»on ret, " ot Fay. Ik ^ery Sn® saayb, s^Q. Ooraef M*L W-tf I'AlL-T^ ^^' AC for &■ SONS. te|. 'iu»lity JC- I Will, ’>iureh, or to «.!ory. 04-4t imry. it-seWen for respectfully their line, oulder, they S’ I'ER'SON »"RLi. •4if E! ^ 4 0. M'i.-K OF ck >f riERY. L1-. R:- L>iitO. kUN & CO Hif K ?imT. ^267.' l:t) 5,0iI 35 61 pro"\ptly, an«J prei::iuiu not«s. ide, LTID, ;loh. Shepherd, '> Wilm’gton. ra'reling Agenu. •21-ly D. 110«. Sk. kFi:rave'« N jtei. W i, ;,^e'8 Noie!: 1 P Si WftUa--/’ 1 Court of j,!; t; rautwell * ^ ^ HALE A SONS-, uroliw**' AUb»“ H«C' rLiW«" I,A \ ^- th o^. pli .. V, McU*’''- ‘ . .ir J,,- I Il’l .V iJ.iiij'W- ikec p ■ f»fi' 1 .u Augu • ' WiyUE ®IB ISEMI.WEEKLY. LVOI.. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 28, 186L [NO. 10C9.] PIUNTKI) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS , EDWAUD J. HALE & SONS. KIITOUS aSD proprietors I’rii't' for ilu Semi-\Ve*»kly (>bskkvek S3 00 if pai«l in a lvaiice; S ! ?iO li' jxti I iliiritis: liie year of svibsovip- ion; or 5^ It aftor t'-e v ear has expircl. For the Wee .-ly ( )bsi.kvkr M’ (M> per annum, if pai.l in H'lvuMfo: .'>U if p'liil tlurinp the yenr of siibscvip- ! lion; I'V S i'-' ufit'r the year ha!» expired. f-g“ A D\'KK riSl.M KN'l'S inserted foi tjO cents per s.uiMro of Itl lines tor the first, and ;>0 cents for enoli i.ii'ceeding j>ublicution. Yearly advertisements by sj>e- : il i-..iitrftcts. at reiisonable r>»te«. Advertisers are ted to state tlie uiini>>er of insertions desired, or aov "ill be LMUtiuued till forbid, and charj;ed accord iiiiiy. A Ivrti'-vmeiifs to be inserted cliarged 50 jier Cfiii extra. SPEl'IAL NoTiCK. Krt>ni and after thi>il:ite, nu name of a new subscriber W-". be entered without ji.-iymcnt in advanw. nor will i;;> p-i]>er be sent to siidi ^M-iber-; for a longer lime ;■ 111 is jtaid for. S.i'-h Ilf >r.r "Id subsi’riber>i ;i' desire to lake the pa- j'or on this system will please noiit'y us wlien making r.Miiittances, Jan'y 1, 1S'>S. EAi^LE HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N. C., APRIL, 1861. I'liAU Stii: Permit me to call your attention to the K.\=il-K HOTEL. I liave it re-painted; all the rooms sre neaily carpeted, aiid the Hotel is in better order thi.n anv nher House in the mountains of Norili Caro- ;iu.i. I Htii also better supjdied with good and atten tive 'ervants than any Hotel in this part of the State. ' 1 w luld say to the tirst class visitors that 1 an> pre- j.ired to entertain you, in a style superior to any liouse i in Ar-heville. Having had >everal yeirs experience in :!i.- bu^iue:■s. I flatter my^.-lf that 1 can make your .stay ■ a: the EAGLE, both pleasant and agreeable. ] In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number ' • if new and beautiful llAl’KS, ( ARR1\GKS, BKiGlKS. .AND S.\DULE HORSES, ; That my guests can get at a minute’s notice I will keep ft Carriage in readiness f,.r persons that may be ^ desirous of taking morning or evening rides. I assure | the travelling public that they will find everything they mav desire al the Kagle t;' make them comtortable. j This Hotel has siip rior advantages over any other | house in Asheville, as tiie Stage office is kept here tor j all the Stages that arrive at and depart frouj this place I would say to faniilies that intend visiting cur beau tiful town, and expect fo remain several "weeks, it will be well for them to write and engage rooms, as the Eagle is generally pretty much crowded by the middii- of July. reganls charges. 1 will make them sutti- i iently moderate to sui' the presi-nt times. Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you at the Engle. 1 am yours respeotfully, J ,M. BL.MR, Proprietor .May 1. 1801. A Miiiokiiitf: C'liiiiiiiey. \NV person having a smoking tire-place can hav« it remedied by addressing me at ihe Fayetteville Post :if!ice. White Washing. ISrick Work and Plastering dine in best manner. All my work warranted to be June well or no pay. And if ?iny ahinmeys heretofore t”iilt bv me should ''iiinke. th:-v will be .altered witlioui ■ KAVIU MclH’FFlE. NIarfh 'J\*. *J-lypd ciK(». w. wiiddAMs & t;o„ \Vlioli‘*«iale Dralcr^ in Ciiroc'erieM, AND IMlMtKTKKs AND DKALERS IN Uardnare and (iitlery, Suedes Irou, &f., HVV STUtKT, FAYKTTKVll.LK, >. V. July-J. lH«;i. 80tf iMroc€*ruKs S (m voce vies / / i L.\R(1E Hii'i well selected Stock of F.\MILV ./V CiKOt.'EU H'^S always on hand, consisting of liacon-SiJes, Mo.s.s l*ork, Mullets, .Mackerel, Nos, 1 and li, MdIusscs, Stiijurs oi' uU uratK's, 'I'obnoeo, (’igurs. And all other article? usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment. COX, KENDALL .Si ('O. Wilmington. .\pr'liStil. 10-tf U, \V. Kl I.I.AKD, ^'vinmission ,fMerrhfint^ WILMIXdTON, N. C. \ Prompt and person.\L attention will be given to ' the sale of Naval Stures. t'otiou, LumVter, Timl>nr, and all other country produce. RKKKB Ti) O. G. Parslky, Pres’t Com. Hank at Wilmington. .loH.N Dawsi)N. “ •. N. at do. Me.ssrs H. \ E. J. Lit.t.v, ) ,, . ... M o • r avelteville. Messrs. I’kmbkrtun \ M.ow. ) P\hki:h, I’sti . Il iriieit (’-.iinty, N. (’. May 7, IhiiO. l.')tf m\ ('o\ilioif”si‘iuiCE, Thirly good, reliabUs iiuniarried .Meu, \\) enlist forTllREE YEARS or Dl'RlNG THE WAR. the .\rsenal and .\rmory at ly required for other service. 1 and to be stationi' 1 at Fayetteville, unles# ,-j t‘ci »1 Pmy from Kleven to Tweniv-'lwo l)idlar3 per month, .with such an amount aiditiouil as merit will warrant i with riition.-j, quarters, medic.il atlend.iuce, .vc. 1 desire no one to enlist who shall not liave made up liis mind to Vie governed b_\ the Regulati.ins and ,\r- titles of War tor the Government of t'.ie ('oul'edevate ■■Vrmy. .1N0. C. P.OOTH, Capl. Art'y, (’. S. A. Comd g A. & .Vrmory. I', IS’H. Favetteville. L'pt F'oi Sale. • >U l»:ius Cdlhie. f) Hh'is. Suuurs. Peppor, Spicf. (litmer :itid Nutuie^i. Slun-h, White L'lol aiul (ila>>. I’mtv. ILs. Slioe Xails liU to ‘J.) 'i nll^ Swclfs Ir'iM. 4D0 Kiiivcs anil i nrk.'. Scliool I\'otlec« My SCHOOL iu the DONALDSON ACADEMY, on M.WMOL'NT, will be re opened on T L' ES U Y , tJCTOIiUR 1st, ISGl. Tenna, per (Quarter uf lU wetkn: English, S7 50 (,'lassical, 10 W (,'ontingent, 25 .JESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. ■August ly, istji. 4ytf FAYETTEVILLE Female School* TERM'S. Roard per Se.ssion of 20 weeks, $*>0 00 Tuition in (.’ollegiate ('lasses 20 weeks, 20 (>0 “ Acailemic “ “ •• D' “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 1 Iiu'idental exptuises, 1 Oil Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern an I ■\ncient Languages, ic. at the usual rates. ' >ne-half of Board and Tuition requird in ad I'uncf; the other half at the beginning of the 2d Quarter SCHOLASTK! YEAR. 1st Session —(’onjmences 1st October. Ends 17tli February. 2d Session.—('^oiumenceH IHih February. Ends tith .July. T. C. HOOPER. I’riucipal. Sept. IHdl. 77tf ^ ]\OTICE. ^nllE UNDERSIGNED, both liaving entered the niili X tary service of the Confederate States of .\merica. Iiereby give notice to their old custonu'rs and friends, that they have appi inted .lohn D. Starr and John D. i Williams, of this place, thetr aitnrneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them either by ' account or note, and otherwi.se to attenl to their bu- ; ' siness generally during their absence. Tliey respect fully ask all persons indebted to them tt>call as prompt- : ly as piissible on their agents anil make pavireat. STARR & WILLIA.MS. Sept H*. isul. i^S-tf ■ DENTAL NOTICE. M SCOTT can be seen in his office, 2 IV, Joors east of tlie market, at his re gular office hours from 0 o’clock >L until 3 o'clock P. M. Sept. \:i. •'■)7-tf WAA’TKO, SP.\N of good sound draft HORSES, not over S years old. JNO. C. BOOTH. Capt. .Vrl’y, Comd’g N. C. .Vrseual. A ]()U !H» •> t;ti ;>u •ju •JIMI dross 111! 1 ross L>oz. .\ut:i'r>. Id “ ilaiiituer Piicket Knives Kazors. Sci^'urs. Hrnoiijs Kryiiii; I’atis. \V..:h1 SiTOWS. ('ast and WrmiLrlit Hiitt IlinijO'-. I J !ru-> Ilf Jiiulefs .. Jo doz. Hatchets. For Kent. aiHE Store on Hay Street,J>etween the Crockery Store I and D. \ W. .McLaurin’s Store, and at present oc cupied bv them. Possession given 1st September. For terms, apply to D. J: W'. McLaurin, oi S. 1. Hdwley i: Sou. August I'j. IHtil. IH-lf C' A K U! FEW L.-\D1ES can be accommodated with board al eminary. T LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 18G0-U1. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F SimmoDS. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford... J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and W'ashington...J R Stubba. Halifax...M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and \Vil.son...H T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Areadell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speighi. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Onslew...L W Humphrey. P.l iden. Brunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. ('umberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash....\ J Taylor. Franklin...W’ Harris. Warren...T J IMtchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person.L Winstead. ' Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. .Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. ('hatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmonil and Robeson....\lfred Dockery. ■Anson and Union...S H Walkup. ' Guilford...Peter Adams (’aswell...l$edford Brown. Rockinghar^...F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John W'alker. ('abarrtfs and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson....Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse A Waugh. -\she, Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Bmke, McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Ruthertoid, Polk ko...A W Burton, j Buncombe, Henderson &c...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W' II Thomas. i HOUSE OF COMMONS. ! Alamance...Giles Mebane. , Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .\nson...L L Polk, E R Liles. .\she...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. Bladen.T Davis. Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Edgecombe Howard. and Wilson—W a: he Seminary. Sept. 12 H(K)PER. 6ii- ■irge. Fayetteville. N. (' , s-io reward. I ) \N.\W'.AY from the Subseriber on trilaj' last the It 11th inst., my boy VIRGIL. He is probably lutk- 'I;':: about the plantation of Mrs. Louisa Hargrove, on • arver's Creek, where he I'.as a wife. I will pay the abow reward for his delivery in jail. G. U. BAKER. ■'umberland county. July l''>. 4D-tt 111*. THKO. .IIARTIXK, / jFFlCE. H.a* STREET, oppo-ite tiie Post office. ' • Medical Electricity applied. Favetteville, Oct. 17, lho*. *j2tf I'l'KPH U. BLO.SSOM. CVKU.'* S. VAN .AMRIN(«1l. JO?^. R. BLOSJ^iOlI A: C O., Coiiiiiils^iloii 3lercliaiit>!»9 .1*. 8^“Prompt personal attention given to all (Jonsigrv . ntr. and Cash advances ma>le on Produce to he shipper ?' I'Ler ports or sold in thi-* m.irket. Ft^'y 12. 1801. A.^l. C’AlirilKI.I., Auctioneer and ( onimission Merchant, —will fittend to the sale of— aoofts^ H\tres ami ,fM€rrhandise, iCcal i:stite, .Veffrocs, Xf. June 1, l^til. ■' I LAUK & Tl RLLNGTON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, \VILMIN(/n)N, N C. '1171F..L give special attention to the sale or shipnu'nt \V of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Tunbcr, and other country produce. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce ment, Hair, Ac.; and 1GE.\TS FOR STE.D1ERS KATE .MfLAl'Rir .WU SI ,\. Refer to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bauk of Cape Fear, Wilmington; .Jno. Dawsou, J*res t \\ilmington Branch Batik of North Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigli i Branch Bank of Cape Fear. i)ec. 14, IHOO. UKAVY l-l }^IIKKTI.\««. ri-^HE RUCKFLSH M.VNUF.VCTURING CO.MPANY, _! of Fayeiteville, N. C., solicit orders for Sheetings ;jt> inches wide, -i yards to the pound. The Goods ctmi- pare favorably with the same styles manufactured in .Mabsachu.^eits, and have for many years been sold in the New York and 1‘hiladelpiiia .Markets. C. T. H.AiGH, Pres't Rockfish 'o. Fayetteville, June 1, IH'jl. 27- HV?1. 1’, Attorney at Law, Favkttkvillk, N. C. \IMLL attend the County and Siii>i.‘rior Courts of \\ Cumberiand, Harnett, .Moore and Robeson Coun- t'rompl attention giveu to tlie coUectiou of 20 Doz .Axes, loo Doz. (. iit T»cks. 15 Doz. Cotfee Mills; together with mauy aiticles not enunierated. . Our terms are CASH, or such t)n auce as we deal iu. GF.O. \N. WILLIA.MS \ CtJ. Fayett‘ville. Oct. 5, 1^*>1, 'i:;-4w Who will go into the Enterprise.^ ^ mUPPuSING that there iie those having c ipit il they ^ would like to inve'^t in piuting into speedy upera- tiou divers clashes if manufacture which must now be , established in the S^uth, I wor.ld take this method to inform any such, that 1 have a never-failing WATER- ! POW'KR, ;with plenty of rooiii '> at the Merchant .Mills in the centre of Fayetteville, N. C . capable of running i any machinery of light order, and would be pleased to ) have the «ame protitablv emploved. ■ 1 ' ' R. McDANlEL. j f)ctober 5, I'^'il. •'■■'’1 AOTIi Iv ' T‘' i/i' ut’r^>- (fi‘ •'■■unt/'i :■/ \->r;h '' 4 LL BLANKETS AND CL'»THINi WHICH MA\ be received by you can be m-u' directly to the several ' Companies which went lr";ii your county :*ud when vour own ’omp uiies are suj.plied, you will then forward any balance on baud to tin- t^i irtermaster in Raleigh, Vou will ptu up all articles inteti led for your t'omi>iuies in stroni: b ,.xe«, directed l •. t !;e nuarterniaster in Raleigh, with the Company ;in Itl.c IJ. ^-Mn^nt plainly marked on them; ami you will have the cotitetils of eacli box iiritk- cd on it. Whenever the Companies are on duty in your neigh- tiorhood. you arc auth'irized to deliver tjie articles to tiiem, taking the receipt of the C’aptain for them, which recei{)t you will forward to this r.flii'e. J. DEVERLl X, A. V- V. ((ctober 1. I '^Ol. AOTIt'i:. 4 S I e.xpect to f>e absent from home a few iiiuuths in A the Wevt. .\rchi*iald McLean is my authorized Vgeut to transa’t my business until I return. N. G. Dec'r JONES. s>;^if i)AP.Tii;.' 1 from one and a halt to six inches in H Olllee, » >rTn'.Klt 1 '^'•1. ) i NV Pl'.ilSoN OH PERSON'S WHO MAYBE DE- sirou- of t;;kiu:! C-mrraer^ :ir m iking Clothes for the ■Army of North Caronna, can obtiiin terms, ko, , on ap plication at this office >[«onsilde partie rnis, ,'ic (.nods will lie issued to any re aiiti'ies sullicient to clothe sin gle comp-mies which can lie made up in their own neighborhoods, and the money will be paid to the par- ties"receiving the ioods. on the return ot the manufac tured articles. Parties may t'urnish the Cloth, which will be paid for bv the Slate. J. DEVEREUX, A V- -V- October 1, If^'il. Od-fit UOOllIs! liOOIIS! J. ,1. Pemberton Will receive in a few days his entire stock ol sprim; iMi mm coods, KMBR \C1N(} ALL THE A>u aiKl De'^irahlt* JSI at prices 'I'O SLIT THE TIMES. The public generally ire res}.ectfully invited to call i lv and secure fiiai"' BARG A INS. J. A. PEMRERTON Htf Ti 11# ber If V# n left. iiaving seasoned WHITE O.AK TIMBER thickness, and from six to twenty inche.s in width, and wishing to dis pose of the same, can find a imrchaser V>y applying in person or by letter to the undersigned at the .Arsenal • JOHN C. BOO 'H, (.’apt. .Vrt'y, Comd'g .\rsenal. Fayetteville, .Aug. 21, IHGl, 50-tf MAKEPEAl'E i M'KAB, WE on hand and expect to keep for sale, of tht'ir own manufacture, a supply of Brass, Galvanized and common Hooped jr.\iPE:R French, Hi^h Post, I'ottagje and Common BFIDSTFI.IDS; Spring Mattresses, of new and improved .'-pring, on hand or made to order of any size; L( )l, .NG LS; Spring, Cane, and Wood Scat CH.AIRS, ot dillereiit kiutls aud patterns; Spring Sofas, Lounges and (.'hairs, repaired, and covered with Hair ('loth or other wise; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbls. i Hhds.; Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plastering Hair. -As we have good Machinery tor Sawing, Planeing, Turniu!;, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work witii despatch and on satisfactory tei ms. I’ersons having work or repairing to do will do well to give us a call. We warrant o'lr work; if it fails, you know wiiere to find us. _ Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillespie Street, a few doors South of .V. H Steel, Esq., and h iving some spare room, we would attend to the storage and sale of any thing that may be consigned to us; and will give special attention to j)roducts of this State. Fayetteville, -April 1, 18t>l. 9tf A wK.m The Xew Style, Small, rOLOKEl) PHUTO(iltAPtlS, AT I ART. WooiUvaril’** Solar t'aiiit'ra. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. FratiKlin—A. D. Wiliiatns. S. Battle, Geo. Patterson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brun.‘^wick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. ('abarrus...W S Harris. Catawba...Jonas Cline. (Miatham...W p Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum, ('herokee...G W Hayea. Craven...C C (’lark, F E .Alfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. ('o.umbus...N L Williamson. ('amdeu...D D Ferebee. Curteret...D W' Whitehurst. (Caswell... * Withers, S P Hill. ('urrituck...B ^ Baxter. (’leaveland....A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. Edgecombe... R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Ga.ston...J H White. Granville J M Bullock. W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. Guilford...(J P .Mendenhall, C E Shob«r, J L Gorrell. Greene....A D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Hay wood...S L Love. Halifax....A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell....A K Simoqton, .A B F Gaither Jackson....A Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H W’atson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J (’ Wooten. Lincoln...V .A McBeee. Madison...Jolin A Fagg. •Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore....Alexander Kelly. -Montgomery...E G L Barringer. -Macon...H G Woodfin. .Mecklenburg...S W Davia, J M Potts. Nash...11 G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ramsom, W AY Peebles. Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...H B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pastjuoiank...J T Williams. Perquimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—.Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowau...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph...I If Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly ...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers, J W Russ, H Mordecat. Warren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...C Latham. I Watauga...Thomas Farthing. I Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. I Wilkes....A W Martin, Horton. • Yailkin....A C ('owles. I Yttiicy... Bowman. Gastoi}—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. V'enable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. (.tuill'ord—Jno. A. Gilmer, Kaljih (jorrell, R P. Dick. Halitux—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. .Mann. Haywood—Wni. Hieks. Henderson—W. M. 8hi))p. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—.Vnderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson — W. II. Thomas. Johnston—(,’. li. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wui. Foy. Lenoir—.Jdhn Washin'^ton. liincoln—Win. Landisr. Macon—C. D. Sntith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—.\sa Bitiiis. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg;—.1. W. ().sborne, Wm. Johnston. Montt'oinery—S. H. (’hristian. Moore—H. 1'tirner. Nash—H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. (’owan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. IJarnes, J. M. .Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (iraham, John Herry. Pas(|Uotank — R. K. Speed. Perquimon.s—Jos. S. ( annon. I'erson—John W. ('uningham. Pitt—F. li. Sattorthwaite, R. (1 rimes. Randolph—NV. J. I.i0ng, A. (r. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robe.son—J. P. Fuller, J. (J. Southerland. Rockingham — D. S. Reid, F. T. Brodnax. I Rowar -H. Oaige, H. C. Jones. Ruthen. 'd and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. liattle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. (’ounsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. THE DISCHARGED PRISONERS. Our readers are aware that fifty-seven Yankee prisoners were lately rclea.sed through humane motives, and sent to Newport News under a flag of truce. The care and attention with which these wounded men were treated was a subject of general remark, and their manner and conversa tion indicated nothing but gratitude. Had they been sworn allies of the Confederacy, there could not have been more apparent sincerity in their professions of eternal friendship. But in all this the deceitfulneas of the “universal Yankee” was illustrated, and, as might have beeti expected, they uiifolded an array ot unmitigated falsehoods on their arrival North. We reprint this morning, irom a Baltimore paper, the report made by these unprincipled men, which, it it were not a sad commentary upon the depravity of human nature, j would be a most amusing recital. They will be j entensively lionized throughout the Lincolnite ! domain, and all their powers of invention will be 1 taxed in the relation of lictition tales of “Southern ! barbarity.” The following is their statement:— j All the wounded who reached here, agree ia ! tiie statement that they were treated more lik«* j eaged beasts than human beings, and the fii-et salutation in the morning, as well as the sentinel’s i cry at night, was “Death to the Y’^ankeea.” \va.\ti:d to hire, NEGRO .MEN to work on Western Riih-oid. OU 1** Four horse wagons to haul (.’oal from Egypt I Stiaft to Mclver's depot. i T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 21, Ibf.l. t.7-2tpd Lailit‘«* aiitl a variety of styles. { tbick Boots. .All of North Carolitia maiiutacture. Just received; for sale for cash, by S. T. H.AWLEY A: SON. October 21. ISOl. o7-2t Cotton Varii* ^ PPLY to C. B (.Jctober 1*.' KI'CRHTS WANTED! For the 14th North Carolina Regiment, Aow ill \Vt‘«lerii Virginia. ^pER.M of service 1* months from ISth inst. Tlie ac- X live service of the Fall (,'ampaign is over, and tlie Kegimeiit is preparing for fi~pi(er quar/fm. Recruits will be received for any of the companies. ,AL1> Tiirn who helon'j to thf /ifr/iincnt at home on fur lough will report to the subfcrihi-r for ordir.i within the next a weeks. Address me at Fayetteville. Lieut, o'. H. BLOCKER, j Recruiting Ollicer to Nth Reg’t N. C. Vols. Oct. 15. (j7-4t Mallett or Messrs. Ray i Pearce. C. B. .MALLETT, Ag't. IHOl. >Ttf xl^otii'e to ^ioldFrieinN. IH.AVE made arrangements with Capt. M. A. Bledsoe of the (Quarter Master Department, to forward to any Company, or to any member of any Company from Cum berland County, any article of clothing that their triends may desire to send them. R. W. HARDIE. Oct. It). ^ bO-tf '. RECRUITS WANTED. \V.VNi'ED 2.) nien for the 5th Regiment N C, State VV Troops, .Vrmy of .Manassas. Eacli recruit will be paid a bounty of 5^15 as soon as mustered into Service, and Sll per mouth during term of enlistment. Those i desiring to enlist will apply to me at the office of J. G. I Shepherd Esip J.AS. C. DOBBIN, Jr. 1 Oct. Itlth lKt>l. ()f,-tf 'I’he only kindness they received was from the surireiMis of the Confederate army, who, in con nection with their own surgeons, already named, were daily iu attendance. The hospital or jail in wlijch they were confined, was a three-story to- baecco warehouse, measuring about 40 by 120 leet. In the .second story were confined seventy- six commi.ssioned oilicers, and in the room above, tiv'O hundred non-commissioned officers ami pri vates. The windows were all iron-barred, aud the guards very strict and severe upon the prisoners. Mention has already been made ot the shooting by the guard of a Federal prisoner, and the fol lowing are the facts ot the case: ihe ducea^>oi was corporal Wm. C. Burke, ot the Seventy-ninth New York regiment, and he was shot whilst shak ing his blanket trom his prison window, as wuH required ol the prisoners as soon as they arose from sleep. The guard, a young Missisiippiaa, called to him to stand back, and the order wa» complied with, when he was pierced in the breast by a musket ball. He reeled, fell to the ground, and expired without uttering a single word. He was buried thosame day, and the guard acM^uitted. He altcrwards stated that he had determined tu kill a Yankee, and was therelore satisfied. The rations were regularly served to them, such as they were, consisting ot salt bacon, a loul ot bread, and water twice a day. The commis sioned officers were served with water three timoH per day, but none of the prisoners ever received tea or coffee, nor were they supplied with mat tresses, bedding, or blankets of any kind, excepc- ing those whicii they succeeded in purchasing. That the wounded were greatly neglected in thiH respect, is evident trotii their condition at the present time. Those who are left behind—and thev are nearly five hundred in number—will sulfer severely Irotn cold if they are not provided with such necessaries. The most intelligent oi the prisoners, from whom these facts were obtain ed. declared that many falsehoods have been pub lished iu relation to Hon. Mr. Ely, ol New York. Instead of being dejected and sad, he was decided ly the merriest man amongst them, and was active not only in comforting the wounded and cheering the hopeless but foremost in such amusements ue the prison discipline allowed. One day he received a remittance of $50 from his friends, and he spent the whole sum in the purchase ot provisions ior the party. On one occasion, when the roll was called, one ot the men was asl(H'i», when the sentry rushed up and dealt him a violent blow upon the head with the butt of his inu.'ket. The main cause oi Colonol Corcoran’s removal South was his resentment upoo all occasions of insulbs ofiered him or his compuu' ions. One Sunday a minister, whilst preaching, departed iroin his subject and denounced the North, which elicited repeated remarks from the Colonel, who, soon as the discourse was over, w;u heavily ironed, and a few days alter sent houtll- One oi the prisoners declares that a remittance of o.')0, sent him by his mother, was seized by those who had charge ol the prison. I Fdll THE iTIl ilEtHlE.\T STATE TROfll’S. WANTED, 2U men for the 5tii Reg’t N. C STATE TROOPS, now statioued at F.iirfax. Each re cruit will be paid Sll per niontli from date of enlist- Tcd Culture.—We observe, says the Savannah Rejiublican, the jiapers are again agitating the subject, and showing irom experiments that good tea can be grown in North Carolina and elsewhere. There is no doubt of it. Our climate is well adap ted to the growth of the plant, but the difficulty —as is also proved by experience—lies just here: Alter you make your pound ol tea in America iti will have cost you enough to pay for about poundsol the article imported from China. Where labor is worth from sixty cents to a dollar per day, we cannot cope successiully with labor at three rents per day. Let us give up the tea humbug, and go to something that will pay. I)HOT(i I (}alle all 84tf ties. I'rompt attention claims entrusted to his hands. Oet. 17, 1859. T. C. A: It. in. WORTH, ( onimiMslou aud Forwarding Merchants WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 2H, 1801 RORV JIc.liAIR, »ltiot ney anti Counsellor at LUMBERTON, N. C. \UILL attend and practice in the County aul Superior M ('oiirts of Robeson, Richmoni and (.Uunberland. Ml business intrusted to him will receive prompt at- '•.•ntion and collection's punctually remitted. ' :t. G, 1859. 55tf Harper’s .Hasaxiiie for April. Maron ;il. £. J. HALE & aONsJ. early anti securc fiijy March 28, 18tll. A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— rpilOSE ]>ersons f(ir whom I have beer, atttending to J. Bankiiiir business foi' years:—1 am still willing to serve you with the same proin[i!ness tiiat I have always done; and toothers that may want discounts. Pension business Xc., iVc., I otYer my services, with a promise of strict attention. J.AS. G. ('OOK. June 27. 4 arpeUii;?! C'ai*pt*liiij;I i^urpetiiig^! YDS. CARPETING at No. 31. Hay St. All /OOUU styles, all prices, all 4ualilies. AH will be oliereil low either by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crumb ('lotlis and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville. N. ('. Sept. 13, 18U0. 52tf Forty Year«’ Familiar ljt*tter« of Jas. W. Alexander, D. 1>.: Sermons, by J. Aildison .Alexander, D. D. .Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah: Adam Bede; Yusef; Siiirley; School Books, &.C. Jidy 10. allery. Hay street, o[»jiosite .Marble Yard, Fay- I etteville, N. C.; j)lain, retouehed, cul.ired, in water I colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. .Ambro- i types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures . pertain' ig to the Art. .Also, Gilt Fi.imes, Gilt Mould- | ing, G' •> for very large pictures—as large as 20 b\-ri»j | incites. Jord and Tassels for haniMtig ])ictures: Instru- ! ments. Stock and (Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I woultl also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. .M. V.VXORSDELL, Photograi)hist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- if .?15 as soon mustered into E. J. HALE SON Vol. Hill Baiitrolt’!!* United Klates^. J 10, E. J. UALE & SON. JAMES KVLE HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY DllY «OOD^, —Among which are— , 1 r AA pieces CALICO: iOUU 500 PIE(^:S LAWNS; Black and Colored Silks: Irish Linen and Diapers: Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 11; Men and Boy’s Clothing. With a large assortment of all kinds of OF All of which were purchased at .Auction and private sale by iLe package at panic prices, aud will be offered cheap by wlioleBaJe or retail. April 11, 1801. 12tf CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—(iiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. 1>. I'orbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Rertie—S. R. Spruill, James Rond, lieaufort—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren, liladen—Neill Ivelly. lirun.swick—T. 1). Meares. lJunconibo—N. W. Woodfin. Rtirke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—1). D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Ilenkle. Chatham—J. II. Ilcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren ^ inslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Ilob’t Sprouse. Duplio—W. J. Houaton, J. T. Rhodes. ment, and a bounty service. Persons wishing to enlist will please call at the .store of .Messrs. HUSKE x .ANDERSON. W. T. ANDER.SON. Fayetteville, N. ('., Oct. lii, IS'il. r>t’,-t;ipd iXotice. The debtors of the utiilersitrne l, late of New York, are hereby notified that their business was liiscon- tinued in that City iu May last, since which time tiuy have been identified with the South. The baggage of! the senior partner w^»i detained in ooniing South at : .Al«xaudria an>l lie hears has been confiscated. cKiitniii- | ing all their valuable papers—as notes, accounts. .Vcc. As soon as copies can 'oe obtained from their books in .New i York, statements for settlements will be rendered by , us, renderine any returns under the seqiiestration law ^ unnecessary. A. C. E' ’ , Late Wholesale Druggists, 218 Pearl St., New loik. I Goldsboro’, N. (^, Oct. 1-5. IHOI. 0*5 .jw ,li .Vo. 5*4, Hay St. ^ A/AA VDS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by iU UUv wholesale or retail. ^ 60 Doz WOOL aud other H.ATS. Cl. OTHI]\ti at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock of STAPLE m FAXfV D15V GOOIIS, all of which will be offered on as favorable terms as any House in the State. J. K. Oct. 4, 1860. Blanks for sale at this Office. KYLE. •58tf fjoiicfiiirsa of (ircut I’ltns.—Ihe vaster the crowd, the more solitary the individual, the more lonely the heart. “No one,” says a recent writer, "is known in London; it is the realm of the in- co'.inito and the :inonymou». It is not a place, but; u rou'ioii or a State. 'Ihere is no such thing as lueal ojiinion in .the metropolis; mutual per sonal knowledge there is notie; neighborhood good r«ptite, bad hunt!, tliere are none. No house knows the next door. How is a man to show what he is, when he is but a grain ot sand out of :i nniss, without relations to others, w^ithout a place, witiiout history, without distinct!veness' (’r.)wds pour along the streets; and although each h;ts his char;ictt‘r written on high, they are one and all the same to men below.” This is true, though of course in a less degree, with every great city, especially to the young and unfriended stranger. All at once be pas.ses from the midst of a iriendly neighborhood— where every one knows another, where the eye of every one is his brother, and where the slight- — ! est incident of weal or^ woe affecting any of it« members is the theme of interested conversatiou around each cottage hearth—to an almost absolute solitude, in fact in those vast wildernesses of streeta and lanes and noisome courts and alleys, of which the lower parts of our great cities consist, where the worst vices ot social life are generated to the utmost, society, in the true sense oi the word, can scarcely be said to exirtt. There arc few or no ties of mutual knowledge, common interest, and friendly neigtiborhood, such as bind the in habitants ot a country side or of a small town to gether, and which make a parish not a district merely, but a living organized society. Nori/(, Britiih BtuUw.