m ILILI (DB SEMi-w rf:k l y. ,^- fi c «fi]f , M;i!t a, la.Mn; U ^ ■ 'or lii.: ->..,’e FAVETTKVrLLE. N. C.. JLWE 30. 1862. (NO. 1138.} . KINTi n mOs-w.i , TfirFSDAYS. L'DUAIll) J. : ' / -N i«[ ^'|^l -Tis ^ " ;■ - • vMt 00 if pai'l in ^ i '“.iccc; S.) V } 1! pfi.. ;..i • g .,.• ,enr of s^tsjrip- on or S I A. e’’ '' e cfvr ■ t: cxpii‘e.1 f ir ’he " ■?€ 03."' - rn r.-’ 00 per nnuuai, if paid in ki’-'•.■‘••‘r, / pi,.d i..’ ,g > T ver r of labscrip- ■ - :n cr S> ,"D .'i^'*cr ■ '.-c y nr h-iS expired. Sisf“ ADVFm iCier' -.I for CO can's p«*r ar? !*' I.':®? f-vr i-.r. first, ‘it ^0 cenrs for ench iaoceedirg nuV'Ucdii.jn Year’j S'l^ertise.Trients sp«- -ial cont'’f“T» at rei\soiiK.^i'a rr.r.s Advortiserj are 0 s'tte ■ ar.iatmr ':f i i^erf.ous desired- or ^i?r will conLtnueu ‘lii t'cr'ii>i, m^-1 chargeJ aeoorl- ingiy. Ad^er !;en.tatF to be ius-.-rtdd otarge-i 60 per 06m f'X--a. ' Class of 1?33 Panit-l R'jjrglps. Class of 1835 Jotios M Withers. Cla* of 1836 Joseph il Aiiufision, L'ojJ TiJgii- ni;in. .Sl’t'v ■ Isor ..'h From afrer thii j.,i. tw n.iir^ f a ne'w jabscrJf>«r ' be ectered w ■ ■ ,t r"*/uien! ;n >v.drano«, nor will is T35ip^r tint 5uf . r.tor » loH|{er tuae • ifiti li paid for j Such of ; .r o.i smbscriSo'T «s Jesirc to t%k« the p»- ” per :jn th> wi notify us when mnking ••mUtK'if’-,' Jnn V 1, From (he CljRrieston 'Ccurier. A LIST OF TIIK GENER.\L oFFU F.KS IN THE .\KMIES OF THii ( uNFKDtKATL STATES. The foliowin;; iuterestina; sfatiefirs of the Oon- feUerate Aruij, orgun.zatiuu are due to ooe of the cia.« of 1837 Braxton Bra^r^Wm II T WalUr. St Ip Jno C P.iiiVertou, Arnold VAzoy, Kat of hr.gucl.cr.Ucnura^ in the Provision .. Ar- ! jj ^ , ni3 the re^uur order o. appointii.ent w perhaps cias3 of 1838 Wm J Hardee, Jatu^.s U I'lapi/r m.i a.w:,>8 ob.^orv^d but we beheve the list 15 class of 1839 A!ei K Lawtoti. John P McCown , otherwise correct. The ugic^ of gvaduaUun fiox 1340 Kichard S Ewell, Paul 0 IlGb2rt, W Pun.t -.xre taken fron Uurdrier Dict;on«rj ^ KichaTd B Garnott. I 10 tu UtCB * rmy. ; Class of 184 i Robert S Cxariiett, Samuel Jones Generali in the Regular Arm^. « j Cia.^ of 1S42 E?»rl Van Dorn, Gustavus W Smith, I Samuel Codper, Va, Adjutant General I Manstitld «Lovell, JutBcs Long- - Albert is Johnston, Texas, oommaudiag ini' btrdet. iJaniti II Hill, Richard Kentucky. j H Anderson; Lafayette McLaws, 3 Joseph K JohnstoD, Va, ooanxtanding Norvb- i Alex P Stewart ern \ ir^inia i Claea ol 1843 Roswell S Ripley, Sana 1 U French 4 Robert K Loe, Va, ooramaoding Sottth AIUd' ; Claaa of 1844 Simoo B Buckner tic Coast Class of 1845 K Kirby Smith, Barnard E Bee, 6 P G' T Beauregard, Lou, oommaodiDg Army ui H C hiting. 01 Potomac Clussofl346—Thomas J Jackson, Cadmus M ^f'tjor (xencr:\ls in the /^o\,is%o'%al Arm^ I Wilcoi, Uavid R Joocs, \\ ui M 1 ’Pavid K Twiggs, Georgia, reaizued | r»i. _ .r icia v . 2 I.rtSonidaa Polk, Lou, commanding at M«mplm. ‘ r«]„^ \ a Dr.iiou Bragi, Lou; coaimaodi* g « Veus.- ^ ■> I- « Oola. ; KBaLB who W£HE VOX 0RADUATE8 AT WEST 4 Kart ajj Dorn, Mis.», Army of Potomac. point ■IC Pers-D in mt ha' T nr.’ regul .■'vVK'Ui.'K .3 oiii ui town w 0 iie^i"e ' Iveriisement! in- e ' '•."Crver, ntid p^r»ons in town with wiiotn iCC ua n pleaie setui wiih the 5 Gusti^us w .Suiith, Ken, Army of Potomac The toiiowing Generals wore appointed to th« G Theophilufi F{ ^ Army of Poio- * J-’aiied fitates Aroiy, without pa«8iiig through m*c i the 'S edt Point Acadeui}'?—L*avia K Twiggs, ap- »• i>einr3: >ror : >ic Wc II tr ’->e ',-c-i i _? wji^h tn in .- * "3 OH 'hf page ■ n_> r o-e •'iich nceounis —iir tj p’-oress of collection i'Jf'u : '.jah f.'.'-e^ery tJjit>g »e 7 Wiliiam J Oardee, Georgia, jM.snouri. 8 Benjamin Iluger, S C, oommanding »t Nor- fnlK 9 J.imes Longstreet, Ala, Army of Potomac 10 John B Magruder, V’a, oouiuianding at York- town 11 Thoiaas J Jackson, Va, commandiDg North' western Virginia. 12 Maujilitld Lo%ell, Va, oommanding Coai*t c4 pf)iijied in ISlif; Wm H' Loriug, in 1830; Thos. T. Fauntleroy, in 1836. The following Generuls first saw nervict: in the Mexican Bonham, lienry R. Jack son, Gideon J PjHow, Samuel R Anderson, Cliss. Clark, Tho«. C. Hindman, John C. Breck inridge, Benj F Cheatham, Richard Griffith, Albert Pike, Adley H Giaddcu, Mhxcv Grc'' Tlie tollowiog Generals participatea In the Texan wars and the war» with Mexico;—Beu vT -..aite wiir..r i y ;c ’ —Wo have heretofore given notiot. I. w«, c' %''ge for 'bit-uHry ooiicen of ua ' ^ T-. i • .»■ resji- ioi’.s of r*«ip«'t, bc- £ of rend'rg we ;i^ve much occasion to 0 ;en ' » gree’ib’-' !o readers ihau 1 ' •? .A r- ,j-7 happ“n. ho-^«Ter, r*i -f i i'i;v ng po^stflgp on' he aecotiat for- •»", - ?»• p*-1 we now g'>9 Dociee inai w# T1 ..e -if e p:-' her?ifter wdU.'I aocosn- » : : ' w'T« eT'tPT- -ig in the oas« of r- ,J- ^f-a TT n- irp rp-";: ’’-C TO P'7 Ue'l’' w.- TT ‘ ilser' -vbitusrv r'^iic*s re-:' r: 'loec' is; '0 wtr'is, gr^-.io Fyrall 'C'word= e k rord w'u^cQ tnan We paid b« the D' '. . -,9 f'.ut !'■. rr-e - > 111) lilMElLWEUtS WORKS. * BBOTl '.S v.-'= Abbca's Kapoleon; .A Irrir^ - itV'---. 2. r- .. “ Lll * of \V'. Vi ijf' ijn 5 Pr.;sr >tt H.I r a Louisiana. 13 Edmund Kirby Smith, Florida, Army of Po- \\ igtal! tomac. ® loUowiiig Generals saw no imiitary herviCf 14 George B Crittenden, Ken, oommanding East F«' ‘^usty the p.eseni war. -^ohn B Floyd. lltory A \\ i^e, Robert Twombs. Richard Tayior, ; Thoe. B. Flournoy, L Pope Walker. F K. Z A- liootfer, William Mahotie, L O B Branch, \\ il Tftl UO660e Brijadur Crfneroii in the lyQxiaioncil Arm^ 1 Milledge L Bonham, 9 C, Army of Pototcao “i Job:: B Floyd, \ a, oommauUiag Army K.a- nawha. 3 Heury A Wise, Vu, Roanoke Inland. 4 Ben McCuiloch, Texas, Misaouri 5 • Henry R Jacksca, G«o, rc'eigned 6 '‘Hotvart S Garnett. Va, k^iiod in actioo 7 *\^illiam II ’£ Waikor, Geo, resigued ^ 8 *Ba’ Dird E Bee, S C, killed in action ham H Carroii, U L Rtiode* Soaie, however r«ceiv,»d niiiitary educations at Sutc lobututiotia Virginia haa 16 Generaia in the Confeaerate Anot«^d, Souih Caro.ina 9; Louisiana Georgia 7; Tecnessae 8, Norr.h Carolina 6, Kentuctiy 7, Marviand 4, Aiabatija 4, Mississippi 4 Xtias '6, Arkanaaa 2, Floriaa 1, Missouri none Tht folLwiag were born at the 2^ortb. though - *wu 4u previous to the present war they were cititenj* o'f“ Mr”4 ' . ^u.hern Sl.u,—icnsral Cwp.r, b..r„ in .S's. ^ York, Ripley, in Ohioj Pi-mbertou, :ti p€»a-»yl- vania, Whiting, in Maisachuseits, Pike- in Mas •chusetLs, Ru>:gle?, in Ma.-*achuswtts; Blaticharc^, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA- SENATfc. Pa.Sijuotank and Perquimona—J M Wh^bde Caiiiden and Currituck—B F Sitntuoiu Gat(.« and Chowan—M L Eure riydo audTyireil—Jof.cs Speoccr Northampton—J M S Rogers llertfbrd—J B Siaughtar iitrtie—-David Outlaw Martin and W^ashington—J 11 8cubb« Halifax—M C Whitaker Edgcjooiiibe and Wilson~H T Clark Pitt—E J Blount Ueaufort—Frederick Grist Craven—N H .Street Cartel et and Jones—Dr M F At^ittdaU Greene and Leooir—J P Soeight New Hanover—Eli W Hall l>uplin'~Dr Jameti Dickson Onslow—'L \V" Humphrey •Bladen, Brunswick, jco—Jno D Tayior Cumberland and Harnett—Dono&o Shaw iSeiEpson—Tbomaa I Faieon Uayne—W K Lane Johnston—J W B Wata>a Wake—M A Bledsoe Nash ' A J Taylor Franklin—■W’^ Harris Warren—TJ Pitchford Granville—C H K Taylor P rson—0 L W’inatead Orange—.Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and UaDdoIpli—Jonathan Worth Chatham—W' S Harria Moore and Montgoraery~W D Dowd Richmond and Rubtson—Alfred l>ookery Anson aiii Cnion—vS H Walkup Guilford—Peter Adams Caswell — Bedford Brown Rockingham F L Simpson M^ollnnburx—John NValker Cabarrua and Stanl,^ V’ Q Barringer Ruwaii itnd Davie — Dr J G Haruo^j Davidaon—Jno W Thomas ^tjke« and Forsyth—-Jesst' A Wao^b Ashe, Surry io—Ji>« Dobson Irudell, Wilkee L Sharpe Burke. McDowell itc—B S Gwthe* Lin'oin Giston —Jasper btow« Ruthertord, Polk So—A W Burton Buncombe, Henderson *#—Goo W CaAdler, Hayivood, Mioon Sc—W H Tbcmaa *Gidr>on J Pillow Tocn, resigtied IQ II 3iiiuuil R Audcrson, Tenn, Kentucky 1- Daniel S D'jiieiaou- lenn, Coast of S Carolina Ea: : fUTie !•' : Hi>: n -- Ar.ne' - G J^'H'plii;- - Ro^ ' = vs v-.fe, C; iy> IV -:n - 13 14 10 r i; 19 David R Joncf!, S C, Anuy of Potomac. Jones M 'V;thor5 Ala, oommanding Coa^t of A.abfiiiia John C Pem&crccn,^'a, C-xist of S C. Richard S E vveli, Va, Army of Potomac. J hr. H Wi:ui.r Hicl.aiond J ubai A Early, Va, Army of Pctomac *Thort B Flournoy. Ark, di^d in Arkansas -iT.qriof.a ReTolatioa; 20 Sat/uiel Jonc5, V^a Army of Potomac. i’ ^i:-;cs of I'lis'aud, ; K !l A'nold E'zoj Mary’u.id Artry of Potrmao -J l.*aL:;t-; II 11..1, L, A^ll.j 't PjCjU;jC -3 Henr^ 11 ijibli.»y. L'-u, 1 exa-i P’ruutidr -4 m ll C hiti'.g. Gt-'v. Army vf Potomac 'Jd :ii I>ir:!i;r, C. \ irginia. -6 Richard H Ai;deraOt>, S C, Pt;n?af?ciia -I A bert P.ke, Ark, Ini jU C jmmisiiioner ■J'* *Th.‘o T Faur:tiv'roy, \ I'ginin, reiiigntd. ‘■^y K-f.'t: 11 o> Geo, A'luy vt Prf'vuiac, 3'J Dat; ! Hu/'/l.p Vi LoU'-*''nr) 31 V.h'n.-H L'ark, M.cs, Ai’iuy of I’otomao. 3J Ros\fyli S Rip!ey i; 0, Coast of S C 33 I.J.tac R 'I’ruiible, Md, A^my ,f Potomac. 34 "Juhn B GraysiM. Ken died in Florida ~r’*; .inr*, by i.r 35 p:.u‘ o H A Lou, Coa.»t of TtfS;ii=. T' ^ Fe.;. I X n>.- :• orm ^ M.r-V . - 'T IJ I, ‘ ■ Bi-,r F y I di*,. i'lry- .f.jt App>loi) ' 1 i‘e ■*1 _ ■ !. *■. ; b:)' ‘ y N j»e' 'Ot»er - X- •v, usgoy. ■1 W. ^ Cot' ■' . - .♦ ' U - ' leri, H 1.. n ■ h .‘1 .re >• woi »’ r>i k ». WI-' «■ Pitif I."'' ire«. .-■ry ipn s U ..r ri’err..’- » a-, The Doer ,, 3 r,, O'lK' V Syn • > •. - P*rcy A nee 1 ' hnmicles of ' ic 1* 1-; • . T'-i* .‘•co^■ i?!'i iin. ^ os.t‘ '. eer of tii- U tit', .M ij. . L>' wnjuj^’' 3'' _, -ar» r.'ii ' the Seoait^; Li^iiifts- nt- '- T. iVL-.s in A;^!* Lord hjg I ' ,7: lo I 1,1 .1 „{j.( .) ip'ia. Five Yv.i-- i V,v [>r. Tnylor; Th. BriTi-iii t. 1 .0!, 10 lUa Crime.a, by W FI Ru'Jjp!.; My I»iary in India, tiv i* L>r K'itie s Arctic Kx .o- 30 Richard C Gatlin, N C, commaaj’ag Coast of North Car.il na. 37 *Felix K Z 'Hicoffer. Ten. kiiied ir Kentucky. 38 Benj F Cheatham, 1'en. Kenruckj ■ 39 JoS‘^ph R Andv^'son, Va, Coast of N C. ^ 40 .S.rcorj B Buckner, Ky Kentucky T;'00 -; ,r.iN», -11 Leroy Pop-/ W'alk'.'r, A’-j. Alabnmn. dri 8 J 4i Albert G Blanch-ird Loa, Nor‘olk 43 Gabn^i J Rain*. N C. YorkUjwn ' 14 J KB Sjuj’-t. Va, Aricy '-.f Potom.ic 45 Lafayette Me Laws Georgia. Yo'ktown ' 46 Th'W F Drayton. S C, Comt of 3 C- 47 Th*? C H'i)drnan, Ark, Kentucky Adley H Gladden Lou, Pen?aeola i'j Ji.hu Porter Motown, Ten, Kentii'*!*.? 50 liloyd Tilghiuan. Ken, Kenf’-^y ol Niihan G Evans, S o'oasi of.*? C 52 Cadmu.-i .M U •'''>^^n, Ar.Tiy of Potomao ‘ 03 *Phi''p George Cjcke, Va, died in Va. I .M K E Rh'-dot-, Ala, Army of Potomuo. fv' Richard Taylor. Lou, Army ot Potomao. ' 6'i lyoui.s T W’lgfall, Texas, Army ot Potomac. .*>7 Jamt.b H Trapier, S C, Coast ot Florida 5>? Sara'l G French, Miss, Army of Potomac : .‘>9 W’ni II Carroll, Tenn, East Tennessee. 6j Hugh W Meroer, G»*orgia, —- '01 Humphrey Marshall, Ken, Kentucky 62 John C Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky 63 Rich’d Griffith, Miss, Army of Potomao Gi .-Vlei r P 8cewart, Ken, Kentucky. m Maisachusetts; French, in Ne^^' Jersey [Th? following are nauvof of Norvb Carolina, vit: Leonidas Polk, Braxton Brage. "i heophiiui H Hoime«, t/cn Mc'JuHoch, Wm W Loring. Rich ard C Gat'in: F. .-i K 2vi .'vff*.-r, Gao-icl J Raiin, L O B Bw-inch ] CONFEDERATE STATES CONGRESS SEN..TK. Aiah-ima—W.iiiam L Yancry, C C Clay. Aik'rntnM — Mofisrs Robert W Johnson, Chas B Mitchcil I\'» l ilt—Messrs James M Baker, A t M'.x- w«'l, 7y?ry/-7—M-:'ssrs B H Hill. R/i/cr; Toombi Ktntuf/cy—Mossrs H v BurririC, \\ ihi-m E Si Ui La.>* L'tu'fianrt—Mo^jsrs E: 5narr,-n-, T J Scmmes. J/fiiitiippi—3I..5sr.^ Albert G iJ".wn, Jam*:-; , Phelan. —Xe.^srs J 'hn E Clark, R 3 Y Fcyt. A'.r/A —I'lcssrc George Davii, W il liam T iXrtch ^'.utk I aruLna—Messrs Robert W Barnwe,... , Jimes L Orr. I renntJiiff—Messrs Lacgdou C Haynos, Gd»-' ; tavus A Hen.’-y. I T’xn*—.''lesgtT} Louis T Wjgfall. Oldham i KiVytnia—R M 1 Hunter. 'V B.liard Preftton- HOCpI. of TierRtSE''tat:VES Aiaboma—K.ouiaa J Fos.fr, Wm li i Smith, John P ^ Francii h 1 Lyon, VV P CiiiUJU, David Ciopton, Ja.® L Pugb, , t b f'-gan ^ . .-J -v tniJS—M«s-rs Fehx J Bilson, Grandi.«on j D Royster, Augiistua li Gailand, Thc-j B Hanly | j Florida—Messrs Jas B Datvkin=>, R B Hilton ' I Oeo-'jia—.Messrs Julian llartridice. C J Mun-I 1 nerlyn, Hines Holt, A IlTKenrtn D.'ivid W' Lewis, j Wm W’ Clark, Robert P J rippe, Lucjua J Gar- J ! trell. Hardy Strickland, A R Wright I Ktntu 'ky—Not yel elected. I L^tvii^innn—Charles J Villere, Charlew ! M Conrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lacien .J Dupre, I I John F l.«ewiii, John Perkius, Jun’r I Miisis^ippi—.Me«.srw Juf> J ^IcRae, J W’ Ciapp. i Reuben Davis, Israel Wtlth, H C Chambers. O . R Singleton, E Barksdale. i Missouri—Messr? John Hyer, Caspar W Beli, George G V'est, A H Conrow, W W Cook, Thos | W P'rtv.;man, Thomas A Han is j Si>rth Curohnn — M e.%4re W’ N H Smith, Rob 'll!''”/:.’i 0«n R Ke,....: T D McU'.w.I1, : Kpndi t f unirii OS' • I! .S 1 \ (i l!f K 1' f >* -n ' bu'f (I wt*r' 8'an iar ; I’-.i W i;i h H "fi; SCO’ II- .-'K, ..• K*r •r - L,'-, Im liifi-ri • Vfrico; IS Itaces of the Hirth; Ml. lit :: 't KU pf .1, Thp I>i ‘ 8mii‘ « The Bonn Bh r y ‘j’ j'j F«ma'e Fn^ P«r(* - ^ K»* Mar-h 2-J I5oiind;iry of Another U orld, by It. t 'Vijrk' in T.ariou» bindinfrs, among , 1*0! e, ilyro::, Unrn'. Moore. Hood, • in'ibei^ * nibhe, t’oleridj^e, Cowper, .V.- , .\r- -. flj Kord'j and Heaunaont > r- H i .'a ■ ^ r vv.)rk-*' I* kr!i’gc'-mp Conoordanoe toHfraks- 'i-' \» f .! la »eri Jan KTkOwloo, \ i ;■ ; ’ ■ : iv.- ..Is: 1. XI'. P'ffn ■ : j' .‘t. y Enjlatfct; 's of '»r«'rif Br'Um; . ^ *’h rpMi T; ■'I'iv* of' ..n.'.i*n' >ic fc HALt & SONS 66 Rieh’d B Garnett, Va, Army of Potomao. 67 William Mahone, Va, Norfolk ' 68 li 0’Brian Branch, N C, Coa.'^t of N C i 69 Maxcy Gregg, S C, Coa.«t of S C- '70 R E Colston, Virginia. ■ 71 Edward Johnston, Virginia. ' 72 Henry Heth, Virginia. ' 73 Johnaton H Duncan, Louisiana. 7 I 8 A .M Wood, Alabama. - Those having an* ailixed are dead, or have resigned, since the commencement of the war. i THE Wft.sT roiNT OENEftAL.S. The following (Jonfederai*» Generals are gradu ates ot West Point—the date of their graduation being prefixed: Class of 1H15 .‘^amutd Cooper , Class of 1820 John H Winder Class of 1822 Isaac R Trimble Class of 1825 Daniel 8 Donelsorv Benj'n Hu^tr Class of 1826 Albert S Johnstom, Jno B Grayson W'la-ss of 1827 Leonida.s i'olk, Gabriel J Rains. Class of 1.828 Thos F Drayton, Hugh \V Meroer Clas.1 of 1820 Joseph E Johnst«on, Rob't E Lee, \VE6STEK'SElEl!E\TmSP£Ll!\GB0iliiS. of WJ’H haT^ jn't reoei'^ed by Kipro^'fl, a supply Vt ELEMK.SrARV SPELLING DOOK.-^-price 15 II l‘- 1 i Theophilus H Hoimes, Albert G e«nf« ench, Cath roriy * F.*| miliar Letlen* Blanchard. • W« hare uoi advanocd th« pHoe of any article# on of J ,s W ^.lan'.- it Ij , -r . I , ij r"! T-vKn H M-io-raHar hand before the wa-; but pr«'ent purchases oo«t u» Alexander I. : ^ ,o f -, J::’’-. J, p u, more than we asked for those. Uf aourse we have to i uuef. i*.iirley. 8chiool Cocke, Hutnp#»rey ilar«h»il,Bich-j g j n^r.E Si SOK9 &rd U OatliA I Aq0. fd. kiooka, Sic Jiuf 10. CONTENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—Giles Mebane, Thos Ruffio- Alexander—A. M Bogle Asbe—J. E. Foster. Anson — A. Myers, J. A. Leak Bertie—S. B. Spruill, James ik>nd Beaufort—W J. Ellison, E. J. Warran. Bladen—Neill Kelly. Brunswick—T. D. Mearce Buncombe—N W. W'oodfin Burke—J C. McDowoii Cabarrus—C Phifer Caldwell—E W JoQds Camd«n—"D D Fereboe Carteret—R Thomas. Ca9irell—Bedford Brown, J E Williamson. Catawba—-George Setzer 1 IIvic the Iiirhe$t A/Wn in Nric Turk s^enrft fo't j Time.—A Correspondent of the Rfjchester Uci. y* crat skercht'o U'll.mm B Astur, “the richest maa j in .^ow York,” in this manner: Mr. Astor's office is in Prince street, near * Broadway, where he may be found daily betwc^a ; the hvjurs of “nine xnd three.” He is a large, I stout built man, with coarse feature*, stifiF, rough, i sandy colored hair, and a cast of countenance ol ! a very ordinary type. He dresses plainly but neatly, has a somewhat careworn look, and >p* ' pears to be fifty or sixty years yf age. His private ' office is of moderate sue and of plain furniture, i Oi) a table are a few books, and on opening that ! one which appears most thumbed, y«jvi perceivc that it is a volume of maps of city property, bare- fully and elegantly executed, and as » whole, ciU' i S I Hcaden, John Mtonuig Jr , ■ bracing the sundries of an enormous ^stato, et*ii- I mated at over 825,000,000. Mr Aator resides ; in Lafayette Place, in one of a row of dwellings which, twenty-five years ago, were the grandest ’ in the city, though now they arc distanced by tho ' palaces of the i itth Avenue. Near by is the j magnificent library founded bv his father, to whicj Cumwrland and Harnett David McNeill, A I he has added a lund nearly eqttel to the original J. Merritt Cherokee and Clay—J H- Bryeoo ’ Chowan—R H Dillard Cleveland—W J T. Miller, J W Traoy Columbus—RicTiard Wooten. Craven—47co. Green, Jno. D Whitford McNoill, M. J McDuffie Currituck—John B. Jooe« Davidson—B A. Kittrell, B C Douthit Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—J. T Rhodes, Jamos Dtoksoa Edgecombe and Wikon—VV S Battle, Gdo Howard Forsyth—T J Wilson, D H Starbock Franklin—A D. Willianaa Gaston—8 X Johnston Gatea—-A J. Walton ! endowment. Here he spends a t>mall part of hi« * time, the retrainder'being occupied by hia dutiog in prince street office, where, Sundays excepted, he dutii a full day’s work every day m the wewk. ! Thus the whole routine of life of the richest man ! in Americ-i is a walk to and irom home of a half j mile and oigsc attention to busines'^. The caie , of Mr Astor’s estates is a vast burden. He aS ! several iiundred tenants of all grades, from the ; 83W cottage to the !!530,000 store. To relieve himaelf ot this vexatious uuty, he has cotumitted Pergu»oo Thomas S Ashe, Archibald H Arrington, J It i McLean, W’illiam Lander, B S Gaither, A T Da- , I vidson. ! 1 Smth Carolinu—Me.'^nrs W W Boyoe, W Por- i j cher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQueon, .Jan i i F;irrow, L M Ayer. ! j 7eft/'e'f.scfi — Measts J T Hei.skell, W G Swann, j W H Tebbs, E L Gardenshire, II S Foote, M P I Gentry, George W Jones, I'homus Menees, J D i C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. ! Texas—Mesnrs John A Wilcox. Peter W’ Gray, (’laiborne C Herbert, Wm B Wright, Maloom .1’ Graham, B F Sexton Virijinia—Messrs Mu.scoe R H Garneti,. John R Chambliss. John Tyler, Roger A Pryor. Thos iS Bocock, John Goode, Jr, James P Holcombe, I) C D^jarnetie, William Smith, A R Boteler, j John B Baldwin. W R totaples. Walter Preston, , A G Jenkin.a, Robert JohnsQ.n, Chas \V' Russell. IIorSE OF OO.MMO.VS AiAtQ9DC«—Giie« MebaiM A'eiander—Dr J M Carsoo Ansoo—L L Polk, E R Lile« Ad he—J 31 Gwitry Burti*:*-—J H Pearson Buncombe—A b M ern mot Bladftn—C T Davis Be’-tic—P T Henry, and Beaufi^rt—R S Donnell, W' T Bruo.swick—T D Meare-* Caldwell Dicksoo Caba-ru - W S Ilarrij r.ilHHOa—Jonas Cline Ch.iiham—W' P Taylor, R N Gre«o, Turner Bynum • 'hcrok*>0—G W Hayes Craven—C C Clark, F E Alfred Cumberland and Harnett—C G Wnght, J 3 Harrington, J C W’Diiams Chowan Small Co anit)U9—N L WilliamsoD CatLdt-n — D D Fereboe Ct^teret'—D W' Wl)it?hu.rst jiAsweii \\ ithars, 3 P Hill '‘urriracK—B .M Baxter Clevelana — A Waters, J R Lo^n David?..n—Lewi.a Hayne.'i. E B Clark Davie— Howard DupHn —J D Stanford, J G BrarKjh Edgo^^uipo—K R Bridgers, J S Wijodard Fc^^"y h—J F Poindexter, PbiUip Burrow Franklin — W F Gr»oa Ga.iton--J 'Vbite jp;inv!ile—J .M Bullook, W H JctUioA, 8 H C.-nnaday Guil^'.'o—P Mendenhall, C E ShoJ>er, J L Gorreli Gr.jene—A D Sp^’igbt G:itee—John Bootno Hay-ood—S L Love Halifax—A H Davi?, W B Pope Hertford—J J Yeat» Heii-^erson—Jos P Jordan Hydo—I'llman Farrow Iredell — A K Simonton, A B F Gftither ‘Jackson — A i'lsher Jones- W' P W’ard Johnfton—W H Watson, Jas Mitcbdoer Lenoir—J C W'onten Lincoln — V A .McBee Madison—John A Faji^ ^larcin Kwell McDowell--C fi Burgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Mon^go^Ilery—E G L Barringer May>n — U G U'oodfia .'lecklenburg—S NV Davis, J M Potte Na.sh—H G Williams Ni w Hanover—S J Person, Daniel Fhaw Northampton—W R.insom, W W Peeblrc Onflow—J H Foy Orange — H B (iuthrie, W N Patterson l*a.squotank—,T T W'illiams PoKjuimons—N Newby I'itt—B G Albritton, Churchill Perkius Person — Wilkinson Robeson—Alex .McMillan. Eli Wishart Rockin-hain —Kiwley Galloway and T Slade Kowan—N N Fleming, N. F. Hall Kuthei lord—C T N Davis, B R Padgett Randolph—I H Foust, Thas S Winslow Ilichmond—J G Blue Sampson—N (' Faison, G^ Autrey Surry—W Waugh Stokes—Horatio Kellum .Stanly—Lafnyette Gr«ene Tyrrell—C McCleese Union—Q Lenimondf W'ake—S H Rogers, J W Ru.s«>, H Mordeoai W’arren—J B Batchelor. W H Chaek W^a:«hini?tnn—C Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing Wayne—W T Dortch, M K Crawford Wiikes—A VV Martin, Hf>rto. i adkin—A C Cowie« i aocey * Bowman ^ ■ .LJ'-yjLL'H"' 1 AJ ■ X...aWJ!JJ'J Th« 'Tolnnt^r’s JBand Boak. FURTQ£K suppty Jti«t K. J HAL£ 4 80P1. Granville Thomas B. Lyon, T. L Hargrove, j years to an agent, who dut-e the work w^il. i He coutcts rents and makes quarterly returnw, and thus pays over a sum whicn would t)« almost incredible, and which n’e may roughly Cbtimata at ?3U0,0d0 per annum Tliis man employs % small artny ot painters, carpenters and other mo- ' chanics, in order to keep up repairs, and bupeiiii* ■ tiiuds the whole of ihis deiiartm«nt. As a large part of Mr. Astor's property coniisM of vacant j Jots which are in continual demand, and which I u« will not sell, he is much eiuployed with archi- ' tecta and muster builders, and generally has od« . or two large blocks ic course ot erection at a timo. ; This a very serious burdtn. His son John Jacob ' is quite a but^uieas man, and bears his shar« of I thv load. Besides this, some fifteen years ago • ! talented and olegant young merchant QFraukli-. { Delano,) married one or the daughters, and affs»rds I assistance. la addition to the-e labors, the at* j tentioo to the collection of interest on boads, I dividends, Sic., is a heavy ,tem, since in the little I brick office (which is, of course, fire*proof,) theie I are several millions of Government and £>tate s. • I curitiee His daily income is coraputed at 96,000. i It 18 said that a certain person felicitated Mr. ' Astor on his wealth. Pointing to his piles of ! bonds, maps, ice., the cipitalist replisd: “How I Would you like to manage all these matters for your board and clothes? " The man demarrea to I the idea "S'r,” said the ether, “it is all I get " Mr. Astor, it is said, gives but little away. 3 8 Royster (iret-ne—W A. Darden. Guilford—Jno. A Giljier, Ralph Gorroll, R P IHok Halifax—R H Smith, L W B^tobeior Hydo—E L .Mann Haywooo-^-Wm Hicka Henderson—W M. Shipp H^tford—"Kenneth Rayner. Iredeli—Anderson Mitchell, T A- AituocL Jackson—W H. Thoaiat- Johnston—C B Bander*, W A Bnuch Jondt*—Wm Foj liiiftoir—John C. WaBhiogtOQ. LJhcoln—D. SohenoK Maoon—C D Smith. Madison—J A McDow-eli Martin—David W B&gley. McDowell—J H Greeniee. Meokienburg—J W Ottboroe. Jaxoee Stroog. Montgomery—S H Christian M oore— H T u rner Nash—L N B Battle New Hanover—J L. Hoio^, Robert Strange. Northampton—D A Barn#», J. M Moody Onslow—A J^ .Murnll. Orange—W A Graham, John B«rry Pa.squotank — R K.'Spoed Perquimon-»—Jos. S Cannon Porsoii J hn W. Cuningham. Pitt—F B. Satterthwaite, P. A Atkinson. Randolph—VV J Long, A G- Foster Richmond — W F Leak 1 Robeson—J P Fuller, J C Southerland Rockin^h.iia—D S Reid, E. T Brodnax Rowat -R A Caldwell, fl C Jones b&io ’ lUu^rnting the Hevfjits of AdvertUiyig—Mr ; George Horton, who lives on the east end of .Main ; street, near R jcketts, keeps a Qog called La Voga i —an ill-favored, fierce-eyed brute, whose untidy ( habit-» and cros-' grained tev^er cause him to be Rutherford and Polk—G W' Miohal, M Dur- | held in detestation by tls.* family in g D#>rHl. and Mrs. liorton, his mistnss, in paticnlar. La Vegni, however, i.sagreat favorite witU his master. About a week ag), >lrs Horton became cxa.sperated on account of «»oT7ic uneridurdible offence comtnitted i by Li \'egu. and Dnvately bargained with an oil r colored co.lector of soap tat, named Abe VV'alker, ; who, lor a dollar lee, agreed to take the dog off Sampson—R A Moaeiy, Thooaas Booting Stanly—E Hearne Stokae—A H Joyce 3urry—T V. HamTin Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. UnioD—H M IIou.%coo , Wake—G E Badger. K P Battle, W W% j ‘Tender him up" into tallow, or otherwise i Hoiden » Warrpr. N Edwards. Frank Thornton I -washingtoD—Vv’ S Pettigrew Wat&uga—J W Couticil j Wayne—G V Strong, E A Thompson Wilkoi—Jas. Caliowav, Poter Eller , Yadk in— R F Armfield ' Yanoey^—M P Penland. A IV’ew Law Book. CaMttceWg M*ractice at JUaw* I ICST published, a treatise upon the Pra!%iofl at Law i in North CAroI n^i, by Edward CA>'rw*ti., LL- U., I auth«r ^f tne N. C Justice, etc relieve Mrs. Hortoti from the annoyance ot his proeence. Mr. Horton, on coming home to hia dinner, inquired for La V'ega, anti wa.s chagriued with the lutormation that lus troublesome pet had absconded. For some days the absence ot La Vega gave occasion for much rejoicing in the household, and even the grief ot Mr. Horton fo. his lues was made the subject of many a sly joke in his domestic establishment Mr.i ll congratu lated herself exof Shively on that lucky thought of hens, which cleared her house of the odious brute; and though she is a lady who thinks a good dual of a dollar, she did not grudge the money, sincc it gained her object so effectually. In the mean time, La Vega was detained a close prisoner in the cellar of the soap factory, amusing himself by snapping at the rats which coursed abou^ the premises, and sustaining him.self like Napoletm at Elbs, with the belief that the objects of his des tiny were tiot yot accomplished On Thursday morning, 'Ir Horton appeared at—the hr.akfast table with a beaming countenance, “VV’ell, my dear; goo l newsl’’ said he to Mrs. H “What is it?” aoked the lady with some secret misgiving. ‘I’ve got La Vega back again. Advertised for { OOSTE.VTS r Of L«^t;i?iaiive Power ia Oenei'al, Legielaiive Power j io North CaroliuH: Legislative Powers of Jttsiioes of the I Peace; I'ouniy Boundaries—Deedo, etc ; County Rev*- I nue and Chargen: Court Houses. Pnaoai«, ic , County Trustee. Jury Triai.s; Fairs and Public Sales; General I Assembly; ln«pections. Public Landings, Poor Houses and Iloi^pitaln, Registers and Clerks; Kiversand Cre«ks: Qate**, Ferries aud Bridget; Weights aud Mea- sure^*; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cariwayir; Public Landings aad luspec- I lions; Mills and Millerh; Ordit}afies aud Constables; i Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, _ _ j Ferries and Uiidges; Poll Tas Exemptions; Exeoutive [ himj olTerei a reward tor his recovery, and this Power it; General; Executive Power in North Carolina; 1 morning he was brought home by Abe Walker.” j Executive Power of the Courts, Chief Jusu^ and ‘-Heavens:” ejaculated Mrs Horton “What did j Atiomeys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and Mar- •' - - I sbal; Clerks aud Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Giiar- ■ dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County Court you have to pay for iiim?” “Only eleven dollars,” replied Horton; “one for the advertisement and Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Coramiseioners; Committees , ten to Old Abe for bringing him back.” “Mer- i of Finance; County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special | ciful goodness/” cried the unsympathizing wife. .Court; C«u,miss.on«rs of F-.irs; Inspectors; Superin- , dollars, fenmgh to buy a dress pattern,) j tenaents of Schools; Cominisfcioncrs of Navijration; V\ar- i , , ^ P ^ o i • r den3 of the Poor; Rejjiniers; Commisaionera of Rivers i recovery of auc i a nasty cur. and to think I Jind Creeks; Sheriffs: Constables; Rnngere; Standard * that I gave the black ra.scal u dollar f%»r taking j Keepers; ReV‘‘'lers: Administrators; Chairman of Special ] him ofl ” This inadvertent confession of course j Court; Commissiooeaa of Deeds and Conveyances; Com- I produced a matrimonial duet, the report of which i Kniry Takers and Surveyors; ,, j common- • ruperiuteudenift of Lleciious: Guardians and Keoeivers; I , ^ ^ * j j i • I In.spectore; Commissioners of Intertial laiproveraentp; i some of our married readers. Hy this ! Partition; Patrol Committees: Prooessioners; Tax Listeis t little canine speculation all parties were gainers, j and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; j Abe W alker, the cunning darkey, gained eleven ! .'Commissioners of VV recks; Tobacco Pickers aud Coopers, j ihe advertising sheet gained one dollar, ^ The Appendix contains forms of De«as and Convey, j Horton gained some valuable anoes, as o ows. « no p-,u experience, which will no doubt teach them the Agreements, Assi(rnmenti«. Awards, Bills ot Sale. Eula . ^ , c, , . Of Exchange and Lading. Bands. .Miseelkneous Bonds. ! Hnportance of mutual confidence between wedded Contracts, Deeds. .Murriajja Setilemoats, .Mortgages, CopJirtnership .Articles. Notes. Releases, &c., &e. Thin Book contains 6.56 pages, is gotten up in supe- rtop*»yle, and bound i#LawC«lf Prio**, singlfcopy, $6. For sate by E. J. HALE SOiSS- Dwc’r 2ti. IBtiO. Map of tbe Sea Coast of SoQth Carolln2i{ New .Map of Virginia; Th« Southern Spy by Edw’d ■%. Pollani of Va. The SoRihern Seng Book Dec’r 14. E. J. HALE & SONS partners. — /j*ichmout Digpntvli. The tax bill, which has passed the Federal Sen ate, will give, it is eotnput«'d, about a huiAdr>d and twenty million doUars. Otje of tbe Federal commanders is named Oen- ^al Hooker. Nearly all the Yankee army is j composed of “general hookers.” j A veteran admirer of Andrew Jackson, the i hero of New Orleans, says, “StoQewall” Jacks>>o only “Old Hickory” petrified. A The Sunny South, by Frol, in- i graham; Say and 8sal, by the Author of “Wide Wide ' j World,” Ac.; Tbe Household of Bou^erie, or the Eliiar ^ j of Qokl. by a Southern Lady: Ev*ninf« at the Mior^ ^ letter found on the battle field of the Seven I *®op*» *«-• ^ E- J HALE 4 SONS. ^ Pin*B, from a wife to her husband in the Federal [ copies or the Ob#Crrer i «ay., “throw away yoar arm* and come proe«^ by aoa-*ttb.«rib«t^ at tke home, for the people here say, there u no use ia £- J. UAi.£ 4 87\ 14. «an be P*4oe i oeBta I fighting the rebek any loniter." I