mmm- mm t. F., . 1. IPA'irlEWlB'TlIILlL R !i(]!‘lh. 1' ritiK s. . I, , SGAll.n'GEKIi Y. I {hr r.U*, / Ot. I iP-‘ ^ r* i i 5N’3 A M ASKS. A ' iiK>. 4 [VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 29, 1R6L [NO. 1052-] PRlNTF.n MONDAYS AM) THURHDAYS. EDWARD J. .mE & SOXS. El IT0R8 AND PROPRIETOUS i’r . ■■ for the Seiui-Weekly Observer $3 00 if paid in i lvance. Si 50 if paiJ during the vear of subscrip- ,in: or St afti?r the vear has expired K r rhe 'Veeily Obscrcer 00 per anntim, if pulJ in ^dvanct*; ?2 uO if paid during the jear of _9ubscrij>- , !i; i>r 00 the year has expired. j j]gj“ a1‘V*ERTISKMENTS Ill•^erted for *}0 cents per t .. ire i t I’i line^ fur the first, and 1^0 cents for eiich ;^o>»eding puMication Yearly advert i.xements by spe- : I'l.ntracts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are : .ii Sted to state the number of insertions desired, or nev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ' I AJvt'nisements to be inseriel insidt, charged 50 per ! '{■nt eitrii. SPF.ri VL NOTICE. Fr ^' and after thisdnte, no name of a new subscriber will (■ oiitt’vod without payment in advance, nor will ■ Vit'or be sjnt to such subscribtrs for a longer time ihnil !?• paid l'.>r. ,;ii’h -it or.r old subscribers ;\s desire to fake the pa- lior m this system will ]'lo:ise notify us when making fi- !i"an('e«. Jnn'y 1. IS.'iH. lo the Sherffs of the several Couulies of North Carolina: Ir i' !■•. tiu'd iiv)t only desirable but an imperative du- ■ \ . f irly tnea-ures be taken to accumul ite a ' i i *y winter clothing: for the North Carolina troops n.'W in the tiel 1. The scarcity of material tor sale in . jJ’Ate, and the uncertainty of procuring suppHe> rr '::: :itiroa i. t' lrce us to rely on our domestic resource-^ i’ thought that every family can spare one or mort- i'. iiiKi't' wiihoui personal inc-iflvenience. ora pair of .= i-n S L-;.s. M- d it is believed that for such a pur •. -. I i:i woui ! 1 e responiied to with alacrity. tiien t'i)r*> h*-en C'inchi led that jiii appeal for ' - ruip -"f be Mia le to the great t' dy of tht* people. .■ 1 w':li that vii w 1 h ve to request the Sheriffs of tii^ '. l'nllnlie^ to act as ageni> of the Siate, to suii-i ■» i:ri‘ ':"n 'f this kin I. r !hi' end they are requested to circulate this no- -.1 e. ui 1 employ agents in every district of their county 10 t'lrther t he matter. .\i! coDirihutions ..f thi« kind may be boxed and for- ' w .rded to tiie nearest Railroa>i Depot, and due informa- n thereof sent to the Governor. The SheritJ's are further requested to furnish to the J'lvernor a list cl the donors. The transportation of these donations will be at the expense of tho Slate—und the bill for such service should be diilv forwarded for payment. HENRY T. CLARK, Governor of N. C. In cheerful compliance with the several requests con- taine'i in the above Circular of His Excellency Governor Clark, the undersigned. Sheriff of Cumberland, has made provision within the sev(^ral Districts of the ('oun- :y for the reception of contributions for the provision and comfort of our gallant soldiers. .\9 it is our pride to know that the good old county of Cumberland has sent forth her best and bravest sons :o the battle-field, so will it be to us gratifying to feel that we have ministered to their necessities and cheer fully contributed to their wants It is therefore un necessary to make any appeal to the charities of a peo ple whose generous and warm hearts ever beat respon sive to the calls of patriotic duty. ■' 'ntributions will be received in the several Districts • V the persons named. Contributors will please mark riieir names upon articles sent. / lyettn'iUe iMitrtct—By R. W. Hardie, P F. Alderman. Creek—By W. Alderman anil Jesse B. Carver. F’ea Iltil—By Duncan J. Mc.\lister, Neill McDugald. BUick Rivtr—By L. H. Oodwin, James .HcKethan and Robert Willi.ims. Cedar Creek—By John C Blucker find John Averitt. Lock's Creek—By James Evans. Sherwood Hawley and John McDaniel. RockJUh—By James Cameron, Capt. D. McDoug»»ld nnd Henry G Hall. Seventy-First—By Capt. Neill R. Blue, Col. William Shaw and John S. Ray. (^uich^^e—By John McKetha>i, John McRae and Hon. L Bethune. farver'i^ Creek—By Wtn. B. Ray, Daniel McKinnon. J"hn Monroe's—Bv Christopher Monroe and Duncan Murchison. The undersigned will also receive any articles that may be contributed. HECTOR McN'EILL. Sheriff. Aug. 20. SO FA YETTH VILLE ! F'eiiinle llijrh Noliool. TERM? Board per Session of 20 weeks. $G0 00 Tuition in (’ollegiate Classes 20 weeks, 2> Oti “ .\cademic •' •> *• oo “ “ Primary •• “ 12 ' Incidental expenses. l ijO Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and .Ancient Languages. &e. at the usual rates. JSi^“One-half' of Boar.l and Tuition required in iicf- vance; the oth«r half at the close of the Session. .'^CHOLASTH' YEAR. 1st Session —1st ,^iun-ier conimences 1st October. 2'i •• •• 10th December 2d Session. — 1st Quarii>r 2i»th February 2d •• •• 1st May. Vacation •• Idth July J. DkB. X T. C. HOOPER. .Associate Principals. Dec’r w, 18t;o. 77tf EAGl.E HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N. C., APRIL, 1861. De.vr Sir: Permit me to call your attention to tlie E.\GLE Ht'TEL. 1 have it re-paitited; all the rooms are neatly carpetetl, and the Hotel is in better onier Shan any other House in the mountains of North Caro lina, I am also better supplied with good and afleti- tive servants than any Hotel in this part of tlie State. 1 would say to the first class visit.jrs that 1 an* pre pared to entertain you. in a style -ujn'rior to any hou-e in .\sheville. Having had eoviT'iI ycirs experience in the business, 1 uter ny-jelf that I can m;ike yourst:iy at the H.VtiLK, both pleii-iunt :uid .agreeable. In eontieciion with this lar>re Hotel. 1 have a mintber of new and J'eautifiil iMVocevies I Groceries : : VL.ARGE and well selected Stock of F.VMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consiBting of Bacon-Sules, Me.s.s Pork, Mullets, Mackerel, Nos. 1 and '1, Mola.s,ses, Suujars of all tj;rades, Tobacco, Cifars, And all other articles usually kepi in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment. COX. KENDALL & CO. Wilmingtrtn, .April 2, 18(51. 10-tf GRO. W. WILLIAMS A: %Vliol(‘xalc‘ in (lirocerie^., AM* IMl'OHTERS ,VND KKALERS IN Hardnare and Cutlery, Swedes Irou, HVV STKEKT, FAYKTTKVILLK, T. Jn'iy 2, l>til. liOtf HHDS. .MOL.AS.SES, for sale by G. W. WILLIAMS ,Si CO. 30 July 2, 1801. ;U)-2m 4SK A the I ex|>ect to bt' West, .\rchi'>nld .Nl ent to transact rnv b'isine« itec'r 2S. .\€IT14 absent from hotiu' l.ean i> until I return. N. G. JONES. 88tf a few UK-nths in niy authoriz ■ 1 inCKS. I ARRI That niy guests keep a Carria^ GE.S. nr s. \\1) SADIILK liaHSES. a tuin.ite’s notice I will person-^ can ge: at in re.idiness person that tnay be desirous of taking morning or evenitii; riiies. I .-I'-siire the travelling puldic that they will find everything they may ile-ire :it the K:igle to m ike them This Hotel lias sup.Tior iiies over any other house in .V^heville, ;!• the Staire ••tliec i-; kept here tor all the St.iges that arrive at ni 1 dep irt t'min this phice. I would say to t'aniilies i!i it inteii 1 vi-iiing -Hir be ni- tiful town, and exj'ee' to retnai'i ever il week-*, il Wili l>e well for them to wiire and engage rf^'uns, a- t'>e Kagle is g.-nerally jiretty much crow ied l»y the mid ue of July. .\ reg.irds charge^, 1 will make them «uth- cieutly innderate t = : suit tlie pre-^etit time^. H.iping to h:ive the pleasure t>t seeing y.m at the Eagle, I am yours rer-pecttullv. .) M. BL.MR, Proprietor .May 1, 1>*;]. l--tf SHEMWEIJ. HorSE. i FKW UOORS .\«KTIl THE MAKkET IIOISE. W1 N'Cr to the exte t.. :hi- Hou-e. di leti'ied ni_v i^ii-ilitie- her of conifon able '>'eping ' ant imiirovemeiit', w w comfort and ci;iiven;enee 'il their patronage. To those who have been inv kind ■iid. I'lve ineren^e of j>hIrmirtvre liiiL' the year, I itavi- e\- bv the 'nldition or :i tiuni- • ■ itii', with other inipoU- ',1 a i I iiiaieriHlly to tiie tlio-io fivoring me with BOOk-IJI vDlNG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small iobs when liojte must be paid before delivered, TllOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Fe'nale liigli School, Hay Street May 1 }. IS.-.v *14 a:. F. PEAKCE, will! A. A. ('onuni«>sioii Morrhaut and Produce Healer, .\NI) OKALKK IN CIr^K■erie^, Provisions. 11 :ird\v.ire. t 'utlery. B-)ot>, Stui. s :iuil Lentlier. 'Baggiiii:, ll'ipe. Sadillery, ,.vo., F'iri ign and linmestic Liquors, .Sheetinirs and Yarns :ti Manufiicturers' prices. Strict attentii ii paid to order'. sol I’ll SIDE HAV STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. .'ept. _'4, ISi'iO. ootf A. ?l. C'A?ll*Bi:i.I., .liictioiieer and ('oiiinii>>')ioii Merehant, will ;it:-nd t'l the sale of- UoiHls^ Wares ntui Rea! ilstati.) ,Yeffroes^ Xr. tomers ii.r the ji.asi six year~. 1 t thank.'-, at the same time respect tiuuance of their patr> and a large number of new pjitrnii'i I have good Stables and h .Vi- 1 ;>stler friends and cu-- ■ iny most sincere xMiI. iiing a con- 'iie patronage of w >H EM WELL, '' i- A Jan'y 10, ISfiO .A .^iiiokiaifT CSiiimiey. NV person having a suioking fire-place can liave if I’LAKK i Tl ULLXGTOX. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, \\ILML\JT()N. X. (V ILL give special Httention to tlie snle or shipment of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour. Timber, and other country produce. L>ealer'* in Lime, Pln-ter. Ce ment, Hair, \c.; snd lliE.N fS F(IK srE.\'lEKS KATE )lfLAUKIi’ AND SIN. Refer to: H. R. Sav-ige, t’ashier I'ank of Cape Fear, Wilmington: .In't, Daw-.m. Pres t Wilmington Brancn liank of North C iri'lin i: W, H, .lones, t'ashier Raleigh Branch Bank o! t'.ipe Fear. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 18J0-C1. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans..,J .M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck... B F .Simmons. (iates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hj’de and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...I M 8 Roijers Hertford..,J B Slaughter Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs Halifax.,.M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson . H T Clark Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven,,.N II Street, Carteret and Jones.,.Dr M F .ArenJell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speieht. New Hanover.,,Eli W liall, Duplin..,Dr James Dickson. Onslow... L W' Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, &c..,Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne..,W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake.,.M A Bledsoe. Nash....-V J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren..,T J Pitchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person,,,C L W'instead, Orange..,Josiah Turner, Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan W'orth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery.,,W’ D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson,..Alfred Dockery. .Anson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter .Adams Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockinghar'....F L Simpson. Mecklenburg.,.John W’alker. CaJjarrus and Stanly..,V Barringer. Rowan and Da^ie.-.Dr J 0 Ramsey. Davilson,,,Jno W Thomas, Stokes and Forsyth,..Jesse .A Waugh. .Ashe. Surry »S:c.,.Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell Ac...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c,,,Jasper Stowe. Rutherford. Polk &C....A W Burton. Buncombe. Henderson &c...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W’ H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. .Alamance...(Jiles Mebane .Alexaniler... Dr .1 M Carson. Anson,.,L L Polk, E R Liles ■Ashe...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe... A Merrimon. Bladen...’ T Davis. Bertie... P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufon... R S Donnell, W T Marsh Brunswick.,.T D Meares. (’aldwell.,, Dickson Cabarrus,., W Harris Catawba.,,.lonas Clitif ('hatham...W P Taylor, R .N Green, Turner Bynum. (’herokee..,G W Hayes, «.’raven...C (’ Clark. F E .Alfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Columbus,..N L WilliamsoD. remedied by addres-^ing me at the Fayett‘ville P Otlice. White Wnahing, Brick Work and Plnsier'iri done in best m,inner. .All tuy work warranted tu t-e done Well or no pay, -And it any chimneys here!"‘"i • built by me shouhi smoke, they will be aiiered witliout charge. D.AA ID .McDUIFlK. Fayetteville, N. M ,rch 2',.*. '.■'-lypd Dec. U. 1' LLET? .Niav 1; 71t-tf nsii mi SALK. M.U’KKUKL. and IIEIUUNG. J. W. POWERS, 24 M'liAK. ■xpect to keep for 1 supply .'f Bra- ale. of their Galvanized A GEll! The Xew Style, Small. COLORED PHOTOIiR-lPHS, .\T VaHor*.dcll’«* Gallery. ART. Woodward’s Sol.-«r Cainer.t, DHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell's Skylight 1 Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard, Fay- f!!ev N C,; plain, retouched, colored, in water I'l.lor'i. oil and pastile; from small to life size. .Ambro- vpes, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures revtaii 'T to the Art. .Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- in?. . for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 ^ ;r„ iip, ’ord and*Tassels for^ianging pictures: Instru- i Stock and Chemicals f>r sale low for cash. Life ; ■ >e l i.icred Photographs made from small pictures. If .ving permanently located here I hope to merit • . l atronage. I would also return my sincere thanks • t; 0 liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by • I- e "d people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor, i^-c'r 20. 1R59 U, W. Ill LLARD, 0'ommissioH •ffcrrliattf, WILMINGTON, N. C. I)KO.MPT and PERSON.AL attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores. Cotton, Lumber, Timber, tud all other country produce. ^ HK.FKR TO " 0. Paksi.ey, Pres’i Com. Bank at Wilmington. J'jHN Dawso.n, “ K. N. at do. Messrs. H. & E. J. Lilly, t _ ^ Me>.-rs. Pbmbkrton & 8lo\n’, |’ ®- \ I’arkkr, Esq,, Harnett (bounty, .N. C. May 7. 1860, 15tf lloii^e^ and Lots lo Rent. Houie and Lot on Rowan street, lately occupied 1 • ( apt. C. B, Cook. A comfortable house for a .amilv. —ALSO— . House over Haymount, lately occupied by R. E. ■ The house is new, the water good, the garden >iir. !• a very desirable place for Summer residence. Aj.ply to J.AS. G, COOK. •I y t,. 19tf M KTHER Wl PPLIE«, June «0. HAl:i»EE’S RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACTICS, C'.iiiplete, two vols. in one. $1 50, or 1 05 by mail ' tiTily. rHK VOLUNTEER’S HAND BOOK; 60 centi, or C5 mail—cath only. E. J. HALE A SONS, MAKEFHACE Have hand ;ind own nianu*'":ure and common H'> 'peil ji \ipi:r bi € kkts Freuoh, High Post, (oftage and ( ommoii spring .M ittres.-es, of new and improved .priiig, on hand or made to ^rder of any size: L lU.VtiK.''; .Spring, Cane, and Woo'l .''eat CH.A IRS, of dif^ervnt kinds and patterns; .'Spring .''ofa-'. Lounge^ and Chairs, repaired, and covered with Hair tJloth or other wise; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbls. .V Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plasteiing Hair. .As we have good Machinery for Sawing, Planeing. Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work with despatch and on satisfactory terms. Persons having work or repairing to do wii do well to give us a call. We warrant o’lr work: if it fails, you know where to find us. Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South if .A. W. Steel, Esij.. and having some spare room, we would attend to the storage and .sale of any thing that may be consigned to us; and will give special attention to pro litcis ot this State. Fayetteville, .April 1, 1861. ‘.'tf $25 REWARD. RAN.AW.A'i from the f'ubcriber on tii ay last the Ilth insf., my boy VlRtilL. He is probably lurk ing about the plantation of .Mrs Louisa Hargrove, on Carver's Creek, where he lias a wife. I will pay the above rewai for his deHvery in jail. G. D. BAKER. Cumberland county, .July I'l. 40-tf MIK SL'BSt KlBEllS otler lor sale .MATTilESSES of all kinds; also. BEBSl'HADS, CHAIRS, TABLE.'-, ami all kind' of Furniture, cheap for Cash, or in ex- ciiange tor country produce. Person St.. opposite the Cape Fear liank M. CAGLE X BRO. .Marcli 1. l-6m Fayetteville, N. (' IIKAVV N I-1 M .\ N U F\C r C RING ('O M P.\ N V, solicit orders for Sheetings JAMKS KVLE HAS JUST RECEIVED illS SPRING SUPPLY OF f l>8iV I — \tnong which arc— ! 1 “AA CALK'O; iOUU y"0 PIECES LAWNS; ; Black and CMlored .Silks; | Irish Linen and Diapers; j Bolting Cloths. No. I tf) 11; j Men and 15'iy's Clothing. ; With a large assorimeHt of all kinds of .Vll of which were pur( hased at .\uction and private | sale by the package a! panic prices, and will be oUered j cheap by wholesale or retail. April 11, 1H61. 1-tf »Vo. »4, Hfiff SI. 1 A /W^A unusually low, either by vUU wholesale or retail. 00 Doz. W'0()L and other H.AT.S. c I., o TIII ci at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock of mm m nm m liooDs, all of which will be offered on as favorable terms as any House in the State. K\ LE. Oct. 4, 1860, MMIE Rot^KFl'^H X of Fayetteville, ;>o inches wide, yards to the pound. The Goods com- i pare favorably with the same styles manufactured in assachusetts, and have for many years been sold in the New York and I'iiiladelphia .Markets. C. T. HAIGH, Pres t Rockfish^'o. Fayetteville, June 1, IStil. 27- I'onfederate States of America* PO!iT OFFICE DFPARr.nEAT. ; CONTRACT bureau, ' Richmond, Va.: Ati;.'. 0, ISGl. ' r)R(.'POS.^LS will lie received at this Office till the £ 7th d.iy ot September next, for conveying the mails i ot the C'onfeierate .States, on route N''. oIOH—from ! * Fayetteville by .Manchester, Jotin>oiiville, Craine's j ;•'reek, Carthage, Guld Hegion, P.iges station. Stone! ' Lick. Asheboro', New .Market and Bloomington, to | High Point, lull miles and back, three times a week, till the doth June 18^;^. j To leave Fayettevide .Monday, Wednesday and Friday ! at I P. -\I. “ ! .Arrive at High Point next da\s ’'V 1 P. M. ] Leave High Point Tues'lav, Thursil iv and Sattirdav } at -,i P. .M. ■ ' * ; Arrive at F.ayetteville next days by- :> P. M. ! JOHN H. RA(iAN, Postmaster General. .Aug. y. . 47-tt LAW iXOTICE. The Subscriber having removed from .'^iinimerv'.lle fo Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior I ourts of Cumberland. Harnett aVd Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Green Street, o}>posite the Episcopal Church, His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEII L McKAY, .lan’y 21, I860 85-tf JAS. C. ,tttornet/ «/ Office West end of the Insurance I’.uilding, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. March 26, 1S6>. dtf »r. THEO. HART1.\E Post Office. »;2tf JOH.A .\ttornej and hi.. »o : liianks of all kinds at this Office. I». FI EEER, Coiiiisillor at WILL PRACTICE IN THtCOURlS OF Kobeson, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 6, l85y Eacly’M Book Law, 29(f wocley’« April for iVlay. K. J. HALE & SOei. /\P’F1«’E, H.\Y STREET, opposite tin vy Medical Electricity applied Fayetteville, .)ct.*17, IHHo. JOSEPH R. lU.O.S.SOM. CVKLS S. V .V N A.MRINGE. R. C O., CoHinii^sioii .MerchaiitS9 ,Y. 4\ — — “ ^ jgfe^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shippet to other ports*or sold in this in.irket. Feb’y 12, 1861. ^Otf The !«$liniiy I^OIlUl, l>y I*rOl. In graham; Say and Seal, by the .Vuthor oi “Wide 'Vide World," !c.: The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir i of Gold, by a aouthern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., &c. E. J. H.ALE i SONS. Oct, 18. Vol. 8lli Italic rolt’M United Siitatesi. ! July 10. J ll A Lb 51 SON. ('aQiden...D D Ferebee. Carteret... l> W Whitehurst. Caswell,,. Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B .M Baxter. CleaveUnd.,,,A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson.,,Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...R R Bridgers. J S Woodard. Forsyth.,,J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston...J H W'hit«». Granville,., J .\I Bullock, W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday Guilford..,C P .Mendenhall. C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....A D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Haywood,..S L Love. Halifax....A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertford.,,J J Yeates. Henderson,,,Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell,,.,A K Simonton, .A B F Gaither Jackson....A Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Wat.son, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir,,,J C Wooten, Lincoln,,.V .V McBeee. Madison...John .A Fagg. .Martin,.. Ewell, McDowell.,.C H Burgin. Moore....Alexander Kelly. * Montgomery.,,E G L Barringer, .Macon...H G W'oodfin, Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. i Northampton... .M W Ramsom, W W' Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. (►range...H B Guthrie. W N Patterson. Pasquotank..,J T Williams. * Per^uimons. ,N Newby, Pitf...B G .Albritton. Churchill Perkins. Person.., Wilkinson. Robeson—.Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. , Rock’ngham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. j ,Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford..,C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph.,,I H Foust, Thos S Winslow. j Richmond.,,J G Blue. Sampson..,N C Faison, Geo W .Autrey. Surry..,W' Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell..,C McCleese. Union,.,C Q Lemmonds. • Wake,..S H Rogers, J W’ Russ, H Mordecai. ^ W’arren.,.J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. i Washin;Ston...C Latham. j Watauga ...Thomas Farthing. i Wayne... W T Dortch, M K Crawford. ' Wilkes....A W Marlin, Horton. | Yadkin....A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowipan. j CON VENTION ON NORTH C.\ROUNA. : Alamance—(Jiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. I Ashe—J, 1). Forbes. .\nson—.\, .Myers, .F, A. Leak. Jiertie—S. H. Spruill, Jamea Hond. lieaufor^;—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. I). Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell, Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones, Camden—1>. 1>. F'erebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—.T. El. Headen, John Manning .Tr., L, J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R, H. Dillard. Cleveland—W, J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, .Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodesi Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. ,J. Wilson. R. L Patterson Franklin—A. D. Williams. (jaston—S. X. John.ston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden Guilford—Jno. A. Giluier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. .Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. .\. Smith. .Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. , Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee Mecklenburg—J. W. 0.sborne, Wm, Johnston. Montgomery—S. H, Christian. I Moore—H. Turner. Nash—.\. II, Arrington, New Hanover—R, H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. : Onslow—G. W. Ward. I Orange—W. A. Graham, .John Berry, i Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimorvs—Jos. S. Cannon, Person—John W, Cuningham. I Pitt—F. B, Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. .J. Long, A. G. Foster, j Richmond—W. F. Leak. I Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. I Rowar. -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. I Ruthen. -d and Polk—.T, H. Carson, M. Dur- I ham. j Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. I Stanly—E, Hearne. j Stokes—(Vacant.) ! Surry—T. V. Hamlin, j Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I Union—H. M. Houston. { Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. j Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. ' Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. ! Wutauga—.J. W. (,’ounsel. i Wayne—G. V. Strong, p]. A. Thompson, j Wilkes—.Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller, j Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. Timber Jf\mte€i* P.ARTIES having seasoned WHITE OAK TIMBER from one and a half to six inches in thickness, and from six to twenty inches in width, and wishing to dis pose of the same, can find a purchaser by applying in person or by letter to the undersigned at the Arsenal, JOHN C. BOOTH, Capt, .Ar(’y, Comd g .Arsenal. Fayetteville. .Aug. 21, IStJl. 50-tf m\*otice lo Contractors: Bids will be received at the Office of the Western Rail Road Company, until the 10th of Sept. next, for the Graduation, Bridging and Masonry, on that part of the Road from Mclver’s Station to Egypt Shaft For information, apply at th# office of the President. C. B. MALLETT, Pres't. .Aug. 2G, 1861. ol- its^SOO EaborerM Wanted Im mediately. C B. M.ALLETT, Pres’t .August 2f>, 1861. W. R. R. Company. Railroad and Post Coach Line To Wilmington, .\. C. i N ACCO.MODATION POST COACH will run in _^;\connection with the Wilmington and Ruthe’’ford Rail Road, to Rockingham, Richmond co,, N C. Leav ing the Sand Hill Depot (Trollinger's) after the arrival of the train from Wilmington, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and airive at Rockingham to supper, j Returning will leave Rockingham on Monday, Wednes- ■ day and Friday mornings in time to make c ■nnect’'>n. Passengers and light freights carried with celerity, certainty an#security. D.G. MACRAE. .August 26th, 1861, .il-8w JOY TO THE IIILl.ibrV! LWeOLN’S BLOiKlOE OF M AVAIL. H. JP. L,vncn^ CHERAW, S. C., H.AS .iust now on hand, received by the Underground Rail Road and from other sources, one of the largest stocks of Kerseys, Blankets, &c. Ladies’ Goods of every Description, Hats, C'ap»*, Boots, ^lioes, Waiters, Hardware^ ^c.^ ALSO, C.\R1'ET1\G, B.\GG!\G, ROPE, TWINE, IROX. &c., &c, ! As there will be great difficulty in getting these goods | again during this season, planters and others wishing, , would do well to make their purchases early, whili and ! whe'~e they can. Cheraw, S. C., .Aug. 26, 1861. 51-3t School rVotice. MV SCHOOL in the DONALDSON ACADEMY, on H .\ YMOUNT, will be re-opened on T U E S D .A. Y , OCTOBER 1st, 1861. Terms, per Quarter of 10 weeks; \ English. $7 50 I Classical, 10 t*0 I Contingent, 2o 1 .lESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. August 18»11. 4''tf _ Fayetteville, Au^. I#5,1861., Camp McRae, ) Manchester Guards. ) 4 FEW more Men wanted to fill up this Company. i\. Those desiring to volunteer can have an opportunity to do so, by calling on the undersigned at the Store of Starr & Williams, or at the encamoment of the Com pany. J. M. WILLIAMS, Capt. Aug. 15. ) A Gbaphic Accot'?iT.—a Georgia Cftptaln thus de scribes what he saw of the battle of Mauassas; — 1 We were made to lie down just behind the bat- ■ tery, in order to escape in some measure the shot, shell, bombs, grape and cannister and every d^d- ly mi,s.sile the inventive genius of the infernal j Yankees could suggest. For two hours we lay there, ; three fires converging right over us—two rifled batteries and 800 of Wood’s sharp-shooters—who got to pouring it into us before we were ordered to charge. For the whole two hours, without any cessation, the air was filled with grape and cannister, and the fragments of bursting bomba and shells—sometimes a shell would burst just over us and bring death by the wholesale—one shell burst over Edmund.son’s company, killing five men, mortally wounding another, and killing ' one man in the 27th. To add to the horror of the , scene, and, if possible, to try the men’s nerves, to ' the utmost, just about the time the enemy’s fire i was hottest, a bomb struck one ot our caissons, igniting the ammunition in it and causing it to i explode with a tremendous noise; the scene was ' indescribable, and yet our men remained firm as their own native hills—not a man in any compa ny changed his position. For two long, two mor tal hours, we endured this terrible ordeal, ex pecting every moment to be mangled out of the form of humanity. At last, the welcome^ words came from Jack son’s own lips—“r/> 4fh, and charge.” And I what a relief it was to spring up and feel that we i could strike at least one blow in self defence, that ' we could meet death fighting and not be killed lying helpless on the ground. Tp sprang every man, and the direction being indicated where we were to charge, we went, under three fires as I . have already told you, SCO Fire Zouaves imme diately in front, backed by the New York 69th, a battery in their rear and a little to their right in the same field, another battery in a cornfield still farther to the right. On the men went steadily and firmly; my company had two low fences to cross, we sprang over the first without let or hindrance, but when we came to the second the tnost terrific volley of the whole day was poured into us just as we were getting over; five • I men fell dead around me, in a space I think, of less thai\ 20 feet square; they were men of other companies, got mixed up with mine in crossing the tence. I never heard any thing like the whistling of bullets just at this point; the very air seemed laden with iron hail ail around me; I they tiew to my right, to my left, and over my head, scattering death around about me, yet not one touched me. The homely language of Craw ford Stevens very well describes the battle as we crossed the fence. He crossed the fence by my side, under that fearful volley. Recounting bis experiences ot the battle to me, afterwards, he remarked “well Captain, the. »hotirpr wan powerful thirk thar ahnr we crossed the fence.” Craw ford told the truth, the shower was powerful thick. But, notwithstanding all, our men sprang over the fence lietennined and vndaitnfed. As soon as they got over, they answered the volley with a cheer that was good to hear; it sounded defiance, and the Yankees knew full well what it meant, for the sound had not yet died away, when they cut dirt and ran as never men ran before. But thc3' were too slow for our swift messengers of death; seeing no chance to reach them with the bayonet, our men commenced to fire upon them, and strewed them thick all over the field. The celebrated Fire Zouaves were almost annihilated before they could get beyond the fatal aim of our mountain boys. We soon clearcd the bushes of the rascals, and saved our battery. The remnant of our regiment pursued and engaged ttio 79th N. Y. in the cornfield. Fresh regiments on our side came up quickly and engaged the other Yankee regiment'^; they began to retreat, the cavalry were ordered to charge, the retreat became a rout, and the sun went down on a bloody but gloriously won field. I can speak knowingly of my own men; they fought more like veterans of an hundred battles than men who were never under fire before. The lih'^'hnde Qtipsfinii.—The Ijondon Globe and the Shipping (lazette attack the details of the blockade. The IVst .‘^ays if FiUgland drifts into the Ameri can (]uarrt'l, tlie fnn1t will bo with Lincoln, who has attempted a blockade which he cannot render complete. The London Times ridicules and laughs at the threats of a j)rominent Xew York journal against England’s going into the ports. it fears th»4que'tion of blockade in America may involve England in some difficult complica tion. And remarks that there is a little cloud which, although only as large as a man’s hand, mnji/ come to overshndoic the whofe sky. On the last day of the session Lord Palmerston stated his views on the question of blockade. He said, in efTect, if the blockading force should al low nvy onp vessef to enter n hforkndrd port hy the. pat/ment of duties, the blfu knde from thnt mo ment h raiatd—A belligerent may seal up a port, hvt if he lets one vessel /n his rii/ht is tjoue. It follows, therefore, that when a Federal cruiser willinsly allows a ship to pass a blockaded port up on payment, of customs, the blockade icIU he at an end. 48-tf For Rent. rnHE Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store 1 and D & W McLaurin’s Store, and at present oc- BUDied bv them. Posses-ion gtjen lst September . T. 48-tf t'^em'sr apply ^ McLaurin, or S Hawley & Son. August 16, l8fil. ^ REWARD. r)AN.AWAY, a few days ago, from the subscribers, t our Boy HENRY, a dark mulatto, 28 years of age, weighing abovit 145 lbs We bought said boy of George Holmes, near Fayetteville. The above reward will be paid for his confinement or delivery to us in Fayetteville. ‘ T V I J. & N. Aug. 14. A. CAMERON 48-itf ,Seressio7iists in Washini/fon—The New \ ork Herald, of Saturday, say®: “Treason is rampant in Washington, and there is no denying the fact, humiliating and ungrateful as it may be to the loyal citizens of the f’nion.” The Herald then gives enumeration of 1 “known seeessionists,” and 75 “suspected,” in the different departments. This is a pretty good showing, under the circum stances. It will be a great deal better when we ^et there.—Richmond Whiy. Rather Close.— A Yankee rifletnan in the late fight seeing a cannon ball bury itself in a bank near him, sprang to the hole it had made, saying “Shoot away; you can’t hit twice iti the same place.” Instantly another shot struck a tew feet distant, covering the fellow with sand and gravel. Emerging from his new quarters, he continued the unfinished sentence, “but you carne so pesky near it that the first hole is unconifortable.” One effect in the establishment of our Gov* ernment of an independent system of patents has been to throw the number of Yankee parent monopolies, many of them of the hugest kind, into public use. All of the vast India rubber Sewing Mslthines and Colt’s patent pistols, upon which Yankee inventors and hordes of lobbymen have made immense fortunes, are thrown open to public manufacture «nd use.—A’.tawjner,