ILJR (DIB im S F. H I - W B E K Y. LVdl,. XI.] KAYKT'l'KVII.r.f:, X. C.. MAY l.'>, 1862. [NO. U25.] Pl'.iS'TKlt MOS'Ii VY.'^ ANl> T11L'R8D\V.S ldward"j, hale & soxs. b;iITi*RS ANb rRuPRlETORS rice for tht Semi Wopkiy (,)Bgi;uvKP. :?a 00 if paid iu Aiivauoe: ii >j ii pttiJ during tha year of suf.».iip ion; or i> i ut't«ir the } tar b«9 expired F«r the Wotily Oesebv'lh jrL’ UU per aunuiu, if p*lJ in •kdvan.'f, i'J 50 if paid during th» year of subiorip- tiou or 5tS 00 ufier iJie vtjar has tiipirwd ADVEKTI;?KM£N*TS ixideried for 00 c«nia p«r ■ quare ot ItJ lines t\^r the tirai, and 80 o««ius for eaob iuocuediiig publicvaiioii \tarly advertiaemenis by spe- aiftl O'AUtracts. at re&eonable rules Adveriiiers are r«qu«9l«d to aiate the number of uiaerlions de*ir^, i.>r thty will b«» ooutiuuad lii! lortid aiid ahar^ed aacurd iQgiy. Advertisements to be iimorti-d i\suU, charged i»0 per ••at «xtra. SPHCl.)'.. NOTICE. From a!id after thivdafe, uo name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will ihe paper be sent to »uch sab.-cribor-j for a longer time than is paid fur. Such efov.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa- j per on this system will please notify us when makin);; rsiuittances. Jan’y 1. IboS. J^TO ADVERTISERS. ! Persons out of town who desire advertisements in- (erted in the Observer, and persons in town with whom we have not regular accouutp w ' please send with the advertisement as much mo*« Lvy wish to invest in it. according to our advertii jms cm the first page. We do not wish to open any more such accounts,—or indeed-' iy accounts The process of collection is too iliiEcult, and we have to pay cash for every thing we lue or sell in th«se time*. Oct. 2, lSt31. OBiir.^RT Notices.—W« have heretofore given notice, repeatedly, that we charge f*'r obituary notices of \m- r«asonable length, and for resolutions of respect; tie- •ftuae that kind of reading, we have much occasion to know, is not often more agreeable to readers than to tditors of papers. As it generally happens, however, that after charging and paying po.‘^tage on the account for warded, we never get paid, we now give notice that we • will insert nothing of the sort hereafter unless accom panied by the rash. > Always excepting in the ca:?e of dsceastd voltinteers, when we require no pay : B*»ar in mind, therefore, that we will insert ooituary notices and resolutions, not exceeding 70 words, graiig. Fot all wT«r 70 words, one cent a word, which n)u»t be paid be tore the notice will be put in type. From liie ('harlestou t^ourier. I.IST OK THE GENKUAL UFFK'ER8 IN THE .UtMlKS OK THE CONKEDER.ME ST.ATES. I'he tolluwiii^- atatistics of the ('oii- lederate Arni} ortratiizntiou are due to oue ot the iiiehtiiond (.•urresjionurTit? ol the (.Viurier. lu the list »>t’ liriL'adier-Cteiieials iu the l-'fovisionai Ar- of 1S8:> !>anicl llufiglos. ClasiB oi H35 ,loiie.s M Withers. (Jiabs of Joseph li .\nder.son. Lloyd 'I'il^h- ninii. Clah» ol’ Bmxtori JJra^”, Wiu H T Walker. Jno C JVuibertoii, Arnold Elzey, Heurv H Sihley, Jubal A Early. ClasH of l.'so'i Wui J Hardee, Jaiued H Trapier. uij, the T.‘.-ular orJ.T of :ippoiiitiuent is peihaprt uut always obsei\>.d, but we believe the list i-i Class of lSo9 Alex R Lawtou, John P MeCowu. otherwise correct fhe dates of traduatioa liouj j 1^40 Kichard S Kwell, Paul O Hebert, VV'ebt Point are taken from (iuritier’s Dietiouary ; Richard Ji (jrarnett ol the I. nitcd Stateo .\iuiy; Clada of iS4l Robert S jlaruett, Suinuel Jonea. Geurrali n tke lit^uli.\r An’i^ 1 .Saruuel (.'uoper, \ a, Adjutant (jleiicral ■J Albert vS .Johnston, TesasJ, .ioiniuandiu^ iti Kentucky a Joseph E Jdhuriton, \ uoiumanding Ngrth- eru \ irginia "4 Robert E Lee, S’a, eoiuinandiu^ South Allan- ! tie (' ■> P j r Beuurei.'ard, l.ou, cimiiuanding Aruiy * Cla«j ot 154- Earl \ an i>orn,Gustavus W Smith, Mansfield J^ovell, James Long- atreet, L^aniel U Hill, Richard 11 Anderson, Lafayette McLaws, Ales P Stewart. L'last of l548 Ro.swell S Ripley, Sa'u’l (i French Class of vSiiuon R Buckner Class of l'j4o E Kirby Smith, Barnard K Bee, Wiu H (’ Whitinsi. ol Potoinai: Mujnr Uf'fii'rals iu fhe /*roi'i.iijital Arvii/. "^^Havid E 'I'wiiiKs, (ieori^ia, re.-^iiiiied. i Clas.s of 1 .'>4tJ—'I'hoiniLM .) Jackson, Cadiuus M 2 Ijeonida.- Polk, Lou, eoniniandiiii: at .^IeI:}>)^is. J is,')4 o Braxton lira"'', Lott, oomriiandiiii: at Peusa- ; Wilco.v, i.)avid (lardtier. (Masd of l''4' Nathan (i ICvans J E 1> Stuart. R Jones, Win M cola. AT \VK>T ,L\lt illSi'ELLWElll'S WORKS. Abbott ti iiiatories. vols.; Abbott’s NapoleoD-. Irvlug’'- mplete Works,‘J1 vols; “ Life of NVashiugit>u, I> vv,U. Pr9fC*tt’B Philip the 21: Charles the •'>th; “ Ferdinand and Isabel!*- “ Conquest of Mexic>.n “ ** of Peru; Bancroft’s U. States, 8 vols; Lossing's Field book of he .\tuttrmau Kivoluliuti. TyUer’s Universal Hi.siory, Hallam'u Middle Ages; Hume and Macaulay's Histories of Eniflaud, Rollin'* Ancient History, ilillman’s Gibbon s Rcme. Jjsephus’ works; Robertson 8 w irks; Webster’s Worki? Clay's “ by I'o- yn, Benton's 80 years in the C S Senate: Burke’r> works; Dr J ihnson's 'littri; Ho'iye’!'s IJfe of I'r J hnson: Aduison's \V >rks; AMi >n’- Spectator. -Macaulay s .Mi^o-lbitiies; 1 and C vols. ■Ml d^i■n r>ri:i.-i!: E---iyi;;is; Knight's ll:ilf H'liiiv wi’h fhe beat Authors: 'iscu--^:?K>ns n Pliilosophy and Literature, by Sir Wm Hamilt m; ( hami ■■rs'.s Misci.Il'iiiy. lU vols; Stattsiiitn's Mar.U),!; The Federal:'t; Political Text P.ook. by Mcf'luskey: • 'on-ititutions of the .--[Hte-.: .NI>ir«hairs Life f>f Wa.-ihingtoii: The Life of NVm. PiT’kin'v; American Eloquenc'*; F>iography of Dintiu^uished Women: by Mrs S J H^le; KncyclopcediT .Vmericanv.; Appleton * Cyclopedia of Biography; Life and Cot re.-pondeuce ot Lurd Jeffrey; Lockhart’s Life of Sc.rt: •-'urran and his C^'ieniporaries. by Chas PhillipF: Waverly Novt-;s, ciJiuplete in v^l?; “ •* *• in J t vol«: “ “ “ lu 27 vols; Cooper’*' Sea Tales; iJickens’ W.,rks; Marryatt’s Novels; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders; Hannah More’s works; Dick’s works; Plutarch’s Live?; Dryden's Works; Sterne's works; The Doctor, by Southey; •-'rabb’s Syuonymes; Percy Anecdotes; ChrDnicles of the Bastile, illustrated; The Scottish Gael; UazBtteer of Uie U. Stales; .Major Jack L»:)wning's 30 years out of the Senate; Livingstone's Travols in South .-yrica; Lord Elgin’s Mission to «:hiua and Japan; Five Years in China, by l)r. Chas. Taylor; The British Expedition to the Crimea, by W H Russell; My Diary in India, by ditto; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations; Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition; Cumming'e Hunter’s Life in Africa; Nott is. Gliddon’s Indigenous Races of the Earth; 1 Earl \ an i^orn, >, Aruiv of Potomac, a liiistavu.s W Smith. Ken, Army of Potomac. C» Theophiht.' 11 Ilthin.-. *N Army of Poto mac. I 7 William J llardee, icrirKi, Missouri. i Benjamin Huuer. S C', commanding at Nor-! tolk. ' 51 Jamts Lonirstreet, Alu, Army of Potomac. 1" John B Ma^ruder, \’a, commantting at Vork- town. 11 Thonuis J J;ick ; )n, \ a, eommandini; North- westcrti \’iririniu. 1’2 'laniitield Lovill, \'a, commanding Coa,et ot liOuisiana. 1;> Edmund Kirby Smith. Florida, \rmy of Po tomac. 14 Georire B Crittenden, Ken, commanding East 'rennessce liri'ifudi' r / (/.' hi th- tVin isiv)iu( Anni/. I Vnile li:* li B'-nh:im. S C, Army of l^otomac I .lolin l» Floyd. \ a. coiumandiiiii Army Ka nawha. Ht-nrv A Wi-c, \ a. Rian'ke Iblaiid. 4 Bfii >lc *ul! I). 'I'exu'. Mi.'^rimri. 5 "Henry H J (ik'uii, Cu-o, rosi^nt-d t- 'Rob -rt S i:irn'-tt, \ ;t, killed in action 7 "Wilil;-ini H T \V.tlk_r, 'Ico, resigned. ’Barnard F Bte, S kHled in action. Alexander R Lawtun. te.. commanding Coast L.>i tlc.irui;!. It' iidt‘o!iJ l'ili-.‘W, Teiin, resigned II .''amuel R Andor'ui,'I'etjri, Kentucky. I’J l>aniel S I'oucl.s iii, Tenn, Coast of S (,'arolina. 13 Huvid R J .lUOs, S C, Army of Potomac. 14 Jones .'1 W:iher?, Ala, commanding Coa'it of Alabama. 15 .John (’ PeUiboi’tnii, \'.i, C'uast of S Iti Richard S Ewoll. \ a. Arrny of Potomac. 17 John 11 \V’ind'.-i', Maryland, Richmond. Jubal \ Earlv, V a. Army ot Potomac. *Thu.~ B Fl‘>urn )V. Ark. died in Arkiinsab UKNKUAKS WHOWEUK N( »T i R.ADU A TK i 1*01.NT. j The followiiig Cienerals were appointed to the i old I'nited States Army, without p;t.s.sing through : the West Point Aeadcmy;- l)avid E. Twiggs, ap- I poinred in l''l’J; Wm. W . Luring, in lS.‘>t5; Thos. I T. I'uuntleroy, iii i The Ibllowing Cicnerals lirst saw scrvice in the Mexican war:—.'1. L. Bonham, Henry R. .Jack son, Cideon J. Pillow, Sauiuid j\. Anderson, I'liHs. i’lark, 'I'hus. Hindm;tn, f)t»hii C. Breck inridge. BiMij 1’. t^hiath;im, Richard Critiith, Albert Pike, AJley H. Hadden, Maxey ( Jregg The ttliowing (ienerals p;u'ticipated in tin; Te.'can wars and tlie wars with .^lexico:—i>en. Mc(.'ullocii, Louis T. Wigtall. The following (Jcnerals saw no military service previous to the present war:—John B, Floyd, ilcnry A. Wi>e, Robert Toombs, Richard Taylor. Thos. B. Fliturnoy, L. Pojje Walker, F. K. Zol- lieotler, William .'lahone, L. ) B. Branch, Wil liam H Carroll, R. E. Pih(*dt .'. Some, however, received military rduoatinns at St;ite institutions N’irgiiiia h;is In (Ienerals in the Conl’edcrate .Armies; South Caro.i;iaLoui.-^iana ^^etlr^ia 7; TcniicS'ec North Carolina •>; Kintucky 7; Maryland 4; Alabama 1; Mississippi 1, 'I'e.Kas '-r, Arkansas '2-. Florida 1; Mis.'uuri none. 'I'lie following were burn at the N-irth, thoUj^h prt-vious to The presi-nt war tluy citi/.ens oi Southern State.-;—lieneral Cooper, born in New York; Ripley, in ,>hio; I’cmberton, in IVnnsyl- vania; N\ biting, in. Mas.s;ichusetts; Pike, in Mas- sacluisetts; Ruirtrles, in Ma'sachusetts; Blanchard, in Massachusetts; French, in New Jersey is li* 0,1 'J1 ''a'.nu'’! .J 'H" :, V .VrUiV ■'(' P''ti uihc Arnold EUe\, .'Lirylatid, Army of i’otomae. I)aniti H Hill. ,N C, Army of Potomac. Henry H .''iidey. Lou. i\‘j;as I'rontier Wm H (’ Whit it...:, (ieo. Army ■it' I’otomac A'm W Luriiiu, N C, Western \ irginia. P :jola. ■Mbert i’ike, Ark, Indian (’ommi.iaioner 'Thor 'r F-UDtleroy, \'irginia, resiyned. Robert Tooml.'., Army of Pot-imac. Haniel Ru^.'le-. \ a, i.oai.'iana. v.'harlL, Cl.irk, ."'li.'-. Army ;;f J’otumac. R.sWcll S l’iipi>\v, > (. , (’u-i-.t ot S C Isaac li fruLirjle. .N1 1, ,\rmy of Potomac. *Juhii B ir'iyr n;, K-mi. died in Florida. Paul U Hel rr, L'ui, C >ast ot 'I'cxad. Richard C iutiin, N V’, conuM:uiding (,’oast of Dyi-t^di. North ('arifhna. o7 'Felix K Z iilii'otYer, Ten, killed in Kentucky o'* Benj F Ciieathani, Ten. Kentucky. ;»‘J .lo.sej h 11 .‘\i)di.r>on. \ a, Coast ot N C’. 4-* Simon B Buekiier, Ky, Kentucky. 41 Leroy i*ope Walker, Ala, Alabama. 4- Albori ■ ! Blanchard, Lou, Norfolk. ; 4:^ (labricl J R;iin.-, N C, 'I'urktown. i 44 .J 1'^ B .Siuart, \'a, Army i.d Potomac. 45 Latay. tte McLaw , Ccorgia, Vorktown. i 4G Tho.s F l>ra}toti, S (', Coa^t of S C. ; 47 Thos »' Hindman. Ark, Kentucky. 4?* Adlt;y H (jladden, Lou, Pensacola. ■ 4l John Porter Mci'ovvii, 'J en, Kentucky. I 50 Lloyd Tilghmaii, Ken, Kentucky. ■ 61 Nathan i Evans, \ t'oast ot > (V I ^2 Cadmus M Wilcox. 'I’en, Army of Potomac. I * Philip St t.leorgc Cocke, Va, died in Va. 54 R E Rliodcs, -via. Army of Potomac. 55 Richard Tiiylor, Lou, Army of Potomac. ! 5*) i.ouis T Wiirfail, 'i'exas, Army of Potomac. 57 James H 'I’rajiicr, S (’oast ot Florida. 5'' Sam’l ; French, Miss, Army of Potomac. 59 Wm H Carroll, Tenn, East Tennessee. ; tiU Hui^li W Men-er, (M-oriria, . [The tollowinL''are native.' of North Carolina, viz; Leonidas i’olk, iiraxtwn Bragg, Theoplulus H Holmes, f>en McCulloch, Wm W Loring, Rich ard C (jatlin, Felix K Zollicotfer. Cabriel J Rain.', L O B Branch.] ( ON'FEI'ER.VTE states CONCRESS ,-^KN A J'K. Aiahitmn—Messrs William L \ ancey, ♦' ' Clay. Ar/:iusii—.Nlessrs Robert U Johnson, ('has B .''•iitchell —Messrs James M Baker, A E Max well. Messrs B H Hill, Robert Toombs Ki iitur/,-1/—Messrs H iiurnett, \S illiam E Simms. —Mes.-rs Ed. Sparrow. 'F J Seuiines. 3/'V.s('.^.'c//>y/'M(..-"rs .\lberi 't liruwn, Janics Phelan. M,'..o)iri—Messrs Jr.hti B (M:irk, B S \ Peyton. ('-Ir/liHti—Mcssrs Ccori^e Havis, \\ il- -Messrs Robert W Barnwell, s Langdon C Haynes, Cus- ♦ 11 Humphrey Mar.-'hall, Ken, Kentucky. John C BrcckinridL'e, Ken, Kentucky. »)3 Rich’d (iriflith, .'liss, Army of Potomac. •4 Alex’r 1' Stewart, Ken, Kentucky. 05 Wm .MontLromery (lardncr, (ia, on furlough (•0 Pueh’d B Carnett, Va, \rmy of Potomac. ♦!7 William >Lihone, \'a, 2s'orfolk. ♦ li O’lirian Brauch, N C, Coast of N • GO Maxcj- Uregg, S (\ Coa?t of S C ! 70 11 ii Colston, Virginia. 71 Edward Johnston, Virginia LEGLSLATl’RE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. Pa.s((Uotank and Penjuimons—J M Whedb«e Camden and Currituck—B F Simmon* ( Jates and ('howan—M L Eure Hyde and Tyrrell—Jpni^ti Speuwor Northampton—J M S Rogers tiertford—J B Slaughter Bertie—David (Jutlaw Martin and Washington—J K Stubbs Halifax—M C Vv’bitaker i'^dgecombe and Wilson—U T Clark Pitt—EJ Blount Beaufort —Frederick (jrri'jt Craveti—N H Street ('arteret and Jones—Hr M F ArtJoJdll (jreene and Lenoir—J P Speight .New Hanover—Eli \V Hall ihiplin—Dr James Dickson On.slow—L W Humphrey Bladen, lirunswiek, iic—Jno D Taylor ('umberlatid and Harnett—Duncan Shaw Sampson—'i'honias 1 Faison Wayne—W K l.ane Johnston—J W' B Watson W ake—M A Bledsoe Nash—A .1 Taylor F’raiiklin — W Harris Warren—'f J i’itchford Craiiville—C H K Taylor Person—(,' L Winotcad ()range—Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and Randolph—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W S Harris Moore and Montgomery—W’ 1) Dowd Richtmmd atid Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and L tiion—S H W'alkup iuiltord—Peter Adams C.isvvell—^iH'dl'urd lirown Rockingham—F L Simpson -^lcl•klenburg—John Walker Cabarrus and Stanly—\’ C Barringer Rowan and Davie—Dr ,) (i Ramsey David.son—Jno W Thomas ''t.>kes and For-yth—Jesse A Waugh A>he. Surry Ac—Jos Dobson Iredell, Wilk( ?\e—L Sharpe Burke, McDuvvollvV:—B S Gaither Liiirolii, (,i:tston \c—Jasper Stowe Rutherlord, Polk iVc—A W liurton liuncombe. Henderson \c—(jeo W Caudler Havwood. .^lacon iV;c—W H Thouian llOLSE t'u.MMtjNS .Vhitiiaiict—(iiles Mebane ^ Alexander—Dr J ,N1 Carsuu- Atison — L L Polk, E R Liles .\.she—J M t.ientry Burke—.1 H Pearson Buncombe—A S Merrimon Bladeti—C 'i' Davis Bertir—P T Henry, and Fergusou Beaufort—R S Donnell, W T .^Itlnjh Brunswick—T D .^leares Caldwell lUckson Cabarrus—W S Harris CatHwba—Jonas Cline Chatham—W P Taylor, R N Green, Turner Bynum ’herokee—G W Hayes ('raven—C (' (.'lark, F E Altred ('umbcrland and Harnett—C G Wright, J S Harrington, .) C Williams (,'howan Small CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos. Ruffiu Alexander—A. M. Bogle Adhe—J. E. Foster. Andon—A. Myers, J. A. Leak Bertie—8. B. Spruill, James Bond Beaufort—W. J. Ellison, E J Warren Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Meares Buncombe—N. W'. W'oodfin Burke—J C. MeDowell Cabarrus—C Phifer. (?aldwell—E Joues. Camden—D D. Ferebee Carteret—C. R Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Brown, J, E W'illiuiu»«ja. Catawba—(jeorse Setzer. iajikee Morals.—We have been furnished, Bays the Mobile Register, with the following extract of a letter from a young man iu the cavalrj' service at Corinth, to his father in this city. It will enable our reader to form a faint idea of the moral degradation ol our would-b® coDquerorii: ■ “Having some leisure at time«, I amuse mj- seltReading the letters to and from our Yanke« 1 foes, which were picked up on the battle field ot ; Shiloh and from the various postoflices in their j camps. I was astonished and disgusted at their • indecency Not only some were di.sgusting, but the majority were so. It is the only opportunity we have ever had ot obtaining a complete in sight into the morals of the Northern peopU Southerners will never know their depravity as (-/htttham- J H. Hcaden, John Manning Jr., j jjj these letters, because they are ex- L.J. Merritt. ' ■ - - -J. - . (Jhcrokee and Clay—J. H. Bryson Chowan—R. H. Dillurd. Clev.dand—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Tracy. Columbus—Richard \Vooten. Craven—Geo. Green, Jno. D. VVhittord. Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A.ji^Qmg S. McNeill, M. J. McDuffie. Currituck—John B. Jones. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—RoV>’t Sprouse. Duplin—J. T. Rhodes, James Dickson. Edgecotnbe and W'ilson—. S. Battle, Geo. How’ard. Forsyth—T. J. W^ilson, I) 11 Stiirbuck. Franklin—A. D. Williams. (Jaston—S. X. Johnston. Gates—A. J. Walton. Granville—Thomas B. Lyon, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. (Jreene—W. A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A. (jilmer, Ralph (iorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. II. Smith, L. \V. Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wm. Hick-. • pressed in language so tilthy as to forbid their I publication. There were many letters found writ- j ten by Vankee soldiers to their own tamilies, ao f obscene that our roughest soldiers reftised to read them aloud to their coniradesj and just of such characters, too, were their letters from Footfalls on the Boundary of pother World, by R. 1 ^2 Hetiry Heth, Virginia. Work, in ,.riou. binding., .o,ong i " I’-rf,'*’ 1 .4 ,H .\ M W ,«.i, .Mubama Hemans, Scott, Pope, Byron, Burns, Moore, Hood, i Those having an ^ affixed are dead, Halleck, Campbell, (_.rabbe, Coleridge, wowper, , re.'^itinod, sincc the commencomefit' of the war Goldsmith, Milton, &c., &c. S'titf/i urn!'an James L Orr. T' am —Mes tavus A Henry. I't.i IS—Messvr- Louis T Wigfall, W OMhain. Vinjini’i — I’l M T Hunter, W Ballard Preston. ' IKILSK ">■ HKl'KKSF.NTA'ri VKS. —->!es'rs Thomas J Foster, W m R Smith’, J.>hii P Halls, J L .'I Curry, Fraiieis S Lyon. W P ('hiltuii, David I'lopton, Jas L Pugh, E S i>ari:an. Arhnnanf.—.Messrs F’elix J Balson, (Irandison 1> Royster, Augustus H Garland,'I'hos B Hanly. h'loriihi—Messrs tias 1> Dawkins, R B Hilton. —Me.s.'rs Julian llartridge, C J .'luii- nerlyn, Hines Holt, A 11 Kenan, David \\ [jcwis, W’m W Clark, Robert 1‘ 'I’rippe, Lucius J (!ar- trell. Hardy Strickland, A R Wright. K^.nlut'ky—Not yet elected. L'jiiisiiiiKi—Messrs ('harks J \'illcre, (.'harles M (Conrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lucien J Dupre, John F Lewis, John Perkitis, Juti’r. —Messr.s JnoJ .^Icl^u“,J W (Uap)i, Reuben Davis, Israel NVelsli, 11 (’ ('hambers, () R Sitigleton, E Barksdale. Mi.-isouri—Messrs John Hyer, (\ispar W l>ell, Ut'orge G Vest, A H Cv>nrow, W W I'ook, 'I'hos W Freeman, Thonia.'> A Han is. ytrlh OijroliHU—Mesijrs W N ll^mitU,iiob-|^ ert R Bridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archib:»Jd 11 Arrington, J R McLean, William Lander, B S (Jaither, A 1' Da vidson. South ('nrolinn—Messrs \V W Boyce, W Por- cher Milo.'', M L lionham, John Mcl^ueen, Jas I Fi'rrow, L M Ayer. 1 Teiififs'tfc—Messrs J 4' Heiskell, \V G Swann, j W H Tel'bs, E L iardenshire, 11 S Foote, M P I (Jentry, (icorge W’ Jones, Thomas Menees, J D or have | (; Atkins, Bullock, David M '?urrin. Shakspeare’s, Massinger & Ford’s and Beaumont i and Fletcher’s Dramatic Works; MrsCowden Clark’s complete Concordance f o Shaks- ^ peare; The Dramatic Works of Jas Sheridan Knowles: Smith’s Rejected Addressee; The Book of Scottish B.tllad“: | Bttllads by W II Ainsworth; ‘ (jiriswold’-' Poet.M and Poetry of England; Kenoale Poet.' nf Great Britain; Prj^iH of the xixth century; Percy'' Reliqj*" f .\ncieiit Poetry, Ac. &c K J. HALK SoNH. M irch 2'1. I'orly Vearoi’ ‘■'■Jus, W ,V!*xander, D I) • Hfritions, by .1 ,\d H«on A -'i lf'r, D I) Also, tun her “upplies of Marparet lieuiah; A lauj IteJe; Vu.sef: t^hirley; .School a,c. July 10. E J. HALE & SON. TIfK WKSr IMJI.NT OENEHALS. The lollowifig Coniederate Generals .ire gradu ates of West Point—the date of their graduation being prefixed; (Mass ot 1>^15 Samuel (’ooper Class of iJS’JO JoiiM H Winder. ClaBS of Isaac R Trimble. Class of 18'25 Daniel S Donelson, Benj’n Iluger, Class of 1 H'i() Al'oert S J ohnston. J no B Grayson. Class ot l'^J7 !.«eoiiidas Polk. G.nbriel J Rains Cla.^s of 1^'i’’^ The.' F Drayton, Hugh W Mercer. Class of 1 Jos- r'li E Johnston, ftob’t E Lee, Tbw()>hilu;^ H Holmes, Albert G Blani hai d. Class of l'^o* John B Magrmler. (’lass of 1''32 (ieorge i> i’rittenden, i* St George Cocke, Humphrey Marshall, KkU- I ard C Gatlin. Te.i 'is—Messrs .lohn A Wilcox, Peter W Gray, (Maiborne (' Herbert, W in B Wright, Malconi P Graham, B F Sexton. yiiyiniii—M essrs M usooe R H Garnett, John R, .John Tyier, Roger A Pryor, Thos | S Bocock, Jolin (ioode, Jr, ,Lames P Holcombe, j D C Dejarnottc, William Smith, ,\. R Boteler, j John B Baldwin, \V It Staples, Walter Preston, ' A G Jenkins, Robert Johnson, (’has W' Russell, j WiiliST0rsl-i,EilE\Tl!tV5i'ELLI\liltlli)KS.: \I f E ivt* just j(M;«‘ived by' Kx}'i*«^, a supply ot ; \\ ELLI.NC !’.(Ion'S —price ^r^l 2~> per doren l '>, cents 1 mil, Wo liavf 111.I .1 lv:iiict'(l the price of any articles i>n liaml before thi- war; but prefer;, purch.'isep CO'-t us m- re than ve asked for those. Of course we liave to i)ut up priccs ou what we buy ngw. ( E. J. HALE & SONS j ^ Payetteyille, Aug. 29. J (’ulumbus—N L Williamson ('an.den—D D Ferebee (’artciet—D ^V Whitehurst (v,^\vell Withers, S P Hill ('urrituck — B M IJaxter Cleveland—A (J Waters, .1 R Logan D;i\idson—Lewis Haynes, E B (.'lark Ihivie — Howard l)uplin—J 1> 'Stanford, J (4 Branch Eu'je( oml)0—R R Bridgers, J S W’oouard F»,!'syth—) !•' Pcindexter, Phillip Barrow Franklin—F Green (,'i;iston—J H \Vhite Granville—.f M liullock, W H Jenkins, ? H Catinaday (iuilford—C P .^Iendenhall, (' E Shober, J L (Jorrell Grucne-—A D Speight G;ites—John Bootlie Havwooil—[j Love Halifax—.V H Davis, W B Pope Herttord—.F J \ cates llcndorsoti—.los P .Iordan H vdc—Tilman Farrow' Iredell—A K Simonton, .V B F Gaither .lackson—A Fislier Joiu's—W' P Ward Johnston—W H Watson, Jas Mitchener Lenoir—.1 (’ Wooten Lincoln—V \ .'IcBee Madison—John A Fagg Martin—• — Ewell .^lcDowell—(’ H Burdin Moore—.Vlcxander Kelly Montgomery—E G L Barringer Macon—H (J NVoodiin MecKlenbnrg—S W Davis, J M Potts Nash—H (] Williams New’ Hanover—S J Person, Daniel Shaw Northampton—M W Ransom, W W Peebles Onjilotf—J H Foy Orange—H B G'*t.brie, W N Patteri«!on|uotank—J T Williams I’enjuirnons—N Newby J’itt—B (J Albritton, Churchill Perkins Person W^ilkinson Robeson — .Vlex McMillan, Eli W^ishart R(tckingham—-Rawley Gallowa"'’ and T Slade Rowan—N N Fleming, N. F. Hall Rutherford—(’ T N l>avis, B H Padgett Randolph—I H Foust, Thos 8 W'inslow Richniond—I (! Blue Samp.son—. (’ Fai.son, (Jeo \V .\ntrey Surry—W W atigh Stokes—Honitio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (ireene Tyrrell— ' ^ I’nion—C Lenimonds Wake—S H Rogers, J W Russ, H Mordecai Warren—J B Batchelor, W II ('’hoek Washinsiton—V Latham W^at;’.ug:i—Thomas Farthing Wayne—W T l>ortch, .'1 K (Vawford Wilkes—A W .^Irtrtin, llorto Vadkiii—.V C (’owles Vaneev Bowuian The Volni(t*er’« Hrtiitl Book. ^ FURTHER supply just received. Henderson—\V. M S!i ipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Iredell—AiulertioTi Mit( hell, T. A. Allison. Jackson—W. H. Thomas. Johnston—C. B. Sanders, W \ Smith Jones—Wm Fnv Lenoir—.John (,'. Washington Lincoln — D. Schenck. Macon—(' l). Smith. Muilison—J A. .^IcDowell. Martin—David W Bagley .^IcD|j^vt>ll—J. II. (,'rreenlee. Mecklenburg—J. W. Osborne, James Strong. Montgomery—S. H. (’hriatian. Moore—H. Turner. Nash—Ij. N. B. Battle. New Hanover—J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J. M. Moody. (,)nslow—A. J. Murrill. OraniTfi—W. A. (iraham, John Berry Pas4Uotank — R. K. Speed. Porcjuimous—Jos. ,S. (’annon. Person—John W'. ('uningham Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, P. A. Atkinson. Randolph—W. J. Long, A. (i. Foster. Richmond—W'. F. Leak. Robeson—J. P. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockingham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowat -R. A. Caldwell, II. C- Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G W Michal, M. Our ham. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thoiuas Bunting. Sunly—E. Ilearne. Stokes—A. H. Joyce. Surry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. I’nion—II. .'^I. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W. Holden. W'arren—W. N. Edw;irds, Frank Thornton. W’ashington—W’^. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W'. (’ouncil. W’ayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armfield. Yancey—^L P. Penland. A \ew IjSiw Hook. i'aittivetrs Prttciiee at JLttw. JUST pubii>:}icd. a treatise uj'on tlie Practice at Law in North Caiolina, by Edwark CA.srwKt.L, LL. B., author of the N. C’. Justice, etc. CONTKMS. Of Legislative Power iu (ieneral: Legislative Power in N'orth Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justices of the Peace: County P>oiindaries—L»eeds, etc.; County’ Reve nue and Charges; Court Houses, Prisons. &c.; County ' rrustee; Jury Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; (Jeueral Assembly; Insjiections. Public Landings, &c.; Poor ' Houses and Hospitals; Registers and (Clerks: Rivers and ' Creeks; (iates. Ferries and Bridges; Weights and .Mea- ; sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers: Neiise River; Pub lic Koaiis and (’anways; Public Landings and Inspec- tion.s; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North (Carolina; Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; I Attorneys at Law; Attorney General; ltl*porier and Mar- ! shal; Clerks and Solicitor; (Counsel for Paupers; Guar- 1 Jians; County Attorney; .Vuctioneers; County Court j Clerks; (Coroners; Boundary Comnilssioners; Committees of Finance; (,’ounty Trustee; County Treasurer; Special i Court; (’ommission^rs of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin- • tendeuts of Si-hools; Commissioners of Navigation; War- ; dens of the Poor; Registers; Commissioners of Rivers : and Creeks: SheritTs; Constables; Pv.mgers; Standard j Keepers; Retailers; ,\dministrators: Chairman of Special ( Court- Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Survey'ors; Superintendents of Elections; (itianJians and f>ceivers; Inspectors; Commis.'^ioners of Internal Improvements; Partition; Patrol Conunittees: Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Comniissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appeudix contains forms of Deeds and Convey. ' inces, as follows: i Agreements, Asaignment.s, .Vwards. Bills of Sale, Bills ' of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Mi.scellaneous Bonds, i Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, : Copartnership Articles, Notes, Pteleases, kc., kc. ! This Book contains 556 pages, is gotten up in supe- rioratyle, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. HALl & SONS. Dec'r 20, IStiO. Map ol the Sea toast of South Carolina; New .Map of Virginia; The Soniliorn Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. Uec’r li. E. J HALE k SONS. The »U5iiiy Mouthy l>y Prof. In graham; Say and Seal, by tlie Author of ‘‘Wide Wide World,” %c.; The Household of Bouverie. or the Elixir' Going into Slavery.—On Friday last in the Circuit Court of Bedford, Daniel , a free ne gro, emancipated by the will of the late Timothy Rogers, for whose removal from the Common wealth ample provision was made, came before the Court, Judge Wingfield presiding, and select ed Ro. C. Mitchell, Esq., as his master. He was a.sked if he did this knowing that it made him a slave for life—if he was aware that hereafter he could be sold as a slave—if he acted with a know ledge that he now had the privilege of choosing slavery or remaining free as he was. All of these and many other questions he answered with an intelligence which seemed to say, “I know my real friends—save me from those who pretend to be so.” Hundreds of instances of this sort oc cur throughout the State. And if Lincoln and his co-workers, the Sumners and Trumbulls, could, on Friday night last, have seen Daniel as j he went to his decent and well appointed‘cabin, ; and have there witne.ssed the happy meeting be- , tween himself and his fellow wervants, even they I would have unconsciously clasped both hands to j the sides of their heads to ascertain if their eatH j had not become like those of Midas, j Rich'd Whiy. ” smUlRD LITERATURE. ~ TH E Works of Chas. Lamb, 5 vola. Edited by Talfourd; “ of Henry Fielding, 4 vols: “ '* of Oliver Goldsmith, 4 vols; “ “ of Tobias Smollett, ri vols. Letters of Junius: Fenelon’s Works; Pascal's Provincial Letters; “ Thoughts, Letters, &0; Chesterfield’s Letters; Coriane, or Italy, by Madame DttSlael; Jacc Porter’s Works; /iOar of Wakefield and Rasselas; * l.ood’s Whims and Oddities; “ Comic Miscellanies; hallam's Middle Ages; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry, Currer Bell’s Works—Jane Eyre, Shirley and V'illet(!%; Evelina, by Miss Burney; Beulah, Rutledge, The .Mill on the Floss; “Line upon Line,” ‘Peep of Day,” &o*, Fox’s Book of Martyrs; Buchan’s Domestic Medicine; Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book; Youatt on the Horse; Yoauu Martin on Cattle. April o. £. J. HALE & SONS. FURTHER SUPPLIES. OOBERTS’S Hand Book of .Vrtillary. It MAHAN'S Field Fortifications. The Trooper's Manual, by (yol. Luoius baTii. CAUSE AND CONTRAST The Battle Call—a lyric by E. V. W. Letters of Moris Addums to Billy Ivvins. Just received. K. J. HALE & SONS. F:iyetteville, March lil, 1862. The Voliiiitecr’iif Hand Book. • A FURTHER supply just received. April 18 E. J, HALE A SONS. Home-Made Envelopes. \f ANUFACTURED b_, Thos. H. Tillinghast, Fayett*- jjl viile, mn;- be iia i of the undersigned, wholeeal* or retail, for cash Jtin t). lH''i*. E. .) HALE & SONS. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. VNEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE k SONS. Ki:?10VAI^. ^pilF, POST OFFICE is removed to 0‘fice formerly oc- 1 cupied by the Cbirrndon Bank. .JAS. G. COOK, P. M. Dec. :it , lHt',1. 86- C AP LIITTKR PAPER«T rPHE stibscfibers have ju-t received a small supply of J_ ruled P.VPEKS, which, having cost very high prices, will he S'dd accordingly, for ca>ih only. Feb’y 12, E. J. HALE k SO>'S. Ilai*dee% Taclicw, the only C'opy- Ripht—Mobile Edition, 2 vols. Gilliam’s Manual for Volunteers and Militia. Gilh'un’s Tactics. The Voluuieer’s Hand Book. S. -\rmy Regulations. The Southern Song Book. Further supplies just received. Feh'y 2o. E J. HALE k SONS. * Uc!!«per and other Poeiiisi, By THEOPHILUS HUNTER HILL. Esq., of Raleigh. For sale, price $1, by E. J. HALE & SONS. Jitu’y 13, 18’j2. SETTLE.UEIVTS. The subscribers will be glad to settle accounts due by or to them. R. J HALE A SONS. CAUSE Ai^B €OATRAST: J^N ESSAY, on the American(,'iisis, by T W. .>icMahoa A further Supply just rec’d. Feb. 12. E J. HALE k SONS. inethodiAt Hjiiini« and Biftcip- liaes a new snpplj, assorted sizes and qualities. * March 16 HALK & SONS. The .i$outhcrn JEIarniouy, School Books, &o., further supplies just, ’•eceired, B. J. HALE & SONS The Prc«bvteriau PMaiiiiodiHt E. J. HALE « SONS, Nov. Ifi. of Gold, by a Soufh>rn L-uly; hvening^ at . Character notes. A further supply just received scope. .Sic.. .VC. E J l!\LE .t -j.,. t’ j. u.4Lt SONS 1 B^i^iugle copiesol liie i Vol. Slh Uancrott’s liniled Stal^, can be procuied by nan-8ubBcribe1fl, at the B(JoJi»tor«. | ^ ^ j ^ gQjj^ Price 6 cent*. * ' A ^

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