iPAir IBIE \0L. X.] Fayetteville, n. c., april 22, isci. [NO. 1015.] • KiNiKI* M'N1*AYS AND TIIURSDAVS | KUWAKD J. HALK & SONS, i IT^ llS AM» PHorKlETORS ‘Olui-^^ ookly (>nsKRVER S3 00 if paid in ; * if {'iii'l (luring the y^ar of subscrip- 1 ; t r ilie year has expirel. u ;: K.y Oh'Hivk.r 00 per annum, if jiaiil in , it paiil during the year of subscrip- ! ii:i atler the year has expired. U’VniTlSi.M KNTS inserted for GO cents per '• liiie.'J t\'r the first, and 80 cents for each i;nc piiblioation. Yearly advertisements by spe . ■nr.i ''-. at roa.'sunable rates. Advertisers are ;:'J t" -^iite the number of insertions desired, or i ' I'UtiiiUfd till forbid, and charj^ed accord- i' -;uent' to be in'^erted insidf. cliarged 50 per ti"i. notice. III 1 :if'tcr thik date, no name of a new subscriber :'U' red without p.iyment in advance, nor will • . r be '".-■ui to such subscribers for a longer time 3 ’. :uj tor. ; 1. r 1; I subscribers as desire to take the pa- 'y>iem will please notify us when making f'. Jan'y 1, I808. Eiilarsred. i xU tisive Shoe ^ttinufactory. .IAS. €. McRAE, .lltorni’if at IjUtr, t Mhce \Nest end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. March 20, 18*)0. :}tf FRENCH STRANG-B, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, W. C. .>llice that recently oceupieil by G. Wright, Esq., over the «>ne now occupied by him in Dr. Robinson's building. Green Street. Dec'r il. 1850. y-j- Attorney at Law, Fayettkvillk, C. ILfi attend the County and Superior Courts of ('uniberland, Harnett, M'lore and l^oboson ('"outi- fies. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 1(, 185*.*. 58-tf m fioons! M3W goods! P e mbert on Will receive in a few davs hi« entire stock of spiii\ii i\i) mm GOODS, EMHR.VCING ALL THE rVf w and lleipiirabltr at prices to suit the times. The public generally .ire re>jpectfully invited to call early and secure D A R GAINS. mm\U FOR THIS SEASON. IIL!§KE Ai M:irch i!8, 1801. S P R1N (} J. A. PEMBERTON Btf W liAW XOTICE. The Subscriber having removed from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the v'ounty and i^uperior ('ouris of Cumberland. Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his resilience, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopnl ('hurch. His correspondents will pleise address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. .Tan’y 21, I8t)0. 85-tf 1. firm ;if Wm (^irter and S .ns having been recent- i having retired from 1 e, I ■ I purpose to devote him>ielt 10 the ]ir:u-tu' a new association has been formed Carter 4V €o.n contint.e to manufacture all kinds of HO >I'S . 'ilt.'ES. S.U'DLLS, H.\RNE8S, and LEATHER ; ry description, up m a tiuich more extensive scale II heretofi're. f.'-inibined with our Tannery, it is one ■ larges! establishmenni of the kind in the Souih- • iintrv. »,)rders from a distance shall have prompt . 11* MARSH. CARTER X '0. i "vl’le, Chatham Co., N. Feb'y 5. .\€>TIC E. ^ ^ 1> . C'Ct to be absent from home a few months in ^^e't, Archibald McLean is my authorized J ■ T.Hiisact my busiuess until I return. N. G. JONES. ; 8:5tf \0\V MARKET. , . . - us having NEGRuES f'»r sale, will do well \ . :i r address the subscriber at t.’linton, ' :i 1 i'i!y. N. C., fts he is determined to buy and - .t '! J rice* for them that the state of the ^ V ■ . perri!!' A. S. (\ POWELL. ■ Si.:iip-.ui ?'o., March ’J'. ‘.♦-iJmpd \0\\ l.\ MARKET. [ V’ U'3 having NEGROES for sale, will do well 1 .11 ;;es- tLe subscriber at Clinton. Samjson - ; is ieiermined tc buy anf pay as liberal ■ • ■' -111 as the state of the market will permit. ■i ir»-5!-ing him he will call immediately, and ciai ofler», da all will find who will Irv him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. ii s in ’o., S*pt. 10, 18»ji'-. 52-lypd TAl ETTEVI I.I.K MITIAL L\SrRA\€E COMPANY. I. n .emium Notes amounts to $207,0''8 i l l aud other asset«, 5.077 > the Hench. with j of the L:iw. ‘ will attend hereafter the counties of (’u’Mberland. Rob- | eson aud lUaden. at all the i'.iurrs, .and the Superior ('ourts of Richmond., Harneit and Sim]>son. J. (J. SHEPHERD. I ,luij*' 4, IHOii. L’otf .TOSKPH BAKHK, Jr.. AT le 'V E V A T li A W , Has taken an office next- door to Wni. H. Wright’s Law ■ Otliee on Green Street. He will attend and practice : in the County and niaden. Robeson and March '2'^, 185'.' 'Uperior ( ourts vimpson. of Cumberland, rotf RORV UcAAIR, •ittorney and i'onnsrllor at Mjair, LCMRERTON, N. C. liriLI. attend and practice in the (’ouuty and Superior M Courts of Robe>on, Richmond and (’’umberland. ,\11 business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. *>, 18.5'» .5",if JOII.\ p. El LEER, Attorney and (ounsellor at Law, win. PKACTIOE IN THK COT itTS OV Koboson. (umberland, (oliimbus uiul RIaden. Ufice at Lumberton, Robe>on ('o., N. C. July 5, 18.-.0 -JMtf (i 0 0 1) S. tf/iril, Ijstfl. The L'ndersiirned are now opening A LARGE AND HANDSOME STOl'K of .Staple &: Fancy l>RY BOOTS A SHOES, BO WETS, HATS, Reaih/ *liadv CioHnttg^ ^v. To which they invite the attention ofrasliaild prompt paJIns customers. car* Those superior “CROSS CREEK YARNS” al ways on hand at Factory prices H. & E. J. LILLY. Ma!'ch 80 9-4w SPIU\(! STOfR W 1861! " JW^iliiaat s H ave received in j art and expect in a few days to have their entire .stock of Spring:* & SiiiiiiiierGooclis in Store, to nhieh they invite the attention of Mer chants ^'.*ner.iliy. ,\11 those having notes and accounts pnst due are earnestly re (uested to make payment with- oiU furtlier notice. ,1. 15. STARR. .). M. WILLIAMS. March 27, 18(il. 8tf AEW ^PHE CNDKRSltiXEl) expect to !iave in Store about 1 the 1st to the .Sd of April, their usual A««oi*fiiient of Cioofl«, and will be dispo-jcd to sell at short profits for C.\SH or on tlie usual credit for prompt pay. They invite a call from buyers generally. (iEO.‘ W. WILLIAMS & CO. March 27, 18'il. 8-tf 1 Ejiiscopal Church, will be held in Christ’s Church, Have received in part, (and daily expect the balance,) j Newbern, on the third Wednesday in May 1861, (that a complete and carefully selected Stock of IStitple find I'ancy M9ry Ooods, Embracing all the newest and most desirable Styles of the season. Among which may be found Rich Hroche Silks; Silk Ti.ssues and Grenadine; Poplius, Plain and IJroche; French Organdies; Plain and Printed Bereircs; Berege Anglaise; Plain and Eiub’d Mozauibiques; Silk Fig’d Bro cades; Challies, Printed, Plain and Enib’d. Together with every other kind of Dress Goods known. For ^11 of which, we can furnish Suitable Trimmings^ at Nos. 4t3 and 48 Hay St. W'est end Fay, |iotel Building. DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. I The War Spirit.—It is painful, says the rplIE 45th ANNUAL CONVENTION of the Protestant I Journal of Commerce, to witness the war spirit ■ now rife throughout the country. It is at its highest pitch at the South and is fast rising to j day being the luth day of the month.) I EDW . LEE WINSLOW, Sec'y Fayetteville, April 13, 1801. 13tt Grocerieis and Iron. ry BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE; 10 bags “ Laguira “ 10 mats “ Java “ 1-5 Bbls. Coffee Sugar; 15 Hhds. Prime Molasses; loo Seandess Sacks Salt; 4 Tons Swedes Iron. For sale by W. C. TROY April 15, 18G1. 13-lm 4rv Silk Lace Pointo and Silk .Mantles; Linen, Lavella and Cloth Dusters, Zouaves and Arabs; Silk Lace .\rabs. Talmas, and Sultanas; Silk Garibaldies. Also, 8-4 Berege and other goods for making Dusters, Zouaves, &c. A few very handsome Emb'd Grenadine SIIAWLETTS, at IIUSKE & ANDERSON’S. also oifer for sale to the Ladies and Milliners, a large assortment of Ladies and Misses’ BONNETS and HATS, with a great variety of French FLOWERS. H. & A. AlfE wish to call particular attention to our assort- TT meat of French, English and .\merican CLOTHS and C.ASSIMERES, for Gcnilemen, and a large supply of Goods for Boys. H. & A. IN our Gentlemen’s Furnishing Room may be found a large supply of Kea«ly-illa(le Clothing, a.s well as every other article of Gentlemen’s apparel, from a Fashionable Moleskin Hat at S-'>, or straw do. at 20 cts., to a pair half Hose at 12^ cts. to ti5 cts. a pair. SUITS made to order at short notice. II. & A. SPRING TRADE! AVORTU, WI€}HT.^1A.\ Si, 4 0. OFFER AT WHOLESALE A HEAVY STOCK OF aROCERIES. —AL.'^O— A complete atid well selected stock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. BARRELS NokTH CAROLINA LIQUORS. 150 “ DOMESTIC Ditto. WORTH, ’NIGHTMAN & CO. JAMES K¥i.E~” HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY 60 OF IRIKH rOTATOE!!^. \^ELLOW PLANTING POTATOES for sale by GKO. W, \VILLI.\MS i CO. .Maroh 27. 1n;1. 8-tf ll^E earnestly request those in need of GOODS to call W and examine our Stock before purchasing else where, as we tliitier ourselves that we can otfer ii.§ Ml .f iJ\*S in the way of C'livsip €aO«»lM. The above Stock will be sold at retail on time to re- ponsible parties, or 5 per cent, off for cash for bills ol 25 and upwards. HUSKE i ANDE’^SON, Nos. 40 and 48 West end Fay. Hotel Building. March 28, 1801. 8tf .nic KEREI.. S.VLE in Barrels and lialf Barrels by GEO W. WILLIAMS .'c CO. .1. 8-tf j^tjR .March 27. 1 J. ,r. 0 Ur. THEO. .nARTlAE, FFH'E, H.\V STREET, opposite the Post Office. Medical Electricity applied. Fayetteville, Oct. 17, ♦)2tf tl. ;?272,705 *il ve paid all losses promptly, and >i ie an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. S2^,082 00 iFFIi'EES: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. R.\Y, Vice President, A McMII LAN. Sec y. DlBEi'TdKS: Lilly, W, N. Tillinghast, \1_. r.iv^-r, s. J. Hinsdale, •v’ey. Wm. McLaurin, .V. Steduian, T. S. Lutterloh. ‘I A. W. Steel, ■- KJ. G. f'®ok, K 'han. H m. J. G. Shepherd, 'V; R. F. Brown, > . •I •- . . .■ I. 11 «ilm gton. I) ,;n2ha-t. A. E. H.all. i - iiil ! .McOuiiiiiien. Trnveling .\gents. l.R 1/ n p iny invite applications. 21-ly \1 l\Srin\TK KIMPl\V.^ HARTFORD, CM>AA. lucorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual ti/;/ioriz«Ml (apltal, I up (apital, DIKKi T t\ BRACE. lII>nU. Ill RCH. I.IKLI.. FLt-'Wl'K. A I’.CLKELEY. M.CfHKK. ■ G. RIPLEY. W. F •r. ilii>i,EY. Pres t. K. liK.M'v.. Jr., Sec'y. 00 00 ‘i,0:i0,423 SO RS. S. H. A. G. D. T. W. C. V WARD. Z. PRATT. DUNHAM. F. DAVIS. HILLVER. A. ALEXANDER. KENEY. H. BRAINARD. TCTTLE. T. A. Alkxandkk, V. Pre.s’t, A. A. WiLMAMS, Adjuster, w a- fKRFKfT soi.vk.scy and fair profit ASSETS.—July IS.VJ. Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos- . .'»t. L'yuis. eVc., 1 States Sto«--k .and Treasury Note«, ' 'ii-ks; New York, Ohio, Kentucky, iie'see. .Missouri, ' ■ -I'k . Hartford, Rochester. Br(>ok- .ler cy f'ity. i ■ ■"•ks: Hartford and New Haven, n and W .rcester, (Jonn. River. .r i’-,nds. ’.-tate, unincumbered, iri^uus Iteit;-, . 'in liand and deposited on call, and is' haii'ls, Market value. •5'.*I.j..‘{14 215,li:0 LIABILITIES, unadjusted and nut due. 108.005 00 110,000 00 87.058 00 t;o 7o,io:} 78 25,yi8 77 350,303 15 ?i2,O30.42S 80 J88,242 08 A'ofice. r) .^Ct'JTT expeetinsr to bi* absent from P^avetteville ^ i, lor awhile. Dr. Benbow will be in his t)fiice to at - i tend to all calls that may be made professionally. ,\lso ' to receive afunds that maj- V>e due. i (tftice on Person street, two doors east of the Market, j Jan'y 21, 1»1. S'.nf j «E\TI*«iTRV. J. D.VVLS having decided on perma- i nently locating in the Town of Fayette- j ville. respectfully offers his services to the j citiien? of this place and surrouniling country. In all j the various branches of his Profession, including the i manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is sati«fied. after an | extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- | tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far ' as is in the power of Dentistry. .Ml irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the projw*r metals are made use of in the variou" ■•}>fra!ions. Cliarg*-.' will i.e moderate, that the beneti'sof ilw Profi-s^ion may be placed within the reach of aU whfi niaj' fVel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over H tustou's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. Otf ALFItEl) ALDEKMAX, I n^ipec'tor 4»l Aav.nl ^fore«, WIL.MINCTON, X. C. ''ILL attend promjttly to the transaction of all busi ) tiis care. ti'.‘-)m pd .loj>>e|)li \V. Itarboiii*, IXSPEITOU OF SIMUnS 'ft i4PK.\TL\E. n.WlN'Ci been appointed by last ('ounty ('ourt. IN SPECTOR OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE, 1 am now ready to give the busitiess my personal attention. .\11 who may favor me with f heir business will find it prom [it - ly attended to at my Warehouse in Campbeliton, oppo site John .-V. McLauchlin. Dec. 11th, 1800. 78-Onipd A. .^1. cJa.tipbeee, Auctioneer and €omniisslon Merchant, —Will attend to the sale of— tmoods, M\tres and ^lierrltaHdize, Keat Mlsiate^ ^Vet^roes, Xe, Dec. 17, 18t-0. 70-Cmos ' R. I’.LOSSdM. YIU’S S. VAN AMRINiiE. JON. R. BEtlNNOn A: €0., Coniniis^^ion i^lerchants, W I'.KK.NIiALL. J. S. KKNDALL. i'0\. KEAOAEE CO., Conimi^i^ion .llerelianti^ A N I) WHOLESALE GROCERS, >0. 11 Ji 12 North Watei* St., Wilminston. I’. rders from me Country protnptly executed. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton and other jiroduce. April 2, 1 "01. lO-tf a, W. ni LEARIK €'fHii m isNion • fferrhan f, WIL.ML\(iTOX, N. C. 1)R().MPT and PERSONAL attention will he given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all other coutitry produce. BKVKR TO O. G. Pakslft, Pres’f Com. Bank at Wilmington. John Dawsjon, “ B. N. C.. at do. Messrs. H. & E. J. Lilly, Ip k Fayetteville. Messrs. Pkmbf.rton Sloan, i A. Parkku, Esq., Harneit County, N. C. .May 7. istX'. 15tf w I’LAKK & TrHLINfrrOX, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, w ilml\;t(l\, n. c. '^ILL give sjM.cinl attention to the sale or shipment w H*itniinst n. A*. Agent of the above (’ompany in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. 15. F. PEARCE, -WITH \. \. ncOO.AAEO, ' **iiiinlnhion Merchant and Produce Dealer, .\.M> DKALKIl IN (Jri.i'eries, Provisions. Hanlware. Cutler3’, B.)Ots. Stioes and Leather, l^igf^ing. Rojie, Saddlery, &c.. Foreign anl Domestic Lit^uors, I'tin^s and Yarns at .Manufacturers’ prices. I»tii“Stiict attention jiaid to orders. StJUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. : -1. l-.M 55tf Jg^y-l*rinij>t jier.soti.il attention given to all (\)nnipn- ments, and ('ash advances ni.ade on Produce to be shippet to other ports or sold in this market. F’eb’y 12. 1801. OOtf ^ T. €. R. U. AA ORTH, Commhsiou and Forwarding Merchants, WlLMINfiTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1801 JNO. s. DANCV, Late of Tarborn'. .INO. tl. UV.MAN, [.at of Srulland J\Ttck. 84tf F. .M. ItY.MAN, Late of fVarrentun. OA.A€’A, HVnAA A: ’0., GROCERS & CO.>iniSSION MERCHANTS, 1!J4 Pearl Street^ RA.nAA, «AA€Y A: €o., Cominli^^ion Merehantis, .•%oitrorK, VA. The New York House will be conducted by Jno. S. Dancy, aided by K. W. Hv.man. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jno. H. Hyman and F. .M. Hy.man. tfeir 1' articular attention given to the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. Sept. 11, 18G0. 63tf of all .Naval Stores. ’otton. Flour, Timber, and other country- jiru'luee. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce ment, Hair, \c.; and k;e\ts ri)!; srnMKRs hire iifLirRi.'’ WDsrw B*‘^er to: H. R. Savage, ’:ishier I’ank of Cape Fear, Wilmington: Jno. Diwsi.n, Pres t Wilmington Branch Bank of North (’arolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of t'ape Fear. Dec. 14, I'^'i". ^ 70-tf .M,\kKPKA('E & M'llAE, H ave on hand and expect to keep for sale, of their own manutariurtv a siij ply of Brass, Galvanized and common llooj>ed .11 AlPER RICKETS; French, High Post, Cottage aud Common Iti:DSTF..lDS; Spring Mattresses, of new and improved Spring, on hand or made to order of any «iz>-, L )UNGES; Spring, Cane, and Wood Seat ('HAIRS, of different kinds and jiatterns; Spring Sofas, Lounges and Chairs, repaired, and covered witli Hair Cloth or other wise; Hoe handles, Bungs for bl)ls. & Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and I'pper Leather, and Plastering Hair. .As we have good Machinery for Sawing, Planeing Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work with despatcii and on satisfactory terms. Per.«ons having work or rejiairing to do will do well to give us a call We warrant our work; if it fails, you know where to find us. Having faken a Store on the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South of W. Steel, Es(p, and havitig some spare room, we would attenil to the storage and sale of any tiling tiiat may be consigned to us; and will give special aitcntion to products of this State. Fayetteville, .April 1, 18tJl. 9tf Limm The Works of Chas. Lamb, 5 vols. Edited by Talfourd; “ *• of Henry Fielding, 4 vols; “ “ of Oliver Goldsmith, 4 vols; “ “ of Tobias Smollett, 0 vols; Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Pascal’s Provincial Letters; “ Thouglifs, Letters, &c; Chesterfield’s Letters; Corinne, or Daly, by Madame DeStael; Jane Porter's Works; Vicar of Wakefield and Rasselas; Hood’s Whims and Oddities; “ Comic .Miscellanies; Hallam's Middle .Vges; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry, (!urrer Bell's Works—Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villetfe; Evelina, by Miss Burney; Beulah, Rutledge, The .Mill on the Floss; “Line tipon Line,” “Peep of Day,” ic; Fox’s Book of Martyrs; Buchan’s Domestic Medicme; Mis.-; Leslie’s New Cookery Book; Youatt on the Horse; Youatt & Martin on Cattle. , April 3. E. J. HALE & SONS. DRY GOODS, —.Among which are— I '"AA T’IKCES CALICO; iOUU 50U PIECES LAWNS; Black and Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 11; Men and Boy’s Clothing. With 9 large s.ssortmcnt of all kinds of All of which were purchased at Auction aud private sale by the package at panic prices, and will be offered cheap by wholesale or retail. April 11, 1801. 12tf YDS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by holesule or retail. 50 Doz. WOOL aud other HATS. M ,Vo. »1, ilaif St. 10,0001 5t C O T Ul^G at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock of vr.u*LE m ^m\ drv goods, all of which will be offered on as favorable terms as any House in the State. J. K. KYLE. Oct. 4, 1800. oStf M School Rook«. ONTEITH’S, Mitchell’s and Smith’s Geographies; Smith s and Bullions’ Grammar-; Emerson’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions' and Andrews' Cajsar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace ami Ca*sar; Northend's American Speaker, Jtc , &c. April 3. E. J. HALE & SONS. LAW HOOKS. ^AUNDERS’ REPORTS; “ on Pleading and Evidence; Phillips on P'vidence: Common Bench Reports—new series; Curtis’s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chittyon Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taylor’s Law Glossary; Williams on Executors; Devereux’s Kinne's Kent; *• •' Blackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Butler & Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Damages; Story on Sales; “ on Bills of Exchange; “ Equitj' Pleading; “ on Conflict ot Laws; “ on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow on Parttu*rsliip; Roberts' Principles of Eiiuitj’; Doctor and Student; Broome's Commentaries; Leading Cases in Equity, Hare it Wallace’s Nofes; Lawyer's C'ommon Place Book; Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Gresley’s Equity Evidence; Burrili’s Law Dictionary; Wharton’s Law “ Phillips' & Amos on Evidence; Archbold's Lamllord and Tenant; “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainders; Tidl's Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord and Tenant; Adams’ Equity; Williams on Persanal Property; Mayne on Damages; Archbold’s Criminal Practice and Pleading; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Wendell’s Blackstone; Chitt.y's “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith’s Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Ohitty's Critninal Law; Williams on Real Property; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Properly; Dart on Vendors; ^ Crabb on Real Property; Sugden on Powers; Smith’s Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & W'allace’s Notes; Mitford’s ('hancery Pleadings; Doniat’s Civil Law; Rockwell’s Spanish and Mexican Law; Sharswood's Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome's Legal Maxims; Collyer on Partnership, &c., &c. The Reports of the Supreme Court of Norfh Ca rolina; Cantwell’a Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac- E. J. HALE & SONS. March 29. The Presbyterian Psalmoilist Character notes. A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. FtRTUER SIPTMjIES, ^lO.M.MERCI.AL NOTE, Billet Note, Cap. Letter, Bath V Letter, Docket, Folio Post, and others Papers in great variety. Bonnet Boards. &c. ic. Just received. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. April 12. Office liteiieral Superintendent, Wilmington Manchester Railroad Co., 1 Wii,mington. N C., -April 8. 1801. / TO SHIPPERS. i^RO.M and after this date the forwarding of Mer chandise intended for the Confederate States, will I be discontinued by this Co. I Goods destined as above should be sent to the care of I Commission Merchants at this place and accompanied with duplicate Invoices and Bills Lading j This course is made necessary on account of the new ' duties and respotisibilities imposed by the Revenue I Laws of the Confederate States. j Goods destined for the interior of North Carolina and passing through the Confederate States are not subject j to duty and will be forwarded as heretofore by R. R. I Co. free of Commissions. Invoices 9f such goods, how- I CTct, must beut to Getieial Fitriglil A^eui niiU Bills Lading. I J. P. ROLERTSON, Gen’l Sup’t. April 10. 12-lm ANTED, on the first day of August next. Three TT J'egro MEN to be engaged in a Steam Mill, for one, two or three years; for which good prices will be paid at the expiration of each year. Please let us hear if any to hire. HENAG.AN & MALLONEE. Bennettsville, S. C., April 11. 12-4t ^^100 Reward* R.ANAW.AY from the subscriber on last December, my negro man D.AVE. He is a full-blooded negro, 5 feet H or ll> inches high, well set, and intelligent fur a negro; would weigh wnen he left from lOO to 15, aged about 35 years; ho has a scar on his face. 1 will pay Fifty Dollars reward to any person delivering him to me at Philadelphus, Robeson county, N. C., or for his confinement in any Jail so that 1 can get him. .And Fifty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any person or persons for harboring him. DANIEL McCALLUM, For JUSEl’il B. McCALLUM. Philadelphus. Robeson (’o., N. C., .April ». 12tf PKOSPKCTL’S OF THE STARS AND STRIFES. rilHE undersigned. Editors of ttie ••Greensboro’ Pa- X triot,’’ propose publishing a Campaign paper, “The Stars a.nu SrKirKS,” commencing on the 20ih of May, atid to continue three months. The ••Stais and Stripes” will be issued from the Patriot oftice Weekly; will be just half the size of the Patriot, entirely filled with read ing matter, as advertisements will be altogether excluded from its co umns The publication of the “Little .Ad,” which reached the unparalleled circulation of 8,000. has satisfied us of the necessity of a cheap paper published for a limited time on the same plan, in order to reach the great public ear of the State. There are hundreds and thousands in North Carolina, eager and anxious to be informed of the stirring events which are now daily transpiring around them, and who, yet, are unwilling, ami many of them unable, owing to the stringency of the times, to sub scribe for the large weeklies. The next few months are certainly pregnant with great events, and it behooves every man who loves his country, to avail himself of every opportunity to acquire accurate and reliable information, so that he may know how to act in any emergency that may arise, and may be in a situation not to tie imposed upon by the enemies of his country—those who would deceive him to his ruin. “The Stars and Stripes ’ will be devoted to the Union, and will plead for the Union as it is, so long as it can be maintained consistent with our rights and our honor. We appeal to the Union men throughout the State to come to our aid, and give the ‘•Star.s and Stripes” a wide circulation. Let those who are williug to sacrifice something for their country, send on their five and ten dollar bills, and order clubs of 20, 40, 00, 100, and scat ter the paper broad cast over the State. Persons order ing clubs can have their papers sent to as many differ ent offices as they desire. Then make up your clubs and send on your names at once. We hope by the 20th of May to have at least 20,000 names enrolled upon our books. No expense, no pains shall be spared to make the “Stars and Stripes” an interesting and useful paper. Former experience, and former success in publishing the “Little Ad,’’should be a guarantee to the public, that we have the ability, tact, and energy, to accomplish what we propose. The “Stars and Stripes” is .a fixe«l fact—it will he published, and it will go forth shedding light and knowledge over fever heat in the North. At the rate thini^s io on, the country in less than thirty days will be ripe for a bloody contest; so that, whatever Presi dent Lincoln or President I>avis aiiay think or wish, war will be inevitable. We are fust becom ing; a nation of hattra; and now that we have no national antipathies towards loreigtiers, we indutic in the very reprehensible conduct ut hatin; our own brethren and kinsmen. It is time for the people to pause and ask themselves whither are we drifting? What will be the con.stnjiietice of this spirit of animosity towards our lellow-counfry- men? Is it not possible for jis to ‘iilier decently and like men, without indulging in a .cpirit of malignity? Cannot men be in favor of slavery ^ or opposed to slavery without rushing at each ; other likt^wild beasts, as if they w^uld devour I tho?e who differ with them in opinion? I A Fahe Issue.—The disunionists of North Caro- I lina are striving to raise a lalse issue. The Cjuo.s- i tion is not, as they aver, “will you go with the i North, or will you go with the South?” 'J'he true i issue is, will you join the erratic fortunes of tlie { Cotton States, with two and a half millions of Irt c- men, and an equal number of slaves, or will \ou 1 remain where you now are in the 1 iiion with,tin; border Slave States having very nearly an ctjuul interest in slaves, and containing the white population ol the Southeri* Confederacy, with a greater amount of wealth and material prosjierity? ]ie not deceived—the Border slave States are your allies—your destinies are more closely link ed with them, than with the Cotton States—they are jealous of their rights, and they will submit to no infringement of those rights by the (ieiicrul Government—and you can remain in the Union with them without the sacrifice of principle, and without degradation. Think lor yourselves, and permit not the disunionists to make i.-5sucs for you. lieaii/ort Uanutr. Just in I^lace.—Daniel Webster once told a good anecdote in a speech. When asked where he got it, he said, “1 have had it laid up in my head for fourteen years, and never had a go(>d chance to use it till to-day.” “My little friend wants to know what good it will do to learn the “rule of three,” or to commit a verse ot the Bible or the Catechism. The an swer is this: Sometime you will need that very thing, l^erhaps it may be twenty years before you can make it tit just in the right place. J>ut it will be just in place sometime, and then if you don’t have it, you will be like the hunter who had no ball in his rifle when he was met by a deer.” “Twentj-five years ago, my teacher made me study surveying,” said a man who had lately lost his property; “and now 1 am glad of it. Jt is just in place; I can get a good situation and high salary.” Kxtraordiua ry Mode of Bnridl.— -I l» Or deal o/ Widous.—When a man dies in Vancou ver’s Island, bis body is laid upon a raised plat- torm or couch, erected in the n.iddle of his lodge. Here it is left for nine days to be seen and visited by his tribe; upon the tenth a funeral pile is erect ed and a great gathering of friendly tribes aud families takes place. The corpse is laid on the top of the pile, the wife or wives of the deceased ly^ing alongside; here she must remain until the presiding mi^dicine man permits her to rise, which permission is seldom accorded until she is terribly burned. Even now her trials are not over; she must col lect some of the oily nmtter which exudes from the burning flesh, and rub it over her own body, and if the limbs (as is freijuently the case) of the body contract from the heat, it is her duty to keep them straight, and all this in a blazing tire of gum wood. Should the wretched woman get through all this alive, she has to collect any reumatifs ol char red bones, and tying them in a bundle, carry tin in upon her back, day and night, for three years, at the end of which time she is free to take a second husband—a trial I should scarcely imagine likely to tind many brave enough to attempt. Etitjuette among the Chinese retjuires that in conversation each should complitnent the other, and everybody belonging to hiiu, in the most lau datory style, and deprecate himself, with all per taining to him, to the lowest possible point. The following is no exaggeration, though not the precise worus: “What is your honorab].e name?” “My insigniticant appellation is Wong.’' “Where is your'magnitieent palace?” “My contemptible hut is at Suclun.” “How many are your illustrious children?” “My vile, worthless brats are five.” “How is the health of your distitiguishcd spouse?” “My mean, good for nothing old won.an is well.” Prodigals are born of misers, as butterflies are born of grubs. Diflicultics dissolve before a checrtul sjiirit like snow drifts before the sun. We blame fortune for not visiting us, where as in mariy cases the fault lies at our own door in doing nothing to invite her in. As a steamboat was about to start from Cincin nati one day, a young luan came on board, leading a blushing damsel by the hand, and approaching the polite clerk, said, in a suppres.«ed voice; “1 say, me and my wife have just got married, and 1 am looking for accommodations.” “Jjooking for a berth?” hastily enquired the clerk, passing tickets to another passenger. “A birth? thunder and lightning, nol ’ ga.^pcd the astonished man, “we ain't but just got mar ried: we want a place to stay all night, you know.” The Boston Courier, under the heading', “Dull Times a Cure for t?orns,” tells the toliowing in cident: One of our solid men had occasion for many a waste and dreary region, warming the heart of the patriot, and infusing new life and vigor into the de sponding. It will not be a Whig nor a Democratic pa- ' the pain-extracting service of a corn doctor, and Address the subscribers at Greensboro M. S. SHERWOOD, April 11. JAS. A. LONG. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. NEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. A I joined the doctor. “But really you uou t >ay that ! people, to avoid paying twent\ tivt or ii t v ci ttl-, ^ will suffer the pai i of fheir c r s ' plied the doctor; “but the ti tiC' nmk i wear their old boots und siioes, ;iiid 1 have any corns.” “.No, re-- fh(‘ [i'-(>:'!e ihey .t oi't