I S B MI-W B B K L, Y. VOL. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, C.. SEPTEMBER 19, 1’86L [NO. 1058 ] i,,lNTFl> MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS KinVAKO J. BALE & S0X8. KI iroRS AND PUOPRTF.TOUS . Weekly Obskbver ?3 00 if paid in -r i • ' it' p ii.l duviti^ the year of p-.iVscrip- - i (' 0 >oar h:»s expired. /V Ob'FT. v EU ?‘J per annum, if p^id in ■ if |':ii 1 during the year of subsorip- >■ . !■ ' ; ti* >' il'.e year has expired. \ , 1:UTISIMKNTS in>eried foi «)0 cents j^.r i;,io for the tirst. and ^0 cents for each j ' lii'ntioii. Yearly ailvertisements hv spe- . ai ro:i-->na^'le rate‘s. Advertisers are vMto the nmul'er of insertions desired, or :• •niimied till forMil. and oiiar^ed aeoord- • tT' iii'ei'ted eliarjjjed oU per srrt’i \L Noru’K. 1 ••-^r thi" 1 ue. no n inie of a new suhscviber ’ -O'! wiilioiu piviTient in advatioe, nor will - .>nt nu'h sub>evibers for a longer tiuie I !,.r ■t' :! o'I >uH't’ribers as de-'ire to take the pa- , w U plea.-ie notify ns when making ■ .lan’y 1. 18’'S. !o the ('oiifederate States! «i'r ■ ; to re^-eive t'lis Lonn are now • .» “tiict- of .1. G Shepherd I:) Fnyetteville. sv:,.' .T> who have this matter in charge ap- 1- .I’.li.w citizens to C'^nie forward and aid . in H time so fall of the iittnost interest lo ,• 10 invt'siment is regarded a-* safe and re- vt\ ii is not 10 this con iderafion that the ap- » 1 i.ire'^e 1. The qilestion is one of the highest I le peojle of the Confederate Stales. It is V i. aid in this wtr. as they vtliie life, liberty, A'l I ii.F will he accepted from fifty dollare 41tf ■>welliii;r lor Uvnt. fPHE two-Ptory brick building on the corner of (ireen 1 and How streets, known as ih,> H ill h>iildint» For particulars anply to D, ANOT.KSON July -J2. 18t;i. iiiiiii:\iiirsTii Fi:',!ii;KSKMnuiv. ^pll I NS 1 1 n ll'^N h^\s b-en 1II ?iicc«'sst’iil operat ion j. for tweniy-one years, and for the 1 isi tea years under i(«i present I’lincip tl. rile (’ourse ot Inatrucii>ii i- desi(jned to afi'ord to Southern parents an Insi it ai inn in wiiicli 'in he se- cur, d every advaniaire ati.itdel hv (lie vcrv hpvi po male Seminaries in the coutitrv. The Fioiilty consists of Fl\ :' Cenil. in.-n uii.l KOl'i: La lies. The liisfiiiiiiuii i.s. and h i-« heon, Tl!: »K( U (■ li- LV .^Ol'TIlFKN in its org uiiz 4iidii. ilreensboroiigh is eininenily healthy, and in the ]t.-- seni exriie 1 sta.'e Ilf the roiuiiry, its gt jki sition niiders it a tiuiel and > i!c r. iieii. The ne.\i session will e.inmi >;i' e 1 •, !s ;i For (’at.ilognes containing lull pu'a nl u- oi temi-. \c.. apply to RU’HAKD t^TF.IlLlNt 1. /'ntifip.ii, 'ireeiishiir iiisrh, N. ;;ni-nd IIAC'K^ I OK ICIUi:. The subscriber has a H Ai'K u M Iv.t - I'op it, the terminus of the W.-stern Hai’.i >.i l. witi; wiiicti ne i- prepared to convey IVis-i. tc’ers in any dirciMi.m tiie\ may wish to go. H»> will hi> ]ire'«>ni .i,«- u - on the .ir rival of ;he train. With go . 1 li,u-e' mid car.'iul itid accommodating Drivers, he h'.'] ;-' lo -ive v ui'tKMi.m. Aii'KKf Mclvpr's llepoT. (■’IjHth iin i’ > . N r . M ircu ’J'' s- ICAir KOAI>. JAMES K\ ff.E HAS JrST RKCEIVKI) HIS SPUIN'O SUPPLY OF CiOOD^ • — \inong whicli are— 1 iX AA PIKCI'.S ('Al.K'O: iOU'/ o'Ut PlKt’ES LA\VX'=?; Biack xnd Ci'lored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; I'liliiiig (;ii>!hs. No. 1 to 11, Men and I’ ly's (Jlotiiing. W ith a hivgi- assiirtnient of all kinds of «tii3 V m ^ All of which were purclitisid at Auction :ind private I by tl.c j.'ickage at j. inie prices, and will be oiTere«l I l.y wln.l.'sale or retail. \ pril 11,1,-Mil. 10| J- . // . Vo. «1, Ihtff Sf. \ I'lUNT.'', nnusually low, either by ile>ale nr retail. •‘>1) 1>)7. Wool and other HA'P.'^, 10,()()() r; .■)D !• C' li > T II I \ Cii ■If ijreatly ri-diiced prices; together with a large and vavin I stock of NTirLM nil FIM’V DllV litlilllli, 1 1 ol which Will be i/tTt'red on as favorable terms as anv I- Use in the .'st.ite. .1. K. KYLK. «‘et. I. 1 s.jii. jjstf A Tli* >tMV StMiiH. (Ol.OJtKl) l>ll«TO(;il\PIIS, I V:i :i»r l«>l !*•» Cia i l>r v. J * i ART. \Voo»iwaa'ilN ^olar Cniiiern. Ili-atlqiiai’tt'r« \Viliiiin:;lon ) Arlilli'ry, ) Cami' D"YL\s. .lu'y 2‘i, l8tU. - ('-,rpr'\r'.i.. g ; > be Complete in trfiy re- •• vt. 1 ' e ci id -o ee.list a number of goo>l Dri- ai u- Mued to the management of horse**. .. . ' e r 1 t ■ each man. in enlistmeut, a bounty Mat IV r iy ^l‘J; be-ides being clothed and . . : r. iince free, and all o her uecesgu'‘v irii ■: u'= ed re jui-'Ue f^r a «oMier. 1 U!;’es- he is a good driver and ex- : u. • n, »n^f , ;ient of horses. The destina- i .uv; : "'.. a .v i- Virginia, as soon as equipped. ■ ' ALEX D. MOORE. Cart Co. E. Re;; t Lt. .ArnPery. •') > C!s. 1 The following rates will now be cliartied fji Pa-'tvi- geis on this Uoa I. viz; To Litt’e River. To Spout Spring. To Jonesboro', To Mclver s. Train leaves the D.'f'' Mondays. \\V,ln.-sdays and Fridays, at o'clock M. Returning. '.►*aves Mcivt-r’'- at 1 o'clock I*. >L r. B. M.VLLL'ir, Pres t Nov. 19, 71:f XHARKST AND IClvK.^T KOI TF. TO Tin: llAILKO^S>! PIloTi iGP tlallerv. il’APn.'s can bo had at Vanors lell’s Skyliehi liny 'treei. .■pjuisiie Marble Yard. Fay- t ' Vi'ie. -V ('.• plain, rerouche 1. Colored, in wat,er •o! , ,11 riti l r'>'-t^l>‘; from sniall to life size. .Ainhro- '.’‘'I Melanootyues. and all oilier s’yles of Pii-iur**'! [H‘rt:ii-r 7 the ,\rt. ,\lso. Gilr Frames, Mlt Monld- iiij. (! t'or very larre pictures—as larsre as 'Ji> bv :>♦> in ^es. "ord atn; l' »««,-'- t\)r hantring pictures; Instru- f:i -n!s. .'srnck and ('ln ’aic.ils fyi- u.iie low f'orc.Msh. Life fi7C Cl-’, red Pliot. crr ipl'.s mad** from small piciures. il:iv;mr permanently located here I hope to merit y. iir pa:ronaire. I wimld also return my sincere thanks t'■' th* li'tifr:il p iiron.i^e bestowed on me heretofore V>v tnt‘ go i 1 i ei’!>l* of Fayotieviile and vicinity. M. VANtiKSDKLL. l’lioti,gr.iplii-,t and Prorrie'or. I'cc’r ‘-’11. wanti:d. A gond V. OoL Y AILN t,-» m^ke socks for r- G W L GOLDS ION. Ag’t. IS; I 4') tf SPiaXO TRADE! WORTH, WIGHTIIA.\ A: 4 0. .Fr£u .\T wiioi.es\LE A HEWY STOCK OF GROCERIES. —AL>0 — A complete and w. 11 selected stock of n.\Rl)WARE & CUTLERY. -•»A IMHUELs N''>HTH CaUOLINA LIQUORS O'J I'O •• DOMLSTIC Ditto. WORTH, V.IGHTMAN s CO F Tcttevil’e, .\pril V2. IStf FAVKl'TEVli.LE .WITI'AL I.VSlUnCE f0.nF,»\T. Cipi:al in Premium .Votes amouutu to $2';7,6S8 '-b BKAMA.N .k inUnNSON’S FOIR IIORSK snfiK IIVK T \ KfVVNSVILLE, VIA WUiSlW. IS the sh’Tie^t and most oxpeditiAi;- ;V rraveior- g 'nir North or S-'iUth. Leivini: F i\.-- ev-’ ,• evi-iy i .v a' J o’clock P M. THKOL'GH 1\ TEN i!OUU.^ Our Coach"** are 1 iri:e an 1 0"r- • irivt r- and gentlemanly, our tcaijis g- > t ^r; i a ire oi ti^e ni;.e- tu hour. The traveling public who wr.':M stud .• their comf'-r. ir.d convenience will tike the \> ar«: w St ’j-'. O^rTHROL'GH TICKKT.> l ) WELI'oN may b>' had at the Stage Office, Favettevil.e. May 2?. I «*iO. ’ llo tf 810(1 Ueuai*l« i: \N VW \V mv n«’cr’> .•t " >r i. n> CT"; -•i ,y me li t' I', li'"' srb»f*ri^'">r on bist D''Cember. mm h \V1’ ii-- is a !uil bloo ii d nejrro. r '.I i ’he>, hi_':i. well ar,d in'-i. i:fiit t ,r wou' 1 w,,on i»e le't tro'i lo'i l.i 1 .‘t .i'l vcai-; ill- 1' a s.'ir ,,n in* f'^ic''. I wii !'■• I *rs lew tr . > p»*rsv ;K*li uTing hi" Pn;'■’.ptiii'. lv,i:.o-','ii Cl-irit v. .N. C . or for .11 iief Ill’ll .All I iivict any person .Harble Faftory. :a '.'u iiaud and other assets, 5.077 Total. 5272.765 G1 I'.- rnni>.,ny hare paid all looses promptly, an^l t&ve never made an assessment on their premium notes. T'nal lo3ses paid, 529.0&2 OFFICFRs: GEO. McNEILL. Presj.lent b. A. n.\Y. Vice President i'. A. McMILLAN, Sec y biBF.rTOB': ilp.irv Liilv. •' c ntiner’ienf in .iny ,I t:' - ■ t i-r I ^'ii _v boi, ;rs t.ir ] MiiHvMfiit t') ir pe:soiis tor iri'ij: iiim. iNITL McC \LI.U'L F,.r J )>i;: II i-.. Mct'ALLUM. P;,ilal.dr' 'i-. U Co.. N. C.. Acril 'i. VJtf Alii'i* 4'aniplirli will re- -r. : , 1 iT M' ,NL'.\ i". 'ber 7::-. i" >1 S--P'. " i •’ •i Im Tin: ilviliioaFiioTseT li. .-U '■ Klr.LK. Iiavi'ig jii'i co'iipiei.-d Ins n. w H ii-e H"-iir I li • K.ul I: . I I Dep ii .i- prep ired lo i.c- lr.n'l»‘lit :rid pern,'IU"'nl l>0.ltd*'^^ I’.oise give ri'.e a c;il. J0?1 PH OTT VRP.URG. F 1 vet;ev;'le. .\ii.x. ^in LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-6] j SENATE. I Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. | Hyile and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer j Norihainpton...-I M S Rogers. I Hertfi>rd...J B Slaughter. i Bertie...Divid Outl.aw. Mjiriin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M (j Whitaker. - Kdgecoint'e and Wilson...H T Clark Pitt... K J Blount. Beaufoi;... Frederick Grist. Cr!,ven...N II Sireet. (^irti*ret and Jones...Dr M F .\rendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. "^ew Hanover... Eli W Hail. Duplin... Dr .James Dickson. Onslow...!, W' Humphrey. Bl.iden. Brunswick. iSic...Jno I* Taylor. ruiiiberlHiid ai'.il Harnett...Duncan Shaw. .•s.in-pson.-.TIioinas I Faison. Wiyiie...W K Line Jolmsion....! W B W'atson Wilke...M A Bledsoe. Nash....A J Taylor. Fr.inklin...\V Harris. W'i;;Teii...T J Piichfor.L Gr;inviUe...r H K T.aylor. Person...!' L Winstead. Orai;ge...Josiah Turner, Jr. .\l;imance and R iiidolph...Jonathan Worth. Ciiaili.uii — W S Harri.s. .Moore and .Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond :ind Robeson \lfred Dockery. \nson and rnion...S H Walkup. tiiiHford... Peter .Adams I as«'ell... Bedl'ord Brown. Kockitiili ir'... F L Sinipson. Meckioiitnii'g...John W:ilker. (^abarriis an.l Sianly...V !?arringer. Rowan and D i''ie...Dr J G Ramsev. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes anil For'yih....lesse A Waugh. .\she. .'^iirry ^vc...Jos Dobson. lre,iell. Wilke?) XC...L Q Slcirpe. BiiiWe. McDowhH \c... B S G lither Lincoln. Gaston .^c.,.J isper Siowe. Jiui herlo:-.l. p.ilk X!*... A W Burton. Bnncoiiibe. Henderson .c...Geo W Candler. Haywood. Macon \c...W' H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS Alamance...Giles .Mebine. Alex inder...Dr J M ('arson. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles \'he...J .M G"*niry. Burke....! H Pearson. Biincombe...,A S \Ierrimon Bladen...1 T Davip. Bertie...!* T Henry and Fergason. ru-aufori... R S D mnell, VV T .Mamh r>-iinswick...T D .Menres. Caldwell... Dickson rahHrriis...W ."s Hsrri.a. r;itaw!i.4....1onas '!ine. i'iiathaiii...'V P Tay'or. R N Green, Turner Bynum Cherokee...G W H lyes. Cr^kven...!’ C Cl .rk. F E .Alfred C'uniberl ni 1 and H irnett...C G Wright, J 3 Harring ton, J C WlillH’IIS. •'liowiin... Small. l.'o iiaihus...N L Willi imson. ’.im leii... D D Ft rt hi'e. (,'.iri eret... D W U iiiu-iiurst. ('I'Well... W.filers. .S P IlilL I'li'-i iiiii'k ... l’> M BiXter r I? V * ^ ' TWO DOIIRS tBflVK !’. T. lilKiii Fayt'ltrvilU*, « V 20. 1 WEilSTEirS El.niE\T\lil 5!’ELL1\(| IlllDhS. \Vs, li' tl >K- by ' ■(■ncv \V ST’; !1 I. rviT'. W'. N. Tillinehasf, S. .1. Hilisd.lle, Wm M Laiirin. T. Luiterloh. .\. W. .feei. J. G. '»-k, Hn J. i. .'sheplierd, L. F. Brown, 1 , A.E. H.il. i; ind C. Merrummen. Traveling .Agents. e ro'nipanv invite apjrlications. . 1- t. ' -Jl-lv V rover, H tw'iey. n A Sreh/i.an, M I ’e”. ■ Kyle. Mf'lv-rinn. W . l:im', I'liiinjrhaet. ■Vrj.AAM .-I, - ier.;i. T/,*'. ,■ li ive not lv;tn,'" d the price !i i!id ! .’• 'I'f Ml.- w-.r; bat pre eiit m I'e ! W"- !■ k i ! o' i h' se Ot J u: up I'lice' III wh it webuyiiow. L. .i. ''M'pl.'' ‘ per duifU ]•' ,-.f iny artic fB o i jurciiaS' S cost ii- ei.li' 1 se w • i. li'. e I ■ HALE ,v S iNS ypltevii .Vu_' ' V \\EnTE1I\ lillL llil\ll-ni\^!'iE (IF lllH il. I'...I t\I I.-’S ,1 It'". llie P,i-'e;,gtr T- ■ n w , . 1.- ive F ly- elleVliit" ;l' ," L.b M . 'Ui,i M lv#*T* s ;i| t *. e I’K. M . ,MI M .11 ill'. W.-dr.'-d y- .Mil Krili-, «. r ■ Ireigiit i;iU't be ,i,’liver, d tlo- pr. vo.ns .‘V.ni ie. r. B. MAi.LllIT. P'ls't. A 12 li- .'■J-l I ar|M‘(ill*'! rai’prtiri;:^! C'arpe'iiiff! YDS. ARPEUNG No. :',i. Hay St. All all prif-es, .-ill fpi tlities. .All will he ’•"her by wholesale or retail. .\lso. .'3-1 and ’ i.iths :in 1 Drugget-, J. K. KYLE. N . s.'T't. la. i:m;o. r,2,f •,>0(1*) :i. . i 1. 4 rut. I W. 1* KKMi.M.l.. .1. s. KKNDAI.l. fOX. A: «0., 'oiniiiis!«ion .^lerclianlK A N r> WHOLESALE GROCERS, .Vo. if A' 12 .Vopth Water St., WillllillStoiL >. ('. der« froni me ' oiiniry promptly executed. I’,. 'i ail.ir attention given to the sale of Cotton 1 i.,T produce. pnl-J. l>-f.l. 10-tf .1 liAKKU, .Ik.. %r i ii;c\f:v at i. a n , H as taken :m oifice next door to Wm. !>. W’right’s L:iw . iJiliee III ireeii S!r*-ei. He will attend and practice • the ?.unty ,t»J Superior Courts of Cumberland, ' 1 len, Robeson and Sumpson. >■ irch 18o^. 7^*tf PHENCH STRANae, Attorney at Law, FayettiBville, N. C. >e that recently occupied by«('. G. Wright, Esq., fonstantly Manufacturiii:; at inj Lstahlishiiu iit, ’i:i!Y v.\f:ikty of li u:n!>s. ■ l.ile«, Bri.lle.. t . u -. W - and Trunks; nil kind* of L“a;h r. lif .''k'.’i- ijondiiion PoW'iers, (or ,ii-e ts,. 1 lio: -. - ;in Coach Trimmings, r-irpe' lir.:-. \ I’i-'•' iljirdwjire, k\ I'he largest s|.,rk i,i the wiiide.sjile or .'eifiil. at (/;• veiy lnwesi prin > descripi ion of Harnes.i aiid .“s id i'es in.in .tael iii '-I i order and repaired. . I I ii; I ,WI .1 . M.ery, .\i.\! li!H)ll\! CiidiiN 1 •/. l^emherion Will receive I. •w ,|, hi- •Iv .I VMllS WIL.- 'N. No. •') Market st. AVilniingion. N. . n-’ ir i ii' W liarl Nov. 3, l^'i•). F'SII!! 1. and o. si'iii\i; \\\) mm liiiiiii'i. KMl’.l; \'ING \LL I l:K \vw and ll€‘*^irablt‘ Ic*?*, i pilli r,.-^ i’O .''LI T Tin; I I MK.s The jiiiblic ^'-Iierally are i es{,..ci 1 uHy invite I to call e rlv and s»>cui e I* R A I N .■s “>5-13 ^EV FISH! MACKEREL. Nos. J. A PK.MiJill'.TON Mf EW WHITE FISH. HERRING, kc Call at bic. A. N. M-D;>NALD'S, Souih-.sido Hay .“street. •')7-tf N one now occupied by hini in Dr. Oreeu Street. !, 186'.. Robinson’s Oct 1. THK AORTil 4 AitOMA A MUTUAL LIFE l\Sl llA>( i: iOtUM.W, ^TOW in the tenth year of ,uecess|ul ope.aii. n. wiih ; growing capital and tirnier .hold npon co/i- i fi'lence. continues to iii'ure the lives of ,iil h-alihy i ">'- sons from 14 to •)»> yeirs of a', e. for one y. .r, ;.,i- -ev> n ye.irs, and for life—aillife (iiem. ers s|,.u i n,' ml he pndiis. All slavfs from 10 to Mt ye irs of nne .iie in-oied loi one year or for five year' lor two t liii d-- t lie ir v.i 11 e. ■Ml losses are piiiictnally p.aid within d.iys altei satisfactory proof is pre-enied. For furih-r in!'"riii ition the [iiibl ' i*- referred •Agents of the ('om[)ntty in all parts 1 .he •'t ii';. and lo R H. B.\TTLE. Secretary. 1: ileigh. 1;. .1 II \ I.K. ,\L'ell! lit Jan’y 18.j'.*. I'ayeilevill"-. N F(IH i'LEIlKS (IF Tllf; ('(IIIIF. Edgecombe and Wilson—W S Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson Franklin—A. D. Williams Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A W. Venable, T. Ii. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. iireene— W. A. Darden. Guilibrd—Jno. A. iil.ner, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax — K. H. Smith,. L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. 1j. Mann. Haywood—Win. Hicks. Hende.'soti—W. .M. Shipp. Ilertl'ord — Kenneth Raynfr. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. 'I'honia.s. Johnston—(.’. B. Sanders, ^V. A. Snuth. Jones—Will. Foy. Lenoir—Johti ('. Washington Lincoln — Wm. Lander. Macon—C. I). Smith. Madison—J. A. .^IcDowell. Martin—Asa Bijrrs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. .'^lecklciiburg—J. "W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgoniory—S. H. Chri,stian. Aloore—II. Turner. Nash — A. 11. Arrin'jrton. Xew Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barne.s, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (iniham, John Berry. Pasijuotank—R. K. Speed. l'erquimtin.s—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—.)ohn W. Cuningham. I’itt—F. 1> Satterthwuite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W . J. Lon^, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinsfh iiu—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Ruwat -B. Cruise. H. Jonos. Rutheri, *d and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A Mosely, Thoma.s Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Fiiion — H. M. Houston Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren — W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson Wilkes—Jas Calloway. Peter Eller Vadkin—R. F. Aimfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. r*!. run THE it IMbKCLAL NOTE, Billet Note, Cap. Letter, Bath j forms in use. Also, further siipplit in great variety. ilelll 1.1 up ■PXECUTION. TRIAL, and APPEA K.\.N(DOCK- i Vj ETS, ruled and printed from t!,e most i,i« own M-I. ei m,.I im.-ler us inlo • .... I I ...; 11 .. M.irch •J‘'. 1>"'')1. Tilt* %'irj;i5iia anl A»rili \*ii*oliiia 1 Jt \t’Tn N P ( ", Hanover (’oumy. Va . ' ; .Inly I.”.'. .''III. J j I'nder this name it is proposed to g.-i up a regiii^ent of | ten companies of DH) men ea :li. incliidiiig oIIicts. inak- j insj I.dilO nun. Wc arc lO weir eili/ ns' clothes and lo'ire such arms as we cm fiiriii h om.selves. A pair ofc It s pistids. a bowie-knife ei.d a double barrel gun. wiiii a .Minnie h.ill or a -oo l rifle; to ple l^^e our^dves , 1.1 serve dming 'he war w,herev.r the I’lesident may ; ehoose to pla.-e US lo “erve willi.mt piv. '11,e II.am ot.ject ot this orgaiiiz iti. n is to avenge ilie ^ ile.ilb of(J,-n itiibeil S Giinett. ot Vli>:inia. and t'ld. Cliailes I’ Fisher, .f North C.iMilin i 'I liO'e who wisii lo(orm si)ch a r-giiiieiit. will Mi^-nil> 1 Ii"“ir a'-s' III liy wri'int'^to me at liie ,\lvove (losi-..thee, m l when >ve htive .'.d') men we will report ourselves Im duly, and ^o on iiie.reasing ill"* nuniliei* until It Hiin.iints lo 1 ,*>i)'l. 'I’lie i|i-'ign is. that the niiiiilier shall always lie kept up l«y new eiiHsliiielils wlieli. Ve!' vaeali. les occur 1>> il.-alli orinabilily, mid no oilier ein e •hill leleasea man frotii Ills oIi1il' ,iioii ! will m l m- pi ivaii> or m apacily I he re^iiiieiil iiia\ ilireel W li. ii our num icIieH r.llO, we will re,|ii.- I'lea vel ind... .A G Waters. .1 R L'^gan. D-ividson...Lewi.s II lynes, E B Ci.irk. Davie... Howard. DiipLn...J D Stanf.ird. J G Br.mch L’ lgecotube... R R Bridger>, J S Woodard. F'lrsyih I F Poindexter, Pnilip Barrow r'rmkLn—W F G:'eeu. ti I'lon....! fl Whi e. G-'anviile ! M Bullock. W Tl Tenkins, S H Cannadny. ■,i iilfoi.l...C P ^ieodeahail. C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Ureetie... \ D .''pei^ht. (jates...John Booihe. Haysvo.Ml....'s I. Love. Hali!HX....V H U.ivis, \V B Pope Heiit >id...J J Yeatesi. 1 leiidei s.'ii... J .s P Jnrian. Hyde...Ti!in in F iriow. Iredell...-A K Simonion, A B F Gaither J.icksoii \ Fi'her Hvfi. Ward will resume llie flu-’ :iefc ot lier .sciiojl, lu Ari;n c>ireet, ou tiio tiis" day ol October. 18U1. Sept. 14. 67-4t caTrdI FEW L.ADIES can be uccommodatcd wit'n board ai tue Seminary. A T. C. Sept I'i HOOPER. .5‘1- '■er. Docket, Folio Po.st, and oiherd Papers in variety. Botinet Boards, &c. &c. -t received. K. J. HALE & SONS, ■ril I*J. W BOtjKS, Mav 81. of othor BLANK E. J. I! \ !,F, ./ HONS. $30niE\VAIM>. •I I ise I 111- 11 me ol mei l I lie I'niii. s of ,il((l men. own ('a pt ;iin iiiid nillior UESEItTGIt- ^pilIRlV pOLLAR.S Reward will be pa id lor i he ap- i L prehension and delivery of d -serter BURU lvLL W. i HODGES, Ht any Jail or ADljiury I'osi in I lie .State, i The said Hodges resides in Harneit (Joiiiity, about 10 miles from'Averasboro ; bus hHZfl eyes, black hair, dark i 1' i 'lied, for Bale, er exchange as usual for un- . complexion, is 6 feet K) inches Jiigli, age i!0 years. He ! urid N >s., by E. J. HALE & SONS. enlisted the 29th May, 18(il, and d.'seried aliout lOih SI PRifME CODRT REPORTS, t WO MEW VOI^UiMES. ’ 4 .lones’s Law, A Vol.5 Jones’s Equity Keports, .) >1 Jl. Islll. 8«- Bidiik. Wunaais for sale. June. July 80. PLJLIl MVLLETT, Capt. Co. C, 3d Heg’i N. C. S ' 44-tf servl'a- lit I- I intf (iiere as Moon as 1 lec. i' hiacli company will cIioomc ii dinale oilii-erH. , i. Til i.OKt >1! i: S. (M i: N I. II The new-papers in Viigmiii lin I N-nl. r...o!in,i wiH dMibileM piil.lish Ihr Iiti.ive Wllli.ait oli.uge, Irtl.^e II w ek for llll. e weeks u % "% ri^i>* AI AR(*i: nuaniity of «'0 I'I'ON itiid 1.1NI:N RAGS, for which fuir prioeB will be paid IiAVlD MURPin. Aug. IV J .ne.s...W P W J .ijiis.uU il '>• ilsou, Lenoir....) ’ WoiUen. Lincoln...V A .Mel’.eee. M all 'Oil...John .\ F-igij M ii'i'iii... Kwell. N]cDoweil...C 11 liiririti. M oorc... -K e.v in.ler Kelly. M .lUigoniery ... 10 G L Barringer. '■I ii'.,n... H ti oo.itin. Mecklenl>urj...!s W Davis. ,1 .M Potts. N I'll... II (t Williams New II Iiiovi-r...S .1 Person. Daniel .Shaw. .N 'itliampion... \1 VV Itamsoin. W W Peebles, t l.’l'h.W ... .1 H !■ "} . Orange...11 BGnitirie. W N Patterson. P.is.jiMi ink... I r Williiiins. Peri,'iimoiis... N Ne why. Pitt...B ti ,\l''riiion. Ciiiiri'hill Perkins. Per.>oo... Wilkinson. Roliesoii—.\lex M.-Mill in. K i Wishart, R'>ck!tigli IIII...R'"'•'.V G iiloiv i.v and Thos Siade. Rowan...N N l ieiiiiii;i. .V F Hall. ;;iitliert..rd...r T N Divi^. I’, II Padsrelt. n in lolpli... 1 H Foust, Thos ,S VVinslow 1;iclimoiid....I t! Blue. >;iiii|'^on...N C Faison, (jeo N\ .\utrey .•sill ry ... VV' \V .uigli ,s;i okes—flora 110 Kellum. St i 111 \ ... La I ay el I e Greene. Tyrrell Me(’ieese. Union...C Q Leinmotids. Wake...S II b’ogers. .1 W Russ, II Mordecai. Warren... I B B itclielor. W H Cheek. Waslungton ...' Latham. Waiaiig I...Thomas Farihine. Wavne...W r Dortch. M K Crawford. Wilki's \ W M iriin, H.irlon. Yadkin....\ (' wles. Y;iiicv... Pn'wman. CONVKNTiOX ON NOUTII (’AUOl.INA AI,'ini:iiK‘^—(Iilt'.s Mt‘h;iiii', '1 ho,s. Itiinin. Alcx.iiidcr—.\. C Sti'wart A.she—.). h I'orlies .\tisiui - A M vers. tJ. .\ . lii'ak. Kcrfie--S 1? .'Spruill, .laincs Mond. Ht'.iul'or' -W J Kllisiin, K. .1 Warren . IJladfii--.\'»‘i 11 ivelly. Kruiiswick—['. n .Mt'are.-^. ISiiiiciuiilic — .N \\ \\ (lodfiti i>iirkt—.1. C Mflbiwi'll Cabarrus — (■ Plillfr (’.ililwi-il M W .I linos C linden- lb Ib l''i‘r»dii‘c Ctirlerct —H 'I’liotnas. Ciis-vt ll l»-di'(ird Mrown, (one vacancy.) t'ltiiwlia 1‘ C. Henkle. (Miaib.iiu .1 II licadcn, John Manning.Jr., I. .1 .Mcrnit ('lu-rukft* -T l>;ivi(lsin. Cluiwan -U II iMllard. Clevcluiid -W. .! 'P .>liller, . W. Tracy. Culiiiiibus - Kichurd Wioten. Ci avcai—Geo G rccn, .1 no. IV Whitford. ('niiiherlaud iwui Harnett—Warren Winslow, Ibivid .McNeill, A. 8. .McNeill. Ciinituek —11 .M Shaw. Ibividbun — li. A Kitlrell, B. C. Douthit. Uavie. — Hnb * Snrouso. l>u^diu—\V -J. iloustoD, J. T. Rhodes. DENIAL NOTICE. C 111 tie Been in lild office, 2 dooi east of tl e m.u kt'l. at his re- j;in ir otlice i.ours from 9 o'clock A. ^L until 3 o'clock P. .M. tfept. 13 5-tf .\uRTrim[\TassiIioTE^rj^^^^^ y.vilU'i of the U.'ove GOODS in Brown. Gr.i\ OUUU ''lid B ick. jus; Ik eivtd troaithv F.VCi’OU\ , lo iiiv v««.*slera part ot ihe tftale. ;ii.d l.>r sale low loi Cash h! ALhX JOtiN?0N’>, Jr. sept 14. oti-w ~\VAATi:i» I'Oll ('ll.\l'fcyhi{ll'ii ,'iEiinCi!, Tliiriy g;oo(l, rcliabff, unmarried Men, Ml enlist tor fllHLL VL.VKS or DIKING iHLVV.Mi, l‘oiter. 111 i!ie luiie ot his Ueatli. :veii on t.'ie lirsi ot N,'Veiiibi'r. .M.VKV ANN POTTER. ■■)7-if ! J. and to be siaii.mei at ihe .Vr.scual and Armory at h .lyetteviile. ume.ss sjn-ci iliy ret{uired tor oine: service. I P.iy Irom Kleveii lo I wenry- two Dollars per month. I (with sucn an aiiiouni a l iiiional as merit will warr.iiit) wuh ration;-, quarters. niijJicui auenuauce, i;c. I desire no oue to eiilisi who stiail not have made up '■ hi' m;n,i to t I tides of W ar I Army. I JNO. BOOril, i Capt. An y, C. S. A. I i.'oiiid g A. a: Armory. ' F.iyetieville, Sept. )Hi)1. I'OStKElAr. l^l'^HF. TVV'() DWKLl.lSti.S. ou tue premi-es occupied ^ 1 liy me l.ile .luug. 1 i'os.'essiiu Apply to I Sejjl lb I IlyiiiiiHi and l>i»€i|>- ' lines, a new supply, ass.n-ie.l si/.es ainl ijiialities. March 111. L. J. liAl.K X iSONS. IIEATISTKV. R. J. D.VViS having decided on perma- nenily loc.iiing in the Town of Fayette ville. respectiully oilers his services to the ' ciiizeii*- ot this pL.ce and suiTOundiiig country. In all j tliC various branches ot liis Prolession, including the j manutacturc of iVMiicral I'eeth, lie is satisfed, atier an I extensive experience, to wiiich is added a thorough Den- j lal educiiiioti, that he can giveejitire satisfaction as far ! as is in the p.iwer of Denii'try. All irregularities of the i'eeth ircaicd in a [>roper and careful iiiauner, as well as j disea.ses of the mouth. None but the proper metals are .uade use of in the various ojierations. V,’in.rges will be moder.ue, tiiat the beuehis of the Profession may be ,/:aced within the reach of all who may feel an interest ia the preservation ot the Teeth. I IMPUDENCE.' If anything were wanting to convince us that the New York Herald is “poking fun” at the Yan« kees when it lauds their valor so excessively as it is in the habit of doing, it would be supplied by , the following paragraph: '^yoTthern Superiority in Arms.—The late naval bat tle at Hatteras Inlet demonstrates the superiority of , Northern Arms and Northern prowess. The accurate aim of the shells, conaiflering the roughness of the sea, is surprising. The same superiority was observable in the sinking of the privateer Petrel by a signal shell, and at Bull Run. There and elsewhere the enemy have met our troops in superior numbers, yet their Iosh i.s invariably more ihan ours. It was so at Wilson’s creek, belore Manassas Junction, and in Western Vir ginia. Our superiority of numbers and of armament at Hatter.is Inlet is the exception to the general rule; but it does not lake away from the merit of precision ‘ and the skill which has distinguished our troops and naval officers throughout this and every engagement since the war began, wherever there were competent commanders in charge. In hand-to-hand fighting, and in tlie use of cannon, as well as in the rifle, t.ie North j has established its superiority, and the result ot the : recent action on the coast of North Carolina will be to give increased confidence tp our troops, and sbow the , Powers of Europe that they ouglit not lo arrive at hasty conclusions from the disaster at BjII Run.” i The Yankee ships during the present war have ! repeatedly engaged our batteries on shore—at i Sewell’s and I'ig’s points, at Acquia creek, at Ma thias’ point and elsewhere. Yet, until the affair I at Hattera.s, they never succeecled in killing or : crippling a single man, while our men slaughter ed them by wholesale. At Ilatteras, they kept out of range of the tew guns we had mounted, and shelled us at will. Their aim not being dis turbed by the fear of casualties, they fired with I more accuracy than usual. The greatest coward on earth can take deadly aim from behind a hed"e. Stiil we are called on to admire this feat, as a proof 0! Yankee manbood. The privateer ^ Petrel, a little bark of some hundred or two tons, was fired into by a frigate and sunk. Here is an other proof of Yankee superiority. But the grand proof was at Bull Run. We all know how that was, and consequently we all know what to .hink of Yankee superiority. As for the affair in Western Virginia, it con- i sisted in the defeat and capture of 243 men by I three thousand Yankees. In hand-to-hand'fight- ing, the Yankees have never given a chance to ! test their manhood. They have invariably fled before we could cross bayonets with them. Capt. Dooley, with his Montgomery Guards, tried to reach them with the bayonet at the combat of Bull Run, and Capt. Boggs tried to do the same. They had as well have tried to charge a flock of wild-geese. The lankees were nowhere, long before they could get to them, nor was there any ; chance of getting near them. To put a stop at once to all these lies about superior numbers on our side, we will state that at Bethel there were on our side one .North Carolina regiment, about 120 Howitzers, and four companies of \irgioia infantry, numbering in all l,lt)0 men, of whom not 8oU were engaged, while the Yankees, ac cording to Butler’s own report, brought six regi ments into the field—that is to say, at least 5,OU0 men—that theio are now, in this city, prisoners representing thirty-eight regiments engagid ia tlie battle ol Mauasaas.all ol which attacked John ston's torce, never nutiibering 15,U0U men—and that they were assisted by ten thousand regulars. But there is no use in boasting. The thing will Le tried over agiiu, and then we shall see where the tuanhood lies. We ask only one tavur, and that is, tliat McJlellan will not boast ol over whelming numbers betore ht sets out, and then utteujpt to Cover the shame of defeat by lying ad , MciJowell did. At Bethel a company of North Carolina infan try jumped over the breastwork and tried to ' charge the Yankees. They ran before our men cuuiU get withiu titty yards of them. Our men at Manassas u.ade seven distinct bayonet charges, always with the same result. The iankees never would wait for them. Hand to haiidl Poohl Catch a Yankee at that. There is one kind of superiority’ which we willingly concede to them. They can beat our men running. RicUniotid Diapatch. 'I'he C’hctsf' triidt of 2\tw \.>rh.— ihe Buffalo Atlas Fays 00 tons of cheese were shipped from Attica last week. The price is from five to six goveinc i i>y I lie Hegulaiions nnd Ar- cents per pound, or about one-half ot that paid tor ihe Governwicni of tiie (.’onfederate The rout vf (he HVir.—The Baltimore Exchange earns from undoubted authority that the expnises ot the Lincoln Government during the past four niontlis have been over two hundred millions’ of dollars. The-great bulk of that enormous sum L^jes to pay contractors in carrying on the war of subjugating the 6outh. That is, over a million and a halt per day. More from lioclciixjham.—The Rock- inu'iiam Kcgi.stcr says that the wife of Capt. Wm. F. Deatrick, ot Company G, Virginia militia, re siding near Ottobine, in this county, presented the State, (not her husband, for he wasab.senton duty at Winchester,) on Saturday morning last, with three boys at one birth! They weighed six teen pounds. The patriotic mother and two of the “boys” are doing well—the other little fellow Was not so well, though hopes are entertained tluit he, too, will yet be a man. '1 hey are to be named Johnston, Jjce, and Beauregard. may be found at all tune May 10. IHofi. •Jtf The rriitoiiers and the .fuvenile Darkeys.— The Richmond correspondent of the Memphis Appeal relates an incident which we consider worth copying: The pri.soners still remain in their old quarters fiis^roihce over Houston's Jewelry Store, wher. he ' ^ Harwood’s factory at the lower end ot Main street. A gentleman who vi.sited them a day or two ago ha.s related to me a short dialogue as hav ing occurred in his hearing at the prison, which is so good that I will give it to you. A group of grinning little negroes, just discharged from their daily labor, had gathered around a window of the facto^, and were amusing themselves with com- luents upon the appearance ol the captives. One of these latter, annoyed at being thu.s .stared at and discussed by young Sambo, broke out at the largest of them: “Go away, you d—d little cusjJ if it hadn t been for the like of you. I’d hav« never been in this pesky place.” “Well, boss,” says small ebony, “what you come ’ere for? We all nuver ax you to come 'ere—no body want you come ’ere—lemme ’lone." Mrs. Dowdy says that one of her buys don t know nothing, aud the other does. The question is, which knows the most, Forty Ycarx' Familiar Letters ofJas. W. .Vle.'cander. D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexiiiider, D. D. Also, i.art her supplie.s of Margarei .Moiicrielfe; Beulah; .Vdam Bede; Vuset; Shirley; School Books, H.C. .Inly lo. K .1. H.ALK .t SON. The rre-^ljvleriaii Pnialiiiodif^t Character notes. A*turuicr supply just received. July 20. L. J. HALK ^ SONS l lIilTfll^K June SO. HaKDEE S KIFLE A> D INFANI'KY TACTICS, complete, two vols. in one. $1 50, or 1 05 by mail ow/y. the VOLUNTEER’S HAND BOOK; 60 cents, or 65 by mail—cash only. E. J. HALE & SONS. The !$oiilherii Uariiioiiy, School Boown, &c., furiUer uuupUe» just receivevi. li. J. ilALJi & SONS.