ttiltD. r^’Ki t. ' Imir A *hco, If”* mallett «'‘N c. a Y i*». Coal ip Rir#r, ^ I'AXD, •««t« of S^.h froB, ^ Countj « growth of cc- ri prea; Our. of nc-r.r-f^Ui for j>er^.,n^ « unriouHt,.jiy ^ or ».iar.,. 5 ,^ L M.'R\f, ''n MoRk. , a, . ^ i:'f S. deac«; •ries; OtM; n»rgr»v««'s Note*; & Wallace's Noi e?. nl riea ling; U'Dce; ■e 4 WHl’ ice’s CAQ LlW; tc. ae Cmrt -yf North Ca- ook; Cantwell's Prae- H ALE & SON? iscopic Views* I, juj*t received. HALF. « SON^ Eine lor..TIay. HALE A SuNs i»rin Book, * I HALK A S"N lE. Fix*ure“ all in gC" *- hE. This of large quan'i*** ■. il to make a Icwi* the most rciisonabit Sw:imp, about four L S. THijRNTON. ,pi 6. 18H0. le\ Homey and Counsel ter Co., Mo., will i# ill the Courts of 1>* iven to the coll^’'®” ol a lejral Biiiur*'® ;arolina, , July Term, 1^* lAB. McKae &oibert Latid .. if ihH Court, lhai ■1 John .McR^ie. >"•« 8 tlid-iefore oruert" ua le in the 8>iid M li ; to be anil " 10 ^>« “ ou fh« ihirJ >r d^niur lo ihi* P*" -o H-* to them »f our said * M-.nday of k’Eim. 0. CO. R EBU, Dept J f‘e'» ON’S jamasks, purcbaae *r« *• 8 £ 0WU8>. b, •uid .larabimy >' * i* Dlinlly noi't"*’;' . Un-.---' - •' li.- 1 Wl li 1(1 SEMI-WEEK I. Y. [\\)L. XI.] FaYETTF.VILLE. X. c.. SEPTEMBER 12. 1861. [NO. 1056.J FlUNTr.D MuNDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KUWAUD J. !IALE & SOXS. KI ITOKS AND VROPaiETvTUi=i price* '.or the Semi-Weokly Ob.skrver S3 00 if paid in , > 'iico: S ) fiO if pni 1 during the year of Bufcscrip- ■ n. or .S 1 after the >Cfir has expired. K he Wee ily On'^KRVEn 5l’ 'X> per annum, if paid in : ■ ince; SJ .it' if paid durinp the year of subscrip- : a. or S ’. Ou ufter the year has expired. 515^ ADVKKTIsKNlKN'l'.'^ inserted for >0 cents per . ,.:ive 'f 1'': liju" ’ n un- first, uml 30 cents for each - - uhlicaiioii VvHvly advertisements by .spe- ‘ I'rtct-*. it reasonable rates. Advertisers are . 'tHj 10 state the nun»>ier of insertions desired, or " he v.intinupd till forbid, and charged accord- . ; !-;:;-if'iient‘. t iii-.ert*>J «‘harged fiO per c .: rXIPH SPKt IAL NOTK'E. i \-.i i’.id dt'ter this date, uo aatne of a new subscriber „ i_ii -reii wituout pttvni tu 111 advance, nor will O'. t>M' a longer time ■ ' iesiie to take the pa- ! itify tis when making Jan’v 1, 1S>R. , '“ti! -“iioh St .1 tor ■ ;.r *.ld MubsLTiNi' > item s.. ' nh 1 III 'I V in ■ I ^ o a.l l-AGLE HOTEL, ASHLViLLJ; N. C., APnIL, 1861. V.. : r rill : mo lo cull your attention to the ^ '• I iv** 1. r»*-painted; all the rootus ' ._. I 1-etv‘l. mid tlie Hotel is in better order . . -V . ■ . r 1; .,>e in ihe mountains of North Caro- (ils . t i-tter r^upplied with good and atten- ttiar. any Hotel in this part of the State. ■ 10 the first cla?s visitors that I ao* pre- ■rtaiu 30U, iu a style superior to any house ■ Having had several yeirs experience in j -i'l , I flatter myself that 1 can make your stay ' le 1 VGLE, both pleasant and ugreeable. 1 ; .ni>o lion with ihi? large Hotel. 1 have a number ; . .V and beautiful iiK\ C.\liRl\GES, BlliGll.S, ,\M) SADDLE HUKSES, ■ r. luy gue-'ts c.»n get at a minute’s notice I will f, i • in readiness for persons that may be : r ,'us .»t'takin;.: morning or evening rides. 1 assure •- i ivelUnL: public ihut tliey will find everything they vv at tiie I. icie to make them comiortHble. iiiis H ael his siip. rior adv.intfvges over any other u^e ill Aslii’v; ' as i',.- Offio** i- kept (lere for School i^otlce. \fV SCHOOL in the DONALDSON At'ADE.MV. on ill H.WMOUNT. will be re-opened on T U E S DA V. OCTOBER 1st. 1861. Terms, per Quarter of 10 weeks: English, S7 .*>0 (’lassical. 10 00 (’ontingent. 25 JESSE 11. McLE.\N, Principal. August ly. 18C1. 49if FAYKTTKVILLE Female llisrh School. TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks, $ti0 00 Tuition iu Collegiate Classes 20 weeks, ‘20 Oo ‘ “ .Academic •* •• ■> Ifj 00 “ Primary •• •* •* 12 OO (aoidental expenses, l 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and Ancient Languages, \e. at the usual rates. B^^One-half of Bo.ard and Tuition required m ad vance: the other half at the bejjinninjr of the 2d Quarter SCHOLASTIC YEAR 1st Session —Commences l=t October Ends 17th Febniary 2d Session —Commences 18th Februarv Ends Hth July I I ll'fOP; R. Princiijal Sept. 18til. TTtf »^300 Lal»orerii IVaiilod Im mediately. c IV MXl.i i ri', I’rcs t .August 2*’.. ISfil. U . R li. t'ompuiy. liaiiroad and Post (oafh Line To Wlliiiiii^rtoii, €• LAW BOOKS. ^lAUNDERS' REPORTS: 3 •• ou Ple;idin,2 and Evidence; Pliillips on KvidMnce; Common l5onch ileports—new scries; Curti.s's (.'oninienlaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chitty on Cari ier?-; P>Hleiiian on Con;inercial Law; Tnylor's L-iw (ilos'.iiry; Williams on l.xecntors; Devereux's Kimie’s Kent; “ •• Black.stone; Coke upon Liuleton—JKntier i.'i Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Diiiuages; Story on Sale-; on Bill.s of Exchange: Equity Pleading; *' on ('onflici of Laws, on Bailments; Chitty on Plealinj, on Contracts, Bingham on Infancy; Hare on I'i^coTery, Gow on Pannersiiip- Roberts’ Princiii'.p'. f Eqi-icy. •'or and S'u b iit in;*;'" ‘ -r.' .• : ■s:’s Notes, 1. r.v \ Or-ohi S- .pi, -.: : Hiirriii ^ I « \\ iiartuii Pill i p-' A-ehb ■! 1' - 1 Tv )ii-i i.. .k. Ac N ACCOMODATION P(>.T will run in connection with the Wiluiinpion and Ruthprl'ord Rail Rea 1, to Rockingham. Richuioud co., N C. L.->iv- ing the Sand Hill Depot Tioilin^ei >. after the of tlie train from Wilmington, on I uoday>, Tliur'davs and Saturday*;, and arrive at Roi-kinirhtm to supper. Returninp will leave Rockingham ;in Monday, Wcliies- day and Friday uiornings in lime to mak"c nnection. Passengers and light freights carried with celerit3', certaintv and securitj'. D.G. .MACRAE. August 26th. 1861. f>l 3w \OTIC 1:. \S I expect to be absent frotu iiume a few months iu the WpHt, Archibald .Mol..ean is my authorized Vgent to transact my until 1 return. N. Dec’r 28. 0. JONES. R3tf Fea tH .111 li.-ri; ii Tidd - Pia.-: ■ Starkif ' i Lviil.; Hilliard ' : Smiili'"* 1. ui 1 i If 1 -Ad nils' I. i'l'.I v: Wiliiait .Mayni' oti i» tn.i Arcl.fti.l i s Pr icti 'e and Pleading, L’lbe's K.iiiii v I’l- 'M \\\Mid.'!l'. iua' k-t Chitly’s Maitliew.' Oil Pre- Smith'' M i'ior ^ Powell on M u' Clii'fy's ( Law: W iiiiariis .iii llt al l’,M-.y; Smith ' i'li iiiL-i : V I’r ic’.ice; 1 pDjiiTty; I ive Evidence; .''i "vant; I W iuid t lii-^ a' ai\ t d> irt fr'irii this place, aii.iiies liril '. ;nl inz nr beau- t 1-1 • ‘ A :i. Mil ■ . Kpect to remani several wetks, it will . .. : .r '.. ;a to write ai.i CTij:.;;e ri. ):ii«. as I’le K •• i .y iirelty nruch urowded by tlie middii li j . r.-g irds cliarces, 1 will m ike them sutfi- iciiilv moderate to suit the prt-'-ont limes. Hopiiii» to have :!if ple.i-'n-_ of' seeing you at tin L igle, 1 n:ii y.iui s rt-sp. ctt.i: y, J. 1 Bl.VIR. Pi'i.pri.'tor. Mav ! I.-f'.t IC' if A Fayetteville, .liiu. t.j, 18G1. Head-Quartkr5. Tamp McU.vf,. ) M.\.N’fTE-TFR (Jt.'ARD.S. | Sng‘i.-ll D.iit If. t'r.i^'i . S.:i li-a on W ^ f'li P: ' ; i I V .1 :i. 1! IV . 1-, w. ! LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Ciimden and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde (iiiii 'i'yrrell...Jones Sjiencer. j Nofthaiiipton..../ .M S Kogcrg. IIertfor l...J B Sluughter. Bertie...!)avid Outlaw. Marlin .-ind Washington...J R Stubbs. I Halifax...M (j Whitaker. ! EdgeeomV'e and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt...E.) Blount. Beaufort... Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones... Dr .M F Arendell Greene and Lenoir..,J P .Speight, Mew Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin,..Dr James Dickson Onslow,., L W' Humplirey Bladen. Brunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnett,..Duncan Shaw Sampson...Thomas I Faison Wayne.,. W K Lane Johnston...J W B Watson Wake...M .A Bledsoe. Nacli... .A J Taylor. Fr.inklin W II irris SV iiTon T : P ’ hfor'l. Gi'invillt- II K T.avlor Ptr^-ou,..'. L Wi'-.-fead. Oi'.‘?:C' ,Jo>' ih T.ur-T, Jr A'. iiii ;!. .■ :iii I i: : ' I; h., J (H ithari Worth ; ("i, ;i I, . u- — W ii.n ! i I M ii'f 'in l Mi>ti'r"!iiiTy,..W D I'owd. 1; ii-!iiiiond ;itid i^oli‘.^ iii.., ,Alfred Dockery. .An'oii .iiid I iiiori...,S I! Waliiup. («uilf'irii...Pi.':i-i I.inis (■•I'Wi'li... Bedf Td Brown. Riiokingii:.,"... r L Siiiif joii. Mt-ckienfn.rg W.iH.iT Cabirriis and .''!an:y...V (’ P.arringer. Rovv in and Da> ie...l,'r J G R.imsey D ivids iii Jno W 'l iiomaJ. I Siokt*.- Hill F'>i'ytn...Je^se .A Waugh. \slie. Sii'-ry .Vc....To« Dobson, Iredell, W-.ikt'-! .V0...L Q Sliarpe Bui'ice. McDowi'll -Vc.-.B S Giither. Lincoln. Ga^toi) ,S:e....J isfipr Siowe. Uiiiiiertoi 1. P lI; i.V';...A V> Barton. Buni’ indie. ll* iid'Toii \c...Geo W Candler. Ilaywo 1, .M.acon i:c...W H Thomas. H(»U.E OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles M- hine. Alex 'i.d-r...Di'J M ('irson. .Ansoi)...L 1. Polk, E R Liles .A'-lie....* M G T:'ry. liiirkV... I II I'c I ' ll), Bun.' ni'ie V .- Ni 'I'iTiO’.. Bli 1 n... T UiVM i'..-' I iii-iir. ;;il Fcrgu«on. i- |> - D ' w r ^l ir-h. FEW’ m.T'^e Men wmtcd tf' ri 1 up Those '.’e-'iviTij r - vi r c -.ii iav to do so, by caMing 'in t ■> iti t • '^n 1 ''tarr X Will'am^, ■ ;'t * ■!.- pany. W1I_. Auir this .A\;? ap- n\ ' . iiii’ t . It SHEM'iVELL HOUSE, I FKW UOORS NORTH OF THE MARKET UOISE. Lhe addition of a num- ;;i', with other import- will add materially to the of those favoring me with , 1 \WING to the extensive increase of patronage T this HoU'e, during the year. I have ex- * i teuiif'.t my t tci’;!'ies by . ; omfortable sleeping r* .. rovemenis, wt.i.ii -K ; and :;oiiVt?nieUi?e •. .r p.i'.ronage I !}iO->e who have been lay kind Iriends and cus- . ri '■■i the si* years, 1 :ender my m^st sincere at the sanie time respedtuliy soliciting a eon- . . . ‘.nee of their patronage, .nd also the patronage of a .%rge number of new patrons I have good Stables and a N 1 Ostler. R J an y lo, 1 ^60 P. SHE.MWELL. 84- A ^imokiiij? iliimiiey. VNV person having a smoking fire-place can have it remedied by aidrt-'ing me at tae F.iyeiteville Post hce. White Washiug. Brick Work and Plastering ne in best manner. All my work warranted to be ■ n - 11 ir no pay .And if my chimneys heretofore . - by me .-.iiouid xiuuke. th- v will be altered without ^-e. ■ L>AVID McDUFFIE. F I, etieville, N. C.. .March 'J'.*. y-lypd S25 REWARD. .N.\W.VV iroiu the frub--cTih ;l :i in^t.. tny boy VlK(jlL w ou Fn 'ay last the ; He is probably lurk- 1 he plantation of Mr- Louisa Hargrove, on ! ■ cr s Crenk, wuere r.e has a wife. 1 will pay the | i r wlor his delivery iu jail. G. D. BAKER. . I 'lerland county, July 16. 40-tl ILAUK & TlRLLNGTONr ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W IL.M1N(JT0\, N (’. iI,L i-- *- special attensioii to the sale or shipment ol ail Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and' ■r proil'K’f D-. Hit-is la LiUip. Plaster, i'e- ^ .. .. f! -.;r, \c ■ -Hid lith.SjN FUii .STEA^IEK.'' KiiL 'IfLilKl' A.\D Sl.\. Ki 'er H P.. .S.iv.ige, i.'arhi*;.- B ink ot Cape Fear, Pres t Wiimington branch H i ..r-I. t a-hier Raleigh Ty-ii iii^iAVi i-i -i. Kdi'KPl'H NUNCh.Vl I'LUl.NG CO.MPANV. ■ : i :i. cttf ville. .N solicit orders for .Sheelings ii. wi I,-. :J yard-) to tlie pooud. The Goolscom- • i V .ral'ly wiiii tlie same styles maniificiur*-d in ■ ■clui'-;;«i. an I have for many years been sold in Vork .iiid I'ml.idelpiii I .'larkets (' T. II.UGH. Pres t Rockfish Co. -%i !e. June 1. l>*'d. liAW i\>TIC'K. 1, ■>.-m ; ,4-r ii.iving removed from Summerville to will !i tend Ihe County and Superior .*Tl:ind, H;i.riiett and Moore. His otfice '••'idt-nce. ou Green Street, opposite the Foi* Rt'iit. '^pHE Store on Hay .■'lr»n-t. b ■iw.'e:! th>* :'r icker>' Store i and D .*t W, .\lcLaurin'' Sior»*. iuid i' ini-'t-nt or- ' cupied b\‘ them. Povps,ion piveii I'l .'^fpteoihfr. For terms, apply to D. \ W. McLaunn, 01 S T Hawley \ Son. •Au^rust ].), IStil 48 tf $*10 UKU^i RO. .\N.\,W’AY. a fe^ dnys ago, frotn ilie «ubscriher>i, our Boy HENRi'. a daiK muutto, JS years of age, weighing about 145 lbs. We b. ujiii said roy of George Holmes, near Fnyetteville. Tht: .»bove reward wiil bo paid for his connueoieut or delivei v 10 us in Fayetteville J .V N A CAMERON .Au^ 14 48-iif Timber Il'Viiiff*/#. rj.vRTIES having seasoned WHlTt 0.\K TIMBER 1. from one and a half to six .rcties in thicknes-. and ^ from six to twenty inches in width, and wishinjt to dis- • pose of the same, can find a purciiaser by applying in person or by letter to the undersigned at tiie Arsenal JOHN C. BOOTH, Capt. Art’y Comi'g Arsenal. Fayetteville. .Aug. 21. 1'5'il •^>0 ;f A. 31. €A1II»BKLI., Auftioiieer and Comniissioii ^lerchant, —will attend to the sale of— imoodSj IWtres aitti •flfrclmtidtHe, Real instate, mWf^roes, Xr. June 24. 1861. 31-»;m ' FISH FOI! SALK. Mullets, .mackehel, and herhing. J. W'. POWERS. ! May 12. 24 A A . C- V . M. ’ R .ck' S uai' l;o'i i;.l« I Eqo.^ P..w,_ll .n O’.iv lU Brr.-imt ' ■ Ci'livcr n Staffs i 1’ roHna; Cantw=- tioe, sc -’s N‘.«5; t'- ! V - on 11 1.line Ur ,f >iiian; .n Ev 1 ■e; M .. ,vc . VC N all 1 - Small :• upp Mav 11. W h- Ix d' t\-. 1; i II'* :'ourt of .Sorth Ca- !’■ 'u; t in;weU'-« Prac- .) ll\LE.VSONS i)I nT, i! •citnc'-* and desjiatch e paid tici'ore delivered H rioLlNGH\ST .'u .School, IItv Street 14 H \Vlimit) u; ..n.. Diw-^on, • 111': o; M>nh t tr.iUr.a-, W Branch l.nuk ot v ape hen f-c i4, l"'.U. 1 1 , . I .JUI’I- 1 Wlil );e :i Episcopal His corre-poudents will please address him hereafter it t ayetteviile, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. .(an'y 21, 18i;ti 86-tf .IAS. C. McItAE, •Mttorneff at Mjaw^ OHice West end of the In-iiraiice Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. ■i ''h 2 1, I860. 3tf MAKEFE.\CE & M' ll.AE. .AYE on hand and expect to keep for sale, of their own manufacture, a supply of Brass, Galvanized and common Hooped JLAIPEIR IIIXKK1>*; Freuch, High Post, Cottage and (oiuraon s spring Mattresses, of new and improved Sp. iujf, i^n hand or made to order of any ^ize; L(.*i VGE.-^; Spring, Cane, and Wood Seat t HAlR.S, ot ilitterent kinds and patterns; i^pring Sofi^. Louiiirei and Chair.s, repaired, and covered wii ii Hair t 'luth or otoer- wise- Hoe handle®, B'ln^® for b'ols. X (Ti) Is., Sole, H irne -ard 1 r'! '’’’ * -h'r, and Piasier'.nv 11 'ir. As we have good Muchin.iry ff»r .S;iwin'?, Pl.anei!ig, Turning, .Morticing and llou inr. we cin do work wiih despatch and on ati-fic(;:;y : ‘ni .. Persons !i ivtng work or repairing to do will >1 1 well to give u-i a c.ill. We warrant O'lr work; if it fail~, you know where to I find us. I Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie 1 scope, \c.. Vt- I Street, a few doors South of .\. W. Steel, E-’q . and ! Oct. IM I having some sp.are room, we wouM attend to the storage : atid sale of any thinjr that may be consiijrned to us; and will give special atien'ion to products of this Slate, i Fayetleville. .\pril 1, 18til. I'tt JOIIA' P. FI l.f.KIt, Attorney and Coiinstllor at Law, Wlt-L PRACTICE IS Tlli, COURTS OF j Kobcson, Cumberland, Columbus and Hladon. Office at LumbertoB, Robeson Co., N. C. I July 5^859 ■ II\Tf. 1% ^ Attorney at Law, Fayktteville, N. C. F. PEARCE, WliH A. A l.n, CommlKslun .^icrihatH and Produce Dealer, A.M) DKAI.KK I.V Gro'-orie-., Provi'^ioiis, llardw.ire. s'utlery. Boots. Sji. 4 ~ :iu 1 Leather. 'BaggintT. Roj.-. .*^,1 Id’i-ry, \’c., F irei-u aii l ’ •mne'tie Liquor.-., Sheeting- -.nd \ .inis a; M:iiuitiicturi-r«‘ ]irices. .'^Irivt attention paid to ord.-rs. StjL'l'H SIDE 11 street, | FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. j Sept. 21. i8';0. •i.)tf I irroceriesi iwroceries : I VL,\KGE and well selected S'Oi‘i uf F.AMIL^ G KO(’l^ KI K.'> always fin li'iiid. Coii.'isting of Bacon-Si lc^. .'less Pork, Afullofs, .Mackerel, No«. 1 and '1, Mo!as*r.s, Sugars of all "ratios, 'I’l'bacco, ( ii^ars, .\nd all other articles u^u.illy kepi in a Wiioles.nle Gro cery Establishnieni, t'»X, KENDALL x CO Wilmington, .Vpj»i -. lB-1. lO tf ” Gi:U. U. WILLIAMS ^ CO., Wholesale l>paloi!^ in ANI? IMi .iRTKflS AND In'AI.KK.S IN llardw lie isM.i tiii'fry* ‘ ilci, HVl STKEEl. » A\LriEVl!.LL, .V. C. .Iuly2. 1 i. Ttie ^111111% l>y M*rOi. In graham: ly !iTi I S'N!', b\ tlie ' ".ihoi-oi -Wide U id World, ’ ^■c.: T!ic lioii--i.o.d «>: i>i«»VL-:ie. or the Eli.iiir of Gold, by iSo MinMii La iv; l.vf:iio^s at toe .^licro- B, .). ll.XLK SUNS. ( a! W’ 1 N Groen, Turner Bynum. r K .rifred iUvtt...C G Wright, J S Harring- lall. Ciiai oiiii.., Clii'i' I ’r iven ...i' C ’I irk Cuint.,-rl u.d ani II ton. .1 (' t liowun... S' t.'o u(nljus...N L Williimson. Cam leii... 1» It r'erebee. Carierct...I> W W tiiteliiirst. Ca«wol!... W’irliors, ,S P Hill. Curriiu'-k .15 M B xter t.;ieaveland...-A G Waters, .1 R Logan. Davi>lsi)ii...Li Wis Haynes, E B (dark. L)a\i>.., — Ilow-.rd I»uplin...,l l> ''‘anf iri. J G Branch E Ip'eeombi- R II Bri lger'. J Woodard, rnr-iyih....! F Poindexter, Piiilip B.irrow Fraiitvhu U F Greeti G.a.'itoti .i ii Wiii;e Graavuic. J .M I>uilo. k. W [1 Jenkins, S FI Cannaday. G iiifoi d ; P Men ien'iall. C E .Shober, J L Gorre’l. Greene A 1) Speight Gates...John liooihe. Hay vv ood...S L Love Haiil.ix... .A fi W B Pope Hertford I J Veates Heuderstin....los P Jorian Hyilo ..'filinan Farrow Irudi'ii....\ K Simr.tit.iu, .\ B f Gaither .laek^oii \ Fi'her,...W P W .rd. Johnston—W H Uu? in, Ja-^ Mitchener. Lenoir....) ' Wooi,.u. Liui'olii.,. V ,\ McBcpp. .\ladi>oii....loli'i .\ Fagg. .Martin... Ewell. .McD.iwe:l...C 11 Burijin. .M o o r.e V • e . a n d e r K e! i y. .Moni goiiii-ry... E G I. B irringer. Mac 11...11 G 'V -o.lfi') Meckli-iibur;.'...S W li.ivi-i, J M Potts. Nasli...H G William-^ New lt,aoover...S .) Prrson, Daniel Sliaw. .Northampinn... M W Ramsoiu. W W Peebles. Onflow....I H Fi>y. Orangt’...H B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pa>quoiank....J T Williams. Perquimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G AUiriii .11. ('hurchill Perkins, Per-ioti..,-^ Wilkinson. Robes,.n—.\le.t McMillan, E'i Wi«hnrt. R >('kinghain...Rawley (.t^.llotvay and Thos Slade Rowan...N N Kieming. N F H iH. llii'bert.iri, ,C T N I.mvis, i’ H Padgett. P.andoljdi... 1 IT Fonst, Thos S W’insiow. Hichtn iitd..,J G Bhie. Sainp'Oti.,. S c Faison, Geo W’ Aiitrey Su'-rv ,W A ingh St i; s — II ■.!■. Iv'limn. St' niy - La . !- ; oentf T> r; ' d' i'o--' >• ru^)ii...r ,,• Li'iniiiou >=. Wake,...'' Il iioifoi .] W Rii-io \'i .a ■ i i'o ,1 B li ;; ;-lie!or. W H Vi .1 ii.iiiri Liihani. Wataiiira ... I’liom IS F irthing. W'livm-... U 'f Uiirtf'ti, .M K Crawford. Wilkes... \ W Martin, Horton. \ adk:n...A C (’owlps. Vaiicv... Bowman. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. ' Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wihon, R. L. Pattorson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—J. Walton. Granvillo—A. W. V’enable, T. L. Hargrove, ! S. S. Hoyster. Greene—W. A. Parden. (Julltbrd—Jno. A. Glhuer, Ralph Gorrell, R i*. Dick. [lalifax—11. II. Smith, L W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks, Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A, Allison Jackson—W. H. Thomas Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W- A. Smith Jones—Wni. Foy. Lenoir—John C. WashingtoD Lincoln—Wm. Lander Macon—C. D. Smith ^ladison—J A McDowell Martin—Asa Biirirs. McDowell—J H. Greenlee Mecklcnburt^—J \V Osborne, Wm. Johnston Montgomery—S. H Christian Moore—H Turner Nash—A, H Arrington. New Hanover—11. II. Cowan, Robert Strange. ! Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. , Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham, i Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W . J. Long, A. G. Fo.ster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinoh tin—1). S. Reid, H T. Brotlnax. I Rowai. -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Ruthen, ’d and Pulk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. , StJinly—E. Hearne. I Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hanilin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. riii'iM—II. .^I. Ilimsion. Wake-G !•:. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. : II k:.. W .rr.-i'—'«V N. EiwurJ's. pr.'ink Thornton. W;;'hiDut -n — W ,S. Pettigrew. WatauLia—J. W. Counsel. Waym--—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—.Jus Calloway, Peter Eiler. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Yancc-v—M. P. Penland. Wanted to piircha^e, 1 /WiA COPPER. iUuU T. s. LUTTERLOH. Sep . 9, I8jl. 55 3w \i:w GOODS. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting ot GROCERIES. HARDWARE AND CUTLE RY, BAGGING AND ROPE, SAD DLERY, etc., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, aad many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on SHORT to prompt paying customers All kinds of Country Proauce taken in exchange for Goods Sheetings acd Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Mariyfacturer(5 prices. All persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. \. T. Waddill. South side Hay st. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C.. Sept. 24. IStlO. 5.5tf H .Mordecai. 'hfpk. FOR THE OBSERVER. i encouraging FACTS. : Since June 1st, under the approval of all the pastors of this City, we have reprinted especially for the soldiers, over 81,000 pages of each of the following appropriate tracts: “A Voice from Hea- j ven,” “Don’t put it off,” “All-sufficiency of Christ,” “Self-dedication to God,” “Private De votion,” “The Act of Faith,” “The Sentinel,” and , “Motives to Early Prety”—in all of these over j 618,000 pages; and of the excellent tract “Come to Jesus,” 17,280 copies, or 545,280 pages—ma king in all reprinted, 1,163,520 pages; in value 8930 56. These we have got out at the prices j heretofore paid to the American Tract Society, N. Y.—1,500 pages for one dollar, and “Come to ' Jesus” for three cents a copy. Nearly all of j these have been sent to the soldiers, more or less, I of all the Confederate States, most of whom re ceive them gladly, saying, “This is the kind of ; reading we want, to help us fulfil the j we made to our wives, parents, sisters, ministers j and loved ones on leaving home, that we would , seek God to be our guide atid refuge.” Such ex- ’ pressions I have frequently heard from a great : many of the more than 7,000 soldiers with whom , I have talked on personal relijxion. t Recently a soldier of intelligence came to me in Richmond, Va., to express his thanks fjr the sjiving influence of the Tracts he had received since being in camp. He believes they were sent '■ to him in answer to a pious mother’s prayers. I He stated that before leaving home he felt but j little interest in religion, but now it is his delight and comfoit. j Another soldier in a Mississippi regiment writes I that the tract “Come to Jesus” has been the means of leading him to Christ since being in : Virginia. ; By special donations, I have supplied S210 25 I worth of Bibles and Testaments to destitute sol- I diers. I The demand for grants of Tracts to the sol- j diers is far beyond the means in hand to supply, j While in Virginia recently, I had calls for 3U0,- j uOO pages ol grants, most of which I have been j able to supply by the noble eff orts ot a few min- j isters, ladies and friends. And I feel it only ne cessary to that each mini.ster bring this sub- I ject before his congregation, to secure aid imme- .1 lately by public collections, or by friends mak ing private application. As I have to give my whole time labor to getting out the Tracts and sending them off, and in being among the soldier.-;, I cannot go out collecting ."is in former year.« I du hope none will wait for me to call on them in person. During this week 1 have been written to for over 200,000 pages, which we can and will supply, if we have the means furn ished us. Some of these applications are from Regiments that have no Chaplains, and their wants tor the gospel are of a most urgent charac ter. What amount shall we give them? Read er, you can perhaps help us respond liberally, and, under God, savingly, by your donation aud pray ers. By the great kindness of the Express Com pany, we can send religious reading to your hus band, sou, brother, neighbor and friend, without freigiit charges. Surely God’s people and patriots will at once aid in the duty and privilege ot send ing the Bread of Life to our hungering soldiers while on the field of exposure and death tor our protection. I do hope that many will follow the example of Messrs. Elam, Sharpe & Co., of the Southern Presbyterian, Columbia, S. C., who re cently sent me an order to supply 10 S. C. Regi ments each with $10 worth, or 15,000 pages— in all 150,000 pages, which has been done. Let each one do what he and she can in this work of faith and love. \ours truly, W. J. W. CROWDER, Tract Agent. Raleigh, N. C., Sept., 1861. //oir IS the Sfafe to he Sustained?—In view of the passage of a stay law by the Legislature, the above question is a pertinent one. How is the State to get money to carry on the Government? We know that the Banks have loaned the State liberally heretofore, but the stay law will materi ally cramp the Banks and put it out of their pow er to aid the State much further. The Banks have loaned much of their capital to -individuals, and it is not probable that those individuals are going to trouble themselves to pay back while the stay iaw is in force. If the Legis lature chooses to pa.«s a law which effectually puts a dead lock on business and the circulation of money, how and where can the State expect to raise the funds to defray public'? W« are not ot*e of those who entertain a very high opinion of the HhfUiility ot Banks—like c»rpora- tio;i? fiOucT.illy, they have hut little if any soul — but Wo must say that the iianks uf North Caro- I lina have becti quite libtial to the Slate, always i loaning wliatevt.r amount asked for; but how can the Slate rerison;ibly e.xpect these institutions to ! continue thi.' a.ssistance when the Legi.slatiire a law, the effect of which is to protect peo- ]de in hoarding up capital instead of paying their debts with it? W Or. TBIfr^O. TIAltTlAi:, I!AV .SfRKET. .pp.).,:ie tiic Post Otfice. ’ • d Kl(' iru;ity iip[)'ii' I ■ »iji. 17. 1 iriEL attend the County .and Superior Courts of r'liraberljm'l, Harnefl. Moore aii'I lloheson Conn- tics. Prompt attention given to the collection ot all claims entrustel to his hau is. Oct. 17. 18.59. 8itf iT‘ iti ble T. €. K. U OR Til, . Comiaission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C.'y 28. IHC,] ■U>RVTlicI% Al It, and Counsellor nl Mjatr, LUMBERTON, N. C. WII..L attend and practice in the C’ounty an 1 Supcr.or Courts of Robeson. Richmond .and Cumberl.and. tnd Cash advances maue on Produce to be snippet. | All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at- it;; r ports or sold iu this market. i tention and coll«ctio*»8 punctually remitted. Feb’y 12. 18(31. 9&tf Got. 6, 1869. Vol. l8;iii roirs rniled ^lale**. ,1uly III > I ' , V THE WITS .VNL) rd-;\L\ t>F Stn lElA’; One ot Them, by Louie s Last Term at .St. M.iry’s; England’s 't'eoman: Tpiiiiyson's Pnpn*s; .American .Almanac, !80); Tiie Lady's Book of Fiowers; Language of Flower.': Poeti-y ot Lady'f Guide to Pcrf ct Gt-ii. Hi'y; “ and G.■n:l(on'n’s Mi"!‘or ol' I’orttine; Peter Pirifv'^ !'> loon i • Bo March ) ft II a rper's M art'll 21 i;\ ; J I .\dveiiilire; kc. H \ ,.E .V SONS tar i, ,1.; CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. .Mamanco—(Jiles Mobaiie. Thos. Rufhn. AU'xanJer—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Atison—A. .^Iyers. .1. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, Janies Bond. Beaufbr*.—W, ,J. Ellison, F]. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Bniti^wick —T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. W oodSn. Burke—J. C .^lcDowcll, Caliirrus—C Phifer. (,'akhvell—E ^V Jono.=. CamdtMi—D. D. Fercbee. (,’arteri t—C. ll.^Tlinnuis. (^i.-, Tcli —]>!' Hbril Hi ' RiCii.HO.VU TVPi' FOL’NDRY. THE O N L V M A N U F A ' T O R V OF TYPE OA THERA ^OIL, SOITH OF B.iLTI-^IORK. The Pr,iprietor,'« of ilie .abuve Foundry have also united with their Found'y a Complete V R I N 'r E R S ’ FI RAINIllAlii WAREDOr^E. Having on irvnd. or furnishing to order, every article requisi.e for a Printing Office. FROTtt A BODKIN —TO A — Th.UVLIADEil PRI'ISS. We can and wdl manoficture in Richmond, as good an article, nnd at ihe sam? specimen prices, as aiiy ; Foundry ' orili. We respectfully =ohcit the patronage I of the Scutti MENr.y L FELOUZE & ^0 We rpf'T y.)ii to everv Prioter in tiiis ci'y We also d?=ire evo,y .N w-, .pe." m 'i.c .■’■jo u !0 copy ibis ai ' v ii,-k';ii. n' ' 0..I ■ h, -.'n ling os o>ie c.ipy of tii. ir i paper an i rocc vioj^ tii>-ir pxy lor such a 1 ertisemeni ! upoii piirciiasing five times i!ie amount ot their bill * froio U;». , H. L. P 'V CO. July .•. i'APT. WIIiKE^ REPORT I ll\ Tin: DCKP RIVI:R Kl'liillX. 1,1 • 1 •• I rnnE undersigned have caused to be published from , Jiesules all thi.s, such laws seriously injure the j J the Con?ressioral plates, an edition of the Report . agricultural portion of the country. How? U hy, 1 of Capt. Willces, U. S. Navy, and his .Associates on the j it causes merchants to suspend, and the • Board appointt*d by the Secretary of the N’lvy to ex- I number of merchants there are in a towu, the j amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina This number of bidders for country pro luce and il- the most important and scientific statement of the ; . . , Ureat wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the les.s competition. Ihe merchant can t col- ' the i>.iv)st perfect anl v.ihiable. of any yet published. '■ Icct from his debtors and the Banks can’t collect ! The Maps are worth tiie price of the work, wiiich is .W : from the merchnnt. So it ia evident that ail laws j cents, neatly boundin cloth. Copies sent by mail, free ! interfere with and cramp fair business ^ of postage, on the receipt of ')U cents. liberal dis- ' ; couni to wholesale buyers, (.(rders soliciteii, I .Jau'y 2b. E. J H,\LE SONS 52 k), *)2tf . .. lii.n.s.soM. cyaL.-! . V.\N A.MIUNGE. R. Kf^0.§^011 & CO., oiiiiiii««^ioii Mcrchanti^9 .V. Prompt jnfi -.iiial attention given to all Consign- itK .tl. 'iii: ,1, 1 'vill ho fijivcn to •. ibor, riinb'.T, 6ft tf Ci, w. f ::miUissi Wii.Ml'''- i I)RO.MPT and PLiJSw >.V . the sale of N.ival Si i v--. and all other country pro in. It KFKR 0. G. P.\R.sLF.Y, Pres t Com. John O.^wson. •* N Messrs. H. « E. J. Lir.i.v. \ F..,y«ttevide. Mesrsrs. Pkmbeuton .v ^lo\n, j A. Paukek, Esq., H.iruett Couuiy, N. C. May 7, I860. (• • - . .:. r.^r C -OK ■- Chowun— ’Ievf;i:' nd - Coluuilms- ■- H- II. lit iklf. (ine vacancy.) .fohn Manning Jr., Mcliool Book»i. \TATURAL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot’s Popular i/i Physics by Wm. G Peck, M. Sanders’ New Speller an I Definnr Analy.-er; Hullious’ nn i Smith’s Grammars: Monteith's, Smith's and »litcheH's Geogra- piiies, Goodrich’s and .Andrews’ Latin anil Greek Les sons, «:c. E. J. HALE & SUNS. -Vug .“11. A CARO- WOtlD 1J OLD ' transactions, are prolific of a great deal of harm to all classes without corresponding benefit to any one. If there was no stay law, we do not believe that debtors would be oppressed if they showed a dispo.sition to act honestly and secure their crcditor.s We are opposed to a staw law because I we feel certain that it will do more harm than ; rood, and that the working and business portion j of the people do not want one — hnr. Dcm. j S/iop —.NIarianna, Fla., August 23.— Ciin the pdit'jr of the (%>nrier intorni me where fi lirratc . II. Diliurl. -U'. J. T. .Miller, J. W. Tracy. •Ilich.;rd Wfoten. rr,riosrn.7w*;as^ " wt.i'i:: 1 havi* b:er. autending to i Shoe Peg^ arc manufactured in the f. .irr: i LJuTiiiiu;^ bu-:iu" i .; y.- i:-?:—t am still williufr tg States? 'I'flOS N. G.\I, Tll>.i. s trve Y.iU .v . u !.u- jM'-ripines^ iliat I have aiw lys [A citizen of North C:tr >lin i, wu- i,;N ly i ;in’K at Wilmington. C.. at do. 15tf Craven—(joo. (Jlrcon, Jiio. D. Whitford. Cumberlatid an i Haniett—Warren Winslow. David McNeill, A. S. ^IcNeill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—|-Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodes. done; and to oiiiP''.t 'i. n may w ii;t discounts, Pension i ported, has conimcnctd the mar.ufacture ot Shoe busiue... .:.c , tV.-., I -Hci nay services with » promise p _^et him, and all others prepared to sup- of strict aiieuii 'n. . ; ply anything nccdcd, “put his light in a candle • one ^ stick” by advertisincr.— I'hax. Courier. bKiI)LK\S IMMK NOVKLS, Nos. 10,11,12, IS de U, ^ Jan. Uouks and Melodist. Half Dime, and Five Cent Novels. E. J. HALE & SONS .30. 22 Blanks for sale at this Otlice. “I’ll give that fellow a piece of my mind!” ».x- claimed a certain young lady in New York a while a.tro. “I wouldn’t,” replied her uncle, “you’ve none to spare.” Vclki