SKIttl-WEEKL Y [VOL. XI] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 23, 186L [NO. 1059 ] i i.ivrri' Mt»NDAVS ANl> THURSDAYS KOWAIID J. HALE & SOXS. K1 IT!»U.S ANi» ITvv^r [HE rolled I !' ’• t' « Stfi ■! Wpfkiy (lu-t-.RvKR $3 00 if pai.l in ino‘ ; ' t'' * :■ p tii 'luring tiie year of subsjrip- !■ or Si !if:- r ii>- >enr has expired. 0 'V,'t ;lv Ob'^krv KR S‘J UO per unniiiu. if p.tlii in V i , r>0 if paid ilurinj: the year of sub'^crip- I. >r Ori ;ift»»r (he year h:i> ex]'ire\. Vl>VERTlSIMl'NTS in'jorted for t0 cent>> per le "f I* Une? for the first, unvl SO cents for each 'odiiig '..uV>li(*!iiion. \ early adverti;enients by spe- I (Cts. at reaHOiiable rates. Advertiser* (ire io state the number of itwertioiis desired, or ro cnntinm-l till fo»-bid. And chargred accord- :-*f" ents lo be inserted .n^ide, charged 60 per SPK'^IAL N(*T1('E. •;i .?' er thisidit**, no name of a new subscriber •; en'ered without p^ijmeut Ln adranoe, nor will . V "e r?nt to sui'h sab.^ 'ribenj for a longer time U%velliiii; lor Rent. f AltlES KVn^ ^ 1^H ti lW0">it0rv UuiUliu? on tho oorn*r of \ 1 ...nd U..W .treeH. kn„wn al^he luil bu'1 finlr For ' RECEIVED HIS SI>KING SUPPLY OF particulars applv to July '22, 18-;r. D. ANl>i:iSON. ntf i':ii(ii*;\i(iKTiiFi;\HL!':si':Mi\iK\. gri:i:k\i»koiioi:(;ii, v, rnillS INSTITU riON ii*»s b»en in successful operation ^ I for tweuty-oue yenrs. and for the Visi ten years- under its present Princip il. | The Course of InnjruiMion is ilesijrned to atl'ord to Southern parents an Institiiiion in which cm V>e se | cur. d every advantage utforded by tl»e v^ry be.-st Fe i nial? Seminaries in the Country. i The F.iculty consists of FIVF, (lentlenien an i FOUll LaJles. The Instiiuiioii is. nni h is l>een, THOliOUG 11- i L\ SOrTliEKN ill its organiiati«n. I Greensboroujrh is eaiiiieiiily hei:’t';y, ar. i i- thv rirc- • fr?nt excited sa*c i.f th« c 'ai.ry, ux ucO.'viiptiic-il po- _ bition rtn lers it a quiet anti safi* leire i:. ' The neii >es5.ion will cotnin-»tice Aujj'ist 1st. IStll. For Cat.ilnj^ues coniainiug full pirui;ulirs of i. nns. Sc., apply to RICHARD STERI.IN’*'.. I'rinopal, . Grfensbor"H2li. N. C. Jtine ‘Jt’. 1^3 3in pd iniY — Atnonjj which are— 1 Xni\ l’IECK.^1 ('ALK’O; LOUW P1F,('ES LAWNS; Black an i Colored Silks; Irish Lin Ml anil l)iapert»; IJoliing Cloths, No. 1 to II; Men and Roy’s Clothing. With a large assortment of nil kitnls of r ..1 subsoril ers as desire to take the pa- .'Vsiem wil. please notify us when making Jan'y 1. lS-38. T i) I.*);!!! 10 the (onfederate Stales! K' ■'si,‘I*!!' (.1 i.-u iO receive t-.i' Lonn tre now • lie ■•‘r • i.f I Cl S :epiie»d in Fayettevillf. .1 ,.)» » . h ir.‘ tlii- tn itrer in c'larije .ip If!'; w r;: It ii« I:: o^nie f rw trd and aid in I • Mif -..I ‘ii'i of th'- iitin SI inipr«-si lo \ : r- inv ..liii.Mii IS i‘fiT’tr-l*-d -ife mihI re- v.> ; ;» t: >f ■ ii^' .' in ideiHiii.n tliat the ap- > . ,•■ -'.1-: ' 0 rj.i.**:!"!! 1' out* of the hig!l^■'^l ! ■ ' r : ' It* ' ? I . *» (’ .11 tt>,J ,»I>1 e .*>t lit***. t f t« id II t':' w tf. ■(' I ;ifV V i’it*> life, liberty. .V ' ■ ii» wi.i b« rtccepied I'roui fi?'y dollar^ . 21. ^ 41tf ii.% roK iiiRi:. HE subscriber h^ls a IT \('K ai M, Jvt-r -« Dep-^i, ihf terminus of the Western i with which lu* i' prepired to Cunvev I'l'-en^ers in miy 'lirecii-m tliey m.nv wi-h to g.i. He will he pre'en: M'le iv-* on the nr r;v:il of ;|ie ir un. W’i:li g I Hov'i - 'in l c-treliii an ' kccommod.iiing Driver.'^, he ! "['es to ^;ive ~ iri-' ictioii. At Ri'UT Cil’.W DepAf, Phitham ''o .V i' , M I'Cli uT>»TER\~RAIL ROAl>. U' of which were purcliased at Auction and private 'al * by I he puckn^e at p.tnic pi ices, and will be offered rlienp Viy wholi >^ulu or rel>til. April II. IHil. 12tf •Yo. tififf St. I A YDS. PIUNT.'s, unusually low, either by wholesale or retail. •'>(> box. WOOL and other H.\TS. € L O T II I G It erently reduced prices; together with a large and varied .slock of s'um i\ii Fi\fv iniv fioons. ill -it wliich will hi! off'-red on as favorable terms as any ll.’iHein iheSiiiie. .L K. KYLE. (> t. 4, ls»;u 68tf now be cli-ir '^HE following rates A C-KTII Tlio \ew Style, Small. (oloiu:d photoguaimis, AT ' Vn1’^ Gall**ry. I ART. %Voolw arcl's ^olar Caiiiern. IKcajlqiinrtt't’^* i I mi n^l on ) U^ht Arlillery, [ > .^yi■ B'Ylv.m -luiy ’J'», l5ol. ; r .rr'^any. le'ir' g to be cotnpleie in tftry r#- gl'id ro enli-r a number of gno i Dri- _ , :i I-' ■iiie'l to thB m*n>iz«nient of ho"se». w r.e p 1 ' escS m in. on en ifment. a h unit M ■ ; V 5 -V JiJ; be^i'ie>i being rlothed and . ‘ , ••■nli'ire free. :iii 1 ali o her nece»a*ry i n s ed ffqiiieite t >r a sol iier. r:- e l i !v u . e*i- he is i g' -id driver and ex- ..•! r, I M ui of h t-«9 The d>-srina- • : c 'TTiL a'l V is V’.rtjini i. a* • 'o a« equipped. ALF.X b NKHJKE. Capt Cn. E. Kej t Lt Am 'ery. geis on ttiis Rt v 1. viz: To Lift e River, To .piiit Spring, To Jonesboro’, To Mclver 8. Train leaves the Deoit ^I n lu-a. 5'> c's. I'Vo ! 2 ') We Ines lavs pil >T. 1 t. 1. Fridays, at Hi o’clocic A at 1 o rlocii P. \f Nov. 1>. 1 M. llvrturnin^. i».iv*fi .Nlclver'^ r. B M 'iLLKTT, P--. Tit NKAUKST ANI' Ql lt IvK.-T ROLTE TO Tin: RAILROAD! WANTl^D. A y o'';;ood W • mjL Y ARN to make #ock« ! ] .-rs. G. W. I. GOLDS rON. Ag’i. -,i. 4-5 tf SPRINT, TRADE! WORTB, WKWHTHAA A: 4 0. FF£:l AT VMIOLESKLE A HEWY STOCK OF GROCERIES. — A L^-' — .\ e'^mr'''!e an i w 1 s>e;ee’ed «'ock of n.VRDWARl- it CUTLERY. *.LLa N MITH C\R0LINA LKjL'oRa. i-iv at >Her BKAMW i' KOHi\Sl)\’S FOCR HOKSF. STVTt LIVK T» K KV VVsVII.LE. VIA WIKSWV. IS the shortest and most ixp«*iit:ou^ for tr ve.t frying North or South. Leaving Fav«-ti»;ville e'' rv •2 o’clock P M. THKOCGII IN IE. IHiU S Our Coaches are large and comf ri»«bie. drtve-s and gentlemanly, our ttaxa grvMl nQ>i Mure ct five T.;i>x au hour. Tii» traveling public who would study their comijr, and convenience will t-ke the Warsaw St i^e JI^THROUGH TICKETS TO WELbuN may be had at th« Stage Office, FayettevilU. May 2^. IS'Wi. * 25 ff i>larhle Factory, ‘T>n !’.,\.PHS can be h .d it mors lt*H’s Skyliirhi lery. ILiv 'fleet, oppo'ite irble Vanl. Fay- u’ville. N pi nn. retnuche I. colored, in water ! m'*. ■;! an I pi'tile; from 'iiiall to life sue. .\inbro- vpes, iK'l'in.-otype'. in I ill other niyleb of Piciure-i ;.er: i i f ihe A»'f .A.i»o. G'lt Frames, Gilt \loiiM ‘ ir (i for very ’ iv'e pictures—is large as i'i by >. ,r,i- !,-5 .’onl and Tassel.s for hanging pictures; Instru- I !. 5 St i-k atid ('l.w.nicala for sale low torcaali. Lift- -.-'e 'rt'i i’lioiogr iphs made from small picture*. Hav :ig permanently located hero 1 hope to merit V 'I patr iiace I would al'O return my sincere thank^ r'. r It.- ernl puiroriHge bestowed on me heratotore the gojd ’>t;opie of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M vanok.^uell, Photographist and Proprieior. De-' r-J\ 1!^59 77- 8100 Ueward. P \NA'V I t IliV n^ ;:r- G') bi 'M K'TI VVORTH. Am: 1" I bii’o. • IGUTMAN -V CO. IStf FAVirrTi:vii.i.E >IITIAL LNSIRAMK COMPANY. Preii, iiin N -ies am-juiit' 11. 1 and other us.ets. -b G.U77 -ib le ,m -il ITC 1 *-’7-2.70.) 'il 1 1 al; :..-je- promptly, and inep.t on their premium notes. : p i; I. » >FFI- KBs, I M'.-N'EILL, Pri’silent. \. liAV, Vk'v- Pi ; L ilt McMlLL VN. Sec y biBl.' W N. Ti^linjrha-'T, . .1. IIilisdli.*. Will M Liurin, T. S Liitterl-.h. \ W. Sr.-el, .1 Hoa. 1. 0. Shepherd, K. F r>r>wn, A. L. H:lll. I f ( \I. Cru;*-n, Traveling Agent' p .iiy invite application*. i(-criber on hist De‘ember. ;ro m in b \ VE. 11^ is a lull bloo leil negro ■) le.: " ■ ' 10 i clii-s liijrh. well «et. kimI intelligeni for » II' would v»lien lie left froni bl.t to IT ! ;»l,.)ut •■{■> yeiir^. he h is a «i ir mi hi- face. I will (• iV Filty boll.irs reward to any per-«i-n delivering him me at Phi*, idelphus. Ro!'e*on coiuity, N. C., or for i.;s C'-ntinement in any Jiii so that I cm l'*m Atid Fift} Dollars for proo’ bufhcii-ut to convict any pervon jr persons for barb *riug him. DANIEL McCXLLUM. For JOSEPH R. 'lc« ALLUM. Piiiladelphns. Robeson Co., N. C.. .\pril o. I'Jtf Alice C'aiiipbi'll %«ill re- ^uii'-- her ."c-ioi'. ou MONDAY Oci*'bei’ ih, lS'»l. S- (>t. ‘J. IM'. 1 63 1 m THE ItAlLllOAl) FlOU^T '’PMfc. :’>>( Rl liE K. having jiisl cO'npleled ins li>» i ll u-e n'”irihe R'i'.l Uoad l)ep»i. is prep irej to uc- . utiio i Ilf Inm-ieiit an'l permanent Uo.irJers. P.ea-e vjive !ue a chU •lOSKPH OTTVRP.URG. Fayetteville. ,\iig. 1’'*. I. \ VDKti. \\ TWn DODKS \B(U F (’. T. II \Will \ SOW STliRi; Fav«*ll*vill«*, >. Jar. V '0 '■l.ii ■'> i; h.v.* jii't lei’eivcd by Kspres . a -iipply ot SPELLING I’.tMiK'—price ■>! 2') per dwZen 1'). ceni** leinil, Cimh We have tiot iiJvinced the price t'f any uriic'ci o i li iiid hetore I lie w ir: hut pre enl piin hnsi s eo-t U' liian we :i'k.- l for those ( M coui'e we liave tu pit up prices oil we buy now. ! nau. \-i iiHn. ■ n jhist. Wilmgton. E .1. II.VLE .£ S)NS F i\ ileviMf, All;' 2 21-ly «■» mi;! rarpviiii; 1J. AlU’ElIVG at No. ;ll. Hay St. Ali \ e-.. ,'ill prices, all qualitie*- .All will be ■ :ier by w if.lf« tie or retail. Also, 6-4 and 1 ti' an 1 bru^getN .1. K. KYLE. Mo. S' r . Sept 1.'?. IKI’.O njit J J CkX \V P KEN’DALL. j. s. KK.N'DALL cox, KEA’DAI.L & t'O , Comiiii^^ion Merchants A N D WHOLESALE GHOCEHS, >0. 11 «fe 12 North Water St., Wiliniiisl'Hi, N. I'. O (ler- from me I’oiintry promptly execute !. P vi iii iil ir aiteniion given to ttie sale of Cotton .i I .' . r pro'liice. (oustantly Maiiul;ifturln>; ut my Establishment, Ln-EUY VARIEIV t)F HARNESS. Sa.l'lles, Undle.-. Collars, U hip^ .iii'l liuiiks; all kin.Is of Leather, Calf Skins Condition Powders, for dise:ised lloi'es and Coacii Trimmings. Ciir|>et Ri^'s. Vuli'es, si' ilardwiire, icc. The largest stock in the .Stat*'' wiiulesHle or retail, at the very lowest pr'.fes. 'eiy lescription of Harness and Saddles iii.inulaciured to order and repaired. .lAMi-S WILSON. No. 5 Market at. Wilmington, N. C., near tu > iiT N«'v 3. IBHU. 1.7-ly LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. I8C0-G1. SENATE. Pisquotfiuk and Per(piimnn»...J M Whedbee. Camden and ('urrituck...B F Simmons. Oates and Chowan.,.M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton....! M 9 Rogers. Hertford....J I? Slaiijjhter. ■Certie...Diviil Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifiix...M b W'hiiaker. K Igeeombe and Wil.«on...U T Clark. Pilt... E J Pilount. I Beaufort... Frederick Grist. Craven...N 11 Street. Carteret ami .Iones...Dr M F .■\rendell. ' Greene and I.enoir....J P Speight. | ■ New Hanover... Eli W H ill. 'din...Dr James Dickaon. ' Ons'o'"...l W Huinphrey. HI d n. R'unswick. Ac...Jno D Taylor. (’uuiberlan I and Harnett... Duncan Shaw. "^S:impson...Thoma« I Faison. Waync...W K Line Johnsion...J W R Watson. VNake ..M Bledsoe. N ish. . .V J T ay lor. I Fr inklin...\V Harris. War"«n...T J Pitchford. G''anville...C H K Ta\lor. Person...*’ L Wiusiead Orange...Josinh Turner. Jr. .Mnin.ince and Ran loljih....Jonalhau Worth. ('haiham — W ,S H iriis Moore an'l \!'.ntg.>niery...W D Onwil. Richmond aii'l ltoh-"«oo \lfr«d Dockery. Anson .tn'l Union....S H Walkup. Guilf.ird...Peter A.l ims raswell... Re.if.ii‘I Rr.iwn. R.'rkin..rli'r~ ..F I. Sunpsnn. Mecklenburg... J.iim " slker. Ciib:iriijn Hnd .St inly...V I' l’>arringer. R.'Whii an'l Di" .) G R im»ey. b I In > W Thoin is, Sii)ke» Hti'l F ‘r-yi h... Je"e A Waugh. .■\'he. Surry ,vc....lo' b'l^-ion. Ire lell, w ;ies .'IC...!, Q '^hirpe. Riiike Mol).-w.11 Gi’iher. Lmeoln. G’l'toii ispei" .Sinwe. Liriierr.'r i P .Ik ,V - \ W R irton. RiiQcoti'be. I j erid'-r.'oii vr...neoW Canjlcr. 11 lywood, .NLic.iii XC...W H Thomas. HOC'E OF CO.M.MONS. AHmsnce...Giles Mehme Alexander... D • J 'I t'uson Aiikoti...L I. Polk, E R Lilaa A'he...J M O-mry Riirke...J II Pears,-in, linnci'iDhe.,.A S Meirimon BUden,..'' T Davii Beriie...P T Henry an>l Ferjjuioa. Dean fori... R .S D >nnell W X Mar^h. UriinHWick ...T D .Menre*. Caldwell... liicksoD. rab-jrrii3...W H irris f'aiawha... loins t’line, Ciiatliaiii...\V P Tsy or. R N Oreen, Turner BynuiD. Cherokee ..> W H iye«. Craven...!' C C.l »rk. F E .Aifrci Cumberland and Hirnett...O G Wright, J 3 Harring* ton, J C Wiili;ims. Chowan...—— Small. Co umbua...N L Williimson. -W, S. Battle, Geo. L. Patterson J'Ol 10-tf 11 A f ,)(HAKER, Jk., r V O 15 \ K Y \ V Ij a w , en an othce next door to Wm. B. W’right’s Law .•L--.11 tjreen Street, lie will .ittend and practice ; C.j iniy ml Superior Courtu of CuiuberUad, ■I. ll.jbeaoii .iii'l S;iiiipaon. . Ih:,’.. fIiIeINOH STRANG- Attorney at Law, Fay eit eville, N. C. * th:!t recently occupied by (•'. O. Wright, Esq., V iiie Dow uocujjivU t>y liim iu i^r. Hobiiison t* 72- FISH! FISH!! \TEW MACKEREL. Nos. I, 2 aud a. •• WHITE FISH. - HERRING. &c. kc. Callut A. N. MCDONALD'S, [ South-oide Hay Street. Oct. 1. __ ' ^irSi^A’ORTIl CAROLINA >irniAL LIFE i^lSl'UAM't: tOaPAAV, V^OW in ttiB tenth year ot suci^es-'tul oper.itii ti, witli growing capital and firmer li.d'l upon public c..n- ' n teiice, ooniinues to insure ihc lives ot all he.ililiy ijer- ■ soni from 14 to OU ye-»rs of a>ie f >r one year, tor seven years, and for life— all life members si’.ai ing in i he pi'Otii.s 1 All sl.ives t'roiii 10 to ijU yeitis ot age :iie iii'Uied toi i one year or lor tive ye.irs for iwo iiiinls tlieir value. ••Ml looses are piiticiually puid Wiiliiii 'JJ diy* attei' ‘ iiiisfaciory proof ia prc'enied. For further inform iti.n ilie piibl‘• is referred to ! AgeQta of tha Comp my III ill (iirtsC he .■'lute, and to It. 11. BAl’TLE. Secretary. Ruleigli. E. J II \ LE, .V>r*;nt at I Jan’y 1869. F.iyeiteviile. N C. ■■•i. Green Stieet. 2. Irtij'.'. i tltTtlEit SUrjPJLMES. f - 1 \11, liI.V I. NO I E, IJillei Note, tjiip. Letter, Bath ' '. ^ '-r. Docket, Folio Host, a'l.J other* Papers in b ■ v.iii.-tv. liounet Boards, &,c. &c 't leceived. H.VLL & SONS. ii \2. srPIlEME COURT KEPOKTS, VOI.UMES. \ ol. ; JiiiH sS Law, 4 Vol. 5 Jones’s Equity Reports, j I ,--,ie.l. I.,r 3.lie, or excliange as u>ual for uu- FOB CLERKS OF THE COIRR Execution, tri.vl, and appeakanc*' dock ETS, ruled and primed from the mos; approved forms in’use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS, in great variety. May 31. E. .1. H \LE / SON’S . .1 ,s -1. I oy J. HALE & HONS. 8ft- li.ciiik W urraiiU sale. DESERTER—$30 REWARD. TIllR l Y dollars Reward will lie pud lor the .np- prehensiou and delivery of d-f.ser ler BUK^'ELL W HODGES, at any Jail or .Military Posi in the St iie The said Hodges resides in H irneii County, about 1» milea from Averasboro'; lian liazel eye.s. hl-icrf h lir. daik conipli'xion, i.-i •') ,uf?t 10 in J’es hii'li. iige 2I> years. He enlinteii liie 2^lh May, IbOl, nii't deseried about lOih | June. PETER M.\LLETT. . Capt. Co. C, od Reg'i N. C S T. . July 80. 44-tf 1 WtSTEilX ll\ll. llOllM'llWliE IIF l^^.;i»\I this d ite. the P:;“senger Tra-n will leave Fay- 1 ellevi le at o' M . and Mclver’s nt l‘J oclock. M., on .Mond.iys. Wedn-)-hiys and Iridiiv'.. Up must be delivered the previous ev. ning. C. B. MALLETT. P.n’t, Ang. 1!S oj-it m tiooiis! m:\i liooiisr” ,i, I^cHiberton Will receive in a few da\s his eniire stock ot mm ,i\« mm mm, embr.\cing all the and De^iralili* j l‘«, AT Pi«l Es To .>U1T THE TIMES. ; The jiublic are respecifully invited to cal’ • e irly and secure B .Ul G .\ I N S “iQia ' J. A. PEMBERTON .March ‘JH. 18*31. btf | The VirjfiJlia and .\ortli C'arolina ; Srr'|ircs»ible!«. i Jf.NCTioN P O., Hanover County. Va , 1 1 July 1^9, IS'II. ) Uu ler this naiise it is proposed to get up a regiment oi len c .iiifcinies of 100 men eaih. including ofticers. mak ing 1.00(1 men. We are to wear cituorix’ cioihesHtid to use suc!i iiriiis as we c in furnish mirst ives. .\ pair ’ nf'’(dt’s pistols, a bowie-knife ai.d a do'i>ilo barrel gun with a .Minnie hull or a good rifle; lo pledge oiir'elve- lo serve doling ihe war wherever the President mn\ I cli'iose to place U-; to serve wilhoiu p iy. I 'I he ii.ain o'jeci ol ihis orjj vi.iz iiion is to avenge fli>- j tie'll Ii of Gen Uoliori S G irtieii. of Virginia, and i ol : Cl. n'le'- F Fi-'her. of .N'onli t>ir(ilina Tiio'e wlio wish to form such a reiiimenf, will signit . iheir asaeui by wriiiiitJ lo me ai the •.►>ove post-otfice and when we Imve 500 nien we will report oiir-‘elveH foi jiuy. and g'j on increasing the number until it Hiiiountr to l.O'.Mi. The d esign is, that the niimSer shall always be kept up by new enlistments wiienever vacincies occur h. deaiii or inability, and no other cau-e ^hall release h mail from tiis ohlicat inn. I will act as private, or in any capacity ihe regiment may direct. Wlienourniim her leache- oO'), we will reqnesi the Prexideni to «p point a (?olitnel of his own selection, and mu-ier us into service at Ricliiii. nd. I will advortifje ihe Iime of meet■ inir liiere as sooti as I receive the names of .'>0 • men. E:ich cotni'any will clioose its own Captain and subor dinate olUcera. TIIKODORE S. GXRNETT. fhe newspapers in Virginia and .North C-irolina will d mbtless publish the above withcuit charge, twice n week fir three weeks. AIAUGE quantity of cotton and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. 17 41- Csnjden...b D Ferebee. Carteret... D W Whit*iinr«t. Caswell... —— Withers, S P HtlL Currituck...B M Bixter. Cleaveland...A O Water*, J R Logan Davidson... LewiM Haynes, £ B CUrk. Davie... HowinL Dup'iin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. E'igecombe... R R Bridgers, J S Wooilard Forsyifi...J F Poin.lexter, Ptiilip Barrow Franklin—W F G'Cen. Gnsion....! H VVhiie. Granviile...J M Bullock. W II Jenkins. S H Cannadiy. Guilford...C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorreil. Greene V D Speiitht. Gate.s...Ji)hn iJooilie. Haywood...S L Love. Hiilitax....A I! bavis. W B Pope Hcriford...J J Ye ites. Henilei'*on..,Jos P Jor.lan. Hyde...Ti’.m III Farrow. Iredell....-V K .''imonton, A B F Gaither J ickson...A Fisher. Jones... W P VV: nl. Jolinsion—W H Watson, Jas Mitcbener. Lenoir....) C Wooten. Lincoln...V -\ .Mclleee. M idison....John F.igg. Miriin... Ewell. Meltowell.11 Luiirm. .Moore....K exan.ler Kelly. Moutgonii ry... E i L Barringer. .M ic.iii...!! G W Hi II Mecklentiijrg...S W Davis. J M Pottn. Nasli...H G WilliaiU' New II inover...S .1 Person, Daniel Shaw. Nortli.ainpton... M W Hainsom, W W l*eebles. Onslow....! H iM>y. Orange...II B Guthrie. W N Patterson. Pastjuoi ink...J T \Villiams. Penpiimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G Alhritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. l{o»)esou—.\lex McMill in, Eli Wishart. Rockin^'hani... R i wley illow iy and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming. N F Hall. l;uihertor-i...C T N Davis, B II Padgett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S Winslow Ui;-hmoiid...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W .\uirey. Surry... W Uuigh Stokes—Hi.r-itio Kellum. Stanly ... La; ay el te Greene. I'vrrelt...'’ Mcl’leese. Union...C Q Lemmon.In. W ike...S I! Hogers J W Russ, H Mo' decal. Warren...J B Batclielor, W II Cheek. Washington...»’ Latham. Waiauga...Tliom is Farihinfc. Wayne... W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes....\ W’ Martin, Horton. Yadkin... A C Cowles. Yancy... ■■■—■■■■■ iTiT— THE HAVOC OF LIFE BY WAR. It is difficult to conceive what tearful havoo war ha.s made of human life. Some of its inci dental ravages seem to defy all belief. It has al times entirely depopulated immense districts. In motiern as well as ancient times, large tracts have been left so utteily desolate, that a traveller niioht pass from village to village, even from city to city, without finding a solitary inhabitant. The war of 175G, waged in the heart of Europe, left in once instance, no less than twenty contiguous vil lages without a single man or beast. The “Thir ty Vears’ War,” in the seventeenth century, re duced the population of Germany Iroin 1*2,000,- 000 to 4,000,000—three fourths; and that of ! Wurtetuburg, from 500,000 to 68.000—more than , nine-tenths! Thirty thousand villages were de- stroyedj in many parts the population entirely died out; and districts once studded w th towns and cities, now spring up immense forests. Look at t4ie havoc of sieges—in that of Lon- denderry 12,000 soldiers, besides a vast number of inhabitants; in that of Paris, in the sixteenth centur}’, 30,000 victims of mere hunger; in that of 3Ialapfarjuet, 34,000 soldiers alone; in that of Ismail, 40,000; of Vienna, 70,000; of Ostend, 120,000; of Mexico, 150,000; of Acre. 300.000; of ('iirthage, 700,000; of Jeru.«aletu, 1,000,(00! ! Mark the slaughter of single battles—at I.c- panto, twenty five thousand; at Austerlitz. thirty thousand; -^t Eylau, sixty thousand; at Waterloo and Quatre Bras—one engagement, in fact— sev enty thousand; at Borodino, eighty thousand; at : Foutenay, one hundred thousand; at Arbela, three hundred thou.sand; at Chalons, three hundred thousand of Attila’s army alone; four hundred , thousand Csipetes were slain by Julius Caesar in one battle, and fimr hundred and thirty thousand Gerraatts in anothir. Take only two cusps more. The army ofXerx- 6', s;iys Dr. Dick, must have amounttd to 2, »83,- 320; and, if the ittendaiits were only one-third as j.rreat as comtnnn at the | reseiit day in Eastern countries, the sum tt tal mu.stl.ave read od nearly 8 X niilliuns Yet, in one Ntai, thi.'-'vast multi tude Was reduced, though iiot entin'y ly death, to 30(1,000 fighting men; and ol thise p1\ Ime (h'/i/>fnn/ escaped UisTuciii n Geri},hisk:n the ^ terrible r.ivagt-r of Asia in the thincetiih cei.tury, ‘ .shut niiii'fy tliou.«:ind on the plains of Ne^6a. ai.d d issacred two hundred thuusand at the storming of Kearasin. Iti the district of Me vat. he I uttli- ‘ ered one uiiliion six hundred thoU'and, and in two cities, with tlieir dependencies, one million seven liundred and sixty-two thousand. During the list twenty seven years of his long reign, he ' is said to have massacred more than half a million ' every year; and in the first fourteen years he is 1 supposed by Chinese historians to have destniyed not less than eighteen millions—a sum total of over thirty-two millions in forty-one years! If any view, what a fell destroyer is warl Na poleon’s wars sacrificed full six millions, and all i the wars consequent on the French Revolutions some nine or ten millions. The Spaniards arc said to have destroyed, in forty-two years, more than twelve millions of American Indians. Gre cian wars sacrificed fifteen millions; Jewish wars twenty-fire millions; the wars of the twelve Cse- s:irs, in all, thirty millions; the wars of the Ro mans. before Julius Cassar, sixty millions, ths wars of the Homan Empire, of the Saracens and the 'I’urks, sixty millions each; those oi the Tar- ' tars eitrhty millions; those of Africa one hundred lijiliion.s. ! Dr. Dick says that if we take into considera tion the number, not only of those who have fal len in battle, but of those who have perished throuiih the natural consequences of war, it will au'l lilack. just ittceived irom the F.\CTOR^ perhaps, be overrating the destiuction of hu- ine «e»UMn part ot the Siaie. Ri.d tor sale low lor ong.tenth of the human ‘ '■ race has been destroyed by the ravages of war; and aceordinsi to this estimate, more than fourteen thou sand millions of human beings have been .slaught ered in war since the beginning ot the world. Edmund Burke went still further, and reckoned the sum total of its ravages, from the first, at no less than thhtif-jici tlunisnud miUiotis! X^orthvrn )*ro.^fjerit^.—The N. \ . iler.ild points to its adverti-emenls for evidence ot a revival ot business and returning prosperity iti New \ork. W’e have looked to its proofs, and find three columns and a hall tilled with such as these. *4 sifmiti'in tcoiifei/ bif t ri^pevtub/'' icf>niaii, either as cook, washer, nurse, maid of all work, or some such vocation. Many ol them say “wages no object—a home and board all that’s reriuired.” It is ])aiiiful. in looking over these columns of wants hv poor, helpless females, to think how much misery is couched beneith them. Five hun- Edgecombe and Wilson Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R Franklin — .\. D. Williams Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. W’alfon. Granville—W. Venable, T. 1.. Hargrove,! 8. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. ^ Guilford—Jno. A. Gilaier, Ralph Gorreil, R P. Dick. Halifax—li. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. ii. Mann. Haywood—Win. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertft)rd — Ivenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mit*hell, T. A. Allison. Jaukson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, V»^ A. Smith. Jones—Will. Foy. Lenoir—John (’. Washington. Ijincoln — Wm. Lander. Macon—C. I). Smith. Madison—J. A. .'IcDowell. Martin—Asa Biiri'S. McDowell—J. H Greenlee Mecklenburg—,J. W. ()^borne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery — S. 11. Christian. Moore—If. Turner. Nash — II. Arrinsrton. New Hanover — R H. Cowan, Robert i^trange. Northaiiiptoii—D. A. Barne.s, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. ()ran::e—W. A (iraham, John Berry. I'asqiiotank—R K. Speed. Perqu tii ui-i—Jos. S. (’annon. PeisDii—.Jnhn W CuninL'I'iin. I’itt — F li Satt.-rthwaite, B Grimes, liand ilpli—\\ J. Lmi'^, A G. Foster. R.chin lid—W. F Leak. Robes.iii—,J 1^. i'uller, J. C Southerland. R' Ckiiii^h nil — 1) S Ueii, E T. Brodnax. R .Wat -B. Criigo, H r Jont s. Rutheri. -d and Polk—J H. Carson, M. Dur- haiii. Sampson—R A. Mosely, Ttiomaa Bunting. .Stanly — E liearne. Sri.kes—(Vacatjf ) Surry—V. Hauilin. Tyrrell—ICH Spruill, rnion—II .NI. lioU'ton. Wake—G. E Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Ilol'f en. W arren — W. X El wards, Frank Thornton, j Wash;n.itou—W S Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G V. Strong, E A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. .Ariiifield. Yancev — M P Penland. .11 r«. Ward will i*eKuiiie the du ties ot tier >caool, lu .Vrcti Sireec, on tiie tirs'- day of October, IS'Jl Sept. 14. 67-4t FEW L.'iDIES can be accoiucuodated with board at the Seoiiuarv. T. C. HOOPER. .Sept. 12 66- A DENTAL NOTICE. K.: uiitii o o'clock 1*. J. j.t. i;L CiH be occMi 111 lii.s office. 2 iolii;. e:isi of i:ie ui'ii ket, at his re- othce ii'iura troui 9 o'clock A. ^L \|. 57 tf .\OllTil nilDLlW CliSllll'itE .l.\U JEWS. 3000 ^ the atjove "JbS lu lirowa.Ur iv tie(..t 1 L oti Jw I'Oli fO.\H'dlhl(ll'i': .SEIllll’E, Thiriy good, reliable, utimarried Men, 'I (.) enlist lor 111 KKi: V L or DLULNU I'll II W .A R, X tiiid to t'e s;:iiioiu-i .'it the .\r.-.i-u.ii iitnl .Armory :ii i-n i-ileviile. uiiles' s( -ci lly l eqiiii ed tur olliei ^ervice I’.iy tmai K.evi ii lo 1 w>. n:> -1 wo l»oU irs jut inomii. (wiili sueli an jiiimuiii aii litloiril as iikmu will wirraut) wiiii rations, fjii iiieis. iiiedu'.il aleii'l ince, ic. 1 tlesiTf no I'lu- ii> i-niir'i wli> fell ill not iiave made uji hi-mini lo lie goveinel l>y liie hegulations and .\r- licles of War lor liie ,i ci uujc.ik ot the Contederaie .Army. ,lNu. I'. LOO i’ll, (,'u|it. All y. C. S'. A. Lom,l g .V. X Armory. Fiiyetleville, Sept. i.', liSlil. M'lilE I’.Vd DWLLl1\u.s. ou the premises occupied jred respectable while women in the one city of 1 hy me laie Ju I’ouer, at ilie time ot his deatti. York, On One day and through One paper begijing lor the privilege ot drudjiing for a bare subsistence! That’s Northern firosperity. One- Aug CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. D. Forbes Anson— A. .^lyers, J. A. Leak, liurtie—B. Spruill, James I^ond. Beaufort—^V'. J i‘.liison. I.*. •!. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Hrunswifk—T. D. .Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Wuodfin. Burke—J. C .McDowell. Cabanus — C iMiif'er. Caldwell — E W .Junes. Camden — D. J>. Feivbee. Carteret—(\ R. Thomas. Cascell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Hetikle. Chatham—J. H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., . L. J. Morritt. ! Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan — l^- H. Dillard. i:ievelaiid—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy Columbus—Richard Wtoten. Oaveii—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitlord. Cuuiberlatn David McNeill. A. S. McNeilL Currituck — H. >1. Shaw. Davidson —B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob't Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodes. I'lisseyffion given ou HisL oi N >vemt)er. Apply ,o .M.VUY ANN POTTER. ^epl It). .Uettiu«lii9t llyiiiii!* aiiti Uli»Ci|i- liuesf, a new supply, assorie'i si/.es anil rjualiiies. yi„,cli lo K- HAi.L .vt SO.SS. DEXTISTRY. R. J. U.WUS having decided on perma- iiently locating in the Town ot F.iyeite- __ ville, reapocttully oilers hit services to the : J citizeu.v ot this place aiiJ surrouiiduijj country. In all *1 me various Ijrauclics of his i’rotession, including the manutaoiure t .Mineral leeih, he is saiistieU, alter au extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den ial education, that lie can give entire satislaction as tar att is in the jtowerol Ueutisiry. .\ll irregularities ot the I'eeih treateU iii a proper auU caretul manner, as well as diseases ot tlic nioutii. None but tOe prop*'»- metals are .aade use of iu jijderatc, tnat ,„aceu witiiiu me reacn ol .Ui «’lio may teel an uuerest ; Yankee prosperity, are devoted I Lilt? Lil'ti StJ 1* I a ♦* 1 »fi i J toar Jewelry .'Store, where he j to “//..h-s-.s Iff; and two more to ^^Boan/ and luav oe touiiu .u ali tuuc-s. j l„d;/oij ” Two t)tlier columus of misc^'llaneous no- tilth tWr number could tlOL be roUtlll Ul all tile Southern States put together. Perhaps one- twentieth would be an extravagant estimate. 1 his difierence is the x suit of the difference in the social status ot the two sections. The in the South, who occupy the position corresponding to that of tliese public be^^ars for eniploynii nt, are our slaves, who a e the last to tee* the pressure of want. When storms of adversity blow, they n iss unharming over their humble heads Ineir accustomed comforts suflFer no diiuinution. and kiiowiniT that others have that in hand, they are unmolested by even an anxiety on the subject. But your one-'idead Humanitarian—the most coid- hl loded and cruel of God’s creation, could never tiie various oiieratious. 'ji..-iges will be Lrou'^ht to comprehend this view of the matter, t the beueliisoi tlie I'rotessiou tuay be ;7ther culumns, tO which we are referred - ..M xir\v.x in-ic ;lll lllLereSt , 1 V\ > Forty Vears’ Familiar Cetters ot' W- .vlex.indei. U. D.. iennouo, by J. .-Vddisou Alexander. L>. U. Also, lurilier supplies ot .M.ogart;. Alouci Idle; iSeuiaii; iedc; Vuaol; csliirley; School liooKS, ..VC. .1 111 V 1" I'. II \i.r The l*rf»l>yttriaii l*saliiiolisl Chaiucier uoies. A uiriiiv.i fopplj josi receiveu. •Iiilv 2 I'. 11 \ i.l. .SUN'S I FUKTIIFK June 20. ‘ \KDi:E's RIFLK A> D i.NKANi ia' TACTICS tices, such as women advertising for husbands, men for wives, and places of assignntion and other kindred topics be6tting that model people, com plete the list. We dare say, fhe.!C columns do present a fair ample of the sort of prosperity which is etijoyi >V the ureat Yankee nation Ihe gallant air. al ray tiiair- uO, or 1 t)j b) mail j y. e.uiipkie, two vol.s. iu one. { —C'lufi only I and Harnett-Warren Winslow, I THE \ OI.US'TEGR S IIAND BOOK; G ) cents, or C: by mull —C'tsfi oiilj. K .1. 11 \LF. .'i SONS. Tlie !*i»oMllierii llariiioiiv, .School Books, 6LC., turiuer Buuplies jusi receivt-a. ^,.,..0 K. J. ilALli 4 bO^S. by . , of m>-rch:iiit t,;u:ccs, with their varied inficent importations-the long catal- gne of shi, s, bnund to and arrivin«r ev, ry | ort ot tt o , ocean- ih.- busy hum ot thriving industry, have lall disappear'd from the scene 'J he u iseiaide ! maid of all work, with her vehemetit uitnaty fo Mte permitted to earn a li\elihiod. ami tini iy housi's and rotting ships fill up the charming ' pieturcl—Ruhmuutl ! The six New England Srates «re sail 10 have oi.’j -.7 Repiments in the field; while II linoie akne has ibat number.

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