SEMI-WEEKLY. \.i FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. AUGUST 22,1861. [NO. 1050.] PHlM'r.l* MONPAVS .\ND THURSD.WS KUWARD J. HALE X SO^S. Kl irons AM) PKOl'IULT-illS t V )m Semi-\\ et'kly Oeservkr $3 (KJ if paid iu ' ' '• if pakl during: the year ot sutsorip- ■r after t’i.o ha« rxjiiieil " ft ly t"i3rjir:R\'KK Oi) por ^nuum, if paid in •- GO if paid duiing the year of subscrip- 1 "V Ht'ter the year Las expired. aI'\KRTI.'?KMKNT.'? m«erfed fot >*0 cents j>er . li';.' i-.>r !>io tirst. und ??n ceiiti for each ' ■ iup Vi'Hi-ly ii'lvertisemeiiis l>y spt'- t"^. ni rea.'onahlp ratP'j. .\dverfi«ers are - V 1 ■■ xiai. the nuuilter of insertions desired, or -'I' ■ uu‘d till torbid, Hud charged accord UK)VrF.K:« RAIL ROAD. •■1SK rr 'r ^pHh lollowing Ditt's will a.'w be charged for Passeu- ' 1 geis on this Road, viz To Little River. 50 cis To 8poui Spring. 76 To Jonebnro’, ] W I’o Mclver'-. l *26 Irnin leaver t'le Depot Mondays, Wednesdays and i"riday:J, at i> oivck A \I Reiufniu)^, leaves Mclver’s at 1 o’clock 1* M B. MALLETT, I'res'i. Nov. IM, IStiO. 7itf N KA K KS'i' A N 1 > T1C K HST KOITK TO THE RAILROAD! ':-eti';‘nts to be inserted i'.iiiit, charged 60 per ■: d U. NOTli'K. ‘*!!>1 this Irtti', 111: name''fa new subscriber t»!.T.'d without payment in advance, nor will for on^er time >e ''nt to -jUi’h ■?nb«,>rib»»r' d ‘ >r ;.r ^.Id siilworil.fIS a> de^-ire to take the pa- 'Vst-./m will ple.i-e iiotif\ U' when ninkine .lan v 1. ISoS, r,ii!,i:\i(iiiTiiFi;«iu:soiMR\. ;Ki:r:EA>iB0R01 A. c\ 1^ INSTITUTION h:is been in saccessful operation ; ’ tw.>niy-one years, and for the last ten year? ■; I- j ro'^ent I'rincipal. i :• ■ nir-^e of Instruction is designed to afford to : .i in parents an Institution in which can be se- I 1 ^'VITV advantage atl'orded by tlie very best Fe- , binaries in the country. ; ; Fhl'uIiv con'i-»ts of FIV'E Gentlemen and FOUR ' - The lustitution is. and bis been. THoROUtiH i ■I i'in:RN in its organii-ition. ^ •!i'’Mri>ugh is eminently healthy, and in the pre- : ■’ ■xr;-, I .iiate of the country, its geographical po- 'I r(n lt>t> it a quiet and safe retreat. ^ - f 'fs>jion will commence August 1st. l''Wl. ] 1 r f -j i' cout^iining full particulars of terms, i ^^’v to i RirilARl) STERLINa. PrinapaL (Ireensborough, N. r. :i'- -- 8:i-3m-pd Loau to the Confederate States! 1) "'k.'' ^ subritTipii.m to receive ttiis Loan are now i } p u It rhe office of .1. ti. Shepherd in Fayetteville. ! ; le roniiiii'^i'iners who have tiiis matter in cijarge ap- Y H- t^ itie^i tVllow-citizens ir: .-ome forward h;i 1 aid I. (? -uutry in a lini>- “.i full '? the utmn-t intere-t t - ’ While the inv->:!i '.nt i* regar led a-* “ate and lo • i.iu-rii'Vf-, it i» !i,.t i(. ilii- O'lii idfia:ivn iha: the ai' .i 1- addre>^ed. Iht* qtie^M'iu i-> one of the hi;fh»-'t I"; 'Ui ;-j the people ut the L'outedetHre tftaies. It is : Y t-; Hi 1 iu thi-i War, a- they value life, liberty, :. 1 .\li ’• !tus Wil. he accej>ted from tifty dollar- : ^ ir ) ’ .y I41tf lleadqiiartc'i*^ ) Ai*lillery„ s Oami' Boylax, July ‘Jt>. j'ilis ''mpany, de-iring to be C"mplete in rf;'»rv rf- B CAM AX & ROBINSON’S FOIR HOKSK STKJK LINK TO KKXAVSVILLK, VI V WARSAW. IS the shortest an^l most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leavinir Fayetteville every day at 2 o’clock 1*. M. THROUGH IN TKN HOURS. (hir Oofiches are large and comfuri.tble, drivers sober and gentlemanly, our teams good and «ure of five mile an hour. The traveling public who would study their comforj and convenie:ice will t ike the Warsaw Stage. Scgr-THROUGH TH'KKTS To WKLDON may be had at the Stage Mlice, h'ayet teville. .May lM')(*. ’JO-tf i^lai'ble l''ni‘ioi'y. NOTICE TO M.AUISTR.4TES. ^IMIE M.\G1STR.\TKS of Cumberland are required to 1 attend at the (’ourt House on Tuesday of Septem ber Court for the transaction of public business. DAVID McNElLL, Ch’n. Aug. 1, 18r;i 4.'). Dental A'otic^v. SCOTT will >ie absent from Fayetteville until .Sep t. tember. July IH, IHtll. 40tf Dwelling lor Rent. 1MIE two-story brick building on the corner of Green and Bow streets, kuuwu as the Hall Imilding. For particulars apply to D. ANDERSON. July ‘J'J, IH'll. iltf $IOO Reward. |_).\NAWAV from the sulisoriber on last December, rt in}’ negro man D.WE He is a full-blooded negro, to feet H or 10 inches high, well set, and intelligent foi a negro; would weigh when he left from lOti to 17->, aged about yeai.s; he lias a scar on his face. 1 will pay Fifty Dollars reward to any person delivering hini to me at IMiiladelphus, Robeson county, N. C., or for his confinement in any Jail so that I can get him. And Fitty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any jiersou :>r persons for harboring him. DAM El. McCALLUM, For JOSEPH B. McCALLUM. I’hiladelpims, Robeson ('o., N. C., April ?>. l‘Jlf J. .1. ('MX. W. I*.KENDALL. J. S. KKNDALL €OA, KLADAIiL X: i.O., Coiiiiiiii^j^ioii .^lerehaiits A N I) WHOLESALE GHOCERS, >■(». 11 A: 12 \orlJi Water St., Wilminsiton. r. fler- Orders from the t'ountrv promptly executed. SsaT 1’ articular atti'iition giveti to the sale of t'otton and other produce. April2, 1N;1. Hl-tf |{y rAIIDIOIt. TWO DOORS \ROVK (’. T. HAir.ll & SONS’ STORI Fayetteville, A'. .rati’v '0. ’ '’t.i 84- A. A. neliin IIA\ would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri- | - —^ len accustomed to the nianagenient of horses, i . w; l be jiaid each man. 'ii enlistment, a bounty ■ ' '• \l >nihly pay jl2: beside* being clothed and : i -dioa. att ndance free, and all other necessary iiicuts rurnished requisite for a soldier. ne need apply ur.le'Ss he i« a good driver and ex- : . led in Uie management of h-)rses. The destina- . th*? c : ipanv i° Virgini i. as ,= i). n as equipped. A I.EX. D. MOORE. 4’ipt ‘.,0. E, K-g't Lt. Artillery. v\ooi>! \vooi»:: woodi:: Ir 1 ' • int the best of BLA'K-.F.A’K W(X)D at 1 J ' : p-T ij- r 1. and tne bt s-t of I’ine at >'J. per cord, i n the Rail R >ad track, apply to J. Atkin- ivi i- ih- be-if w^ ni lhat is hvnnglit to tuar- I ■ ‘*1-i good measure, and has any quantity of it on | J. ATKINSON i 1. '•;i. 4-Vlm Favetteville and Western il.\.\k IIOAI) (O.MPANV. ^toc liliolder-** I'allecI Tleetinff. 5 -NN('\L MFEI'ING of thist'om-' i w . n • h 'Id for the w ri^ of a qiMruni: and = . iuiied rueeting of rhe sari!». fur the sume A : ’t'-r iiK-Hiinff of 'ne .Stockh 'ld.’rs js now t ’ • pi ice in tfip l(,t\\N H \I.L on Thursday dav lit Sept»-m^:'r next, nt 11 ■>’i'l"ck. Rvonl.r. -iN" .M ROSE, S F.ty \ Wes S' R. Co - ’ev;i’; Augii'l 1, 1'''/' 4.'i-tm V IT UI.LK Ui) .UB M\KU: PLWK ROU) Cn. 1'. Arinu;i! Meeting if ihe St■ fkholder« of fhis Com- iMv w;!; take place in the T 'wn Hall, in F.iyette- ■ n I’hiir'l;»y. (he 2^*th d.iv .«f m inth, i .-Vug.; ■ 1 k. A M : iiporitnt that there be a ful' meeting of the Stock- : '. ■ up in 'he action ^f the same m ly depend the : erice if ' he rottir> ti V and rhe R . i I it-elf. JNo. M RUSE, Sec'y F A, I’ R Co. '■ sr 1. 4.")-tm ll’tiULD int'rm his frien Is in North t'arolina. and \\ thraighoiit the .''outh, wh.: wish to encourage .s.iuthern Indu-'rv. th it he keep? constantly on hand, atid i- daily tiui-lrm:. a larpe a-sovtnient of f f: Mi M c JL l: s >f eveiy le.'cripti-n. ui -dy light work, which are faith tully made by experien'’».l workmen in each branch. liis wni'Si willcnmpari t.iv irably with any for neatness and diira’i'ility. He i- d'‘tiM'mined to spil and do all work in hi? line cn as gc ^1 terms as any that is as wi ii made He h'!-- n >w finished a very large quantity of w.irk wliich h.> will .-M U.w for Ca^h or on sh.'rt time 1 I punctual i-U'toii;er , fisay-A'! w I'-k'' ! 12 months with fair usage, ir should it fail by Vi =d workmanship or material, will he repaired free if charge. »'rd-rs f" in the .'^ ■otii will receive prompt attention. He w;t> in the last few y.-nis so)d work in Sc.uth ’arolina. Geor^iia. .Vl ibama, .Mis-issippi, Florida, .\r- kansas and Texts. gjs^Repairing done at -h irt notice and on reasonable terms. Dec’r 17. l^';i». ^Otf UWUS FOR lilRF. '^piIE subscriber has a H.VCK at Mclver’s Depot, the 1 terminus of the Western Railroad, with which he is prepared to convey Passengers in any direction they | may wish to go. lie will be present always on tiie nr- rival of the train. With good Horses and careful aiid ' Hccommoilating Drivers, he hoj'e' to give sausfaction. ALBERT GEAN. Mclver's Depot, t’hatham (\i , N. , March 2*1. 8- | AOW lA IIARKFT. VLL persons h^'ving NE«RoES for sale, will do well to address the snt.-eriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is deteri’iiaed to buy and p.iy as liberal ; prices for them a- the st^re of thi- market wi'.l permit. ; By addre*^inz him be wiT c im’nediately. and :nak> lilieral otl-r-. s T' ■ li'. fi.i I wi: • will tt y him. \Hl.i:s T. STI'VENS ('lint.IT). Sampi'iu ’n.. Sepi !••. .'>2-lypd [ II •. ff. . Ffr . r#r A. f 1 •, Attorney at Law, Fayettkvili.e, X (' liriLL attend the ('ounty and Superior r.iurts of ?T ’um>ierland. Harnett. Moore and Robca- n t'oun- collection of all :.s-tf T. V. X II. WORTH, I'omnihsion and Forwarding Merchants, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1860-61- SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jone.s Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs Halifax...M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson... H T Clark. Pitt ...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. (?raven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir..,J P Speight New Hanover... Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickflon. Onslow... L W Humphrej. Bladen, Bnin.swick, &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. W'ayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B W’atson Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nasli....\ .J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person...(' L Winstead. Or.aRge...Josiah Turner, Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W' S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson....\lfred Dockery. -Anson and Union...S H Walkup. (Juilford...Peter .Adams Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockingha/n...F L Simpson. Mecklenbarg...John Walker. (’abarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Da'fie.-.Dr J Q Ramsey. DaviiIson...Jno W Thomas. I Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse A Waugh. •Ashe. Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherford, Polk &C...A W’ Burton. Buncombe, Henderson &c...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF CO.MMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. .Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles ,\she...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. lUaden...C T Davis. l>ertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. ties. Prompt attenrimi given to the claims entrusted to his hand- Oct. 17. ISo'* WlL.NllNTrON, N. c WAXTKI). I Al^ 1 r w; DAVID .MURPHY 41- . intiiv of good W(M(L V.\R.N to innke Hocks for 'diers. G. W. I. (jt>LD.''T).N. .\g't. 1. i^;i i-')-tf _ MM l4>* AAI> J^TOC'KIA;!^. ' ^Tiber i« .Agent for the sale of GEE'S make • ''K’KS -;nd SToCKI'^GS; they are much bet- ■ l i ■ : .’ly H . chpip a*» the Northern made: let all II • encour.'itre .Southern enterj)rise, call and ■ fi>r tiieir own wear. 0. W. I. GOLDSTON. Ag’t. ■ .j„iy :>i, 1861. 44-tf %VAATKD. ■E qiiHntity of ’OTTON and LINEN RAGS, ir prices will be paid. An?. IT t APT. \vii,ki:^^ ri:port i\ TIIK DEKP RIVKR MINERU KE(ilO\. -b undersigned have caused to be published from; iie f’ongressioiiftl plates, an edition of the Report ; ! ' Uilkes, L^ S. Navy, and his .A'sociates on the '' ' ; >;nle(l by the Secret:iry (jf the Navy to ex- N- the h.M.p Hiver Region of N.,rth farolina'. This ' ‘ 111 -I important and scientific statement of tlie ''■i- ilth of that -ection i»f the .State, and the .Maps ii ] erfect and valuable, of any yet published. 1 - 'ue Worth the price of the work, which is i>0 tieatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free ' ' on 'he receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis- - '• t'l wiioleHHle buyers, ( solicited. ' ^ E. J. HALE & SONS j ^CllMOi il00k!«. ' I'Al, 1 fllLOSOPIIV from Ganot s Popular '■ I'V Will. G. Peck, .M. .A.; Sanders’ New i Hiid Detiner Analyser; Bullions' and Smith’s ir ,\Imieith’g, Smith’s and Mitchell’s Geogra- ^iuodrich “ and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les- ' E. J. HALE & SONS. * 1 I'oiistantl) Miumnictiirliis at my Establishment, PVF.RY VARIETY OF HARNESS, Li Saddles. Bridles. Collars. Whips and Trunks: all kinds of Leather. Calf Skins j ('ondition Powders, for diseased Horses and Coach Trimmings. (Jarfiet Bigs. \ alises, Sa' ' , Hardware, \i-. The larevst stock in tiie Siat®' ^ j wholesale or retail, ai the very lowest i>rices. Lveiy de.scription of Harness and Saddles manufactur*^'^ *" order and repaircl. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. \Viltnin?ton, N. tiear th • Wharf. Nov. IMi'iO. tl7-ly SI PRE.11E 01 KT REPOKTS, T\V» .\K\V VtHiUMKS. Vt)L ; .lones's Law.A-Vol..l.lon«‘N’s Equity Reports, UST issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un- .lan'y 2'- 1 ''*■1 H ttf RORV ncAAIR. tiftornri/ find i'ouHsetlor at ijntr^ LUMBERTON. N. C. A1’’ILL attend and practice in the County and Superior | T? Court-^ of Ro)>e~on. Rii-hmond and CumLerland. : .All btisiness intrusted to him will receive prompt at- , tention and collecti ngs punctually remitted. (•■ot. t), IHoO. ofttf j JOSKPH iiAKKR, .Jr., ATTOKAKV AT I. A W , H as taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law Office on tireen Street. He will attend an«l practice in the (.’ounty and Sui>erior Courts of Cumberland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. .March 2^^. 7-'!f ~ FRENCH STRANGE, ^ Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupiei by C. t Wright. Esq.. over the one now occujiied by him in Dr. Robinson’s building. Green Street. Dec'r 2, 18o^'. "2- Di*. THi:0. nARTlAK, FFICE, H.W STREET, opposite the Post Office. Medical Electricity applie«l. 0 ISiiO. ti2tf Fayetteville, Oct. 1 \ FIRTHMIR SrPPJLMt:s. i io^ Letter, Docket, Folio Post, and others Papers in great variety. Bonnet Boards. iScc. .'^c. Bath Just received. April 12. E. J. H \LE X SONS.' J bound Nos., hy Jan. 21. l^'i'il. E. J. HALE .S: SONS. 89- A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^pilOSE persons for whom 1 have been nfttending to J. Bankitiii business for years:—1 iiw still willing to | serve you witli ili* «:ime jironiptne-^s rliat 1 have always j done; and to others lhat may discounts. Pension ; business die., i^c.. 1 offer my services, with a promise I of Strict attention. J.\S. (i. COOK. ' .June 27. HetliodiNt liyinii*^ aiil Discip lines, a new supiilv’. assorted sizes and qualities. | M.arch 10. I'- -L "ALE .v SONS. The ^oiitlierii llariiioiiy, .V liool Books, dtc., further supplies just receivel. E. J. HALE SONS. • >Vir itooks. THE WITS AND I’.EAUX OF SOCIETY; One of Them, by Lover: Louie s Last Term at St. .Mary s: England's Yeoman; I'ennyson’s Poens: .American Almanac. 1^01: The Lady’s IJook of Flowers: Language of Flowers: 1 Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to Perfect Gentility: ' ‘ “ “ Beauty; “ and tientlernen's .Mirror of Fortune: Pe'.er Parley’s Balloon Tr.ivels; “ “ Book of Travels and .Adventure: &c. March E. J. HALE & SONS. Harper’fx iflag^aziiie lor April. March 21, E. J. HAL£ & SONS. DFATI^TRV. Dr. j. D.WIS having decided on perma nently locating in the ''iavh of Fayette ville. respectfully otters his si-rvices to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the ! manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after ,an : extensive experience, to which isaddi'il a tlioroiigh Den- 1 tal education, that he can gi\e entir e satisfaction as far j as is in the power of Dentistry. .All iiTegularities of the I Teeth treated in a proper and careful niatiner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None bur the pr o)iei-metals are j made use of in the various o])erati(ius. '’'b;»pges will be 1 moderate, that the benefits of the Prot'essioii may be j placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest ' 13 the preservation of the Teeth. i (Oljce over Houston’s Jewelry .'^tore, where he i may be found at all times. May 10. 1858. '.>tf Forty A'ears^ Familiar l^etterw ofJas. W. .Alexander, D. D.: Sermons. Iiy .1. .\ddison j .Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncriefl’e; Beulah; .Adam Bede: Yusef: Shirley: School | Books, &.C. July 10. E J. 1! \LE A SON, | I TIIK \OKTII ,>I|]TII.4L LIFE INSi;ilA!«('K ( OllPANI,; JOW' in the tenth ytfar of suecessful operation, with ! growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- I fidence, continues to insure rhe lives of all healthy per- I sons from 14 to 00 years of ace. tor one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sliaring in the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. | All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after | satisfactory proof is preseiited. For further information the pub)' • is referred to j Agents of the Company in all I'lrts c .he State, and to ! R. H. BATTLE. Secietary. Raleigh. E. J. HALE, .\gent at i Jan’y 1859. Fayettevill.^, N. C. Oodey’M Latlv’K Book lor jTlay April 16. ‘ E. J. HALE & SOS. N Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T .Manh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus... W .S Harris. Catawba...Jonas Clin-. Chatham... W P Taylor. R N Green, Turner Bynum. ('herokee...G W Huyes. ('rav.Ti. ,C C Clark, F E .\lfred ('umbi-rland and Harnett...C G Wright, J .S Harring ton, J (.' Williams. Chowan... Small. t'o'.umbus...N L Williamson. (’amden...D D Ferebee, Carteret... D W Whitehurst. Caswell. . Withers. S P Hill. ('urrituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland....A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin....F D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...R R Bridgers. J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. (iaston...J H While. (Jranville...J .M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. Guilford ..C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....A D Speight. ('iates...John Boothe. Hay wood... S L Love. Halifax....A H Davis. W B I’ope. Hertford...J J \'eates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. ilyde...Tilman Farrow. Irodell....A K Simonton. .A B F Gaither •Iackson....A Fisher Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H W’atson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V .A McBeee. Madison...John .A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C II Burgin. .Moore....Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L B.arringer. Macon...H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton... M W Ramsom, W W' Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...H B Guthrie, V> N Patterson. Pasquot tnk...J T W'illiams. Perqnimons...N Newby. Pitt...I> (i .Mbritton. (’hurchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—.Alex McMillan, Eli W’ishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming. N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B II Padgett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. .'Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W' .Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellnm. Stanly...Lafayette (ireene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. Warren..,J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washington...0 Latham. Watauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne... W T Dortch, M K Craw'ord. Wilkes....A W Martin, Horton. Yadkin...A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Uiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. 1). Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, .i. A. Leak, liertie—S. B. Spruill, .Tames Bond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, K. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—I). D. Ferebee. (’arteret—C. R. Thouiaa. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Ilenkle. Chatham—J. FL Ilcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Colunfthus—Ricliard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren W^inslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Uottstonj J. T. Rhodes. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams Gaston—S. X. JohiKSton. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T L. Hargrove, S B. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hieks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—(J. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Wa.shintrton. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. . Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. II. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Oaborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. ('hristian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrinjiton. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—(jr. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (Iraham, John Berry. Pas(|U0tank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuninghani. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. .1. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Hobe.-K>n—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowai -B. Craige, II. C. Jones. Ruthen. *d and Polk—J. II. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting, j Stanly—p]. Hearne. ; Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilko.s—.las Culloway, Peter Eller. Vadkin— U. F. Armfield. Yancey—.M . I*. Pt'nland. (’ >N FEI)KR.\TE STATES {^resident—Jefferson Davis, of Miss. Vice President—Alex. H. Stephens, of Ga. Secretary of State—R. M. T. Hunter, \ a. “ Treasury—C. (i. Memminger, S. (V “ Navy—S. R. Mallory, Florida. ,\ttorney General—J. P. Benjamin, La. I’ostmaster General—J. H. Reagan, Texas. Congress is to assemble on the I'^th day of Feb ruary iStlii. DELEGATES FROM NORTH CAROLINA. FOK THE .'JiATK AT LAR(JE, W. W. Avery, of Burke cwunty. Geo. Davis, of New Hanover. 1st District. W. N. H. Smith. LM Thomas Ruffin. :id T. I). McDowell. 4th “ A. W. Venable. .^th “ John M. Morehead. 0th “ R. C. Puryear. 7th “ Burton Craige. 8th “ A. T. Davidson. sschool Xotice. My SCHOOL in the DONALDSON ACADEMY, on HAYMOUNT, will be re-opened on T U ES D A Y. OCTOBER 1st, 1801. • Terms, per (Quarter of 10 weeks: English. #7 ->0 Classical, 10 imi Contingent, 25 JESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. August 19, 1801. _ 4*.ttf Fayetteville, I*'5, IS6I. Head-C^uarters, Camp McRae,) Manchester Gcarps. )' 4 FEW' more Men wanted to fill up this Company. xV Those desiring to volunteer can have an opport unity to do so, by calling on the undersigned at the Store ol Starr & Williams, or at the encamnmcnt of the Com pany. J. M. WILLIAMS. Capt. i Aug. 15. 48-tf I A CLERGYMAN AT THE BATTLE OF MANASSAS —HE MEETS WITH ‘-HON.” MR. ELY. „Rev. Joseph Cross, Chaplain of Colonel Bate’s Tennessee regiment, writes to the Christian Ad vocate some interesting letters from the “seat of war.” We extract the following from his last: P5 I “Merciful God, what a sight for Christian eyes! Wagons and ambulances loaded with mangled and groaning men; corpses carried on litters and the shoulders of surviving comrades; heaps of legs and arms recently cut off by the surgeon; brains and blood scattered over the ground and trod into the mire; soldiers walking about with broken limbs and bandaged heads, covered with their own gore; others sitting or lying upon the wet earth, with wounds undre.ssed and bleeding. A lady, young and beautiful, but pale as death, hurried by me, exclaiming, “where is poor Jim'.^” and as she disappeared in the throng, a low voice .said, “She is from Alabama, Jim was her broth er.” Another came, with delicate feet, fit only to tread on, regardless of the mud through wliich she waded, exclaiming, “Where is hey where? where?” and an officer answered, sooth ingly, “Vender, in that house with the yellow ) flag; they have amputated the limb, and he is do ing very well.” The next sad spectacle was a middle-aged wo man, who met a dead body borne upon a plank; at the sight of which she burst into tears and sank upon the ground, when two soldiers raised her up and carried her after her dead husband. I .saw a dense crowd and walked toward it. Within were nmny prisoners, sitting, lying, walk ing about; some sad and other.s sullen: some evi dently uneasy, others apparently quite indiffer ent, and here and there one affecting mirth and jocularity. There were several of Wilson’s cut throat gang, and tnree of Ellsworth’s Zouaves. The latter .said they did not know whether another of their iiumber had iscaped death, but belit.ved themselves the only survivors. Then* was a lit tle man, with a wicked, wolfish look, as restlsss as a hyena in a cage. It was the Honorable Al fred Ely, member of‘ Congress from Rochester, New York. Our (''aptain Clusky, having been ac- ijuainted with him in Washingtoii, stepped up and took his hand, .^lost piteously the prisoner im plored the interposition, in his behaif, of a man whom, a few hours before, lie would gladly have seen slaughtered. Captain (' introduced to him our gallant Colonel. “Your servant, ('olonel liate,” said the prison er, bowing obserjuiously. “1 am glad to meet you. Vou see 1 am in a bad fix.” “Ves, sir,” said the Colonel; “you are, for a member of Congress, in a vcrj/ bad fix.” “But you see,” rejoined the honorable gen tleman, throwing open the breast of his coat, “I am unarnuMl; nothing >oit :i pen-knil‘e; no uniform; tuerely s[)ectator; came out with Senator Foster to 6>ee the battlo; but unfortunately ventured too far, and was taken.” “Mr. Ely.” replied the Colonel, “a battle-iield is no place for a civilian. Vou are a member of (', sir, and the representative of at least ninety thousand people. ,\nd do you think jour- self a cipher in a scene like this? No, sir; the moral inHiieiiceof your i»resence was worth a hun dred soldiers to our enr-mies. Are you not a lawyer, .^Ir. Ely?” “Yes, sir," .said Mr. Kly, “1 am a lawyer.” “Then, sir,” ('ol. B. continued, “you kn»w that by your presence you are aiding and ab *tting this cruel and bloody assault upoti us. It is a princi- jtle of law which you are accustomed to recognize elsewhere, and which you are obliged to acknow ledge here.” He assented with a shi-epish look, and contin- ' ued his absurd apology, which the Colonel thus ' cut short: “Mr. Ely, we are gla 1 to see you here. We want you with us, and cannot consent to part with I you soon. There are luon at Washington for j whom we may be willing to exchange you here after; if, indeed, you should not be hanged as you deserve.’^ The battle-field, who shall describe? Vou could have walked over acres literally paved with the dead and tiie dying, and in some places were piles of gashed ami gory corpses; but everywhere there appeared to be five Yankees to one South erner. The miserable cowards as they fleil left the slain and the wounded upon the field, and the former were buried by our soldiers, and the latter treated by our surgeons; whil‘ in Washington the brutal rascals were beating to death the lew South ern captives they tnkeii! I n a few weeks I hope to preach to the Walker Legion from the ^teps of tlie Capitol at Washing ton, on the words of General Joshua before the pates of -lericho; “Shout, tor the Lord liath given us the city.” TO PATRIOTS Wlin H.IVK MIT liiKVE TO THK W AR. | Arrest or n (’/The Washington or- HMIE undersigned having been requested to act as resp(,„,]ent of the S'. V. Exi.res.s relates the fol L Agent for the Confederate States Government, to ‘ solicit donations of DOUBLE B.VRREL SHOT GUNS, from the citizens of this section, will be pleased to hen- of any one who i' willing thus to serve his country. I am Authorized to say, lhat any one who cannot go to the war, can serve his country greatly by giving a Gun. The great want cf well armed Cavalrj* was much felt at Manassas—some of those who were there being actually without any arms. The Double barrel Gun i-^ intended for the Cavalry, and it is of great importance that a sufficient nurrber of them should be obtained, a-- the result of the war will depend very greatly upon the number and efficiency of the Cavalry we can send into the field. Each Gun will be tnarked with the name of the giver. .Any persons ilesiring thirs to serve their country, wil: please inform me at this place. HENRY E. COLICN. Col. T. Waddill. Fayetteville tioiel. will receive the Guns and give a certificate of donation. Fayetteville N. (L, Aug. 13. 48- Foi* Rent. The Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store and D. (!£ W^ McLaurin’s Store, and at present oc cupied by them. Possession given 1st September. For terms, apply to D & W, McLaurin, ot S. T Hawley & Son. •August 15, 1801. 48-tf ^ KEW^RI»- RANAWAY, a few days ago, from the subscribers, our Boy HENRY, a dark mulatto, 28 years of age, weighing about 145 lbs. W'e bought said boy of George Holmes, near Fayetteville. The aboTe reward will be raid for his confinement or delivery to us in Fayetteville J. & N. A. CA.MERON. Aug. 14. 48-itf i^cliool Book«$. MONTEITH’S, Mitchell’s and Smith s Geographies; Smith and Bullions’ Grammars; Emerson’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions’ and Andrews’ Cte^ar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and Caesar; Northsnd’s Americau Speaker, &c., &c. I April 3. E. J. HALE & SONS, lowing as an nmu-itig iiicid'.'iit; The Rev Mr. Lippitf, o‘ the L}iisc«>pa! Chureii, a native of R. 1 , and furint rly a l*rote.sor in the Episcopal Theological Seminary of Virginia, re sides near Alexandria, and about three weeks ago ofhciated at Christ (’hurcli in that city. His ser mon was regarded by the officer in command as a Secession discourse, and he was accordingly in carcerated in the Washington jail. Being re- fjuired by the Secretary of State to produce his sermon, it appeared by a note on the niariin that “it was first preached twelve years ago!” The Secretary read it carefully over, and pronounced it good, sound, Chri.»tian doctrine, and forthwith ordered Mr. Lippitt ro be discharLred. The foliowin.r corre-t'on Icnce reccurly p S'-jj between a jretit.eman aii'i his son, who had loft, college to fijrht for his country: “B., Jr.—If yon enlist, I di.'inherit vou. B., Sr.” “B., Sr.—Without a country 1 want no in heritance. I have enlisted. B., Jr” Nn Lnir.—The im])ression is being made in the minds of some, that all law is susjiended. The result is, now drunken villians assail (juiet and respectable citizens, and do other deeds airainsf the peace and dignity of the State. ith regard to such characters, let the «^vd citizens see that justice is meted out to the fullest extent of the law, that they may be convinccd that law d'jfs yet exist.— }lmh rxonciUe 1 An Awful Si>efl.—When the legislative hall, at Concord, -Vew Hampshire, was cleare J of r ;t.- bish after adjonrnnient, we learn tha' there wus found in the desk of one of the mein’oers a letter, which closed with this injunctioa, “Jane ses jtt her a 24 hoop skeUington”

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