N.I’AKOLINA OfBcc I 1-. I"';: ; . *} “ • ' , e War ar« ''a of ih^ >v i' II ii ftonnt Y Qj- F **''- »•>' the 'i-t:-? will a.s ],,.!e '■'■ganii«n|> I'o ’lli.y will he ^11.i wiien a !„n ! t •• Oi'MinnssioDed- li Wt' uivon as fol r.": i.icUIt-riaUI f,,r tocu ■Ml .iu'> MlJ to .V Ihl'i oppiir ■'ilVKc: !ii.j ' iv^eo' i:- It >>i ho«>J, • • e '-1 ■ I,.' \v\: \ |\K •’• ■■: . ■ ii ; ' V ,. 1 \ tV- ri« A?«iT: b;. >v \ ..\U- , HAL;' \ S >N:s ■ - j . ■_ i tti- 1 Lv'- . - - . : lii: . ,rt O! - ; ; fF.r V . 'le; M ! i.\‘ i ' it'M !■:- i>: '■'c'i r ’j' II' r ! !. N K Li: . •' P* T'^oiial i W t - tlds i! U' i,. ETi SB MI-WEEKLY. [VOL. \Lj FAYh:TTKVlLLE, N. C.. FEBRUARY 27, 1862. [NO. 1103.] I’lUNTI ii' \ \N!’ ! Hi HSU\vs KDWAHI) J. ^lALi: iV n 1 M! s \ I'-'V I In. Sci.i W , t hv Wi't l_v (t. \.'1% :mi I . ■ ■ I Mils >•: no it fiai'i iti _v u . 1 it' I'.ti'l in i f:p- i')>icrip- l! 'II. fi'r.T' (■ |UilC ( f V W1 "/iy. A.lvf r>’’' I'*-'- 1‘iich FrUi -i!|.1 . . will be I ’! - I'' ; the put -r Ih' - .1.; i’ i I aitl ‘ S.u Ii . t .irr oUl I' ll iil:iiices. ur m'-. '> cclil; : - luv .‘111 iiV -pf- ;iri“ '.r i i cl. nr 'l‘'l lH'COlil- ^o'l 'lO ]ier I'. w suti.-Jcril'i'i' iv i ^'c, 11.ir will I- lMiircr tiiiio !:ik‘ lh« j):i- t wliL*i> making -.n'v 1. K''"''. Ivfi t I'ifuiont :i iii- !i (■•wii wiih whom ircli I.-.- -or ..1 c.ilk'cti>iu i> loo vi-i\ tiiiiij' wo TO .VI)i; I; r 1 s KI:s. I'lM'ons '.Hii ■■! wn wtio !■' t.' .Cil ill llie (I’.r-crvfv, rtn.l p^r- ' iiMve n^'t ri jTul'ir ;icooiiii!i. w-.ll jili l e ^fnl wiilitlio aiivnrii-'cuioni a« niiicli raoiuy as to invest in .t. . i- 'riTiiig to ''-H ailvei tir in.; r.-rn - fW liic !irsi jiaur \Vi' ; I not wish to t't^cn any lu.iro :n ;ei,d a?»y i^pcouiu> T he {>r'H'i>- li;:'c:ilt, find w:- have lo j y c-.sh 'I sell in ihese tin,.?.' .c!. J. IS'.l. OuiTfAKY N)Tu Ks.— 'Vp h:)VO hoiv:Mtovc ulvcn n'liicf. vej'e.iie'JIy, ih;it we chnr^. i'H- .liliii iry ot'iiii- ii^'itouaMe length, find i v ; i-'iui inn.' .'t re.-j'tHi: hc- . I liiat klii l oi'r.-I ''i^r. v>i- liwt.- miii ii ..rcasiiiii i.i ' w. ifi not oitfa iuim ■ i .- !• . liM s ih.in i.i i J MfS of pnJ>;-r.-. .V-- il "ein-i I .y li...'}' ii.-. hcWfVor. ihiit it: er « harjrin,a; aii'l payiiiir p •■■i.ijie Mp account tor war'U-i. \>e iiLvor sret pa^.l w-.- n.-w .;i ii.'iici- tiiat will iiviiiing ol ttie - ’ crv :t im :‘CCOm- j’juii. i tiy ■ i«c« .'•e i V ti-> cash. 1 \'iv .v)> untet'r-. w; - , in mui i, ! iicvei .rt-. tiiiii u r u . iHil ri ^ i.iiious, not i-x. - r _• ,vt*r 7 ' wor'la, ono o-'n a v. i _ f- re t* rioti :e vrill bo ; : in ; ing in the oiiae ot’ .'.’I' nn 1‘iy.i Ik'ur Oil iibini iry nntiuos -■ V lb. irr.i.is. K.ir all ii II u.“i be pMi'.l be nn.», Irvii'; Tr-- V - Vt. U',.,k'. j Wa-;.ii,i ■: ■!ii'.':i' till _ Ics - ‘ i.* - I . i >i ' nflf'T: .11 UevolHii'.in: I Irl ■ iire. bv Sir Kroin iho (.'harleston Courier. A LIST (>!' rilK Cr.NKKAL OFFK’KRS IN TIIK MtMIKS OK Tin; roNFKDF.K\TK STATES. 'I l)t‘ litllowiii^' iiitiMVstiiig of’tlie C’on- li‘dt*r:ift' .\niiy ci'jranizatioii arc dtn' to (tiie ot the Il■u liiMon'l i‘orri'S|nin(]»‘nts »tf the ('uuritM’. lii the li't (it Mriir:ulu*r-( ii'iu r.i'-' in the I‘rdvisiimul Ai - uiy. tht* ri'ruhir order ot a]>]H)intuu'Ht is ptMhapt ii'it .ilvvays (>hsi r\ i*il. Inif we helieve the li.^t is> itth'Twise correct. 'I'lie (hitcs of’i;rii]uation (to'.n \\ t-t Point are taken I'roni Oanlner’s Dictionary ot the I'niti-d State.s Army: I/I till' /iti/ii/ar 1 Saiiniel Coo|»»r, \ a, .Vdjntant (leiipral. ‘J \lhort S Jnhiislnn. 'I'exas, eoininamling in l\ i-iitufk V. .liisepli H.lo}in>ton, \ a, eonini.inirni;: N’orth- *..... • ern \ irniiHa. f luihert I”'. liCe, \ a. eoniinaniliiii: Soutli .Vtlan- tle Coa.-it. .) I’t; r IJeaureirard, l,uu. coniniamliiiL'’ .\rniy of I’otoniac. (II III thf" "I'isi'iii'if Army. 1 l>:ivid !■] 'f'wiif^s, (ieori;ia, roiuiietl. - liConidas l‘olk, i..on, coinniandin” at .^leniphiij. • ’> Hraxtun Hrug^, Ia>u, conunandiiii: at I'ensa- eohi. f Karl \ an l>.>rn, .^Iis■^, Army of I’otomae. (lu'itavus \V Smitli, Ken. .\rmy of Putomao. • I Theophiln'i II Holmes, N .\rmy of' 1‘oto- niae ( \\ illi.am .J Hardee, (ieoruiu. .^lis>ouri. '' l»eiijamin llimer, S (’. eoniniandiii”: at Nor folk. !• .iames L(Mii;>treef, .\la, .\rniy of i’ototnae. Ill .lohn l> .^Ianruder, \ a, eominandinir ut Vork- town. 11 I homas .1 Jai-kscjti. \ a. eonimai!.»iiin North western \ irtrinia. 1 li .^Ian'■tield Lovell, \ a. eommandiiiir C’oftst of Ijouislana. lo Ivlmund Kirby Smith. I'lorida, ,\rmv ot' I’o- t(.imai-. I I (ieori:e 15 (’rittcmifn. Ken. eonimnndini; Ka>t I eiino^.'e. l\ ifilili'i' (i’• HI , t/s III f/(i /’/■', Ariill/. I '*1 illeiin^e li lionhani, S ('. .\rmv ot' Puloiuac. dolin l> I’loyd. \ a. eominatiditii: .\rniy Ka nawha ■ > Henry A Wise. \ a. tloaiioke l-land. t r»eii .Nlei’ullurh. Te.\as, Mi'Souri. •> Henry 11 .laeksoii, (leo. rt'siirni'd. • i ■ Kobert S (Jarnett, \ a, killi .l in action, j 7 'William II f Walker, iei. re-iL'iied. '' ■ llarnard K l>ce. S t), killed in action. V' Alexandt-r K Lawtnn. ieo. commandin': Coast ! of (ieor-ia. ]• *(Iideon .1 rillow, 'I’enn, re"ii:ncd. 1 I >amuel 11 Anderson, ’I'eiin, Kentucky, rj Haniel S Honelson. I'onn, ('oast of S Carolina. havid 11 .lonc'. Army ..>f Potomuc. 14 .loin > M W ithers, Ala. commaii'liiiL' ’uast of Alabama. l;'i .lohn C i*embertun. \ a. ('ua^t of S ; Pi Kichard S Kwell, \ a, Armv ol Potomac. 17 -lohn H \Vinder, .^laryland. [lit lim.nid. 1'' .1 ubal -\ Harly, \ a, Arnjy of l\»tomai-. Pj ■ riio:- II l lournoy. Ark. lit-d in Arkansas. l!U ^amuei .Joiios, \ a, .Vrmy cf Potomac. I'l .\rnold Klzey, Maryland, .\ruiy nf Potomac I- Patiiel li Hill, N T, Army of Potomac. Henry H .'^ibley. Lou, 'J'exa.s Frontier. ■J4 Wm 11 I' W hiti^L^ !eo, .Vrmv of iN^tomac \\ in W Lorin^, N \\ e?*tern \ iririnia ■Jti llitdiard li .Vnderson, S IVnsaeola. 1'7 Albert Pike, .\rk, Indian ('oinmis.sioner. li'' riios']' I auntleroy. \ ir^dnia. resitrned. li'.i Ikobert Toombs, (jeo, ,\rmy of Potomac. .5i haniel KuL'ijles, \’a, i>ouisiana. ;;l Charles ( lark, Miss. Army of Potomac. '■VI lio.'Well S Kijdey, S (', Coast of C. : oo l>aac |{ 'i'rimble, .’'Id, .Vrmy of i’otomae ol 'John li Iray>on, l\on, died in Florida. Paul ) Hebert, Lou, ('oa.-t of Texa;? liiio'; K^P", ' •• l-'i!' Ai.pi./..;,... Li;- ll'i ( ;it Lock ii u'i - 1, 'lii ; ill :ii. : W \ . * ■ Il.cl-' - SoA 1 :, i, ; \V.,rK-: M.nyat^;^ N,,.. ; . W 1;?-. il ' 1 alf - I I h(- 1! Hannah .\b>ro's w.ri.,; Dick > w.., k-: Pluiarcir Li VI'; I>ryiieu':i VVi,r!v; .'•erne's w.>rk': i ij.-' Dofi.ir, by .S.iiitl.i'v; ',1c'. ’>' Syn iii‘ Percy .Vncci^ ';;rf.nii;lej ’ '’asiiie, The Scoiti m trazett»'»r .1 , . .Major .1 'I LI' . r. • !:■ - • • I. ; . : . • : lU.'iice; Mrs S J iotfrcy: ( li i' I’tiiMi''s; ;;n Kichard (' (Jatlin, N (J, commanding Coast of '[’ [)(,rteh North Carolina. ;>7 M'tdix K Zollieofler,'i'en, killed in Kentucky. lieiij F Cheatham, I’en, Kentucky. • )!' J.i'Cjdi K Anderson, \'a, Coast of N (’. 1»' .''imon H Huckner, l\y, Kentucky. II licroy Pofic Walker, .\la, Alabama. 4li Albert (; Hlanchard, Lou, Norfolk. PJ (iabriel .1 Kains, N C, Vorktown. 41 .1 K 1{ Stuart, \'a, Army of I'otoniac. 10 liafayette Mi i^aws, (ieor^^ia, Vorktown. 4*; 'I hos F Drayton, S (,’oa.st ot S C. 47 Iho.'' C Hindman, Ark, Kentucky. Adley H (iladden, l^ou, Pensacola. 4!i John Porter .Vlc(’own, 'I'en, l\(“ntucky. .”>(1 Lloyd 'ril;.diman, i\en, Kentucky. .’)1 Nathan I Kvans, S (’, ('oa.^t of S C 011 ('admus M W ilcox, 'I’en, Army t»f Potomac. ' Philij) St (ieorge (’ocke, \ a, died in \ a. •T 4 11 I'i llhodes, .Via, Army of Potomac. Kichard Taylor, Lou, Army ot Potomac. "»ti Louis 'r Wigfall, 'i’exas, .Vrmy of Potomac. .')7 -James H 'rrapier, S ('oast ot Florida. .‘)S Sam’l (i French, *Nliss, Army of Potomac. ;”)!) Wm 11 ('arroll, Tenn, i‘last'i'ennessive. •jit Hutrh W .^Iercer, ieori:ia, •. III llunijihrey Marshall, Ken, Kentucky. ('la.s; of' l s;j;! Daniel Kurgleii. ('lass' of I So5 J(jiies .M Withers. (^lass of 1'^ot! .Joseph K .Vndersoii, Ijloyd Tilgh- man Class of iS37 Uraxton Urajrt', Win H T Walker. .Jno (' Psmberton, Arnold Elzey, Henry 11 Sibley, Jubal A Early, (’lavs of 1:5.‘{N Wm J Hardee, James H Trapier. ('Iasi of l>o!.l Alex il Lawton, John 1' McCown. Clasii of 1'1() Jliehanl S Kwell, l*aul (J Hebert, Kichard 1> (Jarnett. (’las.3 ot ls4l Kobert S (iariu tt, Samuel Jonet;. Clas-oi |s4li Lari Van i>orn, (justavus W Smith, .Vian.'lield Lovell, .James Lonj^- street, Daniel 11 Hill, Kichard ii Anderson, Lafayette McLaws, Alex i’ Stewart. Class of IS-};*, Ivoswell S Rijdey, Sa’.n’l G French. Clasiof l''4l Simon I> Huckner. Clas- of I''I.’) !•] Kirby Smith, Harnard E Bee, Win li (’ Whiting. Chi'S of I'^ I'l—'i’homas J Jackson, Cadmus M Wilcox, i>avid H Jonw, Wui ^L (lardkier. Clas' i*f I'' 4^ Nathan (» Evans. Clas-i ot l'',) 4 .1 K li Stuart. !LS!-;it.\i.s w iiii \vi;kk not ii«.\i>i.ATKs at we«»t i-oiN r. 'i’he follow III”-(Tenerals were appointed to the old I 'nitod States Army, without passing through the 'Ve>t point .Vcademy;—David I'I. Twiggs, ap- pouiud in l^li’; Win. W Luring, in 1 >;)♦>; Thos. r. I'.iuntleroy, in P'';>t‘». 'I’lif following (ienerals tirst saw service in the Mexican war: —VI L Honhain, Henry II. Jack son. Cideon J. Pillow, Samuel R. Anderson, ('has. Clark. Tho^. C. 1 lindmaii, John C. Hreck- inridnc. Heiij F. Cheathain, Richard (Jriffith, Albert Pike. Adley 11. (Jladden, Maxcy (iregg. 'I’he followin': (Ienerals participated in tiie 'IVx:in wars and the wars with Mexico:—Ben. Mc( iilloch, Louis I’. \V ii;lall. 'I'iie fcillowiiii: (Ienerals >-aw no military service previou- to the pre>ent war:—John 1>. Floyd, Henry V Wise. Robert I’oombs, iiichard Taylor, Tho' 15 Flournoy, L. Pojie Walker, F. K. Zol- licoffer. William Nlahone, I... U ii liranch, Wil liam II Carroll, R. E iihode.". Some, however, rec-'ivod militarv educations at State institutions. V iri:inia ha> Pi (len'-rals in the Confederate .Vrniie.-'; South ('arodnaLouisiana S; (leorgia 7; 1( nnessee N'>rth Carolina il* Iventucky 7; Vl;ir\land 4; .Vlal>ama 4; Mississijipi 4; I'cxati ii; .Vrkansas ij; Florida i; .Vlissouri none. The following were born at the North, though prwvious to the prwuent war th%y w«re titixet » of Souiiiern States:—Ceiieral Cooper, born in New York: iiipley, in (>hio; Pemberton, in Pennsyl vania: W hitiiii:, in Vlus.saehu.'ctts; Pike, in .Vlas- sachusctts; RuLTgles, in .Vlassuchusetts; lilanchard, in Ma-s-.ichu'ctt'; 1'rt.nidi, in New Jirsey. [file folliiwing are natives of Norih Carolina, viz: Leonidas i’olk. liraxton liragg, Theophilus H H 'Imcs. rieii .'L ’ullo( h, W in W Loring, Rich ard ( liatlin. Felix K Zoliicofler, Gabriel .J Rains, i. > li liranch.J CON F l: D ER VTi: STATES CONGRESS >KN A 1 i;. Alihitini — .Vlt.'srs William L Vancey, C C Clay. Ai l. 'ii,>-(is—.^le^.'•I•s Robert \\ Jcduisoii. ('has R .Mitchell. Flotilla—Me>^r■*James M liaker, .V E Max well. '.t'>rijin Messrs li H Hill. Robert'I'oombs. K'iitiii'lcif—Mi ssrs H C liurnett, William E Simms. Louisinifi—Messrs Ed. Sparrow. T J Seuiines. —Messrs .VIbert (> lirown, .James Phelan. Missouri—.Vlessrs John li (’lark, R S V l*eyton. jSort/i ('inuiiiKi — Vlfssrs (.ieorge Davis, Wil- LE(JrSLATURE UK NOJiTH CAROLINA SENATE. Pasquotank and J’erquinion.s—J M Wbedbee l-!auiden and Currituck—15 F Siiumona Gates and Chowan—M L Eure Hyde and Tyrrwll—Jones Spencer Nortliaiupton—J M S Rogers Hertford—J li Slaughter liertie—David (Jutlaw' Martin and Wasliington—J R Stubbs Halifax—M C Whitaker Edgecombe and Wilson—11 T Clark Pitt—EJ Blount lieaufort—Frederick Grist (’raven—N II Street Carteret and Jones—Dr M F Arendell Cireene and Lenoir—J 1^ Speiglit New Hanover—Eli VV'^ Hall Duplin—Dr James r)ick8on Onslow—L W Humplirey iiladen, lirunswick, tVcc—.Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnett—Duncan Shaw Sampson—'I’honias 1 Faison \\ ayne—\V K Lane Johnston—J W li W’atsou V\ ake—M A liledsoe Nash—A J Taylor Franklin—Vy Harris Warren—T ,I Pitchford Granville—C H K Taylor l’> rson—(J L Winstead Orange—Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and Randolph—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W S Harris 31oore and Montgomery—W D Dowd Richmond and Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and L’nion—S H Walkup Guilford—Peter Adams Ciiswell—liedford Brown Kockinghani—F L Simpson Mecklenburg—John Walker Cabarrus and Stanly—V C Barringer Rowan and Davie—i>r J (J dlamsey Davidson—Jno W Tlioinas Stokes and i’orsyth—Jesse A W'augh AsIr^, Surry c'ce—Jos Dobson Iredoil, Wilkes iVi—L (.^ Sharpe Burke, McDowell \'c—B S (iaither iiincoln, Ga.ston \c—Jajsper Stowe Rutherford, Polk \c—A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson iVc—Geo W Candler Haywood, Maeon ^tc—W H Thomas ' ir Kaiif .i.lalfs \ iiiing'i: II':. \ (.(li'l'i'.n :i li"' on i l.>‘ o' I won; !-.i J‘ .L-ii' ;1 \> I .i.b, • in lit tiio Senate: \ r; i; aii'l .J pan; . . r.t_) lor: i- ■ "I I ho I’arlli; \ii. !iit \\ 1)1 hi, by 11. . . Iiin-iii.jrH, ;nuong iiiHii''. M.'ori-, Hood, ■-•..It, P-.; i-ck, ( artij.bi ’'iiiiil), .Mhi.'ii, V' . .\ j -aro'H. Ma-^-'in;: v 1 Fl*tch(>r'-‘ l*r 'Vnr!;-; .'doll ('lark ■- .'i-'iiipl' (.’ohci.r.laTi. o lo Shaks Sliorid.iti Kiinwlc.s; ,: .tic ifk'- «>!'.) I .V.i(Iro -.oM; i^^^ottisll i>tll;t.|'; y .\insworth; ■ P.tot-- lud I*'iotry (»!' Ktij^land; M't - of (Jreni l>i iiiiin; :.o xittII ofiitiiry; '(•litiiis ' lit ,\n.:ifni Poetry, iVc. ^Sic. K- .1. ll.XLK Ac HONH. • ill John (,' Breckinridge, iven, Kentucky. • i;! Rich'll (iriflith. Miss, Army of i*otoinuc. f>4 Alex’r i'Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. (if) Win Montgomery (Jardner, Ga, on furlough. by W H Ot) Rich’d li (iarnett, V'a, .Vrmy (d' Potomac*. (»7 William Mahone, \ a, Norfolk. (jS Ij O’Brian Branch, N C, Coast of (• »{) -Vlaxcy Gregg, S (’, (aiast ol S (’ 70 R i'i ('olston, V irginia. 71 F-dward Johnston, \ irginia. 7'J Henry Heth, V'irginia. 7;J Johnston H Duncan, iiouisiana. 7 4 S .V M Wood, .Vlabama. 'I'hoso having an alHxed are dead, or have resigned, ^ince the commencement ot the war. TtlK WKST I'OINT (1 K.NKtl.VLS. 'I’he following Confederate Generals are gradu ates of West Point—the date of their graduation being prefixed: Class ot l.Sl') Samuel (’oofier. (,'lass of i'SiiO .John H Winder. Cla.'^s of 1>>22 Isaac R 'I’rimble. lilt n Ij^o. Cowper, I s and ib-uuniont S 'Ufh f. arofiiin—Messrs Robert W Barnwell, .Jaine-- i^ (>rr. Ttnii>ss>f — Messrs iiitng'lon C Hayne.s, (ius- tavus A Henry. T’ i-is—.^less^s Limis '1’ Wi'jfall, W S CUdham. I I 'i/in III — R V] T Hunter, W liaHard Preston. llnl sK «»F KKI'KF.SK.NTAT1VKS>. Aliihiiiiiii—.'de.-isrs 'I'homas J I'oster, Win R Smith, John P Ralls, J i. .VI (’urry, Francis S Lyon, W P (’hiltoii, David (’lopton, Jas L Pugh, l’ S DarL'an. —Messrs i'elix J liaison, (Jrandison D Royster, .Vtigustiis 11 (i^irland,'i'hos 1> Hanly. I'lnriiln—Vlessi> Jas 15 i>awkins, R B Hilton. Hmriii’i—.VIessrs Julian Hartridge, (’ J Mun- nerlyn, liine- Holt, V 11 Kenan, i>avid W ijowis, W in W (,’lark, Robert P Trippe, iiucius .J (lar- trell. Hardy Strickland, .V R Wright. Ki ii(iir/,-i/ — Not yet ele'ted. Lmiisinii.i—.Vle.ssrs (’harles .J Villere, ('harles VI (’onrad, Duncan 1'' Kenner, Lucion -I Dupre, John 1’’ Lewis, John i’erkins, Jun’r. \/issis'ij)jii—Vlessrs.JnoJ McRae, J W Clapp, iieubeii Davis, Israel VVelsh, H (’ Chambers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. Missoiifi—.Vle.ssrs .lohn llyer, Caspar W Bell, George ( ; Vest. A li (,'onrow, W' W' Cook, 'I’lios W l' re('man, 'I'homas A 11 an is. Xurth (\trijlinn—31essrs VV N II Smith, Rob ert R Bridgors, (hven R Kenan, T 1) VIcDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Vrchibald II Arrington, .1 R McLean, William Lander, B S Gaither, A 'F Da vidson. Smiili ('ari/Uiiit—Vli'ssrs \V W Boyce, VV Por- eher .Vlilcs, .VI L Bonham, .lohn Mel^ueen, Jas l"’;'rrow, L M .Vyer l\‘H Hf S.SV f — Messrs .) '1’ Heiskell, VV (J Sw'ann, W H 'I'ebbs, E L Gardenshire, il S Foote, M 1* (I entry, ( reorge W .Jones, Thomas Meiiees, J 1) (' Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. T>.riiK—Messrs John A W'llcox, Peter VV (Jray, (’laiborne (’ Herbert, Wm B W'riglit, Malcom P Grah:im, li F Sexton. Vinjiiiiii—Messrs Muscoe R 11 (jarnett, John R (’hambliss. John 'i'yler, Roger A Pryor, Thos i S Bocock, .lohn (Joode, Jr, .James P Holcombe, D (' Dejarnette, W'illiam Smith, .V R lioteler. > 1 cars’I'aiiiiiiiii- I.efUTw -\:"xandcr, 1). 1).; S.-ru Blanchtird '*y >L -Addison Class of lx:iU John B Marruder. . ior. > Also, tmther -uppiios ,,f M irfruret , George B (’ritteiiden, 1* St (ieorge ; ■ ■: ‘ • CocL, UumrbNjr .Marslwill, Kiel- 1" E. J. HALE & SQN. i ard C Gatlin. (John B Baldwin. VV R Staples, Walter I’reston, Class of 1S2.) Daniel S Honelson, lienj’n linger, j V (J .Fenkins, R(fl»crt Johnson, (’has W Russell. (!la.ss of l^lil) Albert S .Johnston,.Jno li Grayson. ('lass of li^27 Leonidas Polk, (iabriel J Rains. | W flK'TlMHO (’la.ss of ISlis 'I'bos F Drayton, Huirh W x>lercer. i , . • ,i • .1! .•lu.x. I I I- I I \ i» I... L’ I I "’*ve lust recoived by Express, a supply of (’la.ssot IHIU Joseph E Johnston, iiob t E l.ee, j \\ sPELLI.N(} hOOKS-price SI 25 per dozen 1.5, 'I'heophilus H Holmes, Albert (J j cents retail, CW/i. We have not a.lvanoeil the price of ftuy articles on hand before tlie war; but pre^’en purchases cost us more tliau we asked for those. Of course we have to put up prices on wLat we buy now. E. J. HALE & SONS Fayetteville, Aug. 29. HOUSE OF a*.M.MONS | Alamance—(iiles Mebaiie i Alexander—l>r J M (.’arson -Vnson—L L I’olk, E R l^iles A&he—.J M (ientry iiurke—J H Pearson Buncombe—A S Merrimon Bladen—C '1' Davis Bertiw—P '1 Henry, and Ferguson Beaufort—R 8 l)onnell, \V T Marsh Brunswick—'T D Mearea Caldwell l>ickson Cabarrus—VV S Harris Catawba—Jonas Cline Chatham—W P 'I'aylor. R N Green, Turner Bynum Cherokee—G VV Hayes ('raven—C C (,’lark, F E Alfred Cumberland and Harnett—C (} W’right, J S Harrington, J C Williams Chowan Small (’olumbus—N L Williamson * (.’an.den—D 1> F’erebee (’arteret— D VV W'hitehurst ('aswell Withers, .S P Hill ('urrituck — B M Baxter Cleveland—A (i Waters, J R Logan Davidson—ijcwis Haynes, E B Clark Davie Howard l>uplin —J D Stiinford, .1 G Branch Edgecombe—R R Bridgers, J S VV'oodard Forsyth—.1 F I’oindexter, Phillip Barrow Franklin—F Green (laston—f J II White (Jranville—J M Bullock, VV H .Jenkins, S H Cannaday (Juilford—C P Mendenhall, C iC Shober, J L (iorrell Greene—A D Speight (iates—John Bootiie Haywood—S E Ijove Halifax—A H Davis, V\' B Pope Hertford—.J J Veates Henderson—Jos P.Jordan Hyde—'I'ilnian Farrow Iredell—A K Sinionton, .V B F Gaither Jackson—A F'isher Jones—W P W'ard .Johnston—W H Watson, .las Mitchener* Lenoir—J C Wooten Lincoln—V' A McBee Madison—John A Fagg CONV’ENTION OF NOiiTII CAROLINA Alamance—(Jiles Mebano, 'I'hos Ruftin Alexander—A. M. Bogle Ashe—.1. E. ii’oster Anson—A. Myers, .J V, Leak Jiertie—S. 1>. Spruill, .James liond Bt'.iiifort—W^ ,J. Ellison, E -I Warren ]ilalen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—I'. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. VV'oodtin Burke—.J. (’ McDowell. (’abarrus—(' IMiifer. Caldwell—E W .Jones. (’auiden—D. D. Ferebt-e. C;irteret—(!. R. 'I'homas. (Jaswell—Bedford lirown, J. iv Williamson. (’atawba—George Setzer. Chatham—J. 11. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee anl (’lay—J. II. Bryson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard W’ooten. Craven—Geo. (ireen, .Jno. D. VV'hitford. Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie. Currituck—John B. Jones. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—J. T. Rhodes, .James Dickson. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—'I'. .J. Wilson. D H Starl>uck. Franklin—A. D. Williams. (lasfon—S. X. .lohnston. (iates—A. J. Walton. (Jranville—Thomas B. Lyon, 'I'. Ij. Hargrove, S. S- Royster. Greene—W. A. l>arden. Guilford—Jno. A. (lilnier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Il.ilifax—II. II. Smith, L. W\ Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. H iywood—Wm. Hick.s. Henderson—W. ,V1, Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Anderson Vlitchell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. 11. 'I’homas. Johnston—('. B. Sanders, W A Smith Jones—Win. Foy. Lenoir—John C. W'ashiiii^ton- Lincoln — D. Schenck. Macon—(\ D. Smith. Madison—J. A. .McDowell. Martin—David \V Bagley. McDowell—.J. 11. Greenlee. MecklenburLT—J. VV. Osborne, James Strong. Montgomery—S. H. (’hristian M'lore—H. 'I'urner. Nash—L. N. B. liattle. New Hanover—.J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. Northampton — D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—A. J. Murrill. Orange—W A. Gralnun, John Berry. Pas[tiotunk — R. K. Speed. Penjuimoiis—.los. S. (';innon. Person—.John W. (’uniuLrham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaitc, i*. A. Atkinson. Randolph—W. .J. Long, A. I Fo'^tiir. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Kobeson—.1. l‘. Fuller, .1. (’. Southerland. Rockingham — D. S. Reid, E. '1'. Brodnax. Rowar -IL A. CaMwell, H. (\ .Jones. Rutherford and Polk—(i VV Miehal, M. l>ur- ham. I Samjison—R. A. Mosely, 'I'iiomas Bunting. I Stanly—K. Hearne. Stokes—A- 11. Joyce. Surry—'1'. V'. Hamiin. I Tyrrell—I'ili Spruill, i I'nion—H. M. Houston. Wake—(J. I*:. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. VV. Holden. W'arren—VV. N. Edwards, Frank rhornton. W^ishington—W. S. i’ettigrew. j VV’utauga—J- W’. (;ouncil. ! Wavne—(J. V. Stronir, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—.Jas. (’alloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. Martin— McDowell Fiwell C H Burgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E G L Barringer Macon—H G VVoodfin Mccklenburg—S W' Davis, J M Potts Nash—II (jr W'illiams New Hanover—S J Person, Daniel Shaw Northampton—M W’^ Ransom, W' W Peebles Onslow—.J II Foy Orange—II B (Juthrie, W N Patterson l’as|U0tank—J '1' W'illianis Pertjuimons—N Newby Pitt—li G Albritton, Churchill Perkins . Person W^ilkinson Robe.son—Alex McMillan, ICli W'ishart Rockingham—Rawley Galloway and 'I’ Slade Rowan—N N Fleming, N. F. llall Rutherford—C T N Davis, B H Padirett Randolph—I II Foust, Thos S W'inslow Richmond—J (J Blue Sampson—N (’ Faison, Geo W Aiitrey Surry—W W'augh Stokcf>—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (»reene Tyrrell—C McCleesc Union—C Q Leranionds Wake—S H Rogers, .1 W Russ, II Mordecai Warren—J li liatchelor, W II Cheek Washington—C Latham VV\atauga—Thomas Farthing W^ayne—rW T Dortch, M K Crawford Wilkes—A W Martin, Ilorto Yadkin—A (> ('owles Yancey Bowman Tlie Volunteer’^ Hand Book. A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Nov. 16. WATER IN SCllGEUY. Among the niiraclcs, says Baron Percy, which I have aeon wrouglit by water in wounds from tire anus, 1 w ill instance the cure of nearly sixty young volunteers ot the Louvre Battalion, who, exposed to u w'eil sustained tire of the enemy, posted on a height, were most of thtm wounded in the feet. Many were taken to the military hospital of Sarrelouis, of whom only a few were saved without amputation. The otliers remained in tiie convent ol' Consarrebruck, with two Ger man surgeons who were charged with their care. By my advice, and perhaps in default ol other remedies, the att»ndauts bathed their leet inces santly, and showered them witii water moderately cool, covering their wounds with couipressw con stantly moistened with the same. No other dressings were used, and 1 attest that only tour died, ol whom two died of a typhoid fever, which intwrrupted tiie treatment ot their wounds with wat«r; one ol the colliquative diarrhuea, and the iburtii of trismus. All the others recovered rap idly; several had not even anchylosis, although their leet had been traversed with wounds in every directioLi, complicated with tearing ol ttJli- don.s, aponeuro .es and ligaments, and with splin tering of bones, sometimes of the tarsus, some times of the metatarsus. Oue would doubtless be astouished, says Ba ron Larrey, to learn that with a lew s«a biscuit, a little good water, which w’as carried with each wounded man, and by the use oi brackish water only for their dressing, a great numUer ot sol diers suffering under severe wounds ol the head, ot"the breast, ol the abdomen, or deprived ot some ot their limbs, crossed the deserts that separate Syria Irom Egypt, a distance ot sixty leagues, wituout accideut and with so much beuetit that mo.st ot them were cuved when tiiey reached this latter country. We use witli success, sajs the distinguished surgeon Briot, and almcftt always to the accom- pirsiiment of perlect cures, cold water in wouuds made by small arms; also in ca.ses ol stupor; in wound of tendons, aponeuro.ses, capsuics and membranes, and tepid water during the suppu rative stage. Alter tne battle of Baylen, in Andalusia, i» 1SU8, I remained, writes Dr. i’reille, upon tiie tield, the only surgeon to the care of OUU wound ed, who lay upon tfie ground from tlie 19th o* June to the tenth of July, with no other shelter iroui the broiling sun than the thin branches ol olive trees, deprived ol the consolatory hope ol ever seeing again their own country, and given up to the meicy ot the inhabitants ol Sierra Mor- e«a, who were ail und«r armf and highly exaspe rated. Deprived ol all medicines, 1 had aii the wounds washed with pure water. Daring twenty- one days, that we received nothing except some linon ami provisions, 1 dressed, mysell, one third of the wounded each day, tlie other twoday^* tliey dressed thumselves. Only seven or eight wounds became gangrenous and I had but two cases ot tetanus. i3y cold water, saya Guthrie, the inflammation is, in certain cases, entirely prevented, in many greatly controlled, and in almost all much sub dued, while tlie suppurative process is not sutK- ciently impeded to prevent their subsequent gran ulation. Cold does no good, however, at any stage ot‘ inliammation, wht;n the sensation pro duced by the tirst application is disagreeable to the patient, and when it does not soothe; tor it it produce a sensation of shivering or other uocom- iortable feeling, if it cau.se stiffness in the part, it is doing harm, and should be changed tor warmth, i'his change will be generally indicated and found advantageous at th« .suppurative period; lomentations are then excellent. Sanson, whose reserve in adopting all surgical innovations give the more value to his eulogy, writes thus in the Dictionary ot Practical Medi cine and Surgery, I6c51: “W'lth water, 1 have seen cured, by tirst intention, contused wounds accom panied with more or less laceration and stretching- ol the part. 1 have been able to save most per sons upon whom i have practised amputation or other grave operations Irom the i'ever called traumatic; indeed i have been able to cure without amputation, and even without active inflamma tion or copious suppuration, many persons having fractured limbs complicated with wounds and pro jection ol the fragments. Among the authorities who have written on water we may adduce, besides the foregoing, feam- uel ('ooper and Dr. Cunie of England, Prof. Tzoiidi of Haile, Mayor Lausi»nue, J.ombard, who.se Opuscuies de Chirugie contains a very re markable article on the Summary of the proper ties of simple water employed a.s a to[iical appli cation in the cure of surgical maladies”—Blandin, Marjolin, Cloijuet, 'I'auchose Lament, Serre d’Lx: es, Roubout, Mauricheau, Beaupre, (Mia.tsaig- nac, and Alpiionse Amus»at, whose treatise pub- libhed in Paris, li?51, was translated the same year by Dr. Frank Ilastinga liamilton, i'rofessor of Military Surgery in Bellevue Medical College, and published in the Butialo Medical Journa^, as » well as in a separate 8vo. It is a deplorable example of the force of rooted preju'iices that a method which combines more comf^art and cleanliness than any other, with economy ot time and inaterials, and ol superior succ; ss in its result.s—verily tuiiilling the cito, (iii'j, /urnui/c, sliould not tiave been more gene rally adopted.—Jiich/itoni/ UA/y. A Vankee officer writing lioni the blockading fleet oil Savaiiiiah says he cannot help tiiinking tnat the sooner the 'l aiikee army learn.- to do witiioat guiiboats and fftriiticatioiis, ainl boldly march with themselves lor protection, the better it will be for them No doubt it would be “better'’ for their 4‘cpu- tation as soldiers, whilst it is an indispensable con dition to their conque.st of the country. 'I’iicy cannot carry gunboats and forts in the interior, beyond the navigable rivers, and even that would be found an unsafe experiment in mO't sections. They have-got to meet us in the open tield or give up the wai—that’s certain, and we care very lit tle which horn of the dilemma they take. ^avu-iiniili Republicnn, ^ The Luuitville Courier.—Adreufurt'i of u Neirs^ajHT.—[)uring the past nine months the Louisville Courier has gone tlirotigh (juite a series 'TUo SniitU h% Prof it I adventures. Suppressed at Loui.-,ville, Ky., graham; Say and Seal, by the .Uithor of “Wide Wide editor managed to convey his type and other World,” .'iie.; The Household of Boiiverie, or the Elixir , appurtenances to Boiling (irt’Cn, wliere the pa- of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Eveninj^s at. the Micro- | per was continued till tiie 4th, when, beiiold! it scope, &6., &c. E. .T. HALE & SONS, i turns Up in Na»‘hville, spitting fire and brushing up the Yankees as in its palmiest days, ‘‘l or A x\ew liUW Book. f'fiHtirrirs t*ra€tic€ at Ijtue, JUST piil'linhed. a trcaiise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Kkw.vuh Ca.stwi-:i.l. LL. I>., auth.ir of tiie N. (’. .Itistice, etc. CoNTKNTS. Of Lejiislativo P.iwer in General; Lejri'^lative Power in X'Tih (.’arnlina; Lciri>laiivc Powers of .lust ices of the Po.aco; ('oimty lioun lario' —Uood-^. etc.; (’>iinty Reve nue aixl (’huise.^; (,'oiirt Mouso.^. Prisons, .'ic.; (bounty Trustoe; .Jnvv Trials; Fairs anil Public Sales; General .Assembly; lii'peciiotis. Public Landin'js, iV,c.; Poor House; .aii'l Hospitals; Ue>ri-^ters and I'lerks; Riversand Creeks; Gates, Ferrios and IJridges; Woiphts ami Mea sures; Idiots aii'l Lunatics; Retailers; Nense River; Pub lic Road“ aii.l Cartways; Public Landitijrs and Inspec tions; Mills an.l Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Vfar.lens of the Poor; Prison Roiinils; Roads, Ferries and Uriilgos: Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in (ioneral; Executive Power in North t’arolina; Executive Power of thel’mirts; Chief .Ju-stice and Clerk; Attorneys at Law; .Vttorney General; Reporter and .\lar- .«hal; CU'rks and Solicitor; t’onnsel for Paupers; Guar- Jian“; (’oiinty Attorney; .\iH'tioneers; ('oiiiity Court Clerks; (\ironers; liouti'Ury ('.tmmissioner'^: Committees of Finance; i.’omity Tru.stee; I’ounty Treasurer: Special Court; ('omniissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; ('omtnissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Hejristors; t'ommissioners ot Rivers and Creeks; Slieriils; Constables; RaUf:ers; Staiidrtrd Keei'ors; Retailer'^; .A lniinistr.ators; (Chairman of Special ('ourt- ('ommi“sioners of l>eed« and ('onveyances; ('otii- iiiissionors of Low Lainls; Entiy Takers and Surveyor-^: Superintendents of I'Mentiun';: Guardians and Ileceivers; Inspectors: (^immissioners of internal Impr.>vements; Partition; Patrol (aininiiitee-; Proeessioner*; Tax l.isteis and Bo.ards of Vahiation; Overseers of i>oa.|s-an'l Hiver«^ Conimissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickors and (’oopers. The Appendix contains forms of Heeds and Convey ances. as ibllow^s: Aajreements, .Assignments, Awards, Rills of t'.ale. Rills of Exchange and Lading, Rotids, Miscellaneous Londs, Contracts. Heels. Marri.ige Settlements, .Mortgages, (.’opartnership .Articles, Notes, Releases, Ac., &c. This Book contain.® •'iob j>ages, is gotten up in supe- riorstyle, and bouml in LawCalf. Price, single copy, $5. ■ For sale by H.ALh SONS. Dec’r 20. 18*>0. Map of 111' S(‘!» roast of South Carolina; New Maf> of V'irginta; The Southern Spy by Edsi’d A. Pollard of Vn. The Southern Song Book. Deer 14. E. J. HALE & .SONS. copiers orthe Obiserver can be procured by non-subacribers, at the Book»tor«. Prioe 5 owti. the present, at least,” the Courier says it remain in Nashville.” ‘will