I iljjl.!,. WKmm « bill i. » th.. 1*1 length, one le gh *n one. b,.ro.i " 'u- r. •' ‘ir hut:. T-ik.-u ■'“■>1 wLU.if ti ■ W- -,i 1 - iu i.. '• V on*’ J.1 one. n-'. me. 1 ■J :ii 111. ie',.h a.. ai W. P.,;- - K ) - ;ti. 01) u". Ml . ' M liiiit: Dili* (• •• n i i.:r. I'* in. ske I'-i ' lit out. tv 'i ' out* i ori>- OIK- j, I in 'Ml*- I ; r:)l (I! tiortr'l- le An \U n. |T I Vf) 'i''" ■mmi u vimKfimm (■ Ji( !! >TH, ^ Ar! 1). the 1”'' ^ , * X ini'he- '’’fl'f heulH-^t beard of rt.!»ro, -he« be biances . ^ to me or ioJg« ' D McNATT- 72-*tf S Fi JM[ I - W E E K L. Y. .-A.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 9, 1861. INO. 1081.] ruiN Ti:'> MoxiiAV-a:t> !-i)WAltD J. HALI^^ M)\S. ’11 ii^^;s .\\i» i^tUii'iiiKr'lis t'i>r tilt Mii-Wev kl, Ousuin EK !^o ‘lO if pai l in 'unce; fou it' pp.i.i durinc the yo.tr suhscnp- n; v>r i i alior t'-.e ^ear h:»t^ expireil For tlie \Vce'1v «i.i vaii-.-e: ^ ‘ • ' i i)ti: f ■' • • Al'\ El; ^qui.i'o of linc« ’ ■!' c'Ot Hnp ' .I ;,-il c>'.ntr!\cip, at r* • to Htslte till; , V W:;; lie I'olltiuu.''; \ ' r! i c-njiMU «* 1* h c^ni extvH. .'■1 ■ iL-h ■. Lam ASHBVILL Sin: I'll- ’ - Avi I-:- 11 •' * i 1.. 1 iff ne i’’\ e.ir . '. i, (iHii any ’■ r H ■ .111 1 iiia ii. ■ : t-'UCKK ;f'2 00 per nunuin. ii’paiJ in it' psi'J 'Juvir? the yfe;ir of subscrip- ;fler i ‘i« year o\pir« .! i 't- ir. or; I it" cents yit>r • ’>■!' :..v I't. liud 'ij cents f'tr eacli ^ .i.'.veri■ ■ hy «jie- io V A(U’'f! i-ii'vs lire V ' r m' inscr’ioiH d(“5ire'l. or t: ■•■'i'l, and •^liiir'To.l uC(‘>>rtl- per 111 «iihiTihcr nor w ill tliiio ^eliool j^'otice* iiv SCHOOL in the DONALb.SON ACADKMV. on li W.MnUNT. will be re-opeue i on T UES D A Y, Ui/roBER lit, ISol. Temii, per (Quarter «./ 10 vftekt: Knglish. i:- 5ij CUssicnl, 10 00 'ouiinge/it, 25 JKSSE K. McLEAN, Priiicipiil. .^ugnsi I'.t, IStil. -40tf FAYKT'J'KVILLK Female llisrh School. TKU.MS. I?o:U ‘l ]>er Session of 20 weeks, ^'iO 00 li'uiiion in ’olU*giate Cla.sse.s 20 weeks, 2i» 0) •* Aemiewic “ ]*; dO • i .. i> .» •• (V) Incidentnl expenses, 1 (»i) Tiiiiion in .Music. Painting, Dr^iwin^, Modern mi l Ancient Lant^iinges. \c. at the usual iHte.«. jRtei?'’*>'ie-h:ilf of r>OHrl nn-l Tuitio". ro']uir->.l n aii- Viiuc>; ihe other h:xlf at the beginniiip of the ‘J'l iui*rter. SPHOLASTir YKAR. 1st Session —f'oinmences 1st >ctober. Knds 17th Fehni>iry. '2ii Session.—('oiniiiencea 18th February. Kiids tith July. T. C. HCX^l’F.R, Principal. Se(>t 9, IStil. 77if AEWGOODS. Hub.scriber is now receiving a large and well se- i lected stociv of GOODS, con.sisting of GHOCEllfKS, n.\RD\VARE AND CUTLK- KY, BAGGING \Sl) ROPE, SAD DLERY, &c., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, and many other articles, which he otfer.s low for Cash, or on siioaT ti.me to prompt paying custoiiicrs. All kiadi of Country Proaace taken in exchange for Ooodd. Sheetings and Colton Yarns on liand at all times, at .Maiiufacturerb’ prices. :e p:l- s >1 I jiif rL. 1851. .-.-ill 11. . .'d • \sbc-v;. e h I I ,e •.\ ^j L.F.. in C' .:.f.-ti' ri i!“w and ■: A RS, I Aliivi b: N, li. ;.IV «t niy pii!" ' -y >» C.irri i -.r. ;i; of -.;r :rav i; ng pu'n {•■'-ir: it i^'e In ii ;e. ii ■* H-r U, A-. - I wou’i'f say ! ...i to'.VII. ar.d ez} " -li lot- 1 : ■ IS g*»n: ‘ I'y. A-' rc^-t. ! .-j, mo.i',' ;■ a f!;:'' 'i ii' t;tf 1. .ii i.i« Ii'OIi.- iii ' ^ r iirlc-r . N -I'l C iro- • g. - ; Hud ••I'leu- .1 'jf ii;e S:ste. I aa> prc- r^ r ■- aiy li-'H'i' . s » xi '.Tieuce in •, ! ' I '-.e y >ur St >y ’•! e . . 1 i;.-i .“i iium-.er v\bnLi- noiioe 1 wi.i os i.ih! m^y h.* , r it5 I '-^ur^. , ! ' : •■•yi hing ’ ri-y ■ *er uiiv .i!her K .,.*1 f I )r ■ Ir iii - '.i e Who will go into fhe Enterprise? M’Pr0S!.N(i ih ;t there are tho"n having cupitul tht'v ii ;ik.- to inve-'t in pucing into spi»e',ly .ri.i-ra- :■ n divers cl isj,>s ot m-Hiur:»,'iur‘> whicli nins' ni'w be ••'I i li'hed in the S'Uiih, 1 w.iuid t-ike ihis ui' t^'oii to Miiy puoh. that I have a never f-uling PttV. HU. wiih plt>niy of room.) at the Merc'.iant .Mills in i(ie centre of Fayetteville. N. capable of running my iin’hinery of light order, and w«juli be j le.ise'l to ii:ivo itjt^ sluie profiliibl^- emj b'yed. Tx. Mcl'WlEL. Oct.Tber •'>, 18R1. fj^tf All jtersons nre respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old htand of J. i T. U'addlll, Soutli side Ihiy si. V. 'N. McDONAl.b. r-•^ve'te^ ille. N. C., Sept. 21, 18C(0. iS5tf A Pair ol LaiiyN Oailerx, were * let! in the Sub-jcnbtrs' Hailt Store a tew wi'eks ngo, wiiicii tlio own'.T will jdi-ase call f-ir. ' Also, a s'U'ill jitckage Containing a I.alv’s f’ap»‘. E. J HALE .V HOVS. i Attornoy at Law, F.A.YETrF.Vir.LE, N. (’. ILI. attetid the (’ounty and .''iit' w rior Courts of 'unibfrland, tinriietl. M.i'ire and Ufibos"n Coun- (>e--. Pr.miji; !itten!i'Ui sr'veH to the collecti >n of uii claiiU' eniriisted to his hands. .:t. 17. ls"> t. .'.H-rf A CmKII! The St>lp, Small. COLOIIED PHOTOGRAPHS, ■4T Vanor«d«‘ll’s Ci:tllery. riirthor >i IV;ILITA.RY 300XS-F0a CASH ONLY. II irdie’.s Taciie--. 2 v •i.-*.. f2 7o; l>y in;iil idii:iin's .'danual fo f .'olunteers and .\iiiiti-i, S2 7 j, hy mail •T'S. .^rmy lU-gulali^ns for the Oonfederate Si S2 2'.. by m:iil i'- -’I'V ('wry'p I’.ay.-net F.xcrc’.se and Skirmiili-:ri’ l>ri’.l. '^^l, by mail 5I 10. Tiie Tr >oper’« Manual, by J. Lucius Dnvi^, SI 50; by mail Si ijo N\-w M'lp of V rginia. oolore l, S'lc ; by mMil ^'5c. .ju-i received. E. J. M.Vlill v: St>N;^. ART. Woortivard’M ^olar Camera. «! PJii:>Fi: (01 RT HCPOIITS, TWO Ai:\V VOiit nF>. Tol. I Jouch's Lan',fr Vol.5 Jones's Equity Keportft, r i-isiied, for «ale, or exoiin'ige as xivunl f.>r im- ;U!'.d No^., bv i. .J, H.\LE A !0 VOUi v i;i n» tti' NLay !. . A SinoKi; VNY person liuvi j ;i remedied by n i i - nee. Whiu- '■ -r i:,, i lie iu f’- n; I.- r. : or uo j .y' : i: by me : t :^\■^e/;lle. V. r . i Itiatsiiev .'•in have it evii’e Post PiloTotiK.VPilS can be had at Vanor«ideirs Skylight ■i.Mllfry. H.ny street, opj>osi;e MarJ)b* V-ird. Kiv- : ■. ii e. N. C.; plain, retouthi-d. colored, in water ■ ' -■. ■.in ! pasiile; froiii smnll to life -tie. .\mi.ro- • y; ■. .Mel inei'iypes. ;md ;ill otti.-r >'tyi'•» of P’cturvs perinin' ^ to ti'.e An. .\lso. (iilt Fr i'.ue'. ftilt Moiild- .1 for very bir^e pi. t'n -' --a- l.-.rire a« '2''‘ by ■‘•'i 1 'ind r l.aii'/inc pictu'cs; Insirw- nifiit-. .:■ ck 'lid (’hemicalr tor sule low tr,r c;i''h. Lite v!/.‘ colored 1 iiou''graphi lu t le tr'>m ,'ru i 1 pic; ii- es. i ■ .iv: i.i: I ei iii:mently locsiti d here I iioi 11 !• e i' I. •’•oriage. I would -r.-.' ro’urn iny sineere ilKink- ;■ 'he libcril jiatronage (■(•■^:owi-d on me luTot'fore by t!ie good people of Kaveiteville :ind viciniiv. M. VANtUSDLLL, Pholographi^t and I’roprietc.r. L'-'Cr 2n, IK.SQ ' 77- Tlse Proibylerian P^aliiiodiNt '■'lai a- t -r n >te». A i‘«riher “‘ly ply ’ust receive t l.jh 2,1 K ,( liAi.K >; Su.VS Jan. 21. 1 \0 1 1€F. ( ti HAVI: on l.n:: : own ui 1!. ttud C0u;ini,in !-■ JI \l A Freueh, PoNi, Coiia.;* /r.j iET^ , -.5 lid Comiuou !' l."s iNKi>. i, ivi ■7 entere 1 the mil' iH'. v ,'v vif*e OT the ('ontfderate .''.ales of .\iiierii-i r by iiVf iKjiice to their old cii-5i.>mers an.l fiiei.'i ■ ,• -v.- -ppoiniel .fohn l>. irr *til J diti I . ; , ". - till- V.iiU-.-, their nit.,r! , y- to • )Uect euilf riulv -.r cunj"iiiily Hii m .'lej, • .in'* iliem eitl’.er c.-'ount (.r nose, and ..tiierwiso to aiienu lolheirbu ill.-.? ^fiierilly luring their absence They respe' ; OKATISTRV. ,li. J L).v\ Ij' liaving decided on i. r'u.\- neatly locating in he 'I'own of F -v-'iic;- llle, r.-'J-ei'tfUiiy ofie-s ;;; ■ : . to 'iv .len* 'i; t‘t;s v’l.'tce a;i l --'irroun' i.,:: o.niM'ry. In lii tiic vari^'ii'i hr iii. lus of his I’rotession, iaciii i !‘i;' maiiuluot re of Mineral T:'tli, he i"* '-ati-.:ied. " eT.ljr;'’v, . rp'/rii-n. e, to'.\ ;;.'h is a ;de ' 11 ^ • :a! 'iu.'i. I-;!. .Ki’ h'-c II: g.-, •_-n: ii'e .. i- i.t' »s i' ii- 'he !- >werof De;itistry. Aii i'’;v_ il iritie-' ;f t;ie >: b : r • ; 1 la .1 pr .per ;ii'd c.-it iri.iim T, w- b a- .1 • ' 'i‘ the iMouth. None but ( ro; ir > ■- "e .na.ie i.-“ 'f in the variou-operati' ii'. .vi ! in-iui'n-ie, that tiie bc.n.-fitsof the i‘rofe.'-ri.,>!! lu^y . w..hiti the reacii oi all w'.io tn.iy feei i*n uiUt. .'.t .1 the t'fe-erv.ition of the Teeth. O.iice over Houston’fj .lew-.-Iry Sti-.ro, where he . be foi'tid a: ;ili ti’ji> s. \i:iy i'l. I."'!?' ''tf KO»V AAI51, tliforari^ am! t'omtsefior ui LrMlJEIlTON, N. ( . ^7i!*L attend atnl practice in the ('..iint_. it 1 -^iipvr:'..- t'o’ir'- o.' llo>>es'):i, ilio!.m.>nd u’.d On 1! eri uei. Ml liUMii. 'S intrU'le.l to liiin w ! [ lO:: al- teuiivu and • olleclii>*‘d punctually reuiUied. Ooi. 'j. 10->!f LKGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Wh«db#« t’amden and Currituck...R F Simmons. Crates and Chowan...M L Eure, ilyde and Tyrrell...-Jones Spencer. Northampton....T .M S Rogers. lier!ford...J B Slaughter ]’t»rtie...D ivid Outlaw. .Martin and Wasliingtoii...J R Slubbi. Halifax...M 0 Whitaker. F.dge.;onibe and Wilson...H T Clark. Pitt...K J Rlount. I'.eauf.irf...Frederick Grisi. ('raven...N H .Street. Carteret and Jone,s...br M F .\rendall. (}reene and Lenoir...J F Speight. New H-inover...Eli W Hall. I>uplin...Dr James Dick.son. Onilww...L W Humphrey. Hbiden. 15runswick, iic...Jno D Taylor. Cuinberbind and Harnett...Duncan Shaw. S unpson...Thomas I Faison. \V;iyne...W Iv r.ane, Joh!i.«t,-ju....) W II Watson. Wake...,M A Bledsoe. Na-h...A .1 Titybir. Franklin...W IlHrris. Warren... r .1 Piichford. (1 v;invi!le...^ II K THvlor. I'e:.-^on...C L Winstead. O"'u'.ge....losiiih Turner, .Jr. .\b.i:i:ui.'e and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. ' ii -.lh'itn — S Hnrris. ■.!>):.>re >in I M 'iilgi'Illery...W D Dowd. Ulchni'ii.d uM 1 i'lobesoii... ,\.ifred Dockery, .-\ns.in rind l.'ni')n...S II Walkup. (Jiiilt'or-i...Per.'i .V tam^ I' l.'wll...Re.if'ird Brown, r.oi'khi F L SiiiJtison. .■'le.-liieii'M*' jr...J(din W;ilker. ( il irrus 'id S: inly...V C iJarringer. i: . m .ind l) i”ie...!>r J 0 Ramsey. l>:‘-vj ls,:*i... Itio \V Thomas. .‘'(•thes i;nd Forsyth...Je-se A Waugh. Surry \c... Jos Dobson. Ired-jll, Wiikos >'.;c...L Q Sh.irpe. 5Uiii:e. Mi-Doweli .S Gaither. I.ineo’.n, Ga--:on .S:o...Jasper Stowe. KutluTf'ird, P.ilk XC...A W Rnrton. il'incombe, Hendersion ^;c...Geo W C*ndl«r II.^y wood, .Macon .io.-.W H Thoma*. HOr-'H OF CO.M.MONS. .^.!ar!anee...nilfs Meb'tne. .\’exaud..r...l>r J M Ctrson. Alison...L L Polk, E R Lilei. .\".he...j M G.-niry i- J il Pearson. ;>■; ti --.iu'r,.. \ s .Merrimou. i>. I ten...' V j) ivis. 1 ..Ttie...I’ r Henry and Ferguson. ; • a'i[;irt...i’w S D.jnn^il, *V T .Marsh. 1m iindwii K...T D Meares. ■ ildw.di... Di.'KSiin. ■: I'-i t • W il ii T's. i 'I- I'T . .1.I 'iiiio. w ruliy rt- ly H- p Il'lS ;i ■ per-uiis imlebted ‘.0 llieiu to Call as prompt is'ib:c on their agentiJ ft'd make p'lyiuent. s;ah.i vv william.'^. I'.I. ;-'--l. If OKNTACM’lCir “ il, H'l 1 (' A -. - e rui :ii:i:r. ‘ nve :.l -r. an i re,. ■ i: ■nt o litneing. w ■■ k A'ii h :.fing W. warr llRd U: . l;n\iiig , -t Street, ti. few d. Jl'i . .- avinj; - j yt ;>nd -'.'e ot any ihiiiir ist will ffi V., ap.-i : li I.' e . ; F ivftievilie, .A li 111 ; ne i til.: pie uikI ■1 age : au'i SCOTT cun be petu A, doors east of i:;e lu irkct. nt hi giiiar ottioe hours trom 'J o’clock .\ uni ii 8 o'L’lock F’. M. j.t. I'o. oT-tf A ~ V.Sr.VN of good sound drafc. IlUtlaES, not over years old. JNO. C. DOOTII, ('apt. -Vrt’y, Comd g N. C. Arsenal. T. 1. A: H. a. U OUTII. CoBiniissiou and Forwarding Mertaan*>, WILMLXGTON, N. C. J.an'y 2-^. 1,-iil To l^aitd Kiiyers. his oliice ■’ un'ie.'-igticd otlers for Mile, in the Coa! region, Ht hi- re- i wi. iiti eiirhl miles of the tciminus of slit- t *y- ettev.lie .X Western Rail Road on Deep River, EKJUT US NUKEI) ACliES OF L\Xf>. adj.iiii'ng ihe i.it:d belonging t^’ the c'tate f Ge'Tj;" Wile X, do'.'d, and lying three r.iiles S.nith from C tr- bonit; .. 111! ijiitie I'ocket Ciec:-;, .Moore connty. Til .‘‘e Lands are well ad:ipt-d to tliu growtii of corn, COttoli ises a hou.st: fence. M. , .lie. '.‘if T' S:>:; RKWAiU). fioiu pAN AWAY l\i 1 lt!i inst., my ing ui. elt tKe pt-i:; i'aiver - Tcei’k. %; above rew.irtf IV,r ,1V 1: t) .y the iiiik- For Rriit. Hr' Store on Hay Street, between the Crockery Store ;in(i D X W. .McLaurin's Stopp. and at pre-ent oc- ■ c.ii>i-. d by tliem. Possession given 1st Se[>tember. f’or teirn.s. apply to D. 1** VS. McLaurin, ot S. T. I H -.viey Sc Son. i .August I "). l*'i»l. 48-tt T'imber having seasoned WHITE OAK TIMRKR I). I .\KKR. i‘.- :t rnmbio l.ind conn y. ,jo’y 1. .11. i -i fsrsis:!.!., Auelioueer and (omiuh 4ou >lerchant, —will nitend t'- t!..' .le i.t — imoodH^ V ,fff’rr!i/nif5ise, Mtcdl ^Vi^^roes. •iuae 21, Tr;;i,!\(;TO\, fr.mi one and a Imlf to six inches in thickness, and irof.i SIX to twenty inciies in width, iind wi?iiing to dis- [.'ise .f she same, can tin ! a purchaser by apjilying iu iitsr'on or by letter to the undcr-icned at (iie .Ar«; nal. JOHN C. ROiHH, Capt. Art’y. Comd g Ar^nal. Fayetteville, Aug. 21, IHHl. i)0-!f CARD! FP>V LADIE.S can be accommodate*! with board at the Seminary. l:. A r. c. S-rt. 1; HOOPER. o*j- ULAI’K it C0wmia^i!0 W ii >il: N T Colton Yarn. wii'.at, oals. rye, ,^0. There are on :.';e nreni- ;oratV>itable DVelling, and all necessary Oui- wiih abuut one hundred and fifty acre;- tin i‘'r ii lading tony or fifty acres of ne .-er-tciling boti.i'ii l.itid. Tlii.s is a rare chance for pi’Hsous wi.s.i- iiig 10 make inve-;met«(s, as bitids are undoubte-ily ad- Vitncing in price iu tiiis section. For !ur:hcr information aj'piy to Mr. >1. McR.'ie, CtMDe’s Crev-k, P. O., Moore county, or ad Ircs.s tue at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For fhe Heirs of (nlbert .MeR.ie, dec’d. Carbnnfon. Moore co., N. C., .Uig. 21 i'o IV a ! I'l Mill "t' -md t’l . tuT, and -ler, Oj- i 11 K! II. F. ■ f I 1- ,\N!) S! t I'.Tie Feur. .n iiiuncli 'i.ier Kiilcigli 70 If W'^-s oilier c-il : ment, lia.r ACE Vrs I'! Refer to: Wilmington; .) Pank ot Noitli Branch iJan; 1 Dec. ] 1, 1^' lllCA^V ‘l-i rniiE li'X’KFlSH M.V.M l ' t- .1 (r ; ! 'ii-'A;« V, I of K.iy etie"’!I ^L._ t - 1 - loi- . ■ .iu/- :'.,ineh‘> wide, yard > t > li” . m ; 0. 'i* io-.'is coin- T ire liivoru ly wi il f. e t . te- -tyo : m.! :n:i in ,ji, i lu .'I. -j-;tU-e'|s, «nd li;ive:_.i- 111. ;:;' y- .1 been S'.ld 1 a ih>^ New Vork and '••ii.' i t .M -f.vet. ' (’. T. r P;.*st !I'.ol;ti--h Co. Fayetteville, June 1, I ■vl. ti, W. l5lX8.Ali«, i otnmissi:)n «Ht'fchftnf, \VIL.ML\GTn\', N. Ij.iOMPT !;-'d I'i.h'OWVL Meniion will bo given to I the -V‘- of N ;»nd all otlier couniry jo-oiiui e. hrWl.u To I.'. (I. PAKhi.KY, Pres I I'om. I’.iink at Wilmington IdiiN D.\''v.s.j.n, “ I’.. N. C., :»t do. Me,*-rs H. "i E. J. liir.r.v, Mes-;-.-. I'E.MBtl'.TO.N .'C iil-i! .\. Pabkbk, Escj., iiurnuu Couuiy, N. C, .May 7, ihuO. 15tf ♦ T’PLY to C. R. .Mulletl or Messrs. Ray .V Pearce. l\_ C. B. MALLETT, Ag't. (jctuber n, 18‘>1. ‘'"it .\oticc to JSoldiers’ Fricinl‘«i. Ill AVI-' made arrangenietits wi( h Capt. M. A. i’deitsoe ■ f iiie Qu irler .Master Department, to forward to any t .'ompiiiiy, or to any member of any Company from Cum iuTlaiiih’ounty. aiiy article of clothing tliat their friends . .. R. W'. " ' iJinw limy' desire to send them Oct. I'j. HARDIE. Oii-tf RECRUITS WANTED. ^ I^.N I'Kl) 20 men for the 5th Regiment. N State )V Troops, Army of Manassas. Each recruit will be p.lid a bounty of :il5 as soon as mustered into Service, tiiid bll per month duting term of enlistment. Thost desiring to enlist will apply to ms at the oiiioc of J- 0. Shepherd Esq. JAS. C. DOBBIN, Jr. Oof. 16th 180L l)b-tf llOTICEr 1 expect to he abs*nt from home a few months in I 'nmU' toil, .1 I 1 ’hov.iiM.. ..'V p T iy'or. R N Green, Turner Bynum. ..I t, » hirk, K E .\lfreJ. ^ i:in’.i and H irnett..,C G Wright, J S Harring- m Williiiiiis. SiimH. hn'....V L W.l’i imfon .lion. Lumber. Timber, tlie West, Archibald .McLean is iiiy autlioii^ed Vgcnt to transact tuy business until I return. N. G. JONES. Dec'r 28. 8?,tf F lyi'tteville. JOSKIMI KAKf:K, Jr., ArrOK.^KV AT B.AW, Has taken an office next door to W'm. 1$. Wright’s Law (►fhcc on Oreen Street. He will attend and practice in tlie County and Superior Courts of Cumberlaud, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson, March 28, li60. 7(Kf F. PEAKCE, WITH r A. \g.», ('otiiiahsion MfiThani aiul Produce Dealer, AM> di:ali;u in Groceries. Provisions, ^ Hardware, ’utlery. Boots, Slioes :ind Lettihcr,, Rm ’■gin;'. Rope, Saddlery, Kc., Foi'oign and Doip.esiic Liquors. Sheetings and Varns ai Munuf.icturers’ prices. j^’-Strict attention p;iid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTiiVILLE, W. C — ,24, 18f)0. '‘6tf fiJarper’w iVZa$;a:i;iBie lor April. Muridi 2l. E. HALE .V S. 1^'orfla Carolina Form Hook, | \ FURTHER supply just received. i E. J. HALE SON JSo'Oks. TIIK WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIEfY; : One of Them, by L‘'ver; Louie’s Last Term at St. Mary’s; i Engl.'ind’.s Yeoman; Tennyson’s Poems; 1 .Vmerioan .Aliminac, J8(51; Th“ I.idy’s I’.'i.ik of Flowera; i L'liigu ige of Flowers; Poetry of “ I,!i,;ly’s Guide to Perfect Genfilify; .. " “ Beinty; i ‘‘ and Gentlemen’s Mirror of Fortune; j Peter Parley s Balloon Travels: • ‘ “ Book of Travels and .Adventure: fte. March 30. E. J. HALE « SONS. BEVDLE'S DIME NOVELS, >os. 10,11,12,13 ife U. “ “ Sons Books and M^'^lodht. “ Half Dime, and Five t’eiir, .\Kels. E. J. HALE & SONS Jan. flO. 22 Klyiiin^ and Hnes, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. March Ifi. * E. J. HALE & SON.^^. Blanks of ail kinde at thii Oifieo. '.mle-!.. y !• Ferebce. » nr[eret...D 'A hilehurst. ('iswi-ll... Withers, S P Hill. i'uriiruck...l5 .M K.xtor. ie iv.-’-in'! \ Q Wfitoro. J R Logan. 11.1 vid.--eii...L-.’v.os H ivMes. E B Clark. 1 tiowtr.l I ill ....1 it .1 G Br.inch. K i';;.lgi;r.s, J S Woodard. . ■ I....I F i' : o.^iyr, Philip Barrow. Frti.idiii—'V F w.een. 'I:i--io-i...J 11 VVtii;e. Gr 111 ill •....! M R'iHock. W II Jenkins, S H Cannaday. ijii.Po,d...(' P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. If ■ecu-'* \ D .'Speight. iHi.-s...Johii It'.'oihe. HiiyA’ .o i....' L Love. ' (x....A !I Davis, W B Pope. 1! er! f i;-!... J J Ve.ite-». ■ I ■ i.-i - in...Jos F Jordan. ‘ie...Ti!:ii in Farrow. lr‘.'d'*ll....\ tv '^itnonton, A B F Gaither .bi'-ks.in... V Fi^he^. .lo ;, s...W P W:,rd. J '. _\v H Wntson. Jas Mitchensr. Lr.i'iir... 1 VV.ioten. iiiai i)l;i... V .A MiiBeee. M'. i.')ii...Jo;iU F.'igg .Ml" in... Evvell. M. 1> iwell...C 11 Pu'-i'in. .M I le... W'XTtidor Ivelly. .'Ii;Ligfii'n.'iy...E li L Barringer. 'L.t' ii... if f Woodtiii. 'Ierklert'iuri;...S W D-ivis, J M Potts. Nasii...H li Willi ims New II i:i •ver....'' J Person, Daniel Shaw. \o»-ihnmp:iin...M W Riirasom, W Vi Peeblat Oii«low...-I H Foy. Mange... H B (jtiihrip. W N Patterson. I’aM^u )i ink....I T Willijtms. Pe'n'iinion'...N Newl»y. I‘iii...i) G .\iiiiiitim. Churchill Perkins. I’er-ini... V>iikinson. I!vibe»t>n—.Vies McMillan. Eli W'ishart. l!oekuinh:i:'i...K'lwley G illoway and Thos Slade. !!o,^-,ui...N -N rieitiiiig. .N' F Hall. i'’u' .erii.f 1...C r N Davis, B H J’adgett. U'in.i.)!ph...I H Foo.st, Tlios S Winslow. Richiiioiid....! G Blue. S'lmosiin...N Faison, Geo W’ .Vutrey. .Surrv...W W>i!igh. — Hor.itio Kflium. Si inly ... I .afiiypt te Greene. Tyv’.-.:'li...C NL-Cleese. Uni' n...f/ Q Lernmonds. Wsvke...S II Rogers. J W Russ, TI Mordecai. Warren...J B li.itche’or, W H Cheek. W'l ••■in^! 01! ...C L.itham. Wa'-io^ i..,Th.iinas Farthing. V.’uyn. ...W T Dortch, M K ('rawford. Wilki--...,A W' Mirtiri, Horton. Va.lV:iD....\ C t’owlrs. Y'aiicy... Bowman. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, GeO* Howard. For8yth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W, Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Juo. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. W Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Alliaon. Jack.son—W. 11. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Wa.shington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madi.son—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Bi.c^s. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Ttirner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. U. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. ()n!ow—G. W. Ward. Orange—\V. A. Graham, John Berry. I^a.squotank—R. K. Speed. Penjuimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuninghain. Pitt—F. ii. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. 1 Randoljih—\\ . J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnai. Rowar -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Rutheri. 'd and Polk—J. H. Caraon, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Ilearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. IIa.miin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—II. .M. Houston. Wuko—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, VY. W. Holden. \Yarren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. W'ashiiigton—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—(t. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. ^ The l^uiversity of Xorth Carolina, CHAPEL HILL. The next session will begin on Saturday 18th Jan'y 1802. This Institution, situated in a region remarkably 1 healthful, anil remote from the seat of war, has been in I successful .''ipiiraiion since February 1775. At no pre- ' vious period have the means and opportunities of im provement b?>rn 80 great as they now are. DAVID L. SWAIN, Pres’t. Dec. 2, 18i;i. 79-6t Corrospoudence of the Charleston Courier. CENTaEVILLE, Nov. 10, 1861. Sitting in a rainy tent last evening 1 overheard the' following fragment ot a conversation between a party of Irisli soldiers, which for richness and raciness Charles Lever would have immortalized hiaiself by Irescoing in one of his inimitable sto ries. The company were .detailing their experi- i ences, “hair breadth escapes by flood and field," spinning Munchausian yarns and cracking wbn- I derful jokes, when one Pat Mullooney, a genuine son of the sod, broke in with an account of his 1 adventures during the battle of Bull Run. I give you the ebullition entire—oerbotim et lite.iatini ' et xpelhratim, though half its fun and force are lost by its transfer to paper. “Ye see, gititlomiu,” said Pat, (God f .rgive me for calling sucIi spalpeens out U v yer iit.mes,) J that tiijio vrbni the ouM Mujur came down like a flyiit divil on his vhi.itiiut mare wid liis iUigan:j ■ ssvor l, that b« jabers is like a scy'ho blade, a wav- in about hi.s hid, and yelled to u,s to come on and j chi.rge the bloody Yankees; be gorra it was to j Wa.'}iin:;ton we thought we wercgotii all the way, j and the divil a time we were to istop at ail at all, ' on the road, not aven for a dhrap ol watbcr. j Well, sure i-uou_h, the ould felKr wiiit in him- I self, aiid I aiihor liini, not tliiiikiiig about any- ; fliitii; at all, but ji.si oi.iiig on. I jumj>e»l over a j ujite of ;i tiiii‘1' ti^lit as a toad, and tonk to the watliot i^iMiii to tlie llliUi.;! till* liivii I c alu e yi; :ti; ale ti.. li|o i;i t!ic \v. for tl.e '•ia!| there 1 tiiuu Ituii .i.lv.' a (tuck, and whin I f'lit t 1 ilii; .'ir.ime i liuiU.-'l an uiid, and* , ve I tie nil- > f yi I I1-.. r n.' . 1 v. us .--UI i lllll 1 lill.U^llt I' US iL i w a iiii;.;\r Wall i\>i' . t .stiiiiv- • :d' iiiso liio i irtt uf y: z, ami \vaitmg •j(jii.s Lj come over. liut as i was out •it to iiie>cll i’ll take a IiA.k at liow ! things i:;, hi.w things is iieyaiit, and p'raps i’ll iha\ea crack o’ uie guotj. iJut tlivii a thing ' could I say. J.Si as i was inukiiig up me mind to retuiii c'J ye all, a big \aiikce, who looked as it* he was seventeen ieet luiiltd hia niuskit ' at me and lived. Tiie ballet whistled by me ear j wiJ a bhrake worse than Ti.\i Flaneoan’s hfe. i Bad luck to ye, ye thaie o’ the wunld, says 1; : what are ye thrying to shoot me fur; sure I n^ver i done not!i;iig to yc-z, and th. n J aimed sthra.ght; I betw’ane his e;. es, and lircd at him, bat thcr.ir.Mi- : evia ball uiJu'c luch a hair ov his head th: c 1 I mi.st. Boporra, s;-z I to mt =ull, nuw i’ll tak.. ye j a pris’ntir, t.iiyiiow, and i put ir.cscii aero.s*. the ! river as hu:;i as iv;jr 1 coul.:. I joi:mped up the Iccre.^ til'- iiiJ i sed, ‘‘ i'll ver brains out,' €Jreeiisll>oroiis;Ii Female College, GREE.NSBOROUGH, N. C. The Spring Session of the present term will open on the 2d day of Jan’y 18r>2. The building is large, commodious, well ventilated, with a fire place in each j ; bank, an L.okiii !;j I rendtlior, ye ciivil, j TiiO lun ov it wa.s, i il 1’ lu iiiC cliafge ujfon i the .si.aip.'oh iu :i c giM ai. ;iil at all, and the j bluody tt'.al't' uiuit ov kiit w it, iur lie made at me ! wid bis li:i\’tn t, iikt’ a two lf..rgeJ loco'aiotive. i 1>3‘ the | uwer.s. but i v. js 1;i^);tciied. A', he was coming li-j'-vu, i.iping s;ver:il ijt.i at : time, says- 1 to meseir. "i’at, me hoy. nrn-l Ner tye. Now’s yer time to kape wideawake, or you il iiave a gim let hole through ^er valuable bow'll.s, and Biddy Mullooney will be a widdcr” Bu! bad luck to the driiliii, ^ure its uu:oif luvgol iu.vr ij come to the charge. i tnk i»u- gyi n by li e middle ju.st as ye wad hijuhl a .ood oid J'-isiUMiiud black thorn .>5h!iiaiy, atui b:ii;incu.l mesfcli fur in. As ’he come down, tiie d;vtl take me it I knew how to git thai bay’uet pint out o’ the way. I twirl ed me nmsket aroun me lied till me lingers achtd, but suddenly, bliss all the Howiy Saints fur it, a root tuk the fut ov the bloody minded rascal, an he wint a sprawling on the turf lookin as pretty a letther X as ye ivcr signed to yer name, at the room. Tae locaiiou is healthful and retired. The I time that his bay’net sthruek a fat in the Faculty consists of five gentlemen and seven ladies. | ground. L gin ayelland wason him betore a J.lgCOUd all experienced teachers. Instruction systematic and i grunt, and put me iut on hi.s neck. “Surrender yc thor.iugh With superior advantages for intellectual | divil,” sed I, but the divil a word did he spake. I thought I had his throte too tight, an 1 let him go to give him a fair chance to utther his sinti- ments. What d’ye think the spalpanc thryed to do':' Sure it was to git hi.s musket out of the ground and sthruck me wid it again. ^But sthili 1 didn’t waijt to hurt the baste, so I jist hit him a little crack in the head wid the butt o’ me goon and broke his jaw. 1 hen he became c^uiet, an I made him take his musket and cross the crake, when I drew him to the hospital and the divil of a dacentfr Vtettcr behaved feller ye nivef haw after that. He laid in bed six wakes and didn’t Sfiake nary word. That’s what I did at Bull Run. Who’ll give me a poteen ov whiskey?” and moral culture, and very moderate charges, we con fidently expect ft liberal share of patronage, evsn in the present state of the country. CH\UGK.' PKR SESSIO.V OF FIVI5 MOSTIfS: Board S’)0; (L’ghts extra:) Tuition in regular course $20; Mn-ic on the Piano or Guitar S20; use of instru ment S2 60; Painting in Oil $20: Drawing $5 to 510; French $10; .An:ient Languages So. T. M. JONES, Pres’t. Nov. 20, 18G1. 79-5t OF .Superior Pocket Cutlery. RODGERS’, ^Vostenholm’8. Crookes, and Rhodes & Son's celebrated Pocket and Pen KNIVES. A good supply. E. J. HALE ■& SONS. Nov'r 27, 1861. , JAMES KYLJK HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING SUPPLY Dill OC>i>D.^, — Among which are— 1 ^ Ci(\ I'IECES C.VLICO: iOUU ')'ii» PIECES LAWN't; Black and Colored Silks; Irish Linen and Diapers; Bolling (’hiths, No. 1 to 11; Men «ud Boy’s Clothing. With a large assortment of all kinds of All of which were purchased at Auction and private sale by the package at panic prices, and will be offered cheap by wholesale or retail. April'll, 18t)l. 12tf Y irr T ij V11.1. i; .MUTPAL l\'Sl!Ri.\CE C0MP,4.\T. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to A Ciinftiiliifrjor Porf —The Brook lyn (N. V.^ (’ity Nl-ws has the lollowing very spicy para^irapii; .•'otiie w iidcirul tliinps liuve been dotie diivini; tlie u;ir. b'.i- rl;(. .-'u liti-sf ;: ii;g yet W .s tii.. : at tic ot J li>CifiV. !r. i\y. - '- I'J J( r'lt ' Ilo -J.’ :T!- sistcd (>! 74f.-‘ III'n, ii;.) i;'iai.iiy .md i.'o c-iv.. ry. Ol tllCi-'J 1 •. .«C .ii iri'iiji-- ikliic I -r-'L- u;.'i t 2,7UU jirisLlr. V'l \\ li:iL i .. :iiiie ol ihe buiu.icc we are uji.ii.ie lo 1. .i .'. \\ c iiope they are y t livintr to rep :i: oi tiio.r i as.oi. Ttn- siscces-^ id the Federal cause cati no *i ii_er be duubte i. W'u can beat the t'oiii’ci.ii.rjtes at ev..iy;hiiig—even at lying. The New Yi'rk lltruld urges Lincoln to call for 500,UOO more men, and at once h;iild two or Cash on hand and other assets, §207,688 2*} 5,077 35 t;d tiety d. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. I Al les Mebaric. Thos. Ruffin. .Mexan.'li-r—A. C. Stewart. | Ashe—J. D. Fi'rbrs. Arson—A. Myor.s, J. A. Leak. liCrtie—S. IV Spruill, James Bond. —W. .1. i-jlUson, E. J. Warren, lil.ideti—Neill Kelly. Hrnn-wick—T. D. ^leares. Bi-’ncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Bfirkc—J. C. McDowell. Cabnrnis—C Phifer. (VJd've’il—E W .Jonor». Camden—D. 0. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. (as\7ell—I’edford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawb:i—P. V. Henklc. Chath.im—J. 11. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., J. 3ltnritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dllkrd. Cleveland—W. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Colu.^lbus—Richard Wooten. Crtiveii—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumoorland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—-W. J. Houaton, J. T, Rhodti, Toftil, $272,765 G1 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notea. Total losses paid, $29,082 OFFfCERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. ll-VY, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.\N, Sec’y. Diekctor.s: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutferloh, L C. B. -Mallett, James Kyle. .\. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. hn Collins and C. C W. Steel, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. 0. Shephenl, McCrummen. Traveling Agenta. lSy“The Company invite applications. May‘28. 1860. 21-ly CA PT. WlKKESJi’S RlilPORT ON THE 1)EI‘:P lilVER MINERAL REGION. i three bu'i.ired war ve^'^cls, I Bennett i.s ;i Scotchm.in—he hates the iankees I deeply — he is siisjietied by th‘uij and partly to I itidiiLe his old grudge and p*rt|y to keep out of ! Fort Lafayette, he i.s co!istaf)tIy urging them to adopt Ihe mi)st viiilefit and mi.^chievous nita.«ures. ! To involve them iu a war v.ith England has al- , ways been a lavorite .sciicme with tiini. Next to that, he is mo.sr ea^ei'to bankiupt them by per- ! sutiding thc-iii .-> .spend all their money on bhips- of war and unwle’.Jy armies, which never win a battle. He seems to be in a fiir way of success. Jiichmtjini li/i/y. ' A fartnhout Cuttx.—In a French journal, railed Fuille de 'I'ouc le Mond,. an explanatio* is i given of a fact wlsicb has puzzled sporting men, ! namely: why tlic left barrel of a gun bursts so ' much more frcfjuenl'y than the right? The ex- ' planation is this: The .'port.^man on going out j loads both barrels, :md on .seeing a bird rise, fires iifitnrally the right b irrel; ho reloads that barrel, ! and when he ai.aiii p hs a bird or a hare he fires The undersigned have caused to be published from , it again, and » he does perhaps twenty times in the Coneressional plates, an edition of the Report ! suece-'i )!' iJut «>.ich fii in - gives a shock to the of Capt. Wilkes U. S- Nayy, and hi.s As^sociates on fhe . ), ft hand band, and at luU the I Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex- ‘ ^ p > . i... . „ . * , i a- c nmine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This ; succession of sl. i.-h.' si p j e.s tr.e v\adu!i)g ficm I is the most important and scientific statement of the i the powder and .shut; li;C C0ns;eijUfei:C0 is that a I great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps i vacuum ensue."? between them, and when the I the most perfect and valuable, of any yet ptiblished. i second barrel is firod it frcCjuently bursts. (I'o j The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 ■ prevent this d;ui"cr, the rrcomnicndafion i.s made I cents, neatly bound in cloth Copies sent by mail free , J whenever the right hand larrei is loaded, the I of postage, on the receipt of 60 cents. A liberal dis-, . , ii i i, > . •onnt to whoUaaltt buyers. Crd«rs Bolicit«d. charge in the Icil huud one should tuito be rtuiuuaa I J»a’:r S6. S. J. HALS ft 80M8. I down.