SEMI-WEEKLY, l\OI. X] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 5, I86L [;Nu. luC4 i I‘i:l\TJ,l) N.ONDAV" AM) THURSDAYS. j. liAu: X sovs. Ill iTDiis vN,- I'i.wi ..icr.):;-! rsTTU \ K 11 S. ^ |>. t'"V I lit Semi-'Vi-; rO if (.li I ii ;l MCi- r" ■ ir »>t f piIF. I..1 H £' M 1;' 1 I • >\ U t. -. II ‘ I I II 'i l.-l 1. n.i\v Ik- «.Il lr.‘V I liir 1’ ,l I- I'ln II- |M • Hill ■ It 1" - r pi.-O'l ; ^2 li'' I't'r :innmn. if pal.l ‘i. V>ii'l vl.ivin^ lli> of -;ul>scrif - r iln' v( IV li:i e\pire‘l. 'NIKNTS lU'crt. il fo» 00 cent? |>t i tie I'f I'l li!U"» 1'T tie *ii 't 'iii'l fpuis for e;icii ■ icceeJnig 'lUiViHc.iii;... V, :irly I'lvertiseiiient^ bj; «pr- C“iri . ■■'I. :'il ro.'0n:iHlc r.Ui*s. A'lveriiserH nre re'i’o.':. 1 lo '^'ite ilic nuin>>er of insertion? desired, or iiev ivil! be cor.;j;iued till f- bid, .nni charj^ed accord- l.!ll il.- i -n; or t it ■ r t lie W ee :l_v lv:inro; >•_’ "l ■ n; .'r -r ; "• if’ V I * \ t 1 i 1 I ^ r„ . r.. '! 1 Train liMvr> Ffid iy. :\l S.\ l: 1 o cl' fiv I’ I If \l \ M r.- i ui nitiu 1 '10 ■ inrsd.-iys H'i'l ivi’j Mcl'.cr M CtU ll -v. l V :'l fit'"’ S. ;n!H ;n 'I'l..' 1,1'lic-i Tmp i l.\ sou I'iH.liN III I ^.'icl in :iil.)nl lij 1 .viiioU "iH 111' S‘.- liie vcrv best, i'v I -I i i> imi .U' r lril I ■t' r‘i - c II.1M V, 'H'i-i:'. Ilf 1-'1\ !1 Oe’itlJinpn nnd hOU({ I'liMiMi i-r r.ii.l h IS i.een, 'I'ilUKUUGli- ' mi'/, iiiwi) = . r M Vi.I.' TT. I’lvs't. Nov T'. 18i’, t. 7 i I i' m:.v11!:m' and iji irivKST KOI Ti: TO THE K lILKOAD! > I ^ ■ i'enipr.■ ^ tit lira. ■ ii(> ii'l M’lil fX iieil ' u' MI i«i!i n ri'li’i il liexi -i* - For ( '■II cint.iiiiiiig t'ull p ir; icul-ir to IUCfF.\RD .'■TERMN'O. Princp^l, Crpen'ibor-Higli. N C. Junp 22 o3 -^tii pd il i-* fi‘iiiii'iii ly lu-.ililiy. nn l in tl.e pi>? c Ilf ilio C'lmitry. it> 'rapliic il po :l ; j;lil'l :VmI '■ift* Tfl ie:it. (•li will i'o'iim'‘:icfi Aiigii«t 1st. 1801. of leinM. SPU«'i VL NijTi' E- t ivm and after iliis dale, no naiiic of a now subscriber i wiii be entered witliout p-iynient in ndv.mcs. nor will ■.j paper be £ent to siieh"!crlbers foi- a longer time ’ .in in paid for. S.ich ofoi.r old subscril'ers is Iom-o to rake the pa- ^ I T 'n this -iysipin will pleii«e iii.iity iii when making . ,iiittani:es.'y 1, 1 Loan to the ('oni'ederate States! I")! II >K ' of'iiih-.iTi|ii i.‘n ! >ceivt‘ i;ii' Loin are now ^ 'p n 't liif I'tli ."o >' ‘,1. S'li'pl'.eid iu t'ayenevitU- 1 !■ ;'..nim '>ioiiiT» wlwi liav.‘ till' iMii'tT in c!iargi- ap ■ tal 10 llieir lell-’W it 71- i..‘ t >rtv ird aiitl ai'i ■ ir ('iiiiiiiry mi a n ; ■ - • fi|i' iif ili- iitiii -'i iiitt-rcsi in U liilf t he ill. i->ni!>‘iii i roiiar.U-d i-.ite:iiid ii*- i; .niT.itive, il i-i not in ilii> con idoiaii.iii ili ii tlie iip- w idlre"ied. Vlie i^uer^'i'in i- 'iu* of the liigl^esi iMipineiii 10 tlie pC''! !■ ot ihe C«»'ite>ifi ate .'■late.s. It i.» t eir I'fTY to aid 111 t!ii' war. a-i lary v iliie lite, liberty. “ii'il All luiiis will be accepied lioiii fifty dullmr u. w ii'd Jiiiy '21. IS'.l. 41tf IStntl(|iiai*t('r« \%i I tiling ton ) Artillery., )’ ' V.Nll' i>iYL\.N. .)tlly -■>, ■'■il ''Pills i’Tmpai'v. ■lf>i:ii.g 10 he tompleie in crerf/ ’•? 1 iff-ct, woi.l'l ' e i;l id ' • -■nli.-t a iiiiiiilier of jjod 1 [»ri I-'-,—iiifti ai li-S iim ! ; ; tlie luiiiijrenient of tio's»-!i. T leve will bt> r-tid to eai'ii ntan, on eniisinieni, >i b'>uni - : rl': M'jii II y pay T'i J; be-ide' bi-inji cloiiied aiid ‘c ’ ■••M'j i tel'! f'-eo. i. l iT; o iier iipce.->s;»ry ,pi;I'lat-ni' -h n -..t d inj i:~ t ■ * 'r •> ol .ii-r. N.i nil.- apply lliiWsi ‘ - i- a j; > i ilriv,>r md ex- ■.erifiu'. i 111 iln' iiiiii-jfi'iiiflii 't hi'i-.-i.-'. 'I'lK- d.-'iiii:t- !. il 1.1'I ■ i .■i.upaiiv i' Viriruii i. a- - .'Hi :i' .-iinipped 1» Moult K. l\ ■ i ... 1' u _ M V : Filvelieviile ..iid Pl.AXk ROAD (’OMPANV. .>IUi'kilol4lt‘r«k' t Tai'fllll 'li.. l.LtjL .. It ..>-\U\ 1. \|l:.i. ll''. p.iliv W i> Iiiil Ill'll l-r lilt',' ..r I ijii'.min: :ili>l ■ti-’i. 'til ;i'iju.iiiKd .iiotl -it il..* .•'t.'i..-, li.r ilie >alii* Cause. AnoH.'er ineeiing 't 1 lie ."iiockholders is now c.iUeil to I ike pi C" in iiie I'OWN II \l.L oi) I'liuradiy Ilje 1 Jill d ly ot .'•'pifiul).-!' ii> xi, al I i > cl -ck. Uv o.der. .IN') ^1 S."'.’ V I iv vV Wes. r. li. Co Fayeifeville, August 1, 43-tm BRAM\.\ & KOinXSDX’S FOrR HOUSE STVGK LIVK TJ IvS VIVSVILIE, Vi.i WAUSWV. [S the “shortest and most expedition- foi traveler'; goinst N'jrtli or.South Lenvinic Favetreville everv day at 2 o’cl...;k IV M TIIKOUGII IN T1:N Our I’oaehes are large and comfort .Inver'i sober and pentletiianl}-, our teams (ron i and sure of five mile-, in hour. The iraveline piiblio win. would 'itiidy their coinl.iri ind Convenience will 1 ;ke tin* \\ ir>aw .^lage. War rilUOLOll Tlt’KKT.'' To WKLlMiN may bi- (lad at tin- Siaiji.- (Mlit-e. F.iyeiti'ville. 'lav I.'1.11 * •_*.') tf Marble Tariorv^ T i i \ (8 • i'wii nijcRs \!iov: r. Fa v*t *.f V j !Ir. IIAf iilllK;. UK «iih«criti.’r a il \.'K at Mclvpr’s Depot, fi e teriiiinii' nt .lit> Western Kailroad. vvith which iie i® liivpiied 10 r.invey l’.i".Mi;rers i'l any ilirec!loii thfy iii.iy vvi-li to go lb- Will III- (ii'e-eiii lUs ly.- 011 llie a.- nvril ofihe ir iin Wi'li .m i llore'i an-i car.-fiil ari'l ■leconimo l.iiin^ l> - vit'. hi- hope> to iivp ‘-iati-.faction, .\i.i5K!:r Gi:.\N M1-1 vi-r’s U.'p .1.: :;i It ■'1 m »,Il . N ( , M u t-li'J'i 8- AOW IV IBAKIiIirr. U. p:-r on-, ii.kiiii, l«(i l!01,.S t.ii .i'e. will do well to addie-i- till' -11 1-.C1 iher ai I'lnii.m. S;ini]>.son .-mii-iy, a,-) he i: dcii-niiuu- i t> luiy an i p.iy a-j lilieral pii(-'-s tor theiii a-i the -aaii* i.f tli.- iniiki-t wi.l permii I’v ;i 1 II I' -iiii;.' !iiiii h Will c:.ll laiiiie l.-tli ly, ;iii I ii iKe oll’era, -u I'l will tin I wii.. will tr}- him. llAHI.K.S r. sTKVEVS. (’iii.ri.i , .Samps,.n f'''.. .Sff.i IH. lfi;U -'iJ lypd II Vff. *licL7^UcMl.t \\ Attorney at Law, F.VVKTrKVIM.K. N. C. ’IM, .itroiid l!ie ('o,i:;tv aii-1 ,i;p'.->ior C.iiujs .)f 1. li'. ■’it'it. 'vl'i.;-- 'I - •' ..''iv.-'.11 C'mn ■ 1: t:,.ift ll.i . ..Ill-:'I'lii .f all ;!■;;!e l lu 111- ..ail U A ' r.KGI-LATlJRi: OF NOP.TIi CAROLINA, ISr.O-Ol. SKNATF,. P .'•qito’aiik and r.'n|iiii» ni«....I M Wlieilbee. ^l'il-l«■ll -.mi (.'ill rir lick ... 1; F Siiiiuiou.s. Gates anil (Jliow 111... N1 I. ^^lre. liy le all.I 'i'yri i-il....I iiit-s .Spencer, Norihampioii. .1 M .S Hogers. ilertfor 1...J 1! ■'! .lighter l$'‘rtic...D ivid Outlaw. Marlin an.l \Vasiiitigton...-I II Stubbs. 11 ili fa X... M \j Whit aker. Kdgecomhe and W'ilson...H T Clark. I’iit...K .1 I’lloiint Ci-aiifort... Fl ederick Grist. (’raven...N !! .Streel. C-ii terei an.l Join's...))r ^[ F Arendell. Greem- and lyeiioir....! I* Speight, i^ew Hanover...Kli W Hull. D ipiin . Dr James Dickson, Onslow... L \V Humphrey, lil ideii. briinswick. .ic...Jno D Taylor. Oiiiiiberland and HarriPtr...Duncan Shaw. S ttiip'i.n...Thomas I Faiiion, '•Vayiie . W' K Line J iiiiiston...J W B Watson. ‘take,..M .\ Bledsoe. N'i«h...A J Tuylor. Fr iiikUn...\V Harri.^. Waireti... !' J Pitchford. GianviUe...C If K Taylor. IVrson...(’ L Winstead. (>i !ii'.gp....rc)siah Turner, Jr. .Alaiiiaiice and R-in-loIph...Jonathan Worth. Oh.-iiham—W S Hams. -Moore and Montpom*-ry...W D l>owil. I!iehmoiid an-l I’mb.-on Mfred Dockerjr. •Alls.m .III.I Union...S II Walkup. (iiiilfofil...I’eit'r' C.a-iWi‘ll... lie Ifoni Bi-.iwn. HockitijrliTi/• ..F L Simp-jon. Mi-(-k?eiibi.ig...Ji.lin Walker. Cabanii-; an.l .Sianly...V (’ l>arringer. K.iwaii iiid I) i"ii‘... Ur J G Ramsey. Davidson... )no W Thomas. Stokes and Fim-'ViIi Ie»se \ Waugh. .A'ihe, Surry .sc...-lo' I).if>>ion. Iifdell. W;iki-n .>ie...L Q Sh ivpe. llinke. .\loDiiwi l! .\:c...l5 SGutlier. I.iiicoln. G i'toii ispi-r .Si.itt'e. Uutlierlur l P .r \ 'V Biirt .n. I’.uniMiiibi*. Moiiil«-r~o.i vf...G»-o W Candler. H.ivwond. .\l icoii II Thomas. n,i. 1: 1 T. i\ X U. WORTH, (ommis'sior. :«nd I'oruardiug Merchants, \VI1,>HX r'fON, N. 0. .1 l.rv 1 1“ Jtf T 1, mil ac?stv UcVAIK, iffornetf aiut 4 ounse/ior ttl Ijtiiv. III, iv: w WANTIU). ipiantiiy of g-J jd W G. W \ Vi-.' : i. G'JLI' l ike socks for HJN. Agt It I lie s-.ddier.-i. ,\i'j:ust 3d. 18'jl \oC K A A D ^ TO I KIA i- lIlS siili-scriber ii .Agcn. tor tlie .-ale .jI Ol-t 3 make Call and sTON. Ag't. 44 if f of SOCKd and Sl-MJKI G"; they arc Iinicii bet- Irr and e-pi-illy a.s che-ip t- l he • Noi t liern iii.tJe; let all who Wlatl 10 eilCOUr.l;:*' rher , •.-:;'c'p;’i'je, buy t lot tor tb-. r owu .r-, ... F lyetit-vilie, Jul_. •'’•i SPHIXi; TRADE! WOttTII, VVl^»lli tsAA A; iO. 'FFliI .'•1 UlltjLL \Li. .\ iiKU V bTv'CK >- UIIOCI^MIIES. 7' 'I Ll* in f '■'II ''s t !•!. n Is in 'ii h • -ii i. - in a. and rlin)ii;;hi)iii I he .Soiiih. wtio w-'.li ii eii.'oiir.i^r. Southern Indus'ry. that !i» kt'ep"* ''on-t intly ou h.ui'l. and is daily finishing, a laree ax-iortitn iit ot \*EHH M.HS of every description, mostly light work, which are faith- fully made by experi«»nc»-l w rkiix-n in each branch. His work will compare favorably with any Eor ne.-itness and durability, lie is .Jetermiiied to 'srll ami do ail work ill his line on as g.jod terms as any that is ■a.'- well maile H** ha« now fini?iied a very large tpianiity of work which he will sell low f.^r Cash or on short lime to punctual customers. fii^'.Xll work warranted l‘_' months with fair usage, or jbou\d it fail by Had workmanship or m.Uerial, will be repaired free of charge.' Orders from the South will receive prompt attention He has within the Last few years sold work in Sm-li Carolina. Georgia, Alabam.i, .MiS'iisiippi. Hon>li, ,\i kansas and 'i'«-x is. -tiring done at shor: notico an-l f. i- in ibl. term>. IS. -. J\>.sl iMi i; ’ % r I' o K \ B. \ \.S takfii an oth’* ;i- •' d. Ollicc on t.i.-i-ii .''!i-ci 11 the t'oiiriiy "I >.Liii Ilia leu, I'.oi>•'.—-"■'1 .111 1 >.i,iiii .) M.iicli 1"' il I'ltN. N. . il._. rc K 1'^ ‘V \ I' .11- to \\ I . .j.t. i. V Wii^',1 will .lft^■ll I 111.I 'jiir'-! lit vMi;u Li» IMl'l ll.'t fiianl. f FilE.'QCH STKaNTG-E, Attornej at La»r, Fayett eville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. .Wright. £s] . jver the one q>.»w occupied ■■.y hitii in Dr. Ko!»insou s ouilding. Green Stre.ft Dcc’r J. Ido’J. ‘2- ri tit HER SLPPIjMEH. lO\i Vie;KLl.VL NOl'K, Bihet Note, (,’ap. Letter, Rath 1,-iu-r, Docket, Folio Post, and oiIhms i'apers i;i c C it V.U 1 tj Jll-I l.-.' l i. ■. IJ ■d. o>:c i-o- i:. J. ii.\L SO-N'S. Dec r i: '■Oif — .Vi,-i ' - A COrii|.li;te an.l W 11 r> slock if HARDWARE & CUTLERY. 00 ij \ i.iiLlS IV. •• > 'Itfll '.'-Vi D'/M KSTI', U (;.;TII. Fiyetteville. .April 1 J. L'' 1 K.l-N.V iGir l>lllo. MAN i: CO. l.-.if lie v-'i >i:i(lt(l.'l .-A tell-Jive e.\j« iieii-je 02:\Ti.STUV. li. J . i; V 1 t.'? I.-I .ii;.' 1. Ic I ' . II:ly ' icatlli^ in im- l "iv . . c, I c [ -.-Cl IlU. i .jlI-.-i T I-!-' -c; \ ^ ; I..;.,- r u i*li^ ;u. ..i . las 1 lljtcs'l')! .'ll iectii, Ue ir ll r\vi:TTi:%Ti.ri: mi'hal i\sriM\(i: company. C.afiital ill Premium .Note- at;, i.o'-' to Coiistantl} 3Ianuf:ri'lurin; E' 1,'a-li on h.iiid and other .-I'-sets, ,5,077 35 TotaL TIk Company have [lai-l have iieviT nia.K- .iii Tot.-il b.""Si-s pai l. ( FK Gi:o D. A C. \ .S-7lI.7'>.'; 01 all ief- promptly, ami ,»i ou liieii pi fiiiiiiiii notes. O&l! O'.i Henry I/illy. H L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan .\. Ste lrnan, C. B. NLallett. Jame- Kyle. A. .Mi.-Kfthaii, .1. D Wilhain.i. S W Tillin.'h i-i hn Collin' and C \IrNFlLL. I’ro-i.lptit. K \ ^ . V ic.- I‘ri-'idi>ni. \LMILL \N, Sec y. i^i K n f. >1! W N' ■riliiii-.^M i- > .1. ilui-l.!,-. Will .M' L im in T. S. 1,111 t.-i lull. \. W. Sieel, J. G. , H'.i I. G. .'-.ii-i li. i' . Iir.iwii, Iv Hi:' ( i iiniiin‘11. T at iny Kstubllshment, IVKRV VAI'.IKTV oF II \!;.\I,SS. j, .1.11.-, IWi.lli-. Collar-. Whips and Triinki- ail kinds of Lt-atlipr. Calf Skin.-' j (,’ondition I'.iw.lprs. for .|i-eas(*d lloi'ps and C.attie. | (yO:ich Triinming'i. Carpet Hai'*. \ alisc". .Sa'bLi.iy. j Hardw;,,,.. VC. The 'argcst ^tock in the St:ite. sol-i , wholesale or retail, at the very b.wosi price- L'ery i de.scripfion of Harness and Saddles ni.iniitacitired t«, | order and rojiaired. JAMI'.S WII.SON. Market ?t. W ilmington, .N near th_ W'liait j iHoo. '•7-1 y i No. ■ Nov- •-I Its^-Tlie ( omp.-iny invue ipplic.iii n>. M IV JW. enl. ■ ilai'gton. 'iiig V^reiits. \i:\v ^PIIK subscriber is now receiving a larg- and well se I lected -:ock of (lOOD-S, fon-istmg ot (jKO(’i:i{(Ks, n.\Ri>\v.Mn-: a\d rrTi.K KV, BAC.lJlNfJ ,\M) I’lOPK. S.Vh- DI.HRV, Sic. roIJKKi.X .\.VI) DO.MHSTK’ l.iQrOK.>, -ind many olhc' articles, wiiich he otlcr- low for • vsii. or on SHOUT 'iiMK 10 prompt P'yin^ cu-ioniers. .Inly HI. Till »irni4L N AOICTII 4 AISOI.I,\A UFE I^NI iOtiPA.W, O iV 111 iiii- t- nil y.ii 11. -n •.■i-,--riil fi’o.viiig c-^.ll ii aii‘1 linn- r h..l I i. I .1 .cue-;, c.iiil liillc-- lo I'l'Uie Ihe livr ._»i I ns Irom 14 to Oiiyeiiv- of a^c. tor o ic y e-ir.s, and lor lite- ail litc iiu- iiOjrs ,-iiai i All sl.ives from Dj to liU ye.irs of age one year or tor five t'o- two inn.i j.cra. i.-ii. WHii I HI public Ci.U .11 lu-.iiii.y n r- y. ar, ; .r -i-ven ^ la I lie pi'oti's. a;'e in.^iired foi I lieir value. :i-iy .\11 kinds of Country I' i ike Goods. ill exchange t'oi rf i I :ir|»cliii«! MS'pi* 11I9 styles, nil prices, all ipiilitie- oit.;ie.l l iw fiiher by xviiole-.ile or ret.-i.L ind DrUj'gcts. Sheetings and (Cotton M.-inufacnirers' prices. 'ara-; oti hand r,t all times, at All will he ' Uso, o-1 and j lJ-4 CrmiiVi t.’lot! Fayottevill.'. N. C . S.-pt J K. L!. l.'-OO, KV Ll oJi t DtMilal lAoficr. SCf>TT will lieaii-ciii fi iiii 1-.lyci tcville until Sep t, fetiiber. •July IH. 1801. 4')lf D%«elliiiv^ for Itoiit. 'pilL iwo-siory brick buihiing on the .j.jrnerof Green L »»i i liow streets, kiiuwu as the Hall ImiMing. For . in iciibirs apply to D ANDLR.')()N. July ij. I8'il. 4ltf J J. C'»X. W. I'.KKM>.\LL J S KKNDALI, COX, KEADAMi A: CO, C'omiiii!^!!»ioii iMercliaiit^i .V N D' WHOLESALti GROCERS, \o. II 4 12 -\ortIi Uatrr St., Wiliiiiii^tiii), r. Order'! from uie t'omiiiy promptly oxeciiieil. I’ariiciilir attention given to the sale iil Coiion and otUer produce. April 'J, 1&61, 10-tf -All perxon^ are re'ij.ect fully invMe.l to give ii;e a call, it the old stand of J. vS: T. Waddill. South i 1- Hay st A N \1(-I>0\\I.D , F lyettevilb-. N C.. .Senf. ‘Jl. 18'.0 -i-')'! srPIlKMK COriST RKiVCnS, TWO \i:\V iii>. Vol. 4 JitnesN Lih.A; VoI..» J:)iu’sS Kqjiity Kcporis, IL ■'5 T i-‘Sil(-.|, for s.iie hound .Nos., bj' ,Lan. ‘_M - l -S'il All tosses are piiiiciiially paid w.iiiiu tl.iys tiler .'Uiisf.iciory proof is pre.-ente.l. Fo.' fiiriiii--r int'or.ii iti 111 me publ'' is referred to Vg.ui^ul tiic C »aipiny in all p tn.i i. .he .'I itc, and to U 11 li.VI Secret iiy, Rileigli. E. J. II \ Lie, Agent at J iii'y l8-jC). i' lyeitevilie, N. C. N i-:w mvciii:!u:l. Nos. - WlllTi. KISH. • Hi.UKlN'j, iVc. .vc. '.ill It rhll! nsil!! 1. -J an.l :j. q. f)' I.J II.. V Oel ‘N VLD S, S.i e -i. 57 tf IIOU'F, Or COMMON.' .-\l in: inee...G ■ les Al.-r, dk., .Alex itid. r...Dr -I d iison '.'.-OI1...L L Polk, K R Liles .A'he ) M G'-niry i5iirk:'....J II Pearnnn. Unaci'mhe... ,\ S ^lervlll1f^n D1 ideti...*' T D.ivis Bertie...P T Henry nn I — Be inf.M ... R s D nine 1. W' T .\Lirsli lit i.ii-(«-icl£...T D M-‘ ire- r'.cia'iiUi; lU* '-lie.i, .ilict .•ll. , whicii is adueii a th.;rouj;ii Ueu- j Hi edijicaiioii, that he can ^;ve entire sa iji.,ciluii a-. Ktr I 1..-J 14 III llic j.owcr of Deuti'try. .Vll in e.^;ii iritie^^ oT tl. t'eetli treated tn a proper ana caivtul iii iiiu-.T,'.i-r-acH i- of the nioutli. Noiic but. ilic prop*-*' uict.u.- ar; ud.«ie uae OI in the various opcr itiou-;. '.u..,gc.- wul Oe ^ jOdcr.ile, tlial ti»e beiieni.i ol tlic I'rulc.-aiuu u;ay ij ,.ace'i witiiin ttie reacti ol -lU Who ui i\ ivcl m iiitcie?- tlie pre.-jervattoii ot ifie Teetti. Oinee over llo.isiou s J*-i'eby S.o!'.-, wh*re ...■ :iiiy Ol- tooii.i ,il all t lilies .>liiy lo, 'H*" I'orty Vears- I'aiiiiltar l^ettrr^ ifjas . .V!i-xan-l..-i', 1». U.: .'sermon-, l.j J. Vildi-ui. .VU-xinder, I*. 1» .M.-o, fiinlu';' -iippfies of .M-iiguci • lohcrii lte; lieillali; .Vdaiil Bi-U-. \ u-el:' ley; School !■ .1 !i \ !.l R excl’Jin/e a- u.-u il lor iin K. J HALL iV SONS. 8^♦- A A WORD TO IWY OLD FRIENDS— ^pilOSK persons for whom 1 have beer, atttending to 1 Banking bn-iiie“s tor \eai>: — 1 -im still willing to serve you with the same pronip nes iliat i h ive alwiys • tone; and toothers ihit m iV wi,.t di-coiiiUS. I’en-^ion business iiC , Xi. . I o;Icr my services, with a p.omi>e of strict attei.lion. J.VS (t. ( OOI\.. .1 lino '11. oc.if BEAULK’S DIME NOVELS, Nos. 10, II, 1‘2. 13 .fc H, “ *• Sons Books and M‘lodlst. “ Half Dime, and Five Cont NouMs. F.. J. HALE .V .''ONS Jan. 80. \N.\\\\* troai I.e -■ ihcr on last December, liiy negio itriii D.v v’K. IL* is a lull blooded negro, ■> feet X or ID i'-elie.- l.igli. well seT, an.] intelligent for 1 negro; v.-oi;! i wei-h wueii he left from 10 > to 1 5, igi-.l .-ib'iiii :i ye.-irs; in- has 'X scar on his fac?. I will pay Fifty Dollars rewanl to any person delivering him to me ai Phil nlelphiis. ludicivu. couniy, N C , or for hi« confinemeiit in any .> nl -o tlnit 1 c..n get him. .An*l Fifty Dollars for pro-o «ii!]icieiit t.> c.mvict .any jr persons for haibjiiiig hii'i. I'VMF.L vIcCALLUM. F .r .losi;i-tl I!. McC.Vi LUM Robeson (■>.. N C.. .Ai-ril '-if .School N' A I'UIIAL IMII I,« tsol’ll V Iroia Gmot’s Popular 1‘hvsics by Will, (t I’eck. .^1. SiH'leia .New j Speller'ami Definer Ati.alyser; Bullions' an I Smith s Gr.imniars; .Mniiti-itir>. Smith's an.l liiiclieli's Geogr.-i- phies, Goodrich’s and Andrews' Litiii and Greek Les- j sons, \c. E. J. HALE & SONS. I Aug. 31. KfJirocoiiibe and Wilson—W. S. Duttle, Goo. ! Howard. ^ Forsvfli—T. J. Wilson. 11 L. Patterson. I’ratikliii — -V. 1). WMlitatn.S- | «:istoii—S. X Johnston. iato.s—.V J. W alton (irativille—A. \V. N'cnable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Koysier. t.ircfne—\V . A. Datilen. Oiiilloni—,Jtio. A. (jil.ncr, lluloh Gorrell, R P. Dick-. Halifax — R II Sinitli, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—K. I*. .Mann. Haywood—Win. Iliekf!. Henderson — \V. M. Shipp. Hertford — Kenneth Ilayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas Johnston—C. B. Sanders, Vv'. A. Smith. Jones—Win. Foj. Lenoir—Jolm C. \Wshington. Lincoln—Win. Lander, Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—,J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa'lJicrps McDowell—J. II. Greenlee Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—.S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash — A. H. Arrinirton. New Hanover—ll. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody, ()ii.ilow—G. W. Ward. Oraniic—W. ,\. (Jraham, John Berry, i Pasquotank—II. K. Speed. Perquinnms—Jos. S. (’annon, Persuti—John W. Cuningham. ]‘itt—F. B Sattcrthwaite, B Grimes. Randolph—W . J. Lonir, A. G. I'oster. j liichn)oiid—W. K. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockini^ham — D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodimx. Rovvai. -B. C'raige, H C. Jones. Rutheri, -d and Polk—J. IL Carson, M. Dur- ! ham. Fereuson. CaMw t -ll. II ('ti’-IW Cll.M., d!. I ‘i'-kson. \\ ' 111..! •I'l 'illl - I' T ly .ir. R N Oreen. T imer Bynnm. >'» lliyr'i- 1 .V It .. I. I 'I .r.i F F \ Ifi'ed. ..’i I III.! I l l II II Her’...(’ G Wright, J S Harring- I II, .1 I' WilLaliis. ! .,,vaii. . S i.all. .) li .i ... N L \V ,lli ,iiiioii. . ill ten ... D I * |-'eii-t)-f r.r e”. i... D \V Wiiii,.|,iu -f. a-w-ll... WiihiT-. S P Hill. Cii: I iiiiek... I’> M 1> ixier ('le 1 VfIrtmi \ G Waters. .1 !» L >>ta'i. Da Ll-.V i- 11 I /lies, E B Ciark. Davie... 11.1 \v I r. I DiipIiii...J D 1 lit.Illl. J G Branch. F.'lgecoiiibe... R R Bri.lgers. -I .S Woodard. For^yih I F Poindexier, Piiilip Borrow. Franklin — W F Green. lt:.>ron...J 11 White Granvill** .M Bullock W' H .I*nkins, S II Cannaday Guilford.P -MendeahaU, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene...A D .Speight, Gates...John Boothe Hayw. ...l-. S L Love. HahlHX....\ H Davis, W B Pope Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson ...Jos 1', if-ile Tilmin Farrow Irodeil....\ K ''iir.'i.ii-.ii. B F Gaither .•acksou ... \ Fi'hei. J.’ii».s...\V J' I I ,loiin-;;..n — W 1[ i.> r., J is Mirchcner. 1.. II ,r ( W - .• Line- 111 \ A .M ' :e.“>. Mill III- - .j -. :i 1. \ 1 I .5 .M irtii,... - Lwi-.l. McD ■ iVhII •' ll Lur..rill .Moore. V ex.ind.M Kelly. Motjl gomei y ... K G L Bari inger. MaCoti... H G VV^'iodfi 1. Meekleiil'ii'-g...>» W D ivis, J M Potts. Nasii...ll G iliiam^ New Hanover...S .) I’l-rson, Daniel Shaw, No] 1 haiiipioii... \l W liamsom, W W Peebles- (Jn-low I H F-'y- ■ iiaiig'-...*ll B Guilirie. W N P.atterson- l'1-.pi..i ink... J I' WiHiami. P*-ri|iiimoii-..,.N Xewby. l'iit...B tj .Vliiriiion. Churchill Perkins. P»-r'..!i... — Wilkinson. .\.lix McMillm. Eli Wi«hnrf. R.ickingli nil.. R Iwley (i illo*ay and Thos Slade, Row in... N .N Kleming. N F Hall. r Davis, P> 11 I’adgetl. lian li.lpii... 1 H F.iiis:, Th.i-S Winslow. l!iehiii.ind...J Ci Blue. '':inip‘ (’ Faison. Geo .\nlrey’. .''411 r . ... \V W.iiigh S'lik.-' - II. r iti'i Ivelliim. SfJinlv ... Lal'ayeite Greene. T>rre!l...‘ M.-'!ee.-.- Uiiion...!’ Q L-‘mmoii !s. ^Vake...S II itog.M-., .1 W Ru';, H Mordccai. Warren... I P> Biichelor, W |[ Cheek. W i-hin^ioii ...’ L itham. W'liaiiga ...Til itn IS F;i.ri hinqr. Wayne... W T Dnrtcli. .M K Crawford. Wilkes....\ W .Martin, Horton. Yadkin \ C t'owles. Yhucv... Bowman. CONVKNTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance— Giles MebaTte, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. .Stewart Ashe—J. I), l-yrbcs Anson— A .^Iyers, J A Leak. Bertie—S B Spruill, James iiond. Boaufur' —W. J KlSiso.i, H. J. Warren. Bladen—Xcill Ki,‘Ily. Brunswick—1'. D ,Moar('S. Bancombc—N. SV Woodn.i. linrke—J C. .'ioD iwell. Cabarrus—C Piiit'or. Caldwell — K W Jones. Camden—I) D. FereVjoe Caiteret—C. R Thomas. Cas,-7cll—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Ilenkle. Chatham—J. II. Headen, John Manning J L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chow,in —11 H. Dillard. I ClfVfland —W. J T. .^lillor, J. W. Tracy, j (’.ilumbtis — Richard Wi oteti. I Cr iven—(iei). (Jreon, Jtio. D. Whitford, j Ciiiiiberlatid and Harnett—Wafren Winslow, David -Mc.Veill. ,\. S. McNeill. Currituck — II. .^l. Shaw. Davids..ii—B. A. Kittrell, B. C- Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houaton, J. T. Rhodtt. j Satnpson — R. .-V. .Mostly, Thoruas Banting. I Stanly—E. Hearne. j Stokes—(Vacant.) j Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I'nion — II .'I. Hoti.sion. I Wake—(> E. Ba|o;er, K. P. Battle, W’. W. : Hi.ld.-n Wiirreii — W N E Iwards, Frank Thornton. Wasliiii'_'-tori—W .S, Pctti^'rew. j WaratiL.M—"I Ciiiinsel. \V:ivii 0 \’ ."'friiiig, E. A. Thompson. 1 W’ilk ’-—Jas C.-illow.iy, Pcti;r Eller, i V idkiti—K F. -\I mfi*..-ld. I YaiiCfv—M P Penlatid. .nice i'aiiipbell will re- sunn- tier sc ■">! 0:1 .M>.'^D.V\, Ooiober 7ih. IS'il. Sep‘. ’J. I.*^' ! 53-1m THE OTTxUiBURG HOUSE! ^ .aUBoCKl BEK, having just completed his uew 1 llou-e near ihe Kail Road Uepot, is prepared to fcC- coiiiodiie transient and peruiaaeul ISoarUers, Pie.ise give me a call. JOSEPH OTT VRBURQ. Fayetteville, Aug. 20. 53 Jim pVrE SPIKIT8 ~ FDR Scuppernoug Wine, for sale by C E. LEETE. Sept. 2, 58 2t the YANKETS IV THE REVOLUTION. Tl.« Hichiuotid Ui-patch publishes an originiil letter fn ni Get) Wnsldi.gtoii to Ricliard Ifenry Lee, whii h shows that ilie yaiik.'i* cfiararier has not cii ingeil since l((5. The Di.sjiatch obinined the letter from Capt. Arthur Lee Rogers, who coiii'nanded the Lou'iouii ,\r- tiilery in the battle of Manassas; and says,— ‘•This letter h-ii* been fireseived in the Lee family, who, though applied to by B.-iticrolt, Irving and others for a copy foi publication, liavi- iiiiheito refii-e.l it, on the grouini that it. would be improper to K''e to the worl'i a private letter from tho Father of hi- Country reflecting upon any port on of ii while the old Union endured But no.w that “ihe.^e people ’ have trampled the CoQSliturion under foot, destroyed the Gov«-i iiniint of our fathers, and invaded and desolated Washington’s own counfy in Virginia, there can be no impr.-priety in sliowmg iiis private opinion of the .Massachusetts Yankees What would .Mr. Everett say of this severe but just judgioeDt on his own people of tiie man he has been eulogizing with his best rhetoric for years past? Sore knows its truth better than Everett, iind no man has more in his 8oul of the miserable national peculiar* iiies which Wushingten in his trying campaigns so plain ly saw and so positively denounced.” Camp at Cambridge, Aug. 29th, 1775. Dfar Your favor of the first inst , by Mr, Randolph, camc ^afe to hand — the merits ot this young gentleman, added to your recon.mendation and my own knowledge of his character, induced me to take him into my family as an Aid de-l’amp, in the room of Major MitSin, who I have appoint ed Quartermaster General, from a thorough pi r- .suasion of hi.s integrity, my own cxperii nee of his activity, and finally, because lie htainis uticoii- nected with either ol ilK-se Go%enum nt^^, or with this, that, or ’tother man, lor, tjelwe- 11 v u .niil 1, there is tnore in this lliun you tan eu-il) lUKtgine. 3fe 5|« sK He As we have now nearly completed our lines of defence, we have nothing more, in my opinion, ' to tear from the enemy, provided we can keep our i men to their duty, and make them watchlul and i vigilant, but it is among the most difficult tasks I 1 cver undertook in my lite to induce these people j to believe that there is or can be danger, till tlio ' bayonet is pushed at their breasts; not that it j pr tcee'ds trom atiy uncumuion prowess; but rather I trom ati unaccountable kind ot stupidity in the i lower clas.i of these people, which, beiieve me, prevails but tob genetaliy among the oliiccrs of the Massachu.setts part of the army, who are near ly of the same kidney with the privates, and adds not a iitile to my ditheuities, as there is no ;*uch thing as getting officers of this stam[» tu exert themselves in carrying orders into execution. To curry lav'jr with the men (by whom they were chosuii, and on who.'^e smiles pos.sibly they may itiink they itiay again rely.) bcema tu be one of the principal objects of their attention. 1 sub mit It, therefore, to your consideration, wiiether there is, or is not, a propriety in that re.-olution ot the Congress which leaves the ultimate ap pointment of all officers below the rank of Gene ral to the Governments where the regiments o.igi- nated, now the army is become Contineiitai.'' i’o me, it appears improper in two points of vew— tirst, it IS giviug that power and weight to ati in dividual Colony which ought of tight to belong to the whole. Then it damps the spirit and ardor of volunteers from ail but the four New England Governments, as none but their people have the least chance of getting into office Would it not be better, theretore, to have the war ran us .vtiicU the Commander-in-Chief is authoriziid to give pro tempore, approved or cli:jj>proved by the Con tinental Congr».'SS, or a committee of tneir body, which I should suppose in any longer recess mu^t \VE1!STE1I’S ElEllE\T.\lt\ SPELL1\G BllllRS.' W hive jii't received by rxpres", a supply ot cents reiail, CosU. Wc have not advanced the price of any articles 01. hand before the war; but pre ent purcuaaes C3si us more lhan we .iske-l for those Of course we have lo put up pi ices on what we buy now. E J. HALE & Si^N.S Fayettcvili»>, Aug 'Z > \VESTtli-\ lillL liOliKllWGEOF llOLIi. F.iO'i this date, the Passenger Train will leave Fay etteville ai 8 o’cl.ick, .', -M . and .Mclver’s at i2 u clock, .M-, on -Mond.iys. W’ednesdays and Friday«, Up freight uiuit be delivered the previous evi-ni? g. C. B. MALLETr, Pres’t. Aug. 28^ 52-tf ' MiW liOODM i\li\v (iOOllS! J, »1. Pembet'tou Will receive in a few days hi* entire stock of I spitiMi i\D mm (iiioD\. EMBRACING .ALL THE Aeiv and Desiralile .Spring 1NI5 Iok, ! AT PKlt Ks T» >riT THE TIMES ! The public gener.illy .-tre i espi-ctfnlly invite l to tall e.irly and secure H R G .\ I N J A. March 'JS, iS'il. PEMBERTON Htf qual chance of being promoted, accord ing to his m.:nr; III the other, all offices will be confined t-j ihe miiabitant.s of the tour New Eng- iund GoVeiiimeiiis, wiiich in my opii-ion, is im- pohtic lo a degree 1 have tuade a pretty good : aljui aiLi'jii^ such kin.i ot officers as the -\lassa- ; cliUsclts Government abounds in since. I came to i this cutiiD, having broken one Colonel !*nd two ; Captain.-, tor cowardly bcliaviur in the action on j Bunker’o iiill, two Ciiptaii:s for drawing ni.jre i provisions and pay tiian they had men in tlicit j c.-iijipaiiy, and on« for being absent tVoiii his post I ivhen tlie enemy appeared there and burnt a liouse ^ just by it. Besides these, i have at this time one j Oolonelj one Major, one captain, and tw’o subal- 1 terns under arrest tor trial. In short I spare none, and yet fear it will not all do, as these peo ple seem to be too inattpntive to everything but their interest. “There have been so many great and capital errors and abuses to rectify—so many examples to make, and so little inclination in the officers of interior rank to contribute their aid to accom plish this Work, that my life has been nothing else (since I camc here,) but one continual round ot vexation and fatigue. In .short, no pecuniary recompense could induce u;e to under.o what 1. have; especially, as 1 ospcct, by showing so little countenance to irregularities and public abuses as to retider tny.sell vety obnoxious to a tiart of these people. But as I have already greatly exceeded the bounds of a letter, 1 will nol iruu.'jle Recrait!^ Wanted lor llic C'onfcd- cralt* Service. Y lEUT. E SPE.ARM.AN will he in Fayetteville, inthe ; yyu with matters relative to my own tec-lings. " ’ ^ ' Hf. J|c ;(c Your affect’ate friend and ob’t serv’t, (Signed,) Gko. W'AsiiiNGru.v. L course of this wei k. to open a Rendevous for Re- ciuits for the Confedrr-ite Service. iN'otice of place will be given upon his arrival. .\iig IJ, iBt-il. 47- Tlic Virginia and Aortli Carolina lrrc|ire»wiblc»i. Ji'-NCTioN 1* {)., Hanover County. Va , July 2f). 18'H. / Unilpr this n ime if proposed lo get up a regiment ol I.-II coiiip itiii - of MtO nii'ti e i’h. including oRicer.s. mak ing l,"(iOiiien. We are to wear citizens’ clothes and to use such arms as we can fiirni-h ourselves. A pair of Colt's pistol', a bowie-knife and -i double barrel gun, with .1 .'Lnnie ball ^r a good rifle; to pledge ourselves to serve .iuring the war wherever the Pre^id*'Ut may choose to place u-; to serve without p-iy. The main olject of this organiziiion is to avenge the d.'atii of Gen Robert S Garnett, of Virginia, and Co). Charles F. Fisher, of ^’orih C irolina I Those who wish to form such a rPKimprit, will signity 1 tlieir assent by wriiiiisr to me at tiie .-.bove po>‘t-ofiice. 1 and when we iiave u'.'U men we will repon onr.-ielves tor j duty, and go on increasing tlie number until it amounts to l.Oyii. G KO. Jiuhai J A Clergyman in Gl.tsg.iw u-c-.i t-j rdaie the following;—In marrying a oujdc. I.e a»k.rd liie bride, in the usual lorin, wiiether she would be “a loving, faithful, and obedient wile.” Ihe bride prom{»tly replied that she would promise to be loving and faithful, but would not venture on a pledge ot uniform obedience. 'I'he mini.ster paused and deifurred. “Ju-^tsay awa, sir,” ejac ulated the bridegroom; “she has promised to be lovin’ and faithful, and foul fa’ thac fingers,” raising his list, “gin she's no obedienti” A siti.i- lar narrative, in which the bride proved the pre vailing party, wa» told by the late Dr .Nlaoleanol file Gorbals, Glasgow. The reverend doctor, in mar rying a couple, failed to obtain any indication from the briderroom as to whether he would ac- I lO i IIIJHI I llv UI I cij» lie. j The .lesign is, that the number shall always he kept i (jriJe as his helpmate. After a consid- IITl hv HAW pH) 1*^^III**FiJoccur DV | § i .1 l • j * i* * » K ii*« r., ; or i“.;.ili... »nd no o.h.r ,l,„n reU,,/. •''“I-'" t-ause, the bride, Ii.dif-nan at tlie »t.,l .lily 1 n.«n from hi- oblieaiion. I will act as private, or in of her intended husband, pushed down lus head man from his oblitfaiion. 1 will act as private, any cipaci'V 'he regonent may direct. When our num ber reaches 5011, we will request the President to ap point I’oloind of his own selection, and muster nsinto service at Richm .nd. i will advertise the time of meet: ing I here as soon as I receive i|ie tiames of .500 men, E ich company will cJioose its own Captain an.l subor dinate officers, THEODORE S. OVRNETT. Tiie newapipp>-a in Virginia an.l North Carolina will d iiibtU-.s-j publi-h th; above witliDiit charge, twice A Week for three weeks Uiiuikji tor ftalc at lliis Oitice. with her hand, at the same time addressin;; h:i aloud, ‘Canna ye boo, (bow) ye brutel” A Pais ley bride, who was being united to a stolid hus band, was, according to the testimony of the .Kev. Mr, M — —, who performed the cereininiv. moie considerate in her expressions: The bridegroom having given no response to the que.«tion, though often repeated by the minister, “Do you takethi- woman to be your married wife?” the bride broke in, “Deed does he, sir! he promises r' that ye r«quir«l"

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