking arouml upon the large audience »t Ihe St. (’harles, we recognise*! the ab- >^ence of mere politicians and the presence of the peo ple, in whose he.irts live the liveliest recollections of (he grand memories of Washington, Jett'erson, Madison, .Monroe and Jackson. Hence the enthusiasm when the orchestra sounded the notes of the patriotic songs of our patriotic song writers.” More Plmkiihj of the (hxm.—The famous ,1a- panese swindle has been outdone; publicans have been found who surpa-ss the Lclauds, and Albany eclipses New York. Mr. Lincoln and his suite are more prodigious feeders and drinkers than the No-Kaniis. They remained for less than one day at the Delavan House in Albany, and a bill was rendered to the amount of eleven hundred and twenty dollars. As there were eijrhteen persons in the party, two of whom, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, did not dine in the hotel, the expense for each person, three-cjuarters of a day, was just seventy dollarsi Included in this bill wus a charre ol three hundred and fit‘ry-s;even dollars for wine, or above twenty-two dollars or nine bottles a head. We are not surprised, after such drinkin", at a considerable cliarge for C-on^ress water. Neither is it wonderful that the breakaires for stoves, chairs, and so forth, were set down at a hundred and fifty dollars. Fellows with nine bottles of liquor under their belts must have been in a state to break everythin;j: about them, even their necks. When the 1 Vince or Wales was at Albany, with a retinue of thirty persons, his bill at (’on;^ress Hall for two days wa.s two hundred and fifty dollars, includinjr sixty dollars riven to servants. How moderate in compari.son with the traveling party of the President elect.' Mr. Lincoln being a rigid temperance man, the keepers of the l>el:i- van have probably taken their revenge upon him in this manner.—A’. 1". 1 out. Ihc Lnst Sluof> uf irir Ijii'niit.—The almost certainty now that the 8. sloop of War Levant has been lost in the I’acitie gives a un lanehuly intere.^t to the following p:iragra[»ii—foreshadow ing her f;ite, :is it were—from one ot Mr. Kus- sell's letters, from M;ilta to the London 'I’injes in isr,4: ‘‘We subso|uently visiteil the rnitcd States corvette Levant, lying near, and were reeeivel with grea». kindness by the officers. Sha is a ^ho.r "J would be a dangerous aiui crank I cralt in )>ad weather, owing to the size of her masts and .spars, anil tlie weight of lier arma ment,” iSce. I do not propose to eommcnt on this but simj)ly to suggest that a vessel of war should : be something more than a ‘box ol guns,’ at least for the sake of those whose home in or« board.” To the Interest ol* Tiir|>entine Oif^tillc'rM. MA. baker woulil respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others that he is now manutacturing The Improved Tiir|>(‘nline Still. .All orders promply aitentled to. Copper work done on the moat favorable terms. Old Copper bouglK for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M A. BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1, 18C.0. 88tf IIESPFR: and OTIII^R POE.TIS. BY THEO. H. HILL. rpHE undersigned has now in press, a volume of poems L bearing the above title. Mr. Hill is well known in this community, as the author of many fugitive poems, which—published anonymou.sly—have “goue the rounds of (he press”—sparkling, as pure gems, wherever set. Having now reclaimed these wandering waifs, he pre sents them to Ihe i>ublic—with others hitherto unpiib- lished—and his publisher would only ask for them a cordial reception—impartial criticism. The volume—a neat 12mo.—will be sent by mail, free of postage. Price ?1 per copy. Orders should be forwarded at once to the subscriber, as but a small edition will be published. .A liberal discount to the Trade. HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. I. Goldston, name ami stylo of Goldston .S: Bro., having been di solved by mutual consent: and Charles C. Goldsion li;iv- , ing purchased t lie entire iiuerest of G. W. I. Goldston, in the Stock of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize. l)e- i longing to said Firm, the business will be conduc.'ed | in future by C. C. Goldston. ^ G. W. I. GOLDSTON. ' C. C. GOLDSTON. 94-tf If you Avant your Horses shod, call at M. McKlNNON'S S1I(.)P, on Maxwell street. Call Jit ,M. McKlNxNON’S SHOP and gc( your WROUGHT IRON PLOUGHS. H/k /v 1k! tin!/ (io?—\Ve are told, in Kings X, 22, that Snlonion had :it s(*a a navy ol “'i'ar- shisb with the n:ivy of Hiram,” itnd that “onee in three years came the navy ol Tarshish britii;ing gold and silver, ivory, aj*es, and jioaeoeks.” Whore did this navy go? We have lo;»ked to the liible expositors to find what is to be understood by Tarshish, and W’e find that they have no know- : ledge on the subject, but some of them think that it meant the ocean, in contradistinction from the “great ocean,” as the Mediterranean was called. We once hoard a reverend gentleman contend ! that the ships of Solomon which were fitted out 1 at Kzion-geber, on the sliore of the Red Sea, went : down Sea, felt their way along the coast of the Indies, China, etc., where they collected their ■ Ivory, apes, and peacocks, and then continued down the American coast to California, which he contended was the Ophir of Scripture. The , text from which this inference is drawn reads a.s follows: “And King Solomon made a navy of ships, in Kzion-geber, which is beside Kloth ou I the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Kdom. -Vnd Hiraui .sent in the navy his servants, ship- tnen that had knowledge of the sea, with the .-ser vants ot Solomon. And they came to Ophir and fetched from thence gold, four hundreil and , twenty talents, ami brought it to King Solomon.” j It appears to liave taken these ships three years ; to go to Ophir and return. If they really came to (California, we >;houId have me light thrown in I Charles c. (Joidston, under the ■ on the liistory of our niontid builders.. We could then throw open a conjiection between the .lews Feb. 5, 18U1. Feb'y 4. 18t>l. The Pre«hyterian PKalinoli»it Character notes. A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. Vol. 8th Rancrolt’s United States July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. FISH! FISH!! New MACKEREL, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. “ AVHITE FISH. “ HERRING, kc. kc. Call at A. N. .McDONALD’S. South-side Ha^- Street. Oct 1. 57-tf The Sunny South, hy Prol. In- gr.aham; Say and Seal, by the .Autlior ot “Wide idc World,” kc.; The Household of P.ouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., kc. E. J. HALE & SONS. Oct. 18 The liait ol Salew of Personal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlargel aud improved. Starkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes bj- Sharswood. Wendell’s Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. Adams’ Equjty; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts, kc. K. J. H.ALE it St)NS and tlie extraordinary people who once inh.ibited the \ :ill**y of the .^lississippi. It may be a little hard to believe that Hiram’s “.shiptnen,” witli all their “knowledge of the sea,” penetrated as far as California; but we are forced to believe some thing. The evidences that our mound builders had some connection with the Israelites are cumu lative and almost beyond (jUe.>tion. \\ here did Solomon’s shijs go? K videi'tly not dnwu the Meliterr:inean, for tluy were loiilt fin the Rel Sea. (>phir must theretore hav«; been on the e;istern coast of Africa, where we have no know ledge of any i^old mines, or it must have been in .\sia, or on the western of America. We shall not decide where it was, but we throw out our suggestion for the scrutiny of tho^e who are learned in liiblical matters. Flo III-/or the. J*n.-.9ovcr.—The Raldwin.sville (N. ^ .) (»azette notices tliat 2,l0!> b.irrels of flour are being ground at a mill in thjit place f«:- the .lews ot New \ ork, who will use it for luaking un leavened bread for the I’assover. An agent of those who ordered this flour is at the mill con stantly during the process of grinding; and sealn. I each barrel with his privjite mark in wax. Spring I wheat is used for making this flour. Blank Warrants for sale. Punch says: “Women are said to have strong er attachments than men. Ft is not so. Sfrentrth of attjichment is evinced in little thintrs. A man is often attached to an old hat; but did vou ever know of a woman having an attachment for an old bonnet.''” Echo answers—“NevrrI” Tlie ashington Star, owing the Democratic Jackson Association a grudge, eutitleb it by way of abbreviatioQ, the i)eiu. Jaok. Ass.

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