8 E M I-W E E K I. Y [VOL. XI.] FAYF/n'KVILI.E:. N. C.. JANUARY IG, 1862. [NO. 1091.] '■OTICK. rr.iNTKi' Mondays and Thursdays. EOWlItO J. IIAI,K ti SOXS. Ki irons anp t’j;op;iiET;)US I’iico r'"'- t.lif Senii-W.'t'kiy Ouskuver §3 00 if paiii lii 1 *,ii ii' I ,lmuig the yeAf of subsorip- ! 'ti IV Si arti'i- t».t; _ve:iv has expired K-r ill. V> : :}\ ■ Ja-Ki; k t v s-j of» per iinmnii, if paiJ in H'lv-Ti; .'; if pni.l ihirinp the year of subsci-ip- li>>!i; or b-j li'ioi’ I lie _v:-iir h:is expired. ADVl-.l. riSI.MEN i S inserted fo» HO ci'nii per b'l'.i'ire »'! Hi liiu'-; t'lir the first, iind 80 cents for each ;iiL'i?eeiliii;j pubHc;itii>M. Ye-\rly udvertisenieiits by spe- .i:il L’ .ii.'.' I'f-;. ;it 10.;hie rtites. Advertisers nre ; i to 'itJite the uumber ft' ins.eriions desired, or :u'v w 11 be c.'ntiiiued ti ' i-.-rhid. und ciiarged accord- ■ •' ■ ,y. Advi'r’l'e’u*'nts to b. .li* .ed i'uidt, c)iarg«d 50 per oeut extrH. sri-' I'niiu HU'l aft'“I- thiv , S' ' o -ni-Te't wiihou: p.jyinetit in «dvaiwre. nor will . . p:! or I'e sent to »u(;h suV'scribera fur a longer time ; j.-iij tor.* '■ h ••I'urr old i»ub.sr'ri>>er?- :is desire lo take the p.i- 1','r .■!! this' •iysteiu will ple;*se notify us when making V; . itiuncos. JrtJi'y 1, lSj8. J5^T«) ADVi'UTlSCUS. I’oi'-'us owl (jf town who desire a'lveriiseinenis in- -orted in the Obsei re'r, and persons in town with whom w. liuvQ not rebui lt' jico.iuntM, will please senil with the a Ivevtisement as rauoh mon€v a? they wish to invest in ;t. according to our a.lverti.sing terms o« ihe fir.st page. \v\- d' I.-it wi'h to oreii.any more such accounts,—or in.“d ;,-;y accounts Tlie process of collection in too litl.i-iilt. aiid we have to pay oash for «very thing we .- .• n- st’U in titese tinjeK. L-t i:. ls.;i. 'J:.!ir,\RY Notick?.—We have heretofore given notice. . .’.lU' liy. th;U we charge fur obituary notioes of iin- :■ 13 n-ible length, and tVir rosolutiaus of respect; be- I .'e tiiat kiui of reading, we liave much occasion to is not often more agi^'e;ible to readers than to . fs if I'lpcrs. A. it generally happens, however, ; liter ch u'f i:if^ aiid paying postage on the account for- ie i, we n*ver get paid, we i)0w give notice that we ^ in'''vr ti ‘ti.iii^ '!'the sort iiereafter unless aecom- ii.. I ! _'■ ihe im !i. ; \lw iys excej.iiuz in the of 1 V '’ante. ;w;ic:i we require no pay. Heui ■ r i, ! !ii‘*-efiir'.\ that wt* will insert obituary n"tice> ; :f 1:i'lii.s. ti' t e\;-eeding 7' W"rds, graiis Foral! . • ; 7" w .i’d'. I'll .- ci-tr a wi.»:»^. which must be paid be- .• fhe n.iti- i> w-Il bi> put in type. To (he Sheriffs of the several Counties of >or(h Caroliua: IT is deemed not only desirable but an imperative du ty, that early measures be taken to accumulate a supply of winter clothing for the North Carolina troops now in the field. The scarcity of material for sale in the State, and the uncertainty of procuring supplieii from abroad, force us to rely on our domestic resources It is thought thiit every family can spare one or more Blankets without personal inconvenience, or a pair of Hoolen Sock', and it is believed that for such a pur pose a call would 1 e respo4id*'d to witii alacrity. It has tiierefore been concluded that an appeal for this purpose be made to the great body of the people, and with that view 1 have to request the Sheriffs of ilie several (’ounties to act as agents of the Slate, to solicit a contribution of this kind. To this end thev are reuie3ted to circulate this no- I ,, , , i> i. ■ i> i i> i . , , ' . . * 1- . • . .1 • . ' I’.itrol: Wardens ol the I’onr; 1 . i-mi l.ouiids; lio;tUs. tice, and employ agents ui every distriat ot their county „ . . ■ i i, i. ■■ i' to f.trther the .natter. ' ' All contributions of this kind may be boxed and for- ^ I’o.wer in North (.arolu.i; warded to the nearest Hnilroad Depot, and due informa tion thereof sent to the Uoverr.or. The SheritFs are further requested to furninh to the Governor ,a list of the lionors. Tlie transportation of these donations will be at the expense of the State—and ihe bill for such service A i\ew lia%v ISook* Vantu'eirit t^ractice Hi MjUIC, JUST publiihed. a iri-.mse sip'in the IVacticiS Hi Liw in Noriti Carolina, by Kuwmu' (’antwell. LL. U.. iiithor of tiio N C. Jnslice. etc. CON 1 i:\Ts. t>f Legi^la!ive Vowim- in (i.MUM-.il; Li'Siislative P«w>*r in North (^:irulina; Lesjisluiive rowers cf Jusucr^s of the I’eace; Comity l!oun larifS—t*ccd-, etc.; Cou'nty Reve nue aod (’hargos; (.'ouri lliiiises, rn-'iiis, \c.; I’lustee; .lury 'i’rials; 1 .lii'; and I'lihVu-.S:il»?s; (leni-! il Assembly: lns|iociiiins. Public i.aii'iii.'/s, &c.: I’nor Houses and 1 l''S).it!ils, Ueiris'ers an li'U-rks; Kivt'fsand .'reeks: (iHies, I'erries and llridges; \Vt i;j!iis and Moa- iiires; Idiots and liiiniitics; llotailers; Neuse lliver; I’uh- lic Roads and Cartways: INihlii- Lundings and Insiiec- ti'ins; Mills and .MillHr>; Ordinaries and (.’on^i ible.^: . ihtnameo'f a new subscriber should be duly forwanled fur payment. HKNKY T. ('LARK, (Jovernor of N. C. In cheerful compliance with tlie several reijuests con- taine'.t iu the above Circular of llis Kxcellency Governor (,'lark, the nndersigiu-d, Siierirt’ ot ('umberland. has made provision within the several Districts of the ’oui’.- ty for the reception of contribiiiions for the provision and civmfort of our gallant soldiers. .As it is our pride to know that the good old county t ('umberland has sent forth her best and bravest sons to the battle field, so will it be to us gratifying to I'eel that we have miTiisten»d to their necessi'ies and cheer fully contributed to their wants. It is therefore un necessary to make any appeal to the charities iif a peo ple whose geoernus and w.irm iienrts ever beat respon sive to the ohIIs of jmlriotic duly. t'ontribuiions will be received in the several Dis ricts by the persons named, (.'ontributors will please mark their names ujion articles sent. Fiii/ettffille Dirtnrt — By R \V. Hardie, F F. .\lderman. rrai/'f Cretk—lly W. .VMerman and Jesse B. Carver. Flea l/ill—By Duncan J. Mc.Vlister. Neill .McDugald. Black River—By L. H. Godwin, James McKeihan and Robert Williams. Ctdar Crtfk—By Ji'hn C. Blocker and John Averitt. Lock't Critk—By Janies Kv*ns, Sherwood Hawle^’ and John .NK'Daniel. Rockfifh—\\y .Tames t’aiuttron, Capt. D. .McDougald and Henry G Hall. Sfi erit^- First—I’y Capt. Neill R. Blue, Col. William Shaw and John S Rav (^uwhtrHe—By John McKethan. .John McRae and Hm. 1.. Bethiaie. t’arifr'x ^’r-r-?_By Wni. 11. Hay. Daniel McKinnon. John M.nrrt'f l?y ('hiisL -pher Monroe and Duncan M urciiison Tlie un b’rsicned will hIsio receive any articles ih i' may be contribiited. ilKCTtJR MoNF.lLL. Sheriti' -\ug. o(.i- H'^ecutive I’ower of tlie i'oui-is; Ciiief Justice iind •M. i k: ■Attorneys at i.aw; Attorm-y (iencial: Ii; |i'irter ;in 1 .'l:ir- slril; ('lerks an I Solicitor; Couii'^el t.ir Paupei '; (jiiar- -lians; County Attorney: .\uciimieers: ('oiinty t'nuvi Clerks; (loroTiers; Boun lary t’’ imnii-i'iont'r-: ('ommitif(>' ;>f Finance; Counts 'I’ru-itei'; Ccuiity 'I'rc isure:': Speciril Coniniis«i,,!iers of Furs: ln>jpf'lor-i; Siiperin- te:ideiits of Schools: ('.■mnii>.'ii>n,'i ' ol Navi^Mtrini: U ar- dens of tlie I’oc)''; Ke>:i'ters; ('.iinmi-sioiu'r-' jf F.ivers Mi l Cr-'ek-; Slierirt's: t ■oii-ii il'’t -: 11 iii'Z'T-i; Si.iinlar l Ki*e|>ers; Retailer-: \ili:iiiiistr ir.ir': ('It lirinan of SpC' ial I’niirt- Comiiiis-i iiii i-., ot I'.'e i' :iii 1 I'.inveymc- -; ('om- missioners of Low L iiids; Ijmy T.ik.-is an ! Surveyoi-;; Siiperintendetils ot l.b’tiii iw; (iu ir li.t'is uid Keceivei -: liHpeciors; ('i)in:iii-si.iiii'rs of lnie:n.il li]ijir:'Vfiiient: I’ariilion: Patrol (\munini'>': l’^.M^'■^-,iol^•r';; T.tx I.inters m i Board"'of Valn.'Liion: ^'vi'i' ei't ' >1 Ro i t-aiid River-: Cummissioners of Wre.-;.’i'cliacc.. I’icki“r and Co >pers. The .\ppendix contains forms of Doe is and Coiivey lUi.'es. as I'olb'ws; .Viireenu'tus, .V-sii.'iimen;s. Avvll'•d^. Bills of .'^ale. lVills of Kxohange and I.,:idiiig. I’on'l-. Mi-i-.'ll-ine'Xi- litind-. Contracts, Dee I-, \I firi:ii:.- lili inen’'. M 'r:gagH', t opartnershi]) Vrrii-b -. Note-, i!e!ei-es. \c.. Ttiis Book cjin'aiii- .'••'I'i p jes, is goitfii np.'iti supe rior style, -ind bound in L.iw -ili' Price, single 'py. ■'r'o For sale by L) J. HALK \ SON.-j, Dec'r ’Jtj. l.'''i(>. L.WV I500KS. ■TWi ',!) lilSrtLLWtills WIJIIKS. S V1U>)TI • orie-. '_*h v..ls : Abbott’t Napoleou. Irvirg ete W rk-.'_M vols; “ i u-j of W;i-lii>.'eion. 5 vols: Prescott's Philip flie '_*d: ('tiarles the .3111: ■ •• Ferdin.'tnd and Isabella: (-'wuquest ot Mexico; ot Peru; ncrott's U St:-.tes. 8 vols; ' '-ins:'- Field Book of tlie .Amariean ReToluiioo: 'i . . r - Univer.-al Ilis'ory; ' iiii - "'li'l iie .\ge'*: • ;..:ie iiid Nl^ica'ihiy' Hi«l"rie# of England- n s .\iicient H i^: 'ry: .n‘s (iittbon'i P.om^: ' U-' W.llU-; , ■i'- 'ii's W"ik-; i ■' > - er'» W ji k-: by ('olton: ;lryeari in ihe C Sttiiate: ; S W'Tr.-: !■ '.ve:i - l.iie of Dr John-on: : - ~ W,.\d li-on s Spectat ..r: ■^1 ■ 111 IV - M - ■•■'ianie-; 1 uiiil 0 vol?: ■I ' I n !!n':i-h K--ayi-rc: . ' - II If H iiir- with the ‘ I'-t Authors; ii--ions on Philosophy and Lii«iatur«. by Sir - i I‘:ii:iilti>n: • • .NIi-c^:llanV. vo'»: . - :ursMan:.,il;' ' F. -‘rili-t; ■ ; Test 15...;k. by McCb.skey: ' n- tiiiitMn'- of f.lie .''[.iti's: .r-i; - Life of Wa-hitijrton: 1. Li e ..f Win. Pinckney: ,\merican Kloijiience; ’.iL'ri' hy D;-:inguished Women; by .\lrs S J V ' ■ o. li I Aineri ’atia; ; pit - Ii - C;. el..ja- lia "f Bio;/rnphy; } ‘ a i'. ( ..re'^p indetr'e it Lord Jeffrey: * kii.i.t - l.-ife o*' .-^cott: ' r M all 1 hi- C.;'(>i;iporaries, by Chas Phillips; • m[. ■ 'f I he Bordei ij; W )vk»; S: whi in Vols: in ’J 1 vols: *• •• “ in ‘J7 vols: I ;-sS-: -Ul.--: W,.rk- M *rry f''- Nove!-; 'A ; ' s T.ile lanii ih M'ln ; ^ - wfirk-: ' "'.iri-ir- Live*: l \v |er;'s ^^orks; .- erne's works; = . L loT. by .'-'^'iitliey; r ti), - ,'Synoiiy'lies, i-\ 1 need' ‘ .hi- W-- ot the Bristile. illustrated; I'iie ■ t'.u i-(i ' iael: G /.etieer • tlie F. .Sf^iies: • M ijor Jack Downing's :;n years out of the Senate; l,iv:iij.;sione's I'ravels in S' iih .\triea: 1.; V i Ligin'- Mis'oilt to ciiiii;i ;ind .Lip;in; Five Ve,ii-;n Ciiiiia, I'ly Dr. ('has. Taylor: 'i.iie liriii-h Lxpeditioii to the Crimea, by W H Rn-ell: Nlv Diary in Ind.ia. by ditto; J,r Kane ■ .Arctic Lxjilorations; K IldairSL-S.in’ l Fe Kxpedition; ' umming's Hnii!er'“ Life in .Africa; No;t (iliddon - In li^enous Races of the Karth; K 'iitails oti the Boundary of Another World, by R. D iV. Owen; lard Poetical Works in various bindings, among t iinti'j, Scott, T’o]ie, Byron. Bums, Moore, Hood, ll:i ’eek, Campbell, (..'rabbe, Coleridge, Cowper, 4 -'I iiiith, Milton, &c.. .tc. -are’s, .\fassinger \ F'ord's ami iieuumont ’. I Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; M I - ■ ■ v> leu Clark’s complete ('oucordance to Shaks- I/, i!;i;iMC Works of .las Sheridan Knowles; .'iiii'ir llejfcted Adilresses; liie P»M-k of Seoilisli Ballads; I’-ill: 1- by W II .\in-worth;- G'.’,-iv •Id ' Poeis :iiid Poetry of England; f - iii.il.- Poei- of (Jre,*,I Bfitain; Poets of ilie xixth Ci-nlury:- Percy » I’.elique* /i Aiieieut Poetry, iKc. &C. K. J. HALK & SONS. l‘ii';ti orly Vears’ I'ami liar LellerM 'V Vlexandei’. D. D.: Sermons, by .L .Addison ‘ • I*. 1*. Also, further supplies of .Margaret - : P.eii!?)!: Adam Bede; A'usef; Shirley; School CAUNDFRS RFPORTS: on Plea'iing and Kvideuc«: Ptiillips on Fvidence; Common Bench Reports —new series: Cuiti-’x Commentaries; Ross on Bills and l’romi»« jry Ni.'tes: Chitty on Carriers; Bateman on Commercial Law: Taylor's Law (ilos-ary: Williams on Fxecutors: Devereux's Kinne's Kent; Blackstone; Coke upon Littleton—Builer i: Hargrare's Notb«: Sedgwick on Damages: Story on Salus; •• on Bills of Exchange. “ K'(:iity Pleading: on Conflict of Law*: on Bailments; Chitty on Pleading; “ on (,'ontracts; Bingham on Infancy; Hare on Discovery; Gow on Partnership; Robert.s’ Princijiles ot Equity, Doctor and Student; Broome’s ('orninent.aries; Leading: Case- in E'p*ity. Hare i Wallace's Notes I.,awyer s Common Place Book; Greenleaf on Evidence; Stephen on Ple idmir: (iresley'i Ivjuity ICvidence; Bnrrill's Law Dictionary: Wharton's I..aw Phillips' .Amos on F^vidence; A^clibold's Landlord and Tenant: “ Nisi Prius; Fearne oii RemainderH; Tidd's I'ractice: Starkie on Evidence; Hilliard on Sales; Smith's Landloi'd and Tenant: .Adams’ Equity; Williams on Personal Property; Mayne on Damaire-: .\rchbold's Criminal Practice and Pleading; Lube's E.piity Pleading; Wendell's Blackstone: Chitty’s Matthews on Presumptive Evidence: Smith's .ALi-ter and .''Servant: Powell on Mortgage-: ('hitty's Criminal Law; Williams on I’eal Properly: Smith’s Chancery Practice; Sugden on Vend-ors; on Property; Dart on Vendors; ('rabb on Real Property; Sugden on I’owers; Smith's Mercantile Law; Smith on Contracts; Aildison on Adams on Ejectment; Crown ('ircuit Companion; .American lieading Cuse“ — Hare & Wallace’s Notes; Milford's Cjmncery IMeading-: Domat’s Civil Law; liockwell’s Spaui-h and Mexican Law; Sharswood's Legal Ethics; Ro“5oe’s Criminal Evidence: F Iward.s on Bailments; Ei|uity Draftsman: I’owell on Evidence; Oliver on Conveyancing; Broome’s Legal .Maxims; (!ollyer on Partnership, Ike., fic. Sfsir The Reports of the Supreme ('ourt of North Ca rolina; CaiitweU’.s Justice: Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac tice, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. IIo|>e!« and l*eai’», By the Author of “Heartsease,” kc. I liAV'iNl.A, by the Author of “Dr. Antonio, NKW l-:!>n'I()N OF ijrvKiu;ix nil hutl *.% .\. r. l\w 'pUF. suV'SCribers have Jii-l jointe- 1 this Volume, wuli N iies md II adjudge 1 t'a-e;) .in I t.> the Kevi'^ed C> II. B.ittle; und witii ii. ir;y corn ctio’i- errijr*. Their lid FMiti.ms . and 1st Dev. X Batth appr iti I' ' in ot (he Pi They :ti-o re]'ii>i,i- F.jiiity. witi.ioit .\m! the pro].riel.o'- oi i iie Law and tv the Repc'-t- had. They priipo-e to put Bitt'e s L'.w Report"*, vo) Ttiey deal largely in L^w I a -1 Edition uf •I'erctlCi s !ooI'l>*r de, by Hon. Win of typo'gr.iphical Dev .s; I’ ltr’ie - I. .\V ILrp.ift ,"d :;d i. ii--^.n ..*■ D ■ > i n I iII -1 1 li■ ioo : ■111 j:e e iiii n- lii'^st E juity, c .mplete- htive rwcuivttd the ’ix'b J'i e-e, ire :ed.-;i'"^ au i c in-'ippl V •my \ .>iuiil“- eM ,nit of complete sei-, I ir ,i- '■'■’‘J **n now pres-^ ;-:-t 1 Jd E iiti.i.n .if Dev. \- in tine i )ks, ni. I will lit ali time* order work-'not on iticir -iieivi'-, : 'oiners F. .) »>ct. 1.'), 1 Sllj I.V ii \i.t-: ; iieir c'.is- : Si »N Tra«’l!^ lor Hit* I’lKl’Kl.NTKl; -VT liALKIt.il, N (J ••A Voice Ir«iii Heaven. 4 paires ••Privite I'evotii ti,* .. .. ‘•Don't put it off.' “The .Act of Faith," ‘•All-sufii.Mency of (Jiiriii. ••The Sentinel, " ■Self-Deiic.ition toG - i. ••Motives to Early Pieiy. ‘•('oine to JesU'. " , I'oriiierly '■ 1 j' ii;e. n^'W iu w’J, and in '' four page tracts. A/‘i-r"Ve'l hi! (i’l the ’•>' thu Ci:;/. A large eviiiion of the ab.,ve-liquid be printed before the type is .Ustributed, a- i: wi’i C''.-r .r 1" to l e-.-ci ! rieiu The number aU'.l variety will be iiiw-r.-tse.i ai the ;'uii I- are given ]i:ivs for loO.niii) pays r ,-!i).Oiiii, atid ■?! I'ays for l.;')Hit ji-::-'. Donations to be sent i.". the \gv’ni. wl.ii'V - will ackUvwii’djTe by l. Mer, and relL.rt t 1 e:n h i.f tin- Pas-‘ I ors of I hi- City \I .lie I - Iti " "I j Ig'-- ■ IK « ''ot- have been seiil to the -ul iier- '.n \ irciiiia. W \|. I. w. I III |\\ 1 I'l:, T: I.’I .\j.- ni R ileigti. J line. 1 s-;i. tsu TVPK rol'MHIV. THE ON L V \I .\ N r F A C T i» R 'i F T V P E Mil SOI fii OF n\i rnioiiE. The I’ropriei'ir- ot iii>" I'l- ve 1 ;:.iiii lry iia'. _■ tils-ij united with their 1 .iiuid-y ,i c.iuip^ te 1* II I .N T K K ’ ri KAi^iii \v % ici:ssoi>i2:. Having on lian I. or turiii-hin« to o|-,ii-r. --very artu',H? requisi u for a Prinf.nL'' o;’ic.-. FROM A BODKIN We can and will ni.iiiuftcuire iu I!ichm.^iid. us goo I ' an article, and at the s.aiii specimen prices, a"" a;iy Foundry .N'oriii. We re-pectliilly solicit the patronage of the South. HENRY L. PELOFZi: ,v Ci >. We refer you to every Printer in this ciiy. e al-.i desire every New-ipa[ier in the South to copy tnis ad- verli-ement *or one moiiili, sending us one co|iy ot their pMper, an i receiving their pay tor such auveri i-eiie-ni^ 11(1011 j'lircliasing live limes the ainoiini of tiieir biFl from us. 11. L. P. ('(>. J Illy >*■ bl 1 III ~ m:\v nooKs. VEMESIS, by MARION H\RL.\SD. Author of '‘.Alone’’ vVc. THE gl.'Ei:.\S of SOCIF/I’V, illustriited: J.ACK IIOl’E TON, or ihe .Adventures of a (ie:>rgian; ('AS TLE PiK'H .\H >N D. by .\nth.my TroUope: Further supl'lies of Rutledge. Adam Bcle: ik'tilah, the Mill on the Flo.ss; Vestiges of (’reation, Ac. Aug. IJI. E. J. H.\LE iV SONS. M Pocket Diaries for IStil. E. J. &c. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. FI ktiii:r Hopes and FE.ARS; The (Queens of Society; Mans field’s Political .NIanual; Wools’ Class Book of Bo tany; Letter Copying Books; Tom Brown at Oxforil; Tale of TwoCJfi^is; Ueer’s SyHtem of I’enmanship: School Books, E. J Jar '' ISookM. (>NTI'ilTH’S, Mitchell's and Smith s (leojjrapliits; Smith and Bnllion-t’ (jrammars; Emerson’s and .Smith’s .-Vrit hmetic?; Bullions’ and Andrews’ ('icsar: Interlinear Transl.itions to Xeiioiihon. Sallust, Vir gil. Horace and Ciesar; Northend's American Speaker, &c., .tc.. April 3. E J. H.VLE & S(^>NS. School llookx, ('lOLBURN S, Slodilard’s. Ray’s, and Emer.son s .\rith- ; metics: McCiull'ey’s Readers and Spellers; cScott's Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley's Sacred Mountains UJion Bible Dictionary. ,V:c. = E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r ‘2(J. HALE A SONS. 1)2. N • ;y 10. E. J. St. Saff. The Milling Noutli, l»y Prof. In graham; Say and Seal, by the .Author of “Wide Wide World,” &c.; The Household of Uouverie. or the Elixir of Gold, by a HQUthurn Lady; Eveuinge at the Micre- , ... •cope, &c., &•. E. J. liALJi & dONS. j Blank W arraiitfl tor sai« at this OtiiGe. Scliool Klook^. TATURAL PHlLO.S(HM!V from Ganol’s Popular' _ Physics by Wm. G, Peck. M. .V.: Sander'*’ Sew 1 Speller and Definer .Vnalyser: Bullions' and Smitli’s | Gramm.ars; Monteiih’s. Smiih's and Mitchell's Geogra- ' phies; Goodrich's and .Vndrcws’ Latin and Greek Les- j sons, (tc. L. J. HALE .Si SONS. 1 Aug. .31. I I-LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans...J M W'hedbee. Cajnden and Cnrriiuck...B F Siinmou* (■iates and ("Ihowan... .M L Eure. Hyde ani Tyrrell...Jones Spencer. Nortiiampion....) .M S Rogers. Herifor l...J B Sbiiighter Bertit',.. David Outlaw. .M.iriin anl Washington ...J R Stubbs, ll-ilifax,.. M Whitaker. 1' lgecom>ie and Wilson... M T Clark. Piit... IC J Blf.int. BeauI'oTi,..Frederick Grist. Craven...N H Street. (,'artei et and Jones... Dr M F Areud«ll (irectie and Lenoir.,.J P .Speight. New H"inover... Eli W Hall. Dufilin...iJr James'Dickson. Onslow...L W Humphrey. lil.'ideii. Brunswick. itc...Jno D Taylor. (-’iiiiiberlun J lud Harnett... Duncau Shaw. Sampson... I iioriias I Faison. \V;iyiu'...W K Lane. .Lihns'on....! W B Watson. Wrtke...M A Bledsoe. Na-h...A J Taylor. Franklin...W Harris. U'airen... T J Pitchford. (iianville...(.' 11 K Taylor. Per'.on.,.’ L Winstead. ((range...Josiah Turner, Jr. .Al im uice and Ran lolph...Jonathan Worth. «'h.-iihai;!—W .si Harris. I Moot.; and \l.inigomfry ...W D Dowd. Kichm.oid and kobe.ion... AIfred Dockary. .\n-on and rnion....'^ H Walkup. (f uilfoi' l... Pel er .\.lains Ca-iw».ll... l’>e-lf>>r>l P.rown. Rockiiisrlri"' ..F I., Simpson. ^l.•eklenbnrg fotin '»Va!ker. t'ab-irrus and .‘-lanlv ..; V’ C P.arringer. liowan and Da'ie...Dr J G Ramsfey. D ivids.m ... 1 no W Thomas. Stokes and Forsyth Ic-fse .\ Waugh. A'he. .Siiiry iVc....Ios Dobson. Iredell. Wilke.^ .VC...L (j Sharpe. Bui ke. Mcl>owell Ac... B S Gaither. Linc.iln. G.a-iton >Vc....Jn-per .Stowe. Ruiiierfi)!-1. Polk xc....\ W {{iirton. Biincoriibe. Heiiders(iti .Vc...Geo W Candler. lUywood. .Nlficon ic...W 11 Thoman. HOUSE (>F COMMONS. A'. amance...(iiles Me bane. .Alexander...Dr J .M ('arson. .\:ison...L L Polk, E R Liles. .\-he...J M Gentry. Burke...J H Peirson r.iinc .mbe V Merrimon. Bla len...C '!' D.ivi'S. Bjr:ie...P T Henry and Fergn*on Pie-iutori... R D innell. W T Nlirsh Piru'n.-wick... T D Menres. C"il.“lwe!l... — Dicksuii. ''ab.irvus... W S Harris, f 'atawoa. ...Ioii'i-' 'Hoe. (’iiath.'im... W P Tayior, R N Grwen. Turner Bynum. Chero’Kee...(» W Hayes. Ci-.i\en,..C C (.'l.'irk, F E .Alfred ('iimberl iii.l an.] H irnett...C G Wright, J d Harring ton. -I (' Willums, ('iiowan... .''rnnll. (’o unibus...N L Wiiliamsou ' .m len...D D Fereb.-e. '' .rteret... D W Whitehurst. Ca-jwell... Withers, S P Hill. ('Sirritnck...l> M Baxter. ('leaveland \ G Waters. J R Logan. D ividsi-n... Lewis ll.iynes, P. B (.'lark. Davie... Howar.i. Dopfin...J D Stanford. J G Branch. 1. Ii^e ’ombe... It li Bridgers. J Woodartl. F"r-yih...J F Poindexter. Philip Barrow. Franklin—W F Green. G-t-t,.n....I 11 Wnite. Granvi!l(.'....I M Bullock. W H .lenkins. S H ('annaday G ii!t''.r !...(' P .Men lenhnll. C E Shober, J L Gorrell. Greene A D Sjieitrht. tiates...Jobn Boohe. H-iywood...L I ove. il'i'lit-ix \ H Da^is. W B Pope. llerifird...,l .! Veat.'s. llender-i.n ... Jo*i P Jordaa ' liydi»...Tilnnn Farrow. Irn lel'.... A K •-imont.jii. .V H F Gaiihar Jii'-ks in... \ Fi her .! ,11, s.. W p U - I. ; J.ihnst'.n—W II Wai,ion. Jas .Mit«h«ner 1,1 iioir I (' W.ioten. Liiii'.iln...\’ .\ ^l(■I!eee. i M u^li-on....! iliii A F igg M iriia... I’.'v .11, M -D i\ye!l...(' II liiiv;rin. M I'lre... \'-xaud. r Ke'.ly. \|.iMi- iiiiery... I. li 1, Barringer j M 1.- .:i... 11 ; \V ■ ..ifin N|.‘'klenbiir;^r . \y Davis, J M T’otts, Na-h .. H G 'Villiams .New ll inover...S .) I’ersoii, Daniel .Shaw. . .North iini 'oii. .M W Kainsom, W W Peebles } On low....! H Foy. ! Ovau*e...li li Guthrie, \Y N Patterson. P.i-.iU'ii iiik... l T Williams. ; Per. |Ui ill'Ois... N -N.'Wby. j Piti...Bi Albriti. ii. Churchill Perkins. j Per-joii... Wilkinson. R ibeson—.Alex McMilbit), Fyli Wishart. * R .ck itigliam... Ra wley (ilalloway and Thos .Slade. Rowan....N N Fleming, N F Hall. Riiihei ford...C r N Davis, B 11 Padsrett. R:indolpli... 1 II F()tisi, Thos .S Winslow, iliehm ind....! (i Blue.' Saiir,'"‘on...\ (' Faison. Geo W .Autrey. .'^ii' i v ... W W High. Si ok*'- — H "ratio Kellum. .St'inl.v... L'lt'iye'te Cu-oene Tyrrell\1.-Cleese. Unioti...C Q Lemmon Is. ’vVake...S H Ilogers, .1 W Russ, H Mordecai Warren....! B Batchelor, W H Cheek. Washington...(' Latham. Wata'.io'a.,.Thomas Farthing. W;iyne...W T l»ortch. M K (''lawford. Wilkes... \ W AFirtin, Horton. Ya.lkin... .A (’ ('owles. Yancy.., — Jlowman. (’OXVKNTIOX OF XORTIi CAROLINA, .\l:iiiiHiico—(iile.s Mebaiie, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. I'^tewart. Ashe—J. I), i'urbe.s. .\risoti—.M^'Cf.s, .1. A. Leak. f>ertio—S. i>. .'^{•ruill, .lames RomL iM'attlur^—\\'. .1. I'vllisuii, E. .1. Warren. Ul'atleti—N\‘ill Kelly. Hrunswick—T. 1). Meares. IJuiicomlie—X. W, Wooilfiti, Miirke—J. .AIclb)well. ('abarrit^—(' Phil’er. (’aldwell—H W .Jones. Cataderi—I). I>. Ferebee« Carteret—C. R. Tlionias. Casvvell—Hedford..lirown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—1*. C. llenkle. ('hutkani—J. H. Ileaden, John Man-ing Jr., Ji. J. >ferritt. (Mierokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—K. IL l)illard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J, W. Tracy, (’olunibu.s—Richard Wooten. Craven—Ceo. (ireen, Jno. D, Whitford. (’utuberlatid and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McXeili, A. S. •McNeill. (’iirrituek—IT. M. 8haw. Daviduon—H. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. ^ DupliQ—W. J. Housi^oo; J- T. Rhodes, Kdireeoinbe and Wilson—W S Rattle. Geo | Howard. i Forsyth—T. J. Wilson. R L I’attcrioii i I ranklin—A. 1>, Williutiis ' Gaston—IS. X. Joliiiston. ; Gates—A. J. AN’alton. Granville—A. W. Vvn-cible. T L. Hargrove, S. iS. Royster. (ireene—W. A. Ihirden. (fuillbrd—Jtio. A. (Jiliiier, Ralph (Jurrcll, R : P. I)it‘k. ilalilax—R. H. li W iiatehelor. j llydo—‘iv L. .AL'iiiii. Haywood—Win. Jiicks. Henderson—\V. M. Shipp Hertford — Kenneth iiayner. Iredeli—Anderson Miteh«-il. T. \. Mlison. •Jackson — \'« . H. 'I'lioinas. .JohnstiHi—('. 15. S.indur*;, W. A. Siinith. Jones—\\ t!i. I'oy. Lenoir—.John C. \\ tishingtot). Lincoln — Win. 1 zander. ^Ltcon—(’. I>. Smith. Aladison—J . A. .'Iciloweli. •Martin—A.s.i lii MeDowcll—J. H. Greenlet'. MeeklciibnrL;—J. W. ()-bonie, W in. Jub’ikton. 3Iorit^oinery—.S. 11. Christian. Alooro—Ii. '1 uriier. Xash—A. li. .VvriiiLrton. X*ew liatioVL'r—R. 11. C.iwan. Robert Straiii^e. Xorthanijitoii — 1). A. li:trii(js, J -M. .Alt)ody. Ouslow—(i. W. Ward. Orange—W. .V. Graham, John lierry. I’asijuotaiik — H. K. Speed. i'eri(uimniis—.los. .' ('annon. I’erson—lohii W. C’unin>iham. I’itt—F. 1>. Satlertiiwaite, H. Griiuei. Raiuloljih — W . .1. iiOiiir. A. (!. Foster. Riciiinond—W. F. Leak. R;besoii—J. }*. FulK'r, -I. C. Sontherlatid. Rockingham—1>. S. Reid, Iv T. Lrudna.x:. liowat -1>. Craij;e, H. C. Jones, liutherj d and Polk—J. II (.»i -uii, M Dur- hani. Sainyisun — R. V. Mosoly. Ti.otuas Runtiiig. Stanly—Iv Hearno. Stokes—( Vacant.) Surry—T \’. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Kli .''pruiil. I niofi— 1J. M . Housi .'1. Wake—L. Ijadirer. K. I*. li:ittle. W. W. Holden. W arrt.ii — \V. S. lvlvv:irds, Frank Thornton. Washiiiirton—W. S. Pettiiirew. Wutau:::i—I. W. Coutisi-l. Wayne—■. \ . .''tronji, K. A. Thomp^uu. Wilkes—las. ('alloway. Peter Lller. Y-adkin— R. F. .Vrmtield. Yancey—.'1. i*. Pen land. Correspondence of the NaBhville Banner. SKEDY. Seven lotig month^j lias Jonathan H.“fit, bled, and died’’ for his country, and a tuontbly sti pend ol in Confederate shin-plasters. Like Lis tcIlow-“coiiiiiatriots,” from long service in the cause ot bij; native South, his apparel has lost much of its wonted lustre, but he flatters himself that he is' none the less illustrious ou that account. The Hessians, or more cla&'sically speaking, the •‘//c.s,s«V',” a race of cannibals dwelling beyond the remotest confines of the Ohio and the Penobscot, and better known to the Pennyaliners as the Abolitiones, aliuK Goth, Vandal & Co., have had ‘he hardihood to dtsnominate our lirigade, as “the raL'ged ri.*bels under (dd Zolly." The appellation is demurrable for repugnancy. Nevertheless, it is a painful truth. The “Old Hickory Guaids,” at tlie present writing, are as ragged a set of “old iiickories” as ever shouldered firelock. That’s the fault of the Q. M. Department, possibly. The undersigned, however, attributes hta dilapidated eonditioii to a scarcity ol linauce—his funds hav ing taken a furlough from his porte-monnaie ever since iasi September. Somebody—he doesn’t care a d—iuie who—has neglected to pay off the volunteers for four months, and he naturally con- clu.les ti.at “somebody” is ui.iking a devilish good thitig out of the interest on as large a sum as is re[ni.site to p^iy four months salary to ,six or seven thousand men. So far removed from the clothing bazaars of the'Fast, is J. H., that he finds it difficult to fur nish himself with appropriate military regalia, and in the faded glory of his pre.sent attire, may be likened to a bankrupt grinder of hand-organs. i he Honorable Iveg is in even worse condition— so much so, indeed, that he Caunot with impuni ty pay his devoirs to the foreigii ladies of this distant clime. His entire wardrobe consists of a bingi-c red blanket, hardly big enough for a monkey's shroud, and pierced, with four holes, through which his limbs are inserted.. With his trms loMed, he presents the genuine Napoleonic attitude and dignity, in this outre garb. \V ith his arms luA j'oUlai, and. akimbo, my friend is not di.''similar to a bat or a flying si^uirrel. He says il'“/4olly” don’t hunt winter quarters soon, he shall importune the candidates for the next Con federate Congress, for an additional blanket. He makes no disguise of his derision of the “old sheet and pillow-easc society," and hysterically laughs them to scorn. He. says that “Albert Sydney J jn'on ' dare not make a forward movement with- ! oi.it coiistilting the “Soldiers’ Relief Soci^'ty,” and yet, tiie Reli_ef Society, instead of relieving him, Keg. ' .se;m to bti only relieving the newspaper editor'", to judire from the large amount of “orig inal matter" they furnish to the columns of the morning joiirntils :it Xashville. He threatens to ijuit tiie service and take to h.ard drinking, and >ee if llariis won t get him appointed on Critten- lieu's stall, to run with the Knoxviile machine. Keu is about half rirht. He has been a* seceder CONl’FltiilR.VTK STATKS CONtiRFSS ••'K.V.V l K. Alaboiii i — Messrs \\ illiam L ^ aiieey, C C *^*?lr/.-„«sui-Messvs Robert W Johnson, Chu« to be .-^o seedy o.u active servitje, while |{ .^Iitcllell. Fioriiia—Mc: well. >is James ,AI llaker. A K Ma.v- ; many of the ^'oflijiuah,” after all their gascon- jiK' about their “rights,” are ingloriou«ly staying at home ;iiui d di;ing the militia draft. Rut to return to the subject. In his present tatteied and threadbare condition, it would re- ijuiiv the graphic (juill of a Dickens, to faithfully lifscnbe the personnel of your correspondent, .''ce him on “dress parade’’ witli (3U0 or TOO other lagued rebels, savin-g those more fortunate fellows —ilia brother lile-closers, (who have nearly all i;ad f’Jirlougiis and have bt'en home after their ‘•store clothes.There stands J. H. at the right Messrs fit W Bartiwell. Battalion, alphabetically arranged with (’mipany “A,' and wrapt in a loo.se wrapper ; R H Hi'il. Robert Toombs. :s 11 C I’uriiett. William 1] »rs Kd. .''parrow. 'I' ,1 .''etnnu s. srs .Albert G iJrown, .lanu-s —M es'i A ntnrky—M er: Simula. LoKisitiuii—.Ai(‘ -Ml Si I ,s.s ir>i"—31 c Phelan. Missouri—Messr."» .1 ol.n 15 ('lark. R \ Peyton. Aorf/i t iro/iini — .Me^.-rs George l>avis. Wil- liani T i>ortch. ' 1 I'll .lamos L h r. y'( —Messi.' LaiiuU.iii ( llayij.s. (ju'- tavus A Ihiiry. Tiji'is—.Aiosrs l.ouis f \\ igfall. W > Oldhtim. — XI it Vet elected. II'U^i; or tti.PUt.'-t.N l.\Tl\i:>. Aldhn ii\ii fhi.imas .1 I'uster, Wm R Smith. .1 iihn P Raiis, J L M (’urry, Franeis S Lyon. W J’ Chilt«.iii. David (,’iopton, .las L Pugh. 10 S Dariran. Ai/:mis‘is—.Aii-.— i'.v Fcli.K .1 Balsun. (i vi'.riiiisoii i h Rnvsti r. Aa-i.stus 11 I lari aid, Tims II liuiuv. ( mipany .r.id the solitude .-.f his own originality. Ob.serve llis "fiusi.-^hi“At eas*!, rest. ” Right .leg elon- gMtod; left leg _ iacef-.illy curved at the knee;studiei iKgliizence of Iclt trowser, wrinkled at the boot- top; h it hoot-Iieel learfully run-down—(the effect of stiiiilry hill side bkirmishes after tke IJesnei;') very large vest, big enoiigh for Sam Kidleberger, i.itest iii m/i- at tlie Sutler’s;) dilapidated milita ry overcoat, rett of its former glory, half-caped, i !>ti tiini,-s and out at the elbows; fur-cap with ••e:;r fi. ps”—one up and one down; there he stands! S e hi' eagle eye flasli and hi- nostril dilate, as ih i la major ( iiilc-jjat llfes away, and the martial stniiii of “the gal 1 left behind rtie” falls upon ■ his tym[i;inui!i. ^Vho .says he is not. a sufferer, j ;iye a martyr to the cause of liberty'' Who says I lu is not a veteran—whoif at his peril'/* I Wo have all just returned from a little jaunt Uji to I'ishiiiL' Creek. Fisbitirg Creek is about thirti rn miles from our encampment, and there, i c was said the enemy were encamped and forti- : lied. When I say "•enemyI meau Goths and \’.iMlai>, of coiu'se. .\s in I'very previous expe- litiun aa linst.’ them, victory perched upon our -i.iiidara. and wv rctuniotl again frofn a bloodless ^ I alil(.‘-lield. The Hesnci ran, as usual. We ' made till ni.'irch in the ni.udit, in order to surpfise , thei;i. sill lotiiidid tlf-eir old position, but at day- j li_;lic di.' .(Vered that “the bird had flown.” They i ii !i bavk to Sotiierscf. and I have no doubt ex- ! edit -I any number id somor.scts in their hurry to j g.'t out ol' reach ot Z'dly and his “ragged rebels,” ^ ••ilagged," loi'«oidh,’ Vet we are, after all, not ; sueii starlv-naked foi/1; as the ile.'Sei, who threaten . to >iib|iigafe the'South, and y( t ;ire chased iroiii ' tlieir wii (hior sills at every approach ot these siitiie si'i-dy rebels ^ We! , we are 'j, >inj into winter quarters near i ihe links Ilf the (’umberland. It.i.-^ raining in tiirreiii- at this writing. :ind the boats will proba- ! illy soon he n]> Iroiii Oixie. In the meantime, a III. i ry Cliri-tmas to you, Hann.er, and don’t for- . , t t.» (.trink a foaming erg-nog to the health of ' ^ , JOHN H.APPY. .ALU S.irings, Ky., Dec. 2'-, 1^01. S.ihstitiitf for ()!f Si//,-.—We commend the Fioriii(—^l^s'rs.las 1> Pawkin-. L\ 1> ililton. (,c',r,ji,i—Mes-rs Julian 11 artrid-e, (' J Mun- nerlyn, Hines Ilulr. A H Kenan, l>a\id W Lewis. Wm \\ ( lark, Roberi P Irippe, Lueiiis J (lar- trell. Hardy .'strickl.uid, A R Wrigh.. A'•■//(/'7._y—Xot yet elected. isin ifi—.Nl'-'sr> C'harics ,! \ ilU're, Cliarles ^l ('onrad, iHiiiea!! f' Kemi r. Lucicii J Dupre, John F Lewis, Joiin Pi rkin.-.-Jun r. Missi^' '/>1>‘—,A1 e>.'r-.1 no J .^ieRac. J W Clapp. Picuben Jhivi>, Israel Wci.'h. ll (' ( iianJiiTs, () R Siiigieton, I'i L.iik.'dale. Mis.«juri—.Aie.-'i' J.diii liyer. (’aspar W l»e!l. George » \ est, A H Coniow, W \\ Ci ^k, '1 bus W 1 rceman, Thomas A lian is. A>/.7( ('li/'/>Iihi—Me.---rs \\ N il Smith. Rub- crt R Uridgers, Owen Kenan. T i> Mel>i.iwi'll, 'fhomas S .\slie, .Vrehiltaid It Arriiigtini- J R 31cLcan, William Landrr, 11 S Caitiier, '1' Da vidson. Sinf/i ( tnnhnd—.Ale.vsrs \\ A'\ IJoyce, \\ Por- cher Mile.'. M L iJ' iiham, .lohn Mc(^>ueen, Jas Fcrrow, L M A3 er. I'l u/II •■SI ■ AGs^rs J J' lieiskell, W (J Swann. AV H Tebbs. !•] L iardenshire, II S Foote, .A1 P (.Jentry, (ieorge W Ji.iies, J honias Meitees. J P ! (' Atkins, Rnlloek, David *^l 'urrin. ' Ti.i iii—.Messr.s John ,\ \Vilcux, Peter W Gray. j (’laiborne (' Herbert, Win 1> Wright, .Malcom P I Graham, R F Sexton. Virjiitia—Messrs Muscoi R H (i.iriictt, John i R ('hambliss. John Tyler, R iger A Pryor, 'I'lu s j S Roeock, John (inode, Jr. Janies P Holcombe, j i> C Ih'jja'in'tto, William Smith, .V R Roteler, ' John R Raldwin, W R Staples, Walter Prestun, A G Jenkins, Robert Johnson, ('h.is W Ru.sswll. I a'teutuni of our lady 'eaders particvflarly to the llcwitig letter from Mrs. Rutier, of Strawberry • ffyiiiEaiii aiaS lines. 11 new ^npnly, assorted si/.es March H'.. K. .f lld .|U'liHlCS. BE.VULE'S DIMK XOVKI-S, >is. 10, 11, 12, l.S A: U . Song Hooks ;huI “ Half IHnic, and Five ('out K. J. H.ALE lS().'iS .Ian. 80. -- riaiiis. Wehavenodoubt hersuggestiimsare good: Pleas(j eall the a.ttention of the ladies of Knox ville and vicinity, who wish to furni.'h packages !br the soldiers, to the fact that a substitute "tor i.iil silk, which. Dr. Ramsey pronounces admirable, is easily prepared in the following manner: After hogs are killed and the hnj fut has become per- fec^rly cold, take the skin.s off, whole if possible; Tllf ai8l complete r¥oi*tll Ueraj)C them well, and wash in hot water with Carolin'i Book. A further .supply ju»t received. ■ s>:iii until clear of irrease. H the water is too hot it will draw them np. Stretch them well on a plaink or table, until dry—trim^oft' the un even edge.'i.-, and they are re-ady for tise. Alar'’’ K J. H \LK .^(iNS, JFor Cash. The FARMER'S AND rLANTEU S ALMANAC for j ('ol. Samuol C.olt died at Hartford, Ct., on the ^ I loth ihst. His fire arms factory will be carried 0 t *’ IStil ^ ILALL & S(JNfc. the present corporation.

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