TUILILIE (DIB [Vv)L. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 16, 186L [.NO. iOj? ] or c » ci.>er ' Wot'cly Us ance: i- il 1' n l» MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. > LUWAUU'J. HALE & S(^S. ”1 ir A\u Puwr::ii:r.;;i3 .S' OusEiiVEn §3 00 if paid in • ^ ' ’■ * :f p 1 diiriug (iio y>‘«r of s«ib33iip- e v?ar has cxi'ire‘1. r.v L:; ' per annum, if paid in pjiiJ do iiiff he year of gubscrip- or after the yoar expired v“ W VERTlSt-MENTS inserted foi 60 cents per . : 01 1 lines :or tn«.- fir*t. And 30 cents for each ' ur.: rublicatioii. Yearly advertisements by spe- ; . r.i'ts, -It reasonable rate^ Advertisers are .. -:cJ 'o «tate the number of insertions desired, or .c ,i. ->e continued till forbid, and charged accord- -enients to oe insev'ed irtsidf, charged 60 per ;ri SI’i:. lvL NuTli E. . i:i i ;if; :t thi> d.ite, no name of a new subscriber 1 whhoiu p.iyn!Pni in ndvanoe, nor will •1-. i • nt i >uch ■?ui>'icvib«“rs for a longer tiiue i r - id v'jb^.Tibors a* de^iie to take the pa- . , . sy 'CUi will |ik‘Hso uotity us wiien making .l;>n'y 1, 18'j8. I'AGLE HOTEL, ASHLVILLS, N. C., APRIL, 1861. l’=niiit uio to call yuur attention to the I, > 't . I nave it rc-painted; nil tite rot>nn - j T 4, :ind tin- Hotel is in better order , . m r House in the raountaius of North Taro- .1 ;i s;i better i-upplied with (food and atien- ■ 1 - n- . :iny H.>tcl in tlus pan of the State, i i'> till- St^ visitors that I aa» pre- ciitertain you, in a style -uporior to any iiouse il.'iving liad »ev;'i-al yeirs experience in , ■, 1 tlutter myself li;it 1 '^tn niaiie your stay ■ i- both pie.iMt'i and-nrree ible. . ■ .1 witii ii; I : '*;, i. I li.ivc a number 1 = al a -, t t lU GCS, BlGj. \NJ SADDLl- lI’iliSES, ^ K >1' a inui t' .-I'M iCe T Will : . 0 in ~iM'i:riess for piMMT.s iliat may be ^ iKifi” ni'Mniiig *r evening rides. 1 assure li.g pui lii ii will tin^ everything they lie t.igie to make liietn comiortabie. : 11 ltd lias supeiior adv.intages over any other I ill AsiievKle, 115 the Stage Office i.s kepi here for : Uf 6tiiges» arrive ai an i depart from this place. L " tuld :• ly to laitiilies tiial intend visiting onr teau- lul tow:i, -..iJ expect to reuiaiu several weeks, il will e Wvll tor thi’iii to write and engage rooms, as itie ij;ie IS gotu'i illy pretty mucli crowded by the middle ■ July. As reg ird- ctiiH-ge-, I will make them sutii- •: .y modiTute to suit the preseni times. 1 I'iiiir t‘ - ive ilie pleasure of seeing you at the „ 1 :im youf- re-pecifiil!y, J. .\I. BL.AIR, Proprietor. •I '■ 1, , ''’j 19-t f School Notice. My school in the DON.ALUSON Ai'ADFMY. on! H VVMdUNT. will be r« opened on T U ES D A Y, ; OCTOBER 1st. 1861. i T*rms, per Quarter of 10 \cetks: j 50 j Clas-ical, 10 00 i Contingent. 25 .irSSE R. McLE.\N, Principal. I August li', 18G1. 49tf j 1 AVK’l iKViLLE ' Female ili;sii School. THKMS. i Board per Session of 20 weeks. JGO 00 Tuition in ('oiiegiaie Ci.tsses 20 weeks, 20 00 | ‘ “ .\cadcmic “ “ “ 16 00 “ “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 ! Incidental expenses, 1 00 j Tuition in .Music, P.-iiniing. Drawing, Modern and j Ancient Lftngiin(;e5>. iS:c. a* the it'ual rates. i ft^*‘One-half of IJoard and Tuition required in ad- I vance: the other half at the beginning of the 2d Quarter. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. ' 1st Session —Commf>nces 1st October \ Ends 17th February. 2d Session.—Commences 18th February. Ends t)th .Inly. T. C. HOOPER. Principal.- Sept. 18f',l. 77tf ‘ Si^StOO l.:iboi*erM Im mediately. C H. M.VLI.ETr, Piest August 2t'>, 1861. W. R R. (^umpany. Ilaiiroad and Post (oach Line To \« €• VN AC('OMOD.\T1()N PO?T CO.VCH will run in connection with the NVilmington and Rutherford Rail Read, to Rockingham. Richmond Co.. X C. Leav ing the Sand Hill D»-po» i Troilinger’s! after the arrival of the train from Wihniiigton. on Tuesday-. Thursdays . and Saturdays, and arrive at RoL’kiiiiiham to supper, lleturning will leave Kockingham on Mund iy. WVdiies- , day and Friday uiorning« in lime to make c'iinection. Piis«cngers ami light freights carried with celerity, j certainly and security. i D.G. MACRAE. ! August 26th. 1"61. ')1 3w \OTIt E. Vs 1 expect in he ah'-etit fi • runc a few montli.a in ■ the Arcliib i'.d M-, L? u: is niy auihoriied Agent to trnns'ict mv b'ls ne?: 'tiitii 1 re"itn , N. G. JONES. Dec’r 2S. >:^tf Fayetfevilli', Aii^. 15, 1861. Head Quautf.ks. C.\.mp McRae. ) ■ Ma.nciiesteu Gu.ards ) I Mi‘n w i'ii, .| lo li'l up this Conipnny. .'hose l(''ii iirj I V'lluriti-fr c m h iv.* :in oppormtiity j lo do so. bv f'.t lini o'l iii*- iin liT-iined it the S.ore of 1 .''tnrr & \Vi!lfllI)^, n” -is i:n> • ii.-.iniiiin>-ni of the ('om- j pany. .1. M. WILLIAMS. Capt. Aug. 1-5 48-tf A Tl SHE.UWELL HOUSE, t\S JOlliib VOKTll Ur THE MiKKET UOISE. O’VING ‘0 fhccxtensive increase oi patronage ■ tlr- II. use, during the year, I have ex- - my l.icilitics by rlie aaditii n of a num- • iii'irialjle bleeping rooms, with othe’’ import- • veiutULs, wliicn will idi m.iteriaily to the , ! convenience of those favoring me with J. • I ■■li:lu. ■ wii- i.'.ir.;- bu-en my kind friends and cus- ) ti.e past --ix year>, 1 tender my most sincere , ■.= time re'pec:;uiiv soliciting a con- patronage, .nd u;?o the patronage of ler ot new patron, i _ I 'tables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. shemueli,. ^..D V ^ 84- 1 ^iiiukiii^: l liiiiiiiey. g ^ til _ pLice chu have it ad-. N. ■O = i/i’.' ' /i f'.i^ cileviile i’o.-t ;, Urii^'. W’ ; ti .ii I PUstei iug h.y ' K w . lilted to be ,i_. .1 ivV' lieietofure Mi’v • .1II i-'i w.thout ' ,■ ID .MrDUFl 1C. ; .rcii l;.'. 'J-ivpd KEWAUD. For Kent. The Store cin II ly Street, between the Crockery Store ^ and D. W. .McL.iurin's and at jjresent oc- ; cnpied by them. Pos'cs-ion given l^it September. j For term‘d, apply to D. ii. W. McLaurin. oi S. T. Hawley &. .'on. Augu.'ft 15. ISi’.l 48 tf S«0 RKWlltO. F>.\N.\\VAY, a tew days tro-i the flu^'Scribere, , t our Boy HKNUY. a dark mulatto, 28 years of age, weighing about 14-5 lbs We hough' said boy of George j Holmes, near Fayetteville. The above reward will bo paid for his confineoient or d;liverv to iis in Fayetteviile. • ,1. N. A CAMERON. .\ug. 14. 48-itf j 'Timber Jl*an9e€i. 1)\RT1ES having seasoned WHITE O.VK Tl.MBER from "ue and a iialf to six inches in thicknes®, and from six lo twenty inches in width, and wishing to dis- • pose of the same, can lind a purchaser by applying in person or by letter to the undersigned at the Arsenal. JOHN C. BOOTH, ^ Capt. Art’y. Comd g Arsenal. Fayetteville. .Aug. 2i. 18*>1. GO tf \7yi. c.inpiiELL, Auctioneer and Comrnission >lerchant, —will ri'tcnd to ili' H ile of— • I Goods, 1%'ares (Hid ^llcrehandise, Real JEstate, ^Vesrots, S^c. June 24, 18ol. Last ihf j i'.. J ibiy iut k ■ H irgro%c, «n I 1*11. ].ay the M 31-Gm FISH FOR S \LE. ULLETS, MAt’KEilLL anl iiLiiiilNG. ! W. POWERS. M.iv 12. 24 1- BaKLP. 40-tf -M.lKCl’EAl'E & .11'Pi.\B, .\VE on hai.d -.nd exj'C-'t I I keep for sale, of their otrn m'siiufaciur.- a .1..L.V. of Brass, Galvauiied V I LAUk TLliLlNGTON. 0MMIS3I0N WEHCHANTS, V, IL.MLNGTON, X C - ^ ve spec. il .atteniion lo the oale or shipment : ; . N ival Sioi-S. Colton. Fhair, Timber, and : -I V pr-.-,jce ; in Litne. Piaster, Ce ll .;r, ;.n l l.> lii* MEl'il'.KS kill': •!cL\L'Kl‘ .\.\» Sl'.N. : H. IL S. v iIi-: !i; .1 b iw■ i.t ' ■! I h ! ■ ir.ilm I I. 1-aiik ot t'.lpi: K 1 », I .*». W a i;icr ISiiil; ot (’.inc Fear, I’rf-.'i Wilmington llr.iiicti II Jones, (.'asiiier Raleigh LAW BOOKS. i SAUNDERS REPORTS; j “ on Pleading and Evidence; i Phillips on Evidence; Common Bencli Reports—new series; Curtia’s Commentaries; ; Ross on Bills anl Promissory Notes; (’hitty on Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taylor’s Law Glossary; Wiliiims on Executors; Devereux’s Kinne’s Kent; “ " Biackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Duller & Hargrave’s Not*t; Sedgwick on Damages; i Story on Sales; ! “ on Bills of Exchange, Equity Pleading; “ on Conflict of Laws; ^ “ on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy, Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership; Roberts’ Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome's Commentaries; Leading Cases in Equity. Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Lawyer’s Common Place Book; Greenloaf on Kvidence; Stepiicn on IMeading; Gri'.sley’s Equity Evidence; BurriU s Law Dictionary; AVharion's Law Phillips’ .'i .\mos on Evidence; | A^chbold’s Landlord and Tenant.: j “ Nisi Prins; , Fearne on Remainders; Tidil's Practice; i Siarkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord and Tenant; .Adams' Equity; I Williams on Personal Property; Mayne on Damages: Arclibold's Practice and Pleading; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Wendell's Biackstone; t’hitty’H “ M iithews on Presumptive Evidence; ! Smiih’s Master and Servant; I’owe'l nn Mortgiffp®; Cliitiy'n Ciiminal Law; Willj.tiiis on R* »1 Property; i Smiiii's Cliiinciry Practice; j Siig Icii on Vendor.s; m Propetty; Dart oti VenJor-; Cr ihb on Rc il Properly; Sii£: len on Power.-.; Smith’s Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; A'ldison on Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace's Notes: Milford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domai’s Civil Law; Rockwell’s) Spanish and Mexican Law;* SharHWOod's Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome's Legal .Maxims; Collyer on Partnership. &c., 4c. Ipgf* The Reports of the Supreme Court of North Ca rolina; Cantwell’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac tice, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, 1859. _ 14 C. FrPEARCE7 WITH—r A. i\. ncl»Oi\4LD, Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer, AND DEALER IN Groceries. Provisions, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots. Stioes and Leather, Bagging, Rope. Saddlery, &c.. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, She‘'tings an>i Yarn* at Manufacturers’ prices. .Strict attention paid to orders.*^! SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTUVILLE, N. C. Sept. 24. 1860. 66tf TO tf 1-1 .\1 .\ N U1' ’ i I ■ Ii 1 .N G t O .\1 P A N Y. s3i:a V V ; IvlL'll • ■i:; .lile. .N. widers for .'^lieel siigs ; w.'lii, -J ^.irlst.. the pouii 1. 1 lie Goo Is com- ^ , \vit:i tiie .:U1K' 'tyles munufaciure 1 in c !i all 1 li.ivi- I'll- many yens been sold in . V II . '.iivl l i.ii idrlpiiia .MirUels. 1 I . II.MGH, Pu s I Rocktish Co. . .June 1. 1 i. !.A\V .\OTICE. >■1 ■ viiig reiiii've l IVom Summerville to •. -,v : ,.!t;'i;d tiie County and Superior • r an.- llari.= tt and .Moore. His olhce , 1 :dc!:ce, (111 Gi- s'U Stri-»^t, opposite tlie ' ■! ' Mirt'ii. ients will please.address him hereafter •. in-. L-ad of bummerville. NEILL McKAY. . . i 85-tf H and common H > -ped JIWIPER BICKETJ^; French, High Post, Cottage and Common Spring Maiiresscs, of new and improved Syiring, on . h:inil or made lo ord.-r of uny -i/f; I.t H’NG E*'; Spring, t.'ane. and Wuod Seat i'll \1R.'>, of ditlerent kinds and patterns; .S\pring Soi'.i'-. Lniitiges and (’hairs, ivpuirei). imd covered u icii !(.iir I'loi h or other wise; Hoe handles, Ibmgs fur titils. Ilhds.; Sole, Harness, and Up; ' Le.ather,, and PI isifi'itig 11 lir. .-\s we have good Maeliincry for Sawing, Planeing. : Turning. Morticing .'iiid IJoreing, wo can'lo work with I Persons having lespatch and on >atisf:iciory term work or repairing lo do will *lo well lo give us a call, j graham; .''ay and Seal, by the Auiiior of Crroceries / Oroceries / / i L.\KGE and well selected Stock of F.VMILY ^ GKoCERiES aiwiya on hand, consi.Umg of j Bacon-SiJe.s, Mess Pork, Mullets, Mackerel, Nop. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of all j grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wbolesale Gro- j eery Establishment COX. KENDALL & CO { Wilmington. April 2. ISril. 10-tf “ GKO. W. WILLIAMS I Wholesale Dealers in wrocerieH, i AND J.MPOKTEKS AND DEALERS IN I Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &€., | II VY STREKT, F.iYKTTKVILLK, ?f. C. | July 2 18‘il. _ 3t)t_f ! Tiie iSiiiiny by Prof. lii- Wide Wide W’e warrant our work; if il fails, you know where to | World,” \c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir find us. I of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro- Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie 1 scope, &c., ic. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. Street, a few doors South of .V. W. Steel, Esq., and ! Oct. 18 having some sp irc room, we would attend lo the stor.age .IAS. €. JlcISAi;, >lUorney at MjUW, •I -.1 end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. - IB'.'t, 3tf ! .1 111*. Tlli:0. ^AUT1.\E, II.VY STREET, opposite the Post Office. ' r.leetneily applied. . 17. 180(. and sale of any thing that may l>e con.signed lo us; and ■ will give special aMi-iiiion tfi products of this State. Fiiyetteville. .\pril I, I8ill. *.hf I ’ joii.\ p. ri i.f.iiR, .Ittorney and Counstllor at Law, j WILL PKACTICK IN THf. rul UTS OF j Kobeson, Cumberland, (.'olumbiis and Uladen. | office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., X. C. July r,, 1869 I n\lM. ^licL,. I Attorney at Law, j Fayetteville, N. C. j WILL attend the County tmd Superior Courts of j Cumberland, Harneti. Moore and Robeson Coun- i ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all ! claims entrusted to his hands, ! Oct. 17. 185'.'. 02tr 11 r.I. i^SoM. CYRUS S. VAN A.MHINGE. R. RLO.«>).SOU CO., illcpcliants, 1! • i,.*r°on il attention given to all Consign- ii advances made on Produce to be shippet ' sold in this market. ;.,I. 99tf T. €. A: It. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. .lan’y 28, 18t;i 84tf Roitv AIR, J§ttcrney nnd Counsellor at Etaw^ LUMBEKTON, N. C. WILL attend and pr.actice in the County ani Superior Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cum'oerland. All business intrusted lo him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually renutted. Oct. 6, 1869. 66tf Vol. Htli UaiicroK’M United ^talcH. .h,lv in E. .1 H AI.K * SON JVew Bootes. THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY; One of Them, by Lever; Louie's Last Term at St. Mary's; England's Yeoman; Tennyson’s Poems; .American Almanac, 1861; The Laily’s Book of Flowers; Languiige of Flowers; Piieiiy of *• Laity’f Guide to Perf(»ct Gentility; Beauty; •* nnd Gentlemen's Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley’s Walloon Tr.ivels; “ “ Book of Travels and Adventure; &c. March 30. E. J. HALE & SONS. Harpei'’«» iTIag^nziiic for April. Marcii Jl. E. .1 HALE A SONS. W. RULLARD, Commission IfWerrhant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt and personal attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all other country produce. REFER TO -O. 0., Pres’t Com. Bank at Wilmington. Jou.N Dawson, “ N. C., at do. Messrs. H. & E. J. Lilltt, ) p^yetteTille. Messrs. Pembekton S Sloan, j ■' A. Parker, Esq., Harnett County, N. 0. May 7, 1860. 16tf LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-01. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimins...J M Whedbee. Camden nnd Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan... M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton....) iM .S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter ’ Bertie...David Outl.iw. Martin and W'asliington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M 0 Wliitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...II T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones,.,Dr M F ArendelL Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight New Hanover...Eli Vi Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson Onslow...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett ...Duncan Shaw. - Sampson...Thomas I Faison Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Franklin...\V Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. Granville...C II K Taylor. Person...C L Winstead. Orange...Josinh Turner, Jr. .Alamnnce and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chaihsin—W' S Harris Moore nnd Mintgomery...W' D Dowd. Richmond and Robt*,soii...Alfred Dockery. .Anson and Uiiion...S H Walkup. Guilford... Peter .Adams Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockingli'U"....F L Sinipson. Mecklenburg...Jyhn Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and D:i”ie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Je«se .A Waugh. Ashe, Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes XC...L Q Sharpe. Riiike. .McDow.-ll Ac...B S G iither. * Lincoln, Gasioii tVc...Jasper Siowe. Rutlierlord. Polk &.C....A W' Burton. Buncombe. Hetidfrson &c...Oeo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &'...W' |{ Thomas. H0U:E OF COMMONS. Altmance...Giles Mi-bme, Aleiiiidi-r... Dr J 'I Ciisoa. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...J .M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Meirimon. Bladen...!’ T D.ivis, Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell. W T .Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus... W S Harris Catawba...Jonas Cline. Chatham...W' P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...O W Hayes. Craven...C C Clark, F E Alfred. Cumberland aud Harnett...C 0 Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Co.umbus...N L Williamson. Camden...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... W i'hers, S P HilL Currituck...B .M Bixter. Cleaveland....A G Waters, J R Logan. Dnvidsun...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard, Duplin...J D Stanford, J 0 Branch. Edgecombe... R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston...J H W’tiite Granville I M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S II Cannadny. Otiilford...C P -Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....A D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax....A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Heudersoii...Jo3 P Jordan. Hyde...Tiimia Farrow. Iredell....A K Simonton, .A B F Gaither Jackson A Fii^her. Jones...W’ P VVtrd. Johiis:on — W J{ Watson, .Miicheiier. Lenoi'....] C’ Wooten. Lincoln...V .A .M-i’>eee. • Madison...Joiin F-igtr. Martin... Eweii. McD>weil...C H Burdin. Moore...Alexander K*lly. Montgomery...E G 1. liirringer. I MaC'iU...H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg...S W D.ivis, J M Potts. I Nasii...H G Williams New Hanover...S J Pvrson, Daniel .Shaw. Northampton...M W llamsom, W W Peebles. Onflow...J H F’oy. i Orange... II B Giithrie. \Y N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T William?. I Per«iuimona...N Newl-y. i Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins Person... Wilkinson. i Robeson—.Alex McMillan. Eli Wishart, j Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thoa Slade. I Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett, i Randolph...1 H Foust, Thos S Winslow. I Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W .Autreyf vSurry...W Waugh Siokes—Horatio Kellum. j Stanly... Eafayeite Greene. ; Tyrrell.McClee«e. | Union...(5 il Lemmonds. Wake...S 11 Hogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. Warren... I B Itaichelor, W' H Cheek. Wasliinjion...^ Latham. W'ataiiga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes....A W Martin, Horton. Yadkin...A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart x\she—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. iMyers, J. A. Leak. Ikrtie—S. IL Spruill, James Bond, lieaufort—W. J. Kllisun, K. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly, l^run.svvick—T. 1). .^lcarcs. Buncoiube—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Pbil'er. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Tliomas. Ca.s%7oll—Bedlbrd Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Plenkle. Chatham—J. H. Ileaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wcoten. Edgecombe and Wilson Il'jwjird. FiMwyth—T. J. Wilson, II. L. Patterson. Fratikiiii — A. D. Wil'iams. Ga'foii—.S. X Johnston. Gates—,J ^^^•llto^. V\ S. Buttle, Geo. Produce Loon in J{i,l of thp f j Staff'S.—1 he Secretary of the Treasury has is sued a cireulir iu rej^ard to the Produce Jjoan I autiiorized by act of Conjjrcs?. The object ot this : loan is to give the planiin.' and manufacturing ,, „ T : interests, in the absence cf cash assets, an oppur- ranville A. \ . A enable, T. L. Hargrove, yf contributing to the necessities ot the . S. Lov-'^ter. government, by a pledged future subscription ot : the proceeds of their industry in exchange for Conlederato bonds. We learn that the response ! has already been general and earnest to this call ' Before these subscriptions are closed, it is belicv- S. o. Koy Greetie—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Giluier, Raloh Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. .^Iann. Haywood—Wtn. Hicks Henderson—W M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T A. Allison Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, Y/ A. Smith, Jones—W^m. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biir:8. -McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. O.sborne, Wm. Johnston Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—II. Turner. Nash — A. II. Arrinirton. ed that the aggregate will swell to from fifty to one hundred millions of dollars. We trust the planters and farmers of North Carolina will not be behind tho.'ie of other States in responding to this I call Ralfijh Standard. ! A Fair Humph of Southern Spirit.—A letter ! recently received from W'ashington informs us that among the prisoners taken by the Hes.«ians ^ at the battle of Manassas, was a “lad onlj' fifteen ! years of age.” Of course, the presence of such a stripling prisoner excited much curiosity, and he ; was subjected to many interrogatories. Among I others who undertook to question the little fellow ■ was Gen. .Mansfield, who probably thought that , one so young and inexperienced might be ind'ic- i ed to make important revelations. The only un- j swer, however, he could get fron> onr “bold soger New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. ! boy” was: “ %chipfndyou, and ice will do ii Northampton—D. X. Barnes, J. M. Moody. | oijniul" The dear, brave boy! ; A lady, who saw him the first day after he got I to Washington, asked hitn il he did not run away I from his parents? “No, indeed,” was his reply, •‘they sent me, and they would have sent a dozen : more if they had had thetnl”—lidi. in r. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Iverson—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B Satterthwiiite, B. Grimes. Randolph—\V . J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richtui'iid — W. F. Leak. Robeson—.J. P. Fuller, .1. C. Southerland. Rockin'^h itn — D. .S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. R'^wa? -B Craitfo. IT (’. Jones. R.*r!if-r, ••! ati.l Poik—J. II Carson, >L I>ur- ha;i. S.iiiiK.'Ori—1; A. .^losftly, Ti.otiias Bunting. Staniv — Iv liMrne. ftokes- Surry —'1’ Huiiilin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union -H .^l. Hou.ston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. rren—W. N Edward.^s, Frank Thornton. Washington—W .S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Pen land. Wanted to piiirclinse, LBS. OLD COPPER. T. S. LUTTFRLOH. oo 3w 1000 Sep . 9. 18G1. ^EW GO^DS. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLE RY, BAGGING A.VD ROPE, SAD DLERY, &c., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, •and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on SHOUT Tt.ME to prompt paying customers. Prinone s>.—The Ci ic'nn iti T.m .>> e ; v n i, encourage.s the idea tiiat hr-area:tr m ,■ j . i i. o soldiers shall shoot all the prisuin-r- tli. t ,y secare as soon as taken. This is r’l. iiin;:: j .h-; It sothat vvf take ub .ut livo liiiics li.s iiiaiiy pnsutuMS as the Yiiuktes, and il this u.\ IS to be i.layed, there i> tio difficulty iu under- standiiig which side v.ill suffer most from it. We have ovc: two thousand prisoners ia this city to bc;4in with! j .All kinds of Goiintry Prouuce taken in exchange for j Goods. j Sheetings ai^d Cotton Yarns on hand f.t all times, at , Manufacturers' prices. Whrrc, urc the Uniiju Mhn?—A. Lincoln, LL. D., is exceedingly anxious to find the Union men of the South We can tell him where some of them were or are. From Georgia, Alibama, Missi.ssippi, Louisiana and other States, where, up to tho necessity of secession, there were respectable minorities either in opposition, or advocating delay, these minori ties have sent a very large proportion ot volun- te3rs to Virginia. The ablest, most earnest, and candid, and honest, and eloquent, and influential of the lin gering friends and hopeful advocates of union in Georgia, was Francis S. Bartow. He carried with him to Virginia many political friends who had indulged the Union faith to the latest mo ment. Let Manassas answer where the survivors of such Union men will be found. In our own State, more a unit on secession than any other, the only dissent or hesitation would have been found in the Congressional Dis trict of the Northwest, lately represented in the L’^nited States Congress by John D. Ashmore. Several districts of this Congressional Di.strict have furnished relativoly more men for the field than any portion of the State, and all have done nobly and above their average for population. ■ ( 'liiirti sitiii ('orri'i-r. at til ];i'rsoti', ir^.- rvsjicctt'ully iiivitpd to give me a call, vl i 'ii:i!i l of J. \ i. \V:tldill. South si'le Hav st I A. N. .MCDONALD. F‘vp;te' .r. • y r ^. nt. "21. ISiiO .'j.Oif ! TYPE FOUNDRY. ! THE ONLV .M .V N U F A i; TO 11 Y OF TYPE I 0.\ MIH rilER\ $01L, j SOITH OF BV1.TIM0RE. Th3 Proprietors of ihe nli.ive Fouudry have also united I with their Found y a complete 1> R I N T E R S ’ j WAREHOr^K. ! Having on hand, or liirnishiiig to order, every article I rtquisi.e for a Piiiiting Office, , FROM A BDDKIN I —TO A — TK.Vi:VLI\OIHl PRi’.SS. We can and will r.ianiif iciure in Richmond, as good The Mobile Advertiser says: ijiiie 'in li i". pm- claimed the observance of tfiu last ’l'liurs».i,iy i:: September as a day of fasting, huiiiiiiaiion : . .i prayer. Th.e battle of .Manassas has brouyiit t . to their knees 'I he S'Utth la?fed ai d ‘ before the battle — the North after. i ''‘ The \Vhite FtotUtr Porfjj.”—Such is tnesp j pellation given by the v,-ar-l‘action at the Nortii j to those uho advocate peace itt that region. It appears I’rotn tiic N. Y. Tribune that this “ Whiiii \ F'lntkf-r Piiifi/’ is rapidly on the increase in the I Northern Sutes. In the number now before us, there are notices of some six or seven meetings of ' this party in diilerent parts of New York, New ; Jersey and Connecticut, and two elaborate editc- ; rials devoted to the illustration of their diabolical I designs. We are told the peace newspapers arc ^^musked haitfrif-s'' and that iheir aiders and ! abettors—the “ White Feather Forty'*—are trai- ; tors of the deepest dye, and should be by the j most summary process, exterminated from the I face of the eaith. In Connecticut, it is .stated, “prudential committees are being formed through- aiii sppcinien puces, ns an\ t^tate to detect and punish the traitors, rkn/*ffiil1v w«khr>1t Itia Ti:lf I'ltfl!! crn . K .... an HI ticle, and .li t! Foundry '>orth. We respect fully solicit ilie patronage of the South ;ii:\’r.Y l. pclouze & co. Wc refer you to every Printer in this city We .also desire every Xewsp;iper in the S >uih to copy tliis .ad vt^rtisement for one tiionih, ‘st'ndiiig us one copy of Iheir paper, an I receiving thidr pay for such ad ertiseinent upon purchasing five times the ■amount of their hili from us. " 11. L. P. CO. J 111 V H. 4U 1 m €.1PT. WII.K RKPORT IIN TllK DKKP RIVKR mmiM KHIIIIIN. I^HE undersigned have Ciiused to be published from the Cons'ressiotial plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes. U. S. Navy, and his .\ssociatcs on the Board appointed by the Secretary of tho Navy to es- amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is tlie most important and scientific statement of tlie great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps i and a similar expedient is recommended for all the other States. 'This implies that the traitors are everywhere throughout the North. Richmond Whifj. The Ilnur of Ripr.Dtniice.—Mr. Kimbal, of the Essex county Democrat, of Haverhill, Mass., was tarred and feathered and ridden on a rail the other day for “the treason of peace,” whereupon the Lawrence Courier remarks: Perhaps the time will come when the people of Haverhill will feel as ashamed of this transac tion as they do no.v ot a petition .sent from llavei- hill .«ome twenty years aj-o to Congress, praying : tor the dissolution of the Lnion. Ti$ i)ij Coin hy StnvU.— C >n! ecrtii w.U the the most perfect and valuable, of any yet publisltcd. ! Xcw York custom-house is a clerk , The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is ,>0 ' receive and test all ni 'tiey em’i-t ,.■> La., '■ COnlS. neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free ; ; i • ,i. i,.,t b-iu h. i-n . l.n b I of post ig,., on the lec.-ipt of oO cents. A dis- | ^^l-an.ard by b rth, but I .is btcn .i ' couiii to wholesale Quivers. Ovlers solicitel i CuUntry nito a sciiic ^ ) Jaii y 2i;. ‘ V. I M.iLK Sf»NS | or silvi r coin, and 1 n»n the weijiiit in ;i - ~ ~ I mont a:.I ounces the ammint ir dollais ar;J Cf:.'-s He then runs liis finjiers tlirou-h the cu\u scver- iN V';: ■lies them to his nose, auer Schot»S I’li I H 'S. K i 1 V troiu G inot’s Popular Uy Wm, Prck, M. A.; Svnders’ New al time.s. and applies >pel i-r a.i i ui, y-ei’; Bullions’ and Smith’s w!iieh lie will immediately take out e\ery cctn- Griiiitj;u~- 'fi'ii -iili .S(i,nil's nnd Mitchell’s Geogra- tflfeit Ciin. His infallible faculty ot detecting phies;,ind .Vndrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons, \c. .\ug. 31. iws’ Latin and Greek Les- I s-.m-ijus ,„ctal is located in his oltaciory oruuns. E. J. HALE & SONS. 1 J’citisbuif/ Fxprcss. A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been atttending to Bankiu,; business for years:—1 am still willing to ; serve you with the same prompiness that I have always done; and to others that may w.iiit discounts. Pension i business &c., ic., I ofier ray services, wiih a promise ; of strict attention. J.\S. 0. COOK. ! June '27. 2*»if Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow,' BEADLE’S DIME NOVELS, .Nos. 10, II, 12,13 A’U, David .McNeill, A. S. McNeill. ' “ “ Song Books and Melodist. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhod«». Jan. Half nimv, and Five ’eni .Novels. E. J. hale S SON'S ao. Blanks for sale at this Otfice. ‘‘Now, gcnt.emen,” said Sheridan to his guests as the ladies left the room, “let us »/ide:6fand each otlier. Are we to drink like men or like beasts?” Somewhat indignant, the guesLs ex claimed, “Like men of course.” plied, “we are going to get jolly drunk, lor brutes never drink more than they want. A doct^’s wife attempted to move him by her tears. “Ah,” said he, “tears are useless I have anahzedthim. They contain a little phosphate of lime, some chlorate of sodium, and water.” Blank Warrants for sale.