WEFiK I, Y; LVOL. ML] I'AYKTTFAlI.l.K, N. C.. .lULY IT, I8ti2. [NO. 1143.] PKINTKU Ml>Nl>.\VS \NI> TIirUSl»AY8 KUWAUI) J. HALK & SO>S. EliroKS \Ni» PHoriUt?r>)RS! From ilio ('li'irU'stoii (’oiiri»*r. A LIST i>F THK (H'i’ICl’.Hv^ IN THK aivmiks ok thk vtf. states Tlio luiiuwiiit; statistk-s of the (’ou- (’luss (tf Patiiel liutrirles. • Mass of lS-!;> .loiifs M VVit.luTs. Ma-^s ()1 1 S!^l) K Amlcrsun. mail l.lovd rh- rit-e tor tin. StMiii-Wft-kly stKVt a'lvHu -c: J ’ ’O it I'diJ luring tii iiiu: ;>r ) 'Ui'T t .1' vt.-ar ii '- or the \V--i civ i.ii;-i:t; \ 1 1; ' ' ^ ' i"'’ aJv-iiice; i'J '>i: if f.iiii .!; '>■ il"’ tifin- or S'!’ ■> ' ' ' ‘ ' Btg“ VLtVF.RTI: ' I'-”' juftre of 1 I'i' ■ - ■ '■■iooceeiiine pul " eial lueofO'l I • (Ml it' 1' I .if iii ill icrip fodtTMt.' Army ur-atiizailuii aiv due to one ut the- 1 cl 1S:>7 iJraxtoii J^ra-r, Wm H T Walker Ki. hl.iuiul rnnvsi.ona.Mits ol the ('ouri,*r. Iti the I j Poml.erlon, Aniul.l Klzey, h.-t ol llrusulitT r,.>iiO'ah in t!i.‘ I’rovisional Ar- n^„,, i[ sibloy, .lubal A Karly. : 1 j,,'i tiiiinii. it paid in ill.' V! if of -''ilwcriij . , : Vi.ir.- I 11-orii-.) t'.>i ••II I'eii*'? per . • -111 ’ti .etil - tor each I V I'lv'M\ , ii-ionnMils by spo- .inafile v-ii.-- A.lvi'rii-^ers jir- i4Ui!i5‘ .'f '!t'Or:ioii iksireil. or iM I'C liiTin,;;' I ?ul *' .vM 1, -lli.l :iecOVil b. ”1' i'- ; . I'li-irpp.l -jO per 'Til \:. II. IKlU't" ;l lll-\v -lll>Sl-ribM- i.ii. '-: in :olv:u>i'H‘. nor will !• .-rilit r : . •( \)iie«‘r limo I. h !■ : : :ike ilifl i>a- ■lily \i- wlien iu:ikiu>; J m y 1. ■^iro alverti.seiiiouts iu- 1: in town with whom plea^f send with the L ky wish to invest iu I -li-i OH the first pajre. such acoouuis,—or •N't.- collpoiion is too i 'r every iliing we Ad'tr-iseiueni hnt srn- ' From and after 1 hi-.i .ie, li ill be entere.l '.vitli 'iii I'-i . e paper be sent ■ ’ . li -11 i!in p:iixl t-ir S.U'h .if o;.r i -\i- r:l'fv pVr on lliis Nysiein ,'■ j ! - , reniirtnnr.s. eSTTii AUVKKriVFKS Persons out of town wh.' iertpj in the ibserver. .snJ persm e have not resrular acfoun: y ivertisenieni as nitioli tiior*- t, acoorJinw to ".ir advertit 1^ e do not wish to :'pt-n iui>re iideed . ;v .-iccoun'* Tli;- pr -i ifticiih. and we h; ve pnv se or sell iu thi st- lin^t's. • »ct. -J. let'll. iBiii Aiiv 1 .—Wc ti.ive hereiofore given notice. r^|^?'>'-edly, ihni we ch^irire for .bitii;-.ry notioes of iin- ^|^ou=’i\e lengtl'.. and t■,^r re olnti.in- ■>f resperi; be- se that kin'l rpi-'l.mr, muoli ii i’.A^ion 10 , is not often more 'I'^ri-i ;V’:- h; r^ ider' ihau w. tors of papers A- ii generally happens, however, it after chrirging un 1 pa;. inrpo«tufre on theacconnf for- rded, we never got paid. w»» now pive notice that we 1 insert nothin? of the - ori liere;:t’ter iinless arrom- nied by the cash. , A!way exi i-p'inz in the c.a-e of ceased volunteers, when we r 'juiie no pJiy ) Bear mind, therefore. tii:it w- w'U iii-eri ibitiiary notices d resolutions, not I'Xcee 7'' wor gratis. For all er 70 words, one :eiii a w >rd. wiiich mu-^i be paid he re the notice will be pi;t in p\ WDAIS A',1) lllSI'ELLWElirS WilRkS. N BBOTT'S* Hifcfories. > ‘N ; Ab‘ ot' s Napoleuu: Irving’gi-.jaiplete Works. Jl v.l~, “ Life of W;;shingt >n. •'> v. !-, Prescott’s Philip the L'd: Charles the -'fh: “ Ferdiua!?"! ind 1 a’. i; ’ in.(iiest of Mexici>; of P, Bancroft V U. States. ^ vol ; Lossing s Field I’.'->k of the An Tyrler'.' L'nivev:;a. Hi ' ry nallam's Mi ii- . \j.. . Hume ind M.ti-.iui iv - li - o ' Rollin s Aneient Hi-' rv •Mi'iB n‘s Gii.h:n's H > r,.- Joseph:;;' w-lk-: Robert.'.in's work-; Webster's W k ; '■’lay’s •• liyC.’jiii; Benton's :0 ye-i;- in ■ e L S. ; Burke ' work-; br .1 ihnson's ilir 1. li.i'-well's Life if I>r .idh:; v.\ Addison's Work-^; Ati n ;; Sp, .Macaulay s Miscelhuiio'-; 1 '; Modern r.riti>h F^>i»y!^ Knighi s Half H -)nr; vith tho ^ my, tlie .>rdrr u) not ahvay> ■’l-:t rvtd. bur \v‘ ln'lifve the list is othi'r\vi-.f t-urr> ( t. Tlif drites oi g raduation tiom W f t Point avr taken iVoni (iardnt>r’s hictionavy ■ t ?!i*‘ I 'iiiJ-'ii. '-tat*- .\niiy; ;.i/u/v /,/ fh-' lixjnlur Army 1 Samiu‘1 (loiipt'r. \ a. Adjutant (lem^ral, - .\Uu‘ii S d.dinvton. ’I'o.va , i;onnnanding in K.'titiickv. .1 .l i.s. pli K dohii.stnii, \ :i, commanding'.North ern \ ir^inia. 1 liol't'rt I'l Ijfc. \ a. commandinii South Atlan tic (’(last. > l’(l '1' Hoaurt'^rar 1. Lou. conimandinu Army of Poti'inar. a).|.ointm.'nt i-j perhaps ^i.,, j ^Vni .1 Hardc*. jam.'s IM'rapie.r, 'lass of I Alex li Lawton, John 1’ Mu(.V>wn. ('la of !^5l Itieliavd S Kwcll, i'aul (> llt-bi-rt, Miotiard 1> tJarnett. t'lass ol l''H lii.iburt S (iarnett. Samuel Jones. (,'lass ot l ^ l'i I'iarl \ an I >orn,lustavus W Smith, .^lanstitdd Ijovell, .Jame.s Loug- street, i>anitl H Hill, Richard II Anderson, Lafayette .McLuws, Alex 1’ Stewart. C'la ;s o! 1SJ;{ Ho-well S Kipley, Sa’n’l «I French. ('lass of 1I I Simmi 1» Buckner, j ('lass of 1'' |;t K Kirhy Smith, jjaniurd K l>ee, Wiu U (' Whitino;. ('lass ol 1 > lb—'I’honias J .laekson, (’admu.^ M I I n. rrnr:,;.nu,l Arm.,. I W David K Jones, Wm M I. ■ , - . , ■ iavdwcr. I *■' !(’las.of lS(s Nathan (J Kvuns. L.M.ir.il;i' l olk, Lou, ciininiandin” at Memphis. ' ,j |,] ]j .Stuart Hraxfon nrau r. i-ou. commandin>j, at l*en.sa- : liK.N KK.AbS win* WKIU: .NOT (1IIAI»1’.VTR. AT WKST \ an i).ini. ."Mi.vs, Army of Potoniae. ,,,, , ,, ,, . 1 ;ustavus W Smith, Ken. Army ol’ I'otomac. , ' V' '-‘Is were appointed to the Theuphilu.. 11 llolm. s NM'. .\rmv of Poto- '•‘O’without pa.s.sm-th ■in Revolution; f Hnjrlan 1; lai 'r; V,.lr,. All ■mil I.itcriiii Ulscussions on ■'li;’."- 1? - ■. Wri! H.imilton: Ch'inibcrsV Mi.'-'ellatij. i- = >'.ntc.'inuu'a Manu.-il: The Federaii.^: political Text Book, by M ’onstituti.)ns of >he .■^t;ite‘; .'larshal! s Life if WasLiii^' The Life of Wm rinckn. y: Biogr';;ihy of r;;-tingi.’.-ii Ilale; P^ncyclopiedi:; .\nuTicau:K Appleton'.s ' yclopedia of 1; Lift' anl Turrf -• iudt ni.’e ot Lord .lefFrey: Lockh.;rt s Lift- f Sc nrr:;n and hi:-: ( ■iteuipi'V.iri-,- , by ('Ua^ I’hilUi by Sir mac. 7 William J 1 la.rdt'e, Jeor;ia, .^lissouri. Honjamin lluirer, S (', eouim;*ndin*r at Xor- loik. !* James ivontfstreet. .Ma, Army of I’otomac. It* J 'hn H ,'laLrruder. \’a. ennimandintr :it Vork- town. 11 'I'hiima.s .1 Jaeksnn. \ a. eoiuniandinu Xorth- western \’ir-inia. 12 Mansticld Lovoll, \ a, atumandin>r (Joa.-*t ol Louisiana. l-» Hdinund Kirl'V Smith. I'lorida. Army of l*o- lomae. I 1 (liorire l'» I'rittiMideii. Ken, commandint: Hast ’l'onnos.(‘e. (•/• J • III ruls I ! ■'/( /V • ■'i'-iii/ Arnii/. I Millodire Ij Bonham. S t', Armv of I’ntoinac. — .i'lhn 1’loyci, \ :i. i‘Uliiiii:m».liuii Ar»i»v Ku nawha. ■ I Henry A Wise. \ .‘t, Hoan*jke Island. -1 lien .'\lc('ulloeh, 'I'exa.n, Missouri. Henry li .Jackson, fieo, resigned. C» ■ llobcrt S Giirnett, \ a. killed in action 7 William H T Walk er, (!eo, resigned. >■ ■ Barnard K Bee, S killed in action. 1' Alexander li Lawton. leo, comtnandinir ot (leoruia. 1* (lideon .J I’illow, 'I'cnn. resi:^ led. II Samiw l 1? Anderson. Tt^nn. Konrucky I'J l>anit‘l S l>onels'in. Tonn, (’oast of S (,’arolina. 10 l>aviil li .Jones. S (^. Army of I’otomac. 11 .Jones M W'ithers, Ala. eonimandin- ('oat of .\.lab:»nu. l."» .John r Pembertiin. \ a, ('..ast nf S I'i Hiehard S Kw ■II, \'a. Army of Potomac. 17 .John H Winder, .^friryland. I’iclimond. I'' Juba! A Karly, \ a. Army of Potomac. U* ^Thos 15 Flournoy, Ark, died in Arkansas. Samuel Jones, \'a. Army of 1‘otomac. •_'l Armild Klzev. Maryland. .Vrmy of Poton>ac. Daniel I! Hill. N \ Army -f Potomac. ■JM Henry H Sibley. Lou, Texas Frontier. 1 W tu H C Whitir.i;, Ceo. Army of Potomac. N\ ni W liOriniT. X (', *\ e.sti-rn N’ir^inia. ‘Jfi liichard II Anders in. S Pensacola. ■J7 AUn ri Pike, Ark, Indian Commissioner. L*'' Thos T Fauntleroy, \ iririnia, resigned. ■J'.* Robert Toombs, (ieo. Army ol’ Potomac. Daniel Rut'^l^. N’a, Louisiana. • >1 Charles Clark, [Vliss, Army of Pototnac. oJ Boswell S Ripley, S (’, ('oust ot S (’. Isaac B 'i'riniblc, Md, Army of Potomac. :U •John 1) 1 ray son, Ken. died in I'lorida. M > Paul (.) Hebert, Lou, Coast ot Texas. •j‘‘> Richard C Catlin, N 1’, commanding' Coast ol’ North Carolina. the W est Point Academy:—David K. Twigj^, ap- poinred in l>Iii; Wm W Lorinj:;, in l'ot»;Thos. T. I'auntleroy, in l''o(i The following (Jenerals tirst saw service in the Mexican war:—M. L. Bonham, Henry R. Jack son, (lideon .1. Pillow, Samuel R. Anderson, (’has. 'lark, 'i’hos. ('. llimlman, .John Breck inridge, Benj. F. Cheatham, Richard (Griffith, Albert Pike. Adley H. Cladden, Maxcy (rre^g. 'I'he followiniT (ienerals participated in the 'I’exan wars and the wars with Mexiqo:—Ben. McCnlloch, Louis T. Wiirfall. 'I he followinu (! eneral.s >aw no militar}'servicc prv’viou> to -the ]'resent war:—John B. Floyd, Henry A. W ise. Robert roombs, Richard'I’aylor, Thos B i'lourftov. L Pope Walker, F. K. Zol- licofVer, William .'lahone, L O’B. Branch, Wil liam H. ('arrol!, R. F,. Rhodes. Sotui, 1iow*!V.t, received military education.'* at State institutions. \ ir^inia has lii ( IitutjiIs in the Confederate ..\rmies; Soutli Carolina'.*; {..o’.iisiaiia Sj Ceorgia 7; 'i’enne.ssce North (^arolinu »; Kentucky 7; Maryland 1; Alabama L Missis-sippi 1; Texas Arkan.>as 2; Florida 1; Mi.-'souri none. The iollowing were born at the North, though previous to the present war they were citizens ot Southern Stares;—Cciu'ral ('ooper, born in \ew York; R.ploy, in (Hiio; Pemberton, in Pennsyl vania; Whiting, in Mas-achusetts; Pike, in Mas sachusetts: liugirles. in M;is'achusetts; Blanchard, in Massuciuisetts; Frcnch. in New .Jersey. [The following are natives of Xorih (,'arolina, viz: Leonidas Polk. Braxton Bragg, Theophilus II H olmes. r»en Mct’ulloch, Wm \V Loring, llieh- ard (^ (iatlin, Fcli.'v K Zollicotler, (Jabriel .1 Rain'J, L (>’ B P»r.inch. ] ('n\ FF1»F H .\T K S’l’A'1' KS COXC R FSS. sKN.VTK Alni.it,nn — >Lssrs William L Vancey, (’ (’ (lay. Ark'tii^as—.’'le.ssrs Robert W .Johnson, ('has B Mitchell. Fiitriilti—M('ssr.v .James .^1 Baker, A K Max well. (hiirijiii—Messrs B H Hill, Robert To3inbs. K —.'\les>r.s 11 ' Burnett, William H Simms. Lutiifinna—Messrs I'd. Sparrow, T .T Semmes. I —Messrs .\lbert G Brown, .lames ; Phelan. Mis^unri—Mcs.'Hs .John B ('lark, li S V Peyton. ^\(irfh ('(imliiKi—Messrs (leorge Davis, W’^il- liam T J)ortch. LK(;LSL.\TrRE OF NORTH CAROLINA SKNATK. Pa.s(juotank and Pertjuimons—J M Whedbee Camden and (Jiirrituck — B F Sitnnjons (jiates and ('howan—M L Eure Hyde and 'I'yrrell—.Joties Spencer .Northampton—.J M S Rogers tlertford—.1 B Slaughter Bertie - - David (Jutlaw •Martin and \V a'hiii2ton -J R Stubbs Halifax — M C Whitaker Kdgecombe and W’ilson-—H T Clark Pitt—E.J Blount Beaufort—Frederick (irist Craven—X H Street ('arteret and Jones—l>r M F Arendell (irecne and Lenoir—J P Speight Xew Hanover—Eli W Hall l>uplin — Dr James Dickson Onslow—L W Humphrey Bladen, Brunswick, \.c—.Jno D Taylor Cumberland and Harnett—l)uncan Shaw Sampson—'i'honia.s 1 Faieon \V’ayne—W K Lane .Johnston—J W B Watson Wake—M A Bledsoe Xash—A J 'I’aylor Franklin—W Harris W'arren—'i' .1 Pitchford (Iranville—(' H K Taylor Person—C L Winstead Orange—Josiah Turner, Jr Alamance and Randolpli—Jonathan Worth ('hatham—W S Harris Moore and Montgomery—AV D Dowd Richmond and Robeson—Alfred Dockery Anson and Union—S II Walkup (luilford—Peter Adams ('aswell—Bed lord Brown Rockingham—F L Sinip.son Mecklenldurg—.lohn \Valkcr Cabarrus and Stanly—V C Barringer Rowan and Davie—Dr .J (_I Rani.sey Davidson—Jno W Thoma.s Stokes and Forsyth—.Jes.se A Waugh Ashe, Surry —.Jos Dobson Iredell, \Vilkes I'cc—L (j Sharpe Biirl:i», ATow'c211\.e—‘li (jtaitlier Lincoln, (_Ja.ston Ac—.Ja.sper Stowe Rutherford, Polk «.Vc—A W Burton. Buncombe, Henderson \e-—Geo W Candler Haywood, Macon c^c—W H Thomas vicrif.n i;iO'iuence: W ir.ii'ii; bv .\lrs S J tphy: AS"itf/i iro/imi—Messrs Robert W Barnwell, J-elix Iv /ollicolier, icn, killed in Kentucky. Janie.s L Orr. I .^Ic^sl•s Langdon C Haynes, (Jus- i tavus A Henry. ' 7'’.///.s—.>lessr.- Louis T W'igfall, W S Oldham. V>i;/in'i—R >I T Hunter, \V Ballard Preston. Wav •f :y CO,.;p in !• V..1-; ii; lit voi-: in '21 vols; I I lie Senate: Cri’.nea, by W fl i'.'ooper .1 Tak-s; Dickenb' W ,r.>; •M.irryatt'« Novel Wib lii - Tale^ of the Bord.T'.: Hdnnah jMore . works; Dick'.-? work.-;; Plutarch’s Live. : I)ryden M Work«- Hterne’s works. The Doctor, by Soul hey: (.'rabb’s Synonyine.s; Percy Aneodoie-; '’hronicles of the I’.astile, illiisi, ,iod The Scotti.sh Gael: Gazetteer of the V. Stao ; Ma)tr .Jack l>owning’s -'io ye ;rs mi . Livingstone's Trave!s in Sunth At ■; , l.ord K giii - .i,,n to ('iiin * ana .i.tpan; Hve \e-ir; in ’ i,*by hr. ('iia“. Tayl.ir 1h.' Hr'; .|i L.xiu-uiiion t.. |}ie Ru - , ■'ly biary in Indi.;. by . : l>r K-ih-Ar.'-iic t.xplor:>ti-.n-; SatV i Ke Kxp; iiti-.n- ^unin .n^’. Hun:*-r'- l.if,. in Afri. ,: i oil .v , In li>;(>ni;i|-! R ; nf the K irth' hooifalls on • ■ . i', ,,,,i ^ i Dale Owoie ^ Anoihr-.- Aor.d, by R f Standard Poetical Wr,,^^ ; i ■ i- jichare: '» vu,,.,;,- binding-, amotif Hemans, Scott, Pope, i^. r.in m Flalleck, Campbell, r.r..*’',' I’ Goldsmith,*Milton, ic , ' ' Sbak.-ii^are’H, Magainger Fort's .u.| | and Tletcher'3 Dramatic Works; MrsCowden Clark’s complete (.'oncordum;*- peare: The Dramatic Works of ,!a- Sheridan Knowle-; Sraiih' Rejected .\dd^e^'^^■^. ■^he Book Mf Scottish Rail,'id-; Br,lla'l« by W M .Vinsworth; Griswold H Pi cts and Poetry of Krigland- Fetnide Pci-- r,f Great IJritain; Poets of the .'cixlh century; Percy's Ryliques of Anoient Poetry, ,vc. &c. ^arch22. " Mood, iwper. 'Sl.aks- Beiij F Cheatham, Ten, Kentucky. .Joseph 11 Anu ^n, \ a, Coa.st of X C. 1» Simon B Buckner, Ky, Kentucky. ■ 11 Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama. 4'J Albert G Blanchard, Lou, N'orlolk. i 4’’ Gabriel .J Rains, X \ orktown. i 41 J E B Stuart, \'a. Army ot Potomac, i 4.'^ Lafayette McLaw.s, Georiria, Vorktown. 4*1 'Mlos F Drayton, 8 Coast ol S ; 47 Thoa C Hindman, Ark, Kentucky. 4> Aiiley 11 (jrla'blen, Lou, Pen.sacola. !!• John Porter .de'.’own, I’en, I'ientucky. : .OU Lloyd Til^hman, Ken, Kentucky. ‘ Til Nathan (J Evans, S (J, Coast of S C. :>2 Cadmus M Wilcox, Ten, Army of Potomac. 5o ^Philip St Gcorue Cocke, \'a, died in \'a. •ol R E Rhodes, Alu, Array ot Potomac. .')o Richard Taylor, Lou, Army ol Potomac. :>'> Louis 'r \\ igfall, I'exas, Army ot Potomac. •j-7 James H Trapier, S (’, Coast ot Florida. oS .Sam i (i I'reiudi. Miss, Army of Potomac. •)'•* Wm H (’arroll. lenn. East I’ennessee. ♦ >•1 Hugh \\ Mercer, (i(;or>ria, . Humphrey Marshall, Ken, t\entucky. ♦>2 .John (' Breckinridge, Ken, Kentucky. • Rich d (iritlith, ]\liss, Army of Potomac. •it \lex r P Stewart, Ken, l\entucky. ‘>o \\ m .^IontgoIllery (iardner, (ia, on furlough. (»■» Rich d B (lariiett, \ a, \rmy of Potou'iac. :) W illiam M.ihonc, \ a, Norfolk. ')' li (>'Brian Branch, N (', Coast of N ’ )!» Maxcy Gf(.g-, S (', (!o;ist of S C. 7l li E ('iilston, \ irginia. 71 Edward .Jcdinston, \ irginia. 7- Henry Hcth, \'ir;.:inia. I'i .Johnston H Duncai^iOuisiana. 1 S A M \Vood, Alal^^a. I hose liavin” an athxed are dead, or have resigned, since tin- commencement of the war. TIIK WKST I’OINT (.K.\KR,\bS. The following (Jonfederate Genends are gradu ates ot West Point—the date ot thoir graduation being prefixed: (.lass of Is];) Samuel ('ooper. (!la.ss of IS2(J John H Winder. Class ot l^-JJ l:-,aae R Trimble, Class of H^;') Daniels !)oneL„„, lionj’n Hu-( (/lass ol |S2() Alberts Johnston,.inn iiiiraysc (’la.ss ol lS27 l..eonidas Polk, (Jaiiriel .) Ruins jj, forty ^ t‘arw’|'aiiiiliai Jas. W. Alexander. D. Ij ; .Nprr, .. . lexanler. D. D. A '), ii,, . oncrietle; Beulah; Aa'-in ka, Slo. E J- hale 4 Son hy -f. Addison Nlargaret ger. rson. ,,i , Rains. Cliiss ol Thos F Drayton, Hugh \V jMercor. ('lass of .Jo.seph E Johnston, Rob’t E Lee, Theojihiins il Holmes, Albert O Blnnch;ird. Class ot 1 .John B .^l;^L^rud(>r. IIOL.SK OF RKl'RKSKNT.VTl VKS. Afiif/dimi—,>Iessrs ’I'honias J Foster, Wm R Smith. .John P li.ilis, A L M (^urry, Francis S Lyon, W P Cliilton, David (’lopton, .Jus L Pugh, E S Dartran. AfL-nnsits—Messrs Felix .J Balson, (rrandison D Royster, Augustus H Garland, Thos B llanly. Floriilii—Messrs .las B Dawkins, R B Hilton. (U'n-'jid—Messrs .Julian 11 art ridge, (J .J Mun- nerlyn, Hines Holt, .V 11 Kenan, David \\ Lewis, Wm W Clark, Robert P frippe, Jiucius .J Gar- trell. Hardy Strickland, A R Wright. Kcvfnrtcy—Not yet elected. Ijiivininun—Messrs ('liarles .J Villere, (Charles M (Jonrad, Duncan I' Kenner, Lucien J Dupre, John F Lewis, .John Perkins, .Jun’r. Mimtin'iifipi—Messrs .Jiio.J .McRae, .J W (^lapp, Reuben Davis, Israel W'el.'h, H (’ Chambers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. —Me.'sr.-' John Hyer, Ciispar W Bell, George (» \ est, A 11 ('onrow, W W (^ook, 'I’hos W Freeman, 'I’homas A Harris. Norfh Ciirofiiui—Messrs W X" H Smith, Rob- * ert R Bridgers, Owen R Kenan, T 1) McDowell, I Thomas S .Vshe, Archibalii II Arrington, .1 R i McLean, William Lander. B S (Jaither, A T Da- I vidson. I S'Ditlt '!rot!ni— M cssrs W W’ Boyce, Por- I cher .Miles, M L Bonham, John Mc(^uccn, Jas j F.irrow, L M Ayer. j 7Vh///.s-.w—Me.ssrs J 'P Heiskell, W (J Swann, W' II 'I'el.bs, F L (Jardenshire, II S Foote, M P I (jlentry, (Jeorge W Jones, Thomas Menees, J D I C Atkins, Bullock, David M Currin. 1 Tf.iits—Messrs John A W^ilcox, Peter \V (iray, Claiborne (' llerheit, Wm B Wright, Malcom P (iraham, B F Sexton. essrs .M uscoe R II (Jarnett, John U (Mianibl iss, .John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, I'hos S Bocoek, .J(d» I Goode, .Jr, .James P Holcombe, I) (' Dejarnette, William Smith, A R lioteler, .John B Baldwin, W R Staples, Walter Preston, A G .Jenkins, liobert .lohnson, Chas W' Russell. ’ Shirley: School George B ('riaets ieti, P St George j Of course we have to , Cocke, Humphrey iVlarahall, Kich- I ard C Gatlin. ^ i\\i;i!STEirSELEllE.\f\RVSI'ELLI.\(l HOOKS. i \\7 have ju'Ji received by Kxjiress, a supply of fV 1’.L1:;mKN r.VKY SPKLL1N(J rooks—price 15 cents o icii, C'ij,s-/t. I We have not advanced the price of any articles on ^ hand befi're tho war; but present purchases coat us more than we asked for those. Of put up prices on what we buy now. E. J. HALE & 80NSJ FayetteTille, Aug. 29. HOUSK OF COMMONS Alamance—Giles Mebane Alexander—Dr .1 M Carson Anson—L L Polk, E R Liles Ashf—J M Gentry Burke—-J H I'earson Buncombe—A S Merrimon Bladen—C T Davis Bertie—PT Henry, and Ferguson Beaufort—R S Dounell, W' T Marsh Brunswick—T D Meares C’aldwell Dickson Cabarrus—W' S Harris Catawba—.Jonas Cline Chatham—W P Taylor, R X (Jreen, Turner Bynum Cherokee—(i W Hayes Oaven—C C Clark, F E ('umberland and Harnett- Harringtoii, .J C \Villiam.s Chowan Small Alfred -(' (i Wright, J S (.’olumbus—X L W’illianison (’an.dcn—D D Ferebee Carteret—D AV W'hitehurst (’:i.'well W'ithers, S P Hill ('urrituck—B M Baxter (’leveland—A (» W aters, .J R Logan Davidson—Lewis Haynes, E B Clark Davie Howard Duplin—.J D Stanford, .J (j Branch Edgecombe—R R Bridgers, .1 S Woodard Forsyth—J F Poindexter, Phillip liarrow Franklin—W F Green Gaston—J II W’hite Granville—J M liullock, W II Jenkins, S H ('annaday (.lUilford—C P Mendenhall, C E Shober, J L Gorrell (^ireene—A D Speight (lates—.John Boothe Haywooil—S L Love Halifax—A H Davis, W B Pope Hertford—.J J Veates Henderson—.Jos P Jordan Hyde—Tilman Farrow Iredell—A K Simonton, A B F (iaither .Jackson—A Fisher .Jones—W P W ard •Johnston—W H W’^atson, .Jas Mitchener Jjcnoir—.1 C Wooten Jjineoln—V A McBee Madison—John A Fagg Martin Powell McDowell—0 H Burgin Moore—Alexander Kelly Montgomery—E G L Barringer Macon—H G Woodfin Mecklenburg—S W Davis, .J M Potts Nash—II G W'illiams Xew Hanover—8 J Person, Daniel Shaw X'orthampton—M W Run.som, W’^ W Peebles Onslow—J II Foy Orange—H B (Juthrie, W X Patterson Pastjuotank—.1 T W'illiains 3*er{uimons—X X^ewby Pitt—B (^ Albritton, (Churchill Perkins Person— W^ilkin.son Robeson—Alex McMillan, Eli W'ishart Rockingham—^llawley (ialloway and T Slade Rowan—X N I'Jeming, N. F. Hall liutherford—C T X I>avis, B H Padgett Randolph—1 H Foust, Thos S W inslow Richmond—J (j Bide Sampson—N C Faison, Goo W’’ Autrcy Surry—\V W'^augh Stokes—Horatio Kelluiu Stanly—Lafayette (jreene Tyrrell—(. MeCleese Union—C Lenimonds W’’:ike—S H Rogers, .J W’’ Russ, II Mordecai W^arren—.J B Batchelor, W II Cheek W :vshington—C Jjathani W^'atauga—Thomas Farthing Wayne—W^ T Dortch, M K Crawford W’^ilkes—A W Martin, Horto. Vadkin—A (J (’owles Yancey — Bowman CONVENTIOX OF NORTH (^VROLINA AJamanee—Giles Mebane, Thos. RuHin. -Mexatifler—A .M. Bogle Ashe---.r. K. Foster Anson — A Myers. J .V. Leak. Bertie—S. B Spruill, James Bond i Beaufort-—WV J. Ellisoti, E J Warren. i Bladen—Neill Kelly. ' J^riinswick—I' D. Meares. Buncombe—N. W' Woodtin. Bnrke—J C McDowell (.’abarrus—(' Phifer Caldwell — E W’^ .Jones. Camden—D. D. Ferebee (.'arteret—C. R. Thomas. Caswell—Bedford Bro’wn, .1. E. W illiamson, (^atawba—(jeorge Setzer. Chatham—J. II Headen, .John .Manning Jr., L.*J. Merritt. (Jherok^e and (May—J. II. Bryson. (’howan—R. H. Dillard. (Meveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W'. Tracy. (-oluinbus—Richard W’^ooten. Craven—(Jco. Green, ,Jno. D. W’hittord. Cumberland and Harnett—David McNeill, A. S McNeill, M. J. McDutfie. (!urrituck—.John B. .Jones. J>avidson—li. A. JCittrell, 1?. (]. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. Duplin—.1. T. Rhodes, James Dickson. Edgecombe and Wilson—W. S. Battle, (jeo. Howard. For.syth—T. .J. AVilson, T) II Starbuck. Franklin—A. I). Williams. (Jaston—S. X. .Johnston. Gates—A. J. W’^alton. (Jranville—Thoma.s B. Lyon, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Royster. (jreene—W'. A. Darden. I Gtiilfbrd—.Jno. A. Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P. Dick. Halifax—R. H. Smith. L. W' Batchelor. Hyde—E. L. Mann. Haywood—Wni. Hicks. Henderson—W’^. M. Shipp. Hertford—Kenneth Rayner. Ir'odoll — Arider.son MitchoH, T. A. .\llison. .Jackson—W. H. Thomas. •Johnston—C. U. Sanders, W. A Smith. Jones—\Vm. Foy. L»uoir—.John C. Washington Lincoln—D. Schenck. .>Iacon—C. D. Smith. Madison—.J. A. McDowell. Martin—David W Bagley. McDowell—.J. II. Greenlee. Mecklenburg—.J. W’^. ()sborne, James Strong. .^lont^;omery—S. II. Christian. M oore—H. Turner. Xa.sh—L. X. B. Battle. Xew Hanover—J. L. Holmes, Robert Strange. X’^orthampton—I). A. Barnes, J. I'I. Moody. Onslow—A. J. Murrill. Orange—W'. A. Graham, .John Berry. Pa.squotaTik—R. K. Speed. Perquimon.5—.Jos. S. Cannon. Person—.John W'. (^uningham. Pitt—F. B. Satterthwaite, P. A. Atkinson. Randolph—W'. .J. Long, A. (J. Foster. Richmond—W’. F. Leak. Robeson—.J. I*. Fuller, J. C. Southerland. Rockinyrham—D. S. Reid, E. T. Brodnax. Rowai- -R. A. (^aldwell, H. C. .Jones. Rutherford and Polk—G W Miehal, M. Dur- hara. Sampson—R. A. Mosely, Thomas Bunting. Stanly—E. Hearne. Stokes—A. H. Joyce. Surry—T. V. Hamlin. Tyrrell—Eli Spruill. Union—H. M. Houston. W’ake—(j E. Badger, K. P. Battle, W. W’^. Holden. Warren—W. X. Edwards, Frank Thornton. "Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauga—J. W. ('ouncil. W'ayne—G. V. Strong, E. A. Thompson. W’’ilkes—.Ja.s. Calloway, Peter Eller. Yadkin—R. F. Armfield. Yancey—M. P. Penland. The VoIiiiiteer’)« Hand Book. FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Nov. 16. A A i\ew I^aw Book* I'antwcH's Ptutciicc at l,aw. JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Edw.\rd Cantwell, LL. B., author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTESTS. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power in North Carolina: Legislative Powers of Justices of the Peace: County Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve nue and ('harges; Court Houses, Prisons, &c.; County Trustee; Jury Trials; Fair.s and Public Sales; General Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, &c.; Poor Houses and Hospitals: Registers and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridges; Weights and .Mea sures; Idiots and Lunatics: Retailers; Neuse River; Pub lic Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and Inspec tions; .Mills and Millers: Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, Ferries .and Bridges; I’oll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; .Attorneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and .Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County Court Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners; Committees of Finance: County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special Court; Commissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin tendents of Schools; Commissioners ot Navigation; War dens of Ihe Poor; Registers; (’ommissioners of Rivers and Creeks; Sheriffs: {’onstables; Rangers; St.andard Keepers; lietailers; Adim’uistrators; Chairman of Special Court; Commis.sioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com missioners of bow Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; Guardians and Receivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition; Patrol Committees; Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation: Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey^ ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds, Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles, Notes, Releases, &c., &c. This Book contains 65G pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. j For sale by E. J. H.-VLE & S(3NS. Dec’r 2G. 1860. | Map of the Sea Coast or South Carolina; | New Map of Virginia: The Seuihern Spy* by Edw’d A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. I Dec’r 14. E. J. HALE & SOS’S. | Tlie Soiilli, by Prof. In-I graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide i World,” &c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir ' of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro- ; scope, he , &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. _ j copies ol*tlie Observer i can be procured by non-subBCribera, st the Bookstor*. Prioe 5 oenta. j ALL yUIET ALONG THE POTOMAC TO NIGHT The following poetical gem we copy from a W estorn paper. The original was found ia the pocket of a volunteer who died in camp on the Potomac; •‘All 4uiet along the Potomac,” they say, “Except now and then a stray picket !■’ shot, as he walks on his beat to and fro, By a rifleman hid in Ihe thicket . ’ Tis nothing—private or two, now and lhet>, Will not count in the news of the battle Not an officer lost—only one of the men — Moaning oiu, all alone, the death rattle. .All quiet along the Potomac to-night. Where the soldiers lie peacefully dreaming; Their tents in the rays of the’clear autumn moon. Or the light of the watchtires, are gleaming, A tremulous 9ighl as the gentle night wind Through the forest leaves slowly ia creeping; While Ihe stars up above, with their glittering eyes, Keep guard—for Ihe army is sleeping. There's only the sound of the lone sentry’s tread. As he tramps from the rock to the fountain, .■\nd thinks of the two on the low trundle bed. Far away in the cot on the mountain; His musket falls slack, his face dark and grim. Grows gentle with memories tender, ,\s he mutters a prayer for the children asle«p— For their mother, may Heaven defend her! The moon seems to shine as brightly as (hen. That night when the love yet unspoken Leaped up to his P.ps, and when low murmured tows, Were pledged, to be ever unbroken; Then drawing his sleeve roughly over his eyes. He dashes off tears that are welling. And gathers his gun close up to its place. As if to keep down the heart swelling. He passes the fountain, the blasted pine tree. The footstep is lagging and weary. Yet onward he goes through the broad belt of light. Toward the shades of a forest bo dreary. HarkI Was it the night wind that rustled the leaves* Was it the moonlight so wondrously flashing* It looked like a rifle—“Ha!—Mary, good bye!" And (he life blood is ebbing and plashing. All quiet along (he Potomac to-night. No sound, save the rush of the river: While soft falls the dew on the face of the dead— The picket’s off duty, forever. Testi of Couraqe.—W’’e have not yet seen note made of the striking and gratifying fact that no instance ha.s occurred during the war in which the enemy have charged and captured a Southern field battery. All the guns they have taken have been those which we abandoned in consequence of their being dismounted, or the horses being killed, or which have been surrendered with a capitulating force. It is a fact that the enemy have never charged and captured a Southern bat tery in position. On the other hand, the capture of the enemy’s batteries in position is a feat of constant repetition. If the enemy advance a battery in line during a battle, the chances are more than even that they will be “our guns” in about the length of time necessary for our dashing infantry to pass the in tervening spacc at the pas fie charge. It was so at Manassa.s, at Shiloh, at W”illiamsburg, at Seven Pines, at (’ross Keys, at Elkhorn, at Oak Hills, nt Yalverde. In each and all of these fierce con flicts our men charged and took nearly every bat tery that was placed in line as if it were a frolic, taking the iron hail of the guns in their faces, up to the very muzzles, and killing, capturing or routing the gunners. Croahtrs and Critics.—Croaking and criticism have come to be the confirmed habits of quite a large class of our people. This cla.ss is composed of men who have done little or nothing for our country’s cau.se. They are the non-combatants, who, safe in their own persons, assume to them selves the prerogative of criticising the actions of our ablest Generals and bravest soldiers, and of grumbling at every thing that is done. Nothing can be done to please these dainty gentlemen. They complain when the army does’nt fight and when it does fight—when defeated and when victorious. In flie estimation of these men there is no reverse that could not have been averted; no victory that could not have been improved. Everything goes wrong. W'hen we win a battle, instead of thanking God and our brave soldiers, they put on gloomy faces, and harangue all who will listen to them about the number of our killed and wounded. These evil spirits deserve a severer punishment than mere rebuke. Many of them, it is suspected, are anything but well wish ers to our cause.—Richmond Whig. The Yankee and the Almighty Dollar.— Among the thousands of Yankee letters picked up on the recent battle-field the gist and burden of the majority has been money. In every instance where the letter is from parent to child, its whole object seems to have been to impress upon “Dear .John or W’^illiam” the importance of “saving hia money.” To this consta;tt inculcation, which is begun in infancy, may be ascribed the exorbitant estimation in which money comes to be held by the full-grown .Jonath ui. A Yankee of thirty regards money not as the means of happiness but a.s the great end and object of life. As an evi dence of this we will mention an incident of the battle of Cold Harbor: A Yankee, who had just had both of his eyes torn out by a musket ball, was led to our rear and deposited near one of our bat teries then unengaged. The fellow grievously bemoaned his hard fate. He said he “would not have minded being shot through his arm or leg, but to lose his sight forever was too hard; he would not have had it to have happened for twenty- five. dollars!”—Richmond Exaviiner. The Missing Scout.—We question if the annals of civilized warfare or savage barbarism can pre sent the counterpart of Yankee ferocity in the pre sent war. An authentic tale has lately come to our knowledge which goes very far to confirm the a.ssertion. Charles Dillon, of company I, 12th Mississippi, when stationed at Manassas, was a member of a company formed by Ewell as a scout ing corps, and when out one day in quest of the enemy, was mortally wounded through the lungs by a sfjuad of Yankee cavalry. After robbing his person of all the valuables and papers, they proceeded to Alexandria. But when they reached the latter place they found out that poor Dillon was a scout, and as a reward wa.s offered for the heads of all such by the Yankee Government, they ha.stened back, and while life was not extinct they deliberately severed his head from his body and carried it in triumph to obtain the promised reward. Comment is unnecessary. Richmond Dispatch. RE.TIOVAli. The POST OFFICE is removed to #fl&oe formerly oc cupied by the Clarendon Bank. JAS. Q. COOK, P. M. Deo. 30, 1861. 86-