SEMI-WEEKLY. LVM.. XI.] FAYK'FTFA IIJ.E. N. C.. MAY 1, 1862. [NO. 1121.] PKINTKI) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SOI^S. Kl'lTOUS AND PROPRIKTORS rico for the Sonii Weekly Ohskrvkr $3 00 if pai.l in aJvaiicp; S3 50 if pai>l tliiring the year of suliscrii>- itin: or j?4 after tlie year ha# «xpircl. 1 For t)ie Weekly Observer 0) per annum, if paid in aJvtince; S2 50 if paid during the year of suliscrip- liou; or ^3 00 aftsr the year has expired. 0^^ AD\ ERTISKMENTS inserted for 60 cants per square of 16 lines for the first, and 30 centa for each succeeding publication. ^ enrly advertisemeuts l>v sj>e- jial coniructii, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requiiiitttd to titate the uiimber of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged aocord- iugiy. Advertisements to be inaiortod insiJt\ charged 50 per c«ut e.Ttra. STECIAL NOTll'i:. Frotu and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will I he paper be suiit to such subscribers for a longer time than ik paid for. Such of our old subscribers a.*^ desire to take the pa- p»ir on this sysleui will please notify us when making rwniittanccj. Jan’y 1, 1S58. ADVEKTISEUS, Persons out of town who de^re advertisements in- ierted iu the Observer, and persons in towu with whom we have not regular accottut? w*’’ please send with tiie advertisement ns much mor« h»y wish to invest in it, accoriliug to our advertitt i^ tms oh the first page. Wo do not wish to open any more such accounts,—or iuJeed an^ accounts. The process of collection is too JitSoult, and we have to pay cash for every thiug we u.«e or sell in these time*. Oct. -J, If^Gl. UBirr \RT Notk'ks.—We have heretofore given notice, repeatetlly, that we charge for obitiiary notices of un reasonable length, and for resolutions of respect; be- oause that kind of reading, we have much occasion to -now, is not often more agreeable to readers than to editors of papers. As it generally happens, however, that after charging and paying postage on the account for warded, we never get paid, we now give notice that we will insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom panied by the cash. (.\lwaj’S excepting in the case of liceased volunteers, when we require no pay.) Hear iu mind, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices and resolutions, not exceeding 70 words, gratis. For all iver 70 words, one cent a word, which must be paid be fore the notice will be put in type. From the Charleston Courier. A LIST OF THE GENERAL OFFICERS FN THE A KM IKS OF TIIE CONFEDERATE STATES. The lullowini' intcrostini>; statistics of’ the (\in- I’edoratc .\niiy orgaiiizMtinn are iliic to one of the lliflmioml correspondents ol the (’onrier. In the I list of Hrii^adicr- ienerals iu the Provisional Ar- ] my, th»' reirular orih'r oi appointment is pcrliaps nut always ol>.servc(l, but wo believe the list is j otherwise correct. The dates oi‘graduation ftotu j West l‘oint are taken IVom (Jarduer's Dictionary I ol the I’nited States Army; IJcmrah in (he Jio/ular Ann)/. 1 Samuel Cooper. \ a. Adjutant (Jeneral. ■ ~ All>crt S .lohnston, Texas, comuiatidiug in I Kentucky. • > Joscpli K .Johnston, \’a, commanding North- ! ern V irginia. I Robert K Leo, \’a, commaniling Soutli Atlan tic Coast. i* 1* (i T lieauregard, Lon, commanding of I’otoniac. Mttjor (icnortiis in (he IVdrisional Army I * David K Twiggs, CJeorgia, resigned. - Leonidas Polk, Lou, commanding at Memphis. 0 JJraxton Hraug, Lou, commanding at Pensa cola. 1 Karl \ an I'orn, Army of Potomac, (lustavus W Smith, Ken, Army of Potomac. (> Theophilus II Iloliucs, N C, Army of Poto mac. 7 W illiam .T Hardee, (leorgia, Misstiuri. Henjatuin Iluger, S C, oonnuanding at >ior- lolk. 1* .Jaines liongstroet, .\la, Army of Putoinac. lU .John H Magruder, \ a. commanding at Vork- town. 11 'I'homas .1 .lackson, \ a, etuumamling North western \ irginia. 1- Manstield Lovell, Va, commanding (\):ust ol Louisiana. Li Kdinund Kirby Smith, Klorida. Army of’ i’o- tomae 1 1 (.Joor-jt 'reniu'ssee />’/•//(///.7- (ini>rn/s in (hi Pi'-risinnal Armjj. Class of Daniel Ruggles. j oi ls;i5 .Jones M \Vilhers. (Mass ol‘ .Joseph K Andenson, Llcyd Tilgh- inan. Claps of ls;{7 Braxton 15ragg, \Vm 11 T W^alker JnoC Pemberton, Arnold l‘'.lzey, Henry II Sibley, .Jubal A ivirly. Class of W'ui ,J Hartlee, .Jaiiies 11 '1'rapier, (’lass of ls;;i» Alex U Lawton, .L>hn P Me(’uwn. Class ol’ IS Iu Kichard S I'.well, Paul (> llebert, LMchard IJ (lariictt. ('lass of l''ll Robert S (larnett, Samuel .lones. Class ol I >'12 Karl \’an Dorn, (i ustavus W Smith, MansfieKl Lovell, .James Long- street, Daniel H Hill, Kichard II Atulerson, Lafayette McLaws, Alex P Stewart. (Mass of’ ISlo Roswell S Ripley, Saui’l Ci Fretich. Chibd of isH Simon H Buckner, (Mass of 1^15 K Kirby Smith, Barnard 1C Bei', \rmy I Wni H (’ NVhiting. ■ Class of’1K*>—Thomas ,J .Jack.'ion, (’adimis M Wilcox, David R -Jones. Wm .’'1 Ciarduer. (Mass of t'' Nathan (} Kvans (Mass of l''i’)l .J K B Stuart. (iENKllALS wilt) WEIIK .\U'J tiUAl»rATK> AT WKST 1M)1 .NT The following (Iem'rals were appointed to the old rnited States Army, without passing through the West Point Acadcmy:—David K. Twiggs, ap pointed in HPi; Wm. W. Loring, in I'hos. T. I'auiitleroy, in !>■:>•). 'fho following (ienerals first saw service iu the Mexican war:—^L L. Bonhaui, Henry R. .I;ick- son, (Jiileon .1. Pillow, Samuel R. .\nder.sou, (Mias. (Mark, 'IMios. ('. Hindman, John C Breck inridge, Benj. K. (Micatham, Rihard (.iriflith, Albert Pike, Adley II. (Iladdeii, .^laxey Creg-r. 'IMie lollowing (ienerals partieipateii in the 'I'exan wars and the wars with Mexico;—Inii. Mct’ulloch, JiOuis T. Wigfall. The I’ollowinu (leuerals .■>aw no military service 1 1' 1- i> t previous to the itresent war;—Ldin B. IMovd, ( nttentlon, Ken. coiumai\din‘r Last i, , i ... t Henry A. W i.»e, Robert I oombs, Kiciiard I aylor, ^ I hos. B I'lournoy, L Pope Walker, 1' K Zol-! licotler, William .^lahone, L. )’P> l’>raneh, W il-| \ ; liam II. Carroll. R. K. Rhodes. Som., however, L .John B Hoyd, \ a, commandinir Army mWhnry cdn^auon^ St: mm m jiiscellweois works. BBOTT’8 HiBtories. 28 vols.; ,\bbott’s Napoleon; A lrving’80>:-uiplete Works,‘21 vols; “ Life of Washingtou. 5 vols; Presc«tt’s Phili{) the lid; “ Charle.s the -'ith; “ Ferdinand and Isabella: “ Conijuest of Mexico; “ “ of Peru; Bancroft's U. States, 8 vols; Lossing’s Field Hook of the American Revolution; Tytler's Universal History; Hallam's Middle .Vges; Hume and Macaulay's Histories of England; Rollin’s Ancient History; Millman's Gibbon's liomt': Josephus’ works; Robertson's works; Webster’s W'orks; Clay’s “ by Colton; Fu-nton's 30 years in the U. S Senate Burke's works; Ur John.son's >litto: i’i')«well’s Life of Dr .Tohnson; Addison's Works; Addison's Spectator; Macaulay 8 Miscellaiiies: 1 and ti vols; .M'ldern P>ritish l’>s.ayists; Knight’s Half Hours with the best .\uthors; Discussions on Philosophy and i.iterature, by Sir Wm Hamilton; Chambers's Miscellany. 10 vo!.'; Statesman's Manual: The Federalist; Political Text Book, by McCluskey; Constitutions of the States; Marshall's Life of Washington; The Life of Wm. Pinckney; American Eloquence; Biography of Distinguished Wojuen; by Mrs S J Hale; Encyclopc lia Americana: Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; Life and (Correspondence of Lord .letfrey; Lockhart's Life of Scott; Curran and hi.n Coiemporaries, V>y Cha>i Phillips; Waverly Novels, complete in •> vols; “ “ “ in '11 vols; “ ‘‘ “ in 27 voIh: Cooper's Sea Tales; Dickens’ W’orks; Marryatt’s Novels; Wilson’s Tales of the Bonier®; Hannah More’s workw; Dick’s works; IMutarch’s Live.': Dryden’s Works; Sterne’s works; The Doctor, by Soutlie}’: ('rabb’s Synonymes; Percy Anecdotes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illustrated; The Scottish Gael; viacetteer of the U. States; Major Jack Downing's 30 ye.irs out of the Senate; Livingstone’s Travels in South Africa; Lord Elgin s Misyion to (’liina and Jaj)an: Five Years in China, by Dr. ('has. Taylor; The British Expedition to the Crimea, by W H Russell; My Diary in India, by ditto; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; Cumming’s Hunter’s Life in Africa; Nott & Gliddon’s Indijjenous Races of the Earth; Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, by R. Dale Owen; Standard Poetical Works in various bindings, among wtiioh are: Flemans, Scott, Pope, Byron, Burns, Moore, Hood, Halleck, (Campbell, Crabbe, Coleridge, Cowper, Goldsmith, Milton, &c., &c. Hhakspeare’s, Massinger & Ford’s and Beaumont and Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; Mrs Cowden Clark’s complete Concordance toShaks- peare; The Dramatic Works of Jas Sheridan Knowles; Smith’s Rejected Addresses; The Book of Scottish Ballads; Ballads liy W H Ainsworth; Griswold’s Poets and Poetry of England: Female Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’s Reliques of Ancient Poetry, kc. fic. E J. HALE A SONS. March 22. Torty Year?-;’ Familial* L«‘tU‘i*N nawha. 0 Henry A Wise. Va, Roanuke Island. 4 Ben Mct'ulloch, Tcx:i.':, Missouri. 5 *IIenry R .lackson, lleo. resigned. t» '‘Robert S (larnett, Va, killed in action. 7 ' William 11 T Walker, (eo, resigned. '' '* Barnaril K Bee, S C, killed in aetion. i) Alexander R Lawton, (I eo, commanding Coast of tJeorgia. 10 ‘‘•lideuu.J Pillow, Tcnn. resigned. 1 1 Samuel R Anderson, 'I’enn, Kentucky. 1 'J Daniel S Donelson, Tenn, ('o;i.t of S (’arolina. L> D;ivid R .loues. S (', Army of Potomac. I 1 .Jones M Withers, Al:i, coiuniandiiig (’oa'^f of Al:ibama. 1.") .I ihn C Pemberton, \';i, ('oast of S ('. 1> Riehard S Kwell, \ ;i. Army of I’otomac 17 .John II Winder, Maryland, Richmond. 1" .Jubal A Karly, \ a. Army of Putom:ie. !*.♦ 'Thus li Flournoy, Ark, died in ■Jtt Samuel .Jones, \ a. Army of Potuiu:ic. Arnold IMzey, .^laryland, Army uf Potomac. Daniel H Hill. N Army of Potomae. Henry H Sibley, Lou. Textts Frontier. lM W in H (’ Whiting, (leo. Army of J’otornac. ■Jo Wm W Jjoring, > C, Western Virginia. ■J'l Riehard 11 .Vnderson, S C, Pensacola. ■J7 Albert Pike, Ark, Indian (’omnji.ssioner ■J" *^'riios T Fauntleroy, \ iruinia, resi^-^ncd li'.i Robert Toombs, (Jeo, -Vrmy of Potomac. Daniel iluggles, \ :i, Louisiana. •'!I I’harlcs Clark, ."'li.'S, .Vrmy of Potomac. ;i'J Roswell S Ripley, S C, (’o:i.-t of S ;>:> Isaac R Trimble, .'Id, Army of Potomac. .'J 1 ’.John B Cray.'on, Ken, died in i'Morida. ;>’> Paul () Hebert, Lou, Coast of Texas. 011 Richard (’ tlatlin, N (,’, commanding Coa.'^t of North (Carolina. :}7 Felix K Zollicofl'er, Ten, killed in Kentucky. Benj F Cheatham, Ten, Kentucky. ;!!> .Joseph R Anderson, \'a, ('oast of N C. 4U Simon Ruckner, Ky, Kentucky, ti Jjcroy i’ope Walker, Ala, Alabama. 42 Albert G Blanchard, Lou, Norfolk. 13 (iabriel J Rains, N (’, Vorktown. 41 J K B Stuart, \ a, Army of Potomac, f.') Jjafayette McLaws, «!eorgia, Vorktown. 4t) 'I ho.s K Drayton, S C, (’oast of S C. 17 'I’hos (’ Hindman, Ark, Kentucky. 4^ Adley H (Hadden, Lou, Pensacola. P.t .John I'orter Mc(]own, Ten, Kentucky. ;’>) Lloyd Tilghman, Ken, Kentucky. r>l Nathan C Kv:itis, S i.), (.'oast of S (’. ,")l! (!.admus M Wilcox, Ten, Army of I’otojnac. * Philip St ( ieorge (^ocke, Va, died in \ a. fij R K Rhodes, Ala, Army of Potomac. f).i Richard Taylor, Lou, Army ol Potomac. ;')!» iiouis T Wigfall, Texas, Army of I’otomac. f)7 James H Trapier, S (’, Coast of Klorida. SaniM (I French, Miss, Army of I'otomac. ft!) Wm II ('arroll, Tenn, Kast Tennessee. (10 Hugh W Mercer, (Jeorgia, . ite institutions. \ irginia has Itl (loneral." in the ('onfcdenite .\rmies; South CaruHn:i 0; Lotiisian:i (iOorgi;i 7; 'rennessee North Carolin:i •’»; Kentueky 7; .'^laryhind t; Alabama 4; Mississippi I; 'rex:i> Vrkan.'as *J; I'Morida 1; Missi.'uri none. 'IMie following were born :it the North, tbou-b previous to the proiont war they were eitiKeiis oi Southern States;—(Iener;il Cooper, born in .W w York; Ri{iley, in Ohio: Pemberton, in Pennsyl vania; \\ iiitiiii;, in M:tss;ichusetts; Pike, in '1 ; sachusetts; Ruggle>, in .'l:is>aeliusetts; Blanehiird. in .'las."achu'etts; I'rench, in New .ler'Cy ['IMie following are natives of North C:iroliii:i. ''>z: Leonidas Polk, Bnixton J5ragg, 'rheopliilu> D Holmes, Hen ,'!e('ulloeIi, W ni W Luring, Itieh- ardCtlatlin, I’elix K '/ollieofb r. (i;ibriel .1 Rain>. L 'J'B Br:inch.] C( >NFKDKRA'PK STA'I'KS (’().NC RKSS >K.N ATK. AhtJtiim'X—Me.s.-rs Willi:im L V;ine;v. (’' C (M:ty ■y\‘ .,1, M, M W -J.-hns' B:iker, A K .'Inx B 11 Hill, llobert lbs. 11 C Burnett. \\ illiani K Kd. Spiirri .Mbert I 'r .1 s. Irown. irk. II S V I L-oru'e (il Humphrey Marshall, Ken, I\entucky. • ilJ John (J Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky. I»:> Rich’d (irilHth, Mi.«s, Army of’ Potomac. (»J Alex’r I* Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. (»r> Win 'lontgonicry (lardner, (ia, ou furlough. (»t) Ricli’d B (larnett, Va, Army of Potomac. i')~ William Mahone, ^'a, Norfolk. t;s L O’Brian JJranch, N C, Coast of N (> ii!> Maxcy Gregg, S C, Coa.«t of S ('. 70 R K Colston, Virginia. 7L Edward Johnston, Virginia. 72 Henry Heth, V'irginia. 73 Johnston II Duncan, Jjouisiana. 74 SAM Wood, Alabama. Those liaving an * affixed arc dead, or have resigned, since the commencement of the war. THE WP:sT I>i|.\T (IKNKRALS. The following (^onledoratc Geiieriils are gradu- .ates of West Point—the date of tJieir {graduation being prefixed: of Samuel Cooper. ('lass of IS20 Jolin II Winder. Class of Isaac R Trin.’.ile. ( of 1S2;') Daniel S Doiielson, Bonj’n Iluger. Class of 1S2() Albert S .Johnston, Jno B Grayson. (Mass of JS27 ]jConilas Polk, (jabriel J Rains. Cla.«s of’ JS2S Thos K Drayton, HugJi W Mercer (’lass of Joseph K Johnston, Rob’t K Lee Theo[)hilus II Holmes, Albert 0 Blancharl. rl 'insuf B Mitchell. Fiori'hi—Me';sr> well. (! Ill /•' /in—M e.ssr A' n(ni /,-i/—M 'ssrs Sitnms. Ijoniaiii nn—M t'S'V M is» '.ss l^ij) i— Mess Phelan. Mifnonri—Messrs J i lin B C A'or(h i'arolinn — Messrs liam T Dortch. Sou(h CtiI'liltmi—Me>sr." Robeit i>ariiwe!l. -lames L (>rr. i Tinnmsir—.^Icssrs Langdon C Hayno', lu-j tavus A Henry. 7’rj'iis—Messrs Louis T Wigf;ill, W S (.)Klhaui. Vii'ijiniii — R M r Hunter, N\ Ballard Pre'ston. HOUSE OF RKI'HKSKNT.V'm r.s. ^\fitli(ti)iii—Messrs 'I honias .) l i>ster. W m K Smith, Joh-» P Ralls, J L .M Curry, l’ran i.- S Lyon, W P (Miilton, David ('lopton, Ja> L Pugh. K S Dariran. J/7.V/W.SV/.S-—Me.s.'^rs I'elix J Balson, GrandiMin D Royster, Augustus H (Garland, Thos B ILuily, Flnriihi—Messrs .Ja.> P> Dawkins, U B Hilton firuniiii—Messrs .1 uliaii ILirtiidge, C J Mun- nerlyn, Hines Holt, A 11 Kenan, David ^\ Lewis. Wm AV ('lark, Kobert P'I'rippe, Lucius J ;:ir- trell, Hardy Strickland, A R Wright. Kadurky—Not yet elected. Ijouiaidua—Messrs (’harlcs J X'illere, Charles M (/onrad, Duncan J' Kenner, Lueicn J Dupre. John K Lewis, John Perkins, .Jun'r. Mixsisiippi—Messrs Jno.J .''leRae, J W (M;ip)», Reuben Davis, Israel Welsh, 11 C (Miambers, () R Singleton, K Barksdale. Missouri—Messrs .lohn Hyer, (’asp:ir W liell, Jeorge (i Vest, A H (’onrow, \V W Cook, '1 iios W I'recman, Thomas A Harris. Nor(h ('(irolina—Me.ssrs W X H Smith, Itob- ert R Rridgers, Uwcu R Kenan, X D McJJowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald II Arrington, J 11 McLean, William Lander, B S Gaither, A T Da- vid.son. Sou(h Carolina—Messrs W W Boyce, W Pi>r- cher Miles, M L Jk)nham, John Mc(^ueen, Jas Farrow', L M Ayer. Tennrssrr—Messrs J T Hei>kell, AV (J Sw;inn, W II Tebbs, K L Gardenshire, H »S Koote, P (tcntry, George W Jones, Thomas Menees, .1 D C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. ''fJ'is. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison j of IS.SO John B Magruder. tsooks, 4ic. J. Cocke, Humphrey Marshall, Rick July 10. £. J. HALE & SON. aid C Gatlin. Texas—Messrs John A Wilcox, I’cter W (ir:ty, (Maiborne C Herbert, Wm B Wright, Malcom P Graham, B F Sexton. Virijinia—Messrs Muscoe R II Garnett, .John R Chambliss. John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, 'IMios S Bocock, John Goode, Jr, .James P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, John B Baldwin, W R Staples, Walter^ Preston, 'V (1 Jenkins, Robert .Johnson, Chas W Russell. LKGISL.VniRE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Pa.stjuotank and Penjuimons—I M Wliedbee Camden and (,'urrituck—B F Simnuvns Gates and (’itowan—M L Kure Hyde and'i ynell—.Jone+^ Spencer Northampton—.J M S Rogers llertl’ord—.J B Slaughter Bertie—David Outlaw .^lartin :iml Washitigton—J R Stubbs Ihilil’ax—M (' Whiniker Jvlgecombe and Wilson—H T Clark Pitt—KJ Blount Beaufttrt — l-’rederick (I rist Craveti—N II Street (’jirteret and .Jones—Dr M F Arendell Grec^ne ainl Lenoir—J P Speight New ILmover—Kli W Hall Duplin—Dr .Jiimes Dickson Hnslow—L W Humphrey Bladen, Brunswick, \c—Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnotf—Dunean Shaw S:inipson—'I'homas I Faison AVayne—K Lane .Johnston—.1 W B Watson W;ik.>—M A Bletlsoe Nash—A J Taylor Franklin—W H;irris arren—T J Pitchford Granville—(] H K'I’aylor Person—(! L Winstead Or;inge—Josiah 'J'urner, Jr Alaiu:ince and Randolph—.Jonatlian Worth ('liathain—W S Harris Moore and Montgouu ry—W D Dowd Richmond and Rc.ibeson—.\lfred Dockery Anson and I'nion—S H W;dkup Guilford—Peter Adams ('aswell—Bedford Brown Rockingham—F L Simpson Meekletiburg—.John Walker C:ib:irrus and Stanly—V C Barringet lIow:iti and D;ivie—Dr J I Ramsey ; D:ivid'0n—.Jno W 'I'homas j '^fokts :ind l''orsyth—Jesse A \V:iugii ' .\she, Surry »Vc—Jo> Dobson | Ireilell, WMlkt''— L Sluirpe | Burki', .^leDowell —B S Gaither | Lincoln, (la^ton \c—.Jasper Stowe | Ivutherlord, Polk 'cc—.V W Burton. i Btineombe, 11 cnderson vVc—tleo W C:indler Haywoud, M:icon \c—W 11 'l’honi:is ! IH'CSi; (iF C(kMMuNS A lani:inei—(! ile> Mebane Mex;uider—Dr J .'I (’:irson .\n"on — L li Polk, I' 1{ Lili-i .\>he —.1 ,Nl ti entry Burke -J H Pe:ir on Buneoiubt'—A Mt rrimoii Bladeii—T 1 >;ivis Bertie—P r Henry, ;md — I'erLrUMUi Be:iulort — U S Donnell. W 'I’ Mrn-h ISrunswiek—T D Miares t'aldwi'll i'ieksoii (':ibarrus—W’ S ILirris t'atuwba JoiKi^ ('line (’hat1i;au—W P Titylor. R N (Ireon. 'rurner Bynum Cherokee—(i W ILiyes ('niven—(' (' ('l;irk, 1' K iVllVed Cu!iiberl;ind and Hnrnett—(' lI Wright, .1 S 11 :irrinuton, .1 (' \\ i!li;ims « l:ow:in .''tnall CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Iluftin Alexamler—A. M. Bogle. Ashe—.J. K. Foster. Anson—A. Myers, .1. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, .James Bond. Beaufort—^V. .1, Klli.s'on, K .1 Warren. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W. Woodfin. Burke—J. (/. McDowell. (’abarrus—(^ Phifer. (’aldwell—E W Jones. (’amden—D. T). Ferebee. (’arteret—C. R. Thomas. (’aswell—Bedford Brown, J. K. Williamson. Catawba—(Jeorge Setzer. SUGGESTIONS FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS—THE MARCH. We will begin our observatioris upon tliis sub ject, first, by attention to those things which con cern the individual, and then come to those which may be considered as duties ol the soldiers to each other, and to their ullicer."; coming at last tt^ tlie duties of an ollicer conducting the nuirch. Shoes.—The shoes shoubl have broad thick soles and low heels, with soft upper leather They should fit well on the instep, be roomy across the ball of the foot, and leave the ankl^ free. TJie upper leather should be kept pliable with grease, and a change alway.s re:idy, in case the pair on begin to chafe the feet in any }tlacc; also that one may alw:iys have dry feet at night iS(>ck$.—The socks should be heavy woolen (Chatham—J. II. Headen, John Manning Jr.,! ones, thick but soft, and great pains must be WEItSTER'S ELEllE.\T.\l{VSi’ELLI.\l'i IIIIIIKS, WE have just received by, a supply of SPELLING BOOKS—price SI per dozen l'>. cents retail, Canh. We have not advanced the price of any articles on hand before the war; l>ut pro ei. purchases us more than we asked for those. Of course we have to put up prices ou what we buy now. E. J. HALE & SONS Fayettetllle, Aug. 29. Cnlumi>u^ N L Williamson ('an.deii—D D Kercbee (’;irtcret—D Whitehur-'t (’:i^weU— Withirs, S P Hill i'iirrit uck—B ^1 Baxter i'levt !;in-.l—A I W:iters. .1 I? Logan David'iin—Lewis Haynes, K P> ('lark Davit How;ird Duplin—J D .''t::nlord, .1 G Branch lMi_eeon)be—R R Bridgers, .J S oodard i'or.'Vth—J 1' Poindexter. Phillip Barrmv i'r:inklin—\\ !•' (ireen G;isf"ii—J H WMiite ;r;uivlile—J .'1 Bullock, \\ H .Jenkins, S 11 (';iMii.ul:iy tluillord—(J P .''li'ndenhall, C I-' Sholier, J L tinrrell t; re; ue — A 1 > Speight Ct:ites lohn Boothe Haywood—S L l.ovc L. J. Merritt. (Mierokee and (May—J. II. Bryson. (Miowan—R. II. Dillard. (Mcveland—W’’. J. T. Miller, J. W^. Tracy, (.’olumbus—Richard Wooten. ('raven—(ieo. (jlreen, Jno. 1). Whitford. (jumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, M. .1. McDufhe. (’urrituck—John B. Jones. l>avidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. 0. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—J. T. Rhodes, James Dickson. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. liattle, Geo. Howard. For.syth—T. J. Wilson, D II Starbuck. Fninklin—A. 1). Williams. (laston—S. X. Johnston.—A. J. Walton. (iranville—Thomas B. Lyon, '1'. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. Greene—W. A. Darden. Ciuilford—Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph (.lOrrell, R I*. Diek. ILililax—R. 11 Smith. L W Hatclielor. Hy.le—K. L. Mann. ILiywood—Wm. Hieks. Hentlerson—W. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth !J:iyner. Iredell—Anderson .^Iitch(‘ll, 'P .\ Allison. J:ickson—W. 11. Thomas. Johnston—(^. B. Sanders, W A Smith .Jones—Wm. r'y. Jjcnoir—.John (’. Wasliington Lincoln—D. Schenck. .NLicon—('. D. Smith. .Madison—J. A. McDowell. Martin—David W Bagley. McI >owell—J .11. (jrcenlee. Meeklenburir—J. W. Osborne, James Strong. Montgomery—S. 11. (Miristian. Moore—If. 'I'urner. Nash—L. N. B. Battle. New Hanover—J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, .J. M. Moody. ()nslow—A. J. Murrill. Orange—W. A. C«raham, .lohn Berry Pas(jUOt:ink—R K. Speed. Pcr(|iiimons—L»s. S. ( annon. Person—.Tohn W. (’nningham Pitt—F. B. Satterthw;iite, P. A. Atkin.son Randolph—W. .J. Long. A. (J. Foster. Richmond—W. F. Leak. Robe.-^on—J. 1*. Fuller, J. (\ Southerland. Boekingham—D. S. Reid, K. '1'. Brodnax. Rowar -R. A. ('aldwell, 11. C. .Tones. Butherford and Polk— (i W Michal, M Dur ham. S:im]>?on—R. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Sfanly—K. Hcjirne. Stokes—A. 11. Joyce. Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Kli Spruill. I'nion—H. M. Houston. Wake—G. K. B:ulger, Iv. P. liattle, W. W ^ Holden. \Varren—W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. I Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J . W. Council. Wayne—(J. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—fas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Vadkin— R. F. Armtield. Vancey—.^I. J*. Penland. ilaiiiax — il iUivis. W B Pope Herii'oril—! 1 Ve:ites IL'nd-. rsi'ii—J:’ 1‘ Jord:'n Hyb—'i’iltn;iii l':irrou' Ir.'.KM—\ K Simoiitoti, A B h’ tlaitlu'r .Ineksoii — A I'i-^her .Jones—Vr P W..rd .jiilMi'ton — \\ II Watson, .lav >ntehener Lenoir f C ^Voi>teIl Lincoln—V A Me Bee M:i(iison—John A l';i:;g Miirtin Ihvell .'dcDowell—(,’ H Burgin .'looro—.Moxaniier Kellv .’\Iontgomory—K G L Barringer ]\Iacon—11 (i Woodfin .Meeklcnburg—SW |i:ivis, J M Potts Nash—II G Williams New Hanover—S J Person, Danicd Shaw Northamjitun—M \V Ransom, W W Peebles ()nslo\v—J 11 Foy Orange—H B Guthrie. W N Patterson Pasijuotank—J 'I' Williams Peniuimons—N Newby Pitt—B (} Albritton, Churchill Perkins 1 ‘erson Wilkinson Robeson—Alex ^McMillan, Eli Wishart Bockingham—liawley (»alloway and T Slade Rowan— N N IMemin", N. F, Hall Rutherford—C T N Davis, 1? II Padgett B:indolph—I H Foust, Thos S Winslow Richmond—.1 > Blue Sampson—N (’ I’aison, Geo W Autrey Surry—W Waugh Stokes—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (ireene 'fyrrell—(’ McCleese I'nion—(^ (^ Lemmonds Wake—S II Rogers, J W Russ, II Mordecai W:irren—J B Batchelor, W II (Mieek Washington—V, Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing Wa^ne—W T Dortch, M K Crawford Wilkes—A W Martin, TIorto. Vadkin—A C (Bowles Yancey Rownian JUST publi:^lied. a trentise iip^u tl-.e Prac ill Niiilli (';iroliu:i. by l!li>\v\iu> Cantwbi A Aew I^aw Book. i 'fnttu'vU's i*rad ice at Ijdtr. Praciico at Law iLL, LL. B., tutlmr of the N. !ustice. etc. OONTKXTS. C'f I.ccislativo Power in General; Legislative Power ill N"riii Carolina: Legislative Powers of .Justices of the I’l'ace; County Boundaries—l>t'ods, etc.; County Reve nue and Charges: Court Houses, Prisons, iScc.: County rrusice: .Jury Trials: Fairs and Public Sales; General ' .\sseinMy; lii'pections. Public Landings, .^o.: Poor ; Houses and Hospitals: Regi>icrs and Clerks; Riversand . Creeks: (.Jaies, Fetrie> and Bridges; Weights and .Mca- ; sures; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neuse River; Ptib- ' lie Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and Inspec- I lions; Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Vt’ardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, j Ferries and P.ridges; Poll Ta.x Exeinj)tions: Executive ; Power iu General; Executive Power in North Cargliua; I Executive Power of the Courts; Chief .Justice and Clerk; Attorneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians: County Attoruey; Auctioueers; County Court Clerks; Coroners; Boumlary Commissioners; Committees of Finance; (’ouuty Trustee; County Treasurer; Special Court: Commissioners of F.airs; Inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; Commissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Registers: Commissioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheriti's; Constables; Rangers; Standard Keepers; Retailers; Administrators; Chairman of Special Court: Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances: ('om missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of IHections; Guardians and Receivers; Inspectors: Commissioners of Internal Iiiiprovenients; Partition; Patrol Committees; Processioners; T.ix Listers ind Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks: Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix contains form? of Deeds and Convey ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills of Exch.ange and Lading, 15onds, Miscellaneous Bonds, Contracts, Deeds, Marri.age Settlemants, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles, Notes, Releases, &o., &c. This Book contains 566 pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $b. For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. I860. ~Map or the Sea Coast of South Carolina; New Map of Virginia; The Sou'hern Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. Dec’r 14. E. J. HALE & SONS. I taken to have them clean and free front .‘^and or I gravel. I Soap and Tou c/.—Soap and a towel sliould be I carried conveniently ready for use, to w;ish an«l J dry the feet as often as desirable. A little water . I from the canteen on the towel will be of great ■ service when more cannot be got. Bliiiers.—Stick them on two sides near thcTr edges, so that, when pressed on, all the w:iter will escape. Leave the dead skin, as a protection until new forms. If the skin is broken, proteet ^ the part with grease, free from salt or soap. Have an eye to tne nails. Rest.—At a halt, recline, selecting a dry .spot, • or throwing down a blanket or rubber cloth, if the rest be of many minutes’ duration. Raise the feet alternately and the blood will flow back, re lieving the legs and feet from all feeling of fulness and weariness. More rest can be obtained by the judicious use of a few moments than ol hours, it seated say, on the damp ground, with the blood prevented from returning irom the feet and legs, by the binding of’ clothes or a cramped position. In very wet days or places it is sou’C- times a help to lean against atiyt'aing, and raise alternately the feet until the blood flows back Times fur Rest.—Most military writers agree in making their first halt within tlui first half hour. It need be but for a few moments, as it wore, but it enables all to arrange anything wrong about the dress or accoutrements. U takes away from be ginners ^he fear of the fatigues uf the day, a« it shows & care for a saving uf strength, which they would not perhftpb practice for themselvci. It eausei the body to take on gradually the habit of exercise, and the system has ample time to gather its forces for the use of the parts to be employed. Once an hour may do afterwards with tolerably well- trained men. Arbitrary rule« cauuot, perhaps, be given that will suit every case. ^ The Rule should be, rest must precede fatigue, As sudden transitions are bad, the march should end as begun—carefully, gently, in training men, never overdo; always stop within the known ability of the man or men. To walk with ease.—Throw the chest forward; this the knapsack will have a tendency to iuduuc Pass the teet near the ground by the action chiefly of the thighs, and do not let the loot on tlic ground remain. In this way the Indian glides, as it were, with a light stfp and great powers of enduranc®. Contrast this with the rapidity of motion necessary to make the same progress, where the fout is planted heel first, as if never to be taken up again, the body at each step losing its impulse, tJte foot, the wfiole frame jarred; n eflurt being re[uired at each step to give the body its lost motion, if glide is the word fur the first, jerk is that for the last. The Ordtr to /alt In should be obeyed with the utmost promptitude by every one. An olhcer ' should see to it that cartless men do not keep others waiting; the men should be made to see that this is one of the b;td elfucta of a want of ready obedience. Fallivij Out.—If a man has permission* and is compelled to fall uut, his arms and pack should be carried by his coturades to enalde him more easily to overtake them; and they will >ee to it if one is habitually slow to coiue up. SUijht luilispo.sition.—if a man is sliglitly un well it may be better for cii otliocr to fiave him relieved ot bin pack, etc., lor part ol a day, rather than to have him in the hospital wagon, pack and 11, the next. The ulTicur comm:inding should tlioughtlully select the grouiiJ, ao to water, etc., as well as the times for hishalu.—( 'hurit-slun M rcnrj. A Tli* VoluiiU*er’!^ Haii«l Hook. FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. 5^ov. 15. The ^11 nily by Prot. In graham; Saj' and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World,” &c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, bj’’ a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., &c. E. .7. HALE & SONS. copicsot'tlie Observer can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Book»tor«. Price 6 centa. POST OFFICE, i'A\; I'KViLLi;. Sclhilnle oj ":nl D'f .irt’tre of M liL-. RALEIGH via A VKli \S.:Oito x iI \ lULA VVl LLE Airives d lily tj.\ A '>i Departs daily H P. M. KENANSVILLE via CLLNToN AND WAKSA\». .Arrives daily 7^ .M. Depai ts daily - P. .\l. HIGH POINi via C.VIM’ll.VGE AND ASHElMBo, 'I'ri-Weekly. Arrives San iay. Wednesday ;ind Friday 1 I .\ .M Dcpirts '»I‘juday, Wednesd:iy ;iiid Frid ly i 1 . ,\i ( iil'RAW, S. C.. via GILOl'OLIS. ■\rrives Tuesday, Thui*sday and S.iiui'l iy I .V, M Depaits Sund.i-v, Tuesday and Thin.-d ly 1 P M FAIR I’.LUFF via LI’MilKllTO.N Arrives Tuesday, Thursd ay rtiid Saiuvd ly s A M. Departs Sunday, Tuesday an 1 Tliiusday 1 P M RALEIGH via feCM'vIKllVlLl.t;. Arrives Saturd^iy - P. -M. Dep.arts VVcdiiesday il A. M. ROBESON'S via ELIZABiyfH roWN. •Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Sat unlay 2.] P M Departs Monday, Wednesday and Fiiday > \. ,M l£LIZABETUTOWN via TERliBINTHE, DESKRET AND WHITE OAK. Arrives Monday (j P. .M. Departs Tuesday 0 A. MAGNOLIA, (via GRAVELLY HILL.) Arrives Tuesday '1 P. M. , ♦ Departs Tuesday P. .\L SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, COVIXtJTtJN. POWELLTON, LITTLE S MILLS, .vc Arrives Tuesday G P. M. Departs Wednesday 11 A. .M. SWIFT ISL.VND via TROV Arrives Tuesday G P. M. Departs Wednesday 8 A. M. PHILADELPHUS via LUMBER BRIDGE. • Arrives Mond.ay 1~ M. Departs Monday All Mails leaving before A. M. are eloped the evening previous at 9 P. M. • All letters to be sent ott' other than by mail mu l>e paid for as if sent by mail. Drop letters should invariably ho pre-paid. Office is opened on Sund.ay at 8j and closed ."it 10 A. M. , J-A.S. G. COOK, P. M Vol. 8tli Bancroft’«« United Elates. July 10. £• J TI A LE Hi SON. Blank Warrants sa’e.