CALENDAR FOR 1861. oc a X c ► -5 O o > H H tB n oc (r a: w > w > > H* X so c > Hi JANUARY 1 >) 3 4 5 C 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 FEBRUARY.. 1 o o »> d o 6 s 1» 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 '•*2 23 24 2f) 26 27 2S MARCH 1 y O O 4 5 li — s U 10 11 12 13 1 \ 15 16 17 1« 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 O’* — 1 2?^ 29 :iO 31 APRIL 1 •> «•> • > I j”) 6 t s 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 2U 21 .1.} 23 24 25 2»; 27 2^ 29 30 MAV O ti 1 1 s O !» o «l !► 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2U 21 •lO 23 24 25 26 — • 2^ 29 30 31 JUNE 1 s. 3 4 •J « 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 •>•> 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 rUTA’ 1 2 o • > 4 5 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 23 21 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 o o »■) 4 5 0 i s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 2(1 21 23 24 2.1 26 27 2« 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. 1 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 lu 11 12 13 14 1.) 16 17 IS 19 20 21 ‘^2 23 24 25 2»> 27 2^ 2!) 30 OCTOBER 1 O 3 4 5 6 1 s; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I'*' 19 20 21 2.3 •J4 L.» 21) -1* 3'' :;i NOVEMBER... 1 • > : •J 4 ;) »; 1 s u lu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 23 ; 24 25 26 o- 2s 29 30: DECEMBER... . 1 2 3 4 5 f) 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 : 15 16 17 ix 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '11 28 : 29 30 31 IVEW GOODS. '^piIE subscriber is now receiving h large and well se- 1 lected sto;k of GOODS, consisting of GROCER IKS, HARDWARE AND CTTTLK- RY, BAGGING AND ROPE, SAD DLERY, &c„ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, and many other articles, which he ofi'ers low for Cash, or on SHORT time to prompt paying customcrH. All kinds of Country Proauce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Vnrns on Imnd all times. Ht Mnnufactiircrs' prices. All persons are respectfully inviteil to give me a call, at the old stiitul of J. i T. Wn.Jdill—Soufli side Huy st. A.^'. McUONALU. Fftvptteville. X. i^eut. ‘21. IStift. 5i)tf I¥EW «OODSI. The undersigned expect to Jmve in Store about the 1st to the 3d of April, their usual Ai^Mortiiient ol CJoods, and will be disposed to sell at short profits for CASH or on the usual credit for prompt pay. They invite a call from buyers generally. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. March 27, I8til. 8-tf i?IACK£RCL. TT^OR S.'VLE in Barrels and half Barrels by ^ OEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. 8-tf 'Cpt FISIf! Tl’W M VCKHREL. Nos. wiirn-; fish. •• HER RING. .'CO. .'sc Cull rtl yi’Y Oct 1 •21. IHtiO. FISfl!! 1. '2 and M. A. N. McDON.ALDS, 9outh-side Hay Street. 57-1 f To Land Hiiyer^. j 1''HE undersigned otTors for sale, in the Coal region. ' and witliin eight miles of the terminus of the Fay- , etteville & Western Rail Hoad on Deep River, i EIGHT Hl >’l)RKD A(’KE8 OF LAXB, | adjoining the land belonging lo the estate of George i Wilcox, dec’d. and lying three miles South from Car- | bomon, on Little I'ocket Creek. Moore county. : These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, ! cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem- | j ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Our- | : houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under ' ■ fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing | bottotn land. This is a rare chance for persons wish- 1 , ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly .ad- j ■ vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, i . Crane s Creek, P. 0.. Moore county, or address me at j Fayetteville. N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton, Moore co.. N. C.. Aug. 24 4:{tf I .Scliool Kook>. \ I * * EITH'S. Mitciiell’s and Smith s Geographies; Stiiith and RuHions’ Grammars; : Emerson's and J'tiiith's .\rit hmetics; I Bullion'j' and Andrews' Ctesar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon. Sallust, \'ir- gil. Horace and Ciesar; Northend's .\merican Speaker, I've. April.S. E J HALE SONS. lloiiKf'K and liOtM to Rent. '^pilK H'Hise and Lut on Ro\v-ui str.'et, lately occiipieil 1 I'V «'int. C. R. Cook. A conifortable house for a ^m•lll :':i;ni!v. — ALSO— Tiie Ijuyse over H^ymount, lately ociMipied by R. E. Heidf. The liou'^e i> new. the water good, the garden planted: a very do'^irable place for Summer residence. Apply 10 JA.S. G. «.’()()K. .M ly tl. Ibtil. mif i arpelin;;! 4'arpelin;;! Q,*r AA YDS. CARPETING at No. .34. Hay St. All Xw^/UU styles, all prices, all jualities. .\11 will be ort'ered low either by wholesale or retail. .Also, 6-4 and 12-4 Crnmb (.'loths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. F lyetteville. N. C., Sept. 1:^. lS»;o. u2tf March 27, 18(51. SPRING TRADE! WORTH, UKiillT^IArV 4 0. OFFER \T WHOLES\LE A HEAVY STOCK OF GMlOCTlRir.!^. .\ eonifleie :ind w 11 sclecied stock of HAiiDWARt’] & CUTLERY. BARRELS NOKTII (WROLINA LK^UORS. loO “• DO.MESTK’ Ditto. WORTH. 'MGHTMAN & CO. Fayetteville, April 12. IHril. ' lOtf m\ (lOODS! NKW IIOOIIS!”^ •/• ember ton Will receive in a few days his entire stock of SPRLMi l\i) mm (iOODS. E.MBRACING ALL THE i\ew and llesirahle Mprin^ styles, AT PRICES TO SUIT THF TIMES. The public generally are respectfully invited Co call early and secure " ^ ■ ■ ' » - — .March 28, 18(31. B A II GAINS. ,1. A. PE.MBERTf)N. 8tf SPIIIMi mn FOR 1861! &tarr 4V ms HWE received in part and expect in a few days to have their etitire stock of Summer Goods in Store, to which they invite the jittetition of Mer chants generally. All those having notes and accounts past due are earnestly reijuested to make payment with out further notice. J. B STARR. .1 M. WILLIAMS. March 27. 18»il. 8tf SI PIIEME roi RT REPORTS, TWO WAV Vol. 7 .loiies's Law, A VoL.> Jones's Kqiilty Reports, UST i-^sued. tor -ale, or exch-inge as usual for tin- ' EAGLE HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, W. C., APRIL, 1361. I Dear Sir; Permit me to call your attention to the I EAGLE HOTEL. 1 have it re-paihted; all the rooms are neatly carpeted, and the Hotel is in ^better order than any other ilouae in the mountaics of North Caro- lina. I am also better supplied with good and atten tive servants than any Uotel in this part of the State. 1 would say to the first class visitors that I aiP pre pared to entertain you, in a style superior to any house in Asheville. Having had several yews experien%e in the hu^ines^, I Hatter myself that I can make your stay at the EAGLE, both pleasant and agreeable. In conncction with this large Hotel. I have a number I of new and beautiful I HACKS, CARRhGI'S. BUGGIIiS. \\D SADDLE HORSES, i That my guests can get at a min;ite’s notice. 1 will ! keep a Cai i iage in reiidiness for persons that may be desirous of tjikiiig morning or evening rides. I assure tlie travelKng public that they will lind everything they may desire at the Kagle to make them comfortable. This Hotel has superior adviintnKes over any other iiouse in .Asheville, as the Stage Office is kept here for all (he Stages that aiii\e at and depart trom this (j*ace. I would .say to faiiiili»*s that inteu l visiting our bc'au liful town, and expect lo remain several weeks, it, will be well for them lo wiito and engage room«. »is tin- Kagle is generally pretty much crowiled by tlio middle of.luly. As regards charges. 1 will make them sulfi- cienily moderate to suit the present times. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you al the Eagle, I am yours respect fully. .1. M. BLAIR, Proprietor. .May 1.1801. _ SHEMWELL HOUSE, A FEW UOORS XOKTH OF THE MARKET U018K. ■ ■ / iWlNG to the extensive increase of patrduage to this House, during the year, I have ex- ..tended my facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant iiuDroveinents. which will add to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind frienils and cus tomers for the past six j^;ars, 1 tender my most sincere I thanks, at the same titne respectfully soliciting a con- I Iinuance of their patronage, and also the jiatronage of ' a large luunber ot new patrons I iiave good Stables and a No. 1 (>stler. P. SHE.MWELL. .lan'y 16, 18t>) 84- WKSTKR> RAIL ROAD. M-tc W Clerk ol the Superior C'oiirt. are requested to aunoiiiace John . Baker, .Jr., Vt as a candidate for re election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Ciurt ol Cumberlajid county May 22. Clerk ot Hie County Court JYi are requested lo announce Jesse T. W'arden as a , / candidate for re-clcction to the office of Clerk of j the Coutity Court of C^unberland County. May 22. | To the Voter!^ of Robeson County. I r OFFER myself as Candidate for the office of County j Court Clerk of Robeson County, at the election lo be j held in .\ugust next May 21. I8G1. iioTif: :fiA.\fJFACTi:Rf:. W^' '■ec ived an invoice of Ladies HOo’t? TT GAITERS. North Carolina manufacture, which will sell at a small advance on cost for cash ' S. T. HAWLEY .Tune 17th ISiil. .fOH\ P. filler, Altoriiey and Couiifiidlor at Ian WILL I’KAOTICE IS THE COURTS OF Robeson, CiimberlanU, Columbus and Blad Office at Lumberton, Robe^^on Co V •luly 5, 18;V.* ouy^o..y ,( ^!ttf ,lOHN T. POPE. 24-le JOSEPH ri. HLOS.sf>M. CYR[;.> \ A .V A R IV /■ .iO«. R. RLO.SMI1I A: CO. — - i ^1 - ' ^ o., Col. John A. Rowlanil COIIIIIBIvjmosi iHei*cliaiit is a C.tndidtt!e for (Uerk ol the (.'ou^- | HitHH'tf.H tv 1’(Hiri of l.o!i'-S'»ii *’ounty. i ' ^ *“• f . ^♦-te ty • ■Vpril 1. IS'jl. e iii*e to i; 'in.i'e IX'G'.LD IJLLi: a- a fan- Couri CtiSrPronipl pc! iiHMits. artil ('a.sii ro other } o* . I’tb'v 1-. 1 ■'-*i j;,veu to nil (’or,. ■ ■ ' ^ '‘'■‘■It .lit 1*1 ^ ■i’i in th;^ anrkei. Clerk Ol i) 1'^-n ' M indi ;i ; lur I Ilf of t 'oiiniy . ;il !ho elei 'ion in .Angu t in'Xi, .1 bound N*i.-*.. by Jan. 21, IStil. K. J. HALE X SONS. Fl RTIILR HI VVIAKH. H>PES and FE.VRS; The (jueei)' of .'Society; .Mans- field'x Py'itical .M inual; Wood*!' Class Book of Bo- tiny; Letter ('opying Hooks: Tom Brown at Oxford; Tale ofTwoCiiies: Beer's Sysiem of Penman-^hip: School Books, \e. E. .1. H.\LE iS: SONS. Jan. .30. 92- ■ ^pHE following rates will now be charged for Passen- 1 geis on this Road, vi/: To Litt'e I'iver, .'>0 cts. To Sjiout Spring, 7o •* To .Jonesboro', 1 To .Mclver s. 1 '2'> Train leaves the D^pot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri lay**, at Hi o'idf)ck M. R»“turning, leaves Mclver's at 1 o'clock P. M. C. B. M.VLLETT, Pres t. Nov. I't, ISfid. 71tf NKAHKJ?T AND griCKKST ROITF Tt> THF RAILROAD! We ar«* aiEihori:£eil lo aiiii(>uii;e ANGl'S !• l'.R:)WN « cmdidite l"i Cuuniy Loom Clerk of Robe«.in (j 'Hiit;.. Ilieciion in .Viigu-r next. .\pril 1>. l;iil’, Tl) TUE VDTEl!:; ilF llllliESii.V I’limV. JOHN R. CARTER atmoun. e-hirn'^elt as h c.iDdi Jate for the ottice of .Superior ('.,urt (Jleik. tor Robesoti County. He has act««l iii ta#: capacity ot Superior Court -'leik for nearly 12 ni'jnths, and iiope*^ that he has given sati-faotion to his fellf w-citizens, not oiiiy ax Clerk, but also as Deputy (,'lei k during Tyl Mi-Miilaa’s last term of otfice. Election in August next Lumberton. N. C.. .tune 1 2*^ iK HFAVV 1-1 .«>>HFFTIA4;.«. 1-^HE RO('KFl.-H .M WLF.Vi'i Titl.NO CO.MPANY, of Fayetteville, N C., scjlicit orders for Sheetings I inches wid.;. .‘1 yard>» to the pound. 'I'he Goods com- ■ pare lavorat>iy with the sjiint* ,'iyies manufaciured in Massachusett«. .and Irive for many yeirs been sold in the .New York and i’ljil iJelplii i .Markets. C, T. H.VlGH, Pres't Rockfish Co. Fayetteville, June 1. lX')i. 27- T. ■. iroic'S'ii nr;d Foniarding JIcro:„„, X. 0 1 Hi 0 £i.-. TMF«. •i.lKTl.\t:, 'Fl l‘ ... li.n .SrCi.ET. opposite the Post Otfl .A.tdi,'.,, i:i.‘e;nciiv M.-r 17. )K,;‘i) f;2i: l£KMOVAIi. 11 H.\tii')ved *r ■ door »tu h 0 A ]\ew Law Book. Vantireirtt Practice at L.air. JUST publii>hed. a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by F.dw.vri> Ca.stwell, i.L. B.. author of the N. Justice, etc. CONTENTS. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North Carolina; Legislative Powers of .lu^tice^ of the Peace; Couniy Boundaries—Deed^, etc.; County Reve nue and Charges; Court Houses. Pri«ons. ^tc.; (’’ounty Trustee: Jury Trials; Fairs and Public .''ales; Gener*;' Assembly; Inspections. Public Landings, ka.: Poor Houses and Hospitals; Registers and irierks; Rivers and Creeks; Oates, Ferries aud Bridges; Weights «hJ Mea- ■urea; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways: Public Landings and Inspec tions; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and t’onstables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Koads. Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exempti('ns; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Ctfrolina; Executive Power of tiie Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; Attorneys at Law; .Atlorney General; Reporter and Mar shal; Clerks and .Solicitor; Counsel for Pauper^: Guar dians: County .Attorney; Auctioneers; County Court Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commi!«..*ioners; Comniittee« of Finance; County Trustee; t'ounty Treasurer; Special Court; Commissioners of Fairs; In-'pectors; Superin tendents of Schools; Commissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Registers; (’ommissioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheriffs; Constables; Rangers; Standard ^ Kaepers; Retailers; .Administrators; Chairman of Special Court: Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; ('oin- missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; (jtianlians and Receiver Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvement^; Partition; Patrol Committee?: Processinners: Tax l.i-ter.* and Boards of Valuation: Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and ^.’oopers. The .Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey ances. as h)llows: Agreements. Assignments. Awards, Bills of Sale. BilN of Exchange and Lading. Bonds, Miscellaneous Biinds. Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Setflemeriis, Mortgages, Copai’tnership Articles. Notes. Releases, ;cc.. xe. This Book contains o >t) paces, is gotten up in supe- riorstyle, and bound in Lt. w»'alf. Price, single co[iy, For sale by E. J. H.ALE & SONS. Dec’r 2(J, 18tt0. A'orth t'arolina Form Book, A FURTHER snpplyjust received. E. J. HAl.E ,-c SON TO THE LADIKisi! 311 GIBSON respectfally informs her friends «ind the public generally, tha' she is prepared to maiie bHESSES in tlie most fHshi.)nable style, she will also cut and fit for any ladies wishing to make their own Dresses; (’HILDREN'S CLOTHl.NG cut or made to order. .'Irs. tiibion has taken the .Agency for the salu of a n^ aud excellent CH.^RT. for cutting La lies’ Dresses. •Also, one for Boy s t.'lothing. They are verv simple in construction, aud therefore easy to under-tand. The ladies are reque-'ied to call and see them at her house, oth Iioiise ahove the Protestant Church. Hav .Mount. Oct. ■ D8if A Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. NF^W and b^:iutiful assortment. Just received. E. J H.vLK .-t SONS. i: NEW EDITION OF DEVEREll A.\D BATTLE’S I!. LUV REPORTS. Volume S. The subscribers have just printed a 21 P^dition of this Volume, with Notes and References to or her adjudged Cases and to the Revised f’ode. by Hon. Wrn. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle s Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Deverenx’s ‘’d Equity, (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now had. They propose to put lo press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle 8 Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.; They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, lo supply their cus- s:r 1.5.1800. F. PEAKC E, — WITH - A. \. ?lclMr\ iLIK loitiiui^sioii M(‘r( tiaiit and Produte Dealer, .\.M) r)E.\l,KK l.\ (ii'i.-vries. Provisiuns. Il.-irdwarc, ('utlery, P..lots. Shoes and Leather.* r> i:;iriTig. R ipe. Saddlery. \i’.. F MuiiTii HU I l>omesiic Liquor-, .''’leeliugs ;in l \ irns at i.Manutacturers’ prices, 8i>ij“Siri(;t atiention paid to orders. SOCTH SIDE H.'vY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, Sept. 21. IH'!I. STIMIIKD LITHIUTnti;. The Work.s of i'has. Lamb,.: vols. Edited by Talfourd; “ ■■ of Ili'ury Fielding. 4 v )ls; “ “ ot Oliver Golilsmith, 4 vols; “ of Tobias Smollett, H vols; Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Pascal's Provincial Letters; “ Thoughts. Letters, ic; Chesterfield’s Letters, Corinne, or Daly, by .Madame De.Stael; Jane Porter's Works; V^njar of W akefield and Rasselas; Hood’s Whitns and Oddities; “ (’omic Miscellanies; FTallam s Middle .\ges; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry, ( urrer Bell s Uorks—Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villutle; Lvelina, by Miss Rurney; Beulah. Rutledge, The .Mill on the FIoms; “Line upon Line,” “Peep of Day,” Arc; Fox s Book of Martyrs; Buchan s Domestic Medicine; Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book: ^ ouatt on the Horse; ^ oualt A Martin on (’alile. K. .1. II AI-E A SONS. l^eliool BooLm. ^.ATURAL PHILOSI.IPHY trom Ganot's Popular ...1 Physics by Wni. G. Peck. M. .\.; .'5an»ier’ Now .•speller and L»efiner .AuHlyspr; Bullions' and .Smith’s (»ra:umar^; Mouteith's. .Sniith''' and Miiohell’s Geogra- piiies; Goodrich’s and .Andrews' Litin and Greek Les- 8jns, .VC.' K. J Hai-E .S: SONS. Aug. :n. *\ew Vork l.,e«l{^er lor .4|>ril *^7. HARPER.> 'VhKKLV tor .-\pril 2'*th. April 18. E J. HALE .t SONS A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIEWDS- '^pilO.SE persons for whom 1 have beet; atttending to 1 Ban'ain/ business lor years:—I hui stiH willing to serve you with the same prompiness that 1 have alw«vs i'jn«': and toothers that may want .iiscountt, ['ension business iic.. \c., 1 orter my services, with a promise of strict attention JAS. G. (’(.HJK. June 27. 2tjtf F.4VKTTi:VII>LK Ml'TlAL IXSlRA.VfE C0,MP.4\r. Capital in Premium Notes aiaouut.s to S2U7.tj88 5.(»77 serve hi .Ma\ : • a z B«. m''" m:£z ■«. m hi' .''tore on Hay street to the first ot .Nh' ,M. lianks, on Green street, op- tlf II lusp. w!u‘re he will be pleased to ill cii'ioiii. rs and the public gener;iliy. 1 Si'll. 2Gtf BEAMA.N & HOBf.NSON’S FMR H»RSE STViJK LIVE TO KKV\\S V I L I.K. VIA WAKSAW. If' the shortest aud iii 'st fxpeditiou^ lor traveler- jioinjr North or .'south. L. avini Favett-ville «‘v.'rv dav at 2 o’cloi k P. M. THKOUGII IN TEN HOURS Our Coaches Hr»» large and comfortable, drivers soti*r and nentlenianly. our teams g«jod and sure of five mile' an hour. The traveling public who would study their cotnforj aud convenience will t-ike the WarsHW Stajre. BfcirTHROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be hfid at the .Stage Office. Fayetteville. May 2o. 18ti.>. 2'>-tt TlCIi. q'^HE SL’P.SCRlBEiiS otl'er tor sale .MATTRESSES of I all kinds; hNo. BKBS 1 E.U»S. i'HAlRS, TABLES, iind all kinds of Furniture, cheap for Cash, or in ex change for country produce. Person St., the Cape Fear Bank. M. CAGLE X BR». Fayetteville, N. C.. March 1. l-'lm .4.^A_. .nKKTIIA.\ r a ^ distance of Afexandr^, ) T \ wore .smliJenJy surrounded by a lar^- ' 7 or force and coiuj)elled to surrender. / mtn mch (Jthi r.— The IJethel affair 3*ly instanct' which fia.s occurred ol the r^- fair ira.s 1 of jhe th« tha Mv H 7 tPDops tiriii;; into each other. A corres- of the (’iricinnati (Jazettc writes that * of the two attackin'^ columns at Phij4 * on each other, precisely as thklv »f Bethel did, and the fnot \l^»rLI' in= .ru; ...s r ..! .;.- .u > f;- t ai'.i’ua. and \\ :hr....c;, ,ui ‘i. whj w-'i to encourage iha! ke«‘i'- c^in'tsiii'v (,n hand. FAVKTTKVILLK Female llig'h School. TERMS Board |>er Session of 'Ji* we*-k9. Tuition in C«dlec:iaie t'lasses 20 week' ‘ “ .Academic •• •• •* “ Primary Incidental expenses. Cash on hand and other a'iots. Total. $27l',70*» *il 1 he t’ompaiiy have pnid all 1o'S(»m promptly, and have never made an as»t.-~iaeni oti thfir premium notes. Total los»es paid. $29,*02 tJ'.-* )Ff i i;u': • fEo. McNEILL. Pre.HidtMii. D. \ R.\\. \ ic»- Presiilent .A ^lcMlLL.A\. .“sec y DiRKi'TDKs: .N. Tillinghast, S. .1. H insilalt*. " tn Ml L.iurin. r l,iiii*‘rloh. \ W. Si.-el, .1. G. ('«ok. Hon J. it. .She]dierd. li. F. Urmvii, I . . ,, ,, • *> ilm gton. A. E. H ill. I Mct'rummen. Traveling Vgents. Henry Lilly. H. L. ^Iv^llV(‘^. S T. Hawley. Nathan A. .'stediiian. ’ B. MalK-lt. .JaiiH*' Kvie. ■A .A. Mclvethan. .J. D. Willinnis, S. W. Tiilitnrhast hn Collins .iini BS^ The C ompany invite applic;iiion? .M.av 2H. Ihtiu. jit'O ‘0 ■JO I'O ir> (Xj 12 tHi 1 HI Tuition ia Music, Painting, Dr.awing. .Modern and I .Ancient Languages, ic. at the u«ual rat**s. ®q^One-half of Bi.ard and Tuition reijuircd *i * rarirf; the other half at the close of the Session S'HOLASTFC YE.VR. I 1st Ses>ion.*—1st Quirtor .;onniience«i 1st t>ctobur. I oj .. .. lOih December. 2d .'Session. l_si Quarter *' 20th tebruary. •j,j •> 1st May. \„'a(ion • I Oth July. .1 DkI; \ T C Ht»()PER. .\«sociate Principals. 77tf |),’r’r 1 S»iO. Oeiit:ii Aolice. .'^fi >TT cx|'i‘i iii)t: to be .ahsent from F.ayetteville iw will be in his Office t A Is 5 Southern In lu> j aud i- d.tiiv liiiishiiit;. ■» htrce a'so’-tmciit ol of ever v description, mostiy lijrht work, which arefaith- lullv iij'iidf f'V i iperieuced woriimpn in each branch. liis «ork will cot-ifiare favorat ly with any for ueatnes' and durahiiity. He is dc'crmined to sf!l and do all work in his line on as good terms as any that is as v.'eli n.ade. He has now finished a very Inrge qumiity of work v, hich he will sell low for (,'ash or on short time to punctunl ciistot^iers. afcajf“All .vork wrranteu 12 months with fair usage, or should it fail by ^Hid vrorkijia.'ijtnp or material, will be repaired tree ot''h.irge. Orders from the S,,ut!i will receive prompt attention He has within the Ir.-i few years sold work in South Carolina, iieorgia, .Alab:ima, .Mississippi, Florida. Ar- .and Texas. Repairing done a- short notice andou reasonable terms. ' Dec'r 17. ISGo. ,stht c,0!^S HARj^Ss'?c>. 1> > I) f.iT •iwhib-. I*’- Hx-nhow will be in his Office to tend to all • uh ih it m ly be made profes-.iona’dy 111 i-fceive f/«v r'liii'ii (iiitt iii.iv lie due. « clict- on I t'r-iiii si i-.>fi, i w .liin'v 1. l>ill. iloors east of the Market. S'.»t f 21-1 v • IfEW BOOK.^. illustrated: P aSTF f wi'-irw' .Adventures of a Georgian; Fol rn- .Vnthony Trollop.; Fur her snpphes of R .-.Ige, .Ada.u Bede;' Beulah, the .Mdl on the Floss; > estiges of ('reation. sc. Aug. 81. p, J ^ hON.S. Stiiool RookM. A:e. /yJLBLRN 8, Stoddard's, Ray’H, and Einprvin'" Arilh- U meiics; McGuffey’s Read^r^ and Hp«ll*>r«; Hcott 9 Infantry Tactics; Mason's F.irripr, Hncrod J oontaina Uaion Bible Dictionary. o/»v?a r. J MALE & SONS Dec’r 20. Fait Siork »f BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We are now tp. pivlt'K supply of Uw, Medical nnJ yilMcllaneous Books; School Books; BiRMh '^rUliig Papers; Knvelupes, I'C. E. J. HALE & .SON. October I HtW). The Mew and complete rVorth Carolina Form Book. A further supply just received. March »- E. J. HaLE & HONS. Blanks for Sale at this Office. ~ April X The Property, by FratifiH and improvi'd Siarkit* on l',vid**in :^harswood Wend.dl'H Hharxwooil , i . A.lutiis l. i'ii'y- >>rooiiis Legal Maxims. .S,„iih oil Cotiiri.-tH l^aw ol «aie« ol Personal Hilliard. 2d Eililion, Enlarged i. Hill Ivlition, with Nolea by Mlaiksioin'; Itylcs’ on Bills, Notes by ho.. E. ) HALE A: SONS Tin: 1>|0IITH €:aroli^a~ >11 TIIAL life IXSlRAi\€E (0.«PAJVf, Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- fi.lence, ooniinues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to «0 ye»rs of ape. for one year, for'seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid withiu 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented.^ referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. T .. loro Agent at —- *jL_ J-’ayetfeville, N. C. The .«uniiy iiiouth.. f>y Frol. Ii|l graham; •'’ay and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World Jkc.; Ihe Household of fiouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a .Southern Lady; Evenings at Ihe Micro- E. J. HALE & SON.S • >ot. IN all its kinds, exfcuied with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid hetore • hdivered, TUOS. H TILLINGHAST. Opjiosite the Feiniilc High School. Hay Street. May 11. ih:/*. 14 •IVvr nooks. THE WITS AM> REACX OF SOCIETY; Onp ol rhcin. *>y Lever: Loiiio’s Last Term al St. Mary’s; England’s ^ »foman; Tennyson’s I’oeins; AnuM'iriin Alrniiniic, I8t>l; The Lady’s Rook of Flowers; l.iknguage of Flowers; Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to Perfect Gentility; “ “ “ Beauty; “ and Gentlemen's Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley s Balloon Travels; “ J^*'ok of Travels and Adventure- &c JVlarch .^0. K, J. HALE & SONS. FURTHKR SMJPPEjMFS. /10MMERC1AL NOTE. Billet Note, Cap. Letter, Ba.h \J Letter, Docket, Folio Post, and others Papers in variety. Bonnet Boards, &c. &c Just received. R. j. fjALE & SONS. April 12 Forty Vear«’ Familiar l^etterM ofJas. W. Alexander. D. D.; Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Books”^^' Bede; Vusef; Shirley; School _ K J. hale & SON. llopeN aiici lear«», Author of “Heartsease,” &c Dr. Antonio,” &c. AVINIA, by Ihe Author of Pocket Diaries for 18G1. l,„.-r 20. ‘'O'-’S- BS.4UIE’» DIME SOVELS. Sos. 1», 11, la, is * ,, «. U Melodist. Half Dime, aod Five Cent Novels. J... 80. July 10. g J ^ i^etliodisit Hymii^ and discip lines, a new supply, a.ssorted sizes and qualities. March HI. j.; J. HALE & SONS. Preshytertaii IN^rmodist~ diara,ler notes. A further supply just received. _ _ ^ ”ALE & SONS. \VA]^TKi>. A quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS A for whioh fair prices will be paid Au,. 17 murphy. .% .^iiiokiii;:' C'himiiey. VNY person having a smoking fire pi ice can have it remedied by addressing me at the Fayetteville Post Olhce. While Wishing, Brick Work and Plasterinit done in best manner. .All my work warranted lo be done well or no pay. .And if any chimneys heretofore built by me should smoke, they will be altered without «f’'^»’ge. ■ DAVID McDUFFlE. Fayetteville, N. C.. March 29. 'J-lypd Uroceries t iwroceries ! / A LARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROt'LRlEb always on hand, consisting of Baeon-Siaes, Mess Pork, Mullets, Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of all grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment. COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington. April 2, 1861. 10-tf State of ]\'ortli CRrollna^ CU.MBERLA.ND COUNTY. Special Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May IS 18til. A^ Majority of the .Acting .lustices being present, IT IS ordered that the Clerk of this Court give public notice that the .Misdemeanor or Slate Docket will be taken up on Tuesday of June Term next, and on every Tuesday at each Term ihereafter during the operation of the stay law. Defendants and witnesses are re quired to attend. From the Minutes, J. T. WARDEN. Clerk. _Alay 21. 1861. 24-6w €iVPT. rIeForT ON TIIE DEBP RIVER .IIIXERAL REIJIOX. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report ofCapt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. FOR CLERKS OF TIIE OOim ‘ “ Execution, trial, and appearanck dock- ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS. in great variety. K. .1 SONS. The S^oiithern Harmonv, ^iiclieol Books, &c., further supplies just received. E. J. HALE A SONS. The Eclectic iHa^azine lor iSav. M*y «, laei. K. J. HALlE & SONS roiisianll} Manuf;uliirin;i; at iii) Kstablishim'nt, IM'LKV VAlUiii'Y OF HARNESS. l_i Sili:lo>. l r;iile'. t'ollavs. Whips .II', - aiiil I riinks; all kind^ ot Le.iilier. (’ilf Skin?* ■'*“'* dominion IV.s. !or .li>.. :i.od llor.-es and ‘ attio; Coach Trimmings. C.arpet |{.igs. V.ilist»»i, Saddltiy. 'I'''*"'’‘re. .VC. The largest .^tock in the Slat®* whole.siile or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every de.scription of Harne'^s and Saddles manufaciured to order and repaired. . JAMES WILSON, No. i) Market et. Wilmington. N. C.. near ih> Wharf. _Nov ,S. 18n„. iflarble Factory, R IJy O L\ TWO DOORS ABOVR I’. T. IMir.ll & SUX.V STORK Fa vet te Vi lie, :v. i\ Jan’v ?0. I*-60 8t- FISH FOR SALK. Mullets, mai^kerel. and herring. J. w. powers. May 12. 24 JOSKiMr nAKfKR, Jr~~ VrTOK.\Kl AT I.AW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Bladen. Robeson and Sampson. March 23. 18.')9. 79, f FRENCH STRAHGB^ ' Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him in Dr. Robinson’s building. Green Street. Dec’r 2, 1859. ROUV tlc.^AIR. •tttorney ami f'onnseltor at Etau% W LUMBERTON, N. C. ILL attend aud practice in the County and Superior Courts of Robeson, Richmond and" Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receive pronipt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oet, 6, 1869. 56tf LMV BOOKS. OvrNr*ERS’ RCT)RT.S; *• on Pleading and Evidence Phiili[is on Evidence; t'ommon Bench Rejiorts—new series; t'urtis's 'oiuineiitnries; Rosh on BilN and Promissory Notes; t’hiity oil ('arriers; Bateman on Coirimercial Law: 'I'liylor’.s Law Glosj^ary;. Williams on Executois; Devereux’.s Kinn>'s Kent; “ *’ liia^kstone: ( oke uj)nn l.itileiDU—Umler .v Hargiave's N , Sedgwick on I) linages; Story on S.ales; ‘‘ on Bills of Exchange; “ Eijiiity Pleading: “ oil Ooiitlict of Laws; on Bailiii> nis; Chitty oil Pleadinjr; on (?onti Hcts; P>iiigliain oil In: uicv: Hare . n Di^oovery; Gow on l'a-inei-ii:p; Koh'-ri' Pi.neifi f s of K.^uily. 1> iftor an.! u ieni; fii .ioriif ( '•rurnen: arie^; I.c i ■ !i_- I :.3es in Equity. Hare & W'allaoe'r. ,V l. iv» \ . ( jiiiriiiin Place Book; • irt eriifMt' ,m t.videnoe; .'t,-j:lit>ri on Plc.ading; Gre-ir'. ' Lijiiitv Evid*nce; li'iriill s Law Dictiotiarv; Uliarton'u Law I’liiilip.s it Arnos on Evidence: A" libold » Land.ord and Tenant Nisi Prius; Fe irne on Remainders: Tidd's Practice; .''larkie on Evidence; Hilliard on iSaie-; .'^iTiith 3 l^ani’llord and Tenant; .\ 'a'-is K’l’iify, iiiiam‘ o;i Property; •I;iyne on L> i:uat'es; Arc.ibold s Criiiiiii i! Prnctice and Pleading, Lubo's Knui:y Plex ling; Vi endeil s Blackslone; hitty'rt .'la:,hews on Presumptive Evidence: •“■niiih s .Master and .■'erv.qnt: Powell on .Morig.ages; ('tatty's ( riminal Law; Wii:iams on Real Propertv; >niit!i s Chancery Practice: Si'gden on Vendors; on Property; Dart on \ enuors; i Cr'i’ob on Real Properiy; j Sng.ien on Powers; Smiih’s .MerC'ititile L»w; j .'':ii!tli o'i *'onlrHCt.s; .Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown ('irciiit Coinpauion; American Leading Cn«es—Hare i Wallace's N .r. Mi'f r i s ('hancery I'leadings; Domat s Civil Law; Rockwfil s ^p it;i«h and Mexican Law >harswooii's Legal Ethics; Roscoe's (^'riminal Evidence: r.vlwards on Bailmen:; i Equity Draftsman: Powell on I^vidence; Oliver on 'onveyanc'ing; iiroome s Logal Maxims; Collyer on Pan:iership. \c., ic. Rep.iris of tlie Supreme t’ourt of .Nor ':! ■ ro.ina; Cantweii s .liistice: Form Book: CantweH'- i“' lice. \.o. E. J. H ale .'t son' March 20. RICHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, DA.MASK> i>iAl'KKS, &c. i «>N.'^r,Mi:RS (»F KlCllARDSON'S LINEN.'. V.' those uosirou- ot obt.uning the GENUI.NE lii:''.' Mioiiid si’e tha' rho ariicles they purchase .are -im' wun ilie luii n.i.'ue >t the firm. .1. >. Ui{ JIAUU^OX, SO.VS JL OWDK.V, As .a guariintee 01 tlie fouiidness and durabiliiy 0.’ ; Good.s. 1 his cauiion is rendered esseniially necessiiry. large miantuies ol interior and detective Linens urv [ '■ p.ared. season alter season, and sealed with the name RlCHARDt>ON. by Irish Houses, who, regardless e.: injury tiius intiicted alike on tfie American consu:::' and the manulacturers ot the genuine Goods, wiii c readiiy abandon a business so prohtable, while [■' chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a wo^llie^ character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, -Agents, 8t Reade Street, New Vork. Dec. 11, ISt'iO. ^lale ol .\orth I'aroliiia, toLNI Y. Court of Pleas and (juarier ?^es3ions, .April Term, •Mary Cockman vs. George Cockman el. al. Pel 11 ion tor Dower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that it Delen'iants, .Michael Cockman and David Cockra:;' »re not resiUenis of ihis Slate; II is therefore onlei'- by ihe Court, thut publication be made in the Favei-' ville Observer, a new.sp.aper printed in the town ol Fa; etteville. N. tj , lor six successive weeks, notiiyint tt- s«id non-residenis lo be anil appear at our next I oiif ot Pie IS and Quarter Sessions, 10 be held lor the Couc ; ol .Moore, at Ihe Court House in Carthage, on 4th .Moi d-iy of .luly next, then and tliere to plead, answer demur to tins petition, otheiwise judgment pro cont." will he entered against liiem, and the same hear J ‘S parte us to ihem. Witness, .A. H. McNeill, Clerk of our said Couri. ■> office in Catuiage, 4ih .Monday ot April 18tjl. and 1st year ot Independence of the Confederate Jiitates _ -"*>'] A. H. McNElLL, Clerk J^T^TE €>F i\ORTli 1 AROLl.^.^ H0BE80N COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions, May Term, A I' I8»J1. On m''tion, ordered by the Court, that the folloffiDt list of lands, propo.sed to be sold for the taxes due there on by Ihe Sheriff of said county, be published in tne Fayetteville Observer for six weeks successively \o Acres. LoealUj. \iM~) -Alfred Leggett, adjoining D Muslewhite 140 .1 i:, Campbell, Buie’s Creek Neill Mcl’hf'ul, Raft Swamp lOtt James A. .McNeill, •* “ 3W H & A -McLean & J Blue, Middle Swaoip -.30 Elias Wilkes, Gum Swamp 1 Rogers, Floral College 290 Duncan -McNeill, Shoe Heel 118 Hardy Gaddy, South Line 450 John .McLean, Ash Pole 182jJ Edward Wood, S W (From the Minutes.] Issued June 6, A. D. 1861. W. H. HARTM.IN, C. C. C. Till- 1 &i' .'{ 4' ; : ui' 4 !• 1 I’C' 'J ''I' yt* lu oO. 8 71'‘ Jua«7. a9.»«w

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