/ a [VOI XL] FAYETTHVILLK, N. C., NOVEMBER 25, 1861. [NO. 1077.] l’'MNT!'l) MONDAYS AX!) THUliyDAYS. KDWAKI) J. Hll.e & SONS. Kl'ITllKS AM) I’ROl’RIETOI'.S i'i lor the Senu-\Vi‘ekly Ohskrver $3 00 if pjiiJ in :t 1' r>u if p:\ij iluriiig the year of Buhscrip- M-n- or .^1 :iiU‘r t>'e \ »‘iir hns expired. .'-r 'cly HB'iKRVKR S- 00 per fjnniiiu, if paid in a ivuTice: S'2 oO if paid durinjr the year of subscrip- in Ashovilltv Huvincr h:id EAGLl^ !l()Ti:L, ASHEVILLEj W. C., AFi'iL, 1861. Ukar Sir: iV-ruiii me In -a v> fhc hACilifc] llt^TKL. I ii'ivc it rt’ | ;;ii ili** )MuHiS are aonlly c.irpctcd, jiikI div Hoto* is i-. I- : .-i- any other llouso iti (I'e mnnr'' :;" . lU (’nrti- I -ini alrfo Uellor supplud wiin u. ■-i .mkI ruiei: live servantb than any Hotel in thif? j-.ir! nt iiio .'cn. 1 would s.sy to the lirsi chis' viMtoi- 1 an* prc- parcii to entertain you, in :i s:iy!e surf: i*tr i-( ;iny [•.uti'* * ' V\{ 11 I • t tion; or 00 after the year has cxi>ired. Al'VKllTISt.MKNTS inserted for tiO cenis per ii ive of 10 lines for the first, and 30 cents for each the husinesv, I tlatier ib:it ' c - at ihe EAGLK, both pleasuK 1 _ , In connection with thii hir^e II*- i of new and heautit'nl IIH * • ‘ 1 • c*e • • * I ■ 'V edinp publicaiiou. Yearly advertisements by spe- H \(KS, ( \KHl\(iKS, lU IHiP S, \ \ I) ililK'^KS, ;il .tintracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are I * -tvd to tate the number of inseriioni- desired, or will bo contuuied till f*>rbid, and charjred accord- h» r w> • I 1 \ lv.‘rti>ei^:--nt:i ti- bf charjced r>U per v; r.i. NOT km:. !' ‘*1 and ;Uit"r rids tlaie, no name of a ne>y subscriber ■ *' e*iT :v I wtthour payment \n advaiu^, nor will * siM'T !u ^ui*h ^ubai i ibers for a longer time ■ f *r. - X • ! ofor.r old subscribers as desire to take tho pa- r -ii 11;'.‘ y>;em will j>lease notify us when making iOCCs. Jan'v 1, 1S58. » ’ That n*y gne'^ts can jret at niiii.,' keep a ('arria;:e in rer^'linc^■s fw- (.*• desirous of trikini: movTuncr or . the traveilin-j: -^ublic that v . ni'iy de-'iiv .i -Ju* h^agle i\* n.;ike i his H..;.-: supt.‘i ior a*lvjviii house in A^aeville, as the Staire t'aivv^ is ko; all the ih:it arrive at aU'ldii\ tV-.' u i I noubl r.ay lo farnihcs that iivit ii i vl-i- ■ .c - town. a*, i t'Xjtect to I’lVijjiin ^ v. ■ ; . be v.’ell tor iheu* to v/riie : ■ is jfwnerally }>reMy aiii-.'ii v of.luly. As regards ohuv^e-. ■ '.■i* : • i * - ciently moderate to suit the pic.Mtu. i! H‘ping to have 'lie ple.i'^ure of \ ..;i E:igle, 1 :iUi yours rej^peoifuUy. J. r.LAi!;, i May 1, lSt;i. «. I \ \ • ! lA ;•(* * f.U • I * i; •■r I r Neiiool \otiee. C 0 A L. \\ \ Sv in the DoNAI.Ut^ H VVM'tl'NT, will be re-ODene ACADEMY, on Is;, isf.i. opened on TUESDAY HE under^igned hivvin;^ itv; n I: / V T ‘ i^fuitrter o"' 10 wa^k^: Engiish. !f7 o(* (hiSsioMl, 10 00 ingent *.o exchi'ive Mipp^y of i'OAL !*.•• North ('iiroluia. is prepart-d i d-.t* . i. supplying the same. A}ip;i -ts. • S. Luiterloh. my jiixent in F-ty v • i«n. South Carolina, to JAMr.s i; n»:. t' >r he i I ' i:- ; ill JESSE II. McLEAN, Principal. Market .. 4‘Jif Nov. 1. • It « . f » IV •d FAVKTTKVILLK >r,(i oo 0*' M M> 12 OM 1 OO • k t» k * » k k • - I S**baion. Feiiiale lli$sh School. TMKM. a!\i T»t*r Se^siMn ofwe^ks, i in C,.lh>c; (^la^ses -0 weeks, •' Aiademii* •• l^riUiMrv lioideiital expen«e. Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing. Modern and V’-'iMt'Uf Langnuge-i. *VC. at tho usual rate-;. fir^^One-nalt d* 1m ird and Tuition required in ai- . iCf; the Other half at the betiinninc of the *Jd (Juarter. SrHt>LASTl(^ YEAR t S?3sion —CoTnm*»ncf*s 1st r»ctober. Ends 17th Eebruary ' iii iu*rice' I'^'h Ff^ruarv * Ku'is f:h Ju!v'. t' 1 HOf»l>KR. 1‘rincipil. lKf,l. 77tf .NOTICE. 'piiE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili- I tary service of the ('•M)t--*derHte Siattis of America, •*rtdiv giv6 notice to thejr 'Id cusrotuers and friend'*, 'it they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. '■ -iilams, of this place, tiieir attorn**y8 fo ooilect either irately or conjointly all ra-.aeys duo them either by . Mni or note, and otherwise'o atu-ril t:; their bu- .n* ': generally during th-ir ab -.^rice. Thoy re^peot- y ask all pfToons indrMcvl , them to o iil as prompt* , a^ p.^iHibli on their r* d make pnvmeut. a' A-Ua .s: WILLIAMS. .‘jM-tf 4 N'V . ^ \ re:-o - J •• ; t t \ .»• I*. *• • i'-Ui- ill ^ d jne 'A >• n- i . » ■« * » » > ! * i4 *i . ‘ V *xJdl* % illKtgl*. t aj eUe\;Ilc, X. C,, M it t' • f : ■ i alliOAO. \ % MAkKPEAri': .V >1 \\\\ • t WE uu hand and t-x] • t -■ . own manuta-.*:ure, a su; ■ ' ■ ^ t. r. . • • » . . aii'l comm ui Hooped Freuch, Hiffh Post, o!- and (’omn»oii Mti:DSTSUUPS Spung Mii re^r'*-*. of ruw y. d i. hnud or maile to ordt-r **t my ^ *.'une, n:id U'.»ud Seat 'il \ > «' . . iU ri l« 1 ■ » I 19. 18B1. A I > I •»• r DENTAL NOTICE. S'-OT r cau 1-e 3L-en in liid othce, '2 i/, d' us «.ist of trie market, at his re gular ot?i»: ‘ h'jurs froia V o’clock A. M. clock P. M. '5«“ t f and p:iMerU'. Spnn*: k'^u: iv r*-*} aiii*d. and/*.iVered will wi^e: Hoe ha[»dU*i, IJmu'' : r ‘ Sole, Hiirness. and 1] • r and Pla.'ite! 1: As we have good Machine.*: v * ■ Tuitjing, Mitrficing ifid !5or^ :’ de-'patch and on ^ati ■'n'f . . W'.rk or r;‘pa:rini: lo ao w.:i We warru*! our vri>rk: i* a tit'i i Having taki'U a St -re - n tb** * Street, a few ib>or Soutii oi \ \ having some sparo room, w > n- .i. .j and ^ale of aiy liiiTig t ',ai m y ^ will irivf sfM'ci tl t»>**n!i*'n t-. ;••• . Fayetteville, April 1. I> *1. 1 1 k \ I I • •,S k ■ 1 » 'S->.3 RE\VAi:i>. ’ . t lO. t >’i>AN o*‘ g V • :■»* 1‘5 old. 1 sou!id draft not over 8 jNo (\ p>orrH, Capt. Alt y, Cv*!iid / N, C .vrsetiaL ANAWAV tVom the t 11th in'it.. my boy VI!;*ill. ir:g about ihe plantaii'-ri t M ' C-iVver's wh'Tr !.e ’ 'i - - aOoverew'aiu i -r his delivery in I IV % • I rurnberJ.ind counry, Jul}’ D-. ■p. u ■ ori- i D , s'oi* Kt'iil. n H ly Street, beiwe**n the Crockery Store t/. sil*Lnur'-u St'tre. and at present oc- M li. P- given Nt September F iT term-*, apply to D. S, VV McLaurin, oi S. I vAle;. V Son. -\'i- :' I-:, 1 48-tf 'Fimber If^niedm I )A i 1 ' .laving sea^i' ned WHITE OAK TIMP>ER ^ f' M or;, and a half to six inches in tiiicknesH, and >uj IX T * tWf^nty inches in wiilth. and wi-*hing to dis- ^ :»l ih^ -ame, can tind a ] urcha^er by applying in -n o! b= lettt^r to liie undersigned ai ilie Arsenal. JOHN C. BOOTH, ('apt. Art'y, Comd'g Arsenal. F'.V* tcviiie, Aug. ‘Ji, l>5*il -^lU-tf C AR II! V KW t..\l>lES can be nccommodated with board at JOSKIM! R HI.OSSOM. rv i;rs V A V \ \’ jo^. It. ni.osiMHs Who will go into (ho Enterprise/ yil’PPOSlNG that there are those having cujutal they O Would like to invest in piutiug into sp*M‘dy i>pora- iioTi titv 'rs classes or manufacture which uni'll now be » '! iMislted in the Houth, I would take thi'j method to firnrni any sueli, tlwit I have a never-failinar WA't'tllv- (with plenty of room, 1 at the Meicliant Mills in the cenrre of Fayetteville, N i capable of running ;iiiy !uaehiaorj^ of light order, and Wwuld be plou-ed to ii.ivf the s:uM profitably employeil. i\. McDAMEL. 0. t .d>er 0, IWOl. o:Uf The New Style, SmaU, ' COLOKEI) PHOTOUUIPHS,! AT ) ART. Woo«l%varcl% Molar Camera. {» I • ■ \ .• 4 > I ii ;>T*>n!l \PHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight .y. Hay street, opposite Marble Vanl, Fay- ! ilb*. N. 0.: plain, retouched, cob.reil, in w:»iL*r ^ .‘1 und pastile; frora small to life sir.e. Amfu'o- ' . ^iel:lneotypes, and all other styles of Picruros in- iT to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames. Gilt MouM- —as larixc as 'J«j by :X for very la**ge {>ieture*— in* Jord and 'Fassels t‘or hangitig pii-iures; Insiru- :ii' r.' '. Stock and (’liemioals f.»r sale low for ea'h. Life -ize t-'olored Photographs made iVom small piv.'tures. Uav.ng ]»ermanently located here I hope to merit i \ M p ifroirige. I \vi>iiM al>o return my sincere thanks '•*r tlic littoral p-atronage b»‘stowevi on me heret‘»tore by *!■.. _' io.t ]>to]'b‘ ('f Favotte»ille .and vi**initv. C. M. VANOKSDELL, l*hotographist and Proitrietcr. i>ec r -0, ISO'.* 77- .// ,\'o. »4. Jittff VI. \'*1)S. PRINTS, tinu'^ually Ivtw, tdiher by or retail. Doz WtJOL and othor H \1’S. C I. O T II I A U I'.-.• V i odu^'1‘1 p; ijo', iitgeiiier w illi a 1 irge and - [ - V:k ■ f 10,000 Whole-Iile iVi I 1 a XiIJ \n\\ 4 \ :k }>ni nn;|i Ihy. v/h.rJ' will be ;»ilered on as lavorable ttu*m-’ as anv if’ !iie SiaN*. J. K. K\ LH. I •, 1 • ")>jf 4m roveries i i/i^roreries / / l-i:iJlSLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pas.piotank and Perquimans...J M Whedb«e. C unden and ('iirrituck...B F Simmons. Giifo'- and Miowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer, N''r'hampton...J M S Rogers, Hei'Mord...J 15 Slaughter l»ortie...Davi'l Outlaw. Miirrin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halitax...M 0 Whitaker. Edgec'UidH* and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt...i'!j Pilount. iieaufori... Frederick Grist. 'raven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Onr;low...L W Humphrey. idaden. l]runswick, tSic.-.Jno D Taylor. ’uinberla!id and Harnett... Duncan Shaw. k-^ impson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne... W Iv Lane. Johnsif>n...J W H Watson. ^Vakt‘...M A Bledsoe. Nasli...A J Taylor, i'i.uiklin...W Harris. Wavr»*n...T J Piichford. 1 rauvi!le...C II K Taylor. Person...!^ 1j Winsteatl. t »rai:ge...Josiah Turner, Jr. .\l,imance and Randolph ...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Lliohmoud and Robeson....Vlfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S II W'alkup. iuilford...Peter Adams t’asweil...Bediord Brow'n, iiockingh I/ ;... F L Simpson. Mt'ckltuiburg...John Walker, t'abarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Kowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. l>avi isou...Jno W Tlionias. Siokes anti Foryth...Jesse A W’augh. Vr-iie, Surry xc...Jos Dobson. ire*iell. Wilke?s \c...L Q Sharpe. ;'-uike. McDowell .‘tc...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston ^tc...Jasper Slowe. Kuiherh.rd, i^olk .S:c...A W Burton, ii.iuoombi^, ilend*‘rsoii ^ic...Geo W Caudler. ii ijwood, Mu-on XC...W II Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Abiai:»n;i*...liile'^ Mebane. AU'x tiidrr... Dr J M ('arson. .V i ot»...L L Polk, E R Idles. A-he....I M (ientrv- l*'nke...J H Pearson. Iiout.uube. A S Merrimon. i:'ah‘n...C T Davis. • M'itie...P T Hom*y and Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. 4 . . .!il Well Sfifi'ted S of F\\llL‘i \ * 11*. »> I. U I LS aiw ivson hand, coti'ii'^iinfr »l A B i 1-. -'less Pork, .'luiloJs, .^lal•k^■rcl, N \v.] > 1 ami 'J, Mola^st's, Su:^"ars oi' all i^v:Ars, 'I''»bacc.», I'iuars, ■ aiLM'los usually kept in a Wholesale (ir i- ti . ’.hiuent. Ct»X, KENDALL .V Co. 1'* ct u I i ir i Thirty ?:ood, reliable, Uiiniarried Men, i s 1 k * -r TilHEK N EAilS -r DURINti ’1 HE W \R. be -ration^ I it th*‘ \r-enu and Armory;;! i'. u’iU '> bpt‘i*i iiiv it «iUiie i t.*r *ibc '^ervic'*. K.cvto, to 'r>V‘.-nr\- I'wo D dlar-; per m.-n^N. ' M a!.ioun: ad iiiu-nal ai meiit will warrant ; :t , -i; irters. tiiovWi'al atten i>iuc»’. - i.vj ui ‘ to wtio shall not have made up ‘.u i ■■ ' • ^overne I by tht- Hei!;ulaiion- and .\r- ■»s -r j.M Lht' C >vernHU’tjt .>f tiiv t',»nlederate t . • - ■ '.I ' , > I » .» .' I • r • i • > . • . 1 'I !.■ 1 n JNO. C. BOOTH, ( apt. Art'y. C. S. A. C- ..id‘r A. \ Ariiio: V. I • • \ i'^e. S *pt. **, I S*>1 a » % *n>. I «*irP rompt personal altenCuui ■■ meats, and t’ash advances made (.«n I': l iu. to ttiher ports or sold in this markt^i. Feb^y lL\ ISol. A. n. € A Auctioneer and (’oniniis>ion >i‘roha!iL will attend to tlu* - dv‘ :*r- - imooits^ n*ares ami # A « ■. Among which aro riE*’(-S taLICO: t» riKt'ES LAWNS: I’’ n k and t'olore 1 Silk-*; Iru'h 1-ineii and Diapers; jioitin*: (Moth^. No. i fo II: M ‘U and Boy'b Clothing. i birge asst>rimeni oi all kinds ot I' whi*a were purciiased at Auction and private i II.** pu’k:ige at [>anic prices, and will be ullereJ | hv wii.do^aie or retail. \'lll t* V r. ii 11, 1 ^'il. I I' % VirB Ti: VIB.I.K 11! TI AI. i\Sl RA\C E tO.>lPA\V. Mtral Kstate^ • ■%U'^rors. #* iT. : il in i'lemium Notes runounls It . ■ . N i-.iiUvl ind other a>set;s ^2t'*7,»:ss 'zh o.O* * June 24, IbOl. J r- >em?n;\rv. kS. ! r, T. :. HOOl^ER. oO- Cotton Varii. I'LAHK & Tl iaL\t.TO\. COIilRIISSIOW MEriCRAIvi W li.MlNnON, N riLL srive >i)**cn*l atteuMon lo llu* au* ov -■ «*faii \:w\at ,S(t.ircr, (.'otton, 1 in- ■ DeaK'Tf* .ti * -1 HI 1 ; Pi LY t t}. ^ B. Mallett or Mc*nrs. Rav A: Pean;*‘. C. K. MALLET T, Ag t. )ber I'l#. IStJl. »i7tf 'j' ijpr »*t ..' • * ni('n«, ii ur, .v* or‘» luee. ; and ., Total, .'^l!7‘J,70o til 1 iu *'*>:n(i.;ny have paid all losses pri.mp:ly. aiul I ,a- never Uiadi* an assessment on tludr prcmitun notes. 'l otal losses pai-L tU'FIt'KHS: Gilo. McNElLL, President, i^. A. R.VY, V’ice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. Diukotors: tlE .w Km NiL.iMr;!;S K\Ti: MrMi IM) Si c 1 .\otic*e lo ^ollier«’ Friends. Rr'^et to: it. U- Sav+gt, C ishier !■ ; VVili’iingion: Jno. Dawr^on, Pr**^ ■■ .iin.f.::'(>. I IIAVI. u.. lenrr.ne.,„,.ntswUh;.pL M A. Hled.oe j f ' 1 ot’ tl.f •^a;.r!.-r Miiste'- Ucj.iirimPtii, lo f.jrwfinl lo any | ‘ ^ Mnii>-.0 V.‘^r to any member oT any Company irom t urn- ' - - >-r '■ :ii.v article otciothinj? ih.U ilieir frien.is | ||EA VV 1-1 J'illi'ii'iTS inay lt .i. . .,.1 thei.., K. W. 1 mllE ROCKFiSli MANUFACTi: 1! IN1 ‘ * ' 1 Fayetteville, N. C , f>olicit orders for Slie.-tini- inches wide, yards to ih»* ptaind. I ti- '► l> e-'ia pare favorably witti me same styles n: niu! u'i on* ! ’ Massaclmsetts, and have tor man} tlie New Yoik and Philadeljdiia Ma- Heiiiy Lilly, [i. L. Niyr. ver, T. U ;wl-v, >, at hail Stedman, C. IV Mallett, J.vivs I\j^le, A. V. ,M - R'.-than. J. D. Williams, W. N. Tillingha^t, S. J. Ilinsilale, Wni Mr[..aurin, T. S. Luiterloh. A. W. Steel, J. (i. Cwok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, | ur-i , . i L' II >j Vnilnigton A. h. Hail, I Howard. Forsyth Franklin T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. A. D. Williams. I r m f (rastiHi—S. X. Johnston. (rates—A. J. Walton. (Iranville—A. W, Venable, T. L. Hargrove, s. S. iloyster. (rreene—W. A. Darden. (}uilford—Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—II. II. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—K. L. Mann. Haywood—Wra. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wni. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. H. Oreenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—I). A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. On5low—O. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. I’erquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. A NOBLE KX.\M1’LE. Gov. Brown, of is, wo presume titty years of age. He hus ]»(_•,n Govoriiur of that State, member ot‘ the Huuso i»f K j,res>‘nt.ttives. and Senator. Fur many yoais .^lis.'1issi{lpi has conferred upon liini her clioicf'-t iiuTiors. liut when the war commenced h^’ v(,lutit«.-c‘n.‘il ti.s a private, and has been servinu mi luut a.' ;i I'.ijituin Recently, some twenty prunjint iit M i- : cers in \ iruiniu iiddns> 1 1,1.a a li-i it ■rL.ui:: t , him to accept the place ui . Jia; >r l;i t 1. •. •tiute neat Congro.SkS, uimI a cun be of mure service in the ' in the tielii. From his roprs wc n lowiuL'* extract: t \ rnia- ‘ l:c lent fol > > Rockin»:ham D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Ferguson. i 1 I I K J V\ ; -lo men for the otii Re^^iment N C. Strife I'r •. Arniv ot ManaMsart. Each recruit w'ill be ].aid >i 'lUi'y of sir» nH soon as mustered into Service, and .t il p'*f rhMtitli duriit'Z term of enli«tm(‘nt. T(»ose d=Mirin^ i>» *nli-' will aj'ply to»me at the ollice of J. {} .-diepher i Esq JAS. C. DOlilUN. Jr. Ocf 1 ‘th (Wi-tf C, T. llAiini, I'l ‘.t 1 • { S. . Tillinjrliast. lin C^flliti'' and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .-V^eutR. ;:;_jy^'rhe Comp’Miy invite applications. 'l.iv \W). ‘Jl-ly \ oU Mh H:invvotVs E. J. MALI Si 1 ani'ort... R S D uinell, W T Marsh. !‘’.'un-w»ck...T D Meares. t ildwtdl... Dickson. i Hii irrus... W k'N Harris. ( ;i:awb:i....)(uias ('line. ( irham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. ( iierok»a*...(t W Mayes. taven...c (' Clark, F E Alfred. omborland and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring- T -n, .1 ' illiams. t -lOwan... Small. Co umbu.'...N L Williamson * iia ieii...D D Ferebee. ('arieret... D W Whitehurst. Ci^well... Withers, S P IlilL C’trr:!u*k...I> M P»:ixter. t':“av.-iin I... \ G Waters, J R Logan. D I viti-un... lii-wis Haynes, E R Clark. iivie... Howard. Da, UI1...J D Stanford, J G Branch. . K !_:e^'oud'“... R R Rridgers, J S Woodard. F- r yth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. F: luklin—W F Green. J H Whittv '■ J. anvillf... J M Bullock: W II Jenkins, S H Cannaday. G lili ;r 1.*.4' P Merdenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. tireen#'..,.-\ D Speight. Li ite;...Jol»n Boothe. H lyw io(i.,.S L Love. • Ha[i* i\ V H Davis, W B Pope. !Iv rifui’I... J J Ye.ites. Pei.d'*!-on...Jo'* P Jordrin. Ii dH...Tilman Farrow. lrodeil...A K Simonton, A B F Gaither .* tckS‘«n... V Fi^lier. J..n.-.. W P W nd. 'iinsion—W H Watson, Jai Mitchener, Lrnoir...J i' Wooten. Lincoln. ,V A MclSeee. Madison...Joiin .V Faj^g. M irtin... Ewell. Ml Dowell...C H Bur;iin. .M'lore \le\:»utler Ktdly. M-ml'^omcry... E G L liarringer. Macon...!! O Woodfin. Mot'klfnltiirL^...S W Davi'j, J M Potts. N:i-^h...il Cl William-. Nvvv llan(fver...S J IVrson, Daniel Shaw. Ni iI ?».n!ipi*»n... M W Ramsom, W W' Peebles Oil'll.iV.*...J !l Foy. Ornnfr**..-P» Outhrie, W N Patterson. P i tpi.o nik....l T Williams. l\‘rjuimotw...N Newby. P1M...I* G .Vlhriiton. Churchill Perkins. l^er-oii... Wilkinson. Uobis.-n—Alex McMillan, Eli W'ishart. Ro. kinirh.nn... R owley Galloway and ThoB Slade. Rowan..-\ N FUuning. N F Hall. i^iiCi'. rt 'id.-.t” T N Davis, B H Padgett. i{and«dph...l I! Foust, Thos S W'inslow. Ki-.dimond...J G l>bie. Samp-on...N (' Faison, Geo W Autrey. Si‘;ry...\V W.nigh —Horatio Kellnm. Stanly... I.af;^' e!te Greene, rvrrt^il...C ^lc('leese. « Uuion.../ Lemmonds. Wak»'...S H Pn.'^ers. J W” Russ, H Mordecai. Wat ren... ! B Uatciiolor, W II Cheek. W !i'-ii)n{rioii...O Liitliaiii. \V!itnu^-i...T!joniiis Farthing. \V:iyii('... W T Dortdh, .\1 K Crawford. NVi;k(s....\ W Mtiiiin, llorton. Vii lkiii...A r ('uwIps. Vaiirv... IJowman. Jluwar -B. Craige, II. C. Jones, liutheri. *d and Polk—J. ft. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruilf. Union—II. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—NV. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington Watauga W. S. Pettigrew. Wayne Wilkes Vadkin J. W. Counsel. G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Tas. Calloway, Peter Eller. R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. LAW BOOKS. SAUNDERS’ REPORTS; “ on Pleading and Eridwiee; Phillips on Evidence; ConiHion Bench Reports—-«ew series; Curtis’s Commentaries; Ross on Bills and Promissory Not®s; Chitty on Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law; Taylor's Law Glossary; Williams on Executors: Dcvereux's Kinne’s Kent; Blackstofle: Coke upon Littleton—Butler & Hargrave’s Notes; Sedgwick on Damages; Story on Sales; on Bills of Exchange: Equity Pleading; on Conflict of Laws; on Bailments: ('OX VENT ION ON NORTH CAROLINA. A l;mi;UU-0 Alt xaiiilev Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. A. (\ Stewart. .» V Ui i • \ 'i* :S I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West. Archibald NlcLt*)iti is uiy authori/^•^ \ M*n» to transact my business until I return. N. G. JONES. lu r'r ‘JH. If*.?/. •Urij. Attorney at Law, Faykttkvillk, N. C. ’t\M!.L attend tlie Coun(y and Suj>erior Courts of Vy * umberlaiid, Harnett, .Moore ani Robeson (.oun- I*r..mpi :i!TtMition given to the collection of all ■ ■ iiUi'' enrru'Jt*d to his hands. *N‘t, iT. lH5'b o^-tf . i.SKPSI nAKKK,Jii., \ I' i'll il > K V \ T ij A W , If A.-^ taken an othce next door to Wm. B. Wight’s Law J i )t?W-e on Green Street. He will attend and pr.ictice ii: he * ounty and Superior Courts of Cumherluud, i- i l.'D, Robesun and Sampaou. \Urch '2^, 185^. 7iHf Fayetteville, June 1. Ibol. RORV ?lc.\A3i?S. ^iitoraet/ and i onnsclhtr tU LU.Min-.irroN. n. • W^ILL rttrentl :in J pnicticf in t)u- Toi'i.ly :ui 1 \V ’(,urls of KobOhOii, ‘".vi ( . hi -. .•\1! bimiiips« iatr-a.htea i.) iiiin vill ‘‘ 1 ' ' i ■ nten»u0P»vtP .\slie—J. D. Forbes. Ati> lU— .V. Myer^, J. A. Leak. rn ) FOUNDl ) I S. ]>. Spruill, James Bond. 1 I tenil'ji: imi ooi^cci*• . ■ I T. €. A: n. ii. CotuiuiHsioii and Foruardaij; .’jien Jiains ! i: o N 1, V M A N U F A ( ’ T () H V t) I ' T V 1' V. o:\ sioi the:u\ son'll OF BALTIHOUK. I • Propri**:*»rs ot the above l^'oundry have also united • - . f .eir Fouod y a cjnipleio 11 I X T i^: 11 S' li -*• iiiu; o:- inind. or furnishing to order, every .a'licle V.e;iut*r‘—W. J. Elli.>Jon, E. J. Warren, i.r.iiirii—Noil! Kcliy. Biurswick.—T. i>. Meares. Bnnco'.iibi;—N. . Wootifin. l^iirkt—.J. McDowell. {’aijirru (’ IMiitVr. 1 o tor Ji i*riuting Ollice, WILMINGTON, FROM A BODKIitf an’y 28, 18il Lr 1 '1' TO A U, \\, Bl LI.AICO. Commission • fivrriumf, WlLMIN(JT()ir, N. Prompt and PKHSONAL Hitontion Will l.e ^IVI'U to the sale of Naval Stores. (’oUt'u, 1jU'!;uui', 1 i!iil)or, and all other country prmluce. IIKKBR TO O. G. Pakslky, Pres’* Com. Hank at Wiliuii.vion. John Dawson, “ *►. N. C.. at do. Messrs. H. 6i E. J. Lili.v, ► Messrs. Pemberton .V Sloan, j A. Parker, Esq., Harnett County, N. C. May 7. lbt;u. f r# > 11 \v. c.in and will niiiaufacture in Richmond, as good , an 'vrtiele, and at tlie same specimen prices, as any j F ai'i Irv North. We respectfully solicit tlie patronage 1 of the South. HENRV L. PELOUZE & CO. We rtfrr you to every Printer in this city. We also depire ov^^t v Newspaper in the Soiuli to copy this ad vert isemont for one month, sendiiig us one copy of their prt]>er, and receiving their pay for such advertisement iipon purdiasing five times the amount of their bill 11. L. P. & CO. from us. July b. 40-Im Ciil'lwoU—\V Jonos. (Vttiidcii—IX IK Forebo.e. Cartrrut—C. K. I'hoinas. Cuswoll—l>o(librl lirown, (one vacancy.) Catu\v]»:i—P. C. llenkle. Chathniu—J. II. llcaden, John Manning Jr., ].. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. ('olutnhtis—liicliard Wooten. Craven—Jeo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cuniherland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Kob’t Sprouse. Dupliu—W. J. Houston, J. T. Rhodsjs. Chitty on Pleading; “ on Contracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership; Roberts' Principles of Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome’s Commentaries; Leadinjr Cases in Equity, Hare & WaUa«e’« Nates; Lawyer’s Common Place Book; Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Gresley’s Equity Evidence; Burrill's Law Dictionary; Wharton’s Law “ PiiilUps’ Sl Amos on Evidence: Arclibold’s Landlord and Tenant: “ Nisi Prius; Fearne on Remainderk: Tidd's Practice; Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith's Landlord and Tenant: Adams' Equity; Williams on Personal Property; Mayne on Damafjes; Archbold’s Criminal Praetioe amd Pleading: Lube’s Equity Pleading; Wendell’s Blackstone: Chilly’s “ Matthews on Presumptive Evidence; Smith's Master and Servant; Powell on Mortgaires; Chitty’s Criminal Law; Williams on Real Property; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vend'ors; “ on Property; Dart on Vendors; Crabb on Real Property; Sugden on Powers; Smith's Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Addison on “ Adams on Ejectment; Crown Circuit Companion; American Leading Cases—Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domat's Civil Law; Rockwell's Spanish and Mexican Law;* Sharswood'w Legal Ethics; Roscoe's Criminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome’s Legal Maxims: When I look up arnis in di-fi^nee of tlie Soul u v; is to illustrait‘, by example, the hearlfelt ^i^Ice!^t^ with which 1 liad for so many yi'^MS v^r^ed i‘Ui* j'ei j le to strike for equality in the Cnion. (.r indc['eudence ool of it. 1 cannot now, cainped as we are in ^Jghi ot l\nt enemy, consent to lay dowu those arms, except it be iv render my bleeding country more ethcieni service some where else. Arms, 'as you all know, is nol my proles- sion, and if I bear them it is iVom necessity and not from choice. That 1 have not sought a i»igher command than a Captaincy has beeu because ray early traixung. habits of thought, and pursuiUi iu life have not been such as to qualify me tor such command. I’nskilled as 1 am in the arts of war, I have felt at liberty to do no more than risk my own life in the pending contlicl. I shrank instinctively at the IJeginning, and ever tiince, from the rcfcpousibility of risking the lives of others. Here we have an experienced sstutesinan, pos sessed of a high order of intellect, and well ac quainted with muu und things, niode.-tly dcclininj* any military office which would placc the lives of* Others at hi> disposal, on the ground that he has not been traitied U* and tluit he ought, therefore, to du no uiore than ri.sk his own l;icin the pending conflict. 11 ow duc this coiiira.'^t with those possessed ot not one-tenth the know ledge and qualitications of irov. Krown, who j:eck field offices, and obtain theui too, in many in stances not on the score ot merit, hut on account of party servict s. This letter ot ( Jov. Brown is entitled lo addi tional consideration from the fact that it is dated “In Camp near Leesburg,’* thus leaving the in ference, thouirh his naiiie has not been mentiou- 7 ^ ed in that connection, that he was an active par ticipant in that glorious conflict in which the enemy were repulstid and (leii. liakcr killed, in another letter, dated at the same piace, and ad dressed to a Iriend in Jackson, Miss., he say>: ‘‘Opponents before ilie war in a peaceful strife for a^^- cendancy in politics, iny war Jias loiced arms into ail their hands, thrown one tlag over tlieir head‘d, and mark ed out forthem a common destiny. L'nder such circum stances it is a duty so clear an to make eluci(Ation needless tliat all ]>ast dilferences should be laid a-^ide, 7iot in iktonj but in /ac;‘, and that the most cordial bio- Iherhood sliould be habitually cherished aud practiced. This cannot be, if the old and dominant States Right party does not make a fair division of honors with their former opponents and present allies.*’ Such is the language of a noble-hearted Missis- sippian, who prefers his country lo party. He scorns, as all true Southern men s^-*orn the seih?^li motto that they who made tt>e revolution are alone entitled to the offices and honors which are r>e- stowed in conducting it. Such is the pructict' too, ^^not in theory bat in in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, and indeed in all tiu* Confederate States in which atiairs are conducted by high-toned gentlemen and patriots. In Gtor gia and Tennessee, as we have learned on unques tionable authority, the magnanimity of the old secessionists who were in power was such that old Union msn wtfVe; even prtjernd tor office; and iu every State, except North Carolina, they have at least been treated as the equals ot those who were more active than they were in dissolv ing the I nion. But alas! ahit! lor North 'aroli- na, such is not the ease here. We nuw say, tliat those old secessionists in this State who will nut even honor an old Union man by voting for him for Klector,*and w’ho hold anti practice the doc trine that the old Ihiion men are not their equals politically, and ought not to bt' permitted tu huid any civil or military office, would, it they were assigned the duty of burying the dead on tin* field of* battle, first inter th^ bodies of tlieir own politicaMriends, and leave those of their oppo nents to rot in the open day, provided they re lieved their party utjuired .sueh CMudu‘t at their hand?>. Sueh men, no mutter what thcir pry. ! sii>ns may be, aie eiu toiea to iho State and to tm- I cause ol SouOiern ludrpt H M.-iu* ■. V 4 *f ' • Jfi f ■ - • * r h>- Vlfh V. III * // of the (irei n-o^.jrM’ wj it in ii *;u h‘. un. s ^ay • • The reL'iment has 1 a i v» ( 1 i; *re in j with clothing; hereto! uw*. cations of ap[)roaehing w;ui:. . - thf bi**ak d:!\ >! Winter are near to hand. J>ut 1. n *rieo ili;/ more than half ol* the companies have been ntov. j:.'. in wagons. Captains Odell, ^ ray, ana bountilully suj)plied by their respective coinitie In fact were we called upon now to njake :ini:ii '*^u it would nec!'>>itate the destruction of t:\ou£ind'» of dollars worth of property, :is hundreds ot iiu u would nt^t be able to carry the half tiiey hav., and it would be impossible to tind tran.^portation The companies trom Randolph, (Iray, and Worrh, .soiiiC tay> since received one hundrei aud sixty boxe.>, val ued in llichniond at %fliJ*Ot*. Captains Scales from Stokes, and (Jraves from (’a.-well, have also been supplied by their counties. ^ e^terday ,\i[it. Cole, w:us di.Ttiibuting to hi-^ e-jiupjriy iacire ^t;p- plies of clothing, suftpiied by C.uiit'ord couniy. j .Mr. Lindsay, who ojinr witlj tlie box-s, wa.-^ eomed witii a mo-t heany greeting 'JXe ^ contained everything necessary to maki* one ■ mu- fortable, as niucii so as one can be made by e.utti- ing; and Irom what 1 observed, some t>f tlieii: cm:i- ! taiiicl ft lifllt 'i he old N*>rth j only sends more men to the field, but she i>. ^ 1 termined not to be excclleil iti providing for ^h* comfort. Her soldiers will ever reuiemljcr lo : ir of Nor.1. Ca- , and loved oriCi^ at home, and when rolina; Cantwell’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s - I shall tioe, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. 7 9 Dr. TIIKO. .nARTliVE, OFFICE, HAY STREET, opposite the Post Office. Medical Electricity applied. Fayetteville, Oct. 17, 18GU. 62tf .1 A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS THO^E persons for whom I have been atttending lo Banking b 3ines8 for years:—I am still willinff to serve you with the same promptness that I have alw»y3 done; and to others that may want di.scounts, Pensioa business &c., &c., I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 26tf Blank Warrants for sa’e. present, tlioy will strike blows .‘^uch a.s will uot be uijhauied to own as struck by boys. .4// kiitth >,f The pay»cr liavin-r tli. largest circulatioti—the paper of tobacco. Paper for the rontrhs—sand paper. Paper contaitiiiig tin® point.s the jyaper needlea. Ruled paper—the French pre.s.s. The paper that i.s full ol rows—the paper of pin- Spiritualists’ paper—(w)rappin^r paper. Paper illu-strated with euUs—ediiorial e.xchyn- • Drawing paper—the .dentist’s bill. A taking paper—sheriflTe warrant. The paper that most resembles tke reader tissue (’tis you) paper. Bank rags are not(e) paper.

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