JEIBTIEIB 8 E: 911-W E E: K L, ¥. [VOL. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 17, 1861. [NO. 1066.] I’UINTKD MONUAYS AND THUH8l>AYS. EDWARD J. IIVLE & SON^S. El ITOUS AM) PROPRIETORS Prico fur tli€ Soini-Weokly i»u.skrvkk 00 if paid in fiilvaiu'e; S3 TiO if pai l ilurinpr the year of subssiip- i>'»: or SI iifti'r ti'e veiir fuis expireJ. For the Weekly- Ob«efver Sli 00 per auniini, if paid in Hilv-iiire: if paid diirins; the year of mih«orip- lioiK or i"' after tlie ye;ir hu'^ expired. A1»VF.11T Sl.MENTS in>jerted for C.O cent-^ per > . .re i,t' 1'': lines for the first, and cents for eai'h ■ -lu'coedins: piiMication. \ e^rly advertisements by spe- ; 'i'll r.iiin.iots, at reasonable rales. .Advertisers are ro jiii-'itid to state the number of insert inns desired, or | ■'lev »iU bo I'ontiuued till forbiil, >\nd cliarsed accord- : in|:;y ' Advertisonients to be inserted cliarged ">0 ■ :,-nt extra. SPKri VL N(>TI('K. From and after t his date, no name of a now subscriber I wi'.' >t= entered w'tliout p,iyi'>i>nt in advatiiv, nor will | ii:\pi-r bo sc>ni to uch siib-icribors for a loncor time | I: :n i>^ J':iid for. I S'.ioh "'f >r.r 'ild sub.'jcribers as desire to take the pa- ■ V>er m this .y'-:oni will please uotif3' us when making remittances. Jan'y 1. THE R.Vll.ROAl) HOrSE! Ill I?S('Rll’.hU, having just completed his ni-w House near the l\ail Hoad Depot, is prepared to ac- ' ir- d:ite transient and permanent Hoarders. ! 1”= ISO eivo me a call. JosriMi oTT\nr.UHv Fay'tievillo. Ausr. lli‘aliii;irlt‘rw ) U;;;lil Arfillt'ry^ ) ('amt Umvlw, July L’ti, 111.”^ roni]iar;y. desiriiig to be oumploio inM-. re- w. uli le glad t ' enlist a number "f I't i v. !>. —, ion aeoust 'Uiod t'. the manasrement h(>r'i". i will be paid ti» e.acli, i>n enlistment, a bouniy ' f ?16. Momhly pay S1-: bo'ides being clotlied and > tod. medical attendan'-e free, and all other neces'sary •luipments turnished re.juisite fir a soldier. No one need apply unless he I-; » good driver and o.\- perienced in the managenit-nt of horses. Tiie destina tion of the conipanv is Virgini:*. as >onri as equipped. : ALKX. D. MoukK. 41tf . T ipt. r ’ I’., Keg t Lt Artillery. WANTED. A quantity of good WdOI., the soldiers. (} \V Vueust :>d, IStll. ^ .\KV to make sock.s of I (JOLDSTON, Ag’i. 45-tf A CARD! FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seniinarj'. T. C. HOOPEH. Sept. V2 5(i- IIA( KM '^pilE subsi'rilter has I ten I'OK IIIRK. L ll.\('K at Melver’s Depot, the ‘Stern llailroad, with which he is prepared to convey I’assongers in any direction they may wisli to g.i. llo will bo present always on (he ar rival of the train. Witli gwoil Horses and careful and accotiimodating Ihivers. lie liopes to give satisfaction. ALP.EllT OEAN. Mclvor’s Depot, ('hatham To., N. ('., March 2G. 8- i,iw^ vr*.,' KAIL lUIAU. ^PHF, following rates 1 gers on this Hoacl, To Little Hiver. To Spout Spring. T" .Iiim"ibiiro', To Mo Ivor's. Train leaves the Do]>ot Fridays, at S o'clock A. M. at 112 0 clook M. _ will now bo charged for Pausen- vi/.: 50 cts. 1 (to I U ') Mondays, Wednesdays and Hfturning, leaves Mclver’s C. 15. An- I2f, IS>;1. MALLETT. Pres’t. Tltf Mai (iOODS! i\EW liOOUS! •f. Pemberton Will receive iu a few days his entire stock of spRL\ii m mwm EMBRACING ALL THE rVew and IK'^irable Mpriii;;; AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. * The public generally are respectfully invited to call early and secure R A R 0 A 1 N S . J. A. PEMI{ERTC>N March U8, 1801. 8tf 1 AYKTTEVILLE Ml'TUAL L\SIRAME COMPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to 5>J(j7.i88 i:b Cash on hand and other assets, 5,077 Ho NK.VllKST .VND Ql’ll’KEST Ti: TO Tin: KAILROAII! T T KOI BKAM.W & UOBINSON’S FOI K nOKSK STVI.K LINK TO KK\l\SVlIiLK, VIA WARSAW, I .'' the shorto^t and mo-Jt expeditious for travelers going Noiili !m- Soutli. Loaviiig Fayetteville every day at - \huxP. M. THMonill IN TEN HorK.. nur •'• •clifs an* l,arir.“ and drivers sober and trontifiii iiily. uur o.iins goml and sure of five iiiile.s an hour. The traveling jniblic who wonl l study their comforj and I’litivonioni I* will f-;kt> the Warsaw Staare. TilKt> 1(111 tickets to WKLDON may be had at the Staire (•tin'o. F.ayotteville. May ;2’>. l.‘'tii, ’J.^-tf .Marble Factory, Total, S-7l!,70o 01 ■'’he Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their jiremium notes. Total losses paid, $2y,t>8l! 0^ Offiokrs: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. K.VV. Vice President. C. A. McMll-LAN, Sec y. Dirkc’Tors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Win. McLaurin, Nathan A. Siedman, T. S. Lutterloh. C. P.. Mallett, James Kyle. A. McKethan. J. I). Williams. S. W, Tillinghast. W. Steel, J. G. C«ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Rrown, ) A. E. Hall. ni'gton. R -ale of Cotton 10-tf 8100 Heward. .VNAW.W from tl'O >i'bscrilior on last December, my negro nian D.WE. He is a lull-blooded negro. ’ feet 8 or 10 inches high, well ■‘ot. and iutelligent for a negro; would weigh when he left from ItJH to IT'i. eed about 33 years; he has a scar on his t'aoe. 1 will pay Fifty Dollars reward to any person delivering him • me at Philadelphus, K0>^*‘'0n county, N. or lor his confinement in any Jail so that I can get him. .\nd Fifty Dollars for proof sutlicient to convict any'^on jr persons for harboring him. DANIEL Mcl'ALLUM, ForJOSEl’H R. .McCALLUM, Philadelphus, Robeson Co., N. April 5. 1‘Jtf • ■ J. »X. W. I>.KK.\D.\LL. J. S. KK.NDALL COA, KKAOAI.I. A: CO., Comuiissioii iMercliaiiit!§ AN D WHOLESALE GROCERS, -Vo. 11 A 1*2 Xorth Water St., \vii111in2i011. N. r. Orders from the Country promptly executed Particular attention given to tlie and jther produce. .\pril 1!, 1 ''•’•I. The I'XIectic Ma«:a#Jiie lor .TIay. Mayii, IftOl. h. J. H.VLE SONS JOSKIMI VKI:K, Jr., A r r o K \ i: i a t i. a \\ , H.\S taken an offifo next d>t t * Wm. M. Wright » Law • 'tlii.-e on Green Street, llo will attend and })nictice iu the *'>unty and Si;pt“rior Courts of ( umborland. Bladen, Robeson and ."amp>on. .Nlirch li-'l, l)^-'>'.*. I-'if FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, W. C. .'ffice that recently occupied by G. Wright, E-^'i., over (he one now occupied by him in Dr. Hobinson's building, Green Street. Dec'r 185'.^ 7‘J- i't KTUiJK svm* i «')MMERC1AL Note. Billet Note. Cap, Letter, Bath * , Letti-r, Docket. Folio Post, and olhers great variety. Bonnet Boards, .ve. vVo. Just receive 1. •April 12. C APT. WII.Ki:^>» Ki:rORT II.N THE DEEP RIVER MINERAL REIiKIN. The undersigned have ca!j-ed to be published from the Congressional plati-a, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .V'sociatrs on the Board appointed by the S(*cretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North ('arolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth ot that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and v.iluable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. c,,j)ieg sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of count to wholesale buyers. ' Jan'y 20. hn Collins and C. C. .McCrununen, Traveling Agents. he Company invite applications. May-J8. 18;o. 21-ly Carpel ill?! C'arpetiii;;! Carpel in;;! YDS. C.MU’ETING at No. ;M, Hay St. All /*cJUU stj-los, all prices, all ijualities. -\11 will bo offered low either bj' wholesale or retail. Also. 5-t and 12-4 Crnmb t’loths and I>ruggets. J K. KYLE Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. i;5 1800. 52if 1 large and well TWO DOORS ,\BOVE r. T. !!MG:I i SO.NS Fayeltevilli*, i¥. C. Jar.'v V*0. IbiiO. STIIRK 84- i\EW ''HE subscriber is now receiving a lected stock of GOODS, consisting of (IKOC’KRIKS, HAllDWAKK AND Cl' KY, HA(K;L\(J and KOI'K, SAD DLERY, .See , FOllHK'.N AND DOMESTIC Llgl OKS. and many 0 her articles, which he offers low for C.\sm. or on SHORT timk to prompt paying customers. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers’ prices. in-KKY V Li Saddles. Constantly Manufatturing at my Establishment MUETY OF HARNESS, Bnd'.o', Collars, Whips i aud I'runks; all kinds of Leather. Calf Skins , Condition powdor', foi diseased Horses and Cattle; ' Coach Trimming', (.'arpet Bags. Valises, Saddlery, ; Hardware, xo. Tho largest stock in the SlatCi wholesale or retail, at tiie very lowest prices. Lverj i description of H.irness atid Saddles manufactured to order and ropairc 1. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 .Market st. Wilmingion, N. C., near the \N harf. Nov. -i, l^t)0. 07-ly All persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old slatid of J. \ T. Wa Idill. South side Hav st. A. N. McDONALi). Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 2t, ISfiii. ootf A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those person* for whom I have been atttending to B.ankitik; business for years;—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness iliat I iiave always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business sc., &c., I otl'er my services, with a promise of strict attention. J.\S. G. C)t)lv. June 27. -''O s LAW BOOKS. N Papers in H.VLE i: SONS. 'A; cents. A liberal ! >rders solicited. E. J. HALE & SONS. lis- .^eliool llook««. •ATCRAL PHI Lo.ol>ll Y from Ganot’s Popular Phv'io-; by Wm. G. Pock, .M. A.; Sanderai New ; fe{ieller and l>ohtier Vnalyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s i Gratiimars: Moiuoith's. Smit!;' and Mitchell’H Geogra- ! phies; Goodricii s and .\ndrev.Latin and Greek Les ions, Jcc. E. J. H.ALE li SONS. Aug. 81. Mioohs. THE WITS AND 1;E.\LX OF SOCIETY; One of Them, by Lever; Louie's Lat Term ai .St. M.ary's; England's Yeoman; Tennyson's Poems; American .\lmanac. IK'il; The Lady's Book of Flowers: Language of Flowers; Poetry of Lady's Guide to Perf‘ct Gentility; “ “ Beauty; “ and tJeriilfriien'.s .Mirror of Fortune; Pe’.er I’lirley'-; Balloon Travels; “ “ Book of Travels and .\dvonture; &c. .NLarch .'5ii. E. J. H.VLE & SONS. Ml Mr Mi, UO.y'MM TVl’E EOL'NDRV. T HE ) N L Y M .\ N C F .\ C 1 O B Y o F T Y P E OA MIITIIIORA Mill., SOITII OF B\LTIMOKK. The Proprietor- of 1)10 ahove Foutidry iiave also uniteil with their Foundry a c.imiilote 1* 11 1 N T K K S ’ FI RAIMIIAf.: WARi:iIOI SK. IL'iviug on liand. or turui-iijng to order, every article requisite for a Printing Ollicf, FROM A BODKIN TE.VCVLmiff PRii!iS. We can anl will manufacture in Riclunond, as good an article, find at the sania specimen prices, as any Foundry North. We respectfully solicit the patronage d the South. HENRY L. PELOUZE .V Co. Wo refer you to every I’rinler in this city. NVe also desire every Newspaper in the South to cof»y this ad vert i.«enient for one month, sending us one copy of their {lajMT, and rei-eiving their pay for such advertisement poll purchasing live times the ftmonnl ot their t'loia U-. July 8. T)^ viii I'OK ri: a r. ^pilE TWO DWKLLlNtfS. on the premises occupied J by tho late Judge I’oiter, .at the time of his death. I’ossession givon on i.'ie first of November. Apply 10 -M.ARY ANN POTTER. Sept. I'i. 57-tf Oi:\TIMTRl. i{. J. D.W’IS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette- lle, respect fully otl'ers his services to the citizens of tliis place atid surrounding country. In all I the various br.inclies of his Profession, including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is s.atisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den ial education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in tlie jiowvr of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouih. None but the jiroper metals are made use of in the various oporatious. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest la the preservation of the Teeth. (iay* Olfice over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May lU, 1858. 9tf bill 11. L. P. & CO. 40-1 in Tiie PreMhyferiaii l*Kaliiioli«t (Jliiiracter notes. A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE SONS Blank Warrants for sa e. SIPREME COURT REPORTS, TWO I>IE\V VOLUMES. Vol. I Jones's La»,A: Yol.r».lones’s Equity Reports, JUST issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un bound Nos., by K. J H.VLE & SONS. Jan. 21, 18t;i. 89- .fietiiO(iij>t HyiiiiiK aii«i Di»icip- lines, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. March lt>. 'E. J. UAL£ & SONS- \UNDERS’ REPORTS; “ on Pleading and Evidence; Phillips on Evidence; Common Bench Reports—new series; Curtis’s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; (,'hitty on^Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taj’lor’s Law Glossary: Williams on Executors; Devereux's Kinne's Kent; “ •' Blackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Butler Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Damages; Story’on Sales; “ on Rills of Exchange; “ Equity Pleading; “ on Conflict of Laws; “ on Bailments; Chitty on IMeatling; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Oow on Partnership; Roberts’ Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome’s (Commentaries; Leading Cases in Eipiity. Haro & Wallace's Notes; Lawyer’s Common Place Book; Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Gresley’s Equity Eviilence; Burrill’s Law Dictionary; Wharton’s Law “ Phillips’ Amos on Evidence; Archbold’s Landlord and Tenant; “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainders; Tidd’s Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord and Tenant; Adams' Equity; Williams on Personal I’roperty: Maync on Damages; Archbold’s (’riminal Practice and Pleading; Lube’s Equity Pleading; ■Wendell’s Blackstone; Chilly’s “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith’s Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Chitty’s Criminal Law; Williams on Real Properly; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Properly; Sugdeti on Powers; Smith’s Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Milford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domat’s Civil Law; • Rockwell’s Spanish and Mexican Law; Sharswood's Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome’s Legal .Maxims; Collyer on Partnership, &c., &c. The Reports of the Supreme Court of North Ca- roliQa; Cantrell’s Justice; Forta Book; Cantwell’s Prac- tioo, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-01. SENATE. Pasqtiofank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. f'amden and Cttrrituck...B F Simmons. (lates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton I M S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Marlin and W'ashington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt... I> J Blount. I’eaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. C'arteret and Jones...Dr M F .\rendell. Greene aud Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr Janies Dickson. Onslew...L W Humphrey. I’laden. Brunswick, (.tc...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W P» Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J I’itchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person...C L Winstead. Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. .Vlarnance and Randolph...Jonathan \Vorth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Monfgomerj'...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson...Alfred Dockery. I Anson and Union...S II Walkup. Guilford...Peter Adams Caswell...r>edford Brown. Kockinghan... F L Simpson. Mocklenbnrg...John Walker. Cabarrus atnl Stanly...V C Barringer. l\owan and Davie... Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth....lesse A Waugh. -\slie, Surry >S;c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes \c...L Q Sharpe. Burke, .McDowell i'tc...B S Gaither. Lincoln, (iaston iicc...Jasper Stowe. Butherford. Polk vS:c....\ W Burton. I’uncombe, Henderson >*sc...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon \c...W II Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. ■Vlexander... Dr .J M Carson. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. .\she...J M Gentrj’. Burke...J H i’earson. r>uiicombe....\ S Merrinion. Bladoii...C T Davis. Bertie...!’ T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort..,R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus...W S Harris. Catawba....lotias Cline. Chatham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...G W Hayes. Craven...C (' Clark. F E .\lfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring ton. J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Coiunibu«...N L Williamson. Edgecombe and Wilson—\V. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, K. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X, Johnston. Gate.s—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. l)arden. Guiliord—Jno. A. Gnnier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halitax—R. II. Smith, L. W. Ratehelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks, Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. H. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washini^ton. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Big^s. McDowell—J. 11. (ireenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. II. Christian. Moore—II. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northamjiton—I). A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange-^W. A. Graham, John Berry. l*a.squotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. (j rimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F, Leak. Roheson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. liockino;ham—D. S. Reid, K. T. Brodnax. Rowar -B. Craige, II. Jones. Rutheri. 'd and Polk—J. H. ('arson, M. Dur ham. Samp.son-—R. A. Mosely, 'I’homas Bunting. Stanly—K. Hcarne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—(i. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. • Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtield. Yancey—.M. P. l*enland. Camden... D D Fercbee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B .M Baxter. Cleavelaii'l...A 0 Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe...K R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston...J H White. (Jranville... J .M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannadaj'. Guilford...C P .Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....-V D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Hay wood... S L Love. Halifax....\ II Davis, W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell... A K Simonton, A B F Gaither Jackson....\ Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Watson, Jas Mitcheiler. Lenoir...J C Woolen. Lincoln...V A McBeee. Madison...John A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore... Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L Barring*r. Macon...H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg...8 W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover.,.S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M 'V"Ramsom, W W Peebles. Onslow...J II Foy. Orange...II B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T Williams. Peniuimons..lN Newby. Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wiahart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rulhorford...C T N Davis, B II Padgett. Randolph...I II Foust, Thos S W’inslow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. W'ake...S 11 Rogers, J W Russ, H Mordecai. W’arren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...C Latham. Wat au ga... T ho mas Far t h in g. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes....\ W’ Martin, Horton. YaiIkin...A C Cowles. Y'ancy... Bowman. CONT ENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. 0. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak, liertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beuuiort—W. J. Ellison, E. >T. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly, lirunswick—T. I>. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Pbiier. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—I). D. Ferebee. (Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., L. J. ^Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. (xreen, ,Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill,* A. S. McNeill, Currituck—IL M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. HoiutoD, J* T, Rhodes. ifii’w. (lieo. L. Joliii^oii i*ex- pccttully informs the Ladies ol Fay etteville, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the newest and most approved styles, including the very fashionable L'Itnperatric^ or Gored Dress. She may be found at the residence of Mrs. T. J. Johnson, Corner Russell and Gillespie Streets, or at .Mrsi Wm. .M.'L. McKay’s on Haymounl. Oct. 11,1801. _ 05-tf _ *^0,000 ^iiiii^ie» %Vaiiteci. II7ANTED IMMEDIATELY, :20,0o0 first quality JU- fV NIPEK SHLNGLES. They must be 4i inches wide by 18 inches in length. .Apply to B Monaghan, at the Catholic Church, or to Mr. Garrj-, at Mr. McKethan’s Carriage Factory. October 10, 18 1. 04-4t Fayetteville Foundry. fPHE undersigned having associated themselves for I the purpose of carrying on the F«>iiii(li*y and .^lacliliie Bii»iiieM», under the firm of ANDERSON CORD, respectfully solicit orders from those wanting work in their line. Having experienced Machinists aud Moulders, they are fully preoared to execute all orders. D. ANDERSON. J. T. CORD. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 1801. 04tf KIO COFJHEE^ B.\GS for sale. Apply to GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO, or WORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO. 04-8t 23 [Written for the Richmond Dispatch.] ONE NIGHT IN A HOSPITAL. BY JANIE TYLER. “You will come again, lady?” “Would you really like for me to come?” I said, as I bent over the low bed. “I will die if you leave me now.” “Then 1 shall come; bat now it is time to re turn—a night’s rest will do you a world of good.” “I wish you would not go.” The tones were so full ot entreaty, so lull ol au unknown wanting, that I paused. “You are very much better, sir—surely you do not I ear?” “She will come to-night,” he answered, laying his hand on mine, and gazing upon me with his dark, sunken, but burning eyes, “and I cannot meet her here alone.” 1 felt his puLse—there was no fever, no deliri um in its (juiet beat* I rose to go, but an un known power restrained me. Throwing aside my wrappings, I sat down at the foot ot the bed. “An hour, more than an hour?” he murmured. “Have I changed much?” “Very much,” I answered, sadly. “But she will know me—know me anywhere.” “You are so much better,” I replied, smooth ing the white pillow; “in a few days you will be able to return home.” “When Madelene comes,” he murmured, “she will take me with her.” I shaded the light trom the sutferer’s face; still his hand clasped mine, and his searching glance rested upon the closed door. A night in a hospital. To sit surrounded by the dying and the suffering; to teel the clasp ot a fevered haiid, as if it was sending its moulteti lava through your being—life and death, earth and immortality. 1 was startled from my revery by the sudden movement of my patient and the glad cry that rung troiu his lips, “*b'/te/us come.” The door swung noiselessly back on its hinges; a tall, magnificently formed woman, whose black gar ments swayed lightly to and fro, and over whose shoulders Imng a wealth of raven hair, stood with in the open portals. The large, passionate eyes roam from bed to bed; then she glided forward, nearer and nearer, until it seemed to me an unseen shadow clung around her. I looked upon my jiatient, his arms were extended, a smile lighted up his whole lace; the woman knelt by the low bed, her arms wound around that dying man, and her lips pressed pa.ssionately to his. A glory not of earth fell over the white face; the limbs relax ed. I bent eagerly forward, suppressing the cry that rose to my lips. In the dim, faint light my patient was alone. I gazed eagerly around. Surely, I did not dream. 1 brought the light to bear upon my patient’s features. He was dead. Throwing the sheets over the stilled form, 1 has tened to the watchers’ department. They bore him i^uietly into another chamber. His hands were cia.sped tightly over his chest; within theiu lay a c’osed case containing two miniatures. 1 unfastened it. The one side contained a picture of the unknown dead; the other, and there burst upon my view the mirrored self oi tliat beautiful woman—this Madelene. It was handed me to be retained until called for. There were no mourners; but 1 gathered white roses and Hung them over the new grave, and went back to life’s duties a sadder, and, 1 trust a better woman. “It is singular,” said the attend ing surgeon to me, as 1 stood one day glancing over the sick list, “that the wife of the gentle man you nursed that night should have died at the same hour, only ten minutes betore him. 1 am told she was suddenly indisposed as she rose from the supper-table, and about twelve, scarcely with a struggle, she died, calling passionately up on her husband.” He passed on to attend to his duties, not no ticing the deathly pallor that gathered over my face, i went home with a terrible fear rack ing my whole system. Drawing the sacred relic from Its hiding place, I wept as if some part ot my lite had been drawn into a vast void—wept as if the fate of these two were blended with my own. Never without a shudder do 1 recall that one night in a hospital. 60 Oct. 1801. RETAIL— For Cash. The FARMER’S AND PLANTER’S ALMANAC for 180’J. E. J. HALE i: SONS. Oct. U, 1801. SPRING TiUDE! WdRTIl, WII-HTJIAli A: i’O. OFFER AT WHOLESALE A HEAVV STOCK OF OROCM^RIES. —ALSO— A complete and wtll selected stock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. BARRELS NORTH CAROLINA LIQUORS. loO “ DOMESTIC Ditto. WORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO. Fayetteville, April 12, 1801. l-^tf P. FI I.LER, .\ttorney and Coiiustllor at Law, WiLI. PR.^CTICE IN THfc COURTS OF Kobeson, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladon. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 20tf For Rent. The Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store and D. & W. McLaurin’s Store, and at present oc cupied by them. Possession given 1st September For terms, apply to D. & W. McLaurin, Hawley & Son. August 15, 1801. To LaiKl Biiyer!«. The undersigned ofi’ers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & W'estern Rail Road on Deep River, EIUIIT HUNDRED ACKKS OF LAXD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Laiuls are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Cre«k, P. O., Moore county, or address me nt Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert, deo’d. Carbonton, Moor« co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf or S. T. 48-tf YanLce Finances.—The Northern Banks have agreed to loan the Lincoln Government 50 mil lions more—making a hundred of the hundred and titty millions needed, which those Banks have undertaken to advance. They will be expected to take the remaining 50 millions at an early day. This whole j)roceeding is a swindle. The Gov ernment, which borrows, is bankrupt, and the Banks, which lend, are many millions worse than nothing. We published their own statement last week, which showed that with only 49 millions ot specie, they owed depositors and note holders up wards of 170 millions. But the Government must have some sort ot means to detray its 8uily, and, theretore, it concocts this scheme witli the liuiiks to meet the present emergency. 'J’he Banks undertake to lend a hundred millions —which they have not got, and they receive trom the (iovernmeut its own treasury notes, with which to make the pa3'inent. In other words, the Government uses the Banks to get its worth less paper imposed upon the community as so much money. The Banks have no alternative. They have been threatened with forced loans; and it was much better to join the Government in cheating the people than submit to be robbed themselves.—Jiichmond Pay t/our snutll debts.—This is good advice, and tiiere never was a time when it is a more solemn duty. Wheu the small debts are paid, there is a general confidence among our home people, and the wheels of trade move on regular ly and easily. JJesides, it is the small debts which control all the big ones, and which most material ly affect trade. None are paying to our enemies, but all should make a special effort to pay their small debts to their friends, if for no other reason that it diffuses good spirits, gives confidence and greases the wheels of trade, all which are neces sary aud indispensible at the present time. Let all pay up, and all will teel better and thus pro mote the common weal. Pay up,*but especially pay all small debts. Anotliev Deserter from /'VcA'fw.s’.——Another de serter from I'ort Pickens came over last night, and was taken to the Yard this moruing, says the Pensacola Observer, 5th. He says, on the night of the burning of the “Judith” we killed four and wounded nine of the Federal pnrty. He reports seventeen hundred meu on the island, aud two hundred and fifty ou the sick list.