IVOI.. Xl.l I'AVHTTRVII.r.r,, N. C.. .ItlNK 9, I8G2. [NO. 1133.] I RINTKK MONi>AV.-J AM> THURSDAY'' i:i»W ,1. IIALE i SO.*lS. ELITORS ANL* I’ROI'RIETORS r Of t^i tJ.. ^^cnll \\ eekl} Ufa-'tRVtR Ou it paU iu 60 if p?.\3 turitig i't\e wur A sulscnp Froru ibe tiailesii.ii Cuuvier. A LlL’i ur Tin: UtNtRAL OFFICERS IN THE ARMlEie jF TIIF (’(.•NPFltEP \TE STAft.-^ ibe lijlluWiij^ iiitciuf the Oou- tcJciate Aiiuy :.iViit;:7alKii uic Jue tu one ol the Hicbiu^uul 001 icspundeui* 0* the Courier Iu tLe liit ol BrK>u.d’cr (jen.oral- m the i'lovisional Ar Class ol' Ibciu I'uniel Ru^> k‘S Cias» ut Ibo.'t Joiifs .^l WitlieV:. Ola* ut l':Jo JoS'.'jjh K Vuilcr-Juu; Lloyd ''il!;b- rr.aii Clusi ...1 UoT BiuxtoM U m H T W'Akti J tio ij Pi.-iiibertuij, Aruol'-l Elzcy, lleiif, H ;?'iblev, .tubal A tiirlv LEG18LAT(/Kh: UF NORTH CAKOLIXA ! ('ONVI]N'TIUN OF NORXH CARuLINA Alaiii;iUL‘o—-Giles Mebane, Tbos Kuifea Alexander - A ^l Horle ■ ou. or t i attev ti.c ye'ir hag «:ptrc J For iLe \Vt'(.Kly C'RsrRvt.H 00 {.er uuuuui, a fdiJ iu ;idv>iuce; oU it' puiit tLe veav ut' aub-sorip- t.ou or io Oo tl.L- year li is espireJ ■ AL»\ F11T1HE\IF.NT'- lu^we i for cO cents per • 4U\re of 10 liue; lui tirst, u.iid JU >,eui!; lu! eu^ti ?acceeding publiuntl .n. Yjarlv uJvyrtis«;ineiit» ly spe- -lal CMitracii. at reasonable rates Advotiioerd are reque^rted to «tatp the tiuniber .'1' insertions desiied .jr thev ts'ill be couiliiued tlU t'.n V'id suid charged aecurd- Au\wrliaiiueiits ti.- be • u.-.'i, charged uU per •»Lt eitra. •^I’ECL-.L .NOTli'E From aad utter !hij* Jat*. iionuLuecl u Ucw eubsoriter will be enteri I wirii. ut paymeti: iu aJvau..v uoi will the paper be deni t- -ji •>' -: -!iberi r'.r u I^u^er tuije lian is paid for. S.ioh -fui.r old dll' -libera dciire to take the pa per on this ^ystoiD will 1 l- 'i^e nutify -ub when making renuttnni'f'* J-tu'j 1, TO AUVLRITSERS. Persons out of town wh. desire ad?ertiseuients in- •erted in the Observer, and p^erii U3 in town with whom yre have not regular acf‘ount‘> w please send with the advertiseuieut as much moi» bxy wish to iuveat iu it, according to our udvertit i jjs uu iht* first p-ig;- Ui>, th- reyuhr .)id.;T o' app.y,utni.-Mt perhaps VVm J HarJ-^:. Juuio.- H Trapvn- fiC.tulw^ai r,l:erv d, >.uL \vc baheve the liat is , Olais ot Ale? K J.uwton. John I" McCowii othciwis.- v'otrect 'I Uc datoj -jt jzroduatvon tiOLU ^ dajs yf; li;4o Richard \\ c.il Point :irt‘ taken troin Gurdner « L»i>;tioTiarv ot the Tnitt^d ^fiates \rinv i'L the A'eyw.'a^ A rny 1 ^^.unuei Coofier, Vu, Adjutant ien--rul - Albert .S John-jt'Ki. IVyad, .jOfuinanduitf in Kentui-ky i Jo5c|.ih E Johiibtjii, Ta, i,oUiuiandin;x Nunh- ci n V ir^iiiia d Kobe! I l.i Lee. \ a. coiulujiudiny ifjuth Atlao tic C.'ast :> 1’ r T uurei'nid. l.ou, couiuiandiu^' Aruiy j l‘otonjuc. j Mijor fi-'tfh.i’- t'l tht }': 0-: i-iijna’ At ni^ j 1 ''Havid L Twi;.:jt., bfeor^ia, rc.signed j ■J Leonidas I’olk, 1..UU, ooniumudino at Memphis o RiaxtoM lira^L', IjOu. cottiiuandint’ ut Pensit- i i!oia. d Lari \ ai) Dorn, Mi-s, Army ol I'otomae 0 (lU'tavu- \\ Smith. Ken, Annv ot T'otomae. i Theoj^Lilu Fi ll.'liuis, N C, Aruiv of P.-.tu- inai.'. 7 Williaiu J Havdoc, Georgia, Mis.souri, '5 Benjamin Flui.',er. J? (’, i.’uiuiuandiLg at Nor ; folk 9 Janier? Longstreet. Ala, Army of Potomac !-• J' hn*li .Magruder, \'a, commanding at Vork- town We do not wish to open anv more such accounts. - or ♦] ] Thomas ,1 Jackdon. \'h. OOinmundin; North- Kvtell, Paul O Hebett, Richard B tjuriieti Clas: 'jt Robert Gainett., Samuel Joii*;d Ciaii ol l:4l! Lavl Van L'^rn,Gustavu:; \V;.muh, .Manstield Lovdl. James Lon^- «treet, I>Mnitl H Kill, Richard H And>*ir3on l.afavett'- Me Laws, Alev P .'?tt'\van Clad’* of l'?4o iiotWi.dl Riplt'V, >Sa’n 1 G Preneh L'la?33 ot 1'j44 buiioii H Buekner I'lass of ]'4u E Kirbj Smith, Barnard E Bee, Wm. H (' Whitin- Class ut 1"4G -'ninina> J Jaekson, C-idmus M Wileov, J>aVid R Jont» Win .M (.cardutr ClaiS ut' l'‘-i': Nathan I'Naii-’ Cla-:.s of 1;.;>S J E P. Siuuit iade>»d account:- The pr- 'o.sj of collection ii too . diliicult., and we have to pay cash for every thing we | ute ;>r sell in these times ! Oct 1"61. Obi i.\Rv Ni'TI' es. —We have horetofjre given notice, i repeatedly, th\i wo charge foi-obituary notices of un reasonable length, and f..r resolution? of respect, bo | cause that kind uf reading, we have much occasion to know, id not of;eu mi.re agreeable lo readers than to editors of papers A - it generally aappens, however. ; that after charging and paying postage onthear •"unt for- ' warded, we never get }>aid, we now give notice that we will insert ndtLing of the sc.rt hereafter unless ac^om- j panied by the cash. ; .Alw.iy? excepting in the case of j deceased volunteers, when we require no pay i Hear : in mind, iheref-re, thai wi.l .n?ei: obituary notices ' and resolutions, n-ot exceeaine; 7u w. rds, graiis. For all • wver 7'i words, one cent a w vd, which must He paid be- ; fore the notice will be put m type. immandin^ Coa^^t ol western Viitjinia. P-1 Mansfield i^ovell, \ a, Louisiana lii Edmund Kirby Smith. Florida, Army of Po- tomae 14 Teoroe B Crittenden. Ken, fLiuimanding East 1'eynes.see ilh .'I th> *4/'my 1 Milledjje L Bi'ulKtm, .S C, Army of i'otomac John B Floyd, \ a. e-jmmandin^; Army Ka- na'vvha '6 lie’iiy A vVi-c. \ a, R.^u-ke I.^land. 4 Bell M.Cuiinh. I'eKH', Missouri 5 "H 'liry R .Jai k;-a, »eo, rc'sitrned 0 ‘Robert S (»arn -tt, V a. kiUed in action 7 ■\S illiaui II I VVaiker. _iey, resii.-ned ^ ’ Barnar>l E B;--e, S C, killed in acti.n tiL.Ni.UAI -5 llu U t.K^; 1 ...KiLi! Ai I UK -I' iulN, The followuii. Gi rai' Wi-re appointed to th-' old Cnitfd State- Army, vvisliout pa-^uit throu>^h tht' e.'t. P 'lti; .\i;a' ''ajy : - I'avid E I'wiu’cT'^. ap- : poinued In I'rlL'; Wm \\ Loriti;;, in I'-j'.'; Thos. j . T Fauntleroy, iti The following (Jeiieruls lir.-t suw .,erviee in the ; Mexiean war:—3L 1, J^ouhnm, llenrv Jai'k- son. Gidf^on ,1 1‘illow, Samuid R .\nders"ii, ’ha- Clark, Tlu'S t’ Hindman, .lohn (’ Breek-; inridije, Benj !' (’lii>arham, Piirfurd iiritiiih,i Albeit Hike, Adlev 11. (Jladdeii, Muxev tlri-^tr j The I'dlinviiii^ ',f!;erah pai tifipat.-d in the i Texan w r and the \v:u> with .'I- X; Ben >L'Culloch, Loul^ T Wi.jfall 'I'hi* I'illowitiii Grtieral.7 aw !;.• military .-rvii-e ‘ j'Tevion- to the |.;L .-cnt war: -.lohn P. Floyd, : H'.iiry A Wi^e. Robert Toomb -. Riehar'l Taylor, f Thnt; li Flournov, I. Pope VS alker, !' K /id-i Miootier, Willian. >!ahone, 1, 4'r; Branch. U il- ; liam n Can .11, It E Pthi.'dt - Some. hoWi.'Ver. ' leetdved militaiy f-d’a..:^ u: al S:.u'- lu t tulions I Vir-'inia ha~ I'l GenoraN in the (’ ■nfederate j ' Armies; S ,t;th ’:a' lina , 1- ui iana ", G= oit^ia : 7; 'reiint's ; .North G:ii .’.I:].. Kentueky 7; j >IarYl.i!id -1; Alab:im:i 1; Ml'-^ii-^ppi I, l'e.>ca' ii; Arkan^ar- J; F!jrid:i 1. .'*1 i-.-'mui n-iiie. ! The l-ihv’.v’..^ Wer'- : 'rn at the North, thou.h previou-^ to the pres,'I;! war they were eitiiiens ot y A ex.tndei R Eawto: Geo, Commanding Coa'-t j^o^ithern State^■:—Geii.ral ’■.■ iptr, ! un in Ne'.v York, Ripley, in (Jhio; P* Tnbertoii. in I’eimsyl STWD.41S!) AMI MlSl'ELLWEuiS WtiHKS. ABBOTI S Hidtories, v 's .Vbboti • Nap ,i«on Irviuij’e •j.^ple'e Works. ‘J1 vols: “ Liftt of WushLnj^tou, 6 Vu'.s Pri»c*tt’s Philip the -J, 'harii-s the Oth, “ F'erdinand and ^;?abella “ Conques! of Jfexioo; “ •* of Peru; Bancroft e U. dtatep, 3 vois; Los.'ing s Field Bo 'k 'jf the .\mcrican Revolution; Tytcr 8 Ci.iver-a; Hisi^!;. Hallam's .'-Iil'ile Age«: rinme and Maoaai;.\ s H.-t- ries .t Englaul- Kollin's Ancient {iist^ry Millman'b Oibbdu's Rome Josephus' o jik'. Robertson's wurks. Webetcr’s Wtirk,-; Clay's by I'•i'-mU, Ber.t.>u b -.u yenrs lu ttie ■ ^ Semite B'lrke's work.;: L'r .Johns .n's dit' i'losweii s j.ifo • l'r .1 .hr.': •n. Addison's Wi.rk'- i h-^-'u ^ .'^rectanr lU 'Gideon .1 Pilkiw. Tetin, rerf.'.ned I 11 Samuel R ,viidersuti. Tenn, K-iitucky * 12 Paniel S i> neh u. I cun. Coa^t of S Carolijia 18 l>a%id R Junes, -S Artfiy of Potomac. ! 1 I Jv-nes M Witliers, Aia, eommandint Coast ot I A'.abama ! 1C» John C Pembertvti. ^ a. ('oast ot S C J pi R- hard -S Ewell. \ a. Armv of P'otomac 17 John H Winder. Maryland, Riehmond. ^ l^ Juba! A Early. \'a, Army of I’otomao. j 19 ’Thun B FLurnoy. Ark, died in Aikansus liu Samuel Jones. \ :i- Armv it Potomac j 'Jl Arn-ld E.zey. M-.rviand. \ruiv 4' Pot. ri>ac j '-1 1 >aniel 11 Hill, N C, Armv of Potomac \ 'J’-S H-.!iry 11 y. I, nj. 'I'.:- -, Frontier ; J4 Wm H (J Whiiii.p', Geo, Army ol Potomac I Li't Wm W Lonntr, N i', West*.rn Vireinia ; ‘20 Ru-hard H .\n '.er- 'n. S Pensacola ' _'7 A if.err Pike, Ark, Indian ,’omm:ssi,,[;fi i 'J- ‘Tlio-'r Fauiit’.-roy. \ iraiiiia, re-;ii.-ued ! ’jy Robert T;>omb.’, _re". Aniiy of Potomac Loui.^iana. variia; U hitin__, in MH.ss;u husett.-; P.ke, in Mas- sa. Lusftt-; Ru^^-ks. in .'la-r-ai husetts; Bianeiiard, in Massachusetts; F;„iieh, in New -ler-ey ["The following are ; NorU: Car-jluia, viz; Leonidad Polk, Bra.'.ton Br•'.'^^ Theophilu^. 11 ll-.lme.-». ten ’^IeCur;"ch. Wm W Loriny, Rich ard (Mtatlin. F«li\ K Z jllieutle'-. Gabriel J liainn. L 1>’P> Bran> h ] CJNFEl>ER\TE STATES CONGRESS sKN \1i Al'jf- rmu — Me-Sar- William L Vaneev, ■ C .'lav Me^.r R HEN.A.TE l'aa.|U'.tank and PervjUimonti—J M Whedbee Camden T-.d (’urrituck—B F' Simmatis Gated and Chowan—M L Eure llydu and i vrrell—Jones Spenco" Northaiiipton—J M S Rooen- llertford—J B Slaughter Bertie—David C>utlaw .^lartin and \\ ashinj.^lou~J K iStubbs Halifax- M (' \\ hitaker Edpeconibe and U ilson — li T Clark Pitt EJ Blount Beaufort —1 rederiek (irist Craven—N H Street Carteret and Jones —L>r M F Arendell jreeiK> and Leiioii—J P Speight Ne\> Hanover—Eli W Hall L>upuii — Dr tl ames Dickson Unslow—L \V Humphrey Bladen. Brunswick, —Jno D Taylor Cumberland and IPirnett—•Duncan Shaw Sampson—'I'hoinas 1 Fainjn Wavn«‘ — W K Lane J'.dinston—J W B V\ atson W ake—M .V Bledsoe Na.-'h—A J 'I'aylor Franklin — \V llariis Warren—'i' J Pitchford Granville— i’ 11 K 'i'aylor Per.Soli—L Winsttad (Jrango—ilo.'iah I’lirner, Jr Alamance and Randolph -Jonathan Worth (,'halham — W S Harris 31oore nnd Monti'^omery—W D Dowd liiehmond and Robeson—Alfred iJockery An.si/n and I 'nion—S H Walkup fruiliord — Peter Adams 'awell—lledtiiid Brown Roekingliam - F L Simpson -'‘1 ecklenbur^—John Walker 'abarrus and Stanly- V (’ Barringer 1 jwan .and Davie ])r ,1 G Kamsey Davidson—Jno W 'I’homas ''toke.s and Forsyth —-Jesse A U augh A-ihe, Siirrv A:‘—,lo.s D>bson li '-dell, Wilkes vVe L Q Sharpe Buike, .NIcDowell A.e B b Gaither Lincoln. Gaston —Ja.sper Stowe Rutherford, iN.'ik .Ve — .V NV Burton Buncombe. H enderson v\.. —Geo W' Candler Havwood. Macon A; • W H Thomas IIOL'.SE OF CuM.MuNd Alaiiiaiiee—(file.s Mobane Alt .v;iiider—i)r J .M Car.son Ans.n -L L Polk, E R Liles A-he —-f M ; entry Burke J H Pear.son Bune..i;ibe- A S M-*rrim.jn Bladen—C 1 Davis B rtie — 1’ T Henry, and }{e'.t;if rt--R S Donnell, W T .Marnh Brunswick—T D Mearea Caldwell- — Diekson Cab irrus—W .S Harris Catawba Jona? Cline ('hatham—W i’ Taylor. R N Green, Turner Bynum • Tier ikee—W Hayes Cri:ven C C Clark, F E Alfred (’u!!'b-rland and Harnett—C Wright, J S er; .I'dinsL.n, ('h.L- M H^ker. A F Max ■i-.' f .--t Auth.jrs; ■tiid Ui'era* Macaulay h 'discHilaai*'-: Midprn fjri’’“h Knigiit - II lU H ,n : " Li-. a-sionrs on P‘' : Wm Haiiiil'on; f'b'imber-’- Mi'Cf’l iTjr. ] v'.i iBtatosm.'iu's Man. a’: 1 he Federnli-;; Political Text Hook, by \Ic'Iuskey- tJonstitntion^ of t.'ie .-States; Marshall's Life of Ua-aiiii-ton, The Life f \V't;' Pin'kn*‘y: A'nericau Klo.i’.ience: lUography of Di-iinguiT^hod Wumen, by Mr- S J Hale; Encyclop'i- lia .V v.. Appleton fl Cycb(}'f-l;a ot i’.;o?r.aphy; Life and C:)rre-poiidcnce vt Lord .letfrfy; Lockhar’’- bile of .‘;cott: C-iirran and hi.s '.jieiT;p.,rarie-,, by t,'ha.s Phillips; Wavt-rly N.^vels, compic-te in 0 vols; in i;4 vol.i; “ '• • iu ’J7 vols: Cooper'> Sea T.tit-,: l>ickens' Works; Marryatt'.s N Wilson's Talei of the i'v! ier- Hannali M rt-'- -«vk-. Dick's Work-: Plmarch’s Livp; Dryden'.s Work-, Sterne’s works; The Doctor, by f^outhey; Trabb’s Sjnonynie.', Percy Anecdotcs; •Jhronicle? of the P>astile, ili^ii°trn;e i: The Sc.'ifiish tJ'iel; Uateiteer of the U. .State*?; Major .tii' k iJowninj^'s -iO years out of th»- Senate; Living-f'.ne’s Travels iu Si)uth .-\frica: I.,ord i.lgiir^ ^^.--i ?n to 4iina and .Jaj'aii; Five \ ears in by I);- !has. Taylor, The British l.xj.-iiiion i the 'rimea, by W H Russell; My Diary in India, by di" i; Dr. Kane’s Arctic L.sL|-’. >r.i:; Kendall's istinra Fe Expedition; Cumming’s H’uiier's Life in Africa. Nott ii Gliddoii s Indigenous Peaces of the Earth; :1 (’h;ules v;l;irk. Mi?-, Army ot' Pi'toinac i'J R. j.Veil S Ri: icy, C. Coa.st |.)I S I’ io l.-a;!'.: R Trimble, Md, Arniy ol I’otomao It *J.)hn B Gi;iy.son, Ken. di- d in Flirida }*a i! * H' *'ert, E .a oa-t -.t 'I'exas Footfalls on the Duundary of Auother World, hy R. 72 ilenry Heth, Virginia. :-{*i Richard 'latlin, N c.iiniiiaiidin^ Coa.jt of; Umj, Dort' h. North ('arolina. ! i.7 ‘I'elix K Zolln;oftor.'1 ;!i. ki it‘d in Kentucky I Benj F *'hea:h.am. Ten. Kentiieky ! ;■>!' Jo'-ej'h R And'-r^o!.. \ a, (,’oar-t of N (' : : 4*> Simon B Bu> .^n- r. Ky, Kentucky | !-H Leroy Pope Walker, .\la. .Mabama. ■ ! 42 Albert G Bl-itic-hard, L lu, Nortolk i : G;ibr;ei J Rain-, .\ G, \'orktown ; 41 J F.i B ."'tuart, \':i. Army ol Potomac I I 4.’t Laiavette >F4-nw-, .i..'orLM:i, V^ rktown ! ! -P'l 'j'ho: !•' ]>r:ivt'in. S C, (’uas* ol S ' i 17 Th o.s (' Hindman, Vrk, Kentucky. , 1*^ Adley H Ghidden, E"U, Pensacola. John Porter M ('own. 'f-n, Kentucky, j 50 liloyd 'I’il. hman, Ken, Kentucky, i f)l Nathan G Evan.‘;, S Coast ot S .'>2 ('H'imus M 'V ii'M.v. 'I'en, .Vrniy of Potomac. ‘ * I’hilip ."'t Goorp;c C"cke, \ a, died in V a. j r>l R E Rhode.-. .Ma, Army td Potomac. 1 Richard 'I’aylor, Lou, Army ot Potomac. f>t) LoitiH '1' Wio};ill, 1’exa.s, ,\ruiy oi Potjmao .'>7 James H Trajder, C, ( oast oi I'lorida. ■ Sam’l G Frcneh, Mi-.s, .Vrmy of F'otomac. : .'ly Wm II C;irr(jll, Tenn, E;tst Tennessee. OU Iluirh W .^)ercer, GeorLlia, -. i 01 Humphrey Marshall, Ken. Kentucky. fi2 .John Breckinridt^e, Ken. Keiit'icky. ' 0;i Rich'd Griffith, .^li'■s, .\riny ol Potomac. 04 .VIex’r P Stewart. Ken, Kentucky. { 0;”) Wm Montt^omery Gardner, Gtt. on furlough. ' 00 Rich'd B (iarnett, \ a, .\nny of Potomac. ; 07 W illiain Mali-ne, \ a, Norfolk, j (W L O'lirian Branch, N’ C, Coa.st of N (’ 1 Oy Maxcy Gregg, 8 C, Coa-ot of S C. 70 R E Colston, Virginia. , 71 Edward John.ston, Virginia. ' Ark iii-.j.- B .^lltehelI Fi'-r' ia - Me- rrs J.iUi>.- well h- lit I j!:^ i Siniin- — Me J Mdiirs-M» ! Phelan. I J/( /—Me.'.srs J .ihn B’l:;rk.RS\ Peyton. ,r‘h —.'lei.-rs (r- .^r^e D;i, 1.-. \V il- Me^^rs B H H;1’. R .belt T. .mbs Me-sr- 11 C Burnett. V. illium I. -rs Ed .''pal row, '1' .1 Sr-mme ■^srs Albert • i Bi iwn. Jame Me; r- Robert W Barnwell. A'fhe J F Fo-^.‘r Aiison A .^lyer.s, J A Leak Bertie—S B Spruil'-, James Bund Beautoit — W J Ellison. E J. Warren. Bladen—Neill Krlly Brun wick—T J,> >leares Buncombe--N W WotMitin Burke—.i C .^IcDowoll Cabarru-i- C Phifer Caldwell E W’^ Jone-' ('auideii- D D. Fcrebee (’arteret -C Tl TLoinua Caswell FJedford Bro'.vn, J WilliaiiiBon Catawba Georj'e Setzer. (’hatham—.1 II Hoaden. J.ihn MauniTijf Jr, L J .'lerritt (Jherokee and Clay—J II Brysou Chowan—R H i)illard ’lev.dand—W\ J T. Miller, J W^ Tracy [ A NIGHT ALARM; I In his letter, dated Oth inst , ‘Perdoune,” the ; corre.-pondent of the Charle'^ton Couijer, gives ! the following euiertHiiiin*^ accuuut ol camp scenes I at Coriuth: A nis?ht alarm' Whut a Uou.i ot tumuttuou; ejiiotion-^ rush through the mind at the mere romi- I niscence'. Whose pen cun describe the vivid pic- , ture daguerre'Jtyped upon the mental tablet" 1 ! tear me the task 1.- beyoud my poor reach. )i ou t are sitting cjuietly in youi tent, say at ten o’clock in th e evening A calm da> liaa mers^ed into » j beautilul nighr The young moon sheds her dii- vev lustre upon the surrounding scene The sky is cloudie.'-'^. and ild myriad blossom* twinkle iu their hrmaiiicut alike on Iriend and toe Your thouf htii are lar awaf—among tho?e to whom your h^‘art i-, - lirv.jipled as with hooks ot' steel ” Suddetily—'AS hish-.'^h sh-sh" shoot« up a long golden serj.eiit, ;itreamlng through the dark, blue ( like a meteor, lingers for an instant in mid-air, then breaks into liery corruscations>, aud disa» j pears. It is a signal from one of the headiiuarters (.’olunihus —Richard Wooten ’raven—Geo. Green, Jno D Whitlord j Few know its purport, but in a moment all realize 1, A I its magic power. Like tho touch upon the won- Cumberland and Tfarnett—David McNeill, Douthit 73 Johnston II Duncan, Louisiana 74 H A M Wood, Alabama. j Those havitm an * affixed are dead, or have re.signed, .since the commencement of the war I TMF WK.ST I'di.N'i' (iE.VEKALS. i The following (’onfederate Generals are gradti- ' atea of W'e.«t Point.—the date ol their graduation being prefixed: Clasts of 1815 Samuel ('oojter. Cla.ssof 1S2U John H Winder. ' (.’la.S8 of l'-22 Fsaac R Trimble. . ('las.s of l:^2r» Daniel S Donelson, Ih-nj’n Huger. Cla.ss v>f l'2**> Albert S Johnston, .Jno B (irayson. ClasH of H27 I. :onilas Polk, (.Jabriel J Rains. ! (,’la.ss of Ls2H i hoH F Drayton, Hugh W Meroer Dale Owen; Standard Poetical W'orkf in various bindings, among which are: Homans, Hcott, Pope, Byron. Burns, Moore, Hood, Halleck, Campbell, Oabbe, Coleridge, Cowper, Ooldiimith, Milton, ,ve , .Sco. Bhakspeare’s, .Ma-siuger Si Ford’s and Beaumont and Fletcher’s liramatic WoikH; MrsCowden Clark’s complete ('ducordance to .^haks- peare: The Dramatic W’orks if.J;i- Sherii'in Kuowleu- Smith’s Rejected .Ad Ire^-eH; The Book of Hcotti-^h Ballads; Ballad- by W 11 .Xiii-w.jrth; Oriswold’s I’oets and I'notry of lingland. Fenr..'.i- Poets of Great Britaiu; Poft" ‘.f tic sixth century; Percy's Reli jues of Ancient Poetry, ^c. &c h. '.J HALE A SONH March 2'J. _ Theo[diilu.s H llolmea, Albert G Fort% 1 I'aiiiiiiar Lett€*r*« Bhmehard of Jas w. Alexandi'v, D D. ,m, bj J Addison (Jlass of l'"'u'‘ .Ldin B M;-/rUi*-r. Alexai.dpr, D D Al- j, r'::; ;ir.r , ; li.is .„f Murgaitl , yj' l': J2 Get rgo I> 'rittenden, P St Goorge .'^h;il.,y; jiohool Cocke, P- mphfc/Mar»iiuil, llicli- WKIISTER'S ELlill i:\T\HV SI’tLLI\G ISUHkS. l.la.Hs U'-' i n(«r ..up,.. .....v.,. | ,,, a supply of Clarid ot li>29 Joriejih E.Joliuston, Itob t L \y SPELLlNti B(.»oKS — price ^1 ~i) per docen 15, Moncrielb Beuiah: Adim Bede; Y b &.C. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. erd C Gatlin. cents retail, Cuxh. We hi.ve not a.U-;incioii the jiricu of any articlea ou hand bef.To the f ut iiro'-ei;- r)urchas?s cost us more than we asked for those. Of ooursa we have to put up prices on what we buy now. E. J. hale fit SONd^ Fayetteville, Aug. 29. Fers^Ubon Harrineton, J (’ Williams ('howan Small *S'. ■!/ '/( f'l; J:aiieB L ('rr. I T'nn'.-.-r—Me^-r.- L:uigdoa C llayne,s, 11 u.—j tavua A Henry. ' 7’ a,.s—Me.s.r.-, L.^ui.s T Wi-lall, W S Uldham. ^ 1 tri/iiLiii—R M 'I Hunter. \\ L;iiiard 1 re.-tin. ! : HITSH *ir rrCKK-KN I ATI\ K.s. ! -.He—1> Thoma.- J Foster. Wm R| Smith. John P Rail.-. .1 L .^l Curry. Iraneis S! i Lyon, W 1’ ('hilton. David Cloptoii, Jas L Pugh, 1- K's I’arL'an. : Ai/.uiisas—Mes>rs Felix J Bal>on, (irandisnn D Royster, .\'igU'tn- H larland, I'liG.s B Hanlyv I Fiaridd — MeS'-r.-'.Ins B D;iwkiii.-, R B llilton. j i—Me.--rs ,) iili:in Hartridge, (’ ,I Mun- [ nerlyn, Hiiieo Holt. A 11 Keiiaii, Davil \\ Lewis. Wm W Clark, Robert J’ 'frippe, Lucius Gar- 1 trell. Har-lv Strickland, A L vVrii;ht. ! —Not yet elected. ! L'iuisi(t)i'i — .'le.-.-;r.s ('h.irle.- J \ illere, Cliarle.-' I M (-onrad, Duncan ]•' Ivcnner, Eiicicn .J Du['re, i .John F Le\^s, John Perkins, Jun'r. —MfS>r,sJnoJ .^leRae, .J W Clapp, j Reuben Davi.s, I ;rael \\ ePh, H (' ChatiJier.s, ) ! R Singleton, E Bark-dale. j .)!tA.oun'—."Vle.sHrs .John Hyor, Cas]i;ir Bell, j George G \ est, .V H (’onrow, W \V' (,'ook. 'I lios I W Freeman, I'honias Harris. Xnrth ('arnlinn—.'SPssi-.s ^V N H Smith. Rob- I ert R liridgers, • >weti R Jvenan, T D McDowell, | Thoma-s S Aehe, Archibald 11 Arrington, .J K t McLean, William Lander, B 8 Gaither, .\ 'I' Pa- | vidson. Soitfh (’aroJina—Messrs W W Boyce, Por-j cher Milos, M L Bimhani, .John .^lc(^ueen, .Tas | Farrow, L M Ayer. i Tennes^rt—Mc8srs J T Heiskell, W G Swnnn, j W H Tebbs, E L (./ardenshirc, II S Foote, .'I P Gentry, George W .Joiu?s, riioma.s .'lenecs, J D . (' Atkins, Bullock, David .'^1 C'tirrin. j 7’e.ff/,s—Messrs .lohn Wih ox, Peter W Gi:iy, | Claiborne C Ilerln'rt, Win B Wright, Malcom 1’1 Graham, B F Sexton. t riVy/?t(a—Mesyrs Muscoe R 11 (iarnett, .John j 11 (Tiamhliss, John 'i’yler, Roger .\ Pryor, 'i'hoH S Bocock, .lohn fioode, Jr, .lamos P Holcombe, 1) C Dejarnette, W'illiam Smith, A R Boteler, .John B Baldwin, W R Staples, Walter I’rcstoi!, A (• .lenkins, Robert Johnson, Chas W Russell. Columi^us- -N L Williamson Can. h :;— L* D I’erebee i’aiicret—D \\ Whitehurst Ca>Weii— Ither.s, S P Hill ('urrii'u'.k — B M Baxter (’leveland—A » ^Vaters, .J R Logan havi.P 'n- -Lewi^ IPiynes, E B Clark ' 11 ;VK - IF-ward Du| iin—J P Sttinford, .1 G Branch Edj'conibe R R Bridger.s, J S Woodard I' :r yth—J F Poindexter, Plfillip Ban-ow I'raiikliii—^\ 1' Green (iaston—J H \S lute (iranvilh—.J .'I Bullock, W II Jenkins. S H (’ innaday Guiitord—(’ P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell Grceiu'—.\ D .'']>eight Gat*"—.lohn B-othe Haywood—^ L Love Haliiax—A H Davi>, W B Pope llertfor'l—J .1 Ventes Hender.'on—J.ts i’ Jordan Hyd—Tilman Farrow Iredell—A K Simonton, A B F (iaither .lackson—A Fisher Jones—W P Ward Jnhi.'^ton—AV II Wat.son, Jas Mitchener Lenoir—.! {’ Woden Lincoln—.V McBee Madi^-on—.John A Fa2!>- Martin ——~ Ewell .^IcDowell—C H Burgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E G L l^arrincer Macnn—H ('• \\ oodfin .^Ieckl••Ill.urg—S W Davis, J M Potts N:i'h-- 11 (i Williams New Hanover—S .J Per.son, Daniel Shaw Northampton—M W Ran.som, W W’ Peebles Onslow—.J II Foy (.)range—H B (juthrie, W N Patter.«on Pasquotank—J T W'illiams Perijuimons—N Newby J’ltt—B G Albritton, Churchill Perkins 1‘erson — W'ilkinson Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli W'ishart Rockingham—Rawley Galloway and ,T Slade Rowui—N N Fleming, N. F Ilall Rutherlord—C J^N DavT's, B H Padgett Randolph—1 H Foust, I'hos S Winslow Richini»nd -J G I'Jlue Satnj'son—N (’ Faison, (Jeo W Autrey Surry—W W'angii Stokes—Horatio Kellum t -1 n ly—1 jafayet te 11 reene 'I’yrrtdl—C NlcClcese Pnion—(' (,} Leinnionds S H Rogers, J W' Rusa, H Mordecai W'arren—.J B Batchelor, W H (.Tieek W ashington—C Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing W'ayne—W' T Dortcli, M IC (’rawford Wilkes—A W Martin, liorto Yadkin—A l' (’owles Yancey Bowman The VoSiiialccr'« Maud Book. AFUP,.THi:R supply juat received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Nov. 13. I S McNeill. M. J McDufhe. ('urntuck—.lohn B Jones. I Davidson — hJ A Kiftrell, B ’ Davie.—RobT ''prou^^e i I.)uplin—.1 'f Rho les, Ja’ue-; Dictiion Edgecombe and Wilson—W S. Battle, Geo Howard Forsyth—'I' J Wil«oti, !.> H Sturbnck I'ranklin—A 1) Williams Gaston—S X Johnston Gates—J. Walton. Granville' Thomas B Lyon, T L Fiar/rove S S Royster. I (.Ireeiif—W Darden Guilford—Jno. A flihuer, Ralph Gorrelh R P Dick Halit.ix—11 H Smith, L W Batchelor. Hydt — E E Mann Haywood \Ym Hicks Henderson — W .^l. Sliipp Herttord Kenneth R:i\ner Iredell—An.ier-on Miti-hell T A Allison. Jack.son -U H rhoiiia- Johiiston—C B Sanders, W\ \ Jiriith Jones—Wm. Foy Lenoir—.J diu (' 1.in-ton Lincoln—L> Sidieiiek .'lacon C D Smith. Madison—.1. A .'IcDowell Martin David W Bagley . McDowell -,l 11 (Ireenle. . Meekleiiburg—J W. ( )sborne, .lamee Strong. M jiitgoniery—S. H Christian Moore—11. I'urner. Na^h L N 1*. iiattle New HaiU'Ver—J. L. ilolniec, Robert Strange. Northampton—D. A. Barnes, J M .'loody. Onslow—A .1 Murrill. ,>range—W. A. (iraham, John Berry Pasijuotutiiv — R. K. Speed. Peri.juimons—Jos. S. Cannon. Person—.1 _din W. Cuningham Pitt- F. B. Satterthwaite, P. A. Atkinson Randi.lph—W'. .1. Lone, A. Foster Richmond—\V. F. Leak Robe.'^on—.1.1’. Fuller, .1. (J. Southerland. Kockin-ham—D. S. lleid. E. T. Biodiiax Ponvai -R -V. Caldwell, H. C Jones Rutherlord and Polk ham Saiiipsi'ii R A M.-.'cly. Thomas Bunting Stanly—11 llcarne Stoke A. II Joyce. Surry—'1. V . Hamlin. Tyrrell—ICli Spruill. I’nion—11. M. Houston. Wake—G. E. Badger. K P Batt'e, W Holden. \Varre!i—W'. N 1-Mw:irds, Frank Thornton W'a.'hinvt'..n W. S Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. Gouneil. Wayne—G V. Strong. E A. Thomp:^on Wilkes—J:is. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. F. Armtield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. A lia%v Kook. f iiHttrelf's M*rartif(> at Law. Practice a: Law LE n., JUST publiyhcd, i trea’ise up"u th iu North Carolina, by Ed-w.mi;' C.vntvvkm. author of the N. C. .Justice, etc. CONTKNTS. ("•f I.egislative Power in General; Le>risl;itive Power in North Car I’ina Et-pi.-l.itive Powers of Ju^-tices of liie Peace; (^ounty liouu liivies Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue and (’hai’^/es; Cour' Houses. Prisons, ..'cc.; (’ouuty j lerl'ul lamp of Aladdin^ it calU luto Ute a thousand varied .scenes. The '-long roll” rings its warning lar and wide «^ttick bharp eommauda echo tlirough tlio woods. 'I'he country is now alive with passing oouriera. infantry, artillery and cavalry, that seem to have sp*rang from the earth, so quickly have they responded to the alarm, are moving in detachments to and fro, and the heavy tramp of men and bea.sts, the music of the regi mental bands, the .shrieks of life and ruttU of drum, all tell of the .sleeping mon.ster aroused from his lair. And your own feelings swell within you until they course like a torrent. Are the enemy ad- vani'lng, or are we about to make an attack'^ Are the reverberating guns of the afternoon and the slow procession of the wounded, you saw passing, the precursors ol the grand Vjattle which form.s :he staple of every thought'i' Where will be our glorious army on to-morrow'; Shall we conquer or be con.juertd' These and ten thou sand others are th« emotions that stir your whole nature, and you lay upon a sleepless couch to await the a[iprouch ol daylight and its develop ments Morning cume.-, however, and with it all the peace ol its predecfL-sor. The alarm has proven lal.se. The day passes until tho afterno)n is reached. Again heavy cannonading is heard upon our right, and this tiuie so distinctly that the bar.iting shells sound like the crack ol a ritte The wiudow' rattle and the ground trembles with the ominous roar. Again there is commotion in the camps. The men are at theii arms awaiting order-. Skirmi.-hing is going ou near our en trenchments. 'lore wounded come by, and re turning cavalry report the enemy in force on all sides Night appears. The firing ceases and the town is tilled with a thousand wild rumors From these you subtract this essence. Thti en# luy advanced on the right close to our fortifica tions, drove in our pickets and opened with ar tillery. I’heir skirmi.-hers came within sight ot the works, shot a Confederate soldier only two hundred yards distant, and then fell back betore us. No especial damage is done on either side, and no success gaired by the Federals. Still there is an unusual solemnity pervadxn^ G W Michal, M l>ur j the entire army, both as individuals and a mass ■ Something instinctively speaks to every h*'art that w^e are upon the ove of the great event i Officers chipter in knots and discuss the probabil- I ities of tlio fight. The men are sober and quiet, j and y'ou hear no loud laughing, or talking among . the usually noisy groups. IN'en the aceusUmied ; serenaders, who have been wont to stir the soli tude of tho evening, are liushed. The sil-wice is almost painful. Nine o’clock. Boom! A gun from our own en- treirchment.-. '‘W'hat’s thati'" exclaims un officer, springing to his feet at the startling report ‘‘Tlie evening gun,” responds another. “There’s no huch thing.'’ BoomI—Another gun. Every man i.-5 upright. Boom! A thirdl 'I'he summons is now unmistakable. Again ensues a scene of earnest life and bustle. Lights are flashing through the windows at headquarters. All is haste and commotion. Stall' officers buckle on their equipment.s. Horses are saddled and brought to the door; servants are filiing haversacks and making preparations for the bivouac or march. Men are da-hing by on their respective errands All night the preparations ibr battle continued The (,*eneral.s were in the saddle long before day, and thou.sands of tnen tiled .silently away into tho darkness towards the enemy. The latter had W' Trustee; .)ury Trials; F:urs an l Public Sales; General j ^ ,.„campod near US on our right, and the pick Asrtemblv: lu.-]-eciion=. Public Eandinrs, S.c.; Poor , . ^ I . Houses an 1 Hospitals; R.jrister-an.l Clerks; Rivers and ! ets ol Van Dorn could count the lootstcps that Creeks; G iles, Ferri.an I Bridges; Weights and Mea- j separated the tWO forces. With morning, how- sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Reiailers; Ncu.se River; Pub-I there has come a change. The 1‘ederals lie Roads and ('artv, ays; Public Landings and Inspec- , stampeded. Not one is in sight. A portion tions; Mills anl Millers; Ordinaries ana ( oit^tables; ^ . i 1 ^ 7/-.i . . , it' 1 V 1. 1*,.,., lo. «.^o.i= of our army has advanced over the acorm they Patrol; Wardens ot the Poor; Prison lioumts; Roails. 1,,,,.', . , , ., Ferries and Btidge-;; Pul! Tix Exemption.-:; Executive j Idt behind, clearing the roads with which they Power in Generah E.\ecutive Power in North Carolina; j attempted to block oUr advance, and are now in Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; i pursuit. Attorneys at Law; .Vttorney General; Reporter and Mar- | shal; Cl'erks and Solicitor;'Coun-el for Paupers; Guar- Goad MarIcA dians; ('ouniy .\ttorney; .Vuction^'crs; (’ounty l.'ourt Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners; Committees of Finance; County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special Court; ('‘oinmissioutrs uf Fair^; Inspectors; .Superin tendents of S.-hool.-; Coinniissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Hegisters; Commissioners of Rivers (in'i Creek-; Sheritfs; C(m-iables; Rangers; Standard Keeper-^: Retailers; .-Vdniinistrator'; Chairman of Special Court.- Cornmissi'.ners of Deed-' and (’onveyances; ('om- missioners of Low Lan.ls; Entry Takers and Siirv«yor-: I Superintendents of Elections; Guardians an l Receivers: In-pec»ors; (’ommissioners of Inieriial Iinprovenient,s: Partiti, n; Patrol Committee''; Pn'ces-ioner'^: Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; l.lversi'er-'of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix cnt.iiii.s l'.irn:*“ol Deeds and onvey? ances, as follow-; Agreements, Assin-nnients, .\wards. Bills of Sale. Bills of Esehange ai. 1 Lading, P.omls, Miscellwneous Bonds, (Contracts, Deeds. .Marriage Settlemonts. Mortgages, (’oparinership Articles, Notes, Releases, .tc., »tc. This Book contains nUij pages, is gotten up iu supe- riorstyle, and bound in LawCalf. Pi ice, single copy, For sale by F^- J. H.\LE & SONS. l>eo’r ’Jti. IHGO. Hap ot the Sea Toast of South Carolina; New Map of Virginia; The Souihern Spy by Edw’d A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. Dec’r M. E. J. HALE & SONS. c.imannhip.—At the battle of Shiloh,• it is estimated, there were discharged on the Con federate side, one milhon balls from small arms. The olhoial rej.oit ol'the I'edoral loss in killed and woundt 1 is Pi.UUU. Allov. ing that the true number was much greater, say 2U,00U, still it leaves shots thrown away by our soldiers. That is, our boys succeeded owe time out of fifty shot.s hi doing some execution. I'orty-nine misses and one hiti Now wouldn’t it be hotter to save the powilcr and lead, do less shooting and mor* execution? It is known that most guns overshot. The aim therefore should not be above the knee. B> tter to shoot at the feet than tail of eff.'ct. An er.ciny wounded is better thau an enemy kdlod. since to bear off and care for the woundVd abstracts one or more effective men from the lines. Don’t shoot wildly. You might as well not shoot at all 11 you are confronted by one liundrel thousand foes, a discharge of balls again.st their lines, judioiously and coolly directed, within pro- I per range, would decide the battle. \ ou go out I to fight and t> be fought. It is a mercy to win the battle and end the war. The more execution you do, the more you have effected towards put ting an end to tJiis strife, and winning peace, The SllilllJ- Soillll, l.rProl.''in- liberty, and home agai,,. graham; Say and Seal, by the .Vuthor of “Wide Wide ■ World,” &c.; The Household of Bou^erie, or the Elixir ^ _ _ ■ inm of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evening;- at the .Micro- | X!ie ^iOlilhtrril Hai*mOSB%'., ^i*llOOi pcope, &c , E. J. H.\LE & sONb. : Books, sc., further supplies just rf'Ceired. — - - .. . J- & 80K3. copies oi the OSisit-i ^ ^ can be procured by non-subBcribere, at the Bookstore. \oI. Hill Bancroll^ t'uit-(‘.4l ^tatCS* I July 10. Shoot close! Miss'i itri ^ I /• my riji/. Price 6 centd- £• J- HALE & tiON.