IfAHIBTOWlIILlL SEMI-WBEKL, Y. [VOL. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 21, 186L [NO. 1067.] • r in i: L * ‘-'i 1 . V , .n 1 : riUNTKU MONDAYS \ND THUUSI>AYS Kl»\V\Rl) J. HALE K SONS. K1 ITOHS AN'il I’ROPIilFTORS Price for the Semi-Weekly ()hskkvkr $3 00 if paid Jn .iilvHiice; ftO if pni 1 Juririg tlie year of subsorip- ioii: or SI :ifter t* o vear Inis expired. F.ir tlie Wot ly ()nsim t:u Sli 00 per iiimuni, if paid in advance; ?- ■"'> it’ paid diirinp the year of s>i1terip- ti->n: or S : "i* afUT tin' ytvir lists expireil. Alj\ I’l’vTlSK.Ml'N rs ni'^erted for (iO cents per “ lume of Iline^; for the fir'll. :intl ;>0 (.‘(*nts for t>:ii-li :iu‘0:_‘o*liiig ^'u1>lit‘ation. Vonvly udveriisenients ^pe- •j'l I't.nii'■.■jts. :it re:i-'!in:il>le rate>. Advertisers are reijiir-^i'nl to st'ite the niuiiUer of insertions desired, or hev will bi' continued till ^'rliiil. and chnrged acooiil- in^;y. Adverti'jenienf' t,? l>e inserted oharired •')!• ]-er rent oxtr:>. spfa’Ial Noriri:. From and afu-r thi*dati‘, ti.. name of a new snl'seri^er eiitored witlniui payuu ut in advanoi-. nor will [tie papor be s>>nt to a.-li -u .i'' f.ir a lungtT tiiae tiian is paid l.>r. t'.U’h (U'oiir old siih-i’vit ers :is dc>ire ti> takf tlie ]>a- per m this >ys!,‘ni will jdea o notify us wln-niu ikin^ reniitiani'f'. J.in'y 1. THE IIAILROAI) liOlSl'! ^pilF. SL !>St UllU’li. h.iviiijr just completed his nrw I I! u-;e near the Itail Koad Depot, is prepared to ac- JiUe iran-^ient and permanent l’>oarders. '.ease give me a call. .lO.'^EPH OTT MllUMU;. Fayotteville. .\usr- o;'.'-'!m ISoailqiiarti'i’^ Wiliiiiiiiftoii 1 Artillery, i'A.Vl* U tVLAN, .luly ‘J'K l'''il. '^PIIIS I’ompany. ili -irin? t;- be c.implete in ffvrv rr- 1 .i/'r-'', would be frlad to enlist a number of i;ooa l»ri- v: —in.-n aecusioiiii'd to the manaiemeut of horses. There will be paid to each man, on euUstment, a bouiuy ■fj^lo. Mouftily pay 1 eides b-,-ing clothed and ;'f J. Ki- dical at;end ince free, ati l all other ueces-ivy t' jiiiptaents furnished re>|uisite tor a soldier. No one neetl apply unless he is a good driver and fx- perienced in the manacement of horses. Tlie de.-tina- lioa of the c 'nipuny i- Virginia, as soon as o'Hiipp-H’ WANTED. Vi)uantity of good X U, YARN to make socks of the soldiers. U, 1. (.iOLDSTON, Ag't. Ai'gust :Jd. iMil. 45-tf A T. C. IIUOPKK. OC- I II At I OK llllti:. nilH subsi'riber has a .l.Vi'K at Mclver’s Depot, the tenninus ot the Wos.ern l{ailroad. with which he is jirepaved to convey I’as-i'Tisers in any direction they mny wi-h to go. Il> will lie j'resent always on the ar rival ot :he iniin. With gooil Horses and careful and accommod.iting l)rivers, he hopes to give satisfaction. ALl’.EUT GEAN. Mclver's Dejiot. (’haihain 'o , N. «V, .March 20. 8- \VI^^TI:K.\ It All. liOAU. ^PHK f.illow’n;: rates will 1 geis on this lload, vi/. To l.ittle lliver. To Spout .'spring. To .lone^>>or.i’. Ti) Mclver s. Train leavi"-- tht* l>t*poi Friilays. nt s o'cbn-k A. M at 1 oClock M. ill notv' be charged fi>r Passen- ;'»0 cts. Mondays, Wednesdays and Hot liming, leaves Mclver's C. I’.. MAl.LKTT, Aui IS'-d. I’res't. Tltf NK.MIKST AM) (,)(’U’KE8T KOI Ti: TO Tin: K.\II.KOAl>! CARD! FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. Sept. I’i NEW liOODS! i\EW GOODS! mf. Pemberton Will receive in a few days his entire stock of m\m A\u mmu i.ooi)s. EMUHACING ALL THE aiitl l>€‘!iralile .Spring: Style*, AT PRICES To SUIT THE TIMES. The public generally are respectfully invited to i^all early and secure I? R U I N S . J. A. PEMBERTON March ‘J8, IStll. 8tf F.4YKTTKVII-I.E MPTML INSl'RANTK COMPANV. Capital in Preminm Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets. -.:o 5.077 :i;') mm • 11 a- Al.KX. D. MooKi;. [41tf] » apt. f... E. ll. g't Lt. Artillery. 8100 Iteuard. R.VNAUAV friim tl;c -;i b~cribfr on last December, , my upgrt; nnn 1).\VF,, lie is a fviU-V>loodP'l negro, feet 8 or lu inches hiL^h. wfl! st*t. and intelligent f.ir a negro; would weigh when ht* left t'rom l(iO to l->. %ged about 3^ years; he has a -i-ar on his tace. 1 will [.ay Fifty Dollars reward 'o any person delivering him to me at Philadt-lphus, Robfs.in ccnnty. N. or f. r his confinement in any .Jail th-u I can irot liitn. .Vud Fifty Dollars for proof sufficient to convict any j.t-rson ar persons for harborins him. I'ANIKL McCALLUM, For .Joseph IJ. McLALLL M. Phil.adelphus, Kobesou To.. N April 5. 1-tf J J. CUX. W. P.KKNl>.\l,L. J. >. KKNP.VJ.I. oA. Ki:.\nALi. X C O., CoiiiiiiiN^»ioii .Mereliaiiit^ .\ N D WHOLESALE GROCERS, >0. It A 12 North Water St., Wilniinsli'ii. i. f’. 5^“ Orders from the (’ounoy j.r..mp(Iy execiiTpd. Particular attention given to the -^ale of ':.tton and other produce. April 2. The Kclectie llaua/Jne lor .^lay May t>. Ibf'l. L. J. H.VLE .v SONS JOSKIMI li \K :K, Ju., BKAM.W & ROBINSON’S FOl li IIOKSK ST\(.K I.IVK TO KKXiXSVIMK, VI V \V\KS\W, I s the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or .'south. Le.aving Favetteville every day at 2 o’clock P. M. Tlir.oUdH IN TEN HOURS. Our foiichcs are large and comfortable, drivers sober and gentliMiianly, our teams good «nd sure of five miles au hour. The travi'ling ' wbi> would stU'lv their comforj ind convtMiicncc will t"ke tlio Wnrsaw .“stage. THKor«'.M TK^KETS TO WELDON may be had at the Fayetteville. May 2-'). 1.'''0. 25-tf .Marltit' I'ac'tory, Total, S272,7t55 til The Company have paid all losses promptly, and hav« never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, S29,f>82 u'J Ofkicers; GEO. McNEILL, President. 1). RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec y. DtRKCToKS: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, H. T. Hawl«*y, Wm. .Mcliaurin, Nathan A. .Stedman, T. S. Lntterloh. C. B. -Malleti, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J. G. Cwok, .\. .McKethan. Hon. J. G. Shepheril, J. I' Williams. R. F. Brown, > w " ... T,.,,. , , I. II 11 > nilmgton. S. Tilhughast. A. h. Hall, ( hn Collins and C. C. .McCrummen. Traveling Agents. gy^The Company invite applioations. May 28. 18ti(». 21-ly rarpetiii;;! Carpeting;! Carpet in '-'•^l^l’tlTlNG at No. 84, Hay St. All /^OUU stj-les, all jirices, all qualities. -\11 will be ofl'ered low either by wholesale or retail. .Vlso, 5-1 and 12-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J K. KYLE Fayettoville, N. Sept. 18, 18‘iO. 52tt Nh:\y Goous. T'HE subscriber is now receiving a large and well se- 1 lected stock of tJt>ODS. consisting of GIUH’KIUKS, HAUDWAKK AND (M'TKK- KV, HA:(;iN(J AND KOPE, SAD- DLHHV, A:c., FOKKKiN AN1> 1>0MKSTIC l.lQl'OUS, and manv other articles, which he oliers low lor ('asm, or on SHORT TIMK to jvrompt paying customers. :a). SUNS’ SHIRK V. TWO UilORS AliOVK C. T. Il'IGil i Favetteville. 81- All kinds of Country Goods. Produce taken in exchange for Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers' prices. 10-tf I. A \\ , I. i;. Wright's Law tii'nd and practi'je (f ; uiribt-rland. . G. Wright, F-sq., iu Dr. Robin~ou's ATTOSt %T H as iHken an otai • next d. >r to Wi Office on Green-^nei't. lie will: in the I’ounty an I Superior I’onrts liladen, Robeson and Sami'- in. -\Lirch 28. lH-5^'. ' ■' FRENCH STHANG-E, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. office that recently occupied by ( over the one now occuj>ied by ;u bui'ding. Green Street. Dec’r 2, 1859. ' -* FVRTMiM^il Sf PrM.iP.S, 1 10M.MER='I.\L N'tTK. Hil'ot N >te. Cap, Letter, Bath Letter, Docket. Folio Post, and others Papers in great variety, lioiinet Boards, Oic. .Jcc Just received. I' J- H \LL .'c .SONS. April 12. i'APT. \vii.Ki:s’?s ki:pokt i)N THE DEEP R1V;:R .MINEIML KEOIIIX. ^pn I’, undci 'igned have c.iused to be iniblished from 1. t!ic Congres.' oiial id.itc^,, an edition of the Report rVERY VAKIi L Saddles. Bn. (onstaiitl} Maimfaiturini at iny Establishment VAKIL:TV of HARNESS, lies. Collars, Whips ;tud Trunks all kinds ol Leather, Calf Skins >^“'1 Condition TuwdiTj. t'>r iliscasfd Horses and ^ Coacli Trimmuigs. Carpet Bags, \ alises. llardwH'-f. xc. The largest slock in the State. solU wholesiiie nr retail, at tlie very lowest prices. Lverj Jescrijition ot iiariio^s aii'l luauutacture^ order ,'in i rei'>iiied. . JAMES WILSON, No. •') Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th-j Wharf. I Nov. 8, l^^)0. G7-ly N Nc'liool ltook». \Tl,’RAL Pl!lLO.oPilV from Ganot's Popular Phy'ics I.y Wiu. G- Peck, .M. A.: Sanders' New Speller and Detiner Analy-er: Itullions’ and Smith s Graiumar.s; Monteitli .s, .''niiih s atid .Mitchell s Geogra ph ie.s; Goc;drifh s and .\ndrews’ Lati'i and Greek Les sons, S.C. Aug. 81. E. J. HALE SUNS. of Capt. Wilkes, L. S. Navy, mid his Associates on the | Board appointed by tlie .-i-L-reiury o!' itie Navy to ex amine the Deep River Reg n of Norih Carolina. Tiiis j is the most inifiort.int and .cieniifu: st.ateiuent of the | great wealth of that section of the State, and tlu* .Maps the most perfect and valu:ible. .>t .iny yet jmiili'hed. : The Maps are wortii ihe p i'i“ oi lie work, vvliicli is ."iO CeiltSy neatly bound in cloth. ( opies sent by mail, free ' of postage, on the receipt of •')! cents. A liberal dis- ! count to wholesale buyers. Orders soliciied. Jan’y 2t>. E- J- H.\LE x St)NS. KKVtK.liO.YtP TYPE l-OUN'DRV. | THE ONLY .M A N U F A C T?; R Y OF T V I’E j o\ .SOI tiii:k\ Mill., SIKTIl OK UALTlMOIiK. I The Proprietov-^ of the above Foundry have also united with their Foundry a ciiniolete rili.NTKIlS’ I firatsiiiac; \vaki:iioisi:. ' Having on hand, or furnishing to order, every article requisite for a Printing Oilice, FROM A BODKIN te\'CVlSer nm. We can and will manuficture in Richiuund, as good HU article, and at the same specimen prices, as any Foundry North. We re.spectfully solicit the patronage of the South. HENRY L. PhLOL/h X CO. We refer you to every Printer in this city. We also desire every Newspaper iu the South to copy this ad vertisement for one month, sending us one copy of their p.ii'i r, and receiving their p ly lor such ad•ertisement iiii'iii (lurchasiiig live limes I he amount of their bill ti mus. il. L. I>. A CO. •IVir Miooks. THE WITS ,\ND I'.E.VL'X OF SOCIETY; ()ne of I’hem. Viy Leve-; Louie's Last 'I’erm at St. Mary's; England's Yeoman; Tennyson's Poems; .\meiii-aii .Mmui.ic, The I..H ly’s Book of Flowers; Language of Flower: Poetry of *• L.idy s Guide to Perf'ct Gentility; , •• Beauty; •• and (leiiileiiien's Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley's R.tlbion Travels; i'.ook of Travels and .\dventure; &c. M ,rch E. J. HALE & SONS. I'oi; Ki:\r. rpiIE 1 »o- TWt) DWELLINGS, on the jiremises occupied t he I'ossesbiou given by the l.ili Apply to Sept. lb. .Judge I’oiter, at the time of his death, tlie first of November. .MARY ANN POTTKK. 57-tf July 8. iU-1 in Tlie l*re!%l>yteriaii l*«^aliiio(liKt Caaracter notes \ furt her supply just receivei. July 20. t:. •' ilALE V .SONS lilaiik Warrdiitd for su e. »i:atistkv. ,R. J. DAV’IS having decided on perma- _ nenily locating in the Town of Fayelte- ville, respectfnlly oilers his services to the citizens of this j.lace and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, iiicluding the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal e'iucation, liiat he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various oiierations. Charges will be aioderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be piaced within the reach of all who may feel an interest rj tlie preservation of the Teeth. 1^" Otiicc over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 18.38. 9tf SlIPREllE COURT REPORTS, TWO .\i:\V VOLUMES. Vol. I Jones's Law, A Yul.^.Ioiics's Equity Reports, CST issued, for salp, or exi'h.iiige as usual for un bound Nos., by LEGISL.VTURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-t)l. • SENATE. Pascpjotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and (’urrituck...H F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford...J 15 Slaughter. Hertie...David Outlaw. .Martin ainl AVashington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M (J Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt... 1'^ J IMount. Reaufort... Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell. ♦ ireene atid Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr .James Dickson. Onslew...L W’ Humphrey. Bladen, Rrunswick. &c...Jno D Taylor. ('uiiiberland and Harnett... Duncan Shaw. S.'Unpson...Thomas I Faison. W:iyne...W K Lane. .lolinston... J W' 1> W'atson. Wake...M X Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. . Franklin...W' llarris. Warren...T .J Pitchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person.L Winstead. Orange...Josiali Turner, Jr. .\lamance and Randolph...Jonathan W'orth. Ciiatham—W S Harris. Moore anl .Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson... .\lfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S II Walkup. Guilford...Peter Adams Caswell...liedford Rrown. Piockingh.'ir;... F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. Ciiburrus and Stanly.,.V C Rarringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson....Ino W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse \ Waugh. ,\she. .Surry \.c...Jos Dobson. Iredeii, Wilke;* i.'i:c...L Q Sharpe. IJuike. McDowell &C...R S Gaither. Lincoln, (iaston &c....Jasper Stowe. Rutherford, Polk &C...A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson \’C...Geo W' Candler. Haywood, ^Llcon &c...W' II Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. .\lamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander... Dr J M Carson. .\nson...L L Polk, E R Liles. .\she...J M (lentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe... ;\ .S Merrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Hertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R .S Donnell, W' T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. ('abarrus... W .S Harris Cat aw ba... -I onas (.’line. Chatham...W' 1’ Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum, ('herokee. .G W' Hayes. ('raven...C ’ Clark. F E .\lfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C G W’right, J S Harring ton, J (' Williams. ('howr.n... .'^mall. Columlms...N L W'illiamson. J or exi J HALE Jan. 21, IHtil. ,Si SONS. 89- .YletlioiliMt IlyiiiiiJii and line« a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. MMch lU. £• J- hale & SONS. All persons are resjiectfully invited to give me a call, , at the old stand of J. .V '1'. WaJdill. South side Hay st. A. N. MCDONALD. Favetteville. N. (’.. Sept. 21, lHt',0. .^otf A i'AitO. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— | Those persons for whom 1 have been atttendinsr to Banking businoss for years;—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others ihai may want discounts. Pension business AtC., &c., 1 ofler my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. 0. COOlv. ^ June 27. LAW BOOKS. ^ I QAUNDERS' REPORTS; ^ ►J “ on Pleading and Evidence; | Phillips on Evidence; i Common Bench Reports—new serien; Curtis’s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chiity on Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taylor's Law Glossary; Williams on Executors; Devereux's Kinne's Kent; “ •• Blackstone: Coke upon Littleton—Butler & Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Damages; Story on Sales; “ on Bills of Exchange: “ Equity Pleading; “ on (’onflict of Laws; “ on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery: Gow on Partnership: Roberts’ Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome s Comment aries; Leading ('lases in Equity, Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Lawyer’s Common Place Book: Greenleaf on Evidence: Stephen on Pleading; Greslcy's Equity Evidence; Burrill's Law Dictionary; W'harton’a Law “ Phillips’ & .\mos on Evidence; A»'chbold’s Landlord and Tenant: “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainders; Tidd’s Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord and Tenant; Adams’ Equity; Williams on Pers»nal Property; Mayne on Damages; Archbold’s Criminal Practice and Pleading; Lube’s Equity Pleading: Wendell’s Blackstone: Chitty’s “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith’s Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Chitty’s Criminal Law; Williams on Ueal Property; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on V^endors; “ on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Property; Sugden on Powers; Smith’s Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domat’s Civil Law; RockweU’s Spanish and Mexican Law; Sharswood’s Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome’s Logal .'laxims; Collyer on l*:irtnership, Sc., Ac. yjf The Reports of the Supreme Court of North Ca rolina; CantweU’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac tice. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. ’'amdeii...D 1) F’erebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. (^iswell... Withers, S P Hill. C'urrituck...B M Baxter. (’leaveland....\ G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson... Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin....J D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe... R R Bridgers. J S Woodard. For-yth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F (’ireen. Gaston...J H White. (iranville...J M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. (juilford...(' P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene....\ D Speight. (,iates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax...A II Davis, W' B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell...A K Simonton, A B F Gaither Jackson,...V Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V A McBeee. Madison...John A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore...Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L Barringer. Macon...H G Woodlin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H 0 Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ramsom, W W Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...U B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T Williams. Per(iuimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—.\lex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Row;iii...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford.T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph... 1 U Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond....J G Blue. Sampson...N (’ Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Staiily...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell.McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers, J W Russ, II Mordecai. W’arren....! B Batchelor, W 11 Cheek. W'ashington...C Latham. W'atauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes V W' Martin, Horton. Yadkin....\ C Cowles. Yaucy... Bowman. CONVKXTIOX ON NORTH CAROLINA Alamance—(Jiles 3Iebane, Tho.s. lluffin. .Mcxamler—A. C. Stewart. Aslie—>1. 5). Forbc.s. Anson—'lyers, J. A. Leak. IVrtic—8. B. Spruill, .James Bond. He:iufort—W. J. Hllison, K. J. Warren, liladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. 1). Meares. liuncoiiibe—N. W. Woodfin. Btirke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phiier. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—I). 1>. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Ilenkle. Chatham—J. IL Ilcaden, John Manning .Jr., L. J. ^Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—11. IL Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—(}eo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—IL M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodes. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. 1j. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. (Jastun—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. Walton. Granville—A. W. \'enable, T. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. (juillbrd—Jno. (iiliner, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Hender.son—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jack.son—W. II. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Jjincoln—Wm. Ijander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McI.)owell. Martin—Asa Biy-j's. • McDowell—J. II. (rreenlee. Mecklenburg—J, W. Osborne, Win. .Johnston. Montgomery—S. II. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—II. II. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. ]\L Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (iraham, John IJerry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Penjuituons—Jos. S. Cannon. I’orson—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. (iritues. Randolph—W.^J. Ijong, A. G. J'oster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. RoVje.son—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. lirodnax. Rowar. -B. Craige, II. C. Jones. Rutheri. ‘d and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosoly, Thoma.s liunting. .^tanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—II. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. liadger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. yiv9i. Oeo. 1.1. Joiiii!«oii re!«- pectfully informs the Ladies ot Fay etteville, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the newest and most approved styles, including the very fashionableor Gored Dress. She maybe found at the residence of Mrs. T. J. Johnson, ('orner Russell and Gillespie Streets, or at Mrs* Wm. .M -L. McKay's on Havmount. Oct. 11, lytii.' _ t;.3-tf ^0,000 ^lii lilies Waiitc'd. W^ANTED IMMEDIATELY, i;t>,000 fir.-t quality JU- VV NIPEH SHINGLES. They must be 4i inches wide b}’ is inches in length. Apply to B. .Monaghan, at the Catholic Church, or to .Mr. Garry, at Mr. .McKeihan's Carriage Factory. October 10, 18 >1. (j4-4t Fayetteville Foiuiclry* flMlE undersigned having associated themselves for L the purpose of carrying on the Foiiii«lry nii«l .llacliiiie under the firm of .\NDERSON & (.M)RD, respectfully solicit orders from those wanting work iu their line. Having experienced Machinists and Moulders, they are fully prepared to execute all orders. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 18til. ANDERSON. T. CORD. 04 if UIO COFFEE. B.-VGS for sale. Apply to GEO. »V. WILLIAMS & CO. or WORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO. Oct. U, I8G1. 23 »;4-;^i RETAIL— Cash. PLANTER’S ALMANAC for V'or The far.mer's and lSti2. E. J. HALE SONS. Oct. 2, lytjl. SriilNG TRADE! WORTII, WK,iHT.?lA.li A: 4:0. OFFER AT WHOLES.VLE A HEAVY STOCK OF OROCERIE&. —ALSO— A complete and well selected stock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. BARRELS NORTH CAROLINA LIQUORS. 150 “ DOMESTIC Ditto. WORTH, WIGHT.MAN CO. Fayetteville, April 12, 18t>l. l^tf • p. FULLER, Attoriiej and Counsellor at Lan^, WILL PKACTICK IN THE COURTS OF Kobesoii, Cumberiaiid, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29tf For Rent. The Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store and D. & \S. McLaurin's Store, and at present oc cupied by them. Possession given 1st September. For terms, apply to D. & W. McLanrin, or S T. Hawley & Son. .\ugust 15, 1861. 48-tf ^mall Annx.—A great establishment lor re pairing and refitting iuuskets has sprung up as if hy magic in liichmond, owned by the government, in which a large number of workmen are employ ed. It is mDved by two engines of 35 horse-pow- er each. A large number of muskets, thrown away by the Yankees on their flight from Manas sas, are now undergoing the necessary repairs, and many of them daily leave the hands ot the workmen “as good as new.” Every citizen who posses.ses an old gun, for which he has no especial use, wc«.!d sukserve the cause ol the South by sending it in to the ordnance Departmeut. The Times and its Correspondent.—The Yankees are growing tired of Pr. Russell. He looks too sharply about him, sees too many dis agreeable sights, and tells too many unpleasant tales—and all to their disparagement. They have asked Seward to banish him the coiintry. Seward advises them not to read his criticisms— and they won’t feel uncomfortable. He says only twenty-five copies of the Times reach this country, and if papers here w^ouldn’t republish, the Yan kees would not know how badly they are thought of in Europe.—Richmond ll’A/y. .1 Mojuoh.—Mrs. Jane Tunstall, living near Richmond, aided by her two daughters, has made, since the commencement of the War, one hundred and seventy-two soldiers’ garments. .She laid aside the scraps left from the “facings," unravelled them, carded and spun the woolen part of the fabric, and has knit three strong and beautiful pairs of socks lor the soldiers out ot the j yarn thus obtained, ('an there be a scarcity ot ; wool lor the army with such an example of econo- ! my before the country? Can any nation be sub- I dued which is blessed with such women? Never. I Richmond Dispatch. I *4 Rrt nrhrr.—The Rev. Mr. Stcarn.s, I who preached in a Newark (N. J.) Episcopal 1 Church on Fast day, iu the course of his sermon i pointedly jubtitied the South and denounced the I North. The congregation hissed, and the lead- ' ing vestrymen have since complained of the clergymen to the Ignited States 1 district Attorney. Low Jirices at the The extreme We.-'t sutlers considerably in consequence of the war for the want of a market tor its superabundant pro- i ducts. A letter from a correspondent, in Iowa, ■ of the Boston Traveller says that eggs are selling I there at one cent a doztn, and corn at lilteen cents I a bu.shel; apples with which the trees are loaded down, twenty-five to thirty cents per bushelj flour two dollars per hundred pounds. (iun-Hhot ]Vounds—..4h Interesting Ijtcturr —A lecture on gun-shot wounds was delivered in the New York Medical College on Tuesday by Prof. Raphael; In the course of the lecture the professor re marked that thtn’e were more men killed and wounded, in proportion to the numbers engaged in battles at the present tinie, than in olden times. The fact was exemplified in the Crimean and Italian wars, and in our present troubles; and it wa.s owing to the improved projectiles and weap ons used now, particularly the Minnie and En field ritles and bullets. Wounds produced by bullets were ol' the kind called, lacerated and con tused, and were greatly modified by the seat ot the injury and the state ot health of the person wounded. There were also what are called indirect wounds, made by spent balls, produced by splinters, or by the ricochet ot the old fashioned round cannon ball, throwing up stones or earth which gave almost as serious injuries as would a ball of the same size the stone thrown up. The latter was altogether avoided in the rifled projectiles which did not ricochet. Instances had been known where men had been killed by the mere passage of the ball, which was generally called “windage.” Instances of this kind were, however, extreiuely rare. There were cases on record where serious wounds had been received by a soldier attempting to stop a spent cannon ball rolling very slowly, with his foot. The ball rebounded and shattered his leg. A wound resembling a bullet wound might be produced by a discharge ot small shot trom an ordinary shut-gun, when fired close to the person, the small shot not separating but entering the wound e.n masse. Wounds were aggravated bj the entrance oi extraneous substances, such as pieces of clothing, coins, etc. Surgeons should he careful in examining the clothing around the wound after extracting the bullet; which should in all ca.ses be done, except when the injury caused by the extraction of the ball would be 'reatcr than were it allowed to remain in the wound. A great difference existed between the round and conical projectile in the disposition ot the ball when in the body. The round ball on entering a wound would be deflected from its cour.se should it strike a bone, and instances were common where the ball had made a coBiplete cir cuit, even where it has come out of the same wound it made on entering. The conical ball, however, passed directly through whatever part of the body it happened to strike, shattering everything in its passage. Another peculiarity ot the conical ball was, that when it struck a bone it split it downwards, and very rarely aftected the part above the wound. To Land Biiyer»«. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT IIUXDKKU ACKKS OF L.4ND, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad- I vancing in price iu this section. ! For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, ! Crane’s Cre«k, P. O., Moore county, or address me at ! Fayetteville, N\ C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Garboaton, Moor* co., N. 0., Aug. 24 43tf A War J'un.—On reading the telegram on the bulletin board, yesterday, announcing that Gen. Wool would .supersede Wooly Horse Fremont, in the command of the Federal army in the West, a putister dryly remarked, “W'e’ll set ti, Price on that MW.” A bystander responded, “Why, certainly.”—Richmond Whig. Xot Bad.—The Editor of the Fredericksburg News will have his fun. Hear him: yarn is in great demand. We hear of a pa triotic young lady who had all the woolen carpets she could find, carded and spun into yarn—e- nough to make 50 pairs of socks for the soldiers, which she is busily engaeed knitting. This is a truG “yarn,” and no doubt some brave soldier is already “hankering after herl' Timintj Each Other.—They have a story in Chicago about a drunken captain in camp, who met a private of his company in the same condi tion. The captain ordered him to “halt,” and endeavoring in vain to assume a firm position on his feet and to speak with dignified severity, ex- i claitued; “Triv’te Smith, I give you t'l (hie) 1 j o’clock to gissober in.” “Cap’in,” replied the ’ soldier, “as'you’t (hie) d—u sight drunkerniam, I I’ll give you t’l (liicj 5 o’clock to gissober in.

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