SEMI-WEEKLY. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 10, 186L [NO. 1029.] •>!(\\!) Tiin;si>\vs. I n>« !:I> .1. II II.K .V s«\s. i ^ 'N • i ll MM’irTOltS " ■ ^ ^ 00 if in ' ; 'I'’' f)u> v: av of '^nh'^-cvip- ■ - - li • : xr'r,',l ' ' l"T Miunitn, if in ■ ’■ ''»i!r • ln> \ (>-ir of siili-^crip- . r ‘ i- .'Xl.ifcl. ‘ T-^ III ..Tto,l t'ot 1,0 ..(Mit . per , Mihl '’!> i-i'nt-i for tMch ! Ivori i:-i iii('iit liv s)if- ■ ' I'.i'i' . \‘ivi'rti-iM’-: lire ' ’ ■’ in- .‘rti. >i .l.>«ir.> 1, or ' -K iiii.l . Ii-iriri‘ l :k'. .Mil- ■ . I iVi-i' l •'>' por SHIvMWELl. HOUSE, A FKW mUlKS NORTH OF THE MARKET HOISE. ' ' :i.;; I in'w ritior in l ivauif. i\‘v will •'- : .r a !.in>r'v liint* 'ri> ^ I :ikp p-i- ' ’ : ■ ii wlion iiviMiig .1 -y 1. .>. roceries / / - : FWllLV ’ . ■ ‘ '! ri. 1. ^ .St: .ir- ui‘ all . 'i ’ ' . - =n \V1, \ C,- ** iH-tf to ICriif. I' I 'I .. . ' a -e:. ’ :^. !y rccupioil \ ■ ' h 'lj'C If a — A I,S', t— ■■ '11111. i.itely i)C iipieJ hy U. K. • ■ . : W iicr llu* irii'iltMi • I ' : ^ Summer i e.'idei;'.'o. ,1 AS. 0 . 1 K )K. l'>tf KACLi: IIOTI-L. A :rVILLE.. N. C., APRIL, 1861. • v.i, y.lur jiTteinion to tiit* i -■ ' ■ nil ilie r',>->ms i : • il cl iu Iteiit'f oi'li-r ;.Ti:.uii> of .N' 'iili (’;tro- : ' ■ . ' ■ ' il u 1 -■'.iiil atten- '• ’ il ' p:irt ot' ilie Si.iio. . - v.-i! ivsi tb;\l 1 .‘iio ]Te- i ' . - j.erior to any iioii>e ■’ ; ii> ! xpL-ii.'ii'0 ill ■ I '.Mil makf vi'Ur'iiy ■ ' 1 LTfoahlo. . . ■ - r-_ ' i '’I'l. I ii ivt* :i nninHer Il Ks. ; \iilil ■. s. H; \ nil S\ll!l|.lv HORSES. M -'-’ - ■, .1' in:’*''- iiiitioe. 1 will _ - t ptM'iii« ili^t may *>e ' r ■ - ii'TiiT ri*k‘s. 1 rt.isiire ■ ■ - ’.K‘V wiii till I ('TiTythiiii; they I- - . ■ . ■■■ r.-iko .r! - : ■ ■■ ; Iv :- ::irrrr ovi-r ;ii\y lit-r - ■ >•■ i i - ko’ r f .r 1 • II ; ■!-T'ar; fr"rn 'iiis pltc*-. . - _ : : '■.i-.ii 1 vi'i'iu:; otir ■ ' T'O .1 SOVi-I il \Vi'(.'k-. it will ’1 , r.; :i,~. n-i liit' - ■ • ‘ V ■ r- I ’-y : T; i t ’ f ■ 1- IW_-: . 1 wi’'. - I'f c.f 'r: v,.iU at tiie i y\. I’L \Hi. I’y iprit' ^ ; :N'I a' N ^ W. f!;iv Si. All . 1 • . ■ All will >"• . • V '- - I ‘ "f' lil. .VU >. '>-4 :lI1'i .1. K K'l u:. \- ;.i|M ’.'.111) i ill .voTur:. ■\ M \TTi;i:srs i ; • i! \iiis. taiw.ks. ^ . ; - , ■ • ; • . ' -I'M . "V ill fX- ; . i\-: -.1. ."I., .ipp-.silf tllP ' A'il.i; ,v l!Il'». : ,1 . i i-’'iii 6 0 I sss I or .MANi i'AiTrinx THE K I ■ ■ ; T 0 N shoe: r,n TOitv 1' o -t- 1 ^ NOW ! V sr t r K's vi i, o i* k ii \ilo v. • - ' _ \:i!l'l IKMtTS lire A inDUl Th»* \‘w Small, lOLOHKI) PHOTO;ilAPHS, \ 'i .111 i '1 - ;in I * i 1':. ;iii(i I’roprietor. /.,.A i t" the exteiisiTe increase of patroi House, ilurine: the year, 1 havt ten.led mv f icilitipy hv the addition of a r •on age ■e ex- num- I'er of I'omfortnlile leepiiig rooms, with otlier import ant improvements, which will add inaleriallv to the fumt.irt and convenience of those favoring me with their pitronage. To those will' liave Uoen niy kind friends and cus- tomei^^ for tlie pa>;t six yc'irs. I tender my most sincere thanks, at the same time respoctfullv soliciting a con tinuance ot their patronage, and also (he patronage of a large number ot new j)atrons 1 have good Stahles and a No. 1 Ostler. 1’ 8H EM WE 1.1.. .lany l»i. IStjO ^4- \vi>ti:k\ kail koau. fc Yi XrJi_ following rates vs ill now be charged for l*assen- 1 gei-s on this |{oa 1. vi/; To Little lliver, AO cts. 'I'o Spout Spring. To “ To .Jonesboro', 1 (K> To .Mclver s, ] 2') Train leaves the I'epoi Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at n’, o'clock .V. ,\1. Returning, leaves Mclvcr's at I o'clock r. M. r., MALLETT. I’re-'t. Nov. 1''. l^'iO. 7i(f N !:.\ IIKST AXn Q| - ITK KST ItOl Ti: TO Tlli: KAILKOAO! ! FAVRTTKVTLl.K Female Hisrii School. TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks, S10 00 I Tuition in Collegiate (Jlasae* 20 weeks, *J0 00 ; “ “ Academic “ “ “ 15 00 “ Primary “ “ “ • 12 00 Incidental expenses. 1 00 I Tuition in Music, I’ainting, |)rawing. Modern and : Ancient Languages, .to. at the usual rates, j |fe^”One-half of Hoard and Tuition required in ad- I vance: the other half at the close of the Session. ; scnoi-ASTic year. j 1st Setssion. — 1st (Quarter commencea 1st October. -d *• •• 10th l>ecember. 2d Session.— 1st Quarter “ 'joth February. -d “ “ 1st May. Vacation “ 10th July. J. UeR. & T. C. HOOPER, Associate Principals. l»ec’r 8, 1800. 77tf A Kiiiokiiii; i'liiiiiiit'y. \NY person having a smoking fire-place can have it remedied by addressing me at the Fayetteville Post Office. White Washing, llrick Work and Plastering done in best manner. All my work warranted to he done well or no j>ay. .\nd if any chimneys heretofore built by me should smoke, thev will be altered without charge! " DAVID McDUFFlE. Fayetteville, N. C., March 2U. 9-lvpd A. A. IlcKE I I1A\ VcT «./ V. & HOI]I\SO\*S KOI U HOUSE STU.E LIVE TO KENANSVII.LE, VIA WARSAW, IS the .^ and most o.xpeditious for travelers gi'ing Ni'i ili or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at •J ^I'cbK'k P. M. THKorr.Il l.\ TEN HOURS, Kir ’.laches are large and comfortable, drivers sober and gen;lemanly, onr teams g-^vid and sure of five miles an hoiir. Tile traveling public who wouM study their comfori and oonvenienoe will tike the Warsaw Stage. ffrirTIIRorilH TK’KETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage (^flice, Fayetteville. .Mav 25. I!'')**. 25-tf ICE! K'l:!! Fayetteville ICE IIOI'SK will be open from f> I to 7,^ o'clock rvery morning, and from r> to 7 on Sat urday evenings. No lee will 1ie delivered without 'iii-keis. and no ticket'' without CiixL. Tii kets (’.'ill bo had at mv Stme. D. ANDERSON, leo can al> i be had at my St^re during the day. April 24. ‘ ‘ U;-tf .m:\v uooos. '^pHE siib-;eriber is now receiving a large and well se- 1 l-‘ctei| 'tii'-k of consisting of ii.m;i»\vauk axd (M ti.k- iiv. HAta'.LNt; ANi* K(»n:. sai>- IH.KllV, .Sec., FOHKICN A\l> noMKSTU' I.K^roKS, and many ..ther artiole^*. which he otTers l.>w for ut on Mtoitr TIME to prompt paving customers. \170L'LD inform his friends in North Carolina, ami tt throughout the South, who wish to encourage Southern Industry, that he keeps constantly on hand, and is daily finishing, a large assortment of \*EH fCL,ES of every descri]>tion, mostly light work, which are faith fully made by exjierienced workmen in each branch. His work will compare favoral'ly with any for neatness and durribiliry. He is determined to sell and do all work in his line on as gooil terms as any that is as well made. He has now finished a very large quantity of work which he will sell low for Cash or on short time to punctual customers. work warranted 12 mouths with fair usage, or shnuM 'it fail by workmanship or material, will be repaireil free of charge. Orders from the South will receive prompt attention. He has within the last few years sold work in South Carolina, (Joorgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Ar kansas and Texas. Repairing done af short notice and on reasonable terms. Dee r 17. iS'jO. 80tf All kinds ot ('ountry Produce taken in exchan for I .'od>;. HARJVESS Siivtings and Cotton \ arns on hand at all times, at M.iiiu;.-.!-!urei»' price-'. A’l I ‘v-ons are re-.]'Octfully inviied to give me a c ill, ?':>■ 1 'tand if .1. ,v T. W.i Mill, .''oiith '•ide H-iv st. A. N. Mcl>uN \l'|». I'aveitevillo. In. C.. Sept. 24, 1 ootf FISH! FISH!! \TtW MACKEREL. No-. 1, 2 and •• nillTE FISH. HERRING, vN:c. .vc. ('.•iH.ii A. N. Mcl)oNALl> S, South-side Hay Street. Oct. 1. r>7-tf I roiistaiitly M.'tiiiiractiirln:; at my Establishment. px ERV VARIETY OF HARNESS, , ij Sa>ldles. Rridles, Collars, W’hips^^BB^ I and Ti iinks; all kinds of l.,eather, (’alf Skins and Oil; Cindiiioii Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; C:.:ich Trimmings, ('arpet Higs, Valises, Saddlery, I ll.'irilware. \c. The largest stock in the Stat e.sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every ■ descripfioii of Harness and SaddUs manufactured to I order and repaired. •l.VMES WILSON. No. o Market st. Wilminjfon. N. C.. near th* Wiiarf. N..V. n. l^c.O. 07-ly .^larble Faielory, A M A'ortli €':ii*>liiia Hook, FL’RTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE .V SON TO Tin: I.AIIIFN! RS. (;11>.'^(*N respeorl'ully informs her friends and ^.M. tlie pul>lic gfiierally, she is jirepared to make 1>I!E.'^SES in the mo-t fashionable style, she will also cut :uil tit tor any l.-idies wi>hing to make tiieir cwii Dre.sse.-; t'lllLDREN S CLoTlll.Nt.J cut or ma le to order. .Mr. tiibs(jii has taken the .Agency for the sale of a new and excellent 'H.\r> T. fur culling Ladies' Dresses. .Vl.'o, one for i’.oy s Clothing. They are very simple in ci.instructioti. and thcrfloie easy to undei>tand. The ladie- are rc'iuested to c.ill and -ee them at her house, ■)tli hoi.-e above the Piuiestant Cliurch. Hay .Mount. (»ct. 2. obtf ART. ^olai- ( aiiicra. :■ I ■ , j' \ : i I h id a! \’;in il 'di 'l's .''kvligllt , ; ::;iy '• . - . -in- Mnrble Yard,' Fay- , . . N. I : I '/ii. hc'!. co: .I'cd, !n water ; I - i; : '. 111 '■ > life *^ize. .Vmbro- i 'i .> . II i i : ■ - i. ; -tylc^ of l’iclure'‘ .\ - '. '•':i i- C.ilt Mould- _ • 1 i. : - i. - . -i ge as 2'‘i by ; ii.iiiifin'/ p:- iiires: lii'^tru- i ’ ' I'c 'W (■•■ish. Life j . rii' ; ,1 i'i.’ ^ii,a!l pici urcs. | . i i.i.ine , .'i' 1 h'-. e I liiipc to merit . ijr 1 V ici .iU lay -iiicere thanks i.i; p itr iii.i;.i 1 • .'.v:• I un me heretofore by ■;ip’c i.f FnyeiI :l'c‘ ;[i 1 viciiiity. » . M. VANORSDELL, L:i%« of ot IVr^oiiinl . iiy Friiiei- Hil'.iail. 21 Edition, Enlargod ■ "II i;-. j ^':i Edition, with Notes by 1'.; I'k-; ^!h'. I’.y!.-.-' on Pdlls. Notes by ■A' . ! ■ ;■ ! i 'i'y; liroo ii - Li g ;! Maxims. ■I: u i. j'j' icts, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. VNEW and beautiful assortment, just receiveil. E. HALE At SONS. i;. F. FFARCE, - -W 1TH-- \. IlfOOAAI.n, ((Miiiiiission .M‘r(‘liaiit and Prodiift* Dealer, KKALKK 1\ Groceries, i’rovisions. Hardware, ('utlery, Hoots, Shoes and Leather, Ragging. Ro]>e, Saddlery, &C., Foreign ami Domestic Liipiors, Sheetings and Varnif at Manufacturers' prices. Strict attention ]>aid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, W. C. Sejtt. 24. IM'.o. O^tf ^pHE Works of ’has. Lamb.'> vols. Editel by Talfour«l; X ” of Hi'iiry Fielding. 4 vols; oI Oliver tioldsmith, 4 vols; “ “ of' Tobias Smollett, t> vols; Letters of .funiii-: Fenelon's Works: Pascal s Provincial Letters; Tiionghts, Letters, \c; Che«tertield's i.etters; Corinne, or Italy, by .Madame DcStael; Jane Porter's Works: ‘yioa/ of Wakefield and Rasselas; Hood’s Whims and Oildities; “ Comic Miscellanies: Hftllam s .Middle Ages; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry. Currer I’ell's W'orks—.Lane Eyre, Shirley and Villette; Evelina, by Miss Rurney; P.eulah, Rutledge, The Mill on the Floss; “Line u|ion Line,'’ “Peep of Day," &c; P’ox's Rook of Martyrs; Ruchan s Dumestic .Medicine; .M iss Leslie’s New Cookery Rook; ^'ouatt oil the Horse; Youatt & Martin on (kittle. April;’.. E. .1. HALE & SONS._ Hlanks of all kinds ut tliis OtHce. By TWO UlillRS \BOVK (’. T. Ill Kill k SONS* STORK ray ll*vill«‘, V. .lan’v 20, I ^tio 8 t- Tiii*: \vi:ll kaowa lfHhniu//ion Ice Honse^ Front & Dock Streets, Wilmington, N. C. JOHN i:. Liri'lTT, l'Hoi>RiET(m. tAM now supplied with a full stock of best qinilify FRESH POND ICE. free from SNOW and DIRT, whi^h will be sold o.i reasonaf)le terms. 0R1>ERS will receive prompt personal attention. ICE well packed and forwarded with dispatch. ICE will be delivered at Fayetteville or any point on the Wilmington, (’harlotte Si Rutherford R. Road, Wil mington and W'eldon R. Road, for .ii^l 50 per barrel. ICE in hulk, hogsheads, casks and boxes, furnished at lowest rates. TP]RMS C’.ASH, which will be strictly adhered to. .Address orders to WlL.MI.N}TON ICE HOUSE. April 1, 1.''*>I. y-4ni To 1^:111(1 liiyt‘r«. The undersigned offers for sale, in the region, and within eight tniles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & W'estern Rail Road on Deep River, EIOHT HrXDREI) AC RES OF LAM), adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'd, ami lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket (’reek, Moore count}'. These Lands are well adajtted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and till neces.sary Out houses, with about one hundred anil fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section.' 4>'or further information apply to Mr. iM. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek, P. ()., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carboaton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf ! School Books. ONTEITH’S, Mitchell’s and Smith s Geographies; Smith and Bullions’ Giatmuars; Emerson’s ami Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions' and .Andrews’ Cajsar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and Ciesar; Northend's American Speaker, «S:c., &c. April 3. E. J. II.ALE & SONS. M CONVENTION ON NOKTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbes, Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. 13. Spruill, Janies Bond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—T. D. McDowell. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. Mcl^owell. Cabarrus—C Philer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedtbrd Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Hoaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt, Cherckee—A, T. Davidson. Chowan—K. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W, J. T. Miller, J, W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. (ireen, Jno, D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S, McNeill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw, Davidson—B. A, Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. \ 5 \ Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Iloustofi, J. T. Rhodes, Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson. U. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X, Johnston, Gates—A, J, \\ alton. Granville—A. W. Venable, Jj. Hargrove, S. S, Royster, Greene—W. A. Dardeti. Guillbrd—Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph (Jorrell, R. P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor, Hyde—E, L, Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. II. Thomas. riohnston—(^ B. Sanders, W. Smith. Jones—Wm. Fov- Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Maton—C, D. Smith, Madison—J. A, McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs McDowell—J. H. (Jreenloe. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. II. Christian. .'loore—II. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, W. S. Ashe. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. .Moody. Onslow—(i. W. Ward. (grange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pa.s»juotank—R. K. Speed Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. (,’uningham. Pitt—F. H. Sattcrthwaitc, B. Grimes. Kandolph—W. J, Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinjjham — D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. i Rowat -B. (’raige, H. (\ Jones. Kuther^. ’d and l\)lk—J. H. Carson, .M. i)ur- ham. Sampson—II, A. 3Iosely, 'rhoma:i Bunting. Stanly—E. Heariie. Stokeii—( \ acant.) Surry—T. \'. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Sprtiill. I’liion—H. M. Houston, Wake—G, E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W, W. Holden, Warren—W. N, Edwards, Frank Thornton, Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Wutauga—J. W, (’ounsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. ^Vilkes—las. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. .Vrmiield. Vancey—31. P. Penland. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IHOt'-fJl. SENATE. Pasiuotank and Peri|uimans....I M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons. (iates and (’howan....M L Eure. Hyde at.d Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton ...J M S Rogers. Hertford....! B Slaughter Bertie...David (_»utlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax....M C Whiiaki'r. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T (Mark. Pit I... E .1 Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones... Dr M F .Arendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W' Hall. Duplin...Dr .lames Dickson. Onslow...L VV Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston....! W B W'atson. W'ake...M A Bledsoe, Nash....\ .1 Taylor, Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford, Granville...C II K Taylor. Person,,.C L Winstead, Orange....losiah Turner, Jr, .Alamance anJ Kandolph....lonathan W'orth. Chatham—W S Harris, Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd, Riclimond and Robesou....Alfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S II W'alkup. Guilford....John M Morehead. Caswell... Redford Brown. Rockingham... F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Da»ie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse .A W’augh. -Ashe, Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, -McDowell &C...VV W' .Avery. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherford, Polk .Sic...A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson &c...Marcus Erwin. Haywood, Macon &c...W II Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...T N Grumpier. Burke... J 11 Pearson. Buncombe... A S Merrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Menres, Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus...W S Harris, Catawba,,,Jt»nas Cline. Chatham...W' P Taylor, R N Qroen, Turner bynuui. Cherokee...G W Hayes. Craven...C C Clark, F E Alfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Colutubua...N L Williamson. Camiien...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Wiiitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland....A G Waters, J R I..ogan. Davidson...Lewis Haynei, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F (ireen. Gaston...J H White. Granville...J M Bullock, W H Jenkins, S HCannaday. Guilford,..C P Mendenhall, C £ Shober, J L Gorr«lI. Greene....A D Speight, Gates,,,John Boothe, Hay wood... S L Love. Halifax,...A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell...A K Simouton, \ B F Gaither. Jackson...J R Love. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W' H Watson, Jaa Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...John F Hoke. Madison...John A Fagg. Marlin... Ewell. McDowell...C II Burgin. Moore... Alexander Kelly- Montgomery...E G L Barringer. Macon...D W Siler. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, .1 M Potts. Nash...II (i Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, I'aniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ramsoni, W W Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...H B Guthrie. W N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T Williams. Per(piimons...N Newby. Piit...B G .Albritton, (Miurchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—.Alex McMillan, Eli Wisharf. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, R !1 Padjett. Randolph...! II Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W .Aulrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly... Lafayette (Jreene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C y Lemmonds. Wftke...S II Rogers, J \V Russ, H Mord«oai. W'arren...J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washington,,,C Latham, Watauga,,,George N Folk. Wayne.., W T Dortch. .M K Crawford. Wilkes....A W Martin, Horton. Yadkin....A (' I'owles. Yancy... Bowman. I ^‘DIXIE” I SOUTHRONS, HEAR YOUR COUNTRY CALL YOU. j BY .\LBERT PIKE OF AUK.\NS.\S. Southrons, hear your Country call youl Up! lest worse than death befal you! To arms! To arms! To arms! in Dixie! Lo! all the beacon-fires are lighted. Let all hearts be now united! To arms! To arms! To .irras! in Dixie! Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah! For Dixie’s land we’ll take our stand. To live or die for Dixie! To arms! To arms! .And conquer peace for Dixie! To arms! To arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! • Hear the Northern thunders mutter. Northern flags iu South winds flutter; To arms! &c. Send them back your fierce defiance! Stamp upon the curs’d alliance! To arms! &c. Advance the flag of Dixie! &c. Fear no danger! Shun no labor! Lift up rifle, pike and sabre! To arms! &c. Shoulder pressing close to shoulder. Let the odds make each heart bolderl To arms! &c. Advance the flag of Dixie! &o. How the South's great heart rejoices. At your cannon’s ringing voices; To arms! &c. For faith betrayed and pledges broken, Wrongs inflicted, insults spoken. To arms! &c. .Advance the flag of Dixie! !kc. Strong as lions, swift as eagles, ^ Back to their kennels hunt these beagles! To arms! &c. Cut the unequal bonds asunder! Let them then each other plunder! To arms! &c. .Advance the flag of Dixie! &c. Swear upon your Country’s altar, N«ver to submit or falter; To arms! &c. Till the spoilers are defeated. Till the Lord’s work is completed. To arms! &c. Advance the flag of Dixie! \c. Halt not till onr Federation Secures among Earth’s Powers its station! To arms! Sac. Then at peace, and crowned with glory. Hear your children tell the story! To arms! &c. Advance the flag of Dixie! ic. If the loved ones weep in sadness. Victory soon shall bring them gladness: To arms! ic. Exultant pride soon banish sorrow: Smiles chase tears away to-morrow: To arms! &c. Advance the flag of Dixie! ic. T HKAVV 1-4 IE ROt'KFISH .MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of Fayetteville, N. C., solicit orders for Sheetings iSti inches wide, o yards to the pound. The Goods com pare favorably with the same styles manufactured in Massachusetts, and have for many j'ears been sold in the New York and Philadelphia Markets, C T, HAIGH, Pres’t Rockfish Co. Fayetteville, June 1, 18til, 27- Tlit* Annual .Tlectin^ oi‘the Stockholders of‘the Fayette- , ville Gas Light Company will be hold at tiie town Halt on Thursdav, .lune Pith, at II o’clock A. .M. June 1, 1801. 2 -f m KEinOVAL H.AS moved from his Store on Hay street to the first door South of Mrs. ^I. Banks, on Green street, o/>- poxite th • ShemweH /loinf’. w^here he will be pleased to serve his old customers and the public generally. .May 28, IStil. 20tf FAAETTEVII.LE MrXlAL I^SrRAXCE COHPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets. S2ti7.G88 -.iO 0,077 Total, S'272.7t)5 t)! The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never m;ide an jissessmont on their premium notes. Total losses paid. 5^2'.*.t>82 t',V* (>H- ICK.RS; GEO. McNEILL, I’resident. D. A. R.AY, Vice President. C. .A. .McMILLAN, Sec'y. DtRECTOBs: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Win. McLaurin. Nathan .A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh. C. B. .Mallett, James Kyle, .A. .A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillingiias!. .A. W. Steel, .1. G. C«»ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Rrown, ) . A, E, Hall, "'I'l'g‘on. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. J6e6^The Company i vile applications. May 28, IStiO. 21-ly A €AKU. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons lor whom 1 have been alltending to Bankin,' business for years;—I am still willing to serve you witii ihe same promptness that I have alwaj’s done; and to others thai may want discounts, Pension business ac., ic., 1 offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 2t5tf CAPT. \Vri7KEJ^~REPORT il^ THE UEEP RIVEH, MINERAL REUIUN. ^pHE unilersigned have caused lo be published from J. the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .Associates on the Board appointed bj' the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North (,'arolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, .and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet publishel. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is ,’>0 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 20. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. •Veir Books. THE WITS AND REAU.N OF SOCIETY: One of Them, by Lever; Louie's Last Term at St. Mary s; England's Yeoman; Tennyson’s Poems; American .Almanac, j The Lady’s Book of Flowers; Language of Flowers; I Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to Perfect Gentility; “ “ “ Beauty; “ and Gentlemen's Mirror of Fortune: Peter Parley's Balloon Travels; “ “ Book of Travels and Adventure; &c. March 80. E. J, HALE & SONS. (ifOdey’s Latly’^^ April 16. Book for IVlav. E. J. HALE & SOS. SPECIMENS OF YANKEE EDITING. General Beauregard is certainly deadj he died of bruises received during the bombardment. Xen: York Paper of \Ath. The report of the death of Gen. Beauregard lacks confirmation, though it is generally be lieved.— Ih. of \bth. There is no truth whatever in the report ot General Beauregard’s death.—1(>. >J lG//t. A letter, from a reliable source, states that the slaughter of' the rebels was terrible on .NIorris Is land. Our informant saw with his own eyes from three to four hundred dead bodies. Ncv' York Paper of \'2th. The well-vouched statement of the slaughter on Morris’s Island is contradicted; but there is every reason to believe it is perfectly true. The rebels are ashamed to acknowledge the number of their slain.—//>. of Votli. Great difficulty exists to ascertain the exact facts about the slaughter on 31orris’s Island; but the general opinion seems to be that there was no bloodshed.— li. oj I4//t. A shocking outrage has been committed on the tomb of Washington. 'J'he infamous rebels have stolen the remains of the Father of His Country and removed them to the mountains of A irginia —to West Augusta—where the godlike man said he would retreat at the approach of despo tism. Thi.s climax of initjuity calls for vengeance at the hands of all our j.eople. Rise, Ireemen, and re>scue your own Washington from the hands of knavish rebels.—2\eic Ym 'i Paj-itr o/ \otfi. The shocking account of the desecration of Washington’s tomb, which we published yester day, ha.s excited the inten.sest fury among ail our citizens. There i.*? but one feeling, to march at once and re.scue the sacred remains from the hands of the vandals.—Ib. oj The statement that the tomb of Washington has been violated is contradicted, though the reb els are known to be desperate enough to perpe trate any enormity.—U>. ot \bth. Major (now Colonel) Anderson stated to-day that N'ice I’resident Breckinridge would meet him at Cincinnati and serve under him in com manding the Kentucky regiments. This ie most joyful news. It breaks the back-bone of .sece.s- sion in Kentucky and all the border States. Afvr Yor/c [xiper The wonderful account of 31ajor lireckinridge's ! joining 3Iajor (now Colonel) Anderson is fully i confirmed. It carries dismay und confusion to j the hearts of the rebels.—li. of \Aih. I Major (now (’olonel) Anderson did not stafe of , his own knowledge that the rebel Breckinridge : would join him. He heard such a report on the ; cars, and mentioned it, in confidence, to Govern- j or Curtin, who thought it too good to be kept se- ' cret. That’s the way it got out.—76. of I»»//*. Major (now Colonel) Anderson last evening visited his chiidren, who were at school at , in the vicinity of this city. The interview was most affecting.—Phihn/e/jJi la paper of I DM. Major (now Colonel) Anderson did not, as repre sented, visit his children; but sent for fhein to meet him at his hotel. The gallant (Jolonel was overpowered with emotion at the sight of his be loved children, who rushed to his arms iu a trans port ot joy. He gave to each a splinter of the tlag-statf of Sumter, which imposing ceremony drew tears from all the sjiectators, who swore everla.sting vengeance against all rebels and trai tors and knaves.—lb. oj \\th. A Wort! to Persons iclio owe Monci/.—The Legi.slature at the called Session passed a “Stay Law,” but that law will be repealed sometime, perhaps very early. The better plan will be for those owing money, not to rely too much upon the protection which the “stay law” will aftord them, and pay out as early as possible. Iredell Express^