ipl Min Of IPAlTJlWISTmiL]! ®® S E M 1-W E: E K L Y. [Vv)I.. \1.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. SEPTEMBER 26, 186L [NO. 1060.] K Ic Viewst tov Tlay h . - • > . N --I. > •■•':• V ■' i r M .. M . *- * ii77 IL*^. :r -Eg C'- ■’• [ r I .1. .. .% ■ - r •! iiiia 'H lASK'J. LI i-‘- ; L 1- ' ■ WUE.V, , , . ol ■-•*« ii nc g.vi J. w >U‘ PlilNTrD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EOMAKD J. HALK & SOXS. i:i ITOUS aNu I'ROPTvICrOKS 'C f r tilt Semi-Wofkh’ Obskuveii $3 UO if paid jn j tv.ince; S3 CO iF pni3 lir.ritig tiie year of sabasrip- j 'V- or $ i after t>~e >car lias expired. | :hc Woc'tly OssERrEU $2 00 per annum, if paid in ; -i- nnrc: oO if paid during the year of aubscrip- i ui;: or r ^ (Xl after the year has expired. ADVntlTlS'.-MENTS inserted for 60 cents per j ,iic ot I'i lilies for the first, and 30 cents for each * •• ^e iH’-t? vublicaiion. Yearly advertisements by spe- ' - n;racts, at reason-ible rates. Advertisers are . - o l 10 state the number of insertions desired, or . will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ‘ X ^;riisements to be inserted tnstde, charged 50 per ' ■■Xtr'i : iSchool ]\otice* AfY SCTlOiiL ill li.e DON.ALDSON ACADEMY, on J1 H VYMOUNT. will be r*;-opeued on T U ES D A Y. UCTODEIl 1st, 1801. Termt, per Quarter of 10 weeks: English. S7 GO Clasisiciil, 10 00 Contingent, 25 JKSSE R. McLEAN, Principal. August 19, 18G1. 49if Sl’KCI VL NOTICE ! m .tiJ after thi>d;ite, non.aiiieof a new subscriber ■ ■■ fiucitd without p.iyment in advance, nor will iitv i>e tent to such subsciibers lor a longer time . .s p.tiii tor. .,',1 ol H r old subseri>'ers as desire to take the pa- will please notity us when ni.iking , L‘3. «);in'y 1, lbo8. EAGLE IIUTEL, u., Ar*.iij, 1861. i! . . i\riait luc to Call your .-i.Il-ii1>uii lo tla lit iLi*. 1 ii.ivc u .-ill iiic rooiii' : . .lUd llic ilvjii-l l!» lu betli T or .t i .. .ii.n.1 110115** lu ilie iiioiiuMics i»i >>ji ii L'jiro . .Ill u .'i: ticUcr »u(ipllcd vvuii gooa .il.J .it:eu- -t > . ;iii aiy ilo>cl lu ini» p.ui ol iiic ai.ttc. 1 .ic tiist C.laS visllLiis fli.it I lUr pi e ... r.iiii \ u, in a ?i) u- lor lo :iny hoU" iik^iiij^ ii.iU j-L'Vfiiii yens fxpei itiiL'f 111 1 ; V.-1 ni^'I- ! iri.ii i c 111 uitM’your FAYETTEVILLE Female Hi^ti School. TERMS. Roard per Session of 20 weeks, JHO 00 Tuition in (.'ollegiate Cl isses 20 weeks, 20 00 “ .Ac.adeniic “ “ “ 10 00 “ “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 Incidenial expenses, 1 O ' Tuition in Mii'iic, Painting, Dr.awing, Modern and .Ancient Languages. \c. ;it the ii'sn-xl rates. Bj^^One-half of Board and *l’ui tion requiroil in fi/i- vance; the other hiilf at the he>£inning of the 2d Quarter. SCHOLASTIC YKAR. 1st Session —Commences 1st October. I’nds ITiii February. 2d Session.—rommenc«*s ISih Ftbruary Ends Hill Julv. T.' C. HOOPER. Principal. Sept 9, 1861. 77tf yiOTii^ Vs I expect to be ab-^.-ni trom home a few months in the West, .\reliih iltl \lcLeaii is my aui lioi izyd kgeiit to transact iiiy business uutil I return. N 0. JONES. Di'c>2'^. «3tf T'imber If UIT1E n:i^.n>c -..-a-nn,.! Ul II i E 1)\K TIMBKK p L. igi eu lOle. fi, 1 ii.ivc .i numi'Ci i,,.- :: I Wl. II .1 lu.i-ul t ialil GlS, Bl tij.i .N, \\J .n\U:)LE IIJILSL.^. c.tii gel at ii niitiaif s notice I win II. ; i^e 111 if i i iifss t'.ir (ifis'jii.i lu^it ui iy bt- 1 lakili^ lU'iiUliig or eVeiulig rules. I assure . .aiig i-UiMio iii;ii n.fj wi; hua ovtjryilmig iliov 'I; -' ai I lie L ig;e to in ike iieiii ;:i)lliiori;i!j.e ,5 It 'el lia-) s.it-orior iiUvMiii.iges over any oihei ; 1. Asiievii'e, is lue St »;.e Uilice i-. kept iiere loi J aia^. s -ii ii arrive at aiii di-j.'irt troiu Has place i . a .'ly to taiiiliies that in:eu . vi-,iiiiig our Lieau d own, :iu'i expeji lo reui^iiu several wrceks, it wii. well lor them to write and eiigige rooms, as ilie I.- l^^ genet illy pretiy iiiucli crowued t)V tlie miil'lie . V. .-^s regaiiis cii irges, 1 will make tiieai suth- .. inoiieiaie lu suii itie present limes. . iig to ti.ive ilie plea-ure ot seeing J'OU at the .. i ; aiu yours re-p^;- ^tuUy, J. -Vi. BL.\ill, Proprietor. .. 1. i-'-ji. ly-if >m i)ii* and a li ilt i:- six liiclies in iliicknes-, n ui oMi >ix lo iwi-ii \- in. I's 111 wi'iih. tiid wi'liiti;; in ilis io.iP -..t llie '••till-, c Ul find t ) n o; T'.-r '-y »j>pl\iiig ii. lerMin or by letter lo the ui;d. i.-.:; .. .1 d iiie .\r-ieu.il. ■U):; \ t’ Bi»(i TH. t'av'. }. C 'tn 1 g .Vr'eii il. Favettevill(>. .\tir. Ci, IS 1 •>i* it IIVTf. 1\ Attorney at Law, Fayettkvii.i.e, N. C. 'ILL attend -he Couniy aiitl Superior Courts of Liimberl.ind. 11 irneti. .M 'ore aii t Kobeson Conn ies. I'rompt attention given to the collection of all l iim*. entni'ted to his lian Is. Oct. 17. 1S.’>'. 58-tf \V 5.;tf 6HEMWELL HOUSE, \ oUUns i^UKlU ur liib uOlSt. WING to the extensive increase of patronage i-i tills House, during tU« year. I have ex i eu-jeU luy iiiciiities by me uaauion ot a iiuoi- jouitoriat>le sleeping rooms, witn otlier iiupui i - ovemeiils. wiucli will aiu luaterially lo i.lie ^ aii'i ij'jnveuieuce Of tiiose lavoriug me wuii i. iri..ge. ; • >e -'i.o n.ave been my kind friends and cus- { rui 'lie [a;; six ye^rs, 1 tenier iiiy most sincere i ■ i: 'ill. T . lie Ui.iK icspeo:tidily s.viicuiiig a con- ‘ ir patronage, a^id aiso tiic p.iirouag,e Oi | er new ^/;tuons • ■ g-Jo J iiatde/aU'i a. No. IN all its kinds, executed wi;.; n.atness and despatch Small jobs when done nu-~' be r -d before delivered. TllOS H TlLLlN'jllAST. Opposite the FeiiJa*c iiig-i tjciiool. Hay Jjtreet •May 14, 14 r-’ 1 Ostler. P. iUEMWELJ. b-k- A CliiiiiHey. P'_'rs"ii having a sinukliig tiie pl.iee can have it ■Ul' ■! ' y 11 iii essiiij; uie al liie t .tj ei I eviae Posi Uiipe Wamiiig, Liriok U'ork and l'l«sterinj, ••^l iiiaiiiier. .\li my wortt wurranleU lo lie ■ a or Ul, p ly -VnJ it any cnnniieys iiereiotori- ; me shouiu aiuoke, they will be u.iereU wiilioui b.vVlO .MeULtHb. •cville, N. C., M.rch '2'.K m REWARD. \ 1 tlCri L. o.« rii ay last the lU- I ^ pi .jo ,b:y lui K LuUist ll irgrove. on ■ie I.e as a wile. I win j^ay lliv c ! jr i, 3 delivery in j.ill. G. D. BAKER, nd county, July IG. 4j-u AWAk .. . i.e I ■■ i"U 'It -M - re I i i arc 1 IL.tUk & TLllLl.\GiO.\, ^ 0illi!i t JS dX 0 N in t ilU-d AiV T3, W iLMlNLr'lO-N, X 0. ■ .'-J give Kpeciai aii'.nU'Ui to Hie sale or silipmeni .1.1 .N IV.a tiiuies, t>ullon, iloiii, liuiuei. ana, I j ijroiia.'e. Lfcuiexs lu J-uue, Piaster, Ce- . , It.Ill, ani .E .I.N Fua M E.l.lLliS KATE .llcLlL'lU' A.vD SL\. : _ . -!T i: II. K. Sav i”e, ' :i^liier Li.ink ot Cape tear, .iiijiiun; Jiio. DiWs'ili, i’res l Uliiuiiigion Lir.iiicu ti . .N‘.;itli Canuiii i; NV . 11. Jones, i.iisaieX' Itaielgi* ..-^li baliii ot Cape tear. 14, laiiU. 70-tf IIHAW 4-4 lUjt.ivt I'll .v> 11 .i>-1 L ll l.vG 'O.UP.i.S^, t Ijet eVille, .V. C , ^»lu;ll oiUcis lor oiieeiings ^ U- :.;i Wide. -J y.iids l» me poaiiii. llio GooUsckui- : c ^.i.oi .i".^ witii me same siy^cs lu inUl.iC'urea in 1 -' lUliUsells, .lU I liaVc lor iiiauy jeilo OeCn bOiU 111 i ; -\e.v VwiK.Ui'l I'liil iJelpia I .Millets C. I. ii.viGU. Piest Kocklish Co. F-iy-Mevr'e. June I, IJS'il. J\Sm C. lUciiAE, •lltorney ui JLuw^ Office W. -I ,,j ui (nc lusiir.iiieu Liiulding, H^y dt., Fayetievilie, ivi. C. \farch 2'», IH'^ j .Jii i>i*. tui:o/'«Tutiak, I,. 11.'’i .•;) I iipijosiie me I'osi »;thce. ,1 .lic.il l.ieciriuiiy .i|)i)ii.-l. . I. . ille. t)et. 17, lbi>'». t;jlf l'!l H. Bl.OSSO.M. CYKt'S S V \.\ A.Mitl.N'OE. JOS. K. A: CO., ^ oiiiiiii«>i^ioji Merdiants Pr-inipt personal attention given to all Consign- .11 i Casli .advances luaJc on I'roduce lo beshippev ■ imrls or Sold in thi.-i ui-iriieL. ■ y U. 18til. Wanted to purchase, lOOO COPPER. Sep 9. 18G1. T. S. LUTTEBLOII. 56 3w NEW GOODS. The subscriber is now receiving a l.irge and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GROCEIUES, HARDWAKE AND CUTLE RY, BAGGING AND ROPE, SAD DLERY, &c., l^OREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on SHORT ti.me to prompt paying cu8tom«rs. All kinds of Country Proauce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings ai:d Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, h’ Manufacturers' prices. T. C. A: n. ii. U OKTII, CommUsion and Forwardiii" Merchants, wilmix ;tox, X. c. Jan’y 2''. l‘'jH ?I’-f « oil V M t -\ AI li, »1ttorney and i outtsellor at LL'MBLKToN. N C. ll^ILL attend and practice in the tJounty an i Superifir TT Courts of K>d)eson, Rielmioi-.d arid' Cumberland. Vll business intrusted to liiiii will receive proixpt at- ention and collectings puiici'ial._, roiaitted. Oct •). ibo'.C B. F. PEAUCE, u 11 ll A. .H. ncll«>AI.D, Commission Mercliiuit and Produce Dealer, A.NU Ut.\LhU I.N Orocei'ic'i, i'i'.iv'.ions, Hariiw.ire, uilery. Boots. Shoes and Le-ithcr, "Bagging, Kope, tiaJdlery, itC., Foreign and Uoiuesiic Liquors, Shcetin'gs anu Varns at Manutnciurers prices, g^^jjtrict atttntion paid to orders. suL'Tii 6iUi. 11.vv ^srutbT, ThYbTVL\flLLH, N. C. Sept. J4. 18C'i. o6if fwrocertes i Oroceries 11 VL.VIvOE Hil l Uell 'ciecied SiocK ol i" .V.MlLi U liUCt-lllLS always on ii.ui 1, consisting ot iiucoii-ljidcs, Mcsa l^ork, .^lullcf--, Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 31oliis5C>, Sahara ot all j^rades, Tobacco, (,’i-ara, ,\nd all other ariicies usually kept lu » Wholesale Gro- • ;erv tstablishuienl. COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington, .\pril 2, 18i>l. it GEO. W. \VILLt.\.MS FtU, IVIiolesalc Ur:ilc’i-» hi Urocvrivs, AND I.MPUIllKlls AND DtALLUS IN Hardware and i’uilery, Jswedes Iron, &e., inV hTiiEET, F.ilErftVILLE, S. I. July2, Iboi. ii, \\. UlLLAUU, i otntmssi.tu • fierriiuttt^ WU..MING'1'OX, N. C. nHOMPT and I’hHj^O.N.VL attention will be given to £ the sale of Naval Stores, Colton, Lumber, Timber, lud all other country produce. HKFtli TO O. G. Parsley, Pivs't Com. Bank at W'ilmington. Jdiis D.\wsi).s, ‘‘ N. C.. al do. Messrs. H. .v E. J. Lilly, t F,,^.etteviUe. .Messrs. Pemuekto.s x bLo.vs, j •' A. P.AKKta, Esq., liaruett County, N. C. .May 7, l«oU. 15tf "a cardT A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— 'pilOSH persons lnr wliom 1 have been atltending to Banking business tor >ear.-; — 1 ai'i still widing to -erve you wiili iho s.i'H'.; ii-onipi nes- ili.ii 1 liavc alwiy.s loiu-; and tuoihci ' liiai in ly w i.ii di'C Hinis, Pension Misi less S.C . .Vo.. I otJcr my services, wiili .i pruinise lit 'irict attiMition. J.\S. G. ( OOK. J me J7. .■\11 persons ace respectfully invited to give me a call, at tlie old fand of J. i'i T. Waddill, South side Hay st A. N. .MCDONALD. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 24, 1860. 55tf LAWBO^OKS; i^VUNDERS' HEPOUTS; O “ on Pleailing and Evidence; Pliillips on Evidence: Common Bench Reports—new series; Curtis’s Ci)ninif*niaries: Hus'! on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chitty on Carriers; Baieintin on Coninieroial L-iw; Ta\liir's Law Glossiry; 'Villi,inm i.n I’xccntoi «• | D^'VereUX’s Kiiilie's K-nt; lIlMckstnne; Crike upon I.ittleion — Butler X Hargrave’s Notes; Seil.'wii'k on Dmi.iget.; Sioiy on .■'ales; •• -on l!ills of r.xohange; •• Eiiniiy Ple:il'ng; on I'.iiitlict ot Laws; nil P.ailnif^nts; Chitty on Pic'idmg; on Coiiiracts; Biiipiiani on 1 nf iiicy; ll iie nil IHsoovery; Gi w on P irtnerstiip; Unh.Tts' Priiii'iiiles of Equity, D-cror .iirl S u lent; Briioni.?’s (’iimmentaripfl; ‘ Loadina Cases in Equity. Hare 4 Wallace's Nottt; Lawyer's Common Place Book; Greenle it on Kvi.lence; i StHphr>n on Pleading; Gresley's Lqniiv Evitl»nc«; | Burrill'- Law Dictionary; Wiidrlon's Law Phiili i'’ .'i \iiios on Evidence; ■A-ciiVold's L mlloril and Tenant: “ Nisi Prills; Feariie on Hemainders; Tidd' Praciice: Strtrkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; . Smith’s Landlonl and Tenant; i .Adams’ F^jiiify; I AVilliams on Personal Proper’y; Mayne on DaniflKe's: Arclibol i s Criminal Practice and Pleading; I.nbe’s l^jiiiiy Pleading; Wpndell ' Biackstone; iiitiy's Maitlipws on Presumptive Evidence; ' Smi^ir Mi=r-r n.id '^arrant; Powell on .vlonc-i?**®; Chiity's I’riininal Law; Wiiliiini'i on Beal Property; ; Rinith'' Chnnc.*ry Practice; Sngden on Vc dors; on Property; Dart oT Vi n ior>; Cr ihi' on Keal Property; Siig len on Power>: i Siniih’s Merciniile Law, j Smith on Coniracis; f Addisun on “ | Adams on Ejectment; | Crown Circuit Compnuion; i .Am*'rican Leaiiing Cases—Flare & Wallace’s Not«S; | Milford's Cli incery Pleadings; j Dom it’s Civil Law; Rockwell s Sp.tiii'li and Mexican Law;] , Sli I' sw-oo.rs Li‘(? ll Etilic-*; ! I’osco.-’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on I’.ndiiienis; Equity DrifMiiiin; P.iWell on Evid- ire; Oliver on Cmirpy-incing; Brooni'i’s Lfgil NLixiras; Collyer on Partiior'hip. Xc., &C. 'I he Bepoi is of tlie .Supreme Court of North Ca- , rolinn; (JantwcU’s Justice; Form Book; Cantweirs Prac tice, iic. E. J. HALE & SONS. 2f.it' BEADLE’S DIMP: NOVELS, Nos. 10. H, t‘2. 13 A U, “ •* Soiifj Hooks and >1 lodlst. “ Half Dime, and Five (Vin Novels. t. J. ll.\LE \ ftON'3 Jan. 22 A. .U. €A ?1PBELI., luctioueer and Commis.>iiou Alerchanty — will attend to the sale of— lW*nres anti wlMerchandisey. Ileal instate, JWgroes, Sc, i«‘ii. iiiaiikb lur suk al tiiui Uthce. •IVir RoohSm THE WITS A.SD ili:vLiX OF *(JCU:i’Y; (Jne of Them by l..ever; Loiiie’.s Last Term at ,'5i. ALiry’s, England’s Veoiiian; Tuniiyson’.s Poen>s; Aineric.iii .-Vlinaiiac, 1801; The l,.aJy’s Book of Flowers; Ltingiiage of Flowers; Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to Perfect Gentility; “ ‘‘ “ Beauty; “ and Gentlemen’s Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley’s Balloon Travels; “ “ Book of Travels and .Adventure; &c. March 30. E. J. HALE & SONS. Tlie $$outliei*ii Hnriiioiiy, $»cliool Books. &o., further supplies just received. B. J. UAUi * SONS, MAKKPE.Al'E t M'RAE, Have on hand ami expect to keep for sale, of their own m in itacture, a supply of Brass, Galvaniied and common Hooped Bi;€KET«; French, High Post, Cottage and Common BEi^STE.iDS; Spring Matiresses. of new and improved Spring, on j liaml or made lo order of any -ize; LOUNtjES; Spring, I (,'ane, and Wood Seat Cll.MRS, of different kinds { and p.iiiern.“; Spring .'sof.is. Lounge.^ and Chairs, rt'paired, anl covered with Hair Cloth or other- : wise; Hoe handles, Bnng>» for bbls. A Hhds.; Sole, H.irness, and Upper Leather, | and Pl.isiering Hair. i As we have good .M ichinory for Sawing, Planeing, j Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work with de~p.iu‘li and on satisfaciory terms. Persons having , work or reii-iiring to do will do well to give us a call. 1 We warrant o-ir work; if it fails, you know where to , find u8. _ 1 H iving t-iken a Store on the East eiiio of Gillespie ' Street, a few doors South of A W' Steel, Er'q , and having some sp ire room, wo would attend to the storage ! in I sj.le of any thing that in iy bp consigned to us; and j will uivf s(ii‘Ci ll aiieniion lo pro liicts of this State. K-iyeiieville. April I. 18131. 9tf , To Land Buyers. ^PME undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region. | I and wiihin eight miles of the terminus of the Fay- I ettevillc .V Western Rail llnad on Deep River, ! EIGHT HINDKKI) .\CUES OF IIND, i adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George j Wilcox, dee d, and lying three miles South from Car- j bonton, on Little Pocket ('reek. .Moore county. j These Lands are well .a l.ipted to the growth of CDrn, j cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem- | ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- ] houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under j fence, including forty or f.fty acres of never-failing i bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For furt.ier information apply to Mr. .M. .M. McRae, Crane’s Creek. P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. 0. ^ DANIEL McR.AE, For the Heirs of Gilbert Mcilae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf ~^ortli Carolina Form Book, A FURTHER supply just received. K. J. HALK &^ON .netliodiiit Uynin!« and Discip- linep, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. Mareh 16. fi. J. HALS k. SOK0. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers, Hertford... J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...! R Stubbs Halifax...M 0 Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T Clark Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendoll Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight, New Hanover.. Jlli W' Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Onslow...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick. &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W' K Lane Johnston...J \V B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Fr,inklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitohford. Granville...C II K Taylor. Person...C L W’instead. Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond ami Roboson....Alfred Dockery. .Anson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter .Adams Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockinghnr'.... F I., Simpxon. Mecklenburg...John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V (? Barringer. Rowan and Di"ie...Dr.) G Ramsey. Daviilson... Ino Vi Thomas. | Siokes and Forsyih...Je'se A Waugh. .Ashe. Snrry ic...-loK Dobson. Iredell, Wilkec &C...L Q .Sharpe. Biiike. McDowhU iS£o...B S Giither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Ja.'»per Siowe. Butherford. Polk ,tc....A W Barton. Buncombe. Henderson .tc...Oeo W' Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Meb ine. -Alexander...Dr J M Carson. ; Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. Bladen...J T Davis. Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus... W S Harris. Catawba...Jonas Cline. Chatham... W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...G W Hayes. Craven...C C Clark, F E Alfred. Cumberland ami Harnett...C 0 Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Co.umbus...N L Williamson Camden...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P IlilL Currituck...B .M Baxter. Edf^ecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. | NORTHERN WAR DEBTS AND TAXES. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T, L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Gilaier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Win. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith Jones—Wni. Foy. Lenoir—John C Wa.shington. Lincoln—Win. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Bi-rirs. McDnwel!—J. II. Greenlee Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Monf^omery—S. II. Christian. . Moore—II. Turner. Nash — A. II. Arrincrtnn. Now Hanover —11. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton — D. Barnes, J. M. Moody. (Jnslow—(t. \V. Ward. ()ranj;e—W. A. (jrahdin, John Berry. }\i.'qaotank—R. K. Spoeil. PerquiiiiDtH—.Jus. S. (’annon. Person—John W. Cuninirh.nn. Pitt—F. B Sattorthwaitc, B Gritnes. Rand.ilph — W . J. Loml', A. G- Foster. Richniiuid—W. F. liCak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockin>;h im — 1). S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowat -B. Craigo, fl. C. .Jones. The Southern people will have more and moro reason every day, as time progresses, for felici tating themselves on their escape from the Yan kee Union. When Northern citizens begin to contemplate in earnest the debt which the Wash ington Government is now running up for them, and begin to realize the hopelessness of ever re storing the Union and obtaining the aid of the South in discharging it, they c.unnot fail to be filled with dismay. The expenditures of their Government at this time, on ordinary account, are 880,000,000 a year, by report of their Secre tary to the Treasury. Their war expenditures are known to be at least at tiie rate of ^300,000,- 000a year, which is raised on eight per cent, bonds sold at eighty cents in the dollar—that ia to say, at the ra'.e of ten per cent, interest, be sides the loss of the twenty {^r cent, margin on the bonds, equal to one per cent, a }’ear on twen- i ty-year bonds. At this rate of eleven per cent, j per annum, their war debt will cost the North ! tf33,000,0U0 a year for \nterest and discount, j besides the par redemption of the principal. The I ordinary expenditure being 880,000,000 per an- I nutu, tlie people ot the North are saddled with an I animal cliargeof §113,000,000 which must be paid ; by taxation in smue form; and this annua' charge j will be increased by the sum of thirty-three ud- ! d tional miihons fur eaeh addiliunal year tiiat the War is protracted. At pre.'>ent they cannot eke out more than 850,- 00O,OjO a year tVom their tantl and direct taxation; , there is thus a deficit of Sti3,0U0,0iJU already in ' their annual accounts, which will bo increased to iiiiicty si.K millions, one hundred and fit'ty-ntne millions, and so on, should the war be continued one, two or more years longer. l)urin;; tlie con tinuance of the war, this annual deficit will proba bly be supplied by sale ot bonds; but when peace recur.s, it will have to be ujet by stern taxation; I and the predicament ot the people having to pay it wilt be in the last detifee unenviable. '1 lie Rutheri. d and I oik J. H. Carson, M. Dur- yyiH that thev have escaped the ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly — E. Ilearne. Stokes—( Vacaijt.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H .'I. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K.* P. Battle, W. W Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancev—M. P. l*enland. Cleaveland... A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston...J H White. Granville...J M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday Guilford...C P Mendenhall, C E Sbober, J L Gorrell. Greene...A D Speight. Gates...John Booihe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax...A II Davis, W B Pope Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilm-in Farrow. Iredell...A K Simonton, A B F Gaither Jackson...A Fisher. Jones...W P Wtrd. Johnsion—W' II Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V A McBeee. M-. dison.-.John .A F>igg. M>rtic... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burdin. Moore....A pxander Kelly. ^ Montgomery... E O f. Barringer. .Macon...H G Wooilfin. .Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W’ Ramsom, W W Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. (jrange...H B Guthrie, W' N Patterson. Pasquolank...J T Williams. Perqiiimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins Person... W’llkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawle^' Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming. N F Hall. Riuherford,..C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S W’inslow. HichmoiKl...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Qeo W Autrey. Surry... W Waugh Siokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly ...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...(] McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers. J W Russ. H MordecaL Warren,.,J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Waf*hington...(' Latham. Watauga...ThomIS Fanhing. W,vyne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes...A W Martin, Horton. Yadkin....A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONFEDERATE STATES. President—Jefferson Davis, of Miss. Vice President—Alex. II. Stephens, of Ga. Secretary of State—R. M. T. Hunter, Va. “ Treasury—C G. Meuitninger, S. C. “ Navy—S. R. Mallory, Florida. Attorney General—J. P. Benjamin, La. Postmaster General—J. H. Reagan, Texas. luoat enormous taxation wnieh a free people have ever yet had to endure; and that their secession, in a mere tinancial point ot view, was the hap piest deliverance ever vouchsafe! to people ^inco Israel crossed the Red Sea and Minam sang her song oi triumph. 'i he London Times has some very striking re- mark“ upon the frightful rapidity with which the North is running up its public indebtedness, that are well worthy of Southern attention, and which we copy, substituting dollars for pounds sterling: ‘•We entreat the reader to observe for a moment what this implies. Such a course throws all our borrowing tn- to the aUode. la all the nine years of the American war. from 1776 lo 1783, we only borrowed §520,000.000, In the iwenty-two ye:irs of the great revolutionary war we averaged less than S2iXJ,UOU,JOO a yeur, and in the tremendous year lhl3—’14 tlie loan was but §180,000,- OOO. But this is only half the battle. The burthen ot a lo.aa depends not S3 much on the amount of princi pal as on the rate of interest. We borrowed our money even in l8N^ at a little above four and a half per cent., and in 18o4 at a little above three per cent. The Amer icans, however, began by an otfer of seven per cent., and are at ihis moment compelled to pay ten or twelve per cent. We find, ilieretore, timi while OU.UUJ.i UO annu ally would be aJded to their national debt. $30,UOO.OOO ^ I, , 10.1- J r> u annually would be added to the Cliai ge of liiat debt. 10 Congre.S'3 is to assemble on^the 18th day of Feb- jour years and three quarters of their present expendi tures! Would saddle them tviih a Ourthen equal to that which j ue hiive incurred tn a century and a half. .Mr. Gladstone : has to provide some SI lo.OOO.OuO lo satisfy me public 1 creditors of Great Britain. In the year 18CG, it the ! AineiicHn war blioiild be protracted su long, Mr. Ch.-ise’s I successor will have to provide rather more than that ' sum for the creditors of the Union.” ruary 1862. DELEGATES FROM NORTH CAROLINA. FOR XnE STATE AT LARGE, W. W. Avery, of Burke county. Geo. Davis, of New Hanover. 1st District. W. N. II. Smith. 2d ( Thomas Ruffin. 3d li T. D McDowell. 4th (( A. \\ . Venable. 5th H John .>1. Morehead. Gth it R C. I'uryear. 7 th ii Burton t’raiire. 8th n A. T. Davidson. The Times concludes with the declaration that, if the North should attempt to defray the euinula- ting charges of the debt and of the war \rith tuoiiey boi rowed at these exorbitant rales ot inter est, they will find thetnaelres engaged in an ex- peridiiurc “that no couniry in the world caii sup port.” The condition cf the Nor h will be a melan choly one indeed. In addition to the unaccus- toiuei burden of an unprecedented public debt, they will have lost the prime source of the prince ly wealth which the South has poured into their cofFera continually for fifty years. They have none of the staples which enter largely into the commerce of the world. Their export of bread- stulfa and provisions is very stuall, and they will have no employment for that vast shipping that has heretofore been engaged in carrying the im- j mense trade which grew out of and depended upon our Southern staples. They will havt crea* ; ted such a setitiinent of hatred and antipathy among the Southerti people, that European ship ping, European manufactures, and European merchants, will be constantly preferred to their : nvn. Their shipping will have to rot at their wharves and three-fourths of thei.* lactories will have to stop short in their operations. The chan- i s 1 wisn lu cliange my I.u.ine-s 1 „.n sell otf my , ^ princely revenue which formerly poured entire stork .AT ( O-'T. Merchants and others r ^ ^ .i • i L u wuldng to replenish th.-ir stocks will find a great many , the wealth of the bouth into their lap, Wl 1 be articles here that will be of service, and can be bought I dried up; and whereas betore, they would liave cheap. My stock con-ists of been ah e to pay the most enormous taxes with4>ut DRV GOOD^, ;roi:erie«, &c. teelinc: them as a burden, they will now bS un- P. S. All those in Ifhted lo me wdl please make pay , able to pay even small taxes without difficulty and ment immediaiely, so that 1 will be enabled to pay my suttering, much less the prodigious taxes which debts. Thoso wiio owe me for provisions will please , upon aud crush them Utterly, take notice of iliis an 1 attend to it ticenrdingly, for you Rlvhm>inJ Dimntch. m'ly watu acc >mm'd uion in the fiiuirc. ' NOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, bo'h h iving entered the mili lary service of the Oonfedorato States of .Amerioa, hereby give notice lo their old customers and friends, that they liave appointed John D St.irr and John D. Williams, of this place, their aitorneys to collect either separately or conj >in'ly all moneys due them either by account or rote, ami otherwise to attend to tlnir bu siness generally dnritig their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to theni to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents and make payment. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 10. 1801. 58-if ASP.AN cf good sound dr ift HORSES, not over 8 years old Cftpt. JSO. C. BOOTH. .\ri’y, Coni.l’g N. C. .Arspi al. Sargains: Bargains:: CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. D. Forbes Anson— A. .^Iyers, .J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufor*'.—W^. J Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. .^Ioare8. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C .McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Ca.svrell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. U. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. One good turn deserves anoiher. I have oblig.-d yon i and now come forward and oblige me and s.ave 3'our j zoud credit. ! R. D. DAVI-!. j Sept. 10. 18r,1. oH AP.VIK of 1..VDV > GOLD ."I’Ki rACLES wis lost a few diys ago .it lok ty, or btiween ili ii place an.l lo«n Tiie fi i'ler will be rewarled on returning them to .MisS '1 .V. P>)tter. Se|.t. -.'I FOR Ri-:^\ r. Tiff, two DWI:L1.I\C.S. on the premises occupied by the lale Jnlge Po'ter. al ilie time of his death. Posse.“sion given on tlie tirsi of N"veinl>e:. Apply to MAllY ANN POTTER. Sept 16. wifc. 1~\R. J. DAVIS having dccided on perma- I) -nently locating in the Town ot layette- ville, respectfully ortcrs his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In ali the various branches of hi« Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, ihat he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, ' use of in the various operations. Cuurges will be nioderate. that the benefits of the Profession may be David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit- Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. DopliD—W. J. HooBtoD, J. T. Bhodft. A. Gun l>i/ E'f'ctrn itij\t. 1‘iuinhurg, a wire I.as been stretclicd betwi-cii Edinburg Lastlo and the Caltoti Hill, 4UU0 feet long, which fires a gun at tlic (,'a.stlc daily at o clock. 1 he ob- jeetioii to firing a gun at the observatory at Cal- t(ii Hill wa.s, tli.'it it would derange tbe iiistru- ineiits there. Ai-cotdingly a wire was stretclied clear acrob.- the city vvitnout a rest. The electric current pa.s.sin_u on it c-wrjes a clock af the Ca>tlo, which, at 1 o’clock, drops a weight that ilischarg- es the gun. A S/>iiiik_i/ Tthnnt—late Lcmdon paper crn- taiiis the following advertisement: ‘*A gentic- iiiati who i.s about to leave the hoii^c in which he resides, and being desirous to return it to liis land lord in the same condition in which he found it, will pay a fair price for five hundred full-grown rats, an acre of poisonous weeds, and a cart-load ot rubbish; the weeds to be planted in the garden; the rubbish lek on the door >tep, and the rats suffered to run loose through the house. Ad dress,” &C. I Gr'-f 0%. Ilnir Dye.—When Mayor Berrett, of ! Washington, was admitted to Fort Lafayette, I Lincoln’s Bastile, his hair and whiskers were of i raven hue. Since then they have faded gradu- placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest I ^j|y ^nd now are almost white. At first it in the preservation of the Teeth. ' believed that grief had produced the change; 1 Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he Berrett makes the assertion that his al- I appearaooe ia occasioned by lack of hair dye. 9v nay* Ufc « ov: -

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