SEMI-WEEKLY. [vol.. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTE.MBER 30, 1861. [\0. lOGl.] I’r.iNTr.n moxdaV'-' and ti!I i:si>.\vs. EbWAUD J. IIAIJ: & SO\S. i;i irons aSu i'u(,^ ' licc lOi till Seiiii-W*. kly Ouskkvkk S-i 0 if pail Jn a>U;incc: i if pni J u::ri!!g tlie year ot siitsjrip- *f ion; or $i ;il>er t e _vp;ir 1ms expireil. For the Wi e ;ly ():«-irin'Kn S- OO j er .inniim, if paid in fulvaiifc; ?- if p-'ti'l ilin'iiig tlio yenr of suhscrip- lii'ii; or i-” 10 jifior liio yo!\r li:\« expired. .M)VI>l’>TISI,MKN'rS insorioil fo> GO cents per qM'iie of in line-, for tlie fir>i, uiul cents for each ?;U'oee litijT piihlic.iiioti. Veurly Hilvertiseineiits by spe- :iil coniraeis, at reasoinhle rates. Alvertisers are reiiiL'-ttC'l 10 HI ate the tmmher of insertions ilesireil, or ■u'v’ "'ill be oontinueil till t'o'-'oiil, and charged accord- iajriv. \ Uori I'onienfs to be in'ierted tnxiJe, cliarged 50 per cent oxtri. SlMX’l.VL NO I'ICE From and aftei'tlii>i d.ite, no name of a new subscriber ri. be entered without p.iynient in lulranoe. nor will tlio paper l»e san: to such subscribers tor a longer time t:^in is paid for. ?.icli of 01 r old subscribers as desiro to take the pa- 0 ou thi^: iv^tom will please notify us when making !i ;::uices. Jan’y 1, 1858. EAGLC HOTCL, ASHLVlLLE iW. C., APHiL, 1861. Dk\u mu: l\rmii mo yiu;- a leiition to ihe I-AOLK i;»rEL. I iiave ii r; all ttid rooni^^ , , 111'. farpeti'd, ;md lliO lluiel !■> in betu-r ordei ■■ ai itiv oilier House in ihe inonn'nics of North L’Hrii- i. I ini uiso helter sil[iplied with good and atien- i\f -eivrinis tluuj atiy Hoifl >n ttns p.irt of the Slate. I hvtiiii'l -■ to tlie ni'st c a.3M visitors lirti I air pie- I'.i til ('tiieit.'iin y'U, 'n a »'\U' 'iipfiior lo .iny liousi- :i \^i.v'i .e. Iliviii^; had -evei :il yo ii a i-xpei ieiice iii I li'iiic". I tluier my ■•(•It II,ai 1 cm niikt* your si.ix 'ic K\ii.K. iiiitii j I nt and I gii'e I tile. bi ( liUiiect oh wiiii iiiis i»i j;e llniel, I ii.ivc a nnmbe; wyiiid ’ e.iui i’ll llllKs, I Ai.Kl (]:.S. i\ \M) .s\li;)LK irJilSliS. 1: il mv giie-iH cm ^«‘l at a mm.iif > inilice I wili f|i Ciiii '. ige in re i lliie>' t"i (icimihs lli.i! m ly bi !• , r.'ii*. .il i.iKiri'i niiiining oi- i-Vfimii: ndm ' I i-i'uri I! :iv.-; i.iii: pniilic ill II llifv w,;. tin i i-\eiy i li nii; .lit-y .O'!-!' ;il Mic I. i{^ >‘ I>) III iki- liu-iii coiiiioi'i ill I'. i . II .1.1 I- sn^.i-riiir ndv.iui i^.'s uver any o:lu': n in .\' ii-v 'e. i-> Ihe Sl.'iiif Oti’LV i' k.-jii lu-re Im a. I 1 iu- .1 ^-'s I iiMi arrivo at an -1 i.-(> ■ t I run; i li is pi iCe I w.iui 1 n ly io I.i '.iiie.N iii il iiiii-n i v.>,,.ing •ur ,:..l liiwii, :iiM c''’'OC’ ■" remain >cVfi ii «■-- .. w t r tiu'iii Iu Write ai.>l liiy fi:e!iy mucii i - ii>i I I 'I. .US. as I In i'.kV'ic 1 '"-y tne niid i'. re,; li d' cn irges. I wiii iiiaKe tiaeiii sutii- ' •••.'.y :’:od‘TMte to snii t^ie pro-ent ( ines. il 'i'i:;^ ro liMve'ljc i:'e.i-iro or' steing you at the 5 •, 1 ni) your* re-pectrm y. J. M. BL.\1R Proprietor ' }0-lf SHEMWELL HOUSE, k FEW DOOKS .NOKTU OF TUt ll.VKkKT HOUSE. . . /'I'VIXG to the extensive increase of patronage to this lIou;»c. dni'in^ the year. I L ive ex iru'-led niy faciliiies by tlie add;::^n ot a n;;n;- ber ol conifjriablc dleeping rooms, with otlior inipyri am iinLrovciiiciits, wind: will .add n»ateii.iliy to ihe C" . ‘urt :iTi'i C'liivenience of those f.avor;ng me wui. r gt. . ' .VI.0 have been my kiad friends and cu« r5 ?.! ■;.c pi-’ ix yea:;-. 1 lend.r my iii.i-l .?;nce:-' . I* !';-o vi' iiin; rc'^ecriii.iy s. .icitmg a cun :. . "i f : Mie.r ; . ■ .ge. tii l diso tlie palr'juage u "i iMi:ii-:»-r ui new pairons ; . • ■ tr.iud 5)t iblos .iiid :i So. 1 O^iler. 1’. SIIK.MWELF IG. I8*i0 bi- j .11 A i liiaiiiiey. ii.ivi 'ft 1 siinikiii)i fiif (.1 1. L’ have i. Iiv \V i‘«y .11 N. r. 1 11 C" li.f UK- ;i! i "iir'ir. iirh k \\ I ,\li my w .r A id :! . II »■ c .. t ol levi If l'(> - ii .jii'l I’l .3. riu, » w 11 r-iiil' 'I I o Im Il nil. . s In'. .'Iiiliil • • . I !. V 'V . li-. . ■ 1;.VV1L> M ircii , L-i..'l Wilh.. 1 1 IK •*- •I''-* ^•'•3 REWAIU). , -• r-,y I, ,y Vl;;Jil II 11' ■ V I III I' n 'it .Nil'. I..Hi > I II It. w-.ric I.e h i' * wite. '.V . ^ h’.s delivery in j ill. ( .i-rland C'liini V. Jn!y I'i. D. i5.\KKK. 4')-i I w School i\otiee« SniOiH, III the DO.N .\ I.L)S( A'AI>r,MY on \\ \loUNT. will be re-opened on T L’ E S L) A V, OCnjUEK 1st, l,Sf,l. Tfrms, per Quarter of 10 weeks: English. a^T 50 Clas.', 10 00 Contingent, ‘25 JFSSE Tl. McLKAX. Aujtust 10. ISiJl. J'Jif FAYi:TTi:VlLf.K Female lli^rli iScliool. TKKMS. • Hoard per Session of'i> wevks. $iO 00 I'uiiion in t 'ulle^iate Classes 20 weeks, 20 00 • “ .Academic •• “ •• l'» ttO “ “ Primary ‘‘ “ “ 12 00 Incidental expenses, 1 Oil 'ruiiion in .Music, P.iintinp. Drawing, Modern and .\ncient Languages. \c. al the usual rate'. gS^fOne-half of IJoird aii'l Tuition reipiirod in ad- furice; tlio ocher iialt :it ilu- lifiiiiitiin^ of ihe 2'J Quarter. SCHOLASTIC YKAll. 1st Session.—roiiimi-iices Isi Ociolier. Kmls ITih Kebni iry. Jd Session.—''omiiieiic*-s l.^iiii February. Ends litli July. T. C. HOOPER, Principal. Sept 9. 18G1. 77tf S^otice] ^ S I expect to be ahseiii trom home a few months in the W»*st. .\rchibild McLean is niy auihorixed igent to irausaci niy business until I reiurn. N G. JONES Dec’r 2S bStf II t' .y lH«t the 111- I - pi\)i) lb y lui k .Hi s I 111 1 gfovf. on 1 will pay Ih. ILAUK TLI(IJ-\GTU.\, COmmiJjSIOW MJBrtCHANTS, W ILMINGTON, X C. ILIi i;.ve ■jpi’cial aiteiiiin.'i to the s.ile or shipment Fluiir, limber, I L.uii;, I'l.isier, Ce- Ol'i' ‘ M.i rch Ur. Tlino. VIAKTI.Xi:, 0FKit;i., II.VV .'SlKLtl'. iippiniic iiic I’osi ullice. M ‘ hleciriciiy i|.piic.l. 1^ fll».vilie. Ocl li. iS*>i. CYilt..-, S. (,2tf Timber W^anted. PVRTIE.S iiHv.iig s.-:i'oned WllllE i)\K TIMBER ffiini on- ;iiid II h lit lo six inches in iliicknes-, and iioni six to tWi.Miy inoiies in witliii. and wisiiin^; to di.. pose of iho same, cm find a pui cti;k«t‘r t.y applving in pariiou or by letter lo the UNdcrsigni'il at the .•Vr.' ■luiiN i: Bourii. Capi. An y. Com 1 g .Vr-eti il. Fnyeiteville. .'\ug 21. 18 I 50 if u^f. Ziic£. WickHv, Attorney at Law, I'AYLrrtviLi.K, N. C. ILL attend the Couiiiy and Superior Courts of Ciitui'erlau']. il iriifil. .'1 lore an'l Kubeson Coun- les. I'ronipt aiieunon given to the collection ot all ■1 iiins enirusie.l 10 lii.s liduds. (»L-t. 17, 18.y.'. 5S-tf T, C’. A: «. a. WOUTII, Commission and Forviarding Merchants, WlLMlN'ii’UN. C. ■Ian y 'J“ r->i>l S4tf KOHV Tfic.^Alll, ^Ittomey amt tounseilor at EjfUVy LL.UiiEiilU.N, .N. C. ll’TLL attend ati'l pracrice iu thu Coun’j anl Superior Tf Court* ot Rjbes'Jii, Kicliiuuud a.’i i Cumberlani. \A business mi rusted to iiun wui receive proL>.pi ui- .entiyu and coUeciio'*s puuctaally riK..ui.d. Oct. 0. f BooK^LM)! NO IN all its kinds, execuie.l with ii.:itncss and despatch Small Jobs wueu done must be p.iid before delivered, iiiua. li. J ILLlNOU.isl. Opposite the Fetuu^‘« ilixn ccnooi, iluy direot .M \y 14. le ' 14 C(»X, KKNDALL s CO. io it i Siores, Coiioii, Oili.T c.j-iniiy prii.luce. D'-alei's i III. Ill, ll.iir, ,vo.; ind Kil. M'E\lii:KS KITE )lfL\L'Kl‘ .WD Sl.\. Ue'er ' H. 1!. Savage, > U'liier Hank ot Cape Fear. W l niiij. i: Jim. Diw,..ii. l'iv;s I \>i;in.i gion i>r.ii*c li, .k N.iitl! Cir..iliii; \v. 11. Jones, C-isi.ier it.iielg. bi II..:h L> ink 111 C.ipe fear. 11. l»i>J. tf IIL A V V 4^ II t DT i \ U S. 1KUCKF1.>1I .\1 v.N UF.VC 1 L iU.nG '1>.U1*.VN\. ^ li (■ i^et[ev;lle, .N C , ^'lllCil oideis tor aneeiin^- .UL'lii.s Wide, ‘i 3' il i- t -- fhe pyiind. The GooJsei.iii- V o ivui ;iiily witi. tlie s.line in inUtaC'ureJ li. ,Ni io..ii.>ens, iiat li ive lor yeirs been so.d u. t„- Ne>v YjiK aii'l I'liil I'ii'ljiiii I .Miikcts ty. T il.VlGll, i'It'S I Uockfish Co. ? ? • vi le. June 1. ^’11. Jxs. C. TleliXE, • SHot'uey Ui jLuw^ e>i t.iul 111 '!ie lusui' inci; Uuilding, Hay St., Fayetteville, W. C. . O'., ,jit ■Messrs. rcMUEUTo.v X j A Paukeu. Esq., llaruert Couuty, N. C. .May 7, IWuU. 15tf Wanted to purchase, 1 AAA Ll*.S. OLD COPPER. iUvU T. S. LUTTERLOH. Sep . i), 1801. 55 3w w g7>ods. The subsorilier is now receiving a large and well se- lecteil sroek of GOODS, consisting of GROCKUIKS, II.MIDWAIIH AND ClITLK- KV, HAdlJING A.M) ROPE, SAD- DLKllV, \c.. FOKKION AND DO.MlvSTIC I.IQIIORS, and ninny other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on siiouT time io prompi p-iying customers. C. F. PEAUCE, iV 1 I 11 A. ?lcOO\AM), Cotnmlsijlun iiiul Produce Dealer, A.NU Ut.ALt.H. l.N Orocciles. I'lo'iiiuUS, llaruw.iie, Lullery, Bools. Siioe.i .ind Le-iiiier, ’Bagj^mz, Uope, .>,iddleiy. Otc., Foie.jjU .tiM Uomestii; Li jii'irs, Sheetings lua i.uns ai .Manui.iciurers’ prices. ^^^ Sli icl aiiiullon p.lid I'J orieis.-'^^ 6>L'ril SlUrJ 11 V V .Si'Ktr^r, lAYl^TTjLVILLt, N. C. Sept. 21, 18W. -->51 f Crrocertesi iwroceries:: Vi..liKijl^ all 1 «ea ot t \MkL.t G 1111.1> 1 l^S iiiw .ys on n .n.i, coiisisiiug ol iiacoti-SiJcs, Mess l^nrk, .^luller.s, Maukercl, >us. 1 and .Mol.isses, Ssii-ars of uil grades, i'ubaijcJ, Clears, \nd all oiher m iiciea usu tii^ kcpi lu » Wiiolesale Oro- eiy E'lubllslilueul. Wilniingion. April 2, IB'il. _ “GKO. W. UILLI \MS~i CO., iVlioIe^alt* Oealei> in liJrocerics, A.NU IMPuKTKKs A.M) IN Hardware and t'ullery, Swedes Iron, &c., HVV STKEET, F V i tl ftVlLLE, .N. t. July 2, Ib'jl. ii7\\. in i. 1^ A K O, t'lnnitnssiffn • fierrli/tnf, WIL.NIINGTON, N (’. PI’.OMPT and n.H.>uN .\ L .tU'niMn will be gi«'cn to the sale ot Naval St.ires. Ijolton, Lumber, I'ltuOcr, .lid all oilier country pro.Juce. HK.KKR TO O. G. P.\RSLEY. Pri‘s'1 C»in. Hank at Wilmington. Jdii.s D.-vw»ti.s', •' 'C N. C., .It do. Messrs. li. s h. J. Lilly, t Fayetteville. -Ml kindi of Country Prouuce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and Ca:ton Yarns on hand at all times, at ■Nlanufacturers’ pric -s. All persons are respr tt'ully invited to frive me a call, at the old stand of J. i T. \V«,ldill, South side Hav st A N. .McDONAI.b. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 2t, 18iiO. 65tf s LAW BOOKS. \UNDERS' REPORTS; on Pleading and Evidence; Phillips on Evidence; CorniiiDn Bench Reports—new seri s; Curtis’s Commentaries; Riiss on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chitty on Carriers; Baieman on C.>'ninercial Law; Taylor's Law Glossary; \Villi.inis nn Kxccutnrs; Duveieux's lviinu’s K»-nt; '• ’ B'akstone; Coke upon Littleton—Butler .ic II»rgriT«’s Not**; Se.l>:wici on Damages; S 3iy on .S.-ilrts; •• nn Bills of Exchange; Ei'jiiiry Plea.ling; “ oti I'iinflici of Laws; “ on Biiliii*nts; Chit ty on I’le iding; on C.intiacts; ningham on Int'incy; Il.'ti i* iin l)isci)Ver_); Gi'Vr on I’ II I nei 'liip; i Rob.-rts' Pi ini;i|iles of Equity, D.icior an I S u Ifiil; Brifnme s C.iiniin*niarie«; Lea liri/ ('ases in Kquiiy. (I-ire & Wallace’s Notei; L iwyei 's (,'omtn..n l’l>ue Book; (ireenie if on t- vidi-n.'e; Slt-pln-ii on Pleidin^; Gresley’s Lqnit\ Evi'i^nca; Biirrili s Luv Diciioiiaiy; Wliari. n's Law Phidips' .^c \moson Evi.iprcp; A"ciib>ild s L in llord an.i Tonant: Nisi Prius; Feariie on Ucmainuci*; fid'i s I^iMC'ic--. Siarkic on Evidencu; H illi ird .)ii Sale'-: .Sniiih's'Uor.l and Tan.ant; .\'l irns' Equity; Wil i:i'iis oil IVr^onal Property; .M i\ tie on I; ; ,.^es; Arciibnl-i's Cniiiinil Practice and Ploading; Lube’s Kq.iily Plea.ling; Wcn.iell s Clack si'J lit; Chitiy's “ .Matthews on Presumptive Evidenc3; Sn.l: Ma J .-erv-int; i’oweil on .\lorig Chiity's 'riminal Law; \Viih..ims ot Properly; Smiih's»'ry Practice; S 'gli'ti 'n,Veiidor'; on Properly; Dart on \'*n lur-; I’r ibb on I’eal Property; Snji len on Powers; Sniiih's Mcicintilc Law; Smilli on (.'oniiaci'; Addison on A'lams on Kjectment; Crown irciiit (’.imp inian; .\iii« rican Leading C-i-...,— flare i Wallace’! Not«s; Miif-'T'Ts ('lianccry I'le.idings; Dotn It s Civil Law: Ri.ckw-tU's Spini'h and Mexican La^i;‘ Sliai'wiiiid s l.fjril Ethic: Hosc'n- ' ''riiniii il I'-v I'li-nce; E'l'v >.n l’« iilmeiiis; Eqiiily Dr ifisiii.iii; piiwell on Evid'Mi.'e; (lliver nil t Minvcyancing; P.rnome's Lep-i! \l-i\ims: Collvrr on i’.irtncr'hip. Ac.. &e. Th‘ Reports of the Siipietne Court of North Ca- roiiii.-i; (JantwcH’s Juaiice; Form Book; Cantwell's Prac tice, .VC. E. J. HALE & SONS. H A CARD. A WORD TJ Wy OL!) FRIENDS— rilOSE per>.ijns tor whom I iiave brei; .iiticnding to liankiui bu-^iness for >eai.-: — 1 ai-i still wnling to 'orvc you with ihe stmc [ii'oaip.n.js’ iliai i have aiw lys lone; ami looihers ihu m ly w lui di-c.jiitit s. Pension •lUsi.iess XC . .VC . I o!lcr iny scrvic. s. wiih a promise ,t strict attention. JAS. G. (»()K. .Iiiiie -1. Jtiif iM.\Ri;i’K\('K & M RAE. WE on hand and expect to keep for sale, of their own maniitaciure, a supply* of Brass, Oalvaniied aud common llo.iped Jl AIPEit BICKET.^; French, High Post, Cottage and Common BLU^STE.tnS; Spring Matire'ses, of new and improved Spring, on hand or m-ide to ord.-r of any -iic; LOU.N'GES; Spring, Cane, and W,.od Sen CII.VIRS, of difTerent kinds and |iaiierii.s: Spring Sof-iu, Lounges an.l Chairs, ri’pui r».i), an.l covered with 11 iir (‘lot h or ot her- wise; Hoe haii'lles, l$iiiigs fur bblk. lllid* ; boie. Harness, a d Upper Leather, and PNstirinii Hair. .■\s we have uood .Machin^-ry for Sawing, Planeing Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work wiih ilespatch an.l on 'atisfactory ti-rm‘(. Persons having work or refiairing to do will do well to give tiB a call We warrant our work; if it fails, you know where to find uH. Having t.ik»*n a Store on fhe East side of Gillespie •StreHi, M few diiors South of .A W Steel, Ec'q . and liaviiig some spare rr'om, we woiiM attend to the storage m l si;lt! of :iny ihiiijr that may be cori'ijrne.l to us; an.l will give “peui li .men’ to pro iiicts of tliiu £;ate Fayelieville. .\piil I. ISbl. ‘Jtf To La lid Buyers. UK VOLE’S DIME .NOVELS, \0S. 10, II, 12. ISA U, “ •• StHi;; Uook> atid M>lodisl. “ Half Dlmr, anJ Five ivni .\o\els. E .1. H.VLE SO.S'S Jan. 30 isi;i’ll a. BI.U.SSO.M. CYUI..^ s. V.\.\ AMi«INOK JO!»». It. flLO^St>»l A: CO., /oiiimi^iNiOii Mt^ri liaiits Prompt personal .attention given to all Consign- j I and ( .idvances nia>Je on I'roducc to be aliippei .■t i.:r porta or sold ui tuts uiurKet. l eijy 12. ibtil. O'Jtf a7 n. .€a flFIIEI.L, Auctioneer and Commission Merehaut^ —will .'iMeiul to tne sile of— ^oods^ l%*ar€s iintl wflcrcliandise, Heal i^slale^ J\*egrofn, Xc. ■! itl.. _ J, I ■''i I ■ il 4-Oul l^lailkii lui Miiiti Ul Uliii UliiCW* • itooks. THE WITS .\.NU i'.E\UX OF SocIbi'Y; Jne of Tneat. by Lever; Louie’s L isi Term at Si. M.iry’s; England's Yeiuiian; Tennyson's Poen*s; .American .Xlinanac, 18^(1; The Lady’s iJook of Flowers; Langii ige of Flower.s; Poetry of »• Lady’s (JiiideTo Perfect Gentility; “ Beaniy; “ anil Gi'ntlemen’s Mirror if Fortune; Pe!tr P.irley rt I5iil.>un 1 ravels; “ “ Book of I'raveis .an.l .\dvcnlurc: &c. Marcii 30. E J HM.EASoNS. The !§oiitlierii liariiioiiy, School Book*, ^c., iufin»er »uj>plms J'i*t reevive.j, M. J. UAUI k S0N8. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region. ■ and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay ^ ettevillc .V Western Rail Road on Deep River, i EKJHT III NOUKD ACRES OF LiXD, j adjoining the land belonging to the estate of Georgi j Wilcox, dec’ll, and lying three miles South from Car j bomon, on Little Pocket Cieek, Moore county. j These L.aiuls are well al.ipied to the growth of corn, cotton, wlu'at, oats, rye, xc. There arc on the prein- I ise.s a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Oui- j houses, wilh about one hundred and fifty acres under i fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing , bottom latuL This is a r iro chance for persons wish ing fo make investments, .is lauds are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply fo Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek. P. O., Moore county, or address me at | Fayettevillo, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For fhe Ileirn of Gilbert McRae, dec’J. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C.. Aug. 24 48tf l^oWli C’aroiiiia Form Book, 4 FURTHER suiiplyjust received. /\ E J HALK k. SON .Vletliodi^t llyiiiiis and Discip lines, a new supyly, assort«J sixes and qunlitie*. Mareh IS. B. J. MALI * BOKS. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-Cl. SENATE. Pasquofank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden niid Currituck...B F Simmons. Gafes and Chowan..,.M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. nertfor'l...J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M 0 Whitaker. I^dgecombe and Wilson...!! T Clark. Piit...E J Blount. Beaufort... Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones.,.Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Flanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Onslow...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick. itc.,.Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson..,Thomas I Faison. Wnyne.,,'V K Lane Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake..,M Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Frinklin...W Harris. Warren..,T J Piichford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person.,.C L W’instead. Orange...Joaiah Turner, Jr. Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson...Alfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford ...Peter Adams Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockingha/-'...F L Simpaon. Mecklenburg..,John Wslker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V (’ Barringer. Rowan and Da*’ie...Dr J 0 Ramsey. Davidson..,Jno W' Thomas. Stokes and Forsyih,.,Je«se A Waugh. ,\she. Surry &c,..Joh Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes .S:c.,.L Q Sha;pe. Buike, McDowfll &C...B .S Oiither. Lincoln, Gaston &o...Jasper Siowe. Butherford.jP.ilk ie..,.\ W Burton. Buncombe. Henderson ■Vc..,Geo W Candler. Haywood, .Macon &c..,W H Thomas. HOUSE OF CO.MMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebtne. Alexander...Dr J M ('arson. .\nHon...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...J .M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe...A S Merrimon. Bladen...*’ T Davis. * Beyie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R D.jnnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D .Meare«. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus...W S H irris. t’atawba...Jonas ('line. Chat ham... W p Tay'or, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...O W Hayes. Craven...C C Clark. F E Alfred. Cumberland anl Hirn«tt...C 0 Wright, J S Ilarring- ton, J C Williams. Chowan,..—— Small. Co umbus...N L Willi.-imson. Camden...D D Fcrebee. Carieret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell...—— W^ithers, S P HilL Currituck...B M Bixter. Cleaveland...0 Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. , Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. E'lgecombe...R R Bridgets. J 8 Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston.,.J H White. Granville...J M Bullock. W II Jenkins, S II Cannaday Guilford...C P -Mendenhall, C K Shober. J L Gorrell, Greene...A D Speijrht. Gates...John Booihe. Haywood...8 L Love. Halifax....\ H Davis, W B Pop*. Hertford...J J Ye.'ites. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tiltnan Farrow. Ireilell...K .Simonton, A B F Gaither Jackson...A Fi«her. Jones...W P W,rd. Johnston—W II Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir....) (’ \Vooten. Lincoln...V' A McBeee. Madison lohn Fagg. M-trtin... Ewell. .McDowell...C H I’urzm. Moore....'\ exander Kelly. Montgomery...E 0 L Barringer. .Macon... H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg....S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton... M W Ramsom, W W Peebles. Onslow...J II Foy. Orange... H B Guthrie. W N Pattersoo. Pasquolank I T Williams. Perqiiimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G -\lbritton, Churchill Perkins. | Person... Wilkinson. j Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wisharf. ' Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan..,N N Fleming. N F Hall. I Ruiherford.,.C T N Davis, B H Padgett. j Randolph...I II Foust, Thos S Winslow. ' ' Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry ...W Waugh ! Stokes—Horatio Kellum, I Stanl> ... I.afayeite Greene. Tyrre.l...C Mcf’leese. Union.,,C Q Lemmonls. Wake...S II Kogers J W Russ, H Mordecal. Warren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...*' Latham. W(itauga...Thomas Farthine. Wayne... W T Dortch, M K Crawford, Wilkes,..W Martin, Horfoo. Yidkin...A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexuiitier—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. I'orbea Anson—A. .^Iyers, J. A. Leak, liertie—S. R. Spruill, James liond. lifaufort—W. J Ellison, E. .1. Warrtn. Bliidcn—Neill Kelly. ]{riiiiKwick—T. I), .^^parps. Buiiooiiibe—N. \\. Woodfin. Riirke—J. C. McDowcll. Cabarrus—C Phit'tT. Caldwell—E W Jonea. Camilcti—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Tliouias. Cascell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. II, llcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wcoten, Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford Edjiecombo and ^ ilson—W . S. Battle, Geo. j R/sourrrs of Xurfh (Jnrnlinn.—We coinmcnd Howard. . to our readers the perusal of the “Geoloj'ical Re- Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. | port on the Midland Counties of North Caroli- Fraiiklin—A. D. Williams. | ua,” made to the Assembly of that State in 18.56, Gaston—S. X. Johnston. i by Prof. Kmiiions. This volume will suppy large Gates—A. J. W’alton. i (icticieticies in the popular knowleiljje, with roi;ard Granville'—A. W. \ enable, T. L. Hargrove, ; to the physic;il and material le.'ourees of Ncrth I S. S., Royster, i tjret'ne—W. A. Darden. I Guilford—Jno. A. Gihiier, Raloh Gorrell, R ' P. Digk. ; Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. \ Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth R.iynor. Iredell—Aiidcr.on .Mitclicll, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas, j J^ohiiston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones — Will. Foy. r. Lenoir—John W«sliingtou. • Lincoln — Wm. Lander. ' Macon—C. 1> Siiiith. 31adison—J. A. .^IcDowell. Martin—Asa Bi McDowell—J. H. Greenlee ('a’-oliiia. Werevievvtd the wuik, in teruts of hi^^h oommciidatiiin, mvre than two yoar^ ago. The present juncture, however, sn;grsts to us tlie propriety of farther recaliitl^ the at ention of otir public to the resources of our elder sister—resour ces to be made available in the future, as well in war as in peace. ThoU”h confined .sini|ily to tlic midland counties, which a two ye:irs’ survey has failed to cover, we are astouiided at the devel- opnient of natural wealth in North C'arolin> '1 he , co:il-fields are ample for ail the South, the mining : interests are of iii«aleuiable extent. 'I'he aurife- j rous ures are of wonderful ritbncss. The silver j lead mines are not surpassed in value by those of ; any country, and yield zinc, lead, copper, silver and i ;;old. To the the jieologist, the .study of liiis vol- j ume will orove eminently interc-stiii;;, not only as I embodying the geological history ot North Caro- ; iina, but as suggestive of new facts, .soiiiewhat Mecklenburg—J. W. O.sbnrne, Wm. Johnston. ^ calculated to disturb old and settled convictiung. Montgomery—S. 11. Christian Moore—H. Turner. Nash — A. H. Arrington. New Hanover — R. H. Cow-in, Robert .Strange. Northampton — D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—W. Ward. Oran;;e—W. A. Grahjin, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimnti,—Jos. S. (\ninon. Person—John W. Cunin^rhatn. Pitt—F. B Satterthwaite, B Grimes. Rand'ilph — \\ J I..OI1L', A. G. Foster. Jlichm iiid—W. F. Le;ik. Robt'soti—J. p. Fuller, J. C. .^mithorland. Rockiiii'h im — D S Reid, E. T. Brudiiax. Rowat -B. Crii^ro, II .Jonrs. Ruther., *J and Polk—J. II. Carson, M Dur ham. Sampson—11. A. Mosely, Tiiomas Bunting. Stanly — E. Iloarrio. Stokes—( Vacant.) Surry—T, V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eh Sjiruill. Union — II .^L Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W Holden. Warren —W. N. Edward.*, Frank Thornton. Washin::ton—W .S. Pettigrew. Wutaug.i—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G V. Strong, E. A. Thompson Wilkes—Jus Callow ay, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. .\rmfiLld. Yancey—M. P. Penland. ~^0S FE l^ill A T E ST AT ES. President—Jefferson Davis, of, Vice President—Alex. II. Stephen.«, of Ga. Secretary of State—R. M. T. Hunter, Va. “ Treasury—C. G- Memminger, S. C. “ Navy—S R. Mallory, I'lorida. Attorney Genoral—T P. BpHjamfn, La. Postmaster General—J. H. Reagan, Texas. For example, Prolessor Emmona tells us that tho fjicts in regard to the coal fields of Deep River do not sustain the prevalent belief, that workable coal-seams belong to tlie epoch termed the car- bjiiiierous; nor that coal ii the produel ot a pe- cular vcjiLtatiot:, which is also ieological belief He tells us ^also, that the discovery of fb.ssils in .\lontgomery county farrios back the cvidince of life upon tiie ulobe to a much more retuote pe riod than is .111! usual belief, even amoiij; ;eolu- ;.Msts. So ancient aro the evidences that the ts- cellent Professor indicates a chiini for North (,'alo- liiia as the b.r(ii[tlacC id' the oldest inhal.itaiits of the •ilobe. But t>ur space will not hufi r tucii u review as this work de>erves. Wu suggest it to the coiisidenition of l^rofcshor D..*Bow. Kiiou^h, if we dr;iw public atlentioii to the vast and va rious icsourcc:* of the Old Nortli Stale. C A o f if stitn Merr v ry. Flovidit Mackerel.—The Savannah Republican says: The blockade is developing the resources of sea and laud South. We noticed at the family i'rocery store ot Mr. Joseph II Farrell, thcoth ;r uay, a strange fish to u.s, about the size of m tck- crel, put up in the same sort of kits in wliich mackerel came from the .North. On inquiry wc found them to be Florida pickled mullet, the brst, we believe, ever brought to this n.arket. Wo tried them, and found theui not exactly up to No. 1 mackerel, but a very good substitute during the blockade, Mntil we can jijet our supplies of Juack- erel frum the British Provinces. -Tho niary 186i. DELFGATES FROM NOUiri C VROLIXA. Foil THE STATE AT LARCiF., W. W. Avery, of Burke c unty. Geo. Davis, of New Hanover. 1st District. W. N. H. Smith. A iSiipplfj of &r.,fiom Europe Charlestjii Mercury, ot a late date, says: Mr. Philip Wiiieman of the of John Aslihurst, who visited Europe for the purpo c of makiiiji special arran;emehts ior direct importa tion ot drugs, medicines, iiic., and whose ancst in New York has been reported recen ly, has ar- Congress is to assemble on the 18th day of Feb- rived in Charleston in full health and vijror after his ditiiculties. .^ll•. Wineuuri has made atitplc ariari^ctiieiits in Europe fur future bu'iiiess 'Ihe lancets and potasli which Were stolen Iroui him by tlie Lineolniies will, we think, be fully cover ed by tile seijaestration act. Jl'ibifs fij Ofj.n vnfitni.—“3Iy mother taught me at an early age/' said Miss Hunt, dryly, “to observe every tiling. So that now 1 never go in to a eliuieli, or room, or pantry, without seeing everythin’^ at a ylance—an I remembering it, too. ' It is a faculty may be acquired; and therefore, should be. This was the way in which Robert Houdin tau.:ht his son to e.xhibit what passed Ibr second sight He used to take the cliild up to a shop window—the next minute take liim away. ‘Now, Robert, what did you see'!" •Two Work-baskets, ten pen-wipers, six whirli gigs.’ ‘No, you did’nt ’ ‘Vcs, Idid.’ ‘1 hen jro 1 back again.’ The boy, by cultivating his faculty had become quicker tliaii his father. He took in at a glance, tlie whole contents of (he shop, and ijiplicd his habit .so dexterously a crowded 2d 44 Thomas Ruffin. 3d T. D. McD'iWell. 4th ii A. W. Venable. 5th i( John .Nl. Morehcad. Gth n R C. I'uryear. 7 th hi Burton ('rai'je. Hth li A T Davidson. NOTICE. The UNDER>1(jINED. bo'h havinp; entered tho mili- tnry service of the I'oiile.lpral.' Isuiles of .Ameiira, hereby give fiotice to tln'ir oM ciisioincrs nn.l friends, that liiey have appointed .lohn I). Starr and J.ihn D. WilliHiiiS, of this iheir attoriioys to co.lect either' separately or conj linily all moneys due ihem either by aceouiii or noie, and otherwise to atlend to iln ir bu siness generally diiiinji iheir absjMice. They re-iiect tully ask all ind. ble.l ti them to call .is jiroiupt- j.udlenCe, that tliitijis whicii they did not believe 1 .U'.. . 1. . L_ I 1... ^ . Iv as possible on their agent' an.l make jiivment STARR WILLI VM.' Sepi 10, 1801. If ivAA it:o, ^ SP.\N of good sound drift JlURSE-'s, not over 8 years old. JNO. C. BOOTH. Cnpt. .Art’y, Cojii.l’g N. I’. .-Vrsenal. BarffainsU As 1 wihii Id cliange inv liu-iiie-s. I will sell of! my entire stock .\ I (QsT. Merchants and oihers wisliitig to r«pleiii'h th. ir st.ieks will tiii l a gr.-at in my articles here iliat will be of service, .ati l can be bought cheap. My .tO(;k eon is s of DRV (liOOD^, tiiROl FRIFS, Are. p. s. .-Vll those in.leliiel lo me w l; (deise iinke pay metii imniediau-ly, so ha: I 'vill be enabled to pav my debts. Th'ise wiio owe me provisions wi’l pleast- i.ake notice of this an l attenil to it accordingly, for you m iy w;ini ace immod ition in the future. One g'od inrn desrrves aii 'ilier. I nave oblij.'d yon and now come forward aud oblige mo and save your ■ jt tli; lop, inclining each way good credit. Sept. 10. 18G1. R. D. DA Vi sa SPKC TAI i.OJxiT. 1 P.VIll Ilf l.\DY 5 GOLD ."I’K'' I'.\CLES w is l ist a few divs ago at r.ik iv, or b. rw.‘en lhat [dace an.l io>»n Tne fi id.T will be rewur.led oa returning them to Miss M. .V. Potier. S.M't- '2\ FOR RF\ r. The two D\V Klil IN';.''. on the premises nccnpi. d by ihe l.ile Jn Igi; I'n'ter, at the lini.. of his liealti. Pos^.evsioii ijiveu on tlie first of N vemiier. Apply to M VKY .VNN POTTER. Se,ii lo. DK.\TI^^TK 1. R. J. D W’lS having decided on permi- ‘utly locating in the Town of Fayette- he saw, or seen, he de.^cribed accurately. 1 ho consequence was lhat his lather rcaliztd im- lueiise prutirs. T/ie Wnlltti Jj ikf.—The wonderful Wallrd Lake is situated in the central part of Wri«iht county, Iowa. The shape ot the lake is oval. It IS about two miles in len;th, and one mile wi ie III tlie widest p.irt, comprising an areaofsnmc acres. The w.ill enclosing this lake is over SIX miles in len:;ih, and is built or com posed of ..tones varying in size from bouldt r, ol two tons weiulit down to a small pi LbU’.s and iiitcrniixed wilh earth. The top of tho w.ill is uiiiturm in liei;;ht, above the water in all parts, wlucli luakes its height to vary on the land side according to the unevenness of tho country trom two to twelve feet in heiuht. In tho lii^ihest part the wall measures from ' ten to twelve feet tiiick at the base, and ii»ur to lilt ward i-nd imvaid. '1 bere is nc outlet, hut the lake f C- qiieiilly li-cs and flows over the ti>[i of the Wi.ll, J he lake at the de.^ >r part is about ♦ ti feet in depth, and abound.s with,i:e and line fish, sueh as pike, pickeit.1, Lass, perch, iiie. Ihe w.atir is as »;lear as, and there is no bnl bliiiL' to indicate any lir>:e springs or feeders. \\ i.d f.ivvls of all kinds are plenty upon it« Imsoni. At fii.j iiortii end are two small groves of about t ii acres each, no otlier timber iteing It has the appeaniiec of beinz walled up by human hands, and looks like a hu;:e torfnss, \cr tlieio are no rocks in that viciniry for mih s around. T’liere are no visible si;;us of the lake heiii;; ti c result of volcanic actions, the bed being fn rfectly sm » til and the border of regular fi'riii. '1 he lake is about seventeen miles trom Boone Jiivcr David .McNeill, A. S. .McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. DtipKi>—W. J. lioDstos, J. T. ville. re.'-pcctfnlly oilers his^erviccs to the on the West, eight miles from Iowa on fh East, citizens of iIns place and'iirrounding country. In all and about jiie hundred and twenty miles from the various braiiehes ot his Profes.sion, including the , B ipids. It is one ot tlie •rreatcht wonders manufacture of -Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an j j already visited by hun- extensive experience, to which IS added a thorough Den- .. . tal education, that he can give entire sa’isfaction as far dreds of curiosity seekers. as is iu ilic power of Dentistry. All irregularities of tfie : — in T> ris.—A lato number of the Indian- ola Courier says: The people of the interior need not be unc.isy about salt. By sending to Iiidiamjlu they tan uet as niucli as they want, at very low rales Uur merch.mts arc constantly receiving supp.ics ly boats from the salt lagoous. Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as of the mouth. None but the prop"" metals arc Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, uj,,. ot jn the various operations. \:,..,;ges will bo moderate, thai the benefits of the Profession may be piased within the reacn of all who lu.iy feel au iai>iiest o the preservation of the Tccih. Othce ovar Houstuu’k Jew«lry Store, where b« BUkjr b« found at ali times. Ma/ IV, 18d«.

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