iky/ lU'. N ' i 4lpd »HIc |>y ,MU0KK 'l-4ipd SBMl-WBEKLiY. METMB . for j, «>pt Mint, Keoifuu for made i© t , ' Jiarlei. VNE ttiH; ■^Pd' ' uii=-v • ue,4*^_ •* ■ -i-i »Dil |1‘. N - IT .1 M.J “f fVdlLY lUf laektMeh of a'a ■'•■ e Gfw L-- -, 'o ild , ried Men, I '■ A : ‘ AiL, ^ ■ 'u:>.. ■ I r^.-^uDt I! ;dc up »on;f h.i4 Ar- v >nr'. Ji?ri4t« [VOL. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 21, 186L [NO. 107G.] H. 4 A UU wlii. Brprlse? Qg • .e, speedy : -rJ "' A Merv^Mu. khi# . r I be ’ .e-r-ji -w !c'‘A ' iti. HAt. H* . .V. ae = , ' '■%' - -• i'l>: nd ('oainiou # V .CJ :n ; ' ! . - m wilt I’- .. u8 baTliii . - ;u« A - •' ■„ ^ i,KSt Ix .• u.i; -y.‘ L -i . ' :;ie .! ^rago ;f 1 • u> Lk. !«vpi\r. , lit: 1 au. :rlu lit :;- I?'-- K, the ' yoirt* t t • tn.- o ' a i^r’U iN’b SKS, !* • INENS •"- are i 0\*DKJ» r? .lU ' * * ! B-, 7U«1 r Stt e- IMIINTEU MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. E0WAKD J. HALE & SONS. El ITORS AND PROPRIETORS , Tor the Semi-Weekly Obskevkr $3 00 if paid in iv.incc: $3 60 if paid during the year of subsorip- i- n; or $4 after the year has expired, iio Weekly Observer $2 00 per annum, if paid in lv;Mice: 5- *>0 if paid during the year of subscrip- u: or 00 after the year has expired. ADVKRTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per . ,ie of 10 lines for tho first, and 30 cents for each ■f.Hiig publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ' -..ntracts, ftt reasonable rates. Advertisers are to state the number of insertions desired, or , wHl I'o continued till forbid, and charged accord- \ iv ViistMiients to be ins'r«^ insidf, charged 50 per Sl’ECIAL NOTICE. I riiid :Utcr this date, no name of a new subscriber • •uteved without p.'.ynient in advanoc, nor ■will u.r be ^^nt to such subscribers for a longer time ■1 i> paid for. ii of -n.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa- :his system will please notify us when making / nices. Jan’y 1, 18o8. School i^otice. (V St I1,)0L in the DONALDSON ACADEMY, on I IIAYMOUNT, will be re-opeued on T U ES D A Y, :)15ER 1st, 18G1. Tt^ms, per QuarUif of 10 wtekt: English, $7 50 (’lassical, 10 00 (Contingent, 26 JESSE R. McLEAN, Principal. August li*, 18C1. 4ytf FAYETTEVILLE Female HIgrh School. TERMS. 1 per SesFion of 20 weeks, S»>0 00 !i in Collegiate Classes 20 weeks, 20 00 “ Academic •».»»• 16 00 •* Primary. “ “ “ 12 0(> i ii tiial expenses, 1 00 i nil ion in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and • Languages, &c. at the usual rates. tne-half of Board and Tuition requir«l in ad- : the other half at thfe beginning of the 2d Quarter. SCHOL.ASTIC YEAR. So'sion—Commences 1st October. Ends 17th February, i .'^r-iion.—Commences 18th February. Ends 6th July. T. C. HOOPER, PrincipaL . ;,t. 9,1801. ■ 77tf “¥otice. pllE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered tb« mili- I ^!»ry service of the Confederate States of America, Ti 'y give notice to their old customers and friends, ■ they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. '• ''i;irus, of this place, their attorneys to collect either ; tritely or conjointly all moneys due them either by ■ or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu- ' ' generally during their absence. They respect- V n-k all persons indebted to them to call as prompt- 1-! }> >ssible on their agents and make payment. STASR & WILLIAMS. 19, 18G1. 58-tf EAGLE HOTEL, ' ASHEVILLE, N. C., APRIL, 1861. Dear Sir: Permit me to call your attention to (he E.\QLL HOTEL. I have it rc-p:iinled; all the roonis i are neatly carpeted, and the Hotel is in heiicr (inlev i than any other House in tlic tuountairs of North (?nro- j liaa. I am also better supplied with good and sittcu- tive servants than any Hotel in this p;irt of tho St \te. I would say to the first class visitors that 1 an> pre pared to entertain j’ou, in a style superior to any house in Asheville. Having had several ye u\s exporieuce lu the business, I flatter m}’self that 1 can inake your stay at the E.\GLE, both pleasant and agrooiible. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a nuniher of new ami beautiful HACKS, CARR1\GES, BUGGIKS. AM) SADDLE IIORSKS. That my guests can get at a minute’s notice 1 will keep a Carriage in readiness for per.sons tliai may bo desirous of taking morning or evening rides. 1 assure the travelling public that they will find evoryihing they may desire at the Eagle to make them comlovtahle. This Hotel has superior advantages over any other house in Asheville, as the Stage t)ttice is kept hero for all the Stages that atrive at and depart from this place. I would say to families that ir.'end visiiiug our beau tiful town, and expect to remain several weeks, it will be well for them to write aud engage rooms, as tho Eagle is ganerally pretty much crowded by the ini l lli of July. As regards charges, 1 will make them suffi ciently moderate to suit the preseni times. Hoping to have the pleasure of sooing you at the Eagle, 1 am yours respectfully, J. M. BLVin, Proprietor May I, 1861. T.>-tf COAL. The undersigned having made arrangements for Mie exclusive supply of (’OAL from the Egypt Mii’os, North Caiolina, is prepared to make engagements for supplying the same. Application must be inaile to T. S. Lutterloh, my ageiii in Fayetteville, or iu Charles ton, South Carolina, to JAMES r.UOWNE, Market Wharf, (.'orner of East IJ iy. Nov. 1. 71-linpd A ^iiiiokiii:;: Cliiiiiiit'y. k NY person having a smoking tire-place can have ii XV remedied by addressing me at the FayettoviUe I’osi Oflice. White Washing, Itrick W(rk and l‘l:ist,-ring done in best manner. .Vll my woi-k warranted to be done well or no pay. .\nd if any chimneys heretofore built by me should smoke, they will be altered without charge. DAVID McDUFlMK. Fayetteville, N. C., March 2'.*. 0-lyp'l Who will go into the Enterprise? i SUPPOSING that there are those having e ipital they would like to invest in putting into speedy opera tion divers classcs of manufacture which must now be established in the South, I would take this method to inform any such, that I have a never-failing WWTEll- POW EH, (with plenty of room,) at the Merchant .Mills in the centre of Fayetteville, N. C., capable of running •iny machinery of light order, and wsuld be pleased to li.-ive the satwe profitably employed. R. McDANlEL. October;'), 1861. 63tf A iiwini ThP New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, Ay Vuhoi'mIcIIN i ART. WooduarcIN Solar Camera. I)H(>TOGU.\PHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight I (!;illery. Hay street, opposite .Marble Vard. Fay- ett ville, N. C.; plain, retouched, coloreil, in water !•('! >r. oil and pastile; from small to life size, .\mbro- lyi -s, .Mflanootypes, and all other styles of Pictures p.'r .li'i' to the Art. .\lso. Gilt Frames. Gilt .Mould- Mig. (I . for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 3ti uiciios. ,'ord and Tassels for hanging picture.^; Instru- iiients. Stock ami Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life •iiif colored Photographs maile from small pictures. Having permanently locateii here 1 liope to merit y.iiir patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the gooil people of F.iyetteville aud vicinitj'. C. M. VANt>KSUELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 ' 77- M »Vo. Hay Si. Ilk YUS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by lw,\/UU wholesale or retail. oO Doz. WO(JL and otiier H ATS. CLOTHING ■ :it greatly reduced prices; together with a large and vai'ied stock of vriPLK ii i\i:v Din (iooDs^ MAKEPEACE M'RAE. for s+ile. ■ all of which will l>e offered on .as House in tJie Statw. Oct. 4, 1860. favoral>le terms as anv J. K. KVLE. ' •>tf Have on hand and expect to keej' for s+ile. "f their own 'u inufacture, a supply of Hrajii, G ilv iniifd and common Hooped JIWIPKR Itl i Kiyrs; French, High Post, Cottage and Common Spring Mattresses, of new and improved Spring, on ; hand or made to order of any size; LOUNGES; Spring, Cane, and Wood Scat CH.VIRS, of ditferent kinds and patterns; Spring Sofas, Lounges ;md Chairs, ’ repaired, and covered with Hair Cloth or >ther- wise; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbl«. \ Hlids.; Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plastering Hair. As we have good Machinery for Sawing, Planeing. Turning, Morticing and Boreing, we can do work with despatch and on satisfactory ter:;:-. Persons having work or repairing to do will do well to give us a c.ill. We warrant o'lr work; if it fail-*, you know where t' find us. Having taken a Store on the East side of Gillesj .o Street, a few doors South of .A. W. Steel, Es'j., an«i having some spare room, we would attend to the sior;*..:o and sale of any thing that may be consigned to \is; and will give special attention to products of tlii' State. Fayetteville, .\pril 1, 1861. 9if .■'opt. DENTAL NOTICE. R. SCOTT oan be seen in his ofl5c«, 2 doors aast of the market, at his re gular ofl&ce hours from 9 o’clock A. M. 'il 3 o'clock P. M. ■Sept. 13. 57-tf ~^wa:vted, k SPAN of gooi sound draft HORSES, not ov«r i V years old. JNO. C. BOOTH, Capt. Art’y, Comd’g N. C. Arsenal. For Rent. .Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store 1 :iud 1». \ W. McLaurin’s Store, and at present oc- \iie'- by them. I’ossession given 1st September, hor terms, apply to D. Ac W. MoLaurin, oi S. T. ! !wl(*y S Son. -\iigust 15, 1861. 48-tf T'imher JW^ntedm I).\IITIES having seasoned W'HITE OAK TIMBER ! tr im one and a half to six inches in thickness, and ' six to twenty inches in width, and wishing to dis- of the same, can find a purchaser by applying in 1m or b3' letter to the undersigned at the Arsenal. JOHN C. BOOTH, Capt. Art’j. Comd’g Arsenal. Fayetteville, Aug. 21, 1861. R A 50-tf CARD! FEW L.VDIES oan be acoommodated with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER, 'opt. 12- 56- Cotton Yarn. I I’PLY to C. B. Mallett or Messrs. Ray & Pearoe. \ C. B. MALLETT, Ag’t. • (ctober 19, 1861. 67tt .\otiee lo Soldiers’ Friends. I H.WE made arrangements with Capt. M. Bledsoe 1 of the Quarter Master Department, to forward to any ■ i ^pany, or to any member of any Company from Cum- •rl:i! d County, any article of clothing that their triends , V desire to send them. R. W. HARDIE. (K:t. 16, G6-tf RECRUITS WANTEir^ l\/ -\NrED 25 men for the 5th Regiment N C. State VV Troops, .\rmy of Manassas. Each recruit will b« paid a bounty of $15 as soon as mustered into Service, Hnd ill per month during term of enlistment. Those desiring to enlist will apply to me at the oflice of J. G. .^Itepherd Esq. J.\S. C. DOBBIN, Jr. Oct. 16th 1861. 66-tf ]WOTI€E. V.s 1 expect to be absent from home a f«w months in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized \k lit to transact my business until I return. N. G. JONES. 1). , 'r 28. 83tf $’25 REW AUD. .\N.\W.\Y from the Subscriber on Fri lay last tho 11th inst., my boy VIRGIL. He is pro6;ibiy lurk ing about the plantation of .Mrs. Louisa Hargrove, on Carver’s Creek, where he has a wife. 1 will p iy tin- above reward for his delivery in jail. G. D. r.AKUR. Cumberland county, July 16. t»-tf JO.SEPII R. BLO.SSO-M. CVRVS S. V.\N .\MRlN(iK. ; JO^. R. BLOim^On A: €oiniui!»i$ion j^lercliants, .I*. V._ f^*Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Proiluce to be shippoi’ to other ports or sold in this market. Febyl2, 1861. A. .n. CAnPBELI., Auctioneer and Commission .Merchant, —will attend to the sale of— Ooods, Wares und •fferrlutnflisr. Real Estate, ^Veffroes, ^V. June 24, 1861. •{ }-6m ! ULAKK & TURLINGTON. j COMmiSSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, NO. WILL give special attention to the sale or shipmont | of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Tiiiibor, and | Other country produce. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce- | ment. Hair, &c.; and \GEXTS FOR STEAMIiRS K.\TE ^IcLArRI' AND SIN. j Refer to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank ot Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres t Wilniinglo'" liriiiieli ; Bank of Nortii Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. ' Dec. 14, 1860. 7^^tf | HEAVY 4-4 mHE ROCKFISH MANUFACTUlllNG COMPANY, X of Fayetteville, N. C., solicit orders for Sheetings 86 inches wide, 3 yards to the pound. The Goods com pare favorably with the same styles manufactured in Massachusetts, and have for many years been sold in tlie New York and Philadelphia Markets. C. T. H.\1GH, Pres’t Rockfish Co. Fayetteville, June 1, 1861. ~ RORV flc.liAIR, flttorney anti Counsellor at Wjavu, LUMBERTON, N. C. ILL attend and practice in the County anl Superior Courts of Robeson, Richmond and (’umberland. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. 6, 1859. •'35tf WOKTH, im voceries I iwroceries / / \I,A1\(»K and well selected Stock of F.V.MILV Gl’iDl'ElilES always on hand, consisting of IJacon-Sidcs, Mo.ss I’ork, Mullet,s, Maekfrol, Nos. 1 and '1, Mola^^ses. Sugars ot all i^rades, 'robacco, (’iijars. And all other articles usuallj' kept iu a Wholesale Gro cery Kstablishment. COX, KENDALL .V CO. Wilmington, April 2, 18*il. li>-tf \VA.\TEU FOR (0.\FEl)EKlTli mm, Thirty good, reliable, unmarried Men, I enlist for TH K EE V E.\ KS or DURING THE U .\ ii, 1. aud to be stationed at the .Vrsonal aud .Armory at Fayetteville, unless speci;illy re.pured for other service. I’.iy trom Eleven to Twenty-Two Dollars per month, 1 with sucli an amount additional as merit will warrant) with rations, (juarters, medical attendance, xc. 1 desire no oue to enlist who shall ri«t have made up his miul to be governed by the Regulations and .\r- lioles of War tor the Government of the Confederate ■Vriiiy. • JNO. C. BOOTH, Capt. .Vrt y, C. S. A. Comd’g A. i Armory. Fayetteville, Sept. 1861. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J .M S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Alartin aud Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...U T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort ...Frederick Grist. (’raven...N H Street. ('arteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New H.anover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. On:slew.;.L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren... T J Pitch ford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person...C L Winstead. Orange...Jo.i'iah Turner, Jr. ■Mamance vnd Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson... Alfred Dockery. .\nson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter .\daras (''aswell...Bedford Brown. Rockinghan...F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. Daviilson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse .\ Waugh. .Vshe, Surry Xc...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Ibiike. McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Ruihert'ord, Polk &C...A W Burton, liiincombe. Henderson .tc...Geo W Candler. Haywood, .Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. 1 alliance... G i les Mebane. .Vlexander...Dr J M Carson. .\nson...L L Polk, E R Liles. Ashe...J -M Gentry. l!urke...J H Pearson, liuncombe....\ S Merrimon. IUaden...C T Davis. l’>ertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. JAiME?5i kyi.e HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY OF DRY — Among which are— 1 I’IKCKS CALICO: lOUU 500 PIECES LAWNS: Black and Colored Silks; Iriih Linen and Diapers; Bolling Cloths, No. 1 to 11; Meu and Boy’s Clothing. Witli a large assortment of all kinds of m » Al0 9 All of which were purchased at .Vuction and private sale by tl.e jiackage at panic prices, and will be otferod clieaj) by wholesale or retail. Aprifll, 18'il. 12tf FAYETTE VI 1.1. E Ml'TlAL IXSfRAVCE COMPA\¥. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to C:isli on hand an'l other as.sets. 267,688 '/t 5,077 :55 Total, S22,7t>5 t»l The Company have paid all lo.sses promptly, and have never inaile an assessment on their premiutn notes. Total losses paid, ' S29,682 6'. Officers; GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.VY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibectors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, VVm. McLaurin, Nathan .V. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, Attorney at Law, Fayktteville, N. C. \\riLL attend the County and Superior Courts of M Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Cotin- Prompt attention given to the collection of all 58-tf JOSl'.PH HAF^R, Jr., ATTOR.\EY AT LAW, n AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Q ' Hlice on Green Street. He will attend and practice ' >he t.'ounty and Superior Courts of Cumberland, iil'i'h ti. Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1869. 79tf iitis entrustetl to his hands. )ct. 17, 185‘>. W T. C. & B. C Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf U. W. BULLARO, Commission •llerrhan /, WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT and PERSON.\L attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all otlier country produce. RKFKK TO 0. 0. Pabslky, Pres’t Com. Bank at Wilmington. John Dawson, “ N. C., at do. Messrs. H. & E. J. Lilly, 1 Fayetteville. Messrs. Pbmberton & Sloan, j A. Pakkbe, Esq., Harnett County, N. C. May 7, 1860. 15tf C. B. .^Iallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J- G. Cook, A. Mclvothan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R. F. Brown, \ S. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. giaf'The Company invite applications. .May 28, 1860. 21-ly Vol. Htli Bnncrotl’i^ United NinleN. July 10. K. J. H \ liE .'i SON RMC Mi.no TYPE FOUNDRY. T HE ONLY M A N U F A C T O R Y 0 F T V P i: O.Y MILTIlERlf MIIE, SOUTH OF BALTIMORK. The Proprietors of the above Foundry have also united with thoir Foundry a complete P R I N T E R S ’ FURmi WAREHOlll^E. Having on hand, or furnishing to order, every article requisite for a Printing Office, FROM A BODKIN TO A TKX-C\'liL\DER PRltSS. W’e can and will manufacture in Richmond, as good an article, aud at the same specimen priccs, as any Foundry .North. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the South. HENRY L. PELOUZE & CO. We refer you to every Printer in this city,- We also desire every Newspaper in the South to copy this ad vertisement for one month,-sending us one copy of their paper, and receiving their pay for such advertisement upon purchasing live times the amount of their bill from us. . H. L. P. Is. CO. July 8. 40-1 m * Beaufort... R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D .Meares. (’aldwell... Dickson. Cab-irrus...W S Harris, t'atiiwba...Jonas Cline. Chathaai... W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Ciierokee...G W Huyes. Ciaven...C C Clark, F E Alfred. Cumberland and Harnett...C 0 Wright, J S Harring ton, .1 C W illiams. Chowan... Small. Co umbus...N L Williamson Camden...D D Ferebee. C:irteret ...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck ...B M Baxter. Cleaveland....\ G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. Edgecomt>e... R BriJ^ers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poiuilexter, I’hilip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. (5aston...J H White. Granville... J M Bullock, W H Jenkins. S H Cannaday. Guilford...C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. }reene....\ D Speight. Gates .John Boothe. Haywood:..S L Love. Ha' f-'x...A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertfrvd...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hydo...Tilmau Farrow. Iredell....\ K Simonton, .A B F Gaither Jackson....\ Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V A McBeee. Madison...John A Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore....Vlexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L Barringer. Macon... H G Woo.ifin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...II G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampion...M W Ramsom, W W Peebles Oii'low...J H Foy. Orange...II B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasqnotiink...J T Williams. Per(iuimon«...N Newby. Pitt...B G .Mbritton. Cliurchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan. Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. .Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry... W Watigh Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly... Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds.. Wake...S H Rogers, J W Russ, H Mordecai. Warren...J B Batchelor, W H Cheek. W’ashingion...C Latham. ^Vatauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes... A W’ Martin, Horton. Yadkin....\ C (’owles. Yancy... Bowman. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. \ftlson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, II P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J.'W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston, Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W'. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowat -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Rutherj. 'd and Polk—J. II. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. LAW BOOKS. gAUNpERS’ REPORTS; CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—.1. IK Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—8. B. Spruill, James Bond. Heaufurt—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Hrunswick—T. I). Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. litirke—1. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. (Carteret—C- R- Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. II. licaden, John Manning Jr L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, Dtivid McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob't Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodes. on Pleading and Evidence; Phillips on Evidence; Common Bench Reports—new series; Curtis’^s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes; Chitty on Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taylor's Law Glossary; Williams on Executors; Devereux's Kinne’s Kent; “ “ Blackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Butler & Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Damages; Story on Sales; “ on Bills of Exehange; “ Equity Pleading: “ on Conflict of Laws; “ on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership; Roberts’ Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome’s Commentaries; Leading Cases in Equity, Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Lawyer’s Common Place Book; Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Gresley’s Equity Evidence; Burrill’s Law Dictionary; Wharton’s Law “ Phillips’ & Amos on Evidence; Archbold’s Landlord and Tenant: “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainders: Tidd’s Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith’s Landlord and Tenant; Adams’ Equity; Williams on Personal Property; Mayne on Damages; Archbold’s Criminal Practice and Pleading; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Wendell’s Blackstone; Chitty’s “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith’s Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgages; Chitty’s Criminal Law; Williams on Real Property; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vesdors; “ on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Property; Sugden on Powers; Smith’s Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domat’s Civil Law; Rockwell’s Spanish and Mexican Law;* Sharswood’s Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome’s Legal Maxims; Collyer on Partnership, &c., &c. The Reports of the Supreme Court of North Ca rolina; Cantwell’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac- » E. J. hale & SONS. BIGHT MONTHS’ CAMPAIGNING AND THE RESrLT. The season for active military operations has so nearly closed that we can now estimate the re- suits of the first year's struggle between the North and the South. It we take as the standard of comparison what the aggressive section proposed at the outset and have endeavored to accomplislK, the cq^o is clear that its campaign has been a complete failure. The North was to have over run the South in two months; it was to have taken Richmond, Nashville, New Orleans, and a dozen other cities; and its armies were to have wintered in our seats of wealth, luxury, and fash ion. In no part of this brilliant and luxurious programme have they sucoceded. They have not a single city of any size iu the South; iior do they hold a single county of the whole Confeder acy in undisturbed possession, except where the inhabitants themselves, by their own disloyal agen cy, secured them possession. It is a remarkable fact, developed at the close of a campaign in which the North have put forth its most strcnu- • ous exertions, that they hold no portion of the Southern territory except such as was virtually surrendered to them by disloyal Southern people. In every other respect, but in reference to this striking fact, the campaign has been u complete failure. Whenever they have attempted to pene trate our country in force, th'ey have been driven back with ruin and slaughter. Nowhere, where the people have iu mass opposed them, have they been able to establish themselves upon a tirm foot ing. This great fact cannot fail to have its proi)cr effect upon the public opinion ol the world. Four hundred millions of dollars have been expended; from three to four hundred thou.saiid troojs brought into the field; eight months ol strenuous campaigning has been performed; and the grand result is, the possession of a halt-Yankeelied aud exposed portion of Virginia; oi‘ a part oi Kentucky voluntarily surrendered to tlieui by the treachery of a set of disgraced politiciutis and tiiuid proper ty holders; aud ol those regions of Missouri where the “Union” sentiment was strong enough to pR;- vent the military organization oi the true South ern people. They have eon|uered nothing. They hold no part of our soil, except that which our people surrendered into their hand::. They have won no victories. They have gained no glory or renown. They came into thL' war, proud of their strength, aud confident of their prowess, expect ing to frighten us by their mere approach. They go out of the campaign smarting under repeated defeats, the laughing-stock of' the world, and feel ing in their hearts their utter inferiority to u.^ in all the qualities ot warriors. The worst spent tour hundred millions that ever slipped oi4t'01 a public J:reasury, have been tho millions which the North has paid for eight months of campaigning, which has resulted in no thing but iu teaching them that their volunteers are cowards, and cannot be trusted in the field. The North have brought a vast concourse of men into the field. Tkey have expended an ocean of money. They have planned stupendous campaigns. They proposed to accomplish long triumphant marches; to utterly subjugate eleven sovereign States; to take po.ssession of wealthy and luxuriant cities; tj apportion vast landed pro perties among their troops; to set several millions of negroes free and to establish tho Federal Gov ernment throughout the old Fnion in such im pregnable strength, that nothing could shake it, and none dispute its supremacy, forever more. They proposed to do all this in a very few months. A man in their midst who had hinted a doubt of its accomplishment in less than four months from the date of Lincoln’s Ciill for seventy-three regi ments, would have been instantly bastiled in Fort Lafayette. But nothing of all this splendid pro gramme has been accomplished. Their money is gone, the prestige of their troops lost, and loot ing is obtained nowhere in the South, except where treachery aud deception have accomplished for them what their valor could not. Nay, they have lost ground; for whereas they fell .secun' of Keutucky, that State, after hard fighting, is sure now to be ours; and w^hereas they thought they had eft’ectually overrun Missouri, they find the indomitable spirit of that people uneou(iuerable, and that they liave suffered their severest rever ses in the very State which they thought most surely their own. The South, on the other hand, commenced the campaign, }»roposing nothing but self defence; and that defence she has successfully made. At the outset of a. war for which she was not pre pared, and which she did not ex{)ect, she was in capable of undertaking oflcnsive warfare. She planted herself upon the defen.^ivc; and she has succeeded in whipping tho North and baffling all their grand designs. She has inspired her sol- dicra with the prestige of victory, and will, in another campaign, be ready to avail herself of this prestige, aud of her more perfect state of pre paration, to make her adversaries feel her power with a vengeance. They are already aware that we are their masters; and in another campaign we will assert that character upon them withja strong hand.—liicknwnd Dtsf^tatch. iSnutheni Ajipreciiidoii of //; Bntnu The Charleston Courier gives the foilowing instanco of Southern generosity: With pride and pleasure we record tlie grati tude of the Southern people, iu announcing that no less than thirty tliDiixnml made up by the free will offerings of men, women and chil dren, now stands tj the credit of the widow :ind children of the luartyr Jackson, the brave Alex andrian, who fell in defence of the Hag ot liis country. Should the marauders penetrate to our hearth stones, we trust that they will find that the ex ample of Jackson is not lo.st upon the fati'icrs, husbands, sons and brothers of our city. IFr. THEO. IflARTIIVE, OFFICE, HAY STREET, opposite the Post. Ofi&ce. Medical Electricity applied. Fayetteville, Oct. 1860. 62tf ""^'CARJ®. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— THOSE persons for whom I have been atttending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing lo serve you with the same promptncss'that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business &c., &c., I oflFer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 26tf Blank Warrants for sa'e. llecotjHiflon of the tSimthern ~ A Paris correspondent ot the N V., Herald writc.s: It is well known here that the (lhainbers ol Connnerce of Lyons, Rouen, St. Etienne, Mul- house, ^c., have petitinii. d this (Jo-,^ rriment to at once recognize the Southern States, and thus put an end to the itnpvuding ruin of tho.ie manii-^ facturing French towns. Age Joc» not Hurt vV.—Mr. Robert Rams-y, last week, presented our family with a u^allon ol home-made Mola,s.se.Sj manufactured by him tic >■ years ago, of the sugar cane, and if any thing tl’? quality ot the article, which is very .superior, w: would say had been improved by age. M» Ramsey will make a large quantity of the article this year.—Statesville Exprtts.

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