S W 1»I 1 WKKK li Y. LVOI.. Ml ] rwK'i'FKv mjj:, n. c.. jui.v lo, is62. [NO. 1141.] FiaVTi;!' MONDAYS AND I'HI’KSDAYS. K’OWARI) J. HALE ^ SOXS. KliToUS A\i' PIK^I'RIKTOIIS li.f l'^>r tlic S^onii-Wfi'kly i )nsK.ltvv i: (Itl if p;til in '• il' ;r\T’l ilininjT lllP Yt“!ir >if 'lif !. :i. I'V St .itUT Vt';U' lias oxjurfii- F >r tlif " t‘( ilv ->H'KUVKR j't'f :iiinuni, it priid in ♦ h .">(1 ii’ subsovip- ^ ti>m. .'V .'r'C- (!;'! ;ifuM- ilic li.is cxj 'red. Al'VKllTlSL'MrM'-'^ iii'prtojl foi tiO coms pt'r If. lint- f,,!-tii-t. an.l :'.n conts for i-;ich lun-eoiliujj ■ ; Voailv a'hertiscnu'utx hy spe- aial Class of 1''':!:! Ihuiiel IfutjiiUw. (^la-^s lit I So'» .loll'-'.' M ^Vith^■rs. thrv ^ii ]■, t'ona^'le r;»to. A lvorii-^ors nre i:,- riio number of iiiM'rtioii's Jc'^iroJ, or 1 till forMil, .iiiil charged uccord- bc iiK-rrod , cliiirged 50 per t.-. !aeii!s I si'KuiAJL Nin’U'i;. From 'ind tliii d;»te. 'no iiiime of n new subscriber Will be eii'crcil ^vitho^lt j'.i vmeiit in udvaiKK*, nor will 111 ‘ paj'er be -em i- uch >'i>''ori’i’ rs for a longer iiuie than i>a;vl t.'r. • 11 jv'.r old Mibseribeis ■ ; de.-ive to take the pa per u 'his will plea-e u.nifv us when mai;ng leiaiiiaiiii’j!, Jau'y 1, TO ADVKKTifcKKS. Per', us out of t.'wu who desire advertisements in- aeried in the >l>server. and per.-ions in town with whi.m behave tiot regular accounts w ' please send with tlie ft Ivertisement a.- rii!u-liuioi« h'.y wish to invest in it. aL'cor'iing to our aivtrtiL iv ‘0“ ‘be tir>t page. AVe do not wish to open any more such acceuuts,—or dtidceJ ru i'ounts Tlie proce>s of collection is too ditru-ub and we have to pay cash fiv every thing we U'e ‘>r sell in these tinios. *'.-t 1-1.1. ':t' \uv Ni!1 —A\ e iiave heretof ore given notice, iiy, tli j w;. - li.irge f.T .'bifuary notices of un- te.i- I t' le b'u*.:: t,. und tV;r ri's :’‘,:;i'ns of re.-pt ct; be- Caii'-c liia: kii. l !' n ,1 we b ve much occasion to kn ow, is ii::>re • > rea levs than to •Jii rs *t’ papers. it ^eiiernlly hnppens, iujwcvor, tbat after -. liargiiig and payit: z po^ta2e otl the aocotint tor- warded, we -vi; get p.iiii. we now give notice that we Wilt iii'crt i; )thiu{; (.f tiie 'Hi't hereafter uulc's acc .iii- 'jani- i ''V iIh' i.;-h lAlw :ys excepting in the ca. - f deci a-^e I v iiinte*' wlien we re (uire no pay.) licar in mind. :’u-i;*f -: . ‘-it wo will iii«;'rt ijbituary Ti. tico' -in i rc'ciiuii.iiis, n.>t eXi-ee linir 7'» w.ird?, gratis F .rall *" w ir i'. '’cn! a w..rd, \\hichniU't be ]>aid l e- t ' le ni.ii'-e w:'l t':- put In ty] c- STWllAfc- AMI \IISlHLWFlllS WlHIKS. VBUOTT t: iJiitories, v. lr.: Abhntt s Napoleon Irviop'i oui: lete 'V ,i k. vols: *• liifa of \Vishing:.>n. ■> vi.ls Pr. 'i'..tf's Philip tlie i; ■ diaries the ii; Ferdinand and I'^tl.ella .n- ue--! ->f M -fP,*.i, I5i ;ji ifi - I . .■S’ate'’. vols; 1. -inir'- Fi.-M P>i> >k .f he Tyri.^r ir- .ry Hti”.‘M -Mi'idle Xt'e-. Hu: ip Had Macaul'ty ' Hi': H \ ' Aii.'ien! ry: •I; ‘ ' Gi'd 'M ' li.iiii.^ - -I- uiir.' Pvb.,T 'H' - W"--.': VV-r er ' 'V.irk ; ('lay - From tlie ('liarltsi.tii I'ourier V MSI »K Tin; (tFFi('i:»:.s in the Al{\lii;s OF THK ( M.Ni'KDl.HATi; STATKS. (’las*« cf\CU\ ,1 K Andorson, Lloyd Til-h- ' 'I'hf t(illo\viri_tr iiitLrostill- >tati-tif> ul the tnati foilerato Army ur-aiiizatloii arc due to one ol tlic ('lass of 1^:57 !!raxt; ii ilraL-ir, Wni II T Walker Kiclimohd oorresi.oiidoi:ts ol the ('oarier. In the j,i,, (' }Viiil.e’rton, Arnold Klzey, list of Hriiradior-(ii'i)eral> in tho I'luvisioual Ar- j iietny H Sihlcv, .lithal A Karly. iny, tlie rCL-nlar ofd.T of a|>{.oiutnient Is perhaps ('la.^s of Win ,)'1 lardee, janies llTrapier. not always observed, but we Lelievo tiie list is ('lass of 1 A!rx K l,a\vt.n. John 1* .Mcl'own. otlu‘r\vi>e correct. Tie.' dates ul’-laduation lioai (Ma>sori^ln Kichar.l S Kwell, Taul O Hebert, est Point are taken from ilardtur's l>ietionary Kichard I> (iarnett ot tho I nit ■(! States Army; ('lass ol'1 ^ 11 Robert S (iarnett, Samuel Jones. diinnil^ in th,' Iiii/uliii- Ariiii/. ('lass ot l'^12 Karl \ an I >orn, (i ustavus \V Smith, 1 Samuel t’oopcr. \ a. Adjutant (leneral. 31anslieb! Lovidl, James lionjr- Albi'rt Johnston, i’exas, coimnandin^ in >treet, hatiiel II Hill, hichard l\v'nttiekv. -\ihIcr*''>n, lialayette ^IcLawSj o fIose[di K rlohnstun, \ a, citmnianding North- Alex t’ Stewart. ern N'iririniu. " ('lass of I s i:; K.wuell S llipb'y, Sa’n'l (» French. H.ibert I'l Leo. \ a, eommandinLr Soutii Atlan- ^ tie ('oast. Class of 1''1.) !•] Kirov Smith, Uarnard I'] l>ee, l’(i T l>eatiroi:,ard. !a»u. cummanditiir Army i ^ hiting. of I’otoniae. ('lass of 1 ^ ItJ—'i’hoinas J Jackson, (.’ailmus 31 If • /. /■,/;>••/( t Wilcox, l>a\ id li .loncs, Wm M jli/'ir (I. Iti'ffl/s III th' J :t> ■,.,ilitf Ari)li/. ! , , ’ , (.arduer. M)avid L I wi-^.. (.-■oruia. resigned. I (,’lass of 1 ^ 1- Nathan C Kvans. Leonidas I’olk, i.ou. commandiim at .^!emphis. Jv;, j ,| | IJraxt.in Hra^rL. Lou. euinmanditiij at i’eiisa- I cola. 1-arl \’an iK rn. Miss. Army of Potomac, i'lu.'tavu.' \V Smith. K.'ii. Army ol' IN'tour.ic. Thiiiphilus 11 11 ohiies. X r, Army of Poto mac. \Viiliaiu J ilariiee ;ia, ''I i.'souri. ijinmandinir at Nor- s Iniijaniin ilu^er, b-Ik !• Janie> Lon^’street. Ala, Army of I’otomac. !• John H Mauruder. \ a. i i.nunandinir at Vork- ti.wn 11 ’J'liotnas J Jaek^oIi. ^ a. ectnmandinu Nortli- westeni \’iri;inia. 12 Man>tield Ljvell, \ a. eommandiii;_' (’oast ol Loui.'iana. l-'i Kdmund Kirby Smith. I'lorida, Army of Po- toiuae. 11 (renri.;e H ('litremiell. Teniu-'ee. f,. , 1 Mllled-e LI. VI -l.dr.i i; Plux. nawlia ■ Uetirv A A\'i !eti. }\ett. cmiuaJniii.L: Ha>t 1 .) !•- t) Muart. ; iit-;.NKi{Ai..' \v 11.) \vi;;;i: s>r ckaih atks at west i l-.IM'. : 'I’he lollowinir 'eiietiils were appointed to the old l iiited .''tatf-' Arn.y, v.ith'iut jiassiti- throu^di the '■Vest point .\cadrm\;—I'avid K. 'I'wimrs, ap- i pointed in I'll!; W in. \V. L'lrini:, in 1'I’hos. ; 'r. I'auntleroy, in l''.'!'i. The lolK.’.vlni: (•i iieral.' lir't s;tw .>erviee in the , Mcxiean war:—.'1. L. l>'.>iiham, lli’iii'}' IL Jack-- son, (ii leon J. Pill iw, .''ainiiel K. -Viiderson, I ('has. ('lark, 'I’hos. ('. Ilindnian, Jt>hn ('. Hreek-! inrid;.'0. IJenj. I . ('heatham. Ki(diard (Jritlith, I Albert Pike. Adl«y II. (Hadden, Maxey (^re^jr. ! The tollowiiiir (Jenerals partieipateil in the j ’I’oxan wars and tlu; wars with >lexico:—Hen. j Me('ull"ch, L'.iiis NViul'all. j Till' f. IL’.vinj ('lenera!.'.'au no military scrviec j j.revi.'U^ t" tile pr'»ent v.-ir:—lohn 15. Floyd, i J-K(;iSLATrKK. OF NollTIl (’AROLINA. SKNATIl. Pasquotank and Pcniuiuions—J M Whedbee (’ainden and (’urrituck—i> F Simmons (rates anil Cliosv.in —M L lOure Hyde and Tyrrell—Jones Spencer Northamjiton—J ^1 S lloL'ors Hertford—I H Slauiihter Hertie— I >avid ()utlaw Martin and W'ashinrton—J 11 Stubbs Halifax—M (' Whitaker lvi”ecoinbo and Wilson—H '1' Clark Pitt—KJ Hlount IJeaufort — I’rederick i rist Craven—N Ii Street Carteret and .I ones—l>r 31 F Arendell (iroene and Lenoir—-I P Speijjht New Hanover—Kli W Hall I >uplin — Hr J antes 1 )ickson ()nslow—L W Humphrey i>iaden, Hrtinswick, A;e—Jnu D Taylor ('umberland and Harnett—Hunean Shaw Sampson—'riionias 1 I'aison Wayne—W Iv Lane Johnston—J H Watson Wake-^M A IMedsoe tiam. \ a, e' ■■ (’. Arinv ol Piitoniai-. .niniaiiiliiiL: \riuv Ka- \ .1. it ..in.iki ia>t \m.-ncin Ke\•.lnti >ti t Knglnti i l'.» •J1 •jr. •Jti Berr by ( '■ ■ • . in ’he r i-'pec It.)!-, and >'i v.i’s; n - J’ ye- i !n ’lie I > Sentile IVu-kf'i w.Tk^; " . u^oii r dir - .. 1' V.' ' - L:f,- i.t I'v .i .hn-'.ti: \ i- .n'- \V- -ks; a ; li'on - il.L. ! 1. - MijpelHnifi; I ■'1 l -ri r.riii-b K'-.iy;'''i Kn ^i- i'-- Ha':; I! . n- - eh the l.f -t \uth'.ra-. ■ -11 ■ i U Ph'''' pbv -iid biti v.iture, l.y Sir p. Haji.iiior; i - Mi'ccll-my. lo s .Miiuuul: T? PolitT^^Ppext n • jk, by Mc'diiski-y; '’.jn, 111- i..f the Stntes; Mar-:: .,4|| Lite d W rii-. L '"'*'if Will. Pincknej'; .Xmericau Kl'niuence; 15: cr-tphy i.f l*irtingui'!ie i W.jnien; by .Mrs J Kii'-\ t'i .p.cdin .\nieri.-Ul i; \ppU-uin ’ycloj.fdi;i nf iJiogr.ipliy; I.ir' and ; orrespon ien.-.' 4 L .r.l .ieifrey; L khar; - !>ife of Scnrt; - i'::;r.'tu and his ^’'.temp irat'ifs, by ('ha- Phillip-. V^ 'iVcrlv N ivels, e .ttrplfte in *' vol.'!: “ •• inlJlv..].-. in ‘27 vi'Is. • ’ .per’ Sea T mC': I’ii'ken"^^' 'N M ■’Tyatt’r N iveV-, ■;S; - .11 - T ile - "I the lM.rdt“r> Ii ill M re'-^ w.irk-i, i'i w ik-: i rrh -^ biv. v: l>ry i-n “ N\ = .s H:enii.'s wuik'-. The by S.iuiiicv; ( rabb - Synonyme^i; Percy Anei'd jtes; v'hr luicles of the iJaatile, iUustnued; The Scotti di fla. 1; \.'‘t*«!t,teer of the L’. States; Ma)or Jack bowning - ;;» year- out of the Senate; . Liviiic-r - Tr^ivel?* in South .\frica; L'jr l hljrin' dir dun t^> t'hiiifi an.i .Jap.'in; Fiv.- Years in ’hina, by 1,'r. ('has. Taylor: I he I'ritish i.xpediti.iu to the (Vime;i My liiary in Indiii,. l.y .liito: b: K'.lie J Arctic Exploriuions; ' 1 -• Santa Fe F,xj>i-diti .ii: * ■ unj:'.- Hunter's lafp in Africa; ' '. d.b.us Ia ii.^'fiious ll ices of the F.arth- FvL; ! t,.- .,11 th I-.lie Sl'itid.iri Poeii.-a; Work rhich arc: Hemans, Scott, r,yro„. Hums, Moore, Hood, H,>tlleck, L'am'jbeil, ( Coleri.ltre (Joldi'mith, .M’llon, .vi- . ,v.-. '' Hhakspeare's. .Masainger ,x K.,rd’- and Fletcher's Uramatic Work.s; Mr-!' - wden(1ark’Rcoinplete ('Mrici.r.biiice toShak^- pf ire: The Hraniaiii- Woi ks of .Jas Sheridan Kuowles: Smith “I liejected AddresHes; I'he P.ciok of Scottish JJallads; P.albi'l t.y \V H .Aitisv.'oi th: i' i Wi id ' poet- and pi.etry of {■’n(^l;in.l; ;lf P :c!- of'ireat l>rit:iin; p.,(*^ of flic xixih eeiiinry: b iU’'i'jiies of An'ient Poetry, iVc. ic. F. .1. HALF ic SONS. M;.r.;ii I'land. Hen .Mc('niliu-h, I’exris. .'NI i.s.:-(.uri. '^Hf'iry f{ J:iekM'ii, ■ ei>. resi'/ned. ' Ivobert (i;irni tt. \ ki'le:! in action. ■ W'lii-ii!! II f \\:iiiv. r. I'l-.'iuiif.l ' Hariiar 1 K li^'c. kili. d in .n-ti.'ti A lex an'iff II Lm w !■ ni, • i. r.i;iini;indini: ' ’ ot iei>r'.^i;i 'tiidfun J Pil^iw, I’enn. re>i'ji'.> d .''amufl II Ander'on, T«tin, Ketituckv I >aniel S H..nel>.in. f.'tin. ('..:i>t nt ('arolina. Ibivid U J. lies, (', Aniiv '»f P(itoni:ic. 11 Jom-s M W ith T', \!:i. >niniandiiJ:: ('..a-t of Alab:»na L) John C Peinbert'.n. \ :i. ('..a>t of.'' C. 1(» Uielard S F.well. \ :i. \t!:iv i f P.'tomae. IT John H \\ indrr. Mar\ian.i, Kii-hniond. I'' J iiV.^1 A 1-,-irly, \ a. Armv ot Pot.iniae I'hos H J'lnuriviy. Ark, .1 ed in .\rkan-:i- Satnii' l J"ne.'. \ :i. Arm\ 1 *•..t.im.'ie. Arn.'ld Klz. _., ^l..;ylaIld. Arn:y ul’ P.-l-.iiKte. Hatiii i 11 Hi'.i. ,\ i’. \nn\ ..f P-.t ina.-. Henry H .''i:.dry, l...n. '!'■ x:!~ i i.inrtir. W in 11 ( \\ li;ti (i ... Av iiiv td’ Potuinar Win L■;i|._^ .\ \\’.'t.-rn \ ir^inia iliehar-I H r- .n. (’. P; n.'afola Ab-i'rf Pik.’, ,\rk. lii'iian ''.niinissiiji.fr ■J" 'Tho' r Fauiitlcr ’V. \ irL;ni:i. rrsi^uod. '-!*.* Robi-rt 'I1...11 (ifii, .\rnr, .f Potoin.ie Mtl Haniel lin^L'lo'. \ a. L.>'ii-.iaii:i. ol t'harles ('lark. Mi--, Army ot Pot.Miiac Ho'W. ll S Utpl- v. S (', ('.i:i>t ot S (' m!) I.';iai' K 'J rin.sle. M l, \iiny "t P.itoneie 0 1 ‘.lohn H ir:iy'.iii. Koii, dii 'i in l'l..rida. Patti > IL l.-. r , L' u, (' i:i-t ■! ’I’, xas. otl Kiehard (' (latlin, .N ‘conimandin^ ('oast of North (’ari)lit!;i. -'iT ■ I’Vlix Jv Zollieoll'T, I’eii. killeil in Kentueky •1^ Heiij F ('lieatliam, Ten. l\t:ntucky. :ilt J.i-eph R Aii'Ii I'.'on. \ a, 'ua't of X Simon H Huekiit-r, Ky, Kcntueky. 11 Leroy Poj.*- V. alker, Al.a. .\labania. l‘J Albert i Hlanehard, L"U. Nori.-lk. lo (iabriel J K:iiris, N • \ orkt.iwn. -II J 1'. !> Stuart. \ a, Army ol Putoiuae •1;» Laf.iy. tte .'l-La\V', Icor'_Ma, Vorktown. I*) Til 1’ Hrayt.'ti, S (', C..a-d ot S (’. 17 Thos(' llin.iiiKin, .\ik, K. nrncky. 4'^ Alley H (Hadden. Li>u. Pen^aeola. P.t John Port* r M ■ \j*,vn, r>-n, Kentueky. .)(.l Lloyd I'ii-dini;tn, Ken, Ki tiuu kv. 01 Naihan Kvan-, S (', ('ua't of S ('. • )'l C;t.lmu.' ,'^i W ikM.\. T;mi, ,\rmy of I’otomae. oi] Philip St (ie.ir^t (’ueke, \ a, died in \ a. 51 R I'’. Rho'los, .\la. .\rmy 111 Potmnae. Richard T:iyli.r, Lou, .\riny ol Potomac. ;’)•» Luni." ’I’ \\ i'.^t;tii, Te-xa.--. \rmv ot Potomae. •'7 James H Traj.ii r. C, Co;isi ol I'lorida. Sam’l (1 French, Miss, .\rniy of Potomac. .jlt Wm H (’arioll.'I'enn, Fast Tennessee. tit* Hti'_di W ^lerc. r, (ieor^ia, ——. Humphrey Mar'-h:i!l, Km. Kentucky. *■>2 John C l>reekinrid-e, Ken, Kt iitueky. ti;) Riidi'd (^ritlith, .^Ii>s, Army of Potoinue. >1 .Mex'r P .>tcwart. Ken, Kentuekv. «■ Wm .^Innt L'oniery (l:iriiner, (l:i, on furlough. Henry A. i.~e. lioucrr 1 Thos H. Flourii v. L. Pi lie. tier, ii'.i;iin M 'JiC. li;ini 1 i Ci'Tr.ili. !! K L: received :ii:’;‘t:irv ’•■Inc-.t. \ 1 r^ui i;i • I '• . .-in' I .\rniie'; S .uth ( :M'...in;i 7; Te'ni."ce N u tli (': ■ iinlis, Richard T:i\ lor, ■ W;tlker. !'. K Zol- , ( > !>. lliuiieli, \\’il- i'' >mr. 1|. iwever. - a- .■'t:itf ili.'titutio!!'. Ill til.- (Ciil'rilcrati.- L..ui'i:ui:t (ieor^ia diiKi ti; Ki'ntuekv t; .’'I:ir\i:iiid 1; A'.ab A rkati':;- i’l r'.' Till' tci..'” in- V pr>v!oU' t. flu pr Southern .''r:ire': Vurk; Rip’. v, in \ania; W I itin-. i; >;ichu'i tt'; l!uu'- !' in ^Ll^^al•!lU'• tf'; [Till- .uii vi/; Lcni.bi- I 11 111.Inn-, r.ei, ard C (i.itlin, i' L ( • 11 I Ir.inrli T i-h ■w ■n.-r I; .'1 i .'i»ii p . I; ’'Ii"" iri n.iiic, -rc bi rii 'If till- lilt 1, flu ' lit u:iv : \v le citizens *. '!. t:i! I.'per. bi.rii in .Ni ; P nil ert'in. in Penn-yl '^1 ":ii 1.u--':I-; Pike, in .'l:i>- . in 'l:i-":>chu''ett.-'; lilanehard, ■ r. Ii.-'l. ill N cW .1 eV'.-V r- iL.t.vc' .N'orih I'arolina. , IliMXti.n Hr:!./^', I’henjihilus :ill..ch, \V’ni W Liiriti^, Riidi- 'tl.-r, (i .tbricl J Rain.', M,( iix K '/. ui« (' bN FKl'l'R \ .1/./ Clav A. V H ^l:r, Wei (,'■ A' II Sinim- /.■■„ ^l. \1 1. - d - ,\T, ’i; s’l atks 'K N i I I, -r- i'.!::im ('( >N( i 1! KSS. L V :tneO) -1' d l!;iker. .V F (' (’ «’h:is Max- /7- 1: M li;ii. i:..l.--rt T...-.iub-, 11 (' Hurncft, \\ illi:im I' F, 1 ,'^f.;trruw. 'I’ J Si mm \ . f • I I li own, J :uiic' I 'hi-l.in ,1//> . A--, t lialii T S' U' J am. T >1, t;ivU' .\ I! iirv. I tr'/iii^:l ; '..rt'd: t ’> I r> L ()rr •bd .M k. R S \ 1 *i-yton. Havis, Wil- Koliert \\' I’arnwell, L'lmdoii (' Haynes, (lus- i;s 'r Wi-fall, W ()ldham. Li ()s til) 70 he li.fun'lary of A not her Worbi, by K. in v iriuUi-i bindings, among Hood, owper, P>eaiimoni I'orly 1 -f.las. W Alexrtnd.M, I>. {),: Sermons, -upplie Alex'uider, I) 1>. .\h by ,J. Addison luriher supplies of Margaret Moi^neflc: lieulali; Ad:ui. Vusef; Shirley; School BorHi'-., Aic, ittly 10. K J HALE & SON. h’d IJ iaiiictt, \ a. Army ol Potmnae. William Mahono, \ a, \nrf.ilk. L ()'P>rian IJrancji. ,\' ('. C.ia«-t of .\ (' Maxcy lre”Lr, Coast, ol S ('. ]{ F ('olston. \ ir^inia. 71 Fidwaril John.'ton, \’ir;^i!iia. ~~ Henry Heth, \ ir^inia. 7'^ .lohn.'ton H Huti'-an, Louisiana. 71 S A W .)od. Alabama. Those ha\intr :in ' atVixed are dead, or have resi^Mioil, since the comiiienecin-nt ol the w:ir. Tin; WKsr puivi i.km;kai.>. 'I'he following Cnnfederatc (icnerals are ;j;radu- ate.s oi West Point—the date ol their i^raduation bein;^ [irefixod: ('lass ol ls];'» Samuel Cuoper. ('lass of IJohn Ii Winder. (’lass of I.-nc R Trimble. ( Jass ot IsJ.) l»atiiol Honcl.>.on, Hi'nj’n Huiier. ( lass ol l''J() .Vlbort S .liilui^rnn, Jiio i{ (irayson. Clas> ol 1''27 Leonidas Polk, (;:ibriel J Rains. Class of |sj' 'I'lios F Hraylon, Hu-h W' Meretjr. Cla.ss of Joseph K Johnston, Rob't H Leo, 'riieojihilus II lloluies, Albert (i Hlam liard. (Mass ofl'^'!!* .lohn P» .MaL'Tuder. Class of ls;}2 (jleorge 15 Crittenden, I* St (Jeorj^c Cocke, 11 uniphrey Mar.shall, Kieh ard C Gatlin. .'1 'r Ihintcr, W^ Hallard Preston. i!(.l - i; ATI \ KS. —.^^--sr.■ 'i’h'inia' J l-'o.'tcr, ^Vln Ri Smith, Jiilin P Rail.', J L ,''1 ('urry, I'r;uieis S’i Lyon. W P (’hil; .ii, Hiivi.l (’lt;pton, Jas L Puuh, I !•] S 1 *ar_ ill. . i .L'—.^lc^.'l' I’elix J Ral>on. (Irandison |) Roysfor. AuL’'11'fii ■ II larland, Thos l> Hanly. —M.'-Is J:i> Hawkins, R H Hilton. (•'■"/•■/■'I — !\l!"r- Julian llartridL'o, (’ J .'\lun- ncrlyn, 41 iite- H'dt. ,\ 1! Kenan, H.ivid W Lewis, Win W ('iar’K, Reberf P Tripjio, Lucius J (!ar- trell. Hardy Strickland. A R Wii^lit. K'UtH'L-i/ — .Not yof eleet.'d. L'H!i.ii'inn—.Mi-'-r.' ('harles J \ ilb, re, Charles i .^l ('onra.l, |)uncan 1' Kenner, Lucien J Hujnv, i John 1' Lewis. John Perkins. Jun'r. I Messr.-, Jno J Mcllae, J W (’lapp, ; Reuben H:tvi', I ra.-l Wel.'-h, H C Chambers, O I R Sin^Ief.in, F !>:irk'>ja!e. i.Itdin Hyer, (’:i.-par W liell, : (Ie‘>r;;e (I \’cst. .\ II ('onrow, W W' (,'ook, 'I'hi'S ' W l'rei ni;in, 'rhom.a,-' A l1;irris. ' ‘.'iiri'liini — ,'lessrs W N II Smith, Rob ert R Hri.L'ers, (Iweii R Ki'iian. T I> .McDowell, Thoiiia.s S .\shc, .\rcliibald II Arrington, J R Mclieun, William l.,:uider, l» S daitlier, .V']' I >a- I vidson. I Messrs W W^ Hovec, W Por- cheii Miles, .''I L Honhani, J./hn .Mc'^ueen, Jas Farrow, L M .\yer. i'’.'«//*— .'h.'.'srs J T Hei.'kell. W Swann, W II T.-bb>. F L Cardenshive, I! S Foote, M P (Jentry, (ieorui W Jons, Thinnas Meiiecs, J 1> (' Atkin.', Htillock, H:iviil .'M 'urrin. 7’./os—.^los,^r> Juhn A \\'ileox, Peter W Cray, Claiborne (' Herbert* W in P» Wright, 31alcoui P (iraliatn, H I'’ Sexton. \ irjiui t -~y\vr>v .^Iiiscije R 11 (Iarnett, .rohn R Chambliss, Jnhn Tyler, Ro^er .V Pryor. 'I'hos S Pxicock, Jiih'i (loode, Jr. Janies P Holcombe, IM' I >ej:rnet te, William Smith, R Hoteler, John H H:ild\vin. W II Staples, ^Valtcr Pre.ston, A ■' Jenkins, fbiberf Juhii'itn, (’has W Russell. \vi:iisTi;!« i:ij;i!i;\f\iii m.um iiooks. WkH;.; 'ive.i by F;cpre«^. :i supjdy of SPI-]I.L1NI lit H) K S-^ price l’> ave |iist l-t‘ mk'nt.vky cents each, fax/i. e have not advan.^e.l the prico of ,-vny articles on hand lielore the war: tint pie ent ])urchases cost us more than we asked for tiiose. Of cour.se we have to put up prices on what we buy now. E. J. HALE & SONS FayettCTille, Aug. 29. ay lor Nash—A . Franklin—W' Harris Warren — T J Pitchford 1 (Iiiinville—(' H K 'I'aylor Person—L Winstead ; ()ran«re—Josi:th Turner, Jr ; .\Iainance and Randolph—Junathan \Vorth (’halham—W S Harris Moore and .Montiznineiy—W 1> l>owd Piiehnjond and Robeson—Alfred Hockery Anson and I'nion—S H Walkup (itiilloi-i—Peter Adams ('aswell — Hedfurd Hrown Roekiti:jli:im—F L Simpson 31 eeklenl»urL"—lohn \\ alker ('abarrus and Stanly—\ ( Harringer Row;in and Havie—Hr J (1 Ramsey Havidson—Jno W 'riionnts : Stoke- and I'orsytli—Je.sse A Wau^h .\-he. Surry vVc—Jos Hoiison ire-lcl!, W:ikesAe—L (J Sharpe linrke. .'1. Hu well iVi H S (laither Lituoln. (iri'ton \i L»s].er .'^towe fJuiberl.nt. 1‘i.IkAi .\ W Rnrtoli. Hutieotnbe, Hen icr-m Ae-—ieo W ('atidler 1 Haywiii.d, .'lac.>11 \e—W H 'I'homa.-i Horsi; OK I mMMoNS \lani:iiiec—(lib's Meb.atu' Mexaiider—Hr .1 .'1 t'.irson An'on -L L Polk. F I! Lib- ,\'ln'—J M (ieiitry Hurke I II Pe:ir"0n Huneomli(^ -,\ Merritnon l>l;idi n—(' r Ibivis P>ertii—P r Henry, and Ferguson Heaut’urt — I! Honiicll. W 'I' Marsh Hrtinswick—T H Meare.“ ('aldwell— Hiekson (’ab'irrus—W .S Harris ('at iwba—Jonas (’linp (’hathan; — NV P'Faylor, R N Creon, Turner liynum Cherokee—(J W ll;iv»‘S ('raven—(' (' ('iark. 1' 11 Alfred ('utiibcrlati'l an.l Harnett—(’ (I W’right, J S ILu riiutiin. J (' Wiili:nns (Miow:tn Small ('olumt.u—-N L Williamson (’an.dell — H H Ferobte ('art'-ret—H W \\ hitidiurst ('asweil— W ithers. S P Hill ('urrituek -1> 'I Haxter ('levelaiid —.\ 'i Waters. J R LoL'an Havid'on—Lewi- ILiyno, K H (’lark Havii How;:nl Hui.iin -J Hrf-'tanlord. J (I Hraneh Kd _'ee*inibt.— R R Hrid;,'er>. J Woodard Foi'yth—I 1' Poindexter, Phillip Harrow Franklin—W 1' (ireen (la.'tuii—J 11 White (Inuiville—,1 M Hullock, W' H Jenkins, S II CONVFNTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance—(Jiles Mebane, 'I’hos. Rutfin. Alexander—A. M Ho^Ie. Ashe—.J, Iv I'oster. Anson—A. Myers, J A. Leak. Hertie—S. H. Spruill, .lames Hond. Heaufor*—W. J. Kllison, K. J Warren. Hhiden—Neill Kelly. I5runswiek—T. D. 5leares. P>nneonibe—N. W. Woodtin. Hurke—.J. C. McHowell. Cabarrus—(] Phifer. (’aldwell—F W Jones. (^amden—I). I>. Ferebec. Carteret—(’. IL Thomas. Caswell—liedlbrd Hrown, J. Jv AVilliauison. Catawba-—(Jieor;ze Setzer. Chatham—.J. II. Ueaden, John Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokffc and (’lay—J. II. Hryson. (’howan—K. II. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W\ Tracy, (’olunibus—Richard Wooten. (’raven—(leo. Creen, Jno. H. Whitlord. Cumberland ;md Ilaraett—David McNeill, A S. McNeill, M J. McDuffie. (’urrituek—John H. Jones. David.son—IL A Kittrell, H- C. l>outliit. Davie.—Rob’t S])rou.se. Duplin—J. 'I'. Jihodes, James J)ickson. F^dgeconibe and W'ilson—W. S. Hattie, Geo. Howard. Forsyth-T. J. ^\'ilson, D II Starbuck. l-’ranklin—A. D. Williams. (ja.^ton—S. X. Johnston, dates—A. .1. Walton. McCLKLLAN. W e have lately had news that the Vankee Sen ate had relustd unanimously to confirzn tho nomi nation oi Shields as Major Genertl, lor the reason that he had been routed in battle by Stonewall .Jackson W ith a people wdio deal so severely with those who tail, what will be the judgnient and sentence against McCl.-llany His failure, compared with that of Shields, mounts into sub limity. He was the anointed and chosen huc- ctii.sor of the once great Scott, lie was selected from the whole nation for supposed pre-eminent endowments, lie had seen war on a grand scale in the Oimea. He was the recipient of ^Scott’s counsels and confidence. He tcK)k coinniand of an army, which Scott hati spent four or five months in licking into shape, and he, himself, employed eleven other months in manipuFating it to his hand. Eight or ten months ago, he boasted that it had made its last retreat and had its last defeat. I He had at command tho military resources of all j nations for its ejuipiuent. It was armed with . the most efl'ective weapons known in modern war- I fare. I t.s numbers were all he chose to have them. According to his oft repeated assurance they had ; his eonfidenco, and he had theirs. Such eouragc, ; such spirit, such eagerness lor the fray, such cer- ' tainty of success were never known betbrel They ■ had made a triumphal march up the Peninsula I and chosen their own ground, and spent two months in making their position impregnable! 'I'hey bad no difficulty about supplies or transpor- i tation, having the whole products of the country, ; agricultural and mechanical, accessible by rail- ^ road and water from their very camp. Halloons : and spies kept him hourly advised ot the position, (iranville—'Ihomas H. Lyon, T. L. Hargrove, and movements oi his adversary, and Darden. A. Gihner, Ralph (lorrell, 11 ('aiinaday ( luiltord—^”C P Mendenhall, C F Shober, J L (Morrell Greene—-V D Spei”ht (Jates—.Lihn Hoothe Haywood—S L Love Halifax—A 11 Davis, W H Pope Hertford—J J Ve:itcs Henderson—.Jos P Jordan Hyde—'I'ilnian Farrow Iredell—A K vSimmiton, A H F Gaither .Ia'‘k.son—A Fisher rlones—P Ward Johiistoti—W II Watson, .la.s Mitohoner Lenoir—I (’ Wooten Lincoln—V A .^IeHce 31adison—.John .V l’;igg Martin Fwell McDowell—C H Hurgin .^loore—Alexander Ividly Motitgomory—FG L Harringor .^lacoii—Ii G Wood (in Mecklenburg—S W Davis, .1 M Potts Nash—II (» William.s New Hanover—S .1 Person, Daniel Shaw Northampton—M W Ransom, W W Peebles Onslow—.J H Foy Orange—-H H (Juthrie, W X Patterson Pa.s(iuot;ink—J T Williams Pcri)uimons—N Newliy Pitt—H G Albritton, ('hurcliill Perkins Per.soii— Wilkinson Robeson— \lex McMillan, I'Ji Wisliart Rockingham—Rawley (ialloway and T Slade Rowan—N .N I'lcming, N. F. Hall Rutherlord—C f N Davis, H K Padgett Kandolph—1 II I'oust,'I’hos S Winslow Richmond—.1 G Hlue Samp.son—N (’ Faison, (k’o \V Autrey Surry—W Waugh Stokes — Horatio Kellum Stanly—Lafayette (!reene Tyrrell—(' .NlcCleese Cnion—C (v) Lemmonds Wake—S H Rogers. J W Russ, II Mordecai \Varren—>J H Hatchelor, W H (''heek Washington—Latham Watauga—Thomas Farthing W^:ivne—W' 'f Dorteh, M K (’rawford Wifke.s—A W Martin, Horto, Vadkin—-V C (’owles Vancey l>owman Tilt* ^ ol«iiitc'c‘i‘N Hand Hook. FUKTHEU supply just received. T. A Allison. ,\ .'>mith .1 aines Stroni S. S. Hoyster (J reene—^V. A (luiltbrd—J no. V. Dick Halifax—R. H. Smith, L. W. Hatchelor Hyde—F. L. 3Iann. Haywood—Wm. Hicks. Henderson—W. M v''hipp. Hertford— Kenneth Raynor. Iredell—Anderson Miiehell .Jackson—W. H.'rboin.i- .Johnston—H .‘■'andeis, W .lottos—Will. Foy. • LtMioir—.John ^V;;^bl!l‘rfl'n Ijincoln — 1 >. Sehetick. Macon—('. I*. Smith. Madisuii—.1 A. ,\loDowell .^l:lrtin- -David W Haglov McDowell—J H (Hoenlec. Mecklenburg—.1 W ()sborne Montgomery—S H ('hristian .'loore—H. Turner. Nash—L. N H Hattie. New Hanover—I L llolmen, Robert Strang**. Northampton—D. A Harnos, J M. Moody- On.low—A. .1 Murrill. Orangi—W'. A. iraliam, .Joiin Horry. Pasijuotaiik—-It. K Speed. I Penjuinions—Jos. S. ('annon. I'erson—.lohn W. ('uningham. Pitt—F. H. Satterthwaite, P. A Atkinson Randolph—W . .1. Long, A. G. I'Oster. Rielimond—W' F Leak. Robe.son—.). P. Fuller. J. ('. Southerland. Uoekinghain — D. S. Reid, F. 'P' Hrodnax. Howat -R A. Caldwell, H. ('. .Jones. Rutherlord ;ind Polk—G W Michal, M. Dur , ham. Samp.son—R. .V .'do'ely, Thomas Hunting. Stanly—Iv Hearne. Stokes—A. 11. Joyce. Surry—'1'. V. Hamfin. 'I'yrrell—Eli .Spruill. I’nion—H. .^L notislon. Wake—(J. E Hadirer, K. P. Hattie, W Holden. Warren — W. N. Edwards, Frank Thornton. V>’a.>lungton—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. \\ . ('ouncil. Wayne—(5 \ . Strong. E. A. 'I'hompson. W'ilkes—Jas. ('alloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin— R. 1"'. Armtield. Vancey—M. P. Penland. W J I with this knowledge he again and again a.ssured ! his countrymen that victory was certain. 'I’he world looked on, spectators of the combat, and the prize that glittered in view w'as an immortali ty ot fame. Opportunity, means, incitement—■ everything to stimulate a man to superhuman ex ertion, except a good cause—were all present, (’ompnre iiis condition ten days ago with that which he now occupies fleeing before those whom he afFectifd to contemn, skulking in thick woods and d«‘ej. morasses and under (jover of night from f!ie avenging ptirsuit of tbnsi whom ho bad come to enslave—his proud and splendid army torn to pieees and folli.iwirig in t.ittcrcd atid bedrag^ded fraumcnt- nt hi> heel>I Not. C »-s;ir with none to do lii’ji reve.'ence, iior Lueifer fallen to ri.se no iiH.i.'. p’i '.-ntod a more pitiable contrast with hi.'; former .•'t;iti;, 'ban this nioek hevo, tl;i .•o«interfeit sol.iier. W i! oould almost find it in our heart.s to fiitj the mi.^iTable creatnre, but that he )i;is slum'it him"e'f so shamele.ss a braggarr and so monstrous a liar What will the Vankee nation, so tieree on those who fail, do with this man! llichrnonil Whiy. Th- Country near ami nrouTul the last Battle Fi' l'l.— The section of country lying between the (Hiaries (’ity road and James river, for a distance of twenty miles below Richmond, ha.«, until last j 3Ionday, been visited by the troops of neither ; army (Consequently, when McClellan began his j retreat, the fences and domestic economy of the i farmers in this region had been uninterrupted i 'I’he land is generalij^ l*ig-ily fertile, and famous for its whea- and corn crop.'’ On .Monday morn ; itm last the trying Vankee 1 •-rues bur.st into this ; hitherto secluded Fdi-n. ioi’.; .’ed by the victori- : ous if.gi .Ills ot the (Confeuerticy. On that morning j tlie young e-»rn was .springing luxaruintly in its j c.'wlands, the bounteous .shocks of the recently ! harvested wheat dotted thickly the fields and ! hillsides; gardens were filled with choicest vegeta I ble>, and large orchards bent under loads ot ripening fruit; but before two suns had set a sad change w.as put upon the face of :.ll that country. I A Hood ol l.iva from some gr^at Vesuvius could , scarcely liavo proved more disastrous than the i irruption ot the hostile armies. Every fence is ! HOW swept away; tlie wheat has disappeared as j before a corismuing tire, leaving scarcely a straw behind; the corn is trodden into the ground and ' great rouds now traverse the fields where it j flourished. The gardens have been uprooted and ; utterly destroyed. The plea.sant and comfortable i farm houses, so recently happy homes, are no'w i filled with bleeding and s^uf^'ering wounded sol diers; and under their roofs many a once brutal A Xew IjSIW Kook. i*rartire ut M^atr. LSI' published a treatise upon the Practice at Law i now broken in spirit and body, receives in North Carolina, by Lt)w.\iii) C.\ntwki.l, LL. 15., . . . . J’. I (Jhristian chirity from the hands of those he cantc author of the N. C. .Justice, etc. COSTKSTS. ("•f Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power iu North (,’arolina; Legislative Powers of .lustices of the Peace; (bounty Hoiindaries—Deeds, etc.; County Keve- nue and Charges; ('ourt Houses. Prisons. \c.; County Trustee: Jurj' Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; General .Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, kc.\ Poor Houses and Hospitals; Registers and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and IJridges; Weights an.l Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways; I’ublic Landings and Inspec tions; Mills and Millers: Ordinaries an.l Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Rounds; Roads, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions: Kxecutive Power in General; Executive Power in North ('arolina; , r 1 • i- 1 l Kxecuiive Power of the Courts; Chief .Justice an.l Clerk; .army supplies nothing Ot valuC Catl bc saVCd. .-Vttorneys at Law; .Vttornc}’ General; Reporter and Mar- From other [loints, hoW(;VCr, betw^een the Pamun- .sliai; (Herks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers: Gii.ar- i river and Richmond, a considerable amount dians; (’ounty Attorney; Auctioneers; ( ounty ( ourt ■ been received, and more is daily arriving; up Clerks; Coroners; Boundary (:om.nissioners; ( m^ twelve thousand stand of of riuance; County Irust-ee; Louuty | ^ J n Court; of Kiiirs; Irisj^H*cfor>; j urills ?in(l s6VCr*il line rillGil Cuiinon iitici U6C11 brought to the (iovornment .Vrsenal, and a long train of wagons, heavily loaded, arrived late in the afternoon. A valuable locomotive, left by' the Yankees near the ('hickahouiiny river, reached thi.s city to crush and subjugate. Richmond Kxuminfi', ~th. J)»Mru fion uf Yankee Sfores.—We hear that the destruction of stores near We.st I’oint, by the enemy, surpasses in extent that of any other locality on the lines below Kiehniond. They were piled up in layers, with pine timber between, to the height of some thirty feet, and covering a space a quarter of a mile in length. The torch was then applied, and everything completely des troyed. Wagons,were ^)roken up so as to render them useless, and out of this immense mass ol tendents of Schools; Commissioner.s ol Navigation;ar- dens of the Poor; Registers; Conmiissiotiers of Kivers and (’recks; Sheriffs; Coti'iables; Hangers; Standard Keepers: Retailers: .A.lininislrators; Chairman of Special Court; (commissioners id' I*eed.-5 and Conveyances; (^oni- missioiiers of Low l-ands: Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents ot Llections; Guardians and Receivers; j evening, in a somewhat damaged cond-ition. Inspi^j^ors; ('onimissioners of Internal Improvements; j brouirht up at the .same time a large Partiiioii: Patrol (-ommittees; Processioners; fax Listers i , ^ .. u- i * i Hoards of Valuation: ()verseers of Roads and Rivers; ammunition which the rtie ny attempted to destroy before leaving, but failed in their pur pose.—Richmond Dixpatch, hih. Coniniissionei s of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers an.l Coopers. The Appendix contains forms of I>eeds and (’onvey? ances, as follows; Agreements, .Assignments, .\warils, Rills of Sale. Hills of Exchange aiel Lading, Ronds, MiscelWmeous Ronds, Contracts, Deeds, Marri.-ige .''ettlemants, Mortgages, Copartnership .-Articles, Notes, Releases, .vc., kc. This Rook coniaitis 5-Vi pages, is got.en '•!' in supe- | description norstyle, .iiul bouad in l^awi alt. rru:t\‘Single cop3, • > . . ‘ (Imx! Time.—The defeat of the great Van kee army betbre Kichmond falls upon their un happy nation just as they are dige.sting their newlj- enacted Tax law, which taxes almost every Nov. 16. E. J. HALE & SONS. For sale by L. J. H.VLL X S»NS Uec’r -t). 18tiO. Map of tin* Sea (.’oast of South (aroliiia; New M:i(> of Virginia; The Seuihern .“^py by Ivhv'.i ,V. Pollard of Va. The Southerti Song P.ojk. Dec’r 14. E. .1. H.-\LE iV SONS The l»y grahaui; Say and Seal, by the .-Xutiior (d ‘•^^i^le World,’’ &c.; The Household of Rouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the ,\licro- scope, Jtc., &c. L. >1. H.\LL & SONt>. ^ copies oTtlie Ob«>ervt‘r can be procured by non-subscribers, at the Booksior#. Price 6 cents. I of property, every bn.nidi of busine.^s, every means I of subsistence It striketi tlu m too just a.s the ; v^igaiitie and afil'aliing appari*^’ m of European in- i torvi’t.tion begins toas.-ume form and consistency. Wo lancv the Yankee nation is about as happy now ; as it deserves to be.—Ri hmoiid Whij. ! .1 f'i'ii'il Hit.—A suiall boy in Fredcrii ksbti’--' was a«ked by a Vankee soldier where all tho prefty .rirls w re. He replied: “Intbebouic; they w-n’t let Vankics see them.” Tlie Yankee ti.'kcd ■ if he had a sister. “Ves.” ‘*Was .-he pretty'."'’ ••ies." ‘‘What is her name’” IL-r nariie is i Manassa, and she lives at Hull Kiin,’’ replied the I brave aud smart little chap.— Rich. Disjpnt-.h.