?i:. i illt, \.c. •se -inJ 11 i> now Ati .1 Th AN- >* I;., h . pa; i to , iiJar 'TinHHE (BIBSIKIBT -Olp.i 'oiMiiiy. l.e --!.l Kt Auc \i ’K.,= .K^n el .g to ih^ nsi.-!i: ^ -.f «ou„ »' 'ipaiiy, win, i Hil n»’- >ry i.s niOTe:i hj I ‘J* - . W rk. Iick-^n ' h I’ .,1, ■ooi ht. ana I V.rip;;. ,,t tin ijiii-. \l,i. hitip*. '• 'I' i iug. * 1' ^ be •ry , orti.niiy r- ''I Vi; : - ' ..odl o* I!V Li ■ ■ . e. ii- SBMl-WBEKL, Y. ect '£ t.,d %;al: !■ . i G ■ 'Mi'ANV s .*•:■ ' ■ ,-;in . fi.- i. i-. n .i ■1 IL > IT.^ike sock-, if K'^iON. A;' ^ 45 tf ‘ 1 Vt*' Wii ] \>T lc;j- -■ s tu jl'ii «■- et . V olina. erbau- IS. fir - 0 1' »ri : I IIU ' uy ..• h, oliiia. ki ■ inir ■ ». Hi P i)x j- an ; en' b'li • - nv^ :. - ig C niu _• tii. - I , l!lJ> d . “I* - (, tn |» I- I - t .t .i ;« if er our - ib: ■- I - )t . ■■ ■ ,h:.. : ,h.,- r cK L(l. i! ir t . - ■j ?L-N »liiia. B K .. -■ ad i III-.-, A." •Ill- rot i- 1 (k- ■ ^ e ■■ n f: '1 ^ ^ J Ui !• =-as f .rn f 't rU (• r.r- . til' : or I 4j...r ; - -i ,„.rr i r,i iUt. I •f ly o., [VOL. XI.] FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., JANUARY 30, 186*2. [NO. 1095.] ruiNTF.D MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EUWAKD J. HAiE & SO»S. HI IT0K8 AND 1‘ROPRIETORS Price for the Seuii-Weekly Ubsekver S3 (X) if paid hi :i''vaiice; S>3 00 if paid during the year of sabsorip- iuii: or SJ after ti-.e vear has expired. For the Weekly Ubskrv kr 00 per aiiuum, if paid in Hdvaiicc; i'J '>0 if paid during thf year of subscrip- tiun; or j>o O'* alter tlie year has expired. -ALtVLKTl. IMK.NTS luseried fo) tiu ceut» per »quare of 1*> liiie f'>r the firsii. and 80 cents for each jucceediiig pubMcaiioii. Yearly adverti8ement.s by spe cial control is. Hi reasonable rales. Advertisers are re.jue-j'vd to «tute the uuniber of insertions desired, or ihev will b¥ continued li'il forijid', and charged acoord- iu/'v .\ lveriisements to be iu>>.'fled imuJt. chargud aO per «eut txira. ijl’EUi-'.- NOTICE. From and after iliisr dal. no name of a new aubscriber will bt entered without paymont in advance, nor will the paper he sent to siu-h kubacribers for a longer time than is paid lor. Such ofoi.r old mibscrihcrs aa desire to take the pa yer on this liysieiu will please notify us wlien makin){ remittances. Jan'y 1, 1856. tear TO ADVEUTISERS. Persons out of town who desire advertisenients in serted in the Observer, and persons in town with whom : we have not regular accounts, will please send with the i ftdveriisemeni much money as they wish to invest in i it. according lo our advertising terms on thM tirst page, i e do not wish to ot'en any more such accounts,—or | indeed a/iy accounts The process of collection is too i ditlioult. and we have to pay cash for every thing we use or sell in tliese times. 'Jet. 1&61. Obiti art Notickh.—W« have heretofore given notice, repeatedly, that we charge for obituary notices of un reasonable length, and for resolutions of respect; be cause that kind of reading, we have much occasion to kui'W, is not often more agreeable to readers than to eiii >r8 of papers. As it generally happens, however, t:mt after charging and paying postage on the account for- wirded. we never get paid, we now give notice that we will insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- p inied by the cash, (Always excepting in the case i>f Jeweased volunteers, when we require no pay.) liear u mind, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices HuJ reMoluiions. not exceeding 70 words, gratis. For all iver 7u word.i, one cent a word, which luust be paid be : ire the notice will be put in type. !iT\\li.-.i. All lIlSl'tLLWEOlS WORKS. 4 DBOTT ■- .Ji Irvicg' ■ torie?. -8 vois.; Abbott * Napoleon; -plete Works, -1 vols; ; of Washington, » vols; Prescott’i Philip the ‘_’ i: ('harlei* the 5th; “ Ferdinand and Isabella: Conquest of .Mexico; “ ot Peru; Bancroft's U. .States, 8 vols; Lussing's Field Book of the Amarieaa ReroIuiioD; Tytler's Universal History; UHllaui's Middle .\ges; Hume and .Macaulay's Hisiuri^i of England; Riillin'r Ancient History; Milhiian's (Jibboii's Rooitt; Joaephua' WOlks; Robertson's works; Webster's Works; •Jlay’s by Colton; h«iiton's 80 years in the C S i»«naie; Burke’s work.s; Dr Jo!in>:in’s ditto: liw.-wvirs Life of Dr Jolinsou; A 1 lison's Works; Addison's Spectator; .M iiJHulay s .Miscellanies; 1 and 6 vols; M idem Critish Kss^iyiats; Knight's Half Hours with the best Authors; Discussions on Philosojihy and Literature, by Sir Wm Hamilt m; C'iiuiberH'3 -Miscellany, lO voU; :ttfsman's Manual; The Federalist; Political Text Book, by McCluskej; '■■li'iitutions of the States; Marshall's Life of W.ishington; Tlie Lite of Win. I’inckney; American Eloquence; Iliiigrapty of Distinguished Women; by Sirs S J H:.k-; . Kiicyiv'tj.iedia .Aniorifaiia; Applet.in's (,’yelopedia of Diography; Lift- ;ind Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; Li'ckhiirt's Life of Scott: vurr;in and his Cotemp'>raries. by Chas PhillipR; 'V vt.Tly Novels, C"inplete in *> vols; “ in 24 vols; “ “ • in 27 vols; Cooper' s Sea Tales; Dickens' Works; Marryatt's Novels; Wil“ou’s Tales of the Border*; H iniiah -More’s works; Di> k s workx; Phii:ir;li's Lives: Dry den's Works; Sterne's works; Tlie Doctor, by Southey; ('ralib .s Synonymen; Pftcy -\necdotes; 'tironicles of tlie Bastile, illustrated; The Scottisli Gael; (jazetteer ol the U. States; Major Jack Downing's oU years out of the Senate; Livingstone's Travels in South Africa; Lord Llgiu s Mission to China and Japan; Five Vears in China, by Dr. ('has. Taylor; The British Expedition to the Crimea, by W H Russell; My Diary in India, by ditto; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Exjilorations; Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition; I Cuniming'i Hunter's Life in Africa; j Nott & (iliddon’b In ligi-nous Races of the Earth; Footfalls on the iioundary of Another World, by R. ^ Dale Owen; Standard Poetical Works in various bindings, among which are; Heiiiaiis, Scott, Pope, Byron. Burns, Moore, Hood, Halleck. (.’ampbell, Cralibe, Coleridge, Cowper, Goldsmith, Milton, &c., i:c. .Shakspeare's, M.assinger & Ford’s and Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works; Mrs Cowden Clark’s complete Concordance to Shaks- peare; . • The Dramatic Works of Jas Sheridan Knowles; Stniih’.- Rejected Addresses; The Bnok of Scottish Ballads; Ballads by W H Ainsworth; Griswold's I’oets and Poetry of England; 1-emale Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’* Reliques of Ancient Poetry, &c. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. March 22. Forty lears’ Familiar Letters of Jas. W. .\lexander, D. D.; Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret •Moucrietle; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yu»«f; Shirley; School Boolu, &c. '*'^7 K. J. HALE & SOW. From the Charleston Cotirier. A LIST OF THB GENERAL OFFICERS IN THE ARMIES OF THE .'ONFEDERATE STATES. The following interestiog statistics of the Con federate Army organization are due to one of the Kichniond correspondents of the Courier. In the list of Hrigadier-Generuls in the Provisional Ar my, the regular order of appointment is perhaps not alway.s observed, but we believe the list is otherwise correct. The dateS of graduation tioin West Point are taken from Gurduer’a Dictionary ot the United States Army: nerd/s in thf Rttjiifi.tr ■ Ar-niy. 1 Samuel (’ooper, \'a. Adjutant (general. 2 Alb(;rt iS Johnston, Texas, commanding in Kentucky. 3 Jo.^eph E Johnston, \'a, commanding North ern Virginia. 4 Robert E Lee, Va. commanding South Atlan tic Coast. f) P (I T Heauregard, Lou, commanding 'Army of Potomac. M'ljur (Jeneruls in tht t*rocUio»al Arini/. 1 *David E Twiggi, (xcorgia, resigned. 2 Leonidas Polk, IjOu, commanding at Memphis. 3 IJraxton Hragg, Lou, commanding at Pensa cola. 4 Ear! Van horti, .’Vliss, Armv of Potomac. .) (lustavus W Smith, Ken, Army ol‘ Potomac. 0 Theophilus H Holmes, N C, Army of Poto mac 7 William J Hardee, (leorgia, ^Hssouri. 8 Benjamin Huger, S C, commanding at Nor folk. 9 .fames Longstreet, Ala, Army of Potomac. 10 John IJ Magrudcr, Va, connnanding at Vork- town. 11 Thomas .J .Jackson, \'a, commanding North western Virginia, j 12 Mansfield Lovell, Va, commanding Coast ol ; Louisiana. j 13 Edmund Kirby Smith, Florida, Army of Po- I tomac. j 14 (icurge IJ Crittenden, Ken. commanding East I Tcnnc.ssee. j Brii/(tlu r Gintrnh in (hr Prui isivitul Army. I 1 Milledge L Bonham, S C, Army of Potomac, j 2 .John 1> Fluyd. \’a, commanding Army Ku- ] nawha. 3 Henry A Wise, \'a, Roanoke Island, 4 Bon McCulloch, Texas, M i.'^souri, o *Henry R .I;it k.on, (Ico, resigned, G ^Robert S (lurnett, \’u, killed in action 7 *Willium II T Walker, (ieo, resigned. *liarnurd E Bee, S C, killed in action. !• Alexander R Lawton, (leo, commanding ('oast of Georgia. 10 *(iidcoii .) Pillow, Tenn, resigned. 11 Samuel R Anderson, Tenn, Kentucky. 12 Daniel S Donelson, Tenn, (.’oast of S Carolina. 13 David R Jones, .S C, Army of Potomac. 14 J ones M Withers, Ala, commandinir (’oast of Alabama. 15 .John C Pemberton, Va. (’oast of S C. Di Richard S Ewell, \ a. Army of I’otomac. 17 John il W inder, Maryland, Richmond. 18 Jubal A Early, \ a, Army of Potomac. 19 ’•'Thos B Flournoy, Ark, died in Arkansas. 20 Samuel Jones, \ a, Army of Potomac. 21 Arnold Elzey, Maryland, Army of Potomac. 22 Daniel 11 Hill, X (.', Army of Potomac. 23 Henry H Sibley, liou, Texas Frontier. j 24 Wm 11 (’ Whiting, (reo, Army of I’otomac. 2o Wm W Loring, S (’, Western N’irginia. Richard H Anderson, S C, Pensacola. Albert Pike, Ark, Indian Commissiocer. *Thos T Fauntleroy, \ irginia, resigned. Robert Toombs, (Jeo, Army of Potomac. Daniel Ruggles, \ a, Louisiana. 2t; 27 2s 29 30 i 31 (Jharles Clark, 31iss, Army of Potomac. I 32 Roswell S Ripley, S C, Coast of S C. i y3 Isaac R Trimble, Md, Army ot Potomac, j 34 *John B (Jrayson, Ken, died in Florida. 3.') Paul () Hebert, Lou, Coast of Texas. ; 3ti Richard (’ Gatlin, N C, commanding Coast of North (’arolina. 37 *Felix K Zullicofler, Ten, killed in Kentucky. 38 Benj F Cheatham, Ten, Kentucky. 39 Joseph R Anderson, \ a. Coast of N C. 40 Simon B Buckner, Ky, Kentucky. 41 Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama. 42 Albert Blanchard, Lou, Norfolk. 43 (jrabriel J Ruins, N C, Yorktown. 44 J B Stuart, \’a, Ar.ny of Potomac. 45 Lafayette Me Laws, ( Jcorgia, Yorktown. 40 Thos F J>rayton, S C, Coast ol S C. 47 Thos (’ Hindman, Ark, Kentucky. 48 Adley 11 (iladden, Lou, Pensacola. 4'.* John Porter McCown, Ten, Kentucky. 50 Lloyd Tilghman, Ken, Kentucky. 51 Nathan G Evans, S (J, ('oast of S C. 52 Cadmus M Wilcox, Ten, Army of Potomac. 53 * Philip St (Jeorge Cocke, N a, died in \ a. 51 R E Rhodes, Ala, Army of Potomac. 55 Richard 'I'aylor, Lou, Army ot I’otomac. 50 Louis '1' Wigtall, 'I’exas, Ai.^iy of Potomac. 57 .James H Trapier, S C, Coast ot Florida. 58 Sam’l (i French, Miss, Army of Potomac. 59 Wm H Carroll, Tenn, East Tennessee. tjO Hugh W .^Iercer, (ieoriria, 01 Humphrey Marshall, Ken, Kentucky. ♦52 John C Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky, 03 Rich’d (irifiith. Miss, Army of Potomac. 04 Alex’r P Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. 05 VVui Montgomery (Gardner, Ga, on furlough 00 Rich’d B (iarnett, Va, Army of Potomac. 07 William Mahone, Va, Norfolk. 08 L O’Brian Branch, N C, Coast of N (’. 09 Maxcy Gregg, S (', Coast of S (].’ 70 R E Colston, \'irginia. 71 Kdward Johnston, Virginia, 72 Henry Heth, Virginia. 73 Johnston H Duncan, Louisiana. 74 S A M W ood, Alabama. Those having anaffixed are dead, or have resigned, sinew th« commencement oi the war. TUE WEST I'OJ.NT GENERALS, The following Confedera,te Generals are gradu ates ot West Point—the date ot th«ir graduation being prefixed: Class ot 1815 Samuel Cooper, Class of 1820 John H Winder. Class of 1822 L>iaac R Trimble. Class of 1825 Daniel S Donelson, Benj’n Iluger. Class of 1S26 Albert S Johnston, Jno B Grayson. Class of 1827 Jjconidas Polk, Gabriel J Rains. Class of 1828 Thos F Drayton, Hugh W Mercer. Class of 1829 .Joseph E .Johnston, Rob’t E Lee, Theophilus H Holmes, Albert G lilanchard. : Class of 1830 John B Magruder. 1 Class of 1832 George B Crittenden, P St George Cocke, Humphrey Marshall, Rich ard C GatUn. Class of 1833 Daniel Ruggles. ' Class ot 1835 Jones M Withers. Class of 1830 Joseph R Anderson, Lloyd Tilgh man. Class of 1837 Braxton Bragg, Wm 11 T W'alker. Jno C Pemberton, Arnold Elzey, Henry H Sibley. Jubal A Early, Class of 1838 Wui J Hardee, James 11 Trapier. Class of 1839 Alex R Lawton, John P McCown. Class of 1840 Richard S Ewell, Paul () Hebert, [ Richard B (jarnett. Cla.ss of 1841 Robert S Garnett, Samuel Jones. Class of 1842 Earl Van l)orn,(3rustavus W Smith, , Mansfield Lovell, James Long- ' street, Daniel H Hill, Richard 11 Anderson, Lafayette McLaws, j Alex P Stewart. Class of 1843 Roswell S Ripley, Sa*n’l (J French, Clas.'? of 1844 Simon B Buckner. ('lass of 1845 E Kirby Smith, Barnard E Bee, Win H (' Whiting. Class of 1840—Thomas J Jackson, (^admus M ^ Wilcox, i.'avid R Jones, Wm M : Gardaer. ^ ass of 1'4X Nathan G Evans of 1''54 J E B Stuart. ! G»-NER-\LS WHO WERE NOT aUAUUATES AT WEST POINT. ' The following (Generals were appointed to the old United States Army, without passing through the West Point Academy:—David E. Twiggs, ap- poiiiced in 1812; Wm. W. Loring, in 1830; Thos. '1'. Fauntleroy, in 1830. The following Generals first .saw service in the Mcxican war:—M. L. Bonhani, Henry R, Jack son, Gideon J. Pillow, Samuel R. Anderson, Chas. Clark, Thos. C. llindtuan, John C. Breck inridge, Benj. F. Clieatham, Richard Griffith, Albert Pike, Adley 11. Gladden, Maxcy (Jregg. The following GeneraU participated in the Texan wars and the wars with Mexico:—Ben. McCulloch, Louis T. Wigfall. The following Generals baw no military service previous to the present war:—John B. Floyd, Henry .\. Wise. Robert Toombs, Richard Taylor, Thos. B. Flournoy, L Pope Walker, F. K. Zol- licofler, William Mahone, L. O B. Branch, W’il- liam H. Carroll, R. K. Rhodes. Some, however, received military educations at State institutions. Virginia has 10 (ienerals in the Confederate Armies; South Carolina 9; Louisiana (ieorgia 7; Tenne.ssee 8; North Carolina 0; Kentucky 7; Maryland 4; Alabama 4; Mississippi 4; Texas 3; Arkansas 2; Florida 1; .Nlissouri none. The following w«re born at thtj North, though frwvioui to th« pr»««uk war thxy wbrw titiswuB ot Southern States:—General Cooper, born in New York; Ripley, in Ohio; Pemberton, in Pennsyl vania; Whiting, in Massachusetts; Pike, in Mas sachusetts; Ruggles, in Massachusetts; Blanchard, in MassachusetL>; French, in New Jersey [The following are natives of North Carolina, viz: Leonidas Polk, Braxton Bragg, Theophilus H Holmes, Ren Mc('ulloch, Wm W Loring, Rich ard C (latlin, Felix K Zollicofier, Gabriel J Rains, L O B Branch.] CONFEDERATE STATES C(JNGRESS. SE.NATE. Aluiama—Messrs William L Vancey, C C Clay. Arkansai—Messrs Robert W Johnson, Chas B Mitchell. Florida—Messrs James M Baker, A K Max well. OVw/yi'a—Messrs BH Hill, Robert Toombs. Ktutuvki/—Messrs H C Burnett, illiaui E Simms. Louisiana—Messrs Ed. Sparrow, T J Semmos. ^Miismiiypi—Messrs Albert G Brown, James Phelan. Mi.-i.s»nri—Messrs John B (^lark, R S Y Peytoti. yorfh Carolina—Messrs George Davis, Wil liam T Dortch. Houf/i I 'aruiina—Messrs Robert W Barnwell, James L (Jrr, Tennessei'—Messrs Langdon (' Haynes, (ius- tavus A Henry. 'fixdn—.Nle.ssrs Louis T Wigfall, W .S Oldham. Viryinia—R M T Hunter, W Ballard Preston. HOUSE OK REl’RESE.NT.VTi VES. Alabama—.^less^s 'I'homas .1 Foster, W in R Smith, John P Ralls, J L .M «’urry, Francis S Lyon, W P (’hilton, David Clopton,.Jas L Pugh, E S Dartran. Arkansas—Mc.>!srs I'elix J Bal.son, Grandi.>Jon D Royster, Augustus H (Jarland,'I’hos B Hanly. Florida—Messrs Jas B Hawkins, R B Hilton. (leon/ia—Messrs Julian llartrid;e, (' .J Mun- nerlyn, Hiaes Holt, A H Kenan, David W Lewis, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, Lucius J (Jar- trell, Hardy Strickland, A R Wright. Kentucky—Not yet elected. Louisiana—.Nlessrs ('harlcs J \'illore, ('harh'' M (’unrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lueien .J Dupre. John F Lewis, John Perkins, Jun'r. Missis^ipl>i—Messrs.Jno.J McKae, .J W (Jlapp, Reuben Davis, Israel Welsh, H (’ (.’hambers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. J// ssonri—Messrs .John Hyer, (^aspar W Bell, (jleorge (i ^’est, A 11 Conrow, W W ('ook, Thos W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. North Carolina—Messrs W N 11 Smith, Rob ert R liridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D .Mel >owell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald H Arrington, .J R McLean, William Lander, B S (jaither, A 'i' Da vidson. South ('arolino.—Messrs W W Boyce, W Por- cher .Nliles, M L Bonham, .John Mc(^ueen, .Jas F.-’Trow, L M Ayer. Tennessee—Messrs J T Heiskell, W G Swann, W 11 Tebbs, E L Gardenshire, 11 S Foote, M P Gentry, George W Jones, Thomas .Menees, .J D C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimon.s—J M Whedbee Camden and Currituck—B F Simmons (iates and Chowan—M L Eure llyde and Tyrrell—Jones Spencer Northampton—J M S Rogers tiertford—J B Slaughter Bertie—David Outlaw Martin and Washington—J II Stubbs Halifax — M C Whitaker • Edgecombe and Wilson—H T Clark Pitt—E J Blount Beaufort—Frederick (irist Craven—N 11 Street Carteret and .Jones—Dr M F Arendell (Jreene and Lenoir—J P Speight New Hanover—Eli W^ Hall Duplin — Dr Janies Dickson Onslow’—L W Humphrey f^laden, Brunswick, &c—.Jno D Taylor (,’umberland and Harnett—Duncan Shaw Sampson—Thomas I Faison Wayne—W K Lane Johnston—J W B WaLson Wake—M A Bledsoe Nash—A J Taylor Franklin—W Harris Warren—T .J Pitchford Granville—C H K Taylor Person—C L Winstead Orange—Josiah Turner, Jr Alaiuance and Randolph—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W S Harris Moore and-Montgomery—W D Dowd Richmond and Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and Union—S II Walkup Guilford—Petor Adams Caswell—Bedford Brown Rockingham—F L Simpson Mecklenburg—.John Walker Cabarrus and Stanly—V C Barringer Rowan and Davie—Dr J (j Ramsey Davidson—Jno W I'homas Stokes and Forsyth—Jesse A Waugh Abhe, Surry &c—Jos Dobson Iredell, Wilkes iVc—L (,j Sharpe Burke, Mcl>owell —B S (jlaither Lincoln, (jaston i^c—Jasper Stowe Rutherford, Polk »^c—A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson i:c—Geo W Candler Havwood, Macon A:c—W H Thomas Texas—Messrs John A Wilcox, Peter W Gray, Claiborne C Herbert, Wm B Wright, Malcom P Graham, B F Sexton. Vinjinia—Messrs Muscoe 11 11 (Jarnett, John II Chambliss, .John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thos S Bocock, John Goode, Jr, James P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, .John B Baldwin, W H Staples, Walter Preston, A (i .Jenkins, Robert Johnson, Chas W Russell. \VEBSTEB\ELEllE.\T\ll\"si'ETLl,\ripS. WE have just received by Express, a supply of SPELLING BOOKS—price $1 25 per dozen 15. cents retail, Cn*U. We have not advanced the price of any articles on hand before the war; but present purchases cost us more than we asked for those. Of course we have to put up prices on what we buy now. B. J. HALE & SONS FayetteTille, Aug. 29, Ferguson HOUSE OF COM.MONS Alamance—Giles Mebane Alexander—Dr J M Carson Anson — L L Polk, E R Liles Ashe—J M Gentry Burke—J H Pearson Buncombe—A S Merrinion Bladen—C T Davis Bertie—PT Henry, and Beaufort—R S Donnell, W 7' Marsh Brunswick—T D Mearea Caldwell Dickson Cabarrus—W’ S Harris Catawba—Jonas Cline C'hatham—W' P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum ('herokee—(i W Hayes Craven—C C Clark, F E Allred Cumberland and Harnett—C G Wright, J S Harrington, J C Williams Chowan Small Columbus—N L Williamson Caiuden—D D Ferebee Carteret—D W Whitehurst Caswell W’ithers, S P Hill Currituck—B M Baxter Cleveland—A G Waters, J R Logan Davidson—Lewis ILiynes, E B Clark Davie Howard Duplin—.J D Stanford, .J G Branch Edgecombe—R 11 Bridgers, .J S Woodard Forsyth—J F Poindexter, Phillip Barrow Franklin—W F Green (iaston—.J II White Granville—J M Bullock, W II .Jenkins, S II C’annaday Guilford—C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L (Jorrell (Jreene—A D Speight Gates—.John Boothe Haywood—S L Love Halifax—A H Davis, W B Pope Hertford—J J Yeates Henderson—Jos P Jordan Hyde—Tilman Farrow Iredell—A K Simonton, A B F Gaither Jack.-^on—A Fisher .Jones—W P Ward .Johnston—H ^Vatson, .Jas Mitchener Lenoir—J (’ Wooten Lincoln—V A McBee Madison—.John A Faojj CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thoi. RufEn Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, ,J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E .J. Warren Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. 5leares Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin Burke—J. C. McDowell Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W^ Jones. Camden—D- D. Ferebee. (Jarteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. 11. Dillard. Cleveland—W^. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy, Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. W’^hitford, Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie, ('urrituck—H. M. Shaw. Davidson—B, A, Kittrell, B. C. Douthit, Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—-W. J. HousboD, J. T. Rhodes. Edgecombe and W^ilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. .J. W'ilson, D II Starbuck. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. (iates—A. J. Walton. (Jranville—A. W, V'enable, T. L. Harjjreve, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. Giluier, Ralph Gurrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith, L W Uatohelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W\ M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W'. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sandora, V/. A Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. Lenoir—John C. WashinjtoD Lincoln—W^m. Lander. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—David W Bagley. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. \S. Osborne, James Strong. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—A. H. Arrington. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Robert Strange. Northampton—1>. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John B«rry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquiiuons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B Grimes. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, .J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T, Brodnax. Rowat -B. Craige, 11. C. Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G W Michal, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Moaely, Thoiaas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—( Vacan t.) Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—11. M. Houston. Wake—(J. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. W’arren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Wa.xhington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W, Counsel. Wayne—G. V, Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—.Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Y'ancey—M, P. Penland. A j\ew liRW Book* fJantieeirs Practice at Ijaw. JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Edw.\rd Castwki.l. LL. B.. Martin .McDowell- Ewell -C Ii JJurgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E (i L Barringer Macon—H G W'^oodfin Mecklenburg—S W Davis, J M Potts Nash—II G Williams New Hanover—S .J Person, Daniel Shaw Northampton—M W Ransom, VV’' \V Peebles Onslow—J II Foy Orange—II B Guthrie, W N Patterson Pas(juotank—J T Williams Pen^uimons—N Newby Pitt—B Albritton, Churchill Perkins Person Wilkinson Robeson — Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart Rockingham—Rawley (Calloway and T Slade Rowan—N N I'leming, N. F. Hall Rutherford—(’ T N Davis, B H Padgett Randolph—-1 H Foust, Thos S Winslow Richmond—J (j Blue Sampson—N C Faison, (leo W Autrey Surry—W W'augh Stokes—Horatio Kellum 8tanly—Lafayette (ireene Tyrrell—C xMcCleese Union—0 Q Lemmonds Wake—S H Rogers, J W^ Russ, H Mordecai Warren—J B Batchelor, W H Cheek Washington—C Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing \\ ayne—W T Dortch, M K Crawford W’ilkes—A W Martin, Horton Yadkin—A C Cowles I'aneey Bowman author of the N. C, Justice, etc. CO.NTENTS. (.)f Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North Carolina: Legislative Powers of Justices of tlie Peace; (bounty Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue and ('harges; ('ourt Houses. Prisons, &c,; County rrustee: Jury Trials: Fairs and I’liblic Sales: Gener.il .Assembly: Inspections, Public Landings, «tc.: Poor Houses anil Hosjiitals: Registers and t'lerks; River'^and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridges; Weights and .Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neuse River: Pub lic Roads and C'artways: Public Landings find Inspec tions: -Mills and .Millers: Ordinaries and ('onstibles; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Hoads, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolin.i; Executive Power of the Courts: Chief Jtistice and Clerk; .Vilorneys at Law; Attorney Gener.al; Reporter and Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians; ('ounty Attorney: Auctioneers: County Court Clerks; Coroners: iioundary Comniissioners; Comniittees of Finance: ('ounty Trustee: County Treasurer; Special Court; Comniissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; Cotnmissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Registers: Commissioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheritfs: Constables: Rangers; St^mlard Keepers: Retailers; .Administrators: Chairman of Special Court- Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands: t^ntry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; (Guardians and Receivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition: Patrol Committees: Processioners: Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and River-,; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The .Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments. Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds. Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles, Notes, Releases, &c., &c. This Book contains 550 pages, is gotten up in supe rior Sty le, and bound in Law Calf. f For sale by Dec’r *2(5. 18ti0. The Volunteer’^ Hand Book. A FURTHER supply just received, E. J. HALE & SONS Nov. 16, NORA 11 McCARTEY. A REMINISCE.NCE OF THE MlSSOl Hl CAMPAIGN. louring the stay of Col. Jones iu Nashville, we had the pleasure of many fireside talks with him upon affairs in the West, which he discusses with ready frankness, interspersed with many anecdotes and illustnitions. These stories have led us to believe that, thus far, Missouri has the better ot other seats of hostility for the real romance of war. Most assuredly the light there has been waged with fiercer earnest than almost anywhere else. The remote geography of the country, the rough unhewn character of the people, the inten sity and ferocity of the passions excited, and the general nature of the complicity reduced to a war fare essentially ^artizan and frontier, give to its progre.ss a wild aspect, peculiarly iusceptible to deeds, and suggestive of thoughts, of romantic interest. None ot these struck us more forcibly than the story of Norah McCartcy. ’ She lived in the interior of Missouri—a little, [ pretty, black-eyed girl with a soul as huge aa a ! mountain, and a form as frail as a fairy’s, and the j courage and pluck of a buccaneer into the bargain. 1 tier father was an old man—a secessionist. She » had but a single brother, just growing from boy- I hood to youthhood, but sickly and lamed. The family had lived in Kansas during the troubles of’57, when Norah was a mere girl of fourteen, or thereabouts. But even then her beauty, wit and devil-may-care spirit were known far and wide; and many were the stories told along the border ot her sayings and doing. Not long after the Federals came into her neigh borhood, and after they had forced her father to take the oath, which he did partly because he wa.s a very old man, unable to take the field, and hoped thereby to save the security of his house hold, and partly because he could not help him self; not long after these two important events in the history of our heroine, a body of men march ed up one evening, whilst she was on a visit to a neighbor’s, and arrested her sickly, weak brother, bearing him off to Leavenworth (^ity, where he was lodged in the military guard-house. It was nearly night before Norah reached home. When she did so, and discovered the outrage which had been perpetrated and the grief of her old father, her rage knew no bounds. Although the mists were tailing, and the night was closing in, dark and dreary, .she ordered her horse to be re saddled, put on a thick surtuut, belted a sash round her waist, and, sticking a pair of ivory handled pistols in her bosom, started off after the soldiers. The post was many miles distant. But that she did not regard. Over hill, through marsh, under cover of the darkness, she gallopped on to the headquarters of the enemy. At last the call of a sentry brought her to a stand, with a hoarse— “Who goes therey” “No matter,” she replied, “I wish to see Ool. Prince, your commanding officer, *nd instantly, too.” Somewhat awed by the presence of a young fe male on horseback at tihat late hour, and perhaps *truck by her imperious tone of command, the Yankee guaid, without hesitation, conducted her into the fortifications, and thence to the quarters of the Colonel commanding, with whom she was left alone. * “Well, madam,” tjuoth the Yankee officer, with bland politeness, “to what have I the honor of this visit?” “Is this Col. Prince?” replied the brave girl, quietly. “It is, and yourself:''’ “No matter. 1 have come here to inquire whether you have a lad by the name of McCsfrtey a prisoner?” “There is such a prisoner?” “May 1 ask, for why?” “Certainly, tor being suspected of treasonable connection with tha enemy.” “ Treasonable, connection with the enemy I W'hy, the boy is sick and lame. He is besides my brother, and I have come to ask his immedi ate release.” The Yankee officer opened his eyes; was sorry he coulJ not comply with the reijuest of so win ning a suppliant; and must really beg her to de sist and leave the fortress. “1 dKnhind his releahe,” cried she, in reply. “That you cannot have,” returned he; “the boy is a rebel and a traitor, and unles.^ you retire Mad am, I shall be forced to arrest you on a similar suspicion.” “SuspieionI I am a rebel and a traitor, too, if you \vi.>;h. Young McCarty is my brother, and I don’t leave this tent until he goes with me. Or-* der his instant release, or” here she drew one of the aforesaid ivory-handles out of her bo.«om and leveled the umzzle of it directly at him, “I will put an ounce ot lead in your brain before you can call a single sentry to your relief.” A picture thatl There stood the heroic girl; eyes flashing fire, cheek glowing with earnest will, lips firmly set with resolution, and hand out-stretched with a loaded pi^?tol ready to send the contents through the now thoroughly frightened, startled, aghast soldier, who cowered, like blank paper before flames, under her burning stare. “(juickl” she repeated, “order his release, or you die.” It wa.s too much. Prince could not stand it. He bade her lower her infernal weapon for God’s sake, and the boy should be forthwith liberated. “Give the order fir.-.t,” she rcjilied unmoved. And the order was -ivoii; the lad was brought out; and drawing his arm in hers, the gallant sis ter marched out of the place, with one hand grasp ing one o.*’ Iii^, and the other hold of her trusty ivoiy-hanule. She mountci her horse, bade him* get up behind, and rode oft, reaching hoftie with out accident before midnisjrht. Now that is a fact stranger than fiction, which shows what sort of metal is in our women of the much abused and traduced nineteenth century. JSushril/e Banner. E. J. HALE & SONS. Map of the Sea toast of South Carolina; New Map of Virginia; The Southern Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of V». The Southern Song Book. Dec'r H. E, J. H.ALE & SONS. Bereaved Jlumen.—Since the coininencement ol this unhallowed war, the death angel has gath ered many a gem from the mother’s casket, and from his dusky wings, as he hovered over the camp of tlie bravcj the iatal jioison has fallen on many a son of hope, about whose person the ten- ; drils of parental affection had fimdly entwined. Yet, when the hour of weeping grief has pa.ssed, and the wounded spirit Is able to lisp, “he died The ^oiith, hy Prof. In graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide , , ■ i World,” &c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir ; in his country s cause, what a halo of glory bursts of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Eveningn at the Micro scope, Ac., &«. E. J. H.\LE & SONS. t^fS^ingle copies ol* the Observer I can be procur«d by non-subscribers, at the Bookstore, I Prioe 5 cents. over the tombl Bereaved homes? Nay; say not 80. They are blessed and honored altars, about wh ich the tender affections of a nation shall gather, and from which the incense ef a people’s grtti* tude shall arise forever and forever.

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