lEIR SEMI-WEEKL, Y. [VO I.,. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 12, 1861. [NO. 1082.] l'KiNTKl> MONDAYS AND TUrKjJDAVS EOW ARD J. H.4LE i SOXS. K1 IT**KP A\i> PROPRIKTOIIS Price tor ilic Sfiiii-Weekly ('useuvkr 00 if pail in ailv-ince: i ; 'iO if p:ii 1 (hiring tlie year of siib.-^crip- ion: or .51 aftt'r the ^e'lr lias expircl. F ir the We* 'lv i»psKHi'KU '-‘J nor aiinnin. if pai.l in ailvaiice; '>0 if pai.l dnrine tlie ycnr i>!’ nOiscrip- tit>ii: or lifter tlie ye:ir bus ex]Mri'il. IciT •M'VKRTISKMV^NTS in-iertpd f.u i’iii oeni' y »r s iUMVP of 10 lines fur ille firt. ;in'l -’0 eenis for ea‘li s.iceee'linsr Yearly advertisements l>y sj e- .'•?il c'iir"cts. ;»t rvft'('':’.‘>,’'le r-ite-. Advertisers are rfv\uewd to st:\i,x the trauiVier of ui’eriions desired, or •'lev will he I’ontunuvl t; i ;\rl>id. and >’h;irtred ui-c*ovd- iUK'V. Advi'rtisenient ; to 1)0 in-;';' .-d /»»//■. rhareed i">0 per «ctu extvi. Sl’F' \:-Tin: F' nil and afttM’this date, nc-naiii' >f a new snVi rrit er will be enteretl ..Wli im p.Tymeni \v adv-i>\(H», r .r wi'i: ;? paper he ■■•;'nt to sueli snlwn-n for u iongi"' tiiue ;;mn i.> p«id t ir. Such of orr oi'l sn'''>scri'!ii” s as desire to talve the ya- yer :>n this ysteiii will please notify ii-‘ when niaki;ig r inlnanL!‘.s. Jan'y 1. SIWP 'M) lllSi'ELlWEOlS \\\)m. 4 BBO .A Irvir? Pro scot t‘ Bancroft' Li dpjz's '"'.-■-ories. US vols.; Ahbott'.s NapoliJon; ! ilete Works. 1:1 vols; '.i 1 of Wasiiiiijiion. ij vols; s Phili]! the ‘2d: '’harles the .3th: Ferdinand nnd Isahella; ■ onqnest of Mexic-.*; of I’oru; States’. vols; s Field II. -k of the .\nierican ileToliitioii ""*;ler‘s Universal History; . :ii's Middle Ajte*-; Muine nd Macau’ -.y's !list:>rie? Eii)cland: Kollin's Atiirient Hi-!->rv; Millnian's (Jihl>on' I! mii»: '-eplnis' tv nks; K *''ert:i"n's w >rk-; Webster ? V,’ irk>; ■- »y' s ‘ • hy CI r o n: Benton's -'?i: yenrs in the U S. Sen*te; Burke's work?; Dr Johnson’s ditt.j: - » Lite of Dr Juhiis-ni: .■Xddison'.s Works- .Xddi-on's Spectat ir; ^l^l:•riulay s Mi.sirellHnies; and f'l v-N; M ■ iern Crirish Ks-j;iyisi«: Knight's Half H >urs wi'h the J'e^t Anrh.)r«; iiiv, ua^iuQg on riii.'.soj ! y and Liioraii.re, hy .'“-ir Win llfimilton: > lambers’s Mi^ 'ellany, !•' v -Is; ;^t..tesman> Maminl: s he Federrilisi; Political Text Book, l-.y Meriuskey; Constitutions of the States; .MtrshaU'a Life of Wa-»hineron: ^he Life of Win. Pinektiey; Anteri'-in Eloqn*nce; Biiigraphy of Distinguished Women: by Mrs S J Hale; Encyclopfledia .\merican"; Appleton's Cyclopedia of I’.iosraphy: Lite and Correspondence of L ird .Jeffrey; Locjihart'? Life of SiMtt, urran and his «'.iteniporarie-*. by I’ alinis; W.tverly N.'vel-;. eotuj,> . :=■ in '■ v. ’-, “ •• ;n ‘J4 Vi s’. .- ; “ “ “ iu 27 Veil; Cooper's Ses Tales. Dickens’ Works; Marryatt’s Nove’s: Wilson's Tales of'he P.o’-der'i: Hannah Mure s ■worl;''; Dick’s works; Plutarch’s Live*: Dryden's Wi>rk-; ’erne"' works: T’iie ^^octor. by .“-Jouthey; '>“.bb's Syn')nyriie!«: Percy .\tiecdotes: ’hr inicles of the Bn ’iie. ii‘u-tratpii; ! iie .''Cdttirth Gael; ;i ;7,eiti-er of the U. .‘'t ites: Major .1 ick Downing's years out of the .^enate; Livinpstoni ' Travels in .South .Vfrica; I. >rd LigitiV to Thinn an.l -lapan; Fivf Vetr'- in :'hiDa, by Dr. '"h-is. Taylor: The Briti-h i-^xpedition tu the Crimea, by W FI R.i-‘*.dl; My Diary in Iniia. by ditto; Dr. Kane's .\rctic F.xplorition-: K-ndall'f? Santa Fe Kxp: ditiot,; t'uniming'i Hunter’s Lift in .\frica; N iit ■- tiliddon’s Indigenous Kaces of the Kartb: F-jotfalls on the Boundary .i Another World, by H. Dale Owen: ;-tandard Poetical Works in various binding.s among whi.oh are: Hemans. Scott, Popp, Byron. Burn-;, Moore, Ho(,d, Halleck. i’ampbell, ( 'rabhe, Coleridge, Cowper, Goldcrnith, Milton. &c., &c. . Shakspeare’s. Massinger Ford'r and Beaumont and Fletcher’;; Dramatic Work>: Mrs "'owden Clark'H coiiiplete Coucordatice to Shaks- peare; The Dramatic Works of Ja Sheridan Knowles: Smith’s Pvejected Aildre--e-; The Book of Scottish B;i' ='ls; Ballad- by W' If Ainsworth; Griswold’s Poets and Poetry of Kngland; Female Poets of Great Brit.Jn; I’oets of the xixth century; Percy’s iveliques of Ancient Poetry, &’. &c. K. .1. H \LE Oi StiNS. March 22. To (he Sherlfls of the several Coiiulies of* Norih Carolina: Ir is deemed not only desirable but at imperative du- ’ ty, that early iTieasures be taken to accumulate a siipi'ly of winter clothing for the North Carolina troops now in the field. The scarcity of material for sale iu ^ the Slate, and the uncertainty of procuring supplies ; from ftbro;id. force us to rely on our domestic resources It is thviu'iht that every family can spare one or more . I’daiikfts without persotial inconvenience, or a ]>air of . ooleii S 'L'ks. nnd it i.s believed th;it for such a pur ■ tu'se a call Wv;uld le responded to with alacrity. j It liHs therefore beeu concluded that au appeal for ; this purpose *'e made to ttie great body of the people, j and wiih tliat view I have to retptest the Sheritl’s of the Several (’ouiities to act as agents of tlie Stale, to solioit coniiibuiii ii of this kiml j To this en-I tliey are requested to circulate this no tice. and em|>loy agents in every district (>f their county ; to further I ho tn:itter. ’ i .U1 contri)'jtions of this kind may be boxed and f r- W'lrdeil to tliv nearest Railroad Depot, and duo infornr'a- ' tion thereof vent to the Governor. The Sherir^s are further rp'4ue«ted to furnish to the G .vernor .a ' -t ot le donors. The traiisT rtat '.)n oi tV.tse di-nations will be at the expense of le State—and the bill for ■Juoh service 'hould bp .’uily for* irded ‘'or p vmen;. , HKN. V T. CL.V 15 k. Governor of N. C. j !u cheerfi.l com} iance with the several re(ii'.''sts con- I taiiie'f in tlie ;\bove t'irculai of His Excellency Governor Clark, the undersigned, SheritT of ('umberland, has ■ madi- provision within the several Districts of the Coun- j ty tor the re 'eption of contributions for the provision and comfort of onr g;iUant soldiers. -As it is onr pride t.i know that the good o’ll county of ('umberlsnd has sent forth her best and bravest son* to tiie hat He-tie1d, so will it be to us gratifying to feel that we have ministered to their necessities and che*r- tully CoiitI'ibuted to their wants It i therefore un necessary to make any appeal to the charities of a peo ple wlnwe ge^'ertius and warm hearts ever beat respon- -ive to tiie calls of patriotic iluty. ('■.>ntribuiions will be received in the several Dis'ri.’t-; by (he persons ■atned. Contributors will please mark thrir namr> upon articles sent. Dif'rirt—B\vR. W. Hardie. P F. .Mdermnn. By W. .\lderman and .1 esse B. t'arver /’.''(i //•?/ —By Duutvin.I. Mc.Vlister. Neill McDiiga'd. Black I!'. ily I., H. Ci;>dwin. .J;'.mes .McKe han and R ibert Willinnis ('fdar ('■, I—Uv .Tolin C. P>l' cker and .John .Averitt. I iri.'x ('■■t ’; By .lame« Evans, Sherwood Hawley and .J 'hn Mi'I>aniel. /V'■ v — By .Ijitnes Cameron, Capt. D. .McDougald and Henry G Hall. /-'ir^r — liy Cajit. Neill K. Pdue, ’ol. William Miaw f»iid .loiin Ray Q 1 ■ :rf’,—p>y Juhii MfKethan, .Iidm McRae and Hon. L Beth line ^ I’.y Wm. P- U.-iv, Daniel McKinnon. '/ -I By I'hrist-'pher Monroe and Dutican A j^ew Law Book. CantivelVs Practice at Etaw, JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Edward Cantwell, LL. B., author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CON'TENT.S. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justice* of the Peace; County Boumluries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue uud Charges: Court Houses, Prisons, &c.; County Vrusiee: Jury Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; General .\?semt)1y; Juspections, Public Landings, See.; Poor Hou*e.'' aiicl Hospitals; Registers and Clerks; Rivers aad ’’reeks: tJates, Ferries anti Hridges; Weights and Moa- ■jures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and Inspoc- tious; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, Ferries and Bridges: Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; Executive l*ower of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; .Viti-rneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and Mar shal: Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians; County Attorney; Avictioneers; County Court Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners; Committees )f Finattce; County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special Court; Commi»sioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin- teii lents of Schools; Commissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Registers; Commissioners of Rivers m l (''reeks; Sheritl's: Constables; Rangers; Standard Keepers: Retailers; .Vdministrators; Chairman of Special I'otirt; Comniissioners of D«eds and Conveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections: Guardians and Receivers; Iti'pectors; Comminsiouers of Internal Improvements; | Pu"tition; Patrol (.’ommittees; Processioners; Tax Listen | iti'l Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; j Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. ; The .Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convej^ j »nces, as follows: j •V^reements, .Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills ' of Exchange ami Lading, Bonils, Miecellaneous Bonds, • Contracts, Deeds, .Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, | Copartnership .Articles. Notes, Releases, &c., Sic. j This ISook contains pages, is gotten up in supe- > i rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, |)5. | ! For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. j Dec’r IStii'. Tiir tin 1 -r; ttiay i e ., m!T Aiig. 2■^ rn.-.l -iv.li also receive any articles that iited. HE TOR McNElLL Sheritf. L.\W BOOKS. S mmm litkiuti'si:. HE Works of Chas. Lamb. .■) vols. Edited by Talfourd; ‘ of Henry Fielding. I vols; “ “ of Oliver (loldsrnitii, 1 vols: “ “ of Tobias Smollett, 0 vols: Letters of Juniu"; Fenelon’s Work^; * Pascal’s Provincial Letters; “ Thoughts. Letters, kc; Chestetlield’s Letters; Corinne, or Italy, by Malume DeStael; ■/>ne Porter’s Wyrks; Vioar of Wakefield and Rasselas; Hooi’s Whims and Odditie.«: “ >'!oinic Miscellanies; Hallam s Middle Ages; Wirt Life of Patrick Henry, ■ urrcr Bell's W’orks—Jane Eyre, Shirley and Viiiette; K.:'itia,.by Mi.ss Burney: 1' ’ah. Rutledge, The .Mill on the Floss; ':pon Line,” ‘‘Peep of Day,” &c: F ■» ; liook of .Martyr.s: i>i ' iiiin’s Dome.sfic .Medicine; -= Leslie’s New Cookery Book; 'M l on t.ie Httrsi*; VCNlfKKS’ REi’oRTS; •)!i Pleading and Evidence; PI.i!Iip-i >11 Kvidenfe; ’ 'mu. n Bern li I'epDrts -new -rcrie-;, ’urti;i’s (’ommeiitariec; Ri-ss on Bills atid Promi-^sory Notes; t'iiiity on Carrier^: Biieiiriii on Cuinmercial Law; Taylor's Law Gio-,-vry; Williams on F^xecutors; Dfvereux"'; Kiniie - Kent; I’lackstoue: I'oke upon LiMle'on ^Butler ,t Hft>'grave’‘ N^'tes; Sedgwick oti Damages; St uy ->n ilej^; •• on Bills !)f Exchange: Equity Pleading; ou Coutliet of LaW'; •• on [’ailments; t’hitty on Plealinir: *• oil (’onttiiL'is; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow uu Partnershiii; Robevt:4' Principles of Equity. l>octor and Student; r>r;:ome'- (.’ommentarieh; Lt ..diiii; Cases in Equity, H-ire i Wallace’s Notes; Lawyer s Common Pl.ice Book; Greenleaf on Evidence: Stephen on Ple.uling; Gresley’.s E'piity Evidence; Burrill’s Law Dictionary Wharton’s Law “ Phillips' & .\mos on Evidence: .\rchbold s Landlord and Tenant; Ni?-i Prius: Fearno on Re'.iiaiu'Icrs; Tidd's Practice: Sf.'irkie on Eviilence; Hiliiari oti Sales; Smitii's Lati iloid and Tenant; Adam.s’ Equity: Willi:itn« on Persrtual Property; M-iyne on l>nniage; ■Arohbold’s Criminal Practice and Pleading; Lube's Equity Pleading; Wendell’; Blackstone; (,'hitty's “ Matthew’S on Presumptive Evidence; Smith’s .'da.'-ter anii Servant; Powell oil Mortgages; (.'liitty's I'riiiiiiiul Law. Williams on Beal T’roperty; Smith’s (’hiiticery Practice; Sugden ou Vendors; •' i Property; Dart on Vendor-. C.abb 1- Beal Property; Sugden on Powers; S aith’s Mercantile Law; Smith ou t'ontracis: A 1 lison on “ Aii.ims on Ejectment; Crown Circuit (,'oiny>anion; American Leading Cases—Hare & W'.allace's Notes; Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Domat's Civil Law: Hockwell’s Spanish and Mexican Law;J Sharswood's Legal Ethics; Roscoe’s (,’riminal Evidence; Edwards on Bailments; Equity Draftsman; Powell on Evidence; Oliver on ('onveyancing; Broome’s Legal .Maxims; (lollyer on Partnership, &c., &c. S»^ Th e Rejt,. -ts of the Supreme Court o;' North Ca rolina: (’antwell's Justice: Form Book; Cantwell’^ Prac tice, iScc. E. J. HALE & SONS, and I ear««, l)V th‘ Autiior of “Heartsease,'’ ic. 1> 1..\V1M.\, liy the Author of “Dr. Antonio,” &c. XKW KDITION OF JtVtilttlX A.\D B\TTL{i\S C. L.WV REPORTS, Voliiiiie 'pHE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of 1 this Volume, with Notes and References to other ! adjudtreJ ('ases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. ; H. Jiattle; and with many corrections of typographical : err.ini. j Their 'Jd Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, | «rtd l«t I)ev. ,S: Battle’s Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profession. I'hey also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s 2d E'juity. without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the projirietor' of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s i Law and E>iui.y. and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they *an bow h;id. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & ' li.ittie's Law Reports, vjls. 3-4 (in one.) Tliey ileal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus- 'omers. E. J. HALE & SON. | t)ct. 15. l.'^iiO i Trac’tjn lor the $!»olclierM. i Keprintki) at Raleigh, N •‘V Voice from Heaven, 4 pages I ‘-Privaie Devotion.” “ " , “•Don t put it of!'.' “ “ | ' '• The .Act of Faith," ••.All-sufficiency of ('hrist. ' *• “ “The .'^entinel,’' “Self-Dedication to God." “ “ “Motives to Early Piety, " “ *' j ‘-(.lome to Jesus,’' (formerly t>4 pages,) now ia 32, and in S I'our page tracts. A (’proved Of/ all the 1‘oiton of Ihu City. .A large edition of the above should be printed before ; the type is distributed, as it will cost $40 to re-set them. : Tlie number and variety will be inoreased as the funds are given. i .’!!^1U0 pays for pages; S20 pays r 30,000, i and ^1 pays tor 1,.jOO pages. Donations to be sent to the .Agent, wbicK he will acknowledge by letter, and report to each of the Pas tors of this City More than 50,0W pages of new tracts have been sent to the soMiers in Virginia. W.M. J. W. CROWDER, Tract Agent. Raleigh, June, 1801. TYPE FOUNDRY. THE (KN L Y M A N U F A C T O R Y OF TYPE ! OA f^OHTllER.ir !i01L, I SOlTll OF B.ILTIMOKE. The Pioprietors of the above Foundry have also united j with their Foundry a complete i I’llINTKRS’ i FI WAKEHOUf^E. ! Having ou hauil. or furnishing to order, every article requi-i.e for a Printing Office, FAOM A BODKm —TO A— TL\-l!\LL\DliR PRESS. We can and will manufacture in Richmond, as good an article, and at the same specimen prices, as any Foumlry North. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the bouth, HENRY L. PELOUZE & CO. We refer you to every Printer in this city. We also desire every Newspaper in the South to copy this ad vertisement for one month, sending us one copy of their paper, and receiving their pay for such advertisement upon purchasing five times the amount of their bill from us. H. L. P. & CO. July 8. 40-Im W BOOKi^ Nemesis, by marion harland, Author of “.\lone” &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; J ACK HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; C.ASTLE RICHMOND, by .Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 81. E. J. HALE & SONS. I’ocket Diaries for IStJl. Dec’r 20. E. J. HALE & St)NS. V A,;nl 'f The -•'rty, |.r. -s^.iitin on Cattle. E. J. HALE h SONS. I.aw of of Perf^oiial by Francis Hilliard, 2'1 Edition, Enlarged V'-ll. ou Evident^, bth Edition, with Notes by s’ Blacks!one; Byli-:’ on Bills, Notes by H El RTHER SWViAVlS. OPES and FE.ARS; The (.Queens of Society; Mans- ! ^»chool Books. 1 lONTEITH’S. Mitchell’s and Smith s Geographies; i'll. Smith and Bullions’ Grammars; Emerson’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions’ and .Andrews’ Caesar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and Caesar; Northeud’s American Speaker, &c., &c. April 3. E J. HALE & SONS. I^cliool Books, &c. (^OLI’iURN’S, Stoddard’s, Ray’s, and Emerson’s Arith- i mefics; McGufTey’a Readers and Spellers; Scott’s ; Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred I Mountains iJaion Bible Dictionary, &c. j E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. field’s Political .Manual; Woods’ Class Book of Bo tany; Letter Copying Book.s; Tom Brown at Oxford; Tale of Twf^*t jf.Beer’s System of Penmanship; School Books, K. J HALE & SONS. Jar ■ ^2- xN- ^ I'*-!.’! E.jujiy; Broom’s Legal Maxims, tiiith on t^ontractfl, Ac. E. J H.ALE &L SONS lilailk Warrants lor sa’e. The '^oiitli, hy Prof. In graham; Say and Si-al, by the Aittlior of “Wide Wide The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir ' iNichool Book!^. ATUR.VL t’HlLOSOPHY from Ganot’s Popular Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New j i Speller and Defiuer .Analyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s ! ) Grammars; .Monteith’s, Smith’s and Mitchell’s Geogra- j _ ' pliies; Goodrich’s and .Vadrews’ Latin and Greek Les- ; sons. .Vc. L. J. HALE & SONS. I World,” &c.; ^ mank Warraut* for sal. at thii LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1860-61. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmona. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton...J M S Rogers. Hertford....T B Slaughter. Bertie...David Outlaw. Martin and Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M C Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...U T Clark. Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F .Arendell. Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli \\ Hall. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Onsl*w...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick. &c...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland aud Harnett...Duiioan Shaw. Sampson...Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Nash... A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. Granville...C H K Taylor. Person...(- L Winstead. Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. Alamance an*l Randolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatham—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W' I) Dowd. Richmond and Robeson...Alfred Dockery. Anson and Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter Adam.s Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockinghan... F L Simpson. Mecklenbarg...John Walker. Cabarrus and Stanly...V C Barringer. Rowan and Davie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth...Jesse .A Waugh, Ashe, Surry &c...Jos Dobson. Iredell, W'ilkes &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell &C...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherfonl, Polk W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson ilfec...Geo W Candler. Haywood, Macon &C...W H Thomas. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr J M Carsou. Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles. .Ashe...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe....A S Merrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Bertie...P T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T Marsh. Brunswick...T D Meares. Caldwell... Dickson. Cabarrus...W S Harris. Catawba...Jonas Cline. Chatham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. Cherokee...G W Hayes. Craven...C C Clark, F E .Alfred. • ’umberland and HHrnett...C G Wright, J S Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Coiumbus...N L Williamson Camden...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... W’ithers, S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland....A G Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. Edgecombe... R R Bridgers, J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Burrow, Franklin—W F Green. Gaston...J H White. Granville... J M Bullock, W H Jenkins, S H Cannad.ay. Guilford...C P Mendenhall, C E Shobar, J L Gorrell. Greene...A D Speight. Gates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax...A H Davis, W B Pope. Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde.,.Tilman Farrow. Iredell...A K Simonton, A B F Gaither Jackson....A Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W' II Watson, Jas Mitchener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V A McBeee. Madison...John A Fagg Martin... Ewell. McDowell...C H Burgin. Moore... Alexander Kelly. Montgomery...E G L Barringer. Macon...H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams. New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton..,M W Ramsom, W W' Peebles Onslow...J H Foy. Orange...H B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T Williams. Perquimons...N Newby. Pitt...B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Hall. Rutherford...C T N Davis, B H P.adgett. Randolph...I II Foust, Thos S Winslow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wake...S H Rogers, J W Rusa, H Mordecai. Warren...J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washington...C Latham. Watauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes....\ W Martin, Horton. Yadkin...A C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. R. Spruill, James l^ond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E. J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Wood6n. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Cleo. Green, Jno. D. Whittord. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McNeill, A. S. McNaill. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—RdF t Sprouse. ' Duplin—W. J. HouitoHj J. T. Rhod«i, Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, ^eo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Giluier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Bi^gs. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Montgomery—S. II. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. II. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Per((uinions—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes. Randolph—W. J, Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W^. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinjjham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnaz. Rowai. -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Ruthen. -d and Polk—J. II. Carson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—II. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Counsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. SMILES. VOR THS OBSKBTKB. Dedicated to Mn. M. Frances L— -h bjf OIM CAIiEKDAR FOR 1861. c > 2 H a 2 w CP M C w C ► > M - ao o > > VI 3 > JANUARY. rKBRUARY.. MARCH APRIL. MAY JUNE. JULY AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER.... UECEMBKR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 ‘3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 >3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 who loves and admiret her. Smiles! how divine upon the lips of sleeping infancy! How beautiful upon the rosy mouth of coy maidenhood. How lovely «a they dimple the cheek of the happy matron. How sublime, overspreading the brow ot intellect. What heav en-like peace they lay upon the couotenanoe of age, lifting the thoughts far above earth and its cares, telling the soul of an abiding rest far, far away. How comtorting, how cheering are smiles? Are the tender fibres of the heart stretched upon the rack of painT How grand b the martyr-like smile of endurance. Is the soul assailed and tortured by cares? How sweet the smile of re signation. Is the heart filled with happinessf The earth contains not a more beautiful thing than a human face beaming with smiles of hap piness. And yet smiles can be repulsive, as poisonous plants bear gaudy rank flowers, so wick ed men wear death-bearing smiles—“a man may smile and be a villain.” How heart-rending is the faint sickly smile which forms a mask for misery. How terrible the smile of desperation— how hateful that of deceit—how appalling the dark gleaming stiletto smile of revenge. Oh how surpassing fair is the bliss-fraught smile of love. What is more dear'to our hearts than the fond approving smile of the one nearest and dearest to us? • Flowers are said to be the language of angels wherewith they write peace and good will to earth, and surely smiles are the angels wherewith kind heaven rewards poor struggling hearts tha^ have obtained a victory over temptation and sin. How sweet to the wanderer is the smile of welcome as he nears the home that for years has not known his presence. How like gushes of sunshine upon hills of snow is the smile of pity and affection to the hardened world-worn heart. How sweet to the wretched poo' is the beam ing face of charity—how hallowed the hand wMch distributes alms to its suffering fellow crea tures; great is the reward—bright will be the smiles which will accompany those precious words, ‘‘well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy which thy Lord hath pre pared for thee.” -Beautiful are smiles, but heay- en-tinted are those that play upon the face of charity. Of a surety all good works are approv ed, but thrice blessed is she that smooths the pillow of suffering, that breathes the voice of love and pardon into the ears of the erring one. Bright is the form whose shadow falls athwart the threshold of gaunt poverty and loathsome disease and dupels the fear of death and destitution. Earth cannot present a fairer picture than that of a lovely Christian woman walking among the narrow alleys of poverty and decay, speaking words of comfort, giving alms freely with smiles of pitving love. Verily the flowers spring up in her loot-prints, the fair beds of the human heart; the desire to b* pure, holy and useful is inspired into hitherto de sponding hearts; love of and of mankind it implanted, dying faith Ls renewed and strength ened, sorrow is removed from eyes that were dim with weeping, the wing of transient pleasure casts its shadow on faces that whilome were distort ed with pain and where murmurings and bitter in vectives and oftentimes mad ravings pierced the air. Praises and thanksgiving, mingl^ with fer vent blessings, are ascending to heaven. Beau tiful is charity and lovley are all her ways, her presence gives rest to the weary, her voice is sweet music to the desolate, her approach sheds sun. light on the darkened soul. Oh! may we all, in the dread hour that calls us to behold the face of a merciful but just Examiner—at the awful tri bunal where we must all hear our final doom pro nounced by one too wise to err—may we see, il luminating the face of a God and Father, that precious, priceless boon, the smile of approbation. AIRIECHAU8KA. The Ladies in the HospitaU.—At the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, there is a large hospital for the the sick and wounded soldiers. A gentleman writing from that place thus des cribes the influence of the ladies in the hospitals: “The influence of the ladies here is seen and felt by all. Until they came—if I am oorreotlj informed—the hospitals more resembled a vast charnel house than the home of the sick. But woman came, and soon all was changed. The wards were cleaned, the rooms ventilated, and the sick provided with suitable nourishment, those little delicacies such only as they can prepare. My admiration for the sex could but be increased as I saw their fair forms flitting through the halls —now standing by the bedside of one, all silent —now laying her white bands on the brow of an other. Here a kind and there a tender look. A light finger softly presses the arm—tbe hot, blood stained dressing is soon replaced by a bet ter—the sick man gives a gentle 'thanks, turns upon his side, and sinks into a quiet rest. Day by day, night by night, unremitting in care, un wearied in watching, so cheerful in mien and gen tle of hand, these ladies perform their angelio duties.” A Tbe Xew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT VaMorMdcirs Gallerjr. ART. Wood war d’fi l^lar Camera. FOR OLERKS OF THE COllTS, Execution, trial, and appearanck dock ets, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK books, in great variety. May 31. E. J. HALE j. SONS. Forty Years’ Familiar Letters of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D.'l). Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yuacf; Shirlej; School Books, 4c. ^ July 10- B. J* HAiB 4 B9N. Photographs can be hadat Vanorsdeirs Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, P»y- ette^ille, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambpo- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain’ ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt MonUr ing, G' f i for Tery large pictures—as large as 26 by ao inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instm- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Lift siie colored Pliotographa made from small pictarM. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the «ood peopl« of F.-iyetterille and vicinity. * C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Deo’r20, 1869 77- ii^uperior Pocket Cutler)^. RODGERS’, Wostenholm’s. Crookes, and Rhode.i A Boa’s celebrtited Pocket Wld P®B EKITW. A good supply. E. J. HitLS Ik flOHf. HeVr 27, lUl.

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