m ipnp F' 'i'l for ‘'T' ■ 'I,; ; f ', (.' 1 SRs- 2" vo',': ‘ ,4 dt'bs'rii. i ,1-, _ ■'- M UJ K' r '' ' N v ' . \ IFAirigWlETiriyLIl (OIBOTiBTHlB. MI-WEEKLY. HTh. ^ «»■ I.Wl), lv> i wl ili HA'% li ( arolin'^- !! V'- I. '■•: I>SON’3 5. DA M AM'' kl'.i' ■ - ■ ,.* ■ I- ■ ' f ■,.■ . I * MIN!. . uf » " ■ hv. -3«ij ^■'1 [ VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 9, (86L [NO. 1055.] WKSTEKX RAIL ROAD. i Monday.'? AND THURSDAYS. I EOWAKinTllALK^^OXS. F.! ITOR.S ,\N*D I'H. >P .^IK V UlS ; r..’c {. r lilt i'etni-Weekh (ibslkvek HO if paid in 'pHK followinft rates will now be charged for Pasasn 'i lvsuce; ^3 5>' if paid durinjt the year of Si.V8Ciip- * 'n; or ;? i after t '.e v ear lins expired. • the Wee ;l_v rvkk $l’ 1" per annum, if paid in ixHDi’e; 5l' if p.'iiil lurin^" the ^-car of stihscrif- t ir T--i *• afitM' tlie vt'.ir !i:i' expired. \ 1»VK1!T1>hMl .N r.'' iii-ened for Ht) oentx per ,ii,.- 't !•■. liii-- I'or I'-e tir-t. ;iud r.(t oeiits for efti'li ‘e.'ding ;>ublie!iiioii. Ye\rl_v adveriisenieiiis h_v spe- ' . .tiir.^cts, if ro‘t>.>iril''o ra'e>i, \hcriiscr» ar** .".i-'d !•> thi' iiiinil'or ;>f iust'iiious de>;ired, or i , w'll be >‘ontimi.*d till f.iiliiil, aud ciiarj^od accord V h-riisements to be insert.'.l inn>-if, charged 50 per L-nt e’^tra. To Little River, 50 cts To Spout Spring, 75 “ To .foiioboro', 1 (Mj To Mclvt-r s, 1 I rain leaven the Depot Mondays, HednesdAy."* and Friiiays, at SA o'clock \. M. Heturniiig, leaves Mclver'» at 1 o'cUtck I*. .\J. r. B. MALLKTT. I’res’t. Nov. r.i. ISt’.O. 7itf NKAKKST AND gl K’KKST ROl Ti: TO Tin: RAILROAD! EllliliWORTIlFEMlLKSIiMIXARY.i OREKC.^SnOROUOH, I¥. C. ! rpIIlS INji'l ITUTKjN has b"eti in Huccesi^ful operation j X for iwenty-oue y«iHrs, and for the last ten jearo | under iis present I’lincipal. j The Course of Instniction is designed to afford to Souihern parents an Institution in which can be s«}- I cur d every adviiiiiage atforded by llie very best Fe- i ni.-ile St-iuin:‘.ries iti ihe ci-uiiirv'. ! The Fiiculty ciuwi'^is uf FIVK Gentlemen and FOUR j Ladies. Tiie iiisii(utiini is. tiiid li.is been, TIIOKOUOH* t LV S(JUTI1KI(N ill iiw or('auiz itidn. j Green'borough i- eruinently ii>‘a,lihy, anil in the pre- ! sent eX'-'ited mate of the country, its g«ograpbic&1 po- I sit ion rfnders it a i|uiet aud safe retreat. Tlie ne.\i ses^n'n will comin.'nce .\ugust 1st, 1801. | For ('at.ib)^uet, contaiuiug lull particulars of terms, ■ Xc.. iipp! V 10 ' lUCllAlU) STr.llLlNG, Principal, | Greensboriugh, N. C. ( Jiiiie ‘J‘J "3 3m f>*l ! SrttT\L NOTli E. Ft r.. and after thi» dt*tc, no name of a new.subscriber w ■ be entered without p.nytnent in advance, nor will 1“ I'aper be rent to .auch subscriber>j for a longer time : iti paid 1;t. Such Of oi.r old subscribers as de‘;;vo to take the pa- p,-’^ n -.ystem will please uoliiy us wlien making rr ; .ncei. Jan’v 1, IboS. BKAMAN & KOHINSON’S FOLK IIOKSK STVUK LIVK KKVVXSVILLK, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going sub'‘Cii N (irf ll nr '^I'klirL r t Afil 1 .rt .111 IT ut i Loan (0 the Confederate States! t) 'I'KS of subscription to receive ttiis Loan are now ) ti :it the otfioe of J. li. Sheplierd in Fayetteville ■ 1 .ir^«iorier:« who have this niai;ef in charge ap . . • tlieir felliiw-citizeiis to come f >rward aud am c : c.iuii:ry in a time so full .>t' ihe iitiiio'*t interest lo . ' «Vhi;e (tie investment is re^ai.led a- s.ife and re- nfrniivf. ii i: not to tliis odu idenitivin that tlie ap- ; u nddrc'Sed. The que?»iiiiii is otie of the highi-.'i Ki ii't'iii t-> the pei>i le of iiie ('uMtedei.ite >taie'. it i.- eir r. I V t', ii'd 111 thi-i war, as tiify v iliie lite. hbeiiy. ■' .1. .\ll loans wid be ticcepted troiu tifiy doUai- W (id ' y -JJ. 1^’T -lltf U^lit Arlillei'y, ) (. \'ii’ l>i>Yi.\N. .luly 'JJ, l^'»l. TIlS ''ompany, de>irihg be coiiipieie inf"'// re- ' ■ wuul'l ! e glad to enli.'t a number ot goo't Dri : 1 11 .icfu't-.iuied ti- the ni iii.igemeiit ot liorses T ■ e vs ill l>e [• lid to t-;ii‘li iii»n, on i ll 1 isi iiicnt. a b^'unt \ t ^I "i .\L>ii *i.y p.}' rI2; '‘C'ides being clothed and t. i. i.;>'di.-il ;i’teiil.iiioe tiee. ind all o. Iier nece.ssar\ e iiiipm.-iiis lu tiisiii l ^tql^.^ue I'U' .i Mil iii-i'. Ni. - tie ti‘ e ! apj ly uidt-i^ lie i~ i ^ I t. I'lT and ex- peru'iict'd ’.11 t!iH m^iii ifrenii'tit ut lii i '.‘s. i ii«‘ dt>uiia- tl>.>u >t Uiv '■ 111 •• iiiy is Virgiui i as . .nr.jijx-.i. ALEX L' [JKr] Cij't 1. E. Kig'i l.i .\nirfiy. Fayetteville aiid Western I'LANK ROAD I'UMPAXV. SlockItoltiers’ callt‘«l North or S»)Uth. [..eavinu Fayetteville every day at 2 o'clock r. M. TllKOL'(}H IN TEN HOURS. Our (,'oaches are bu ge an.I cwmfoi tabu*, drivers sober and gentleninnly, our teams good and sure of tive miles in hour. The traveling public wlio would study their fomforj ind convenience will t-ike the W’lrsnw Stage. BisirTliKOl'Gn TICKKTS TO WELUON may be had at the Stage (»Hice. F-iyeiteville. Mav 18'iH 25-tf narhic aotory. A K n a "'o. p *' "SiLl5 r«0 DIIIIUS \BIHK I'. T. niKIII li SlIVS' STIIKI i;i) 8‘- A. A. McliinilAA L [' ny w is not held f.-r M h 1.1 1 ,N' \v .!ir :.t ilATKS FOR UlRL. ribfr has :i 11 \t'K ;it Mclver’s Depot, the )f th*‘ Wc^teiii Uailroad. with which lie is prep'iiei to Ci>nvi>y I’i'i'-‘'ii;^ers in iiny dir**ciion they 111 ly wish to go. ill- will ti'- |irt 'ent iilways or tiie ar- riv il of ihe ir:iin. Wiiii g"" I lloi-es und careful and accommi'datin;: Driver.-, lie b'lpes to give satisfaction. ALBERT GEAN. Mclver's Lb'pot, riinthain Co . N , M'ifch 8- \0\V l\ ^IARKKI\ LL pt'rsoiis h.'ivuig NF.(tll>ES for sale, will do well ddre-s (lie su h-f t i her at ('linion, Sampson couf'ty. .is lie i" dt*tenniiie i ti buy an 1 pay us liberal prices tor them :i' llu- siaie ot lii,- m irkei wi!l permit IJy ji'ldicssin.: I.ii.i he will otll ininiediately, itlld make liber.il oUer', .is all will fiiiil who will try him. ('11 Altl.ES T. STEVENS, ('lintoii. S:iiiip''>n '^-i'i I'l, ISOO. ;’>‘J-lypd IIW. .firI.. .f/rJi.f 1% Attorney at Law, F.WKrrKViM.K, X. (V ;itt«*iid the I'.iutiiy and Superior Courts of itnberlatid. linnet!, .NLmrc .ind Robeson Coun ties. I’r.iinpt adeiition given to the collei’t'on of all cl.iiins entrusted to iiis hands. Oct. 17. l!s-'>'.’. 58-tf T. C . A: l{. 4m. WORTII^ (oniniissioii and Forwarding 3lercliants, WIL.NIIX-JTOX, N. •Jan’y ‘2^. ‘^Jlf RORV Vli.\AIR, miftornet/ tiiitl i'ottnseltor tti Wjaic^ Ll MIU U i'l ILL atteiil ruid pr:ici i'-e in ih-‘ ('luinty an 1 .•Superior WILL M ut 'N. N. i I! I h-‘ ' Courts of K i*ie-ou. llii hin' II I tii l ('mnbeiland. bu'-iiiess iniru'ifd t ; liitii wiil receive prompt at tention .ind r.ili.-ei i.»'‘'. { atif*! u ili > i >>i..itte'l. Oct. l-o '. •'>•'■'0' W .Ml I .^u 'rum; iiii i ^•ULD ,d k- ; . : . ty ot . Dv o ler A.ga-t 1 : S. I O J M Vv. 1 -K KO^E. i' R. Co 4 3-tm eon-fin’' . ..lent ‘f jU h ind. WAX'TEL). A •V gu- ■ y of good >>OOL 1 . 'Idlers. G. 1 3d, 18G1. i;N to mnke socks for Vji'LDSlON, Ag’t. 4.j tf AAD ?»10ClilACiiS. UlE sutiscriber ii .Agent tor the sale ot GLE S make s; they are much bet- Northern i.’i.iJe; Ut all •i entorpr'.se, ciiland X ot ."siiClvS and SlOL’Kl tvr n:; i t j i.t‘>y as cNeap as who v; - i encourage S ; buy a I'.i I jr ibair own we ?" T'.'N Ag’L 44 u w I. G'J -D F:ivei:eviiie, July 3i, ib'^1 SPRING TRADE! \VORTU, \VI€;H1'UA-^ a: 4 0. FFLH AT WHuLE-^VLF. A lit.A\ V STuCK UF entocEitiKS. \S"l .> ■utheru In iU' r_. ' it . aud is daily fiaislnng. a lar of every de'X'ri j't ;nn. i;i"s’' v lit Tnrk. wliich are fsiih■ ai!v m.i ic by experience.1 w ik 'ien ,n e ich iirmich Hia W'lr'K will comp ire t'.iVDrubly witi* iny tor ueati:e-s itid diirability. l!e i.s ..leterihiiicJ to sell and do a'l work in his 'line on as g' ■■ I terms as any that is aj | wel made He bas now fialshv 1 a very large quantity | of T.ork which he will sell low for Cash or on short time ’ to punctual customers. JSfe^All w.,rk w;;rr :n:r .l 12 ir.onths with fair usage, or should it fall by bad wurkxnanship or maieriaL will j be repaired t ree of cliarge. Orders from i;e S Ki'ii w'll receive prompt attention He has witiiin ’he la«t few years sold work in South Carelma. Georgia. Aiabam ;. .\lississippi, Florida, Ar- j kan>*a9 and Texas. ! Repairing done tit siiort notice and on reasonable ' terms. | Dec'r 17, ISO *. ^“^'f j JOSKiMI H \KI.K. Jr.. irroR^KV \T I.AU', \S t ■!: ..-^t 1... . N. \V :u 1'.. Wrigiit's La w H\S t .ll ..-^t -I... . N. « :u 1'.. rigtit s L t Ihi-e ‘Hi 111 ei-u ,>ti > el, lie »m1i .ill eiil iiid pi'.lCtU e lu tlie outity iiid >^iporior t'ourts ot Cumberland, lil.adeti, K"tienjii .iiid S iiup'ijli. .Mfucli --i. iM.j'.'. 7'Dtf ; ~ FRENCH STRANaB^ Attorney at Law, Fayettoville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C G- Wright, Esq , over the one now occupied by him in Dr. Robinson's building. Green Street Dec'r 2, 72- FlRTiiER Sm*L,MES, (lO.M.MtRClAL NOTE. Billet Note, Cap. Letter. Bath J Letter. Dociiet, Folio Post, aud oth«rs Papers in greai, variety. Bonnet Boards, ic. &o- Just received. April 12 E. J. HALE 1 SONS. AL-'> w ll ed s . .jC k .A I'lirnplete an HARDWARE ^ CLTLERV. liVKliEL.-s N"Rlll rUl'M.lNA Ll',eUiiR.s. DO\lK.''dT I WnRTll. .. Mill I'M \N ^ ('O. J- lyetteville, .\pril 12, IS'U, FA VIVI'TLViM.i: MITIAL IXSIRAMK (OMPAM. ♦;o I apital in 1‘retnium Notes iti. unts i C inh on hand an'l other a-ret-. Total, The Company have paid al: :o' have never made an asses>^ment hi li Total losses paid, It Kli KH s: GEO. McNElLL, I'resi b D. A. R\V. Vice 1‘residi C. A. MlMILL \N. Sei ; DlKt T.u:-: Henry f illy. H L. Myrover, ^ T 11 iwley, .N;ith m .\. Stedman, «' B. .Mallett, James Kyle, A .\. Mclvethan, J D. WilH.iins. S \V Tillinjrln“t. .'S.077 35 .^272.7'>5 01 pf.iiiiptly, and leir prerntum note«. •:i2'.*,t;H2 G'.t nt. 111. iiT.rhast, .1. Iliii'diU', \V111 \|. L mrin, T. .s, Luitciluh. 'V. .Steel, J. (j . (^Ifiok, Hon .1. G. Shepherd, li. F. I'rown. I . A.K. H ilL ,• iH ' ;1:R' ititl f C. McCrummcti. Triveiing .Agents. e I’ iiii'iriny inviie .ipplic ui"ns M js 21-ly _ € rarprliii;;! in;?! OrvjUk 1 ' ' .VlU'El'IVG at No. 4i. Hay St .\l! all prices, nil rpi ilities. All will be otfered Inw exiitr by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville. N. : . Spj,(. l;{. IFC.O. 52if Dental .\olicr. 1^ SCOTT will beiibseut tV.in Fayetteville until Sep- ternber. Jn V 1>. 18r,l. lOtf Divelliii;;^ lor Rriit. 1MIL iwoot.iry brick building on iti»* corner of Green and Bow streets, known a« the IIhU hnibling For I I' h^iilMr-i iipply to D. \NDER.si)N. July 22. 18>;l. 41tl (oiifttantly Manufaolurlng at my Kstablishment, pVEKY VARIETY OF HARNESS, lli Siddles. ISridles, Collars, Whips and Trunks; all kinds of Leather. Calf ."skins and OtL' (’ondition I'nw lers. tor diseased Horses and t-attU-; Coacli Trimmings. Carpet Bags. Valises. Sa'ldlery, li:irdw,i,.p_ ,vc. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowes> prices. Every description of Harness ati'l Saddle.s matiufactiire'l to order and reiiaired. JAMES WILSON. No. o Market St. Wilmingion, .N. f'., near th • Wharf Nov. 3. i8t;o. __ .\i:w joc)i>>*. rPHE subscriber is now receiving i l.irge and well se- 1 lected stock of (iO(>D.S, consisting ot ■ (iKOf’KlilKS. n AUDWAllI-: AND (’TTLE- RV. P.AGdlNMJ and K01‘K. SAD- Dl.HllV. \-f . FOllKKIN ANI) ; DO.MHSTK' j and mariv other articles, which he otfers low for Cash, or on SHORT timk to proi.-ipt piying customers. ,V11 kinds of Country I'ronnce taken in exchange for j Goods. i Sheetings ai:d Colton Manufacturers' prices. ^ irn^ .on hand r.t all times, at DLATIS^TRY. Dr. j. DAVIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, rtspecifully oilers his services to the citizens ot this place and surrounding country, in all the Tarious bniucties of his i’rofession, including th« manufacture ot Mineral Teeth, he is sati.stied, after an extensive experience, to wliich is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire saiistnctiou us tar : as is iu the powei ot Deuiistiy. .Vll irregulariaes of the Teeth treated in a proper an-l careful mmiiier, as well as diseases ot the mouth. N me but tlie jiroper nietal.' are tuade use of in the various oper itioti.-. ' i...rges \»ill be moderate, thm the benetits of tne I’rot'essiou may be placed within ttie re.ich of all who m'ly feel au interest la the preserviitioii ol ttie Teetti. gty" t>rtice over Houston s .lewelry Store, where he may t)e t'ouiul ai ah times. .vluy lu. lb-)t'. Forty Vvar**" I'aiiiili.'ir Letter» ofJas W. .Vlexandui. D. D.; .Sermons, by.I. Addison Alexander. D l>. Also, liiitlier sop[ilies ot Margartjt .Moncrietle; Beulah; -A lain iiede. \ usel: Shirley; School liuoks, \c. July 10. K. .f H \LF: SON. Tin: AORTII t A ROM A A MlTl AL LIFE INSliUME (OflPA\¥, N’O'iV in the teiii ll ye ir ot -.ii.-'^‘ssful operation, with growing c:.pii li and tiiuier hoi i upon public con- i ti letice. ooiiiiiiii.-s i!» i;i»iiie i!ie 'iv’cs n :ill lieiilthy per sons from 14 to •>) ye n s ot ave. for one year, for seven ! years, and for lit'e- ail li te ni.Mnhers sharing in I lie Jirofits. i All sl.iv.-s trom 10 to t.it >e iis of .age are insured for i one year or tor hvo yeir^ fir iw i thirds thoir value. I .All losses are pnnciuilly paid within !*•.) days after I satisfactory prool is preseii'eil. For t'uriher inl'oriii iti in the piibt'- is referred to .Agents of the Compiny in ill |nrts c .he State, and to R H UAl rid^ .'Secretary. Raleigh. E. .L 11.\ LE. Agent at Jan’} 1800. Fayetteville. N. C. FISM! FISH!! LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1860-61 SENATE. Pasquotank and Psrquimana„.J M Wh«di>«« Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Kure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Sp«ne«r Northampton...J M S Rogars. Hertford...J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M Ij Whitaker. Kdgecombe and Wilson...}! T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort... Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F ArendeU. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr Jatne.s Dickson. Onslow...L W Humphrey. Bladen. Brunswick. &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W K Lane Johniton...J W B Watson. Wftke...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Frinklin...W Harris. , Warren...T J Pitchford. Granville...(’ H K Taylor. Person...(/ L Winstead. Orar:ge...Josiah Turner. Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moor# and .Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson... Alfred Dookcrj. Anson and lTnion...S H Wdlkup. Guilfonl...Peter Adams Caswell... Bedford Brown. Rockinghar',..F L Simpson. Mecklenburg John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Itarringer. Rowan and Da»ie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse A Waugh. .A«he. Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilke.s &C...L Q Sharpe. Biiike, McUowell \c...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Ruihertord. Polk i:c....A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson ^c...Geo W Candler. H.iywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance,..Giles Mebine. Alexander...Dr J M Carson. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Asbc...J .M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell. W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. •.''aharrus...W S Hnrris Catawba....lonas Cline. (’hat ham... W P Taylor. R N Green. Turner Bynum. Cherokee...(} W' Hayes. (,'raveu...C C Clark, F E .Alfred Cumberland and Harnett,..C 0 Wright, J 8 Harrinf- j ton, J C Williams. i Chowan... Small. i Co.umbus...N L Williamson. : (?amden...D I) Ferebee. i Carteret...D W Whitehurst. j Caswell... Withers. S P Hill. j Currituck...B .M Bixter. | Cleaveland....\ G Waters, J R Logan. i Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B'Clark. Davie... Howard Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe ..R R Bridgers, J S Woodard Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gasion.,,J H Whit a Granville... J M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday Guilford...C P Mendenhall, C E Shob^r, J L Qom'lL Greene... A D Speight Gates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love Halitax...A H Davis, B Pop* Hertford..,J J Yeateg. Henderson...Jos P Jordan Hyde. Tilman Farrow Iredell...A K Simonton. A B F Qaithar Jackson...A fisher. , Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Wanon, Ja« Mltchaner. Lenoir....! C Wooten. Lincoln.. V A McBeee Madison...John \ F"gg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin Moore... Alexander Kelly Montgomery...E G L Barringer Macon. ,H 0 'Vootlfin. Mecklenburg .,S W Davis, J M Pott*. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S .1 Person. Daniel Shaw. Northampion...M W (iamsom, W W Peebles. Onslow ..J H Foy. Orange... H B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasijuot ank... J T Williams. Penpiimons... N Newby. Pit;...B G .Albritton, ('hurchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. R.ibeson—Aiex McMillan. EM Wishart. Rockingham...Rawl»*y Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N .N Fleming. N F Hall. Hutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richni.iiid....I G Blue. .'Sampson...N 0 Faison, Geo W Autrey. Suiry...W Waugh Stokes—Horatio Kelltim. Stiinly ...Lal.iyette Greene. Tyrrell..-C McCleesc. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. Warren...J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washingtoti...C Latham. Watauga...Thom.IS Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes....A W .Martin, Horton. Yadkin....A C Cowles. Y'aucy... Bowman. All persons are rp«pecifully invttod to give me a call, at the old stand of J. & T. Wa.ldill. South side Hay st. ; a n. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 21, 18G0. 55tf SI PREME fOniT KEPOltTS, ; TWO .MJW VOIil'illKS. [Vol.I.loiu's’s La\v,tVol..>Join'sN Equity Kcports, \ I UST issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un- ij bound Nos., by E J- HALL & SONS. N TEW MACKEllEL. Nos. 1, 2 and '6. HERRING, ic. &c. WHITE FISH. Call at Oct 1. A. N. MCDONALD'S, South-side Hay Street. 67-if Jan. 21, 18t;i. H9- ■ J ' "X W. P.KENDALL. J. 8 KE.NDALL COX, KEADALL Ac LO , ommlj^^ion 31ei*chant8 A N D WHOLESALE OHOCERS, >0. 11 i 12 Nortli Water Si., Wilminptiiii, i . ''•rilers If .iii tne ;omi''y promptly execu'ed 1‘ .Iti'-..! li- :i.;;niiiun given to tue sale ol I'otton ' ' her pro luce. H 10-tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— | TIH)SE persons for wiiotn I have been titttending to | Banking business for years;—I am still willing to j serve you with the same promptness that I have always j done; and lo others that iniy w.int discounts. Pension j btisitiess &.C . .\'c . I olFer mv sertices, with a promise JAS. G. COOK. of strict atteniioii. Jiiti> 27. 2t'.tf BEADLE’S OiME NOVELS, Nos. 10,11,12,13 A H, “ “ bonj: Books and Mt lodlst. “ Half Dime, and Five cn» Novels. E. J. HALE & SONS N Jan. 30. 22 Edgecombe and Wilson—W Howard. Forajth—T. J. WiUon, R. L. Patt«non. Franklin—A. D. Wiliiama Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrore, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Gilaaer, Ralph Ooirell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Win. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. II. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Stnith. Jones—Wra. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wra. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biegs. McDowell—J. II. Greenle«. 8, Battle, G«o. I Sound Doctrine.—The followlDg correspoodenc* , took place between Mr. Nelson, of Tennessee, I and President Davis, while the former wa* a pri- j soner in this city. We publish it mainly to call I attention to the enlarged, liberal, and enlighten- ‘ «d policy avowed By President Davis—“not to enter into questions of differences of political opinion heretofore existing.” It is to be regret ted that the same catholic spirit which animates the Chief does not pervide all the functionaries of the Government: Richmon6, Va., August 12, 1861. To Hit Excellency, Jeff. Davis, President of the ConJedt~ rate States: 8ia—I have been arrested, and, as I learned since my arrival in this City, upon the charge uf treason, but whether agaioat the Stote of Tennessee oi the Confede* I rate StAies I am not advised. 1 am conscious of no act : either against the Slat* or the t'onfedeiMcy, that will ! support pr sustain such an HCCus itioM I I am siaoerely anxious to presorve *1 ? nn i I quiet of East Tennessee, the section of 'he Siatp la I which 1 reside, as bestt promotive of the pcacn and ia- t lereat of the entire State. 1 ask to be di>char^ed from a vexa'ious prosecutioa that I may return Lonic peace- ; fully, to follow my private interest aud pursuits, as- i suring your Excellency that I will not, either directly j or indirectly, by counsel, advice or action, encourN|;e, aid or assist the United States Government ...111 X , tt. t 1 I o*" me uuiie'j oimro iiiin-ui tO luVucSe, Mecklenburg—J. \V . Osborne, Wm. Johnston. ] or attain success in the present struggle with the Confed- Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—II. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrins^on, New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquiinona—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Kichtuond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. > Rockiny:huin—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. j Rowai. -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. RutherK *d and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur-1 ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. H.)ldon. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. « Washinj'ton—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Coun.sel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilke.s—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. 1^.11 Alice Campbell will re- ■ sum,- iier .-^ciiool on MONDAY, October 7th, 1861. I Sep’. 2, I8»-1. 63-lm !THE OTfARBU^HOUSEl 1 ^^HE .SUBSCRIBER, havingjust completed his new I* 1. Huu^e near ihe Rail Road Depot, is prepared to a«- I comodate transient and permanent Boarders. • Please give me a call. i JOSEPH OTTVRBURO. I Fayetteville, Aug. 29. 58-lm I PURE SPIRITS j Scuppernong Wine, for sale by Sept. 2. C. E. LEETE. 68-2t WEBSTER’S ELEllEn.\R\ SPEILIXG BOOKS. erateStat«s, nor will I counsel or advise others to thwart or cripple the Confederate States in the pending con test with the United States, nor wili I do so by my own acts. In view of the increased majority in the election which has just taken place iu Tennessee, I shall feel it my duty, as a citizen of that State, to submit to her lat« aciioD, and shall religiously abstain from any fur ther words of condemDation, or opposition to her Gov ernment. The parties arrested with me, with the exception of my son, who acted by my command, were mere guides and conductors through the mountain passes, on my way to my place of destination, and whatever view may be taken of my own course, they are innocent, in no way responsible legally or aiorally, and have commit ted no offence against the laws of the Confederacy or the Stale of Tennessee; and 1 ask that they also be dis charged from custody by your Excellency. Very respectfully, your obedient eerv’t, Thos. a. R. Nklson. To which the following answer was returned: Richmond, Aug. 13, 1861. Sir: I have received your letter of the 12th instant, in which you ask to be discharged from arrest and pro secution, and make promise that you will, “as a citizen of Tennessee, submit to her late action, and religiously abstain from any further words or acts of condemnation whatever, or opposition to her government. The desire of this Qovemment being to maintain the Independence it has atiserted, by the united feeling and action of all its citizens, it has been its policy not to enter into questions of differences of political opinions I heretofore existing. I I am therefore pleased lo be spared the necessity of i inquiring whether the accusation against you be well I founded or not, vexatious or not, and to rest content with your submission, as a loyal citizen of your State, to her receut action in adhering to this Confederacy and adopting its permanent Constitution by an increas- I ed majority. 1 have ordered your discharge and that : of your companions from custody. I am, &c- JEFFERSON DAV1‘> I To Thos. A. R. Nklson, Esq. j Congreaa shall make no Law abridging the Freedom ; of Speech or of the Pres*.— Vidt Constitution U. S. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or pro perty, without due process of law.—find. Lincoln is above and independent of the Constitution of the United States. He is suppressing the newspa per press, arresting persons, and depriving them of their liberty, all over the United States, without any process of law. These things will have an end, and it will probably be a bloody end for Lincoln himself. The North will, in spite of laws, turn upon him who has sworn to see the laws executed, yet daily violates them nimself openly and systematically. have just received by Express, a supply of j SPELLING BOOKS—price SI ^5 per dosan 16, | I cents retail, Cash. We have not advanced the price of any articles on ! I hand before the war; but pre^^cnt pareb'ases coat ua | I more than we asked for those. Of course we have to I I put up prices on what we buy now. ! ! E. J HALE & SONS ! i Fayetteville, Aug. 19. ! I \VESTER\ RAIL R0.1D-C11A\GE OF DOIB. FRO.M thi.s date, the Passenger Train will leave Fay etteville at 8 o'clock, A. M., and Mclver’s at 12 I o'clock, M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, j Up freight roust be delivered the previous evening. C. B. .MALLETT, Pres’t. Aug. 28. 62-tf ” xilWliols! mjwIoIdTT «/• Pemberton Will receive in a few days his entire stock of $PllL\ti ,i\D m\m\{ GOODS, EMBRACING ALL THE IVen and Desirable Spring: Sfylew, SouTBtUM Labob.—One of the good effects of the war is that there is an eni to the receipt of Northern ready-nutde clothing, and our own seamtressea will bare a chance to get employment with their needles and ! sewing machines. So with shoemakers, tailors, hat- j ters, and all others who have been driven out of em* j ployment at the South by the greater energy and he»rt- j lessness of Northern capitalists, who have ground down the seamstresses there to the lowest point of existence, and thus undersold the same classes at the South. The { condition of those who held a public meeting in Phila- I delphia a few days ago to demand work, is differt-nt \ from any thing that exists at the South. I t r^e St‘[jro€s (yhooxtnf/ Mustern.—During the I session of our County Court last week, two Lale I hearty looking free negroes came voluntarily into I Court praying to have ma.stcr.'i appointed lor them, ! that they might become slaves in :iccf'i-'l^nc' with I a lafe act of the Le^rislatnro; »'i.I .iit 1 ii •. i named in their peliM'jna w. ro .iMj' t !•* > i . ^ : masters.— (rrreHnhnrn’ In!;- i • • r> AT PKli ES To SUIT THE Tl.MES. $10(1 Keuarcl. R.\N.VW.AV t'roin tl;* srViHcrili*‘r >n lust December, my ni'gro rn.in HAVK. !!*» is a (nil blooded negro, 5 feet ^ or lO inches IhkIi. well set, aiul intelligent for a negro; would weigh wlipii he left froin 16 • to 1-5, iged about > years; lie li.is a «car on Ins fac?. I will pay Fifty Dollars rewar.l lo any per-ion delivering him to me at Pliiladelphns, Robeson county, .N C , or for liiu confinement in any .Itiil mo that I c m ^^et tiiin And Fifty Dollars for prooi sulTicietil to convict any person 3T persons for harboring him. DANIEL McCALLUM, For .TO.'^KPH R. McCALLUM. Philadelphiis. Robeson Co.. C.. April 12if Scliool Book»>. LT.\TUR«\L PHlLOSnl’HV frotn Gvnot a Popular Pliy«ics by W'm. G. Peek. M. A.; Sanders’ New Speller a-i 1 Definer Analyser; Millions’ and Smith’s : Grxnimars; Moiu‘'itli's. .Sirii-.. ^ and .'litoiiell’s Geogra phies. GooJrieh’s .mil .VnJrews' Liiin and Greek I.es- eons, E. J HALE & SONS. All*. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufor".—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Traoy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warreu Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. DopUo—W, Hqubkiq, j. I. huoii?? A i’rivnttf.—Ex Go; t* ■ 'A : ; of South Carolina, a gentleiu tn wnii -.‘v.-; The public generally are respectfully invited to call i lions of dollars, has reported liituseit t^>i ac>. vc early and secure BARGAINS. ! duty in the Calhoun Guards.—Rick. tJi.q.iin r. J. A. PEMBERTON, j That’s nothing. We know several reported for March 28, 1861. duty who didn’t have a red cent, and left their R^criiUR \i^nled lorTheConled-: erate Service. ‘ Which are entitled to the more credit tor shouM- LIEUT. E. SPEARMAN will be in Fayetteville, in the i ering their muskets?—^nahviile U/ng. course of this week, to open a Rendevous for Re-, ~^ i i ^ j- iciuits for the Confederate Service. Wotice of place' Thore Jiuftonx.— lnQ blockade ami i^nterdic- i will be given upon his arrival. j tion of commercial intercourse with the Confede- } Aug 12, 1861. 47- i rate States is working admirably. Day after day . --- . i we are called upon to notice some new enterpriie. The a specimen of mifiUry ' * 'buttons—North Carolina stamp—made on 13th Ji'.NCTioN P. 0., Hanover County, Va., 1 i ^ . »•» j July 29, 1861. } | utreet.—Richmond Mhig. Under this name it is proposed to get up a regiment of ! P.irtington'i Latt.- . _ _ , Dear me,” exclaim- len companies of 100 men eaih, including officers, mak- j ^ j specs and heav- ; inir 1,)UU men. We are to wear citizens clothes and ' , , . j; t i • i » i to use such arms as we can furnish ourselves. A pair . ®d a heavy sigh, on rea ing o^ Linco n s^ paper 1 of Colt’s pistols, a bowie-knife and a double barrel gun, j blockade; “what a tremenjous site of paper it must ! with a Minnie ball or a good rifle; to pledge ourselves i take—no wonder the Milton Chronicle finds it a ; to serve during ihe war wherever the President may * matter tO get any—-that fetched old rascal, j choose to place us; to serve without pay. ! Lincoln, has used it all in blockading the ports The main object ot this organization is to avenge the ’ „ it-.. i,-.- i death of Gen Robert S. OarLtt. of Virginia, and Col. | With pa|^r. Heie the old dame gritted her Charles F. Fisher, of North Carolina. i teeth, and vowed she d whip some body if her I Those who wish to form such a regiment, will signify j “Chronicle" wern't forthcoming soon, i their assent by writing to me at the above poet-office, MUton Chronicle. j and when we have 500 men we will report ourselves for j duty, and go on increasing the number until it amounts Hunuintty of the Enemy.—K letter from to 1.00'(. „ 1 „ K-w the United States Rteamer Iroquois, dated Au- i ! r»t Mth, off S.v.no.h, 8ayt: -‘Th» gunbo.t i, i d.aih or mabiliiT. Mid no o'her cow absU reliua • i »t CharlestoD, repuriD^ damages to bow«prit,_ I man from his obligation. I »• private, or in j h«»d, &c.,t;au8ed by the Wabash running into her. 1 any capacity the regiment may direct. Whenournum. i 'I'he Wabash mistook her for the privateer Sum- ber reaches 600, we will rsqusst the Prtsident to ap* | intending to run her down and $tnk her, but, fortunately disooTered her mistake in time to clear her with the exception of the bow- I point a Colonel of his own selection, and muster us into ' service at Richmond. I will advertise the tim* of me«t> I ini; there »• ^ receive the names of 600 men. ' Each company will choose its own Captain and subor* ^ diu.'iie otficers. THEODORE S. GARNETT. The newspaperp in Virginia and North Carolina I will d ■iibtleso ptibM.sh the above without charge, twice I a k fiir tluei* weeks sprit, which she carried away.’ ihU Oftjce. More than one hundred thousand persons were committed to prison in England and Wales du ring the year just completed. Nearly one-third of them had been in jail before, and nearly 20 per c«Qt. bad ia j^riioa mgre tbto teo *