WWmiLlE ®IB SEIWI-WEBKL, Y. A [VOL. XL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. FEBRUARY 3, 1862. [NO. 1096.] 1. . ■V • r M, ^ I*.a PKIXTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. : Iv :N:s M AL; K ! ■ ■ - ri.MPAN^, > ;*V l!- e’i-igs Tilt- f3; .-d-i com- -tr'ureil in ’ :'.jn ^ ^J in ;. j--:':. V /u * ‘-■ itl r\. n KMV Li: .V = J ‘ : ve=el ^r- T'i \--T 1 roliiiH. I y I..'- :>■ It V ■ ' - er 1 er 1. :V . .. 1 D ug id c;u*luies. lLL i EDWAKU J. HALE & SOXS. K1 ITORS and PROPRIETOKS Price fur the S«'mi-We**kly Obskkvkr $3 00 if pail in ii ivanee; S3 50 if pai.i Jiniiig tiie year of subsjrip- ion: or Si artor t>-e ypiir ha« expired. For the Wee’-cly Obsekv’ku S- 00 per annum, if paid in adva:; 'e; 'll ■'••• if paid during the year of subucrip- tion: or fo 00 after tlie year has expired. ADVFKTiSl.MKNTS inserted for 00 ceuts per •quare of l'> lines ior tho first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publicaiion. Yearly advertisements by spe- jial contracts, at rensontihle rates. .\dvertiaers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or •.her will bt* oontiuued till forbid, and charged accord- iugiy. .\ilveTtieiuents to b-- insoi^ed intide, charged 50 per •tint extra SPEC'.’. . No I'lCE. Pruiu and after thisdaU'. no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment, in advance, nor will the paper be tent to such bubicribtrs fur a longer lime than is paid for. jj.icli ofov.r old subscribers as desire lo take lh« pa ver on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan'y 1, IsOtt. ®^T0 ADVKRTISERS. Persons out of town who desire advertisements in serted iu the Observer, and persons in town with whom we have not regul-.ir accounts, will plea«e send with the aJverti-ement ts much money as they wish to invest in it. according to our advertising terms os tho first page. We do not wisli to ooen any more such accounts,—or indeed ti’iy avcouni.-' The process of collection is loo dilSoult. and we have to pay cash for every thing we use iv sell in these times. 'Jet 1661. Ubi ri ARY Notice'?.—We have heretofore given notice, rep ■i:edly, that we charge for obituary notices of un reasonable length, and for resolutions of respect; be cause that kind of reading, we have much occasion to liuow, is not often more agreeable to readers than to ei;' rs of papers. it generally happens, however, that at'ter charging and paying postage on the account tor- warded, we never get paid, we now give notice that we will insert nothiug of the sort hereafter unless accom- piniedby ilie cash. (Always excepting in the case of Jt'ccased volunteets. when we require no pay.) liear in mind, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices iud resolution^, not exceeding 7U words, gratis. For all over To words, one Cent a word, which must be paid be- r.jre thi- notice will be put in type. iTAMi:., \[) lilSllLLWEOlS WOBKS. I’lefi* UB- here ^ :e^r*«prO f ,,.u ^■^^.d (Jourt KbE.V. * ■ V B'*d Oo'l M.' . BBOIT -t-jiie-i, 28 vols.; .Abbott'* Napolton; L Irving' j'ete Works,’J1 vols; “ Juild of Washington, 5 vols. Prescott's Philip the 2d; '■ diaries the 5th; “ Ferdinand and Isabella: Conquest of Mexico; “ of Peru; Bancroft's U States, 8 vols; Lossing's Field Bov.k of the .\ia«rioan Rsvalmion: Tytler's Universal History; Hallim's .Middle Afjes; Hume and Macaulay's Histories »f Eaglamd Rollin'" .Vncient History; Millinan's Gibbon's P.ouae, J iseplius' works; Robertai'H's works: Webster'* Works: Clay's “ by Colton; Benton's 80 years in the C ik ai^nate. Burke's works: Ur J -Misun s ditto; Bu'Well’s Lite of Dr .lohnsou; Addison's Works; .Vddison's Spectator M ioijulay s Miscellanies: 1 ^nd 6 vols; M' dorn British Ess.ayists; Kii;^iit's Half Hours with the best Authors; Discussions on Philosophy and Literaiur*, by Sir W [11 Hamilton; • hambers’s .Mi-*cellany, 10 vols; Statesman’s .\lanual; The Federalist; political Text Hook, by McCluskey; - ^tistitiitions of the .States: .'lar-.hM’.i's Life of Wa.-jliington: riie Life >f Win. Pinckney: .American Eloquence; Di'igr.iphy of Distinguished Women; by Sirs S J Hilc: Kiii yclopii' iia Americana: .Alipl.-: in's 'y(;lopedia of l^iography: Lit- rind ijriesf.ondence ot Lord Jetfrey; L"f'kti;ii!'t Life of .'^c>>ti; • 'iirr-in and his Coteniporaries, by Chas Philliiig; Waverly Novels, complete in >’> vols; “ •• “ in 24 vols: “ ’• “ ill 27 vols; >’ 'iper'-Pi-:» Tales; l>iuki-n'' W.irki; M irryat '- .Nave’s; Wils'.ir>i Tales of the Dorders; Hannah More’s works; Dii-k'-i work“: Phitarch’.s Live?; Dryden's Works; S'erne's works; The Doctor, by Southey; Lral'b Synonymep; Pi-rcy -\necdotes; • hr mi.rlcs of the Baslile, illustrated; The .-^Cfitti.sh Gael: • iazciieer of tlie U. States; Major .Jack Duwning's IJO y»‘ars out of the Senate; Livingstone s Travels in South .Africa; l>ord l.lgin s .\lis.-ion to f 'tiina and Japan; Five Vf.ir.' in China, by Dr. Clias. Taylor: The British Expedition to the Crimea, by W H Riisseli; My Diary in India, by ditto: Dr. Kane's .Arctic Explorations; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; (’uriiming’i Hunter’s Life in .Africa; Nott it Gliddoti's Indigenous Races of the Earth; Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, by R. Dale Owen; Standard Poetical Works iu various bindings, among Whi h are: Hi tnans, Scott, Pope, Byron, Burns, .Moore, Hood, Ilalleck, Campbell, Crabbe, Coleridge, Cowper, Joldsmith, Milton, &c., &c. Bhakspeare’s, Massinger it Ford’s and Beaumont «nd Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; Mrsi iiwd.-n Clark’s complete Concordance to Shaks- {ife:ire: The Dramatic Works of ,las Sheridan Knowles; Smith s Rejected .Addresses; The Book of Scottish Ballads; Ballads by W II Ainsworth; Griswold ' Poets and Poetry of EngUad; Female Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’s Reliques of Ancient Poetry, &o. &c. K. J. HALE & SONS. March 22. From the Charleston Courier. A LIST OF THE GENERAL OFFK’ERS IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. The tbllowinj; interesting btatistics of the Con- tiederate Army organization are due to one ot the llichiuond correspondents ot the Courier. In the list of Brigadier-Uenerals in the Provisional Ar my, the regular order of appointment is perhaps not always observed, but we believe the list is otherwise correct. The dates of graduation fioin West Point are taken from Gardner’s Dictionary ot the United States Army; (jetttrals in (he Rcyular Army. 1 Samuel Cooper, Va, Adjutant General. 2 Albert S Johnston, Texa.s, commanding in Kentucky. 3 Joseph K Johnston, Va, commanding North ern Virginia 4 Robert K Lee, Va, commanding South Atlan tic Coast. :') P G T Heauregard, l^ou, commanding Army of J^otontac. M'tjor (Jenernh in the Prui inioruil Armt/. 1 David K Twiggs, Georgia, resigned. 2 Leonidas Polk, Lou, commanding at .Memphis, 3 Braxton liragg, Lou, eommandintr at Pensa cola. 4 Earl Van D irn. Miss, Army of Potomac. 0 Gustavus W Smith, Ken, Army of Potomac. G Theophilus 11 Holmes, N Arn)y of Poto mac 7 William J Ilurdec, Georgia, Missouri. ^ Benjamin Ili'.ger, S C. Lommanding at Nor folk. U James Longstn'et. Ala, .\riny of Potomac. Iu John B .Nlagruder, \':i, commanding at Vork- towii. 11 'i'homas J Jackson, \'a, eomuuinding North- wosttTii \ irginia. I’J Maii'tield Lovell, Va, commanding Coast ot Louisian:i 13 Edmund Kirby Smith, Florida, Army of Po tomac. 14 rforge B Crittenden, Ken. commanding East 'I'etincS'ce. I’-r frf/I'rilf in (hi- /^roL Anny. ^ .Milledge L Bonham, S C, Army of Potomac - John IJ Floyd, \'a, commandititr Army Ka nawha. 3 Henry A W ise. \ a, Roanoke Island. 4 Ben .'IcCulloch, Te.'c:is, Missouri. 0 *lKnry R J;ickson, Ieo, resigned. G ^Robert S (iarnett, \’u, killed in action 7 * William H T Walker, (jleo, resigned. '' ■‘Barnard E Jiec, S C, killed in action. I* -Vlexaiider R Lawton, «Ieo. commanding Coast ol (ieorgia. *tudeoii J Pillow, Tenn, resigned. Samuel R .Viiderson, Tenn, Kentucky. I’J i>anicl S Donelson, Tenn. Coa.>t ol S Carolina. 13 L>avid R Jones, S C, Army of Potomac. 14 Jones M Withers, Ala, commanding Coast of Alabama. 15 John C Pemberton, \’a, (’oast of S C. IG Richard S Ewell, \ a, Artny of Potomac. 17 John 11 Winder, Maryland, Richmond. 18 Jubal A Eurly, \’a. Army of Potomac. PJ *Thos B Flournoy, Ark, died in Arkansas. 1 ’20 Samuel Jones, \ a, Army of Potomac. ' 21 Arnold Elzy, .Maryland, .Vrmy of I’otomac. 22 Daniel 11 Hill, N Army of Potomac. 23 Henry 11 .''ibley, Lou, Texas Frontier. ; 24 Wm H C Whiting, ico, Army of Potomac, j 25 Win W Loring, N (’, Western Virginia, j 2G Richard 11 Andtrson, S C, Pensacola, j 27 Albert Pike, Ark, Indian Commissioner. ! 2x ’'Thos T Fauntleroy, irginia, resigned. I 29 Robert Toombs, Geo, Army of Potomac. 3U Daniel Ruggles, Va, Louisiana. I 31 Charles Clark, 31is.>, .Vrmy ot I’otomac. I 32 Roswell S Ripley, S C, Coast ot S C. 33 Isaac R 'I'rimble, .'Id, Army of Potomac, j 34 ’^John B Grayson, Ken, died in F'lorida. I 35 Paul () Hebert, Lou, Coast of Texas. Class of 1883 Daniel Ruggles. Class of 1835 Jones M Withers. Class of 183G Joseph R Anderson, Lloyd Tilgh- man. Class of 1837 Bra.xton Bragjr, Wm H T Walker. Jno C Pemberton, Arnold Elzey, Henry U Sibley, Jubal A F]arly. Class of 1838 Wm J Hardee, James H Trapier. C1h.ss of 1839 Alex R Lawton. John P McCown. Class of 184U Richard S Ewell, Paul O Hebert, Richard B Garnett. Class of 1841 Robert S Garnett, Samuel Jones. Class ot 1842 Earl Van Dorn, Gustavus W Smith, Mansfield Lovell, James Long- , street, Daniel H Hill, Richard ii Anderson, Lafayette McLaws, Alex P Stewart. Class of 1843 Roswell S Ripley, Sam’l G Fretich. Class of 1844 Simon B Buckner. ('lass of 1845 F] Kirby Smith, Bartiard F^ Bee, Wm H C Whiting. ('lass of 1840—Thomas J Jackson, ('admus .'I Wilcox, i.'avid R Jones, Wm M Gardner. (’lass of 1S48 Nathan (ir Evan> , Class of l'^54 J 1', B Stuart. 10 11 OE.NLRALS WHO WERE .N'OT GHADCAl’ts AT WEST ' Pul.NT. The following (Generals were appointed to the old Lnited States Army, without pa>sing through the 'Vest Point Academy:—David E. Twiggs, ap- j pointed in 1812; Wm. \V. Loring, in 183G; Thos. T. F'auntleroy, in ls;;t;, j The following Gi'ticrals first saw service in the i .Nlexican war:—.'I. L. Bonham, Henry R. Jack son, Gideon J. Pillow, Samuel R Anderson, Chas. (.'lark, Thos. C. Hindman, John C Breck-| inridgi'. Benj F' Cheatham, Richard (jrillitii, j Albert Pike, .\dley 11 Gladden, Maxcy Ciregg. ■ The following (jcnerals participated in the i Texan wars and the wars with Mexico:—Ben. McCulloch, Louis T. Wigtall | The followintr Generals saw n«> milii;iry servicc previous to the present war;—John B. Floyd, Henry Wise, Robert Toombs, Richard Taylor. , Thos. B. Flournoy, L. Pope VS aiker, I’. K. Zol- | licollt'r, William Mabone. L. (,)'B. Branch, Wil liam H Carroll, R. E. Rhodi s. Some, however, ' received military educations at State institutions. \ Virginia has IG C>enerals in the Confederate I Armies; South CarOiina 9; Louisiana Georgia ^ 7; Tenne.ssee b; North Carolina G; Kentucky 7; Maryland 4; Alabama 4; Mississippi 4; Texiii 3; Arkaiibas 2; Florid:; 1; .'lissouri none ; Tho following were born at the North, though ^rwvioua lo th« pr«t«at war they wer«t •itiiunit ot i Southern Stares:—(Jeneral Cooper, born in New Vork; Iiipley, in (Jhio; Pemberton, in Pennsyl vania; U hiting, in .'lassacbusetts; Pike, iu Mas sachusetts; Ruggles, in .'lassachusetts; Blanchard, in Maasachusetts; French, in New Jersey. ’ LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ] SENATE. I Pasquotank and Perquimons—J M Whftdbee Camden and Currituck—B F Simmon* Gates and Chowan—M L Eure Hyde and Tyrrwll—Jones Spenccr I Northampton—J M S Rogers tlertford—J B Slaughter Bertie—David Outlaw I Martin and Washington—J R Stubbs j Halifax—M C Whitaker Edgecombe and Wilson—H T Clark j Pitt—EJ Blount i Beaufort — I'rederick (irist Craven—N H Street Carteret and Jones—Dr M F Arendell (.rreene and Lenoir—J P Speight New Hanover—Eli W Hall Duplin—Dr James Dickson | Onslow—L W Humphrey ' Bladen, Brunswick, &c—Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnett—Duncan Shaw Sampson—Thomas 1 F'aison Wayne—W K Lane Johnston—J W B Watson i Wake—M A Bledsoe Nash—A J Taylor Franklin—W Harris Warren—T J Pitchford j Granville—C 11 K Taylor Person—(J L Winstead Orange—Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and Randolph—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W S Harris Moore and Montgomery—W D Dowd , Richmond and Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and Union—S H Walkup iuilford—Pet«r Adams Caswell—Bedford Brown Rockingham—F L Simpson Mecklenburg—John Walker ('abarrus and Stanly—V C Barringer Rowan ■•iiid Davie—Dr J G Ramsey Davidson—Jno W Thomas ''tokcs and F'orsytli—Jesse A W’augh A.'he, Surry iVc—Jos Dobson Iredell, Wilkes \c—L (j Sharpe Burke, .VlcDowelKtc—B S Gaither Lincoln, Gaston i\:c—Jasper Stowe Rutherford, Polk \'c—A W' Burton. Buncombe, Henderson iScc—Geo W CandUr Havwood, Macon tic—W II Thomas ' 3G Richard C Gatlin, N C, coiunianding Coast of jjyrtch j North Carolina. } 37 *Felix K Zollicoffer, Ten, killed in Kentucky. 38 Benj F' ('heatham. Ten, Kentucky. 39 Joseph R Anderson, Va, Coast of N C. 4G Simon B Buckner, Ky, Kentucky. 41 Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama. 42 Albert (> Blanchard, liOu, Norfolk. 43 Gabriel J Rains, N (’, Y'orktown. 44 J E B Stuart, \'a, Army of Potomac. 45 Lafayette .'IcLaws, (Jcorgia, Vorktown. 4G Thos F J)rayton, S C, (’oast ot S C. 47 Thos C Hindman, Ark, Kentucky, 4' Adley H (Hadden, Lou, Pensacola. 411 John Porter McCown, 'I'en, Kentucky. 5U Lloyd Tilghinan, Ken, Kentucky. 51 Nathan (j Evans, S (.’, (’oast of S C. 52 (.’admus .'I Wilcox, Ten, ..\rmy of Potomac. 53 *Pl»ilip St (jeorge (.'ocke, \ a, died in Va. 51 R E Rhodes, Ala, Army of Potomac. 55 Richard 'I’aylor, Lou, Army ot Potomac. 5G Louis T Wigtall, Texas, Army ot Potomac. 57 James H Trapier, S C, Coast of F'lorida. 58 Sam'l i French, Mi.ss, Army of Potomac. 59 Wm H ('iirroll, Tenn, East Tennessee. GU Hugh W .^lercer, Gtjorgia, . G1 Humphrey iMarshal!, Ken, Kentucky. [The following are natives of North Carolina, viz: Leonidas Polk, Braxton Bragg, Theophilus II Holmes. Ren Mc(’ulloch, Wm W Loring, Rich ard C (Jatlin, Felii K Zollicofler, Gabriel J Rains, L O B Branch.] CONFEDERATE STATES CONGRESS bt.VATE Alaiu/na—Mes»rs William L Yancey, C C C lay. Ark'ixsui—Messrs Robert W Johnson, Chas B Mitchell. Florida—Messrs James M Baker, A E Max well. Geuryia—Messrs B H Hill, Robert Toombs Kentucky—Messrs H C Burnett, William FI Simms. Louisiana—Messrs Ed. Sparrow, T J Semmes. Miisi*iip/ji—Messrs Albert G Brown, James Phelan. Alimouri—Messrs John B (Jlark.R S V Peyto't. S'orth Carolina—Messrs G«orge Davis, W il- I'orty Years’ Familiar Letters of •lu',. \V Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by .1. .\ddison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of .Margaret • loucrieUe; lieulah; Adaw Bede; Yuuef; Shirlty; flohool July 10. B. i. HALB * 8&K. i 52 John (’ Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky. I ()3 Rich'd Griflith, .>liss, Army of Potomac, j G4 .Vlex’r P Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. 1 G5 Wni Montgomery (Gardner, (Ja, on furlough. : GO Rich'd B (Jarnett, Va, Army of Potomac, i G7 William Mahone, Va, Norfolk. I G8 L O’Brian Jir;inch, N C, (Joast of N ' G9 Maxcy (iregg, S C, (Joast of S C. ; 7U R E CoLston, Virginia. ! 71 Edward Johnston, Virginia. I 72 Henry Heth, Virginia. I 73 Johnston H Duncan, Louisiana, j 74 SAM Wood, Alabama. Those having an * affixed are dead, or have resigned, since the commencement of the war. TIIE WEST Point generals. The following Confederate Generals are gradu ates ot We.st Point—the date ot thfcir graduation being pretixod: Class Ol 1815 Samuel Cooper. Class of 1820 John H Winder. Class of 1822 Isaac R Trimble, t Class of 1825 Daniel S Donelson, Benj’n Huger. Class of 1S2G Albert S Johnston, Jno B Grayson, i Class of 1827 J^eonidas Polk, Gabriel J Rains. * Class of 1828 Thos F Drayton, Hugh \V' Mercer, i Class of 1829 Joseph 10 Johnston, Rob’t F] l^ee, Theophilus H Holmes, Albert G Blanchard. Class of 1830 John IJ Magruder. Class of 1832 George B Crittenden, P St George Cooke, Flutupbrey Marshall, Rich ard G G»tUn. South t'arolinu—Messrs Robert W Barnwell, Jame.s L Orr. Tenneasf'f—Messrs Langdm (J Haynes, (tuji- tavus A Henry. 7\'xns—.>Ie.ssrs Louis T Wigfall, W S Oldham. Virtjinia—R .^l T Hunter, \N Ballard Preston. IIOI'SK OF Iir.l'RESENTATI VE.s. AldbdJU'i—.^Icss^s Thomas >) Foster, W m K Smith, Ji.hn P Ralls, J L .^l (’urry, Francis S Lyon, W P Chilton, David (’iopton, Jas L Pugh, E S !>arean. Ar/:niiiiis—Messrs Felix ' Balson, Grandison D Royster, Augustus H (.a* ind, Thos B Hanly. Florithi—.’Messrs Jas B i^awkin.s, R B Hilton. Gconjid—Messrs Julian Hartrid^ze, C J I^lun- nerlyn, Hines Holt, 11 Kenan, David \V Lewis, Wm W (’lark, Robert P Trippe, Lucius J («ar- trell. Hardy .^trickland, .\ R Wright. K>'iiti(c/>-i/—Not yet elected. Louixiiinii—Messrs ('harles J \'illere, (’harles M Conrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lucien J Dujne, John F Lewis, John Perkins, Jun’r. MiKsissijipi—Messrs Jno J McRae, J W (.’lapp, Reuben Davis, Israel \Vclsh, H C (,'hambers, O R Sirij;leton, E Barksdale. Missouri—Messrs John Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, .V II (’onrow, W W Cook, 'I'hos W F reeman, Thomas A H arris. Xorih ('(irolina—Messrs W N H Smith, Rob ert R Bridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D McDowell. Thomas S .\she, Archil)ald 11 Arrington, J 11 McLean, William Lander, B S (iaither, A T Da vidson. South Cin)lina—.Mess’’'^ \\ W Boyce, Por- cher Miles, M L Bonham, John Mc(^Mieen, Jas F’ixrrow, L M .\yer. Tennrasee — M essrs J T Heiskell, W (J Swann, W H Tebbs, E L (Jardenshire, H S Foote, xM P (jrentry, George W Jones, Thomas Menees, J D C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. Texas—Messrs John A Wilcox, Peter W Gray, (^laiborne C Herbert, Wm B Wright, Malcoiu P Graham, B F Sexton. Virijinin—.Messrs Muscoe R 11 (Jarnett, John 11 Chambli.ss. John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thos S Bocock, John (xoode, Jr, James P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, .\ R Boteler, John li Baldwin, W R Staples, Walter Preston, A (i Jenkins, Robert Johnson, Chas W' Russell. WEBSTER'S ElEllEmRVS!’ELLI.\G liOUkS. WE have just received by Express, a supply of SPELLING BOOKS—price 5;1 25 per dozen 15, cents retail, Cath. We have not advanced the price of any articles on hand before the war; but present purckases cost us more than we asked for those. Of course we hava to put up prices oa what we buy now. B. J. UALE k SONS F>7«UeTille, Aug. 29. CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos, Ruffia. Alexander—A. C. Stewart Ashe—J. D. Forbes. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, Jame:« Bond. Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E J Warr«n Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. 5leares Buncombe—N. W. Woodtin Burke—J. C. McDowell Cabarrus—C Phifer. Caldwell—E W Jones. Camden—D. D. F’erebee. Carteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. N O RT H E RN FIN A NCER. The dissolution of the Union has produced at the North one ot those financial convulsions which have become so frequent among that race of spec ulators; beggaring alike rich and pjor, drying up the sources of credit, and annihilating all but the most substantial values. These pecuniary crises sweep over that section at intervals of ten or fif teen year.s; and that ot 1857 had broken up 4,257 lirms, owing debts amounting to 82ti5,818,U0U. It was one of the most destructive pressures that had ever occurred in the Northern community; and in the ordinary course of events, would not have been followed by another for at least ten years to come. ' But dissolution has brought a successor close upon its heels; and, although the harvest of bankruptcy had been reaped and little Chatham—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., | was left for the sickle, the second crop has been J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—R. II. Dillard. Cleveland—\\\ J. T. Miller, J W. Tracj Columbus—Richard Wooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. Whittord. Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. ! the recent troubles. tremendous. It has produced no less than 5,036 • failures of firms owing debts to the amount of S17(i,t)32.170. The full catastrophe marked by these figures cannot be appreciated until we couple with them the fact, that at the South not a single j failure has occurred since the commencement of S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie. Currituck—II. M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—W. J. Houstjon, J. T. Rhoden. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. Si. Battle, W^eo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. Wilson, D H Sturbuck. F'ranklin—A. D. W'illiams Gaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. (jiranville—A. W. Venable, T. L. Harjjreve, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. While the Northern public has been incurring charges for the war at the rate ot six hundred millions of dollars a year, private individuals have had to suffer by failure of their debtors a loss of nearly one-third as much more. Truly is it to be said that the way of tiie transgressor is hard. The statistics of Northern bankruptcy are curious enough The number of failures occur ring and amount of obligations forfeited in sev eral years past in that set^tion have been respect ively as follows: 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, Ferguson B Pope HOUSE OF CO.M.VIUNS Alamance—(jiles Mebane Alexander—Dr J .M Carson .\nson — L L Polk, E R Lilei Ablie—J M Gentry Burke—J 11 Pearson Buncombe—A S Merrimon Bladen—(' T Davis Bertie—P T Henry, and Beaufort—R S Donnell, W T Marsh Brunswick—T 1) Mearea Caldwell Dickson Cabarrus—W S Harris Catawba—Jonas Cline Chatham—W’ P Taylor, R N Green, Turner ! Bynum ' Cherokee—G W' Hayes Craven—C C Clark, F E Alfred Cumberland and Harnett—(j G Wrieht, J S Harrington, J C W’illiams Chowan Small Columbus—N L Williamson Camden—D D F’erebee Carteret—D W Whitehurst Caswell Withers, S P Hill Currituck—B M Baxter Cleveland—A (} W aters, J R Logan Davidson—Lewis Haynes, F] B Clark Davie Howard Duplin —J D Stanford, J G Branch Edgecombe—R R Bridgers, J S Woodard Forsyth—J F Poindexter, Phillip Barrow I'raiiklin—W F Green (iaston—. J H Wliite Granville—J M Bullock, W II Jenkins, S H ('annaday Guilford—C P Mendenhall, C ]■] Shober, J L (I orrell Greene—A D Speight Gates—John Boothe Haywood—S L Love Halilax—.\ H Davis, W Hertford—J J Yeates Henderson—Jos P Jordan Hyde—Tilman F’arrow Iredell—A K Simonton, A li F (taither Jackson—A F^isher Jonos—W P Ward Johnston—W 11 Wat.son, Ja.s Mitchener Lenoir—J C Wooten Lincoln—V A Me Bee .Madison—John A F’agg Martin Ewell McDowell—0 H Buririn Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E (J L Barringer .^lacon—H G U'oodfin Mecklenburg—S W Davis, J ,A1 Potts Nash—11 (i Williams Now Hanover—S J I’erson, Daniel Shaw Northampton—.M W Ransom, W W Peebles ()n^*low—J 11 F'oy (Jrange—il B (iuthrie, W N Patterson Pa.-iiiuotank—J T Williams Pen|nimons—N Newliy Pitt—B (J .Vlbritton, Churchill Perkins Person Wilkinson Robe.s'tn—Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart Rockingham—Rawley (ralloway and T Slade Rowan — N N Fleming, N. F". Ilall Rutherford—(J T N Davis, B H Padgett Randolj)h—I H F’oust, Thos S W’^inslow Richmond—J (J Blue Sampson—N C F'aison, Geo W Autrey Surry—W"^ Waugh Stokes—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (ireene Tyrrell—C McCleese Union—C Q Leminonds Wake—S H Rogers, J W Russ, H Mordecai Warren—J B Batchelor, W H Cheek W'ashington—C Latham Wutauga—Thomas F'arthing V\ ayne—W T Dortch, M K Crawford Wilkes—A W” Martin, Horton Yadkin—A C (’owles Yancey Bowman Guilford—Jno. A. GiluieT, Ralph (#orr®ll, R { 18«1, P. Dick. I Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. W. Katahelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. ' Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. ' Iredell—Anderson Mitchell, T. A. Allison, Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, Vf A Smith Jones—Wm. F’oy. Lenoir—John ('. W^ashingloo Lincoln—Wm. Lander. Macon—C. I>. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowtll. Martin—David W Bagley. McDowell—J. H. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J W Osborne, Jaoies Strong. Montgomery—S. H Christian Moore—H Turner. Nash—A. H. .\rrinirton. New Hanover—R. H. Cowan, Rubtrt Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—G. W. Ward. Orange—W. A. Graham, John B«rry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Percjuimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—John W. Cuningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, B. Grimes Randolph—W. J. Long, A. G. Foster Richmond—W, F’. Leak. Robeson—J. P. F'uller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowai -B. Craige, H. C. Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G W Michal. M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Moeely, Tbomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—(Vacant.) Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. .^l. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W Holden. Warren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. V/. Counsel. Wayne—(». V. Strong. E. A. Thompswn. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Filler. Yadkin— R. F’. Armtield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. 4,257 failures for 3,113 2,949 2,783 5,0’i5 $265,818,0X» 73,608,747 51,314,000 61,73‘»,474 176,632,170 5)629,108,391 The Voliiiiteer’ei Hand ISook. A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HAI^ ft eoNii. Not, 16, A i\ew Law Book. Caiitiveirs Prarticc at IjUW. JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law iu North Carolinv, by Kiiw.\r» OsTwr.t.i.. LL. H., Five years, 18,087 The picture ol individual morals presented by these figures is a damaging one to the Y’^ankee character. We hardly suppose that the retro spect ol' British and Scotch history for tift}^years would present as large an amount ot bankruptcy or half the number of failures. We doubt if the whole history of the South, since she had a busi ness to conduct, would reveal aggregates approx imating the failures in the North for the ^ve years past. The Yankee is essentially a speculator and ad venturer. Having, at the outset ot his career, nothing to lose, he is ready to embark iu any ha zardous adventure promising fortune in one al ternative, and threatening nothing in the other but mortification, a sensation to which he is a stranger He despi.ses the small beginnings, the patient toil and frugality, and the honest perse verance, by which the regular Scotch or English merchant gradually emerges from poverty to wealth. He relies upon hi? wits to make his way in the world, and tries successively every scheme for grasping emolument which suggests itself to his ingenuity. If the first scheme fails and ^ blasts liis name in one locality, he turns up with a new name and anjther device in some other ; quarter remote from the first. Compelled to flee ; his native haunts for theft or deep swindle, he re- I appears in some remote region, probably in th8 capacity of an itinerant preacher, to renew his chase of fortuiic, possibly in the brisk pursuit of an heiress. The Yankee merchant is nothing more in general than the Yankee adventurer, suc cessful iu some bold scheme of speculation; and hence the fact that every financial reverse brings on so large a crop of Yankee failures.—Exam. The North avJ the South.—A friend just ro- tarn d from the North expresses his surprise at the appearance of cheerfulness and business ac tivity that prevails everywhere. lie would not i know that war existed here at all but for occa sional movements of military stores, and the ap- pea ance of uniformed men in the streets. At the North, he says, there is an entirely dif ferent state of the public mind. There is great anxiety and serious apprehension evident in the faccs ot the people. The same people that eight tnonths since were rampant for war, zealous in raising money for it a; d calling out lustily for putting down the rebellion, are now silent and melancholy. While business is stagnant*and the streets des»^rtcd, men are dreadfully impressed with the weight of taxation incurred by the war, and see no hope of putting down the rebellion. They are sharp enough to see what amount of in terest alone is involved in a debtof hundrt'd millions ppr anmim, some of which is borrowed at 7 and 7 oO-lOO per cent. They know that the entire annual revenue of the old Union did not amount to as much as the interest upon this enor mous one year’s debt. They see that the North ern Union can t.ever pay it and pay its current expenses too; and they are losing faith in the war and the (jovernment also. The universal Yankee author of liie N. C. .lusticc. etc. CONTKXTS. Of Lepisliitive Power in (leneral: Legislative Pow.'r in North Carolina: Legislative Powers of Justices of the Peace; Ounty P»oun'l:»rit's—Deeds, etc.; Connty Reve nue and Charges; Court Houses. Prisons, &c.; Connt\' Trustee: .luiy Trials; Fairs and Public Sales: General AssenibU’; Inspection®. Public Landings, &c.; Poor Houses an 1 Hospitals; llegisiers ami Clerks; Rivers and Jreeks: Gates, Ferries and IJridges; Weights and Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neiise River; Pub lic Koails and Cartways: Public Landings and Inspec tions; Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and Constables; ; ^ Patrol; Vf'ardens of the Poor; Prison Rounds; Road^, nation, in short, btpUis to see that the war don t Ferries and Rridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Kxecntive Power iti General; Executive Pow>r in North Carolini; Executive Power of t he Courts; (Jiiief Justice and (’lerk; .\ttorneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter jind Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar pay- (Jur informant confidently, and very naturally, looks forward to a resistance of the war tax. He predicts the organization ot a party on the prin- ■ ' ■ will decide that iians; County .Vttornev; Auctioneers; County Court | ciple of the higher law, wh'^**' , . , i Clerks; Coroners: boundary Commissioners; Committees j the war was un wi.«e, foolish, and unfioly, ana 'inanc-e; County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special . therefore they will neither pay to Continue it, uor rt; Commissioners of Fairs: Inspectors; Superin- | i„ourred for it, though it be di.scontiniK'vl. 'I'he Government J roasury “notes are lo^iiii; credit, and people begiti to say they never wiil be retieemcd, while the Government has no other resource and no export commerce, now that the Soutlierii States are separated from the North, upon which to ba>e their credit. Ilithmoml iJispdtch, 28/ inst. of Financ Coi tendents of Schools; Cotntnissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Regi^te^s: Commissioners of }viv»rs ind Creeks; SiieritTs: ?onstables; Rangers; Stsinlai 1 Keepers; Retailers; .Administrators; Chairman of Special Court- Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections: Gusirdians and Iteceivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvetuents; Partition; Patrol Committees: Processioners: Tax Listers ind Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers The P'jivrr of Sony.—A rather touching inci- :mnnss,o.iers Of«recks; Tot.acco r|CKe« i ^ Richmond “Varieties” on The Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey . „ . . u- i ■ r u • i . ces. as follows: : Frida> nigiit last, which is worthy of being relat ed, as showing the influence ot music over the human soul. Mm’lle Boisvert was singing the touching song ot ‘"Home, sweet home,” when the attention of a portion ot the audicnce was attract ed by the frequent sobs of a Mississippi volunteer, as fine a specimen of manhood as one would wish inces, as follows Agreements, .Assignments. .Awards, Rills of Sale. Bills of Exchange and Lading, P.onds, Miscellnneous Bonds. Contracts, Deeds. Marriage Settlements. Mortgages. Copartnership .Articles, Notes. Releases. &c., &c. This Book cojitains •'i'i'i pages, is gotten up in stipe- rior style, and bound in LawCalf. Price, single copy, ?5. For sale by L. J. H.ALK & SUNS. Dec’r 26. IBfiO. ' .Map ofTliT Sea toast of South Carolina; New M»p of Virginia; The Southern Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of Vi. The Southern Song Book. Dec’r E. J. HALE & SONS. to gaze upon. The soldier was thinking of hia home and loved ones a thou.sand miles away, and became entirely oblivious ot the hundreds gazing upon him. .\t the couclnsiorj ot the song, he vociferously called out for an encore, oflering five ^ dollars if the lady would sing it over again. The ' pretty cantatrice came forward and sang in its graham: Say and Seal, by the .Author of “Wide Wide place the “Marseillaise, with he. u&ualfire. Tho World,” &c.; The Household of Bouverie. or th« Elixir Mississippian, with a yell of triumph, raised him- of Gold, by a Southern Lady: Eyeninirs at the Micro- gelf to his fuil height, exclaiming, “I was a child scope. &c., &«. E. J. HALE & 80NS. now, lut now 1 a:n a man—Hurrah for JefF. «e-singlc Copie«orthe ObMr^r; Southern Confederacj:" That b« procuwd bj noa*Bub(icriber9| %i the Bookitor^. * ^ Doblc he&rt under the rough exterior. pric®6c#nt». . \ RichmQnd The ^iinny l^oiith, by Prof. In-

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