«ro '^. ’]'’’*''*t‘'lin(r, • ' -tp.l «; ’H«*n Tor ■‘ Usual •It Rl'nv V. »i*il ill. 'Vaii*U, hoi>„ ■ 1 •> or '’ii '"r "ill t.e tii'r- ^ ^ '' 'DipH- Mip io T'_. Mi'l'i^nul,}. 'I ! NAI.h I ■ ltov«. Ul , tlh « >niipanj- n »>:'iw,>en (h.» lioro is ■ >r;j’ini7H.l ' ■ Jin. H - I' i . Kylp’n ■ iiu- '* - ‘‘.riv .Ihv • N I' T , ••i: yf :il of J‘ I. ot uifh ^ w viriug in. t'Xi'ellent jtrun ;-i ■ ^cruo.l, or ■ !\ - T '• :l: K A .. Jr. >i LArRlN- 'iii* »>fd and Uls. I ' ill oiillect, ■'..litM - wh.! have lii- ; argeJ for anf of the 1'’.' iSE • iw ■ cut euve- n ; and alsi: a Ni.EIAST • ‘J J b Reg't N ' i' Ul the l')ih ’ ■■•n = - : Hge.l • i- xii'ii, V' ii'k •■y 'i’ll 1 HO that I . :,i-vR, i. >. T 1 .pi War!!! ^V ,^r to r"is{* a a ’ ' ‘ >nf.’ ■ ff!' ■iv\,; ., ar. I if Ni-HKi' . U tlili-’ . . les. : ij pvr The be?: •:rvJ^racy Kili I-i sinply >r by •: \ ,rk with ^ I- ! ^eJ to -■ • r : \ UAV. i.k' ufrJer the ^ ■ ;,: u,s V , - . «f gui'l ' nty, on ,8 free, afl'l : ;.wing de- r ise, brodi •, t.y:.hi::nc . : Lgh. uiid 1. , r .v«*-p: . e, with as i - . - hff ilalt I %»ill . ; T rr d«* • . V mill* Vi HPHV H;:’ I H • j>jiv»te ..nd j a !i, them II V are ru tf and r . ' :i )U8ign- )i LAW RKPKRTS. 1 i . h ii ion ot toother , . - v Hon. Win^ . p )grftpbic® y, compWt^- .. = 1 .. . - .ux’s -d ! . li. -.e, iiro = ,f [ ■ dcl'« : ..laiit of I - V -I ?! f ffev & li al‘ timPS r- lb ir cufl- r . K N SFiMI-WEKKI. Y. [VOL. XI] FAVr/rrKVILLK. N. ( .. MAY 5, 18G2. PKINTF.U Mi)Nl>.\YS ANl> THURSDAYS J. HALE Si SOIVS. Kl ITOHS AN’L> I’KOPRIETORS rice for the S«;uii Weekly (,>useuvku S3 00 if paiil in advaiu-e: -Lci h p:iij during ihe year of ^ubscrip- ii'ii; or SI after tlte yenv Im** expired Fdf ilu! Weekly Ou«ervkr S‘_’ 0(t p*r nununi, if paid in advance: i')0 if paid during the year of wuVtscrip lion: or (M» after tlic year hag expired. S>s^ Al>\ EHTISEMKNTS inserted for fiU cents per cquare of 16 lines for the firxt, and 30 cents for ench iuoceedin^ pvibUoation. \ eavly advevii(»euieuls by spe .'ial contracts, Ht reasonalile rates. Advertisers are requested to stale the nun'her of insertions desired, or they will be conliuued till forbid, and chnrged accord ingly. Advertisements to be inserted insiJn, charged 50 per oeut extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this .late, no name of a new sul)5icriber will bo entered witliout ]>ayinent in advance, nor will (he paper be sent to ^uch subucribers for a longer time th'in in paid for. S.u'h ofoi’.r old subscribers as .lesire lo take thr y>a- ^,ir on this system will pie ise notify us when making VKUiittance!*. Jau'y 1, lS.">!s. ea-^TO ADVEIITISEIUS. Vernons out of town who de'ire advertiseuicuts in- lerted in the Observer, and persons in town with whom we have not regular account( vk’ ' please send with the advertisement as much more L»y wish to invest in aL'oovdiug to our advertb r.ns on the tirst page. We do uo! wish to open any more such accounts,—or indeed iViy accounts. The process of collection is too i:tf;cult. and we have to pay cash for every thing we lire or >*ell in ihesie ^'o:. i:, l^ol. *jBiTf .\RT Notioks.—\V« have heretofore given notice, :epe:Ued!y, that we charge for obituary notices of un- rensonable length, and for resolutions of respect; be cause that kind of reading, we have much occasion ti •jow, ia not often more agreeable to readers than to editors of papers. As it generally happens, hoWfVci', !iat after charging and paying postage on the account for warded, we never get paid, we now give notice that we w ;; insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom- } auit d by the cash. (Always excepting in the case of Jeceased volunteers, when we require uo pay : Bear in mind, therefore, that we will insert obituary notices nnd resolutions, not exceeding 7m words, gratis For alt ..vfr To words, one cent a word, which miut be J'ai l be- 'jre tile notice will be jml in type. m iiisi'ELLWEdis wintk);. 4 BBOTT’S H'.siories, vols.: ,\bbott's Napole"n: Z\ Irviug’aC'jH'.plete Work^i,’i1 vols; “ Lite of Washington. 5 vols; Presc*tt’s Philip the 1; “ ('harles the .'ith; “ Ferdinand and Isabella: “ Conquest of Mexico; “ “ of Peru: Bancroft’s U. States, voN; Lossing’^ Field Book of the \merican Revoluii"n: Tytler's Cniversal History: Hallani's Middle Ages: Hume and Macaulay's Hist >ries "f England: Rollin's Ancient History. Millman's Uibljon's R.iui'- Josephus' woiks; lbibertson’s work?: Webster’s W’ork--: t.'lay’s *• tiy Colton; HfUton‘.s 30 years in the U S. Senate: Burke’s works: I»r Johnson « dittu; i: 'swell’.s Life of Ur Johnson-. Addison's Wiirkt: .\ddison'« Spectator; .^Iacaulay s .Miscellanies; I and *> vols: M'^dern British I'Iss'iyists; Knight'.- H.alf Hours with the l)f*st .\uthors: Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, by Sir Wni Hamilton; Chambers's >nscellany. 10 vols; y'.tvtesniau’s Manual; The Federalist; I’olitical Text P.mik, by Mcr'luskey; ■'onstitutions of the States; .'larshnll'a Life of Washington; The Life of Wm. i’inckney; .American Eloquence; Biografihy of Distinguished Women: bv Mrs S J Hale: Encyclopu-tli.', .\mericana; Appleton’s t'yclopedia of Biography’; Life and Corre.spondence of Lord .Feffre^'; Lockhart's Life of Scott; ‘ urran and liis ('otemporaries, by ('has Phillips; Waverly Novels, complete iu i vols; “ “ in -1 vuls; “ “ “ iu 'JT viiln: ('coper'- Sea Tales; Dickens' Works: Marryatt'p Novels; Wilson's Tales of the Bo' ders, Hannah More's works; Dick's works; Plutarch’s Lives; Dryden's Works; Sterne’s works; The Doctor, by Southey: Crabb’s Synonymes; I’ercy .\necdotes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illustrated: The Scotti-h Gael; iiaietteer of lh« U. States; Major Jack Downing’s 31) years out of the Senate; Livingstone's Travels in Soiiih .\frica; Lord Elgin's .Mission to China and J‘i|>an; Five Years in China, by lir. (’has. Taylor The British Expedition Russell; My Diary in India, by ditto; Dr. Kane's Arctic E.xplor.^tions; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expeilition: Cumming’s Hunter’s Life in Africa: Nott iS: (iiiddon’s Indigenous Races of the E;irih; Footfalls on the Boundary of Anotlier World, by R. Dale Owen; Standard Poetical Works iu various binding.s, among wiii' h are; Hemans, Scott, Pope, Byron, Burns, Moore, Hood, Halleck, Campbell, Crabbe, Coleridge, (’owper, Goldsmith, Milton, &c., &c. Shakspeare’a, Massinger k Ford’s and 15eauniont and Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; MrsCowden Clark’s complete Concordance toShaks- peare; The Dramatic Works of Jas Sheridan Knowles; •Smith’s Rejected Addresses; The Book of Scottish Jiallads; Ballads by W H Ainsworth; Griswold’s Poets and Poetry of England; Female Poets of Great Britain; Poets of the xixth century; Percy’s Reliques of .Vncient Poetry, &c. &c. E. J. HALE A SONS. March 22. j From the Charleston Courier. ! \ LIST OF THE GENERAL OFFICERS IN THE I AR.MIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. I Tlie fiillowiiig interesting stHtistics of the ('on- I I'edorate Army organization are due to one of the ! Kiehnionil correspondents ot the Courier. In the li.'it of Hritradier-deneralsi in the I’rovisionnl Ar- j iny, the rep'ular order of appointment is perhapb I not always observed, but we believe the li>st is I otherwise correct. The dates of'graduation fioin j West I'oint are taki-n from (Jiirdiitjr'ti Dictiotiary i ut the I iiited States Army: i in the Re^/ular Ann^. 1 Samut‘1 (’oojter, Va, .\djutaut (ieneral. - Al)>crt S Johnston, Texaii, ooniumnding in Kentucky. H ,lost‘])h K .lohnston, \ a, eommanding North ern N’iririnia. (’lass of haniel Kuggles. Class of Is.’Jo Jtiiicn M VVithc-rs. (Mass of .Joseph li Anderson, Uoyd 'l'il”h- man. Class of ISiJT Braxton l>r:tgg, Wnj H T Walker. •InoC I'emlterton, Arnold Klzoy, Henry li Sibley, Jub;il A Karly Claiftj of iSoS Wui .1 Hardee, .l;»uies 11 'I’rajtiei-. (.Muss of 1 S;iy Alex K liawtoii. .John 1’ .Mc('own. Class of l''tU liichard S Kwell, l*anl) iltbcrt, I’lichanl li (larnett. (Mass of Jloliert S (larnett, Samn» 1 -I uios. ('lass ot Karl \ an 1 )orn, (I ustavus NVSmitii, .^lansfit'ld Lovell, .l:imes Loiig- street, Paniel 11 Hill, lli-iK'rd H Anderson, Lafiivette .^lchaws, Alex I’ Stewart. (Mass of iSlo Koswell S liipley, 1 •! I'retn h. llobert K Lee, Va, commanvling South Atlau-j I''14 Simon 1* Buckner, tic (’oast. I (Mass of Is Ij K Kirby Smith, i>arnard J] Ih |o 1 1 \1 1 1 I* (_I T Beauregard, Lou, commanding Army , of i‘otomac. Major (i'i neri(/s in the I*rot ii'ioiuil .Irwijr. 1 *l>avid l‘] 'I'wiggs, (Jeorgia, resigned. ■- i.eonid;is Polk, Lou, comuiandintr at Memphis. :> Braxton Bragg, Lou, commanding at IVusa- cola. d Karl Nan Horn, Miss, Army of Potomac. • > (iu>t;ivus \\ Smith, Ken, Army ol I'otomao. • > 'rheophilu-- H lloluiea, N (', Army of I'oto- m:ic. 7 William J Hardi'o. lleorgia, Mis.souri. '' Benjamin H tiger, S C, commanding at Nor folk. .James Longstreet, Ala, Army of Potomac. .John B Magruder, \ a, commanding at Vork- towii. Thoni;is .J ,Jack:ion, \ a. coniuianding Norlh- western \ irginia. -'Ititisiiold Luvell, Va. oomin:inding Coast ol Loui.-)ian:i. K'lmund Kirby Smith, I'Morida, Army of Po tomac. ieori;e B ('rittenden, Ken, commanding Ea.st Tennessee. hi'njiulii r iitK'. 'riis in the Ai'iny. 1 .^lilled !,re L Bonham, S (.’, Army ot i^otvuiiac. - .John li Floyd. \ a, commanding Army Ka nawha. ■i Henry Wise. \ a, Roanoke Island. I Ben Mc('ulloi-h, Texas, Mi.ssouri. • ' '■Henry II .Lickson, (leo, resigned. ti ■ Kobi-rt S (;:irnett, \’a, killed in action. 7 'William H T Walker, Ieo, resigned. '' ‘Barnard K Bee, S C. killed in action. H Alexandi v 11 Lawton, (.leo, commanding Coast >d (ieoruia. 1" ’(iideon.l PiU'iw,'I'eun, resigned. 1 1 >:imui l K Anderson, Tenu, Kentucky. I’J l>:iniel S 1 *unelsoii,'I'enn, (’oa»t of S (.’arolina. Havid II. .lones, S (.’, .Vrniy of 1‘otomac. Jones M Withers, Ala, commanding (’oast of A labama. l-> .ioliii (’ Pemberton. \ ;i. (.’oast of S C. Ill Jiichard S Kwell, \ a, Army of Potomac. 17 .John H Winder. Maryland, Kichmond. 1'' .lubal A Karly. \ a, Army of I’olomac 11* '"Thos B Flournoy, Ark, died in Arkansas. ■JO Samuel .Jones, \ a, Army of l'otom;ic. ■_'l Arnold l-llzey, Maryland, Army of i'otom;ie. ’J’-! haniel 11 Hill, N C, Army of Potomac. •J.'l Henry 11 Sibley, bou, 'I'exas Frontier. 'J 1 Wm 11 C Whitir.g, (ieo. Army of Potomac. '2i> W in W Loring, A Western Virginia. ‘J'i Uic’nard II Ander.'On, S C, Pensacola. ■J7 Albert Pike, Ark, Indian Commissioner. ■J'' 'M'hoB T l';iuntleroy. \ irginia, n signed. ■J'.* lloben Toumbs, (leo, Army of Potomac. ;!•' I'aniel Kuggles, \'a, Louisiana. ;ll Charles (.M:irk, Miss, Army of Potomac. Roswell S Ripley, S C, Coa.st ol S C. ;!•’{ i-aac R 'I'rimble, Md, Army ol I’otomac. ot "^John B ir:iy'0n, Ken, died in Florida. .’J;’) Paul () Hebert, Lou, Coast ol Texas. 1 I Wm H C Whiting Class of 1Hi—'I homas .] Jackson, Cadmus M Wilcox, i>avid R Jones, Wm .^l (iarduer. Cla.ss of 1'1'' Natluin J Kvans Claj.H of l''5l J K B Stuart. (ItNEKALS WMU WtKK NUT liU.\ HI. ATDS AT WKsI IMJI.N'T. The following (ietieral.s were appointed to the old Cnited States Army, without passing through the Wc.st Poitit Academy!' havid K. Twiggs, :ip pointed in 1^1'J; Wm. W. L>ritm, in 1'I'hos. T. Fauntleroy. iu l'^;il>. 'Ihe following (>t‘iic-rals first .";iw service in the Mexican War:—.'I L. Bonham, Henry R. .)ai k- son, (litleon J. Pilli>w, Samuel R. .\ndirson, Chas. (.’lark, Thos. C. Hindmati, .lohn (.’. Breck inridge, Benj. F. (,Mieath:im, Richard (.Iriihth, Albert Pike, Adley 11. » Hadden. Maxey (1 regg. The following (lenerals participated in the 'I’cxan wars ami the wars with Mexico;—Beu. i Met'ixlloch, Loui> T. Wigfall. ! The followiiii: (lenerals saw no milit;iry service i previous to the jircsent war:—John B. l-'loyd, j Henry A. Wise. Robert ’roomb.", Richard 'I'aylor, | Thos. B. I'louriiov, L. Pope Walker, 1-’. K. Zol-i lieotler. Willi;im Nhihone, L. (> B. Br;mch, \\ 11-| li;im 11. (.’arroll, R. K. Rhude.' S 'lno, Imwever, received military cducatiunr* at State iii'titutions. \ iririni:i ha.-> Hi Iener;il." in the ('oniedi i;ite | Armie.*-; South CaroIin;i it'; Loui.'iana (leorgiaj 7; 'I'ennessee North Carulitui >; K'Htm-ky 7; ' Maryland 4; .\labauia 1; Mis.'is.-ippi 1; 'I’exiis ■ Arkan.>;is’J; Florida 1; Mi.vsouri nnne. I The following were born ;it the .North, thou;^h ■ previous to the pretent war they were citi/.eiis ol j Southern States:-- leneral (.’ooper, burn in N\ w | j York; Ripley, in ()liio; Pemberton, in P-nn.'\l- j I vania; Whitin>r, in .^Lissaehusetts; Pike, in .^la'- 1 riaehusetts; Rugbies, in .^l:^'•sachus.'tts; B!fiiich;ird. I in M;issachusctts; French, in New .ler.'cy. i [The following are luitives of North Car'iUn:i, ■ viz: Leonid;is Polk. Braxton Brag^. The^iphilus H Holmes. Ren Mc(.'ulloeh. Wm Luring. Rich ard C (iatlin. I'wlix K Zollieofh r. Inbriel J Rains. L O’B Branch.j (’()NFl;:i>KRATK STATKS CONCHKSS SKNATiv A/u^ximn—Messrs WilUaiu Ij \ anecy. (’ (’ Chiy. .f r/,/rnxrs—M(‘ssrs Ruberf W jMhiisnTi, (’hi~ B Mitchell. Fluruhi—Mes.srs J;uiies M B:iker, A 1*'- ,'I;ix- well (iKJijiii—Messr.' B II Hill. Ri'brrt T "'Uib.-. hcnltK'!:^—M essr^ LKdlSLATl RK (,)F NORTH (’AKOi.lNA SENATE. i‘a.'!(|Uotank and Pernuimons—.J M Wlit-db. e C;imden and (’urrituek — B F Simmtiii'- (lates and Chowan—M L l']ure Hyde and Tyrrell—.lotus Spencer Northampton—J .\1 S Rog(‘rs Hertford—.1 P. Slaughter Bertie— Havid Outlaw Martin and Washington—J R Stubbs Halifax—M (’ Whittiker Kdgeeombe and Wil.son— H 'I' (Jlark Pitt - K .J Blount Be:uifoi t — l-’ri'derick (! rist Craven—N 11 Strt'ct Carteret and .lones—Dr .^l I’ Arendell irecne :itid Lenoir—.J P Speight New Hanover— Kli W Hall 1 'uplin—Hr .lames Dickson Onslow—L W Humphrey Blatlen, Brunswick, i\:c—.Ino l.> Taylor Cumberland ami Harnett -Duncan Shaw S;impson—'rho;ii;is 1 l”'aison \V:iyne—W K Lane .lohnstoii—.1 W B ^Vatson Wake—.^l A Bledsoe N;ish—.\. .1 T:iylor I'rankliii—W Harris \Vitrren—'I' .1 Pitch ford (Iranville—C 11 K T:iylor Person—C L Witisteail ()r;inge—.1 osiah 'I'nrner, .Ir Alaiii:ince and Piandoljih—.Jonathan W orth (Muitham—W' S Harris Moore and .^Iontgomery — W D Dowd Richmond :md Kob^soti—Alfred Dockery Ans.tii atnl l iiion—S 11 Walkup • luillord—Peter Adams (’ asw e 11—Bed ford B r0w n Rockingham—1' L Simpson .'leekleiiburg—.John Walker (':ibarrus and Stanly—A’ (’ Barringer Row:in and Davie—Hr J I R;imsey Davidson—Jno W Thomas Stokus and Forsyth—Jes.-e A W’augh Ashe, Surry \c—.Jos Did)soii Iredell, W'ilke.->.Vi—L (j Sharpe Burke, McDowi lKVc—-B S (laither Linrolii, (I:iston iVc—.hi.sper Stowe Rutherford. Pi>Ik \c—A W' Burton. Buneunibe, lletider'on \'e—leo W ('andler Ihiywood, Macon vVc—W H 'rivomas o»j liichard (’ Catlin, N C, commanding Cottst of ijm,, 'f Dortch North Carolina. o7 * Felix K Zollicoffer,'I'en, killed in Kentucky. o'' Bi'nj F (Mieathaiu, 'I'en, Kentucky. Joseph Pt Anderson, Va, (’o;ust ol N C. ID Simon B Buckner, Ky. Kentucky. 11 Leroy Pope NValker, Ala, Alabama. I’J Albert (I Blanchard, Lou, Norfolk. 13 (jabriel -J Rains, N (’, Vorktown. II J K B Stuart, \ a. Army of Potomac. L") Lafayette .^IcL:lws, (ieorgia, Vorktown. D» 'I hos F Drayton, S C, (’o;ist of S (]. 17 Thos (.’ Hindman, Ark, Kentucky. Adley H (jladden, 1..0U, Pen.sacola. ID John Porter McCown, 'I’en, Ketitucky. ,Lloyd 'i’ilghman, Ken, Kentucky. Nathtin (I Kvans, S Coast of S C. 11 C P>tirn.'tt. W illi:nn 1 ’Simms. Loniniana—Me.-srs Kd. Sparrow. T J Semin, s. —.Mrssrs .\lbiTt 1 Brown, -Lime.' IMielan. Missi/uri—.^1 «'s>rs John B 'l;irk, R S \ Peyti'U. ynrth Ciirolinn — Me>srs (leoi^re Davi.-, \\ il- Robvrt W BariiWrll. ol r»'J (’;idmus M Wilcox, 'I’en, Army of Potomac. ;'i:i * Philip St ( leorgc Cocke, \'a, died in \’a. hi Iv K Rhodes, Ala, Army of Potomac. ;').■> Richard Taylor, Lou, Army of Potomac. .")() Loui.s 'I' W'igfall, 'I'exas, Ariuy of Potomao. .■>7 James H Trapier, S C, Coa.st ot Florida. SamM (i Fretieh, Miss, Army of Potomac. W’nt H (’arroll, 'lenn, I'iast Tennessee. >D Hugh W' Mercer, (^ijoriria, . I'orty l eai*)^’ I'aiiiiliar t)l Humphrey Marshall, Ken, Kentucky. .John (’ Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky. ti.’J nich'd (irlilith, >H.ss, Army of Potomac, til Alex’r P Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. »;■) Wm Montgomery (lardner, (la, on furlough, the Crimea, by W' II i »;(') Rich’d B (jarnctt, \'a. Army of Potomac. ! )7 ^yilliam Mahone, \’a, Norfolk. 1 (■.' L O’Brian Branch, N C, Coast of N C j GD Maxcy (Iregg, S C, Coast of S ! 7" R H Colston, Virginia. 71 Edward .Johnston, Virginia. ~'Z Henry Heth, Virginia. 7H Johnston II Duncan, Louisiana. 71 SAM W’ootl, Alabama. MMiOse haviii” an * affixed are dead, or have re.signcd, since the commenc(‘inent of the war. THK WKST I’OI.NT (IKNER.VLS. The following (’onfederate (ienerals are gradu ates of W’est Point—the date of their graduation being prefixed: Cla.ss of isl,') P,amuel Cooper. (’lass of IsJO John II Winder. Class of 1S22 Isaac K Trimble. (Mass of IS'io Daniel S Donelson, Benj’n Huger. Class of ls2f» Albert S Johnston, Jno B (jrayson. (’hiss of 1S27 Leonidas Polk, (labriel J Rains, (’lass of 1S2S 'I’hos F Drayton, Hugh W Mercer. Cla.ss of 1'^‘JD .Joseph K Johnston, Rob’t E Lee, Theophilus II Holmes, Albert G Blanchard. Sun til ('a roll IK I—.^L .James L (Jrr. Trmiixsi'f—Messrs Langdon (’ Haynes, (iu- tavus A Henry. J'rjds-—.^lessrs L'luis 'J' Wigfall. W Oldlnim. Viri/inia—It M 'I' Hunter, W B;ill:ird Preston. 11(11 SK OK HKl'RKSKNTATl V KS. Ahihdititt—Messrs 'rhonuis .1 I'oster, m L Smith, John P Ralls, .1 L .M (’uny. Fr:ineis S Lyon, W P (’hilton, David (’lopton, .his L Puuh, K ri Dargan. Ar/,-iinsa.—Mcs.^rs Felix .J Balson, (Ir:uidi>on D Royster, Augustus H (larland.'IMids B ILinly. VlorliUi—Messrs .las B Dawkins, II B lliltnii. deuriiiii—.^lessrs .lulian Hartridge, (' .1 .Mun- nerlvn, Hines Holt, ,\ II Kenan, D:ivid W Lewis, W'm W' (’l;irk, Robert P'I’rippe, Lucius J C:ir- trell, Hanly Striikland, A R W'riiiht. Kenluvkij—Not yet clectod. Ijoiii'kihnn—.^Iessrs (’h;irles J \ illeri', (’h:i’'' M (’onrail, Duncan I’ Kenner, Liiciin .1 Dupre, .lolin F Lewis, .John Perkins, .lun'r. —Messrs .1 no .1 ."^1 • Kae, .1 WCl:.pp, Reuben Davis, Israel W’elsh, 11 C (’liambei', O j R Sintrleton, K B:irksdale. j J// x.^itiiri—Messrs .Jolin Hyer, ’as)i:ir W* Bell. ’ (leorge (• Vest, .\ 11 (’onrow, W W Cook, 1 hos W Freem;in, 'JMiomas A Harris. JVorfh ('itroUnd—.^lessrs W’^ N H Smith, Rob ert R Bridgers, Owen R Kentin, 'i' D McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald H Arrington, .J II McLean, W'illiam Lander, B S (laither, A 'I' Da vidson. South Carol hid—Messrs W W Boyce, W’ l*or- cher Miles, M L Bonham, .John Mc^>uecn, .Jas F:>rrow, L M Ayer. 'rf-tnicssrr—Messrs J T Heiskell, A\ (.« Swann, W II Tebbs, K L (lardenshire, II S Foote, i'l P Gentry, George W Jones, ThtMnas Menees, J D C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. Texos—Messrs John A W^ilcox, Peter W (Hay, Claiborne C Herbert, W'm B Wright, Malcom P Graham, B F’ Sexton. Virginia—.VTessrs Muscoe II II (larnett, John R Chambliss. John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, 'IMios S Bocock, John (Joode, Jr, .lames P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, \Villiam Smith, .V 11 Botelcf, .John B Baldwin, W 11 Staples, Walter Preston, A (J Jenkins, liobert John.son, Clias W Russell. '‘fJiis. W. Alexander. D. D.: Sermons. I>y J. Addison of 1 ^->0 .John B .^Iagr(lller. A- lander, D. D. Also, fiirther supplies of Margaret ; ' -■ ^39 George B (frittenden, P St George ' CocL*, Humphrey Marshall, Kich- Juiy 10. E. J. HALE & SON. ari C GatUn. WE have just received by Express, a sup})ly of SPELLINiJ BOOKS—price SI 25 per dortn 15, cents retail, Cush. We have not advanced the price of any article.s on hand before the war; but pre^'en purchases cost us more than we asked for those. Of course we have to put up prices on what we buy now. E. J. ILiLE & SONS Fayetteville, Aug. 29. s -- I'eruMisou M.irsh HOl’Si; OF Ct)MMt*NS \ laiiiance—(■ lies .^l obatu* Alexander—Dr .1 .^l Carson An.-on —L L Polk, K R LiK-s .\she—J M (i' litry Biirki 1 H Pearson Buncombe—A S Mcrrimon Bladen—C T I >avis III rtil—PT Hi iiry. and — — Beaufort—R S Donnell, W Ih'uiiswiek—T D .''leiires Caldwell Dickson j (.’;ib:irrn' — \V ILirris j Catawba—.lotuis ('liiu' ('hath;im—W P T;iylor. R N Green, 'rnrner, Byiiuiii I Cheripkce —I W H;iy> - Cr;iveti—C C (’l:irk. 1-’ I'. AllVi-d Cin;berl;iiid and Harnett—(' (I W’right. .1 S 11 :irriiiL:tun, .1 C Williams Cl; iV:i!i Sm:tll Columitus—N L Williamson C;in.dm—D D Ferebee (':irti'ret — D W \\’hitehur.-.t ' (’;iswell Withers. S P Hilt Cnvriti;ck B .^! Baxter ( li'Vi himl — .‘v (1 W ;iter.s. .) 1> Ltiu'an D:t\id>cin—Lewis H;iyne>, K B (Mark D:ivie — Howard Dii]'liii —I D St;uiford, .1 G Br;ineh I'iil,;. e.imb(—R R Bi idgi'i's. J V W’ood;ird I'.irsvih—1 1' Poindexter, Phillip Barrow Frankiiti-—^\ 1' Green (iast'ii -J 11 bite Granville—J .'I Bullock. W II Jenkins, S H '••niiKulay Guiif"ru—P .'Ietulenli:ill, (’ !•] Sholier, .1 L (jlorrell (1 roeiu— .\ 1 > Spriuht (i:ites—.li'hti B"f)tlie H:i\wiii)d—S L Love lLriit:iX—I! D;ivis. ^\ B Poi-e Hertford—.1.1 Ve:ites Heiider.'.iii—.los p.Iordan Hyde—Tilmaii F:irrow Iredell—.V K Simoiiron, A B I-' G:iitlu‘r J:iekson—A I’i^her Jones—W P Ward Joliti'‘!>n—^V i! W:it>on, .1 :is .Mitelu'tier Lenoir—J C W.ioten Liticoln—\ .\ .'IcBee Madison—.luhu ,\ I'auir Martin liWill ^leDowell—(' H Btiruin ixire—-\lex:inder Kelly Montgoiiury—!•] G L B:trringor .M:ieon—II 1 W'oodfin Mtcklettbiirg—S W D;ivi.', J .N1 Potts N:isli —11 G W'illi:inis New Hanover—SJ Person, D:iniel Shaw Northampton-—M W’ R;insom, W W Peebles Onslow—J II I'oy Orange—H B Gutlirit', W' N P:itterson ]*a.s|U0t.ank—J T Williams Pcnjiiimons—N Newb^' Pitt—B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins Person—• W^ilkinson Robeson — Alex McMillan, Eli Wishart Rockingham—Rawley (Calloway and T Slade Rowan—N N IMeming, N. F. Hall Rutherford—(’ 'F N l)avis, B 11 Pad;ett Randolph—T II h'oust, Thos S W'inslow Richmond—.f G Blue Sampson—N (’ I'^iison, Geo \X Autrey Surry—W W augh Stokes—Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette Greene 'I'yrreii—(’ >ic(.leese Cnion*—C (j Lemmonds W;ikc4—S II Bogers, .J W Russ, TI Mordecai Warrc;n—J B Batchelor, W^ 11 (’heck ^\'ashi^l^rton—C Latham W’^ataitga—Thomas b’artliing W'tiyne—W T Dortch, M K Crawford Wilkes—A W Martin, Horto. Vailkin—A C Cowles Vancey Bowman (’ONVKNTION OF NORTH CAROLINA .Mamanee—Giles Mebane, Thos Ruffin Alextinder—\. .^I Bogle Ashe—.J , K. Foster. Ans(»n—A. .>Iyers, J. A. Leak. Bertie—S. B. Spruill, .lames Bond. Betmfbr*^—W. J. Kllison, K .1 W'arren Pdaden—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W'. WooJfiii Burke—J. (’. McDowell. (’abarrns—(’ Phifer. (’aidwell—K W -Jones. (’aniden — D. D. Ferebee. (’;irtere(—C. R. 'Phomas. (’aswell—Bedford Brown, .J. K. W'illiamson. (’:itawl>a—(Jeorge Setzer. Chatham—.J. H. Headen, John Manning Jr L. J. Merritt. Cherokee and (May—J. II. Bryson. Chowati—R. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W\ J. 'I'. Miller, J. Vi. Tracy. Columbus—Richard W’ooten. I (’raven—Geo. (Jreen, .Ino. D W'hitford. (’umberhinil and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S. McNeill, M. ,J. McDuffie. (’urrituek—John B. Jones. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. (^. Douthit Davie.—Rob’t Spnm.se. Duplin—J . M'. Rhodes, James Dickson. Kdgecombt' ;ind W il.son—^\^ S Battle, Geo. Howard. Forsyth—T. J. W*ilson, D H Starbuck. Franklin—A. D. Williams. (iaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. .1. Walton. Granville—Thomas B. Lyott, T. L. Hargrove, S. Royster. (H'cene—W. A. Harden. Guilford—Jno. A. (jiliucr, Ralph (torroll, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith. L W. Batchelor. Hyde—K. I>. Mann. Ihiywood—W’m. Hicks. Henderson—W. ]NI. Slii|»p. Hertford—Kcntu th R;iyner. Iredell—Anderso:i N1 itchell, T. .\llison .lackson—W . H. 'I'homas. .lohnston—(’. B. Sanders, AV A Smith .Jones—Wm. I y. Lenoir—.John ('. A\'ashington. Lincoln — D. Schenck. Macon—C. D. Smith. M;idison—.1. A. McDowell. .'lartin—David W Bagley. .^IcDowell—J. II. Greenlee. Meckh tibtirir—J W’^. Osborne, .James Strong. .^Iontgonlery—S. II. (Jhristian. Moore—11. Turner. N:tsh —L. N B. Battle. New H anover—J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. N'irth;im]iton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. Onslow—A. J. Murrill. (>rangi W. .\ Graham, .John lierrj' Pas(juotank — R. K. Speed. Per(|uimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—lohn W. Cunin”h:im Pitt—I"'. B. Satterthwaite, P. A. Atkinson. Randoljth—^\ . .J. Jjong, A. (1. I’oster. Richmond—AV. F'. L(‘;ik. Robeson—J. Fuller, J. (.’. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, K. 'I'. Brodnax. Ri'wat -R. A ('aldwell, 11. (’. Jont'S. Rutherfonl and Polk—(J W .^Iichal, M. Dur- hai>). Sani'j’SOM—R. A- .''losely, IMionias Bunting. Sttinly—1‘3. Heartie. Stokes—A. H. Joyce. Surry—'Y. V. Hamlin. 'I'M rell—Kli Spruill. I Dion—11 M. Houston. K, JJadger, K. P. Battle, W. W'. Holvlen. Warren — ^V. N Kdwards, Frank Thornton. Washington—W'. S Pettigrew. W'atauga—J. W. (^ouncil. Wavno—G. y. Strong, K. A. Thomjison. W'ilkes—las. (^alloway, J'cter Kller. \ :tdkiti— R. F. Arnitii'ld. y:incey—M. P. Pt'nland. A \ew l^au Kook* i'amtrcU's i*rarfirr at i.ettr. IUST published, a treatise upon the Piactie>.‘ ut in N.iitli Carolina, by Ei>w.\ki> C.\n 1 wi.i.u, LL- 11.. avithor of tin- N. •'. .Justice, etc. eONTKNTs, ()f Legislaiivo P.iwer in Genor;il: Legis!:itive Powor in Noriii Carolina: Legi^l'itive Powers of .Justices of the Peaco; (’omity Boun iarius—Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue and ( liarges; ('ourt Houses, Prisons, ^cc.; County Trustee; •liiiy Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; (ienentl .Vssfnihly: Inspections. Pulilic I.an iings. \o.; Poor Houses and Ib'spiials; Registers and t'lerks; River-and ('reeks; (i:ites. Ferries and Bridge-: Weights and M '.i | sures; Idiots and latnaties; iietailers; Neuse River: Pub- j lie Roads and C.irtways; I’ublie i^amlings and Inspec- j tion.s; .Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and Const.'ibles; j Patrol; Vt’avdeus of the Poor; Prison Bounds; !» >uls, | F'eriies and Biidgcs; Poll T.ix Exemptions: I',;vocuiive i I Power iu General; Executive Power iu North ('iirolitn: j Eseeutiv.' Power of thet.’ouris; ('hief .Justice and ('lerk; | j .Vttorne\s at L.iw; .Vtiorney General; Reporter and Mar- j 1 shal: Clork.s :ind Snlicitor; Couusol for Paupers; Gu.ir- 1 ; lians; (’ounty .\ttorney; Auctioneers; (,'ounty Court ' ('lerk-; ('oroiiers; Boumlary ('omiiussionei s; ('onuiiitiees | i of Finance; County Trustee; ('ounty Treasurer; Special | I Coart; Comiiiis..jioners of P'airs; Inspectors: Superin- 1 teudents of Stdiools; (’i)mniissioners of .Navigation; War- j ' dens of the Poor; Registers; ('ommissioners of Rivers j j And (.'reeks; Slierifl's; Constables; Rangers; Standard | I Keejiers: Retailers; .Vdniiuislrators; Chairman of Sj>ecial I C()urt: (.’onnnissiouers of Deels and ('onvej’anees; ('mn- 1 I missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; | j Superintendents of Electims; (iuardiaus and Receivers; 1 ; Inspectors; Commissioners ot' lnterii.il Imiiroveinents; | ! Purtition; Patrol (Committees; Processioners; lax leisters j ind P.oards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and^Rivers; ; Coiainissioners of Wrecks; Toliacco Pickers and Coopers. ; The -Appendix contains forin“ of Deeds anil Convey. ! .inces, as follows: | .Agreements, .Assignments, .Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills ; of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous bonds, | Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlemants. Mortgages, | Copartnership -Articles, Notes, Releases, ^ic., &c. I Tliis Book contains 55t> pages, is gotten up in supe rior si\de, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, S5. For sale by E. J. H-ALL & SONS. Dec’r 20. 1800. .Map or the Sen (’oast of Soutb Carolina; New Map of Virginia; The Southern Spy by Edw’d .A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. Dec’r 11. E. J. HALE & SONS. The ^»iiiiny by Prot. In graham: Say and Seal, bj' the Author of “Wide W’ide World.” .'SC.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir j .^lr. Phifer, a cotton m;inuiaeturer iu Lincoln- ! ton, continues to sell yarns ut SI.50 per bunch, j satisfied that th;vt is enough, altluuigh other manu- , faeturers in the town and tlie surrounding coun- I ties, are gouging the public at the rate of from I toS’J.;>(t. He is making P-6 btinches per day, which are sold as lust ;is he can }>ack them .S'(lUfbury Watchtnnn. During the first disastrous ye.tr of the war of the tirst American Revolution, arms were scarce, and tories were plenty in the State ol New \ ork The patriot convention voted a draft ol the mili tia, and ordered that “every man who shall not h;ive arms shall bring with him a shovel, sp:idi'. l>iekaxe or scythe, straightened ami fixed upon a 1 jiole.'’ 1 hey furtlier resolved unanimously that ‘ whenever the militia of a c'>unt.y should be or , dered to march t n they should disarm and j bring with them the “disatfccted mal‘3 iiihal»it- * ants, between sixteen and fifty-live years of age, ( who shall serve as “fatigue men to the regiments' TIo; '■‘■La.'it —The last word is tho most dangerous of infernal machines. Husband and wife should not more strive to get it than they would struLT^lc for the possession ol alit;hted bomb shell. From the Berlin •■Klad.lera tasch," of August, IKOl , Ail A ni> ri' tin >J JD»r.”—('tnnniund Imj-ihnrnil.—General, will you be so obliging M to attack thts enemy? (IrnrrtiL—To-day is tho sevanteenth of July:' ('omni(( /uli n;/-11 fitenil. — K x ac t ly. (Central—Plcaiie let me know by your watoh the hour':' ( omniaiidinj-(j'iin(i(—Six pracisely ircncral.— 1 have tho honor to take my leaTe Lominandiinj-dentrnl.— But, General, the battle is about to begin. Urnt rdl.—Nothing to me; T entered on a three months’ service with the I nion >n the seventeenth of Aptil. My timo has expired; 1 am going hom« Cvmmnndilem r'il—But I beg you. Gene ral; if you do not attack tin* enemy’s left wing, the battle will Jjc lost. (jtiivral—Sorry for it, hut no friendshi]* in business. ( omm(iniltntj-(!ni(‘ril—Do you not hear the terrific cannonade'/ The honor id‘ America, tJie honor of the I nion, is at stake. (iiiicral—(’annot help it; niy ;»grecnjcnt has expired. VommdinHr ntrdl—Vour cxamj'le, rt'iie- ral, is’ contairious; the whole army will be run ning. lin>rnl—Let them do it; a fre * country like America needs no st;iudlng tirmics. ^ ( ’h'nrn out. Vi'.lAlliilil Ui'iiiiiTiihw 1'^HE Works of Chas. Lamb, 5 vols. K iiled l>y Talfourd; of Henry Fielding, 1 vols; “ “ ol Oliver Gold-iunh, 1 vols: “ “ of Tobias Smolleti, ti vois; Letters of Junius; Feuelou’s Works; Pascal's Proviuci il Letters; “ Thoughts, Letters. Ac: Chesterfield's Letters; Coi'inue, or Italy, by .Madame DeStnp|, le Porter's Works; \ .car of Wakefield and Rasselas; iijod's Whims and • ! lities; C.iinic .Miscellaiiie--; iiailam's .Middle -Age-; Wirt s Life of Patrick lletn'y, Currer BeTi's Wot ks—lane Eyre, Shirley and Villette;* Evelina, liy \lis.^ L’uiue_); ileulah. Rutledge. The Mili 011 tlie Flo.--: ‘•Line upon l-iae,” "Peep nf D13'. " \c; Fox's Book of .Martyt '; liuchan s Domestic .Meoicine; -'vliss L?siK;'s ’\ew Cookery L>ook; VoiiaJi Yoiiu .\pri! Hor.-t .in on Cattle. E. I. HALE A: SONS. A ?^ETTI.SI^: vSi L‘ sui'sei'il'ers will i.e ;rlail ti> seitle a-counts dur I ' iiietii. I. .1 ll "‘LK iV SONS. 4 AM5 i iP\Tn\ST: ;i ;tie .\ .1. : le i!i IS!-. hy i tV. '.le\bilion .V i,ir:i. i S ij.j.'v ju a re- d. i; .J. li V.M-: ,v SONS. Fel. 11.’. SK%iiiiii^ :ni(l lines, a new supply, assorted sizes and qualities. .March Iti. E. J. HALE & SONS. .V I ,Ti.\ .E. ,tl 1 /ijj:! ■/ It ri ;/ MiUis. V i; VKt.'t.Vk V1LLJ-^ .iNi'u.'', AND W.VRSAW. A’rive 1). p-v. .\rriv. Depai I .\ri Iv" Dep..i. •Vrriv. Dep: i'ti.-l' i-,. .Sc- ■ Arr ■■■r ■ ll I .Vvvivi's duily .V. >1. Departs daily S P. M. 1\.KN ,N.’sV.i.i>E V, 1 I.'I -■Vrrives daily 7^ A. M. u. p II: - lai;y .M. Hi'Ul PolNi vi.i C.\Ul:i.\tE .\.N1> ,'vS II El*.t >Ut» , Tii-Weekly. ;u; lay. We al.d i'riiliV il .1. M I .i liy, W. la d iV ;iid Fi i l i^ I 1' M. II vi. Uiii >l’i'..l.S. iiiur.-.lay an i ••' 'Uid.. o .1, . TU''' i iv au't I'liur !• i’.U' Fr vi.i !,(• ION. s i'l.i'sd .y, Tiiur' l _ i di.' ;s I . I'lU'sil.iy oi l lioii --it:n I R \: E'Gll via .-L MULRVlLLi;. ■' S ittir.i ly 2 P .M. IS W. .uie-1 ly 11 A. .M ).\'S via i^Ll/'-.VBi; i'llT. »W,N. i'lie.-.i iy, Tliur.-day a : t -~':it urd.i^ 2.i 1’. M : ; .Sl 'iidav. W eda - d'iv .and Fi‘ii.i\ li ,\. M t .\ N I' \1 F.u; \ M .Vrnv> Dee o A Tlio VolIIHirers Hand Book. FURTHER supply just received. E J. HALE & SONS. Nov. 15. of Gold, l\v a Sonfhe-n I>ady: Evenings at the Micro scope, &C.', kc. ' E .1. HALE .Kf HONS. Mingle c*o|»it*«ortlie » can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Bookstore. ^ Price 6 ceuts. *- ELIZ vLiKl’iri’t)'VN via TEIiLBI NTH il, I'L.-t-lilE I’ AND WHITE O.Ui. .Virives .Monday 'i P. .M. Di.-pirts Tuesd.iy 0 .V. .M. MVGN(ILI.\. (vi;i GP.AVELLY HILL.) •Arrives Tuesday 2 P. .M. Departs T'uesday 2^ P. NL SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, COVlNiJTON- POWELLT(JN, LITTLES .MILLS, .vc •Arrives Tuesday G P. M Departs Wednesday 11 .M. SWIFT ISLAND via TU(>\- •Arrives Tuesday G P. M. Departs W'educsday 8 A. M. PHILADELPHUS via LUMBER DIUDGE. Arrives Monday 12 M- Departs Monday 2 P- M. All Mails leaving before 7.J A. M. are closed the eveuing previous at 9 P. .M. All letters to be sent off other than by mail rnusi be paid for as if seat by mail. Drop letters should invariably be pre paid. Office is opened on Sunday vt^j aud clo.sed it 10 .A. >1 >L\S. (i. ( OOK. 1' M Vol. Sill llaiKTOft’s l iiifeil Blank Warrants *»• au e.