NE1II-WEEKI> Y [vol.. XI.] FAYKTTEVILLE. N. C.. APRIL 3, 1862. [NO. 1113.] 1 HlNTKl* iOXDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWAIJl) J. HALE & SOXS. i:i ITor-^ and PROPRIETOllS I' . • for tht Seini-Weekly Observer S3 OU if pnid in ■I iv'.ineo; S ■ • ■ pniJ iluring the year of sabdcrip- ;on- or 5^1 a*’ - r ti e vear has expired F r the N'eeily ,'j; rveh. $‘J 00 per annnui, if paid in advance; Jl’ ' paid during the year of subscrip- 1 111; or 0(' : er the year has expired. 5:^ ADVERTlSt-.MENTS inserted for 60 c«nts per gq i.-ire of l'> lint > for tho first, and 30 cents for eacli ji v?i oeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe j;al coutraets, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re'iuested to state the number of insertions desired, or tiiev will be continued ;i11 forbid, and charged accord- in^iy. Advertisements to l>e lU*- *nnt extra. From the Charleston (’ourier. A LIST OF Till-: GKNKRAL OFFK’ERS IN THE ' (’lass of ls8;') Jones >1 Withers. \HMIh^ UH THh toNtLDEUATE STATES. (’ias!*; of ISot) Joseph K Atidersoii, Lloyd Tilgh- The lollowiti^ interestin'; statistics of the (.’on- man. federato Army orj^anization are due to one ot the y,- ]{r;ixton liratr^i, Wni H T Walker. Kichiuond correspondents of the Courier. In the j JNMnherton, Arnold Klzcy, list ot Hn-ndier r:, i.eral3 in the l^rovisional Ar- Henry U Sibley. Jubal A Early, my, the rf-ular ord.r ot appointment is perhaps ('lassoflS;iS \\ m J liardec, Jame.s 11 Trapier. I ad irttiJe. charged 50 per ^ NOTICE. Frc.ii and after thisdaie, no name of a now subscriber w ^>e entered without j>ayiiient in advance, nor will i:.e piiper be sent t.i siioli sub*iTibers for a lunger time trm is paid t^ir. S ii'ti of our old subscribers as de.'ire to t;ike th« pa per lU tliis system will please notify us when making r,! 'iances. Jan'y 1. l^jH. js^TO ADVERTISERS. IVr-ons out of town who desire advertisements in- *.rteJ in the Observer, and persons in town with whom h'lve B'lt regular account.® v ' please send with the sivertiseuieut as much mor* t iy wish to invest in i!, >tc‘Oi'rding to our adverti> t.ns or the first page. Wo not wish to open anj more sn/fi accounts,—or i:-ed 'Ji V accounts The process of collection i»> too Jifficu’t, and we have to pay oash for every thing we '! «ell in these times. .^;t 2. l-'tll. ;t ri vRY Notii'es.—We have heretofore given notice, ret iiodly. that we charge f>>r obituary notices of un- nable length, and for resolutions of respect; be- that kind of reading, we hav«; much occasion to .■(: w. is not otten more agreeable to readers than to of paper® A it generally h.appens, however. . iftcr ch irjjing and paying postage on the account for- w.r.iri'J. we never get paid, we now give notice that we w / insert tuithing of the sort hereafter unle-s accoiu- 14’iiei by rhe ca-ih. i Always excepting in the case of i: vase i volunteers, when we require no pay ) Bear • ii mind, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices ail 1 resolutions, not exceeding 7* words, gratis. For all r word-i, one cent a word, which ruust be paid be- ' . -Hh not 'o will be put in type. - l\D lilSCELLWEiJlS WORKS. 4 BBOTT H'stories. ‘28 vols.; .\bbott b Napoleon; Irvitg - iDiete Works.‘JI vols; “ Life of \S a.-*h, ngtoii. 5 vol*; Pr :scott’s Philir. the -d; “ trharles th'- 5th; “ Ferdinand and Nabi-lla; Conmii-Mt of Mexico; “ •• of Peru; Bancroft’' U S'ai?«. 8 V'lls; i — ng’. Field H'- d,. of the .\merican Revolution; Ty'.er- L'liiv.i-.a. Mi-'ory; ti t.;>i!ii's .Midu'e -‘.^ej; li'.iriie :ind ,N| I • pii ,y'> Histories of England; R' ' ViK’ion’ History; M.-. ii'in's Gitit'on s Rome; J tiu^' wviii?: F;,'.*^rt'on's w.irks; U.r,.ter''» Works; ‘ .^y s •* by Colton; li.n's ;-!o year« in the L* S. Senate; H W(jrk>; !i' Join - .n s dl'ro; -w.- ; ? ; : Iir Johnsvo; ! i)' .11' W'lirk': ,\d li-oii - .''pedator, \ri ’ Uii.ty s .\I .'•'.'t'Uanie**: I and H vol®' M ; 111 Critisii vl-siyi-Ji?; r.'. /!;■ - H iii H iirs with the best Authors; li.-. on i’iiilosojihy and Literature, by Sir "ill ll.Htlli’.ti Tl. i '101''.nr-'' \l i'lj' ll tiiy. I'* vol“; >'4'-';'s Mariual; T..1? Fe'ier ili'f P luirjil Text Book, by McCluskej; • ■n'tiiiitinn-i o‘‘’he States; M ir'ii ill s Lift* of 'V i-hiiigion; Ti.-' Lift? of Wtii. rinckii**y; Amerio in Eloijtience; i’>: jripiiy Ilf I)i-:iiiguihHed Women; b\' .NIrs S J 11 I it*; i’lii'yi l ipoe lia .Vt'iericann; ('leton's ’yclopedia of Biograpliy; and I .‘.i Tf'p.indfnce ot l.oid Jeilrey; i. ■ •ktiurlV Lite of .''C 'tl; ' iiiT:tn an 1 his Ciiit*tiiporatit s. by ('ha« Phillips; Wnverly NoveU. c-piupieie in *1 vol.^: “ “ •• in -1 viil.-; “ “ “ in vols; Cooper s Sea Tales; Dickens' Works; Marryatt's Novels; Wilson s Tales of the Borders; Hannah More’s works; Dick's works; Plutarch’s Live*; itrydcn's Works; S't'rne's works; The Doctor, by .Southey: • rabb'- Syiionymes; I’crcy -\necdotes; ' hronicles of the IJastile, illustrated; The Scottisli • y-HZt-neer of the U. .'States; .Major .lack Downing - ;ji» years out of tlie Senate: Livingstoni's Triivcl- in Soiitli .Africa: Lord Elgii/s .Mis-i.-n to Clmi;t and .Japan; Five Year- in Cliina, Viy Dr. ('has. Taylor; Tiie 15ritish Exjiedition to the Crim«>a, ' Russell; My Diary in India, by litto; 1»! Kane's Arctic Explorations; Ki n'iail's .''atjta Fe Ex[)cdiiion; t uiiitninjr'j' Hiinier's Life in .Africa; ■N >M \ (iliddon's ItidigciKius Races of the Earth; F . .ibillr, on tlse liouti lary of -Vtiother World, by R. Da:e Owen; '■ ;:i'lard Poetical Work.s iu various bindings, among ' I] are: 11 mans. Scott, Pope, Byron, Burns, Moore, Hood. 11 illi'ck, ('ainpbell. t rabbe, Coleriiige, Uowper. l^miih, NHlton, .*tc., &#. 'pt-are's. Massinger & Ford's and Beaumont 1*': I Fletcher's Dramatic Works; by W H not always observed, but we believe the list iii otherwise correct. 'I’he dates of grailuation lio.a West l*oint are taken from (a trdner's Dictionary ot the I’nited St;ites Army: (irn.ruU I ft tJif llt'ijulur At 1 Jfamui'l (,’oti]ier, Va, Adjutant General I 2 Albert S Johnston, Texu«», commanding in ! Kentucky. } u Joseph K Johnston, \ a. commanding North- j ern Virginia. 4 Robert K l.,ee. Va. commanding South Atlan tic (’oast. 0 I* (i T Heauregard, l.ou. commanding Army of I’otomac. Mijur (ifnrrals in tltf Army. 1 Ihivid K T wiggs. (icorgi;i. resigned. j - Leonidas J’olk, Lou. commanding at Memphis. 3 IJra.\ton Hragg, lion. coium;inding at l*ensa- cola. 4 Karl \ an l>orn, ,'Iiss. Army of Potomac. •) (iustavus W Smith. Ken. Army of l*otoinac. G Theo])hilus 11 llcluu^, JS (’. Army of l*oto- mac 7 ^Villi;lm J llardee. (leorgia, Mi.'souri. s lienjainin Huger, S C, commandini; at Nor folk. 9 J;imes liOngstreet, Al;i, Armv i»f I’otomac. lU John H Magnider. \ a. commanding at Vork- town. 11 riiomas J Jackson, \ u, commanding Norlh- wostern \ iririuia. I'J .'lan.stield liovell, V a. ( 'uumanding Coast ot iiOU'siana. 13 Kdmtind Kirby Smith, Florida, Army of I’o- tom;ic. 14 tiiorL^e H C’rltteiidon, Ken. comtuauding Kust i'enmv'.see. fr (i-n>'rnla in I^r'Isyinnal Annjj. 1 Milledge L lionh:im, S (', .\rmy ot I'otomnc - John ]j Kloyd. \ a. commanding Army Ka nawha 0 Henry Wise. \ a, Knatiuke I'.land. 4 Hen .^lc^ullol•h, TcJLa.'. Mi.'souri. •j * Henry 11 tiackson, (.ieo, rcsiirned. 0 * Robert S (.iarnett, Va, killed in action 7 "William 11 i' Walker. Geo. resigned. ^ *Harnard K Bee. S ('. killed in action. Ale.xatuicr R Lawton. (Jeo, cumtiianding Coast ot (jeorui;i. lU *jideon J I’illow, 'feim, resigned. II Samuel R Anderson. I'eiiii. KentUL-ky. lli Danit-l S iKitielson, Teiiti, Coast of S Carolina. 13 L'avid R Jutie.'. S Army of Potomac. 14 Jonts M Withers, Ala. cuuiiujtiding Coa^jt of Alabama. 15 John C i’eiuberton. \ a. Coart ol S C. 1*; Richard S Kweli, \'a. Army of Potomac. 17 John II Winder, Maryland, Richmund. 1'' Jubal A Karly, \ a. Army ot Potomac. 19 *Tho.s li Flournoy, Ark, died in Arkansai*. ■JU Samuel Jone.-', \ a. Army of Potomac. Jl Arnold Klzi-y. .^l;tryland, Army of Potomau. 1-'- l>aniel 11 IIill, N C, Army i.d Potomac. 'So Henry li Sitdey. Lou. '1'exa.s Frontier. l'4 \N tu H (’, Ct-o. Army of Potomac li.’> Wm W l.oring. N ('. Western \ irginia. liG Richard li Ander>on, S C, Peiisat;ola. Albert Pike, Ark, Indian (Jommissiotier. *Tho.s Fauntleroy. \’irginia. resigned. 'jy Robert 'I’oomb?', (jeo. Army of Potomac 3U l>aniel Rug-rks, \ a, Loair'iatia. 01 Charh-s tJlark, 3Ji^s, Army ot Potomac. ' 3'J Ro.swell S Ripley, S (.’, Coast oi S (.'. 33 Isaac R I'rimble, .'11, Army ol Potomac. 34 '''John li (iray.'on, K'‘n, died iti Florida. :>5 Paul () Hi bert, Lou, ('oast ot foxas. j 3'j Richard C ( iatlin, N C, commanding ( of ' North Carolina. 37 Felix K Zollicort'er. Ten, killed in Kentucky. 3^ lienj F (’hcatham, 'I’en, Ki-ntiick\'. I 3!> Joseph R And*-r.son, \ a, Coast ot N (?. ■ 40 Simon R liuekner, Ky, Kentucky. , 41 Leroy i'ope W alker, Ala, Alabama. ; 12 Albert C Ulanchard, L' li, Norhjlk. 43 (iaiiriel J Rains, N C, Vorkfown. ! 14 J H H Stuart. \ a, Army ot Potomac. 4') Lafayette .'IcLaw-^. (it orgia, Vorktown. ; 4) riios F Hrayton, S C, (Joast ot S C. 47 'I bos C Hitidman, .\rk. Kentucky. ’ 4' -V'lley H (iiaddeii, Loii, Peti.-acola. 4!> John i'orter .'IcCown. fen, Kentucky. Lloyd Tiltrhinan, Ken, Kentucky. 01 Nathan 1 Kv:ins, S (^, Coast ot S C 1 ;V- Cadmus M Wilcox, 'fen, Army of Potomac iy.i '•'Philip St (leorge Coeke, Va, died iu \ a. ot R H Rhodes, .Vla, .Vrmy ot l^otomac. f>.'» Richard 'I'aylor, Lou, Army ot Potomac. r»t) IjOiiis W'igfall, Texas, Army of Potomac. f)7 James II Trafiier, S (’, (’oast ot Florida. 5S Sam'l I French, Miss, Army of Potomac, i 51) Wm 11 (’arroll, 'i’enn, F^ast Tennessee. (in Hugh W Mercer, Ccoroia, •. )l Humphrey .'larshall, Ken, Kentucky. John (’ Rrcckinridge, Keti, Kentucky. >3 Rich’d (iriffith, .'1 i.s. Army of Pot(jmac. Ci4 .Vlcx’r P Sti vv:u t, Ken, Kentticky. 05 Wm Montgomery (i.irdner, (l;i, on furlough. ()*» Rich’d li (Jarnett, \’a. Army of Potomac. ()7 \Villiam Mahone, \ a, Norfolk. (»S L O’llrian Branch, .V C, (’oast of N C >!* Maxcy (iregg, S (.’, (’oast ot S C. 7'» R K Colston, Virginia. 71 Kdward Johnston, Virginia. 7'- Henry Heth, Virginia. 73 Johnston H Duncan, Louisiana. 74 S A M W'ood, Alabama. 'I’hose having an * affixed are dead, or have resigned, since the commencement of the war. ' THE WEST I'OINT (IK.NKRALS. (,’lass of 1'3‘J Alex R Lawton, John P .^lcCown. Class of 1 > Rl Richard S Kwell. Paul O Hebert, Richard B (larnett. (.’lasfi d' 1>11 Robert S (Jarnett, Samuel Jones. Class ot 1^4‘J Earl \'an Dorn, (.iustavua W Smith, .'Linsticld Lovell, James Loug- street, Daniel 11 Hill, Richard H Ander.son, Lafayette .'icLaws, Aii*x P Stewart. Class of l'i‘13 Roswell S Ripley, Sam’l (j French. Class of 1SJ4 Simon B Buckner. (Jlass of 1'545 L Kirby Smith, Barnard E Bee, \\’m 11 (.’ Whiting. t'lu.^sof 1'^40—Thomas J Jackson, Cadmus M VVilcox, Cavid R Jones, Wm M (jardner. (Jlns' of 1''!'' Natluin (i Evans. Class yf 1''51 J E B Stuart. il NKK.\I..S Wllti WKllK Mir 1{.\ D I. A TKS A T WK.ST IMII .N1 . The lollowing (ifiierals wt rc appointed to the oM I nited Stati-s Arti.y. without ]»as.-3iiig through the e.-'t Point .\cademy:—-D;ivid E. Twiggs, ap- poiined in l''lli; W m. W . i^oring, in lS3(j; I'hos. f. Fauntleroy, in l''ot>. The f.illowing Cent rals tii>t saw servii-e in the Mexican w;it; — M li Bonham, il 'iiry R Jack son, (jiideoii J. Pillow, Samuel R. Anderson, (’has. ClarL, I'hos. C. 11 iiidm:in. .1 ohn (,’. Breck inridge. Bciij F. Cheatham, Richard tiriliith, Albert Pike. Adh.y 11. Hadden, .Maxcy (ireirg U'he lollowing (ienerals participated in tiie I’lxan war.s ;ind tin* wars with Mexico:—Ben. MeCulhich. Louis 1’. W igtall. 'I’he following (icneral." saw no military service previou.., to the pre-ent war:—John B. Floyd. Henry .V. Wise. Kubert'I'oomb.s. Richard Taylor, 1 ho' B l lourno\. L. Pope Walker. F. K. Zol- licit}.'r, Wiili:im M:ihone, L O'B. Branch, V\ il- liam 11. t’arroil. R. E. Rhode.'. Some, however, recL-ivod military rdiK-atioii.* :it State institutions. \ iririnia h:!.-. I'i t iener;ils in the ('onfederate Atiiiie-: Si.nitli C;iro.inaLouisiana (ieorgia 7; ’] eiines.-ec North Carolina G; Kentucky 7; Maryland 4; .Mabama 4; .^lissi.ssippi 4; Texas 3; l!; Florida 1; .'lis.'ouri none. 1 he lollowinic were born at the North, though previous to the j)re.s-nt war they were citizens ot Southern State.'. — General Cooper, burn in New Vork; Ripley, in Ohio: Pemberton, in Penn>}l- vania; WhitiiiLT, in M;i''aehU'Ctt'; Pike, in Mas- .saehusett.-; Ruggles. in Mas.sachusetts; Blanchard, in M;issachu'etts; Ft-, neh, in New Jet>ey. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Pasquotank and Pertiuimons—J M VVhedbee Cutuden and Currituck—B F Simmou# Gates and Chowan—M L Eure Hyde and Tyrrell—Jones Spenoor Northampton—J M S Rogers llertlbrd—J B Slaughter Bertie—David Outlaw Martin and W'ashingtou—J li Stubb# Halifax—M C Whitaker Edgecombe and Wibon—H T Clark Pitt—F^ J Blount Beaufort — Frederick Grist Craven—N II Street Carteret and Jones—Dr M F Arendell (jlreene and Lenoir—J P Speight New Hanover—Eli W Hall Duplin — Dr James Dicksou Onslow—L W Humphrey Jiladen, Brunswick, 3i,c—Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnett—Duuuan Shaw S;impson—Thomas I Faibon Wayne—W K Lane Johnston—.1 W' B VV auiou W ake—.M A Bledsoe Nash—A J Taylor I’ranklin—W Harris W arren—T rl Pitch f ord Granville—C II K Taylor P* rson—C L Winstead (Jrange—Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and Randolph—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W S Harris Moore and Montgomery—"W 1> Dowd Riciimond and Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and I nion—S H NV’alkup (juiltord—Peter Adams C’asweil—Bedford Brown Rockingham — F L Simp.son .'lecklcnburg—John W'alker Cabarrus and Stanly—V C Barringer Rowiin and Davie—Dr J G Ramsey Davidson—Jno W Thoma.s 'tokes and Forsyth—Jesse A Waugh Ashe, Surry A;c—Jos Dobson Iredell, Wilkes \c—L (.^ Sharpe Burke, McDowell iVc—B S (Jaither Linroln, (.Liston \c—Jasper Stowe Rutherford, Polk A:c—A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson \c—(jeo \V Candler Haywood, Macon t^c—W II Thomau Chas The following (’onfederate (Jenerals are gradu- Mr-CowdenClark’scompleteConcordancetoShakB- i ^tes of W'est Point—the date of their graduation being pretixeu: Class of 1S15 Samuel (.hooper. Class of IH'JU John II Winder. Class of IS2‘2 Isaac R Trimble. (Mass of IxJ5 Daniel S Donel.soii, Benj’n Huger. Class of Albert S Johnston, Jno B (irayson. (Mass of l'f27 Leonidas Polk, (iabriel J Rains. Class of 1>^28 Thos F Drayton, H ugh \V Mercer. Class of Joseph E J(»hnston, Rob’t E Lee, 'J'heophilus II Holme.s, Albert G Blanchard. Class of 183(J John R .Magruder. (Mass of 1832 George H Oittenden, P St George ('ocke, H umphrey Marshall, Rich ard C Gatlio. juare: ' iif Urainatic Works of Jas yheridun Knowles; i iiiiih's Rejected Addresses: The B'))k of Scottish Ballads; '"ids tiy y,’ H Ainsworth; (Id’s Poets and Poetry of England: Poets of Great Britain; of the xixtli century; 8 Reli(|ues of .Vncieut Poetry, &c. &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. f'orly Vears’ Familiar ' V .\lexamier. D. D.: Sermons, by .1. Addison '■ . D l>. Also, further “upplies of .Marjraret ' Beulah. Adam Bede; Vusef; Shirley; School >y lU. E. J. HAliE & SOM. \\Ei;STEii‘SELEllE.\TlilVSI'ELLI\GIIOIIkS. I\T E have ju-^t received by Express, a supply of If SPELLIiS(» BOtjKS—price 61 per dozen 15, cent.-i retail, Cnxh. We liave not advanced tho firice of any articles on hand be to re the war; liut pre et. purchases cost us tiiore than we a-ked for tliose. Of course we have to put up prices on what we buy now. E. J. HALE & SONS F«7eiteTill«, Aug 29. [The following: are natives of Norih Carolina, viz: Leutiiila.i Pulk. iSraxton Bragtr, Theophilus H Holmes, Ken >lc( 'uiloch, Wm W Loring, Rich ard C(iatlin. Felix K Zollipotkr. Gabriel J Rains. L (J B Br:inch j (’(JN’FEDERATE STATES CUN^RESS. sKN .\ 1 K. Ahi'‘tit,ni — .^le.'■rl^ William L Yancey, C C Clay. Ark'tiif'if—Mc'-srs Robert \\ Johnson, B Mitchell. ■ I'ioriui—Messrs Janus M B;tker, A E Max well. ■ OVfyry/'f/—Messrs B H Hill. Robert Toombs. j Ki —Messr.c 11 C Burnett, William E; Simms. Lunisinnn—.^lessrs Eil. Sparrow’.'I'J Seinmes. \ Ml .^1 es->rs .Vlbert Ij Brown. .lames j Phelan. J t*srs » lohn \i 'hirk. il S V rcytun. i ^'n'th f (jt-'UrLTO Davis. Wil- : li:im 'I' Dorteh. ' S'mth ( ini/itti—.Nle.ssrs Robert \\ Barnwell, i James L ()rr. 1 —Mess -. Langdon (’ Haynes, Gus-j tavus A Henry. I T'jn:>—.^les'rs Loui' T W iLrtall. W S ()ldham. j i \ iijliihi — R T Hunter. W Ballard Preston. I Hoi (iF UK1’KK.>K.NT.'1 ri\ KS. I A /'Ihn Dt'I — ^les'^' \ hoiiia' J I'osti'r, in R i Smith. John P Kalis ,I L M ’urry. Fnineis Sj Lvon. W I’i'hiltoti, l>avid ('lopton, .1 :is Pugh, S Daroiiii. i A —Messrs I'elix J BtIsou, (Jrandison : D Royster, AuLru'tus II (iatftinl, I’hos B Hanly. ' i J-'/ori'/ii—.^I('srs ,);is B Dawkins. 1{ B Hilton. (ironiin — .^l eS'T' J uliau 11 art ridi^e, (’ J Mun- ; nerlyn, Hines Holt, A 11 Kenan, David W Lewis, j Wtn W Clark. Robert 1', Lucius .1 (Jar- j trell. Hardy Strickland, R Wright —Not yet elected, j Ijiiiiiniiin.t—Messrs (’harles J \ illore, (Miarles ! M Conrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lucien J Dupre, I .lohn F Lewis, .lohn Perkins, Jtin’r. —.Nles.-rs Jno J .''IcKrie. J W (Map)i, Heubeti Davis, lsr;iel Welsh, H (’ (’hatnbers, O I R Singleton, 1'] Barksdale. i Missouri—Me.ssrs John Hyer. (’asp:ir W Bell. ! George G \ t'st, \ 11 (’onrow, W W^ Cook, 'I’hos ! \S' Freeman.'riiotn:is .\ Harris j Xorlli ('(truHnn — .Nle-'rs W^ N 11 Smith, Rob ert R Bridirers. Owen R Kenan, T D ^lcDowell, Thomas S .\slie, .\.rehib;ild 11 Arrington, J R .McLean, William Lander, B S (Jaither, A T Da vidson. Messrs W' W 1 Joyce, W Por- cher Miles, M L Bonh:im, .lohn -^lc^)ueen, Jas j Fi'rrow, L M Ayer. | T> iiiif‘ssK> Messrs .1 T Heiskell, W (7 Swann, j W II Tebbs, E L (Jardenshire, II S Foote, M P (icntry, George W .Jones, Thomas Menees, J I) C Atkins, Bullock, David M '^urrin. T*‘.rns — .\le.ssrs .John A Wilcox, Peter W' Gray, (Maiborne (’ Herbert, Wm R W^right, Malcotii P Graham, B F Sexton. Vinjiiiin—.Messrs .^fuscoe R H (J irnett, John R C'hambliss. .John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thos S Bocock, John Goode, .1 r, .James P Holcombe, I) C Dejarnette, W'illiam Smith, A R Boteler, John B Baldwin, W’ K Staples, Walter Preston, A (J Jenkins, Robert .Johnson, (Mias W Russell. IKJUSE OF CU.M.MoNS. Alamance—Giles Mebane Vlexander—l)r .1 M Carsou .\nson — L L Polk, E R Lilet -Vshe—-J M Gentry Burke—J 11 Pearson B;iticombe—-Jl S Merrimon Bladen—C T Davis Bertie—P 1' Henry, and Ferguson Beaufort—R S Donnell, \V T Marsh Brunswick—T Meares ('aid well Dickson (Jabarrus — W' S Harris (’atuwba—.lonas Cline I (.’h;itham — W P 'i’aylor, R N Gre«n, 'furner ' Bynum (’herokeo—(i W Hayes (’raven—(’ (’ Clark, F E Alfred Cumberland and Harnett—C G W^right, J S Harrington. .1 (’ \Villiams Chowan Small (’olunibus—N L W’illiamson (’an.den—D D Ferebee (’arteret—D W Whitehurst Caswell Withers, 8 p HIH ('urrituck — B M Baxter (’levelatid—A G W;iters, .1 R Logan David.son—licwis H:iynes, E B (.Mark Davie Howard Duplin—J D Stanford, .1 G Branch Edgecombe—R R Bridgers, ,J S Woodard Forsyth—.1 F Poindexter, Philliji Barrow Franklin—W F (Jreen (laston J H White (franville—.J 31 Bullock, W II Jenkins, S II ('annaday (Juiltord—C P Mendenhall, C K Shober, J L •iorrell Groene—A D Speight (Jates—.lohn Boothe Ihiywood—S L Love Halifax — H D:ivis, W B Pope Hertford*—.1 .1 Vtates 11 t'tidersoii—.Jos I * .1 ordan Hyde—Tilnian Farrow Iredell—A K Simonton, A B F (jlaither .Jackson—A Fisher Jones — W P Ward .Jolinst(jn—W H W atson, Jas Mitchener Lt'iioir—.1 C Wooten Lincoln—V A McBee .Madison—John A Faug Martin Ewell McDowell—(’ li Burgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E (i L Barringer Macon—H (r U'oodtin .Mecklenburg—S W Davis, .J M Potts Nash—H (J Williams New Hanover—S .J J’erson, Daniel Shaw Northampton—.M W Ransom, W^ W Peebles Onslow—.J II Foy Orange—H B Gutlirie, W N Patterson Pasijuotank—.1 T Williams l’eri|uimons—N Nt'vvby Pitt — B G Albritton, (Miurohill Perkins Person Wilkinson Robes )ti — Alex Mc.^Iillan, Eli W^isliart Rockingham—R iwley (.lalloway and T Slade Rowan—N N FMemin>r, N. F. Ilall Rutherford—(’ 'I' N Davis, B H Padsretfe Randolph—I II Foust, Thos 8 W^inslow Richmond—.T (r Blue Sampson—N (J Faison, Geo W Autrey Surry—W W'augh Stokes—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (ireene Tyrrell—C .^icClee.*^e I’nion—(v (^ Lenimonds Wake—S II Rogers, J W Russ, II Mordeeai Warren—.1 B Ratchelor, W II Cheek Washington—C Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing Wayne—W T Dttrtch, M K Crawford Wilkes—A Martin, Ilorto. Yadkin—A (^wles Yancey Bowman CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—(jiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. M. Rogle Ashe—J. Fj. Foster. Anson—A. Myers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James Bond. Beaufort—\V. J. FMlison, E .1 Warreo. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares, Buncombe—N. W’^. Woodfin. Burke—J. C. McDowell. Cabarrus—Phifer. Caldwell—FI W Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee. Carteret—C. R. 'fhomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, J. K. Williamson. Catawba—George Setzer. Chatham—J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee and Clay—J. H. Bryson. Chowan—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. 'F. Miller, J. W. Traoj. I Columbus—Richard Wooten. (^raven—Geo. (jrreen, Jno. D. Whitford. j Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie. Currituck—John B. Jones. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—J. T. Rhodes, James Dickson. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, G«o. Howard. Forsyth—T. .1. W'ilson, I) H Starbuck. Franklin—A. D. Williams. Gaston—S. X. Johnston. (iates—A. .J. W’^alton. (Jranville—'rhoma.s B. Lyon, T. L. Hargrore, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. G^uilford—Jno. A. (jiluier, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Siuith, L. W. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—W’^m. Ilicks. , Henderson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—Ander.son Mitchell, T. A. Allison, Jackson—W. II. 'rhomas. Johnston—(’. B. Sanders, W. A. Smith. .Jones—Wm. F’oy. Lenoir—.John (^. \Vasbington Lincoln—D. Schenck. Macon—C. D. Smith. Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—David W Bagley. McDowell—J. II. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. O.sborne, James Strong. Montgomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—II. Turner. Nash—L. N. B. Battle. New Hanover—.J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. Northampton—I). A. Barnes, .T. M. Moody. Onslow—A. J. Murrill. Orange—W. A. (iraham, John Btrry. Pasquotank—R. K. Speed. Perquimons—Jos. S. (’ariiion. I Person—John W*. Cuningham. I Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, P. A. Atkinson. Randolph—\\ . .1. Long, A. G. Foster. Ri«-hmond—W. F. Leak. Robeson—J. I’. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockin^'liam — D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowat -R. A. Caldwell, H. C. Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G W' Michal, M. Dur ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—A. II. Joyce. Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I'nion—II. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W Holden. Warren—W. N. EIwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—\V. S. Pettigrew. W’^atauga—J. W. (’ouncil. Wayne—G. V. Strong, FL A. Thompson. ^Vilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Kller. Yadkin—R. F\ Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. i 1 I I ^HE Works of Chas. Lamb, 6 vols. Edited by Talfourd; of Henry Fielding, 4 vols; “ “ of Oliver Goldsmith, 4 vols; “ “ of Tobias Smollett, 6 vols; Letters of Junius; Fenelon’s Works; Pascal’s Provincial Letters; “ Thoughts, Letters, 4cc; Ojiesterfield’s Letters; C^^rinne, or Italy, by Madam® DwSta«l; Jpue Porter’s W’orks; Y:,oar of Wakefield and Rassslas: Hv}od’s Whims and Oddities; “ (’omic Miscellanies: HAtlnm's .Middle Ages; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry, Currer Bell’s Works—Jane Eyr«, Shirley and YilJettt; Evelina, by Miss Burney; Beulah, Rutledge, The Mill on the Floss; “Line upon Line,” “Peep of Day.” &o; Fox’s Book of Martyrs; Buchan’s Domestic .Medicine; Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book; Y'ouatt on the Hurse; Yoautt Martin on (battle. April 8. E. J. HALE & SONS. The l^aw ol Male^ of Peratoaal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged and improved. Starkie on Evidence, Hth Edition, with Notes by >harswood. Wendells’ Blackstone: Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. Adams’ Equity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on (Contracts. Slc. E. J. HALE & SONS TIILITARV \\ORKS. i RMV REOUL.ATIONS for the use of the (Confederate xi. States: Gilham’s Manual for Volunteers and ..lilitia; Hardee's Iiitantry Tactics, '1 vols.. Mobile Edition; The Voluntee”s Hand Book. Further supplies just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec. 14, 1801 siyrTLEnE'VTJii. ~ The subscribers will be glad to settle accounts due by or to them. E. J H.ALE & SONS. TO CLERKS OF COURTJfi. The Stay Law having postponed the settlement of suits for years, we will not hereafter insert Orders of Court without payment in advauce Please send $4 along with the Order, and more if it be ot unusual length. Feby 1802. E J. HALE & SONS, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Anew and beautiful assortment, just receired. E J. HALE .V SONS. Hardee’s Tactie$i, the only Copy- Right—.Mobile Edition, 2 vols. Gilliam's .Manual for Volunteers and Militia. Gilham’s Tactics. The Volunteer s Hand Book C. S. Army Regulations. The Southern Song Book. Flintier supplies just received. Feb’y 25. E. J. HALE & SONS. The Southern Hariiiouy^ Si€heol Books, \e., further supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. A i\ew l^aw Book* ("attltreirs Praftire at Mjatr. JUST publi>hed. a treatise iipon the Practice at Law in North (_'.-irolina. by Euw.ard Cantwell, LL. B., author of tne N. C. Justice, etc. CONTKNTS. ' Of Lerislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North t' lrnlina; Legislative Powers of .Justices of the I I’eace; (,’ouiity Bonndarie-—Deeds, etc.; County Reve- ! nue and ('harges; Court Houses. I’risons. &c.; County ' Trustee: Jury 'IMals: Fairs and Public Sales; General i .Assenit-lj’: Inspections. Public Landings, &c.: Poor I Houses a;nl Hospitals; llegisters and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks: (iates. Ferries and Bridges; Weights and .Mea sures: Miots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River: Pub lic Koa Is and ('art ways; Public Landings and Inspec tions: .Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and Constables; Pairol; Wardens of the Poor: Prison Bounds; Roads, Ferries .and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions: Exectitive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; Executive Power of the(.'ourts; Chief Justice and Clerk; .Attorneys at Law; .-Vttorney General: Reporter and Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor: Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers: County Court Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners: Committees of Finance: CouiUy Trust'-e: ('ounty Treasurer; Special Court: Conunissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; (’omtuissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Registers; Commissioners of Rivers ,\nd Creeks; Sheriffs; Consi.ibles; Rangers; Standard Keepers: Reiailers; .Vdmini'itrators; Chairman of Special Court- ‘'omtuissioners of D«eds and ('onveyances; ('om- niissioners of Low Laml-; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; Guardians and Receivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition: Patrol Committees; Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks: Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The .-\ppenilix contains forms of Deeds and Convey inces, as follows: Agreements, Assignments. .Awards. Bills of Sale. Bills of Exchange and Lading. Bonds, .Miscellaneous Bonds. Contracts, Deeds. Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership .Articles. Notes. Releases, &c.. iScc. This Book contains oAtJ pages, is gotten up in stipe- riorstyle, and bound in LawCalf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. 1800. Map of the Sea Coast of South Carolina; New .Alap of Virginia; The Southern Spy by Edw’d .A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. Dec’r 14. E. J. HALE &-SONS. NEW EDITION OF DliVERKlX ;\.VD Bn'TLK’S X. i;. LAW ftEPORFS, Volume d. The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition ol this Volume, with Notes and References to other adjudged Oases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle; and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profession. They also republished a 21 Edition of Devereux’a 2d Equity, (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’a Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 15, 1800. The Voliiiiteer’si Hand Book. A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HAL£ & SONS. POST OFFICE, FAYETTEVILLE. Schedule of Arrival and Departure of MaiU llALEIGH via AVERASBORO’ ic BAROLAVVILLE. Arrives daily Oi A. .M. Departs daily P. .M. KENANSVILLE via CLINTON AND WARSAW. Arrives daily 7^ A. M. Departs daily 2 P. M. 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A SON Blank Warrants for sa’e.