CALEi^DAR FOR 1861. VNUAUY r'KBRtTARY MARCH. APRIL. MAr JU\E rULV Al ac.sT ==!EPTKMHEH 3CT0RKR.. N'OVEMKKR. DECKMBKR a; S' z ‘-5 s i-a 5 95 > - > ■*5 X -! X > 3C 1. > > 1 i> 8 4 7 K 9 10 11 is 14 15 16 17 IS 21 22 28 24 25 27 2*^ 29 30 o 1 I o 1 ,5 6 1 s 10 11 12 18 14 15 17 19 20 21 24 2r. 26 27 2H 1 :i 4 5 6 1 S lu 11 12 18 14 15 17 1» 19 20 21 22 24 26 2G 27 28 29 81 1 i) 8 4 5 1 8 9 10 n 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 2H 29 80 1 2 8 f> 0 t s 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 28 24 20 27 28 29 80 31 «'i 1 5 6 1 ID 11 12 18 14 1C. 17 l' 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 *>• — i 28 30 1 *> 4 5 i s 9 10 11 12 14 15 in 17 IS 19 21 22 23 24 26 ou. 29 30 31 1 •> 4 .5 t) i H 9 11 12 13 14 15 Iti IH 19 20 21 •_>•> 23 2n 2ti 2S 29 3() H. 1 •> 3 4 5 t> s 9 10 11 12 13 15 It) 17 IS 19 20 .)•) 23 24 25 26 o- - 1 2l» 30 1 O 3 4 1 s 1» in 11 l;5 14 15 16 17 l'^ Oil 21 ■>•> 23 24 25 •>“ I ... ' 2*' 29 80 31 1 8 4 5 0 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 1^ 19 2(1 21 22 24 25 26 2~ 2 s 29 1 o 3 4 .5 »; s 10 11 12 13 15 It; 17 IH 19 20 23 24 25 26 •>- — 1 29 30 31 D 12 19 2G TO THE I.AD1E8: Mrs. (ilByON roripeotl'dHy iuforms her friends and the puMic ^»>iu rrtllj, that she is prepared lo make DRESSES in thi* uio'^t t'tii^hionaMe style, she will alsa cut and tit for niiy ladies wishing lo make their own Dresses; ('Ml L1>RF.N’S ('LUTHIXU cut or made to order. Mrs. Uib^ou has taken the Agency for the sal« of a new aud excellent CHART, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. Also, one for Hoy’s Clothing They are very simple in conatructiou, aad therefore easy to understand. The ladies are requested to oall and see them at her house. 6th house above the Protestant Church. Hay Mount (»ct. ’2 •'iStf y 16 23 :iO G 13 20 27 4 n 18 25 lilTERATra. y j n'^HE Works of (.'has. Lamb. 5 vols. Edited by Taltouril; ](;} j 1 •• “ of Henry Fielding. 4 vols; •• of (.Hiver Goldsmith, 4 vols, “ “ of Tobias Smollett, t; voU Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Paacal's Provincial Lrtters; “ Thoughts. Letters, Ac; Chesterfield’s Letters; Ooriuue. or Italy, by Madame De8tanl. Jcuie Porter's Works; Yloar of Waketield and Rasselas; Hood’s Whims aud Oddities; “ Comic Miscellanies; Hallam’s Middle Ages; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry. Currer Bell's Works—Jane Eyre. Shirley and VilU'tte; Evelina, by Miss Burney; Beulah. Rutledge. The Mill on the Floss; “Line upon Line," “Peep of Day. ' Fox's Rook of Martyrs: Buchan's Domestic Medicine; Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book- Youatt on the Horse; Voualt A Martin on Cattle. April F. . HALK iSj I 1;'. •2i» t! ]:i 20 10 17 24 ;!l I 14 21 12 •2t; !> It) 28 30 14 21 2K A ]\ew La%v Book. CanHveirs Practice Ht Lmt. JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Euwaru ('’astweli LL B.. iuthor of the N. C Justice, etc. CONTESTS. Of Legislative Power in General; Lejfiilative PoWfr Lq Ni.rth C'ariilina; Legislative Powers of Justices of the Peace; Couuty Boundaries—Deed.s. etc.; t'uiinty Reve nue and Charge®; C'^'urt fTouses, Pi won«. >'?c : ’cnniy Trustee; Jun,- Triils; Fairs ami 1‘ublio Salei^; Geueral Assembly: Insy)cctions. Public Landing». Xc.: Poor Houses and Hospitals: Registers and CU rks; Rivers and Creeks; Gales. Ferries and Bridges; Weights and Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and In.apec lions; Mills and Miller?; Ordinaries and Con^iaMes. Patrol: Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Ronds, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in Norilt t'lrolina; Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; Attorneys at Law; Attorney Geiiern!; Reporter ami Mar shal; Clerks and SoUcitor; Coun.sel for l'aii[iers; iluar Jians; County Attorney; AuL-iioneers; t.'ouiity C.mrt Clerks; Coroners; Boundary i’oiiiniis«iouer'; ('ommitiefs of Finance; t^ounty Trustee; t'ounty Trea'urer; Special Court; Commissioners of Fuirs; hi'pect >rs; Superin tendents of .Schools^; romniissioners dI’ Navi^aiion; War dens of the poor; I'egistpr.-i; Commis>ioners of Rivers And Creeks; Sheriff-^: t’onstaVdes; Pwangers; Standard Keepers; Retailers; .Adininistratnrs; Chairman of Sjiecial Court; Commissioners of i)eed- and (’onveyanceH; (.'oui- missioners of Low Lands; Kniiy Tak»*rs au I Siitveyor-.; Superintendents of Elections; (.luar'lians and Receiver.-j; Inspectors; Commissioner- of Internal Improvements; Partition; Patrol Committt'es; Proces'aioners; 'I’ax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseer- of lioads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wreck®; Tobacco Picker.s and Coopers. The Appendix contains fortes of Deeds and Convey- ’inces, as follows: Agreements, Assignments. Awards. IJilIrt cf Sale. Bills of F^xchange and Lading. IhjikIs, Miscellaneous Rond-, Contracts, Deeds. Marriage Settlements. Mortgages, Copartnership Articles. Notes. Releases. \c., &c. Ihi.s Book contains pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in LawCalf. Price, single copy. j5. F(^r sale by K. J. HALE & SONS. Dec'r LStiO. NEW EDITION OF Ot^VEREUX ;\\U BVTTLK’S X. T. L\W REPORTS. Volume S. '■PHE sub.scribers have just printed a 2d Edition of 1 tliis \ olume, with Notes and References toother adjudged Cases and to tlie Revised Code, by Hon. Wtu. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 21 Editions of Dev. & Battle's Equity, complete, und4st Dev. s Rattle's Law Pveports, have received the approbation,of the Profession. They also republished a 'id Edition of Devereux's lid Equity, / without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the propiietors of the entire elitions of most of Iredell’s Law and Eipiity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Rt-ports, or complete sets, so far as they can now had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Rattle's Law Reports, vols. S-4 (^in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, ami will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus- toniers. J* H.VLE S()N. Oct. 15, 18*>0. BOOKM. VTEMESIS, by MARION HARLAND, A.tthor of “.Mone” &c. THE tjUEENS of SOCIETV. illustrated; JACK HOPETON. or tlie .\dventures of a Georgian; '.\STLE RICHMOND, by .\nthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, Ac. Aug. :n. E. .1. HALE & SONS. Ncliool BookM, &c‘. 10LBURN’S, Stoddard’s. Ray's, and Emerson's Arith- J metics; McGutl'ey’s Readers aud Spellers; Scott's Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred & SONS. Mouatains U lion Bible Dictionary, he. E, J. HALE Dec'r liU. FaU Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 'Ve are now receiving a very full supply of L»h, MedUa) aud Mbcellaneous Bookii; Setiool Bookb: Blauk Bookn; Writing Papers; KnTeloiM*H, Ac. E. J. HALE & SON. October b, If'tiU, The \eu ami tompiete IWortli Carolina Form Book A further supply just received. E. J HALE & SONS. March 9 STA.\llimi A.\ll IIISI'ELLWEIIIS WOKkS. Abbott S Histories. 28 vols.; .-U>bott s Napoleon; Irviug's complete Works. 'J1 vols; Life of Washington, 5 vols- Pres.*,.It s Philip the I'd: t'harles the ;'*th: Ferdinand and Isabella; Conquest of Mexico; “ of l*eru; Bancroft's U. States, 8 vols; Lossing’s Field Book of the .American Revolution. Tytler's Cuiversal History; Hallam's Middle .\ges; Hume aud Macaulay's Histories of England; Rollin's Ancient History: Millman's Gibbon's Romi*: Josephus’ woiks; Robertson's works; Webster’s Works; Islay's “ by Colton; Benton’s 30 years in the T. S. Senatv; Burke's works: Dr Johnson's ditto; lioswell’s Life of Dr Johnson; .Vddison’s W.vrks; Ad lisoii's .'ipertator; M>>cau!a\'s Miscellanies: 1 nud vols; Modern Rritish Essayists; Knigiit's Half Hours with the best Autiiors; Discussions on Philosophy aud Literature, by Sir Will HaPuitton; Chambers's .Miscellany, 10 vols; Statesman's Manual: The Federalist; Political Text Book, by .McCIuskey; Constitutions of the States; Marshall’s Life of W’Hshington; The Life of Win. Pinckney; Atnerioan Eloqueru’e; Biography of Di^'inguishpil 'V omen: by Mrs S J Hale; Fncyoiopu- li'i .Vto*>ri’anH: ■•Vppletou s Cyclopedia of Biography; l.ife aii'i Correspondence of Lord ietJ'rey. Lockhart's Life of Scott; Curran and his i-'otempi*rarif?, by CtidS Phillips vVaverly Novels, complete in vols in '-'4 vols in voli. t'ooper s Seti rales liickens Work>- .’•I i \ .tt's Novels; - Tales of the BorJ«tii li 1 More s svork^ l>: k s works; P ii u- h’s Live-: Dr_vd*.-n's Works. St.•■■II.- works; Tilt' I’o -tor. by Southxy »'i . •!. s Syuonymes. Voecdoie'*: Chr 'e-of the Bastile. ilhistratf 1. I'll-; ' • tish Gael; t«ai‘'.teei o!'tiie C. States; Mavir .lack Downing's vhhin out of the .'^eijait*: Ll\in^. :ou*-'s Travels in South .Ulrica. L.jrd Eljciu's Mi-'iou to China and Japan, Five Vertrs in China, by Dr. Chas. Tavlor; The British Expedition to the Critupa by W H Ru-,ell; My Diary in India, by ditto; L»i-. Kane's Arctic Kxjilorntions; Kendall's .''anta Fe Expfdiiioti; (Jumming'i Hunter's Life in .\frica; Nott it Gliddon's Indigenous Races ot the Earth; Footfalls on the P. otti iary nf ,\u.,tl,er World, by R. Dale Owen; Slandaril Poe’ical \\urks in various bindings, amoug which are: Hemans, Scott. Pope. Byron. Burns. .Nloort*. Hood, Halleck. Cam(»bell. Crabbe, t!oleriilge, Cowper, Goldsmith. Milton. ,vc., ,S:c. Shakspeare’s. Massinger iV Ford's and Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works; MrsCowdenClark's complete Concordance to Shaks- peare: The Dramatic W'orks of Jas Sheridan Knowles; Smith's Rejected Addresses: The Book of Scottish Ballads; Ballals by W H Ainsworth; Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England; Female Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’s Reliques of Ancient Poetry, &c. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. March 2'2. The Eclectic .Tla;;^a%iiie lor .lime. June I'i. E. J. HALE & SONS. EPGEWOnTII FEMILE SEMIN,iRl'. «REKEi\NBOROU«H, P¥. €. This institution has been iu successful operation for twenty-one years, aud for the last ten years iiuder its present Principal. The Course of Instruction is designed to ati'ord to Southern parents an Institution in which can be se cur'd every advantage atfonled by the very best Fa- ujale .Seminaries in riie country. The Faculty oou.sisis of FIVE Gentlemen and FOUR Ladies. The Institution is, and has been, THOIlOUOII- LV SOCl’HERN iu its organization. Greensborough is eminently healthy, and in the pre sent e.xcited staie of the country, its geographical po sition rtuiLets it a quiet and safe retreat. The next session will commence August 1st, 1861. For Catalogues containing full particulars of terms, appiv Id RICHARD STERLING, /‘nnctpal, Greensborough. N. C. Juu.‘ '-''J. :^:i-8m-pd ^ Lwau to the I’oiifederate States! 1)OOKS of sub-oription to receive this Loan are now oppn at the iithce of J. tj Shepherd iu Fayetteville. Tlie ('ommi.ssiouers who have this matter in charge ap peal to their fellow-citizens to come forward and aid their country .u a time so full of the utmost interest to all. W hile the investment is regarded as safe and re munerative. it is not to this consideration that the ap- j>eal is aildressed. The question is one of the highest moment to the people of the Confederate States. It is their Dri'Y to aid in this war, as they value life, liberty, honor! All loans will be accepted from fifty dollars upward. July 2-'. 1801. 4Itf _ , Headqiini'tei'M Wilmiiig^fon) Lig:ht Artillery, f Cami’ Bovl.v.n. July 20. 1S(;1. ''PHIS Company, desiring to be complete in evt-rij rf- I .'•feet, would te glud to enlist a number of good Dri vers,—men Hccns;omed to the lUHiiagement of horses. There will t>e pai'l to CHch man, on enlistment, a bounty of ilCi. Monthly pay 5^1’J; besides being clothed and led. uiedical attendance free, and all other necessary f(|uipments luriiished requisite for a soldier. No one need apply unless he is a good driver and ex perienced in the mtiuflgeinent of horses. The destina tion of the com('aiiv i.- Viiginia. as s.ion as equipped. ALEX. D. .MuORE. |4l;f] Cajit. Co. K. Reg’t Lt, .\rtillery. WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!!! IF U»l want the best ,,f BLA(’K-J ACK WOOD at 1 on per eoi d. and the tiesi of Pine at S''- per cord, deliv Ted on the Rail Road track, ajiply to J. .Atkin son. He delivers the best wood that is brought to ruar- ket, and good nieasure. and has hiiv quantity of it on hand J ATKINSON. Aug. 1. l"t.l. l-'-lm . Favefteville and Western PLAXK ltO.\D (’OMPAXV. 'i! . ;>!;■.L ,i: ,N ,1 \! [■ i; V " II- • ’ i !'■ 11, ui> I. uu ij >011!. 1 i:;:; caU't . An :i'fr ! •■f :rx of' WESTER.II RAIL ROAD. . .... The following rates will now be charged lor Passen- geis on this Road, vii' To Little River, To Spout Spring. To Jonesboro’, ^ To .Mclver’s, ^ Train leaves the Depot Mondays, Wednesday* and Fridays, at 8^ o’clock A M Reiurnir.g, leax-s .Mcfver s at 1 o’clock P. M. . t'. P.. MALLET 1'. Pie-> t. Nov. Ht. IKt'.". _ NEAREST AN1> QUIL'KEST ROr i'E TO THE RAiCROAO! ’1 cjilled til ti»l;e j 1 iu tti the iL’ih day of .'sej tomb> P.y order. F.iye!teville. .\ugii WAXTI-D YIeefiii;;. MKi; ! IN'l of tilts t'ota V w ult "t n ijnoriiiu; :ind ■ f t lie s I'.iv tiie same S'ockhoMers is now li)\VN H\l.L on Thursday next, lit 11 o'clock. JN> M. Ri'SE. Sec y Fay. \ Wes. P. R. C’o 1. l^'.l. 4'-tm W«M'KK ’■PHE -ub'-irit.. 1 ot St M ^ ter and eqij'i who KlSii to quuntitv ol’g' ‘d W(MI[. V.\l{.\ to make socks for thexoldiers ti \\ 1 tit •LD.'s I'O.N. .\g't. Vi'gust X'l. 1 4.')-tf er i Aiii-iit for the -ale of titE'S make itid KlNt.i.'s, they are much bet iy a» cii*"ip H' the Norther'i u.tde: !-t all eiiL'oori»-e >outhern enierpri'e. cm!I aad «n we-ir li 1 tit *LDS ft i.N. Ag - 1. l“-.l 41 tt buy I' lyetievi lot lor '.lieir . .( :lv A A ATi:il. LXRiiL .,a-in:tt, ot t'*TToN I.INEN R VUS, tor wfiieh iHir pi . es will be pni I l> \ \ lit Vuif. IT A r r. II.\ niK M LKPMV REPORT IIKEI' KI\KR 'IIM'IKIL KEI.KIN. 'PHE undersi^iirii h tve to >ie patdished from 1 the Coi.^i, .,-i..Mil piate-, !in edit..'ii of the Rep irt ot (’apt. ilke-., C Nh .v. 'Wid his .\ssoi iatp- on the B"(ird appoiiite 1 * v the .sierivtmv of the Navy to ex- .imiiie tlie L'l'fj' Kiver Region il 'Sorjh •'iiiolina. Tiiis i-ithe ti!'-t uii'i -I’ieiii ifi.- -tMteiuent of the gif it w,-Hltii f t|] i! >e> :i -11 ■■■' th.- .'^tHte. and the Maps itie iii.'^t perfect riift vni'i.ible. .if' any yet published. I'he .Nlnps ;ire woriti tiif f.rii-e ot tiie Work, which is .50 tTlltS, tieatly bouu'1 'ii eloth. t 'opiessent by mail, free ot post -pe. oil the I.', i ipt ot eeiits. \ liberal dia- I'oiin! to wliole~Hl** *>:ivei '. h'iers solicited. Jan y ' E. J. HALE SONS. X of Personal 1 Edition, Enlarged The Property, and improved. Starkie on Evidence, 3harswood. Wendells’ Blacl tone; Sharswood. Adams’ Equity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts, &c. E. J. HALE & ol Sale^ by Friinci.s Hilliard, 'J 1. 8th Edition, with Notes by B^-les’ on Bills. Notes by SONS Blanks for Sale at this Office. Tracts lor the .^oldierN. Rkpkintki) at K.xlkkih, N (! Voice from Heaven," } page.-'. ‘•Private Devotion." “ *• “Don’t put it oft.’' “ “ “The Act of Faith.'' “ “ “All-suHiciency of Christ, ” “ “The Sentinel,” •• >* “Self-Dedication to God." “ •• “.Motives to F.arly Pietv. ’ “ • “(’ome to Jesus," (formerly (5J pages.'i now in :i2, and in H four page tracts. A/‘/>roi'eil ftfi aH thr 1‘axtors of this Vity. A large edition of the above should be printed tiefore the type is distributed, as it will cost ?4d to re-set them. The number and variety will be increased .as the funds are given. $100 pays for lut(,00tj pages; S2tJ pays for 0X), and $1 pays for I,.WO pages. Donations to be sent to the Agent, which he will acknowledge by letter, and report to each of the Pas tors of this City .More than •‘iO.OOO pages of new tracts have been sent to the soldiers in Virginia. W,M. J. W. CROWDER, Tract Agent. Raleigh, June, 1801. Webster’** Eleiiieiitar%’ Mpelliiis: Book for sale by r j ha'LE A SON'S. B£ADL£*S DIMK .NOVELS, Nos. 10. 11,12, 13 ik 14, u ni Melodist. Half DIdi6, and Uve Cent Nov6lti. , J HALE S SONS« Jan. dO. - Fl'RTHER Hopes and FEARS; The liueens of Society; Mans field’s Political Manual: Woods’ Class Book of Bo tany; L*tter Copying Books; Tom Brown at Oxford; Tal« of TwoCitiw; Sy»t§m of Penmanship; Soheol ^ooks, 4c E. J. HALE A SONS. Jan. 80. yo^ ^eliool Rookn. .\TLI»\L PM! l. ». »Pin from tiariot's Popular I’iiy-iC' by G. Peck. M ,\.; .'^aiideri*' -New Speller and l>eti:i«r- \ualyser; I’allions' .and Smith’s Grauimar-: Motiteith's. Smith'' .and Mitchell's (ieogra- phies. ti io.Inch's 'in.l .Vuilrcw'' l.atin .and Greek l.,cs- coiis, ^;c. E .1 11 VLE SONS. ■Vug. :'.l. To l.aiil RiiyerM. ^j'ilE undersigtu'd oflVrs for sale, iu the Cojil region, 1. atid within ciglu miles of tiie terminus of the Fay- j etteville .x Western Kail Road on Deep River. KKiHT HI VDKKI) ACRES OF LAM), j adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George , Wilcox, lec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- , bouton, on Little Pocket (’reek. Moore coiftity. j These Lands are well ad.ij)t»*d to the growth of corn, I cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem- I ises a comfortable I'welling. and all necessary Out houses, with aViout one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom band. 'I'his is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing i.i jirice in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane s ('reek. P. O^., .Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 21 48tf EAVETTEl IEEE MITIAL INNURAXCE fOMPAW. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to (^ash on hand and other assets. f2»)7.t)8a 2b r,.077 35 'I’otal, $-272,7»>6 61 The (Jompany have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses jiaid, S29.H82 69 Okfickks: (JEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. RAV, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec’y. DiRKt'TORS: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. Hawley. \Vm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman. T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, w. Steel, James Kyle. J. G. C«ok,’ A. A. McKethan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R. F. Brown, ) S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, ’ |"Hm’gton. hn Collins and C. ('. McOumrnen, Traveling Agents 5S^?*T he Company invite applications May 2S. I8tj0. 'M-ly C arpetiiif,! Carpeting! C'arpetiuc! 9 ^(1(1 ^■-^,^‘'*‘?TING at No. 34, Hay St. All /C/tfUW styles, all prices, all qualities. All will be odered low either by wholesale or retail. Also 5-4 and P2-4 Crumb Clottis aud Druggets. „ , J. K tayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1«, i860 Hope)« and l earM, B\ the Author of “Heartsease,” &c. L.W INIA, by the Author of “Dr. Anionio ” &o Pocket Diaries for 1861. ’ n . .,n ^*ALE i SONS. Dec r 20. i\orth C'arolina Form RoolT A FURTHER supply jutit r«o«lTed. ^ E. J. HALE A SON KVLE. 52tf BEAMAX & HOBINSON S FOIK IIORSK SnOE LIVE TO KE\ WSULI E, VIA \VAKS\n. IS the shortest aud most e.Tpeditious for travelers g.uii'j North (H‘.South. Loa%ing Favetteville every lay at 2 o’clock P. M. THlK.>CiH IN' TEN HOURS. Our Coaches are large and couifortable, drivers sober and gentlemanly, our teams good and sure I't tiveiuiles an hour. The traveling jmblic who would stud'" their -oiiitor* and conveniftu e will t '.ke the Wu-hw Stage. fit^THROCC.H TICKETS Tt) WELDON may be had at the Stage t'fifice. Fayetteville. -Mav 25. Ist;'!, ^Sarble Fai'torv, > \ •. « • R ^ ^ U- . TWO IMl rRS AB'dVl i’. T. .V SUNS' ST!'K. Faveile%'ille, i\ Jitr\ ’O ' f.i't HI- A. A. NOTICE TV iHAtilSTRlTES. rpHE VI VG'S rRA'i ES 0! Cumberl ind are required to 1 attend a the Corrt H-mse on Tufwday of Septem ber Court for the trnnsaction of public business. D\VI!> McNEILL. Ch’n. Aug 1, IH'-.l Oenlar^wti^®* I) .SCOTT will be Hl>seut from Fayetteville until Sep- It. tember • •l.ily 1.>1.J8>^;1. _ ^ - Uvielliiitf lor Rent. TMIE t\^o 7-tory ^tick buil lin? «n the corner of Green and Ruw sii’e-ts, km>wu as the Hall building. For particular- ajiplv to .'\NDERS(^N. .luly -J2. IK'.l! V" ijKlOO Reward. I> V.N \\\ .\.' :'n.rii th? -ubs.-riher on last. Dei-euiber, It mv ni ;ro man D \ V1,. ile is a full-bloodpd negio, o fe'^t * o) iii high, well set, aud intelligent tor •I ii.-g!.., weigh wheij :i‘ left from Di'> lo K5. iged litioiit . yc'tih^* has scat' on hi.s tace. I will (>a^ Fii'tv I'oll-ui- reward to >tfiy person delivering hi.TQ to (lie *11 ('till i b ljihus, on . o'luty, N. C.. or for his .*ontineiiier.i in any Jail so tnat I can get him -\nd i Fiftv l»)llar- tor jxi.jf -ufficlent to convict any person j ■>r i er.s- MS t'.r hnrKorin? him. 1 DvN1?-:L Mm’ALLUM. ' ForJoSE'-tl li Nct'\LLCM p'liiadelj.hiis. l!oti.-0!; c., , N. April o. J. .1 \V J*. K EN D.\ I.L. J »• K.E.\JJ.\LL Ac c:o.. A N D W’HOLFSALF GROCERS, Vo. 11 A; I'i North Water St., Wiliuiiigloii, .V, C. PaV" 111 det ,s from the Country promptly oiecated. pHViicular alientioii giveu to the ;iale of ( >tli.u Had oth'.T i'rodtif e. .\pril li, I ''41. lU-tt IIFOR 5IIRE. 1^1 E .>iib-«; iia^ a ll.^t'K :ii M«lver's Depot, the teriiiiiiii- ot the Wesieiii, with which he i- pi’«-ji ii e l I ' coiuev I’.i'seiigei - in any ilirection they iii (\ i.. g,, ilwill he ['iit Hlwnys ou the ar livrti o: ;lie ti iiii. Wit.'i good Horse-> aud careful and ■iccoiiiiii.)ilHiiii^' Drivers, he hope^i to give ^.atisfaction. ALHERT GKAN. M,•Ivor's Depot, t’hatham Co.. N. (’..March 2b 8- \0\V l.\ IIARKET. t I I. ).;•!'>ns havitior NE(5ROES for sale, will do well H td'-.--s i;i(» s;i': ll'^OCLD inf rm his fri* n Is in N irth t'firoiina. atrl \\ tl'.r' itghou' the S rrh. w)io wish to encouraz^* Southern Industry, th it he k‘e).s constantly on hand, and is (Uily linishitig. ■. lari;e iv-sortmcut ol »•/;/#/ of evet y description, mo'tly light wor k, which are faith fully made bv exi.. rieiu e I workmen in each branch. His Work will i-.':iip.ire tavorably with auy for neatiu'ss and durability He is lietermined to sell and do ail Work in his iuii- ^u us (roml terms as any that j ; us well made He h'l- now rini-he t a very laige t|usntit\ ot work whicti he will -• '.1 low for t h^Ii or on -h .rt time lo punctual cu'totnei-• Ml Work warrt.i.t.'iJ 1 uiouths wiiti t'mr u -aite, or shotil 1 it tail t'V iiad workmau'hip or material, will tie repaireil free 'f ' • .re ttrJirs t'roTii the .'•'o-nh will receive protupt attenti. ri He has. w.Thiti ilie iu-t few sear.* s ■Id work it> Souiti ('rtrolina. ie >rg.a \labatna Mis,i--.iipi, Florida. Ar- knusas and I'exa- epairing done hi ?hort notieo an ) wii r--ss lUHMe terms. Dec'r 17, I'^'i" "‘"f riARNESS >er a; Climon. Sampson toll! tv, .I- 1 c is .le'- rniiue ! tc buy and u.iy .as liberal t i!i. in :i !’ .• at'-of th' market will permit !;v ; ri - hi -1 he .yill c^.l! irnr.e liately. and I . ... ; ~ ■>. 1 fi:i i wl 0 wi!' try him. ■>' T. ENS. I" 'i I' . . •'•I It’ .'■*.*). *2-iypd Attorney at Law, Faykttk.villk. \. C. \l’Ii.L a:tenl the Cour.ty and .Su}>erior (courts of TT t'umberland. Harnett. Moore aud Robeson Coun- tie-. i’roisipt attention given to the oollectiouof all cliiirii' vtiti'isie 1 to his han.U. ('■.•t. 17. 18.'.-.*. 58-tf NEW GOODS! NEW COOIIS •T. F^em^erion W^lll receive in a few days his entire stock o* SPRIiMi m SUMMER EXrBRACING ALL THE .^ew and Oeslrable ^prin^ suu at PRICES TO SUIT THE TlMEjj * The public generally are respectfully invitej > earlv and secure BARGAINS, * J. A PEMBEkTOs March 2B, . Recruits Wanted lor the t om., erate Service. LIECT. E. SPE.ARMAN will be in Fayetteville course of this week, to open a Rendevou), cruits for the Confederate Service Xoiice ‘" will be given upon hia arrival. ‘ ■ .\ug. 1-. 18G1. The Virg^inia and Aorth i'ai-oliiij, Irrepreoisibles, ^ Jc.scitoN p. 0 . Hanover ( o.u;’, v , July 'J \ , Under this nanirt it is proposed to kcet u;, h ; n ?L- ten companies of l‘X) men ea'h, including ortit r.-., ' inz l,l>00 men. We are to wear citizeu ’ , lo-j.' 10 use such arms a§ we onn furni«h ouraelvea of Colt’s pistols, a bowie-knife and a double tsr;,.; ^ with a Minnie ball or a good rifle: to t-l*-!/.- to serve during the war wherever the i rp-iij. ciioose to place us; to serve without { The mam object ot this organization is death of Gen Robert S. (Sarnett, of Virginia, ur.ii Charles f Fi^ner. of >orth Carolina. Those who wish to form such a regiment, will iheir aweni by writing to me at the abov« and when we iiave ;'>'>» men we will report our-phi.. •, du'v. and go on increasing the number until Hm.-.njr. to The de«igri is, that the uuniber .shall alvr ivs s...- up by new enli-itmenis whenever »acanci.^i dpath or inability, and no other cnuse «l,all man from his obligation. I will act h« tirivii!» . any capacity the regiment may diret i \S hm ,ur ber reaches 600, w# will request the Prr • lent point a Colonel of his ,wn .lelectiou. -inrl a;iisier service at Richmond. I will alvertise the tiuie of mp*;. ing there as soou a.s I receive ihe nami-s of ow Each comi'any will choose its own Captain anlsu! diriate i>tli''eis. THEODORE S. tj\RSt.n The newspapers in Virginia and .Surth t h- will dDuhtless publish the above without cliar^'t, a week for three weeks. DESERTESl—$30 REWAKl). '^pHIRTV DOLLARS Reward will be paid fjr th^ a» J prehension and delivery of deserter 13UR'Vi>|,L Vi MoDGK.S, at any Juil or .Military Post in S>. The s lid Hodges resides in Harnett County. nr,.i;i ; miles frotti Averasboro’: has hazel eyes, biHf-k ii, iii'i cornpl ■xioti. is -5 feet 10 inches high, age i; ' y.'''r- He enlisted ttie 2itth -May. IHfjl, and ue.sen.-i June. PETER MA .LF.IT. Cipt. Co. c, od iicg't• .s I July 30. li LAW BOOKS. ( oiistaiiti) Maiiufat turins at ni> Kstabllshinont, / I1VERV VAlilETV OF HARNESS. Li Saddles. P>ri«lles. ('ollars. Whijis and Trn,||(^- kinds of Leather, ('alf Skins and *il. Conditj,,,, |*(iw ler«i. fur di^e'ise l Horses and * attie- t'oach Trimmings. ,';irpet P>ic-. Valines. Saddler\. Hardware. \c. The lar^rest .stock in the Stat**-^o*d wholesnle or retail, at the very lowest prices. Lvcry description of Harness an.i .S.tildles manufactured to order aini rcfiaired JAMES WILSON. No. Market St. Wilmington. N. near th ‘ Wharf. Nov. ;{. 18fi0. *'7-1 y \VA\ GOC>IK>. ^PHE subscriber is now receiving a large and well se- 1 lected stock of (iOt*DS. consisting of (iUOCKlUKS, IIARinVAUE AND Cl'TLK- IIY, AND HOPE, SAD- DLKKV, \'c.. FOHKKIX AND DOMKSTKl IJQrOKS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on SHORT timk to j)romi)t p.aying customers. T. C . A: «. U. W€»RTH, (omniissiou aud Forwardiug MerehaotH, WIL-MINC.TOX. N. (V Jau y '28. isr.l 84tf RORV .HeAAIR^ ^Ittorney and i'aunttellor at LCMBERTON, N C. I\""ILL f.ttend and practice in the County ani Sup'crior TT t ourt - ...I Itobe-..u. Riehiiiond and CumboFland -\11 t.asine-' intrusted to hitn will receive prompt at tention and oollectio^.-i ]iunotually remitted. (.►ct. l^'iW 56tf JO.sKi‘|{ HaKKK, Jr., \ r r > 51 K V % T t. A W . i H as mken an other- ne.^tt dooi to Win B, Wrighi's Law ! »lhce ou Green Street He will attend ainl prai’tice | in tiie oimty anil Superior Courts of Cuinbeiland. ^ Lla ten, R.m lUd Sampson Mrireh 'J.. Is”)'.*. 7inf FRENCH STRANOEy ! AtCoruey at Law, . Fayetteville, N.C. Othce that recently occupied by (’ G Wright. £34,, over the one now occupied by him in Dr Robinson’s building, (ireen Street. Dec'r 2, ISAM 7'J- i rUTHilK St / U*M MER('l.\ L Note. Billet Note, ('a[». Letter. Rath V Letter. Docket. Folio Post, and others Paper? in great variety. Bonnet Bo^rds. &c. ,vc Jii^t received K ,1 HALE SONS. .\pril 12 OEATl;TRV. .\11 kinds of Country Proaucc taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings at;d Cotton Varns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers' price-. All persons are respoctfully inviteil to give me a call, at the old stand of J. ,v T. Wa Mill. South side Hay st. -V. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 21, ISOo. 5-jtf SI PUEHK (01UT REPORTS. TWO i\K\V VOIiliMKS. Vol. 7 Jones's Law, A: Vol..■» Jones’s K(|ulty Reports, JUSr issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un bound No.s,. by E. J. HALE SONS. Jan. 21, 1801. A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— TH()SE persons for whom I have been atttending to Banking business for ye.ars: — I am still willing to serve you with the same promptnes.s that 1 have always done; and to others ttuit may want liscoiints. Pension business &c., tc., 1 otfer my services, with a promise of strict attention J,\S. G. COOK June 27. "Jtitf illethodiMt Hyinn!>4 and Ui*«ci|>. lines, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities I'.- J. hale & SONS. The Southern Harnion%% School Books. &o., further stipplieg just received. E. J, HALE * SONS. TUP Hooks. THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETV; One of Them, by Lever; Louie’s Last Term at St, Mary a; England s Veoman; Tennyson’s Poems: American Almanac, 1861; The Lady’s Book of Flower*: Language of Flowers; Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to Perfect Gentility; “ “ Beauty; and Gentlemen’s Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley’s Balloon Travels: ** Book of Travels and Adventure; &o. March^0. E. J. HALE & SONS. Harper^ti ITIagazine tor April. MarghUl, e. J. HALE & SONS. )R. J. DAVIS having decided on perma- m ently locating in the Town of Fayette- vill?, respectfully offers his .services to the citizens of tliis jiiace and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extetisive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal tidiication. that he can give entire satisfaction as far as i.s in the power of Dentistry. .\11 irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as disoiises of the mouth. None but the proper metals .are made use ot in the various operations. ?i»»rges will be moderate, that tlte benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who maj' feel an interest .a the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he m.ay be found at all times. May 1(1. ls.>h. Eorty Vear««*’ Familiar Eetter» ot .Tas. W'. .Moxauder. D. D.; Sermons, by J. Addison •Vlexauilcr, D. D. ANo, further supplies of Margaret Moncrictfe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Vusef; Shirley; School Books, &c. 10, E J hale & SON. THE AORTH i AROEIA A >ilTl'AL LIFE L\SIRAX€E tO^IPANY, \ 0'\ in (he tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- h.ience. continues to in.sure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 yeirs of aj>e. for one year, for seven ye.ii-.s, ami for life -all life members sharing in the profits. All sl.ives trom 10 to 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually p.aid within 90 days after satisfactory j»roof is presented. tor further information the publ'"' is referred to -Agents ot the Company in all parts c he State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. F;. j. H.VLE, Agent at Jan y l8;V.t, Faj’etteville, N. C. Aew Vork Eedj^:er tor April *47. H.ARPER’.'^ WEEKLY for .\pril 2(hh. Ap»'>l E J. HALE SONS mim tiIviTe! WORTH, A «;o. OFFER AT WHOLESALE A HEAVY STOt'K (JF CfROCERME.Sl. —ALSO— ■\ complete and well selected stock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY BARRELS NORTH CAROLINA LIUUORS OU 160 “ DOMESTIC Ditto ' WORTH. WIQHTMAN & CO. Fayetteville, April 12, I8fi], fTsh! fi¥hTI VTEW MACKEREL, Nos. 1, 2 and 8 iN •• WHITE FISH. ^ “ herring, &c. Ac. A. N. MCDONALD’S, ^ 8oath-iidt H*y Stre«t. _Oct 1. Blanks for sale at this Office. S^AUNDERS’ REPORTS; O “ on Pleading and Evidence; Phillips on Evidence; Common Bench Reports—new series; (’urtis’s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chitty on (?arriers; Bateman on Commercial Law, Taylor’s Law Glossary; Williams on Executors; Devereux’s Kinne’s Kent: “ •• Blackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Butler £ Hargi»ve * Sedgwick ou Damages. Story on Sales, •• on Bills of Exchange, Equity Pleading; '• on Contiict of Lawi •• on Bailments, Chitty on Pleading on Contracts, Bingham on Infancy, Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership: Roberts’ Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome i Comment arie?; Leadini? Csses in Equity, Hare S Wallace s Lawyer's Common Place Book. Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Gresley's Equity Evidence; Burrill's Law Dictionary; Wharton's Law Phillips' A Amos on Evidence; A»'chbold'3 Landlord and Tenant. '• Nisi Prius; Fearrie on Remainders; Tidtl's Practice: Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Jiales; Smith's Landlord and Tenant; -\dams’ Equity; Williams on Personal Property; Mayne ou Damages; Archbold's Criminal Practice and Pleading Lube’s Equity Pleading; WendeH’s Blackstone; Chitty's “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith's .Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Chitty's Criminal Law; Williams on Real Property; Smith’s Chancery Practice: Sugden on Vendors; on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Property; Sugdeu ou Powers; Smith's Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adam® ou Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; ,\mericau Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s .V.::; Milford’s (’hancery Pleadings; Domat's Civil Law; Rockwill s Spanish and Mexican Law; Sharswood's Legal Ethics: Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman: Powell on Evidence: Oliver on Conveyancing; Rroome’s Legal Maxims; Collyer on Partnership. &c.. &c. The Reports of the Supreme Court of North t v rolina; (''antwell’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell'’ 1'"’' tice. &c. _ E. J. HALE & FOR CLERKS OrMl(illlTi Execution, trial, and appearancf d"CH ETS, ruled and printed from the most forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BL.aN^ B()()KS, in great variety. May 31. K. J. HALE J. Ncliool Rookf^. MONTEITH’S, ilitchell’s and Smith s Geogrspl"^' Smith and Pullions’ Grammars; Emer-son’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions’ and Andrews’ Ceesar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust. V'f gil, Horace and Cwsar; Northend’s American Speaker, &c., 1.^0. _Ap''il E. J. HALE & SOS' TO FlTRKiTS WHO H.4VK KOT (iO.\E Ti) THK WlR Th E undersigned having been requested to hi’I Agent for the Confederate States Governnieti! solicit donations of DOUBLE BARREL SHOT from the citizens of this section, will be pleased tohf‘‘ of any one who is willing thus to serve his country I am authorized to say, that any one who cannot £ to the-war, can serve his country greatly by Gun. The great want of well armed Cavalry felt at Manassas—some of those who were there actually without any arms. The Double-barrel •*>"’ ' intended for the Cavalry, nnd it is of great irapi'rt*o"' that a safBcient nuirber of them should be obtaim*!. ** the result of the war will depend very greatly upon number and efficiency of the Cavalry we can S(?nl the field. Each Guu will be marked with the name of the Any persons desiring thus to serve their country. ‘ pleaae inform me al thia place. HENRY E. COLTO> Ool. T. Waddlll, Fajett«vill« Hot«L, will reeeiv* (}aM flv* A o«rtiftfl»l« of doa»iip«. FayitUTill*, N. 0.. Aug, 18,