IFAiyiBTOWlHLlWE ... !' -Vi V . ...*N - Li., ,'oun of N ! (' i!» w ’r,, lALi: ^ ri\E, he P ’-.! iF • ’RIEKD9 een » r > n _■ 1 I . lisoounij r?n>: wit^ a r :r.. r \S. Q t o K o DRY. h ) !■ 1 Mill.. >ttK. iV ^ * i ,t • J_ . T 'EL ’^’Zh X 8 y w i. ■ y ' - '• u- ■ e " ’-y -I. - 3. n., - :i.' ) Idj irolina, h'Ni (J,.; ,ei rw '{J » rT0r»n'lw‘‘ S‘-ive'» l.e ' “ .u; ihiil wife AnieU'-- arf -ler. ! ■•'V I he 'ot-. - -1 f *fc Wt k ' •>, ' 1 •»; :a^ Dtii; ), the cc‘-"*'0‘ - -n • " K-— 't* id th-r: !Dt I ' f our B' fi ' in'lny ^ H A ■ arolina^ i. -t, r. A’ .' .lift. (h. id r'ierfd jn* u J /r :;ie CountJ n ot ri ?h-o * • or I. •*' •i: -■>’ ‘ ,.:.nO ill " •:. .,y tbe'*' o«:' f ;d‘ nrer ” i H WEBD,Cl*rl‘ .„xwer •in C'' [VOL. XL] M EEKL. Y. FAYHTTKVILLK. N. C., DECEMBER 2, 1861. [NO. 1079.] ! |-1\T! I> ^iO^•l> VYS AND THUHSDAV8. Ki>\V\UD J. HALE & SO\S. K1 ITOUS aNu I’rvdPUlKrOllS Prict' fur tilt Seini-\V.-ekly ()h.«krvku 00 if paiil in . vaiioe: ? i ni* i;' pni>l during the year of subscrip- >>r 1 af:or t ;> u"ir h.-jv expircl. ;ly o.iSKRVi.ii c:^‘i 0(t per annum, if p,iid in ■>'* if pnid linring the yetir of Huliscrip- f! >ii; or v''.; *»■' after (tic y»»«r has expired. VDVKIM'ISKMI'NTS mserteil foi i;0 cents per I'larc of 1'"' lines for tiic first, untl 30 ccnts for each u'i ee.!-!iir pnhlicAiion. ^ : u'ly ;!ilvertist'inonl.s bv spe- :il I'' iiiraiMat r'-^siinable rato''. \ilvorti«ers ave •'■i'i'il to state the nil -‘Vier 'if in^ortiotis ile-^ireil, or For the W( ail\ inev: will he oontitnu ;l jrbiil, aii'l chars^ed aecord- \ cent Ivertisenients t « he ins •• ?d -n charged 50 per VVa • ^ -vOTlCK. F -ii an r at;er t )ii> ir>.. , n-'-''.une of a new siih«cri>)er vl-l enttTfl wit'ront piv: ;i-iu in advan..H.\ nor will ; ,^.r tie sent to sul-Ii sub-ci ibers ti>r a longer time i ian is paid tor. ^ t ‘ii-.r dd siubsoribers as desire to take the pa ver »n this -y :!o , 'will jil,-use notify us when making eni' .nees. Jan'y 1. L. re»- pecttully the Ladies ot Fay- : 'teville, that ^he is prepared to make DUfih'»iKS in the newest and nii>^t approved :'tvies. incliiding tlie very * ishii't'. kble L k or (Jorod llress. She may be lound ;it the r»-idence of .Mrs. T. J. Johnson. Corner ’lUssell anvl tii’i- 'pie Street-*, ur ai .Mr» in. M- L. McKay's on Htivmi'’oni. iVVtf THE RA1!.!10\1) HOUSl^! SL BSt Kll.! K. having Just completed his new 1 House near the Ivail Koatt Dejtut is prepared to ac comodate transient and permaneni ln>arder.s. I’lease give me a call. Josn’n oTTuiurKu. I'ayetteville. Aug. :Jf. oX ym Arliltoi’V., ) ('.V.MC Hi'Yl. \.N, .July 2'*,'iWtil. is (''omiiany, desiring to b* coinpiete in rg- 1 nf/ect, would he glad (o enlist a iiuniher nf good Dri vers.—men accustomed to the manavrenient of horses. Tiiere will be paid to eacli man. on enlisiment. a bounty of $15. .Monthly pay ;1J: besides being elothod anil ted. uiedioal attendance free, and all oilier neces.s.'irv equipments turuished requisite fur a soldier. No OMe need applj’ unless be i-^ a gi od driver and ex perienced in the management of '' orses. Th- desiinu- lion of the oompanv is Virginia, as su.jii as «(nipped. ALtX L>. MOUKt;, [•lltf] Capt. Co. K, ileg't Lt. Artil’ery. \ Pair ol LadyN left iu the Siib.ocribers' iiuok Store a few which th« ownor will please call for. .\Lso. a small package cent lining a L.m Iv's (’ape. K. J liALi: A: SUNS. J. J. COX. W. P. KKNUALL. J. S. KtNPAbL COX, Ki:.\l>AS.L A: CO., Coiiimi^i^ioii 31ereiiaiit^ .V N I) WHOLESALE GROCERS, >0. 11 tV 12 \orth WattT St., Wilminc'tiiri. r. fisir (>rders from ttie v'outnry pi,>ni{.: v cxe>-uied. aiticnlar attention given to the ale of Colton ami other produce. April il. 1 ''tJl. 1 (t-tf For ^ale, 4 FEW CONFEDEIIATE 8 PER CENT. BONUS. A .lOllN }. williams. Raleigh, N C,, Nov'r 16, 18U1. 75-8tpd Bank of Wiiiiiiii^toii. want of a quorum, tlie Meeting of Stockholders. L’)ih insi , adjourned to meet at the l>ank the 4th oi' iKcember next. Stockholders pleaite attend or send vveei ago. Tlie Ik lec tic* May t). 1 . Tla:;av;iii(‘ lor Tlav i- J. hale X SONS* 11. I'^ -l. WHOLI^ALi: ror KAilMEUS and T HE %\D ri:tail— Cifsh. PLANTER S ALM \NAC for E. J. HALE .V SON'i. Oot. '2. l;^’;i Foundry. iiied it> iijselves f Faiyetteville I^ilE un ';-r^ij;-: il hav’ng a th« pnrp so fsrr; i ■.•2 'ii '.‘h- I'oiiitdry and ^lacliiisc uU ler the tirra of ANDi.r. 'N \ ' nHi', respT-etf;;'. 1 on order* from ti «-.■ ’i:ip: w ok in their line. II 1'ing •xperieui' -i M .* Ui Sts and .Moulders, the’ are fuMy prepared to «x ■ ut FRENCH STRI^NGrll, Atferiiey aC La^v, Fayett eville, W. C. Or'rice that rei’ently oceupitt l l;y C •>ver the one now oeeiipied by building, tireen Street. l>ec'r ‘J, 1 ^j *. G Wrisriif. Esq.. tu:n in l>r. Kobinson's >ic*rs. J T. iJOlU*. r.hf Fayetteville, Oct. 'j. 1- .1. SPRING THAni-! WORTH, WKmHTUAA A: tO. OFFER AT WiiLM.ES\Lh A lU AVV ST'X’R (jF aROCM^HiKS. —AL'O- A oompletf an 1 w '1 selected -tuck of HARDWAHK & ( UTLKRY. \RRELS N->RTH (M’.nl.iNA ldal*Rs. loO N'»RTH ( \r.iiLiNA !»->MF,'TU Ditto. WUiiTH. .DillT.MAN \ CO. Fayetteville, .\pril 1'.!, l‘'’ l. l-^tf To l.iaiil RiiyerM. HE iindersiuiied oilV-rs f.ir 'aif. in the i'’o«l reirion. and within fight r. . . s of t?ie terminus of the Fay etteville I'i Westerii Rail !’ ' i i "n peej' iliv^-r. KHiUT HI > UK hi) At UKS »F LVM). adjoiiiiug the !ani 1.. ' ia>_-ii;g I- t.ie •■'' ;!(■ .'f (Jeurije Wilcox, dec’d. and iii: ‘;:'ee nii'fs tV.ita Car bon!.hi. on l.ittie i’i>CKe' Creek. Nloorc foinuy. These Lands are well a laut*- I to tlie grnw:ii of corti. cottuu, wiieai. uats, rys-, There are uji the prem ises a cmlVirititde Dwelling, a:;d H tii-i-•s-ary Out- housi-s. wi:h n'luut -ote hi::; Ire i ‘ti l tifty acres iniiipr lencf. iiu iii line forty or tlfiy iu rt'- ut tu-vcr-f.iiliiig bottom land. T,.is is ;i r.irt 1 ■m ■■■ f r perstiiis wish ing to make inve-tnienis. :. : iuublediy ad- vaueing in rice in tii:~ i. For lurtiier inform.iiiou ,i • ! • 'rajie'ij Crevk. 1‘. O., Moore county Fayetteviile, N. l'. D.VNIEL McRAE, For the Heirs uf G;l!>on ML-llae. dec Curbonton. M lore 0.. N. .. .\ ig -I ISt^ i^lOO Heyward. ; M. McH»«. uaai'Cbs tue ut WANTCD. R ANAWA\ ii;y n--.; ^ •,-l ■- or i‘ tioiii I.;e ii l;ia:i D.VVh i lIk-s il!>'ll. H- U 1.1 11 f l.,,1 Di L'ember. It'd negro. K - the soldiers. O. Avgust 3U. l^'il \VE?^TKR.\ '^PHL following rates wi’l 1 gft- on this R >a 1, vi/: T . Little 1’ iver. 0 Spou! ng. • J ,:.;--bvro . 1 o Mi-Iver s. Train leavt s 'hi. D> [joi Fridays, m ' „ck v. .M .• I'J 0 clock \i. VAilN to make ^ocks of 1. COLL - K;N. Ag't. l-')-tf K\1L HOAD. ■n hi iw be chariied for I’assen- >i n grj; wou i weiga vfhi ii in' ie • li'i ui -J ' 'at-; !te Jia^ a -j»r piv t-ifty D ^i t - reward to uuy per to me rtt I’hi! l. lphus. R ^'ot- ^ rds contineiiient in any .Jai’. si Fifty Dollars tor proot snlh.',.’ jr persuns for liail, jriag hii • i-A.Sli-yL. M^ For .I'i.-'Li’M r. Phiiadelphiis, Ru'ii’son t o , N. . A] vallum. M((AL1.L'M. iril I'Jtf t’. R. MA LLl ednfoday^ and leave.', ^^JIver> ■\ug. IhtjL ~ ANi> ROTTE TO THE T. Pres’t. Tltf (,>n(’KK;>T RAILROAU! BK\MA.\ & l{i)in.\S()\’S FOIK IIOP.SK ST^liK LINK TO KKVWSVILLK. VI \ W\KSAW, t expediiioiis for travalers going ivitiy: F.ayetteville every day at the shiirt.'St Hti 1 u Non li 25. F. FFAKCF, Wi I'H - - A. >. S.i». (wiuniissloii ilonhunl and i’toUutt' Doitlcr, .\ND DKALKIt I . droci • .■ 1 ions. Hnr' ■■■■ire. 'utlery. Boots, .'siioes and LeaCier. ' Ragging. Rope. S;i'hl!ery. .vc.. Foreign anvi Domestic L'quors. Sheetings and Variis at .Munui'n inrers' i>rii;es. js^’Strict attention j 1 d t- orders. SOLTII SU'K H 'V Sl’REKT. FAYLTTLViLLE, N. C. . . -J4, IH'JO. ij jtf llariH'r’i^ .Vla$;aziiie tor Apa’ii. M^uch -Jl. K d. il \LL X SONS. .\ortli C'arolina I'oriii K00I4, ■ lUll. Le ‘J o'cloc': P. -i. TIlRoL'tJH IN TEN Hol'RS. Our Coaches are 1 ir^e .'-n 1 euin^'ortable. drivers sober and gentlemanly, our tei.ins guo l and sute of hve miles an hour. The traveling puldic who wu ;M study their comforj and convenience will t^ke the Warsaw Stage. f^TJlROUGH IICKKTS To WELDON may be had at the Stage '){Iice, Fayetteville. May 18i't. Li-j-tf ^PHE subficriber is now receiving a large and well se- J lected .stock of GOODS, consisting of ;K0(’KRIHS. HAUDWAriK AND (’I'TLK- UY, BAC(;iN(jl AM) KOHK, SAD- DI.EKY, .^c.. K(>RKK;X and DO.MKSTK’ LiQl'()|{S, and many r.ther articles, which he offers low for C'.\sh, or on MinHT Tt.MK to proMip! piying customers. FURTHER supplvjiist reeeivc E. 1 IIALK .'i SON pr.ixies. Nov. 14. S. JEV*FTT, ('ashier. 73-1 m •^TIEEER WAxATEO. PKKSON who understands stilling both Corn and Rye Whiskey, will receive immediate and constant mploynient. Apply to D. 1). FRENCH. iai:nbcrton, Nov. D>. 7o-4t A The Voliiiiteer^M Hand Hook. V FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Nov. lo. L,OST. Lost or mi.slaid. a NOTE made by me and endorsed by .Mex. Murciiison anil Hector .McNeill for S-X), made fiay.able at either of the Ranks in this place. The tinder will please leave it at ihe store of PenOierlon A: Sloan. W.M. SlI.VW. Favettevillc. Nov. 14. 74-tf TO TR,iyM:L.JLKilts, «’O N N EC T10 N P. i: T W E E N \V:t(lo>buro' uiid the C. K. liailroad, at Troi- UiiSerN Depot. 1''!! E Subscriber naving placel coniforti with GO(>D IIoRSES and C.-VREFUl comfortable (’caches. i L DRIVERS, 1 en the route between Wadesl>oro’ (via R^.ckinghain i and the Wilmington, Charlotte .v Ruil.erford Railroad, at Tr. ilinger's Depot, is prej'ared to carry ji.tsseiiKers, an'! hjht vacki'/'M between those points. Cniil furtlier notice, the following schedule will be observe l: Leave the Railroail. TCESD.W. THL'H.'sliAV and ''.\TL'R D.\ Valter the arrival of the train fr)in Uil tiiing'on, and reach Wadesboro' next motning at 1> o'clock. Leave Wadesboro TUE'^DAY. THURSD.W and SA- TL'RD-VVS at 1 o'clock P. M . and connect with the Railroad g.>ing to Wilinitigton f'^‘*No night travel either wav. D. a. \icRAE, P-. ,.rie!or. November 7. l^'’il 7;l-lmpd The bv or t ;nh 1 them J^ETTLEM EAT?i. ribors will be glad |.j E. J. HALE 'ei unts ilue .V SO.Vi Gi^:0. W. WlLLl.AMS A: CO.. \Vlioi(‘Malt‘ Oealor« in I*ro€ei*i»*s, .V-M' I Ml-UKTKK.'' -V-M> I>EA).K11S IN llarduare aud (’iitlery, Swedes Irou, &,c., li\Y STUKET, FAVtTTEVILLt, S. i. -Inly 'J, l''il. otitf 1U)()K-Hl M>lN(i utl its kin ls, executed with nvainini desjaich. _ {JtD.ill jobs when done must be pai l before delivere-i, THOS. H. TlLLlNGilA.'r. Opi'osite the Fem».le High Scnool, Hay Street. May 14. ISV.J. illarble Factory, 1 t..». • face. 1 Will ill delivering him iity, N i .. "r f-r I can i'et him. .\ii i convict any p* r - in O I.V! T. ini':!! >. ■'iiiV'i' ;;i'iiSK Fav^-lleviPIr, I f^60 . 84- •* ivo \Bi»VK Jan'v 2i', All kinds of Goods. Country Produce takfn in exchange for Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on liand at all times, at Manufactur«rs’ price . .\11 persons are respeetfully invited lo give me si call, at the old stand of J. & T. W;i Mill, South side Hav st. A. N. .McDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. *Jt. IHtiii. fj.^tf FKOCIiAM A'l' I >.\ Ki Ijih Kxccllfiicy Henry T. ( lark, Governor of North (ai’ollna. il.KKCl TI VK DkI'.MITMKNT, I K.M.KKiii, Novemb(.r 7. l.'^ul j IN pursuatice of the power vested in me by the I'.tth -eciioii of tlie (’on-titutiori. and by and with th“ ad- vi iif the Council of State, I do hereby prohibit the '^rtation bt yond the lin.its of ilii~ State of all R icon. 1’ k, l>t-ef, Leather. Men'.-; Shoes, Worden Goods, •I ns. Linseys and I’danketa. J^c., ■4c., except throngh iie (irtlfrs of thf* proper ofhcera of the Confederate •i verninent or of the ^‘at*- Governmeni^^. The .AiJju- t General will employ the iiec's.sury meuns to carry i' > full ertecl this oriler. .Ml agents to pnrchane for I >'tnte are required lo liHve written authority. HENRY T. CLARK. Govttrnor Ex Oflijio. Nov. ?:)-4w l*itiuk W'jirrants for sale* at this Office. •IV#r Hooks* ! THE WITS AND P.E VUX OF SOCIEI'V; One of Them, by !.,ever; ; Louie's Last Term at .St. .^Iary’s; j England s Yeoman: ; Tennyson’s Poen>«: Vineriean .Almanac, 1811; The Lady’s Rook of Flower.s; Language of Fiowers; Poetry of *• Ijadv's Guide lo Perf ect (Jentiiity: “ P.e luty: “ and Gentlemeri's Mirror of Fortune; Pe'.er Parley's P.alloon Travels: “ RoOk of Travels and A'lventure; &c. March :{l). E. .1. HALE & SONS. BEADLK’S UIMK .NOVELS, Nos. tO, 11, 12, 13 6i U, “ “ Sons IJooks and Melotlist. “ Half Dime, anil Five lent Ninei.s. E. J. HALE SONS Jan. 30. .netliodi^l Hymn^ and lines, a 'lew sui)[)ly, assorted sizes nnl ((ualities. Murch i*i. K- ■ ilALL *Sc 80NS. N Mcliool HookK. ATURAL PHILOSOPHY from i,mot’s Popular Physics by Wm. (». Peck. .'L .A.: Sanders’ New Sjieller and Detiner .Analyser; lJullions’ and Smith’s Grammars: Monieiih's. Smith's and .‘vlifchell's tJeogra- phies; Goodrich's and Amlrews' Latin aud Greek Les sons, .VC. L. .J. HALE A SONS. Aug. -.’A. C^APT. UIEKE>«»’N REPORT )> TilK Dl'L'P RIVli’R >!{\i:iML RKI,'!0\. ^PHF. nnilersigned have cau'sed to be published from J. the Congressional pl.ates, an edition of tlie Report of Capt. Wilkes. U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appoitiled by the Secretary o]' the N-ivy to ex amine tiie Deep River Region of North (’arolina. This is the most import.ant and scientific stati'iiient of the great wealth of that section of the State, ami the M ips i tiie ni.)st perfect and valua’ole. of any yet published, j Tlic Maps are wortii the price of the work, wliicli is iiO j cents, Ueaily hound in clolli. (Copies .-ent l>y mail, free of postage, on the receipt of cents. A liberal dis- ' count to wholesale buyers. Ordci s soli ited. j JuQ’y 2t). ■^^ HALL & SONS. ((instantly Mannfaeturlns; at my Establishment [.''VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS. Saddles, Rridles, Coll.ars, Whips and Trunks; nil kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and »)il: (’ondition Powders, for diseased Horses a»d I'attle: Coach Trimmings. Carpet 13ags, Valises, Saddlery. Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholes:tle or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of Harness and Saddles manufactured to order aud repaired. .lAMES WILSf)N, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th? Wharf. Nov. lSt;i». tiT-ly - ■ Ea yef f r viI It' Eon nd i*y. W' E will pay cent per lb. for old Cast Iron, and ll!^ VV cents per lb. for old Rrass. ANDERSON ('ORD. October 20, 18fll. ti8tf ^CQuestratioH i\oticc« rpHE undersigned, appointe«l Receiver under the Se- X questration Act, for the counties of Orange, Wake, Cumberland and Harnett, hereby gives notice to ail persons haviug any lands, tenements or nereditamenis. goods or chattels, rights or credits, or any interesi I herein, of or for any alien enemy of the Confederate States of .America, ppeedily to inform me of the same, and to render an account thereof, and. so far as practi cable, to jilac the same iu my possession, under the penalty of th.* law for non compliance. I also notify e.ach and every citizen of (he Confede rate States, speedily to give information to ni'^ of any and all lands, tenements anil hereditaments, goods aud chattels, rights and credits, within the H.iid counties. I will attend the ditferetit counties in a few days for the purpose of receiving, when due notice will be niven. G. H. WILDER. Receiver. Rftle.gh. Oct. ‘23, 18G1. tiS-liw Car|>«(iii»I i'arpelin;;! C^arpetin^! Ql-AA YDS. CARPETING at No. 34, Hay St. All /gOUU styles, all prices, all qualities. All will bo ottered low either by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville. N. C.. Sept. 13, 18(50. 52tf JOSEPH R. IJLOSSO.M. CYRUS S. VAN AMBINOE. JON. R. HL0!liS01l & CO., €oniHili!%$$ioH illcrciiants, .V, personal attention given to ail Coa.-jigu- meuts, aud Cash ativances made on I’roi^iice to be shippet' to other ports or sold in this market. Feb’y 12, IbOl,. 9Utf LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whodb«e. (’amden and Currituck...B F Simmoni. Gates and Chowan...M L Eurq. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford...J IJ Slaughter. I*ertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M 0 Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson... }J T Clark. Pitt... E J Pdount. Beaufort... Frederick Grist. 'raven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F .\rendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. (>nsl«v,'...L W Humphrey. Pdadcn, Rrunswick, &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash...A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person...’ L W’instead. Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. Alanmnce and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore ami Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson...-\lfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S H W’alkup. Guilfonl...Peter .Adam'? Caswell...Redford Brown. Rockingh.i."...F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J 0 Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse A Waugh. .Ashe. Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes iic...L Q Sharpe. Burke. McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, (laston &c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherford, Polk &c....\ W Burton. Itiincombe. Henderson &c...G«o W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr J M Carson. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. -Aslie...J M Gentry. P>urke...J H Pearson, i'uncombe....A S Merrimon. Pdaden...C T Davis. l’-ertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. lieaufort... R S Donnell, W T .Marsh. Rrunswick...T D Meares. Cildwell... Dickson. Cabarrus... W S Harris. Catawba...Jonas ('line. Cti»iham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...G W Hayes. ( 'raven...!' C Clark, F E .Alfred. Cumberlind and Harnett...C G Wright, J S Harring- ;un. J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Cm uinbus...N L Williamson Camden...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers. S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland....A G Waters, J R Logan. l»avidson... Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. l»avie... Howard. Dunlin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. E Igecombe...R R Rridgers. J S Woodard, t-'orsyth....I F Pjindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. G\'ton....l H White. G; :uivi’.!e...J M Bullock. W' H Jenkins, S H Cannaday. G iiui)id...C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Qorrell. (il l ene....\ D Speight. G'lies...John Boothe. H iywood..,S L Love. H ililax....\ H Davis, W B Pope. lleitford...J J Yeates. lleii'ierson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Irodell....V K Siuionton, .A B F Gaither J.iekson....\ Fisher. ■!■ ;.es,, W P Ward. .! vi;.:' n—W H Watson, Ja>» Mitcheue". l.enoir ) C Wooten. Lincoln...V .A McBeee. M l lison...John Fagg. Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore....Vlexander Kelly. Montgomery... E G L Barringer. Macon...H G Woolfin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. N ish...H (i Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ramsom, W W Peebles On.slow...J H Foy. Orange... H B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasquotank....! T Williams. Perquimons...N Newby. riit...B G .Mbritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Ri)))e.son—,\lex McMillan, EliWishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. llowan...N N Fleming. N F Hall. Pvutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padgett, llaiidolph...! H Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh Stokes—Horatio Kollum. Stanly... Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell.McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wilke...S H Rogers. J W Russ, H Mordecai. V»’arren...J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washington.Latham. Watauga...Thomas Farthing. W:»*,’ne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes... A W Martin, Horton. Yalkin....A C Cowles. V;incv... Bowman. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Oeo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Pattargon. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Giluier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. * Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Wa.shington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Biggs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—IL Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowai. -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Ruthen. *d and Polk—J. H. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Moseiy, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—.las. Calloway, Peter Eller. Vadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Pcnland. KDWIN GLOVER. 76-3 w Wanted to Purchase, ^ FIRsT rate COW^ with a young Calf. Nov. 19. M *Vo. 34, lEau 1 A AAn P^l^^TS, unusually low, either by JLU.UUU wholesale or retail. 50 Doz. WOOL and other HATS. CLOTHIIVG at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied stock of mm m m orv goods, all of which will be offered «n as favorable terras as any House in the State. J- K. KYLE. Oct. 4, 1860. 58tf Groceries / Groceries I! A LARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mullets, Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, Molasses, Sugars of all grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment. COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf WA^TED^ FOR COIEDERITE SERVICE, Thirty good, reliable, unmarried Meu, To enlist for THREE YEARS or DURING THE WAR, and to be stationed at the Arsenal and Armory at Fayetteville, unless specially required for other service. Pay from Eleven to Twenty-Two Dollars per month, (with such an amount additional as merit will warrant) with rations, quarters, medical attendance, &c. I desire no one to enlist who shall not have made up his mind to be governed by the Regulations and Ar ticles of W'ar lor the Governiuent of the Confederate Army. JNO. C. BOOTH, Capt. Art’y, C. S. A. Comd’g A. & Armory. Fayetteville, Sept. 9, 1861. The fort Royal Booty.—A boat just arrived at Baltimore, from the invaders’ fleet, at Port Royal, reports the capture of two millions dollars worth ot cotton. That this is a monstrous exag geration a few facts will demonstrate. Beaufort District, S. C,, according to the census of 1850, produced only 12,000 bales of cotton, whose value, at 350 a bale, was $600,000. The crop at the present time is about the same. And, even if we suppose the value to* have been doubled by the blockade, it would only amount to 81,200,000. So that if the Yankees pos.sessed the whole crop of the District, covering an area of between one and. two thousand square miles, it could not possibly be worth more than 81,200,000 to them, a sum only a Jittle over one-halt of that which they state ^ as the true one. But, at present, they possess * but a very small portion of the crop of the Dis- I trict. This portion canniot possibly exceed two or three thousand bales, valued at most at $800,- ■ 000; and the quantity, in all probability, will not exceed a few hundred bales. The other agricul tural productions, which they may capture, can- . not exceed in value $.300,000. This would make $600,000, the highest possible value at which the agricultural productions which they may have seized can be estimated. To get this they have expended at least $100,000 worth ot shell and shot, besides losing twenty of their vessels, sunk and disabled, bj' the storms and by our batteries. Perhaps $50,000 a piece would be a very small valuation tor the lost vessels. But, even if we suppose that to be the average, the total loss ot property by the destruction of twenty would be $1,000,000. Thus they have expended $1,000,- 000 tor $()U0,000 worth of our property. We ‘‘calculate” they have paid pretty dearly for their whistle.—Rich. H7iV/. New York.—The city ot New York has un doubtedly signalized itself in the present war. It has thrown all the other cities in the shade. Bos ton and Philadelphia together have not approach ed the energy, exertion and furore of the Em pire city. In capital, men, armaments. New York has been the backbone of the invasion. Her newspapers have led the way in stirring up the war pas.sions of the North, her preachers have thundered anathemas from the pulpit, her mob has cried unrebuked tor rapine arid murder, her very women have urged on her military ruf fians to deeds of blood and crime. If New \ yrk had seen fit to hold back from this accursed war, it could not have been waged, nor could she have been dragooned into it by any power at the com mand uf the (jeneral Government. She need not have proclaimed herself a free city, as some of her journals betoro Secession hypocritically pre tended she would. Slie need .not have raised an army in behalf of the South, as .John Cochrane declared Iroiu the Exchange porch she would, in the event of coercion being attempted. She might have remained simply passive, aud the war, with- nid wniilil hsivft bpen :i nipre farce. itb perfect safety to her own iirterests, she could nave pursued this course—a course prompted by every consideration of consis,tency with her political prin ciples and of trratitude to a section whose com merce has made bor what she is. hat would New Voi'k have been without coniiucrcc'/* An^d what would be her commerce without the great Southern staples.”* ’Ihe enormous amounts she is expendinti in this war shows thnt she appreciates the great source of her wealth and power, whilst the tact that she is expending these amounts in makinsr war upon those who have made her rich is an exhibition of ingratitude and fatuity un paralleled in the history of the world. We can never expect such a community to see the atroci ty of iiiijratitude, but it might have saved its liiindred millions and the future Southern tr&de, both now lost forever, to its unspeakable remorse md misery. I^et the war terminate as it may. New York is a doomed city, and if ever a city deserved to be doomed and damned, it is that Sodom of America.—Richmond Dispatch. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA Alamance—(Jiles Mebane, Thos. RuflSn. Alexander—A, C. Stewart. A.'he—-J. 1>- Forbes. *Vnson—.V. Myers, J. A. Leak, liertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—W. J. ERison, E. J. Warren. Bltiden—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. 1). Meares. liuncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—(/ Phifer. Caldwell—E W .Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—1 . C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., L. .1. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. CnrritiKk—H. .^l. Shaw. j)avidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houston, J. T. Kliodes. JAMES HYL.E HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, —Among which are— 1 CTAA PIECES CALICO; iOUU 500 PIECES LAWNS; Black and Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 11; Men and Boy’s Clothing. With a large assortment of all kinds of mES-mim ju sm^ All of which were purchased at Auction and prirate sale by the package at panic prices, and will be offered cheap by wholesale or retail. April 11, 1861. 12tf FA VeXTE VI L.L.E MUTIIIL INSCRAJiCE COMPA\f. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand .ind other assets, $267,688 I’O 5,077 35 Total, $272,765 61 The Company have paid all losses prompily? ana have never made an assessment on their Total losses paid, 5>29,682 bJ Officers: OEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. RAV, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. DxEBCTORS: W. N. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly. H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman, C. B. Mallett, 'James Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. 8. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. Q. C«ok, Hon. J. Q. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, \ ^ A. E. Hall. } Wilm’gtoTi. hn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. ji^^The Company invite applicatioua. May 28. 1861'. 21-ly Blaiik Waxrauts for aa’e. The Louisville Journal says: If our soldiers ^should fail to receive as warm and thick winter clothing as they desire, let them rely upon one consolation. They can make their winter cjuarter.s so tar South that thick clothes wouldn't be comfortable. .Just so. It seems that some of them started South the other day, but when they reached the Missouri shore opposite Columbus, a few days since, they found it was already too warm for them, and they concluded to turn back. Many of them, it appears, mado their “winter quarters” in a place which is popularly supposed to be a good deal warmer than “the South.” Fetenbunj Ejrpress. Dried rumjikiHS.—A distinguished physician rejuests the editor of the \ icksburg \\ hig to 5^y there is nothing better tor soldiers confined in caiup during the winter, when fruit and vegetables cannot be had, than dried pumpkins. He says that soaked in water until they are softened, and stewed with molasses, they are not only wholesome but very palatable, and an excellent Kubstitutw for fruits or vegetables. They can be cut into strips, hung up aud dried, with great facility, when they oun be packed in bags and sent to the army. They are now plenty and cheap in this section of the country. Fatal Accident.—regret to learn that Mr. James 11. Moore, who resided near Granite Hill, in this county, died last Friday morning, in con- scfjuence ot injuries recei\ed by getting his toot cau»^ht in the gear of a threshing machine, three weeks ago. The limb had to be amputated and he died of lock-jaw. The deceased has left a wife and seven children to lament their‘melan choly loss.—IrtdtU Express A Vankte Jud(je.—It is a rather amusing fl- lustration ot the working of tie elective judiciary, that Colonel McCunn^who was dismissed from the army io consequence of bad conduct, should have returned to New York and quietly resumed his place on the bench. This man, who was warn ed by McClellan net to show his lace within the lines at Washington, is now dispensing justice in the largest city of America. Great Strcyth.—The Boston Herald states that the strong n.an, Dr. Winship, while stand- in" upon a staging at an elevation of 8 or 10 feet from the floor, lifted and sustained for a consider able time, without apparent difficulty, a platform suspended beneath him on which stood twelve gen tlemen, all heavier individually than the Doctor i himself, and weighing, inclusive of the apparatus lifted with them, about 1,90U pounds.

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