SBM1-WBRKL.Y. d 0\V1*E>* , 1 i i -i' [VOL. XL] FAYETTKVILLE, X. C., NOVHMBKU 14, 1861. [NO. 1074.1 PKINTI'.D M')N1>AYS \N1) THU1\S1>\YS. | KDWAKD~J. HALE & SOXS. K1 aNi) PKv>PIUF.T.)nS ! f’ric'o for iht S. nii-Wet'kly ()k:^ervkr 00 if paid in ;i lvniu‘e: 5^ if pai.l Jiirinji tiie yeiiv ot xab^crip- ic'n; or SI iiiior the »ear lias oxpivdl. F ’!• tfu* Wt>f 'ly Obsekvfj: Sl’ Oi' per atwiuni, if paid in fl'lviince; ■?L’ "i'' if piiiil ilurins ihe ytvir of subscrip tion; or ;iftt“r t!to y«';ir hns I'xpired. ,\1)VKRT1S1.MKNTS in-^erted fo* tiO cents jier - ;i n- of !'• lines for llio first, ami oO cents for em-li liuji publie.-itioii. Yenrly julverti>;eiupiits by sj’C- : ; 1‘iinirHCts. tit ri-isi rates. A«lveriisi-r' ure to state the iiuiiiber of insertions (ie-^ire'l. or ■ V wi!! be continiiol liM forhi'l. ;ui.l rharire'! ai’cortl- nm iiii'iii'i \iwvK r. t. ■iiiw st(irk t':>\i*lr, ■>. i'. 8i- A'lvcrti- ;i: extr nuonts t,^ be ins^ , J »' >//, 'li;irfcel por SIT i*>er t!''- 11. , : . n;iii '- it •. ti.-w-ii>w,>i-ibcr 1,' e i-niortwiitii'Ui pHviii.-ii' in ■ • .ni . . in>! ^^tU ^ I'Hper t»v t^: such ; ' ' ■ ; r lis :i !■ mi;.!- ■m is p:(iil t.ii', >,u'h .'f u r i)Ul ■•’^‘>(•'.15 i“r i ile-iri ( ! .ke the p'l i*r >n iliis sv'teni will ]i;e:>se a.Mity ii w’nen utaKin r •. !'iitnncefi. .I;in‘y 1, Johii«*oii rexi- pK'-ttully hit-inns tho Liulios nt Kay- cville. th:i( site i' prep:iic.l i=!iirike l)KS^->SK'' iniiie w.-t :ai'i ui'"’ Hj'iovjve'l 'tyle**. inelu linic the verv • -tii..n:vbie A'/"!/'- >r 1 >i- ■! l>n‘s«. Sm- may i> • ' un i lit the resiiienee nt Mrs. 1' J Johnson, (.'oriiiT lUiSMcll and Gillesjiie Mreei-i. or nt Mr* in M 1 Mi'Kiy's on Miivni 'iHit. ' 'ct. 11. iN-il ‘ '>■> 'f \VIH»Li:^AI.I^: A\l> RKTill.- Por €'as/tm nMiKKVHMKH S AM> I’LANTKUS Al.MANA« •; I 1-^ K. J. HALi: X SUN'. ; • U. IS.l], Fayetteville Foiiiiilry. 1'iiL iiU'l'' 'iguoJ ii'iviug ti'^c'i'tie'i theni'Hlres; T • ;he t ur^»> -e -if c'lU’V’r.j: on ; FoiiiKlry and ^lac liiiie nu’rihe firm of ANbKi’vSi)N ; olll). re.s].-.:;' - ' •.‘I! orders from thosi> miiti); w.>i k in thfir hn 11 ivinfi experienced Mt- hini't- ■ e lully prepared to ex'‘Ou'e 'i;; -^AIeNo 1.,"., c.dlirs. Whips l.t'.-iih'r, r.ilf Skins !ii»d (»il; t’onstantly ^lumifaoliiriirj: al iii> Kstabllshiiioiit V i;IIV V A 111 K rV or 11 \ hn i:ss, md lii!i,k-: ill kin 1 ondiiidii l’";-. ;iir d;- I. OMidi 11 itniniiii; . » i: ■’ llnr.lw-ii,. V.' I'll.- wiiolf „v r.-i:i''. il f ;.- ■ic'cnjiti.iii ili-nc". I ■ I il l- in i repair.'d. No M.irki't St. 'Viliiiiu'.: Nov. Is'iH. W‘. I'a% cttfvillc IVl.; (. ; I' ;it - ] lb •m I , !-od l!,.i-es i>»d riittle; l; ; ■. V ili-^es. Saddlery. { slock in tlif‘ Stait'. soll ■ I" ': pi ;oi'>. Kvery Srt.i I ,■> laanul'acnired to .)AMi;s WlLSdN. ■!i. N. . near th • Wlutrf. t.T-l^y I'oiiiitlry. - r 11..I C.i>' li on. and 1 2.^ THE RAILROAD HOUSE! The SL BS( IIIUEU. liavingjnst completed his u >■%■ House uearthe Kail Road Depot, is prepared to ac- coinodute transient and perinaneni Boarder^. IMease give me u call. JOSl ril UTTVIIBUKG. Fftjetteville. Aug. 29. .5:{-3tn Hea(lquart4‘r! Wiliiiiii^toii \ Ai'lillc'i'V., ) C’ami' -luly 'Ju, IStil. romj'uny, desiring to be complete in e»en/ n- l fpect, would be glad to enlist a number of good Dri vers,—men acciistorued to the niaiiagenient of horses. I There will be paid to each man, on enlistment, a bounty j Ilf $1-5. Monthly pay $12; besides being clothed and j fed. medical attendance free, and all other necessary I • )iii|>iiienfH itii nished requisite for a soldier. I No one need apply unless he i^ a good driver and ex- jierienced in the nianagenient of Ttie di!stiua- tion of the company is Virginia, as soon as eouinped. ALi:x D. Mooui:, |41tt] Capt. Co. E, Keg'i Lt. Artiilvry. \E\v i;o()iis! .\i:\i liooiis! , Pemberton I Will receive in a few days his entire stock if si'!U\ii \M) mm i:o(ii!s. KMP.K\(’1N(5 ALL THK aii«l l>eiral»lo Mpriim' AT IMUrKS Tt) sriT TIIH TlMKs. ‘ The public generally ar> re-JiicctfiiHy iiiviied Io tali early and secui e 4rj>“' 15 ' liI N . ‘Ve>& J. A. TKMI'dlKToN. .March US. isdl. htf SI PRLMK ( OlUT KKPOIITS. TWO i\i:\V VtM.l'MKS. Vol. I Jones’s Law, Jl VoI..‘».Ioiu*>’s K(|uUj Uvports, l UST issued, for sale, or exchange a luual for ui:- •) bound Nos., by .Ian. ‘21, IStll. K. .1. II \I.K .V S ).NS. S9- i To \ t'nllD. i.Stt' T ^^eqiie^tratioii \otle^ K !'•. u‘r-;.>-iu“ I n| !'. inifl Koci-iver under the Se- . .i- i M'i iU .V'*:. ' 'V tiie i*" of Or iiige. W;ike. rn.’i-t 1 iii'l i! i ll.inci' iiercl.y jiivt--. n.'lii’e to all • ’11' • •111. ! Ill 1- ciieiiit ni"' '"r hen-ditamenis. I I'reN, vu'ui .'I oi->'lit". ;;!• aiiv interest 'ar|K‘fins;! i'ar|X‘f in;?! YD.S. (.'.VKl’li l’lNi at No. ;;4. lliiy .'^t. .V I styles, all prices, all tjualilies. .\11 will he "ifcred low eitlier by whole«.ale or retail. \lso. •')-! ;in 1 12-1 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. .1 K KVLK. .')2if d- • ■reili ile- an 1 \1 'Ulder-i. ;. li.'t -i. D \NDr:KuS .i T C'*1:D •'.4. : iO. n’K Ob Ksyet'esille, 0;-t. SPRIXi; TRAl>i:i WORTH, \Vlt-HTnA\ A: i,KFK>{ \T WliOl.KS \Li: A HKWV ST GROCFlilMr.S. ^AL.-u- \ ootnplet^ H!i I 'V U -te 1 xr M-k it llAUDWARE rniERY. *;\KRELS N-'lU'ii I' VKULlN.v l.l^'loK". f)U I'/i •• DnMKSTD’ I'l't.-. V. oKTH. .KiilT.MAN' -V Kiy. - eville. April 12. I"- 1 l-'f md . 0>lb’.- nena! 1 ■t *■ ■ Ul.i : •h .|t. 1 w 0,.. , )T f \; ier. i'. I Pl..-. .f ’h.' n-i- ifv . :i U ell'OIiV d. y . 1. ' 1I--I ■- a I he I iint'edei ate lu' of tin ' lUie, -o far as t vacti ’ ,1 in II,, p --c'^'ion. under the M >n 'ii'’iaii.-e (11 t f'v-.'i v , -I'.zen of the ('’ • ■ : .V iii: I' lsi'ii'ii to iiie ot any I. Oil li.-i f'iil uiutitg(.,-d« and •. . wr'.Mi tilt* j-ii.l c .unties *' ’..’IT i-.iu:i:ie- it! a few days for n lii*‘ ii.i'i”!* wi!! be triven H W 11 DKK. Kfceiver ■ III;; WANTED. q>: i;itiiy of go *d WnoL ^ 1 ne "oldiera. 0. VN .\i'giiit 3d, IS'd wkI^era rail roao. V \ KN t o nink" ? . 1. ool.l'"^ 1> >N. A' Ail. The foll.fwing ra!e^ will now be ciiarge'i for I’ai'en- gets on this Road, vi^; To Little Kiver, To Sp Jilt Spring. T .>oro’. T.. Mcl'-er Tr-Ain leiive* Dep'^t ?'r\tay->. •t ^ o’c' >ck \. ^l. • 12 0 clock .M. M.inday-*. We in.' iletnrnin.:. loavc • liyM an-l Melver ' 1). M \LLKIT, I’re^'t. 7! if Au2 2>^. IW'd. N K.\IIKST A N I> ICK K.ST ROl Ti: TO Tin: RAILROAO: J. ., ( .|\. \V l> IvKNIiAl.l.. .1. KK.M»At.L 4 OV. A: C O , Coiiiiiiis^l4»si liereliantM \ > ■' WKOLESALl a^OCERS, No. 11 A 1*2 North Water St., Wilmin'il-'i!. i'. {s^Ord tT' tror!' t!ie • liu ! v [ loiiipt’y exe'"Hf.l. I’artii-iilir a'ten'i-'r. -ivvii t.> the sale ot » «..!'on «i: 1 )i ^.M ; v. iuo" .\t ri: 2 I'l-tf Tlu‘ lUifclic Uaua/iiit* l«r Tiay. \1 ly . I .! I. -I H \1.K .V St >NS FRBICCH STHANG-B, Alloriiey al Law, F a y et V i 11 e, N. C. (It recently orcipitii by O. right. L«)., (Ver tile "ue now 1 by hmi in !>r. Robinson's iiiiildine. Gre>n Street. liee'r 2. i 2- 1'iii‘tlit'r ol • MILITARY BOCKS—FOR CASH ONLY. H ir iu'^ T iciii''. 2 v.d . ^ . To; by mail .t'5. (ii!!i un > Manual tor \ ..liiiiit’eiand .Miliiia, .^2 7->. by triail Armv Regulatii'ii- for ilie t'ont'*'derate St.ites. •':^2 2-). , by tnai! r2 ’>' (’irv M l’>:iv>nei F.x.-roi'*' iitd .'■'kirmi'^iiers’ i.>rill. ^1; by mail -rl In. Ti I Trooper's Manual, by .1. Lucius l>avi>i, ^?1 •>(•; by mail 1 ''>■*) N*i‘w Map of Virginia, Culored. .'^Oc : by^mail H.^c. ■lust receive!. K. .1. IIAI-L ."i SONS. day at laile' BHAMAV & KOBINSON’S K«l K HORSK >H(iK LINK TO KHNINSVILLK, \l\ W^KSUV. Is ;hf! ^horte'i ai;d i... ; .-xp dii ioii^ fur traveler'-' I'oinjr N'.irth r»r S.iuiil. L*Mvin2 Favettr-ville evev 2 o do k r. ^L TllKOl'C.H IN TEN Our ('oaehes are large and comfortable, driv.-r- and g.-ntlenianly. our leatn-. and sure of tiv an hour. The traveling publio who w.iuM study tin . lii and convenience '"iil ' k- '.V i'-.-.w •. JI^THKOrOH TD KKi.-; To Uhi i»'N ,na had at the Stage OHu-e. Kaye^ icvilie. .May ‘25. IH'iM. 2 > ; \EW >iOOI>.«»i. ^pHH subscriVier is now rect iving a larg 1. lecteil •'tock of OOoDS. consisting of GKO(’KRIKS, HAllDWAliK AXI» RV, BAr;iX(i AM) lIOrK, SAD- DLKRV, .tc.. FORKKi.X AXI> DO.MESTK! and many other articles, whicli he otb r^ low for ('ash. or on ^HoRi TiMK to prompt Jiaying cu-iioniers. I i well se- To Land Rii>erM. ^ale. in the Coal region, 1 :ind witiiiii • iiiiic' of :lie teriniou'; of the Fay- ettevill ’ . \\ .“-i - Il H lil -i l ..'i Deoj, l’,iver. KIl«llT !‘NiiKK» UilKS OF LVNl), adioining :he bind bt-i-.i'einp to the e-itate of George W.b ox. de >'I, and 1\mg iuee miles South t"rom Car- b;.iiton. .n Li'tle i*." Cri. K. Moore county. Tii-.-c Land^ ar-- weli .a lapt*-d to the growth of corn, C'juiiii. wh;'at. o.u-. ryv, \e. There .are 'n the prein- c..;iiI'ortal’b‘ I)vvellinr, an.] all necessary Out- hoM'-"s. Va: Il t'ouion- hundred and Titty acres under i’enc.', nil Mi lni^ toi iy or tifiy acres of never-failing h;Mo!ii T.'ii- 1.-. a r.ire ciiancf for pet>oii. wijh- ::i;/ I ;Ki- iiivc tnieui'*. 'is lands are undvjubtedly ,al- v uii'ing la price in tiii- ';.-;iion. For turilier iir.urinati.m apply t > .\lr. .M. .M. .McRae, Trane's Cre«k. 1'. O., .Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville. N. ■. DANIKL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert .McRae, deo’d. ^l^b(lIilnil. ’vl.'ore co.. N. Aug. ‘24 4.^*'’ Ha••!»€*r's TIa M ircli 21. f«»r April. I! \LE ,v .SONS. All kind« of ('oti'itry Produce taken in exchange for Good». .'Sheetings anil ’otion Varn? on hand at all fimw. at Manufact urerb prices. All persons are respectfully invite.1 lo >rive nie a call, at the old stand of J. At T. V\ a Mill. South side llay St. A N. McDONALl*. Fayetteville. N. C., .'^^t. ‘24. IHfiO, .).>tf OKATIJSTRV. ill. .1. D.WLS having decided on p riaa- neutly locating in the Town ot Fa.ettf- Ville. respectfully offers his servic>-« to iIn' citizens of tins place and surrounding countr3*. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the- nianufactiire of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, .after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- ' lal ednoition, that he can give entire satisfaction as far , as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularitie.s of the Tc'-th treated in aproper and careful manner, as well as i diseases of the mouth. None but the proj»er metals are j made use of in the various operations, 'jimrges will be | moderate, thnt tlie betiefitsof th* Profession may be pl.'.ced within ilie reach of all who may feel an iutereHf in the preservation of the Teeth. ®S^r Office over Houston's .Jewelry St re, where ho tnav be found at all times. May 10, 18.58. *>tf bittiiks of' all kinds at tliia Olfice. | $100 Keivai’d. I) \N.\W',\V troiii t.M' rr'n;..riber on last Dcceinber, t my negro man D.WF!. He is a full-blooded negro, ') teet or 10 inche.s hiffh. well si't, and intelligent for a negro; would w>‘igh wiien he left from Did to ige.i lib.Hit A > years: lie has a .scar on his face. I will p:iy Fifty D.i:I:u-- I to any person deliveritig him to me at Phib.del]'hus. Hobc'-on coutily, N. C., or for his c'.nlinciiient m any .lail so that 1 can get him. .\nd Fifty Dollar- lor pr.i.>t sullicient to convict any person jr jier-oii-^ tur IrLrhoriii^ iiim. DAVIl'.L Mcl’ALLCM, .I'.SEl'H 1!. McC'ALLlJM. F'hiladelphus. Roiie>i(ui F, N. ('.. .\pril 'i. l‘2tf a:. F. PFAKci:, WITH A. 1lcl»0\AI.I>, (Commission .VIereliant and IVoduoe Dealer, AND DEA1,KR IN’ Groceries. Provisions, Hanlw.are. t’utlery. Roots. Shoe'^ and Leather, ’P.agging, Rupe. S iddiery, &e., ^F ii i ign .and l.j.iui.--: io Liipiors, Sheetings a.i.l \ arn.- at .Manufacturers’ prices. jg.^f"Siri';t attenti.^n paiil to orders.• SOUTH sum: lUY STRKKT, FAYiTTLVILLE, N. C. St.-.. 24, i860. 56tf Fayetteville. N. Sept. I-L l^tiO. LAW liOOKS. UAUNDEIJS’ REPORTS: 0 “ on Pl->ading and F;\ideu«ie: ' IMiillips on Evi.lence: t’omnion Rench Reports—new setie»; | i'urtis's Commentaries; ! Kos8 on Bills and Promii*sory Note-; ' fhitty on Carriers: j Rateman on Cotnniercial Law. Taylor’s Law Gloss.ary; Williams on Executors; Devereux's Kinne’s Kent; “ RIackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Rutler .*i Hargrave'i> .Votes; j .'Sedgwick on Damages: .'^tory on Sales; •• on Rills of Exchange: j Equity Pleading: ; on ('ontlict of Laws: , ' “ on Railmont?: i Chitty on Pleading; i “ . on Contracts: ' Ringhaui ou Infancy; Hare on Discovery: Gow oil P irtnersiiip: i Rubrrt?' I’rinciples of Equity. D.ictor and S'udent; lirnotne's Comtneiitaries: Lea lint: Cases in Equity. Hare .Sc W illace's N> 'e-'; ■ Lawyer’s Common Place Rook; (ireenleaf on Evidence; | .''tephen on Pleading; Gresley's Equiiv Evidence; j Rutrill'vS Law Dictionary; 1 Wharton's Law “ Phillips’ \ \inoij on Evid»‘noe: .\rchbold’8 Laivllord and Tenant; • Nisi Priu3: Fearne on Remainders; Tidil's Practice; .Starkie on Eviileuce; Hilliard on Sales; .''mith s Landlord and Tenant; .Adams' I'.qtiity; Williams ou l'erst»nal Property; Mayne on Damages; Archbold's Criminal Practice and Plsading; Lube's Equity Pleading; Wendell's RIackstone: (Tiitty’s Maitliews ou Presumptive F^videtme: Smith's Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; (^hitty's Criminal Ltiw; Williams on Rf al Properly: Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vendors; on Pro[>erty; Dart on Vendors: ('rab>> on Real Property; Sui:deii oil J'owers; Smith’;' Mercantile Law; Smith on (.'outract>; .\ddison on ** A'lams on Ejectment: 1 Crown (’ircuit Companion; .\nierican Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s Note; Mitford's Chancery Pleadings; Dom.U’s Civil Law; Rockwell's Spaui*;!! and Mexican Law; s Legal Ethics; Roscoe's Criuiinal Evidence: Edwards on Railments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evideiif^e; Oliver on (’onveyancing; Broome’s Legal .Maxims; Collyer on I'artncrship. .tc., &c. The Reports of the Suprtme Court of North ’a- rolinJi; Cantwell’s .Tnstice: Form Rook; Ctintwell's Prac- tioe, Sc. E. .1. HALE k SON.«!. Vol. Sill Raiic'roltN UniU'd «latf^ ,Tulv 10 K- •’ 'fAI.F V SON hi(Mi»fib7s'iP TYPE FOUNDRY. THE ()NLY MANUFACTORY OF TYPK OS M01jTlli:R.\ Mill., SOI Til OF B ALTIMOKK. The Proprietors of the above Foundry have also united with their Foundry a complete 1‘ 111 N 'r K R S ’ FURAiMIl -WA REIIOIi^i;. Having on hand, or furnishing to order, every article requisite for a Printing Oftice, FROM A BODKIN —TO A— i TEX-CVUiMHiR PRESS. We can and will manufacture in Richmond, as good an article, and at the same specimen prices, as any j Foundry North. We respectfully solicit the patronage I of the South. I HENRY L. PELOUZE & CO. ' We refer you to every Printer in (his city. We also I desire every Newspaper in (he South to copy this ad- I vertisement for one month, sending us one cop}’ of their i paper, and receiving their pay for such advertisement upon purchasing five times the amount of their bill from us. H. L. P. & CO. July 8. 40-lm LEGLSLATTRE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Iw.O-iil SENATE. Pasquotank ati'l Periiuitnans...J M Whedboe. C.imden and ('iirritiick...R F Simmons. (iate> and Chowan... .M L Eure. Hyde Mii.l Tyrrell....lones Spencer. Noriliampion....I M S Rogc'rs. Hertfor I....I R Slaiigiiier Rertic...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J 11 Stubbs. Halifa.x...M (j Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt.,.E.) Rlount. P>eaufort ...Frederick Gri-st. Craven...N H .''trcet. (’arterci and .Jones... Dr M F Arendell. Greeno and Lenoir....! P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Diijdiii...Dr .lames Dickson. Onsl>iw...L W Huiiiplirey. r.laileii. iJruuswick, iS:c...Jno D Taylor. Ctimberlaiid and Harnett... Duncan Shaw. .'^.itiipson... Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K l.ane .lolniston....) W R Watson. Wake...M A Ricdsoe. N.isi) \ .1 'I’aylor. Fnnklin...W Harris. Warren...T .J Piichfi>r.l. rativillc...C H K Taylor. Person...!' L Winstead, t >range....Io''iHh Turner, Jr. .\l iniaiicc aud Kaudolph....lonathan Worth. Challiam W S Harri'^ .Moore and M.'iit iroiiiory... W' U Dnwd. IIichiiioii l and Kobesoii Mfred Dockerj’. .\tison .and riiiou...S 11 Walkqp. (Juilford... Peter ,\datiis l’a-w.-ll... r.edlor.I Itrown. Rockin'jlia,F L .'^impsoti Meckh‘itbiir”'...diihii Walker, t .il'irrus .ind Stanly...\' C P>arringer. Rowan and Davie... Dr .1 G Ramsey. D.iviiKiti... 1(10 W riiiirnas. .^toke** and For-iyth....)e'ise W’augh. .Vshe, Surry vVc los Dobson. Iredell, Wiikc' \c...l. il .'^harj)e. I Ruike. McU.iwell xc...l> Gaither. ‘ Lincoln, (ia-'ton ."icc la-^per Siowe. 15litliert"!'1, P.)lk .Vi’ \ W Roncoiiibe. ilender'.m \c...G«iio W Candler. II ly woo.I, Mai’iiii iVi'...W II Th(>mas. HOUSE OF COMMi>NS. I Alamance...(iiles Mcbme. i .Alexander...Dr .1 M ('arson. .\nson...L L Polk, E R Liles. A-he....) M (Jentry. liiirke....) H Pearson. Riincoiiibe V Merriiiion. i l»laden...t’ T D.avis. Rertie...!’ T lIiMiry ami Ferguson. i Reaiifoi t... R S D iiiii.dl, W T Marsh. I Rriin'Wick...T D >L‘ares. Caldwidl... Dickson. 1 Caban ii'i... W .S Harris, i Catawba....lonas (Mine. 'hathui>i...W P Taylor. R N Green, Turner Ryuuni. t.'herokee...t» W Hayes. t’raven...C C (’lark. F E .Mfre l, Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, .J S Harring ton. .1 t’ Williams. I v'hoHan... Small. Kdsjeconibe and Wilson llowur'l. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. Franklin—A. D. WiUiams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. W. S. Battle, Geo. . L. Patterson. j From the Charleston Courier. The North Gaioltn i —Kditurs Courier:—In looking over the proceedings of the j Macon Convention, I noticed, among other reso- ; lutions passed, one suggesting the propriety and importance of opening up a coninmnication with (jranville A. . Venable, f. L. Hargrovo, j Coal Fields of North Carolina. This is not a S. S. Koy.'^ter. (}reene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—.Jno. A. Gilrner, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. ]j. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. .Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. I). Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. II. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. (Jsborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. (Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. fl. Arrington. New Hanover—H. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasqnotunk—II. K. Speed. l*eriuiiuons—Jos. S. (’annon. Per.sou—John W. (’tiningham. Pitt—F. li Sutterthwaitc, B. Gritiies. Randoljih—W. J. Long, A. G. I’o.'-ter. Richmond—W. F. Lt'ak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, .1. C. Southerland. Rockiii.;h:Mn — ]). S. Reid, Iv T. Brodnax. Rowat -B. C’raige, H. C.. Jones. I new idea. I desire to bring it to your notice that ' you might, if you think proper, bring it before I the public, particularly the people of Charle.ston, I who will be most benefited by it. The enter- i prise is not a new one. The matter has been un- i der consideration before, and two applications for ' charters, with a view to this connection, were be fore our Legislature as its last sitting—one lor a road from Florence, S. C , to the North Carolina line in the direction of Fayetteville, N. C., the other for a road from Society Hill, S. C., to Ben- nettsville, S. C., and thence to Fayetteville, Ni (V The former plan is the one I suggest. It is ad mitted by favorites of the other plan to be the be^t connection. A charter has recently been serur- j ed to build the road from Fayetteville, N. C , to I the line in the direction indicated, and it proper encouragement is given by the friends of the road in this State, there is scarcely a doubt that tht- road will be built from Fayetteville to the line. There is already a road from Fayetteville to the Coal l'’ields, 1 think, completed. 1 will not un dertake to di.scuss the merif.s of the proposed plan, but leave it to abler hands. excuse nu* for trespa.ssing upon your time. 1>. A. .'IcRak Clio, S. C., October 25, 1801. Vuptain •JunFf>h IV. Alextnuhr.—'I'his officer who recently distinguished himself in the engage ment at Chickamiconiico as the C’aptain of the Raleigh, is a native of North Carolina, a true chip ot the old block, being a descendant of the Alex ander family of .Mecklenburg, who wore such ar dent patriots in the war ot tiie Uevolution. He is a .son of flic late Ckd. W. .J. Alexander, ot Ijincoln countv. He was educated :it Ann:; Ruthcri. -d and Polk—.). H. Carson. M. Dur-1 polis, where he graduated with the highe^t hoi ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thoma.s liunting. Stjinly—K. llearne. Stokes—(_\'aeant.) Surry—T. V. llamiiti. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I nion—11. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Bad.^or, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. P]dwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—.J. \V. (’ounsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thomp.son. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Yancev—M. P. Penland. (’o umbu'...N L Williamson. ('•linden... D D Fciebce. (’urieret... D W Wtiitehurst. (’a-^well... Withers, S P Hill. ’urrituck... M M Baxter. Clcaveland... \ (J Waters. .T R Logan. Davi.Ison... Lewis Haynes, E R Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin....) D .'Stanford. .1 (i Branch. E IgecoTiibe...K R Briilgers. .1 S Woodard. For'^yth. ..I F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green, tlaston I H White. Gi aiiviile....! M Bullock. W H .Jenkins, S II t^'annaday. G’lilt'or i...(' P Mendenhall. C E Shober, .J L Gorrell. (i: ccne... .A D Speijht. tiaie^ liihn Boothe. Haywood...'' L Love, tialiiax...H Diivis. W B Pope. Hertford...J .1 Yeates. Heii b'i .11 ....loK P .Iordan. Hy'iv...Ti!i!iin F.irrow. Iredell...,\ K .Sinionton, \ R F Gaither .lackson V Fisher. .Iones...W P Witrd. Joiiti'ion—W H Watson, .Ia« Mitck.-'nsr. Lt‘noir....I ’ Wooten. Lincoln...V \ ''L'Beee. M idi'-on....lohn \ F.agg. .M irtiti... Kwell. McDoweii...C H r.urgin. Moore....-W'xander Kelly. M'witgonu ry... E L Barringer. .Mac.iii... !i ti Woo.ifin, Meckleiibura...S W D.avis, J M Potts. Na'-li...H i William^;. New Haii.'\er...S .1 Per'^oii. Daniel Shaw. NortiiMiiij'ton... M W I’amsom, W W’ Peebles Onflow....! H F\>y. Oiaiige...H P> tJuthrie, W N Patterson. P i'pit»i ink....I T Williams. Perquimoti'...N Newby. Piit...B (5 .Mbvitti.n. t'hurcbill Perkins. Pv-rsoii... Wilkinson. Robe.-on—.\lex McMillan. Eli Wishart. R.ickiiigiiani... Hawley (Jalloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall li 111 lu-rti>i-.i...(' T N Davis. 15 H P.adiett. lolph...l 11 Foust, Thos S Winslow. l!i>:liiiMii.l....) 1 P-lue. '^amp-oti,..N (’ Faison. Geo W’ Autrey. .''iirry...W Waugh Siokt--- -ILe. itio Kelliim. Staiily... Latayetie Greene. 1^ riell...* ’di t-leese. l'iiion...C Leiuinonds. W.ike...S II Rogers. .] W Russ, H Mordecai. Wain n... I B Batciielor, W H Cheek. Wa.^hingum...(’ Latham. Watauga...Th.(inas Farthing. Wayne... W T Dortch. M K Crawford. Wilkes....V W .Martin, Horton. Yadkin,,,A C ('owles. Yancy... Bowman. (’ONVKXTION OX NORTH CAROLINA, laniiiticc—(lilu-s Mebane, Tln)s. Ruffin. .Mocaiidor—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. 1). Forbes. Aiisdii — . AJy?r.', 'I. .V. Leak. Bcrtif—S. H. Spruill, .James Rond. Bi'^—W. .). Kllisoii, Iv .1. Warren. l>l.adi‘ii—Ni.‘!ll i\elly. Ihuiiswick—r. n. Meares. Bu!ic(»’iii>t:—N. V\ . VYoodfin. Burko—j. C. McDowell. ('ab.irtus—C Phifer. Cnhlwell—Fi W .lones. Caniden — D. I>. FtTobee. ('arteret—C. R Thomas. ('asvyoll—Betlford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—I*. C. Henkle. (Miathaiu—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., L. J. -Merritt. ('herokee—A. T. Davidson. C’howan—R. H. J)illard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—(Jeo. Green, .Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David .McNeill. A. S. .McNeill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C- Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Bhodei. l*KOCI.AMATIOi\ By his K\oelIent*y Henry T. Clark. GoTernor of North (arollna. I-^XECiTTivE Department, | R\lek'iH, November 7, IHOl. j I N pursuance of tiie power vesied in me by the 19ih 1 section of the Constitution, and by and with the a.l- vice of the ('ouncil of State. I do iiereby prohibit the •■xportation beyond the limits of this State of all Bacon, Pork. Beef. Leather. Men's Shoes, W'oolen Goods, •leans, Linseys and Blankets, Ac., ^c., e.xce)it through the orders of the proper officers of the Confedfrate Government or of the State Governments. The .adju tant General will emplo}' the necessary means to carry into full effect this order. -All agents to purchase for the State are required to have written authority. HENRY T. CLARK, Governor Ex t)fficio. Nov. ^•. 73-4w llorisejii Wanted. iWlLL be here ou Monday the 11th Nov'r, for the purpose of purchasing from One Hundred to Three Hun dred HOKhKS. None are wanted less in size than FIVE feet high. None are want ed that are les.s than FIVE years or more than NINE jears several daj’s. Th»> Horses »re wanted for 2d Regiment Cavalry. For sound suitable Horses liberal prices will be paid in cash. •FAMES W. STRANGE. Captain Cumberland Cavalry. Nov. 73 2t i\ew Orleans 8ii|[?ar. HHDS. PRIME N. O. SUGAR for sale by 0 GEO. W. WILLIA.MS « CO. Nov. ♦’>. 7‘2 4t A Pair ol Lady’!* iiaiter§, were left in the Sub.scribci> Book Store a few weeks ago, which the owner will please call for. .Vlso, a small jiackage containing a Lady’s Cape. E. J HALE i SONS. f old. I will remain TO TR,1\*EL.IjERS, CONNECTION BETW'EEN Wadesboro’ and the W. C. 4 R. Railroad, at Trol- Unger’s Depot. ors, and sailed soon alter to Japan in the James town. He returned about a mouth, landed in New York, inatle his escape, resigned his com mission and is now doing faithful service in the Confederate cause. He is juite young, being about 21 years of age. Long may he live to win fresh laurels, and wear with honor his new title “The dare-Devil.” IIome-Mtule (Jninint.—The Hotiston (Texas) Telegraph ?ays a gentleman at that place ha>- manufaetured (irom the bark ol the prickley ash it is conjectured^ a medicine so nearly represent ing c^uinino that it deserves to be eaikd by that n'Mue. “it slays tiie ciiills every time. ' (.Quin ine eun do no more. Cheap Blanket)^.—Newspaper blankets are coming into vogue. They are no joke. .V cor respondent of oiie ol our exchanges thus refers to the matter; “I have recently heard much about the value of newspapers as a substitute for blankets, aud have considered the statement to be apocryphal. But, last evening, I was induced to make the ex periment. I took four full sized newspapers and pasted them together at the edges, making one large sheet the size ol a blanket. 1 then remov ed the blankets /rom my bed, and placed the newspaper sheet between the one remaining blan ket, and the counterpane. The result was a comfortable night’s sleep, without any feeling ot cold. 1 pledge my word to you, gentlemen, that this is literally true; and my object in making the cominunication is, that through the inediuiu oi your paper, thf* fact may be generally circu lated; tor it is no fritling matter to the poor to know that for an outlay of a few pennies they can supply themselves with a comfortable bed cover ing through the winter. One of the printer-^ connected with the Advocate officer has also made a trial ot the matter, and says it works like a charm.” Stj/i/iem' (j'aruu nts.—A number of suggestions have been made of improvements in .soldier.^’ gar ments to increase their comfort. A correspondent makes a novel recommendation ot an “invisible overcoat.” The idea can hardly be better ex pressed than to say that, if an ordinary vest, but toning up to the neck, were reversed, the bacli. being put upon the breast, the comfort of an or dinary overcoat would be obtained by the process. It is certain that no article of winter clotliing is so utterly at fault as a vest, il the body and substance usually pu» in the front of a vest was transferred to the back, it would obtain a eoniiurt tor the wearer tliat would astonish him. It is .said that a common summer vest, of tolerable sub stance, with two itiicknesbes of flannel put into the back under the slazy etuii commonly put in, will protect one from the severe colds of vwntcr. If the same thing is dune with a good winter vest or with a .soldier’s blou.>e, the comfort will, of course, be increased, and the wearer wili lie fur nished with an “invihiiile overcoat,” said to be as c.inifortabie as the superntimerary garment itselt. Richniond Exumint r. TH E Subscriber having placed comfortable Coaches, with GOOD ID»R8ES and (^\REFUL DRIVER.^, on the route lu tween Wadesboro’ (via Rockingham) and the Wilmington. Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, at Trollinger’s Depot, is prepared to carry passengers. and Ufjht f'uckttgfx between those points. Until further notice, itie following schedule will be observed: Leave the Railroad, TUESDAY, THL'RSD.VY and ?.\'I'URD.\Y.*^, .after the arrival of the train from Wil mington, and reach Wadesboro’ next morning at 10 o’clock. Leave Wadesboro' TUE'^D.W, THURrfD.W and S\- TURDAYSat 1 o’clock P. .M., and connect with the Rtiilroad going to Wilniinglon J^“No night travel either way. D. ^i. McR VE, Proprietor. November 7, IHf.l. 7H-Xmpl .METTILE.^IE^TS. The subscribers will be glad to settle accounts due by or to them. E. .J. H.ALE & i'ONS. (iEO. W. VVILLI.M\r.S i CO.. %Vliole«ale Dealers in €i»rocerie«, AND IMPOKTKRS ,\.ND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., HAY STREET, F.iTETTEVHiLK Ihtjl. .July , N. C. 8(Jtf }KK)K-BIM)L\G /t-4. \ it3 kinds, executed with naatuess and despfctch. 'jLjil jobs when done must be paid before deiivered. THOS. H. TILLINGIIAST. Opj'osifp the Female High School, Street May 14, 18.>9. 14 Letter // o»u a n'llujl'i 1. — It is ttlready known that Garibaldi has been invited to a jiosition in the Federal Army. The Northern papers say that the United Siates Consul at Antwerp ha.s received (he following letter from him in reply to the (jfTer tendered him: (’.M'ltt.K.v. I'^epteiuber ID, 1^0}. My hear Sir: I saw Mr. .Sanford, and regret to bi.w oiiligo'l to annuunce'U that j sh.tll tiot be able to to fl"-- 1-H'ted States at pre:-ent. 1 0:> not donlit of the trinuijih of the cause..d tin Cnion, .and tliat shortly; but, il the war .shouhi, utii'orluiiat.dy, continue in your beautilul count r ., L shall overcome ail obstacle-, which detain me, and htisten to the defence ot a j)cj[»le who are dear to me. G. (iAKlBALDl To .Nlr. (^nigale, C. S. Consul at Antwerp. d Jifi Deiji'f.ix..— John Newfon J*ay.s, Satan seldom comes to Christians with great temptations, or with a temptation to commit a great sin. Vou bring a green log ami a candle together, and they are very sale rieighbors; but bring a tew shavings and set them alight, and then bring a lew stnall sticks and let them take tire, and the log be in the tnidst of theTU, and y««u will soon get rid of your log .Vnd so it is with little sins. Vou will be startled with the idea ol coiomittini; a great sin, and the devil brini;s j vou toindulire yourse.l. “’ih .i i n t u- ; in thi.s;” “no great peril in that; ' at. i s . ;s .h r- ; little chips we are first easily llghteu un, and ; last the ;.irten log is burntd. U atch and pray Blank Warrants for sale at this Ortice. | that ye enter not into temptation.

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