SFiMI-WBBKLiY. n h' voluli, FAYRTTEVIT.LE, X. C.. JULY 11, 1861. [NO. 1038.] PlUNTF.I) MONDAYS AM) THURSDAYS. ' KDWAUD J. HALE & SoS^S, Kl'lTOHS AM) I’HOPKIKTORS pfi«e ■ ili»> S.-mi Woekly (»n-iKRVKR 00 if paid in aih ^ ; ill it' fiiiij duriiifi^ tlip ypfir of subscrip- Sti "P - 1 nf'ier tl^' \ t“H- h i"’ oxpired Fcr tl.e )c-‘i;Kk: I - )•> per aiinum, if pjiiJ in >■* '-O it pfliil 'inrinvr the year of *iu>>serip- tioii: or tlio y-ar lias exjtirod. Al'\'LMKN'TS in«erte.l for 00 cents per SvjUVe ot i'. liii. i • ‘I iiii' til’ t. :inJ :Ji( rents for each •uoo#ed\r. ( : - :•>" I'M, 11 aiy :i l\by sp* lur'i t-’. at reii vrtte-i A.lverti-iers iire ■ ■ ill. ^ 'e^l I ’ ite he iium) ei’ (•t' in Jejired. or -riiini'- i iIU t.iil’i.l. :in l .‘har*re.J soi'onl- Clerk ot the Superior Court. 11 ^E are requested to announce John \V. Baker, Jr., T I as a candidate for re-election to tlie office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Cumberland county. May . *J4-ie C’lerk ot tlie Coiiiily C'oiirf. K are requested to announce Jesse T. Warden aa a M candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of iht* County (’oiirt of (’luuberliin 1 t'uiiniy. M ay J J ‘J J t« 'I'o llit‘ Vott‘i*s of KoIk‘«oii C'oiiiity. IOFFKK myself as Cutididate for the offie*- of ('ounty ('ourt ('lei k of Ri.besi.wi (\>unty, at llie elect ion to i'e lieKi in .Xn^u't next. .May -1. IHtil. *^100 Ke%vard. 1).\NAW.W from the subscriber on last December, t my negro man D.\V1], He is :i full-blooded negro, i feet H or 10 inches high, well set. and intelligent for a negro; would weigh when ho lelT from liO to IT.j, :ig;ed aboni years; he has a scar on his fiiCiV I will pay Hfty Dollars rtiwatnl to atiy |iet:.:on delivering him to me ai I’liiladelphu';. I’lobuiou ciiunly, N. C., or for his conlinement in any .l.itl so that 1 can gel liim. -Vnd Kifty Dollars fi>r ]irool iiihciiMit i convict anj' per-nn or persons for harbni-iiig iiim. DANIEL M.CVLLCM. For.lOSKPH II. McCALLUM. l‘liiladclphu‘5, Uobeson (’o., N. April ■'>. 1-if JiJHN T. IMil’E Ite lo be re^aiB- lh«iv io^ A?v. eent • .-.I liarged •')•) per SPKCl \L NoTK’i;. , From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber iHD be eniei-e 1 witlo'iit ii,;yinfnt in advance, nor will the pap^'r lie “iMU to such ^uti-iTibei's I’or a longer time Um^ i' I'aM t >r. of.'L’.r ill >\ib-icribiM'--‘ i' le--ire to take the pa- p«Vi%n this system will ]>lease notify us when making 'ttances. Jan’v 1, lS-”»8. Vpnl 1, 181)1 irar J: r» A; at: J h:; le l^te \ews t'roiii Sent of U ar! riWE sub.sciiber earnestly reiue^ts those indebted to X kim to crtll at hi.-~ Store as eariy a ci’iivenient, and cloa* all accounts by note or cah. He hopes none will retiite i- do this, as he may be ab-ieni from home some Um^ ind is very liesirous to close up all open accounts. Heir ' s rh'i! those whose accounts arc ot' long sltind- il>,'vs i:! exert theiii>.elve‘‘ i litlii diiriii^r Id-; absence to .1. IMlMr.EUTON. 'wn. \’-i Jiine ■*>. l.''t>l. ‘-‘VJ-'Jm W . r>. Shemwell or K. L. I’emberton, either is .■d to receipt and settle acoouuis for me. C'ol. John \. Kon laiid i•^ a Candidate for Clerk of the Coun ty t'oiirl ot'iiobeson ('oiintv. ',t-te u> nr«‘ aiillioriv;e«l lo announce L'l'ti.VLD HLUE as a can didate for the Otlice of (?oimty Court ('lerk of ISladen Counts, ai the election in .Vugust next. March S-tE \Ve are aiithoriy.e«l lo aiiiioiiiice .\NGUS D. BROWN as a candidate for ('oiinty ('ourt (’lerk of Robeson county. Election in .Vugust next. -\pril 10, Ihbl. l'.itE TO THE VIITEKS OF IIOIIE^O.\ ('01 .\TVr >HN H. C.VKTKli ainiounce«i hiuiseli'as a cauilid ite for the office of Suj.erior t’l.iut Clerk, for Robeson County. He has acted in the capacity ot Superior Court t'lerk f.ir nearly IJmotitlis, ai\d hopes that he has given satisfactii>n tojii-; iVlliiw-ciii/,.‘n'i. not only a-^ t’lerk, but also a~ Deputy Clerk during i'ol. McMillan 1 ist term of otlice. Election in .Vuirust nest. Liimberion, N. C., .Iiinc > ‘JS-iK A' .\gent to transact my 1 \OTI€i:. absent froni home a tew nu-nths in S i expect the West. .\rchibal>l McLean is my authorized iness until 1 return. N. G. .JONKS. N'.tf Dee r 2S. TO Tin: I Ol' IIOMK .M.ANl'I’ACTlltKS. THE KINSTON snot: M\iCTOK\^ -Ir -t- 0 IS NOW l.\ KDEKS t’or solicited. Sl'( ( KSS FTIi (M*K KATM>V. tieirro 1’>1\0(! VN.'' and BOOTS are J ’'.lll’KNTKR, .\gent. Kin-iton N. ('., .lune ‘-!l; maivf:pk\( -VVK on hand an.l (iwn ininulacllire and common lioopeil Jl \iPI it M' K AK. 11 Xj'ect to keep tor > a •;iip]dy of l>!a>s. iU‘. of their tlril vinized P. ^ AOtliD' I aiiitoiiiice iii%'«4‘ll a«> a catiilidato l"i' the (.dlici! ot J'tipuriur (’otu t c Clerk ot itobe»on I’ouuty ,}:i H hu . . r,,i. I. on >r,-; . lU. . H b- HI HA ' »N lOPrRTY IN i 2AL^. TAKi:.\ I P And • immitted to the Jail of Cumberland County, on the ''th inst.. Two NEGROES, who call themselves ■ CUlTl S and.llM. t'urtis says he belongs to Wm. t’ole ' of Jolinsiou N. C., and that he is hired to Wm. of South Carolina, and has been working on the H».ad iu that State. Jim says he belongs to ; faim Kemp :if Bladen ('oiinty. and that he has been ^ for the last four months. ] ie owners are notified to come forward, prove pro- J pay charges, and take them away, or they will i Bait with accoriling to law. 1*. F. ALDERMXN, Jaih.r. . Fayetteville, June D*. ■J'.'-tf [ 5iitate ol Aorth C'aroliiia, CL MBERLAND COLNTV. June Term. iMjl K.''i .\NT to an Onler of the ^ourt of Pleas and uarter Sessions, I will sell for Cash, at the Court e ]>oor. in the town of Fayetteville, at 12 o’clock, le first Monday in Atigust next, a Negro SL.AVE, a\« his name is Henderson Sears. Said Slave ronunitte I to the Jail of this County ai a Runaway, e fir>t day of May ISiJu. and is sold by order of pursuant to act of .Vs-^embly. id .'^lave ix about ‘JI years old, feet eleven inches , Weighs about D>) lbs , is black, and is .a very like- ii : w HECl’oH McNElLL. Bv l' F. ALDERMAN, July I. Election ill .\ugust next. F.NOt'H W \Ul). w H'a moved fr'III lii- Store >>ii Hay .-street to^he first door South ot _\lr .M i’ariks. on (.«ro'‘n street, •!/•- posUe th‘ where he will be plensed to serve his old customers and tiie public gencr vlly. May -S, lSi;I. %Veh«ler% Ro>k for Kail* iiv i^leiiieiilary Mpelliii^ K .1 il \*LK « SttN’S Ul't ii ' .. lUV- ti fre' lo w. ■ Itl .u li;.e , Ai ■ h.- . i'l. - A i»rr*i:;^«ui 1 \E\V GOODS. ’’piiE subscriber is now receiving a large and well ■^e- X lected stock of GOODS, coii.'i.sting o! (cKOCEKlKS. IIAIIDWAIIH AND (TTlJv Hv, ba;g!X(; and kh*k, sad- DLKIIV, \c., rOKKIGN AND DOMKSTU' l.KjroHS, and many other articles, which he ofrcr> low for C.\sh, or on SH.)KT TiMK to prompt paying customers. .Ml kinds of Country I’rcJnce taken iu exchaug'- Gooils. for Sheri^'. D. S. •’X-tS Sheetings and (’otton Varns Manufacturers' prices. 03 han I nf nil times, at i{ i{i t'Ki: r^; rreiifh, Hi^^h Fosi, ( olta^e and ( omiiioii m:osTi:.iiPs; S|ii ing M.il ire'-ie-:. of new .iTid improved .'Spring, on hand or ma le lo order o! in v L( )l’ \ ( J ES: .''prin^, t’ane, and Wood Seat ('ii.VlllS, trf dltlerciit iiin ls and palicni>; Spring Sof'as, Lounges and Ctiairs, rt'paii cd, iind cuvered with il lir t 'loth or other wise: Hoe lian lles. r>ung f.'V bbN. ,V Hhds : S..le, H.inif''. :irid Cpi'cr Leather, and Pbi^lcring li iir. .\ we iiave g i.i 1 M icliiiiery for Sawiii''. I’laneing, Turning. .M irticing at. i Boreing. we can do W'lrk with ile«patch and in >.iii't‘aciory n-rms. l’erinis havmg work or repairing to lo will do w»*l! to give us a c.ill. We warrant o’lr w >rk; if it laiN, you know where to fin I u.'. Having t ikcii a .''tore on the Ea>t 110 of (iillesjiie Street, a fi-w diior- Sioiih if A W. E-i| . and having «ome spare room, w.* w 'ti' I attend to the storage and sale of any thing that ma\ I -- i-.insi;rn**d to u-.; and wi’.l give ^peoial aiJeiiti'in to pr >lii, ol ;lii> .State. Kiiyeileville. .\] ril 1. 1>''>1. '.'tf .1 .1 cmx. u'. I- .). ki;n-i.vi.i.. ( 0\, KI^:.\OAI.i. A. t o. C oiuiiiiHsioii .Mrrcliaiit^ A N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, \o. II A li Norlli \\atrr St., Wiliiiiiist'ii. I. >rder fr ■ it i tie oiiiiiiy pr. 1’ 1 "t ieiil ir :;i tfi.' ion gi\--ii I ■iti‘1 other {‘ro.lih ■ .\pril I.’. 1 . !i|illy executed. I he ' i4e .‘I 'ol lull H' tf i»i^:\TAL Atrrit K. 1^ SC >TT may be found in his Office.^ i, after the I’Jth of June, for a few weeks; au'i would request all who desire itrvices, lo call soon, as he does not wish to remain retieville all the summer, lie'', --'y If All persons are re«pectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. ic T. WaJdill. South siile H'lv st. A. N. McDoNAI/d. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, 18C0. -j.jif Mr:- Id' HATK^ I'OR IIIRR. ,rril .‘r has a H.\CK at Mrlver’s Depot, the jrniinu.- of the Western Railroad, with which he is poq^ie l I'l convey Passengers in any direction they wi«h to go. He will be pre-^ent always on the ar- riml ot'the train. With goo 1 Horses and careful and an dating Drivers, he hopes lo give satisfaction. i/= iher, »-.c A \lbp:rt gean. Ivor's Depot. Chatham Co , Nf , March 2K 8- ON’S )A MASKS. At>\V IA HAKKirr. LL persons having NEGID 'ES for sale, will do well to ad'Jress the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson |ty, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal fi r them M' the state of the market will permit :i'idre«'ing him lie will call immediately, and liberal offers, all will find who will try him. (UIARLKS T. STEVENS. CCnt in, .''ainpson Co., Sept. 10, IbbO. 52-lypd ;fns, »r i, i’ « ' ■' j A OWUKN, kud . UlH . K;ti'. ■ led rli'. All;- Ulll** rofi:- Gloo ^ •yot‘ ■ ary, ;rcj ■ rii.i.e . - ot tu> . .>,:1 n - Wi ,- y ■' !i w-”iiileW! JAMKS K1 I.K HAS JI ST REt’ElVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY l>RY CjJOODS — \mong which are— PlEi'KS • ALICO: ')'0 l-'lKt’KS LAWN’5; Black ami Colored Silk'; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 11; .Men and Boy’s Clothing. With a large tisaortmenf of all kinds of OF 1500 N EW' M ACKER KL. “ W'HITE FISH. “ HEKRING, .to Call at FISH! FISH!! Nos. 1, '2 and -i. &C. Oct 1. A. N. MCDONALD’S, Soutli-side Hay Street. 57-tf To Land Buyers. The undersigned offers for sale, in the t'oal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville s Western Rail lioad on Deep River. EIGHT HIMIRFU A( IIES (»F LAM), adjoining the land belonging to the e-^taie of fJeorge Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- botiton. on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of C'lrn, cotton, wheat, oats, ry»! Xc. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Oui- hoiises, with about one huinlred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom laml. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad- vaticing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. .McRae. Crane’s Creek. P. ()., Moore county, or address nie at Eavetteville, N. C. DVMEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., .Aug. lil 4;itf U, W. ifil S.i.AKII. 4 oitimiasioH . ficrrhaa *, \Vll..MlN(;Tt).N, N 13HOMPT and PFR.'^>\ \L I'i • ‘ i.'ii will be riven tn the sale of Naval S:. r- . C ;• on. Lui’ibor, Timber, and all other country I'l.’duce. Ur.IKU O. C«. Paksi.ky, Pres t Com. B.ink at Wilmington. Jons D.awsii.n, I’. N. I'., at do. Me.«>rs. IL .v E. .L Li .i.v, ‘ ^ ,, ,, I a vet teville. Messrs. PKMiiKKTON .s: .'^I.OXN. I A. Pakkkr. Ksi)., Harnett ('ounty, N. (’. .May 7, l'''iti. lotf Tin: u i:i.B. it' Aowv Ifiiiitiiffilon ice tiouse^ Front & Dock Streets, Wilmington, N. C. .lUllN K. IJ ri’lTT, J’lioi’itiKi'oi;. I.\M n"W '^iipi'lied '.vith .■» full t‘ jk ot' best quality FRESH Pi>NI» K’l;. tree from SN'»W and I>IHT. whi’h will be ' il 1 on rea-iiHi i^le terni' oKOEl’iS will receive prompt jiersona! attention. ]('E well packed and forwir le ! witii dispatch. ICK will be delivered at I'lyetteville or any point on the Wilmington, Charlotte .v Rutherford 1». Hoad; Wil minaton and WfMon R Rtiad. for ?'l >11 per b irrel. ICK in bulk, hogsheads, casks and boxes, furnished at lowest r.ates. TERMS CASH, whicli will be s'ricily a lliced to. ,\ Idress f.rdcrs to W I LM1-N’G !’ >N It'l'. Ili)l .''K. April 1, l^i'-l. M )f which were purchaseil at Auction and private y n.e package at panic prices, and will be offered liy wholesale or retail. 5ril 11, !8i;i. 12tf F .U .Vo. IMiiV i^m) LAKOLIAA. IT'i ps, ■. A. V rt, . . ‘ . f. llowing r tti : , iue there- be 1 : ■ -1 iu the so. - .,-.y l.oralUy. Tax. IJ .Me w 1 ■' bui.= , . U: u • -t" Ml [i';- Fl.= . Bv.:. I, A-ll P. 5 W R'l \i I.F, tIOl t*^l a iveu uf a . : p •:ge a 4 bo 1 l!o •> yt) 1; bO 3 C C T 1 CotJn«el »lo will iD of ibe hr cc :Ieetio“ rtl uatur* i® »SI. YDS. I’RINTS, unusually low, either by wholesale or retail. •'')') Doz. WOOL and other H.\TS. c; I. > T II I ]\ G at ^eatly reduced prices; together with a large and stock of AM) nm «nv liooiis, all of which will he offered on as favorable terms as any Holjlse in the Stattt. j. K. KYLE, c^t. 4, IHrtO. .r,^tf OK\TI«TRY. I vli. J. DAVIS having decided on perma- 1/ nently locating in the 'I'own of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the fen.^ of this jilace and surrounding country. In all various Viranches of his Profession, including the juf'HCture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an 5nsive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- ■lucaiion, th.at he can give entire satisfaction as far ' in the jiower of Dentistry. All irregularities.of the Teeth treateil in a jii oper and careful manner, as well as «&eases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are Mtue use of in the vai-ious operations. Ciiarges will be ■•iierate, that the benefits of the Profession may be l:ed within the reach of all who may feel an interest e preservation of the Teeth. . Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he be found at all times. UiylO, 1858. ytf ^icliool ISook^. )NTE1TH'S, .Mitchell's and Smith s tUcograpiiies; Smith and Bullions' (iraminars; Emerson’s ainl .Smith's .\rft liiuetics; Bullions’ and .Vndrews' Ctesar; luterlinear I'ranslations toXenophor,. Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and (Jiusar; Northend's American Speaker, >.\:c., iVc. April Ii. E J. H.VLE iV SONS. lloimeM ajifi liOti^ lo Kent. ^rilE House and L.it on Rowan street, lately occupied l>y ('apt. C. P». (,'ook. .\ comfortable liouse for a small family. —ALSO— The House over Haymount, la'ely occupied by R. F], Heide. Tiie house is new, the wati-r good, the garden planted; a very desirable place tor Summer residence. Apply 10 JAS. G. C()OK. ■May G, 1801. H*tf ” K. F. Pl^AllCE, WITH A. A. .ncOOAALO, Commiisston Merchant and Produce Healer, AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, (.'utlery, Boots, Stioes and Leather, Bagging, Rope, Saddlery, .'^c.. Foreign and Domestic Liijuors, Sheetings and Yarns at .Manufacturers’ jirices. jji^jijr’Strict attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, W. C. Sept. 24, 1800. 56tf A >ii: vi! The New Slvle. Small, (OLOIIKU IMIOTO(;UAPHS, \r Va «:i I The ^iinny Month, by Prot. In graham; Say and Seal, by tiie Author of “Wide Wide World,” iSic.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; fiVenings at the Micro scope, itc., &c. K. J. HALE & SONS. Oct. 18. BK.4DLE’S DIME NOVELS, Xos. 10,11,1‘2,13 A: 14, “ “ Song Books and Melodist. “ Half Dime, and Five Cent Novels. K. J. HALE & SONSJ Jan. 30. 22 ART. I Wooiluai’dN Nolai* 'niiiera. ! I)HOTOGR.VPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery. Hay street, ojip isite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil ami jiastile; from small to life size, .kmliro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other st'de-^ of Pictures pertaining to the .\rt. .\l.so, Gili Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large a.s by :i(i inches. Cord and Tassels for iianging pictures; liisirii- ments. Stock ami (’hemicals for sale low tor cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. 1 woulil also return mj'sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinitv. C. M. vanor'sdell. Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, IH.jft 77- TliU AOItTli 4 AKOI.IAA ViUTl AL LIFE IXSl IIAME ( 0)IPAX¥, VT()W in i!ie tenth year of sucoes«ful operation, with 1.1 growing capiital aud tinner hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of ape, for one year, f.ir seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in t he profits. All slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are injured for ' one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 00 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For furijier information the public is referred to •\gents of the Company Wi all p irts of the State, and to ■ R. II. B.\TTLK, Secretary. Raleigh. 1'. J. H .\LE, Agent at Jan’y 18.')'.t. F'ayetteville, N. C. The i^clectie .^la;?a%iiie for June. June 12. Fj J. HALF] & SONS. Blanks of all kinds at this Office. . COXVENTIOX OX XORTII CAROLIXA. Alaiuatice—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffiii. Alexander—A. (\ Stewart. Aslte—J, i>. I'orhes, Atisott — A. Myers, .1. A. I^eak. liertif—S. 1). Sjiniill, James IJoml Beaufort—\\'. .1. Kilison, K J. Warren. Hluden~ T. 1). .Mcl>uwell. lirunswick'—T. 1>. Mcares. Hmicuiube—X. W. Wuodfin. Burke—.J.V .Mol)owell. C'abarrus—(’ I’liiter. (’aUlwell—1% W .Jones. ('amdeii—i>. 1>. Ferebee. ('arterct—(?. K Tlionia'. (’as^ell—Beill'ord Brown, (one vacancy.) ('uftiwba—P. (', IlfMikle. ('h;it!iatn—.1. II IlcaJen, John .Manning Jr., L. J. .\lerritt ('lit-roki'o—haviilson. (’liow:iti — It. 11. l)ili:inl. (Mevilatul—\V. .). 'P. Miller, J. W. Tracy. X.’i'hutil.iis—Kicliarcl Wooton. (’raven—ieo. («reen, Jno. D. Whitlord. ('utiiborlatiil and llarnctt—Warren Winslow, David .MeXeill, A. S. .McXeill., (’unituek—II. .^I Siiaw. |)avidsun—li. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. !>avie.— Kob’t t'prouse. I)ii[)lin—W. . Houston, J. T. Rhodes. KdLTeeotnbe and Wilson—W. iS. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—'F. .). Wilson, R. L. Patterson. ; I’rankliii—A. 1). Williams. i i:istoii—S. X. .lohnston. fitites—A. .1. W;ilton. 1 (iiaiiville—A. W. W'tiable, T. L. Hargrove, j S. S. Kuy>t.r. j I reene—W. A. Darden. i Gtiiiiord—Ino. A. Giliiier, Ralph (rorrell, R i\ Dick. * i H:ilit;ix — R. II. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—Iv li. Mann. Ihiywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. .^l. f^liipp. j Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. .V. Allison. ‘ ■laekson—W. H.'i’homas. Jdhnston—(\ 1>. Sanders, W. .V. Smith. j •Jones—Wm. I'oy. j Lenoir—.lohn (’. W.Hshiiigton. Lincoln — Wm. Ltinder. I Macon—C. 1>. Smith. I Madi.Mtn—.J. A. .''IcDowell. M;irtin — .\sa Bi .'IcD'tWidl—.1 H Greenlee .^lecklcnbu^!_’■—J W Osborne, Win. Johnston. .^lontir'imery—S. H. ( liristian. ■Moore—H 'I’ur^ier. Xash—II. Arriiiiiton. Xew Hanover—R II. Cowan, W. S. Ashe. Xorthampton —1|. A. Barnes, J. M. Mood}'. Onslow—(i. W. Ward. Orange—W. .V. Graham, John Berry. I'uMjuotank — R. K. Speed. I'erijuimon los. S. ('annon. 1’t‘rson—John W. (’tininghant. I’itt—F. B. .''attorthwaite, B. Grimes. Ratididph—\\ . J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—I. I’. Fuller, J. Southerland. Rockin"h;im — D. S. Reid, K. 'F. Brodnax. Rowai -1». ('raiire. If. (V Jones. Rutherr, -d ;ind Folk—J. H. (’arson, M. Dur- liatii. Samiisoii—R. A. .^Iosely, Thomas limiting. Stanly—F. Hearne. Stokes—( N'aeant.j Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Fli Spruill. Ftiion—11 .^l. Hotislon. Wake—(i. K Badger, K. F. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warrcti—W. X. Ivlwards, I'rank Thornton. WashinL^tuii-—W. S. IV'ttigrew. Watauga—I. W. Counsel. W;iync—G \'. Strong;. K. .V. Thompson. Wilkc>—J;i' ('alloway, I’eter Flier. Vadkin— R. 1'. Armlield. Yancey—.'I. F. Fenland. LEGISL.VTCRE OF NOKTH (WROLIN.V, 1860-61. SFN.VTE. Pasijiiotank and Periiuimans....) M hedbee. (’amien and ('urrit lick... I’> F Simmons. G.'ite^ and Cliowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell ....lones Sjiencer. NonliaMipton 1 M S Rogers. Hertl'or 1....1 1! Slaughter. I>ert ie... D.iviil ( tutlaw. .Martin and Washington....) R Stubbs. Haliti\....M l; Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson... II T t’lark. Pii t... 1; .1 Mlount. P.eaufort... Frederick Gri't. (’r.iven....N M Street. Carteret :inii .lone*...Dr M F .Vrendell. (ireeiie and Lenoir....I P .''iieight. .New Hanover... I'li W Hall. i»uplin...Dr .lames Dickon. Oii':iow...L W ilumpiirey. I’daden. Rninswick. icc Ino 1) Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett... Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Tliomas I F’aison. Wayne...W K i-ane. Johnston....! W R W’atson. Wake...M .\ 151eilsoe. - Nash..,.\ .1 Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warreu...T J Pitchfor l. firanville...C 11 K I'aybir. l'erson...C L Winstead. Orange....losiah Turner, .)r. .■Mainnice and K.aiidoli)h....Ion.athan W'orth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson....-Vlfred Dockery. ■Anson .and Union...S H Walkup. Gnilt'ord....John .M .Moreliead. Caswell... Bedford I’rown. Rockinghar'.... F L Simpson. .Mecklenbi»rg...John Walker. ( abarrus and Stanly...V (’ Rarringer. Kowan and D I’-ie... Dr J G llamse}’. Davidson... Ino W Thomas. Stokes and For>yth....le-^se .V Waugh. .Vshe. Surry tS:c....Ios Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes ,\.e...L Q .''liarpe. Ibirke, .Mcltowell &C...W W .\very, Lincoln, Gaston .to,..Jasper Stowe. Rmherfor l, Polk v'i,c....\ \V Burton. Runciiinbe. Henderson I'io.i. Marcus F]rwin. Haywood, .Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. .Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr .J \t Carson. .\nson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...T N Oiimpler. Rurke...J H I’earson. P>uncombe... S Merrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Bert‘ie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunawick...T D Meares. Caldwell.., Dickson. Cab*rrus...W S Harris. Catawba...Jonas Cline. (’haiham...V\' P Taylor, R N Grten, Turner Bynum. (’herokee...G W Hayes. Craven...C (' Clark, F E Alfred. (’umberland and Harnett...(’ 0 Wright, J S Harring ton, J (' Williams. ('liowan...— Small. Coiumbus....V L Williamson. Camden,..!) D Ferebee. Carteret... D W' Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B .M Baxter. Clenveland V G W'aters, J R Logau. Davi.Ison...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. F(»r.«yth. ..I F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W f Green. Gaton...,l H White. Granville J ,\J liullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. (Juilford (? P .Mendenhall, (' E Shober, .1 L Gorrell. (ireene \ D Speight. iaies...,lohn R>othe. llaywood....S Love. Halilax....\ I) Davis, W B Pope. liertfonl I ,J Veates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde... Til man Farrow. Iredell....\ K Simonton, A B F’ Gaither .Iackson,..J R Love. ■lones...W P Ward. Johnston—W II Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir....J C Wooten. Lincoln...John F Hoke. * Madison ...John A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H P.urgm. -Moore....Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...F] G L Barringer. -Macon...D W Siler. •Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...II G Williams New lLinover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton....M W Ramsom, W' W Peebles. t)iislow...J H Foj’. Orange...H B (}uthrie, W N Patterson. Pas(juotank...J T Williams. Per4uimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G .AUiritton, (Jhurchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Itobeson—Alex McMillan. Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan,.,N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford.,.f' T N Davis, B H Pail^ett. Randolph..,! H Foust, Thos S W inslow. Richniond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W .\iitrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly.,,Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. Warren...J 15 Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...0 Latham. Watauga...George N F’olk. Wayne... W T Dortch. M K Crawford. Wilkes....\ W’ Martin, Horton. Yadkin....A C Cowles. Vancj’... Bowman. (’O X F K I) F R AT E ST AT ES. President—Joflfer.son Davis, of Miss. Vice President—Alex. II. Stephens, of Ga. Secretary ol State—Robert Toombs, (ia. “ Treasury—0. (jr. Memminger, S. C. “ X’avy—S. R. Mallory, Florida. .\ttorney (ileneral—J. 1*. Benjamin, La. Fostmaster (I etieral—J. II. Iieagan, Texas. (’ontrress is to assetuble on the l'th day oi* Feb ruary ist;-j. DELEGATES FROM NORTH ('AROLINA. txtll TUK STATK AT LAUUE, W. W. Avery, of Burke county. Geo. Davis, ol Xew Hanover. 1st District. W. X". H. Smith. lM Thomas RuflBn. 3d T. J). .^IcDowell. 4th “ A. W. \ enable. ;'»th ‘‘ John .^1. Morehead. ♦ )th ‘• R. C. Puryear. 7th Uurton ('raige. Sth A. T. l>avid.son. .li’otice. 0 •3 cents per lb. July 8. IM’il. D. ANDERSON. .37tf TAXi:«. I WILL be at the Store formerlj* occupied bj' .1. II. Roberts Co., the balance of .Tuly. lo take the Tax I.i't. No Lists will bo taken after this month expires .Inly 8.—o7-‘Jw J. H. I’ORERT.''. i:\i:TTOR^' KAi.i:. 'PHE perishable property, (consi-iting m.ainly of Hou-ie- 1 hold and Kitchen FC RN ITU K I’) oft lie laie Mr-; lltin- naii Miirciiison, will be sold at public .\uctioii. at the .\uc tion Sio! e of .1. 11. Cook, on I he 2 tt h day of J uly, 1 Mil, (being U ednesday ) Terms made known at the time. Can be seen at .Auction Stcre till s.ale. S T. HAWLEY, > ,, , . M T »Ik' '‘Ex rs. .\. McLLAN, ) Fayetteville, N. (' , July 1. o -tspd GKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. Wholc‘!«ale Dealers in liJroceries, A.Vli IMl'diri’KKS AND DEAl-ERS IN Ilanhvare and fiitlery. Swedes Iron, A,c., 11AV STICKKT, FAYETTEVILLE, X. (. July ’.i. 1 Sol. .’^Otf .llolaM!^e!!i. HllD.S. .MOLASSES, for sale by G W. WILLIAMS & CO. 36 2m 30 July '.i 18bl Traci!*- for the Soldiers. FiKl’UlNTKI) AT RaLKKHI, X. C. ‘•.A Voice from Heaven,” 4 pages. •■Private Devotion,” •* “Don't put it of}','’ “ “The .Act of Faith,” “ “ “.All snllicien;y ut Christ,’’ “ “ “The Sentinel,” “ “Self Dedication to God,” “ “ “Motive-' to Early Pie'y,” “ *' “Come to lesus,” (tornieily *>4 pages,) now in 32, and in 8 four page tracts. Approved by all the Pastors of this City. A large edition of the above should be printed before tii t^-pe is distributed, as it will cost SK> to re-set them. The number and variety will be increased as the funds are given. $100 pays for l^tt.OOd pages: .'?-> pays for 30,000, and il pays for 1,.')00 p.iges Donations to hr sent to the Agent, which lie will acknowledge by letter, aud report to e>*ch of the Pas tors of this City More than ■’>0 pages of new tracts have been sent 10 the soldier^ i” ' irginia. WM J. W. ('KOWDEll, Tract Agent. Raleigh, June, 1801- The raw ot l^ales ot Personal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Flnlargad and improved. Starkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes by 5har«wood. ^Vendell’s Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. Adams’ Equity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith OQ Contracts, &c. £. J. HALE & SONS From the Petersburg Express. R E T II E L. Rfxpvrtfally ixsrriLitl to thf X. O. and l'((. Rfyimtnt*, irho U'rrf at lletlii'l Church on M,^nd n/, 10?A June. When lacob, weary, dfsolate. The object of a brother's haii*, W'as exiled from his home. He lingered at the setting sun - The day’s sa'l task of travel done— And reste«l ’neath Heaven's starry dome, .At liet'hel. Ab)ne, yet not alone, was he. Exposed, but siill from da ger free, Cast down, 3’et uiidi-'niayed; With “gathered ; tone?” beneath his head. .\nd God’a all ■watchful care o’er preiid, He slept, as 0:1 a downy bed. At Bethel .\nd as he :dept. and as he dioamed, “ \ ladilcr set on e.aiih” there seeiiieil. ••Who-ie top reacheil into Heaven; " While on its rounds, with active feet, “.\«cending and descending" meet. “.Angels " of (iod, bright visions given. At Bethel. Ami lol the Loid above it stood, .And spoke him promises of good, His^presence and His keeping; Then taught him when he woke to kneel. And reverential awe to feel F'or Him who watched him sleeping .At Bethel. Methinks a ladder since was set. And God looked down and angels met. The missile’s course to guide: Where nobly stood our gallaut band. Loved .Jacobs of this Southern land, .And fought for freedom, side by side. At Bethel. Ye Southrons now. like Jacob, kneel. 'lour altar raise, like Jacob t'eel. Turn, turn iiiur hearts to U^urtn; 'Twa not >>y numbers, uor by power, Hk saved you in the periled liour— Give I/iiit the jiraise for vict’ry given .At Bethel. Go on, protected by His care. You need no brother's hate to fear, Nor thrust of deadly steel; ■A righteous cause 'tis yours to know. Then strong in conscious duty go— '/'■■’(■■‘t llim who guarded you tor weal .At Bethel. t>HIOMA. Till-: RKiHT OF WITHDRAWAL. It was felegrajihed to us, the other day, that Virginia liad adopted the (,’onstitution of the Confederate States, “reserving to herself the right to hi cede on the happening ol‘ certain con tingencies.” We have since been curious to know vhnt were the contingencies specified in this provi.so, and we have awaited with interest the arrival of the Richmond papers with infor mation on this point. They have now been re ceived, and we tind that uo specitic contingencies are named, but that Virginia reserves the right of withdrawal whenever her own ju'igment de termines that such a step is demanded by her interests or tatety. Here is the ordinance as we lind it in the Ricluiiond Whig of the 20th: .An Ordinance adopting the Coristitution of the Coa- federate States. We, the delegates ot the people of Virginia, in Con vention assembled, do, in their name iitid behalf, as sent to, ratit'y, and ordiiu the Constitution of ttie Con federate States of .Ameiica, adopted by the Congress ( fthe Ciint'cderate States of .America on the 11th of .'larch, DS'il, and we do liereby make known to all V,hom.it may coucern, that the said (Jonstitution ia l inding upon the people of ti.is Commonwealth. Rut this Constitutiou is ratified and adopted by Vir ginia with the distinct understanding, on her part, that’ she expressly reserves to herself the right, through a convention represeuting her people iu their sovereigu character, to repeal and annul this ordinance, and lo i resume all the powers heret>y granted to the Confeder- I ate Government, whenever tliey shall, in her judgment, I iiave been perverted lo injury or oppression. ; This, we presume, will raise in the Congress : the issue for which .some of our exchanges have ! been clamorou.s—a distinct recognition or repu diation of the right of withdrawal at pleasure; for we take it for granted that Virginia can only be i a member of tiie (,’onfederacy on a perfect eqixal- ity with each and every other State—that she cannot make reservations of power not retained i by all of them. It is a perple.ving question—one of complex difficulties and j>erhaps uf serious fu- j ture import—and we do not care just now to ex- prc.ss an opitiion u[»on it. Indeed we regard it as unfortunate that \ irginia has raised this issue at this time, atitl its presentation suggests doubts wiiether a periiititictit eniistitution ,'hould have btiMi formed uiitil till' .'^fates have settled their relations w itli other j owt.rs. \\’e doubt not, how ever, that it call be .so disposed ol as not to raise fjr the present iiiiy distracting issue among a brotherhoMd of States wimse lirst and highest ob ject should be the oxpiil.^iotf^f a foreign invader. (\i/itnifiim ( h'liijiitI'fj'. From the N. \ . Herald. .Vi /• M,rr(/itij.—We have heretofore adverteil to tlu- fatality which has befallen the newsptipers in ci'ti^etjuence of the war—some dead, some dyiiig: ineiiiding the Journal ot Com merce, reduced by four columtis, and now on its last legs. Anotlier big sheet is about lo give up the gh«ist, ami .''iiiier transmigration into a body of a very different kind from that whieii it now inhabits. On the iirst of July the (’ourier and Fiiquirer is to get into the bowels ot the World, and the lion will bucomo one with the lamb, (’ol- oiiol Webb, whom we have known ior thirty years, thu departs from the editnrial scene. He is dead and buried, and the place which knew him Well si.all know him no niore. .Ma.sl poor Webb; it not wilty titid mirtlil'iil himself, he was ti\e cause of wit and niirlli in ('iliei', ami we shall sadly tniss his I'u.ss and feathers. This week the illit'tri' U' ^ ebb is selling off his property at Tariyionti, prcliiiiinary to his sUtrting off as .^li^ister to Rrazil; and tile remains of his newspaper are to be swallowed by the World—an in li^e.'tibie meal—which wi i prove the leath if th:tt concern; tor no {taper lives that swallows another. The(’ourier once swallowed a journal called the American, and it has n«!Ver recovered trom it.s effects, tiil now it is gobbled up in turn. The lior/f/ is valued at -UjliUO, and the ('ourier at and the conclusion is that both rolled into one will be worth 8;iU'i,U00. They might as well say that the result would be a million and a half. 'I'he truth is that neither is worth anvfhing, and the union ol two worthless papers can never make a vahubie establishment. : Xo number of cyphcr.s wilt rc}ire.sent any value, ' unless they are prefixed by a figure ot value, and i that is just what is w'anting to the two ricketty ' concerns. TJie union ol the Courier and the i World is like the union of two rotten banks or of i two worthless joint stock companies. The union cannot improve the fortune of either, though it may precipitate the dissolution of both.