CALENDAR FOR 1861. CO G > H 0 G W 0 > > * > MNUARY 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 lU 20 21 22 23 24 25 •20 27 28 29 30 31 ITRBRTTARY.« 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(3 27 28 MARCH 1 *> 0 4 5 6 7 s 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 '2^ 23 21 25 20 27 28 20 3() :n APRIl. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 s 9 10 11 *12 13 It 15 10 17 IS 10 20 21 •)•> 23 2t 25 20 -1 2S 21) 30 MAY 1 o 3 4 Ft 0 4 S 1» 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(> 17 IS IP 20 21 •>»> 23 2 4 • > ' 20 • )“• — 4 2S 30 31 I JUNE 1 i 3 4 r> () i s i 1) 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1(» 17 IS 10 20 21 i 23 21 2.‘> 20 27 OS 2!* 30 ; JULY 1 •> o >) 4 5 0 I 13 i s 0 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 IS 10 2U 21 •)•> 23 24 25 2t> - 1 ■ 2S 20 30 31 j AUG r ST ~ 1 .) 3 ' 4 5 0 s It 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 is 10 20 21 •)■) 23 2 4 2'> 2t> •>- — 1 2s 20 3U 31 SEPTEMBER. 1 •> 3 4 r> t) t s •( 1;:- 11 12 13 14 15 It) 17 is 1!* 20 21 •>;J 21 25 20 •)- — 1 2 s 29 3» OCTOBER 1 >> • ) 4 5 0 1 s it 10 11 12 18 14 15 n; 17 10 2t> 21 •>•) 23 2 4 25 2C. •)- -1 2“^ 3t 31 NOVEMBKR... 1 O .■> 4 n 0 s 1» li; 11 12 13 ll l.'i It! . 17 1 l‘t 20 21 •>.;■ 23 24 25 2t‘> 20 ;;n DECEMBER 1 ly 4 i; t s 9 l!! 11 12 13 14 10 17 Is 10 20 21 23 24 2.) 20 •>- — 1 2 s 2H 3» 31 THE IV»RTH €^.\U4»T.IIVA MDTriL LIFE INSGRANfE t'ttllPANf, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation; with growing capital and firmer hoM upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from I t to tjO yoitrs of ape, for one year, for seven years, and forlife—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 1(' to tlO years of ajre are insured for one year or for five years for two tiiirds their value. All losses are punctually p.aid within HO daj’s after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the pub)'" is referre«l f>’ Agents of the Company in all parts c the State, and to I? If ll ATTf I,' Raleiirh. Jan’y ISoU. 111 I.IL V, mv- • R. II. BATTLK, Secretary, Raleigh. K. HALE, Agent at Favottcville, N. C. FOR flillKS (IF rilE EXECUTION, TKIAL. and M’I'EAKANt’K SOCK ETS, ruleil and printed from the most aj>proved forms in use. Also, further sujiplies of other liLANN BOOKS, in great variety May ;n. E E. .1. HALE jt SONS. DESERTER—$30 REWARD. '■PHIKTV lM»Llj.\KS Reward will be paid for the ajt- 1 prehension and delivery of ile^tMier liL'KWELL \\. H()1)0KS, at any .Jail or .Miliiary I’ost in the Slate. The said Hodges resules in llanutt i'ouiity, about 10 miles from Averasboro’; lia-^ hazel evos, bl;ick h-iir. liavk complexion, is 5 feet 10 inches high, age _'i( years. He enlisteil ihe U'jth May, iMil, and deserted atiout U)(h June. I’KTKll MALLETT, (’apt. ’o. 3d Keg't N. S. T. July oO. 41-if FISH! FISH!! N ew .MAt'KEHEL. Nos I. l! and ^ •• WHITE FISH. “ HERKING, \c. Air. ('all at Oi'l 1. A. N M.DONALDS, Souih-sid.‘ Hay Slreet. A7-if Tli(‘ Vir^^iiiia and \orfli t'aroliiia JiMTiDN r. (>., HaiU'ver ('ouiiiy, \'a , | .luly J'.', iMil. I ruder this nrime it is jiro]i we.l lo jn>i up .i ri-^imenl of leu companies of ItMi men ea -ii. including otlirers. ing 1,000 men. We are to wear eitizen.i' oloilies aud to use such anus us we can lurni-;!! uiM>elvi’s. .V jiair of (’oil's pistols, a bowio-knil'e aad ,a double barrel guii, with a Minnie ball or a good rille: lo pledge our-ielves to serve duriiig ilie war wherever ilie I’resideni may choose to plaee us; to sei-ve wilh.nn p iy. The main olyei't ol this organi/. iti^u is to avenge the deaih of (.ion Ki^beri S (iaruett, "f \'irgini.i. and Col. (.’hades F. Fi-ther, of Niirtli (' irolina. Those who wi-^h totV>rm such a regiment, will signify their assent by writing lo me at liie above posi-iitlice. and when we have nu-n we will rej-ori ourselve-^ lor duly, and go on increasing iW iiuiiib»T uniil ii amouii;.' to 1,(HKJ. The design is, that the number .-diall always be ki*pt up by new enlistments whenever vtuMiieies occur bv death or inability, and no other c-iU'e sluill rele.ise h man from his obligation. 1 will aoi as privaie. or in auy I'apaciiy ihe regiment may dire'-i. " iieii our num ber reaches .^O't. we vsili rc>ji.c-i Hi(> I’icMdent to -i|i point a I’olouel of his “wn >clcc[iin. mu-.ei u into . service at Kichman l. I wi'' ■l iverti-e ti e liiiie ot lucei- . ing there as si>uii us 1 receive the n iiiii'' oJ .Omi meii. Each com[iany will choo"e its own ( apiaiii aud subor- inate ollicer.-. i TIIEOIU'KE S. (l.UlNi; I T The new.spui lers in \ itgini:i ;in I North ('arolin.'i , ill 1 lubtle.'S pntili-h thr a)' ve,', :«ii'e a Week fur ll.i'ee weeks. ' A i\ew Law Book. Vffittivcirs Prartiee ##f JUST published, a upon the Practice at Law in North {'arolina, by Edward C.\Nr\vKLL. LL. IJ,. author of the N. Justice, etc. ■ ^iVTENTS. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North Carolina: Legislative Powers ot Justices of the Peace; County Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; (.’ounty Reve nue and Charges; Court Houses, Prisons. .Vc ;'('’ounty Trustee; Jury Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; (.Jenenil Assembly; Inspections. Public Landings, esc.; Poor Houses and Hospitals: Registers and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridge.-; Weights and .Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River: Pub lic Roads an.l Cartways; Public Landings and Insjiec- tions; Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and ('onstables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Ronds. Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemption^; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North (’arolina; Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk: Attorneys at Law; .\ttorney General; Reporter arwl Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paujiers; Guar dians; (.ounty Attorney'; .Auctioneers; County ('o\irt Clerks; Coroners; Boundary ('ommissioners; Committees of Finance; County Trustee; (,’ounty Treasurer; Special Court: Commissiiiners of Fairs; Ins(>ectors: Superin tendents of Schools: Commissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor: Registers; ('ommissioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheritfs; ('onstables: Rancrers; Standard Keepers: Retailers: Administrators: Chairman of Special Court; Commissioners ot Dseds und I'onveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors: Superintendents of Elections; Guardians and Receivers: Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition; Patrol Committees: Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; (>verseers of and Rivers- Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers! The Appendix contains forms of Decls and Convev ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, ”.ills of Exchange anl Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds', Contracts, Deeds, .Marriage Settlements, Mortgages Copartnership Articles, Notes. Releases, \c., &c ’ This Book contains oob pages, is gotten uii in sure- riorstyle, and bound in Lawi’alf. Price, single copy i.j For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS Dec'r ‘Jb. 18b0. I NEW EDITIOX OF , DEVEREUX AND B\TTLE\S (’, LUV REPdRLS, , Volume iS. rpHE subscribers have just printed a Jd Edition of 1 thisUmme, with Notes and References toother Ii nifi ‘ 1^-vised Co.Ie. by Hon. Wm. | errors corrections of typograjdiical Their M Editions of L»ev. .v Battle's E.^uity, complete, and 1st Dev. ,v ’.jitile’s Law Reports, have received the ' approbation of the Profession. «oti>eiine They also a 2 l'Edition of Devereux s 2d Equity, , without Notes, i And in addition to these are he proprietors of the entire editions of most of IredelPs thlV° '‘"'1 can supply any volumes extant of had^*" or complete sets, so far as they can now They propose to put to a 2d Edition of Dev & Battle s Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one. ■ They Jsal torgelj. in L.w books, niij win ,, ,,11 ,i„,, wSr," “PP')- Oc" io. mo. this J and w sevei a coii; ■r.uive dll UIliu! i!e in I II.. .p- I"r s.i'.e 111 g l-iu-, • ri- UT‘ es 'lie T iiMre ir a p iir of •lu ll a { iir- K-rity, II i[’l'eil for ■' P ^ilerlIl' 1 ite. t.. ...pi.., .1 the rcu! lie ilii.- n>.- .f I hei I' eon III v -Vorfli (jiroliiia: T is deemed not only de'ir .M.- ton >iii iinpi 1 tj'. tiiat early measure' be i>iKen t : i. i supply of winter ■.;U>:hiag !or (he .N i h Cn Uow in the field, ihe scarciiy ; vieinil the Slate, and the uncertainly ut j t - inn trom abroad, fort-e us to rely .in oi;r lome-ii • Ii is thought iluit every I iii.ily c:i:i ji in- ■> Blankets wuhoiit per.-onal inconvenience. Woolen Socks, and it is believed 'hi: tor po«e i h1; would le re'j.onde l w'lii •! It 1'■' 'iieietore been (•■ tu 1 ih-it { se be liia.le to ihe gre il t .ly II that view 1 hive t-: r. , ie-t ;ie ' .'Unlie' to UCt :i- .nrfii ut > •■ition of this kin 1. lo I Ills tMid tiiey are re.jue.'u.l ; tice. ..iri'l employ agents in ovei v di.'t 10 tuiilier the matter. All l oiitributious of this kind tnay be boxed and f'or- warde.l l., the nearest Railroad l»epoi, and Jue inlorm i- tion iijiTeot'seiii [0 [jn. i;.,vi.ri;or ^ The .''herirt' are further re.iue'ied to fiirni-h to the G-iveriiui a h-i ot the d..n .■rs. The iraii-pMftation ol tijf~e d .niii ins wii. he at she expense cf 0,e Stale—:.n l the t,i.. i.)r u, n -fi vi.'e should be duly forw irde 1 tor p iym..iit, 11ENR\ 1. ( L.VRK, lijv-'inor oi In cheertul compliance with ihesevernl re.jnests - n- taine.J in the above Circular ot His iixcellencv G..v,>rn..r ; LI,ark, the undersigne.I, Sheriil i m I h .- made provision within the sever.i! Di--, : t, ,.f liu./'uui; ty tor the reception of :.n- tin- pr,.vi--i,,ii and comfort of our gallant sol iier-. As it is our pride to kuow that the . 1 .,'.1 .-..ui.iv of Cumberland has sent forth li.;r beM and braved s,,n- to the battie-HeM. so will it be to us cr itit ving to'feel hat we have ministered to their iie,-ea,-.M-'a„ i cheer- tully contributed iheir.wants It i« therei.>re un necessary to make any aj.peal to the chariii,.- ,,t'ii peo ple whose generous ,n,d w irm hearts ,-vei l.cit ivs,„,i,- sive U> the calls of jj.atriotic duty. Contributions will L« received in the several Dis ri .fs >y the persons namcl. Contnbiit.,r. will please m uk Iheir names upon ariii:les sent. Ft^ttrviUr lh.^tnrt-\\y R. W. H.irdle. P F. .Vlderman. •'‘‘^'“'■fuan and Jesse B. (’arv.-r ////_I.y i,„ncan J. .McAlister, Neill .McDuirald an.t I'rL ^ 'b' aii'l Ri^bert W ilhams. C.' O .A-By John C. Blocker and John Averitt. Ill James Evans. Sht.rwood Hawley and .lohn .McDaniel. /i’ocU../i_Ry Jumes Cameron, Cap: D. M.-iioiiirald and Henry G. Hall. ^ ougaii R. i-i,.,. ^viUiam Shaw and John S. Ray. (^uvhi[ite—\\y John .McKeihan, Jol.n .McRae an lHon L.. ijethune. t By Will. B. Ray, Daniel .McKinnon, .r—By Christopher .Monroe and Duircan .'lurchison. 1 he un.iersigne.l will also receive any articles that may be contribute.!. HECTOR McNElLL, Sheritl. ^0. 5^,. \TEMESK •■'■K'V BOOKK. E--* Vestiges of Creation, &c. ’ ^Au^ 31. J jj ^ SONS. >^€liool llookx, A:€. Emerson’s Arith- iVfantrrTaJ if «P»»lers; Scott’s u,i„i liibrWciL™"- E. J.’HALE & SONS. Fan Stock of books and stationery. I M receiving a very full supply of MIsceHaneous BookH; School Books, Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, Jw. October 8, 18(i0. HALE & SON. Carolina March y supply just received. J J1A.LE & SONS. Blanks for Sale at tliis Office!^ Stereoscopes and Stereoseopie Views. 4 NLW and beautiful assortment, jusi reoeive'l. ^ . E. J. il.\LE .V SONS. The Miiiiiiy Koiifli, hy l*r«»l. In graham; Say and Seal, by the .\uilior of “Wide Wiile World,” &c.; The Household of Boiive rie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the .Micro scope, &C., Aic. E. J. HALE & SONS. Oct. 18. MC’ilOOl lto»Lw. MONTEITH’S, Milchell’H and Smith s (jeograj.hies; Smith and Bullions’ Grammars; Fhnerson’s and Smith’s Ariihmeiics; Bullions' and Andrews’ Ciesar; Interlinear Traiislalions lo Xenojihon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and (..’lesar; Northend’s American Speaker, I'icc., ike. April 3. E. J. HALE .v SONS. WEBSTER’S ELE1!E.\T.\I1V SI'ELLl.MI IldOkS. WE have just received by Express, a supply of SPELLING BOOKJf—j>rice SI j>er doren 1-) cents retail, Cash. We have not advanced the price of any articles on hand before the war; but pre'^ent purchases cost us more than we asked for those. Of course we have lo put up prices on what we buy now. p , j:. j. hale & SONS r ayetteville, Aug. ‘2'J. |,a«lyN lto»k loi* nay. ^April 10. £ J n U*ii’mon%’ Ncliool Books, &c., further supplies just received. J- hale & SONS. TO THE liADIES: Mrs. GIBSON respectfully informs her friends and the public generally, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the most fashionable style, she will also cut and fit for any ladies wishing to make their own Dresses: CHILDREN’S CLOTHING cut or made to order. Mrs. flibson has taken the Agency for the sal« of ft now and excellent CHART, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. Also, one for Boy’s Clothing. They are very simple in construction, and therefore easy to understand. The ladies are requested to call and se« them at her house, 5lh house above the Protestant Church, Hay Mount. Oct. 2. 68tf S'i\lAD,mD“ lilTMRL The Works of Chas. Lamb, 5 vols. Edited by Talfourd; “ of Henry Fietding, 4 vols; “ “ of Oliver Goldsmith, 4 vols; “ “ of Tobias Smollett, G vols; Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s W'orks; Pascal’s Provincial Letters; “ Thought.s, Letters, &c; Chestyrtield’s Letters; Corinne, or Italy, by Madame DeStael; Jane Porter’s Works; Vioar of Wakefield and Rasselas; Hood's Whims and Oddities; “ Comic Miscellanies; Rallam's Middle Ages; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry, ('urrer Bell's Works—Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette; Evelina, by Miss Burney; ISeulah, Rutledge, The Mill on the Floss; ‘ Line upon Line,” “Peep of Day,” &c; Fox’s Book of Martyrs; Buchan s Domestic Medicine; .Miss Leslie’s New Cookerj' Book; Vouat! on the Ht»rse; Youait vS; Martin on Cattle. April 3. E. J. HALE & SONS. ST\.\l)\mi ,\.\l) IIISCELLWEOI'S WOltkS. VBB()TT’S Histories, 28 vols.; .Abbott’s Napoleon; Irving's complete Works, 21 vols; “ Life *>f Washington, 5 vols; Prescolt's Philip the 2il; (’harles the .5th; Ferdinaiul and Isabella; CoiKiuest of Mexico; “ of Peru; Bancroft’s U. Slates, 8 vols; Lossing's F'ielil Book of the .American Revolution; Ty tier's Universal History; H.'illam’s .Middle .Ages; Hume an.l Macaulay's Histories of England; Iti'llin's .Ancient History; -Millman's Gibbon's Rome; .losephus' woiks; Robertson's works; Webster's Works; Clay s >• by Colton; Benton s 3(.i years in the U. S. Senate; ISurke’s works; Dr .Johnson's ilitto; Bii.swell’s Life of Dr Johnson; 1 lison's Works; .Vd.lison’s Spectator; Macaulay s .Miscellanies: 1 an.l b vols; M 'derii r.ritish F's'iyists; Knight’s Half Hmirs with the best .Authors; Di'CU'sions on Philosophy and Literature, by Sir W'm Hamilton; Chambers’s Miscellany. 10 vols; Statesman’s Manual;' The Fe leralist; Politic'il Text IJook, by Mc'luskoy; Consiitutions of the States; M arshall s Life of W'ashington; Ihe Lite of U m. Pinckney: .\merican Eloijuence; l>i i^rMphy ol I>|stiii^iiishe.l Women; by Mrs S .f Hale: l.iievclop.»> li'i .Vmericana: Afipletoii s Cyclope.lia of Biography; Lite (in.I ( orre'pon.lence cl Lord .Fetfrey; Lockhart s Life of Scoil; ( urran aii.l his Coiemporaries, by ('has Phillii.s; iverly NoveN', complete in > vols; in L*4 vols; in 27 vols; 'o.)per's Sea Tales; Dickens' W,,rks; ^larryall's Novels: W il«oii s Tales of the Borders; H innah More ' works; I'if.k's w.irks, Plutarch's Live-; Dryden s Works; Sterne's work>: Ilie Doctor, by Southev: Crabb's Synonymes; Percy .\nec l.iies; ( hronicles of the Bastile. illustrated; The Sc.(ttish Gael: tazetieer of the C. Stales: Major Jack Downing s 30 years out of Ihe Senate Livingstone s Travels in South .Africa; I.or l Elgin s Mission lo ('hina and Japan; Five Ve^rH iu I'hina, by Dr. Chas. Taylor; The British Expedition to the Crimea, by Ru.«sell; .My Diary in India, by diilo; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; Cumming'«i Hunter’s Life in Africa; Nott vt (Uiddon’s Indigenous Races of the Earth; Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, by R. Dale Owen; Standard Poetical Works in various bindings, among hich are: Hemans. Scott, Popo. Byron, Burns, .Moore, Hood, Halleck, Campbell, Crabbe. Coleridge, Cowper] Goldsmith, .Milton, &c., He. Shakspeare’s, Massinger & Ford’s and Beaumont and Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; Mrs Cowden Clark’s complete Concordance to Shaks- peare; The Dramatic Works of Jas Sheridan Knowles; Smith’s Rejected Addresses; The Book of Scottish Ballads; Ballads by W H Ainsworth; Griswold’s Poets and Poetry of England; Female Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’s Heliques of .Ancient Poetry, &c. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. March 22. The l:€lec'tic .^a^^axiiie tor.lime. June 12. E. J. HALE & SONS. EAGLE HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N. C., APRIL, 1^61. Dkar Sir; Permit me to call your attention to the EAGLE HOTEL. I have it re-painted; all the rooms are neatly carpeted, and Ihe Hotel is in better order than any other House in the mountain,s of North Caro lina. I am also better supplied with good and atten tive servants than any Hotel in this part of the State. I would say to the first class visitors that I atp pre pared to enterlain you, in a style su})erior lo any house in yVsheville. Having had ."everni yeirs experience in the business, I ^flatter myself that 1 can make your stay at the EAGLE, both pleasant and agreeable. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number of new and beautiful ll.iCKS, C.IKKIIIJES, Bl'IJGIKS, A\D SADDLE HORSES, That my guests can get at a miuule’s notice, f will keep a Carriage in readiness for persons that may be desirous of taking morning or evening rides. I assure the travelling public ihai they will find everything they may desire at the Eagle to make them comforialile. This Hotel has sii|ierior advantages over any other house in .Asheville, as ihe Stage Otlice is kejit here for all the Stages lhat arrive ai and depart from this place. I would say to families that inlen.l visitiirg our beau tiful town, and expe‘l lo remain several weeks, it will be well for them to write and engage rooms, as the Eagle is generally pretty much crowded by Ihe niiMle of July. .As reg!iiils charges, 1 will m ike them suffi ciently moderate to suit the present times. Hoping to have Iln* pleasure of seeing you al the Eagle, 1 am 3'ours respectfully, .1. ,M. BL.VIR, Proprietor. May 1, l,Ht;i. I'J-tf siii:.\iwi:LL HOUSE. A FEW 1MM)KS .\0KTI1 OK THE MAKKET IIOI SK. /\W lNCi to ihe extensive increase of patronage \ I to this Himse. .luring the year, 1 have ex- teii.le.l my I'acililies by ihe aci.liiion oi a num ber of coml'oriable >leeping rooms, withoiher imiiori- anl improvenieiii..^, which will a.l I malerially lo the coml'orl ..iiid coiiveii’eiH.e of ih.tse favoring me with I heir pat roii.agc. To ih»;se who have tieeii my kind friends and cus tomers for the past six yt'ars, I tender my most sincere thanks, al ihe s:tme lime rcspeci fully soliciting a con tinuance ot iheir i>airoiiige, aii'l also the patronage of a large number ot new pairons 1 have gooil Staliles and :i 1 Ostler. P. SIIE.MWELL.' Jan'y It'., li'bo Hl- \ C'liiiiiiiey. VNV person having ,i smoking fire-pl.ace can have it remedied by a.Mres.sing me at the Fayetteville Post Otlice. While W;ishiug, Bri(.k Work an>l Plastering iloiie in best iirinn.'r. ,\11 my w.irk warrantcl 10 be done well or n.i pny. ,\nd il any ehimneys heretofore built by me should smoke, thev will be allere.l without charge! ' DAVID M.-DI'FFIE Fayeilevilb'. N. M irch 2'.'. It-lyp.l UKWARI). I)A.N'A\'.\^ Ii'.mthe Sub-cribi“r on Fribiy last the i llih iii'i , my boy \'IK(ilL. He is jir.ibably Iri k- j ing ab.iiii the | I iiit.i!ii.ii of .Mr- I...iii'! II irgrove. on I Carvfr'' Creek, u iiere lie li i' a wiie. 1 will pay the 1 above irw u ' lor his .Iclivery in j'lil. G. D I’.\KK,R. ('iimberlan.l Count y. .1 ulv I'i. 4o-tf III*. Til 1:0. TIAKTI.Vi:, OFFK'E. H W STREET, opj .-ite the Po^i otbce. Me.lical Kleoirieity applied. F’ayetiexille. Oct 17, Im'.h. b2if JnsKlMl H. l!l,t i.-M »M . (VUl.^.s. \ \ .N .VMUl.MiK. K. Ill.l».*i^mi cV 0., C'oiiiiiii.s^i»i»ii .H(^i*cliaiitf«i« roll!].! per'on:il atieiition given 10 all Consign ments. aii'i ('a~h a.lvaiice' ma.le on Pro.luce lo be sliij.jn>i' to olher port- ..r s.,M in this mr.rkei. Feb'y 12, iM.l W H iVorth Carolina Form Itook AFLRTHER supply just received. ^ _ ^^ALE & SON Blanks of all kinds at this OfficcT The Law ol .^alex* of Personal Properly, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged and improved. Siarkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes by Sharswood. Wendells’ Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. .Adams’ Eijuity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS Tracis lor the Nollierw. llKI'HlNTKl) AT KaLKIGH, N. C “A Voice from Heaven,” 4 pages. “Private Devotion,” “ • “Don’t put il off,” “ »• “The Act of Faith,” “ “.All-sutliciency of Christ,” “ *« “The Sentinel,” “Self-Dedication to God,” “ “ “Motives to Early Piety,” “ •- “Come to Jesus,(formerly 04 pages,) now in S2 and in 8 four page tracts. ’ Approved by all the Pastors of this City A large edition of the above should be printed before Ilie type is dislribuled, as it will cost :j!40 to re-set them. The number and variety will be increased as the funds are given. $100 pays for luO,OCtO pages; $20 pavs r 30 000 and $1 pays for 1,500 pages ^ ’ ’ Donations to be sent to Ihe Agent, whicK Ke will acknowledge by letter, and report to each of the Pas- ^ Kaleigh, Webster’s Cleiiieiitarv Book for sale hy E J. HALE A SONS. B Hopes and iears~ » the Author of “Heartsease,” &c 1?’ Antonio,” &c. Pocket Dianes lor 1801. Dec’r 20^ * SONS. FIJRTHKR SIJPpEiES: The Queens of Society; Mans- H held s Political Manual; Woods’ Class Book of Bo «y; Leller Copying Books; Tom Brown .t OxfoM- jJJ; 80 & SONS. A. Tl. 4 AflPltl-LI., and romniissioii Merrhanr, will alien.I to the sale of— €moo4ls^ ll'arrs anfl •'ftrrrhanfUsf\ iCral *Vr. June 1. I 1. }.r,m I’LAKK Tl 1{LL\(;T()\. COMraiSSION MERCHANTS, NMh.MI.NCToN, N (’ \\^1LL give spei ial arIen! 1..n t : the sale or shipment Tf ot all N' St .re~. Fbmr. Timber, and other country pr. lu. e D. iiei-sin Lime, Pl.a-ter. Ce ment, Hair. vVc.; .Ill 1 \(iE\TS FOK STKHiKKS hllK )IcL\I R|' AM)SI \. Refer to: H K. .s; ivage, (’a^hier Bank ot ('ape Fear, W ilniinglon; .1 n.i. I’res'i Wilminglon IJrancti Bank of .Vorih (’ ir.iliiia: W . H. .(..ties. C.i-hier Raleigh Branch Bank of (' ipe Dec 14. IS'iii T'.t tf 111^: % \ 1 1-1 ,«>»iii:i:Tr\4.;N. The ro('kfish mani’fai'tthinc company. of Fayetleville. N. (' . ...ilicit orders for Sheetings an inches wi.le. to the poun.l. The (Joo Is com pare favorably with the s;imp styles maniifaciure.l in Massachusetts, an.l have for many years been sold in ' lh*^v'ew \ ork an.l Philadelphia Markeis. i (’. T. HAIdH. Pri's't R.icklish ('o. ! Fayetteville. June 1. ISiil. ■J.J- \ J.VS. C'. .YIi K.lK. I • ttronirif at Mjat9\ | otlice West end of the Insurance BiiiMing, I Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. i March 2*1, IStio. ;}tf II•. n. ..ItcK.M\\ Attorney at Law, Faykitkville, N. C. 117ILL alien.1 the ('oiiniy and Superior ('ouris of Tf Cumberland. Harnett. .Moore and Rubeson ('oun- ties. Prompt attention given lo the collection of all claims enirusled lo his hands. Oci. 17, IS.j’i. T. r. A: II. U. WORTH, Comniission and Forirardiiig llerohanrs 8cliool Notice. Af Y SCFTOOL in the IX)NALDSON ACADEMY’, on 1 HAYMOUNT. will be re-opened on T U ES D A Y, OCTOBER 1st, 18G1. Tervis, per Quarter of 10 wttkts: English. 60 (Classical, 10 W Contingent, 25 JESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. August I*J, IHlil. FAYKTTEVILLE Female lli$rh 8ehool« TERMS. I’oanl per Session of 20 weeks, $00 00 Tuition in Cidlegiate ('la*ises 20 weeks, 20 00 *■ “ .Academic “ “ “ 16 00 “ “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 Incidenlal expenses, 1 00 Tuition in .Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and Ancient Languages. I've, at the usual rales. )ne-half of Board and Tuition required in ad vance; Ihe olher half at the beginning of Ihe ‘2'1 (.iiiarter. SI'HOUASTIC YEAR. 1st Session —(’oinmences 1st October. Ends 17th February. 2d Session.—(’ommences 18th Fetiruary. F^nds tiih Jiilv. T.‘ C. HOOPER, Principal. Sept. f. I8r,l. 77tf i\OTlCK. rnllE UNDER'slGNED. boih having enlere.I the mili- I 1^ lary service of the ('oiitedf-rale Slates of .America, I hereby give noiii-e lo th*ir obj customers aiul friends, that they have appoinle‘l -lohn 1>. Starr and John D Willianis, of this place, ibeir aliorneys lo colleci either separalely or conjointly all moneys due them either by accoiini or note, and otherwise lo alleiiil lo iheir bu siness eenerally iluring their atisence. They re:=pecl- fiilly ask all persons iiidi'bie.l to them 10 call as promf.l- I ly as possilde on their agents and make paynient. i ■ STARR WILLIAMS. Sept I1ST, 1. r>M-tf DKNTAL NOTICE. I> S(;oTT can be seen in his office, 2 i, d.iors east of ihe in'irket, at his re gular othce hours from *J o’clock .A. .M. until o'clock P. .M. Sept. i;: 57-tf UA.\TKII, VSP.AN of goo ! sound HOR.''ES, not over 8 years obi. JNO. C. BOOTH, (’apt -Ari’y, Comd'g N. C. -Arsenal. Loan lo (he Confederate States! J^OOKS of subscrii>tiou to receive this Loan are now ) op.n at the ..tlice of .1. G. Shepherd in Fayetteville. ; The 'ommissioners who have this matter in charge ap- ; peal to their fellow citizens to come forward and aid ! iheir coiiniry in a lime so full of the ulniosi interest lo all. While the invesimeiii is reg.'ir.led a« safe anl re- muneraiive, it is tiot to this coti'i.Ieraiion lhat the ap peal is a.blresso.i. The .juestion is one of the highest motiient to the peoy.le of tlie Conf‘‘der:iie States. It is iheir i>i rv to ai.l in this war. as they value life, liberty, honor! ,\11 loins will be ac'cepte'l from fifty dollars upward. July 'JJ. Ixt.l. 41tf AOTH K. \S I expect to be absent from liome a tew months in the West. .\ri.|iif) iM McLean is tny authorized ^ \gent to iraii' ict mv business until 1 return. I ' N (.i. JONES. Dec'r 2'' s;{|f Timber j)ARTli:S having seasonal WHITE OVK Tl.MBER I IiA.m oiir ..iiiil a hall to six inches in thickness, and trom six lo twenty inches In wi.llh, an.l wishing to dis- j.ose ot the same, can liii 1 a purchaser by applying in pel son or by letter lo ihe undersigned at the .\rsenal. JOHN C. BOOTH, ( api. -Vn'y. t'onid g .Arsenal. Fayetteville, .Aug. 21, l^'ll. 5)-tf .MAKEPEACE A .M'RAE. H ave on han.l an.l expect lo keep for sale, of their own manufacture, a supply of Brass, Galvanized and common Hooped .II \IPI:r III C'KEIT^; French, Hisrh Po>*l, ('ottage aud Coinnion MiM:nSTJE^MnS; spring .Mattresses, of new an.l improved Spring, on h.ind or made to order of an}’ size; LOUNGES; Spring, (’ane. an.) Wood Seal ('H.AIRS, of different kinds an.l patterns; .'spring Sofas, Lounges and Chairs, repaire.l. aiul covered with Hair Clolh oroiher- wi.-e; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbls. vS: Hhds.; Sole. H.irness. and L’j'per Leather, and Plasti-ring Hair. -\s we have good .Machinery for Sawing, IManeing, Turning. Morticing aud Boreing. we can (lo work with despatch and on satisfactory terms. Persons having work or repairing 10 ilo will do well lo give us a call. We warrant o'lr work; if it fails, you know where to find us. Having taken a Store on the East siile of Gillespie Sireel. a few doors South of .\. W. Steel, Esq.. and having some spare room, we would attend to the storage and sale of any thing tli.'ii may be consigned to us; aud will give special .'iffeniion to products of this Stale. Fayetteville, .\pril 1. IS^^l. 9tf A l-JlvTI! The Xew Style, Small, ('OLORED PHOTOIiK.lPHS, ^T Viiiior«>(l‘ll'«i Gall«>ry. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & cq., IVholesale Dealers in »i*oc‘er-. AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS i\ Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron k HAY STREET, FAYKTTEVILI v v July 2, 1861. • — - — Groceries I Groceries»• A LARGE and weU selected Stock of r,\,V GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of ' Bacon-Sides, Mes.s Pork, Mullets, Macke Nos. 1 and 2, Moiasse.s, ^sugars of all grades, 1 obacco. Cigars, And all other articles usualTy kept in a WhAio. 1 eery Establishment. COX, KENDALL ,v r Wilmington, April 2, ISbl. Ci, W. H1ILI.AR||^ ComniisHittn •^ievrknnt WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT and PERSON.AL attention will : the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumlj,i • and all other country produce. REFKR TO 0. G. Parsley, Pres’t Com. Bank at Wiln,:,,,. John Dawson, “ rt. N. C.. at Messrs. H. & E. J. Lilly, ■Messrs. Pembkrton i Sloan, j A. Parker, Esij., Harnett (Jounly. N (’ May 7, 1 StiO. .. ^ FOR (Oi\™lTirSEllll(!:, Thirty good, reliable, unmarried Mh, ^ro enlist for TH REE YEARS or DURINi, TIfE tt ip* 1 and to be stationed al the Arsenal au.l Armo/- Fayetleville, unless specially required f.jr other P.ay from Eleven 10 Twenty-Two Dollars j.^r ? (with such an amount additional as iiK-iit wii; n with ralioTis, (juariers, medical alien liuce. * ' I desire no one lo enlist who shall not h'lvp his min.l lo be governed by the Hptrularioris . trcles of W'ar for the Government ot the (Hn. •Army. JNO. C. B()(»TH. Capt. .An y, r »; ^ Fayetteville, Sept. 9. 181)1. '^ F'or Sale. .']• lia^s (Jolic'C. ;'> Hhds. 8ui:ar.«. I’epper, Spice, (lintrer and Nutme-.'s Starch, AVhite Lead and J*ufty. ;')(»0 lbs. Shoe N;iils. to 25 Tons Swedes Ir(ui. 400 Dozen Knives and I'orks ](M» “ J*ocket Knives t0 “ Razors. *► “ Scissors. •>0 “ li rooms. 20 Fr^in" I’ans. ■JOO (rross Wood Screws. 1 lo ( Cast and Wrought Bun IlinL'c- oO l>oz. Augers, Gross of (jiiuletv lo “ Haniniers, 20 doz. IIatc!iot. 20 Doz. Axes, loU Doz. Cut Tacks. 1-j Doz. .Mills; together with many articles not eiiunier'.r. Our terms are C.ASH, or such produce a> we .Wi ii, (iEO. W. WlLLl.VMS ,v C ■ Fayetteville. Oct. />, IHtil. ■ : 4* Who will go iuto the Enterprise! SL PPOSING that there a. e those havine capitni'-• would like to invest in pulling into sfiee.iy wn liiin divers classes of manufaciure which mu'r.nw established in tiie South, I would take thismethc! inform any such, that I have a never-failing WATE;, POWER, (with plenty of room.) at the Merchant M; in the cenire of Fayetteville, N. capable of ruuni:; any machinery ot light order, and would be ple:i?»i ■ I have the same profitably employed, j R. McDA.N'IEL I October ■'), 1 Mil. , o^tf I Ti! the of the the diifermt Counties of S Carolina. i LL BLANKETS .AND CLOTHING WHICH M. l\ be received hy you can be sent directly to the^irvn Companies which went from your county—and w 3'our own Companies are supplied, you wiU then for»i:. any bal.ance on hand to the Quartermaster in \ ou will put up alluriicles intended for your Comf.iCir in strongboxes, directed to the (Quartermaster in Kn'e;: with the Company and the Regiment plainly luarie; them; and you will have the contents of each boxiLj i ed on il. Whenever the Companies are on duty in your uf:: borhood. you are authorized 10 deliver iheanicle' them, taking ihe receipt of the Captain for i.'ieni. if- receipt you will forward to this office. J. DEA'EREUX, .1 .7 ' October 4, I8til. Qiiarteriiiastei>’$« Office. October :Jd, 4 NV PERS(JN OR PERSONS WHO .M.W BE r: L sirous of taking Contracts for making Clothe? for • •Army of North Carolina, can obtain terni.s. xc, on plication at this office. Goods will be issuci 10 anj ■ sponsible parties—in quantities sufficient to.cloihe- gle companies which can be made up in iheir neighborhoods, and the money will be paid to ihe f:.- ties receiving the Goods, on the return of the nian* ■ lured articles. Parties may' furnish the Cloi^. wi. will be paid for by the State. J. DEVEREUX, .1 V ' October 4, ISGI. WILMLNGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 18(H 84lf R€>liV TleAAIR, ^ittorney aud VoamteUor at E,fnr, LUMBER TON, N. C. WILL attend and practice in the County an 1 Superior Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention anil collection's puuctuallv remitted Oct. G, 185!». ■ 55^f iH)()K-HIM)lXG IN all its kinds, executed with nuatness and .lespalch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered THOS. 11. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, B. F. PE^KCK, WlTll-^ A. i\. (oniniiKsioti Mcrchaiit and Produoo Ooalor, AND DKALKK IN Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, (’titlery. Bools, Shoes and Leather, ^ JBagging, Rope, Saddlery, &c., _ ‘Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Sheetings and \ arns at Manufacturers’ prices. ®a^Strict attention paid lo orders. SOUTH SIDE IIAV STREET ^ ^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Sept. 24, 1800. ’ 55^^ Bit.jDirs~i)iMi X0VK1.S, .\o». Id. II, (.2, llulf HiniCy iind (Vnt \ov?ls 'j.n. 30. •’ y E. J. HALE & SON. Blanks for salelit this Office. ART. %Vool««arcl% Molar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skvlight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard,'Fav- etieville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in’water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size Ambro types. Melaneoiypes, and all olher styles of Pictures pertain- ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing G' s for very large pictures—as large as 2« by 3»5 inches. Jord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore bv the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, I.«-r 20, 1859 PropiiMor. M - .lAMESlCYI.K HAS .JUST RECKIVEU MIS SI'RINQ SUFI’LV (IF DRY —Among which are— PIECES CALlCf); 500 PIECES L.AWNS; P.lack and Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 lo 11- Men and Boy's Clothing. With a large assortment of all kinds of 1500 All of which were purcliased at 1 -Jl. by th. package I. pn "c ,,r '“d ° Cheap by wholesale or retail April II, 18G1. 1A Uuff St. 10,000 iMe/ak'ofrm;'"'"''""''''’’'’ oO Doz. WOOL and other HATS C I. O T III G »i.l. a large all of which will be offered on a« . House in Ihe Si ale. ‘ favoi able terms as any Oct. 4. I8ti0. J. K. K\LE. PROCLAMATION By His Excellency, Henry T. Clark, (iuxriior the Slate of North Carolina. E.veci'tive Dei*.\ Raleigh, Oct. 3rd, l^'il. In pursuance of the power given me bv thf 1';-' tion of the Constitution, and by and with the the Council of State,'! do hereby prohibit ihefifi’ tion beyond the limits of this State, of all bacon. beef, leather, men’s shoes, woolen goods, jeans. :.nK and blankets—except through the orders of the['"' officers of the Confederate Ooverntnent, or of the-' Government. The order of the 13th ult. is hereby revoke'! Adjutant. General is directed to employ all means to carry into full effect this order. Done at the city of Raleigh, this 3rd day of O-’ A. D., 1861. HENRY T. CL.VRK. Goremor Ex-ofi- Oct. o, 1801. (,ii: WTRAI ED OR ST(OI.E>' From the subscriber, on Thursday fhe20ihot ^ ' a Bay Mare MULE, about eight year? oil- :' size, no marks recollected. A liberal rewarJ »••• paid for the delivery of said Mule to me, or any in' mation thankfully received. Address me at Fs.«!' , NEILL K. BLlt Oct. 5. tJvotii 68tf forty Vears’Faiiiiliar Letters Ale«od'Ir “-U.: Sermons, bj J. .UJUon »c “ 1 ’ ^ • Also, further supplies of Marearet B0X7S!’ School E- J. & 80W. A. J. HAI.E, Late of Asheborough N. 0., Attorney ami I ''' lor at Law, Marshfield, W ebster Co., * fulreu practice his profes.sion in all the Cour:- - 14th Judicial Circuit. 1 ronipi and special attention given to ihe of claims, and all other business of a legal south-western Missouri. luop .so, 1-' RICHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, DAM.VSk^ DIAPERS, &c. "10NSU.MERS OF RICHARDSON’S LINp'; . J those desirous of obtaining the GENUlN*'' should see that the articles they purchase ai"'' ' with the full name of the firm, J. X. KICHAKUSON, 80X8 ic As a guarantee of the sdunduess and durnbili^' Goods. This caution is rendered essentially large quantities of inferior and defective Linei‘=^ pared, season after season, and sealed wiih the u-;;. KICH.ARDSON, by Irish Houses, who. regar.bc— . iiyury thus inflicted alike on the American j,. and the manufacfurers of the genuine Uood^. readily .abandon a business so profitable. i f# chaaers can be imposed on with Goods of oharaoter. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKU, , ^ , Agent*, 84 &«ade Street, New D«o. XI, 1160. 79*JJ