mm 11 : toil. W] mmw t.-.. s. ■*«oK. '“••Vico. I \ *1 V N = W •. t Ir- .ill. a'- n- -h, r!*». A »■ V !> A ro t ,1, •-- les Iron, af.. L'f ..=.;.• fc II i ', - - i ). 1. l i. 1 (1 '; ■ n» \ ^ lid A ItlPOSi'i ,\l * La' ‘ i’ ■ li . ■ * Vol•«•'• I, 1 w.ii i Li I■ ■'■' ■' ll;.-'.' ■■ j:. 1-* S K M I - W E B K L. Y i [vol.. Xl.J FAYKTTEVILLK, N. C., NOVEMBER 28, 1861. [NO. 1078.] PHlXTF.l' MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HAlT & SO\S. KI ITOl'.S AND PROFRTETvOllS i'rii'i' lor tilt Senii-We**kly Ouskbver $o 00 if paiil in aivauoe; 5 3 ii pa.'IJ during the rear of sabsorip- ion: or ?l liUT t».e •. i;:tr has expired. For the We€lv Oh-'KR ^ kr S- 00 per annHm. if paid iu advance; i_* j'l if paid duriiif!: the year of subscrip tion: or j".'. >• after the year hr.s expired, AD\ KUTISKMKNTS inserted foi 00 ceiiis per fo - tin- and (*etits for each it’aiir.n. Vefvrly mivort !«*»nipnt.s by spe- at roAsoDfthle rato«. Adverti>J»MS arc requested to slate the ntirabor of in««'rti>>ns tJc-dred. or iit'v will be ooJitimied tiii icrbld, mid chdrzed accord- s iii:ire of It* liii .u-cecding pu^li 'ial contracts A iveriiseiucn-: teiii oxiri to bo iiK ed charged 50 per fi' ni and ''‘‘ter .iiiad'ti- . no n i’iir'.d’a new subsi’riber irill be entered with-ut payi;;.'nt in a'lviinor.*. nor will ih9 pap'T be .>■ to su.-K -,i:jsor'ibers for a loii^jtT tliiio ' is paid far. i>iich ofov.r old (^ub^•c^■i>le^' s- def^ire to tike tli!* pa per '!i tliir sy-' -111 w li ’di'r-.xi- ni'i’ty tis when makinjj lemiitunci-'i. Jan’v 1. 1S‘>S. .^Irs. tJeo. Ij. Johnson rr**- ] efttiil.y iiit'the Lj Iii'S I't Fay r:it»' i -oniuNe l'ililS?ES in the i"i » vles. iii'duiinj; the very ‘f U ' •--li Dr>‘Si. Hhe ni,»y bo 01 Mi - r J Johnson, ('oriiL'i r i, )r at Mr? Wm M l, tf pitevriK>, til U siic i- jii-i lie wot an i ■. i ; lasiiiori'i'-.e L. r iyera'‘-i- tound ai the rexi'tt iice Russ-11 and ic >1. K 1% > ; M s;, !.! ant O,-' 11. !•' 1. THE RAILROAD HOUSE! 1’^ilL SUitSLKlUKU. haviii}^ jiiyt coM[*leted his* n.-w House near the Hail Road lA-pot. is prepared to ac- tioiiiodate transient and peniiaiirnt lio>tiders. I’lease give me a call. JOSKPH OTT UllU’HOf. Fayetteville. Aug. ‘Jy. 53-:iin lli‘adqiiartc‘i’^ Artillery^ l?i Vi.\N, .liily iji', !H*»1. 1^111.S (.’oni{)any, desirihj: to cuiopU-ie in t'f. v/ rt- •*yect, would l.e glad to enlist a nunib*;r of giio 1 Dii- ViTs.—men liccu.stoaiod to ihe iuaua>reineni ot horsts. , Tiiere will be paid tii cich, .in (riili.sli.-K'nt. a buutiiy i of 515. Monthly piy 5?1-: t'oside# bi ing clothrd Jitid , fed. ijiedica! .Htten'hii:‘e fi'ee, and nil Oit:^'r necfd^arv 1 ei^uipinenis turnished rtijuisiie tor m soldier. i No one nwd apply unless lie ii a good driver and ex- ; pcrienoed iu tiie luauagetuen; of in'r.'e^. fiu^ desiiua- ‘ li ju of tliQ couipauy ia Virgin! i, as ■'.c.n as e.juippcd. Al.r.X D. MO()i;i:. [41tt] Capt. '((. K, lieg't Lt. AimII- ry. A Fair of Ijady’^ ^Jailer**, were leTt in the .■'iih-«.;i ii)ers' l’> >■ k !i :■. w vs. ,-v- ag.'. w!ii;-h t!i« owner will pK>u~>' cii: f ir. Also, .a small pickige cu-it;iinii)g a I.tdv'j i;. J iiALi: .V J J. Cox \V. 1'. KKNltALL. J. s. Kh.M»VI,l, VOX, cV 4 0, Coitiiiii!$fi»iou Merehaiit^ A N D WKOLESALU GP.OCER^, \o. il A 12 North Wall r St., \\lllllill!!t. It, . . ' ^'dt- - li.;- ■ -111, y p' , 'I., ci i’ari icid'vr attciii iiiii glv.-n : ■ ; 'ni' and oiher pn’Ut-ce. -\pril li, i ^G! I't-tf Tlie I'kleitic Tlaj^ra/Jiie lor llay. IV is.'.i K. J. ii.\'.i; V - >N'* For Saie^ 4 FLW rONFEDERATK S VKR (’1£NT. BONDS. A JOHN G WILLIVMS. Ra’.eigh. N C,, Nov r Uj, 1801. 75-Htpd llaiik of Wiliiiiiiji^toii. I'^OR want of a quorum, the Meeting of Stockholders. ]^>in inat , adjourned to meet at the Hank the 4th of I'l I>--fi-:’il'Br next prox t*s. Nov. 14. Stock holde Hiind or seuil JKWl’.TT, Cashier. 75-ttn MTII.LKlt \VAi\ Vl*HK.''iJ.N who uti'Jerstiinds selling both Corn and llye Whiskey, will receive iuinitiliate and constant •.•iii{'l i\ ineut. Apply to D. D. FRKNCH. I,u:i:bi‘rr'jn, Nov. 15. To 4t 'tl'lie VoliiiiteerN Hand Kook. VI' L'RTHF.R .supply ju.^t received. R. J. HALE S SON’S. Nov. 10. I OST or L t v Al-> M.O.ST. mislaid, a .NUl'E made by me and endvirsed . Mui'chison and Hector Mc.N'eill for **, d" p:'\tii>le ut eiilitT of the l?:»nk‘ in this place. The U r >vill idoHSe b'Jive it at the more ot IVmberton & W ,M SHAW 7 i-if ■ laii. F:l .ill-*, Nov 1 1. TO iiun'iii.LEns. I'oNNK' ilON RKl'AtKN' W.iJt'sboro’ and the \V. C. A. K. llallroatl, at Tr«H- llngorN Depot. WUOLE^ALK A\D F'or Cafiii* p i*^: FAtiMciRS \Sb PI.\NrKK S ALMANAC 1-r E. .1. HALE A. SONS. Oct 2. Fayetteville Foundry. FRE.SICH STRri. Aiiorney ai Lau, F a y e t - e V i i i , W ;pi» I ‘ U (*tlioe th:>t receuily o\er the one now oo iii'.iidin^. _»r«-. ;i '^!ri'; l>ec'r ll. ■ap-Oi ly liiiii -n '>:-;iri.t. h'.j. '• 1-: • .ilisoll' jMlK Siib^cril I W:l I. till- U'i r h iviiiif plni'.i'd Comfortable ('’■ ache^, ('i').iD iind O.VRKFL'L DRIVF.i’S, U! b'tween VVn je^b it*o’ (vi:« R ck M^'iainJ W) _• n. '.'a III 'It-' ;Ui;!ii.'rf 'rd Rii;:ou'l. u.-. i ].Hr.-d to (Virry .-iMiger'. ! ^-n’ kjy s t>ciA'‘iii ;!t- 'C p. ims L’ii:il tunhi r Me ' A’iii.r 'I ill liiU' 'v;il be ob^i-vv, !: til- Riu:-.i'i, fli:sb\V. Tliri’vSDW iind >.\TUMD.\V', i.jU ir. i rtiie; ;'i‘ Mil ' nrriv il the I'-.Kt ;r iiu in. Ir.ini Wil- iiiiii' at lU ■1". •n'-“d tt-.einseivos 1 the purpose Foundry unierthe firm *jlicit orders fr Having expei i^-nced M •re fully prepared t., i-s-t' 1 v;i' • iMrryii.'* 'ti - he and llacliine ltii«inc^ t' .^NDL' Si'N t ..(UD, resp.-i'tfui:* oui t’n>.'f w in!'.nil work in t: ''IMiE 1 ani sinii- H ti; i:-- M:i ->r-l Tie. d M. ulder^. tl - I. \nih-:r.'un. , r. i.'oRD. 04m in I lie ( ■ .'n;i- . -i* Fayetteville, Oct. Vj, 1i SPRING ri’iADE! ^voRTU, Willi urn A:% 4^ OFFER AT WHOLK.^\i.i: A H1;aVV ST OROCKKiKS. To l.aiid Uiiye?'b. undersigned .itlers lor ind wiihn; •■! in i et:evi;le .V \Ves;- rn !’• 11 i ; ■ u i’‘ :■ i KlbliT lllMJKKi) V«UKS OK l.VM», adjoili-t:g I tie l.iud iieUiM;_mg WllcoX, dec i. .ill i ivK iir- : ‘ > : boliUni, oU L uie i’o. -v! I : ■ , These i- arc well a i.ii ■ ^ tui cotton, win I., -at-, ryv. .\’f. 'lii're : i-*- ^ ;» CoM.'Mlttt.'le Dwv:iui>r, -i!. i ^ .i .ii-es, w;:ii .•• 'it 'jiic hu!. i:i ■ in i iiicin.iiii- ' ■ 'v or tv =■ Le ivt- \Vn K'-ib>''i ' ri'RD vY.' «i I •>'.■• l-aiir iH i tr^v- Xu n t TLT.'D \Y vk )>. M , THl'lfS;) \ V :in 1 lul W.lii ^ A I ho !> r vf vy. .McR.V'rl, Proprie'.'ir. 7 i-;i 1 In ■ it'S •viii^r'. I Ilf 111 ill b id t-- I- J. ..uats d' SO.NS III, 4 0. i(. K v>F V;iUC' b': r luriiier ii; in tru-* It VLL W, \\1LLI.\MS i: Cd., hole«»ale Oeafer* in liroeerie*. .V.Nl' IMl'oHl'htlS AM UK.M.KH" in Harduart* aud (iitiery, Swedes Iron, &e., II vV >TiiLhl, F\'. ElThVlLLK, LEQLSLATUUE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedb*e. • ’amden and Currituck...B F Simmoni. Oates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Speuoer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin nod Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M U Whitaker. FMgecombo and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt... E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. .('raven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell. Oroeno and Lenoir...J P Speight. ^ew H.'inover...Eli W Hall. l>iiplin...Dr Janies Dickson. Onslftw...L W Humphrey. I’diideu. Bruuswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. ('iimberlaud and Harnett...Dun®an Shaw. S-iiiipson...Thomas T Faison. Wayno...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M K Bledsoe. Nash...,V J Taylor. Fr.inklin...W Harris. \'arren...T J Pitchford. Graiiville...C H K Taylor. Person...*’ L Winstead. (iraiige... Josiith Turner, Jr. Al iinance and Ran lolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and .Montgomery...W D Dowd. Kichniond nnd Robeson...Alfred Dockery. .\nson .iud L’nion...S H Walkup. 'inili'ord...Peter Adam.s ( I'Wi■r:...Bi*'M'ord Brown, i; k-nj.iiw: .F I- Simpson. Mc';klet.burg...John Walker. CHh.inus »'.ncl Stanly...V C Barringer, liowan t»nd Da»'ie...Dr J Q Ramsey. i>:iv;dson... J no W Thoma.s. Sioke.s !ind Forsyth...Josse A Waugh. .'.'lie, Surry .‘cc...Jos Dobson. lreib‘11. Wiike"! #;c...L Q Sharpe. 1‘ti'ke. ^lp!>owei; .'£o...B S Q iither. l.iu j >lu, G isioti i'tc...Jasper Stowe, liuilicrturd, Polk iS:c....\ W Burton. Ituiioonibe, Hen'Jersoii A;c...Geo W' Candler, iliywovid, .‘I.icon AiC...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .Vii,^on...L L Polk, E R Liles. -\she...J -M Gentry. !’>iirke...J H Pearson. U incombe... .\ S Merrimon. ;Va len...C T Davis. licrtie...P T Henry and Ferguson. P.,'aui'iri ...R S Donnell, W T .Marsh, r.ruii.-wii:k...T D Meares. ('d'twell... Dickson. ( iibnrrus...W’ S Harris. 1 -AL." d w i I 1 A complete a: HARDWARi: & ( i'TEERV. BABREI.S N I'fd \..0:.1N.V LI OU 160 “ ir-.MK'^ii- UUu:=: -IGiiiM F lyetteville. \y. 1-. Cl aiie'b Cre«k. P. »>, N. C. u O .iitoii. . ;> •ANIK ■U'lR Ditii . N i 1 :f -SIOO lie ward. Ni>I.NG iI^ ex.'cuti'.j with ii* lUiess and despatch.^ •i. ill ; 'r-sw h-'n ior.f mu'*’ hepai'i betore dedvered, i li. 1 iLLlN.illASl. (ji. l:.i- F'-iiidio liigii loo . H iv .Sirvei. 1. 1 t .. I i -4 WAN'ri-l). Vq;i”U^ii r -J N r II- ke iOLu." I ON. .\vjru-’ d. l''--'>. W 1>TKR\ RAii. U4»AI>. I > AN AW A it my ti''^ Fi; y r> i me 't l'!i*..iJeip ,s -L .>n;iueuiciii iti ■■ 1U_) Doiinr- iv;r p; ; >>crr,ijUi lor i! ;h5rb3e Faelory, 1- .;v -iiTii i: - V :— The folL.witiz rax-s wu; tfei:* lU this H'i id. viz: T * Li’.ue Ri-.i-r. T- I'o J>ue^b..r . To Melver Train le*ives the D.‘i’Ot Frid ;ys, ni 8 o'c. jck A. .M. al 1:J o'clock -M. 1- \M Pm A, n I’aisien- 1 !HJ .M()ii iavi, We.ln?.'' lays and lir,iliming, b.-rtves .Molver's II. i\ l*EAiSCi:, I'.. M.lLLhii T, Pres’t. 71tf •\uz . 1801. NKARKST AND (jl’K'KK.ST ROtTIv TO TIIK RAILROAD! im. w i iU A. %^.3^ Cuiainisition Merchant and I'rodwie hr.iler, .A.ND l>K.VlJ.;t IN (irocorics. Provisions, Hardw.-iie. Ciitier_>', Boots, Slioerf and Leatiier, ^ Bagging, Rope, .S>i Idlery, iTiiv, Foreign and Doruestic L;.iiio;.i, Sheetings and Varus at .\ia,!iii!;lL»urr-ri’ ^^"Sirict attention p-ai 1 to ‘id.- SOL I'H .SIDF. HAY S'l ^ r { \ \, ;s \r.dVr r. T. .v S?i\>’*STORK Jf'aieJfevillc, • ■ 84- V'i. j)rice-4 ■:a'A\ fAYilTTEVILLK, bV L«-;iVi!ir- r .vr:>i-,r TlUitU'GH IN TF.N lie liir^'O .‘111 i coinfort.i'i our Itaiiis g 1 .ill I ■ ' tr.*i .or- sfo; 1(. vvery ':iy tiOL R.^. e. 'iriver.x «'i> \\ fc FOJR HOUSK ST\(iK i.lV:; T) aKVWSYILLK. Is t>ie -■ ii'i! 1- 'I N .r; il .'T - ui 1.. i; o-'-l.cK 1* Mir Cl •, t.lid peiitb-^ un hniir. The traveli:;" puVilic v.-i," wor.ld •-•t;! ly tlu'ir md fonveTiii^ii'''.' will i.. • th. Si JH)"" TH »i (,i i{ i‘' ■'iVKLi'‘>.N* had ‘it t)ic SiJiye ):ii.-e. i M.Ty 2;'*. i\K\V «OOS>X. ^pHE >!tib^oriher i.^ ntiw ref; Ivirig a l:»rge and w*dl -je 1 le.;ie«l "f GMi,iD.S, consisting of GROCER: FfAHDWARK AND (M'TLK- RY, AN’I> HAD- |)l/i:i!Y. fiit., FOin:iGN AND i>')MK>rH: LIOiM)RS, and many ;if!icr ar'icii--. w iidi i.e ofVer- low for Casi?, 01 on 'H'lKT Ti.-u: !'> : iiii;>: ..yii.g C'l.-'! inu‘rs. ... 24, 1800. Harper’s M iircii - 1. .Ylaf;a#.sne lor n \ 1.. A A'orlli i'aroliiia Fl l'.THKR ,up|.'!y just r Forijj K 1 i' I. April. )N Tin; ()h- WITS rii'M - I.rt' • Jiooks* \ND BKVL’.’V i)V li. I (■•in'itanliy Maiiutnrtiirlu:; at my KstabllshnuMJt l^VKiiV VAIMK iV H.\PiNKSS. LJ ilndlos. Collars, Whips Mild Iniiiks; ,i’l k.tids of Leather, Caif .Skins and Oil; ('■.iiditifin Powders, for di-eased Hor"e.« a«d (.attle. 'loucli Triii'inin^Z'i. ('iirpet jtiir''. Vnlises, S.idd!*;ry. i!.ii>.iV;;r, 'I'tie l;ir;:.;st Stock in the State, sol'i V; 'I' i- rer »il, 111 t if !I-f-ri.':s le very lowest pri;;es. Lvery Hid S i Idle.- tiiHiiifaciured to ma> •j:> ’f 'I'. ui; I '• II .A mi;ricH :i Tiir No \! ir ■■t. Wiliiu’.igtoii. Inrurie. ISD': i$ iok ')f t low I'n; ■ :u is- i! ;!ide to P “ Hi. 1 G.mi 1. Pe'.»-i- i’ai .-.y s Mi. Jiook of March .30. BLADLL’S 1 live..- Tni'^ei F- ,\dv. A..i: All kindu of Country Pi' Goo'ls. 'i:ice taken in exchange for !)niE .novels. Vos. 10, 11, 1>. X. “ So»^' S5m>Us and '{ h^^li^l. Half Dime, and S-i^e ( Is. E. J. H.VLE iji SONS .Shee'ini.'- ar l ’''ttiin Yarns on ItJiiid iit all time«, Manui^i-..irti jiri e^. j ui. ;;o. ^lrholi!«it ,\11 peraons are res].ei;tfuUv invited to give me a call, at the old bland (,t J. v T. Wn I'ijil, .South side Hay st. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetfevil’e, N. Sept. ‘Jl, 1800. 55tf l*KOCiiA^IA'no.\ U) lilH K.xcellein j Henry I. ( lark, t.t>vernor of .North (arolina. ILxEt'fTIVK Dtf AUT.MK.NT, I R.\Lii!(.>ii, .N )vembL*v 7. 1^01 ( I ' jmrfuarice of the jiower vesteil in me by the l.'th -^•.iiion of ttie (llonstilution. and by and wiih tlie ad- \i (‘ I'l' i!:- Council of t^inli*. I d,» iiereby p:ohibii the *,-ortation beyond the I iiiits of this St.ite of all J>.icoii, 1* ■ k. Beef. Lent her. .Men's Shoes. Woolen Goods, •I .iis. Linj-eys and I'dankcts. &c., •'^'c , except through ! orders of the pi f.ppr officers of the Confederate C /trnn-.ent or of il'.- .S ate Governments. The .\dju- ' . t General will eiuj)loy the necessary means to carry into full eti'ect !his order. All purchase for t.’f State are reqo''-'; ! t > have wriifen authority. i lin*s. a new March lt>. RIyinsm ur>p1y, ass'irl ed and Dii»€i|}- mid qo'ilii it F, .) llAi.F, >(>NS. YATCUAL PHiLO : Physics by Win. .c3iOi>l ltoc»ki. rOSDl’in froMl 'rill'it's 1’ 0. peck. M A.: Sutler Speller and Definer .Viialy^-er: lliillioiis’ and Smith s Gruinmars; .Mouteii )i’s, .Siiiiih’s an ! ^iitctiell s Gcogi’a- f'hiea; G'Xidrich’s un i Aiiiliews' ijitin ;ind Greek Les sons. I'iC. Aug. n. ipiilar ' New J. liALE &. SONS. led from .'^ov. y. HLNKY T. CLARK, Governi'i- Ex Oflicio. 78 4w liiuiik \V arraiits lor aalo at this Oliice. j eAi*T. wiiiKi:!^-'i Ri^roRT ON THE DEEP RIVKa ill,\EK.\L KKiiHIN. ^pilE undersigned have caused to be public L the Congressional plates, nil edition of tlie lleport of (^ipt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, anil Ijib A-sociatcs on the Board appointed by the Secretary of liie .Navy to es- aniine the Ueep River Region of Noi iii Carolin i. Tlii-- is the most important and scientific .-iateir. .;t of the great wealth of that sociion of the State, r.nd tiie .%Lips the most perfect aiul valuable, of any yot published, The -Maps are wortli the j-rice of the woi i;, waivih i cents, neatly bound iu cloih. Cojdes In )!i;>il. of povinge. .'n the receipt of ^t uts. .VLb.n .il couiii to wiioicsale buyers. (.)rd?rs rtolicitcl. Jftu'y i!t}. • HALlii & SONS« JAMES WILSON. 1. C., near th • W liart y I a ye I!e V i SIe Foil nry. - * ' , V ; . t . n fcr 10, :or old Cast l-'on, and lli.l ■ .o t'.ir oid ISlll.a-^ ANDERSON CORD. Oeli.b-r J.;. ;80I. 08tf _ ; Seii8e>5tratioii iXotiee. j rp IE oi..;.r-,imvd, ;ip[ioiii!i,Hi lleceiver under ihe Se- ■ I ) ; i‘>'i oil- liK couii'I.I'f Di-inpe. VV;ike. ; , ‘ I. .id uid liiiiMit, heri'i.y give^ i >ii«‘e to all: j,i*:s'ins iiri'ing it.y l.itiu'?, t>neiiiMits or tie.’eilit.iiiK'iiis, ; go d- or chaiitltf. riglits or credits, or .any iiiieres; j lioreui. of or ibr any alien enemy of the Coiifedijrate | Si;»te'> of .Xiiici'ic.i, speedily to inform me of ihe sriiiie. un 1 10 ren b-v .m nnoonrit thereof, and, so far as practi C'.Oic, lo pbice !::e sanif* in my {^o^>session, under ttie : peiuiliy of ihe lav.- for non eonipliance. : 1 .ilso rioiii'y e.icli and every citizen of the t'onfcie- j I-;):!- Stales, 'pt‘o lily to give in for unit ion to ni'- oi aoy j and iCii I 'lidi, teiieiiients aud hereiliiainenfs. gnod> and 1 cli ';i> is. riijliis iiiid c'.’cdits. within ttie said counties. I I Will (it'iid the iii:F'-:eiii coiinties in a tew diys tor C,ie oi receiving, wtien due notice will be siiveii G. II. WILDER, Receiver. Rileigh, Oct. ‘J3, 1801. Os-Ow 4 arpelins! f'arpelin^^! 1'arpcinjf! YDS. CARPETING at No. I-! I, liay St. All btylcs, all prices, all qiialiiies. .\ll will be Catawba...Joiias Cline. ( ;.aihain...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. I’iiorokee.-.G W Hayes. ('i.ivi-n...(.' C (Mark. F E .Alfred. Ciiiiiberbind and Harnett...C O Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Willianis. Cliowau... Small. Co umbus...N L Williamson C iiii'ien...D I) Ferebee. Carteret...!) W W'hltehurst. t’s'well... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. C!e;iveland...A 0 Waters, J R Logan. Diividson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. l>:ivie... Howard. Diipliu...J D Stanford. J 0 Branch. Edgecombe... R R Bridger.s, J S Woodard. Fornyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Fr.inklin—W F Green. G.i'ton...J H White. Granville...J .M Bullock, W H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. (;ailfoid...C P .MendenhaU. C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greeue....\ D Speight. Gales...Jtdin Boothe. It ivwootl....S L Love. Ilaiilax....V H Davis, W B Pope. Hcnforil...J J Yeates. Hi'ndersoii...Jos P Jordan. Hy le...TiliniU Farrow. 1 i'e lell... A K Sinionton, B F Gaither .bickson... .A Fisuer. J'tnes...\V P Ward. J'jiinston ^W II Watson, Jai Mitohener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V McBeee. Madison...John .\ Fagg. Miirtin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore...-Alexander Kelly. .Nlontgomery...E G L Barringer. M icon...H G Woodfia. Micklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. N isii...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northii:upion...M W Ramsom, W' W Peeblas Oii'low...J II Foy. »tranee...H B Guthrie. W^ N Patterson. l‘asiiiioi ink...J T Williams. P‘rquimous...N Newby. Piii...B G .Mbritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. p^.,l,o^on—Al. x McMillan. Eli Wishart. Ri.ckingham... Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Ruth.'rford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett. R indolph...! II Foust, Thos S Winslow. Jii(dim >nd....J (» Blue. S:i!i!p-on...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Siivry...W Waugh iSUikes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly ...Lafayet^ Greene. ryrrell...t’ Mcl'lftse. L'nion...!^ Q Lcmmonds. \V(i;e ..S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. W' irt-.'Ti....! B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Wii-iiiiigton...’ Latham. 1! I i;^ > Farthing. V. : T Dortch, M K Crawford. V, i!kes....\. W Martin, Horton. Ya ■k.n....\ C Cowles. 1 Vaiiov... Bowman. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, G-eo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patteraon. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith, Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—FL Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, H. Grimes. Randolph—^V. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowar. -B. Craige, H. C. Jonus. Rutheri. *d and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Coun.sel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. Wanted to Purchase, • AFIRhT rate C».)W with a young Calf. EDWIN GLOVER. Nov. 19. 76-3w •It *Vo. 34, Hail/ lik AAA Y DS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by 1_^ \JvU wholesale or retail. ■)0 Doz. WOOL and other H.ATS. C L O T H I ]\ G at greatly reduced prices: together with a large and varied stock of ^nm m uiiv goods, all of which will be ofiFared on as favorable terms as any House in the State. J. K. LE. Oct. 4, 1860. 58tf OrocerieH I Crroceries ! / A LARGE and well selected Stock of F.\MIL\ GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of all grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro- cerr Establishment. COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf (^leied low either by wliolesale or retail. 12-1 Craiub Cloths and Druggets. Also, r>- J aud J. K. KYLE. 52tf ">0 ree lia Fayotteviile. N. C.. Sept. IHiiO. U. HLOSf'O.'M. CYilUS S. V.VN' ,\MHIN(U:. .10S. R. RLOMMi.n & eo., Com fill i^sioti illereiiaiits, .•IfcirPronipt pei*sonal attention given fo all Consign- a;e;its, jtiid U'irh .I'lvnnces made on Produce to be shippec [ to otiiei jjoi ia or rfoid lu this market. I Feb’y 12, 1661. 99tf GoNVl^NTiON ON NORTH CAROLINA Al.iinaiici;—GiuM Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Al.xaiultir—A. C. Stewart. A^ihe—J. D. Forbes. Aiisun — A. -Myers, J. A. Leak, j^crtie—S. H. Spruill, James Bond. B.'aiifor*;—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Jiliuleii—Neill Kelly. P>raus\vi-k—T. D. Meares. Huiicoinbe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—.1. C. McDowell. ('abarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Ca.s«rell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) (’utawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. llcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H. M. Shaw. I Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. 1 Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. I Duplin—W. J. Houflton, J. T. Rhodei. W AilTTED FOR llO^FEIIKUlTli, Thirty good, reliable, unmarried Men, rpo enlist for THREE YEARS or DURING THE WAR, J. and to be stationed at the .Arsenal and Armory ai Fayetteville, unless specially required for other service. Pay from Eleven to Twenty-Two Dollars per month, (with such an amount additional as merit will warrant) with rations, quarters, medical attendance, &c. I desin^ no one to enlist who shall not have made up hi« mind to be governed by the Kegulations and Ar ticles of War tor the OovernHient of the Contederate Army. JNO. C. BOOTH, Capt. ArCy, C. S. A. Corad'g A. & Armory. Fayetteville, Sept. 9. 1861. JAMIES KYLE H.4S JUST RECEIVED UlS Sl'KINO SUPPLY mi\ «ooD?4, —.Among which are— 1 STAA pieces CALICO; iOuU 'j-0 PIECES LAWNS; Black and Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 11; Men and Boy’s Clothing. With a large assortment of all kinds of All of which were purchased at '^.action and private sate by the package at panic prices, and will be offered cheap by wholesale or retail. April 11, 1801. 12tf FAYETTE Vli.i^E MUTDIL ISSliRAXCE COMPAXT. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand mil other assets, $267,688 Ut) 5.077 So Total, $272,705 01 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their Total losses paid, $29,082 b9 Officers: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. R-AY, Vice President. C. A. .McMILL.AN, Sec'y. Dieectoes: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, II. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J. 0. Ci*ok, A. A. McKethan. Hon. J. Q. Shepherd, J. D. Williams, R. F. Brown, 1 , . 8. W. Tillinghast. A. E. Hall, | hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents 86^The Companj invite applications. May 28. 1860. 21-ly Blank Warrants for sa’e. SALEM, N. C. The Editor of the Petersburg Express, A. F. Crutch field, (whom wo bad the pleasure of m«eting in Fay etteville a few days ago,) writes to his paper the fol lowing interesting account of that unique town, Salem, Forsyth county, N. C., which he lately visited on busi ness:— Salem, N. C., Nov. 12, 1861. I left Raleigh on Sunday alternoon at b o'clock, taking the Njrth Carolina Railroad, one ot the best in the South, and reacliiug High Point a- bout 10^ p. m. At High Point, passengers lor Salem take a small stage coach. The distance is eighteen miles, over a plank road, which is in a very dilapidated condition, and therefore worsy than highways which have never beeu improved by plank. Salem is a somewhat queer looking place, many of the houses, indeed a great majority ol them, . wearing an antiquated appearance, which iudi- 1 cates that they have tor a iong time withstood ^ alike the blasts of winter and the heat» ot sum mer. The place was settled by Germans more i than a century ago—a clasii known as Moravians. There are now comparatively few persons ic the place who are not the descendants* of Germans, and they still retain the manners, habits, • cus toms, religion, etc., of Faderiand. They take breakfast by candle light, dinner at 11.45, tea at 5 p. m., and supper at 9 o’clock. A bell which can he heard throughout the town, announces the hour tor dinner, and another ringing of the bell announces the hour to resume work. There is a large and very, neat Moravian Church, with a clock iu the steeple, the dial ot which has enabled the inhabitants to see how time flies for sixty years past. Immediately ad joining the church is a spacious and elegant fe male school building. The structure is four sto ries high, and can comfortably accomodate three hundred boarding pupils. 1 was conducted en tirely through it by the learned and courteous Principal, the Rev. Robert De Schweinitz, and I must confess to some surprise at the vastness ot the establishment, as well as the complete ar rangements of the interior. There are over thir ty pianos in the eSuaLdirihnient, and Recitation rooms without number. The sloeping apartment 1 is iu the upper story, and occupies the whole oi one vast rooui. capatjle oi bolding one hundred beds or move. L never belore iuw so many bed steads in one room, and probably never Vvill again. i'hi.■^ room i.s li^iitcd uui votu.latod by a succes sion ot large vvui-.loWa, vvhicii extend throa^liout botn sides a.s weli as eacti end. ih»- oiiapel anU concert room, and also the dining room, are botii very spacious, aud alfv>rd ample aeeummoilatiou lor all w^ho Uoe tUem. The building is lighted with gas throughout, has hot and cold water on every floor, and ventilators at appropriate distances, thus securing every desirable comfort to the in- mates. There are several acres of ground at tached, which have been handsomely laid off, adorned with flowers and shrubbery, and studded with arbors, thus affording to the pupils most de- lighttul promenades and play grounds. 'Ihe Moravian School is perhaps the oldest Female College in the country, aud Professor De Schwein- itz informed me, that tbore are now many grand daughters and daughters whose mothers and giand-mothers were educated at this school. Un fortunately for newspapers, the school is never advertised, it is to announce that its walls are full, and no more pupils can be received. There is an asylum near the College for such ladies of the Moravian faith as desire to live a lite of celibacy. Hers they are supplied with needle work, tor which they receive regular pay, aud, after defraying expenses, the surplus is loan ed out at legal interef' and placed to the credit of the fair earner. One inmate here, I under stand, has received the sum of dlO,OiJU, every copper ot which was earned with her needle. This is a rare instance, and the only one, in all probability, in America or any other country, where a lady has supported herself, and accumu lated S16,0U0, solely by her needle. There are several very flourishing manufacto ries here. Rufus L. Patterson, Esq., a most in telligent and urbane gentleman by the way, aud who i.i very far from being an oid man, has a large flouring miil, a loundry and a paper mill. He uses steam as a motive power, ind 1 am pleased to hear that he is conducting a most suc- cesslul and thriving business. Mr. l^uteison is member of the Nortli Ciwolina State Conven tion, and one of the most agreeable gentlemen 1 have encountered in iny travels. There is a woolen mill here of large dimen sions. It is now runnino^day and night, and will ealize a large fortune from the present war alone if it be of long continuanoe. There is also a newspaper and job ollice—the Peoplels Press is the name of the paper. We callei upon the edi tor, found him bti.siiy engaged in his sanctum, but pos.^e.'i'iiig no later Virginia papers than we had alreauy soon. Jjiving here is far cheaper than in Petersburg, but the people complain that it is much higher than formerly. Butter is 20 cents per lb , eggs 10 cents per dozen, and chickens 12J(^15 cenLs a-piece. Salt, coffee, sugar, tea, etc., have gone up to a high iiguie, and many persons in this vi cinity have started wagons to W ytheville and Abingdon, Va., a dist^iuce ot over ninety miles, to procure salt. Theieisone mercantile e.stablishnient in Salem, which is entitled to especial mention, and it af^ fords me pleasure to give publicity to their pure and disinterested patriotism. They have persistent ly refused to the prices of their goods, one at which they sold before the block ade was declared. Messrs. Boner & Crist is the style of the firm. They were born and raised in Salem, but, as their na^b indicate, are of (jJer- iuan descent, and spM||jjtl||e language with all the fluency of natives.^|Pp^ sell only to retail customers, having had repwited visits and offers from the city land-sharks, who are now scouring the country. Upon the whole, I rather like Salem. There is an air ot ijuiet about the place which is some what refreshing to one who iia.-' been long pent up in tlie crowded city, aud I do not at all rei;ret the stage jolting I received in reaching here, having been more than repaid in making the acquafntance of several honest gentlemen, ’»-lio seem to realize the fact, that they were not born solely for tiie purjiose of accumulatinj; dollars, re gardless of the distress and necessities of others. Bad luck is simply a man with his hatids in his pocketa aud his pipe in his mouth looking on to see how it will come out. Good luck is a man of pluck, with his sleeves rolled up, and working to aiake it cone out right. OF ■ii