•E8DAT J 50 0 00 26 r>ncip«| 49if ool. >60 Oo ‘iO 00 16 00 12 00 I 00 and Hodern »»f»d M 94, QukrUr Principal 77tf iht will. -- America. »nd fri«ndi nd J .ho I) fiiher so: either bj ’o thfir bu- hej- rvv.^i. 11 fcw prcijipi. > iUrlll L LI AMs E. I }ii-. ..ffio". J clock A, M. 57 ff u >v.^^ g ..ck*ry : ; -^e- ptemt'tr rin, IT 8 T with bf.»rJ fti Kni'TKK • A l’#arep. .tT: . \g i * m Regiment, (iiiia. yTer, wi ihd fT0 Recruits tmr OH fur- iert witLia ih# He. LOi.Kt^K, il l N. '■ VoU «7-4t riends. M. A Bled-o« ' >rw»pd to »ny from Cum- at their frienJt F fiARDIE : if TED. eat N "Ui# ii-eruU w..- b« i iuio SerfiLt, K= -iei... ’ iiOM 1 office f J D BtsIN, Jr It TKOOFN. r 8T.\TK fax. K»ch r*- dat« of enlisi- -j^tered into V.; ftt the itor* N: r.:i-tjtpd « of N -w Vork, i»«8 Wfc'. iiiCpO" 1, :h time tbc7 T b»gg»g*; of **ng South edited, contain- ' ;ountn, io. Ai r books in N»w r n lered bj qiiestration U* O. Hr, :Jew Tork. ^•-3w »• [BTT: / ^dTenlure: *•■ LE A SuNS. a few montb* ^ nay authori* eturn. o. JONES 83tf n, 1*. w * Meloditt* It XoTeli. XK A 22 d Di«eip- qumliti®*- LE * 8^^^* •iV*i ■ I »J .Od CounM^ le Couru of kto th« collect*^ wwiIlUL SEMI-WEEKLY. tvi'l. \].l FAYETTEVILLK, N. C.. NOVEMBER 4, 1861. [NO. 1071.] P’ IX^r.l .MoNhAVS AND THURSDAYS. i: i)\v \iurjrfi\LE T soxs. ^ 11 roll; a\’p rrvOnur.TOiis r e Scnii-\V -.-kly Ouhkkver $3 00 if paid In i!ii' ; " 50 if paid during the year of sufcsarip- or 5“ 1 aHer t)-e jcar has expired. I Wee'ilv 'iBSF.KVKR S2 00 per annum, if paid in ! uioe; "jO if pai.l during the year of aubacrip- n; or ?'■> >i ' ijfter tlic year has expired. | A 1»VKUT1.'>1.MDNTS iu?erted for fiO cents per ^ • t 1*' litu> i\)r the first, and 30 cents for each j \ .MiiMiion. Yearly advertisements by .«pe- ' , ip!s. at rea«>iTi;'hie rates. Advertisers are i ’It- -:ato tlu* nu iV.'r of insertions desireii, or ; -.1 -• ’liii’ed t I •/, - oiJ, un i charged accord- : : -!u iU5 to iU8 ' ,'d inside, charged 60 per IVIr». Cieo. L. Johu!«ou rei- pectfully iuforms the Ladi*# ot FftV- etteville, that she i? prepared lomake DUISSKS in the newc'^t and most approved 'tylcs, including the very fashionable L'Iinperatrici or Qored Dre»s. She may be found at the residiMice ot Mrs. T J. J'hn&on, Corner Russell and Gillespie Streei;*, or at .Mrs Wm. M-’L. McK^iy’s 0!i ilaymuunt. Oct. 11, 18G1. iS-tf ^ioLESAiJE A.\« retTTiT— For Cash. HE FARMER'S AND I’LANTEK S ALMANAC for T 18t52. E. J. HALE & SONS. Oct. 2, 1861. Foundry* a^'‘t)ci.4ifd tb«amiielv«ii fo SIM:.'^ ’* ’^OTICE. ! - 'i.i no name of a new subscriber 1 v\ Lt;iout payrjient in advanoe. nor will - Hi io such subscribers for a longer time • ’ ni- :i i cr-i a« desire lo take the pa- .^i -V will ploa:e liOtily us when making Jan'y 1. 1853. i’li!' l! A1 LUO AD HOUSE! ■ Ell. navi;igjust completed his ne n^ I- -. . K’nl i;.M Ucpui. is prepared to »c- i't“ tr.iii'- -t imd periuaueni 13oarder«. ■ uivo me a call. JOSEPH OTTVRBURO. • oville. Aug. ’J'.'. 53 3m lli'atlqiiarl€'r %Viliiiinj|^ton | U^lit Arlillery, ) Camp Botl.vn. July 20, l»Gl. r 'mj any, le.siring to be complete in every r#- ■'!, v: le glad to enlist a number of good Uri- .li'ii !it i tij tlie management of horses, wi ’. be p:ii I to each man, on enlistment, a bounty ■Mon i' V p:iy tl2: besides beitig clothed and liioil itciiiiiu •!ii furn ■I*'' II o.; - Fayetteville tPHE uu'»er*igiied Iriviiig I the } U'-}i.»se ot'carryitiK on iii(* Eoliitdry and liachiiic nn'ler tile firm of A.NDEll.^oN 5C OHD, respectful! solicit orders fr.im thos«‘ wintiu{ work in tlieir Una. 11-iving experienced M ichiul-'t'^ ari l .Moulders, tL»i ar« ludy preoared to execut# all orJers. D ANDER^^ON. J T COUD. Fayetteville, Oct. tf, 18C1. ti4if ” SPRING TRADE! ' WORTH, U l(.iUTUA.\ A: 4 0. OFFER AT WHOLESALE A HEAVY STOCK OF aRO€M^:UIES. —ALSO— A «o!nplete and wtll sflectel stock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. HARUELS north CAHOLINA LlgUi>R:'. OU 150 •• DO.MESTIC Ditto. WOKl'H. WIGliTMAN i CO. Fayetteville, \pril 12. IS''!. IStf WANTED. ^ quantity of good NSOOL \ .\KN to make socks of FOR REi^r. ^PHE TWO DWELLINGS, on the premises occupied I by the late Judge Potter, at the time of his death. Possession given on the first of November. Apply to MARY ANN POTTER. Sept 16. 67tf K. F. PEAKCET WITH A. i\. ,ncOO.\AEI», Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer, AND DKALEll IN' Groceries, Provision.s, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots, Shoes and Leaiiier, 'Raggina;, Rope, Saddlery, &c., j ^Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ! Sheetings and Yarns at Manufacturers’ prices. Si^i^Sirict attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE H\Y STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 24, IBtiO. 56tf BOOK-BINDING » . its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. ■ ;k^ll jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. II. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female Higli School. Hay Street. .Mi> 14. 1859. 14 FA VETTE ^TiVlE MITIAL 1\S111A\CE tOMPAM. Capital :n Premium .Votes atnouuts to S207,H88 ‘.iti Cash on band and other assets. 5.077 35 ttie soldiers. Ai’gust 3d. ISiJl G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Ag’t. 45-tf Total, $272,765 01 Tlie Company have paid all lo.sse« promptly, and have never made an assessment on thuir premium notes. Total losses paid, 329,682 6y Ol'KlCKKS; GEO. McNEILL, President. I>. R.VY, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.\N, Sec’y. Dibkctors; Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh. the C'jiiip 1 i iiioe iree, and all oitier necesaary ; i‘‘d rr..,uisite t'lr a sohiier. , ly u. 'nr"i' he* is a good driver and ex- ni It) .vmi‘nt of horses. The destina- .V is Virginia, as soon as equipped. ALEX. D. MOURE, C:ii>t. Co. E. lifg't Lt. Artillery. C. B. .Mallett, James Kyle. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams. S. W. Tilllnghaat. . I $100 Kewarcl. '.WA> ft. iu ti;t‘ wi bscriber on last December, *. ne^ ■> u:an D VVE. Ht- i» a lull-blooded negro, - or 10 i. cho- hi-h. well set. and intelligent for ■rtOu' 1 wiien he lelt from 16'j to 1T6, ' lit V ■ irs; he ha* a s-Mr on hi facfl. I will iriy l-'or ii- rewar-i to any pe^'son delivering him at i*i. '• ■ K-'bi-s-in Cuuaty, N. C., or for ii*'iienie:u in any Jail ?o mat 1 can get him. And ■ i irs lor proof ^uthcieut to eonvict any person t 'US lor harboring him. DANIEL McCALLUM. F .r JOSEPH B. McCALLUM. . Iv'lphus, Robeson Co., N. C., April 5. 12tf . I'r.x. w. p.KENDALL. J. 6. KENDALL COX, KE\DAM. A: CO., Jommissioli Merehauts A N D HOLES ALE GROCERS, Xo. Hi 13 >(»rtb Water St., Uilniiiiiton. C. ; -'nrJers from ttie I' l’iuny promptly executed. Particular aiteiition given to me sale ot Cotton •r produce. •J, lb61. RACK!!! FOR HIRE. The subscriber ha« a H.VCK at .Mclver's Depot, the termiiius of the VWsteru Uai'.road, with which he is ; prepared to Cuuvey Pas-Jetigers in any direction they I may wish to go. He will be ].re-;ent always on the ar- ; rival of the train. W'ith gi>od Horses and careful and I accommodaiing Drivers, he hopea to ^ive :^atisfaciion. I ALBEUT GEAN. j Mclver’s Depot. Chatham t’o . N. (' , .March 2t>. 8- I w1e?»TER.\ RAIL ROAD. A. W. Steel, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, "t . A. E. Hall. hn Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, TravwUug Agsnts. |»^“The Company invite applioationa. .Nlay 28, 1800. 21-ly SIPREME €01rF UEPOilT^ TWO \EW VOLUMES. Vol. t Jones's Law,tb Vol. a Jones’s Equity Keports, JL’^ST i>isued, for sale, or exchange I bound Nos., by Jan. 21, 1861. E. J. u»ual for un- HALE Jl SONS. 8'.*- THE g»i ?^,::i3ssK5r£*-a^ folltiwiajj rates will now be charged lor Passen- g»is on this Roa 1. vix; To Little River, I To Spoat Spring, 75 •' i To Jonesboro’, 1 W j To .Mclver's, 1 25 i Train leaves the Depot Monday". Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. >1. Reiuru;i)if, leaves Mclver's i at 12 o’clock M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres’t. Aug. 28, 1861. 71tf .\EW GOODS. 1'*.1E subscriber is now receiving a large and well »e- . lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GKOCKR[ES, ILMIDWAKH AXD CUTLK- UV, BAGGING AND U()1»E, SAD DLERY, &e., FOREIGN AND DO.MESTIC LIQUORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on suoRT timb to prompt paying customers. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. j SENATE. I Pasqtiotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbeo. ('^arrulen and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyle and Tyrrell...Jones Spenoer. j Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford... J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Hulifax...M C W'hitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. t>irteret and Jones...Dr M F .\rend*U. Greene ami Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. * Onslew...L W Humphrey. Pdaden, Brunswick. &c...Jno D Taylor. I'iiinberland atid Harnett...Duncan Shaw. .‘^ampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Jnhnston...J W’ B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash... A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. tJranville...C H K Taylor. l*orson...(' L Winstead. t»range...Jo'^iah Turner, Jr. .Alamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. I'hathani—W' S Harris. -\l.iore and .Montgomery...W D Dowd, ilichmond and Robeson....\lfred Dockery. -Anson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter .-Vdamn t'aswell...Bedford Brown. llockingha,'i...F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. ('abarrus and Slanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse A Waugh. ■Ashe, Survy &c...Jos Dobson. Ireilell, AVilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Sion*. Rutherford. Polk &C...A W Burton, liuncombe, Henderson &c...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. •\lamance...Giles Mebane. -Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. I .\.«ihe...J M Gentry, i Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. Bladen...r T Davis. I Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. lifaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. r>runswick...T D Meares. r aldwell... Dickson. ('abarrus... W S Harris. ( atawba...Jonas Cline. ( hatham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...G W Hayes. raven...C C Clark, F E .Alfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C Q Wright, J 3 Harring ton, J (’ Williams. Chowan... Small. Co umbus...N L Williamson. NEAREST AND Ql’U’KEST ROUTE TO THE RAIEIIOAD! .All kinds of Country Produso taken in aichange for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Tarus on hand at all limes, at .Manufacturers prices. lO-tf : ;u rc Jec tic tor ytay. K. J HALE i SONS UAkKK, Jr., ; .i \ i: » A I’ i. w , ; 1 i!ice next do ir to Wm. B. Wright's Law liiet ii • fit. He will alien 1 and practioe \y ;iiid Superior Couri# of Cumberland, /II ind .Saiiipsen. 1--V- 79tf pkjsmoh strange, Attoruey at Law, Fayetteville, W. C. that recently occupied by C. 0. Wright, Esq., T-, - . Hi ri iw occupied by him in Dr. Robinson’s .■1/. .rr»-cti Street. c 1 li, 1 ".).*. ”2- APT. WIEKEJJi’S i)\ THE i)i;!:i’ rmi:R BEAM.W & KOBl FOUK HORSE STIGE LIVE TO KKXWSVlLLK, VIA WAIlSiW, I.S the shortest anl most expeditious for travelers going | North or .'^outh. Leaving Kavettev'!’.c every day at 2 o'clock P. M. THROUGH IN TEN rloUUS. Our Coaches are large and comfori.-ible. 'Irivers sober and gentlemanly, our teams pood and sure of five miles an hour. The traveling public who would stuly their eomforj and convenience will take the Warsaw Staze. IlSrTHROUGH TICKETS TO WELDoN may be had at the .Stage OtEce. Fayetteville. May 2.5, 1860. 26-tf Marble Factory, REPORT ^1I\ER\L RE(illl\'. '■''in; ;n i. : have e iu->ed to be published from 1 f; .. (1 -lal p1ate>, an edition ot the Report t'apt. likes. S. Navy, and his .A-iSociates on the ti i>tri I! TMiii,; .'■! ly tlie Secix-Hity o! the .Navy to ex- ; • ]> ■ r u. '■ u of North t'aroUna. Tlii.i I n; ij; i;;ij I' .iit :ii; l :-ir)i'Un!ic statement of the /real weiiUli (i, -firtinii of tlie .'^tate, an i ttie Maf'r* 111 ■-? i.i-i !i;ct una v i.aii)ie, ol nay yet piibli.-iiieii. 1 lie .^Lll''TV.- wuiih it.e ol lilt worK. wuich is ,5W tieatly boiuidin uloHi. t’opies sent by mail, tree : ). -i ige, on liie receipt ot 5‘> cents. .A liberal li»- . i.» wuore^ialu buyei tnlc^^■ .-olicited. J,i,, y 26. ’ E. J HALE « SONS. jKecii^fio.vn TYPE FOUNDRY. 1 M r. o N L 1 -1 A N L F A (,' T O K V OF TYPE 0\ Mil THER\ MHE, SOI 111 OF BAl.il.UUKE. I .r- ot ilt; aoove Fouuury have also united ..-‘I 1 ii i y a c>nipiete I' |{ 1 N T E 11 S ’ FI It \ I ^ U1 .\ ii WA R EHOl>»E. Il.iviiij: on ii 111 I. 11- iiii iji'iiiiig to orUer, every ariicla It (uisi e for a Priui.ti/ Othce, FROM A BODKIN TL\-nL3liiT PRESS. \. (■ tan and will maiiulaciure in Richmond, as good D -iriiole, and at the satna specimen prices, as any • udry ,\’ »rih. W'e respectfully solicit the patronage 1 le South. HENRY L. PELOL'ZK & CO. e r.;f'er you to every Printer in this city. We also • f .cry N'ew-paper in the South to copy this ad- i I. lit for oiiv- month, sending us one copy of their .. .r. n.i ri;ceiving iheir pay for Buch adveniseuieui ri purchasiutc five iimes the amount of their bill , u, U. L. P. & CO. J , 40-lm Tlie Pre«liyteriaii PHaliiiodi«t ' acter notes. A further supply just received. ■ i!y E. J- HALE H SONS r'vvu v. 'O f.VITSM^U, Ui'ii KS \BOYE r. T. IIAICIl i SII.VS’ .STORK Fay«‘lt‘villc, \. i\ 1 H.ARNSSS JAS. C. McKAE, milttorney at E,aw^ wflice West end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. •l-irch 26, I860. 3tf Blank WarraDts for sa’e. Constantlj Manufacturln? at my Kstabllshmcnt VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, Saddles, Bridle;?, Collars, Whips , and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins **nd Oil: i Condition Powders, for diseased Horses a*d Cattle; j Coach Trimmings. Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, j Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, so'ld wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of Harness and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th^ VVharf. Nov. 3, 1860. 67-lj D^ATIjsTRY. Dr. j. DAV'IS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the I Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations, ^iiarges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within tne reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office OTer Houaton’i Jewelry Store, wher« he mar b« found »U Uia«8. 10, 186i. All persons are respectfully invitetl to give me a call, at the old stand of J. ilit T. Waddill, South side Hav si. A. N. .MeDONALD. Favett«ville, N. C., Sept. 24, 1800. 6©tf LAW Boots. SAUNDERS’ REPORTS; “ oil Pleading and £videa*«; Phillips on Evidence; Common Bench Reports—new series; t'urtis’a Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notts; Chitty on Carriers; ' Dateman on Commercial Law: Taylor's Law Glossary; Williams on Executors; Devereux’s Kinne's Kent; “ “ Blackstone; I Coke upon Littleton—Butler k Hargr»T«’s Not#*; ' Sedgwick on Damages; Story on Sales; “ on Bills of Exohang«; j ‘‘ Equity Pleading; ' “ on Conflict of Law«( “ on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership; ■ Roberts’ Principles of Equity, j Doctor and Student; | Broome’s Commentaries; i Lea'lini; Cnses in Equity. Hare .S TVallaoe’s Notes; | Lawyer's Common Place Book; j Greenleaf ou Evidence; ! Stephen on Pleading; j Gresley’s Equity £vid>nc»; j Burrill’s Law Dictionary; j Wharton’s Law “ j Phillips’ & Amos on Evidence; A*’chbold’s Landlord and Tenant*. ' “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainders; Tidd’s Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord i»nd Tenant; Adams' Equity; Willi.ams on Persanal Property; Mayne on Damages; .Archbold's Criminal Praetie* and Pleading'^ Lube’s Equity Pleading; W'endell’s Blackstone; Chitty’s " i Matthews on Presumptive Evid»*«*( Smith’s Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Chilly’s Oiminal Law; WillianiB on Real Property; Smith’s Chancery Pra«tiM; Sugden on Vendwrs; “ on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Property; Sugden on Powers; Smith’s Mercantile Law^ Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Vfallaee’s Xotmt Mitford’s Chancery Pleadiags; Domat’s Civil Law; Rockwell’s Spanish and Mexiean Law; Sharswood’s Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evideaee: Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome's Legal Maxims: Collyer on Partnership, &c., Ao. The Reports af the Supreme Court of North C*- rolina; Cantwell’s /uatUa; Form Book; Caatwell’s Prao- tit«, &«. 1. J. HALE k SONS. 'HHilen...I) D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. (Taswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland... A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. l*uplin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. F.dgeconibe...R R Bridgers. J S W’oodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gii.'iton...J H White. Granville... J M Bullock. W’ H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. Guilford...C P Meudenhall, C U Shober. J L Gorrell. Greent*....A D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax...A H Davis. W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyle...Tilniiin Farrow. Iredell...A K Simonton. A B F Gaither Jackson....A Fisher. Jones...W P W»ird. Johnston—W II Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V .A. McBeee. Madison...John A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C II Burgin. Moore....Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L Barringer. M aoon...H G W’oodfin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ramsom, W W Peebles Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...II B Guthrie, W N Patterson, Pasquotank...J T W’illiams. Perquimon3...N Newby. Pitt...B G .\lbritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Ilall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B II Padgett. Randolph... 1 H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Hichmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly ...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C .McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers, J W Buss, H Mordeoat. Warren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...C Latham. Watauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. W'ilkes...A W' Martin, Horton. Yadkin...A C Cowles. Yancv... Bowman. -John C. Washingtoa Lincoln—Wm. Edgeoouibe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsjth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson, Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. .Johtiston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Dardon. Guilford—Ino. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—Pt. 11. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. .Mann. Haywood—Win. Ilicks. Henderson — W. M Shipp. Hertford—Kunufth Riyner. Iredel!—.\n ier?;on .^lit(■hell, T. A. Allisoa. Jackson—W. II. Th,»nia.s. Johnston—C. li Sauuera, V/ A Smith Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir Lander Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell, Martin—Asa Bitrirs. McDowell—J. II. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. 0>borne, Wm Juhuaton. Moutgoiuery—,S. 11 Christian Moore—H. Turiier Nash—A. II. Arrineton. New Hanover—11. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. B.irnes, J. M Moody. On.^low—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (Jrahani, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquitnons—.Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes Randolph—\\ . J. Lonji, A. G. Foster Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. RowaL -B. Craige, II. C. Jones. Ruthen. *d and Polk—J. II. Carson, 31. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Tho’uas Bunting. Stanly—E Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. .'I. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren — W. N. Edward.s, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtieid. A’ancey—M. P. Penland. The undersigned wishes to purchase, deliverable at any Depot on Western Railroad or at Fayetteville, j Tan Bark, I Green and Dry Hides. Old Copper Stills. “ Brass. ‘‘ Load. “ Wrought Iron. T. S. LUTTEBLOH. October 28. 18G1. 6» 2t A Tribute o Female Patriotism.—We subjoin a lettter written by a Virginia lady, acknowledg ing the reception of a testimonial from the First Re*:iment North Carolina Volunteers. Mrs Tun- nell resided near Hampton, and the Federalists, in their attempt to surprise our little army at Bethel on the 10th of June, arrested her husband, with every one else whom they could, in order to pre vent the news of their advance reaching the Con- , federate force. 31 rs. Tunne'.l managed to elude ' them, and in the darkness of the night made her : way through the wood.>, and perlormed an act ; ut devf-tcd patriotism which proved an incalculfc- ’ bio benefit. Gen. Hill speaks of her as having I saved our army From destruction, and she truly I dt.servc.'s the tribute accorded her by the gallant : North Carolinians. Deprived of her little posses sions, aiid driven from her home by the rutblet* invadfcvri, she hopefully looks forward to the day when a complete triumph of Southern arms shall reward the efforts of our patriotic men, and punish the outrages of a wicked and unprincipled Gov ernment; j Y'cbk Cocnit, Oct. 19, 1861* i Gen. D. H. Hill, Cols. C. C. Lee, and James H. Lane, ' and members of the 1st Regiment N. 0. 'Vols. I Gentlemen: In acknowledging the reception of your kind f.iv^if, I scarce know how to thank you. To hav# coirributed the humblest service to your gallant regi- ' luent in their glori us achievement at Bethel would ever . have given me the most intense gratification, but to ' have won the approval of brave men—to be deemed by ' them not unworthy this generous evidence of their kind- I nf»ss—will always be to me a source of joyful remem- i brance. which I shall clierish through life, and, I fiope now. with just pride, bequeath as an inheritance to niy children. May it be to them an i^eiitive to imitat* your pitriof ism and your virtues. May a kind Provi dence ever “shelier your heads in the day of battle.'* May eacii of you be the recipients of the reward due to di'tiuguibhcd valor and merit. Yours, iru'y and sin cerely, HANNAH TUNNELL. Charafte.ristic Letter from Gen. M' CuUorh.\~— An Arkansas paper publishes the following letter from Gen. McCulloch, addressed to an officer who had taken some slight exception to the General's report of the Springfield battle: Camp Jackson, Ark., Sept. 24, 1861. Col. De Ro^cy Car roll: Dear Sir: Your report has been receited. I am unfortunate in not rendering satisfaction to you and others in my official report of the battle of Oak Hills. It was my desire to do justice to every man under me, and to give offence to ntjne. This was more than man could expect to accom plish, under the circumstances, as it was impos sible to see all that occurred on a field so exten sive, broken in surface, and covered with woods; j and to be guided by information obtained from j others, you have but to read the newspapers of ! the day, published in your own State, to see how j contradictory that information would have been. 1 In conclusion, permit me to suggest that the j best mode of settling the whole matter is to try it j over again! Your obedient servant, i BEN McCULLOCH. i Gen. Hoo? Susfainx Fremont and Condemns i tJie Administration.—The following paragraph, i irom the New Y^ork Herald, of the 16th, plainly ! indicates a difference in sentiment between Lin coln and his Generals in regard to the conduct ot Fremont: There is no doubt but it was intended by the “bij:litst authorities” at AVashington to displace Gen. Fremont, and give Gen. Wool command of the Western t)epartment. But the veteran Gen eral, looking over the field with the official records before him, showing the number of men and a- mount of material at the disposal of Fremont, would not take command unlesss largely rein forced. He would not attempt to achieve im- mcnse successes with inadequate means. Thb the Cabinet Caucus considered making too many conditions, and so let Fremont remain in com mand. The country will rightly consider the act of Gen. Wool a rebuke of the administration,and a justification of Gen. Fremont. There is no excuse—there can be none—for the ragfjed and destitute condition of the troops , at Cheat Mountain. Ample supplies of clothing TlfE will pay ^ cent per Ih. for old Cast Iron, and 12J j l)een provided. There has been ample trans- Tt cents per lb. for old Brass. j „,ade ready. Therefore some of the ! officers in the employment ot the United States } are thieve--, or incapable. There is n. evading this point. The soldiers know it, and the people {Sequestration j\otice* ^^^^E undersigned, appointed Receiver under tho S«- X questraiion .Act. for the coumies of Orange, Wake, Cumberland and Harnett, hereby gives notice to all persons having any lands, lenemetits or hereditaments, I goods or c’nuttels, rights or credits, or any interest therein, of or for any alien enemy of the t'onfedernte j States of America, speedily to inform me of the same, i and to render an account thereof, aud, so far as practi- j cable, to place the same in my pospession, under ttie j penally of the law for no'i compliance. i I also notify ench and every citizen of the Coniede- j rate States, speedily *o give inforintition to me of any | and .all lands, teneinenf^ and hereditaments, goods and ; chattels, rights aud credits, within the said ciumties. j I will attend the liifierent counties in a few days for j (he purpose of receiving, when due notice will be given. > G. H. WILDER. Receiver, | Raleigh, Oct 2?>. 1861 I j Faveltc‘¥illc Foundry. j per October 2?,, 18C1. ANDERSON & CORD. 68tf e Fear,) :. I8G1. J Bank C.'ipe 21st Oct Dividksd No. 104. This B.ANK ha« decl-ired a Dividend of .5 per cent., payable to .‘Stockholders on nn^l afier the first day of November next. J (J. BURR, C'ishifr. Oct. 22. 40-i:w Hc'alq«:srfi‘r.'>« Troopx, ) Adjlt-a.nt (Jr.N' ii.Ai/.s (h'fin:, Ralci-li, Oct. 15, ) at home know it. [General Order No. 2‘'.] 4 LL COMPANIES hei (CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. .Mainance—tiiloH Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. .XK'xander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—.J. I). Forbes. Anson—A. .Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. H, Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—W. ,J. Ellison, E. .1. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. I). Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—1). 1). Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Traoy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—W^arren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. 3IcNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. DupUn—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodw. 4 LL CO.MP.VMES hereafter accepted by the Gov- ernor, wiU reui-iin at home, without pny, untd call ed on for set ive service. v.hen si reasonable time will be allowed them for rracl.ing the appointed place of ren'iezvous. Tiiis !ird»T is ne>;es'4ry. on account of i the limited qn?mtity of Cloihitm and Tamp Equipage now on hand, and to enable the (Jovernor to have these supplies ready for the n^e of the Troops at the time 1 they begin their held service. By order of ttie Comin^inder in Chjef. J. (}. .M.AUTIN, .Adjutant General. October 18, 18t'il. i8 4t Fiirtlier Niippliew ot MILITARY BOOKS-FOR CASH ONLY. Hardie’s Tactics. 2 vols., S2 75; by mail S3. Gilham’s Manual for Volunteers and .Militia, ?2 7^. by mail SH. Army Regulations for the Confederate Stales, 32 23; ) by mail 52 50. Cary’s Bayonet Exercise and Skirmishers’ Drill, 51; by mail ;?1 10. The Trooper’s Manual, by J, Lucius Dtkvi«. i?l 50; by j mail 51 66. I New Map of Virginia, colored, 80c.; by mail ^Oc. Just received. E J- H.ALE Ik SONS. To Eand Buyers. The undersignei offers for sale, in the Coal rej^on, and within eight miles of the terminus of the if ay- ; etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, Eltim niXDKEH .U'RES OF LAND, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, de&d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of earn, cottou, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are ou the prem- , isea a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- 1 houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under : fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom laud This is a rare ciiance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad- I vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, j Crane’s Cre«k, P. 0., Moore ooiuity, or addr«MS me at Fayetteville, N. C. ; DANIEL McKAE, For ih* Heirt of Gilbert McRae, d*c d. OMrbcntoD, Moort oo., N. C., Aug. 24 i Ilufx tor th(‘ Soldiers.—A bill has been intro- , dufcd into the Tent.e.ssee Legislature to provide 1 cumfiirtable wooden huts, in*itead tif canvas tents, ; t«.r the coiiifurt of her soldiers during the winter. • 'rhi.« is a good move, and deserves to be followed ' l>v tho other States. There is nothing we can do i lor !lie conifort of our soldiers that ought to be negh'Cted. It is not only right and proper, but ; it is .'ioiiii'I irniKttni), to make the best provision in our power lor the .soldiers this winter. Tln‘ Eiinnif in the Yirijinid Mouutains.—The caujpaigii in tlse Virginia mountains has been one ! ot great diseointort and suffering to both armies. , A correspondent of the (Mnvinnati Times gives i a terrible picture ot the suffering in the Northern camp, particularly on the night ot the 20th of September, wiien a terrible rain storm hurst upon ■ the artny. Two rejriments were exposed to it , without any shelter. “The stoutest men fell conipletel}’ eshau.steil by the lains and blasting : v-inds. 11 tindr.-ds were struck down by the chills, i The fort and all the reliable places of shelter were j filled with the sick. The horses suffered fully as ■ budly as the men. “the weather grew colder during the night. “A tiumber of stragglers were found unable to ! walk, and were brought into camp. “I wished that the whole country could look ■ down upon that scene last night, and feel the ! piercing winds as they shivered the half clothed, almost dying troops. Scores perish here, not by ■ the bullets of the enemy, but by the mismanage- ‘ ment of the War Department, and—excuse the ^ truth—the negligence of those at home. “Only one death is known. “Some ten or fifteen hors*s were found dead this morning, and others in a dying condition. “The road down the mountain is badly cut by the torrents, and the telegraph is prostrated. “The sick—and there are many of them—are immediately attended to. ‘ Day before yesterday, the I2th Indiana and 6th Ohiojparched towards Lee's camp for the purpose or making a reconnoiseance, but after they had left, the storm I have described set in, and as the 6th Ohio was without overcoats, and many with ragged breeches, I fear they have suffered severely."