nh •‘of iea in«i *ise- uiuu SBMI-n'EEKLY. LVOL. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 16. 1861. tNO. 1083.] riUN'TKi* MflNnAY.--' ANO TIlUtlSl'AVS EDWAUiTj. HAI.E ii SOXS. El iToiis Axi'i piiorarv.T.’u:-; Pric«* ts>r tli€ S*‘nii-\Veokiy Oii.^KKvtR S3 H‘ if pui.I in a^Uuiioo; if p>i ■ th** y«*ar >f >-..1 ?.crji>- ion: or ^ J aft o’- ti’.o > i iv oxpirod For the Wee'.tlv Observ'ek ?2 OU por .iniinn', ifpai l in ftdvanco; ?•_’ '>0 if paid durin" ll‘0 year of subscriri- lion: or Ui> sfler the yc"iv has expired. Al)VEIiT[.'S|.MKNTS inserted tor •;(> oents p -r xqiiare of 10 line-for flt«> f.r-^t. ,4nd ?>0 cent.- f.>r om 1> ;ui'ceeding puhlio-i: mn. Ys’Hrly advertiscTiient» l>v sp >- -'ini ci'titracts, at re.'^^^oiidble rjitej. Advertisers nve reqiiesivd to st.i;e llie iini' ^er of in-JiM’t'ons desired, .'T !iev will be continued ti'I '' v>)id, nn 1 olinrL’-ed nv;eoi l- nijiy. .VdvertiseiucTtt-) til hr mw • •?d iri'j /-. charj^od 'jU por «*ut extr:,. Sl'f * . : OTI( E. KroTU Hii i Ht'ier ihi- dit. , ni- ii t'.ue .f w;:: 1 ;■ eu:-ri'd v irhou! p ^'-nt i:i ije p'ipei- he sent t.» *noh ;'.:ii>i ri^iT'i ti m is p«’ I t'M-. S'K'li if u’.r 'jld lubsfi iiicr- u- lll■^ • per .lU t! '■ Myite;n will ple;i ,• ii..’ily •=■1! tdUCt i. 1 ui*\s ■«ahseril '?r ivarii*t'. iii>r w'll !.i rt iunj^er tii ic .Isn t.-ikc t: »!ien V 1. 1'' ';i! IIWlLLWEIHS works. 4 BD' ' " -.«ri>w, i;s rol.o.; .^hhoit's. Xiipolt '3; Irvii i*‘ ’et*‘ \V rks, ‘Jl t*'1s, jf Wa'liintfton, :> voU. Prc.-.'ott’!? Philip the 2d; I'harle?* the oih; Ferdinand and l.=abel!a. (’on^uest of Mexico; Ilf Peru; Bancr.'ftU .''tate?, 8 vol?; ..o»sinji'« Field Bo k ->f th'» .\nifvican ReTobnion; i'ytler s Cniversil Hisiory; Jlaiiiim Middle A-::o-«; tlunie and MaoaiiHy's Hi': ->rie( 'f F.ngland: Kollin's Ancient H-'‘'ry; Millman’s Gihhoa'.-i n.-iu*.-. Jo'cphu.’ woiks; K'>h:-rt«iin's» wf>rk"=; \Veh>ier'? W.irks; >'iay >i •• by ('"Ir in. Benton’s o(> years iti the L -S Sent'e; Buvke's worker Ur Ji-!inson'« dittf-: l^U'Well'-, l.ifii of Dr .I'diii*- ;u; Ad li.Kin's U Ad'M:- 'ii ' Specia -o ; Mac iulay ^ Mipoellanie^; 1 »nd *j v- :« 'I i lern Rriiisii 1’.-- lyin**; Kn-jht'si Half Honr’ wi:’ “li»‘ '"‘-t .Viithors. Lii-cussion® on P'u'osoi'i. .• and I^iternurt-. by Sii " ui Hamilton; C oimbers’« Mi.^celKny. I-: v ’ : o.tesman'9 Manu.a'.' The Federaii.-jt, P''!itical Text Book, by '1 i'lu?i*.y. ‘'onstitntions of the Sta'e!-; darsbrtirs Life of W ■ h\u;.'un. The Life of Wni. > A'-.erican E''..iienct-, Bi‘'graphy of Distiujruishei Women; by \lrs S J Hale: Encyclopoedi>' .Xmerirsn-:; Appleton’s Cyclope li.a of B. ^-raphy; Liie and Corre-'jpondenof ;.t Luid Je’fn y Lockhart's Life uf r-c ti; .'arran and hi> C ■tt»inpor :'i. ■. by Chas PK;nij.': Waverly Novels, complete >• ' v i=; “ “ " ;!i -4 V =''-j “ *• •• 'u 'JT vo!s. Cooper’s Sea Ta’les; Dickens' Works; -Marryatt’s Novels; Wilson's Talej? of the Border*: Hannah More's works; Dick’s works; Plutarch’s Lives; Dryden’s Work-i; '''erne’s works; Tiie Doc’or, by Southey; Crabb’n .Synony:iie«; Ptrcy An*?c li ’e.y; ’iir )ni:-’(H of the B t-fili Tiii- Scot I •-‘h G izctieer ij''- Me U. j'tatf'-; M»J ir Jack Df^xninji:’'' yar-' nu: d’ th‘; .'senate; Livinfiifone"' Tr.iveN in S ni'h Afr'ca; I. ird Klgin's ,Mi«-;. to rhim un i J .p«n: Five Ve tr' in ’liina, by I>r. i^'h i- 'or; 1 hi- Brii'-ih ion to the Crimea, tjv W f? Rli--*. 'I; My Diary in bidin, by dirf.,; Dr. Kane’i Arciii' Ksf»Iorati. ti«; K -ndairs oania Fe i;xpcdi.:ion; (‘nrniiiin"’*' HuPM-r'? Lift* in .Kfricvi; ,>ott V (iliddon'o 1II ii;.'* lioii^ Rice' if >}i(> Earth; Fj(i!fnll« on ilie {’'Oundavy fif An>uhfr World, by II. I)ale '-^wen; •■'tand.-nJ Poeii—»l Work- in v.iiiou,"? bindinffs, among which .ire; Homans, fccott. Pope, r.y;-on. Burn*. M'> .r*. Ilood, Halleck, ramp>)e:l, « nthb.*, Coleridee, fowpvr, Go’dsiiiiih, Milton. .Vc., Kc. Shak»i.= are’fl, M:' -.ingur .v Ford"'* nri'l Beaiunont and KletcheT’'* Dr:-mutic 'V- Mr“I'owdenCl irk’ticompli-tf (’ ii,cordance to yiuikn- peari; • The Dr'iraatic Works of .I s'i Hheridan Knowler*; Stnith’r: ivcjecttd Addre-.^f’s; The Book of Scottish B..’ . U; Ballads by W H Ain=woi .ir, (irihwold’s Poets auil Poetry of En,;land; hemale J’oete of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth csntur/; Percy’s Relique^ of Ancient Poptrv. vvc. &c. E. J. H.\LE & SONS. March 22. To Ihe Sheriffs of the several Counties of Xorfh Carolina: Ir Is lieemecl not only de^^irable but an imperative du- IV, that oarly measures be taken to accumulate a siipiily of winter clothintr for the North (Jarolina troops now in the tiel 1. Xhe scarcity of material for sale in the Male, and the uncertainty of prociirinsr snppli'W from abroad, force us lo rely on our domestic resources It is thought that every fmiiily can spare one or mo-e I’diiiikets wit!,out piTsoii'il inconvenience, or H p;iir of oolen Socks, and it is believod that for such a pur pose a call would he reapoudv'd to with nlHCrity. It h is theref'oie been concluded that an appeal for this pui|oisc l»> luade to the great body of the people, and witii tint view 1 have to reque'if the feheritf.s of the several Counties to act ngentt: of the State, to solioit •i (Mill! il'Uf ion «)f this kind. To this end they are reuii«s!(’d to circulate this v.t- : lice, and empliiy agents in every district of their coun'y , 10 t'luther (he matter. .\’i coiitribiitious of this kind may be bored and tVr- ward**d to ilie ne.arest Kailroad Depot, and due inform i tioTi thereof Mcnt to the Governor. T/io Sheriffs are further requeitcd to furnish to the G ivcriior ii list of the donors. Tlie trai'sportatioii of thepe donations will be ut ihti expen'0 of me Stare—and the V>ill for sucli service ■ihould be ilu'y \rded for pavmt'nt. IILNRY T. (.'L.VRK, Governor of N. In chcertul compli*in)'e with the seveml rejn*'sts ooj- taine't in t !ip .bove ('ircular of Ills Excellency Governor • 'lark, (he '.nilcrsijcncd, .Shi>rifT of Ciimberlancl. has ma'ii' provjsi .n within thf> >;everal Districts of the t'oun- ly for the vt ■■•piion of coniribmions }'o;' the provisio.i. aii.i I'omfort four nllsn; soldiers. ,\s it is i.u p!id ti> know that the ijooil old county of i'limberl^ i ha.s s*»nf foi'ih h» r besi md bravest sori^i to il’.e bat:!i ieid. -o will it Ih> : u» i^ratifyinsr to feel iliai we h:-' mini eied t > thei ■ neci^'si; i»-,- and oh;'er- fiilly contri' uted i liieir wairs It i« therffore un- nec-,-sary to makv • ny appeal to the chs^rities of a pe > pie whose tje' *>r'us and warm hearts ever brat respoti- iive (o the calls of ?iatriotic duty. Conti'ibiitions wnl be r**ceived in the several Disrrict- by tiie pert^o’is naincd. Tontributors will please mark their names upon articles sent. /'jr/i'.'iVi ;7/^ Dutrift—By R. W. Hardie, P F. .Mdermnn. Gratj'it ('rtth—By W. Alderman and .Te'Se B. ("arvi'r. Fha Hill — By Duncan.]. McAliater. Neill McDueild. liinck A’ttYr—By I, Godwin. ,I»mes .McKethan ■ind Robert Williams. f'r,tk-—By J iliti Blocker and John Averitt. Lock's ('rffk—By .lames Evans. Sherwood Hawley and John NlcDaniel. — By .laniex Giimeron, (''apt. D. McDonpfald an 1 Henry G. Hal!. fit-j I'Tot—P>y rnpt. N**ill H. Blue, t'ol. WilliHm .■•iiaw anil Jolm S Hay •^utr'. —By Jolin McKfthan, .John McRae and H>n. L B-‘)iniic • ' • ■ t’ . f’.y Wm. B Piay. Daniel .McKin'. m J r. y-.- .r'i—I’ly t’hri-tophpi Monroe and Dnt.i-in T! nj IV ind.-rsu II- .1 ; .ritnbuted rt‘Ci-ive ativ articK'i ihat flE 'TcR McNElLL. ■ug. L'lt. ShevifT. I I.AW BOOKS. 8 KTIMMRD LITIilllTl lU;. The Works of Chas. Lamb, ■'/ vols. Edited '■•y Talfourii; “ “ of ir-nry Fipld’ 4 v i-; “ ‘ of Oliver Gold-nuth, 4 vols; “ “ of Tobiati Smoilett, *i vol't Letters of Jnniu-i; Fenelon’s Works; Paacal’R Provincial L«»tiers; “ Thoughts, Letters, &c; Chesterfield’s Lelteri; Corinne, or Italy, by Madame DeStanl; J^e Porter’s Works; Vli'»r of Wakefield and Rasselas; Hood’s Whims and Oddities; •* Comic Miscellanies; Hallam's Middle Ages; ' Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry. ‘ urr r Bell’s Works—Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette; Evelina, by Miss {{urney; l^'-i:lah, Kut'.cdge, The Slill on tlip Floss; "Lii»e iipoa Line,” “Peep of Day." &C; Fux’-. Book of .Martyrs; huciian’s Domestic Medicine; Mit> Le'-lio’s New (’ookery Book' ^uiiait on iho H»rse; ^ ’nutt, U Martin on (’attle. ApriU.. . E. J. HALE & SONS. Tilt* i^aw ol ^ale^ of Peiv^oiial || ' ji'Tty, by Francis Hilli.u-il, 'Jd Edition, Enlarged ■'■■'I ituproved. ''iiikie on Evidence. 8th Edition, witli Notes by ■ !ir*wijod. ’'i ll lel^-i’ Blackstone; Byles’ oc /'.ills. Notes by yaaii.- Equity; Hroora’s Legal .Maxims. 'f'liiti on (^onintcis, E. .1 HAil-i & :iAUNDEIlS’ REPORT.-^!; “ ori Pleading and Evidence. p.'iiMp- on Evi It^nce; '' 11 Bench Reports—uew series, urti' S t'ornmei;!:iriei*; R' iS n IMls ari i ■ r_. No'es, I it(y on Hr!•T^ r V 1 : lan on (? n. n-ri ii. L ;W. Law Glo'oary; V' ;snis ' n Kxecntors; I evoreux’i; K -iu»-’s Kent; Blai-kst..aj; C' ke upon Littleton—Builer a H&rjrave's N 'tea; Sedgwick on D.amages; .Story I n .'^ali-s; •• ■•a Bili.'j of Exchange. E juity Pleading; on •'■inflict of Laws, >' on Bailm>*nts; t.’hitty on Pleading; on Contracts; Biiighftin I.u Infancy; Hare i ii Discovery; tiow on I’urtnerstiip; Ptobfrt'" l'rinci[)les of Eijuily, Dot- ;r ail 1 .'^'udeiit; i>i )ome’> i'omiiun:aries; Lea lin;ir Cases in Equity, Hare & Wallaco’r' Notes; L>iwyer n f'oianion Place Book; Gr»-enlH,if on Kvidenc^*; Stcfihcn on Pleading; (Jre-ley’s Eqniiv Evidence; l’>i:rriH’-' L;iw Diciion.iry; \S liHi ton’s Law Pli.;!!j'r'' "i .\moM on E.iilence; .\rclibold's Landlord and Tenant: Ni>;i T'rius; FeaineOTi Remainders; TidJ s Practice; \rkie on Evidence; ililliaid on Salfs; Smith's Landlord and Tenant; Adio's’ Eipii'y; V.’iiii.aiu-* on Persanal Property; M iVtie on I>ari;;iee'j; Ari; b.dd’s «,’riminal Practice and Pleading; LMbe'^ Equity Pleading; Wt-ndell s; Blackstone; Cliitty s " Matth**ws on Presnmptive Evidence; Sri;ith''- Ma«t>^r and .''t^rvant; I'oiveil on Mor(g!i?i*s; Ciiiriy's (’riminal Lnw; \\ i.liams on Rral Property; Sn-.th’s Ctiancery Practice; Sugden on VeHirors; 0 1 Properly; Dart on Vendor*; Cr.ibb on Real Property; Sujcden ra Powers; Sn'ith’rt '-iercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; A'idison on “ AUams Oil Ejectment; Cruwu Ciicuit (!ompHuioii; .\nipricati I.t'adintiC Ca-ies—Hare & Wallace’s Notes; .NHiford's (,'hanc«‘ry Pleadings; Dtmiai's ' 'ivil Law; Rockwell s Spani'h and Metiran Law; Sha;'sw> I’s Legal Ethics; R'-coe’s Criminal Evidence; I-, wards on Bailnicnts; E juity Draftsman; p. well on Eviden--e; Oliver on Conveyancing; IWoome’s Legal Maxims; Collyer on 1’nrtnership, &c., &c. The R(qiortH of the Supreme Court, of North Ca rolina; Cantwell’s Justice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac tice, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Hopc'M and I’earM, BV the Author of “Heartsease,’’ iic. L.WINI A, by the .Author of “Dr. Antonio,” Poiiket Diiirie« for IHCl. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r i;((. A i\ew Law Book* CfintweWs Practice at haw» JUST piiblii-hed. a treatise upon the Practic® at Law in North Carolina, by Euw.^ud Cantwkll, LL. B., tuthor of tne N. C. Justice, etc. OOSTKNTS. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in Nortli Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justices of the I'eace; County Boundaries—Deeds, eto.; County Reve nue and Chargi's; Court iiouses. Prisons, &o.; County I’rustee; Jury Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; General Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, &«.; Poor j Houses and Hospitals; Registers and Clerks; Rivers and i .’reoks; Gates, Ferries ivnd Bridges; Weight* aad Mea- j iuri;s; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River; Pub- j lie Roads and (’art ways; Public Landings and Inspec- i tiotis; Mills and Miller:*; Ordinaries and Constables; j I’airol; V?ardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds: Roads, j Ft'i rifs and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive ' Power in (.leiioral; Executive Power in North Carolina; ! Esi-viiiive Power of theCv'urts; Chief Justice and Clerk; j .Vtt'irni-ys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter aivd Mar- iha!; (Jlerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar- ' Hans; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County Court ! I'lerks; Coroners; Boundary Commiisioners; Committees • ; Finai'.ce; ('ounty Trustee; County Treasurer; Special ■ 'o;:rt; Cotumissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin- ' tf loii's of S'-hools; Commissioners of Navigation; War- ■ d.Mis of tlie Poor; Registers; Commissioners of Rivers | (' VL-ks; ShoritJs; Constables; Rangers; Standard Kecpeit. Retailers; .Vdministrators; Chairman of Special ^ I’otLi t; i’ommi^.sioners of D^ods and Conveyances; Com- j Mii.'isiotiers of Low Lunds; Entry Takers and Surveyors; | intendent.s of Elections: (juardians and Reoeivers; lu'jieotors; Commissioners of Internal Improvemeata; I’u.iition; Patrol ('ommitfees; Processioners; Tax Listers , jtui Boards of VHlitrition; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Joianiisbioners of Wrecks; T(bacco I’ickers and Coopers. ' 'he .’\ppendix oontains forms of Deeds and Convey^ ' lUees, as f’ollow.«: •\j:reiinent.s. Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale. Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds, ;'ouiracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, ( oi .irtnrrfiiijt Articles, Notes, Releases, &o., &o. This liook contains o&ti pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec'r 'Jii, 18tiO. NEW EdTt R^^ O F ji:vKHKr\ m Bimii’s x. i:. law reports, Volume 'pilE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of I this \ olume, with Notes and References to other adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wra. li. Butile: and with many corrections of typographical error. Their i!d Editions of Dev. .X Battle's Equity, complete, all! 1-t Dev. Battle’s Law Reports, have received t he Hpprotiaiion of the Profe^sion. I’iiey a!-o republished a 2d Edition of Devereiix’s 'Jd K'j'.iiiN . without Notes. 1 ,\nd in addition to these, are the jTopri.-tors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law aud E.juity. and can supply any volumes extant of itif Reports, or complete sets, so far as they *an now had. Ttiey propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle s Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all tlme« order works not on their shelves, to supply their ous- -omers. E. J. HALE jl SON. Dot. 15, l"'iO. I I Kriii:ii OPES and FE.\RS; Tht, (Queens of Societ}’; Mnt;s- tield’s Political .M.inual; Woods’ Cinq'S Book of Bo tany; Letter (,’opying Booksr; Tom Brown at (.Ixfurd; Tale of Tw Beer's System of Penmanship; School Books, » 1- -J Hale soas. Jar TractM tor the >^oldier«. Ut;pRiNii.D at Kaleiqh, N C •'A Voice f’loui Heaven,’’ 4 pages “I'rivate Devotion,” “ “ ••Don't pul It otf,” “ •• •■ i'tie Act of Faith, ” “ “ “All SLifliciency of Chnsi,” “ “'ilie Sentinel,” “ “ ‘•Sel^’ Dedication to God,” •• •* ••Motive.s to Early Piety,” “ *' “Come to Jesus,” (formerly 04 pages.) bow ia and in b four page tracts. A/proved by aH tht I'attort of (hit City. A large edition of the above should be printed before ihe type is distributed, as it will cost $40 to re-set tbetn. I'he number aud variety will be inereased as the funds ?tre given. ilmi pays for 160.J(»0 pages; $’20 pays t JJQ.OOO, aliu 5>1 pa^ s lor 1,5U0 pnges. Liouations to be sent to the Agent, whiok will ' acknowit-dge by letter, and report to each of the Pas tors of this City More than 60,000 pages of new traots ' uiive been sent to the soldiers in Virgini*. WM J. W. CROWDER, Tract Agent. Pialiigh, June. 1861. TYPE FOUNDRY. THE U N L V .M A N U F A C T O R Y OF T V P K 0.\ .%OrTIIEK.\ I^OIL, I SUlTli OF BiLTIUOKB. ! Ttie Proprietors of the at)ove Foundry have also wnited ■ with their Foundiy a complete I’ It I X T E R S ’ rnt.\l!lll.\>; WAREOOUSE. i Having on iiand, or furnishing to order, every article requi.si e for a Printing Office, FROM A BODKm ■ TO A — TEX-riLiMiER nm. We c n and will manufacture in Richmond, as good I an aiticie, ami at the same specimen prices, as any i Fmiidry North. We respectfully solicit the patronage : of the South. HENRY L.-PELOUZE & CO. We refer you to every Printer in this city. We also desire every Newspaper in the South to copy this ad- vei'ti-'enieiit for one month, sending us one copy of their pap-r, : u;i receiving their pay for such advertisetneot upon purchasing five times the amount of their bill from us. H. L. P. & CO. July 8. 40-lm ."VEW llboK!^. VKMCSIS. by MARION HARLAND, Author of i.1 “.\!on«” &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; ,1.\(.’K HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; (’ASTLE IlICH.MtJND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede: Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. ^icliool llookM. MONTElTirs, Mitchell’s and Smith » Geographies; Smith and Bullions’ Grammars; Emerson’s and Smith’s Arithmetics; Bullions’ and Andniws’ Csesar; Interlinear Translations to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Horace and Caesar; Northend’a American Speaker, &c., &c. April 3. E J. HALE & SONS. School BookM, &:c. iOLBURN'S. StotjL'iard’s, Ray’s, and Emerson's Arith metics; McGuflay’s Readers and Spellers; Scott’s Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred Mouctain^ Caion Bible Dictionary, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dee r ‘20. c lilduk Warraiitb for 8u e. The J^iiHiiy '^ohIIi, by Prot. lii- ■'■ra.i.iii; Say au-i .'■"r li. by itie vuttior of “Wide Aide ?Vorid,” .\o.; i ue il ju-^'hold of Doiiverie, or the Elixir ; of Gold, by a Southeiu Lady; Evenings at the .\luro- j Ncliool Book$«. Natural philosophy from Oanot’s Popular Physics by Wm. 0, Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New Speller and Defmer Analyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s GrammarH; .Monteith’s, Smith’s and Mitchell’s Geogra- pliies; Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les ions, .ve. L. J. HALE & SONS. .\ug. 31. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 18bO-t;i. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M Whedbee. Camden and Currituck...B F Simmons. Gates and Chowan...M L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Northampton ) M S Rogers. Hertford...J B Slaughter Bertie...David Outlaw. • Martin aud Washington...J R Stubbs. Halifax...M (j Whitaker. Edgecombe and Wilson...U T Clark Pitt...E J Blount. Beaufort...Frederick Grist. Craven..,N H Street. Carteret and Jones...Dr M F Arendell Greene and Lenoir...J P Speight. New Hanover...Eli W H^ill. Duplin...Dr James Dickson. Ousl»w...L W Humphrey. Bladen, Brunswick, *tc...Jno D Taylor. Cumberland and Harnett...L>unoan Shaw. .Sampson,..Thomas 1 Faison. Wayne...W K Lane. Johnston...J W B Watson. Wake,.,.M A Bledsoe. Nash....\ J Taylor. ^ Franklin...W' Harris. Warren...T J Pitchford. }ranville...C H K Taylor. Person...C L Winstead. Orange...Josiah Turner, Jr. .Mamance and Randolph...Jonathan Worth. (’hatbam—W S Harris. Moore and Montgomery...W D Dowd. Richmond and Robeson...Alfred Dockery. Anson aud Union...S H Walkup. Guilford...Peter .\dann Caswell...Bedford Brown. Rockingha,-;...F L Simpson. Mecklenburg...John Walker. ('abarrus and Stanly...V Barringer. Rowan and Da»ie...Dr J G Ramsey. Davidson...Jno W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyih...Jesse Waugh. •Ashe, Surry i'tc...Jos Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes &C...L (j Sharpe. Burke, McDowell &0...B S Gaither. Lincoln, Gaston &c...Jasper Stowe. Rutherford, Polk &C....V W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson ^S;c...Geo W Candler. ILaywood, Macon &C...W' II Thomas. HOUSE OF CO.MMONS. Alamance...Giles Mebane. Alexander...Dr J M Carson. .Anson...L L Polk, E R Liles .\she...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Pearson. Buncombe... .A 6 M«‘rrimon. Bladen...C T Davis. Bertie...!* T Henry and Ferguson. Beaufort...R S Donnell, W T .Marsh. Brunswick...!' D .Meares. ('aldwell... Dioksou. (’aharrus...W S Harris. (,’atawba...Jonas Cline. ('hatham...W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum. ('herokee...G W Hayes. Oaven...C C Clark. F E .Alfred Cumberland and Harnett...C G Wright, J 3 Harring ton, J C Williams. Chowan... Small. Co!umbu8...N L Williamson Camden...D D Ferebee. (Carteret...D W Whitehurst. Caswell... Withers, S P Hill. Currituck...B M Baxter. Cleaveland...A 0 Waters, J R Logan. Davidson...Lewis Haynes, £ B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin...J D .Stanford, J G Branch. •Edgecombe...R R Bridgers. J S VVooiiard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. Gaston.,.J H White. Granville... J M Bullock, W' H Jenkins, S H (’annaday Guilford...C P .Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene...A D Speight. Oates...John Boothe. Haywood...S L Love. Halifax....\ II Davis. W B Pope Hertford...J J Yeates. Henderson...Jos P Jordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell...A K Simonton, B F Gaither Jackson....\ Fisher. Jones...W P Ward. Johnston—W H Watson, Jat .Mitohener. Lenoir...J C Wooten. Lincoln...V A McBeee. Madison...John Fagg Martin... Ewell. McDowell.,.C II Burgin. Moore....Alexander Kelly. ■Montgomery...E G L Barringer. Macon...H G Woodfin. Mecklenburg...S W Davis, J M Potts. Nash...H G Williams New Hanover...S J Person, Daniel Shaw. Northampton...M W Ratnsom, W W Peebles Onslow...J II Foy. Orange...II B Guthrie, W N Patterson. Pasquotank...J T Williams. Perquimon8,.,N Newby. Pitt.,.B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart. Rockingham...Rawley Galloway and Thos Slade. Rowan...N N Fleming, N F Ha'll Rutherford...C T N Davis, B H Padiiett. Randolph...! H Foust, Thos S Win.slow. Richmond...J G Blue. Sampson...N C Faison, Geo W Autrey. Surry...W Waugh. Stokes—Horatio Kellum. Stanly...Lafayette Greene. Tyrrell...C McCleese. Union...C Q Lemmonds. Wako...8 II Rogers J W Russ, II Mordecai. Warren...J B Batchelor, W II Cheek. Washington...0 Latham. Watauga...Thomas Farthing. Wayne...W T Dortch, M K Crawford. Wilkes...A W Martin, HortotD. Yadkin....\ C Cowles. Yancy... Bowman. CONVENTION ON NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebauc, Thos. RutBn. Alexander—A. C. Stewart, Ashe—J. D. Forbea. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E. .T. Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. U. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. I). Fcrcbee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Ca.swell—Bedford Hrown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Ilenkle. Chatham—J. IL Ucaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Edrecombe and WiLson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, R. L. Patterson. Franklin—A. D. WiHiams. Gaston—S. X. John.ston. (iutes—A. J. Walton. (.Jranville—A. W. Venable, T. L. IJargroye, S. S. Royster. (Ireeiio—W. A. Darden. (ruilford—Jno. A. Gihiier, Ralph (jrorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L W Batchelur. H3'de—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—(’. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. Washington. Lincoln—^\''m. Lander. Macon—C. I). Smith. Madi.son—J. A. McDowell .Martin—Asa Biir^s McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. .Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, Wm. Johnston. Motit^omcry—S. H. C'hristian. .'Nliiore—H. Turner. Na.sh—IL Arrington. How the Frf-nch Govfrument shoes its xohfffrs —The manufacturer buys the leather, after bei»g certain that it is not tanned by means ot acids. He cuts the article, rejects the bellies and the necks, and employs exclusively that which is call ed tiie hear:s. A machine armed with hammers beats the skins, which are then cut. ‘VV'hen beat en, they are examined piece by piece by experi enced shoemakers and tanners, named by the War Department, who reject all which appear doubt- tul. The maker receives from the hands of these experts the leather which they pronounce good,, and cuts it mechanically. There are twenty-two pieces in each pair of shoes. Each of these, great or siuull, is examined separately by another ex pert. a sworn verifier, who accepts it on hia re sponsibility and by his signature. These pieces tiien are carefully examined, one by one, by ft military board consisting of thrive captains, .whtj mark with a stamp their rejection or acceptance. Tiie parts are then reunited as they should go to gether, they are placed on the lasts, (there are 40,000 pairii of lasts in the e.stablishment,) they are fitted, they are sewed. Each shoe passes through fiftceti hands before it is finisheJ, after wliirch it is examined and received by a sword expert, wh» affixes a ticket with his name,'^nd it is exaininoJ in the la.st instance, without appeal, by a militafy commis.sion composed of a command- ' ant and three captains, stamped for acceptance It New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strauire. all rijiht, or for rejection, if a single nail is want- Northaniptoi)—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. (>n.sluw—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. (Jraham, John Berry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Iverson—-Tohn W. Cuningham. Pitt—P’. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimo.-'. Randolph—W . J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. PiOckin;;hatn — I). 8. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowar. -B. (^raige, H. C. Jones. Ruthen. -d and Polk—J. H. (’arson, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. .Mosely. Thomas liunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surr}’—T. Hainiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I'nion —11. -M. Hotislon. Wake—(J. Iv HadL’^er, i\. P. Battle. W. W Holden. Warren — W. Edwards, Frank Thornton Wasliington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watautra—J. W. ('ounsel. Wayne—G.'V. Strong, E. A. Thompson Wilkes—t’alloway. Peter pjller. Vadkin— R. F. .\rmfleld. Vancey—.M. Penland. CALK\DAH FOR^86l. - ins;, or if the awl and the witxed thread do ‘not show a certain number of points in the sole in the , distance of two CT’ntimetres. I A general of division, a commissary an4 two \ admifii.strative olltcers exercise a daily control ovOT the operations ot the high-shoe shop. It is thus absolutely impossible that a shoe can pass fropi i tlie factory delicient in the (juality of material or ■ in tiie character of finish. The thread, the nails, : the wax, tlie paste, all are chosen, verified and ^ submitted to the control of the Department of War. A pair of shoes manufactured in this way, in i the new factory, costs eight fryncs. J) - Wires.—When the war broke out, j there was a ;reat lack of telegraphic wire, acids, I \e. I»r. Morris, the President of the Southern ■ 'rcletirapli (’oiiipany, has disjilayed great energy in r'-medv'inj: this lack. He has brought sul- pfiiiric aeid from all p;trts of the Confederacy, ;iiid even Irom .Nlexloo; and he has started a wire : factory at tiie 'J’redegar Works in this City, w!;ieh is n .w. as 1 learn, turning out excellent, •vrire.—Iii> !nin,nl Cor. (’Jtas. Mtrcury^ Tk>- liuriiitKj of th>’ Tuscdrora.—The Tuaca- . rora. the burning of which, near Cairo, has been ’ repotted in our news columns, is said to have i been the best gunboat in our seivice. Her guns, we learn, wore not on her, having beeq sent up : on anothcf ves.scl in order to diminish her I drauirht. She is reported to have burnt to the ; water’s edge. It is to be hoped that her very ! puweriul machinery and her hull^ were savei. ! She was a most superior propeller tug-boat.—lb. 6 AN CARY. ifiijSRUARY.. MARCH 1 2 S 4 0 7 8 9 10 11 18 14 15 10 17 18 20 21 ‘22 28 24 25 •27 2S 29 30 Zl I 3 4 5 r, t 8 10 11 12 IB 14 15 IT IS 20 21 22 •24 25 20 27 2S 1 "S 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 IS 19 20 21 2'^ 21 .31 25 2G 27 28 29 0 1-2 19 20 9 16 •>o 9 in o-> 80 APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 o>> 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 MAV 1 •> 3 4 5 t) 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ^^0 31 JUNK 1 2 3 S 5 0 i ,S. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 20 27 28 29 iO JULY 1 o o O t 4 5 0 T3 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 IB 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 o 3- 4 5 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 1« 17 18 19 20 21 >>>» 28 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 3CT0BEK I 2 3 4 .5 t‘> 1 H 9 10 11 12 lo 14 15 Ki 17 18 19 20 21 ->•> *23 24 25 2.) 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER.... 1 2 :i- 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 23 21 25 2> 27 28 20 30 DECE.MBKIl 1 s 3 4 5 12 l> 13 « 14 0 !(► 11 15 1* 17 IS 19 20 21 •>o 23 24 25 2; 27 28 29 30 ;J1 Skillf ul lyor/cm'tns/iij).—We have seen a curi ous and ingenious specimen of handiwork, execut ed by Wiiliam Henry Baldwin, Jr., a prisoner of war, who was wounded in the battle of Mana.ssaa. It is ii pip'.', made ot mahogany, aud richly carved with iiiiiiatitiiis of l aves and flowers; while the niouih-jiit ee an 1 mountings are wruught of beef boiits, puli.shod like ivory. 'J he only instruments i '.isei ill this extraordinary specimen of carving : were old .steel pons, wh’eh the prisoner managed to ]'ick up. lie has presented it to Dr. Higin- ' botiuiiii. ,'ur;'e.'n of the | o->t, as a token of grati-. tude for kindness stiowii bun during a Jong period oi sufiering —Hit h nkun t f}:t hy ,1 H.trlc i'"r. — A gentleman todl us I an amusing .'^tory the other day pf a Yankee Co- i ionel. who was wounded .in the brickbat fight at to Washington, where he was lodged in th^hos- pital. When well enough to taFk he proved quite ; communicative, and conversed freely with bin ! physician. Among other things he said, was the following: “Doctor, I am going home. I don’t , mean to fight any more for the negro, because'it : is all a cheat anil a swindle. I don’t believe in ; (’ufl'eC', Doctor. 1 am curcd, thank God, of my vh.liision r.' well as my wound. I always wbb in I'avor of freedom. Doctor. I was ^ member of the Kepultj’iean [»arty from the stirt. I came down here to liglit this war for the oppressed and down trodden. ]>ut coiint nte out from this forward, if •y'ou please, /'>/• it was n ;/reat 1—d buck niyger ^ thol hit m>’ ov r thf he-nl -with a dray pin” There are minds, said John Quincy Adams, i whii-h can be ple.ised by honors and preferments, I luit I can see nothitig -in them save envy and ! e»uuiry. It is only necessary to possess them to I know how little they contribute to happihese. I i would rather be shut up in a very jpodest cottage, I with my books, my family, and a few old friends, ' dining upon-simple bacon and hominy, and letting the world roll on as.it likes, than'to occupy th« : most ht^h places which human power can give. f A wE1i! I 1 The .New Style, Small, I (OLOREi) PHOTOWKAPHS, 1 AT I Vutaor«>(t4^ir*> Ciaillcry. I ART. Wooilnavtr!« >^olar Camera. FIIB I'LHIIKS ilF Tin; WIl liK PXI:’CTH»N. TIU.\L. and APPEARANCE DOCK- IV l-T.S, ruled and printed from the most Approved form« in Al'^o, further supplies of other BLANK BOOK-'^- in ,i?re;if variety. Mav 1'- -I- hale .1 SONS. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, ( Keo^>«, &e., &o. K. J. UAL£ & S0N8. i Bluiik WarrautM for laU at this Ofiiet. David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, Currituck—IL M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthi*. Davie.—RoT^t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houiton, J. T. Rhodis. Forty Years’ Familiar Lifters of Jas. W. Alexander. D. D.: Sermons, by .J. Addison ; Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret i Mohcrieffe; Beulah; .\dam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School I Books, ic. , „ I July 10. K- J- hale & SON. 30 OnOTOnU.MMIJ* c \n he had:it Vanovsdell’s Skylight - I fl illery. liny street, opposite Marble Yard, F»y- .| , etteville. pl-i:n. I'etonchcd. colored, in water color?-, nil nil I pa-'tilf'; fr>’v!n '^miill to life siie. Ambro- typos. Mt lan‘Ot_vp>-s. and all other tifyles of Pictures pert.ai’v It? I lie ,\ri. Also. Gilt Frart;i*s, Oilt Mould- inpr. •« ■ ‘ fu!' very lartt*- j)ii-nire.'—;is lar^e as id by 86 irii'lies. iird *itul i'.is-'ols for liati^iiig pictures; Instru- tiipr.t'-. M ifk ’it t '.ij-.nie i’s f-r sale low for cash. Life sii’* e'i!'‘>tvd i■'lot]*h^ la i lo from suiall pictures. linvm-*': ".e.it'v !f''!it''l here 1 hope to merit yot’r iiat r.i'.:; I ’VouM return iiiy sincere thanks for the iiberal !■ itr >•: best-iwed on me heretofore by the tfood pcoi'le of t rivetteville and vicinity. ‘ . M. V.VNORSDELL, Photograpiiist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, l^ j!* ‘ . 77- Siipcrior Pocket Cutlery. fjOUGEllS', W.)it‘nholin s. Pruoke^, and Riio'le* A I, .M.,u 8 colebr>tted Pocket «nd Pen KXIVES. A good fupply. E. J. HALt & S0K8. 1 Nov’r 27, 1861.