wp i.p.n, lor at ihus 1- s ••niarrj(>,| y ij I '. . * • U •>> l*ro(. |„, 1! r >f . w >; Vi, ^ U s . i^AL: ^ , ■ II It (Ml ^l:ii,7 M • J ,• , -, liiar n '■-> “ •11 > ;e^ \1 . .111Ilf ‘>0 'N'liY :a 1 O . . s »k>). EV, >11 Merch.inf, C. aoPERTY r, R 1.1-;, nroiiit' Y Cl 1- * A OHHK'* fl tlun- ■ [*l’l'-' f*' " tIVl' I- *' >,J W1 • f ■ 1... T-. . ' ■ Vl!-' '■ i.( i_ M K. V '»■ S G M l-n'E: E K li Y. [vol.. XI.] i' \M'.'i' rr,vii.i,K. N. c.. oc'i'or.r.K ;i. isui. [NO. 1062.] ruiNTKit \,.ii T(in:si>\v>' KI»\V\I!I) J. IULK A. SO\S. inirtMis .A,\i* !'i.ai'nir.T«n:.^ 1‘rice for iIk Soiim-\V c.'k.v (M-.^kkvkh •(» if pni'l In .'lO if j.ii 1 tiie Vf.ir of •'■il lin ion; 01- :\ftoi- I* c ■ tv lias (>x]>iri>il. For llio Wci !y Ou'- n \ i ; ] ‘f nmnnii. if :n ;nlv;ilu-i'; .‘>(* if (> li! llic yc.-ir of i ;> lion; or ^ ' dii ilit> vror lia-; t'xjiirol. 9e^ AI'V 11 irriSI MI;N'I'.'> uirone.l fot jum- ' (tinre of 1> lint"; I'or llio fust, miil :!ll I'onis t'ui- i- i; li • ii.'.'i'OiHng public:iiion. Vtvu h- ;ulvi‘riiscnnMii-' i ■ ••■tl i-ontrfti't-i, i\t ro.iS(->n:r'.U> v.iU";. A4vorli-‘r'; mio to stule 'lio tunnh.T of li‘irt‘'l. t •hev will l>»> I'oiitimif'l till f4oi,i,l. :ii) l cli.u-L't'.l in^ y. A IvertisenuMits lo )u' . cli:iV”>‘'l j>‘ /rut extr:». Tl!*' II i!il 11 y • ■ lie .llicrs ;n I H.l 1 \V( >1;! V M; ,v C. u 1 l'(»N. A/ ( ■. I I 1 MO I SPRlNd TIIADE! UOKTII, WMai'I'IIW cl 4 0. oFi'in; \T wiiot.i's\Li; \ ,‘rocK >f 4^ t:s. -ALSO A cotintlolc Miicl Wv 11 'ifU‘ciO'1 .siork of IIAIIDWAUK & ('I Tl-KRY. r. VlUtF.LS NOIITII 'AK(>1-1N\ l.h,>Uol!.s CO 1.>|! •• l»(*MF,STl(’ WOl'vTlI, '• i-'villc. A]'ril 1 J, l^’ 1 !>iiio. I'M AN \ t'O l^;^|■ M-i:( 1 \i. N>»i mill nfit'r tlii' • i. ■ ’ .n V. , I'l* t‘utero'1 wiili '-.i! i v i.i : vai'iT c-in to ;ii . ■ ll'tll ■' ‘Il'l ; .r i ,if 01 I •Ul :'l 1- ;l 1-r >11 t!'; -:oni \\'l’- r. vs I s:ii, Uloriiey and (’on.! 4a( Thw, *A 1 1.1, !‘K \|' l U'K iN . ' 1. I .■ ' ^ Kob«^son, iimbniaiuU ( oluinhiis and liladi ii. (MflOP Ml l/llIllln'VI oil, HotlO'OU I'o.. N »' .iiilv •’>, IhoM L'.- : :t:Ct I'or lt‘iil. 'pnF. I at"l h V \V Mi'Liariri - ' ^ .'iipicii liy llu‘ii>. r,.^-. » F V :vTiM. ' . . - \ S.i'i. 11 I Ilf I 'r.'ckery Si otv . -iii'l :ii (ir"onl lilt \ llwt'lliisu !or Irtf'nt. I MU' ;\vo-st"ry i r. ' • .■ lu'r *i; iiiJ liiiw siro>-i. kiioAu .1 - >* F ... 'i ,il'l ! ! r iriicn^ir" ;»t)piv to I). .\Nl'FF»>t>N .lulv-J-J. l'''il‘. 4 lit 'hi n li ') \ ,• Thirty good, reliabli-, !inmarrn‘d ^leii, ''» Oiilisi for l'I!!:i K \ F \US >i iU'niNr. Till; W \1I. I Fiivoiti'viilo. iinU'" -ii'^'i-i tlly requivi- I tor .illu-r scrvii' I’-iv Iroiii Kleven lo w»*>ii v 1 wo WoUni'' per inoulh, viitli -lii'li 'in iiiiouni ,i i iuioii il u* mci ii wilt wiir nr wiwi r iii .lu ii iI-:-I. niiNlii ii i''cii i iiico. 1 ilf'ivf no oii>* .. whu 'ii.i’cl not li ivc iiKi Ir up hi- min i 111 I't' iroveriii' i bv Ke^iiliilion- nnil Av- lii’le'-f ir In llu* i: =. *i li of llio onf**iU'r-iie Ari.is. • ■ 1\.). f l!U(*ril. I’lipi. Ari'y, S. A. ('iiiiiu .\. Aiiimry. Friyoitcvilio. Si'pt. !>' 1. I'Olt IIIKi:. 1''HK Ni-iisiTiFtT 11 1- 11 \|’K :ii Mi’lvcr - l>e{ M. UTiuimis of 1 Ilk' Wt>-;tfin Kni’’ 't !. wiili >Miifii ’ ' •- ■repireJio convey r.»>eu!iers in :uiy ilirin'iioii . *v iiiiiy wi'li to ST" Il*“ 1’'^“ ’’rex'iii hIwhvs on the i • riv:il of ilie ir:iin. Wiiii ijou i HoV'e-i juiil oaretiil •!!. I - onunoilaliujr l>river. lie liope !o irive M.llKUT liKW Mclver’s Dej'ot. ('li:> iif ii ’o.. N ' . NFirch ‘J'l. '' kaii. koaik vr li,- .•ii irij'f l It 1’:i '^PHF. followin. rate- wil 1 gel' on thi^^ Kouil. vi- To Little Hive:. To Sp-.-.i Spring, . T > Joiie>li ir i'. To Me Ivor'-, Train leaver* the l>' ; ■ Fi iibys. at 8 o'clock A r_‘ o'clock >F Ar, ♦' i: w LAIMFS em-ti \’'\ I' A If l>! ,':ui lie ;ii i"'iimo ! lit • I with liii'ir i 'It • ' llt'iX FH HOUSE! It I 1*! Ii viii-r ii -t rompleipil liis in-w • I-,• li*'!irlli-‘ i’ail lIoM.I l)ei»ol. i jirep.ireil lodC lie Ir.lti'-ient periii illPUl F.o:irJrrS. Please uive ni“ i ciU .1 OS FI’II OTT\KBURU | Fiiyetieville, Aiir. 2'.'. ;">■> •’m | ll‘:i4h|M:ii‘(«‘r« \Viliiiiai;;'(oii i | Arlill«‘ry. t ('ami* 1Iovl\n, .Inly -0, IMii. '■pins (' oii'priny, (lesiriiiif to he conipleie in frrn/ • I .rjin-f. woiiM Fe jrlfiii lo enlihi :i number ot frooil Ini vers. - iiit‘11 i rii-tonieil to tlie niHniipeineni ol' l o7r-^ Tiiere will be pniil lo eneli m;ui. on enlisiment. a b.mi. v of.si.'t. M out illy ]>!iy "^I'J; be-iiiles heinj; clotlie'l :i:u( feil, i;ieiFu':il !itIeinl.mee free, aiiil all other neee.^s- 'v einiipiiients fiirnishe'l rpijuisite for ii (olilier. No one neeil apply unless he i.s a gjooil driver and t- [lorieiiced in the managemeni of horses. The destiin- i lion of the cniiipiiny is Virginia, as soon as ei|uipped. ALF.\. 1). MOOKK, I tltf] ('’apt. Co. K, lle^'t Ll. Artillery. ^100 l{ewsirl» )■> \ \ \ \V A V from iho srbsc'.'ilier on last Decei.i ■ t, i uiy ne;rro man 1>A\'K. He is ,i full-blooded neiri >. *1 feet H or Id inches hijjh, well set. and iniellifieni '' r t neirro: would woijrh when he left from Iti'i in ' i;;i'I about ;V'* years; he has a scar on his t'at-.». I ^ i nay Fitly dollars reward lo any per-^on ile'iv--i ii'.; f ii U) me at Fliiladelphiis, Itobeson cotiuly, N. ' or !\ r hi- ( ohiineiiu-iil io :i!i\ .Ful so llial 1 can t him. And Fiity ll.' , - -. r i.i, , ’ :il!i 'i.'iii lo c.mvici any per.->«n ii 1 lo' ' II *i >i !'c:r hini UAMFL \F (’ \LLFM. I'.; 1’.. Mct’ALLFM F-:il,l’!. ' -Oil i -i , N , \j>rM I-I! ' '.i\ \V l>KKMi\lI. ,) > KKNIiAl.i. 4 0V. l4i:\»AI.I. A; VO, C'oiiiiiii^^^iioii iMer*liaiitf«( A S It WHOLESALE GROCERS, \o. II A 1*2 \»>rlh >VaH*r St.. \Viliiiiii2toii. (’. I.. Krdei' from (tie (’ountry promptly executed. 1‘ariii'ular attention jriveti to the sale of Cott' n .till 01 her produce. .\ prll 'J, 1M' 1 1 t Tfiif Kc*lt*rtic "Vla;;;ay:iiit‘ lor Hay. May fl. l>^fil F-. .1. M\LF, A. SONS r,\KKu, .III.. 11' r o « \ i: V A r i. ,i iv , X.'! taken an ollice nexi door to Wni. 15 UrijthtVL; w ill ;tlen I and praeii e I'oiirii .if 'umlierlftli I, HV: III.- :'pt. DKNTAL NOTK’K. I'C oil (ireeu Sin el. Hi ’ouii!y -iiid SupiMii'r li':adfll. IF.be'.Ill 'ind S iliip.,,.11 M .rcli I' ', i'' I * '.»t f M 1 Mondays. U ,‘dnesd ly- Ixi-turniii'.^. leave' Mi i'. I ) S . • U. door irubir ofKi k F. M. 11' , II !>;• -eell ill hi'otl'u-e, 'J •; e I'l of ’lie markei, :il hi> re- c houi.' Ir on M o'clo.'k .\. M. Aug. I.’.'', IS'iI. XKARKST KOI Ti: TO ’ ' IF MALLl'TT. I’tv 71- AND QT ll'KHSi' nii: KAILKOAII! BEAMAN k nOB’NSO' S KHK IHHiSK srVl.K LINK Til KKVVN^MLLK, VIVHVKS\W. Is the shorif-i 'Ui-i nn■ e\;> ‘ ' '’.ir Mmvelei - .^oiii.r Norrli irSiuili. [••■viu.' F : . 'i’e-:Fe e-t“i_\ d.iy n •J iF.ck I*. M. TllKoL'*.:! IN TF.N IKU llS Our F'otches are large and l omfort 'dc drivers sober and gentlem.anly. vuir te.ims good and sure of tivemile?. an hour. The traveling public whi: w 1 1 Jtiidy tlieir conil^ri and convenience will t"ke t!ie U n-- iw Stage. g^THROUGH TK’KFTS T> WFLU"N may had at the Siage Office, F.ivettevi'! '. M iy 1m;'. Tr until o'cF Sepi f;. .l.\MKS KVI.i: II KS .!FST IIFCKIVFI* Ills SFHING SFFFLV l>RY -Among w IulIi a;’c - 1 ‘■na J’lL^'LS FALK'O; I »)UU Othi 1*IE('FS LAWN.'^ liiai k and I 'ol'Ted Suk-. Iri.^li l.ineii au 1 l»; i{iei '; IFiuiiii: "i )'hs. N'" 1 t.i n . Men and i‘. i\ ' h ■'n’ne With I lat-./.* T' ot I in--i)t it a'l kiiii' m.» «x> All I'*' wliicli wc'e pn;.r, i-.‘I .'.lie by the |iackaL'- at p itii.- p' i' ■■■ cheap bv wholesale or retail .April 11, 1 Sill. FRENCH STHANGE, Afloriiey at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. I'tiice tli.at recently occupie-l by G. Wright, F-iii. over the one now occujiied by him in l>r Hobiiisoa OF bllildilltr, till ll.Tl -J, 1' •n Street. f’f #fr#f#;« s9 i loMMFKi l.\l, Ntifl.. F.iliei .Note. Cap, Letter, F.,aili \ Letter, li n-kfi. Folio I’o'i, -inl others I’apers in iire.it \ :irii‘t\ !’• 'Knei I’Miaid-'. .\c. A'* .hi'i irr.-iM- I F .1 II \LF \ SONS. .\pril F: M iMiKWK ( «i iiT ia:i*oins. I'w o .\i:\v voM >ii>. \ oi. Law. A > ol. .■> K«|iilCj lU'ports. and pC, III I w ‘1' be otle i-Jtf 1 FS i' i -I..- I. I bound No' Jan 21, IM. b V xcli.inge a-' usual for un i;. .1 IIALK vV SONS. b'.t- If ,11 .Vr>. :ti. 10.000 •')i' Do.'. Ol »L .-IIII itfiif St. utui'iiallv low. either bv illarble rai*lorv^ ■ r 11 \TS. C I. O T II 1 \ in t'APT. ivii.Ki:?*'« ri:port (IN THE i)K!:r nivKi; minkiml region. ^pilK nnder-'i^ned have caused to be imblislied troin I the ('ontrrc-'iotial plates, an edition of the Hcport of ('apt. Wilkt". I S. Navy, and hii X'-^o.-iairs on the Hi'ant ap]''ni '-d t y 'i.c T.-’e' ii‘ •; Oic ivy i i • ' a'.uMic till iH'i’p F>;v(‘r llej;. ii N o i !■ . . i - •talil all i . .,ii‘ li ^ .!>• at L'l eatly redui vari.-d >: oi k ot ;ih and vni'M' iM) rnrv ii’n iKSflii';. i-. tiie I gr.v.i '' t ho ir- ' fn. \l : cnF. 1 up I ..t ill .if w'iiii-'i ! 1 u ->' in ! !n’ o ■ F 1 :ViF b .1 K, K' Itv » ■' 2 * 'i i ? TWO DIMIRS ABIIVr. T. 'V ill**, ll. .lan’v 20. IPUn 81- -^HARiVESS A I ! — I i The Vow St\l«‘. Small, j (OLOKKD PHOTOGUAPIIS, | I V;iI’** tiJillrry. i _ ^ ART. lVoo4l\varil'^ «olar 4'aiiiera. n . ll. ’ •PI" I. .s‘;y light d. F.iy M wi'pr I. I are'! umI- oiistantly Manufactiirlnj: at m) 1’’vki:y vafif■ V = = J S iddles, livMo- -. C. ;i -r and Tranks: all kind of I •’b-r, C i.’ondition I’ow iei -, tor di:-e:i-■•o it ('oiich Trimming'. C I'p ■ F : . Haid'.v^irc, ,vc. The '..i,-- ’ ■ wholi - I’l' ll). re! rl, : ■ i ^ descrii,;ion of il rii ’ ’ order and rcp.iired. No. o M irket St. U'iimington. .■ Nov. :i. IMCi;. Whii I ‘ un i • ■ i C;.!- ■ WliiU! •■.7-ly 11(Mill \riis c ■ ,, 11 .y 'II . N C.; plaiu. >• ■ • . 1 alid pT-'i'e: l>-o:'i . . lUeoiy |ie', and a li ( ' '1 111 ; he \ I'l. " . W V -ry largi- Jii.-.'irr . ■ ■ - '•; ■ ‘ ; .i-iic^ ’..rl .•ind‘ •!' f-r Fan, -pi un' Jii'tr:-- j.iPnts, aii I '■ ;ii*iui' . r ‘.'ile . ■ toi i.. i -/.(■ Ci.i.o ed I’lioi”' |'.|| il' I'l lde tVoin 'l:i:ill picl i ri‘ . llavng p. i-iiian.-ii!ly ;.>-im-1 here I hope to merit V Iiir ]iai!-.'M 1 re. 1 WO'M 'l-'o reiurii my sincere IIrvtik-^ for ihe liberal pi!i(.iia-e l,. s|i.\ved on ne heretofore l>y k,. r,,,,d I i.b- I ■ *■'i-,ctt'vi'Ie ' I V •initv ' 1' M ' \N->:;Si>F.FL. V>. ... p. F I ll i- .‘>(1 'il. frei' ' .■v:^ d; *- SONS. t:n'sg*uo,\i9 TV1M-: roiNDja. 1 Hi: O N L ^ .M \ N F i' .\ I' i \) l; 4 o I 1 \ F L OA M>i tiii:k\ S(HTII »K lULiniOKK. The I’rojirietors ot the above Fi.oti.diy !iave il-o ui.i " \vith I heir 1‘iniiid y :i con i pie 11* I* li 1 N T K IL.S’ I r2CAI^IIIA.j lVAIii:HMOl>ii:. Having on Hand, or lurni>hing : older, e\er_, .an- i'i:e !or a Printing MVsce. FROM A BODKIM !'(» A ■iu>‘ d. I.KGlSL\TFKi: OF- NORTH CAROLINA, ISoO t;| SFN ATI’. l’iiSL|itoiRnk and PeriiuiniHii*! .1 .M \\ lieiH.fp Camden and Currituck... R F Simmon-i. Uiile.s and I’howaii... M L Kiire. Hyde and Tyrrell....lones Spencer. Northainpton., .1 M S Rogers, llertford....! F. .'^laughter Rertie... Havnl Ouilaw. Mai tin and Washington....) 1’ .Stubbs. Halifax... M C Whitaker. Kdg-combe and Wilson... il T Clirl; I’itt. , F, .J Rloiint. F.eanfort... Frederick Grist Cinvt*u..,N H Street. I'lrieret and .lones...Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir.,..) F Speight New Hanover...Hli W Hall. Duplin...Dr .lames Dickson. Onslow...LW Humphrey. Rladen, lirunswick, .S:c....Ino D 'I’aylor. (Himberland and liariielt... Duncan .Shaw. .Sfimjison...Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. .lohiiston....) \S 1) Watson. Wake...M A RIedsoe. Nash....\ ,I Taylor. Fr.inklin...W Harris. Warren..,T .) I’itchford. !ranville...C H K Taylor. Person...C L Winstead, t >range....)osiah Turner, .Jr. .\laniauce .and Raudoli>h....lon.iiliaii Cliatliftin—W S Harris. Moore and Montgoinery...W D Dow F | Richmond and Robes.in... .\lfred Dockery. . \nson and F’nion...S H Wiilkiip. Ciuilford... Feter ,\.i un Casw 11...'iedlor.l I5r..'\ii. Hoekingiru",.. F F .'^iiiipsoii, .M eeklenbiirg lolin Walker (’ab.arriis and .Stun!}’... \' C Rarriritrer Rowan and Da"ie.,.l>r .) G Ramsey. Davidson ... ) no W Thomas .Stokes and Forsyth....Jesse .\ Waugh. .\s)ie. Surry \c....los Dobson. Iredell, Wilke^ iVc...L (j Sharpe Burke, McDowell .S:c...R S liaitber Lineoln, »las«on .Vc....)asper Siowe. Rutherford, Folk \c...A W Burton Runcombe. Henderson .See,..Geo W Candler Haywood. Macon ,vc...W H Thoma.s. HOFSi: OF COMMONS .Matuance...Giles .Mebane. ■\lexander... Dr J M Carsi.n. , ,\nson...L L Folk, K R Liles ■ .\slie....J M Gentry | Riirke... ) H Fearson. | Runcombe....\ S .Merriinon. Rladen...C T Davis. Rertie...PT Henry an.1 Fergu-.iii. Beaufort...R .S Donnell, W T M-irih. Rninswick ...T D Meares. I’aldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus... W S Harris, Catawba....lonas Cline. Chatham...W F Taylor, R N Green, Turner Rynuiu. Clierokee...G W Hayes Craven...C C Clark, F E .\lfred. (’uniberland and Harnett..,C G Wright, .1 S Harring ton, .) C Wilhiinis. ('howau... Small. Co.uinbus...N L Williamson. Cam'len...!) D Ferebee. Carteret... D W W'hitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S F Hill Currituck...R M Baxter (’leaveland \ G Waters, .) R Logan. Davidson... Lewis llayne-j, F F. (’lark. Davie...- - Howard. Duplin....! D Stanford, .1 G Br.inch. Fdgecombe... R R Rridgers, .) .S Woodard. Forsyth....) F Foiii.iexter. Fhilip Barrow. Franklin - W' F (ireen. Gaston....) II White. ilranville....) M I’ulloek. 'V II )enkin«, S H Cannad ly. Guilt'ord...t' F .Men.lenh ill. t’ F. .'h.ib''r. .1 L Cioir.dl. (ireene... A D Speight. Ci;Ues,...lohn Ruothe. Hay wood....S L Love. Halifax.. .A 11 Davis, W' F. Fope. Hertford....! .! Veates. Henderson....!os F .lor.lan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell....\ K Simonion, .\ F. F Ciaiiher .lackson... \ Fisher. i! — 'V S Hattie, (ieo. L Hatrersiiii T 1, llaii-rovt* ijiorreil. Kdgooo"tLt' Howard Fors>th—'P. J Wil.suii. l» t'rankliii—. i> \ViUi;jni (iaston—S X. Johnston dates—.V .J. Waltdu. (iranville—A. W W'tiabL S. iS. Uov^tfv. (jfeeiie—\\ \ h'lJiii (J uiUbrd - J tut. A lil,i* r, Kalpl I*. Dick. IlaliLix — K. II. Smith, L. \V H:itchelor 11}tie—K. L. Mami. Ilaywooii—Wiu. Hicks, llemlorsuu—W. M. Shipp. 1 lertluiJ—Kenneth llayncr. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, '1' .V. Alli.sori .luckson—W. II. 'I’honia.s. Johnston—1>. .Sanders, W. \. Smith. .Jone.s—Wm. I'oy. iicnoir—John (' Wa.shiii^toti. liincoln—Wm. Lander. .^Iacon—t’. D. Smith. .Madison—J. A. McDowell. I Martin—Asa l>ii»gs. ! .McDowell—J. II. (rreenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wtti. JohMstou. Montgomery—S. II. (’hristian. Moore—11. 'I’urner. Nash—A. II. Arrington. New Hanover—Iv. Il.l’owan, Robert Strange. Northampton — D. A. liarne.s, .1. -M. .^loody. Onslow—(I. \V. Ward. ()range—\V'. A. (Jrahaiu, John Berry. I*a.s(}Uotank—K. K. Speed. Derniiimoiis—Jos. S. Cannon. 1‘erson—John W. ('uningham. I’itt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. (Irimes. Ilandolph—W . J. Long, A. li. Foster. Richmond—\V. F. Leak. Robeson—J. I'. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinsfham—D. .S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowai -B. (’raige, H. (' Jones. Rutheti ’d and I’olk—J. H (’arson, M. Dur ham. Sampson —R. A. .Mo.sely, Thomas Bunting. I Stanly—K. Ifearne. j Stokes—(A'acant.) j Surry—'J'. \'. llamlin. ' 'I'yrrell—Eli Spruill, i Union—11. M. Houston. Wake—(i E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N Edwards, Frank Thornton. Wasliington—W. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. AV. (’ounsel. Wayne—(i. \'. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. (Calloway. Peter Eller. Vadkin— 11. F. .\rmlield. Yanc«?y—M. P. Penland. ('OX I- EI) E R AT E ST\T ES. President—Jeli’erson Davis, of Miss. Vice President—Alex. H. Stephens, of (ia. Secretary ot State—R. M. T. Hunter, A a. 'I’rcasury—('. (1. Memminger, S. il. Navy—S. R. Mallory, Florida. .Vttunioy (jetierul—I. P. Benjamin, La. Postmaster (Jeneral—J. H. Reagan, Texas. ('(itiirress is to assemble on the l^th day of l eb ruary lSt»2. DKLFGATFS FROM NORTH (’AROLINA. KOK TUK STATK AT W. W. Avery, of Burke cminty. Ceo. Davis, of New Hanover. 1st District. W. X.'H. Smith. I AN AFFECTIXa SCENE. ! One ot those atfecting incidents occurred at the departure ol the A’^ankee prisoners for New Orleans, , that, whether concerning friends or foes, must ; move the stoniest heart. A young lady, ol North ern birth, who has been for sometime a resident i ill this State, and, having a lucrative occupation, ! preferred to remain here alter the war broke cut, discovered, by !40me means, that her brother was ■ amongst tlie prisoners in this city. She had made several iuefi'ectual applications and attempts to tsee him. Owing to the necessity oi military law in .-fuch a case, her most urgent retiuests had been retu.sed. For som»^ weeks the poor girl had been too unwell to leave her home, but was re- i covering, and sitting at her window just a.-> the ^ prisoners passed by, on their way to the depot. ' An impression seized her that her brother was amongst them, though a separation of several years and the diflerenee ol dress aud circuni- .stances rendered recognition difficult. A misgiv ing, however—one of those impulses ol the heart that are not to be stifled—caused her to start to her feet, and, hastily throwing on her shawl and bonnet, she summoned a friend and hurried to the depot. There the guard was so watchful and i the line so strict that she was unable to approach ' within ten yards; but, With straining eyes and j anxious love, did the poor girl endeavor to scruti- I nize each probable form, until a mutual gaze met j hera, and revealed the object of her search. Her i brother recognited her. Darting forward, but I repulsed by the guard, each precious moment I threatening to sever them, perhaps forever, who can judge of the agony of the poor stricken sister.'' i Some of the bystanders, becoming interested in , the scene, used their influence to permit a message ! to be conveyed to the prisoner. “Oh! is their any thing I can do for him, anything he wrints?” she 1 exclaimed. But the wants of the prisoner were few. With loss of liberty, what else could avail ' him? “Take him this,” said she, ‘ it is all I have in the world.” And she handed a small, a very 1 small packet. So they passed to the prisoner a I few dollar bills, with some small change, not j knowing whether the poor boy would ever find ‘ any need for it, or an opportunity of spending it. Soon the cars were ready. Open cars, with seats arranged upon them, and a boarding round the edge for security. He took his seat with the rest, in full view of his sobbing sister, and the , cars began to slowly move. AA’ith an irresistible I impulse she darted forward. Sympathy governed I stronger than law the crowd who were watching ; the departure; an opening was made through tl p • guard; and she reached his hand. One grasp, so firm, so tight, was fastened upon the band that j she was drawn along the track, as the quickening 1 motion ot the engine was bearing her long absent brother }et further from her presence, and not until her arm wa.? well nigh strained from her body, and the poor prisoner, as he leaned himself towards her, was in danger of being dragged ffom the caf, could that long, loving grasp be loosened. If Lincoln and his war advisers could but have witnessed this heart-rending scene, and did they but reflect that thousands and ten thousands ot their countrymen and ours are daily suffering sorrows such as these, and even worse bereave ments, must (hey not pause and qOestion the fa naticism that is now urging them on, and that in congruous “philanthropy” which they are strain ing' as an excuse lor fighting?—Rick. Kcumhu-r. guo.l i.e.ell prices, a' any s'olii it . patroni se ptla ( astl : ; ! , . -■ ::imn .S.ite' iiand and other a •nif Loan to the lonlederate Stat*s! IJOOK.8 of snbscripiion lo receive this Loan are now ) of>en at the office of .1 C. Shepherd in Fayetteville. J iie (Jommissioners who have thi- matter in (diarge ap peal to their fellow-citizius to (■oiue forwaid and aid Iheir country in a time .S'i full o!' ihi‘ u:ni -t iijierest to !ill While the investment is n l'aided as -.)(,. an.I re- mnnerative, it is not lo this con ideiation that the i|i peal is addressed. The qiiesiiun om- of the highe • liioli eul to the people of the Couiedeiale .S.ate It i-^^ liieir DI TV to aid in ihl war, as they value lile, liberty, hon.jr! All loans will be accepted I'ri.m hfiy dull ir; u]>ward. July -J2. 1801. Vol. SlTi IIaiicroir« lliiilt l i^lalt !.* Ii.ly 10 P- •' • rorly Yearx’ I'^aiiiiliar l.it‘ller!* d'.!a». W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by |. .Vddison " xamler, D. D. Also, further supplies ot .Margarel -Ii.ncrieffe; BeuUh; .\dam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School lii i1:h, &c. .Mily 10. r. I II VLF .V SON Tilt* Presbyterian P«aliiiolist ( haracter notes. A further supply just received. July ao. E. J. HALE & SONS Total, ^272 til The Company have paid all losses ].roiiipily. iu.d have never made an issessmeni on their ' Total losses paid, ^2",'.Si »,.) ( )kKICK.Ps; Gi;o. AlcNKlLL, Fresident. i) \ I! \V, Vice I’resideiil. A. MeMlLLAN, Sec y. Diki I lOH'- W'c l Ui and will manufacture i all article, and ;ii the satii spo Foundry North. W'e ri spectfii: of the South. HFNRV 1. FKLtiLZi; CO We refer y.ui to every Flint r in ilii ci ,) We !.'• desire c' '‘ty .Newsp i]>er in th.- .Smlh to copy tl.i.- ■ 1 vcrlisement 'or one month, sendisig us one y of il : paper, and reeeiviiig t hi-ir j.iy for - ueli ad • i iipon pur.'iia ill ■ ii'.c tii.ie.s ihe aiaouiit i.t t.'ieir io.i troll 11. . I i L. F .V ( '.I :>S cn. _ \1FF.\L l’llli,".so|*il'l :r..iii i.aiioi's I’opi.lar I by W Hi. O. Fe.'U, ,\i. .\.: .'.aiidei’' . ' w .-'pellir aiel l>fiiut>r .Vnaly'i-r; l!o’' .>as’ aii.l Siiii>.'is raiumars; .Monieith's, .Smith'.' and .slitclielFs Geogra- iihies; Goolrich's and .\ndrew ' Latin and (ireek Les- ,ons. Arc. L- H.ALF .v .''ON- .\ug. -’A. I'OK Ri:.\ r. i^pHF TWO DWELLINGS, on the premises occupied i by the late .liidge Foiter, at the time of his death. Possession given on ihe lirst ol November. .\pply to Sept. D'l. M '.m ANN FOTTEi; ■-If W. N. 'Cillingha l, S. .1. liinsdale. W ill Mo LaIIrill, '1'. .S. Liltterloh. .\. W. Steel, .!. G. C»ok, Hon. .!. G. Shepherd, Henry Lilly, 11. L. .Myrover, S T. Hawley, Nathan A. Siedman. B. .MalletI. James Kyle. .\. A. McKeihan. J. D, Williams, S. W. Tilliiighast. hn Collins and C. (’. McCnunmen. Traveling Agents. jj.ig^T)ie Company in'’ite applications. May 1800. . -l-ly isr? H. F. Brown, ) , A. F. Hall, 1 lll:\TINTKV. ^U. J. D.WLS having decided on perma nently locaiitig in liie Town of Fayette ville, res)iectfully otl'er.-; his services lo the j citizen? of this jilace an.I smrounding country. In all ■ Ihe various branches of his I’rofesMoii, including the ; I manufacture of .Mineral Teeih, he is saiistied, after au | extensive experience, to whicli i- ailded a ihorough Den tal edncation, that he can give entire saiisfaction as far MS is in the power of Dentist ry. ,V11 irregularities ot the i Veeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the month. None but tiie proper metals are lua'de use of in the various operaiioiis. ^Jliafges will be iuoderate. tl;.it tiie benefits of the I'rofession may be t'arpeliiijf! t'arpeliii;:^! 4’arpe’iiijf VDS. CARFKTING at No. :54, Hay St. AU ZOUU styles, all prices, all qualities. All will be j.Liced wiihnj the reacii ot all wno nn.y leel an interest r either by wholesiiU or reluil. Also, 5-4 and la tlio pieoorvutiou ot liie irelh. ottered low either by 12-4 Crumb Cloths and Druggets. J. K. L.E Fayetteville, N, C., Sept. 13, 18(i0. 62tf Office over liouston s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1«58. 9tf J.il:es...W F ''■.'•.r.F .1 *>:i't .n W' 11 W i!- ill. .'-I- NIif 1‘liener. Feti.iii ....I C U o.iicn, Lil;eoi n . . \ .\ Me ileee M-i ii .1 .hn A 1 a^^. .^l mil... - I'.'v eil. MeDii\voll...C It F.ui.iin Moort' \’cxandcr Kelly. .Montgomery. .F G L Barringer. .MtiCoii...H W'oodtin. .Mecklenburg...S W Davis, .1 .M Fotts. Nash...!! G Williams. .New Hanover...S J Ferson. Daniel Shaw. Northanipton... .\l W' Ramsoni, W W’ Feebles. Onslow...J H Fo\. i)range...H Rtiuthrie, N I’atierson l’asi|UOlalik....! T,Williams. Feriiuimons,..N Newby. Fill..Ubriiton, Churchill '.'eikiii I', rson... Wilkinson. Il.ibesiui --.\lex McMillan. I’.li V.ish; ri. F.ockingham...Rawley Galloway and Th.i SI id.v Rowan....N N Fleming, N F Hall, Rutherford...!’ T N Davis, F. H Ftid>c.it. Randolph...! 11 Foust, Thos S Win-low. Richmond....! G lilue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W .Aulrey. Surry... W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stiinly... Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Fnion...C (j Lenimonds. Wilke...S II Rogers, J W Russ. II ^Iordecai. Warren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...C Latham. W ataiiga...Thomas Farthing. W ayne... W T Dortch, .M K Crawfi.r'. t.ifkes....A W Marlin, llort. ii V,idkin....\ C (’owles. Vancy... Bowman. ('OXVEXTION ON NORTH CAIUH.INA. Ahinuince—(liles Mobane, Thos. Ruflin. Alexander—C. Stewart. j Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A..Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. Ji. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufor*—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. .Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodlin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—(' Phifer. Caldwell—E W’ Jones. (’ainden—D D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. ('asvell—Bedford Browu, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. (V Henkle. (Uiatbani—J. H. Headen, John Manning .Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. ^ ('howan—ll. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. '1'. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Hichard Wooten. Craven—(ieo. (Jreen, Jno. I). \Sniitford. ('uniberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. l)avidson—B. A. Kittrell> B. (^ Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J* Houston, J. T. RhodeSi 2d 'I’homas Ruffin. :Jd T. D. .McDowell. 1th “ A. W. enable. .'>ih •• •lohti .M. .Nlorebe;til tith R. Piuye;ir. Tib '• Hiirti.iii Craigt'. ^th *• .V. IV D;ividsi)ii. ' ’ ’ * " ■ T \ A ’ (’ -f > \% liole>«ai(* i.. V-i*i>iT4‘s*5i4 i AND IMI’OKfKt' 'V;> I •V.’r’b' IN | Harduare aud Cutlery, Iron, &e.,' 1 H\v sTur.KT. LV\KV’'n, i:, r. I July 2. 1st; j .\s:\v inooi^s. 1'^HF sul'scrilicr is now receiving a largo and w.-ll se- lected 'N>ck of li )('DS. consisting ..f I C.PiOCERfES, H.\RD\VARi: \ND ('r’i LE- I RV, BACCINC AND ROj'K, SAD I DLERV, i\:c., FOREICX AND DOMESTK' Ll(,>roRS. liid m.inv oljier articles, which he offers low for ash, or oil siiuitr timk to prompt paying customers. .\11 kinds o! t’ountry Frodnce taken in exchange t’or Goods. .Sheetings and (’otton Yarns on hand at all limes, iit Manufacturers' ]m iees. .\ll persons are resjiectitilly irvited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. T. Wa Idill, South side Hay si A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 21, 18G0. 55tf ilarper’x .^la$^axiiie lor April. M^rch *1. E J. HALR & SONS. noflioili^t lines, a new supply. March 1> Hyiiiii^ and Di»«ci|»- assorted sizes and qualities. E. J. HALE & SONS. \ 4^1 R». A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^piIO.SFj persons for w'hom 1 have been atttending lo 1. Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business &c., ice., 1 offer my senrices, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. To Land iliiyerw. THK undersigned offers for sale, in the (’w’ll region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the bay ettevilie & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT Hl'\URED At'liES OF L.iNU, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox dec’d, and lying three miles South from I'.ir- bonton on Little Fockei Cree't, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton^ wheat, oats, rye, kc. There are on the prem ises a omfort able Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price iu this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. .M. McRae, Craae’s Creek, P. O., .Moore county, or address n.e at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. 1 Carbouton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf SALE OF A SCLTAN’S JEWELS^. I The new Sultan of Turkey not only abolished 1 the harem, deposed a vicious Prime Minister, ! and introduced to the notice of the astonished ! Turks a legitimate heir to his throne, but sent all i the jewels of Abdul-Medjid to the auction shops of London to be sold under the hammer. These jewels are magnificent, and Belgravia has had a delectable time in competing for them j at the auction sales. The Times gives thLs ac- ’ count of the collection and the prices it brought: “The jewels comprise a great variety of orna- ; meuts in form of neckkces, ear-rings, bracelets, , brooches, stomachers, and head-dresses, many of them of great magnitude and splendor, and of ex quisite designs, representing wreaths and grouji.s of flowers of natural siz'', composed fntirjly of fine brilliants and rose diamonds, and in some cases surmounted with diamond birds; presenta tion boxes of gold, beautifully enamelled, and richly set with brilliants and rose diamond.s, in clusters of flowers and other designs, watches and chatelaines, presenting: to the eye m.isses of dia monds of the greatest taste and beauty; the whole forming a more s(»lendid assemblarre of jewels than has ever before been offered for public cnm- petition. The followWig were the more valuable lots disposed of: A gold presentation snufl' box, beautifully enamelled with flowers and musical instrument-s, the top surmounted with a cluster of rich brilliantij, A square matted bas- ket-work gold snufl-box, very massive, and stud ded with no less than two hundred and sixty-four fine brilliants. £180. An oval gold snuffbox, enamelled with musical instruments, on the top of the Sultan’s cipher in gold, surrounded with a circle of brilliants, and double circle of rose dia monds and brilliant sprigs, the whole encircled with a border of brilliants; and a small shaped ditto, in yellow enamelled, with groups ot flowers and music, on top a ship at sea, sails, hulls and sea, composed of exquisite small brilliants and roses, the borders of festoons and stars of tine brilliants, 100 10s. A pair of zekis, in the tunjuoise enamel with flowers and clusters of brilliants and roses; two f>air3 of ditto in lavender enamel, w'ith scrolls and centres of large tine brilliants; and a pair of ditto, pierced scroll and flower-work, with birds, the whole corn posed of fine brilliants and roses, £(»1.'», A gold watch, enameled with flowers and enrich ed with fine brilliants and chatelaine with cluster' of brilliants. Another, with black enamel, en riched with fine brilliants and sfmilar ch^teiai^e, £148. A gold watch, very richly ornamented with brilliants set in gold, with an emerald in the centre, and a chatelaine chain, with brilliant drops, £I12. A large spread brilliant, superbly mount ed with brilliants and roses us a rinji; and a very fine rose diamoml mounted with ftmall roses, aiso asaring. £219. A pairof brilliant flower brooches, of medium size, each with two pendants. £320. A Sultana’s head ornament, of great beauty, with three pendants of very tine and large brilliants «et in gold, £o2U. A large wreath, composed of fine brilliants and emeralds mounted in gold, t’ dahlia aud convolvulus pattern, witli- festoons arid flower pendants, forming a Sultana’s head dress of great magnitude and splendor, £480. Tnere were in all sixty-five lotii in the first da^’s sale, which realized the large sum of Jt8,760.

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