m lOIISI «f Oti , ... mhkr ^^'afolina t. I ni. ' Kiv "11. rt - >r in a1 w nc ■ by i . W " in *ii f' ! 1.- ir.!. le I le Oi i : . fS I a; 11 ! ■ ub ,r- GA N •rr-'ina It ■ wm. >«i : * r tlie Bl ■tL! W, t ; ‘e. mill; - K • *.. ^ ir* » • 4 - . a e _ . Me il ' r. ■f '■ > rgr-, Law 1,1, J iLK TIJ 111 •.sl Go (pri- to HI pit- ■ 1 • h -'ir hi.s rrv e w nu .t g uly vali reri - hfinC le b •r ■ >n i rea. r’ance b*- r 1, a« ;reti ; .n the re •nto nit- giver. •ir ; V ' * . i wlL 1. ’tITf .s / SBM I-WEBKL Y. [VOL. X.] » AYKTTF.VILLK. N. C.. SEPTEMBER 2, 1861. [NO. 1053.] PRlNTt;i> MONDAYS and THURSDAYS E1)W,1RD J. HALE & SOSS. KliroRS and l*ROPHIETv)R.>^ j i'.,g« for tlic .S^mi-Weekly Observer $8 00 if paid in | jTSUDi-'e. 60 if pail during the y«*ar of sabsorip- j ■in. or 5 I artt*r th« year has expired the Wet\cly Obskkv er S‘2 00 per annum, if paid in rtd?ance; f- 60 if paid during the year of subscrip- ■ lion; or (.>> after the year haa expired. SS^ \l>\ ERTISl.MEXTS inserted for 60 centt» per ! j^udre III 1- li’ie-; for fhe !ir'»f. and 30 cents for each jjcce^ling pul'lii.aiion Yearly advertisements hy spe- -lil coutraL'ts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ; rvjA^uested to state the number of insertions desired, or | hev will be continued 'ill forbid, and charged accord- 1 ‘f-; 1 Kivenisenient« to be inserted insidt, charged 50 per .ent eitra .SPE('IAL NoTU’E. From and after tliis date, no name of a new subscriber ; Mitered without payment in advance, nor will i :.!• paper be ^:'nt to such subscribers for a longer time | paid tor, S.ich . fov.r fild subscribers >is desire to take the pa- ;-r on this system will please notify n« when making • i tnnce-^. Jsin’y 1, l^oS. To Ihe Sherfls of the several Couniies of North Carolina: IT i' ■ii'^'nied in>t only desirable but an imperative du- . th it early mea-urcs be tuken to accumulate a > ;} }ly of winter»clothing for the North Carolina troops w iu the field, 'ihe scarcity of material for sale in ;e t'tate, and the uncertainty of procuring supplii» ■t .ni ntiroad, force us to rely on our domestic resources :• is thought that every f.imily can spare one or more >inkk-ts without personal inconvenience, or a pnir of W 'len S >cks, and it is believed th'it for such a pur '> « i«il won! i te rosfionded to with alacrity. i. iliereforf been c^nchi ted that an appeal fi>r lurp.-r* he made to the git-at I), iy of the people, j«- 1 ..;:h that vi> w I have to ivi^ue-t the Sheriffs of the -V .'ounties t--- act as agents of the State, to solicit - '-.t ibuiiiin of this kind. T (his en l they are requested to circulate this no- lice, and employ agents iu every district of their county to iurther the matter. All contributions of this kind may be boxed and for- w irded to the neares' Railroad Depot, and due informa- :* n thereof sent to the Governor. The Sheriffs are further requested to furnish to the vernor a hst of ihe donors. The irauspi'rtation of these donations will be at the •ipense of the State—and the bill for such service should be duly forwarded for payment. HENRY T. CLARK, Governor of N. C. In cheerful compliance with the several requests con- ained in the above Circular of His Excellency Governor larii, the undersigned. Sheriff of Cumberland, has ai »de provision within the several Diatricts of the Coun- V for the reception of contributions for the provision ini comfort of our gallant soldiers. As it is our pride to know that the good old county jf Tumberland has sent forth her best and bravest sons !o the battle-field, so will it be to us gratifying to feel hat we have ministered to their neces.sities and cheer- laily contributed to their w^nts It is therefore un- -es'ary to make any appeal to the charities of a peo- who-^e generous and warm hearts ever beat respon- r.-.e to the calis of patriotic duty ontributions will be received in the several Di» ricts •_v 'be persons named. Contributors will plea»e mark •ir names upon articles sent. / ir-itUe Dutnct—By R. \V, Har-Jie, P F. Alderman. - J Crttk—By W. Alderman and Jesse B. Carver. Flea flill—By Duacan J. Mc.\Uster, Neill McDugald. bUck Hxver—By L. H. Godwin, Jsmes McKelhan ani Robert Williams. - '’jjr C'rtrk—By John i'. Bh>cker and John Averitt ■ \-'t C’rtfk — By James Evans. Sherwood Hawley » ■ • Juhn Mcl>aniel Hockfith—By James t'ameron, Capt D. McDougald •»ud Henry O. Hall. ■ i.eiity-First—By s'apt. Neill R. Blue. ('ol. William ' ii'iw and John S. Ray. ; 'By John .McKetban. John McRae and Hon. 1, Bethuiie. ■-'ijrrtr’s Creek—By Wm. B. Ray. Daniel McKinnon. J- hi Monrr.g!—By Christopher Monroe and Duncan rchison. Ttie undersigned will also receive any articles that aiav be contributed HEi'TOR McNElLL. Sheriff. ■ \ug. 'JH, 50- A CwK^I! The Xew Style, Small, fOLOKCl) PHOTO«U.\PHS, AT VaHOi-^drll’«* «.iU«*ry. I ART. Woodwarcl’x )>^olar Camera. FAVETTEVILLE Female lli$fh School. TERMS Board per Session of 2 weeks, Stjo «jii Tuition in Collegiate Classes 20 weeks, 20 v*u * “ Academic •* '• •* 15 •• Primary 12 ')n Incidental expenses, 1 0*t Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and .\ncient Langunges. ."tc. at the u«ual rates. 8fca^0ne-half of Board and Tuition required »>/ «/- iance; liie oth««r half at the close of the Ses.sion. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st 8es:*ion —1st (Quarter comrneuces 1st October. 2d “ “ KMh Iteceiuber 2d Session. — 1st Quarter •• 20th February 2d \ acaiioQ Dec’r 1S0'». 1st May. loth July J DkB j: T. C. hooper. .\ssociaie l'rincipal>' 77tf KAOLE HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, W. C., APRIL, 1861. De.\r Sir: Permit me to call your attention to the EAGLE Hotel. I have it re-painted: all the rooms are neatly carpeted, and the Hotel is in better order than any other House in the mouutains of North Caro lina. I !tm also better supplied with good and atten tive servants than any Hotel in this part of the Srate. I would say to the first i-las- vistitor.n that I me pre pared 10 entertain you. iu a •tylc -juperior to any home in .Asheville. Having li.'nl sevt'ral ye irs experience in the bu.>-iiu‘ss. I tlniter myself that 1 can make your st-iy ai the E.VtiLE. b.jtli ple-isant and agreeable. In contieetion with tiiis large Hotel, 1 have a number of new and beautiful HAl’KS. r\15Rl\(;i;s. Bl IifiiKS. \\\) S.\DDLE HORSES, That my guests can get at a minute's notice. I will keep a ('arriage in readiness for persons that may be ilesirous of takinir morning or evening rides, ! as.^ure the travelling public that they will find everything they may desire at the Eagle to muke them comfortable. This Hotel iia-i superior adv.int.iees over any other house in .\sheville. as the .''tage Otlii't* is kept here t"r all the Stages that ariivt >it and ilepart froui this place, I wuuld 'i.'iy til I'auiilies tli u inien l visiting our beau tiful town, and expei’' !■> remain -everal weeks, it will be well for them to write ari'l engage rooins. :i the Eagle is geiier.illy pr'-tty much crowded by the inidd.L- of./uly, .V:' reg irds charges, 1 will make tiit-m s\ith- cietitly moder.ate to suit the present times. Hoping to h ive the ]ilensure of seeing you at the Eagle, I am yourx respectfully. ,1. Si BL.VIR. Proprietor. May 1. 18t>l, 1‘4-tl SHEMWELE HOUSE. a FEW DOOKS .\OKTH OF THK >UKkKT ilOlSK. .WING to the extensive increase of patronage to thi-> House, dr.ring the year. I have ex tended my tacilities by the adilition of a num ber of comforiabU- 'bleeping r.nmis. with other in.pni t- aul imcroseiuei.t'. wiiu'ii w .l! a!.l materially to the comfort and convenience of tho'e favoring me with their patrnuag- To tfuise who have heen my kiuil friends aud cus tomer- for rfie pn-t »ix years. I ten>ler my most sincere thanks, hi the -auie tiuie respectfully soliciling a con tinuance of their patroiiige. ,snd also :he patronage of a large numl t-r ^^f new yiatr..ns I have gjod Stables and ;i N'.» 1 iNiler. P SH EMU ELI. •Jan y l'’>. isi'iO >4- A Miiiokiiic^ C'iiiiiiuey. person having a smoking fire-place ran have it €wroeeri€*s / Grvoceries / / 4 L.VKGE and well selected >*tock of E.\MIL\ GRO('t’RlES iilways on hanr;. con.-isting of IjHCon-Sules, .Me.ss I’uilv, MullelK, .Mackerel, Nos 1 and J, Miilasses, Sugars of all f^rades, 'I'ohaeco, Ti'^ars, And all other articles usually kej>t iu a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment t'OX, KENDALL & (’(). Wilminirton. .\pril 1', iU-lf GKO. W. WILLIAMS &, CO., ill iroc*erie!«„ ANl> I.MJ'oUTKRS .\M» OKAi.KK.S IN Hardware aud Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &€•, HAV ST.HKET, FVVETTEVII-LE, X. I'. J uly 2, 1 !Sil. otit f HHDS. M01j.\.S.s;HS. for sale bv (1 W williams .S: CO. IMf.l, Sf.-'Jni absent from iionie a few months in SO July 2 VS 1 expect to b the West, .\r \gent to trausaci my btisiue Dee r 2S. until I return. N. (i. J(»NES. s:itf N all its kinds, e.wcoled with ne.itness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS, 11, TlLLlNGllAST, Opposite ilie Ketiia'e Higl» School, Hay Slroet, 14 A. CoinmisNioii .May 14 s;. h\ PKAUCK, uirn — MfiMJiaiil mill I'roduie Healer, ,V.S1> 1)K.\I,KK IN ‘Iroeerie'. Pri)vi>ious. j il:irdw:ire. 1,’utlery. B'lOts, Mioes aiul Le i'i.er. 'i’ lgging. K qie. .''addlery. xc,. I'.ii.'ign ,ind Domestic Liquors. Sheeting' and Viirns m .Manufavturcrs' {.rice.s, g^^Snii't a!ii.:iii 'n jiaiil to orders, yj® SOtni SIDE HAV STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Sept, 2L l^^oO. ootf \. II. C'AWI»Ki:i.l., Auctioueer and C'oniniissiou Merchant, --will ,itfeiiJ to uie ,«ale of—■ imOOits^ IIVfrf^s am! *fterr/ian€tise, ilea! Eslaf(\ ,Vt'::roes, Xr. J une 2 I, 1 .'^'■l ' l-'*m I LARK A Tl i{Li.\UTO\, COMMISSION MEaCHANTS, • W TON, N r ' \I711-L give spiiial aiien'iou ti. tlie sule or shipmeni V| of all Naviil .Stores, rot.un. hioui, I'imbtr, and oiher ciiuntry produce Dea-i-i'! in Litue, Plnsier, ’e- luetu. Hair, . and Kit.MS FOK Slt.UlLRS K\ih Re*'er to; H K Shv nge. I'ushi Wilniingiou; .iu i I'l.v un. l‘i' NY II WE 11 own remedied by addressing me at the Fayetteville Post Oilice. White Utishing. Brick Work and Plasterm.; done iu best manner. .All my work warranted tt) be done well nr no pay, ,\nd it any chimneys hereiol'ure built by me shouM ?ini*Ke. they will be nltered without charge. Da\ID .McDUFFlE Kayettevill,^, N. C., March 2y. y-lypI MAKEPEACE & M^RAE, on hand and expect to keep for sale, of their )wn m.Tnut'aciure. a supply of Bra^s. Galvanized and common Hooped JI AIPKK mi KV/lS: Freueh, High Post, Cottage and Common S TR.ID spring ,Mattresse,s, of new and improved Spring, on hand or made to order of any ^ize; L iL’NttES; Spring. Cane, and Wood Seat CH.MR.*^, of difl'erent kinds and pattern^; Spring So^.is, Lounges and ('hairs, repaired, and covered with Hair (.’loth or other wise; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbls, Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plastering Hair. As we have good .Machinery for Sawing, Planeing, Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work with despatch and on .-atisfactory term.'. Persons having worti or repairing to do will do well to give us a call. We warrant our work; if it fails, you kuow where to find us. Having taken a Store on the Ea.st side of Gillespie Street, a few d'^jrs Souih of .\ W. Steel, E-q., and having some spare room, we would attend to the storage and sale of :iny tnmg tiiai i.ny be consigned to us; and will give speci.il attention to products of this State, Fayetteville, April 1. iNiil. 'J(t Bank of North ('ar Branch Bank ot C,i Dec 14, W it J F. Mi-L.iLkl,‘ A.NU SiS. r Bank ot ('ape Fear. 1 Wiiiniugton iirancii • lie-*, ( rtsnier Raleigh rn-tf FlSil FOlt SALE. ML’LLElS, \i \( t\Ki.Ki.. an I J W PdUEUs. .'lay 12. 24 »VOTl€E. T 1 ;j1IuT(')GRAPHS can be h:»iaf Vanorsdell's Skylight i ■'•allerv. Hay street, opjiosite Marble Y.ir 1. F'ay- ■p, N. (■’.; plain, ret.iuched, colored, in water I'.r. . .'il and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- ■ vpes. M-'laneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures ^ertai ' to the Art, Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- ..if, i) for very large pictures—as large as 20 by 'ord and Tassels for hanging pictures: Instru- ; "‘n!s. ."lock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life 1 ’ ..I'.red Photographs made from small pictures, | Ha-.ing permanently located here I hope to merit j I itrouage. I would al.'» return my sincere thanks i • liberal patronage be-mwfd i>n me heretofore by I ■■■ .)d peoplf -’f F.ivetteville tod vicinity. j ■ c, \1. V.WORSDELL. I Photographist and Proprietor. j : 20, 1R59 _ | W. Kt I.I.ARO, 4 otntn iss ion • Her eh an /, WILMINGTON, N. C. j l)RoMl*T and PERSONAL attention will be given to j 1 the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, j tnd all other country produce. ! RKFKE TO I ' : G. Parsley, Pres’t Com, Bank at Wilmington. i •biH.N- Dawion. “ t’., N, C.. at do. M.'ssrs, H, & R. J; Lilut, Mes-rs. Pkmbkkton & Sloan, ' I AKKKR, Esq., Harnett County, N. C, '! .y 7. IHfiO, I5tf llouMeM and to Rent. , • H'.usp and Lot on Rowan sireet. lately occuj>ied I . t Hfit, B. Cook, A comfort'ible house for a •' till I-,. —ALSO— 1! lU^e over Haymount, lately occupied by R. E. '■ The house is new, the water good, tlie garden ■ 1 a very desirable place for Summer residence. .\['ply to J.VS. O. COOK. ■ ;. IBfil. I'.nf I KTIIEK June II \ DEES RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACTICS, ' i iplete, two vols, in one. $1 50, or 1 f5 by mail '. 'mly. I i. VOLUNTEER’S HAND BOOK; 60 cents, or G5 .. !! a.l—ca*h only. E J. HALE & SONS. Hlanks of all kinds at this Office. li REWARD. \N.\W,VV frioii tiie ^ubst•riber on Fri ay last the I Ith ills!,, my i.^y Vll{(_;iL. H-is probably lurk ing about ilie plantaiiDU of .Mrs Louisa Hnrgrove. on (’arver s ('reek, wiierr t,e lois a wife, 1 will pay the above rew.ird for his delivery in jail. (}, D. BAKER, Cumberland county. July lj>- 4i>-tf HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY OilV —Among which are— 1 PIECES CAL1C(»; LOUU oi(J PIECES LAWNS; Black and (Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Clollis. No. 1 to 1 1; Men and B(y's (’lotlung. With a large assortment of all kinds of OF MIE SCBSt KIBERS otier tor suu* M.V I'1 HESSES .1 all kinds. alMi. ]{EBSn;ADS, CH\IRS. TABLES, ;t:id all kinds of Furniture, cheap for Cash, or in ex- i-tiHnge lur country produce I’eisoi* St , opposite the Cape Fear Bank. M CAGLE \ BRO. b'ayetteville, N. ('., .\lareh 1. 1-Om IIKAVV 1-1 MIE ROCKEISH .MANCF.U' i I’K1NG ( OMPANV. ■ >f Fayetteville. N.- ('., .solicit orders tur Sheetings inches wide, yar.ls fo the poiind. The fioodscon- pare favorably with the same styles mauaticiured iti .MassachU'etts, ;md have fur iii iny years hfen sold in the New York .and i’hihtdelpliia .M.irne's, ('. T. H.MGll, Pit t li -cktish Co. Fayetteville, .lune 1. IS'U. 27- Confederate Slates of .lnieriea« POJ»*T on let l>i;i*ARi\Ui:AT. UUi^TAAtT BJiILaU, iliciiMuND, \’a.: Auj;. '■>, I"!)!. PKuPtjSALS will tie r>i--.ved ^.t itus (Jtiice till the 7tli day of September ne\^ lo' I’n .vesing the muil.s of the Confederate Males, in i iite N . ol'i-s—tioui Fayetteville f)y .\lanch»*?ter. .1^ die, v raiiie - Cteek, Cartfi »ge, (j'dd Uegiun, l'..gi’riuuoii. Siou«- Lick, .\slie!ioio, New .M.iihet and til 'ouiington, to High Poiut, lU(.i miles and liacl;, imci; tiim'S a week, till tlie dJth Juiie I boo. I'o leave Faye!teviiic .Mon I'ly. >• and Priday at 1 1’. -M. .\rrivc at High I’oiut next d.i_> s , p. ,M. Leave Higli I’oiiit Tuesdiy, I'nur' liv nu i at :i P. M. Arrive at Fnyetteville next ilays l>y p. .^l J(»ilN II. RAG.VN, Po^,lolaHter (1 Aug. 'J. Saturda% ■ •iieral. 17-tt I Fayetteville, 10,000 .-Vll of which were purchased at .Auction and private j sale by the package at panic prices, and will be offered j cheap by wholesale or retail. \ April l^, IHC.l. l-ilf »ll wVo. 34. Uau YDS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by retail. >50 Doz. WO(JL and other HATS. C li O T II I i\ « Ht greatly reduced prices; together with a large and ! varietl stock of mm ,i\i) iM\fv \)\\\ liiioDN,, all of which will be offered on n.s favorable terms as any 1 House in the State. K\Lh. Oct. 4, 1860. . I .foiiA r. i Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN TUtCODBTS OF KobCMOii, Cumberland, Coliimbii- and Biaden. office at Luniberfon, Robeson Co., N. C. July 6, 18o9 20tf Woiley’s Lacly’x Book Itor iTlay. April Iti. J,.HALE H 808. LxiW i\0 J iCi:. rpHE Sub.-friber having reiiiovi i fr'on Siunmerville to X Fayetteville, will attend the (’uuiity aii i Superior ( ourts ol ('uml)erland, Harnett .itid .\loote. His ofhce will be at his residence, on (Jreeu Street, opposite the Episcopal Church. His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summervillo. .M;1L1, .McKAY. .Jan'y21. IBtK) So-tf JAS. C. incUAE, ^Ittorney at Jjmr, Office West endofttie iusur^mei- Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, W. C. March 2(>, I860, -itf LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 18*;0-01 SENATE Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M VVhedbee. (’amden and Currituck...B F Simmons Gates and Chowan. ..M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer Northampton.. .J M S Rogers Hertford,.,J B .'^laughter Bertie.,,David Oiithiw. Martin and \Vashington....l R Stubbs Halifax...M (J Whitaker. F.dgecombe and Wilson ..H T Clark Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort,.,Frederick Grist. ('raven,..N H Street. ('arteret and J'me.^...l»r M F .\rendell Greene and Lenoi'-. .J P Speight New Hanover.,,Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr Janies Dickson. Onslow...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, ^4c,.,Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett ...Dunoan Shaw Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J \S B Watson, Wake,..M \ Bledsoe. Nash.,..\ J Taylor. Franklin..,W Harris. ^VHrren...T J Pitchford. Granville.,.C H K Taylor, Person,..(J L Winstead. Orange...Josiah Turner. Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson.\lfred Dockery. •\nson and Union,,.S H Walkup. (jtiilford.,,Peter .\dams Caswell,.,Bedford Brown. Rockinghar-..,.F L Simpson, Mecklenburg..,John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly,..V (’ Barringer. i Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ram.sey. I>avidso'n,...]no W Thomas, Stokes and Forsyth.,,Je«se A Waugh. ,\she. Surry vtc los Dobson. Iredell. Wilkes \c...L (J Sharpe. Burke. McDowell iic...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston \c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherford. Polk i'co,.,.\ W Burton, Buncombe, Henderson Sc...Geo W Candler, Haywood, M:icou &c.,.W H Thomas, HOU>E OF CO.MMONS. Alamiince.,.Giles MeV>Hne, ,Vlexander.,, Dr J .M Carson. .\n^on...L L Polk, E R Liles. .\slie.. J M Gentry Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....\ S Merrimon. Pdaden...(' T Davis. Bertie... P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh Brunswick...T L» Meares. CaMwell... Dickson. ('abarrus...W .s! Harris (’ntawba,,,.Fonas Ciinr. ( Iiatham,,, W P Taylor, R N Green, Ttirnei Bynum, t'herokee.,,G W Hayes, 'ruven ...I’ C Clark, F E .-Mfred. (.'umberlrtud ainl Harnett ,C G Wright, J .'A Harring ton. J (' W illiams. Chowan... Small. t'oiumbu'...N L Williamson ('Hmdeu...D D Ferebe.* ('arteret... D W Whitehurst (’aswell... Withers, ,S P Hill Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleavelaud.. .\ G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson... Lew'o Haynes, E B Clark Davie... Howard Duplin.. J D .Stanr>rd. J G Brsnch Edgecomhe .. K R Bridgers. J S Woodard Forsyth I F Poindexter. Philip Barrow Fr.tnklin -W F (ireen. Gaston,,.J H While, Granville...J VI Bullock, W' H Jenkins, S H Canuaday, (.}uilford.,.C P .Mendenhall. C E .Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....A D .Sjieighf t}ates,,.John Boothe. Hay wood... S L Love Halifax.., \ H Davis. W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell....\ K Simonton, .V B F Gaither Jackson....V Fisher. Jones...P Wi-.rd. .lohnston—W H Watson. J:i« Mitchener. Lenoir....) (' Wooten Lincoln...V .McBeee. Madison...John .\ Fagg Martin... Ewell. McDowell..,(' H Burgin. Moore,...\lexander Kellv. .Montgomery.., E (.« L Barringer, Macon... H G Wood fin Mecklcnbufg,..S W Davis. .1 M Pofts. Nash.,,11 G Williams New Htinover..,S J Person, Daniel Shaw, Northampton.., M W Ramsom, W’ W Peebles. C>n»low,,,.I H Foy, Orange...H B (iiithrie. W N Patterson, Pa-'juotank,...! 1' Williams. Perniiimons....\ Newb\-, Pitt.,,B (i .VUiritton. Churchill Perkins. Person,,, —— Wilkinson. Robeson — .\lex McMilbin, Eli Wisharf. Rockingham... Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. itutheri'ord...C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph... I H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Kichiii'>nd..,.J G Blue, Si«mpson...N C Faison. Geo W Autrey. Surry...W W.iugh. Stokes—Horatio Kelltim. Stanly...Lafayette (freene. Tyrrell.,.*^ McCleese, Union...C Q Lemmon is. Wake,..S H Koger.s. J W Russ. H Mordecai, Warren,,,-I B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...(' Latham. Wutaugn..,Thomas Farthing, - Wayne... W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes...W Martin, Horton. Yadkin... A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman, 0 l>r. Tlli:0. ja iEtTS AK, FFICK, H V ST REE'!’, oppo-ite the Post Oftice. Medicrtl Electricity apf)iied, 17,' ISt'.n. 62tf Fayeiteville, Oct, JOSKPH H. BliOSSoM, CVltl . \ A\ .\MRIN(1K. ' JO.*4. K. j .>lerchaiil!^9 Prompt personal atteucion given to all Consign meats, and Cash advance.s made on Prodove tobeshippet i to other ports or sold in this market j Feb'y 12, iStJl. Wtf The l^iinny J^oiitli, hy Trol. In- : gratiam; Say and Seal, by the .\ullii>r of “Wide Wide World,” .tc.; The Hous»*ii.>ld of Bouverie. or the Elixir i of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., .'10. E. >1. H.aLL iS. SONS. Oct. 18. Vol. J^tli llancrofl'ixi Unitetl ^tateM Jul; 10. K. J. BALK Sl bon. Kdgecombe and Wilson-—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsjtli—T. J. Wilson, K, L Patteraon Franklin—A. D. William^^ rtaston—X. Johnston (iates—A .1 Walton Granville—A W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, 8. S. Royster. | (ireene—W. A. Darden ^ (iuillbrd—Jno. A. Giliuer, Ralph Gorrell, R ! P. Dick. » Halitax—R. FI. Smith, L W Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hick? Hendersofi—W. M. Shipp, Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—O. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Big:gs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee Mecklenburg—J. W, Osborne, Wm. Joha.ston. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H, Turner. Xash—.V. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. (?owan, Robert Strange, j Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, .lohn Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perfjuimons—.Fos. S. Cantion. Person—John W. Cuninghatu. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grifues. Randolph—\V . J. Long, A. (J. Foster. Richmond—W, F, Leak, Robeson—J, P. Fuller, J, C. Southerland. Rockini^ham — D. S. llei-l, E, T. Brodnax. Rowar. -B. (’raige, II. C.. Jones. Ruthen. 'd and Pulk—T. II, Carson, M. Dur- hatn. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—H Hearne. Stokes—( A'acan t.) Surry—T. V, Hamlin, Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—Cf. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. X. Edwards, Frank Thornton, Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J W. (’ounsel. Wavne—/. Strong, A. Thomp.sou, Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller, Vadkin—R. F, Armtield, Vaneev—M P. Penland, Timber If \tnted. |).VRTIES having Reasoned WHITE OAK TIMBER 1 from on^ and a half to six inches in thickness, aiui from six to twenty inches in width, and wishing to dis pose of the same, can find a purchaser by applying in person or by letter lo the undersigned at the .\rsenal. JOHN C. BOOTH. , Capt. .Art’y. Comd'g .\rsenal. Fayetteville. .Aug. 21. Istil. />0-tf Contractors! DS will be received at the Office of the Western Rail Road Company, until the 10th of .Sept. next, for the Graduation. Bridging and Masonry, on that part of Ihe Road from Mclver’s Sfstion to Egypt Shaft. For information, applv at the office of the President. C B. MALLETT, Pres't. Aug. 2tj, I8GI. • *c^300 I.«aborer« Wanteil Im mediately. C B. MALLETT, Pres't ,\ugust 20. 1801. W'. R. R. Company. •Votice to B'l liailroad and Post Coach Liue To Wiliiiiii;;toii9 C. a; N ACCOMODATION POST COACH will run in connection with the Wilmington and Rutherford Rail Road, to Rockingham, Richmond co., N C. Leav ing the Sand Hill Depot (Trollinger after the arrival of the train from Wilmington, on Tuesday.^. Thursdays and .‘^atunlays. and arrive at Rockingham to supper. Returning will leave Rockingham on ^londay. Wednes day and Friday mornings in time lo make c >nnection. Passengers anil light freights carrietl with celerity, certainty ami security. D.G. MACRAE. .\ugusf 20th, 18til. 51-3w JOV TO THK niLMOA! LIXCOLX’S BLOiKAHE OF NO AVAIL. H. P. Ijfinch^ CHERAW, S. C„ CONVENTIOX ON XOllTH (3AR0LTNA. Alamance—(Jiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. 1). Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, .1. A. JiCak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—W, J, Ellisofi, E, .1, Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Bnitiswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. WoodOn. Burke—J. C. McDowell. (’abarrus—C Phifer. (’aldwell—E W Jones. (’amden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vachncy.) (Catawba—P, ’. Henkle. Chathauf—. H. Hoaden, .lohn Manning Jr., L. J, Merritt. (’herokee—A. T. David.son. Chowan — R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. .1. T. Miller, .T. W. Tracy- (’olumbus—Richard Wooten, (,'raven—(«co. (irreen, Jno. I>. VV’^hittord. (Cumberland and Haoiett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A, S. .^lcXeill. Currituck—IL M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodes H .\S Just now on hand, received by the Undergro'i nl Rail Road nnd from other sources, one of the largest stocks of Kersej’s, Bhinke's, ic. Ladies’ (ioods of every Description, llat»$, l'a|>M, lloolw, .^liocM, CiJaiterj-i, Hardware^ ALSO, C.\BPET1\G, lilfiGl\Ti, RIII'E, TWI\E, IRO\. •fee., S:c. As there will be great difficulty in getting these goods agaiu during this season, planters and others wishing, would do well to.make their purchases early, while and whfe they can. Cheraw, S. C., Aug. 20, 1801. ol-3t School ]\otice. My Sf'HOOL in the DONALDSON A('ADEMY. on H.VYMOUNT. will be re-opened on T U ES D Y , OCTOBER 1st, ISOI. Tcrmn, per Quarter of 10 week*: English. ('lassical. W Contingent, 2o JESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. .\iigust 1!*, ISfil. 4'.t;f l'ay*tteville, I*>. Head-Quartehs. Camp McRae, I MaNCHF.STK.R Crl.ARDS. ) VFEW more Men wanted to fill up this Company. Those desiring to volunteer can have an opportunity to do so. by calling on the undersigned at the Store of Starr iSl William-, or at the encamt’tnent of the ( om- J M. W ILLI.OLS. Capl. A TARTAR ^Weoopy the following from the Haleigh Spirit of the Age It cannot be denied that the gentle creature who thus pitches into the “lords'of creation,” has much of truth aud justice on her side But. we pity the poor fellow who has her for a wife;— THE LADIES, A.\i1 THEIK DEL1N^CKN'C1E9, The ladies have brought about this war. They must have their fia«ry, comfort and luxuries from the North. Ed. Church Jntelligtncer. It was with indignaut eyeti that we perused tho.se lines. Had any one but a Minister dared to have written that article, we would have in dulged in the abusive just far enough to relieve our bosoms of some of its choler. We would, at the very least, have called it a cowardly way of exonerating one's self from blame, which they justly shared with others. We would have de nounced it as being ‘little;’ meani—big stout boy striking pale little boy, when no one was near to take sides or tell. Bat as circumstances alter cases, we will make a few remarks—propound a few queries: Wonder it the pen, ink, and the paper on which that attack wa.s vwatered, did not come from the north? Wonder if the arm that sup ported the pen was not enveloped out and out in northern cloth? Wonder if tiie author of that great effusion was not clad in yankee truck from head to foot? If not, we wonder where it did come from? Wonder if his young idea was not taught how to shoot by a yankee “school marm,” or master? (ours was not,) wonder it, with other wise and noble things, he was taught to blame the ladies for every national calamity? The Editors, considerate souls, have been quite busy, lately, harping on the saiue old string: “Ladies, ladies, Economise;”—as if we could not, would not and did not “Save,” without their everlasting, te dious, annoying advice to that effect? Xow listen to us; (we’ve listened to your song, till our ears have ached,) Gentlemen, gentlemen, econ imisf . (^uit smoking, it injures your nerves and uebilitates your purse; quit chewing, it ruins your breath, your teeth and your wife’s t*.*mper; no lady can abide the abominable practice, (juit wearing cravats! of what earthly use is a piece of cloth doubled about your neck? Show your good sense by despising fashion, and fatten your purses by .saving that much money. “What’s the use ot coat tails?” (we quote from a lady friend.) Have them cut off forthwith; they’re nothing but superfluous danglers in the air;—it won’t take near so much cloth to make a coat minus the tail. We insist on your doing it, for it’s just a.s ea.sy for you to bob tail, as it is for us to curtail our expenses; and we just as reasonably demand it of you. Boots are another useless expense and waste of leather. There ought not to be any more made. Get you some good Brogans and coarse home-knit sucks to keep jour feet warm and dry, then wear your pants short enough to keep the hems from being frayed against the top.s of your shoes, and from being spattered with mud—a.s for appearances, you're too sensible to (•are for tluit. The question is—do you really know what tconoini/ i.o? We opine not. You are trying to explain a matter that you do not yourself under stand; and the natural consequence is, you can not, and do not fail to appear ridiculous. Do you, gentlemen, ever wash your best shirts, col lars aud cravats, to keep them from being torn in the less gentle hands of the washer-woinan? All the world knows that you don’t. Do you take your,old clothes and cut and make them up for your little boy? Would you ever dream of it? Well I’ll be bound that your wife does. Would you ever think of dipping your old rusty black silk cravat into potato water to Uia’i».e it look bright and now? Do you darn your socks ail long as they’ll hold the thread and then cut them down and with another old pair make them “a’most” as good as new? I>o you trim up your old hat and wear it three seasons longer? Do you trim down the hem of your pants to hide shabby .shoes? Do you deny yourself of a box of “Havanas," or a basket of Champagne wine, that you may afford a new suit? Xo? Well, many a lady denies herself of n^cessnrics, to en able her to make a decent appearance when she goes out, oftentimes the wives ot gen(lemen(?) who smoke Havanas and give Champagne sup pers. Well may you hatig down your head and blu.>.h, for it is a cryii:g shame. It’s well for you that yuur wile is weak enough to endure it pa tiently, (patience in such cases i.s no virtue,) or your house would be uncomfortal)le, as it ought to be. Do you leave the home of your boyhood, your indulgent parents and kind familiar friends, to follow the lady you love into a strange land; to be .set down to daily cares and responsibilities— to be stinted, to have your hou.'e-keeping com plained of, your luistakes and failures frowned at —to find yourself reduced from a fine, dai^hing young man, to a dowdy hou-^ehold drudge, atid if in addition t(» your other vexations you were forced daily to hear, from compressed lips beneath acontracted brow, the depressing refrain—‘George, be sewing; yon mu.t be sewing,’ would you like it? Yes, sir; about as well as women of mind and I spirit like it. Wonder it you’d bear it half well us the most spirited of them do? Once for all, gentlemen, let us as.sure you that y lU waste time and materials, when you get upon the subject ot Ladie.s’ affairs. The only effect, so far, has been-to excite contempt in the minds of the fair sex, which is inevitable when a man ■ descend.^ from this high position'in which nature and necessity places him. to dabble in matters which do not belong to the “Lords” of creation. AI RIKCHAI SKA. pany, Aug, ir>. 4S-tf For Iteiit. rnHE Store on Hay Street, between lhe ( rockery Store The Iowa State Journal says that the Xorth wc.-^t i.s being ruined by the war. Wheat of good ti.erchantable quality will not bring twenty oints a bushel in the markets ol that State, ami corn has been delivered on the Mississippi at seven cents a bushel, with a continued downward ten dency. The Now York Tribune of Saturday last i.s constrainetl to wmfess that the Stock Market 1 and D. & W. McLflurin s More, ana at present or- rcsptmd as was antiei j.atol to , the suc- cupied by them, •’"’f^ir"\r!L?u?in*"ors T cessful necotiation of the t Jovvnuiiciit yesterday.” For terms, apply >o D W. McLaurm, S. T ui.HIliant” fina.ieial negotia- Ilftwlov it Son. ^Aujjust ir>, 4 -tf Ki:W%RD. I) \.N.\W.\Y. a few days ago, from the subscribers. \ our Boy HE.NRY. a dark mulatto, 28 years of age. weighing about 145 lbs We bought said boy of George Holmes, near Fayetteville. The above reward will f»e paid for his confineoient or delivery to us in Fayetteville. J. & N. A. CAMERON. Aug, 14. tion of the (toverninent is pretty well unierstood in tlie Xew York inmiey market, and theojiiniori .spetns to be dawning on the financial mind of Wall street that the loan is simply iii> loan at all, but merely an arrangement to get oat paper issue.s by usurious bribe.s to the banks. !t.ivin>r not theiii, but the people, upon whom the f):'p t currency is foisted, to suffer.—Jlich. L'xarmtitr.