h B S K Itt I-W B Fi K L. Y. Nof*8- [VtM.. Xl.j FAYKTTKVil.LF,, X. C., DECEMBER 5, 1861. [>(). 1080.] allaco'- N ufs- ■I .1' N ,v i i'h- ■fit well''* I'r - Ai S'-NS XK, [*ost irlNDS- (V'lU-D'jltlZ t«tiU I hiiv.- t.W'i OUUt-^. l‘i Li-i IFUh >i I: . G. ( RY. I) F HVP ft’-I) U' t Ult* ; A’ I I. [»U/L V ■'1 f y V\ t* t^- y thlJ “iJ- n* T }■ ‘ i 1. r'; U' !:. 'r bi. 1 p V J '> ;■ ! ■■ i> aber T-.-:: 1'’.' ‘ Jarver ftH'l wife ve- 'ourt rif.- p.i bv I ^.e rour-. Kiiitive wefk(« m t Kiii; Jame!- »T(€'ir Ht theD®-'^ P ..-i. in^' liijglittiu. on •■ ‘il.pn Hii'l 'hfi- ion. or 'lie sai: > pro conl* ,r B iid f yin' 'Ciob 'T, wKi: ‘ " 1 o^r T6t!' Xay .-I 1 Ml IT;f»' \;■ ' . ed !'V ti»‘- ■ , ..-V ■ Wf-■- , . - =;.l .J ("'■■■ ' i.. ir ri “ : .ounty 't ‘ .i rvinii . wii 1 i.-OJ, 'i“-n pwi'i->u. a I* . t. • 1 I. fy \VK! ' .'1. ik O’ ,,.r T«*i in 1''" il'jC 'l, ' ■ ■' in'- A--‘ ' ('..iir' (i.ir- j h M M HT 1 ' live * r P*'^' ,t... iiii'”.'. IV Ul f»» ll«' • . k,»-. bj!"';; ,|I, C’f'*’* aid Court. (i. tober, A- t’lerk. '■n; ■'or t’u tlilvi I icn; T-'. ■ ■■ riiiNTK!' Mondays wd EDWASU) J. HALE k SO>S. Ill l i Ui.' \Nl> I iw:! .', ir.lNlil.- iir li.; iiii-\S iM kiy on-i HVKU ^ 11 p- i ! . tOC* ■■ -t.l '.V!| , ' '-.t' i .Ml' ) :-l K '■) : '■ '■ ' ' i-o: ■!> if' jiui'l 'I'lrinjr till' vf u- ■! ,.r > , !i(» ifi.ov I,., vi'.ir '■ Al'VKK I iSIMKV : - r !•) lisK" '■ 1 *'• ' w, I't it j.ai l ]' !ii£r puMi. .!V;lvMS. :i' •.•■I to st.i:. U )u' eomi 1 ili'-ivo' ; 1 •,'l Ill'll J'Ol- -!iii ;«.-ri'>or •. ii'iT >viM CAt; ASIiLVILL ;[(u 1361 ■ AiiLt. *re ne ; ]i:UI H N 'IK: T’j » r .■•Us ;tro jv''. i \Hi:- ir.lU-; tr.'\ V lU- i t i S ii Sit* % School iXotiee. M', sniOoL iu the LH >N A l,l»SON At’M'KMY. on II Mill.NT. will bo i'e-o{n‘iicii ou T L’ CS I) \ Of’TOiMj; Is', isill. 7Vr;,7,f, J>t^r f>uarttr of 1* Vfr-lf: Knilisb. s;7 .")(> f'l.tssicul. lo uu «'ui> iiiy:oni. .n:SrH K. McLKAN. I'nric-ii.al. \iien-;t lU, lSt',1. lOlf 1 AVKTTKVILI.K IViiiaSe lliiuh sSclsool. TKUMS. noiifil j>oi-Se-^sion ot'111' weeks. '^•id (-1 'riiiiiiui in ('>lU‘jri:ti*’ ('bin-.i's ’JO woi'ks, llO t'll “ \f I iciuf •• ■' •• 1i‘i IM) “ I’fim-iry “ •• “ IL* .'0 iii(’i'li‘iU:i! (‘xpeust*';, 1 (i i I'liiiion in Music, l’:iiiitiTiir Uriwinc:, :iti 1 Aiicii'iit Laitcruages. \o. at ilio v;iU''. fl-iV'-Oiu'-li tlf of I’.oar'l U!k1 ’riiiiion vi*'ir.irj'l -n n !- (■■■ ,(>; the otlici- nt the beiriuinii^ of tlie 'J'l Qiiartoi. S('H(»LASTU’ VKAU. it Session.—('’omnuMices 1st (K’tobpr. I'mls 17th Februwy. ■_M St-s^ion.—’'ommP!ices 1 Sth Febni-iry. Kuds lith .Inly. T. C. HOOl’KK, I’fiii-ipiii. Sept ISCil. TTif Who wiH j;o into the I'literprise? SrrpiVS'.".('i th'H tht'ro tV ISC c^iliit-ii rb^y wiiiii i Hki- to invest in luiniMj imhi .'pt'eiiy .\S:WGOOi>5^. -iiib-ci ibor i> iiow roceiviti^ i birjre ai;-i well >•- I U'cieil siiH'k oi' (iOOU.'s, eci!isist:ti^ .if ;!;()('Kiu;-:s. iiaki'W'auk and c\ rh!-:- !IV. ]i\r,{\isr, AND KDl’K, SA1‘- ni-Kiiv, Ae.. f(>iu:k;\ and DOMKSTh’ MQl OltS.' jui'l 111 uiy other :u'ticlf', wbicli lie olb'r low fur ''as.i, or i>u sti.ii! I TiMK to [iroTiijit paying i iistmner^. All kin.l- Gooiis. of \iu!itry rro '.iico tal eu in exchange for ti 'liver ut nirinnf i. i lire wi.ii i' ’i-;!!.-.! ill I ho S tali, 1 Wiiir i lak-' "ii an tli ii 1 ii.ive ■; never r • with t>ieii'v if ruiint. at tiie li liil! ! niiw he this nietliii'l i'> ,ihn_ W \ri:!? Wr-ri. nil 'Un. Sluetin^s tiii.i (’ottoti Varns on liau'l :.t all times, .it M.iiiuf.ietttrerb' prive-. All pcv'-. ii M e re'[ ei : f ully invite 1 ti> ^ e me :i eaM, ai ilie 111 I s'ati'l of .1. \ 1'. U'a Mill. Smiiii -i'le II iv -i. .N. \Tel'ONALi>. F lyi'tioviiie. N. Sept. 'J!, IS'ii*. % ol l-'t' ill ;!ie -u'" >'vi>i‘»vivi.ik Stove a few w^-.-k. a^j; ■. whii.'li t!:e iiwib'r wilt plea‘-e call t'ir. ALso, :i small picka^re containing: a l.n'lv’s V\ ■ i; .! !!AI.i: \ S )NS. IIM#. .fSrt,. Attorney at Law, FavKi , KViiii.K. N. II,I. •I'teii.l tin- I'lKliiIy ail'l Sui'eviiir t'l.if t'iiii;':>rl 'I!';. H ■, li^.ii-e ail'! It'-! e-'in - tic . I’v.'i ';-! ^ ^ n tbe c.i -u of - 1:1 las eii! IT!-t'.-it !i. h.tii i'. w I'lii'f>l MILITARY BOCKS FO.a CA^H Q.^LY. n ii;e eeniie of Fayet;evillo. N ’ . cit-ible i«t' r'liiniiii. uiy ni leliiih-rv lit:!ii oriter, aiel w^ul I i't' ; lC iH’ ! ti. .'.'I llio -'iiii** pi'ititalilv enipiiiyt'il. -J ,M iii'.i il I I I. ler l^c.l Meii \mi:l f ll.ir.Ur (iilti'im y ma'.; ' A.iiiiv i;»irnlation y 111 111 t a: v'f I’.:'. ■ Me! !. ■ ^ 'iliMll eel> I.>r tlie ' '!ife'l 'i\ 111 11 i . iii'l Mill I e! A ui:n: j TU‘ Nt‘w Sl\lo. i {OUMn:i> PI10INM.5JAPHS. ! % ;i4>:ilh*rv. M. MI'l Suirilll-ilev- ^ J Lul ili' 1 • I>; ART Wooilward'** ^ol:ir t'aiiic-i'a. ; ... :v. .1, i: .1 1! A i,i; .V M ns. SITOCIU: iOVllT flKPOIlTS, TWO \2-:\v \oi.; .li.iiiI..tu.A Vol..'».luiit‘N\ K‘,inih IlfitoriN, .11 i N ; Wii.ibi IV fa. ■rii ■ 'Wii. .in'I f\i" •• v eil for ti:e-' ■ , ' - ^.nelMi!} ; ■ As re;i 1 - .li-r.ate ' . ’ i . n f : 0 iiUVi ■ , 1 !. l^ic. 1 .illl you' ■ 1 ; May i, I'OT. A ISiiiolii r. ^ 4 N'l p^jrsau h.ivi' - \ ioilieii b'- -, i ; . e. White'U' ■tie in be;i Ui i ; w- 11 -.'r n- ;■ ■ • . me rh"' . - i-'ayc'tcviL/. - ■ . ' • U’ II .\VL on hail i T I. 11 owi: luanu' i , : ■ ■ aU'l Co'. . ;;on 11 ji AErs:2£ Hi vu r/i Kreuch* Hi^h Po^l. i JtiiM i *MiiiiiOi! -■ M:,I. ■ - i .V ;i:.. ;e ■ ■ . il U',". M' i )11 »'l MiK \nis I. .n.'vv. ilay ~ . N. » .;”!■ .1 «. • aU'l I'.i '■ III he liaii ireet, -p' - ; i^ll. re'-'Ur •ile; fl ... 1 . ev. iii'i ■’ Vri Ai'.., I I. li e \ isrlii In-; ,1 p, I; I !;i-illll-:i . 1 .n;''ii’l-. ii.i [ w.iiiM r na'.,.' l Fiiv >1-0 :rn 111 V ' .-.‘'1 .>n :.ie levillv iii't viv"i:i C. M. VANci I’iui: ; '.Ml' ir,- .ilid '-y »'b .rn A 1 .ivi n«#r s ip \0 I I C !:• I'»il 1 Nl^ilF-^lii.NKD. (. i'!i !; V. . en: :arv 'ervi'e of I tie I’onleilet ii.- .-i-He' r. "v h t'> tiivir v' ! '-..'t 1 I . y il tv.- ,; pLiin'e.l J-.'in ; l.i.-.-, :if if :r• , : i; . r • .!lj .Wi ly ail lU' '.jy J,, I r ill'l -.iherw.: '• !o ' V iiliitit: tlieit a' -“r .i ■e’-oti-' ili'ieble'i ’ 'h-' . ; m il'.tir agf?.> » ■ .1 I' .'iiut tri' ■feel ticAAllil. • St font ft/ ifutf i'ounst Utn' tt? ijfttr, ■A MV. i >. I . w •J. fV riv ]' : lyiu- 1 L. i- I M’ \W'. T. i\ i oiiiruis'iion i)i'NTAl. J.S an S o ii V.- .‘k V. ’ II I U-; Il V, M- ! i ... : aii'i "ti ' •.-piM-in.- - iH: - . ■ w A; i • \ N e-ir' • sr»rr a., e [■ «''hee h' M. itri) J il .» ! • ■■ - - , - 'he » A. \1. hls.UT 1U.S5UU.!) Will llsl i.e . lli'l i'.-MI 1.II ^ 'ti i ( r. ‘K. tl'it ■JNo. (. r.txrrii. .\rt y. Ciinul fi .N. ' ■ .\.'eu S-i') UbWAlii'. I'or ^nUI. " .ire i‘ti Hay Street, beiween ■:!>’ t'r'"'kery Store I :in.| 1>. \ VV. .\lel,,\u! ill s Sture. aiet ai present • e- eiiMe.i by 'lieni. l’i."e"if'n ''iven Is' SejMcuiher. i' .r tioii,-. apply to 1>. .t 'V. Mi-Laurin. 'H S. T. II . l*-y >'C Sun. \'i'_usr I-*), l>'til. tS-it Tit I. tiiill, wi, • If 1 .len l)we..;iiir. .i!i' iiiiii- til 1*^'* uive'iineti v,;;einj; in pr;i •• in ! ni For lor: i t i’rtuio'' '! ’ :> . ,• :..r p." I'li' ian i- tire uu.i.'ii' ■ e *: 1 ■ 111' -,-cii"!l. I'la-..! .n -pi iy 'o \lr. ,M. M -M () , Mi)ore oifiiuiv. or ala:es> i I'.il !i'ie'. • t; le, 111',.- a; HANAWA^ • i It litil iM-:.. ^ ing .it.Mil! 1j , ' . ■ 1 I = ■ "“. ti ’arver -J ( . t ■ ■ . ■ • ■ ' ■ tiliove rew 11 ■ tor ill: y .i. .. . ('utnlier: ■ri'l county. .) ii;y !'■ A. i \ nPUi^iAA, Auctioneer and 'h'iohanl, — will alteii'i : - ,t 0itooits, ,'fli :-'4 hfiinfis(\ ijStfiif', i'iJt S. *Vr. ■ uue ‘Jt, Irt'll. . • ti TI !!LI\(i'IU\, 'rimbcr \%*antefh j> \UTlFS htivii.,'- si-ason.'1 \\'I!!T!', OAK ’lIMhl-.l’ 1 ir-.-.i i nc nil i a half to .'ix incher* in ili;- -n*". tu,.i '.■ I - X t(i twenty mciies in wi.lth. ati'i wi^hii:^ to ili;-- . .. ..f liit* s:ime. e.iu tin'l a purelitiscr by ;ipplyi>ijr in . ^ .11 bv letter to th(? uiuler-i^rni 'l the .Xi 'Ptiil. .)('UN r.‘M) 1 n, ('apt. .\rt’y. tJoiii'l .-\rsenal. 1'I', Riieville. -Alter, -i, IHi'il. o»-tf ^evt'ie, N. F-.-r ilio .i.iitnn. M'.iire !>ani.:l Mvi.M-:. Ileir- ■; 'iii'x rt Me.% le. N. (■.. Ai:i! -1 A i \ il l>! LAIUI'l'' C'lti be accotnmo.iateil witii b'l.ar 1 .it ^elnlllal•y. T. 0. IlOOl’CK. W COWMIc; \\ 11. ILL'MV.- ; I 0 iW >1 i A' I i'll! ;i l i Other e«: f . ■ i meni, 1; ; . 1 K.KMSii. . liefer t'l; 1’ ’.Vi,:iiiington; .i •; Hank of Non ii t ’ r- j;r.inch Hank I ., • ■ lie.r 1 I, l^*"'. I9I:AV1 i-5 l;(»t’KFi>H .M 1 ..f F-iVi-iTvi'ie, .N ■ ■ IIietK'’- '* 1'! . ' 1. . f-iV'.i i! ' V wii !• I ■ e - • -'H. h i-. a[)'l li ive •N( W ^ oik .illil I’liliti'l Vi >i 111.’ ny i.nia. .\i>ii . 1-. ; \n -• 1 .■ 'i ■ ■ - 'll'ANV Cotton Varii. 4 IM’LV to H Mallcit or Messrs. Kay ^ I’e ircc. ' \ (’. Ii. MALLKTT, Ngt. I uet..b r I't. I'^' l. « Soldit-r*.’ rriemU. !■; \ \ M ,11 |.|e aifiii.peiiientu with (’ajit. .M .\. r.U-.l'..e .,f i!.r (.^u.liter .M.a.sii r Dej.artnient, loft.i vvai i to any '''..i.;m .v, nr lo any member of any .III).',iny !i c.-n (,'um 'in- ■‘n liAiiintV, any article of clotiiing that tii-ir fri'ii i.s ire to senil tiietn. li- - H.\KI>11.. iH-if 2i. \h- ’> E2aj'|H*r‘’ Vi : • ' Jl. ioi* A|»rsl. .). H \i.i; s >\s \ortli 4'i»foliScti rorsii Sioc»u, i veil. .1. flALK SON FL'i:T;IF.:l '-upt.lyjust vee( F iriy I (').-t w T. H A I'.il, l“r .June 1. 1 '"1. ■kti- RWTtUiTS WANTEl)., ,\N 1‘Kli i;’) men f»r the -'nil Ite'T-.in'Mii N . .'^tate Ti-oop-^. toy Ilf Ma>ias-:a,s. F.iuh r.'cruit will he p'li t ;i biiiinly uf .'?!•’) as .soon hs iiiH'tere‘1 into Sorvicc. .■liiil .Til per iiiontii iliiiitiii tern; of en.i-ilui'-nt. '1 lio-'C ■ iesiiing !.• enli-at wili apply t.j me -.i tlio oHlce of J i- Sl'.'’iher'l lls'i. .IAS. C. DOUHIN, .Tr. Oct. ititii 1801. iVel ■■villp u. \\. f{i 1 oiiimisfii'Hf . \V1 l.M iNf.TOX, X. tV )!!()M1*T an JMlSLATniF, OF NORTH CAllOLTN.\, 1860-01. 8F.NATK. I'asij'iotiiiik aii'J Perijuiinans....] M Whedhee. I'am.leti .i:i.l Currituck...H F Sinitnotie. (I.itO' .mil rhowati...M L F-iire. Ilyle an.I Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Norihaiiij.ton....I M S llogers. Her!ford....J 1> Slaughter. Henie... L»avi.l ttntbiw. Mtii'tin !ind Washington 1 I’ .StubbB. H:ilif;ix...M t; Whitaker. 1M;reeoinhe an-l Wilson...VI T Cltirk. Fin ... K .} Ulount. Heaiitbi t... Fre.lerick Gri.st. (Iraveil...N il Street. ('arterei iin'l .J..■lies... 1 )r M F .\rendell. (ireeui tin.l Lenoir....! P Speight. New Ii.in..ver...Hli W Hall. ; I>i! Jilin... l»r .lames Uickson. (In-itf.v. .. I.. W ilumphrey. i;;.i.ii ii. I’.nin-;witk. i'c.;...Jno I) Taylor. , I'umberlaii'l timl 11 tirneit... Duncan Shaw. I S iiiiT!-on ...Thomas 1 Fai'on. \Vtiyn>‘...W K Ltviie. J.iiiiisi.in....! W H Wutsoii. NViiive ..M .\ lUeilsoe. N sh...A .) Ta.'.lor. t'r ink’in ... W Harris. ! \V;,i-ren...T .J I'itehfnr.l. ! (!r:iiiville...(' H K Taylor. l’er>on...(' L Wiii'tead. | Ora;;^e...Jo-^itih Turner, Jr. Abuii.^net' .111.1 Randolph...Jonathari Worth. (’ii.uhtiiii—S ilani'- 'i.i'ire :i!i'l Mii'.ii tTonierv... ^^ D Dowd. i !!ie!ini..ii'l tin.I Kobes(m....-\lfred Uockery. Vii'.m till.I l'iiion...S M Walkup. iiiill'oi 'i... I’eier .Vitam'^ ( isxM-li... Ho'ili.i'vi Hrown. i; i.-'iMti^rha; • . F L Sinijisi.n. Me.-klenbi.rL''...John \V:;!ki'r. • ibiriu? lUi'l Si(inly...V (' Harriiicer. I!.)\‘,:in ind I>:»'^'ie... 1'r .1 ■ k unsey. Davi.lson...Jno W Thonris. .Siokes .-in.i For'ytii....iesse W-iu^h. \ he. .-^iii-i-y vVc io' Dobson. I'. 1 .1, W;ike-. \c...L .''liai'pe. li.iiue. \le!»i)W'll \u...H s (J lither, l. nioln. O i -’ .'1 ,'ce..,.lasiier Stowe, i! .11 iieri'ir l, I*.ilk .ve.. , A W Hurton. !l '!i. , ;'ihi-, Ii(-n.tersiiii vi:...(iHi W »';iiidler. II ivw. 1.1, 'd icon .V.-...W II Thomas. 1*1 •r.-'K f >F ('OM M( >NS \ ■ •‘...I'.i.e NIeb i!ie. \ -x-,.i.ler... Dv .! M ( ur'-oti. \oson...L i.. I’olk, L 11 Liles. \ -ti,' . .1 M (i..niry i iHne. 11 I’enrsoii ie.in.'.imhe..S Merrinion. •lien...*' r D.ivis. ii. rtie... I’ T Henry and Ferguson. 1'..- :!..ri. .il S Diiinetl. W T .Marsh. ■ • f 1' Me.: ri ' -' ' Ml . - — Diek.'i.n. .-' .. 'A .S !! irrls. > ':i: i\v ! ... Im is ('line. t' . : .. . il. ,U 1’ T lylor, 11 N Green, Turner I’ynum. .: 11. >. e. w il'.:.. s ■ iv -n...> i' ('lirk. F Fl .\lfre.l. (’ii.i'-.er.iiii 1 an.i H.irnett...(' (i Wright, J S Harring- ■ .11. .i (' Williams. I':;i-u . t:... Small. im’i U-...N’ L W iiii-ini»ou iiii le:i... D D Ferebee. ' .rt.iet.-.D W Wliitehurst. ('ii'W.-. . . Withers, S I’ Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. ’ Arrent of JA-,.s.s/-s. Mn%y,> «».-/ SlldeU.—Speat A Ss. in. V# OSt't'si. aiiti I orwardiu^ .'icrchaiiti. i i. ^! i N. ii. l\ WITH (Mcr iiaiit ;ui»! 1‘rodiM i* iJoalci’, .\.M> DKALKll IN .iiii.'eri. '. l‘r...isions, if .i'.lw.iie. t'liiK'i'y. 1) ...I .''.lor - ainl Leal ner, ' i; l!.ii..', .-'.iiMleiy, I'i.ri'i, ri ri;; I -'i' i i. .■Mieetiii/'aiM \ ai 11' .Il .Mjiiiiiactiiieipiu-> s. ri( t .iiieiiti.iti pai'l lo oi-.ler . 'firg .'^i'VTii SUM' IIA V S i'UKF. r, FiL¥i::TT£VILLS, itf. C. 1’ Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. 1). Williams. Uaston—S. X. .Johnston. (iate.s—A. J. Walton. (jranville—A. W. V'enable, T. L. Ilargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. , , ; oi the Trent. To this no ai,teiit (.uillord-.Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph (.orrell, Jl directed n.;a- tl r. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Ratehelor. Hyde—K. L. 3Iann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. .Jackson — \V. 11. Thomas. .lohjistoii—(’. H. Sanders, W. A.. Smith. .Jones—Wni. Foy. Ijcnoir—.John C. Wa.shington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. 1). Smith. Madison—.J. A. McDowell. ^Lartin—Asa liii^gs. McDowell—J. H. (Jreenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. .John.ston Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. 'I’urner. 1 Nash—A. II. Arrington. New Hanover—R. 11. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Rarnes, J. M. Moody. ()iislo\v—(J. W. ^Vard. ()range—W. A. (Irahani, .John Rerry. I*as(jUOti\iik — R. K. Speed. IVniuinions—Jos. S. Cannon. I’erson—.John W. ('uningham. l*itt—F. R. Satterthwaite, li. (rrimO'. Randolph—W. .1. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—.J. P. I'uller, .J. (). Southerland. Rockingham — D. S. Reid, K. '1'. Rrodnax. Howai -1>. (’niige, 11. .Tones. Ruthori. 'd and I'olk—.f. II. (’arson. M. Dur ham. Samp.son—R. A. Mosoly, Thoma.s lJuiiting. Stanly—K. Hearne. Stokes—(^\'acant.) Surry—T \ . Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Tnion—II. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Hadger, K. 1*. liattle, W ^\ . Holden. VN'arren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. AVashiiiLTton—W. S. Pettigrew. Wutauira—.J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—.J:is. ('ulloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F .Vrmtield. Yancey—M. P. IVnland. Hill. ing of the incidents that trunsj.ircd when the ar rests were made, the Washiiijiton correspondeut of the Philadelphia Presd write.'-. When forty miles off Mat inztis, in the old Ba hama channel, the Trent hove in ^ ght, and the two ves*eU weic soon within haili'.iii distance. Commodore Wilke* sent a siiot ucius^ the' bow> i; wa.. jiaid, bow 'I'his brought the steaii-.cr lo. Lieuv. ; l'.'.vUi.n., ti; whom both of the Confeileratc pa-Sf^'fis w.*e person ally kriown. wa.s .si'iit on board in a i-,iat. su]ip(jrt- ; ed with two more boaLs tilled with marine.. i.iout. f’tiirfa.K ^v•ellt ou leek and called lor Me^.srs. M:i- ; son ami Siuu.U, whos.i.'i) a].pcai'cd. Lieut, bair- I lax politelv inloriued tluni of the object of hi." I iiiiS'.(tiii^, uiid a.-ia.ed tfu'ui t'> l;>) mH b.iai'.l liis liuut To thir, tli-vjy objected, Ma.suu reituirkit^ ti.ii -iioy had paid their pas'^m; to J-’.ut,'|>c. tn cb- jiit'isli j Con.-?nl at Havana, (who acts a? I'lr thi ! ui:ul .Steamship iitie,)aiiJ he would not leave wiih- j out loreo. liieutenant Fairiai, i.uintUig to his j mai'iiii s drawn up on the deeks.oi .tl.e Rrjti.sb ! steanier said; You see, .sir, I* have the I’urco, it-' I ilitit is wiiat you i .(uire?” “Then must u.se lit,’' replieo .-la:.!.!). With thi.s Lieut. I airlux I pbioed bi> Laud upuu the Sciiator s shotiUier :*i*d j pres.!ie.i hita t..' tbo -ungway- At this junciufe ; the J.la^,'l‘n;:; r^ lusl'.jil forward, domewhai excited, j and atteiii;-;--.! !.» i:iU‘rti-ro. 'i he marines imme diately shuv-ni ilieii- bayonets^ and^ Mason con- j seated to the deci.-^ioii *d' Lieut. Falriax. asking j that he iniutit be pcrujitted to maLe his pi\Hest in v.ritiii:^. .) u. L tin ii a line s)i^;eiiuen ol an ’ Ktiiriishmaii ru>iii-'t i.ui >jeck in military or na\ai unif'unii (ihe otfu-er in coininandol the mails, yiTo- bably, ? 'i' .’ii.in.ie'-i wt' V j tj.>- ’i;_er> on b.'anl that sliip Were; u.n'. m.-.- ' Lieut Fairfax inlorm- i.d Lilli tbal iie s. i .‘d t'■ Cuj.t. Moir, of the aeket. Why he ^ ^ i tw.i ol h;.s ]•.'i.'-engers, aiul that I'urrlu V tiur: t-a. i.e i;ad u.; exi.laiiations to make. 1 i-- > re t:;en •.jr.iwn up, ami and Sii.icli, wi’ti tlit ir ■.■.rr: larit-s, Ku-Us and .'I e Far laud, wciit into rhe h.ats ■ the Saii .Jaciiito. Eur.) (,«' f mhi. : 111'.^ Uii a ii i'toel' ul uai motui i.' aee. 'allied lor b tollows:— j „s }. turning pouits build a lioil'i , ■;-UUtioil.-> i.ia , Ih: t h.ni.v.-ii‘ wit; til ieetly ^atisli-.d \vul i.. too pretty or lo ui:iy -'I in- leei i-t tn ;rt: ' uj; deli in ilieti- li e Kieiiiii'ijid \\ ill!.; a."- Ill /A-...- llji I) :• A 11 .. The •lie oi ’ li ll I ■!;ii liie sale of NuVul i l all other c.nini: , 'ten! i.Ill w’ . * given to : . t;, i.iiitibvT, J’iiiiber, H ;• I ‘i iiii. I a. I’VKSl.KV, I’t .loH.N OaWSx-N, de«'i-s. II. a: i;. J. L;..1.I, Mc'MS. Ph.MKtUTO-S .V Sm A. Pakkkii, t.sij.. ilarut t; May 7, l.StjU. iiik lit Wii . a' ■ F-iye : ’ (-V Ly, N. > io. iolf i\oTiii:. I expect to he absent from home a fewinonth'^ in | tlio West, :\r..;liitnl.l McLetUi is my authorinel ' Weiit to transact my business until I return. N. (J. JON MS. Dec'r 28. ■'.■iff .JOSKiMl jii., A r 'r ii it 1^’ rk'] V A T t. A W , U VS taken tin oHice next door to Win. H. Wright's Law (»liic^ 011 Green Street. He will atiwid ;in l prtictio'’ ill the (’ounty ;ind Superior Couris of Cuinberlt.ad, Bladen, Hobeson tind Sanijisyn. March -6, 185'J. 79tf THi: W1T-- AND r.l’AUX OF SOClili'Vi (liiL* of I liem. i y Lever; Loiiio'- Ll. ' 'i'- liii :u Si. .Mary''; Fii.:! Iij.l ' V.'.iio.in; 'i’.'anyson's 1’ ..i.m Anierican \!mairic. Dm'iI: The 1-ti iy"' H.'.ii; of Flowers; L iii^M i,: ■ ;if ’’iowei-'; t’oeiry of ‘‘ Lady's Guide lo P. rf-'Ct Geniiii’v; “ “ Hotiiiiy: “ and Gentlemen’s Mirror .d Fortutie: Pu'.er I’tirley's F. I'loon Travels; J5ook of Travels an.1 Adventure: ic. March .51). ■ U-Vl.K & SONS. JIKVSH K'S !»1MH NOYHI.S. >’os. 1(», 11, 12, 13 .V 11 “ ; (I!!!; ai’iil Mt htdl.'il. Half !»liius utul Five (V»t \(Hc1s. i; J. HALF, & SONS Jan. .7S‘etlioSixf £2yi:2tis aii«i liiies, a new supply, assorted sizes tm 1 .(iiuliiie.s. ,\lareli Di. K. J. ilAliK iV. SONS. 1 Blanks ol all kinds at tiiis Otfice. > > iii -k ...'’ M li ixrer. • . I'.el 111 1.. »: uaier-, .1 II Logan. i■'ivids.'ti... Lewi-^ H lyne-^, F 15 ('Itirk. : > s ie... Howtird. . .i D St inf.T.l, J '^1 15raiieh. ._'e, .‘ e.. Fl 1! Hri'lgers, .1 \\ ooilar.l. r 1'-. .. I F I’ iii'lextei, I’liilip H irrow. I 1 ;iik:iK -W F li'.een. 1., t .11...J H Whi e. t,> ' .. .1 'i r.iilloek. W II I.-nkins, S H (’’tinnaday. ‘i .. I ivi...( 1’ .\i;-!.di-niitiil, C L -Sliober, .1 L Gorreil. ne... V l> .'-^peiirlit. II . •■'.. .Liiin lio.iihe. li . i. 1 1,'ive. i!.i V !i L*:ivi', W l’> Pope. ;!.'■•• i ,.1 .: Ye ;■ . ■ . !. i T- -....! I’ .! .T.l ill. li I I Ftirr-iw. 1'. . \ i'v •■i.iiit..n. A P. F Gaither .■ ■ '.'11... \ h .-aer, .1 ..r .. iV I' W i ^l. .1 '.-t.'ti W !l \V .i^ -.n, .Lis .Muciiener. i :;.>ii’,. .1 (' W.Li'eii. 1... ... V .\ M.'lieee. . ii'ontin \ F.ijiT M niin... LwelL ,\li D .wel'i...(' H Uurjtn. '‘i.\’,'Xii;.ier Kelly. M i;;.^ot' •■vy...i; (. I, Harrin;_'er. 'd ie..'.l... 11 t'l VVoo ltin. Me.-kienl"ir • ...S VV Davis, .1 M Potts. A .'ll... 11 i illiams .New ll ni..ver...S .1 I’ev-on. Daniel Shaw. N .i-th iii.pioii... M W n.-imsoin, ’'V W Peebles On''low..,.l ll F.iy. I'rtiii'.;!-... H p. I'niMirie, W N Patterson. 1'•'lii.ii'iiik....! r Willitiins. I’.T'i I'ta.iii-... N ,Ne wliy. i’iti...H i.; Albniioti. ('hiirchill Perkins. I’eV'III... WilkinsiMi. i; ihi','.n Ae‘N M -.Millan. Fii Wislrirt. i. . kin_’.i 1 i.i... Haw ley Gallow.iy and Thos Slade. Uow-tn...N .N F '-'itiing, N F Htill. Kill !i. 1 t'-ii-.l...(' T N Dav!*;, H 11 Ptidgeit. il ;:i.l. Iph ..I 11 F.iust, Thos S Winslow. K'-. lim.:'iid....) (i Fdiie. '-■1 a.[.■ .tn...N (’ Ftiison. (.mhi W \iitrey. .'-iii r;, Wtniirh. S: I ..■' — Iiiiratto K.-Mum. S. a dy... L i' iyei ie Greene. I'yiTi il. \'>-t'!eese. Fnuiu...*.' Lemtu.in ls. ■'V (■ .. ,.s li H.i”.-i'. .1 W lliiss, 11 Mordec.ii. .ivreii ...1 15 Hatclielor, W 11 Cheek. Wii-.'.im:! ;.n.,.(' Lath am. 'V:i. iiuL'ti... 1 iioin-is F:irt hing. Wt , i|..-...W '!' D.irtch. M K Crawford. NSiike-'... V Mtiiiin, llorion. Y.inkin...( (’owles. Vau.'y... — llowtuan. ’(^X\ EXTIOX OX XORTH CAROLIXA. .V l;:ui;iiu-e—(lilos ."Mebanc, Thos. Rufhn. \.li-.\ander—A. C. Stewart. .Vsiio—.1. D. Forbes. .Viison—.V. .'lyers, .J. Leak. C., rtie—S. P.. Sjiniill, .lames Rond. ];.' uror"—'W. .). I’liison, K. Warren. P.iaden—Xeill Kelly. P)runs\viek—T. D. .Moares. 1?uiieonib.“—X. W. Woodnn. l5nrko—). McDowell. (';ib:irnis—(’ Phifer. Caliiwell—!'] W .Jones. (’aaiden — D. D. I’^erebee. (’arteiet—('. R. Thomas. ('aswell—iieilford Rrown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. tlonkle. ('!hatham—-J. If. Headen, .John Manning Jr., L. .1. .^lerritt. Cheri'kee—.V. T. Davidson. (Miowan—R. 11. Dillard. (’lov.jianti—W. J. T. ^IiHer, J. W. Tracy. lolumbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—(Jeo. Green, .Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, ! ►livid .'leXeill, A. S. McNcill. (’tirrituck—Fl. M. Shaw. Davidson—15. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Ilob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Hotiston, J. T. Hhodes. The l iiiversity ol* North Carolina, CH.VPEL HILL. The next session will begin on Saturday 18ih Jan'y iS‘;-j This Institution, situated in a region remarkably healthful, and remote from the seat of war, has been m successful operation since February 1775. At no pre vious perio'i htive the means .and opportunilies ot im provement bren so great a« they now are. DAVID L. SWAIN, Pres’t. Dec. -J, IKtil. 7!Mit Mrc€‘ii!«l>oi*o«i;;:li Female C'ollese.. gheknshohough, n. c. ^PllE Spring Session of the present term will open ou I the 2d day of Jan'y IStili. The Viuilding is large, coniinodiouH, well ventilated, with a fire place in each room. The loctition is healthful an'.l retired. The Fticnby c.>nsisis-of five gentlemen and seven ladie.-i. all experienced teachers. Instrnciioti systematic an.,1 thorough With superior advantages for intellectual and !iioral culture, and very moderate charges, we con fidently expect tl liberal share of patronage, even in the prc'cnt state of the country. I’HVRr.t.s I>KR SKSSIOX OK FIVK .MOKTIIS; Hoard (Lights extra;) Tuilion in regular course ^•JO; Music on the Piano or Guitar S2(*; use of instru ment oO: Ptiinting in Oil Drawing to !?10; : French SlO; .Vniient Languages 6-3. T. M. JONFS, Pres't. Nov. is.;i. 79-ot I Superior Pocket Cutlery. ROlXiERS', Wostenholm s. (Vookes, and (Rhodes & Son's celebrated Poi'kt't an(l Pcn K.MA KS. good sujiply. Nov’r 27. 18r,l. E. J. HALE « SONS. JAME8 KYLE H.VS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPUING SUPPLY OF DilY tJOOD^, — .Among wliich are— PIECES (’ALICO: dOO PIECES LAWNS; Black and Colored Silks: Irish Linen and Diapers: Bolting Cloths, No. I to 11; Men and Boy’s Clothing. AVith '» large assortment of all kinds of aii two —Wi.i-L 'iiey ‘v\ jjail'V L-!' piO- 1 III I'artiisiiUi^ . r has liceii pef- i'h-’ \vi.: is I it her t f or loo .•'tujiid, too taikative or t'ji. si cut: :u‘ Mids tno much to tile ciiii'.iren, or iiot eimUi-'ir, is t*)o extravagant or too stiiioy—i.ir it i" .'tiiti. f' it woiiieu are alwitys in extreme.;. J^in th-' r at:, '' niisiovtiine in .i wile is t > -le t')-- u'vely. i" 1"-' ••.■ur.-'i.d w'tli :> fair wite, ' was, ai'coraing lo the cynical Sam Rogers, the gieatC't disa.-icr. he could invoke upon a fric’nd. And r^o wiil: bou.M S—never was one built that responded i.'t!y to the wishes ol the builder. it is ’.ki 1./ ..e, t"0 .small. Ihe passages or donrs, uv wi'.'lvi-A’s, -.ir el.tsets, or vooms in size ;i;ul mimbi'r are e >t i.rt'cisely what he wonld have lia.l tiiem. - li ;uniy had it to build over, he wouhi ]>ut ihiii'js i . rights. As with wives So with houses. ib'.^' • iir wile is a pe culiar eui'^ti'—•'■o i: ilii tine ;«iul pii.:‘iCiiti.ius house. We have an iliu.'trtaitjii o! thes-: truths in our own city. All the Rieltmnnd ctrrespondent- oi distant papers, who lutv-- recorded the disa.';ter whieli h;is belaiii'ti the ‘•^■'iitKmen ol the iancy, concur iu a.scribing it to the ere.-tion liy one ol them of a paiatia. .'ti jeMi'i . v, lii> ii dv.ai ied all it- neiijbbors and towered to the sK.ii,‘S. Sueh a dis play of ma^nifieeiiite, pride aud prosperity was too much for poor human nature. Worth may i»e hearsed, but e/i'_y cannot die. Wor.sham’s i'alaee became hi: mau.-^oleum—th. siiiual of fate to all his tribe—who may exchiim; "a plaugc o!i his—for it h.i.s undone us ali. ,1/1 L'l/t-V'/-/ ( j.‘!,I,'ffiti lli'-'ji niau.—A .'.lU of the Eincreld Isle, I'Ut n-it hiiiiselt green, wa.- taken up, for h-; \v;is ;;t tlu; tinii' down,; near u rebel eiicamjinit nt. ii. t tar froir .dan:is."as .J une tiou. In a v.ord, Pat was tukin'^ :i ijuiet nap in the shade, and w i' r U'l'd In.ni ni;- ■'lumber b\ ;i .\ll of which were purchasel at .\uction and private s.'ile by the p:ickage at panic prices, and will be ottered cheap by wholesale or retail. Aprifll. T-tf FAYKTTK% II.I.K MlTli.4L ISSHMXCE CO.MP.iXY. Capital in I’remium Notes amounts to :?207,»i^H i;h Cash on hand ind other assets, 5,071 35 tit “Where are }ou im>oj.' put to him by *110 arm. Pat rubbed I is ev; answered; “Re me hii’li. u 1 tio'is to atisw r, a:; .1. ; o' them, 1 d ai;l- :• same th'ii^. “Well,” s;iii: arm\', and bel 'ii “All r;"ur. tleiiicn, *or 1 al Scott”. “Aha,” rt you :ire oui shoulder. j “llow i' Total, S272.7t)0 i1 j friendsy” The Company have paid all losses promptly, and j ‘-X’o.” w:^ have never made an assessment on their premium notes. | Reauri^.-i d ' Total losses ptiid, S2'.>,0h2 b',) | i it miirht i.e '• scouting party. »le either ariny^, ijut iu.-- alligator, .aid on ti!:- “W ho are vii'.i.’ ’ itiilor-'ii of n;- V.li. w? 1'- iso a .'!'V tha •r.. \o‘i" name?” and ■lie (jue.',Lion;- ! ■ . hi ad; and 1 .11; '.ver uu yi r i'a’-Oj tb t.- Wnshin; .-aid Pu lU lii'J al . i the ■1 k: conl. anl d Ltie nf Scott's W.t.s V't- r- \ ■!'. r:; iiiiii 1/} vUl, th OrncKKs: GEO. McNF^ILL, President. D. -V. R.W, Vice Presitlent. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. DlRECTOES: t! rriif' the 'II ■. to Gen. and thinkiiiu Aud novV toil ruth, too.” te of South t ’.ir.t- Henry Lilly, II. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley. Nathan Stodman C. B. M.allett, Jaiac.-! Kyle. A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams. S. W. Tillinghast W. N. Tillinghast, S. J. flinsdale, \Vm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutierloh, A. W. Steel, .1. G. C«o'k, Hon.J. G. Shepherd, a:E: llaa.” do 1, all ti; promptly responded Pat, •‘and : • oiii-r Srtites uv th., country, too, an.i tliere, l iii -iiin’ tn.:; 1 ' afe the wdiole uv y>'. P ■ ye rhink t W’.'uld i ail the way from Ir -!*i i t.ibclon-_ til •■ri:; S:,it . when 1 had u ri^ht to be j long to tho v.'h. le ■;' '• This lo;..u; v.'a- rit'h. hn Collins andV. c! McCrummen. Traveling Agents, j him U[., a> bet lumper; but tliey tock d carried him for lur- y»gf^The Company invite applications. May 28, 1800. 21-ly ther exaiuin; Jif in' ill/ Jor fit- /'■ forester, named tia.'ti-:! ot unwi'.'' - !'• ''-*ko ■ i UoijA.— \ .Saxon no'.'" -i the veti'.raiilc :t.; 'e to th«^ grave wi i' him a iiiiportaiie: , has made pul.lie in ill tho u. :;n v.'h^. il ho ha- usi ■; v.li>-r('\. -Ji h‘- ti'Tirm.' he 'n;: amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This | ^ . y.,.] jVom rl; is the most important and scientihc statement of the; • f i... ; i.Im great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps - fearful death o .ij Uiu),aOi.bi. .. iin i- . > the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. ■ warm vinegiir or tepni watei; wa'-li t-n WvUiiki The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .W clean therewith, and then 'Iry i'; then pntir upon cents, neatly boundin cloth. Copies sent bjf tnaih free ! wound u few drops of hyiii t t hloric acid, ho of postage, on the receipt of >50 cents. A liberal dis ... count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. CAPT. AVIIiKKS’S^ RKPORT 0\ THE DEKP RIVEH MINERAL RRniON. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Consressional plates, an edition of the Report secret ^>f -io m. of Capt. WiFkes, U. S. Navy, aud his Associates ou the ; Ijclpiic J Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to^ex- yeais Jan’y 2t). E. J. HALE & SONS. cau.se mineral acids deiitri'iy the jioi.son th«j sali va, by which mians the latter is neutra.ized.